Perfect Conductivity Lecture 2 Terry P. Orlando Dept. of Electrical Engineering MIT September 13, 2005 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 Outline 1. Persistent Currents 2. Parts of a Physical Theory 3. Circuits and Time Constants 4. Distributive Systems and Time constants A.Quasistatics B.MagnetoQuasiStatics (MQS) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 1 Persistent Currents L R If the field is turned off, then If the loop is made out of a superconductor, Experimentally the dc resistivity of a superconductor is at least as small . The superconducting state is “truly” zero dc resistance. as Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 Perfect Conductivity: t << τRL= L/R, sytem looks like R is zero Superconductivity: for all time, R is zero Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 2 Charging up a superconducting loop I L R Superconducting material This Persistent Mode is the basis of MRI magnets, SMES, flux memory…. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 Parts of a Physical Theory 1. Governing Laws: Maxwell’s Equations, Newton’s equations, 2. Constitutive Laws: Models of the system like ohm’s law, 3. Summary Relations: Transfer functions, Dispersion relations Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 3 LRC Circuit + v iC i vC C iL.vL L R 1 jωL jωC R iR.vR 1. Governing Equations Current conservation: i=iC + iL iL =iR Energy Conservation v = vC = vR + vL Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 2. Constitutive Relations Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 4 3. Summary Relation 1 jωL jωC R Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 Simpler Circuits and Time Constants L C L C R R Energy stored in inductor Resonant transfer of energy between L and C Energy stored in capacitor Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 5 Reducing the Circuit to a simpler form ? 1 jωL jωC R ? ? ? C R L C L R Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 Order of time constants a b a ω 1/τLR τLR > τRC Low frequency circuit 1/τLC 1/τRC 1/τRC τLR < τRC Low R a L R b ω 1/τLC High R a R b L Low frequency circuit 1/τLR CR b R C Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 6 Moral of time constants If you know what frequency range you want to study or what physics dominates the problem, then you can solve a simpler problem. Useful, especially in more complex situations. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 Distributed Systems 1. Governing Equations: Maxwell’s Equations Faraday’s Law Ampere’s Law Gauss Law Gauss’ Magnetic Law Conservations laws Charge conservation Also Poynting’s Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 7 Distributied systems con’t 2. Constitutive Relations Local in space, linear time invariant Ohm’s Law 3. Summary relations Complex: Search first for first order in time approximation Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 Quasistatic Limit Speed of light Length scale of system Frequency (angular) Wavelength of E&M wave If the dimensions of a structure are much less than the wavelength of an electromagnetic field interacting with it, the coupling between the associated electric and magnetic fields is weak and a quasistatic approximation is appropriate. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 8 Time Constants Electromagnetic coupling time Charge relaxation time Magnetic diffusion time Image removed for copyright reasons. Please see: Figure 2.9, page 34, from Orlando, T., and K. Delin. Foundations of Applied Superconductivity. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1991. ISBN: 0201183234. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 Order of time constants a b a ω 1/τm 1/τem τm > τc 1/τc ω 1/τc τm < τe High conductivity b 1/τem Low conductivity EQS MQS Low frequency circuit 1/τm a L R a R b L Low frequency circuit CR b R C Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 9 MagnetoQuasiStatics Solve first Image removed for copyright reasons. Please see: Figure 2.9, page 34, from Orlando, T., and K. Delin. Foundations of Applied Superconductivity. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1991. ISBN: 0201183234. Solve for E once B is found Boundary conditions: Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 MQS: Magnetic Diffusion Equation For a metal B = µ0 H, D = ε0 E and J = σ0E, so that Image removed for copyright reasons. Please see: Figure 2.9, page 34, from Orlando, T., and K. Delin. Foundations of Applied Superconductivity. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1991. ISBN: 0201183234. Magnetic Diffusion Equation Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2005 Lecture 2 10