The effect of chip-shaped particles on pump performance characteristics by Ken L Page A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF Science in Civil Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Ken L Page (1966) Abstract: This is a preliminary study of the effects of chip-shaped solids on the performance characteristics of low-head centrifugal pumps. An Allis-Ohalmers 4 x 4 x 9 1/2 LC Pump with two interchangeable impellers, an NSW closed impeller and an NSX open-faced impeller, a Fairbanks-Morse 3-inch model 5422 pump, and a 5-inch Hazelton CTL pump were used in the study. The pumps were tested at speeds corresponding to those given on the characteristic performance curves furnished by the manufacturers. The flow rates for each pump were varied from no flow to 600 gallons per minute, Performance tests were run on each pump at each test speed for clear water, for a 10 per cent volumetric concentration of water and chips, and also for a 20 per cent concentration. The three resulting performance curves for each pump speed were plotted and compared to ascertain the effects of the solids on the head, brake horsepower, end efficiehcy of the pump. This study shows that the increase in concentration of a water-chip mixture has the following effects on the characteristic performance of a centrifugal pump? a) The head developed by the pump at a given discharge increased a small amount with the open impeller and decreased slightly with the closed impeller. b) The power input required by the pump at a given discharge increased significantly for both impeller types. c) The pump efficiency at a given discharge decreased an appreciable amount for both types of impellers. THE EFFECT OF CHIP-SHAPED PARTICLES ON PUMP PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS by KEN L PAGE A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Civil Engineering Approved: Head, Major Department Chairman, Examining Committee MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana December, 1966 ill IOKNGWLBDGMEUT This study was part of a project investigating the hydraulics of transporting wood chips in pipe lines. This program is conducted as a part of the cooperative aid agreement between the Forest Engineering Research Branch of the Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, TL So Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, and the Civil Engineer­ ing and Engineering Mechanics Department of Montana State University. The pumps used in this study were obtained on loan from the following companiesi Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Oomppny, Norwood, Ohio. Barrett-Uaentjens Company, Hazelton', Pennsylvania. Fairbanks-Morse and Company, Kansas City, Kansas. The author wishes to express his gratitude to Dr. William A. Hunt, who provided technical guidance on this project. Appreciation is ex­ tended to Mr. Ronald E. Schmidt, Research Hydraulic Engineer for the ■ U. S. Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, for his advice and efforts in seeing this project to completion. Thanks are extended to Mr. Ronald Carlson, Mr. Dick Herbert, and Mr. Spence Hockstein, along with others who worked on the project, for their ideas and efforts in helping to complete this study. Appreci­ ation is also extended to the entire Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics staff at Montana State University for the use of the Labora­ tory facilities and for their encouragement throughout the period of this study. iv The author gives thanks to the staff of the Electronics Research Laboratory for the use of the various electronic measuring devices developed and employed on the project. Thanks is also given to the staff of the Computing Center for their efforts expended on this project. (/ Finally, extreme gratitude is expressed to Jeaneen J. Page, the author's wife* for her help in typing and correcting this thesis and for her continual encouragement to see the project through to completion. TABLE OF GONTEETS Page List of T a b l e s ..................................... List of F i g u r e s ................ Abstract vii viii .......................................... x List of Symbols .............................. .................. . . . . xi I. II. III. IV. V. Introduction ..................... I Review of Flows of Mixtures and P u m p i n g ................ 3 A. Rheology of Mixtures B. Pumping of Mixtures . . . . . . . . 0. Objectives of the S t u d y ........ ...........................8 Development of Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... ................. ........... . 3 ... 6 . . . . . 9 Experimental A p p a r a t u s ......... ............................. . 1 4 A= The Plastic Chips . . . . . . . . . .......... . . . . . . 14 B. The Overall Test Facilities .............................. . 1 4 O0 Pumps the Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. The Measuring Devices 17 ......... ...................... 19 1. Flow and Concentration Measurements 2. Pump Head Measurements . . . . . . . . . 3. Shaft Input Torque M e a s u r e m e n t s ........ ............ 22 4. Auxiliary I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n ....................... .. . 24 Experimental Methods . . . . . . . . . .......... 19 .20 ............................... 27 A. The Head Produced by the P u m p ............................. 27 B. The Brake Horsepower 0. The Pump Efficiency .............................. .. .................................. .. . 3© 30 vi Page VI. D. Goncentration of Solids . . E. Betermination of the Npmber of Observations Needed Test Procedures A. ....................... .. ...................................... Preliminary Procedures . . . . 313,1 . . . . . 32 ................................ .. . 33 B. • Data Collection ................................ ............ 33 VII. VIII. IX. Presentation of Results Discussion of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusions and Recommendations ........ . 37 .......... .47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Appendix A - Development of Computer Program . . . . . . . . . . 63 Appendix B - Input and Output Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Appendix G - Ptunp Performance Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Appendix D - Statistical Analysis of the Number of Observations 97 vii LIST OF TABLES Bage Table I II III 17 7 B-I B-II I-III B-17 B-7 B-7I G-I G-II Computed Results of Allas-Ghalmers U S X lump Performance Characteristics - 1160 RPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Computed Results of Allis-Ohalmers NSX Pump Performance Characteristics - 1400 RPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Raw Input Data for Allis-Chalmers NSX Pump at 1160 RPM . . . 43 Computed Results of Allis-Ghalmers 4 x 4 x LO NSX. Pump at 1160 RPM .............................. .. . . 4& Analysis of Computed Results for Allis-Ohalmers Type NSX Pump - 1160 RPM - 610 GPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . Observed Bata for Allis-Ohalirters A % 4 % 9a NSX Ptnnp at *1I 60 RPM t > 0 e o 6 » e o * e 6 * * o 0 » « « a « . . 72-77 Computed Results for Allis-Ohalmers 4 x 4 x 9s" NSX Pump at 1160 RPM ............................ . . 78 Observed Data for Allis-Ohalmers 4 % 4 x 9& NSX Pump at 1400 RPM o * „ * * * . » 0 **, , * * * , > 0 0 0 0 . . 79-84 Computed Results for Allis-Chalmers 4 x 4 x 9ir NSX. Pump at 1400 RPM . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . 85 Computed Results for Allis-Chalmers 4 x 4 x 9& NSX Pump at 860 RPM ................................ .. 48 . Computed Results for Allis-Ghalmers 4 % 4 x 9g NSX Pump at 1600 RPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Computed Results for Fairbanks-Morse 3-inch Pump at 1200 RPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Computed Results for Hazelton 5-inch OTL Pump at 1000 RPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Laminar Flow Diagrams 2 General Layout of Laboratory Apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Allis-Ghalmers 4 % 4 % Sg" LG Pump with NSX Impeller 4 Allis-Ghalmers Pump with Close-up of NSX Impeller 5 Magnetic Flow Meter 6 Details of Air Bleeding Connection on Manometer 7 . Modified Gate Valve 5 16 . „ .18 . . . . . 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 S Torque Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Torque Meter ................. .......... . . . . . 23 „23 10 Instruments Used for Torque and Pump Speed Measurements 11 Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Ila Regulating Switches on Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 12 Schematic of Piping Relative to Equation 5.3 ............... 29 13 Test Pump Performance Curve for Allis-Ghalmers 4 x 4 x 9ir LC NSX at 1160 RPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Test Pump Performance Curve for Allis-Ohalmers 4 x 4 x 9i LC NSX at I400 RPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Dimensionless Curves for Efficiency Loss for AlliS-Ghalmers Pump with NSX Impeller . . . . . . . . . 51 Dimensionless Curve for Efficiency Loss at , 10% Concentration for All Pumps Tested 52 14 15 16 17 18 ' Dimensionless Curve for Efficiency Loss at 20% Concentration for all Pumps Tested „ „■ 25 . . . . . . . . 53 Dimensionless Brake Horsepower Increase Curve at 10% Concentration - All Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . 54 ix Figure 19 20 Page Test Pump Performance Ourve for Fairbariks-Morse 3-inch Pump at 1200 RPM ........................ 90 Test Pump Performance Curve for Hazelton 5-inch GTL Pump at 1000 RPM ............... .. 93 21 Test Pump Performance Curve for Allis-Ghalmers HSX Pump at 860 RPM . . . * ........................... 94 22 Test Pump Performance Curve for Allis-Ghalmers NSX Pump at 1600 RPM ............... .................. 95 23 Allis-Chalmers Pump Performance Curve . . . . . . . . . . . 96 XABST1AGT This is a preliminary study of the effects of chip-shaped solid,s on the performance characteristics' of low-head centrifugal pumps. An Allis-Ohalmers 4 x 4 x ^ LC Pump with two interchangeable impellers, an NSW closed impeller and an NSX open-faced impeller, a FairbanksHorse 3-inch model 5422 pump, and a 5-inch Hazelton GTL pump were used in the study. The pumps were, tested at speeds corresponding to those given on the characteristic performance curves furnished by the manufacturers. The flow rates for each pump were varied from no flow to 600 gallons per minute, Performance tests were run on each pump at each test speed for clear water, for a 10 per cent volumetric concentration of water and chips, and also for a 20 per cent concentration. The three resulting performance curves for each pump speed were plotted and compared to ascertain the effects of the solids on the head, brake horsepower, end effieiehcy of the pump. This study shows that the increase in concen­ tration of a water-chip mixture has the following effects on the charac­ teristic performance of a centrifugal pump? ■ a) The head developed by the pump at a given discharge increased a small amount with the open impeller and decreased slightly with the closed impeller. b) The power input required by the pump at a given discharge in­ creased significantly for both impeller types. c) The pump efficiency at a given discharge decreased an appreci­ able amount for both types of impellers. xi LIST OF SYMBOLS A = Gross-sectional area of pipe in square feet b =s Width of the impeller in feet BHP = Brake horsepower G — Volumetric concentration of chips in water-chip mixture ofs — Cubic feet per second d = Diameter of pipe in inches D = Diameter of pipe in feet =■ Disc friction losses = Direct current d-c dv/dr = Change in velocity in the radial direction e - Pump efficiency in per cent BP “ fps = Feet per second Acceleration of gravity, 32,2 feet per second g gpm Head produced by the pump in feet of fluid flowing = Gallons per minute Specific gravity of the chips Specific gravity of mercury Specific gravity of the mixture Specific gravity of water Head developed by the pump Hydraulic losses Head loss in feet of fluid flowing . ■ h" Theoretical head produced by the pump 1 hp Horsepower xii mv p . = Leakage losses = Mechanical losses = = Millivolt output Pressure in pounds!per square foot Q = ZLow of fluid in cubic feet per QM = Zlow meter chart reading for the water-chip mixture in gpm = second Discharge flow rate at the best efficiency point QS .•» Flow rate of the solids into QW = Zlow meter chart reading for the clear water r = Radius of the impeller in feet RPM =» Revolutions per minute T = Input torque in inch-pounds V = the system Water horsepower T Manometer deflection in inches 2 = gpm Velocity of water in the pipe in feet per second WHP ■ = = in Elevation above a datum in feet, Subscripts: Greek letters: d = Discharge side of the pump s = Suction side of the'pump (3 = Blade angle is degrees. y - Unit weight of water, 62,4 pounds per cubic foot A - Amount of change in any quantity Mi - Absolute viscosity of a fluid ■ hT = A constant, 3.1416 zT = Unit shearing stress of a fluid Cd = Rotational speed of the pump in radians per second CHAPTER I HTRODITOTION The interest in hydraulie transportation of solids in pipe lines has increased in scope and volume during the last 10 years to the extent that several major companies throughout the country are now engaged in research in this line .Qfj; The operating experiences of several experi­ mental slurry pipe lines have been very encouraging to the scope of the above mentioned research 2Tj „ Reduction in transportation costs is the main advantage advocated by proponents of the hydraulic transport of solids Q f j » feasibility study Qfj completed An economic at Montana State University in March 1960 showed that this method of transporting wood chips competes favor­ ably with other methods of transportation, As a result of this feasi­ bility study an experimental program was initiated at Montana State .University investigating the hydraulics of transporting wood chips in pipe lines. This study of the effects of chip-shaped particles on pump perform­ ance characteristics is part of the above mentioned experimental program. The program is conducted as part of a cooperative aid agreement between the Forest Engineering Research Branch of the Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station9 U, S, Forest Service and the Qivil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Department of Montana State University, Previous studies performed at Montana State University, under the above cooperative agreements have dealt with the effects of chip-shaped particles on axi-symmetric pipe expansion losses* the specific gravity - 2- of saturated wood chips and the effects of chips on the head loss caused hy a standard gate valve. Results of these studies are available from the Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station of the U. S» Forest Service and the Civil Engineering Department of Montana State University„ This particular phase of the project deals with the effects o f -h. fluid mixture containing rectangular-shaped chips on the performance characteristics of low-head centrifugal pumps designed to handle sewage .and trash. wood chipso Plastic chips were used in the tests to simulate saturated The tests were performed at Montana State University in the Civil Engineering Section of Ryon Laboratory* This study was undertaken to acquire knowledge about'- the changes in pump performance characteristics while pumping rectangular-shaped, chip-type solids. This will help to determine the power requirements for wood chip pumping projects as well as the type of pump most suitable for pumping water^chip mixtures. CHAPTER TI REVIEW OF FLOWS OF MIXTURES AND PUMPING Ab investigation of the problems of the performance characteristics of pumps caused by water-chip mixtures requires an understanding of flow characteristics of mixtures and pumping problems associated with them. This section covers the flow characteristics of fluids and mixtures, termed rheology, and reviews the progress being made in pumping of solid-liquid mixtures. A. Rheology of Mixtures. The branch of science dealing with the mechanics of flow of sub­ stances, including solid-liquid mixtures, is called rheology. rheology of solid-liquid mixtures is extremely complex. The This complexity arises from the fact that a solid does not mix homogeneously with a fluid, but retains its own shape and identity. The solid is simply transported by the fluid while conserving its own state and form, except in the case where the solids are very small and are in continuous sus­ pension, as in a colloidal, solution. When the solid particles are extremely small and the concentration high, the mixture displays a property similar to the viscosity of true liquids and the term "apparent viscosity" is attached to this phenomena to differentiate it from the viscosity as defined for Newtonian fluids. The absolute viscosity of a fluid (yuQ is defined as the ratio of the unit shearing stress (T -) to the rate of change of velocity in respect to the pipe radius (dv/dr) herein referred to as the rate of shear strain. When the shearing stress is linearly proportional to the rate of shear strain, the fluid is s^id to he Newtonian. Likewise when the relation between the shearing stress and the rate of shear strain is non-linear the fluid is termed non-Newtonian. ■None of the current fluid mechanics textbooks give a discussion of non-Newtonian fluid flow. Such discussions are generally omitted or treated in a manner similar to that of Daugherty and Pranzini Q Q . "Although there are certain non-Newtonian fluids in which the shear stress varies with the rate of shear, these are not generally of engi­ neering importance„" Those engaged in hydraulic transport of solids research agree that non-Newtonian fluids are of "engineering importance". Stepanoff [so] suggests that a stage has been reached where there should ' be as many rheograms (flow diagrams) as there are non-Newtonian fluids, very much the same as there are tables and charts of physical properties of Newtonian fluids and solid substances. Stepanoff also points out that in rheology "slip” (sudden change of velocity near the pipe wall) and "plug flow" are termed as "anomalies" and are omitted from consideration. However these are part of the main characteristics of the rheology of solid-liquid mixtures. A characteristic distinction between solids and liquids is the manner in which each can resist shearing stresses. A further distinc­ tion among various kinds of fluids can be noted by reference to Fig. I. As was stated previously, a Newtonian fluid is one for which the shear­ ing stress in linearly proportional to the rate of shear strain and can be represented by a straight line in Fig. I . determined by the viscosity of the fluid. The slope of the line is An ideal fluid, with no -5viscosity is represented by the horizontal axis. A fluid which resists flow until it sustains a certain amount of stress can be shown in Fig. I by a straight line intersecting the vertical axis at the shear stress at which initial motion occurs. These fluids are generally termed Bingham plastics and once flow has started they behave much the same as a Newton­ ian fluid. A vast group of non-Newtonian fluids fall between the Newton­ ian fluids and the Bingham plastics. These are termed psuedo-plastics and they follow what is commonly referred to as the Oswald de Waele model. Bingham plastic Psuedo-plastic Newtonian fluid Ideal fluid Rate of shear (-dv/dr) Figure I — Laminar Flow Diagrams The rheological properties of a mixture composed of water and wood chips have not yet been established. Ostwald de Waele fluid Pulp stock is accepted as an Stepanoff [~2(0 states that most of the solid-liquid mixtures encountered in the hydraulic transportation of solids have exhibited Bingham properties. It could not be determined from his discussion whether they behaved as a Bingham plastic or as a psuedo-plastio, becoming asymptotic to the Bingham plastic line as the concentration increased. It is the opinion of the author that a mixture of wood chips and water will behave much the same as pulp stock with psuedo-plastio properties. As the concentration is increased to 25-30 per cent plug flow will develop and the mixture should exhibit Bingham plastic properties. The above discussion points out the complexity of the rheology of fluid-solid mixtures and the small amount of information available pertaining to the non-Newtonian fluids. The non-Newtonian flow characteristics of a water-chip mixture creates two questions regarding the performance characteristics of a pump. 1) To what extent does the mixture of water and chips affect the pump performance characteristics? or detrimental? 2) Are the effects advantageous A review of the available literature shows that very little has been done in this area to date. Be Pumping of Mixtures. The mechanics of flow of Newtonian fluids through closed Impellers has been studied and analyzed quite extensively [ 2, 4, 7, 11, 12, 15, 'isj , Research has been done on how the blade angle of the impeller affects the -7flow characteristics The effects of the variation in casing size and pump speed upon pump characteristics have been studied and plotted for various pumps |j2, I£] a However, the field of centrifugal, closed- impeller, pump design still relies quite heavily on empirical formulae and plots of various parameters derived from past experiments, Strictly mathematical formulae have been developed for this type of design but they are limited to ideal (non-viscous) fluids the field of pumping solids in a liquid medium has been limited Several large companies in the United States and Canada they are either not at liberty to, or are unwilling to, publish their results. Very little printed information is available pertaining to the - flow of solid-liquid mixtures and the effects of these mixtures on pumps. Results of previous investigations pertaining to the pumping of clay slurries, using a centrifugal dredge pump with a 4-inch line, have been presented by Herbich and VaUentine [ 7 ]« The conclusions presented regarding pump characteristics are as follows: I) The head developed at a given capacity decreased as the concentration of the solid material in suspension increased. 2) The required power input at a given capacityincreased as the concentration of the solid material in suspension increased. 3) The efficiency at a given capacity decreased as the concentration of the solid .material in suspension increased. —3— Similar results included in Herbich and Vallentine'g report |_7j, were noted for a centrifugal pump handling sand-water mixtures. The literature research conducted as part of this study failed to locate any mathematical development of the mechanics of flow through open-faced impellers. 0. Objectives of the Study. This study was undertaken to acquire knowledge about the changes in pump performance characteristics while pumping rectangular-shaped s chip-type solids in a water medium. Results of this study should be useful in the design or selection of pumps handling solids. These results will also be useful in predicting power requirements for pump­ ing solidss particularly those pumps used in the hydraulic transportation of wood chips. CHAPTER III DEVELOPMENT OF HYPOTHESIS Ptmip performance oharaeteristic curves are described by the parame­ ters Q, H, T 5 and e. horsepower The total head developed by the pump (H), the brake [b HP = T CO /(550 x 12) where T is the shaft input torque in inch-pounds and CO is the rotational speed in radians per second], and the pump efficiency (e) are plotted as ordinates on the same sheet with the discharge capacity (Q) as the abscissa Q), I9]. Any change in one of the first three parameters will affect the pump efficiency, since: e = (Q x K x H x 12)/(T x O)) ' (3.1) where S' is the unit weight of the fluid being pumped. The deliberate variation of discharge (Q) and pump speed (6)) under controlled conditions will produce a set of characteristic pump curves for a given pump (Fig. 23 of Appendix 0). The efficiency of centrifugal pumps with open or closed impellers depends upon a number of loss factors. These are generally classified into four groups. a) Hydraulic losses, Hj_: In this group are included the skin friction losses due to the motion of the fluid relative to the impeller and the casing, the shock losses at the impeller entrance and at the discharge into the volute, and the energy dissipated in turbulence generated in these regions. The hydraulic losses ar'e related' to the radial component of the fluid velocity in the pump. -10— b) Leakage Iessesp L^s These are associated with the wearing rings3 seals, and bushings in the pump. The leakage is a part of the fluid that recirculates inside the pump4 c) Disc friction losses, D^: This loss uses mechanical energy without reducing the head or the flow rate. It is related to the tan­ gential component of the velocity of the fluid in the pump. In the case of the closed impeller it represents the energy absorbed by the pumping action of the fluid between the impeller shrouds and the easing walls. d) Mechanical losses, These are concerned with the mechanical friction loss in the stuffing box and the bearings. The exact calculation of the above losses cannot be made with exact mathematical expressions due to the complex patterns of flow in the fluid passages, the superimposition of vortex motion on the throughflow characteristics, the difference in surface roughness, and the machin­ ing tolerances of the internal parts of the pump. However, mathematical formulae have been developed for each of the above losses and are listed by Kovats (jT] . They are developed for specific pumps under ideal con­ ditions and although they give results accurate to ± one or two per cent they were not considered general enough to include herein. The head (H) developed by the pump is usually measured in feet of the mixture flowing and is determined by test results. The theoretical head is determined by considering the following equation: (r| - r?)(A)2 + Q eD [dot Bo ~ G®i> 2m bg Sf-1JJ (3.2) where r is the radius of the impeller in feet, g is the acceleration of gravity, p is the blade angle in degrees, and b is the width of the —1 J— impeller in feet„ The subscripts I and 2 refer to the inner and outer radii of the impeller respectively. The theoretical head (h") is reduced by the hydraulic losses (H^) to the net head. The brake horsepower (BHP) of the pump is the input energy required t© drive the pump and is dependent upon the rotational speed of the pump (.60) and the torque transmitted to the pump impeller. The shaft input torque is proportional to the quantity of fluid flowing through the pump, the torsional frictional resistance of the fluid within the pump passages, and £he change in angular momemtum of the fluid. Wlien the discharge flow rate (Q) and the rotational speed of the pump (GD) are held constant for a particular pump and a water-chip mix­ ture is put into the system, the question arises; llWhat happens to the head, torque, and efficiency"? As was discussed in Chapter'll the rheology of solid-liquid mixtures is extremely complex, compounding the problem of developing a theory relating changes in pump performance characteristics to changes in concentration of the water-chip mixture. The discussion which follows answers the above question. With the discharge flow rate (Q) and the rotational pump speed (W ) held constant as chips are introduced, this leaves the head (H) and the torque (T) free to change, thereby effecting a change in the pump ef­ ficiency (e)(Eq0 3,1), assuming the specific gravity of the chips is equal to that of the liquid medium. Stepanoff points out that a homogeneous, mixture will’have the same pipe friction loss when measured in feet of the mixture as a clear liquid, assuming a psuedo-viseosity of the mixture equal to that of the - Iiquid0 12 - Under these conditions the head produced while pumping a mixture should be the same as the head produced when pumping clear liquid reduced only by the amount of additional hydraulic loss caused by the solid parti- On the assumption that the viscosity of a water-chip mixture is different from .clear water and follows the model outlined in Ohapter II, that of a psuedo-plastic, the following deductions can be made, a) The quantity of chips in the water will change the flow charac­ teristics of the water-chip mixture. The viscosity of the mixture will be greater,( F i g d ) resulting in a greater apparent shearing stress through­ out the mixture, The shear stress at the boundaries will increase, there­ by causing a greater torsional frictiohal resistance of the fluid and an increase in applied torque, b) The pump head will be reduced due to the additional friction loss caused by the chips in the pump passages and the resulting pump ef­ ficiency will decrease, ©) A comparison to "a” and riU te above can be noted by reference to Fig, BF-4© in the Hydraulic Institute- Standards [19], With a closed impeller at a given capacity for a constant pump speed handling a fluid having a viscosity greater than water, the following will results 1) The head produced will be lower than that produced for clear water, 2) The power input required will be greater than for clear water. -13” 3) The resulting pump effieieney will he less than for clear water= The literature research failed to produce any available information about the throughflow characteristics of the open-faced impeller. It is assumed that the resulting effects on the performance charac­ teristics for an open-faced impeller will be similar to those of the closed impeller described above = T h e r e f o r e t h e hypothesis is stated as follows. ’’Chip-shaped par­ ticles will have a detrimental effect upon the performance character­ istics of a centrifugal pump." CHAPTER IV EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS The experimental test apparatus used in this study will be described in four parts: chipsI 2) "I) the plastic chips used to simulate saturated wood, the overall test facilities 5 3) the pumps used in the test; and 4) the measuring devices used to obtain the data consisting of flow and concentration measurements, pump head measurements, the input torque measurements to the pump shaft, and the pump speed measurements, Ae ,The Plastic Chips, To preserve the characteristics of large quantities of solids exhibiting flat plate flow characteristics, the chips which were used were scaled down from the prototype chip size. Red plastic chips 3/8 x 1/2 x 0o08 inches were used to simulate saturated wood chips in this study. The average specific gravity of the chips as furnished hy the manufacturer is 1.002, Sclimidt jjb] did an extensive study of the effects of pressure and time on the specific gravity, moisture content and volume of wood chips, The chips used in Schmidt1s study approximated those found in actual wood chip operations and varied in size from 1/8 x 1/2 x 1/2 inches to 1/2 x I x 2 inches, Schmidt also brought out the fact that a system handling a water-chip mixture would he less likely to plug if the specific gravity of the chips was at or slightly less than unity. B. The Overall Test Facilities, In order to obtain and maintain a specific, volumetric concentration of chips in the system during a test run, and then to be able to vary -15™ the concentration, it was necessary to have separate feed systems for both the plastic chips and the clear water. The volumetric flow rates of chips and clear water required for each given concentration were discharged separately into a' mixing tank, then drawn into the system by the pump under a positive suction head. The clear water was pumped from the sump in the Civil Engineering Laboratory, through the laboratory system into a 3-inch line which fed into the mixing tank# The desired rate of inflow was maintained by a 3-inch gate valve installed downstream from a flow meter as shown in Fig, 2. The plastic chips were fed by gravity from the chip storage bin onto an 13-inch wide conveyor belt, then elevated as shown in Fig# 2 and dumped into the mixing tank# The desired quantity of chips feeding onto the belt and dumping into the mix tank was controlled by a vertical gate on the chip storage bin* The water and chip mixture, after being pumped through the system, was discharged ,into an elevated rotating drum# of qr-inch wire mesh over a steel framework, The drum was constructed As shown in Fig# 2 the mesh allowed the water to separate from the chips and drop into the water bin, thereby returning to the main sump. The chips continued down the inclined drum and returned to the chip storage bin# A detailed report by Schmidt [j?] on the design and construction of test facilities for wood chip pipe line research contains a summary of the design, construction, and initial operational problems of the test - 17 - facilities described above, used in making the tests herein to obtain the data necessary to test the hypothesis, Ge Pumps Used in the Tests, The pumps used in this study for pumping the water-chip mixture through the test pipeline loop were standard low head centrifugal sewage and trash pumps obtained on loan from interested manufacturers. Follow­ ing is a list of the pumps that were supplied and tested, 1) Allis-Qhalmers Mfg. Co,, JSorwood, Ohio; a 4 x 4 x L U pump with two interchangeable impellers, the NSX and the NSW models. The NSX is an open-faced impeller specifically designed for handling fibrous or pulpy mixture So The NSW is a closed impeller. The pump with the NSX impeller installed is shown in Figs, 3 and 4» 2) Barrett-Haentjens Company, Hazelton, Pennsylvania; a $-inch Hazelton GTL pump with a closed impeller, 3) Fairbahks-Morse and Company, Kansas City, Kansas; a 3-inch model 5422 pump with a 9-3/4 T38I closed impeller. Each of the pumps were capable of handling relatively large solids so there.was no danger of lodging the chips in the pumps. The manu­ facturers claim that the Allis-Chalmers pump with the NSX impeller will handle 3^-ineh spheres and the Fairbanks-Morse pump will pass 2-inch spheres, A universal mounting frame described in Schmidt's report [j?] made it possible to interchange the pumps in the test system quite easily. The pumps were all driven by a 15 hp 220-volt d-c motor. used is described in detail in Schmidt's report 17J, The motor —18- Figure 4 — Allis-Chalmers Pump with Close-up of NSX Impeller -19D. The Measuring Devices. I. Flow and concentration measurements. Two magnetic, continuous recording, flow meters manufactured by Foxboro Corporation were installed to measure the flow rates of the clear water entering the mix tank and the water-chip mixture flowing through the pump. Fig. 5 shows the flow meters used and a detailed description of the operation of the flow meters and recorders can be found in Bulletin 1737, Foxboro Company Figure 5 — [V]. Magnetic Flow Meter The basic principle of the magnetic flow meter is that the voltage induced by a conductive fluid flowing through a magnetic field is pro­ portional to the velocity of the fluid. The induced voltage generated by the conductive fluid is transmitted to one of the dynalog recorders shown on the control panel of Fig. 11. ~20“ A greater voltage is induced as the fluid moves faster through the magnetic field| thus a direct, linear measurement of the fluid flow is obtained. checked. The two flow meters were carefully calibrated and periodically The flow rates for the clear water inflow to the mix tank and the water-chip mixture are read directly from the dynalog recorder charts in gallons per minute (gpm), Oomeentration measurements were obtained by taking the difference between the two flow chart readings, the one for clear water and the other for the water-chip mixture, as outlined in Chapter 2, Y0 Pump head measurements, Tlie pump head measuring apparatus consisted of a 100-inch mercury U-tube manometer connected with inch copper tubing to the pressure taps in the suction and discharge lines. The upstream pressure tap was located approximately one-half pipe diameter upstream from the in­ take flange of the pump. The downstream "pressure tap was located between 10 and 11 pipe diameters downstream from the discharge flange of the pump. Each pressure tap consisted of four holes drilled on 90-degree centers around the pipe and inter-connected with brass tees and 3/16inch copper tubing. The location and construction of the pressure taps comply with the Hydraulic Institute Standards [/>, 19] „ The manometer has a 4—inch copper tubing connection to the city water line for ease in bleeding the air from the lines. shown in Fig, 6, The valve, as could be turned on while the system was in operation and any air in the manometer would be forced out into the piping system, where it would not affect the manometer reading. -21- — 50 Water To suction pressure tap Valve To city s= water line Figure 6 — Details of Air Bleeding Connection on Manometer Figure 7 -- Modified Gate Valve - 22 - The TJ-tube manometer, shorn in Figs. 6 and 12, read the pressure differential across the pump in inches of deflection o f 'a water-mercury manometer. This reading was then converted to feet of water. Three modified gate valves constructed of 3/8-inch plastic, similar to the one shown in Fig. 7, were installed in the test line, and used to vary the system head loss permitting a wide range of flow rates and pumping heads for a given pump speed„ 3. Shaft input torque measurements. The torque meter which was developed for this study is shown in Figs. 8 and 9. It incorporates an aluminum alloy 2024-T4 shaft 0.775 inches in diameter and 6-inches long. Two serrated aluminum disks 10-inches in diameter are mounted on the shaft. disk contains 60 The periphery of each equally spaced notches 0.25 inches wide. A back-up disk 9.558 inches in diameter makes the disk openings approximately square. The disks when rotating pass between a small light source and a photoelectric diode, interrupting the light beam, thus producing two interrupted light patterns. The electronic circuitry, contained in an insulated sheet metal box (for temperature stability) converts each light pattern into a d-c voltage pulse. Angular displacement of one disk relative to the other disk produces a phase shift in the pulse patterns. Electronic sensing of the pulse shift produces a constant d-c output which is proportional to the phase shift of the pulse patterns; thus propor­ tional to the angular displacement of the disks relative to each other. F igu re 9 F igure 8 Torque Meter Torque Meter ”24.— The angular displacement of the disks measures the shaft twist which is a measure of the input torque supplied to the pump. The torque meter, consisting of shaft, disks, and circuitry, was calibrated under known loads so that the d-c millivolt output could-be converted to inch-pounds of torque, . Two additional shafts besides the one described above were constructed for the torque meter so the shafts could be interchanged. These shafts were also calibrated and each shaft was assigned a shaft number for use in later computations. The top instrument shown in Fig, 10 is a digital voltmeter which reads the torque output in millivolts. The millivolt output in then converted to inch-pounds of torque by using the calibration formula: Torque = (Millivolt Reading x 1,18815) - 9-0 4« (4,1) Auxiliary Instrumentation, The electronic circuit which produced the shaft torque output voltage is also wired so that the pulse frequency measured from the right hand disk shown in Figs, 8 and 9 is a direct reading of the shaft rotational speed. Because the disk has 60 teeth, the pulse count in cycles per second is exactly the speed in revolutions per minute. The electronic instrument used to obtain the pump rotational speed measurement is a crystal-based counter, which gives a direct readout in revolutions per minute (rpm), shown below the digital volt­ meter in Fig, 10. 2 -25- Figure 10 Instruments Used for Torque and Pump Speed Measurements Figure 11 — Control Panel -26- Figure Ila — Regulating switches on Console The control panel operated by the console operator, shown in Figs. 11 and 11a, consists of regulating switches, flow meter charts, a manometer for checking the level of water in the mix tank, and a rheostat for maintaining a constant pump speed by control of the 15 hp d-c motor. The 3-inch gate valve, mentioned in Section B of this chapter, for control of the clear water inflow, was within easy reach of the console operator. The regulating switches shown in Fig. Ila control the conveyor belt, the rotating drum, the two flow meter charts, and the 15 hp d-c motor. GHAPTER V EXPERIMENTAL METHODS This portion of the test program of the wood chip pipe line project was conducted on the test facilities installed in the Oiwil Engineering, Laboratory for previous studies. The test facilities which were origi­ nally designed to handle 400 gallons per minute (gpm) were modified so that the system would handle from 700 to 800 gpm in order to test the pumps throughout their entire operating range. The flow meters which originally had a maximum reading capacity of 400 gpm, were adjusted to read half scale so that at a reading of 400 gpm, 800 gpm was moving through the system. To test the hypothesis that a mixture of water and chip™shaped solids have a detrimental effect on the performance characteristics of a centrifugal pump, the following experimental parameters were needed for a given capacity: I ) the head produced by the pump; horsepower delivered to the pump; 2) the brake 3) the resulting pump efficiency; and 4) a determination of the concentration of chips in the mixture. To arrive at these parameters it was necessary to measure the suction and discharge pressures of the pump, the pump rotational speed, the input torque to the pump shaft, and the flow rates of the clear water and the mixture. The parameters were then computed as follows and a determination was made of the number of observations needed. Ae The Head Produced by the Pump. The head produced by the pump is determined from the energy equation: Bp + Ps/r + v^/zg + Zg = pa/y + v^/2g + z^ + h^ . (5.1) —23— where represents the energy or head developed by the pump measured In feet of fluid flowing, p is the pressure of the fluid within the pipe, V is the velocity of the fluid flowing, g represents the acceler­ ation of gravity, and Z is the elevation of the point above a datum. The subscripts s and d refer to the suction and discharge sides of the pump respectively. Assuming the headless (h^) is negligible, E q . (5.1) reduces to: Bp = (Pd - Ps)/^ + (^d - ^ ) / 2 g + (Zj - Zg) (5.2) The differential pressure head, (p^ - ps)/y, between the suction and discharge pressure taps can be obtained by writing a manometer equation, for the U-tube manometer of Fig. 12, between the two sections. The pres­ sure taps were located and constructed in accordance with the Hydraulic Institute Standards [s, 19] . Fig. 12 shows a schematic of the pump and piping relative to the manometer equation. Ps " Ys* + YGm* - (Y - Yd)* = Pd Ps - (Ys - Yd)* + Y(Gm - I)* = Pd Note from Fig. 12: (Yg - Yd ) = (Zd - Zg) (Pd - Ps)/^ = Y (Gm - I) - (Zd - Zg ) (5.3) where Y represents the deflection of the water-mercury manometer with the subscripts as defined above, Gm is the specific gravity of mercury, and & equals the unit weight of water. into Eq. (5.2) Ep = Then by substituting E q . (5.3) the head produced by the pump is given Y(Gm - I) - (Zd - Zg) + (Vjj - V^)/2g Ep = Y (Gm - I) + (?§ - V^)/2g by: + (Zd - Zs ) (5.4) where Y is obtained by measuring the total deflection of the manometer -30and V is obtained by dividing tbe flow in the pipe (Q) by the arosesectional area of the pipe (A). B„ The Brake Horsepower. The brake horsepower (BHP) of the pump represents the actual horse­ power delivered to the pump by the motor Qfje The brake horsepower is delivered to the pump by means of the shaft coupling the motor to the pump, thereby developing a torque in the shaft. The shaft torque (T) in inch-pounds was measured by the use of the torque meter described in Chapter IV and the brake horsepower was computed by the following equation: BHP = (T X HPM X 2 nr))/(550 x 12'x G0 6©) (5.5) The Pump Efficiency. The pump efficiency in per cent is determined by taking the ratio of .the horsepower output to the horsepower input multiplied by 100« The input horsepower is equal to. the brake horsepower (BHP) and the output horsepower is equal to the water horsepower (WHP). The water horsepower is computed by the.following equation: WHP = (Ep z Q z * z G*G)/550 (5.6) where Q is the flow rate of the mixture in cubic feet per second, Gwe is the specific gravity of the mixture and is computed as follows: Gwo = (I - 0)0* + (0 z Go) where G is the volumetric concentration of the chips, Gw is the specific gravity of water, and Gc is the specific gravity of the chips. The overall pump efficiency (e) in per cent, is then computed by: e = WIP/BHP x 10© (5.7) —31 D„ Concentration of Solids. The concentration of the chip-shaped solids flowing through the pump was determined using the following procedure. The inflow of clear water to the mix tank (QW) and the outflow of the water-chip mixture from the mix tank through the pump (QM) were measured simultaneously while the level of the mix tank was held constant (Fig, 2), Each flow rate (QM and QW) was measured by the use of the flow meters described in Chapter IV, The level of the mix tank was held constant by increasing or decreasing the inflow of chips. When the above conditions were met the inflow of solids (QS) could be determined: QS = QM - Q W . The volumetric concentration o f ■the solids in the system (C)? expressed as a percentage of the total volume of the mixture, can then be determined by the equation: C = QS/QM x 100 = (QM - QW)/QM E, x 100 (5.8) Determination of the Number of Observations Needed. The Allis-Ohalmers pump was initially operated at speeds of 1150 and 1400 rpm and the data for four observations at each flow rate were recorded. The recorded data was punched on IBM cards and processed using the IBM 1620 digital computer as outlined in Appendix A. The results were analyzed statistically to determine how many observations would be needed to have the individually computed pump efficiency points fall within ± 0,2 of a per cent of their mean value at a given flow rate. A 95 per cent confidence interval was selected for the analysis. analysis, included as Appendix D indicated that seven observations would give the desired degree of reliability. The CHAPTER Tl TEST PROCEDURES The pumps were tested at speeds corresponding to those for which the pump companies had furnished performance-characteristic curves. At each speed tests were made at 50 gallons per minute (gpm),- flow rate inter­ vals beginning at the higher limit (limited by- the capacity of the system), and working down to the lower limit (limited by the system plugging), At each-flow rate tests were made at 0, 10, and 20 per cent volumetric concentration of chips. The three modified gate valves installed in the test line were regulated to vary the system headless making it possible to pump at the different flow rates throughout- the operating range of the pump while maintaining a constant speed. The system was capable of handling up to 650 'gpm. Plow rates in excess of 650 gpm allowed an excessive amount of water to be carried into the chip storage bin, thereby affecting the chip concentration, When headless in the system would allow flows in excess of 650 gpm at a given pump speed, one or more of the valves were partially closed to maintain the upper pumping limit at 650 gpm. The lower flow rate limit was reached when the .system started to plug. Previous tests revealed that when the gate valves were 70 to 80 per cent closed, and the concentration of chips was 10 per cent or higher, the chips moving along the bottom of the pipe piled up in front ■of the valve and caused the system to plug. After the lower limit was attained, the tests were continued at 50 gpm intervals at aero per cent -33concentration to shut-off head. The experimental testing program was divided into two sections consisting of the preliminary procedures and the data collection routine which are discussed in the following sections0 A„ Preliminary Procedures. Before beginning a test run the pump was run at a constant speed for 20 to 30 minutes to allow the electrical components of the torque meter to reach thermal equilibrium* The pump was then disconnected from the torque meter shaft and the torque meter output was adjusted to sero under no load conditions with the motor rotating at the test speed. The pump was then connected and a series of readings were obtained with clear water at go gpm flow rate intervals. These readings, similar to those obtained for each test, consisted of the pump speed (rpm), shaft input torque, manometer deflection, and the flow rates* They were re­ corded and compared with the zero per cent concentration test runs during the data collecting process. Completion of the preliminary procedures entailed disconnecting the pump from the torque meter and rechecking the no load torque output read­ ing. If the reading had shifted more than one per cent of the total range the torque meter was checked and the preliminary procedures were repeated* When no appreciable change was noted the pump was reconnected to the torque meter and testing was begun* B* Data Collection. Seven data observations at 15— second intervals for each concentra­ tion at each given flow rate were obtained. As an example of the -34“ procedureg the 600 gpm flow rate at 1160 rpm will he used* The pump was started and the speed of rotation was set at or near 1160 rpm at the same time the valves in the line were closed just enough to allow 600 gpm to he pumped. When the flow rate of the mixture (QM) and the flow rate of the clear water (QW) readings were both set at 608' gpm and the pump was rotating at 1160 rpm, the console operator would signal the start of a series of test readings. The readings were re­ corded by the notekeeper directly on Fortran data sheets, for subsequent key-punching in the following order: The pump speed in revolutions per minute, The torque output reading in millivolts. The left', manometer deflection in inches. The right, manometer deflection in inches. The flow rate of the mixture in gallons per minute, The flow rate of the clear water in gallons per minute» The above six readings required the services of four observers to insure simultaneous readings. The six measurements were read simulta­ neously and the seven observations were spaced at 15-second intervals. The group of seven data readings were preceded by run identification information giving the number of observations, the nominal concentration, the nominal flow rate of the mixture, the shaft number, the run number, and the initial torque reading. After seven observations were made, the console operator brought the chip concentration np to 10 per cent. The flow of chips was in­ creased while the flow of clear water into the mix tank was decreased - to 540 gpm„ 35 - Tffhen the flow of chips into the mix tank was regulated so that the level of the mix tank was constant, the console operator signaled the start of another series of observations. After seven observations as described previously were obtained, the above process was repeated with the clear water inflow being decreased to 480 gpm, while the flow of chips was increased to maintain the level of the mix tank constant.' This gave a 20 per cent concentration and when everything was relatively steady the final seven measurements of the 600 gpm'run were taken. The discharge flow rate (QM) was held constant at 600 gpm through­ out the run and the pump speed was held as nearly constant as possible at 1160 rpm. Any adjustments necessary to keep the flow rate at 600 gpm were made by opening or closing one}of the gate valves in the line. Any adjustments necessary to keep the pump speed constant were made by adjusting the rheostat on the control panel. Performance tests were run on each pump and the results checked before the pump was removed from the system and replaced by another. The Allis-Ohalmers 4 x 4 x was tested first. LO pump with the MSX open-faced impeller The NSW closed impeller was installed in the pump and performance tests run on it after completion of the NSX open-faced impeller tests. The pumps were then changed and the Fairbanks-Morse pump was run through the testing procedure, followed by the Haaelton 5-inch OTL pump. Performance tests were completed on three pumps during the course of this study, with the results being analysed and compared. Ghalmers pump had two different impeller models. The Allis- All of the test results —36are on file in the Civil Engineering Department of Montana State Universi­ ty. The Allis-Chalmers pump with the USX impeller is used for the main discussion in this thesis. Supporting data and results from the other pumps tested are shown in three of the graphs in Chapter VIII, which show the relationship existing between changes in chip concentration and corre­ sponding changes in pump performance characteristics. QHAPTER VII PRESENTATION OF RESULTS The computed results of the experimental tests made with the AllisChalmers pump with the NSX open-faced impeller are used in this portion of the discussion. to the 1160 and The presentation of results in this chapter is limited 14-00 ppm pump speeds. The results of pump performance tests are best described by plotting efficiency, pump head, and brake horsepower versus discharge. of the computed results for the above pump at 1160 and speeds is given in Tables I and II. 1400 A summary rpm pump These computed results consist of the actual volumetric concentration of chips in- the mixture, the flow rate of the mixture in gpm at a given pump speed, the pump efficiency at a given flow rate, the head produced by the pump, and the input horse­ power required. Tables I and II contain the data used in constructing the pump performance curves of Figs. 13 and 14. Figs, 13 and 14 contain the pump performance characteristic data for pump speeds 1160 and I400 rpm with head, efficiency, and brake horsepower plotted versus discharge in gpm. Similar figures for the 860 and 1600 rpm pump speeds are included in Appendix G along with a pump performance characteristic curve furnished by the manufacturer for the Allis-Ghalmers 4 % 4 % LG pump with the NSX impeller* Figs. 13 and 14 graphically illustrate the results of this portion of the hydraulic transport of wood chips project. The calculated results used to construct the curves of Figs* 13; and 14 are obtained from a digital computer program. The computer -38- TABLE I COMPUTED RESULTS OF ALLIS-CHALMERS NSX PUMP PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS NOMINAL PUMP SPEED 1160 RPM Concentration 0*0 FLow-gpm Efficiency Head BHP 598 598 604 53.1 51*9 49.9 38.96 39.42 39.73 11.07 11*48 12.16 52.7 51.8 50.2 40.04 40.32 19.8 550 551 547 10.56 10.84 11.25 0.0 10.0 20.2 501 500 501 52.6 51.1 49.5 41.00 41.32 41.75 0.0 452 450 452 51.6 50.1 48.7 42.22 0.0 10.0 20.0 398 399 50.4 49.1 47.5 42.22 42.62 43.00 8.47 8.74 9.19 0.0 351 349 350 48.7 47.7 42.83 43.03 43.39 7.80 7.96 8.35 299 42.88 298 48.1 47.4 45.5 43.51 43.65 6.74 6.91 7.24 20.0 250 250 250 43.1 41.9 40.0 43.57 43.78 43.85 6.38 6.61 6.94 0.0 10.2 201 200 19.1 198 38.8 37.6 35.3 44.10 44.29 44.29 5.77 5.97 6.27 0.0 149 34.6 44.63 4.85 0.0 104 27.5 45.02 4.29 0.0 O 0.3 48.33 3.34 9.6 20.4 0.0 10.0 9.9 20.6 9.7 19.5 0.0 10.0 20.2 0.0 10.4 402 298 46.0 40.81 41.87 42.51 9.87 10.22 10.70 9.25 9.59 9.98 -39TABLE II COMPUTED RESULTS OF ALLIS-CHALMERS NSX PUMP PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS NOMINAL PUMP SPEED I400 RPM Concentration -0.1 9.3 19.7 Flow-gpm Head 601 600 53.8 53.2 51 .6 61.35 19.9 550 552 547 52.9 51.9 50.2 61.96 62.20 0.0 10.0 20.0 496 499 501 51.9 50.9 49.4 0.0 19.8 453 453 452 49.0 47.2 0.0 10.1 20.0 402 48.2 404 398 0.1 10.2 598 Efficiency 60.42 61.11 61.51 62.18 62.61 BHP 16.97 17.45 18.01 16.17 16.66 17.11 62.94 15.01 15.51 16.15 62.91 63.03 63.30 14.13 14.73 15.31 46.8 45.2 63.23 63.74 63.94 13.35 13.89 14.21 20.0 349 349 351 45.1 44.9 43.2 63.63 63.93 64.05 12.16 12.56 13.15 0.3 9.0 19.8 299 297 295 43.9 42.4 39.9 64.26 11.06 64.42 64.OI 11.43 11.96 0.2 10.2 19.2 251 251 249 39.5 37.9 37.8 64.13 64.52 66.04 10.29 0.0 199 203 35.9 11.7 20.0 200 33.7 65.08 66.60 66.46 9.16 9.49 9.97 0.0 148 29.7 65.48 8.27 0.0 101 22.8 66.04 7.38 0.0 I 0.2 70.55 6.01 10.5 0.0 9.5 51.0 36.1 10.86 10.99 10 - o 0 % CONC a i0 % COA/C a 20 % /i "Discharge in GPM Figure 13 — Test Pump Performance Curve for Allis-Chalmers 4 x 4 x 9 -f LC NSX at ll60 RPM Brake Horsepower a 20 - Brake Horsepower W 20 ° 0 % COfVC A /0 % « Q 20 % I. D isch arge in GPM F ig u re l 4 - - T est Pump Performance Curve fo r A llis-C h a lm ers 4 x 4 x DC NSX a t 1400 RPM —1)2.— program takes the raw data and performs the following operations and computations for each run, not necessarily in the following order. a) ; Gbmputes the average value-of the pump speed (rpm). b) Computes the average values of the flow rates into (QW) and out of (QM) the mix tank. c) j Subtracts the initial torque reading from each individual reading, then computes the average value of the shaft input torque. d) J Lists the nominal concentration for the run and computes the actual volumetric chip concentration of the mixture for each individual run as outlined in Chapter 17, then computes the average chip concentration value. e) ) Computes the head in feet of water as outlined in Chapter V. f) Computes the water horsepower (WHP) and the brake horsepower (BHP) by the formulae In Chapter V. g) Computes the pump efficiency. h) Adjusts the flow rate (QM), the pump head, and the brake horsepower, whose raw data have been computed at the operating speed, to the desired nominal speed, according to the laws of similarity for hydraulic machinery. The output data resulting from the computations listed above for the Allis-Ohalmers pump is included in Appendix B as Tables B-II, B-117, B-17, and B-VI. The tables are comprised of the computed results for each test run and contain the nominal and actual chip concentration, —43— the pump speed, the flow rate of the mixture, the head developed by the pump, the shaft input torque, the water horsepower, the brake horsepower, the pump efficiency, and finally the flow rate, the pump head, and the brake horsepower adjusted to the nominal pump speed. were reduced from Tables B-II and B-IV. Tables I and II Similar tables are included in Appendix G for the Hazelton and Fairbanks-Morse pumps along with the resulting performance curves. As an illustration of the computations made by the computer in arriving at the results, consider the raw data tabulated in Table III for the Allis-Chalmers pump run at 1160 rpm delivering 600 gpm at 10 per cent concentration of chips. TABLE III RAW INPUT DATA FOR ALLIS-CHALMERS NSX PUMP AT 1160 RPM Number of Observations 10 7 Pump Speed 1162 1161 1161 1162 1162 1161 1161 Nominal Concentration Nominal Flow Rate 600 Shaft Number Run Number 0 3 Left Manometer Right Manometer Flow Rate of Mixture 526 528 19.0 19.0 529 531 530 534 532 18.9 19.0 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.8 18.9 18.8 18.8 18.8 300 299 300 Input Torque 300 300 300 300 Initial Torque -4 Flow Rate of Clear Water 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 -44The program first adjusts the recorded flow rates to the actual quantity flowing by doubling each recorded flow rate. Actual flow rate (QA) = Recorded flow rate x 2 Example: (7.1) QA = 300 x 2 = 600 g m The input torque millivolt (mv) readings are then adjusted by subtracting the initial torque reading from each observed torque reading. Torque in mv = Torque reading - Initial torque reading Example: (7.2) Torque in mv = 526 - (-4) = 530 mv The torque output in millivolts is then converted to inch-pounds by E q . (4.1). Torque (inch-lbs) = (530 x 1.18815) - 9.0 = 620.7 in-lbs The velocities of the mixture at the suction and discharge sections of the pump are computed as follows. V = Q/A where V is the velocity of the fluid in feet per second (fps), Q is the rate of flow in cubic feet per second (cfs), and A is the cross-sectional area of the pipe in square feet. Then Q = Plow in gallons per minute (gpm) x 0.002228 cfs/gpm A = /TTD2A where D is the pipe diameter in feet. A = /tt<J2/(144 in2/ft 2 x 4) = hTd2/ 576 where d is the diameter of the pipe in inches. Then V = QA x 0.002228 x 576 / (/rrx d2 ) Example: (7.3) V = 600 x 0.002228 x 576 /(3.1416 x 42 ) = 15.3 fps The head is then computed by utilizing Eq. (5.4). Example: E d = (19.0 + 18.9)03.55 - 1)/12 + (15.3 2 - 15.32 ) 64.4 Ep = 37.9 x 12.55/12 = 39.63 feet -45“ The water horsepower is computed as outlined in Chapter V by the use of E q . (5.6), the BHP is computed by using E q . (5.5), and the pump efficiency is arrived at by the use of E q . (5.7). Examples: WHP = 39.63 x I.34 x 62.4 / 550 = 6.01 hp BHP = 620.7 x 1162 x 2 Of/ 550 x 12 x 60 = 11.44 hp e = 6.01 / 11.44 x 100 = 52.5 per cent The flow rate, the pump head, and the brake horsepower are then adjusted to the nominal speed according to the laws of similarity for hydraulic machinery. Q at 1l60 rpm = QA x (II6O/II 62) (7.4) Head at 1160 rpm = Ep x (1160/1162 )2 (7.5) BHP at 1160 rpm = BHP x (1160/1162)3 (7.6) Examples: Q at 1160 = 600 x .997 = 598 gpm Head at 1160 = 39.63 x (.997)2 = 39.50 feet BHP at 1160 = 11.44 % (.997)3 = 11.38 hp Each of the above computations is performed on the data read in for each observation, as listed in Table III. The results are then summed up as illustrated in Table IV and the totals are divided by the number of observations giving the average results for each of the computed re­ sults as shown in Table IV. The actual concentration of chips in the mixture is then computed by the use of E q . (5.8). Example: Concentration = (599-- 542) / 599 = 9.6 per cent -46TABLE IV COMPUTED RESULTS OF ALLIS-CHALMERS 4 x 4 x ^ Rpm Gpm Head 1162 600 1161 598 1161 1162 1162 1161 1161 600 600 600 600 600 39.63 39.63 39.42 39.63 39.42 39.42 39.42 Tot. 3130 4193 A v e . 1161 599 LC NSX PUMP AT 1160 RPM Gpm 1160 Head 1160 BHP 1160 11.56 51.8 51.5 51.7 598 597 599 598 598 599 599 39.50 39.56 39.36 39.50 39.29 39.36 39.36 11.38 11.44 11.47 11.49 11.47 11.57 11.53 Torque WHP BHP e 620.7 6.01 623.0 624.2 626.6 5.99 5.98 11.44 11.47 11.50 11.55 11.53 52.5 52.2 6.01 52.0 52.0 627.3 5.98 5.98 5.98 276.57 4377.9 41.93 80.65 363.7 4183 275.93 80.35 39.51 625.4 5.99 11.52 51.9 598 39.42 11.48 625.4 630.2 Nominal Concentration = 1 0 per cent Actual Concentration = 9.6 per cent 11.60 ohapter HII DISCUSSION OF RESULTS The test results, presented in the proceeding chapter, were analyzed to determine the effects of the chips on the pump performance' character­ istics. The curves of Fig. 13 or 14 in Ohapter VII show that a mixture of chips and water does affetjt the performance of a pump. noted in Tables I and II, The analysis of the effects is summarized in Table V for the Allis-Ohalmers .NSX pump speed of 1160 rpm. an extension of Table I. This is also This table is It includes the concentration of the mixture, the flow rate, the ratio of the flow at any point to the flow rate at the best efficiency point (QZQr ), the pump efficiency (e), the change in efficiency (A e ), the per cent change in efficiency (P-e), the pump head (H), the change in head (AH), the per cent change in head (P-H), the brake horsepower (BHP), the change in brake horsepower (A h p ) , and the per cent change in brake horsepower (P-hp). ' The change in efficiency, head and brake horsepower (A e , AH, and Ahp) are computed by the following equations: A e = (e @ 10% or 20% concentration) - (e @ 0% cone.) (8,1) A H = (H @ 10% or 20% concentration) - (H @ 0% cone,) (8,2) A h p = (BH? @ 10% or 20% cone,) - (BHP @ 0% cone,) (8,3) The per cent change in efficiency, head, and brake horsepower (P-e, P-H, and P-hp) are computed by taking the following ratios: P-e = A e / (e @ 0 % concentration) x 100 (8.4) P-H = A H /(H @ 0% concentration) x 100 (8.5) P-hp = A h p /(BHP @ 0% concentration) x 100 (8.6) . —43TABLE V ANALYSIS OF COMPUTED RESULTS FOR ALLIS-CHALMERS TYPE NSX PUMP PUMP SPEED 1160 RPM P-e Gone gptn Q/Qr e Ae 0.0 598 598 98.0 0.0 604 53.1 51.9 49.9 0.0 98.0 99.0 - 1.2 -3.2 -2.2 - 6.0 19.8 550 551 547 90.2 90.3 89.1 52.7 51.8 50.2 -0.9 -2.5 0.0 10.0 20.0 501 500 501 82.1 82.0 82.1 52.6 51.1 49.5 0.0 452 450 452 74.0 73.7 74.0 0.0 398 65.2 10.0 399 65.4 20.0 402 65.8 9.6 20.4 0.0 10.0 9.9 20.6 0.0 40.32 0.0 0.0 -1.5 -3.1 - 2.8 -5.8 41.00 41.32 41.75 50.4 49.1 47.5 0.0 0.0 42.44 0.00 0.0 -1.3 -2.9 -2.5 -5.7 42.62 0.18 0.56 19.1 198 0.0 0.0 41.0 40.0 - 1.2 -3.1 -2.7 -7.1 33.0 32.8 32.5 0.0 0.0 - 1.2 -3.5 -3.0 -9.0 38.8 37.6 35.3 0.41 1.09 10.56 10.84 11.25 9.25 9.59 9.98 0.64 43.1 41.9 11.07 11.48 12.16 10.70 42.51 - 1 .4 -5.4 Ahp 1.5 48.7 -0.7 - 2.6 0.0 201 10.2 200 0.75 0.00 0.0 0.35 0.8 43.00 BHP P-hp 0.00 0.0 3.7 9.8 0.00 0.0 0.28 2.6 0.69 6.5 0.00 0.0 9.87 0.00 0.0 0.32 0.7 10.22 0.35 3.5 41.87 0.0 250 1.9 42.22 0.0 20.0 0.00 0.0 0.6 0.28 0.77 0.0 48.1 47.4 45.5 41.0 1.9 -2.9 -5.6 0.0 299 49.0 10.0 298 48.8 20.2 298 48.8 10.4 0.77 0.0 -5.5 41.0 0.00 0.0 0.46 1.1 -1.5 -2.9 -2.7 250 P-H 50.1 0.0 - 2.0 250 40.81 AH 51.6 0.0 - 1.0 0.0 38.96 39.42 39.73 0.0 40.01 48.7 47.7 46.O 351 349 350 Head -1.7 -4.7 57.5 57.2 57.3 0.0 9.7 19.5 RATED FLOW 610 GPM 1.5 0.4 1.3 42.83 43.03 43.39 0.00 0.0 0.20 0.4 42.88 43.51 43.65 0.00 0.0 0.63 1.4 0.56 1.3 8.47 8.74 9.19 7.80 7.96 8.35 0.83 8.4 0.00 0.0 0.34 0.73 3.6 7.8 0.00 0.0 0.27 0.72 3.1 8.5 0.00 0.0 2.0 0.16 0.55 7.0 0.00 0.0 1.7 6.74 6.91 7.24 43.57 43.78 43.85 0.00 0.0 0.21 0.4 0.28 0.6 6.38 6.61 6.94 0.00 0.0 44.10 44.29 44.29 0.00 0.0 0.19 0.19 5.77 5.97 6.27 0.00 0.0 0.20 3.4 0.50 8.6 0.77 0.4 0.4 0.17 0.50 0.23 0.56 2.5 7.4 3.6 8.7 -49The analysis of the effects of chip-shaped particles on the perfor­ mance of a pump, (sample-Table V) discloses the following effects on the pump head, BHP, and efficiency related to the Allis-Ohalmers USX pump. This analysis includes all four pump speeds at flow rates extending from 200 to 600 1) gpm» The head produced by the pump at a given flow rate increased as the chip concentration was increased from 0 to 10 then 20 per cent. The per cent increase (P-H defined above) varied from 0.1 per cent to 1.4 per cent for the per cent to 1,9 10 per cent concentration of chips and from per cent for the 20 0.4 per cent concentration of chips. Reference to Table V shows that the variation of the head produced while pumping chips compared to the clear water head, is greater at the higher flow rates. 2) The BHP versus discharge relationship shows a definite increase when chips are added to the mixture for a 10 per cent chip concentration. Gonsidering all test speeds on the Allis-Ghalmers pump, the per cent in­ crease (P-hp defined above) ranged in value up to 5 per cent with the average value of about tration. per cent increase for the 10-per cent concen­ The 20 per cent concentration exhibited an even greater increase going as high as about an 3.3 8 10 per cent increase with most of the values showing per cent increase. The variation appeared to be independent of the flow rate. 3) The pump efficiency when plotted versus discharge (Figs, 13 and 14) shows an appreciable decrease with an increase concentration of chips as compared to clear water. The per cent decrease in pump efficiency -“■•fjQ— (P-e defined by equation 8,4) had quite a wide range as can be noted from Fig, 15 and Table V 0 per cent decrease for the It varied from 1,1 per cent decrease to 4*0 10 per cent chip concentration and from 9,1 per cent decrease for the 20 per cent chip concentration, 15 4*0 to As Fig, illustrates the decrease in pump efficiency has a tendency to decrease as Q approaches Qr , Fig, 15 portrays the dimensionless curves which were developed as a result of this study. These curves and those on Figs. 16, 17, and 18, indicating an approximate fit of the plotted points, can be used to pre­ dict pump performance characteristics while pumping a water-chip mixture, Fig, 15 shows the results for the three Allis-Ohalmers pump speeds 860, 1160, and 1400 rpm with per cent decrease in pump efficiency; Eq, (8,4)f plotted versus Q/Qr , where Q is the discharge at any point and Qr is the discharge at the best efficiency point for the given pump speed. Although the points are quite scattered they do lie in two dis­ tinct groups,, one associated with each per cent of solids concentration. Each group shows that the per cent decrease in efficiency tends to de­ crease as Q approaches Qr , An equation for the straight line portion of the dimensionless curves is as follows: p-e = K - 0.02 (8,7) x (QZQr ); where (P-e) is the per cent change in pump efficiency as described previously, QZQr is the discharge ratio described above, and K is a constant depending upon the concentration. For a 10 per cent concentra­ tion of chips K = 3,9 and for a 20 per cent concentration K = 7,4- ----- o 860 A 1160 ----- ----- o 1400 20% C DIMENSIONLESS CURVES 10% D isch arge R a tio Q/Q, F ig u re 15 - - D im en sio n less Curves fo r E f f ic ie n c y Loss fo r A llis-C h a lm ers Pump w ith NSX Im p e lle r C A A llis-C h a lm ers 860 rpm A llis-C h a lm ers l l 6 0 rpm o A llis-C h a lm e r s 1400 rpm ▼ H azelton 8 50 rpm ♦ H azelton l l 6 0 rpm • Fairbanks-M orse 1000 rpm A " " 1200 " ■ " " 1400 " o * " " 1600 D isch arge R a tio %/Q F igu re l6 - - D im en sio n less Curve fo r E f f ic ie n c y Loss a t 10% C on cen tration fo r a l l Pumps T ested " 1 vn OJ I A A llis-C h a lm e r s 860 rpm □ ft !T ll6 0 ft O tt I! i4oo n ▼ H azelton 850 rpm # !T l l 6 0 ft • Fairbanks-M orse 1000 rpm Jk M n 1200 I ! ■ " Tl 1400 t t 4 Tl Tl 1 6 0 0 Tl D isch arge R a tio Q/Q,. F igu re I? - - D im en sio n less Curve fo r E f f ic ie n c y Loss a t 20% C on cen tration fo r a l l Pumps T ested A • A llis-C h a lm e r s 860 rpm D " " l l 60 rpm 0 " " l4 0 0 rpm ▼ H azelton 85O rpm ♦ " l l 60 rpm • Fairbanks-M orse 1000 rpm A " " 1200 rpm ■ " " 1400 rpm * " " 1600 rpm A llis-C h a lm e r s Open-Faced Im p e lle r C losed Im p ellers D isch arge R a tio Q/Q, F igu re l 8 - - D im en sio n less Brake Horsepower In c r e a se Curve a t 10% C on cen tration - A ll Pumps - 55- Figs»,16 and 17 show the decrease in efficiency plotted versus Q/Qr 10 for all pumps tested for and 20 per cent concentration respectively, Considering all the points the dimensionless curve reaches a minimum point at Q/Qr = 90 per cent then rises slightly. curve for both 10 and 20 The dimensionless percent of solids concentration have the same general shape, A curve was not developed for the head versus discharge relation­ ship since the change in head while pumping chips was less than one foot. The per cent change in head (Eq. 8.5) was less than two per cent and a majority of the values were around one per cent. The change in head ( A H ) for the Allis-Ghalmers open-faced impeller was an increase, whereas the A H for the closed impellers was a decrease. Fig. 18 shows the difference in power requirements for the openfaced and closed impellers. (Eq. 8.6) The per cent increase in horsepower required is greater for the open-faced impellers and remains relatively constant throughout, whereas the per cent increase in power required for the closed impellers tends to decrease as Q approaches Qr , then increases slightly. The results discussed in (2) and (3) above regarding the brake horse­ power and efficiency agree with the results of investigations mentioned in Chapter II presented by Herbieh and Vallentine [Y]. The increase in power required and the 'decreasesinefficiency agree with the hypothesis stated in Chapter III. The results discussed in (1) above for the open- faced impeller do not agree with the ‘hypothesis stated in Chapter III or with Herbich and Vallentine 1s [V] investigations. The results of the -56cloged impeller tests are in agreement with the hypothesis and the results of previous investigations. CHAPTER IX CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of this investigation of the effects of chip™ shaped particles on pump performance ,characteristics, the following con­ clusions are drawn, with the pump speed being held constant: a) The head developed at a given capacity, with the Allis-Ohalmers open-faced impeller, increased from 0.5 to 0.9 foot with an increase in volumetric chip concentration. The head obtained with the closed im­ pellers decreased under the same conditions from 0.6 foot to I .8 feet. b) The power input'required at a given capacity increased with an increased concentration of chips for both types of impellers. The in­ crease in power required was much greater for the open-faced impeller, requiring as much as 1.1 additional horsepower (hp) at 20 per cent con­ centration whereas the Hazelton required up to 0=4 additional hp and the Fairbanks-Morse up to 0.25 additional hp. c) The pump efficiency at a given capacity decreased as the con­ centration of chips increased for both types of impellers at all pump speeds. The decrease ranged from I to 2.5'per cent for the 10 per cent concentration of chips and from 3 to 6 per cent for the 20 per cent concentration, As Q approached Qr the effects as described above were more con­ sistent between pumps and the fluctuations were much less. Figs. 16 and 17 illustrate this point. Based on a consideration of the efficiency and brake horsepower, it is concluded that -chip-shaped solids mixed with water have a detrimental effect on the performance characteristics of a pomp. The dimensionless curves presented for predicting efficiency losses and increased power requirements while pumping chip-shaped solids.may be refined by con­ ducting further tests on these and other pumps. The following recommendations are a result of this study. Improve­ ments should be made in the mechanical measuring devices and the labor­ atory apparatus to improve future data gathering, such as: 1) Use a bank of manometers connected in series containing a fluid with a specific gravity lighter than that of mercury. Couple this with photogrammetrie data recording for greater accuracy in reading the head developed by the pump. 2) Develop a more sensitive torque meter with a greater degree of reliability. 3) Arrive at a method of measuring the fluid and mixture flows more accurately. Probable areas of additional research which may help to expand the field of knowledge being acquired relative to the transportation of wood chips in hydraulic pipe lines are: a,) Gheek the efficiency decrease while pumping chips which are 50 per cent larger than those used in this study. b) Repeat part "a" using chips i- as large as those used in this study. c.J Check the changes in pump performance characteristics while pumping chips with a specific gravity significantly greater than unity. - d) 59 - Repeat part "c" using chips with a specific gravity somewhat lower than unity, e) Expand the system so that tests can be made at flow rates which are at and above the best efficiency point. This would help to determine if the efficiency decrease tapers off or remains relatively constant throughout the range of pump operation. f) Build a transparent face plate for the pump in order to observe and study the flow patterns in the pump that result when the chips are introduced into the system. It is recommended that each of the above studies be performed at a constant pump speed with various flow rates and concentrations. REFERENCES 1„ Bird, Richard B . , Stewart, W. E. ahd Lightfoot, E„ N . , Transport Phenomena. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1960* 2. Ohurch, Austin H„, Centrifugal Pumps and Blowers* Wiley and Sons, New York and London, 1944. 3« Daugherty, Robert Li and Eransini, Joseph B., Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications, McGraw Hill, New York, 1965. 4. Defeld, Raymond, A Practical Treatise on Single and Multi-Stage Centrifugal Pumps, Chapman and Hall, L o n d o n , 1930. 5. Elliot, D. R., nChiplines - Closer Than We Think", Pulp and Paper, p 27, August 10, 1964. 6» Handbook, Hydraulic Handbook, Fairbanks-Morse and Company, Chicago, Illinois, p 194, 1965. 70 Herbich, John B e and Vallentine, H e R e, Effect of Impeller Design Changes on Characteristics of a Model Dredge Pump. Lehigh University report No. 33 for U e S e Army Engineers, Sept0 1961. 8e Hunt, William A., An Economic Analysis of Transporting Low Value Forest Products Continuously in Hydraulic Pipelines. Unpub­ lished final report .at Montana State University, Civil Engi­ neering Department, March 1965. 9. Instructions, Installation, Operation, Maintainance - Bulletin 1737 Dynalog Magnetic Flow Meter, The Foxboro Co., Foxboro, Massachusetts, I964. 10o Jerome, G. R e, Statistical Inference I , Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann"Arbor, Michigan, I965. 11. Kovats, Andre, Design and Performance of Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pumps and Compressors. MacMillan Goe, New York, 1964. 120 Loewenstein, Louis G. and Crissley, Clarence P., Centrifugal Pumps Their Design and Construction. D e Van Nostrand Co., New York, 1911. 13. Maurer, Gerould W e,•"Pipelining Can Transport Your Bulk Solids", Material Handling Engineering, pp 56- 60, March '1966. 14» Nardi, J e, "Pumping Solids Through a Pipeline", Mining Engineering, pp 904-908, September 1959. -6115« Rousejl Hunter, Engineering Hydraullos , Proceedings of the Fourth Hydraulic Conference,- Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, Wiley and Sons, New York and London, 1950. 16. Shhmidt, Ronald 1«, An. Investigation of the Effects of Pressure and Time on the Specific Gravity.■Moisture .Content and.Volume of Wood Chins in a Water Slurry. Unpublished Easter's Thesis, * G„ E e Pept., Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, June 196g. 17. Schmidt, Ronald E., Design and Construction of Test Facilities for Wood-Chip Pipeline Research. Unpublished Research Report for Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Bozeman, Montana, 1966. 18. Spannhake, .Wilhelm, Centrifugal .Pumps. Turbines, and Propellers, Technology Press, MIT, Cambridge, 1934« 19. Standards, Hydraulic Institute Standards. Hydraulic Institute, Hew York, 1965. 20. Stepanoff, A. J e, "Pumping Solid-Liquid Mixtures", Mechanical Engineering, pp 29-35, September I964. 21. The Transportation .of Solids in-Steel Pipelines, Colorado School of Mines Research Foundation - A summary of existing pipe line data. —62— APPEWBIGES IPPBHiDIX A DEVELOPMENT OF COMPUTER PROGRAM The program which was developed for the IBM 1620 digital computer and u$ed to process the data for this project was written in Fortran II language. Equations (5.4)? (5.5)# (5.6), (5.7) and (5,8) were adapted to Fortran II language and used in the program along with equations (4.1), (7,1), (7.2), (7,3), (7.4), (7.5), and '(7.6) which were also adapted to Fortran II language to complete the program. The input data was recorded directly on Fortran data sheets and key­ punched for immediate analysis. The output data was printed and also punched so that additional copies could be made. The numbers in parenthesis in the following discussion refer to statement numbers in the program. The program reads the constants consisting of the specific gravities of water, mercury, and chips, and the inlet and outlet pipe diameters, (20) and the pump identification (21) first. out a complete pump run. These remain fixed through­ The pump' rotational speed is read in next (22) and the output headings are printed and punched. The input data consist­ ing of the observed readings is read (23,24) in two parts. The first statement (23) picks up the number of observations recorded, the nominal concentration, the nominal flow rate, the shaft number, a run number, and initial no-load torque reading. The observed data readings corresponding to the number of observations read previously are then read as a series (24). The data readings contain the measured and recorded pump speed, shaft input torque, left and right manometer deflection readings, and the *-64.“ flow rates of the mixture outflow and clear water inflow. Computations are then completed with a printed output for each observation. The results of the observations in a series are averaged and the average output for a run is printed and punched. The program was set up this way so that the results from each observation could be checked for deviation from the average, When the computations for a series of observations are completed, the program cycles back to read either another series of observations or else a new pump speed depending on the run number. When all obser­ vations at all speeds are completed, a blank card or else a negative speed card is read in to either start the program over using a different pump and corresponding data or end it. The following notations are used in the programs SGW = Specific gravity of water. SGG = Specific gravity of the chips. SGM = Specific gravity of mercury. PDI = The pipe diameter in inches of the suction pipe. PDO = The pipe diameter in inches for the discharge pipe. PIDEWI = The pump name and identification. WOBS = The number of observations in a series. WRPM = The pump speed at which the run is to be made. WGONG = The nominal concentration for the run. NGPM = The nominal flow rate at which a run is to be made. WSHFT = The shaft number. WR = The run number, either 0 or I . —65— The following variables with subscripts (J) have more than one value„ EPM = Recorded speed in revolutions per minute. TE = The torque reading which is read in in millivolts. YL = The left manometer reading in inches of deflection. IR = The right manometer reading in inches of deflection. QM = The flow of the mixture in gallons per minute. QW = The flow of clear water in gallons per minute. T = The adjusted torque reading. WI =? Velocity of flow in the suction pipe in feet per second. WO = Velocity of flow in the discharge pipe in feet per second. EP = (Equation 5.4) The pump head in feet. 0 = Volumetric concentration (equation 5.8). WHP = Water horsepower (equation'5.6). TOR = Torque computation in inch-pounds. BHP = Brake horsepower (equation 5.5). EFF = The pump efficiency (equation 5.7). Z = Value used to change the pump speed to a decimal number. ZZ z= Ratio of the nominal speed to the actual speed'of the run. Q := The flow in gallons per minute adjusted to the nominal speed. H z= The pump head in feet adjusted to the nominal pump speed, ABHP == The brake horsepower adjusted to the nbminal pump speed. OBS =: The number of observations changed to a decimal number. ■66— The prefix llSUn attached to the variables indicates the process of summation, wherein the variables are summed up for averaging, e.g„, SURPH is the sum of 1}he various pump speed (rpm) readings. The suffix tlA n attached to the variables indicates the average value for the series of observations, e„g., RPMA is the average value of the pump speed (rpm) readings for a given run and is obtained by dividing the sum of the rpm readings by the number of observations. Provisions were made in the program for the use of three different shafts for the torque meter, each with a different calibration constant to provide greater accuracy in reading the torque in the shaft. This is noted in statements 37 through 39 in the program and is discussed in Chapter 17. The computer program used to process the data is listed on the next three pages of this appendix. —6 7 — PUMP PERFORMANCE PROGRAM - K L PAGE 1 2 - 1 - 6 6 - COMPUTES PUMP HEAD, BRAKE HORSEPOWER, AND EF F I CI ENCY. REVI SED AND MODI FI ED - 3 - 3 0 - 6 6 DI MENSI ON P I D E N T f 1 0 ) , R P M f 1 0 ) , T R f 1 0 ) , Y L f 1 0 ) , Y R f 1 0 ) , QMf 1 0) DI MENSI ON QWf 1 0 ) , Tl 1 0 ) , Q A f 1 0 ) , Q B f 1 0 ) , E P f 10) , TORf 1 0 ) , WHP f 10) DI MENSI ON B H P f 1 0 ) , E F F f 1 0 ) , Q f 1 0 ) , Hf 1 0 ) , A B H P f 10) 1 FORMATt 5 F 7 . 3) 2 FORMAT{ I 2 , I 3 , 2 ( 3 X » I 5 ) , I 5 , F 8 . 0 i 3 FORMAT(6X,2F8.0,2F7.2 , 2F6.0) 4 FORMAT(IOAA) 5 FORMAT( 1 6 ) 10 FORMAT < / 2 2 X , 1 0 A 4 ) 11 FORMAT( Z / 3 2 X , I OHPUMP S P E E D , 1 6 , 4H RPM I 12 FORMAT( 9X, 7HN0M ACT , 9 X, 8 HQ T E S T , 9 X , 4 H P U MP , I 3 X , 14HQ HEAD 13 FORMAT( 9X, 47HC0N CON RPM GPM HEAD TORQ HP BHP EFF 1216) 14 FORMAT ( I X ) 15 FORMAT ( I H l ) 16 FORMAT ( 2H *) 17 FORMAT( / 3 4 X, 1 6 HC0 MP UTED R E S U L T S / ) 18 F O R M A T ( 9 X , I 3 , F 5 . 1 , F 6 . 0 , F 5 . 0 , F 6 . 2 , F 6 . 1 , 2 F 6 . 2 , F 5 . 1 , F 5 . 0 , 2 F 6 . 2 ) 19 F O R M A T ( 1 7 X , F 6 . 0 , F 5 . 0 , F 6 . 2 , F 6 . 1 , 2 F 6 . 2 , F 5 . 1 , F 5 . 0 , 2 F 6 . 2 ) 20 READ I , SGW, SGC, SGM, PD I , 21 READ 4 , PI DENT 22 READ 5 ,NRPM 2 2 1 I F (NRPM) 5 5 , 2 0 , 2 2 2 2 2 2 PRI NT 15 PUNCH 16 PRI NT 1 0 , PIDENT PUNCH 1 0 , PIDENT PRI NT 1 1 , NRPM PUNCH 1 1 ,NRPM PRI NT 17 PUNCH 17 PRI NT 12 PUNCH 12 PRI NT I 3 »NRP M, NRP M, NRPM PUNCH 1 3 , NRPMf NRPM, NRPM 23 READ 2 , NOBS, NCONC, NGPM, NSHFT, NR, TR I GPM = NGPM IF (NCONC) 2 3 2 , 2 3 1 , 2 3 2 2 3 1 PRI NT 14 PUNCH 14 2 3 2 DO 2 9 J = I , NOBS 2 4 READ 3 , RPMf J ) , T R ( J ) , Y L ( J ) , Y R ( J ) , Q M ( J ) , QW( J) 2 7 Q A ( J ) = QM( J ) * 2 . 0 Q B ( J ) = QW( J ) * 2 . 0 2 9 T ( J ) = T R ( J ) - TRI DO 80 J = I , NOBS BHP ) 15, ~68“ VWI-QAjJ) * 0 . 002228 * 5 7 6 . 0 / ( 3 . 1 4 1 6 * PDI**2.0) VWO=QAI J ) * 0 . 0 0 2 2 2 8 * 5 7 6 . 0 / ( 3 . 1 4 1 6 * P D O * * 2 . 0 ) 3 6 E P ( J ) = ( Y H J ) + Y R ( J ) ) * ( SGM- I . ) / 12 . + ( VWO**2 . O-VW I * * 2 . 0 ) / 6 4 . 4 C=(QAiJ) - Q B ( J ) ! / Q A ( J ) WHP( J I = E P ( J ) * Q A( J ) * 0 . 0 0 2 2 2 8 * 6 2 . 4 * ( ( 1 . 0 - C ) *SGW + C * S G C ) / 5 5 0 . 0 3 6 5 I F ( NSHFT - 2) 3 7 , 3 8 , 3 9 37 T C R ( J ) = T ( J ) * 0 . 4 2 6 - 1 5 . 0 GO TO 40 38 T O R ( J ) = T ( J ) * 1 . 1 3 2 0 4 - 9 3 . 0 GO TO 40 39 T O R ( J ) = T ( J ) * 1 . 1 8 8 1 5 - 9 . 0 40 BHP(J)=TOR(J) * RPM( J) / 6 3 0 2 5 . 3 5 EFF(J)=WHP(J)/BHP(J) * 100.0 Z=NRPM ZZ=ZZRPM( J ) Q ( J i = Q A ( J ) *ZZ H (J) = EP (J) * ZZ**2.0 ABHP(J)=BHP(J) * ZZ**3 . O 80 PRI NT 1 9 , R P M ( J ) , Q A ( J ) , E P ( J ) , T O R ( J ) , W H P ( J ) , B H P ( J ) , E F F ( J ) , Q ( J ) , H ( J ) , I ABHP( J ) SURPM=O. OO SUQA = 0 . 0 0 SUQB = 0 . 0 0 SUEP = 0 . 0 0 SUTOR=O. OO SUWHP=O. OO SUBHP=O. OO SUEFF=O. OO SUQ = 0 . 0 0 SUH = 0 . 0 0 SUABHP=O. 0 0 DO 91 J = I , NOBS SU RPM=SURPM+RPM CJ I SUQA =SUQA + QA( J ) SUQB =SUQB + Q B ( J ) SUEP =SUEP + E P ( J ) SUTOR=SUTOR+TOR( J ) SUWHP=SUWHP+WHP{J ) SUBHP=SUBHP+BHP( J I S UE F F = S UE F F + E F F ( J ) SUQ =SUQ + Q ( J ) SUH =SUH + H ( J ) 91 SUABHP=SUABHP+ABHP( J ) 9 5 OBS = NOBS RPMA = SURPM/ OBS QAA = SUQA/ OBS QBA = SUQB/ OBS EPA = SUEP/ QBS TORA = SUTORZGBS -69WHPA = SUWHP/OBS BHPA = SUBHP/ OBS EFFA = S U E F F / 0 8 S AQ = SUQ/ OBS AH = SUH/ OBS ABHPA=SUABHP/ OBS CONC = ( QAA - QBA) /QAA * 1 0 0 . 0 PRI NT 1 8 , NCONC, CONC » RPMA »QAA »EPA »I ORA, WHPA *BHPA » E F F A, AQ, AH, ABHPA PUNCH 1 8 , NCONC, CONC, RPMA, QAA, EP A, TORA, WHPA, BHPA, EF F A, AQ, AH, ABHPA PRI NT 14 IF (NR) 5 5 , 2 3 , 2 2 55 CALL EXI T END APPENDIX B INPDT AND OUTPDT DATA The observed input data which was key-punched directly from the Fortran data sheets is included herein for the Allis-Ohalmers pump with the NSX open impeller, for the 1160 and I400 rpm runs. The computed results for these two runs is also included, as well as the 860 and 1600 rpm runs. A list of the column headings is included for explana­ tory purposes. All of the observed data which was collected during the course of this study is on file in the Civil Engineering Department at Montana State University. The computed results for the other pumps that were tested in addition to the Allis-Ohalmers pump are also on file in the Civil Engineering Department. . INPUT DATA NQ|5 GON = The nominal concentration of the mixture. NOM GPM = The nominal flow in gpm at which the run is made, SHAFT NBR = The number of the torque shaft which was used, INIT TORQ = The initial torque reading after zeroing. RPM = The pump speed at which the reading was taken. GPM MIX = The flow of the water-chip mixture in gpm/2, GPM WATER = The flow of the clear water in gpm/2, LT MAN = The left manometer reading in inches of deflection. RT MAN = The right manometer reading in inches of deflection. .TORQ = The torque reading in millivolts. OUTPUT DATA NOM OON = The same as for the input data. -71AOT OON = The actual computed volumetric concentration of the mix. KPM = The average pump speed for the test run. Q GEM =S The average flow of the mixture for the test run. TEST HEAB = The average head produced by the pump in feet. TORQUE = The average torque input to the pump in inch-pounds. EUMP HE =J The output horsepower or water horsepower. BHP = The input or brake horsepower, EFF = The overall efficiency of the pump. The last three columns consist of the flow in gallons per minute, the pump head in feet, and the brake horsepower adjusted to the nominal pump speed. -72TABLE B-I ALLIS-CHALMERS PUMP 4 X 4 SPEED X 9 - 1 / 2 - IN T Y P E 1160 OBSERVED NOM CON 20 SHAFT NBR 600 3 6 00 600 550 10 550 3 3 3 3 INIT TORQ RPM RPM DATA GPM MIX GPM WATER LT MAN RT MAN TORQ —4• 1164. 1163. 1164. 1163. 1165. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 18.80 18.80 18.80 18.80 18.80 18.70 18.70 18.70 18.70 18.70 in 10 NOM GPM NSX 1162. 1161. 1161. 1162. 1162. 1161. 1161. 300. 299. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 271. 271. 271. 271. 271 . 271. 271. 19.00 19.00 18.90 19.00 18.90 18.90 18.90 18.90 18.90 18.80 18.90 18.80 18.80 18.80 526. 528. 529. 531. 530. 534. 532. 1156. 1155. 1156. 1156. 1156. 1156. 1158. 300. 300. 300. 302 . 302. 302. 302. 240. 239. 240. 240. 239. 239. 239. 18.90 19.00 18.90 18.90 18.90 18.90 18.90 18.80 18.90 18.80 18.80 18.80 18.80 18.90 554. 556. 554. 556. 555. 557. 560. 1157. 1157. 1156. 1157. 1157. 1156. 1157. 274. 275. 275. 274. 274. 274. 275. 275. 275. 274. 274. 274. 274. 274. 19.10 19.10 19.00 19.10 19.10 19.10 19.10 19.00 19.00 18.90 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 487. 488. 485. 487. 484. 485. 486. 1156. 1156. 1154. 275. 275. 275. 247. 247. 247. 19.20 19.10 19.10 19.10 19.00 19.00 498. 495. 493. 513. 512. 515. 512. -4 • —4 • -2. - 2. —‘73“ TABLE ti-1 (C O N T I N U E D ) 20 5 50 5 00 10 20 500 50 0 450 3 3 3 3 3 1154. 1154. 1153. 1154. 274. 274. 274. 275. 247. 247. 247. 247. 19.10 19.20 19.20 19.10 19.00 19.10 19.10 19.00 497. 496. 49 9 . 500. 1162. 1164. 1164. 1162. 1164. 1164. 1165. 275. 274. 275. 275. 274. 275. 275. 221 . 221. 22C . 220. 220. 220. 220. 19.70 19.70 19.70 19.70 19.60 19.70 19.70 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.50 19.60 19.60 523. 522. 521 . 528. 521. 523. 526. 1160. 1160. 1161. 1161. 1161. 1162 . 251. 250. 2 51 . 2 51 . 2 51 . 2 51 . 251 251 2 51 25 1 251 251 19.70 19.70 19.70 19.70 19.70 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.50 458. 460. 4 61. 458. 463. 458. 1159. 1158. 1159. 1158. 1159. 1159. 1158. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 19.70 19.70 19.80 19.80 19.80 19.80 19.70 19.60 19.60 19.70 19. 70 19.70 19.70 19.60 474. 473. 475. 476. 474. 472. 475. 1156. 1156. 1158. 1157. 1156. 1157. 1157. 249. 250. 250. 251. 250. 2 51 . 2 51 . 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 19.90 19.90 19.90 19.90 19.90 19.90 19.90 19.80 19.80 19.80 19.80 19.80 19.80 19.80 494. 495. 496. 493. 494. 498. 491 . 1155. 1155. 1156. 1154. 1154. 1 1 5 5. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 19.90 19.90 19.90 19.90 19.90 19.80 19.80 19.80 19.80 19.80 19.80 19.70 428. 429. 42 6« 427. 428. 426. - 2. 0. . . . . . . 0. 0. 0. -74— TABLE B-I IO 20 450 450 400 10 20 400 400 (CONTINUED) 1154. 225. 225. 19.90 19.80 426. 1151. 1151. 1153. 1152. 1152. 1152. 1152. 225. 224. 224. 223. 224. 224. 223. 202. 202. 202. 202. 201. 201 . 2 01 . 20.00 19.90 20.00 20.00 20.00 19.90 19.90 19.90 19.80 19.90 19.90 19.90 19.80 19.80 440. 440. 444. 442. 437. 438. 439. 1162. 1161. 1161. 1161. 1161. 1161. 1161. 226. 227. 227. 226. 227. 227. 227. 180. 180. 180. 180. 180. 180. 180. 20.40 20.50 20.40 20.40 20.40 20.40 20.40 20.30 20.40 20.30 20.30 20.30 20.30 20.30 467. 463. 462. 465. 465. 468. 464. 1159. 1161. I 160. 1161. 1159. 1160. 1160. 200. 200. 200. 199. 199. 199. 199. 200. 200. 200. 199. 199. 199. 199. 20.40 20.30 20.30 20.40 20.30 20.30 20.25 20.30 20.20 20.30 20.30 20.20 20.20 20.35 395. 396. 395. 395. 397. 395. 394. 1158. 1158. 1157. 1157. 1158. 1155. 1156. 200. 199. 199. 199. 199. 199. 199. 180. 179. 179. 179. 179. 179. 179. 20.40 20.35 20.30 20.40 20.30 20.35 20.40 20.20 20.15 20.20 20.20 20.15 20.20 20.20 406. 408. 407. 403. 404. 405. 406 . 1154. 1154. 1155. 1154. 1153. 1154. 1154. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 160. 160. 160. 160. 160. 160. 160. 20.40 20.35 20.45 20. 35 20.50 20.45 20.40 20.30 20.20 20.30 20.25 20.35 20.30 20.25 42 3. 42 2 . 422. 424. 42 3. 424. 428. 3 3 3 3 3 0. 0. 0. 0. -75TABLE 20 350 3 50 300 10 20 300 300 3 3 3 3 3 0. 1155. 1155. 1155. 1154. 1154. 1154. 1154. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 20.30 20.35 20.40 20.35 20.30 20.30 20.30 20.20 20.25 20.30 20.20 20.20 20.20 20.30 360 360 3 65 360 360 360 3 62 1161. 1161 . 1161. 1161. 1161. 1161 . 1161. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 176. 175. 158. 158. 158. 158. 158. 158. 158. 20.60 2 0.70 20.65 20.70 20.60 20.70 20.70 20.50 20.60 20.55 20.60 20.50 20.60 20.55 374 3 72 375 370 372 372 3 73 1158. 1157. 1158. 1156. 1158. 1157. 1157. 175. 175. I 75. 175. 175. 175. 175. 141 . 141 . 140. 140. 141 . 141. 141 . 20.70 20.80 20.75 20.70 20.75 20.70 20.50 20.60 20.55 20.50 20.75 20.50 20.55 387 390 388 389 388 385 388 1162. 1163. 1162. 1163. 1163. 1162. 1164. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 20.80 20.60 20.70 20.60 20.60 20.90 20.70 20.50 20.50 20.60 20.60 20.60 20.40 20.30 310 312 309 308 311 308 308 1166. 1167. 1166. 1167. 1166. 1166. 1166. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 135. 135. 135. 135. 135. 135. 135. 21.10 21.10 21.10 21.10 21.20 21.00 21.10 20.80 21.00 20.90 21.00 20.90 21.00 21.10 3 18 3 20 3 19 3 18 319 322 3 20 1167. 150. 120. 21.40 21.00 3 32 0. 0. VJI 10 3 (CONTINUED) IXJ O 350 B-I -8 . -8. -8 . — 7 6~ TABLE B-I 250 10 20 250 250 200 10 200 3 3 3 3 3 (CONTINUED) 1166. 1168. 1169. 1169. 1169. 1169. 150. 150. 151 . 150. 151 . 151 . 120. 120. 120. 120. 120. 120. 21.30 21.40 21.20 21.20 21.20 21.30 21.10 20.90 21.10 21.20 21.00 21.00 333. 338. 336. 336. 337. 337. 1158. 1159. 1157. 1159. 1159. 1158. 1159. 12 5. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 21.00 20.80 20.90 21.00 20.90 20.80 20.90 20.60 20.80 20.60 20.70 20.60 20.70 20.60 289. 288. 293 . 292. 29 2 . 291 . 290. 1157. 1157. 1157. 1158. 1158. 1159. 1159. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 20.90 20.80 21,00 21.00 21.00 21.20 21.00 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.90 20.60 20.50 20.70 302. 299. 301 . 300. 302. 300. 303. 1157. 1157. 1157. 1157. 1157. 1156. 1156. 126. 125. 124. 125. 125. 12 5. 126. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 20.90 21.00 20.70 20.60 20.70 20.70 20.80 20.70 20.80 317. 312 . 314. 314. 316. 318. 316. 1165. 1163. 1164. 1165. 1164. 1164. 1165. 101 . 101 . 101 . 101 . 101 . 101 . 101. 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 21.30 21.40 21.30 21.30 21.30 21.30 21.40 21.20 21. 10 21.20 21.20 21.10 21.20 21.10 269. 265. 266. 269. 262 . 264. 264. 1162. 1162. 1163. 101 . 102 . 102. 21.50 21.30 21.40 21.20 21.10 21.20 275. 274. 273. -8. -8. - 8. - 8. . . . . . . . - 8. 91 . 91. 91. -77TABLE 20 200 150 10 0 3 3 3 8-1 (CONTINUED) 1163. 1164. 1163. 1164 . 100. 100. 100. 100. 90. 90. 90. 90. 21.50 21.50 21.40 21.50 21.20 21.10 21.00 21.10 276. 275. 273. 274. 1160. 1160. 1160. 1161. 98. 100. 100. 99. 80. 81. 80. 80. 21.20 21.30 21.20 21.30 21.00 21.00 21.10 21.00 284. 286. 290. 287. 1167. 1168. 1167. 1166. 1167. 1167. 1167. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 21.50 21.60 21.70 21.60 21.70 21.70 21.70 21.50 21.60 21.70 21.40 21.60 21.60 21.50 226. 227. 1159. 1160. 1159. 1160. 1159. 1158. 1159. 52 . 52. 52 . 52. 52. 52. 52 . 52. 52. 52. 52. 52. 52. 52 . 21.60 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.60 21.60 21.60 21.30 21.40 21.30 21.50 21.50 21.40 21.60 196. 197. 198. 195. 194. 193. 197. 1160. 1166. 1167. 1167. 1168. 1168. 1168. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. 23.50 2 3.50 2 3.50 23.20 2 3.40 2 3.40 23.70 23.40 23.40 23.30 23.20 23.20 23.30 23.00 150. 154« 158. 154. 152. 155. 157. -8 . - 8. 222 . 224. 222 . 226. 223. -8. — 7 8~ TABLE B-I I ALLIS CHALMERS PUMP 4 X 4 SPEED COMPUTED NOM CON ACT CON RPM X. 9 - 1 / 2 - I N 1160 TYPE NSX RPM RESULTS Q GPM TEST HEAD TORQ PUMP HP BHP Q 1160 EFF HEAD 1160 BHP 1160 1163. 1161. 1156. 600. 599. 602. 39.21 39.51 39.47 605.5 625.4 656.3 5.94 5.99 6.01 11.18 11.52 12.04 53.1 51.9 49.9 598. 598. 604. 38.96 39.42 39.73 11.07 11.48 12.16 10 20 .0 10.0 19.8 1156. 1154. 1163. 548. 549. 549. 39.81 39.93 41.07 570.8 583.7 615.2 5.52 5.54 5.70 10.47 10.69 11.35 52.7 51.6 50.2 550. 4 0 .04 551 . 4 0 .32 547. 40.81 10.56 10.84 11.25 10 20 .0 10.0 20.0 1160. 1158. 1156. 501 . 4 1 . 0 6 500. 4 1 . 2 2 500. 4 1 . 5 1 537. I 554.3 578.4 5.20 5.21 5.25 9.89 10.19 10.61 52.6 51.1 49.5 501. 500. 501. 41.00 41.32 41.75 9.87 10.22 10.70 10 20 .0 9.9 20.6 1154. 450. 1151. 447. 1161 . 4 5 3 . 41.48 41.63 42.59 498.5 513.7 543.3 4.71 4.71 4.88 9.13 9.39 10.00 51.6 50.1 48.7 452. 450. 452. 41.87 42.22 42.51 9.25 9.59 9.98 10 20 .0 10.0 20.0 1160. 1157. 1154. 398. 398. 400. 42.44 42.40 42.55 460.6 472.8 494.4 4.27 4.26 4.30 8.47 50.4 8.68 49.1 9 .0 5 4 7 . 5 398. 399. 402. 42.44 42.62 43.00 8.47 8.74 9. 19 10 20 .0 9.7 19.5 1 1 5 4 . 350. 1161 . 3 5 0 . 1157. 350. 42.42 43.11 43.19 419.9 433.6 451.8 3.75 3.81 3.82 7.69 7.98 8.29 47.7 46.0 351 . 42.83 349. 43.03 350. 43.39 7.80 7.96 8.35 10 20 .0 10.0 20.2 1162. 1166. 1168. 300. 300. 300. 43.08 43.98 44.26 368.1 380.0 399.2 3.26 3.33 3.36 6.79 7.03 7.39 48.1 47.4 45.5 299. 298. 298. 42.88 43.51 43.65 6.74 6.91 7.24 .0 10 20 10.4 20.0 1158. 1157. 1156. 250. 250. 250. 43.46 43.62 43.61 345.9 358. I 375.1 2.74 2.75 2.76 6.35 6.57 6.88 43.1 41.9 40.0 250. 250. 250. 43.57 43.78 43.85 6.38 6.61 6.94 10 20 .0 1 1 6 4 . 10.2 1163. 19. I 1 1 6 0 . 202. 201. 198. 44.43 44.52 44.21 316.0 326.3 341.2 2.26 2.26 2.21 5.83 6.02 6.28 38.8 37.6 35.3 201. 200. 198. 44.10 44.29 44.19 5.77 5.97 6.27 1167. 1159. 1166. 150. 104. I. 45.17 44.95 48.85 266.9 233.0 183.8 1.71 1.18 .01 4.94 4.28 3.40 34.6 27.5 .3 149. 104. 44.63 45.02 48.33 4.85 4.29 3.34 .0 .0 .0 Is*- .0 9.6 20.4 CO 10 20 0. -79TABLE B-III A L L IS - C H A L M E R S PUMP 4 X 4 SPEED X 9-1/2-IN 1400 OBSERVED NOM SHAFT GPM NBR 600 10 20 600 600 10 550 3 3 3 3 RPM DATA LT MAN RT MAN TORQ 300. 301 . 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 29.10 29.10 29.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 28.90 28.90 28.90 28.90 28.90 28.90 28.90 663. 6 64. 659. 660 . 659. 658. 661 . 299. 298. 299. 298. 299. 299. 299. 271. 271. 271. 2 70. 271 . 271. 271. 28.90 28.90 28.90 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.60 28.70 28.70 28.70 668 • 666 . 670. 666 • 665. 66 7. 668. 1396. 1396. 1395. 1393. 1395. 1396. 1395. 300. 300. 299. 299. 298. 299. 299. 240. 240. 240. 240. 240. 240. 240. 29.20 29.20 29.20 29.20 29.20 29.30 29.30 29.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 29.10 29.10 696. 694. 693. 691. 696. 692. 693. 1398. 1400. 1399. 1398. 1401. 1399. 1399. 275. 275. 275. 275. 275. 275. 276. 275. 275. 275. 275. 275. 275. 274. 29.40 29.50 29.40 29.40 29.50 29.50 29.50 29.20 29.40 29.30 29.20 29.30 29.30 29.30 626. 625. 628. 627. 630. 628. 629. 1394. 276. 247. 29.50 29.30 644. RPM GPM MI X 1405. 1403. 1401. 1402. 1401. 1400. 1401 . 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 298. 299. 1391 . 1389. 1390. 1390. 1388. 1389. 1390. GPM WATER 8. 8. 8. O O 550 3 INIT TORQ NSX O' rsj NOM CON TYPE 8. 8. - 80™ TABLE B--III 20 5 50 500 10 20 500 500 450 3 (CONTINUED) 1392. 1393. 1394. 1394. 1395. 1395. 276. 275. 274. 275. 276. 275. 247. 247. 247. 247. 247. 247. 29.50 29.40 29.50 29.50 29.40 2 9.50 29.30 29.20 29.30 29.30 29.20 29.20 640 . 640 . 6 43 . 640. 645. 639. 1405. 1408. 1407. 1407. 1407. 1405. 1405. 276. 275. 275. 275. 275. 274. 274. 220. 220. 220. 220. 220. 220. 220. 30.10 30.10 30.10 30.10 30.10 30.10 30.10 30.00 29.90 29.90 29.90 29.90 29.90 29.90 673. 672. 668 . 1409. 1410. 1410. 1411. 1409. 1409. 1410. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 30.20 30.20 30.20 30.20 30.20 30.30 30.30 30.10 30. 10 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.10 30.10 592. 595. 5 92 . 596. 598. 587. 586. 1404. 1402 . 1403. 1405. 1402. 1403. 1403. 250. 249. 250. 250. 250. 2 51 . 251. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 30.10 30.20 30.20 30.20 30.20 30.20 30.10 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 29.90 29.90 608. 603. 607. 608. 604. 607. 606. 1397. 1395. 1397. 1396. 1396. 1396. 1397. 250. 252. 252. 250. 250. 248. 250. 2 00. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.10 30.00 30.10 30.00 29.80 29.80 29.90 29.90 29.80 29.90 29.80 620. 6 21 . 623. 627. 622. 627. 630. 1395. 1397. 1396. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 30. 10 30.00 30.00 29.80 29.80 29.80 546. 548. 547. 8. 3 668 • 670. 66 7. 672. 8. 3 3 3 8. 8. 8. -81TABLE B-III 10 20 450 450 400 10 20 400 400 3 3 3 3 3 (CONTINUED) 1396. 1397. 1397. 1396. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 30.00 30.10 30.00 30.00 29.80 29.90 29.80 29.80 550. 549. 548. 549. 1393. 1394. 1395. 1393. 1394. 1395. 1395. 225. 225. 226. 225. 226. 226. 227. 202. 202. 202 . 202. 202 . 202. 202. 30.00 30.10 30.00 30.30 30.00 30.10 30.00 29.70 29.80 29.80 29.70 29.70 29.80 29.70 568. 567. 569. 572. 569. 569. 570. 1393. 1392. 1390. 1391. 1392. 1392. 1392. 225. 225. 225. 225. 224. 224. 225. 180. 180. 180. 180. 180. 180. 180. 30.00 30.00 30.10 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 29.80 29.80 29.80 29.80 29.80 29.80 29.80 588. 587. 589. 591. 589. 590. 590. 1388. 1389. 1390. 1390. 1389. 1390. 1390. 200. 200. 200. 200. 199. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 2 9.80 29.80 2 9.90 29.90 30.00 30.00 30.00 29.60 29.60 29.60 29.60 29.70 29.70 29.70 512. 514. 516. 513. 516. 513. 514. 1388. 1385. 1386. 1387. 1387. 1388. 1387. 200. 202. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 180. 180. 180. 180. 180. 180. 180. 30.00 30.10 30.10 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 29.70 29.80 29.80 29.80 29.80 29.80 29.80 530. 532. 531. 529. 534. 534. 536. 1407. 1407. 1407. 1407. 1406. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 160. 160. 160. 160. 160. 31 31 31 31 31 30.80 30.70 30.80 30.80 30.70 558. 558. 557. 562. 560. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 — 82 “ TABLE B--I I I !CONTINUED) 350 10 20 350 3 50 300 10 300 3 3 3 3 3 1407. 1407. 200. 200. 160. 160. 31.00 31.00 30.70 30.70 559. 561 . 1405. 1404. 1403. 1403. 1403. 1404. 1403. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 30.70 30.70 30.70 30.70 30.70 30.70 30.70 30.50 30.50 30.40 30.40 30.40 30.50 30.50 478. 477. 477. 478. 480. 4 82 . 479. 1400. 1401 . 1400. 1398. 1400. 1398. 1399. 175. 175. 175. 175. 174. 174. 175. 158. 158. 158. 158. 158. 158. 158. 30.70 30.70 30.70 30.60 30.70 30.60 30.70 30.50 30.50 30.40 30.30 30.40 30.40 30.40 495. 492 . 491. 486. 4 93 . 490. 493. 1393. 1394. 1393. 1395. 1394. 13 96. 1393. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 174. 140. 140. 140. 139. 140. 140. 140. 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.60 30.50 30.20 30.20 30.20 30.20 30.20 30.30 30.20 512. 508. 514. 510. 509. 507. 507. 1408. 1408. 1407. 1409. 1407. 1407. 1408. 150. 150. 152 . 151 . 150. 150. 151. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. I 50. 150. 31.10 31.10 31.10 31.10 31.10 31.20 31.10 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.10 31.00 445. 447. 448. 446. 446. 442. 444. 1405. 1405. 1408. 1406. 1406. 1408. 1407. 150. 150. 149. 150. 150. 148. 150. 136. 136. 136. 136. 136. 136. 136. 31.10 31.30 31.20 31.20 31.20 31.20 31.20 30.90 31.00 31.00 30.90 31.00 31.00 31.00 460. 457. 459. 461 . 4 60 • 458. 456. 8. 8. 8. 14. 14. — 83TABLE B-III 20 300 250 10 20 250 250 200 3 3 3 3 3 !CONTINUED) 14. 14 15. 1414. 1414. 1414. 1413. 1412. 1412. 150. 150. 149. 148. 150. 148. 148. 120. 120. 118. 118. 120. 120. 120. 31.40 31.40 31.50 31.40 31.40 31.30 31.40 31.00 31.00 31.10 31.00 31.00 30.90 30.90 482 483 483 486 4 82 483 486 1397. 1396. 1398. 1396. 1395. 1397. 1397. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 126. 126. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 30.90 30.60 30.80 30.60 30.70 30.70 30.70 30.50 30.40 30.30 30.10 30.20 30.30 30.40 408 408 4 11 407 408 4 13 412 1392. 13 94. 1392 . 1393. 1393. 1392. 1393. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 112. 112. 113. 112. 112. 112. 112. 30.60 30.90 30.80 30.80 30.70 30.60 30.80 30.40 30.30 30.20 30.40 30.20 30.30 30.40 425 426 428 426 427 426 428 1391. 1392. 1392. 1391. 1392. 1392. 1393. 125. 124. 124. 123. 123. 124. 124. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 31.50 31.50 31.60 31.40 31.50 31.40 31.50 31.00 30.90 30.90 30.90 30.80 31.00 31.00 410. 407. 414. 419. 418. 413. 412. 1400. 1401. 1400. 1402. 1400. 1400. 1400. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 31.30 31.60 31.50 31.40 31.30 31.20 31.30 30.80 30.90 31.00 30.90 31.00 30.80 30.90 370. 371. 367. 374. 367. 368. 365. 14. 14. —6 . 14. -84TABLE B-III 10 2 00 200 150 100 ■ 6 (CONTINUED) • 1401 . 1402. 1401 . 1401 . 1401 . 1401 . 1402. 102. 102. 102. 102. 102 . 102 . 102. 90. 90. 90. 90. 90. 90. 90. 32.30 32.30 32.20 32.30 32.30 32.30 32.20 31.50 31.60 31.50 31.60 31.50 31.50 31.50 3 62 3 63 3 64 361 3 63 360 361 1397. 1397. 1398. 1399. 1399. 1399. 1398. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 80. 80. 80. 80. 60. 80. 80. 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.10 32.10 31.40 31.40 31.30 31.40 31.30 31.40 31.30 380 378 375 378 377 382 380 1408. 1408. 1411. 1410. 1414. 1413. 1412. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75 . 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 31.90 32.00 32.00 32.20 32.20 32.00 32.00 31.40 31.30 31.80 31.60 31.90 31.80 31.00 3 39 336 340 33 9 342 3 43 340 1392 . 1381 . 1386. 1387. 1384. 1384. 1385. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.10 31.00 31.20 30.70 30.70 30.80 30.80 30.90 30.80 31.00 297 290 293 297 299 300 294 I• I. 33.50 33.40 33.20 33.00 33.00 33.40 33.30 33.50 33.20 33.30 33.50 33.30 33.10 33.20 254 247 248 246 238 242 251 ■6 . 14, 14. 14. 1398. 1393. 1387. 1384. 1392. 1390. 1390. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. — 85" TABLE B-IV ALLIS CH ALM ER S 4 X 4 X 9-1/2-IN TYPE NSX PUMP SPEED 1400 RPM CO MPUTED RESULTS Q 1400 HEAD 1400 BHP 1400 Q GPM TEST HEAD TORQ PUMP HP BHP 10 20 -.1 1 4 0 1 . 9.3 1389. 19. 7 1 3 9 5 . 599. 597. 598. 60.58 60.21 60.92 766.3 774. I 805.5 9.17 9.09 9.21 17.04 17.06 17.83 53.8 53.2 51.6 598. 60.42 601 . 61.11 600. 61.35 16.97 17.45 18.01 10 20 . I 1399. 10.2 1393. 19.9 1406. 550. 550. 549. 61.43 61.42 62.76 727.1 743.7 777.5 8.54 8.54 8. 72 16.14 16.44 17.34 52.9 51.9 50.2 550. 552. 547. 61.51 61.96 62.20 16.17 16.66 17.11 10 20 .0 10.0 20.0 1409. 1403. 1396. 500. 500. 500. 63.04 62.89 62.61 685.2 701.6 723.2 7.96 7.95 7.92 15.32 15.62 16.02 51.9 50.9 49.4 496. 62.18 499. 62.61 501 . 62.94 15.01 15.51 16.15 10 20 .0 10.5 19.8 1396. 1394. 1391. 452. 451. 449. 62.58 62.51 62.55 632.7 657.7 681.4 7.15 7.13 7.10 14. 0 1 14.54 15.04 51.0 49.0 47.2 453. 453. 452. 62.91 63.03 63.30 14.13 14.73 15.31 10 20 .0 1 3 8 9 . 10. I 1 3 8 6 . 20.0 1406. 399. 400. 400. 62.28 62.55 64.57 592.2 613.9 646.0 6.29 6.33 6. 53 13.05 13.50 14.42 48.2 46.8 45.2 402. 404. 398. 63.23 63.74 63.94 13.35 13.89 14.21 10 20 .0 9.5 20.0 1403. 1399. 1394. 350. 349. 349. 63.96 63.88 63.51 550.2 565.3 586.9 5.65 5.64 5.61 12.25 12.55 12.98 46.1 44.9 43.2 349. 349. 351. 63.63 63.93 64.05 12.16 12.56 13.15 10 20 .3 9.0 19.8 1407. 1406. 1413. 301. 299. 298. 64.97 65.02 65.24 503.6 519.3 548.9 4.94 4.91 4.91 11.24 11.59 12 . 3 1 43.9 42.4 39.9 299. 297. 295. 64.26 64.42 64.01 11.06 11.43 11.96 10 20 .2 10.2 19.2 1396. 250. 1392 . 250. 1391 . 2 4 7 . 63.82 63.85 65.27 460.9 481.1 489.1 4.04 4.0 3 4.08 10 . 2 1 10.63 10.80 39.5 37.9 37.8 251. 251. 249. 64.13 64.52 66.04 10.29 10.80 10.99 10 20 .0 11.7 20.0 1400. 1401. 1398. 200. 204. 200. 65.12 66.72 66.29 412.6 428.2 447.9 3.29 3.44 3.3 5 9.16 9.52 9.93 35.9 36.1 33.7 199. 203. 200. 65.08 66.60 66.46 9.16 9.49 9.97 .0 .0 .0 1410. 1385. 1390. 150. 100. I. 66.50 64.69 69.60 378.1 325.7 267.3 2.52 1.63 .01 8.46 7.16 5.89 29.7 22.8 .2 148. 101. I. 65.48 66.04 70.55 8.27 7.38 6.01 NOM CON ACT CON RPM EFF "86TABLE B-V ALLIS CH ALM ER S 4 X 4 X 9-1/2-IN PUMP SPEED TYPE NSX 860 RPM COMPUT ED RESULTS NOM CON A CT CON RPM Q GPM TEST HEAD TORQ PUMP HP BHP EFF Q 860 HEAD 8 60 BHP 860 10 20 .0 10.0 20.0 856. 861. 866. 400. 400. 400. 21.64 22.05 22.44 296.9 311.2 329.3 2.18 2.23 2.27 4.03 4.25 4.52 54.2 52.4 50.1 401. 399. 397. 21.81 21.97 22.13 4.08 4.23 4.43 10 20 .0 6.8 20.0 858. 864. 858. 350. 350. 350. 22.28 22.75 22.55 2 72.8 286.5 299.0 1.97 2.01 1.99 3.71 3.93 4.07 53.0 51.2 48.9 350. 348. 350. 22.39 22.52 22.61 3.74 3.86 4.09 10 20 .0 9.3 20.0 858. 865. 861. 300. 300. 300. 22.89 23.21 23.04 246.7 256.8 265.1 1.73 1.76 1.74 3.36 3.52 3.62 51.6 49.9 48.2 300. 298. 299. 22.95 22.91 22.99 3.37 3.45 3.60 10 20 .0 10.4 20.0 854. 863. 858. 250. 250. 250. 22.92 23.41 23.25 216.7 226.2 235.7 1.44 1.47 1.47 2.93 3.09 3.21 49.2 47.7 45.7 251. 249. 250. 23.21 23.23 23.32 2.99 3.06 3.22 10 20 .0 10.0 20.0 862. 861. 857. 200. 200. 200. 23.58 23.58 23.24 190.9 197.7 208.1 1.19 1.19 1.17 2.61 2.70 2.83 45.6 44.1 41.5 199. 199. 200. 23.46 23.51 23.39 2.59 2.69 2.85 .0 857. 150. 23.72 165.0 . 89 2.24 40.0 150. 23.85 2.26 .0 865. 100. 24.98 142.1 .63 1.95 32.3 99. 24.68 1.91 .0 654. 50. 24.96 113.0 .31 1.53 20.5 5 0. 25.30 1.56 .0 859. 2. 26.43 94.9 .01 1.29 1.0 2. 26.46 1.29 -87TABLE B -V I ALLIS CH ALM ER S 4 X 4 X 9-1/2-IN TYPE NSX PUMP SPEED 1600 RPM COMPUTED RESULTS NOM CON ACT CON RPM Q GPM TEST HEAD TORQ PUMP HP BHP 397. 400. 81.99 82.35 672.7 708.9 8.22 8.33 17.04 17.94 48.2 46.4 EFF Q 1600 HEAD 1600 BHP 1600 397. 401. 82.35 82.82 17.15 18.09 10 .0 10.2 10 .0 9.6 1602 . 298. 1587. 299. 84.39 82.38 577.3 604.9 6.35 6.22 14.68 15.23 43.3 40.8 297. 301. 84.10 83.68 14.60 15.60 .0 1602 . 252. 85. 18 523.8 5.42 13.31 40.7 251. 84.94 13.26 .0 1611 . 2 0 0 . 87.66 476.9 4.43 12.19 36.3 198. 86.42 11.93 .0 1596. 152. 86. 75 424.6 3.33 10.75 30.9 152. 87.10 10.82 .0 1606. 100. 89.02 3 80.4 2.25 9.69 23.2 99. 88.36 9.58 .0 1589. 2. 91.14 281.2 . 04 7.09 .6 2. 92.38 7.23 1596. 1595. APPENDIX C PHMP PERFORMANCE DATA The computed results for performance tests run on the FairbanksMorse pump at 1200 rpm and the Hazelton 5-inch GTL at 100 rpm appear in this section. These results are in the form of calculated numerical results (Tables G-I and G-II) and pump performance curves (Figs. 19 and 20), . The column headings notations for the tables are the same as in Appendix B 6 V -89TABLE C-I FAIRBANKS MORSE 3-IN 5422 9-3/4 PUMP SPEED IMP T3BI 1200 RPM COMPUTED RESULTS NOM CON ACT CON RPM Q GPM TEST HEAD TORQ PUMP HP BHP EFF 400. 400. 400. Q 1200 HEAD 1200 BHP 1200 10 20 .0 10.0 20.0 1196. 1195. 1209. 26.51 26. 14 25.88 205.4 208.1 215.5 2.68 2.64 2.61 3.90 3.94 4.13 68.7 66.9 63.2 401 . 26.65 401 . 26.35 396. 2 5 . 4 6 3.93 3.99 4.03 10 20 .0 9.7 20.2 1201 . 350. 3 0 . 6 9 1197. 350. 3 0 . 1 7 1 1 9 6 . 351 . 2 9 . 1 2 198.6 200.1 202.1 2.71 2.66 2.58 3.78 3.80 3.83 71.7 70.2 67.3 349. 30.64 350. 30.2 8 3 51 . 2 9 . 2 8 3.77 3.82 3.87 10 20 .0 9.3 20.0 1198. 300. 1197. 300. 1201 . 3 0 0 . 34.30 33.70 32.96 186.4 190.0 192.0 2.60 2.55 2.50 3.54 3.61 3.66 73.3 70.8 68.3 300. 300. 299. 34.41 33.84 32.90 3.56 3.63 3.64 10 20 .0 10.4 20.0 1200. 1199. 1197. 250. 250. 250. 37.54 37.04 36.2 6 171.5 173.3 177.2 2.37 2.34 2.29 3.26 3.29 3.36 72.5 70.9 68.0 249. 250. 250. 3 7.49 37.07 36.43 3.26 3.30 3.39 10 .0 10.0 1199. 1198. 200. 200. 39.68 39.37 151.6 151.9 2.00 1.99 2.88 2.88 69.4 68.9 200. 200. 39.72 39.50 2.89 2.90 .0 1 2 0 2 . 100. 43.4 5 109.8 1.09 2.09 52.4 9 9. 43.30 2.08 .0 1192. 49.54 76.8 .10 1.45 6.8 8 . 50.17 1.48 8. QfJo Cone. IQfJo Cone, ZQfJ0 Cone. E f f ic i e n c y in Per cen t ° A o D isch arge in GPM F ig u re 19 — T est Pump Performance Curve fo r Fairbanks-M orse 3 - inch Pump a t 1200 RPM —91— TABLE C-I I HA ZEL !O N 5-INCH CTL PUMP SPEED IOOO PUMP RPM CO MPUTED RESULTS NOM CON ACT CON RPM BHP 1000 TORQ BHP 652. 4 2 . 9 0 65 2 . 4 2 . 0 4 650. 4 0 . 9 7 691.7 693.1 704. I 7.07 6.93 6.73 11.00 10.99 11.16 64.2 63.0 60.3 650. 42.69 652 . 4 2 .04 650. 41.02 10.92 10.99 11.18 TEST HEAD EFF Q 1000 HEAD 1000 PUMP HP Q GPM 10 20 .0 10.4 20.3 1002. 1000. 999. 10 20 .0 10.6 53.0 1002 . 600. 998. 604. 996. 602. 47.18 45.64 44.34 662.7 665.8 672.7 7.15 6.96 6. 76 10.53 10.54 10.63 67.9 66.1 63.5 598. 4 6 . 9 9 605. 45.82 604 . 44.66 10.47 10.60 10.75 10 20 .0 10.1 20.3 1 0 0 0 . 550. 1 0 0 1 . 550. 1000. 553. 47.73 46.93 47.27 644.7 649.7 659.2 6.63 6.52 6.61 10.23 10.31 10.46 64.8 63.2 63.1 549. 549. 552. 47.67 46.84 47.19 10.21 10.28 10.44 10 20 .0 10.0 20.1 997. 1001. 999. 500. 500. 496. 51.03 50.76 50.17 603.6 625.2 637.3 6.45 6.41 6.30 9.55 9.93 10.10 67.5 64.6 62.3 501. 499. 496. 51.32 50.66 50.21 9.63 9.90 10.12 10 20 .0 10.2 20.0 1002. 1001. 997. 452. 450. 452. 53.69 52.94 51.78 586.7 597.6 606.2 6.13 6.02 5.93 9.33 9.49 9.59 65.7 63.4 61.7 451. 449. 453. 53.45 52.81 52.01 9.26 9.46 9.66 10 20 .0 10.0 20.1 999. 400. 997. 400. 1000 . 396. 55.09 54.15 54. 19 554.6 564.4 581.5 5.57 5.47 5.43 8.79 8.93 9.23 63.3 61.2 58.9 400. 400. 396. 55.18 54.39 54.15 8.81 8.99 9.21 10 20 .0 9.9 19.8 1003 . 350. 1002. 350. 998. 348. 57.03 56.26 55.03 527.3 542.5 557.0 5.04 4.99 4.84 8.39 8.63 8.82 60.0 57.8 54.9 348. 349. 348. 56.60 55.95 55.16 8.30 8.56 8.85 10 20 .0 10.0 19.7 1003. 1000. 997. 300. 301. 297. 57.87 56.97 56.34 491.4 502.6 515.2 4.38 4.33 4.23 7.82 7.97 8.15 56.0 54.3 51.9 298. 57.46 301 . 56.90 298. 56.68 7.74 7.96 8.22 10 20 .0 10.6 19.8 1000. 998. 999. 250. 252. 248. 58.65 57.52 57.52 464.8 477.1 498.1 3.70 3.67 3.61 7.37 7.55 7.90 50.2 48.6 45.7 250. 253. 248. 58.65 57.72 57.54 7.37 7.59 7.90 -92TABLE C-I I (CONTINUED) .3 9.4 996. 995. 2 01 . 5 9 . 1 5 198. 5 8 . 4 2 427.5 436.7 3.00 2.93 6.77 6.89 44.4 42.5 201. 199. 59.36 58.98 6.80 6.99 .0 997. 150. 59.59 399.9 2.26 6.33 35.7 150. 59.85 6.37 .0 1001 . 9 9. 60.97 369.0 1.52 5.86 26.0 99. 60.77 5.83 .0 1002 . 4 6. 63.87 347.2 . 77 5.52 14.0 47. 63.62 5.48 .0 1002. I. 69.12 3 3 3.9 .01 5.31 .3 0. 68.77 5.27 - 93 - JaMOdasJOH a^BJH o o o o <] □ D isch arge in GPM O q.uao jad ut XouaTOTjja pra q.aaj ut p'ean F igu re 20 — T est Pump Perform ance Curve fo r H azelton 5 - in ch CTL a t 1000 RPM - o A a 94 - CfJ0 Cone. 10$ Cone, 20$ Cone. Brake Horsepower A ll p o in ts were w ith in 1$ o f each o th er —. 10 - D isch arge in GPM F igu re 21 — T est Pump Performance Curve fo r A llis-C h a lm e r s NSX a t 860 RPM - - 90 20 15 o A Qfj0 Cone. 10$ Cone. 10 5 D isch arge in GPM F igu re 22 - - T est Pump Performance Curve fo r A llis-C h a lm e r s NSX a t 1600 RPM Brake Horsepower — 95 - 96 - CURVE E -7301 VAE. RPM ,C TYPE NSX MAX. DIA. MIN. DIA. F 7 - M 2 FRAME T o ta l Head in F eet - E f f ic i e n c y Curves 100 - U. S. G a llo n s per Minute F igu re 23 A llis-C h a lm e r s Pump Perform ance Curve APPENDIX D STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS The details of the statistical analysis (mentioned in Chapter V) used to insure enough observations at each point so that the values would lie within + 0.2 per cent of the real value are presented in this section. A 95 per cent confidence interval was selected and the analysis was based on a "t" distribution wherin x - u i— —I s || n distribution with n - I degrees of freedom [loj. follows the "t" Therefore the probability P equals: P — L Then <u < x + f* <X/2 = Io c a j fn,’ S = I - oc = .95 0.025, since o< = 0.05 x + s t i025,n-1 frT -S % 0 25, = u = 0.4 the selected limit Then 2 |^l_t .025,n-fJ = 0.4 or 4 _ t .025,n-1 (n Then = 0.2 f T = 0_t.o25,n-1 Two initial runs at 1150 and 1400 rpm were made and data collected from four observations at each flowrate. The computed results for the two runs were analyzed for an estimate of the standard deviation to use for a determination of "n". Engineering Department. The data referred to is on file in the Civil Values for s = negligible value up to 0.26. , / (x - 3t)2 varied from a A value of s = 0.22 was selected as an -98estimate of the standard deviation. Reference was then made to a table of "t" values plQ~] and using s = 0.22/ a value of n = 7 was arrived at by trial and error. V5"= £ _ t.025,n-1 where t #02^ 6 = 2.447 0.2 Then ' ■\FT= 2.65 ^ 2.66 = (0.22/0.2) (2.447) As computed results were printed out for each observation and the average for a series of observations, the confidence interval was check­ ed periodically. The testing was completed using seven observations and most of the values which were checked fit within the limits which were selected. - All of the data used for this analysis is on file in the Civil Engineering Department of Montana State University. N379 Pl1O cop. 2 Page, K. L. The effect of chip-shaped NAM t A^p Afeowitaii r\i >■ ; > v : ( (gj -uSX) Ib I?— b t IilN 2 4 fig 2 W E E K S USE % % /VT XT- 7 U H rnERURHARY. m m u e m A R INTERL' -3 A.6 wrrem.^' /V ^ 3 7 riv a <=op. 2 r