 Free Lunch, Snacks & Giveaways
 Canvas & Instructional Software
 Research Support
 Using your Brain Activities
 Teaching with Technology
 High-Impact Teaching Practices
 eFellows Presentations
End of the Day…You’ll be more effective!
Faculty Development Center
Mini– Conference
FEBRUARY 12, 2016
Halle Library
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
“Connecting is about reaching out and bringing in, about building synergies to create a whole that is
greater than the sum of its parts. Connecting is a powerful metaphor. Everyone and everything—people,
resources, data, ideas—are interconnected.”
-Diana Oblinger, President and CEO of EDUCAUSE.
Check-In and Coffee/Tea
There is such a thing as a free LUNCH: Room 300
Time to Network and Mingle with Colleagues and the Announcement for the FDC’s Recipient of The Liggit
Family and Friends Teaching & Learning Partnership Scholarship.
PROGRAMMING FOR THE DAY (Full schedule on the last page)
E-Safe: Test your Password Strength: Halle Library Lobby
Cyber Security Awareness Event
10:00-12:00 & 1:00-3:00
Do you know how safe your password is? Learn how to strengthen your cyber security skills with the “How
Secure is my Password” program. Visit the Cyber Security Awareness table in the Halle Library Lobby for a
chance to win the popular "Think Before You Click. Post. Type." T-shirt or other swag.
Instructional Software: Room 110
An Introduction to Zotero, a Free, Web-Based, Reference Manager
Keith Stanger
Zotero is free, open-source, cross-platform (Windows, Mac OS X,Linux) software that facilitates collecting
research sources (import metadata from library subscription databases and public web sites), and then
organizing, citing, and sharing those sources. If your students struggle with or complain about the mandates of
academic citation styles, this free program might help. And remember, you do not have to master this
program yourself. A number of librarians provide Zotero support. In this demonstration I plan to move us
through as much of the following as we can: Downloading/installing Zotero, Registering for a free Zotero
account, Setting up Zotero, Adding items to Zotero (books, articles), Organizing items into collections,
Formatting references/creating bibliography, Using the free Microsoft Word Zotero plugin to write your paper
with correctly formatted in-text citations and post-text bibliography.
30 Cool Things to do with Your Online Class
eLearning Staff
Want to do something new in your online or web-enhanced course? Our instructional design staff got
together and brainstormed our best ideas for new things to do in your Canvas course shell. The result is our
Top 30 List that includes useful course design tips, neat online activities, cutting-edge Web 2.0 sites to embed
in your class, and more.
Fostering Collaboration with Canvas Groups
eLearning Staff
Canvas makes it easy to divide your students into separate groups to work on projects and study together.
Learn about the great tools that student groups can use inside the system to make working collaboratively
Focusing Assessment with Canvas Rubrics (Room 110)
eLearning Staff
Canvas has great tools to create and use grading rubrics. Join us to learn how they can help create clarity for
your students and streamline your grading work.
Canvas Walk-in Consulting (Room 109)
eLearning Staff
Have a Canvas question? We've got answers. Drop by to pick our brains with your questions and ideas.
Research Support: Room 111
Research Design
Eric Schulz
Are you wanting to get the most out of your scholarly work? This session will focus on research design
processes. In addition, the facilitator will speak in-depth about conducting surveys and assessing the reliability
of the survey instrument.
Research Support Continued: Room 111
Interactive Modeling with JMP Pro Statistical Analysis Software
Mia Stephens, JMP Representative
JMP brings your data analysis to a whole new level, letting you tackle routine and difficult statistical problems
more easily and communicate your findings more effectively. Time permitting, this session will cover:
Getting started with JMP (navigation and the JMP interface)
Data summary and visualization (Columns Viewer, Graph Builder,
Mapping, the Data Filter, and Tabulate)
Basic data analysis (hypothesis testing and confidence intervals)
Predictive modeling with JMP Pro (linear and logistic regression,
classification and regression trees, other data mining tools, model
validation, and model comparison and selection tools)
Resources for learning and teaching with JMP (Academic Community,
Learning Library, webinars, books with JMP, teaching modules, calculators).
New features in JMP 12
Interactive Modeling with JMP Pro (Session repeated from Morning)
Mia Stephens, JMP Representative
JMP brings your data analysis to a whole new level, letting you tackle routine and difficult statistical problems
more easily and communicate your findings more effectively. Time permitting, this session will cover:
Getting started with JMP (navigation and the JMP interface)
Data summary and visualization (Columns Viewer, Graph Builder,
Mapping, the Data Filter, and Tabulate)
Basic data analysis (hypothesis testing and confidence intervals)
Predictive modeling with JMP Pro (linear and logistic regression,
classification and regression trees, other data mining tools, model
validation, and model comparison and selection tools)
Resources for learning and teaching with JMP (Academic Community,
Learning Library, webinars, books with JMP, teaching modules, calculators)
New features in JMP 12
Mia Stephens, JMP Representative
This is a time to ask questions and potentially receive one-on-one guidance with a JMP Professional.
Using Your Brain Activities: Room 217
Critical Thinking Activities for the Classroom
Peggy Liggit
All participants will receive a copy of “The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools.”
Together we will explore active-learning strategies highlighted in this resource, as well as share with
each other our own techniques and tips that work with students for supporting critical thinking.
Using Your Brain Activities Continued: Room 217
Exploring Mindfulness Practices
William Ellis & Peggy Liggit
Learn about the scientific benefits of mindfulness, research on mindfulness in the workplace, and 5
key steps for an effective practice. We will then have a guided mindfulness session followed by a
mindful coloring exercise from the book, “The Mindfulness Coloring Book: Anti-Stress Art Therapy
for Busy People.”
Discussion on Expanding Mindfulness at EMU
Terra Merrill, Peggy Liggit & William Ellis
The goal of this session is to bring people together who are interested in mindfulness and discuss how we
might build on existing efforts and expand/enhance areas of mindfulness across campus. Whether you are
new to mindfulness or have great experience with aspects of this practice, all are welcome to this discussion.
High-Impact Teaching Practices: Room 302
Impact them Forever: Transformational Teaching
Sarah Brabbs
As a teacher, it's typical of us to watch students go in and out of our lives and classrooms. As the years go by,
we get a little lost in the routine. However, our moments and years in the classroom can be so much more for them and for us. It truly is possible to impact and change students' lives far beyond the classroom in easy
ways; we grow as well as we do this. You'll leave inspired, refreshed, and full of practical ideas for how you can
improve your teaching style to make powerful, positive ripples in the world around you.
Faculty Effects on Student Financial Aid
Stephanie Petsch
Student success encompasses more than just attending your class. A financial aid expert will be on hand to
share with you some of the secrets of the confusing world of federal financial aid. You will learn how your
actions as an instructor can affect a student positively or negatively and what you can do to support student
A Hands-On Introduction to the Use of Clickers in Teaching
Salar Mesdaghinia
This session demonstrates the use of clickers for increasing student engagement, creating debates, and
providing timely feedback to students and teachers on quality of learning. iClickers will be distributed among
the audience and basic steps in setting up iClickers for a class will be demonstrated. Some alternative clicker
systems such as Kahoot! and Learning Catalytics will be introduced as well. Advantages and potential
disadvantages/challenges of using clickers will be reviewed. Qualitative and quantitative results from two
student surveys on the use of clickers in classroom will be presented. Finally, the audience will participate in
an interactive dialogue and brainstorming about additional techniques for the use of clickers in creating class
eFellows Presentations: Room 300
eFellows Show and Tell
The eFellows program was established to support faculty and lecturers in obtaining the resources needed to
successfully integrate technology that enhances student-focused instruction in courses and curriculum. The
overall outcome of this program is to improve and enhance student learning and the scholarship of teaching
through the integration of appropriate technology. Come and see demonstrations of past and recent eFellows
Award Recipients:
Katherine Ryker: Augmented Sandbox
Michael McVey: Kubi Communication Robot
Kate Pittsley-Sousa: eBooks and Texts
Keisha Lovence: ShadowHealth
Huei Lee: Secured Mobile Infrastructure
Frank Fedel: 3D Printer
Diana Pancioli: Platter Blocks
Eric Acton: Switchboard Corpus
“Appy” Hour: Room 109 – Hosted by eFellows
This is a time for mingling while sharing your favorite “apps” and classroom technologies with others while
eating snacks! If you don’t know anything about apps, no worries - come play with mobile devices to explore
and learn about what apps are out there for you!
Faculty Effects on
Student Financial Aid
Critical Thinking
Activities for the
Interactive Modeling
with JMP Pro
Statistical Software
Interactive Modeling
with JMP Pro
(Repeat of Morning
Discussion on
Mindfulness at EMU
Share with colleagues your favorite "apps" and classroom technologies.
"Appy" Hour in Room 109 - Hosted by eFellows
Focusing Assessment
with Canvas Rubrics
e-Safe: Test your
Password Strength
Canvas Walk-In
Consulting (109)
Collaboration with
Canvas Groups
e-Safe: Test your
Password Strength
**Please be sure to register for lunch HERE
3:00 - 4:00
2:00 - 2:50
1:30 - 1:50
1:00 - 1:30
Room 302
Teaching Practices
Research Design
Room 300
Impact them Forever:
Room 217
Using Your Brain
Research Support
Room 111
Hands-On Introduction
to the Use of Clickers in
**Lunch in Room 300 - Time to Network and Mingle with Colleagues and the Announcement for
the FDC’s Recipient of The Liggit Family and Friends Teaching & Learning Partnership
30 Cool Things to do
with Your Online Class
e-Safe: Test your
Password Strength
Room 110
Zotero, a Free, WebBased, Reference
Room 109/B
e-Safe: Test your
Password Strength
Cyber Security
Halle Lobby
February 12 - Faculty Development Center Mini-Conference
CONNECT 2.12.16