Massachusetts institute of Technology Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 22.071/6.071 - Introduction to Electronics, Signals and Measurement Spring 2006 Homework 5 Due 3/15/06 Problem 1. For dc operation determine the energy stored in the 0.1F capacitor C1 R1 1k Ω I1 1A 0.1 F R2 R3 1k Ω R4 1k Ω 1k Ω Problem 2. Under dc conditions calculate the current i and the voltage v for the following circuit i L1 3mH I1 1mA R1 1k Ω + v - C1 0.1 F R2 10k Ω Problem 3. The voltage across a 5 mH inductor is 5 (1 − exp [ −.5t ]) Volts. Calculate the current through the inductor and the energy stored in the inductor at time t=2 sec. Problem 4. A device outputs the square wave current waveform shown below on Figure 4(a). It is desired to obtain the triangular voltage waveform shown on Figure 4(b). i (mA) v (V) 10 12 1 2 3 4 5 t (sec) 3 1 2 3 4 5 t (sec) 4(b) 4(a) What device/element would you use and what are its characteristics including its initial state? Problem 5. Determine the Thevenin and the Norton equivalent circuits seen through ports a-b of the following networks. a i 10i I1 R1 R2 1A 1k Ω 20k Ω b R1 2v a 5k Ω 0.1v R3 20k Ω + R2 10k Ω v - b