10.34, Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering Professor William H. Green Lecture #34: Fourier Transforms and Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT). Fourier Analysis / Transforms f ( x ) = ∑ c mφ m ( x ) φ m = sin(mx) ∂2 φ m = λ mφ m ∂x 2 φ m = cos(mx) m Basis Set Methods φ m = e imx Convolution Integral ∞ g *h ≡ ∫ g (τ )h(t − τ )dτ −∞ Fˆ ( g * h) = Fˆ ( g ) Fˆ ( h) ∞ Correlation (g,h) ≡ ∫ g (t + τ )h(τ )dτ −∞ [ ] * Fˆ (Correlation ( g , h) ) = Fˆ ( g ) Fˆ ( h) Å complex conjugate Quantum Mechanics Ψ(x) = eikx Å state of definite momentum px = ħk Ψ(φ) = eimΦ Å definite angular momentum JΦ = ħm Spectroscopy ν= ΔE /h pulsed NMR: time domain measurement of I(ν) FTIR: I l Figure 1. Diagram showing the path of light in an FTIR. Cite as: William Green, Jr., course materials for 10.34 Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering, Fall 2006. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. These methods are powerful, but require a computer to interpret the results Scattering Experiments X-ray stattering neutron scattering light scattering Fourier Series if f(t) = f(t+2P) f (t ) = an = % P = half-period M ⎡ 1 ⎛ mπt ⎞ ⎛ mπt ⎞⎤ ao + ∑ ⎢a m cos⎜ ⎟ + bm sin ⎜ ⎟⎥ 2 ⎝ P ⎠ ⎝ P ⎠⎦ m =1 ⎣ 1 2P ⎛ nπt ⎞ f (t ) cos⎜ ⎟dt ∫ P 0 ⎝ P ⎠ bn = 1 2P ⎛ nπt ⎞ f (t ) sin ⎜ ⎟dt ∫ P 0 ⎝ P ⎠ O( M 2 ) effort Euler’s Formula eiθ = cos(θ) + i sin(θ) f (t ) = ∞ ∑ cm e imπt P m = −∞ 1 F (ω ) = 2π 1 f (t ) = ∞ ∫∞ f (t )e 2π ∫ ∞ ∞ cn = −iωt 1 P f (t )e 2 P ∫− P dt F (ω )e iωt dω inπt P dt If you do not know P, compute Fourier Transform instead of Fourier Series Plot |F(ω)|2 vs. ω, where F(ω) is power density (Inverse Fourier Transform) Discrete Fourier Transform f(tk) tk = 0 … T f((k-1)Δt) k = 1 … N evenly spaced time points N Fn = ∑ f ((k − 1)Δt )e −i 2π ( n −1)( k −1) / N k =1 ⎛ (n − 1)2π ⎞ Fn ≈ F ⎜ ⎟ T ⎝ ⎠ 1 N f (t ) ≈ ∑ Fn e i 2π ( n −1)t / T N n=1 O( N 2 ) effort 10.34, Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering Prof. William Green Lecture 34 Page 2 of 3 Cite as: William Green, Jr., course materials for 10.34 Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering, Fall 2006. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) N = 2k Fn = N N ∑ f ((k − 1)Δt )e i 2π ( n−1)(k −1) / N + ∑ f ((k − 1)Δt )e i 2π ( n−1)(k −1) / N k even Fn = e i 2π ( n−1) / N FnN =e k odd N /2 ∑ i 2π ( n −1) / N l =1 f ((2l − 1)Δt )e i 2π ( n −1)(l −1) /( N / 2) + (N / 2) (N / 2) N /2 ∑ f ((2l − 2)Δt )e i 2π (n−1)(l −1) /( N / 2) l =1 Fn offset + Fn Can do this iteratively. One can split each FnM into even and odd series. O( N log 2 N ) effort. This is much less than O(N2). That is why this transform is called Fast. MatLAB: fft and ifft 10.34, Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering Prof. William Green Lecture 34 Page 3 of 3 Cite as: William Green, Jr., course materials for 10.34 Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering, Fall 2006. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].