,3700 Ross Avenue Dallas, Texas 75204 Dr. Forrest E. Watson - Superintendent of Schools, Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District 1849 Central Drive Bedford. Texas 76021 Dr. Linus D. Wright Superintendent, Dallas Independent School District 3700 Ross Avenue Dallas, Texas 75204 Sam D. Young, J r . President, El Paso National Bank - (Member, Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System) P.O. Drawer 140 El Paso, Texas 79980 H. B. Zachry, Jr. President, H. B. Zachry Company P.O. Box 21130 San Antonio, Texas 78285 Issued in Austin, Texas, on June 26, 1979. William P. Clements, Jr. Doc. No. 794000 Governor of Texas .For further information, please call (512) 475-3021. Executive Orders (Editor's note: Executive Order WPC-7B signed by the governor on June 25, 1979, supersedes Executive Orders WPC-7 and WPC-7A issued June 19 and 20, respectively. Because the previous amended order was published in its entirety (4 TexReg 2326),only the paragraphs affectd by the new order appear below.) Executive Order WPC-7 a s amended by WPC-7A is amended as follows and si~allbe known as WPC-78 as amended June 25, 1979, Extending Guidelines for Motor Gasoline End-User A]localion lo Addilional Counties. WHEREAS, the same findings and circumstances that existed on June 19, 1979, with regard to Dallas, Harris, and Tarrant Counties, countinue to exist; and WHEREAS, those same findings and circumstances exist additionally in Brazoria, Collin, Ellis, Liberty, and Montgomery Counties. NOW THEREFORE, I, William P. Clements, Jr., Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me, do hereby determine and declare that the counties of Brazoria, Collin, Ellis, Liberty, and Montgomery are experiencing shortages of motor gasoline available for retail distribution, such that the public health, safety, and welfare is endangered, and I do hereby include such five counties in the allocation system for all motor gasoline retail outlets outlined in Sections 1-11of WPC-7 issued June 19, 1979, and as amended June 20,1979. This amendment of WPC-7 as amended June 20, 1979, is effective a t 12:Ol a.m. on June 28, 1979, and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended, or rescinded by me. Issued in Austin, Texas, on June 25, 1979. William P. Clements, Jr. Doc. No. 794001 Governor of Texas For further information, please call (512) 475-3021