All images in this file are courtesy of MIT Press. Used with permission. 6.54IJ Handout tit4 Hdoota/ S Lkfcie- 2/26/04 -~~~~~_ 4 L 5 L -yi 11. 3 L Figure 2.2 Two-mass model of the vocal folds, showing compliances coupling the two masses to the lateral walls and to each other. 2.0 - ., u1 0-o . . I I . . .l . .l . I I I I I . . . I I I I I .E o3 e 0 - . .- D I . . . . a. · . . · · I I ·- . . .... \. .0 O 0.5 FRACTION OF CYCLE Figure 2.1 The upper part of the figure shows estimated lateral sections through the vibrating vocal folds at eight equally spaced times through the glottal vibration cycle. Data were obtained by Baer (1975) from an excised dog larynx. The scale of 1 mm is indicated by horizontal and vertical lines in the upper right of each panel. The curves in the lower panel show the lateral width of the glottal opening measured at the upper edge ot the vocal folds and at a point 13 mm below the upper edge. These curves illustrate the time lag between the displacements of the lower and upper portions of the vocal folds. (From Baer, 1975.) C,, T O3 TIME (ms) Figure - A .4 r Ao -nf jmrrr rnh'n rrF IIIra S$;r cnemanc reprULnrauNn o I 1.u l*e I Illu vI uS PL_ A urr -ingmasses u--.-. ... u a cde - -J -- of vibration of the two-mass model in figure 2.2. The displacement of the lower mass is given by ABCFH, whereas the trajectory of the upper mass is EFI. The upper mass begins its lateral motion at E, when the displacement of the upper mass is x1o. The dashed line to point D is the projected trajectory of the lower mass if the glottis did not open and if steady pressure on the lower mass were maintained. The glottis is open and airflow occurs in the region marked by the line EFH. The beginning of the second cycle is shown at the right. Assumed physical parameters of vocal folds are appropriate for an adult male, as described in the text. Figure 2.3 Tracings of vocal fold shapes at four instants of time during the dosed phase, from figure 2.1. (From Baer, 1975.) -- -·----- ----- �-- (-2- M�he\ (a) a E I­ 0 Figure 2.28 Waveform of derivative of glottal airflow Ug based on the LF model (Fant et al, 1985). The period is To and the open quotient OQ = 50 percent. The solid line is for an abrupt discontinuity in the derivative of Us (i.e, parameter T2 = 0) and the dashed line corresponds to T2 = 0.025T7. See text. Lw. (b) = T2 60 E ta, OQ = o ms 0.5 I a) 0. Ca E AA 4) 4 3 12 0 OIz) FREQ I (C) 60 .40 i 40 0.1 ms T2 | | | OQ = I a I 0 A X . a, \, VV V 0 I 3 ' 2 FREQUENCY (kHz) 0.1 ms re '4 I. , \ = OQ = 0.7 0.3 FREO(-Iz) A T2 60 ] I,- ,, -­ 1 3 2 4 5 FREQ Of) al Vy Iy·I y Figure 2.29 Spectrum of derivative of glottal airflow for LF model for several combinations of values of return time T2 and open quotient OQ as indicated. Fundamental frequency= 125 Hz. These spectra were calculated from a version of the LF model developed by Dennis Klatt (Klatt and Klatt, 1990). ~­ U -. _- I Figure 2.12 (a) The solid line is the volume velocity-waveform corresponding to the model with increased stiffness, for which displacements of masses are as shown in figure 2.11, and supra- and subglottal configurations are as in figure 2.8. The dashed line corresponds to the waveform in the absence of the effect of supra- and subglottal acoustic masses. (b) Derivative of waveform given by solid line in (a). (c) Spectrum of dUs/dt in (b). The dashed line has a -6 dB per octave slope. ,~~.~i-----··~~~-------- --------------- ~~~~~~1 Vv \ t~·C5 1 I IhAe% /w/' ats-3 Figure 9.19 Midsagittal sections when the vocal tract reaches its most constricted config­ uration for the glides /w/ (left) and /j/ (right). In the case of /w/, the frontal lip contour is also shown, to illustrate the lip rounding. (Adapted from Bothorel et al, 1986.) /iv '/I I 0 o I EE : I 0 0 a 5E Figure 9.24 Spectrograms of the utterances /'jt/ and /a'wlt/ produced by a female speaker (top) and a male speaker (bottom). Measured F trajectories are superimposed on the spectro­ grams. � ��_1_�__1_______3__1__I_ �11_ wY 4eWiT-t/ l - I_ - � -. -- ­ -- 60 ­ 60 40 40 i -H 3 a q. 2O I' = 0 O1 I A AL I 2 2 6 33 t-- L 0 4 2 1 FREQ (kH L) k -A - j- 3 FREQ (dz) ~ IV V 4 5 CiN . - 70ms som 200ms 210ms V V -V i E C I II 26 _ _I 40 m A I 1 2 34 2 3 FRE0 (kHz) C 3 0 1 2 3 FREQ (kHz). 4 5 0 1 4 5 320ms Figure 9.27 Spectra sampled at several points through the utterance /'wt/, produced by a female speaker (left) and a male speaker (right). In each case, the spectrum in the middle is sampled near the point of maximum constriction, and the spectra on the top and bottom are sampled in the preceding unstressed vowel and the following stressed vowel, respectively. Waveforms and time windows (30 ms) are shown below the spectra. ��7----��--���-�----�--~~C""-P--� I .1s a-t /d le"4 v -A I4/ 40 3 20 i1 2 3 4 5 Z4 i 7Oms BWnis 8Oms I :3 I C 1 0 2 4 3 FREO (kz) 5 170ms O 1 2 3 FRE Oz) 4 140m5 0 0 I 2 IAtU A, V V - A V , VV vv U I ~V 3 jdi 4 A An. v-vv 250nhs 5 , An A vv yvvi fv 210ms Figure 9.33 Same as figure 927, except that the utterance is /'jat/. The female speaker is rep­ resented in the left panels and the male speaker in the right panels. �--·-3� 5 NI I4CL bA ·L·�_I_, con s 0oKntS Figure 9.1 Midsagittal sections through the vocal tract during the production of nasal con­ sonants produced by dosing the lips (left) and raising the tongue tip to the alveolar ridge (right). For the labial consonant the context is "Mets tes beaux habits," and for the alveolar consonant the context is "Une rponse ... " (Adapted from Bothorel et al, 1986.) SUPRAGLOTTAL CONSTRICTION 10 z 0 - C­ U) -I- cnv O0 VELOPHARYNGEAL OPENING o -200 TIME -100 0 100 FROM RELEASE (ms) Figure 9.2 Schematization of the time course of the cross-sectional area of the oral constric­ tion (upper panel) and of the velopharyngeal opening (lower panel) during production of a nasal consonant in intervocalic position. The detailed shapes of these trajectories depend on the place of articulation for the consonant and for the adjacent sounds. ----- � T.�-�*-----.TI--------------- I � 2­ I Cr TIME FROM RELEASE (ms) Figure 9.5 Schematization of trajectories of poles and zeros of the transfer function of the vocal tract for a labial nasal consonant in intervocalic position. The transfer function is the ratio of the total volume velocity from the nose and mouth to the volume velocity at the glottis. The labial closure occurs between 0 and -I00 ms on the abscissa The lowest zero is labeled as Z1, and is shown as adashed line. Zeros above ZI are not shown. Poles are indicated by solid lines, including the two low-frequency poles RI and R2 that replace the first formant during the inter­ val when the velopharyngeal port is open. For times remote from the closure, poles and zeros due to acoustic coupling to the nasal cavity are canceled, and only the natural frequencies of the oral cavity remain labeled Fl through F4. The vowel configuration is taken to have a uniform cross-sectional area The points labeled 1,2, and 3 indicate times at which the spectrum enve­ lopes in figure 9.6 are calculated. 5 ___ F5 I I I I - 4 F, 0 W 0 .r 2 LA­ I I -100 O I =I 0 -200 I00 TIME FROM RELEASE (ms) Figure 9.9 Estimated trajectories of poles and zeros of the transfer function of the vocal tract for an alveolar nasal consonant in intervocalic position. Poles and zeros are labeled as in figure 9.5. The zero Zf accounts for acoustic coupling to the front cavity during the nasal murmur, as discussed in the text. The points labeled 1, 2, and 3 indicate times at which the spectrum enve­ lopes in figure 9.10 are calculated "II----------------� --· · P)- � - �..�I k) 3 I 2 a . I' - _ . . I 1 0 Cc: J 81D IIoffollffliI - 0 100 300 200 400 S0 TIME (ms) C il 1 I l l I lI ,q i 2i e _o 2 1 3 0 - 5 4 I 3 2 II 4 4 6 d~~~~~2S16~~~~~~ x . i 11 CIN 5;5)s 3 0 1 2 3~5 106m 2 I 3 5S 4 $ \/\ r r I I i ~~~~\l/ -v ~ -a.,,-^FRE (Mi. - -V'-- -v^ @QFR.e ( 1 0 2 Iv FRE0 ---) - ) 4 5 . _ fi JL.. a 9 -- ---��e I��-I------�-� �---�-ir_---�-�2-_IlL=L1 I" I,-A, . EI RwI --_ I vI I v v- v,, - Ah- -L. v,- ~--·--1~I-i I I I I I --- I': I-I- I- I I -1 I -- i ml -- I /ip f? ,/ ,+f7 s .- 'PL., v 1.0 I i! ii! 704 - 4 t_ --7--T--T--l :F -f-+ 3 - I I I .rA I I -, .. ! I . : 1= ! F| -. !' I - v --- 4- - v- j v,' 0, nV"V"v --U]T: I II . I . -. . . I v 0E E I t 4 I. II �)71-L. -- I. . *b~ V - -4 -\ i t ~=V._ -I I I . I -1 iz tI rei ; . s�lth�?i�s�·4�� F I - v - . I .7re- {ev v v -V v .0 _..k_* _I _-_. .J.A ._. _rL-C\~J4A/e~(* 4yV: i'" ' .~a - d A. ~o p tUV' itaU$ I ls l/, "1~ 1 1 j I1 F M I r-ly-F-W -11I1 1ILIII II II IV I F I ln l /-r 1 gv! - 4! v- v-- 1S I'H '-... 1 ll 'p v-- v- ^' ---- -V I . I .r I l' yv-, V"'V.V"" 5 !; BH !-W 474-H ... I I LI ,i I... I- "�' VVV v i . I. . . " V ff f~ V Vvv t Ct-l V A_" ,, -·--� V ,. ,- l I j-- V I 4 7­ .*. ntiL. W_L_V4_ULUl~YFI~ " v - i I I - III v-' VI'" a~ ~~ --