AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Kamal Issa Masoud Al-Malah for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering Presented on June 17, 1993 Title: A Macroscopic Model for Apparent Protein Adsorption Equilibrium at Hydrophobic Solid-Water Interfaces. Redacted for Privacy Abstract Approved Joseph McGuire Redacted for Privacy Robert D. Sp ull A predictive model was developed to describe apparent protein adsorption equilibrium at solid-water interfaces. Dimensional analysis was used to express adsorbed mass in terms of the following macroscopic properties: the partial molar area occupied by protein at the interface, AP; the work of adhesion per unit area, W,; the minimum surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein, Ac; the Gibbs free energy of unfolding, AGm"; the partial molar volume of protein in solution, Vp; and the apparent equilibrium concentration, C. Considering only adsorption at hydrophobic interfaces in the absence of specific electrostatic effects and biochemical interactions, an adsorption mechanism was constructed to visualize protein adsorption equilibrium. The proposed mechanism consists of two steps, the first being reversible arrival of the native protein molecule to the interface. molecule. The second step is unfolding of the adsorbed Arrangement of dimensionless groups comprised of the factors enumerated above was then performed with reference to the proposed mechanism. The model was then tested using experimentally measured isotherms for a number of proteins. A general agreement in adsorbed mass was found between the model and the experiments, indicating that at hydrophobic surfaces AGmud and 147Ac play a major role in governing the course of adsorption. mass, r , Also the plateau value of adsorbed was found to be directly related to A. It was found, however, that at hydrophobic, low-energy solid-water interfaces, protein adsorption equilibrium can be represented by a one-step mechanism for modeling purposes if equilibrium spreading pressure measurements are used to estimate protein molecule interfacial energy. The model was applied to both simple, single domain globular proteins as well as to proteins of more complex structure. Concerning multi-domain proteins, the most thermolabile domain was observed to play the major role in initial events contributing to surface-induced unfolding. All parameters but Ac served as input to the model; computer-generated values of Ac obtained from simulation varied within an order of magnitude (about 100 to 400 A2 /molecule), indicating that only a small portion of the protein molecule need enter the interface in order for adsorption to proceed. For single-domain proteins, variations in Ac can be related to particular properties of the protein, such as molecular weight and flexibility. A Macroscopic Model for Apparent Protein Adsorption Equilibrium at Hydrophobic Solid-Water Interfaces by Kamal Issa Masoud Al-Malah A THESIS Submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Completed June 17, 1993 Commencement June 1994 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Assoc Scien sor of Bioresource Engineering, and Food logy in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Assistant Professor of Chemical major ngineering in charge of Redacted for Privacy Head of Department of Chemical Engineering Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduake School Date thesis is presented June 17, 1993 Typed by the researcher for Kamal Issa Masoud Al-Malah TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.1 PROTEINS 4 2.1.1 PROTEIN STABILITY 5 2.1.2 HYDROPHOBIC INTERACTIONS 8 PROTEIN CONFORMATION 2.2 PROTEIN ADSORPTION 10 MODEL DEVELOPMENT 20 3.1 DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS 20 2.1.3 3. 3.1.1 QUANTIFYING THE FACTORS IN EQUATION (2) 3.2 A SIMPLE MECHANISM FOR PROTEIN ADSORPTION 13 22 35 3.3 LIMITATIONS ON THE APPLICABILITY OF THE MODEL (EQ. 30) 45 4. RESULTS 47 5. DISCUSSION 84 5.1 PARAMETERS a AND A, 5.1.1 VALUE OF a AT LOW-ENERGY INTERFACES VALUE OF a AT HIGH-ENERGY INTERFACES 5.2 MOLECULAR INFLUENCES ON A, 5.1.2 85 85 86 87 5.3 AN APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE FOR A, AS A FUNCTION OF MW AND Z 90 5.4 IMPLICATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE MODEL APPLICATION TO MULTI-DOMAIN PROTEINS 5.5 THE AFFINITY AND EXTENT OF ADSORPTION 6. 7. 94 100 5.5.1 ADSORPTION AFFINITY 100 5.5.2 THE EXTENT OF ADSORPTION 102 5.5.3 A NOTE ON TEMPERATURE EFFECTS 103 CONCLUSIONS RECOMMENDATIONS 105 BIBLIOGRAPHY 108 107 APPENDICES APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX 1 124 2 126 3 127 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 3.1.1 PAGE The equilibrium contact angle, 0, formed between a solid/liquid (SL) interface and a liquid vapor (LV) interface. 3.1.2 23 The flexibility parameter (Z) correlated with AGfold/RT for a-Lac, (3 -Lag, BSA, and Lyso. 3.2.1 27 A schematic depicting protein adsorption equilibrium. 4.1 39 Protein adsorption isotherms (T =27 °C) on a hydrophobic silicon surface, fitted to Eq. (30). Ref: Suttiprasit and McGuire (1992) 4.2 56 . Protein adsorption isotherms (T =52 °C) on a hydrophobic silicon surface, fitted to Eq. (30). Ref: Suttiprasit and McGuire (1992) 4.3 57 . Protein adsorption isotherms on hydrophobic, butylated quartz slides, fitted to Eq. (30). Ref: Shibata & Lenhoff (1992). 4.4 61 Human Lysozyme adsorption isotherm (T =25 °C) on hydrophobic DDS silica slides, fitted to Eq. 4.5 (30). Ref: Horsley et al. (1987). 64 Plasminogen adsorption isotherm (T =25 °C) on a hydrophobic MDA polyurethane surface, fitted to Eq. et al. (1992). (30). Ref: Woodhouse 67 List of Figures (Continued) 4.6 HSA adsorption isotherms (T=25°C) on different hydrophobic surfaces, fitted to Eq. 4.7 (30). Ref: Winterton et al. (1986). Protein adsorption isotherms (T =24 °C) on hydrophobic siliconized glass, fitted to Eq. (30). Ref: Absolom et al. (1987). 4.8 70 74 Fbrgn adsorption isotherm (T =25 °C) on a hydrophobic quartz surface, fitted to Eq. 4.9 (30). Ref: Nygren & Stenberg (1988). Protein adsorption isotherms (T =25 °C) on hydrophobic polystyrene latices, fitted to Eq. (30). Ref: Arai & Norde (1990). 5.3.1 Isotherms of Fig. 5.3.3 81 (4.1) plotted with the isotherm-specific Ac value and a value of a = 0.0. 5.3.2 78 91 Isotherms of Fig. (4.1) constructed with the same Ac value (A, = 192 A2) and a value of a = 0.0. 92 Ac correlated with MW and Z. 93 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 4.1 4.2 PAGE The regressed values of a and Ac, and the regression parameters for the model (Eq. 30) 48 Thermal properties of proteins used in evaluating AGmfdd (equation 13), with standard errors shown in parentheses. 51 4.3 The specific volume (Vp), molecular weight (MW), and the partial molar area of protein upon adsorption, Ap, for each of the proteins examined in this study. 53 4.4 The Gibbs free energy of unfolding, protein, solid, and water surface energies, and the work of adhesion for proteins used in Figs. (4.1) and (4.2). Source of isotherms: Suttiprasit and McGuire (1992). 58 4.5 The surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule, Ac, the affinity constant, K, and the regression parameters for the model (Eq. 30). Source of isotherms: Suttiprasit and McGuire (1992). 59 4.6 The Gibbs free energy of unfolding, protein, solid, and water surface energies, and the work of adhesion for proteins used in Fig. (4.3). Source of isotherms: Shibata & Lenhoff (1992). 62 4.7 The surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule, Ac, the affinity constant, K, and the regression parameters for the model (Eq. 30). Source of isotherms: Shibata & Lenhoff (1992). 62 4.8 The Gibbs free energy of unfolding, protein, solid, and water surface energies, and the work of adhesion for protein used in Fig. (4.4). Source of isotherm: Horsley et al. (1987). 4.9 65 The surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule, Ac, the affinity constant, K, and the regression parameters for the model (Eq. 30). Source of isotherm: Horsley et al. (1987). 65 List of Tables (Continued) 4.10 The Gibbs free energy of unfolding, protein, solid, and water surface energies, and the work of adhesion for protein used in Fig. Source of isotherm: Woodhouse et al. (4.5). (1992) . 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 The surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule, Ac, the affinity constant, K, and the regression parameters for the Source of isotherm: model (Eq. 30). Woodhouse et al. (1992). 68 68 The Gibbs free energy of unfolding, protein, solid, and water surface energies, and the work of adhesion for protein used in Fig. Source of isotherms: Winterton et al. (4.6). (1986). 71 The surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule, Ac, the affinity constant, K, and the regression parameters for the Source of isotherms: model (Eq. 30). Winterton et al. (1986). 72 The Gibbs free energy of unfolding, protein, solid, and water surface energies, and the work of adhesion for proteins used in Fig. (4.7). Source of isotherms: Absolom et al. (1987). 75 The surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule, Ac, the affinity constant, K, and the regression parameters for the model (Eq. 30). Source of isotherms: Absolom et al. (1987). 76 The Gibbs free energy of unfolding, protein, solid, and water surface energies, and the work of adhesion for protein used in Fig. (4.8). Source of isotherm: Nygren and Stenberg (1988). 79 The surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule, Ac, the affinity constant, K, and the regression parameters for the model (Eq. 30). Source of isotherm: Nygren and Stenberg (1988). 79 List of Tables (Continued) 4.18 4.19 The Gibbs free energy of unfolding, protein, solid, and water surface energies, and the work of adhesion for proteins used in Fig. Source of isotherms: Arai and Norde (4.9). (1990). 82 The surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule, Ac, the affinity constant, K, and the regression parameters for the Source of isotherm: Arai model (Eq. 30). and Norde (1990). 83 NOMENCLATURE a A function constant that defines the functionality of r versus Cul (Eq. 19). Ac Minimum surface area (i.e., "hole area") cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule in order to anchor itself to the interface (m2 /mol) or (k/molecule). Partial molar area occupied by species i at the interface a, (m2/mol) or (A2/rnolecule). The average interfacial area occupied by an amino acid residue Ap (A2/molecule). Partial molar area occupied by protein at the interface as defined by either Eq. (16) or (17) (m2/mol) or (A2/molecule) b A constant such that r . / b is the initial slope of a plot of r versus Cry (mg/1). BSA Bovine Serum Albumin Cat Apparent equilibrium concentration (mol/m3) or (mg/1) . ChA Chymotrypsinogen A ACp The difference in heat capacity between the unfolded and folded states (kJ/mole K). f Fractional surface coverage Fbrgn Fibrinogen. GN Partial molar free energy of native protein (kJ/mol). (dimensionless). GU Partial molar free energy of unfolded protein (kJ/mol). AG,, The standard Gibbs free-energy change of adsorption (kJ/mol). AGwom Change in partial molar free energy of protein upon unfolding AHaB (kJ/mol). The standard enthalpy change of adsorption (kJ/mol). AHD The enthalpy of denaturation (kJ/mol). AM' The non-hydrophobic enthalpic contribution to the free energy change (Eq. 14) (kJ/mol amino acid residue). HSA Human Serum Albumin. IgG Immunoglobulin G. K The proportionality or the overall equilibrium constant for the protein adsorption process (dimensionless). Ka The equilibrium constant for the reversible arrival step (dimensionless). kB Boltzmann constant Ku The equilibrium constant for the reversible, (1.38 X 10-23 J/molecule surface-induced unfolding step a-Lac a-Lactalbumin. f3 -Lag fl-Lactoglobulin. Lyso Lysozyme. MSE The mean of square errors. MW Molecular weight. K). (dimensionless). Myog Myoglobin. NA Avogadro's number Plmgn Plasminogen. PS Polystyrene polymer. PVC Polyvinylchloride polymer. RiboA Ribonuclease A. Silas Silastic polymer. AS. Multiplied by T gives the non-hydrophobic entropic (6.02217 X 1023 molecule/mol). contribution to the free energy change (Eq. 14) (kJ/mol amino acid residue K). T Temperature TH The temperature at which the enthalpic contribution (K). to the free energy change (Eq. 14) is purely non- hydrophobic T, (K). The melting point temperature of protein at which the thermogram peak reaches its maximum Ts (K). The temperature at which the entropic contribution to the free energy change (Eq. 14) is purely non- hydrophobic V; (K). Partial molar volume of species i in solution (e/mol). VP Partial molar volume of protein in solution (m3/mol). Ws Work of Adhesion as defined by equation (3) Z The surface coordination number of the lattice as defined by equation (11) (Z = 2 + w). (J/m2) . GREEK SYMBOLS a The proportionality constant that relates the Gibbs free energy of unfolding in the bulk to that at the (dimensionless). interface Adsorbed amount of protein (mol/m2) or (gg/cm2). The plateau value of adsorbed amount of protein (mol/m2) or (gg/cm2). The ratio of the volume occupied by all atoms making up a molecule to the total volume occupied by the molecule itself (dimensionless). An ith independent dimensionless group that comprises a multiplication of some dimensional variables or parameters 'Y12 (dimensionless). The interfacial free energy of any pair combination of two phases from the protein (P), water (W), and solid (S) phases as defined by equation (7) 'Yps (mJ/m2). The interfacial free energy between protein and solid (mJ/m2) . 'Ypv The interfacial free energy of protein (mJ/m2). 'Ypw The interfacial free energy between protein and water (mJ/m2) . 'Ysv The interfacial free energy of solid (mJ/m2). 'Ysw The interfacial free energy between solid and water (mJ/m2) 'Ywv . The interfacial free energy of water (mJ/m2). 0 The equilibrium contact angle formed between a solid- liquid (SL) interface and a liquid-vapor (LV) interface as defined by equation (8) g, (°) The equilibrium spreading pressure measured at the protein solution-vapor interface and corresponds to the plateau region of g, = f(Ceq), as defined by equation (10) (mJ/m2) . no = kB T / a, (mJ/m2). n A generic symbol used to designate a mathematical relationship among the pertinent variables. w The flexibility parameter of the polymer chain (0 Lc. w < A Macroscopic Model for Apparent Protein Adsorption Equilibrium at Hydrophobic Solid-Water Interfaces 1. INTRODUCTION Protein adsorption is involved in a number of areas in biology, medicine, food and pharmaceutical processing, and biotechnology. In the food and pharmaceutical industries, proteins can play a major role in the fouling of membrane surfaces used in biomolecular fractionation, and fouling of heat exchange surfaces due to their heat sensitivity and high content in some fluid foods. Additionally, protein behavior at both air/water and oil/water interfaces can play a major role in stabilizing colloidal food systems, foams, and emulsions. In biomedicine, protein adsorption is of great concern; deciphering the mechanism of plasma protein interactions with blood-contacting devices and the subsequent activation of coagulation pathways and platelet adhesion is the key problem in developing nonthrombogenic biomaterials (Winterton et al., 1986; Woodhouse et al., 1992). Surfaces in the mouth like tooth enamel, the mucosa, and the gum are exposed to a variety of proteins, which are the normal 2 constituents of salivary secretions. These salivary proteins are thought to mediate bacterial colonization which can then initiate dental and gum diseases (Martensson et al., 1993). Another area of interest in biomedicine is the interaction of water-soluble, crystalline proteins of the eye lens with plasma membrane. Recent studies suggest that all three crystallines (a-, /3 -, and 7-crystallins) may become partially associated with the plasma membrane during aging and cataractogenesis (Matsuno et al., 1991). A great deal of effort has been devoted to studying the different factors that influence adsorption. The question of how these factors interact is undoubtedly complex, and a comprehensive model of protein adsorption is not available. The important factors affecting adsorption can be classified under one or more of the following three areas: 1. protein characteristics: including isoelectric point, net charge and charge distribution, 3-D structure in solution, placement and nature of hydrophobic patches, and conformational variability; 2. surface properties: including topography and heterogeneity, electrical potential, composition, water binding, and hydrophobicity; and 3. medium conditions: including pH, temperature, ionic strength, equilibrium concentration, hydrodynamics, and buffer type. The objective of this Ph.D. research was to selectively incorporate some of the above-mentioned factors into a 3 macroscopic model that would quantitatively describe protein adsorption equilibrium (i.e., predict adsorption isotherms) for a given protein-surface-medium system. A two-step adsorption mechanism was constructed to visualize protein adsorption equilibrium. The first step is reversible migration of the native protein molecule to the interface. The second step is unfolding of the adsorbed molecule. The energies of the two steps were quantified according to the Gibbs free energy changes for each. The model served to explain the Langmuir-type pattern of adsorption equilibrium isotherms commonly observed. Its applicability was tested by comparison with experimentally-measured isotherms describing protein interaction with hydrophobic solid surfaces. 4 2. LITERATURE REVIEW The following review provides a basis for understanding the theoretical development used to construct the model presented in this dissertation. Emphasis is placed on basic protein biophysics, and the importance of solid surface hydrophobicity and protein thermodynamic stability on adsorption. 2.1 PROTEINS Proteins are biological macromolecules synthesized in cells for specific functions. They are high molecular weight polyamides that adopt exquisitely complex structures. This complexity is characterized by different levels of structure: primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary. Primary structure (Stryer, 1988) refers to the amino acid sequence itself, along with the location of disulfide bonds (i.e., covalent connections between two amino acid residues within the protein molecule). Secondary structure refers to the spatial arrangement of amino acid residues that are near one another in the linear sequence. Alpha-helices and beta- sheets are typical examples of secondary structure. 5 Tertiary structure refers to the spatial arrangement of amino acid residues that are far apart in the linear sequence. If a protein has two or more polypeptide chains, each with its exclusive primary, secondary, and tertiary structure, such chains can associate to form a multi-chain quaternary structure. Hence, a quaternary structure refers to the spatial arrangement of such subunits and their interaction. 2.1.1 PROTEIN STABILITY Protein molecules are stabilized by different intramolecular forces that play a key role in maintaining protein structure. In addition to the planar peptide bond that constitutes the backbone of the molecule and the possible presence of disulfide linkages, there are intramolecular forces, though smaller in magnitude than a covalent bond, that are just as important. These intramolecular interactions include the so-called hydrophobic bonds, hydrogen bonds, and dispersion and electrostatic attractive forces. Disulfide bonds are thought (Fasman, 1989) to stabilize proteins by reducing the conformational entropy of the unfolded chain. Statistical treatments have proposed (Fasman, 1989) that the destabilization of the unfolded state depends on the length 6 of the loop formed by a single cross link. Creighton (1983) found that for a given loop size, the most effective cross link may be found between groups that are rigidly held in an optimum orientation by the folded structure. Hydrogen bonding forces are considered to be one of the major contributors to the largely temperature-independent part of the enthalpy of stabilization. Due to their small size and electropositivity in covalent bonds, hydrogen atoms are easily brought into close proximity to electronegative atoms. The resulting interaction energy is intermediate between the energies of van der Waals contacts and covalent bonds. Hydrogen bonds are very common in proteins and are partly responsible for the a-helix and fl-sheet stabilities. Hydrogen bond partners are exchanged during folding. Intramolecular bonds are formed at the expense of intermolecular hydrogen bonds with water. The importance of dispersion or van der Waals forces in protein stability hinges on differences in packing in the folded and unfolded states (Fasman, 1989). Klapper (1971) and Chothia (1975) found that, upon folding, water is expelled to the relatively open bulk phase, and the atoms that form the protein core become as tightly packed as good molecular crystals. The difference in packing density between the folded and unfolded states is expected to alter the distribution of interatomic distances, which in turn may affect the van der Waals interactions. 7 Proteins are polyelectrolytes since ionizable groups from amino acid side chains and terminal amino acids can participate in an acid-base equilibrium with the solvent. Ionizable groups are not generally distributed randomly over protein surfaces, reflecting their individual structural and functional roles. The charged groups in proteins (Barlow & Thornton, 1983) are, on the average, surrounded by those of opposite sign, and significantly more oppositely-charged than like-charged groups are separated by a distance less than 4.0 A. This suggests that the charges, including the a-helix dipoles, contribute to the stability of the protein. It also suggests that electrostatic interactions are heavily involved in short-range interactions (i.e., less than the van der Waals interatomic distances). The problem of how much energy the charge interactions actually contribute to the protein is a more complex issue (Thornton, 1982). Hydrophobic interactions (Andrade, 1985) are basically entropically driven, largely due to order/disorder phenomena in the surrounding water. Current estimates of amino acid hydrophobicity are based on the measured free energies of transferring side chains from water to organic solvents, where the latter presumably simulate the polarity of the protein interior. The following subsection is dedicated to explain in a more detail the concept of those hydrophobic interactions and why they are thought to be entropically driven. 8 2.1.2 HYDROPHOBIC INTERACTIONS To illustrate the notion of hydrophobic interactions being entropically driven and the idea of measuring the degree of hydrophobicity of an amino acid residue by its free energy of transfer from water to a hydrocarbon solvent, AGuandu, the following development from Schulz and Schirmer (1979) is presented here. If N denotes the native state of a protein chain and U denotes the randomly unfolded state of that chain, and considering a composite system made of polypeptide chain and solvent, the total free energy difference between forms N and U becomes: -RT1nK=-RT1n[N]/[U] = OG, = + AHNent - ThiSchain - TAS,www Furthermore, suppose the unfolding/folding mechanism of a polypeptide chain in water can be simulated by the phase separation of a hydrocarbon (mineral oil) from water. This is accomplished by assigning the U state to the monodisperse solution of oil in water, and the N state to separated phases i.e., an oil drop on the water surface. ASoil (SN - Su) is negative because a monodisperse solution (U) is less ordered than separated phases (N). AHoil (HN - Hu) is positive because in the N-state most oil molecules are surrounded by their kind, whereas in the U-state all of them are surrounded by water molecules. The interactions between 9 oil molecules are only dispersion forces and hence weak. On the other hand, the interactions between oil and water molecules are stronger because the strongly polar water molecules induce dipoles in the neighboring oil molecules, giving rise to an appreciable electrostatic term. So AHD favors the monodisperse solution, nevertheless, it is relatively small. It was experimentally shown (Schulz and Schirmer, 1979; Kauzmann, 1959) that AS,,,,t (SN - Su), which is water in the above example, is positive which favors the N-state (i.e., phase separation). This indicates that the order of the water molecules in the U-state (monodisperse oil solution) is higher than that in the N-state. Therefore, water molecules surrounding an apolar molecule are characterized by a higher degree of order at this polar/apolar interface, where they assume a locally ordered, quasisolid structure (a "cage-like" structure, clathrate, or iceberg structure) with some loss of H-bonding capacity. This also results in a negative All,,t, the magnitude of which, however, is relatively small. In summary, AHD and ASS favor the U- state whereas AHNe, and AS,,,Nua favor the N-state. As phase separation between oil and water is thermodynamically more stable than the monodisperse case, it turns out that AS,,,Neat is the predominant driving force that underlies the process 10 of phase separation in this case. The effect of AS,,,b,, is usually referred to as a hydrophobic or entropic effect. Although an analogy has been drawn between a polypeptide chain and a hydrocarbon, one should keep in mind that unlike an oil, the polypeptide chain contains both polar and nonpolar moieties. But the probability of finding polar groups on the exterior of a protein molecule is larger than that in the interior of protein. Moreover, the nonpolar amino acid residues are more likely to exist in the interior of the protein (in globular proteins, in particular) rather than on the exterior (Andrade, 1985; Kauzmann, 1959; Schulz and Schirmer, 1979). This is consistent with the thought that entropically-driven, hydrophobic interactions tend to minimize the free energy of the system by reducing the interfacial area between the nonpolar moieties and the aqueous medium. 2.1.3 PROTEIN CONFORMATION When a hydrophobic surface like that of air or a hydrophobic solid is brought into contact with a protein solution, an environment supporting unfolding of the intact, hydrophobic core of a protein to establish new noncovalent contacts with the interface is created. Unfolding at the interface is often referred to as surface denaturation. 11 Protein denaturation involves a conformational change. Upon unfolding, the polypeptide chain becomes less compact and more highly solvated, and much more flexible. Protein denaturation is a highly cooperative reaction, and general molecular stability depends on environmental conditions such as temperature, pressure, pH, ionic strength, and the concentration of specific ligands, stabilizers, and denaturants in solution. Dill et al. (1989) studied the thermal stability of globular proteins. Two factors are important in quantifying the temperature dependence of globular protein folding: 1) the conformational entropy of the chain; and 2) the heat capacity change effected by the hydrophobic effect. Folding is driven by a negative free energy change accompanying clustering of the hydrophobic residues into a globular structure and is opposed by a positive free energy change due to loss of conformational entropy upon folding. Cold denaturation is driven principally by the weakening of the hydrophobic interactions, but thermal denaturation is driven principally by the gain of conformational entropy in the unfolded chain. Privalov et al. myoglobin. (1986) studied cold denaturation of The disruption of the native protein structure both on cooling and on heating was characterized as proceeding in an "all-or-none" manner, with a significant and similar increase of the protein heat capacity, but with 12 inverse enthalpic and entropic effects: the enthalpy and entropy of the protein molecule decrease during cold-denaturation and increase during heat - denaturation. Concerning proteins with a multi-domain structure, such domains may act independently during thermal denaturation, but with some degree of cooperativity among the different subunits (Privalov and Medved, 1982; Koteliansky et al., 1981). Honeycutt and Thirumalai (1992) demonstrated the existence of metastable states in the folding/unfolding pathways, using a stochastic dynamics method (Honeycutt and Thirumalai, 1992) to simulate the processes of folding and unfolding. These metastable states are characterized by several free energy minima separated by barriers of various heights such that the folded conformations of a polypeptide chain in each of the minima have similar structural characterisitics (namely, the gross appearance and radius of gyration) but have different energies from one another. They suggested that the formation of the more stable form depends largely on the method of preparation; the initial conditions determine the kinetics of formation of the more stable form. The lesson that can be learned from their study is that although the unfolding or folding reaction may be thermodynamically favorable, energy barriers exist along the reaction coordinate, which hinder the protein from 13 reaching a configuration with the lowest free energy, instead, "trapping" it into a metastable state. 2.2 PROTEIN ADSORPTION In general, adsorption involves migration of a substance from one phase to the surface of an adjacent phase, accompanied by its accumulation at the interface (Slejko, 1985). Adsorption is a result of the binding forces between individual atoms, ions or molecular regions of an adsorbate and the adsorbent surface. These binding forces or interactions vary in magnitude from the weak van der Waals-type of attraction contributing to physical adsorption, to the strong covalent bonds in chemisorption. Polymer adsorption in general and biopolymer adsorption in particular show a range of binding energies depending on the type of forces present in the interface. Polymer adsorption differs drastically from that of small molecules. This is basically due to the large number of conformations that a macromolecule can adopt, both in the bulk solution and at the interface. Moreover, the entropy loss or gain associated with a given flexible polymer can be substantially greater than that for small molecules or relatively stiff molecules (Parfitt & Rochester, 1983). 14 A thermodynamic approach was proposed by De Feijter et al. (1987) to describe the adsorption of nonionic, flexible polymers at solid surfaces. Their approach relied on a pseudo-lattice model (quasi-crystalline model), the cells of which may accommodate a solvent molecule, segment. or a polymer Each macromolecule was considered to consist of m identical segments of which a fraction, f is adsorbed directly to the surface (i.e., f m cells of the surface layer are occupied by one adsorbed polymer). Their approach led them to conclude that the polymer adsorption isotherm would exhibit a high affinity character; i.e., high adsorption at very low bulk concentration, with almost immediate plateau attainment. Their approach was also expected to apply to proteins, even though proteins are considered to be somewhat rigid structures, exhibiting some net charge. Their conclusion may explain in part, however, why protein isotherms generally assume plateau values at relatively low concentration. Lin et al. (1991) studied adsorption-desorption isotherm hysteresis exhibited by 0-lactoglobulin A on a weakly hydrophobic surface. They found that the desorption isotherm at pH 6.0 overlapped with the adsorption isotherm, and the adsorption-desorption process of 0-lactoglobulin A under this condition could be characterized by a fully reversible Langmuir model. The desorption isotherm at pH 4.5, however, did not coincide with the adsorption isotherm, 15 giving rise to hysteresis. This would suggest that protein adsorption experiments carried out under mild conditions of pH at relatively hydrophilic surfaces may be treated with the assumption that reversible equilibrium exists between the bulk and interface. Arnebrant et al. (1987) studied the temperature dependence of adsorption for a-lactalbumin and 0-lactoglobulin on chromium surfaces. They observed that the curves for 0-lactoglobulin at 25, 66, 70, and 73°C were rather similar. It was only when the temperature exceeded the denaturation temperature (79°C) of /3- lactoglobulin, that they could observe a significant difference in the isotherm. This would suggest that the adsorbed mass of protein does not significantly depend on temperature, as long as the temperature at which the adsorption experiment was carried out lies below the melting point temperature of the protein (or the irreversible denaturation temperature. If the temperature exceeds that of the melting point of protein, the surface activity of protein will depart from that exhibited in its native form. Lu et al. (1991) calculated the solvation interaction energies for protein adsorption on hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymer surfaces. The solvation interactions (repulsive hydration and attractive hydrophobic interactions) were calculated for lysozyme, trypsin, immunoglobulin Fab (antigen-binding fragment consisting of 16 the light chain and half of the heavy chain, with a molecular weight of 50,000 daltons), and hemoglobin. The average solvation interaction energy was found to vary from -259.1 to -74.1 kJ/mole for the four proteins at hydrophobic polymer interfaces (polystyrene, polyethylene, and polypropylene), whereas on hydrophilic surfaces (poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and poly(vinyl alcohol)) the average solvation interaction energies were greater than zero. These calculations illustrate the importance of attractive, hydrophobic interactions between proteins and polymer surfaces in adsorption. Matsuno et al. (1991) studied the interactions of 7­ crystallins with silica, methylated silica, and diphenyl silica. They used different techniques to examine the secondary and tertiary structural alterations that took place upon adsorption on these silica surfaces exhibiting different degrees of hydrophobicity. Based on a comparison between conformations of free and surface-bound protein as a function of electrostatic and hydrophobic character of both the protein and the adsorbent surface, they demonstrated that: 1) protein destabilization on hydrophobic surfaces is greater than that on more hydrophilic surfaces; 2) detectable conformational changes tend to increase as the surface hydrophobicity increases; and 3) subtle structural differences among proteins can play an important role in 17 determining differences in protein stability and structure upon adsorption. Wei et al. (1991) examined the role of protein structure in surface tension kinetics at the air-water interface and demonstrated that the intrinsic, conformational stability is an influencing factor in protein surface activity at low bulk concentrations. At high bulk concentrations, surface hydrophobicity was highly correlated with the observed surface tension kinetics. Surface tension kinetics in this context refers to the rate of change of liquid surface tension, yLv, for the protein solution in contact with air. Kato and Yutani (1988) correlated the surface activity of six mutants of tryptophan synthase a-subunits with their stability, as measured by their free energy of denaturation in water (411.77ma). One measure of surface activity was given by the air-liquid surface tension of a mutant solution. These results are in line with the previous examples and demonstrate the importance of conformational stability in predicting the difference in the adsorptive behavior among proteins. Incidentally, it serves as another example suggesting that the surface tension of protein, 7pv, is related to its intrinsic conformational stability. Horsley et al. (1987) studied human and hen lysozyme adsorption on hydrophobic, negatively-charged, and positively-charged silica. On the average, human lysozyme 18 was found to adsorb in larger amounts than did hen lysozyme. They attributed the difference in adsorptive behavior to the thermal lability of the molecules; human lysozyme is more susceptible to thermal denaturation, hence to surface denaturation, than is hen lysozyme. Hunter et al. (1991) studied the coadsorption and exchange of lysozyme and 0-casein at the air-water interface. The air-water interface was used because it was described as representing the simplest model hydrophobic surface for studying protein adsorption. Their results suggested that electrostatic interactions do no play a major role in determining exchange behavior at the air-water interface; moreover that the flexibility of both the adsorbed and displacing molecules are more important than intermolecular interactions in determining whether exchange occurs. This work serves as an example of the general observation that electrostatic interactions play a minor role in dictating the adsorptive behavior of proteins at hydrophobic interfaces. In summary, then, the following general statements can be made regarding protein adsorption. The surface activity of a protein is a cumulative property influenced by many factors, including size, shape, charge, surface hydrophobicity, and thermodynamic stability. However, based on abundant experimental observations, a sample of which were cited here, the influence of only two of these factors 19 (surface hydrophobicity and conformational stability) can be considered, under controlled but actually quite relevant circumstances, as effectively governing the adsorption process. Protein adsorption exhibits a diversity in behavior from one surface to another and from one protein to another. This diversity results from the complexity of the protein structure itself and from the many variables on which protein adsorption depends. A comprehensive model for any aspect of protein adsorption that takes all these variables into account is completely lacking in the existing literature and much work is needed to reach that goal. 20 3. MODEL DEVELOPMENT 3.1 DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS The useful result of a dimensional analysis of protein adsorption equilibrium would be a starting point for determination of a functional relationship among the variables thought to be pertinent to the process. The relationship can be expressed in the following compact form: (11111:12/1131114/ ' ni) = 0.0 (1) where the A represent independent dimensionless groups of some dimensional variables or parameters (factors) which are measurable or can be expressed in terms of other measurable quantities, and Si defines this mathematical relationship among the dimensionless II groups. There are two matters involving choice in this analysis. The first is that of initial quantities (in the case of protein adsorption, this refers to factors influencing the process of adsorption). This choice identifies the factors considered to be important, and those that may be neglected. The second is the choice of the final, dimensionless II groups. The first choice requires a thorough understanding of protein adsorption and a comprehensive survey of the 21 pertinent literature. Consequently, a sufficient portion of the coherent literature was reviewed and the following relationship is suggested: 0 ( We *A c , r * Ap A Gunfold , VP * Ceg ) = 0.0 (2) where r = adsorbed amount of protein (mol/m2) , CN = apparent equilibrium concentration (mol/m3) , Ap = partial molar area occupied by protein at the interface V, (m2/mol) , = partial molar volume of protein in solution (re/mol), AG"tbid = change in partial molar free energy of protein upon unfolding Ac (J/mol), = minimum surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule in order to anchor itself to the interface (m2/moi) ; and W, = work of adhesion The published results that led to selection of the factors incorporated into Eq. of this dissertation. (2) are detailed in section 2 22 3.1.1 QUANTIFYING THE FACTORS IN EQUATION (2) Work of Adhesion, W, The work of adhesion is generally defined as the energy required to separate a unit area of interface into two phases. Applied to protein adsorption, W, can be written as follows: W8 Y SW + Y PW Y Ps (3) where yww is the interfacial free energy between solid and water, 7rw is the interfacial free energy between protein and water; and ws is the interfacial free energy between protein and solid. These three interfacial energies can each be defined by an equation expressed in the following compact form: a (Y Pill Y SV) (4) Y PW = 11 (Y PW Y WV) (5) Y sw = 0 (Y sv, Y wv) (6) Y PS = where the functional relationship, n, represents an equation of state that relates the interfacial energy between two 23 phases to the interfacial energies between each of those phases and a third phase; in the case of Eqs. (4)-(6), the third phase is vapor. Neumann et al. (1974) empirically obtained an explicit formulation for II: (FY17.3 Y12 SrY7) 2 1 1 0 . 015 (7) (Y13Y23) 2 where subscripts 1 and 2 denote any pair combination of two phases from the protein (P), water (W), and solid (S) phases, as written in Eqs. (4)-(6), and subscript 3 denotes the third phase, which is vapor in all of the above cases. Young's equation (1'sv = Tn. cos 0) introduces 0 (1, the equilibrium contact angle formed between a solid- liquid (SL) interface and a liquid-vapor (LV) interface. The contact angle 0 defines the characteristic orientation Figure 3.1.1 The equilibrium contact angle, 0, formed between a solid/liquid (SL) interface and a liquid/vapor (LV) interface. 24 of a liquid-vapor interface with reference to a solid surface it contacts, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1.1. equation can be combined with Eq. Young's (7) to yield, for a specific solid/liquid contact: 1 cos 0 (0 . 015ysv-2 .00) (YsvYLO 2 +YLV (8) 1 Y 1,1,[0 . 015 (YsvYLO 2 -1] Eq. (8) should be taken as generic; i.e., subscript S refers to any solid phase, including protein, that is in contact with a liquid phase. Eq. (8) therefore allows evaluation of both -ysv and 7", as both 0 and -yLv are readily measurable. Thus, Eq. (7) should be solvable for the interfacial energies of Eqs. (4)-(6). However, evaluation of the surface energy of pure protein with contact angle methods is not trivial. It is arguably impossible to determine a relevant value of 7" by measuring contact angles on a prepared, solid protein "surface". For example, liquid penetration into a solid protein surface would probably be unavoidable, as such a surface would probably be both porous and hygroscopic. In this work, the value of -ypv was approximated by the following equation: YPV = Y LV 7C e (9) 25 where ire (mJ/m2) represents the equilibrium spreading pressure measured at the protein solution-vapor interface and corresponds to the (concentration-independent) plateau region of ve = f(Cat), i.e., a saturated interface, and ryLv represents the surface tension of the protein-free solution. Spreading pressure is a measure of the reduction in surface energy as a result of adsorption at an interface. Eq. (9) should give a less ambiguous value of -ypv than that attainable by contact angle methods. van Oss and Good (1988) experimentally determined protein interfacial energy using contact angle methods. They concentrated a protein solution by ultrafiltration on an anisotropic cellulose acetate membrane, then carried out contact angle measurements on the resultant protein layer. Depending on the degree of hydration of the resultant protein layer, the value of 'ypv was determined. Therefore, the value of lfpv obtained, in essence, represented the surface tension of a hydrated protein layer (formed in this case on a cellulose acetate membrane) measured at the protein layer-air interface and that value of -ypv is thus consistent in principle with that given by Eq. (9). The value of 'ypv obtained by contact angle methods, however, is subject to perturbations induced by the solid support itself, and it rather reflects the degree of orientation of the water molecules at the periphery of the hydrated protein layer (van Oss and Good, 1988). 26 Unfortunately, relevant spreading pressure data is not available for many proteins of interest, so another means to calculate 7r, is needed. Singer (1948) developed an equation of state that relates Ire to measurable parameters: n e = n 0 ( Zln(1 2 f )-1n(1 f) ) (10) where 1r0 = kB T / a, (kB is the Boltzmann constant; T is temperature and a, is the average interfacial area occupied by an amino acid residue); f is the fractional surface coverage; and Z is the surface coordination number of the lattice (Z = 2 + w where w refers to the flexibility of the polymer chain). For a completely rigid chain Z = 2, and for a completely flexible chain Z = 4, thus 2 S Z < 4 (or 0 w < 2). The value assigned to the parameter a, is 15 A2 per amino acid residue (Ter-Minassian-Saraga, 1981; Damodaran and Song, 1988). Parameter Z can be correlated with the thermal stability of the protein molecule (AGmmd) using surface pressure data available for a-lactalbumin, /3­ lactoglobulin, bovine serum albumin (Suttiprasit et al., 1992), and lysozyme (Uraizee and Narsimhan, 1991). The resulting equation is: Z = 2.0 +2.0 * exp( -0.135 A Gunfold RT 27 Figure 3.1.2 shows the value of Z as given by Eq. (11) compared to individual values of Z estimated by Eq. the above-mentioned proteins. (10) for The value of fractional surface coverage, f, should be fixed at a value equivalent to monolayer film coverage. As a result of the mathematical difficulty that arises in Eq. (10) when f approaches 1.0, however, the value of f was set equal to the maximum possible value such that Eq. (10) is sensitive to variations in parameter Z. Hence, a value of 0.92 was chosen by equating the experimentally-based plateau value of equilibrium spreading pressure, ire, with Eq. (10). 4.0 aLac 3.8 3.6 Z / Spread. Pressure Data Z /Eq. (11) 3.4 3.2 N 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 BSA 2.2 Lyso a Lag 2.0 i 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 AGunfold / RT Figure 3.1.2 The flexibility parameter (Z) correlated with AGunfoki/RT for a-Lac, /3 -Lag, BSA, and Lyso. 28 A question may arise regarding the decision to define protein surface energy (7pv) in terms of the hydrophobicity of its intact core (expressed by AGm0, rather than in terms of its effective "surface" hydrophobicity. The surface hydrophobicity of native protein, expressed as -ypv but measured in aqueous solution by a number of techniques including contact angle, cell adhesion (in the absence of electrostatic effects), and as derived from adsorption experiments, is found to change only slightly from one type of protein to another (van Oss et al., 1981; Neumann et al., 1983). Thus, 7pv was estimated using Eq. (9), considered to yield a better index of protein surface activity, and being in line with the suggestion that a protein with a higher tendency to unfold should exhibit higher surface activity (i.e., greater reduction of the air-water surface tension for a given protein solution (Suttiprasit et al., 1992). Protein/vapor interfacial energy is thus measurable with equations (9) through (11), and solid surface energy by equation (8). In practice, however, as the surface energy of the solid in question approaches that of water, Eq. yields anomalous results. (7) A set of equations of state was developed by Neumann et al. (1980) that allows calculation of interfacial energy under such circumstances. Appendix 1 includes the Fortran program (Neumann et al., 1980) used in this work to determine interfacial energy based on the values of pertinent, input solid and liquid interfacial energies. 29 The Gibbs Free Energy of Unfolding, AGmfom The Gibbs free energy of unfolding, AGmfold, connotes the partitioning of a protein molecule between two conformations: native and unfolded. AGmftm measures the difference between the partial molar free energy of the macromolecule in its unfolded or denatured state (U), and its native, folded state (N). AGfoid = GU (12) GN This two-state model for folding and unfolding has been used by a number of investigators (Tanford, 1970; Privalov & Khechinashvili, 1974; Privalov, 1979; Velicelebi & Sturtevent, 1979; Becktel & Schellman, 1987) to study the thermal stability of proteins in order to measure what are known as protein stability curves. It should be mentioned, however, that Eq. (12) was restricted to one class of proteins in this treatment. This class includes compact, single-domain, globular proteins undergoing a one-step (all­ or-none) reversible phase transition between two thermodynamically defined conformations (native and unfolded). Privalov (1976) suggested that in a living system the transition from the structureless state (U) to the native state (N) should be reversible; the observed irreversibility is caused by secondary phenomena including aggregation, isomerization of prolyl residues, and separation of chains, but the transition itself is in principle reversible. Dzakula and Andjus (1991) have 30 recently improved the accuracy of the two-state model by expressing AGmfmd as a function of temperature. Their proposed equation for AGmemd is as follows: AHD(Tm A Gunfold T) ACp(T Tm Tm) 2 2 Tm (13) where AHD (kJ/mole) is the enthalpy of denaturation evaluated at the melting point temperature, Tm; and ACp (kJ/mole K) is the difference in heat capacity between the unfolded and folded states. These parameters are conveniently determined by conducting a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis of the given protein. The melting point temperature, Tm (K), is estimated from the temperature at which the thermogram peak reaches its maximum, provided that the rate of heating is sufficiently low. AHD is estimated as being equal to the area of the endotherm peak, and ACp is viewed as the difference in the asymptotic heat capacity values on either side of the endotherm peak (Dzakula and Andjus, 1991). In the absence of DSC data, an equation of state developed by Murphy et al. (1990) can be used to define AGmw (per mole of amino acid residue), as a function of temperature: A Gunfold = H*-TAS*-EACp[(T-TH)-T ) (14) where AH* (J/mole amino acid residue) and TAS* (J/mole amino acid residue) represent the non-hydrophobic, enthalpic and entropic contributions to the free energy change, 31 respectively; TH and Ts are the temperatures at which AH is equal to AH* and AS equal to AS*, respectively; and ACp is the heat capacity change upon unfolding. Murphy et al. According to (1990), the heat capacity term on the right hand side of Eq. (14) represents the hydrophobic, destabilizing contribution to the free energy of folded proteins. TH and Ts are approximately equal for proteins and they assume a value of 112 ± 2.4 °C (Murphy et al., 1990). AS* for proteins was found to be equal to 18.1 ± 1.0 J/(mole amino acid residue K) (Murphy et al., 1990). A typical value for ACp of 50.0 ± 10.0 J/(mole amino acid residue K) can be assumed, based on experimental measurements of changes in heat capacity upon denaturation (Zhukovskii and Rovnov, 1989). Equating experimentally-based values of AGmfom obtained from Eq. (13) with Eq. (14) allowed estimation of a protein-independent AH* (J/mole amino acid residue). Appendix 2 shows results of that procedure for nine proteins considered in this work; an average value of 6.076 ± 0.155 kJ/(mole amino acid residue) was obtained for The Partial Molar Area of Protein, Ap Since estimates of the partial molar volume of protein in solution, Vp, are readily available (Sober, 1970; Pilz & Czerwenka, 1973; Bull & Breese, 1973; Fasman, 1976; Durchschlag, 1986; Bendzko et al., 1988) only the 32 difference between the minimum surface area cleared by an adsorbing molecule, Ac, and the partial molar area, AP, need be discussed in support of Eq. (2). Based on experimental studies (Andrade, 1985; Macritchie, 1978; Ter-Minassian- Saraga, 1981) on protein adsorption at air-water and solid- water interfaces, Ac changes only slightly from one type of protein to another, and is independent of molecular size. Moreover, there is no equation of state available that relates Ac to any surface or protein property. For these reasons, Ac was allowed to be a computer-generated parameter, rather than an input variable for the model of Eq. (2). It was anticipated that this parameter would not dramatically change from one type of protein to another, however, in accordance with previous experimental observations. Ap is the partial molar area of protein, and was evaluated such that protein molecules in the neighborhood of the interface are spherical and hexagonally close-packed. The following equation was originally suggested (Dabrowski et al., 1987; Suri, 1970) with reference to adsorption from simple organic mixtures on solid surfaces, provided that molecules in solution exist in a closest-hexagonal packing: Ai =1.091(Dri(ArA)113 (15) where Ai (m2/mole) is the partial molar area of species i at the solid/liquid interface, V, (m3/mole) is the molar volume of species i in solution at the given temperature, and NA is 33 Avogadro's number. The suggestion that we can apply the same equation to protein adsorption would need some justification. One important point refers to our confining the applicability of the two-state model of folding and unfolding to compact, single-domain, globular proteins. This can be considered as a sufficient condition for fulfilling one criterion of Eq. (15), that being the existence of spherically-shaped molecules in solution. Whether proteins in solution can exhibit a closest-hexagonal type of packing is an important matter as well. Regarding the nature of the protein interior, Klapper (1971) demonstrated that on the average, the ratio of the volume occupied by all atoms making up a protein to the total volume occupied by the protein molecule itself (E) is about 0.747, compared to a E value of about 0.765 for a typical compound assuming a closest hexagonal packing of identical spheres. Water assumes a E value of 0.363, whereas other organic solvents, e.g., cyclohexane and carbon tetrachloride, assume E values of 0.438. With that, Eq.(15) is considered applicable to protein in solution, so that it becomes: Ap = 1. 091 ( Vp) 2/3 (NA) 1/3 (16) 34 Even if we consider a protein that is spherical in shape and exists in closest-hexagonal packing, deviation from Eq. (16) should be expected, depending on the degree of surface unfolding encountered, and Eq. (16) provides only an estimate for the surface area of protein at an interface. It is worth mentioning here, though, that the value of Ap predicted by Eq. (16) was found to correlate to a large extent with the corresponding close-packed, "end-on" adsorption plateau value experimentally observed. As a qualitative rule in protein adsorption studies (Andrade, 1985), a protein monolayer with an end-on conformation presumably prevails when adsorption occurs from solution at high concentration, whereas a "side-on" conformation­ monolayer is observed at low protein concentration. Although practically it is quite impossible to draw a line between low- and high-concentration regions, the concentration interval between Cal = 0.1 mg/ml and Ceci = 1.0 mg/m1 may be suggested as the diffuse line between low- and high-concentration regions as far as side-on and end-on conformations are concerned (Wei et al., 1990). Using non­ linear regression as a tool to minimize the difference between the regressed value of Ap as given by an equation similar to Eq. (16), and that calculated from the known geometry of a given protein (Appendix 3), the following equation was developed to predict the value of Ap for a protein monolayer with a side-on conformation: 35 Ap= 2.717(Vp)2/3( (17) In any case, descriptions of the nature of proteins and/or their behavior in solution being analogous to that of organic liquids has been encountered in more than one technical paper (Klapper, 1970; Tanford, 1970; Creighton, 1983; Baldwin, 1986; Fersht, 1987; Murphy, 1990; Nicholls, 1991) . The final step in this dimensional analysis involves the arrangement of the dimensionless II groups, requiring an awareness of the physical laws that underlie the adsorption process. The physical meaning of each term and how it influences the adsorption process can be visualized with a suitable adsorption mechanism. 3.2 A SIMPLE MECHANISM FOR PROTEIN ADSORPTION In general, the pattern of protein adsorption equilibrium isotherms at solid/liquid interfaces assume either a Langmuir-type or Freundlich-type shape. The Langmuir-type model is described by the following equation: 36 r- r max c (18) eq ( b + Ceg ) where Ceq (mg/1) is the apparent equilibrium concentration; r (Ag/cm2) is the plateau value; and b (mg/1) is a constant such that r versus C. /b is the initial slope of a plot of r On the other hand, the Freundlich model is described by the following equation: r=a (Ceq) b (19) where a and b are function constants that define the functionality of r versus C. Consequently, the Langmuir­ type isotherm shows a steep initial slope followed by attainment of a plateau at high concentration, while the Freundlich isotherm shows a monotonic increase in r with C. Upon examining the pertinent literature, one recognizes that interpretation of data with Langmuir-type isotherms is extremely popular, even though no real benefit is gained by determining the function constants in either Eq. (18) or (19); i.e., they are not related to adsorption affinity in any clear manner (Martensson et al., 1993; Woodhouse er al., 1992; Nygren et al., 1992; and Ruzgas et al., 1992). Thermodynamic equilibrium criteria are implemented here to analyze the phase equilibrium between the bulk and interface, and for simplicity the following two conditions are imposed: 37 1) Existence of reversible equilibrium between the bulk phase and the interface; and 2) Existence of a monolayer coverage of protein as the upper limit for the extent of adsorption. Protein adsorption is usually regarded as irreversible, though, based on experimental observations (particularly at hydrophobic interfaces). Arnebrant and Nylander (1986) found that sequential adsorption on hydrophilic surfaces is characterized by a larger fraction of reversibly adsorbed molecules than adsorption on hydrophobic surfaces. Elwing et al. (1987) found that fibrinogen is partly exchanged by 7-globulin only on the hydrophilic side of a surface exhibiting a wettability gradient, whereas on the hydrophobic side there appeared to be no exchange at all. Shirahama et al. (1990) found that sequential adsorption on hydrophilic silica occurs by displacement of preadsorbed protein, whereas on a hydrophobic surface it is accompanied by desorption of only a fraction of preadsorbed protein. It should be mentioned, however, that in all of these experimental observations, although pure desorption, in a strict sense, constitutes a very unlikely event, exchange reactions between adsorbed and incoming proteins have been observed to take place. In a sense, the assumption of reversible equilibrium serves as a tool to account for the outcome of exchange reactions that yield an observable, gross adsorption equilibrium. 38 Moreover, the possibilty that adsorbing protein may form a multilayered film is quite real. Although multilayer formation is the rule at air-water interfaces (Khaiat and Miller, 1969; De Feijter, 1978; Graham and Phillips, 1979a; Graham and Phillips, 1979b; Hunter et al., 1990), monolayer formation is the rule at solid-water interfaces (Brash and Lyman, 1969; Lee and Kim, 1974; Morrissey and Stromberg, 1974; Absolom et al., 1987; Jonsson et al., 1987; Lundstrom et al., 1987; Mizutani and Brash, 1988; Arai and Norde, 1990; Ruzgas et al., 1992; Shibata and Lenhoff, 1992). In fact, it is anticipated that study of monolayer adsorption of protein will shed light on understanding multilayer formation at air-water interfaces. Figure (3.2.1) is a schematic of the proposed adsorption mechanism. Once a protein molecule arrives at the interface, it unfolds in an attempt to adapt to the new microenvironment. During the course of an adsorption experiment and at a certain point on the reaction coordinate, a pseudo, reversible phase equilibrium should adequately represent the situation existing between the bulk phase and the interface. For the purpose of analysis this state of equilibrium can be resolved into two major sub- equilibrium states (Figure 3.2.1b): 1) an equilibrium between native protein in the bulk and that at the hydrophobic interface, the attainment of which is largely driven by the Gibbs free energy for adsorption (or the work of adhesion); and 39 2) an equilibrium between adsorbed, native and unfolded protein. Attainment of this sub-state of equilibrium is largely driven by the Gibbs free energy of unfolding. K IN U ---,---,-7,, , , ,, ,,, Sur f ace (a) ,, -V \ , , . , , , , Surf ace u, D , , , , (b) Figure 3.2.1 A schematic depicting protein adsorption equilibrium. (a) the gross, pseudoequilibrium; (b) a two- step approximation of the equilibrium consisting of 1) reversible arrival and 2) reversible unfolding. 40 In the absence of electrostatic effects on adsorption and of specific biochemical interactions (e.g., receptor­ ligand) as well, the first sub-equilibrium state should be effectively characterized by the work of adhesion between protein and surface. Absolom et al. (1983) used a fundamentally similar approach to describe the adhesion of bacteria to various polymeric low energy surfaces with good success. The model proposed here is limited to adsorption at hydrophobic interfaces, so from a thermodynamic standpoint, the surface energies of each of the interacting phases should adequately describe the initial adsorption event. For the second sub-equilibrium state, the Gibbs free energy of unfolding was selected to quantify this process, involving exposure of the previously intact hydrophobic core to the aqueous medium. Several investigators (Chothia, 1975; Baldwin, 1986; Matsumura et al., 1988; Privalov and Makhatadze, 1990) indicated that the Gibbs free energy of unfolding correlates well with the surface area of non-polar groups exposed upon unfolding; that is, the hydrophobic stabilization is proportional to the reduction of the surface area accessible to solvent on folding. Wei et al. (1990) indicated that, at low bulk concentrations, surface tension kinetics reflected the conformational stability of the protein; while at higher concentrations, surface tension kinetics were more strongly correlated with the effective hydrophobicity of the protein. Norde (1992) indicated that, 41 with "rigid" proteins, intramolecular structural rearrangements do not contribute to the adsorption process; while, with "soft" proteins, the intramolecular structural rearrangements result in a significant driving force for adsorption, that proteins may even adsorb under the adverse conditions of a hydrophilic, electrostatically repelling surface. One important point that should be made is that in addition to the proposed mechanism of Figure 3.2.1, there are other mechanisms incorporating arrival, unfolding, and exchange reactions to describe adsorption equilibrium. But the Gibbs free energy is a state function; that is, no matter what path is chosen to analyze the process, overall, it is governed by the Gibbs free energy change between the initial (i.e., native protein in solution) and final state (i.e., unfolded protein at the interface). A theoretical model can be developed to express the function constants that appear in Eq. (18) in terms of selected molecular, solution, and surface properties. As indicated with reference to Eq. (18), the Langmuir-type model is the most popular model used in the literature to describe adsorption equilibrium isotherms at solid-liquid interfaces. The Langmuir-type isotherm is characterized by a (usually steep) initial slope at low concentration followed by plateau attainment at high concentration. A mathematical expression of this statement can be developed as follows. 42 At low concentration: r A « VP Ceq (20) where r Ap represents dimensionless adsorbed mass (or surface coverage); and Vp Cal a dimensionless concentration (or the volume fraction of protein in solution). Defining the relationship in the form of an equation, it becomes: r = K Vp Ce (A -) (21) g where K, the proportionality constant between dimensionless adsorbed mass and dimensionless concentration, is the overall equilibrium constant for the protein adsorption process. At high concentration: r = 1 ) A; (22) If Equations (21) and (22) are combined, the following equation is obtained which accounts for both regions: 1 A = ( K Vp Ceq ) (23) Rearranging Equation (23) yields: r , 1 1 Ap K VP Ceg (24) 43 Finally, the adsorbed mass can be expressed as: r" r V1r -1 P eg AP 1 (25) + VP Cog As shown in Figure 3.2.1a, the overall equilibrium constant can be defined as: K Lpr to ads [pr tn] bulk (26) where the subscript N stands for native conformation and U for unfolded conformation. The superscripts indicate that protein is either adsorbed (ads) or in solution, near the interface (bulk). Equation (26) can be written as: K UartnWs [pr tn] Its [pr tn] [pr tn] bulk where the first term on the right hand side of Eq. (27) (27) represents Ku and the second term represents Ka therefore, the overall equilibrium constant assumes the form: K = Ka . (28) Ku Introducing the definition of an equilibrium constant as a function of the Gibbs standard free energy Gialfor both Ku and Ka: K = exP P Gunf old ) R walic exp 7?-7, (29) where a is the proportionality constant that relates the Gibbs free energy of unfolding in the bulk to that at the 44 interface, at specific conditions of temperature, pH, and ionic strength. Here, the surface-induced unfolding process for a given protein molecule is related to its intrinsic conformational lability (stability) in solution, where the latter is characterized by AGmd. Andrade et al. (1987) suggested that data on the solution denaturation of proteins may be important in estimating protein lability (stability) and, together with information on the surface tension and interfacial tension behavior of proteins, would help develop hypotheses and correlations with the actual solid-liquid interface behavior. W, is equal to the negative of the Gibbs standard free energy change per unit area (Hiemenz, 1986) of the reversible arrival step. Multiplied by Ac, the quantity VW essentially represents the negative of the Gibbs standard free energy change for the reversible arrival step, at constant temperature and pressure. Finally, plugging the value of K into Eq. (25), a model that relates r to the pertinent variables is obtained: VC 1 P eg AP r exp ( Gunfold-WaAC) RT (30) 45 3.3 LIMITATIONS ON THE APPLICABILITY OF THE MODEL (EQ. 30) The limitations on reliable application of the proposed model basically stem from the set of conditions associated with quantifying each term appearing in Eq. (30). The physical properties of the protein, solid surface, and solution, required to reliably define the quantities appearing in Eq. (30) are outlined here. 1. Protein properties: compact, single-domain, globular structure; 2. Solid surface properties: homogeneous, hydrophobic surface, not promoting any specific biochemical interaction; and 3. Solution properties: pH and ionic strength such that the effect of electrostatic interactions between the solid surface and protein on adsorption are minimal. System temperature must be confined between a minimum value around room temperature, and a maximum value of 55°C, or the irreversible denaturation temperature for a given protein, whichever is smaller. Although most of the protein adsorption isotherms studied here were constructed at moderate temperatures (18­ 27°C), the confinement made concerning the acceptable temperature range emanates from two points: 46 a. Such a temperature range is common for study of proteins in solution in their native conformations; and b. The partial specific volume of protein does not significantly change with temperature within that range. Bull and Breese (1973) studied the temperature dependence of partial volumes of proteins and found that there exists a temperature range from 25°C up to 45 - 50°C within which the partial specific volume gradient with respect to temperature assumes, on the average, a value of 3.42 x 104 ml/g K and at about 55°C an abrupt change in magnitude of the slope was observed. They suggested that this anomaly might be attributed to a predenaturational stage connected to a labilization of the native protein structure. 47 4. RESULTS In order to simulate adsorption equilibrium according to Eq. (30) for comparison with experimental data, all physical properties appearing in that equation must be known for a given protein-surface contact. In addition to protein physical properties, the temperature at which the adsorption experiment was conducted as well as the solid surface hydrophobicity, expressed as 7sv, must be known. Consequently, all pertinent data used to quantify the protein and solid surface properties that appear in Eq. (30) were provided with temperature as input to a Fortran program used to estimate the value of Ac using a nonlinear regression method based on minimization of the difference between the value of experimentally-based, adsorbed mass, r, and that given by the model equation. This Fortran program was written for each set of isotherms tested, under the last name of the first author. In each case, the applicability of equation (30) was examined using only those sets of protein isotherms obtained from adsorption experiments conducted on hydrophobic solid surfaces. The determination of adsorbed mass of protein is to some extent technique- dependent; to preclude the possibility of such artifacts interfering with the present analysis, each set of isotherms was tested separately. 48 The other requirement imposed on this analysis concerns model application only to compact, single-domain globular proteins that attain monolayer coverages. However, multi- domain proteins including human fibrinogen, immunoglobulin G, and plasminogen were used to demonstrate limits in the applicability of Eq. (30). With the required input data, non-linear regression was carried out to determine the best value for the area cleared by a protein molecule upon adsorption, Ac. From preliminary simulation results allowing computer generation of both Ac and a, it was found that the variation in a was statistically insignificant as both a and Ac are highly correlated; hence one variable should be fixed. Moreover, as shown in Table 4.1, the Table 4.1 The regressed values of a and Ac, and the regression parameters for the model (Eq. 30). Fourteen different isotherms (110 data points) were used as input. 95% confidence interval is shown in parentheses. a Ac (A2/molecule) 0.000 192 (0.029) (10) 0.01 195 (0.033) (10) 0.05 207 (0.034) (10) 0.1 (0.036) (10) 0.5 (0.039) (12) 222 344 Adj R2 MSE X 103 F (X) (4g/cm2)2 0.745 9.34 1.0186 0.741 9.48 1.0331 0.729 9.94 1.0840 0.717 10.38 1.1317 0.685 11.54 1.2575 49 quality of regression is even improved as the value of parameter a approaches zero. For that reason and for other reasons explained in detail in Section 5.1, the proportionality constant a, which relates the Gibbs free energy of unfolding at the interface to that in the bulk, was set equal to zero. The affinity constant, K, defined by Eq. (29) is shown in Tables 4.4, 4.6, 4.8, 4.10, 4.12, 4.14, 4.16, and 4.18 with the parameter a being equal to 0.0 in all cases studied. Statistically, the goodness of fit of the model equation can be quantified by the value of the mean square of errors (MSE) in addition to the graphical representation of the regressed data. For simplicity, each of the following abbreviations will be used for the names of the selected proteins: a-Lac a-Lactalbumin /3 -Lag /3- Lactoglobulin BSA Bovine Serum Albumin ChA Chymotrypsinogen A Fbrgn Fibrinogen HSA Human Serum Albumin IgG Immunoglobulin G Lyso Lysozyme Myog Myoglobin Plmgn Plasminogen RiboA Ribonuclease A 50 Table 4.2 shows the thermal properties of each protein used to evaluate AGmkki according to Eq. (13). In each case, the thermal properties were obtained using DSC analysis. One point worth mentioning is that the values of thermal properties shown in Table 4.2 correspond to DSC analyses carried out under acidic pH values. As was pointed out by Privalov and Makhatadze (1990), the partial heat capacity values of heat and acid-denatured proteins are indistinguishable in the temperature range from 5 to 125°C. Moreover, carrying out DSC analysis under alkaline pH values results in a value of enthalpy of denaturation that is larger than that recorded under acidic pH values (Castellino et al., 1981; Privalov and Medved; 1982). The reason for that is thermal denaturation carried out under alkaline pH values proceeds while accompanied by the aggregation of denatured molecules, hence a higher value of enthalpy of denaturation is encountered (Privalov and Makhatadze, 1990; Novokhatny et al., 1984). 51 Table 4.2 Thermal properties of proteins used in evaluating AGmkm(eguation 13), with standard errors shown in parentheses. Protein a-Lac MW A HD A Cp (kJ/mole) (kJ/mol.K) Tm Ref. (K) 184 4.0 (11) (0.8) 36640 599 (19) 17.6 (dimer) 344.0 (dimer) 25.0 334.3 4 (4) 23000 557 10.8 333.1 e 340000 2259 62.8 318.9 f,g HSA 69000 879 26.0 341.1 d,f IgG 150000 1260 62.8 317.1 f,h Lyso 14400 590 7.3 351.1 b,i,j Myog 17800 254 10.4 335.1 k Plmgn 94000 929 37.6 313.1 1 323.6 e 13-Lag BSA ChA Fbrgn 14161 66267 799 RiboA 13680 407 5.0 a. Suttiprasit and McGuire (1992) b. Pfeil (1981) c. Pace and Tanford (1968) d. Leibman et al. (1974) e. Fujita and Noda (1991) f. Zhukovskii and Rovnov (1989) g. Privalov and Medved (1982) h. Privalov (1976) i. Dzakula and Andjus (1991) j. Privalov and Makhatadze (1990) k. Privalov et al. (1986) 1. Novokhatny et al. (1984) 312.7 a,b a,c a,d 52 Table 4.3 shows the specific volume (Vp), molecular weight (MW), and partial molar area of protein upon adsorption, Ap, for each protein examined in this study. It should be emphasized that a difference in the value reported for molecular weight (MW), and to a lesser extent in the value of specific volume (Vi), may exist from one source of data to another. In all cases studied, the values of MW and Vp reported by the investigators who constructed the isotherm for a given protein was considered first. In any event, this variation is negligible compared with the value of MW itself. Before presenting the experimentally-based isotherms, the following points should be addressed: 1) The protein-free solution surface tension, levy, is essentially buffer-independent and assumes a value very close to that of pure water (Suttiprasit et al., 1992; Neumann et al., 1983). A value of 'y equal to 72.5 mJ/m2, measured at room temperature, was assumed for all proteins studied, except for those that were carried out at 52°C. 2) Regarding isotherms carried out at 52°C (Suttiprasit and McGuire, 1992), the effect of temperature on both water and solid surface tension was handled by considering the linear surface tension decrease with increasing temperature. 53 Table 4.3 The specfic volume (Vp) , molecular weight (MW), and the partial molar area of protein upon adsorption, Ap, for each of the proteins examined in this study. Protein MW Vp (cm3/g) Ap(end-on) Ref. (A2/molec) (cm2/4,g) a-Lac 14161 fl-Lag BSA ChA 36640 0.729 725 3.08 1806 (side-on) 7.68 a,b (dimer) 0.751 1393 2.29 a,b 66267 0.733 2037 1.85 a,b 23000 0.730 6.54 c Fbrgn 340000 0.723 2498 (s de -on) 6003 1.06 14951 (side-on) 2.65 b,d HSA 69000 0.733 2092 1.83 b IgG 150000 0.739 3530 1.42 b,e 734 3.07 1828 (side-on) 7.65 Lyso 14400 Myog Plmgn RiboA a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 0.730 b,f,g 17800 0.742 2129 (side-on) 7.20 g 94000 0.715 6298 (side-on) 4.03 h,i 13680 0.703 7.58 g 1723 (s de -on) Suttiprasit and McGuire (1992) Fasman (1976) Pace (1983) Privalov and Medved (1982) Andrade and Hlady (1987) Pilz and Czerwenka (1973) Arai and Norde (1990) Woodhouse et al. (1992) Barlow et al. (1969) 54 For water, clyv/dT was taken as -0.152 mJ/m2 K, and for the solid, dyw/dT was taken to be -0.1 mJ/m2 K (Hiemenz, 1986). 3) The data points, each of which represents the value of adsorbed mass versus that of apparent equilibrium concentration, were read from the pertinent figures available in the literature. Usually the data points had been connected by a line, and that line was also used to generate data points in cases where the number of data points was low. 55 Figures 4.1 and 4.2 show experimental data of Suttiprasit and McGuire (1992) curve-fitted to Eq. (30). In this case, a-Lac, 0-Lag, and BSA were adsorbed on hydrophobic silicon surfaces at 27 and 52°C, from 0.01 M phosphate buffer at pH 7.00. Table 4.4 shows the values of AGmwd, along with the interfacial energies of solid, protein, and water, and the work of adhesion, lik, relevant to the isotherms of figures 4.1 and 4.2. Table 4.5 shows the corresponding values of Ac, the affinity constant, K, and the regression parameters obtained for the isotherms of Figures 4.1 and 4.2. 56 0.6 0.5 0.4 / 0.3 ................ ac Lac / Data 0.2 0.1 --­ 0.0 I 0 200 400 I 600 aLac / Eq. (30) Pa / Data PLag Eq. (30) BSA / Data / BSA / Eq. (30) I 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1600 2000 Apparent Ceq (mg/1) Figure 4.1 Protein adsorption isotherms (T=27°C) on a hydrophobic silicon surface, fitted to Eq. (30). Ref: Suttiprasit and McGuire (1992). 57 0.8 0.5 0.4 ...... ........ .................................... ................. 0.3 ftLag / Data 0.2 - - - - - -­ 13Lag / Eq. (30) BSA / Data BSA / Eq. (30) 0.1 0.0 . 1 0 200 400 1 1 . 1 . 1 . 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Apparent Ceq (mg/1) Figure 4.2 Protein adsorption isotherms (T=52°C) on a hydrophobic silicon surface, fitted to Eq. (30). Ref: Suttiprasit and McGuire (1992). 58 Table 4.4 The Gibbs free energy of unfolding, protein, solid and water surface energies, and the work of adhesion for proteins used in Figs. (4.1) and (4.2). Source of isotherms: Suttiprasit and McGuire (1992). Protein T ( °C) AGmfold 'Ysv (kJ/mol ) (mJ/e) 'YPV 'Ywv Wa (mJ/m2) (mJ/e) (10/e) a-Lac 27 6.4 17.5 38.0 72.5 53.6 f3 -Lag 27 27.2 17.5 56.3 72.5 23.6 BSA 27 38.1 17.5 55.4 72.5 25.0 0-Lag 52 23.7 15.0 51.2 68.7 23.9 BSA 52 18.8 15.0 50.2 68.7 25.4 59 Table 4.5 The surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule, Ac, the affinity constant, K, and the regression parameters for the model (Eq. 30). Source of isotherms: Suttiprasit and McGuire (1992). Protein T ( °C) Ac(A2/molec) Conforma(p-value) tion K x 104 MSE x103 a-Lac 27 72 (0.0001) end-on 1.1 ± .4 1.5 /3 -Lag 27 158 (0.0001) end-on 0.8 ± .2 0.8 BSA 27 158 (0.0001) end-on 1.4 ± .4 2.0 fl-Lag 52 177 (0.0001) end-on 1.2 ± .2 0.5 BSA 52 177 (0.0001) end-on 2.2 ± .5 0.9 60 Figure 4.3 shows another set of isotherms (Shibata and Lenhoff, 1992) measured at hydrophobic, butylated quartz slides. Total internal reflectance fluorescence (TIRF) spectroscopy was used to assess the adsorbed mass of Lyso and ChA. The isotherm experiments were carried out at pH 7.0, with protein dissolved in a 0.01 M phosphate buffer including 0.1 M NaCl. Tables 4.6 and 4.7 show the relevant thermodynamic data and regression results for this set of isotherms. 61 0.16 0.14 0.12 .. 0.10 ........ ..................................................... 0.08 0.06 ChA / Data ChA / Eq. (30) 0.04 Lyso / Data Lyso / Eq. (30) 0.02 0.00 0 1000 2000 3000 Apparent Ceq (mg /1) 4000 5000 Figure 4.3 Protein adsorption isotherms on hydrophobic, butylated quartz slides, fitted to Eq. (30). Ref: Shibata and Lenhoff (1992). 62 Table 4.6 The Gibbs free energy of unfolding, protein, solid and water surface energies, and the work of adhesion for proteins used in Fig. (4.3). Source of isotherms: Shibata and Lenhoff (1992). Protein T AG.Hd (°C) (kJ/mol ) 1'sv (10/1e) (10/1e) (10/m2) l'Pv W, Lyso 20 62.5 35.0 66.3 8.6 ChA 20 40.9 35.0 57.7 19.2 Table 4.7 The surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule, Ac, the affinity constant, K, and the regression parameters for the model (Eq. 30). Source of isotherms: Shibata and Lenhoff (1992). Protein T Ac(k/molec) (°C) (p-value) Conformation Lyso 20 379 (0.0001) side-on 0.33 3.7 ChA 20 205 (0.0001) side-on 1.63 0.4 K x 104 MSE x104 63 Figure 4.4 shows a human (milk) Lyso adsorption isotherm recorded on hydrophobic silica slides treated with dimethyldichlorosilane (Horsley et al., 1987). Total internal reflectance fluorescence (TIRF) spectroscopy was used to assess the adsorbed mass of Lyso. The isotherm experiment was carried out at pH 7.4, with protein dissolved in a PBS (0.013 M KH2PO4, 0.054 M Na2HPO4) 0.1 M NaCl. buffer including Tables 4.8 and 4.9 show the relevant thermodynamic and regression data determined for this isotherm. 64 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 ApparentCeq(mal) Figure 4.4 Human lysozyme adsorption isotherm (T=25°C) on hydrophobic DDS silica slides, fitted to Eq. (30) . Ref: Horsley et al. (1987) . 65 Table 4.8 The Gibbs free energy of unfolding, protein, solid and water surface energies, and the work of adhesion for protein used in Fig. (4.4). Source of isotherm: Horsley et al. (1987). Protein Lyso T AGmmd 'Ysv 7pv WE, ( °C) (kJ/mol ) (10/m2) (10/e) 65.1 (10/10) 25 59.8 16.5 10.5 Table 4.9 The surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule, Ac, the affinity constant, K, and the regression parameters for the model (Eq. 30). Source of isotherm: Horsley et al. (1987). Protein T ( °C) Lyso 25 Ac(A2/molec) (p-value) Conforma­ tion 272 (0.0001) end-on K x 104 MSE x104 0.10 3.9 66 Figure 4.5 shows a Plmgn adsorption isotherm recorded on hydrophobic, methylene dianiline (MDA) polyurethane (Woodhouse et al., 1992). A radiolabeling technique using 1251 was used to measure the adsorbed mass of Plmgn in these experiments. The isotherm experiments were carried out at pH 7.4, with protein dissolved in isotonic Tris buffer. Tables 4.10 and 4.11 show the relevant thermodynamic and regression data associated with the Plmgn adsorption isotherm. 67 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 100 200 Apparent Ceq (mg/1) 300 Figure 4.5 Plasminogen adsorption isotherm (T=25°C) on a hydrophobic MDA polyurethane surface, fitted to Eq. (30). Ref: Woodhouse et al. (1992). 68 Table 4.10 The Gibbs free energy of unfolding, protein, solid and water surface energies, and the work of adhesion for protein used in Fig. (4.5). Source of isotherm: Woodhouse et al. (1992). Protein Plmgn T AG=d 'Ysv ( °C) (kJ/mol ) (mJ/I112) 'Ypv (mJ /m2) (mJ/m2) 41.7 52.1 21.5 25 31.3 W. Table 4.11 The surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule, Ac, the affinity constant, K, and the regression parameters for the model (Eq. 30). Source of isotherm: Woodhouse et al. (1992). Protein Plmgn T Ac(k/molec) ( °C) (p-value) 25 229 (0.0001) Conforma­ tion side-on K x 104 MSE x104 15.5 1.8 69 Figure 4.6 shows HSA adsorption isotherms on different hydrophobic polymer surfaces studied by Winterton et al. (1986). An 1251 radiolabeling technique was used to measure the adsorbed mass of HSA. The isotherm experiments were carried out at pH 7.4, with protein dissolved in a PBS buffer. The polymers used in HSA adsorption were polystyrene (PS), polyvinylchloride (PVC), and silastic (Silas). Tables 4.12 and 4.13 show the relevant thermodynamic and regression data for HSA adsorption isotherms on these polymers. 70 0.7 0.6 0.5 ..... 0.4 0.3 IV 0 I/ 0 HSA on PS /Data HSA on PS / Eq. (30) /go 0.2 :7 0.1 - -­ ................... o HSA on PVC / Data HSA on PVC / Eq. (30) HSA on Silastic / Data HSA on Silastic / Eq. (30) 0.0 a 0 50 100 150 200 Apparent Ceq (mg/1) 250 300 Figure 4 . 6 HSA adsorption isotherms (T=25°C) on different hydrophobic surfaces, fitted to Eq. (30) Ref : Winterton et al. (1986). . 71 Table 4.12 The Gibbs free energy of unfolding, protein, solid and water surface energies, and the work of adhesion for protein used in Fig (4.6). Source of isotherms: Winterton et al. (1986). Protein T AG"d ( °C) (kJ/mol) Solid Surface (mJ/m2) 'Ysv 'YPv W, (mJ/m2) (mJ/m2) HSA 25 40.3 PS 22.4 56.8 22.8 HSA 25 40.3 PVC 30.5 56.8 21.7 HSA 25 40.3 Silas 23.0 56.8 22.8 72 Table 4.13 The surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule, Ac, the affinity constant, K, and the regression parameters for the model (Eq. 30). Source of isotherms: Winterton et al. (1986). Protein T ( °C) Ac(A2/molec) (p-value) Conformation K x 104 MSE x103 HSA 25 206 (0.0001) end-on 9.2 3.9 HSA 25 200 (0.0001) end-on 3.9 0.6 HSA 25 186 (0.0001) end-on 3.0 3.9 73 Figure 4.7 shows isotherms for several proteins that were measured at hydrophobic, siliconized glass particles (Absolom et al., 1987). The isotherm experiments were carried out at pH 7.2, with protein dissolved in a PBS buffer of ionic strength 0.1 M. The proteins used were IgG, HSA, BSA, and Fbrgn. An 125I radiolabeling technique was used to measure the adsorbed mass of these proteins. Tables 4.14 and 4.15 show the relevant thermodynamic and regression data for the set of isotherms shown in Fig. (4.7). 74 BSA / Data BSA / Eq. (30) Fbrgn / Data Fbrgn / Eq. (30) 1.1 HSA / Data HSA / Eq. (30) IgG / Data IgG / Eq. (30) A 1.0 , ... 0.9 / / / 0.8 0.7 0.8 - .009 ... 1 0.5 - I ............................................. ....... ............... A A A.­ .. 0.4 0.3 - I I/ I iA 0.2 is 0.1 +I 0.0 I 0 . I 4000 . 8000 1 . I . 12000 I . 1 16000 . I . I 20000 Apparent Ceq (mg/1) Figure 4.7 Protein adsorption isotherms (T=24°C) on hydrophobic siliconized glass, fitted to Eq. (30). Ref: Absolom et al. (1987). 75 Table 4.14 The Gibbs free energy of unfolding, protein, solid and water surface energies, and the work of adhesion for proteins used in Fig. (4.7). Source of isotherms: Absolom et al. (1987). Protein T AGwfom 7sv W. (kJ/mol) 7pv ( °C) (mJ/m2) (mJ/m2) (mJ/m2) BSA 24 37.3 18.7 55.4 25.1 HSA 24 39.6 18.7 56.6 23.2 IgG 24 39.6 18.7 56.6 23.2 Fbrgn 24 107.7 18.7 71.8 0.9 76 Table 4.15 The surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule, Ac, the affinity constant, K, and the regression parameters for the model (Eq. 30). Source of isotherms: Absolom et al., 1987. Protein BSA T Ac(A2/molec) ( °C) (p- value) 24 52 Conforma­ K x 10-3 MSE x103 tion end-on 0.02 1.8 (0.0003) HSA 24 66 (0.0003) end-on 0.04 4.1 IgG 24 122 (0.0001) end-on 1.02 3.0 Fbrgn 24 3631 (0.0003) end-on 3.24 29.7 77 Figure 4.8 shows a Fbrgn adsorption isotherm recorded on a hydrophobic, quartz surface by Nygren and Stenberg (1988). The isotherm experiments were carried out at pH 7.2, with protein dissolved in 0.01 M PBS. Ellipsometry and nosorbent assay (ELISA) were both used to bed mass of Fbrgn. Tables 4.16 and 4.17 thermodynamic and regression data for this #102 12-06-2007 10:36PM Item(s) checked out to patron E: Structural effects on enzymatic a ODE: 120008771988 DATE: 03-05-08 E: Structural stability effects on a 3DE: 120008753622 )ATE: 03-05-08 E: Macroscopic model for apparent pr )DE: 120008829323 )ATE: 03-05-08 On-line Renewals at ittp://oasi. urs' ,!u/patroninfo m. 78 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 100 200 300 Apparent Ceq (mg /1) 400 500 Figure 4.8 Fbrgn adsorption isotherm (T=25°C) on a hydrophobic quartz surface, fitted to Eq. (30). Ref: Nygren and Stenberg (1988). 79 Table 4.16 The Gibbs free energy of unfolding, protein, solid and water surface energies, and the work of adhesion for protein used in Fig. (4.8). Source of isotherm: Nygren and Stenberg (1988). Protein Fbrgn T AGm"d ( °C) (kJ/mol ) 25 104.8 'Ysv 'YPV 14, (mJ/m) 47.0 (mJ ile) (10/1e) 71.7 0.9 Table 4.17 The surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule, Ac, the affinity constant, K, and the regression parameters for the model (Eq. 30). Source of isotherm: Nygren and Stenberg (1988). Protein T ( °C) Fbrgn 25 Ac(A2/molec) (p-value) Conforma­ tion 5771 (0.0001) side-on K x 104 MSE x103 20.0 1.9 80 Finally, a set of isotherms (Arai and Norde, 1990) measured at hydrophobic polystyrene latices is shown in Fig. 4.9. The isotherm experiments were carried out at pH 7.0, with protein dissolved in 0.05 M PBS. The adsorbed mass for a given protein was estimated by the depletion method; i.e., the protein concentration in the bulk was determined before and after conducting the adsorption scheme. The following proteins were examined: a-Lac; Lyso; Myog; and RiboA. Tables 4.18 and 4.19 show the relevant thermodynamic and regression data regarding isotherms that appear in Fig. 4.9. 81 0.16 0.14 .... =11111111.11... 0.12 ...... 0.10 ., :..0. ../ .. ...... ... A ............................ 0.08 0.06 A All AN a-Lac / Data a-Lac / Eq. (30) ljao / Data 0.04 0.02 Lye° / Eq. (30) Myog / Data Myog / Eq. (30) RiboA / Data RiboA / Eq. (30) A 0.00 1 0 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 BOO 900 1000 Apparent Ceq (mg/1) Figure 4.9 Protein adsorption isotherms (T=25°C) on hydrophobic polystyrene latices, fitted to Eq. (30). Ref: Arai and Norde (1990). 82 Table 4.18 The Gibbs free energy of unfolding, protein, solid and water surface energies, and the work of adhesion for proteins used in Fig. (4.9). Source of isotherms: Arai and Norde (1990). Protein T ( °C) AG,Nd (kJ/mol ) l'sv Tpv W, (mJ /m2) (10/1112) a-Lac 24 7.2 37.0 39.8 (W/m2) 38.4 Myog 24 6.8 37.0 39.6 38.5 RiboA 24 27.1 37.0 49.7 27.1 Lyso 24 59.8 37.0 65.1 10.0 83 Table 4.19 The surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule, Ac, the affinity constant, K, and the regression parameters for the model (Eq. 30). Source of isotherms: Arai and Norde, 1990. Protein T ( °C) Ac(A2/molec) (p-value) Conformation K x 104 MSE x103 a-Lac 25 163 (0.03) side-on 387.2 0.27 Myog 25 105 (0.0002) side-on 1.8 0.37 RiboA 25 125 (0.0002) side-on 0.38 0.84 Lyso 25 338 (0.0002) side-on 0.37 0.88 84 5. DISCUSSION The applicability of Eq. 30 is governed by the extent to which its premises are satisfied, depending on properties of the protein, solid surface, and solution selected for study. Discounting experimental inaccuracies, agreement between the model and an experimentally-measured adsorption isotherm would be expected for adsorption of a single- domain, globular protein at a homogeneous, hydrophobic surface. Agreement is apparent in figures 4.1 through 4.6, and to a lesser extent in figures 4.7 through 4.9. The term "agreement" here not only denotes coincidence between adsorbed mass predicted by the model and that measured in the adsorption experiment, but should also be taken to imply that the computer-generated value for the minimum surface area cleared by an adsorbing protein molecule, Ac, is consistent with that expected for the selected protein. The importance of generating a reasonable value for Ac will be discussed with reference to the model premises and to the values obtained for Ac by application of the model as well as by experimental measurement. But first, some justification should be provided regarding selection of some of the input parameters to the model. 85 5.1 PARAMETERS a and Ac 5.1.1 VALUE OF a AT LOW-ENERGY INTERFACES Simulation of Eq. (30) would require knowledge of Ku AG "" Vp, Ap (all four properties calculated according to the methods of Section 3), a, and Ac. These last two input variables are either to be fixed at a particular system- specific value or computer-generated. Parameter a is the proportionality constant that relates the Gibbs free energy of unfolding in the bulk to that at the interface. The value of a was set equal to zero (i.e., fixed at a given value) for the following reasons: 1) Simulation results allowing computer generation of both a and Ac showed that variation in a was statistically insignificant in that both a and Ac were highly correlated. As was shown in Table 4.1, setting a equal to zero further improves the goodness of fit of the model when the sets of isotherms are lumped together; 2) There is no equation of state to quantify Ac, so the choice of fixing a while keeping Ac as a variable allows comparison of generated Ac values with those experimentally determined for different proteins; 3) At similar, hydrophobic solid surfaces, the differences in extent of unfolding experienced among proteins ought 86 to be explained by differences in Wo which was estimated here as a function of ye and independent of a. In other words, in defining 7pv in terms of ire, the effect of surface-induced unfolding has been implicitly incorporated; 4) Choosing a value of a less than unity indicates enhanced hydrophobic interactions between the protein and solid surface, which results in a less stable surface-bound protein compared with the free protein in the bulk. This result was evidenced by Matsuno et al. (1991) who found that the thermal stability of adsorbed 7-crystallins generally decreased with increasing hydrophobicity of the surface when compared to the proteins in solution; and 5) As the number of computer-adjusted model parameters increases in any event, the model sensitivity to variations in experimental data becomes incidental, with no definitive scientific justification. 5.1.2 VALUE OF a AT HIGH-ENERGY INTERFACES In Section 3.2, it was shown that the overall equilibrium can be resolved into two major sub-equilibrium states (Fig. 3.2.1b): 1) an equilibrium between native protein in the bulk and that at the hydrophobic interface, the attainment of which 87 is largely driven by the Gibbs free energy for adsorption (or the work of adhesion); and 2) an equilibrium between adsorbed, native and unfolded protein. Attainment of this sub-state of equilibrium is largely driven by the Gibbs free energy of unfolding. In Section 5.1.1, it was shown that at low-energy (i.e., hydrophobic) solid surfaces setting a equal to zero is a reasonable assumption based on modeling considerations and on the fact that expressing -ypv in terms of Ire essentially takes care of the second sub-state of equilibrium. However, at relatively hydrophilic or high- energy surfaces, the work of adhesion energy term would presumably becomes less significant (i.e., smaller in magnitude as -ysv approaches -Avv) as compared to that at hydrophobic interfaces. Moreover, with relatively minor destabilization effects at hydrophilic surfaces (Matsuno et al., 1991), the energy barrier to surface-induced unfolding would presumably increase. In other words, the second sub- state of equilibrium would become more significant as the surface becomes more hydrophilic. 5.2 MOLECULAR INFLUENCES ON Ac Tables 4.5, 4.7, 4.9, 4.13, 4.15, and 4.19 show that values of Ac obtained from simulation vary within an order of magnitude, and there is no obvious correlation between 88 molecular weight and Ac. be fixed at a given value. One might conclude that Ac could It should be noted, however, that although changes in Ac are within an order of magnitude, the 95% confidence interval associated with Ac was found, on the average, to be equal to 5% of Ac (except for the case of a-lactalbumin that is shown Table 4.19, for which a confidence interval of 165 K2/molecule was determined). The strong dependence on Ac should be expected given that Ac is the only computer-generated parameter present in the model. This being the case, an approximate value of Ac ought to be given as a function of some molecular properties of protein. This will be shown in detail in Section 5.2. As seen in Tables 4.5, 4.7, 4.9, 4.13, 4.15, and 4.19, Ac assumed values within a few hundred square angstroms (about 100 to 400 A2), which is relatively small compared to the cross-sectional area of a "typical" globular protein, which varies from about 1000 to 10,000 A2 (Andrade, 1985). This implies that only a small portion of the protein molecule need enter the interface in order for adsorption to proceed. These results are also in agreement with those of Damodaran and Song (1988), who found that the area cleared by BSA to anchor itself to the air-water interface varied from 50 to 135 A. Ter-Minassian-Saraga (1981) suggested that the "hole area" (i.e., Ac) formed by adsorbing protein may be related to the water activity at the interface and 89 not to the size of the adsorbing molecule. Macritchie (1978) suggested that relatively small values of Ac indicate that each adsorbed molecule is sufficiently flexible to behave as a series of largely independent kinetic units; adsorption is thus a function of segment behavior and independent of molecular size. There is no equation of state relating Ac to pertinent protein, solid surface, and solution properties. Nevertheless, two general trends may be inferred upon comparison of W, and AGmfold (Tables 4.4, 4.6, 4.8, 4.12, 4.14, and 4.18) with corresponding values of Ac (Tables 4.5, 4.7, 4.9, 4.13, 4.15, and 4.19). 1) These trends are: The larger the value of WI, the smaller the value of Ac (in other words, the more hydrophobic the solid surface or protein "surface", the smaller the interfacial area needed for the initial attachment); and 2) The larger the value of AGmfold, the larger the value of Ac. It should be mentioned, however, that these trends do not exactly hold for every case studied. As shown in Table 4.4, the effect of temperature (picked up in part by AGmfold) on Ac is generally insignificant. For example, Ac for 0-Lag increased from 158 to 177 A2, and for BSA increased from 158 to 177 A2 when the temperature was increased from 27 to 52°C. A small increase 90 in Ac as a function of temperature was also reported for adsorption of ovalbumin at the air/water interface, where Ac increased from 150 to 170 A2 when the temperature increased from 5 to 20 °C (MacRitchie, 1978). 5.3 AN APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE FOR Ac AS A FUNCTION OF MW AND Z As was pointed out in Section 5.2, the model is sensitive to variations in Ac as it is the only computer- generated parameter present in the model. The strong dependence on Ac can be visualized via comparison between the isotherms constructed with an isotherm-specific Ac value (Fig. 5.3.1) and the same isotherms with Ac held constant (Fig. 5.3.2). As can be seen from Figs. 5.3.1 and 5.3.2, the initial slope (i.e., the affinity constant, K) of the plot is sensitive to variations in Ac. This being the case and as there is no equation of state to define Ac, one might attempt to providean estimate for Ac value in terms of molecular properties. Figure 5.3.3 shows Ac as a function of molecular weight (MW) and the flexibility parameter (Z). 91 0.6 Ac = 158 A2 - 0.5 A- 0.4 Ac= 158 A2 Ac = 72 A2 0.3 ............ ............ a-Lac / Data 0.2 ------- a-Lac / Eq. (30) n-Lag / Data P-Lag / Eq. (30) 0.1 BSA / Data BSA / Eq. (30) 0.0 . 0 1 200 . 1 400 . . 1 600 1 800 . 1 1 1000 1200 . 1 1400 1600 1800 2000 Apparent Ceti (mg/1) Figure 5.3.1 Isotherms of Fig. (4.1) plotted with the isotherm-specific Ac value and a value of a = 0.0. 92 OA 0.5 0.4 0.3 aLac / Data ------ aLac / Eq. (30) PLag / Data 0.2 PLag / Eq. (30) 0.1 BSA / Data BSA / Eq. (30) 0.0 0 200 400 600 BOO 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Apparent Ceti (mg/1) Figure 5.3.2 Isotherms of Fig. (4.1) constructed with the same Ac value (Ac = 192 A2) and a value of a = 0.0. 93 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 Ac = 28.05 {(MW)1/2 j Z2}0.504 100 80 . 80 20 I I 90 40 (mw)1/2 50 60 Z2 Figure 5.3.3 Ac correlated with MW and Z. The adjusted R2 is 0.77 and the standard errors associated with the preexponent and exponent terms are 8.5 and 0.09; respectively. 94 It should be pointed out that lysozyme was excluded from Fig. 5.3.3 because lysozyme assumed, on the average, an Ac value equal to 330 A2 /molecule, which is relatively large compared to Ac values of other proteins considered in this study. The reason lysozyme has a relatively high value of Ac may be attributed to the point that lysozyme is an exceptionally rigid and stable molecule as can be inferred from its relatively high AGmfold value. Another reason may be related to orientational effects; i.e., the lysozyme molecule consists of a single polypeptide chain containing 129 amino acid residues, and the hydrophobic and hydrophilic side chains tend to occur in large clusters rather than being randomly distributed throughout the polypeptide (Keshavarz and Nakai, 1979). Both reasons may contribute to the point that lysozyme needs a relatively large hole area to anchor to the interface. 5.4 IMPLICATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE MODEL APPLICATION TO MULTI-DOMAIN PROTEINS Before discussing the implications associated with extending application of the model to multi-domain proteins, the difference between a single-domain and multi-domain protein should be addressed. During thermal denaturation, a 95 single-domain protein is one that undergoes a one-step (all­ or-none) reversible phase transition between two thermodynamically defined conformations (native and unfolded). Small, globular proteins such as mygolobin, ribonuclease, cytochrome C, a-chymotrypsin, a-lactalbumin, fl-lactoglobulin, and lysozyme are categorized under this class of proteins. On the other hand, if the protein molecular weight is relatively large the molecule can often be resolved into a number of somewhat independent domains. Using DSC analysis, the presence of independent kinetic units, which also exhibit some degree of cooperativity, can be discerned. In particular, the thermogram of a multi- domain protein is usually resolved into a set of peaks, if DSC analysis is carried out at acidic pH values (Novokhatny et al., 1984). Multi-domain proteins considered in this work include human and bovine serum albumin (Kragh-Hansen, 1981), immunoglobulin G (Tischenko et al., 1982), plasminogen (Novokhatny et al., 1984), and fibrinogen (Privalov and Medved, 1982). As far as the application of the model to multi-domain proteins is concerned, the central problem lies in how to define AGmfold for such proteins, which in turn affects the estimation of both W, and the computer-generated parameter Ac. One way to tackle the adsorption of multi-domain, complex proteins is to use the so-called domain approach (Andrade et al., 1990; Suttiprasit et al., 1992). The domain approach considers a complex protein molecule like 96 BSA, IgG, Plmgn, or Fbrgn as being constructed of functional and structural domains generally identified as regions of relatively high packing density that are calorimetrically independent (Andrade et al., 1990). As far as adsorption is concerned, the interfacial behavior of a complex protein could possibly be considered as largely dominated by the interfacial activity of only one domain or even a sub-domain (Andrade et al., 1990). Although the conformational changes of the protein at the interface is ultimately governed by the stability of each of the individual protein domains, the most thermolabile domain (which may comprise several thermal cooperative fragments) is expected to play a major role in the initial events contributing to surface-induced unfolding reactions. In this work, the domain approach was used in the case of Fbrgn, Plmgn, and IgG adsorption. For either HSA or BSA, the thermogram exhibited only one peak (Suttiprasit and McGuire, 1992; Leibman et al., 1975), i.e., as if they were single-domain globular proteins. The reason for that is probably because the DSC analysis were performed at alkaline pH values (pH 7.00 for BSA, and pH 6.00 for HSA) compared to their isoelectric points (pI is about 5.0 to 5.1 for both HSA and BSA). Nevertheless, the notion of using the domain approach is still applicable, should DSC analysis be available for these multi-domain proteins. 97 The value of Ac obtained for each of these multi-domain proteins is therefore governed by the extent to which the domain approach is appropriate in each case studied, and the reliability of such a domain-based AGmbm value as an index of thermal stabilility of the entire protein. For Fbrgn, although the model to a large extent is in quantitative agreement regarding the extent of Fbrgn adsorption (Figs. 4.7 and 4.8), Ac (Table 4.17) is one order of magnitude larger than any of the other protein-specific Ac values. No value was found for Ac in the literature to verify this result, so the large value of Ac may simply be incidental, owing to the relatively large value of AG " for Fbrgn (Table 4.14), which in turn yields a relatively small value of W. It should be noted that the area of the first peak in the Fbrgn thermogram is approximately equal to twice that of the thermolabile fragment, namely fragment DH with MW 95,000 (Privalov and Medved, 1982). As a result of the geometrical symmetry of the Fbrgn molecule, two DH fragments exist per molecule, which in turn results in a relatively large value of AGmud. One could argue using 112AGunfom to represent only one DH fragment, nevertheless, these two DH fragments show some degree of cooperativity as part of the entire Fbrgn molecule, which makes them act as one independent domain being made of two fragments. One could ask why should not the value of Ac be relatively large, as the human fibrinogen molecule was the 98 largest examined in this work. The answer to this question lies in the proposition that Ac is not correlated with the molecular weight of adsorbing protein, and even with a huge molecule like myosin (MW 850,000), a value of Ac equal to 145 A2 at the air-water interface has been reported (Ter­ Minassian-Saraga, 1981). IgG is another molecule with a multi-domain structure (Tischenko et al., 1982), and its thermal unfolding is known to proceed in two separate stages: the first stage of unfolding requiring 300 kcal/mol and the second stage 900 kcal/mol, with an ovarall enthalpy of 1200 kcal/mol (Privalov, 1976). These two transitions do not show overlapping peaks on a thermogram, indicating two thermally independent domains. Only the first thermogram peak (300 kcal/mol enthalpy and T, equal to 317.1 K) was considered in the calculation of AGmfold for two reasons. The first regards attention to the domain approach to the study of adsorption of complex proteins with the thought that the first thermogram peak represents the thermolabile fragment of the IgG molecule; i.e., the interfacial behavior of IgG is thought to be largely dominated by the interfacial activity of this thermolabile fragment. The second reason is based on studies made by Chasovnikova et al. (1982), who found ye for IgG monolayers equal to 16 mJ /m2; based on Eq. yields a value of -ypv equal to 56.5 mJ /m2. (9), this Their results compare well with the value of ire obtained using Eq. (10), 99 and of ypv using Eq. (9) (Table 4.14), when obtained with a value of AGmfold based on the 300 kcal/mol enthalpy of denaturation. Human plasminogen is also a molecule with a multi- domain structure, though this molecule is not as large as IgG or Fbrgn. Plasminogen may designate any of the several plasminogen genetic variants. Examples are Lys-plasminogen (MW = 83,000) and Glu-plasminogen (MW = 92,000). Upon limited plasminolysis, the intact plasminogen with a glutamic acid residue at the N-terminal end (Glu­ plasminogen) loses its first 76 amino acid residues and is converted into modified Lys-plasminogen, with a lysine residue at the N-terminus. The plasminogen molecule is subdivided into more or less independent subunits, i.e., into structural domains (Novokhatny et al., 1984). Novokhatny et al. (1984) suggested that two large domains of Lys-plasminogen are indeed likely to be quite independent, judging by calorimetric analyses showing thermal transitions in two nearly separate temperature regions: the N-terminal part of the molecule, including its first four fragments, and the C-terminal part, which includes three subunits forming miniplasminogen (residues Va1m2 to Asn790). The first thermogram peak, that represents the thermolabile part (i.e., the four-fragment, N-terminal part) of the molecule, was used for calculation of AGmw of Lys-plasminogen. Since human plasminogen studied by Woodhouse et al. (1992) has a molecular weight of 94,000, which better matches with Glu­ 100 plasminogen as opposed to Lys-plasminogen and since AGukm used in Eq. (30) was entered on a molar basis, an adjustment was made to the extensive, thermal properties of Lys­ plasminogen based on the molecular weight difference between these plasminogen variants. 5.5 THE AFFINITY AND EXTENT OF ADSORPTION 5.5.1 ADSORPTION AFFINITY The affinity of a protein in single-component solution for a given surface can be characterized by the affinity (or equilibrium) constant, K, given by Eq. (29). This equilibrium constant connotes the total driving force for the process of adsorption. Not only does it constitute the driving force for arrival to the surface, but also for surface unfolding, which differentiates protein adsorption equilibrium from that of small molecules. As defined by Eq. (21), K represents the initial slope of a plot of r Ap versus Vp C. In the absence of electrostatic and specific biochemical interactions, the affinity constant depicts the magnitude of hydrophobic interaction between the protein and solid surface. surface hydrophobicity of protein and solid were The 101 characterized by -ypv and 7svr respectively. The more hydrophobic the protein and solid surface, the larger the value of K. This hydrophobicity-dependence of K can be seen as a general trend in Table 4.5 (comparing 0-Lag and BSA at 52°C), in Table 4.7 (comparing Lyso ChA), and in Table 4.19 (comparing Myog and either RiboA or Lyso). However, the above-mentioned statement lacks consistency with respect to the other isotherms studied. There are at least three possible reasons for this. The first concerns the reliability of experimental data. The affinity constant represents the initial slope of a Langmuir-type isotherm, and the degree of uncertainty associated with determining the initial slope is much larger than that associated with determining the plateau value of the same isotherm, excluding those isotherms carried out at very low concentrations (Woodhouse et al., 1992, Nygren and Stenberg, 1988). In fact, some isotherms (e.g., Lyso and RiboA in Fig. 4.9) exhibit a plateau value over the entire concentration range studied, which makes it difficult to fit to any model other than r = rte. Isotherms that exhibit a high affinity character, with a plateau almost over the entire range, should be reconstructed at lower bulk concentrations. But this would be accompanied by enhanced potential for experimental artifacts (e.g., dilution effects, diffusion-limitations, impurity effects, and reliability of the instrumentation). Second, the effect of surface hydrophobicity largely manifests itself in an 102 increase in extent of adsorption (r ), which makes the importance of the initial slope less significant. More than one group of investigators (Suttiprasit and McGuire, 1992; Absolom et al., 1987; Elwing et al., 1986; Jonsson et al., 1982) reported that the adsorbed mass of protein on hydrophobic surfaces was greater than that on hydrophilic surfaces. Third, although the effect of -ysv is picked up by lila, the effect of surface hydrophobicity extends beyond its contribution to 141,: it also influences the surface-induced unfolding (Andrade, 1985; MacRitchie, 1978). 5.5.2 THE EXTENT OF ADSORPTION Two factors affect the extent of adsorption, rte: molecular size and the strength of hydrophobic interactions between the protein and the solid surface. As shown in Figs. 4.1 through 4.9, the larger the molecular weight, the larger the adsorbed mass. If as in blood serum, molecular weights among proteins vary by one or two orders of magnitude, contribution to total adsorbed mass could be dominated by larger molecules in part simply because they are large (Suttiprasit and McGuire, 1992). And, the stronger the hydrophobic interactions, the larger the adsorbed mass per unit area. The effect of molecular size on extent of adsorption has been taken into account using Eqs. 16, 17, and 22, via the partial molar volume. 103 The effect of hydrophobic interactions appears in part by virtue of K; i.e., given proteins of equal size, the stronger the hydrophobic interaction, the larger the value of K, the larger the adsorbed mass per unit area. Toward minimization of the number of parameters required as input to the model, no parameter was incorporated in Eq. (22) to account for surface-induced unfolding effects on r . In future work, should Ac be fixed or defined, one may incorporate a computer-generated parameter that will account for surface-induced unfolding effects on r . The goal in this work was to lay out a model complex enough to describe protein adsorptive behavior at hydrophobic, solid-water interfaces, but not so intricate as to lose track of surface and molecular property influences on the observed phenomena. 5.5.3 A NOTE ON TEMPERATURE EFFECTS The effect of temperature on K can be seen by comparing protein isotherms conducted at 52°C with those conducted at 27°C. For both 0-Lag and BSA, K increased with temperature (Table 4.5). Applying the van't Hoff equation [ln K2 / K1 = AHaddR(1/T2 1/T1) ] between state 1 (i.e., T1 = 27°C) and state 2 (i.e., T2 = 52°C), the following results were obtained: 104 0-Lag: AH,d, = 13.2 kJ/mol BSA: AH,d, = 14.7 kJ/mol The standard Gibbs free-energy change of adsorption, AG can be evaluated at T = 27°C, using AG", = -RT1nK, for each protein, such that /3 -Lag: AG",=-22.4 kJ/mol=* TAS",= BSA: AG,d,=-23.8 kJ/mol=* TASads= AHads AGads = 35.6 kJ/mol = 38.5 kJ/mol Assuming AH,d, is constant over the temperature range examined, AG", can be evaluated for each protein at T = 52 °C, such that 0-Lag: AG,d8=-25.4 kJ/mol= TAS,Ls= AH,d,- AG", = 38.6 kJ/mol BSA: AGads=-27.0 kJ /moles TASads= AH,d,- AG,d, = 41.7 kJ/mol These results are in harmony with the notion that protein adsorption at hydrophobic surfaces is entropically driven, and these entropically-driven, hydrophobic interactions between the protein and the silicon surface are favored with increasing temperature. 105 6. CONCLUSIONS 1. At hydrophobic interfaces, a general agreement between Eq. (30) and experimental data was observed for single- domain globular proteins indicating that AGmfal and W, Ac play a major role in governing the course of adsorption. 2. The values of Ac obtained from simulation vary within an order of magnitude (i.e., values within a range of about 100 to 400 V), indicating that only a small portion of the protein molecule need enter the interface in order for adsorption to proceed. 3. Choosing a = 0 results in a computer-generated value for Ac in quantitative agreement with those provided in literature, and is in line with the concept of hydrophobic interactions between the protein and solid surface facilitating the surface-induced unfolding. 4. Implementing the domain approach to characterizing adsorption of multi-domain proteins resulted in Ac values consistent with the notion that Ac is independent of molecular weight, indicating that the interfacial behavior of a complex protein could be considered as largely dominated by the interfacial activity of only one domain; the most thermolabile domain (which may consist of several thermal 106 cooperative fragments) appeared to play a major role in the initial events contributing to surface-induced unfolding. 5. For fibrinogen, the large value of Ac obtained may simply be incidental, owing to its relatively large value of AG.Nd (which in turn yields a relatively large value of -ypv, and relatively small value of WO. 107 7. RECOMMENDATIONS For future work, the following two studies are recommended. First, single-component protein adsorption experiments should be conducted at high-energy surfaces, where it is anticipated that a AGmfold and W, Ac are each important as energy terms in quantifying the affinity or equilibrium constant, K. Moreover, it would be reasonable to redefine the work of adhesion such that -ypv is based on surface energetics of an intact protein, and not on the equilibrium spreading pressure. Ultimately, we may be able to develop an equation of state for Ac. For a better quantification of the effect of molecular properties on K, conducting adsorption experiments at very low concentrations is recommended in any event. Second, binary-component adsorption experiments should be conducted. The overall equilibrium constant for the binary mixture of proteins may at first be equated with the product of each of the protein-specific values of K derived from single-component tests. 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A PROGRAM TO CALCULATE: C 1) GAMA12 (INTERFACIAL TENSION) C FROM VARIABLE INPUTS C 1) GAM1V "INTERFACIAL TENSION OF PHASE 1" (mJ/m2) C 2) GAM2V "INTERFACIAL TENSION OF PHASE 2" (mJ/1112) C *********************************************************** C IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H2O-Z) C C 5 93 94 95 96 97 98 CHARACTER*80 NSURF,OUTFILE PRINT*,,****************************************, PRINT*,'ENTER THE VALUES OF GAM1V AND GAM2V ' READ(*,*) G1V,G2V IF (G2V.LE.0.0) GO TO 5 CALL EQS(G1V,G2V,G12) PRINT*,' SURFACE TENSION OF PHASE 1 = ',SNGL(G1V) PRINT*,' SURFACE TENSION OF PHASE 2 = ',SNGL(G2V) PRINT*,' INTERFACIAL SURFACE TENSION G12 = ',SNGL(G12) CONTINUE STOP END SUBROUTINE EQS(SSV,SLV,SSL) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H2O-Z) A=0.0150 EPS = 0.0001 GAMSV=SSV GAMLV=SLV IF (GAMSV.LE.GAMLV) GO TO 93 GAMSV=SLV GAMLV=SSV IF (GAMLV.GT.30.0) GO TO 95 GAMSL=((DSQRT(GAMLV)-DSQRT(GAMSV))**2.0)/ 1(1.0-A*DSQRT(GAMSV*GAMLV)) GO TO 99 IF (GAMLV.GT.50.0) GO TO 97 GAMSL=((DSQRT(GAMLV)-DSQRT(GAMSV))**2.0)/ 1(1.0-A*DSQRT(GAMSV*GAMLV)) IF ((GAMSL-GAMSV).GT.0.0) GO TO 99 GAMSL=(((2.0-A*GAMSV)*DSQRT(GAMLV)-DSQRT((2.0-A*GAMSV) 1**2.0*GAMLV-4.0*(GAMLV-GAMSV)))**2.0)/4.0 GO TO 99 GAMS1=10.0D0 B=DSQRT(GAMLV) GAMS = GAMS1 125 C = DSQRT(GAMS) SLOPE = ((1.0-A*B*C)*(1.0-B/C)-(GAMS-2.0*B*C+GAMLV) 1*((-A/2.0)*B/C))/(1.0-A*B*C)**2.0 SLOPE1 = SLOPE + 1.0 U = 1.0-A*B*C/2.0+(A*(GAMLV**1.5)/2.0-B)/C V = (1.0-A*B*C)**2.0 DU=-(A*B)/(4.0*C)-(A*(GAMLV**1.5)/2.0-B)/ 1(2.0*(GAMS**1.5)) DV=-A*B/C+(A*B)**2.0 SLOPE2=(V*DU-U*DV)/V**2.0 GAMS1=GAMS-SLOPE1/SLOPE2 IF (ABS(GAMS1-GAMS).GT.EPS) GO TO 98 GAMS2=((DSQRT(GAMS1)-DSQRT(GAMLV))**2.0)/ 1(1.0-A*DSQRT(GAMS1*GAMLV)) IF (GAMSV.LE.GAMS1) GO TO 94 IF (GAMSV.GE.GAMS2) GO TO 96 GAMSL = GAMS1+GAMS2-GAMSV 99 SSL=GAMSL RETURN END 126 APPENDIX 2 The values of A H', the non-hydrophobic enthalpy of a protein, as estimated by equating Eq. solving for A H'. (13) with Eq. (14) and The average value of molecular weight of an amino acid residue is assumed to be equal to 123 (Baldwin, R.L. 1986), and that of ACp to be equal to 50 J/mol amino acid residue Protein K (Zhukovskii & Rovnov, 1989). Molecular A H' Weight (kJ/mole) (kJ/mol.res.) 691.739 5.992 1796.817 6.032 a-Lac 14200. 0-Lag 36640. A Ha (dimer) B S A 66267. 3229.121 5.994 H S A 69000. 3363.049 5.995 Myog 17800. 864.906 5.977 RiboA 13680. 686.568 6.173 Lyso 14400. 754.056 6.441 ChA 23000. 1145.179 6.124 IgG 150000. 7264.512 5.957 Average 6.076 ± 0.155 127 APPENDIX 3 The molecular dimensions of proteins used to develop an equation for ALI, (Eq. 17), for a monolayer with the side-on conformation. Molecular Dimensions Side-on Weight (A3) (A2) 37 X 32 Protein a-Lac 14161. 37 X 32 X 25 0-Lag 36640. 69.3 X 35.8 (dimer) (two spheres) B S A 66267. 140 x 38 x 38 140 x 38 H S A 69000. 115 x 40 x 40 115 x 40 Myog 17800. 44 x 35 x 25 44 x 35 RiboA 13680. 38 x 28 x 22 38 X 28 Lyso 14400. 45 x 30 x 30 45 x 30 Cytochrome C 11353. 37 x 25 x 25 37 x 25 40 x 38 x 36 40 x 38 235 x 44 x 44 235 x 44 69.3 X 35.8 Super Oxide 15534. Dismutase 7-globulin 160000.