The properties of surface oxidation of zirconium by auger electron spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectroscopy by Tair-ji Lee A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Tair-ji Lee (1988) Abstract: Zirconium dioxide is one of the most active isosynthesis catalysts. It has also found application as a construction material for nuclear reactors and high temperature devices. To develop an improved understanding of the surface oxidation of zirconium, the adsorption of oxygen on polycrystalline zirconium under ultra high vacuum has been studied using Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) and Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS). AES measurements have been conducted for zirconium samples with different extents of oxygen exposure over temperatures between 300 K to 673 K. Auger spectra were also recorded for Zr surfaces with the same extents of oxygen exposure but accomplished under different oxygen pressures and exposure times. The process of sputtering an initially 60 L O2-exposed Zr sample was studied employing SIMS. AES spectra were recorded at sequential interruptions during sputtering. Oxygen adsorption seems to follow the reaction sequence of first chemisorption, next rapid oxide nucleation, and finally slow oxide thickening. Diffusion of oxygen onto the bulk of zirconium is negligible at temperatures below 470 K and becomes significant at temperatures between 470 K and 673 K. Oxygen uptake was found to primarily depend on Oz exposure level and slightly on Oz exposure pressure (or exposure time). Secondary ion yield of the ZrO+ SIMS signal is closely related to the oxidation state of the Zr surface. THE PROPERTIES OF SURFACE OXIDATION OF ZIRCONIUM BY AUGER ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY AND SECONDARY ION MASS SPECTROSCOPY by Tair-ji Lee A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana April, 1988- ring J^S/s s ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Tair-ji Lee This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citation, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. Chairperson, Graduate Committee Date Approved for the Major Department Date Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Lfs ~ti ' % Date Graduate Dean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this the requirements for University, I a agree thesis in master's that partial fulfillment of degree the at Montana State Library shall make available to borrowers under rules quotations from this are allowable, without special permission, provided thesis that of the Library. it accurate Brief acknowledgement of source is made. Permission reproduction of professor, or in when, in for this his opinion . of extensive thesis absence, either, may by quotation be the the material is for scholarly purposes. granted from by or major Dean of Libraries proposed use of the Any copying or use of the material in this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to express his thanks to the faculty and staff of the Chemical Engineering Department at Montana State University for A special thanks go to Dr. for their excellent advice research. Thanks also goes their encouragement and help. Max Deihert and Dr. John Sears and guidance throughout this to Dr. Turgut Sahin who served on my thesis committee and has been a very helpful friend. The author wishes to extend his thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Tim Warner as well as Kris and Tim Jr. for their family's genuine concern and moral supportr to Mrs. Becky Warren and Mrs. Norma Ritter for their help in tutoring me English. Next, I would like to thank my father, Huai-Sheng Lee, and my mother, Chun-Mei Young, for their moral and financial support. Finally, arid most importantly, my wife, Lio, research. for her patience I would like to thank and assistance with this V TABLE OF CONTENTS Pacre APPROVAL............................. iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE....................... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS....................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................... v LIST OF TABLES.............. ............... ......... viii LIST OF FIGURES...................................... ix ABSTRACT.... ................... INTRODUCTION................................. ....... xii I BACKGROUND.. .......................... Zirconium................ .............. ......... 3 Auger Electron Spectroscopy and Auger Transitions of Zirconium.... ........ 7 Auger ElectronSpectroscopy.................... Auger Transitions ofZirconium................. Secondary Ion MassSpectroscopy...................... 7 10. 11 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Pacre Oxidation of Zirconium.... . ............... ....... 14 Studies by Non-surface-spectroscopic Methods... Studies by Surface-spectroscopic Methods....... .14 17 EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEM AND PROCEDURE........... ........22 RESULTS.......... 29 AES Results from Sequential Oxygen Exposures...... 29 Differentiated and Undifferentiated AES....... Normalized Peak Height Ratios................. Energy Shifts........ .................;....... 29 33 35 AES Results from Cyclic Oxygen Exposures.......... 45 Auger Spectra above Room Temperature........... 45 Ion Sputtering Monitored with SIMS and AES......... 48 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS................................ 52 Influence of Surface Oxidation on Auger Spectra.... 54 Adsorption Kinetics of Oxygen on Zirconium........ 61 Oz Exposure Pressure Dependence on Auger Spectra Intensity........................ 65 Auger Results above Room Temperature.............. 66 Ion Sputtering Monitored with SIMS and AES.... . 67 CONCLUSIONS.................................. 71 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Pacre RECOMMENDATIONS................... REFERENCES....................... .............. ..... APPENDICES..................... 73 .74 79 Appendix A ........................................ 80 Appendix B ................. 82 viii LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Pacre Auger Transitions from Oxygen Exposed Zirconium...................................... H Dependence of Auger Energies of Zirconium and Oxygen Transitions on Zirconium Surface Oxidation...................................... 54 3. Energy Shifts of Auger Peaks............ 60 4. The Energy Shifts of Auger Peaks Determined by Averaging Peak Maxima and Peak Minima in dCN(E)*E3/dE and those Determined by the Maximum Points in N(E) *E Spectra............... 80 Exposure Conditions for the Data in Figure 24__ 83 2. 5. iz LIST OF FIGURES Figure I. Page The energy states of electrons in zirconium metal and the schematic diagram of Zr (MvNzaNza) Auger transition........... 4 2. The three possible types of Auger transitions.„. 9 3. An example of a differentiated Auger spectrum, taken from slightly oxidized . zirconium............................. 12 The sequential oxygen exposures and AES measurements of this study..................... 25 The integrated SIMS spectra of essentially clean Zr and surface oxidized Zr....... ■....... 28 Undifferentiated "survey" Auger spectra from a clean Zr sample and a Zr sample after 100 L Oz exposure at room temperature.... 30 Differentiated "survey" Auger spectra from a clean Zr sample and a Zr sample after 100 L Oz exposure at room temperature.... 30 Multiplexing Auger spectra of Zr(80-180 eV) from oxygen uptake on zirconium at different oxygen exposures at room temperature........ . „„ 31 Multiplexing Auger spectra of Oxygen(495515 eV) from oxygen uptake on zirconium at different oxygen exposures at room temperature.................................. 32 The intensity of the ZRsz peak at different oxygen exposures at room temperature........... 34 The intensity ratio of the ZRize peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature.............................. 36 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. X LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) EiHure 12. 13. 14. 15. Page The intensity ratio of the Z R n v peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature............................... 37 The intensity ratio of the ZRi42 peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature............................... 38 The intensity ratio of the ZRi4s peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature............................... 39 The intensity ratio of the ZRivs peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature................ 40 Z 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. The intensity ratio of the Osoa peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature. ........... 41 The energy shift of the ZRsz peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature............................... 43 The energy shift of the Z R n v peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature............................... 44 The pressure dependence on the Osos peak intensity ratio using Langmuirs as the parameter for Oz exposure...................... 46 The intensity ratio of the Osos peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures above room temperature(linear scale)......... 47 The decay of ZrO+ SIHS signal intensity during sputtering a Zr sample after 60 L Oz exposure.................................... 49 The decay of the Auger intensity ratio of the Osos peak during sputtering a Zr sample after 60 L Oz exposure 50 xi LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 23. 24. 25. 26. -Pacre The+relationship between the decay of SIMS ZrO signal and the decay of Auger intensity ratio of the Osos peak during the process of sputtering a Zr sample that was initially exposed to 60 L Oz............................. 51 The variation of the Os os/ZRsz Auger signal intensities among different experiments....... 53 The intensity ratio of the Osos peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature (linear scale)..................... 56 The energy shift of the ZRsz peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature (linear scale) ...................... 62 xii ABSTRACT coi^ium dioxide is one of the most active isosynthesis catalysts. It has also found application as a construction material for nuclear reactors and high temperature devices. To develop an improved understanding of the surface oxidation of zirconium, the adsorption of oxygen on polycrystalline zirconium under ultra high vacuum has been studied using Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) and Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS). AES measurements have been conducted for zirconium samples with different extents of oxygen exposure over temperatures between 300 K to 673 K. Auger spectra were also recorded for Zr surfaces with the same extents of oxygen exposure but accomplished under different oxygen pressures and exposure times. The process of sputtering an initially 60 L Oz-exposed Zr sample was studied employing SIMS. AES spectra were recorded at sequential interruptions during sputtering. Oxygen adsorption seems to follow the reaction sequence of first chemisorption, next rapid oxide nucleation, and finally slow oxide thickening. Diffusion of oxygen onto the bulk of zirconium is negligible at temperatures below 470 K and becomes significant at temperatures between 470 K and 673 K. Oxygen uptake was found to primarily depend on Oz exposure level and slightly on Oz exposure pressure (or exposure time). Secondary ion yield of the ZrO SIMS signal is closely related to the oxidation state of the Zr surface. I INTRODUCTION Heterogeneous catalysis plays a role of vital importance in a wealth of chemical manufacturing processes. Nevertheless, there still uncoordinated, information understanding the exists relating mechanisms quite to a bit catalysis. of Hencer of heterogeneousIy catalyzed reactions and how catalytic activity relates to properties the catalyst surface has always been of primary concern to scientific investigators and practicing technologists who want to develop and improve catalysts. decade, the advent of techniques has provided execute microscopic reactions on systems. the The new surface—sensitive improved application analysis techniques to the studies catalysts and reactions catalyzed enhanced knowledge of the of the surface, layers of the analysis tools for researchers to investigations uppermost During the last these structure and of catalytic surface—sensitive of the surface of solid by solids has greatly processes occurring at solid/gas interfaces. Zirconium dioxide (ZrOz) catalytic behavior in is known to exhibit active dehydrogenation, hydrogenation and hydrogen exchange reactions Cl]. Studies of the catalytic 2 chemistry of zirconium mainly on bulk dioxide, zirconium dioxide have been performed on foil. layer The oxide stoichiometry C33 however, surface and has to C23. No major studies oxide formed on zirconium been have adsorption and exchange of have proceeded shown an hydrogen to activity have ZrOz for the and oxygen similar to that of bulk ZrOz E43. The objective of the improved understanding zirconium utilizing present of two the widely analysis techniques, Auger temperature temperature. and at surface used (SIMS). levels several SIMS and AES chemical state and is to develop an oxidation of surface-sensitive Electron Spectroscopy (AES) and Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy different oxygen exposure study surface Auger spectra at are investigated at room temperatures above room are utilized to investigate the structure of the oxidized Zr. This spectral information is used to identify the effects of temperature and extent of oxygen exposure on the nature °f the surface oxide formed. ■ They also provide a basis for identifying the oxidation state of Zr sample. Zr on an oxygen exposed 3 BACKGROUND Zirconium Bulk zirconium (atomic number 40) metal similar to steel in appearance. the titanium subgroup IV of zirconium consists of five is a silver-grey It is an element of the periodic system. Natural stable isotopes, Zr^® (51.46%), (11-23 %), Zr92 (17.11%), Zr94 (17.4%) and Zr96 (2.8%) and it ranks twelfth abundance. The modifications. among pure The low hexagonal-close-packed temperature structure. C43. the metal elements in terrestrial exists in two allotropic temperature <x—zirconium exhibits a (h.c.p.) p-zirconium has structure and the high body-centered-cubic (b.c.c.) The a-P transition temperature is 1135 K (+5 K) The electronic configuration ls22s2p63s2p6d104s2p6d25s2 levels of the electrons in (or of CKr34d25s2). zirconium zirconium is The energy are shown in (a) of Figure I with X-ray designation of each energy level C53. Zirconium compounds (e.g. reacts HzO, surface oxide film. surface of bulk readily CO, This zirconium COz, thin from with ...) oxide to oxygen-containing form a cohesive film protects the further oxidation at room 4 INCIDENT ENERGY \ Ep>> 5 AugerCMvN23N23 e Mv VAC 0 eV \ F n 45+2 N 00 . ? 29 52 . .\ \ \ VT 180 183 331 mIII Mn Jjl. 2223 Lu 1227. 2532 K 17998 -- Ground State (a) Figure I. Final State (c) The energy states of electrons in zirconium metal and the schematic diagram of Zr(MvNzaNza) Auger transition. 5 temperature C43. Zirconium and its absorbing and/or alloys show adsorbing temperatures, even at very a most low great affinity for gases pressures. at elevated This property has led to the use of zirconium as a so called "bulk getter material" in high-vacuum technology. zirconium resembles titanium [63 In this respect, which has been thoroughly studied. Since zirconium capture cross and its sections, alloys have outstanding small neutron anti—corrosion and mechanical properties, they are widely used as construction materials for nuclear reactors. Thus, there have been many studies of the oxidation of zirconium and its alloys. Most of these studies have been concerned with thick oxide films formed at high observed temperatures that temperature is the a [73. oxidation process of It has generally been of zirconium simultaneous at bulk high oxygen absorption and oxide film formation [83. At low concentrations, occupying lattice oxygen dissolves in zirconium, interstices instead of forming stoichiometric oxide compounds. In the h.c.p. Zr lattice, the dissolved atoms two types of interstitial may occupy sites: those which have octahedral symmetry and those which have tetrahedral symmetry. Between the two possible interstitial sites, the dissolved oxygen atoms in zirconium lattices are primarily located in the larger octahedral 6 sites. The occupation can be octahedral sites in an h.c.p. concentration of 29 atomic up to about 60% of the zirconium lattice or up to a percent oxygen, as indicated by the X—ray diffraction pattern on a zirconium—oxygen system C93. Experimental results suggest that the absorption of oxygen in bulk zirconium primarily follows a grain-boundary diffusion at temperatures up to -between 770 and 970 K and a bulk, or lattice, diffusion diffusion is of minor below about 770 K at higher temperatures. importance but becomes The when the temperature is increasingly important at higher temperatures C93. The oxygen diffusion coefficient in Zr is approximated D = 0.0661 exp(-44,000/RT) cm2/s by for the temperatures in the range of 2 = 16.5 exp(-54,700/RT) cm /s range of 920 K to 1770 K Ritchie et al. C103 for Pemsler the temperatures in the (R in cal/gmolK), as reported by following the number of experimental results. been shown by 560 K to 920 K, and D C113 analysis of a large The oxygen diffusivity has to vary by a factor of two depending upon grain orientation. The rate of diffusion of oxygen in zirconium dioxide is significantly lower than that in the metal [123. I Autyer Electron Spectroscopy and Aucrer Transitions of Zirconium Auger Electron Spectroscopy Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) surface-sensitive analytical technique process. An Auger process, or is a widely used based Auger on the Auger transition, is an adjustment to an inner-shell-vacancy formed external energetic excitation, which takes place by having one electron from a less hole, while a second electron into the continuum with in total energies of an the Auger process (see (b) & analysis, the energetic by an impinging tightly bound orbital fill the (Auger electron) is ejected energy equal to the difference initial and final states of the (c) Figure of excitation electron in an atom by beam I) In an AES is generally initiated and sometimes by a photon beam. An Auger transition is X-ray designated energy generally levels the initial vacancy is in the drops to in fill the hole as denoted in terms of an XYZ transition when X shell, a Y shell electron the X shell and the Auger electron is expelled from the Z shell. This is exemplified by the MvNzaNz3 Auger transition displayed in Figure I ((b) & (c)). Auger transitions same shells are sometimes that involve electrons from the not differentiated from each 8 other. In other words, the omitted in the designation. levels in each shell are As in the case of MvNz3N23, it is also denoted as MNN by some researchers. The kinetic energy of an Auger electron originated from an XYZ transition can be estimated by [13] E(Auger) .= E(X) - E(Y) - E(Z)* where E(Auger) : the kinetic energy of the ejected Auger electron from the Z shell. E(X) : the binding energy of an electron in the initial hole. E(Y) : the binding energy of the Y electron that drops in the X hole. E(Z) : the binding energy of the final state. (i.e. the binding energy of the Z level in the presence of. a hole in the Y level). As shown in Figure 2, transitions possible. shell and V stands there In this for a CCV transitions that involve Figure, C stands for a core valence process is an Auger transition level electrons. are three types of Auger and one shell. Thus, the CCC that involves only the core CW or processes two are the Auger valence electrons, respectively, in the Auger processes. In AES, the described by an signal intensity of an element can be explicit function of the Auger electron 9 CCV CCC — 9— A CVV A E vac (Vacuum Level) (Fermi Level) ♦ E0 ---- (Bottom of Valance B a n d ) ■ I ■ 4I I I X Figure 2. The three possible types of Auger transitions. C : core level electrons. V : valence level electrons. CCC : Auger transition involving only core level electrons. CCV : Auger transition involving one valence electron. C W : Auger transition involving two valence electrons. 10 escape depth, concentration distribution a function of depth and of the element as electron backscattering factors [14]. The utility and popularity of AES is based on its high sensitivity (1% to 5% of a monolayer can be detected), its excellent, elemental sensitivity for He, the availability transmission and the of all atoms except H and energy good lateral analyzers with high resolution afforded by electron beam excitation. Auger Transitions of Zirconium The Auger energies of the principal Auger transitions of Zr lie in the ranges of 80 to 180 eV and 1520 to 1950 eV CIS]. The Auger transitions 80 to 180 eV are energies. more These of pronounced than those of the higher Auger range are therefore widely transitions zirconium in the range of oxygen [5] at 80 zirconium designated. is Auger shown to are spectrum in in the studies of The Auger transitions of 180 eV and the K W Auger associated energy levels, as illustrated in Table differentiated the lower energy investigated surface oxidation of zirconium. transition of the lower energy range of Figure I. of a 3 with with the Auger An example of a slightly the oxidized Auger peaks 11 Table I. Auger Transitions from Oxygen Exposed Zirconium. |Ele- I Auger (#)| Iment I Transitions j Symbolic Name | Auger Energy (?) Clean Zirconium I MNN & MMN I ZRgz | I MNN & MMN I ZRii? I 120, 116 I Zr IMMN, MMV & MNVI ZRize I 126 I 95, 92 I MNV & MMV I ZRl48 I 145, 147 I MW j ZRl75 j 175 o I KW I Osog I 509.5 (*) (#) Each of these peaks listed in this table is actually a combined result of several Auger transitions. For instance, the primary sources that form ZRaz include MsMvNi, MvNiNz3, MzMtNi, MtNiNzs and MzMvNi C51. These transitions are therefore symbolized as MNN & MMN in this table. (?) The Auger peak energy in dCN(E)*E3/dE is identified in this Table by the maximum negative excursion. The Auger energies of the ZRizs and the Osoa peaks are taken from the result of this study. The rest of the Auger energies listed in this Table are taken from Axelsson et al. Cl?]. (*) measured from a Zr sample with 100 L Oz exposure in this research. Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy Secondary extensively used analysis. Ion as Mass a Spectroscopy tool for (SIMS) surface has been and bulk solid The SIMS method possesses the following features C163: (I) detection of surface compounds by their fragment ions. 12 SURVEY DBW S l 1CN<E)»E3 BES KINETIC ENERGY, EV 3. An example of a differentiated. Auger spectrum, taken from slightly oxidized zirconium. 13 (2) detection of hydrogen and its compounds. (3) isotope identification with high mass resolution. (4) significant differences in sensitivity of up to three orders of magnitude for different surface structures (e.g. elements, compounds). (5) capability for quantitative analysis. (6) information in the monolayer range with detection limits of less than 10 ^ monolayers. (7) very small surface disturbance; especially with the development of static SIMS (SSMIS), using low energy primary ions, which allows the disturbance of the specimen surface to be minimized. This further enhances its application in surface reaction studies and monolayer analysis. In SIMS, primary the ions, sample usually several hundred to Target impacts particles induced is argon several are by bombarded ions, thousand sputtered the primary due with having a beam of energies of electron volts (eV) to the ions. The cascade of sputtered components are neutral atoms and positive or negative ions, either in their ground or excited states. depth of these secondary ions small number of secondary is ions The mean escape about 6 A. A relatively originate from depth in excess of 20 A C183. In the SIMS analysis, the secondary ions extracted 14 from the target region pass are separated according to a mass analyzer, where they to their mass-to-charge ratios. The secondary-ion current thus measured in SIMS depends on the energy and current density of the applied primary ion, the secondary ion yield concentration of the per surface primary species, ion impact, the and the instrument sensitivity C19ZL The mass-to-charge separated ions are detected by suitable means and the data are supplied to a recorder or a computer. The data reflect chemical bonding in a specimen the form and the lateral information concerning the and provide information on distribution of compounds in thin surface films. Oxidation of Zirconium Studies by Non-surface-spectroscopic Methods There have been a large oxidation of zirconium; however, spectroscopic methods. from of studies of the very few utilize surface- This section summarizes the results non-surface-spectroscopic surface-spectroscopic number methods methods. are Results reviewed in from the next section. The oxidation of absorption of oxygen into zirconium the zirconium dioxide (ZrOz) surface results in both the bulk metal and formation of films. Due to the very 15 large solubility of oxygen oxygen in zirconium and in zirconium, both diffusion of in the zirconium dioxide surface film are important in the oxidation process [20]. Th-6 initial stage of oxidation slow reaction process, called which a thin cohesive oxide fil® adheres to tightly which results in zirconium. the oxygen oxidation is oxidation, surface oxide, This thin oxide at room temperature, during which the metal occurs under extended high- exposure. associated oxidation, in anti—corrosion properties of oxidizes at accelerated rates, temperature forms. metal strong Breakaway protective film the of bulk zirconium is a The with the particularly onset of formation at edges and breakaway of a white corners of oxidized specimens [93. In the studies methods, the kinetics of using non—surface—spectroscopic— oxidation are usually measured by the mass gain or the thickness of the oxide layer formed as a function of time. The generally shown has been logarithm of time at Torr up parabolic In the to 760 in to temperatures higher temperatures, the pressure. extent of oxidation of zirconium kinetics be proportional to below "670 ""KT203. depend the At upon the oxygen "normal pressure" range, approximately I Torr, time, are two rate expressions, established pretreatment of specimens [203. depending cubic and on the Quite a few varieties of expressions in the time exponent and activation energy have 16 been reported. At intermediate pressures Torrr the oxidation has been four stages. represents Stage I observed rate of weight gain with time. linear at different rates, approximately a factor 10~^ to I to be divided into a generally decreasing Both stage II and III are but of of in two stage higher III the rate is than in stage I. stage IV, the rate decreases with time. low pressures of IO-4 to IO-6 that the oxidation kinetics E"ate expression in time Torr, it has been reported can during parabolic rate expression in At very be described by a linear initial exposure and by a time during extended exposure [203. One obvious feature zirconium oxidation is of that earlier a observations of the wide discrepancy exists in the observed rate equations of oxidation among the numerous studies, although most investigators the mechanism. Conflicting exponents in the rate [20] . results expressions and a range of time have both been reported Transitions from one rate expression to another have also been observed in many studies. rate agree more or less on is markedly dependent Moreover the oxidation upon the difference in orientation between different grains as reported by Pemsler [21] . A wide variety purity has been used of zirconium of different degrees of for previous studies. Studies by Kofstad [22] show that impurities have a large effect on Zr oxidation. 17 Studies by Surface-spectroscopic Methods Not many studies using surface-spectroscopic methods have been reported for and most of these the have surface oxidation of zirconium been published during the 1980's. The surface-spectroscopic methods that have been utilized in these studies include AESr XPSr SIMSr LEEDr UPS and work function. AES and XPS were the major instrumental methods used by most researchers in previous investigations. Foord et al. E233 absorption of diatomic between 300 K and 614 gases entirely extent of adsorption and on zirconium at temperatures spectra. dissociative about the K by AESr work function measurements and thermal desorption that studied one For Ozr they concluded adsorption monolayer of occurred materialr to the with no detectable loss by desorption and little diffusion into the bulk at 300 K. Saturation takes place at about 30 that the degree of increased as the increased and number of L of Oz exposure. They also showed attenuation kinetic attributed valence the chemisorption regime of various Zr AES signals energies of this the to electrons Zr Auger electrons difference in the involved in the Auger transitions. Tapping C23 studied the and polycrystalline Zr by XPS initial oxidation of Zr(OOOl) and UPS. By monitoring the XPS oxygen(Is) signal as a .function of oxygen exposure, he IS concluded that oxygen uptake saturation at approximately 50 on to zirconium 70 L reached Oz exposure. A reproducible kink at 3.5 L Oz exposure was observed in the correlation of the of ratios (O(Is) area over exposure. Tapping transition from nucleation stage. estimated the ZR(3d) area) suggested a the XPS signal intensities to the the extent of oxygen kink represented the chemisorption region Based JXPS thickness of on the oxide film to O(Ts) on an oxide data, he zirconium at saturation coverage as 3 to 4 atomic layers. Yashonath et al. ratios in C243 transition studied metals. metal Auger intensity For the oxidation of zirconium, they claimed that the surface oxide corresponded to ZrOz above 30 L Oz exposure. of zirconium were suggested. Below 30 L Oz, suboxides They have estimated the oxide layers on Zirconium to be about 3 monolayers at very low Oz exposure and around 6 monolayers for large oxygen exposures 4 O 10 L). Other investigations have reported that significantly higher Oz exposures are required to achieve similar thickness of surface oxide on Zr C2, 231. Sen et al. C251 oxidation of zirconium XPS and AES. They at found chemical shift occurred pure Zr and Zr after have in investigated the surface room temperature employing both that the an XPS approximately 4 eV Zr(3d) peaks between high oxygen exposures (around IO6 L). They suggested that the change of 0(2p) band position at 19 different levels of oxygen the formation of exposures different was an indication of oxide species. At oxygen exposures below 10 L dissociative chemisorption of Oz on Zr metal occurred, suboxides. which led to The chemical shift of sub-oxides increased with this range. exposures At Oz the formation of various the XPS energies of the increasing Oz between exposure within 10 to 25 L , the suboxides were suggested to convert into 'ZrO', the highest possible sub-oxide. With further the 'ZrO' was converted to occur via cation into ZrOz and oxidation continued transport claimed that the presence of exposures of Oz, some of to the surface. They also 'ZrO' was essentially only at the surface. Valyukhov et al. C26, 273 studied oxidation of polycrystalline zirconium using XPS and SIMS. They oxygen was accompanied by proposed to occur via 573 initial K to 873 K claimed that chemisorption of the formation of crystallization centers and growth of ZrOz islands. one monolayer of ZrOz, at the further the After the formation of oxidation diffusion in the bulk was of adsorbed oxygen through the ZrOz lattice to the metal-oxide interface. Hoflund et al. C28, interaction of polycrystalline and NzO by XPS and AES. distinct have zirconium investigated with the Oz, Nz, CO They found in general surprisingly low room temperature sticking observed two 293 states coefficients (< 0.01). of zirconium They samples with 20 ererr^ reactivities whether or not the and Auger samples had spectra, depending upon been annealed above the h-P'C.-b.c.c. phase transition temperature of 1135 K. further noted that the They reduction in chemisorption activity due to heating above the phase transition temperature could be restored by argon-ion sputtering. Krishnan et al. C303 zirconium between 773 K proposed that the zirconium layer. and initial surface process followed studied the surface oxidation of 1008 stage proceeded by of first nucIeation Together with the K and results they claimed that the rate employing AES. They oxidation on a clean as a chemisorption growth of an oxide of Ritchie et al. [10], of diffusion of oxygen into the bulk zirconium was significant and determined the extent of the chemisorption Within the regime at temperature chemisorption regime temperatures range was found to above investigated, extend over 773 K. the longer exposure periods at higher temperatures. A surface oxide was rapidly formed at temperatures. The oxide layer formed was estimated low to be approximately I nm thick at oxygen exposure around 8 x IO4 L between 773 K and 1008 K. Axelsson et al. EELS spectra of clean They identified the for these surfaces. the oxygen [17] and fine They chemisorption have investigated oxidized structures noted regime Zr the AES and and of bulk ZrOz. of the Auger spectra that the transition from to the oxidation regime 21 occurred at around 20 L Oz.. required to saturate completely oxygen, though the Very large oxygen doses were outermost the surface region with atomic layers very quickly became oxide-like. They observed that the amount of oxygen uptake depended on both pressure. They further rate or the transport rather than the oxygen exposure level and oxygen indicated that the Oz dissociation of transport 0 of atoms Zr through the oxide film atoms through the oxide film was rate limiting in the surface oxidation process. 22 EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEM AND PROCEDURE The experiments of this an ultrahigh-vacuum research system. Auger Microprobe (PHI 595 Physical Electronics Scanning MULTIPROBE), Research in Surface Science at Montana State HO Is-1 University. turbopump, sublimation pump. 595 MULTIPROBE The analyzer (CMA). a vacuum system has a IO-10 Torr and. can be pumped, a 200 The electron is in the Center for and. Submicron Analysis (CRISS) normal vacuum pressure of 2 x by a were carried, out in Is”1 pump and. a energy analyzer in the PHI single-stage, Data ion cylindrical collection, mirror reduction and interpretation in PHI 595 MULTIPROBE are handled by the PHI Multiple-technique Analytical Computer System (MACS), a utility program developed by Physical Electronics Inc. with the use of a DEC PDP 11/04 computer. PHI 595 MULTIPROBE allows "survey" and "multiplexing", for the CMA to In acquire data. two different scanning the modes, pass energy of "survey" scheme, the energy scanning window is set over an electron energy range large enough to encompass all For instance, the energy the Auger peaks of interest. window for "survey" AES in this study was set from 30 eV to 530 eV, which covered the major 23 transitions of zirconium (80 to transition of oxygen (495 to scheme, several energy 180 515 eV). windows only on the Auger energies eV) and. the K W Auger of are In the multiplexing established to focus interest. energy windows in multiplexing AES For example, the in this study were set to be 80 eV to 180 eV for the major Zr transitions and 495 eV to 515 eV for 0 the K W transition. requires less data acquisition of interest for one pass. since additional time Multiplexing AES time for the Auger energies It usually has better resolution is spent collecting data in the electron energy regions of interest. The zirconium foil specimen.of dimensions 10 mm x 5 mm x 0.03 mm was first etched solution to remove most of then solvent-cleaned in in a weak hydrofluoric acid the accumulated oxide layer and methanol. inserted into the high-vacuum beam was rastered over a 2 After chamber, mm by a the sample was 3 KeV argon ion 2 mm area to clean the specimen surface. The AES measurements were made with a 3 KeV, 167 nA electron beam rastered over a 0.2 mm by 0.2 mm area central to the cleaned "survey" area Auger experimental of the spectra series to were then used to "survey" collect collected establish zirconium surface., Once the clean from the unannealed prior cleanness to The each of the surface was established to be spectrum, data the Zr samples. for "multiplexing" AES was the Auger intensity vs. 24 oxygen exposure. The exposure pressure of oxygen system is controlled by the rate in the PHI 595 vacuum of oxygen introduction into the vacuum chamber through a variable leak valve. variable leak valve has at leak rates'up to I The control sensitivity and stability x IO-10 Torr-Iiter per second. extent of oxygen exposures was expressed The in terms of the product of exposure time and exposure pressure in Langmuirs (I Langmuir = I L = 10 6 Torr-sec). pressures employed in this Torr to 7 x 10 seconds to Torr 1000 research The oxygen exposure varied from 5 x IO-9 and the exposure time ranged from 40 seconds. A exposure was achieved either by certain level of oxygen a one-time exposure after cleaning the Zr surface or by applying sequential exposures to an initially clean Zr up to the time-pressure product (in Langmuirs) indicated. particular For example, surface with the exposures added a achieved by a one time 1000 a set of sequential 4. In this set of 100 L Oz exposure was either sec x IO-7 Torr Oz exposure or oxygen exposures illustrated in Figure sequential oxygen exposures, a clean Zr sample was first exposed to a 0.3 L Oz exposure, and then sequentially to 0.7 L, 2 L, 7 L, 20 L and 70 L Oz-exposures cleaning the sample. for a 100 L Oz exposed Therefore, the Auger spectrum surface was generated at the end of this sequential exposure set. metal and after totals of 0.3 L, Auger spectra for the clean I L, 3 L, 10 L, and 30 L 25 of Oz exposure were also obtained in the sequential series as indicated in Figure 4. Experimental Procedure Ar+ sputtering Auger Spectrum Taken ===> AES <survey) 1==> AES (clean) <multiplexing) 2==> add 0.3 L oxygen (100 sec x 0.3 E-3 Torr) 3==> AES(0.3 L) (multiplexing) 4==> add additional 0.7 L oxygen (100 sec x 0.7 E-8 Torr) 5== > AES(1.0 L) (multiplexing) 6 ==> add additional 2.0 L oxygen (100 sec x 2.0 E-8 Torr) 7== > AES(3.0 L) (multiplexing) 8 == > add additional 7.0 L oxygen (100 sec x 7.0 E-8 Torr) 9 == > AES(10. L) (multiplexing) H O Il "V 0==> clean zirconium add additional 20. GI L oxygen (100 sec x 2.0 E-7 Torr) 11 = > AES(30. L) (multiplexing) 12 = > add additional 70.0I L oxygen (100 sec x 7.0 E-7 Torr) 13 = > AESdOO L) (multiplexing) Figure 4. The sequential oxygen exposures and AES measurements of this study. To establish the influence of Oz exposure pressure (or exposure time) on oxygen and zirconium Auger spectra, a set of one-time oxygen exposures for each of the three oxygen 26 exposure levels, 3 several different L, 10 oxygen exposure times). These oxygen exposures in L 100 pressures L, were run under (thus with different experiments are denoted as "cyclic this t'hs repeated cycles of and study in order to characterize cleaning and one-time exposures for a certain oxygen-exposure level. ^ 361 K experiments to 673 resistively. K, The were during made which temperature at temperatures between the specimen was heated measurement was made by a W/W-26% Re thermocouple spot-welded to the back face of the specimen and, supplementally, by an optical pyrometer. The SIMS measurements (L-H) SIMS 100 system that were made by a Leybold-Heraeus included an L-H quadrupole mass spectrometer, which was attached to the PHI 595 MULTIPROBE. In the SIMS experiments, a 3 KeV primary argon ion beam was employed. The ion beam, with an uA 2 density of 5 ^ / c m , was rastered over approximate current an area of I mm x I mm. The SIMS 100 system is integrated secondary ions' scan capable over of performing a large range of m/e (mass—to—charge) ratios or monitoring secondary ions of one particular m/e ratio vs. time during a sputtering process. A SIMS scan over an m/e range of I through 200 amu was initially measured for a zirconium foils of different Such integrated SIMS clean zirconium foil and for extents of surface oxidation. spectra of an oxidized and > rr- an 27 essentially cleaned zirconium foil 5. The signals occurring between secondary ions of the The signals m/e 90 and 96 are due to isotopes appearing between 106 and ZrO . are displayed in Figure 112 between of are 180 Zr+ . The signals due to the isotopes of and 192 are attributed to the isotopes of Zrz+ . can be seen in Figure 5 r the ratio of the intensity of ZrO+ signalr at m/e m/e of 90, is quite a that has higher oxidized zirconium to in to that of Zr+ signal, at bit larger for the zirconium surface content. degree SIMS signal was used clean 106, oxygen sensitivity to the study, a of of Because monitor the process of sputtering the zirconium the present specimen sputtering and research. sputtering occurred each time the SIMS for For this surface was initially SIMS periodically interrupted to conduct interruption of this surface oxidation, the ZrO+ exposed to 60 L Oz prior to the sputtering process. the process, of During measurements were AES measurements. these The Auger measurements signal intensity at m/e (106) roughly reached a 30% to 50% decay from its intensity prior to the previous AES test. This process continued until the Auger spectrum that clean. indicated the zirconium surface was 28 Positive Secondary Ion Intensity (Arbit. Unit) Essentially Cleaned Zirconium INTENSITY Oxidized Zirconium INTENSITY X mass/charge ratio (m/e) Figure 5 The integrated SIMS spectra of essentially clean Zr and surface oxidized Zr. 29 RESULTS AES Results front Sequential Qxvaen Exposures Typical Auger spectra for clean zirconium are shown in Figures 6 to 9. "survey" Auger spectra from 30 both undifferentiated mode mode (Figure 7). top The Auger spectral curves specimen. clean to curves a zirconium specimen. 6) and differentiated in 100 The bottom curves in In Figures 6 and I r 530 eV are displayed in (Figure from and oxygen exposed Figures 6 and 7 are L Oz exposed zirconium Figures 6 and 7 are from a Differentiated Auger spectra after a sequential multiplexing set of Oz exposures on Zr are presented in Figure 8 for zirconium transitions (80-180 eV) and Figure 9 for oxygen transitions (495-515 eV). Differentiated and Undifferentiated AES Auger peaks become much more are evident removes the the N(E) function but pronounced by electronic differentiation, as shown in Figures 6 and makes weak in features large more 7. The differentiation not only readily background identifiable consisting but also mainly of backscattered primary electrons and inelastically scattered Auger electrons C313 (see Figures 6 and 7). 30 AES SURVZT Zr(+IOOL O 2 J Clean Zr Emmc ZSESGT, ZV Figure 6. Undifferentiated "survey" Auger spectra from a clean Zr sample and a Zr sample after 100 L Oz exposure at room temperature. AES SURVEY Zr(+IOOL O2) Clean Zr E lu m C ZNO C T . EV Figure 7. Differentiated "survey" Auger spectra from a clean Zr sample and a Zr sample after 100 L Oz exposure at room temperature. 31 OXYGEN EXPOSURE (L) d (N (E) *E)/dE 10 0 12B 138 1« CIKtJIC CHESCT, Vl Figure 8. Multiplexing Auger spectra of Zr(80-180 eV) from oxygen uptake on zirconium at different oxygen exposures at room temperature. 32 O 5O9 OXYGEN EXPOSURE (L) d(N (E) *E)/dE 10 0 30 10 3 I 0.3 clean CIKETIC EKERCT. EY Figure 9. Multiplexing Auger spectra of Oxygen(495-515 eV) from oxygen uptake on zirconium at different oxygen exposures at room temperature. 33 In the differentiated positions are maximum conventionally negative Auger spectrum does spectrum, identified excursion conventional peak energy energy in the Auger of by the the the point of peaks. . Such a designation in the differentiated not correspond undifferentiated to the maximum peak spectrum. and in peak energy is usually not considered significant. use of differentiated Auger slope. The difference depends on the peak width in applied AES. peak But this difference The energies-Is-normally-practiced In accordance with conventional practice, the present study is primarily based on the differentiated Auger spectra. Normalized Peak Height Ratios Auger yield, the factor peak amplitude, is a relating surface abundance to complex precisely evaluated from first changes in the amount of a quantity that principles C323. can't be However, component on the surface can be followed by measuring the decay or growth of an associated Auger peak height C303. As indicated in Figure Zr does not monotonically. decrease the This intensities is due to current, the exposure of oxygen to intensity fluctuation the experimental factors such beam 10, electron of in the ZRsz peak Auger signals' statistical random variation of as changes in incident electron multiplier gain and other 34 ZR92 PEAK AMPLITUDE (ARBIT. UNIT) § «1 O m O O O O O O O Q O cn" O clean -I OO -O 50 0 00 0 50 1.00 I 50 —I 2. QO LOG ( OXYGEN EXPOSURE (LANGMUIR) ) Figure 10. The intensity of the ZRsz peak at different oxygen exposures at room temperature. 35 instrumental factors variations in C303. experimental peaks are followed in peak heights taken this from To compensate factors, study the Zr for such and 0 Auger by normalized ratios of dCN(E)*E3/dE Auger spectra. The normalized peak height ratios are obtained through dividing the height of the peaks the ZRg2 peak in the of same interest by the peak height of spectrum. The ZRg2 peak height is used as a normalizing factor because it is a core level, ccc, transition. oxidation only For results a in change in line shape since relatively unaffected by core an level energy Auger transition, shift with little the core level wave function is changes The core electrons respond to in chemical environment. changes in chemistry as the result of perturbations in valence shell energies [333. The normalized peak height the sequential oxygen exposure 11 through 16 as a ratios tests function of of Auger peaks for are shown in Figures the extent of oxygen exposure. Energy Shifts The Auger peaks of zirconium between 80 and 180 eV and the Auger peak of oxygen between 495 and 515 eV from the surface oxidized zirconium show energy shifts towards lower kinetic energies relative to those from clean zirconium, as indicated by the peaks' positions transitions and in Figure 9 in Figure 8 for oxygen transitions. for Zr These 36 CM ZR I26/ZR92 (PEAK HEIGHT RATIO) o A O CO O CO e o' CO m o « # CM O CM O -I 00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2 . 00 LOG ( OXYGEN EXPOSURE (LANGMUIR) ) Figure 11. The intensity ratio of the ZRizs peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature. O CN * ZR II?/ZR92 (PEAK HEIGHT RATIO) O O * * O OO O X X O CO O X O O O CN O O clean -I.00 -0 50 0 00 0 50 I.00 I. 50 LOG ( OXYGEN EXPOSURE (LANGMUIR) ) 2 . 00 Figure 12. The intensity ratio of the ZRi 17 peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature. 38 O m ZR I42/ZR92 (PEAK HE IGHT RATIO) m CM O O O O r ^ . O O -n o o i n CN o o clean -I.QO -0 50 0. 0 0 0.50 1.00 1.50 1 2 00 LOG ( OXYGEN EXPOSURE (LANGMUIR) ) Figure 13. The intensity ratio of the ZRi4z peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature. 39 O O A A o ZR 148/ZR92 (PEAK HEIGHT RATIO) m CM O O A CM O m A O O A O m o A O O clean -I 00 -0 50 0.00 0.50 I. 00 1.50 2 QO LOG ( OXYGEN EXPOSURE (LANGMUIR) ) Figure 14. The intensity ratio of the ZRiua peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature. 40 ZR175/ZR92 (PEAK HEIGHT RATIO) 0 01 m o O -O O in Q O •n o O clean -i•oo -b.50 o.oo o so 1.00 1 .so LOG ( OXYGEN EXPOSURE (LANGMUIR) ) 2 oo Figure 15. The intensity ratio of the ZRi73 peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature. 41 O O O O H 0509/ZR92 (PEAK HEIGHT RATIO) O- a B o O 30 O O •a a o O O O O O o" clean I’ r — 1.00 —0 50 0.00 0.50 1.00 I 50 2 . 00 LOG ( OXYGEN EXPOSURE (LANGMUIR) ) Figure 16. The intensity ratio of the Osog peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature. energy shifts are quantified in average of the shifts of Auger peaks from comparison of maxima and of the minima of the first derivative Auger spectra. energy shift determined in those determined Appendix A. the this study in terms of the from N(E)*E peaks' A this way with maxima is given in The comparison shows that the average of peak maximum and peak minimum in dCN(E)*E3/dE spectra is a good approximation of the maximum energy of the corresponding peak in N(E)*E spectra. For the ZRi4a (ccv) transition involving one valence electron (see Figure 8), the zirconium Auger peak to occur which grows during oxygen energy at shift causes a new a lower kinetic energy exposure. Hence, the energy shift of this peak, involving a valence electron is measured as the difference energy-shift of peak the and energetic positions between the the spectrum from which the parental energy-shift peak peaks in the form. same Only a change of peak position with little change in line shape is observed for the core level ccc transitions, ZRs2 and ZRi17 (see Figure 8). Therefore the energy shifts for core level transitions are measured positions of a clean as the zirconium differences and of the peak those of a zirconium after oxygen exposure. The energy shifts of the a function of oxygen Figure 17 for the ZRsz Auger peaks are displayed as exposure peak and in logarithmic scale in Figure 18 for the ZRi17 ZR92 .0 00 ENERGY SHIFT (eV) J 00 i 00 2 Uti 5 00 6 00 5 fl> H S?9it ft n U 0 gs Q '0 it nn ft 1 I n Hl P rtUl It Er »1 P. HP H- H» Hi rt H| It O p. w ft O 4 UJ Ifl ro N 3 rO <t it P a o ?r Hl n n it 0 u a 70 ZR92 00.70 07.70 KINETIC OU 70 I ENERGY (eV) 04. 70 ZR 1 17 I.PO H- SHI FT (eV) ENERGY I OO OO 3 OO -u 5 . OO -U 6 Ol — I *1 fD H CO PJ Ntj rt M Cf rt I to O FU rt a ort H 'I an 1O rt io ro Pr p, H- . IU H1Hi ft C hi rr h, n ro o fl n Hi O r O 0 A O X -< n Sg m x TJ Oo go m r_ U) H 5 s E % hi n a 2"G 1 15 40 ZR I 17 1 14 40 I 13.40 KINETIC 1 12 40 I I I . 40 E N E R G Y (eV) I 10. 45 peak. The energy shifts not presented here. The shifts of the ZRi^a and in the discussion of of the remaining Auger peaks are reason the Osos peaks is presented later results. ZRi2e and the ZRiys peaks not to include the energy The are energy shifts of the less than the resolution of the experimental system. AES Results from Cyclic Oxvaen Exposures The product of exposure Langmuir (10 6 Torr.sec) is parameter in the study of The dependence of Oz on peak amplitude pressure and exposure time in usually gas adsorption on metal surface. pressure attenuation examined by varying the used as the exposure at specific exposure levels using this parameter was exposure pressures for experiments of the same Langmuir exposures. using the peak height ratio The results are monitored of the Osog peak and displayed as a function of exposure time in Figure 19 for 100 L, 10 L and 3 L of Oz exposure. Aucrer Spectra above Room Temperature The Auger obtained at intensity several for sequential oxygen exposures temperatures, measured by the peak height ratios of the Osog peak, are presented as a function of oxygen exposure in Figure 20. 46 100 L 100 L 10 L CL .. 05 -r 100.00 ZOO.00 EXPOSURE 300.OO * 00.OO 500. 00 1000.00 TIME (sec) HIGH Oz <-------------------------------- > LOW Oz PRESSURE PRESSURE Figure 19. The pressure dependence on the Oaos peak intensity ratio using Langmuirs as the parameter for Oz exposure. 47 C2 - DATA AT 22SK C - OATA AT 3S1K 14.on A - OATA AT ATOK 0 5 0 9 / Z R 9 2 (PE AK H E I G H T RATIO) u.ou a .00 ip.tifl 12.on o - DATA AT STZK a A O » 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 30.00 100.00 120.OO OXYGEN EXPOSURE (LANGMUIR) Figure 20 The intensity ratio of the Osog peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures above room temperature Clinear scale). X 48 Ion Sputtering- Monitored with SIMS and AES The decay of SIMS m/e of. the Auger Osos peak 106 (ZrO+ ) signal and the decay during the course of Ar+ sputtering of a Zr sample, which was sputtering, are Figures 21 and displayed 22, in to versus the respectively. .either of the ZrO+ SIMS ■at any time exposed these signal two 60 L of Oz prior to sputtering time in The signal intensity, or of the Osos AES signal, Figures is represented as the - fraction of their corresponding decay of the Auger signal initial intensities. The intensity ratio of the Osos peak (Osos/ZRsz) is plotted against the corresponding fractional decay of the SIMS m/e = 106 signal in Figure 23 to show the relative change of the two different spectral intensities. In Figure 23, the decay AES or SIMS signal, of signal intensity, either of the at any fractional decrease in intensity time, at the corresponding initial intensity. is expressed by the that time compared to | o H S i m s In t e n s i t y (Zr o +) O O O0 « d O I to d 5 •ta­ ut O M O O -1O1OO 2.00 4.00 6.00 SIMS Figure 21. -T------ P--t o . 00 12.00 S P U T T E R I N G TIME (MIN.) 8. 00 14. 00 16. 00 T e . oo The decay of ZrO+ SIMS signal intensity during sputtering a Zr sample after 60 L Oa exposure. Note; The intensity of the ZrO+ SIMS signal at any time is represented as the fraction of its initial intensity. Q M 0509/ZR92 PEAK RATIO O O > O «3 O ♦ O to O O O ♦ Ul O t O M O ♦ ♦ O O ° 0 .1)0 ♦ 2! 00 4.00 6.00 SIMS Figure 22. 6.00 SPUTTERING 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 I B . 00 TIME (MIN.) The decay of Auger intensity ratio of the Osog peak during sputtering a Zr sample after 60 L O 2 exposure. Note: The intensity of the Osog Auger peak at any time is represented as the fraction of its initial intensity. 51 Q O H a $#* O CO a > IS < U LU Q Csl o> q: m \ CD O m O O IN Q Q O IN 0. 00 0. 20 0. 4 0 0. 6 0 0. 30 I. oo SIMS INTENSITY DECAY Figure 23. The+relationship between the decay of SIMS ZrO signal and the decay of Auger intensity ratio of the Osos peak during the process of sputtering a Zr sample that was initially exposed to 60 L Oz. Note: Signal intensity decay of either AES or SIMS signal is represented in this Figure as the fractional decrease at any time during sputtering compared to the corresponding initial intensities. 52 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS The main Auger transitions of 80 to 180 eV and the range of energies of 495 the zirconium in the range the K W Auger transitions of oxygen in to 515 eV observed oxygen are close to Table are Auger clearly resolved. peaks of The zirconium and the Auger energies reported previously for these peaks as presented indicated in of 2 in earlier which observed for a clean Zr sample Oz exposure in this study in Table I. the This is Auger peak energies and a Zr sample after 100 L are compared with Auger energies previously reported. Reproducibility of experimental data found to be acceptable for that two consecutive Auger surface appear to be caused by almost experimental spectra are system factors taken. and during It is noticed taken exactly in absorption ultrahigh-vacuum analysis. spectra some very minor difference be the in this study is for the same Zr the same except for the fine features which may of background possibly the Variations by short in gases the in variation time the in period the Osos/ZRsz Auger signal intensities are observed for different tests of each of several oxygen exposure levels as is shown in Figure 24. 53 § CM- § a 0509/ZR92 (PEAK HEIGHT RATIO) O - a I o O a a OQ a o o a CO a a O O o o o clean Figure -1.00 -0.50 0. 0 0 0.5 0 1.00 1.50 2 00 LOG ( OXYGEN EXPOSURE (LANGMUIR) ) 24. The variation of the O 5 0 9 / Z R 9 2 Auger signal intensities among different experiments. 54 The oxygen exposure Figure 24 are conditions listed variation among the in for Appendix those data plotted in B. In spite of the experimental runs, similar development of intensity ratios vs. the extent of oxygen exposure is observed. Table 2. Dependence of Auger Energies of Zirconium and Oxygen Transitions on Zirconium Surface Oxidation. Ele- I Transition I ment j I clean I Auger metal Energy(Y) oxidizedt £) ZR92 I ZRi i? I 118.0 ZRiza I 126.0 ZRiua I 148.0 (145, 147) 139.5 ZRl 7 5 I 175.0 (175) 164.0 0 5 0 9 I 93.0 (95, 92)(*) 90.0 (120, 116) 114.5 I I I I Zr I 126.0 I I I I I I o I 509.5 (xP) The Auger peak energy in dCN(E)*E3/dE is identified in this table by the maximum negative excursion. (5) "oxidized" : Data that were taken in this study after 100 L exposure of Oz on a clean zirconium specimen. (*) Auger energies in the parentheses are data previously reported for these transitions, which were cited in Axelsson et al. [173. Influence of Surface Oxidation on Auger Spectra As shown in Figures 8 involves one valence in peak amplitude and 14, the zirconium peak that electron, but changes the ZRiua peak, attenuates very little in its peak 55 energy as the hand, its oxygen coverage energy-shift amplitude. Figure 13, increases. peak, and ZRitz, shifts grows towards energies as the oxygen exposure increases. in energy shift behavior is due electrons that form the On the other in peak lower kinetic This difference to the fact that the Auger energy—shift peak originate from interatomic Auger transitions between oxygen and zirconium. The Auger electrons that constitute primarily originate from metallic surface. The energy-shift originates from electrons is., Zr atoms that peak of have Zr the indication amplitude of, metallic Zr and of ZRitz, however, mainly non-metallic reacted the ZRita Zr atoms, that with adsoirbed/absorbed and respectively, the oxidized within Zr, peak atoms on or near the oxygen and have lost their metallic properties. the peak ZRita the surface Therefore., ZRitz is an abundance of the depth sensed by AES. Except for the peak the curves of Auger height signal oxygen exposure fall into ratio intensity of the ZRiza peak, vs. the extent of two classes of similar features. For the Z R n v , the ZRita and the ZRivs peaks, the intensity ratios decrease as the exposure of oxygen increases; on the other hand, the intensity .ratios coverage increases for the ZRitz increase and as the oxygen the Osos peaks (see Figures 12 through 16). As shown in Figure 25, the linear plot of intensity 56 S o_ H 0509/ZR92 (PEAK HEIGHT RATIO) O O H o> H O CN r**» o m H O to IO O CO S °o. oo 1 20 OO OXYGEN ■ 40.00 60 00 EXPOSURE . 80.00 ; 100 00 ; 120 00 (LANGMUIR) Figure 25. The intensity ratio of the Osos peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature (linear scale). 57 ratio of indicates Osos/ZRaz as that saturation the a function of of oxygen the Auger approached between about 10 L and 30 L Oz. 30 L Oz exposure, a a lower rate for the with ZRi4z (Figure 13) still 100 L Oz the observed. for information This depth is the Osoa peaks. This signal intensity implies that the oxidation process is the However, beyond oxygen coverage is observed and continuing increase in Auger within signal is continuing growth in peak amplitude at increasing exposure, exposure occurring, surface depth of at least up to region of zirconium the approximately atomic layers) for the Osoa peak and atomic layers) for the zirconium peaks Auger 8 electrons to 10 A (4 to 5 is about 4 to 5 A (2 (80 to 180 eV), as estimated by the Auger electron escape depth correlation of Hangstrum and Rowe C343. The continuing change observed for the ZRi4z peak suggests that more oxygen is adsorbed and the oxidation of the top two atomic layers of zirconium surface is not complete at oxygen exposures of up to 100 L. The ZRizs peak, unlike the other peaks, shows more fluctuation in its intensity ratio vs. oxygen exposure (see Figure 11). A careful N(E)*E Auger spectra inspection indicates ZRizs peak decreases as the that of the corresponding the intensity of the oxygen coverage increases. It is also observed in N(E)AE Auger spectra that a significant broadening of the energy shift, which ZRizs peak causes a occurs possibly due to an large overlap between ZRizs 58 and the neighboring Z R n 7 peak. Due to this overlap and additional broadening, the peak amplitudes of the ZRizs and the ZRii7 peaks in dCN(E)*E3/dE reflect the true signal principal Auger peaks difference maximum in and the spectra intensities do. This amount minimum of as well as the other also explains a larger energy averaging probably do not shift between the of dCN(E)*E3/dE scheme spectra and of N(E)*E spectra for the Z R n 7 peak (see Table 4 in Appendix A). Energy shifts of Auger have been reported for nickel C353 and peaks during oxygen exposure many metals, including for example, molybdenum C363. Peak generally observed to be associated energy. of a broadening is with the shift in peak Such peak shift and peak broadening are indicative change in the chemical states electronic interactions in the the surface region of specimen. the energy shifts of a core to gain information not metal or a change of and oxygen atoms in An analysis of the level Auger transition permits one only on the oxidation state of atoms at the surface but also on changes of oxidation state during the course of a AES investigations vanadium and the of surface surface vanadium Szalkowski and Smorjai chemical reaction. [373 such energy-shift analysis. chemical oxides have They, In the composition of VzOs and VOz, demonstrated the use of found a linear energy shift of about 0.6 eV per vanadium oxidation number for the 59 LaMzaMza peak, a ccc Auger the energy shifts of transition. the LaMzaV On the other hand, transition, a ccv transition, could not he related to the oxidation states of vanadium. For this .reason, only the energy shifts of core level transitions are analyzed in this 'study. In the surface oxidation transitions, ZRsz and ZRn?, 100 L Oz exposure than of zirconium, the core Jevel exhibit does less energy shift at the -ZRi*s peak, a transition involving a valence electron, as shown in Table 3. These smaller shifts are consistent with the fact that core level electrons are less affected chemical environment. increases, the transitions are As energy in than the valance electrons by the surface coverage of oxygen shifts the of direction these of core level increasing binding energy of the electron energy levels involved in the Auger transitions. agrees This zirconium is more tendency electropositive with than the fact that oxygen. When the bonding occurs between Zr and adsorbed 0, the electrostatic shielding influence of the outer electrons of the zirconium be decreased and levels of zirconium to thus cause shift in the inner shell energy the direction of higher binding energies. As indicated in Figures of the ZRsz and the very low oxygen ZRii? exposure initial exposure region. 17 peaks and Most and 18, the energy shifts are observed to start at increase of quickly in the the energy shifts are 60 observed between I L and 10 L 0z, more energy shifts of occur, but at a smaller Oz. the rate. Between 10 L and 100 L ZRsz The two core level transitions are over 100 L Oz, ZRsz exhibits o.O eV shift. The a -4.0 ZRii7 energyshifts of -I eV peak and the Z R n 7 peaks eV these at 3 L Oz. At shift and Z R n 7 has a exhibits a larger energy shift than the ZRsz peak, even though both of them are core level transitions (see Table 3). from similar However Appendix in the energy from differentiated and possibly caused by the and final states the two peaks exhibit very similar snergy shifts as measured from (see Table 4 in initial N(E)*E spectra at 100 L Oz A). As already discussed, this shift of the ZRii7 peak measured undifferentiated peak Auger spectra is broadening and overlap of the ZRizs peak with the Z R n 7 peak. Auger peak I source of Auger I type of I average shift(*) I transitions I transi. j from dCN(E)*E3/dE ZRsz I MNN & MMN I ccc I ZRi i? I MNN & MMN I ccc I I O ZRi 4 a I MNV & MMV I ccv I I O Table 3. Energy Shifts of Auger Peaks. 05O9 I KW I cw I O M I -4.0 io (*) energy shifts, at 100 L Oz exposure, are based on kinetic energy in eV. 61 The ZRi4e peak exhibits an eV at 100 L Oz. The -2.0 eV at 100 L Oz, energy energy shift of about -7.0 shift of Osos peak is about compared to its energy when initially observed after 0.3 L Oz exposure. Saturation of the energy shifts of core level transitions occurs between 10 L and 30 L Oz, as illustrated in Figure 26 by the ZRsz of the extent of peak's energy shift as a function oxygen However, similar to the the Osos, some intensity additional the ZRsz and the ZRii7 This additional exposure energy peaks energy for shifts a^ter 30 L Oz indicate on a linear scale. ratios of the ZRi4z and shifts are observed for Oz exposure above 30 L . of core level transitions the occurrence of continuing change in chemical states of the Zr. Since the information depth the ZRsz and the ZRiiv peaks is about two atomic lavers, the continuing incomplete change oxidation in of the zirconium surface at 30 L indicated by the results chemical top state two confirms atomic the layers of Oz exposure, which has also been of intensity ratios as discussed above. Adsorption Kinetics of Oxvaen on Zirconium In their discussion of on a metal, Fehlner and the initial formation of oxide Mott [38] postulated the general reaction sequence in going from a clean surface to an oxide B5.70 ENERGY (eV) BB 70 87.70 KINETIC BB 70 .70 3? °o'oo 89.70 □ ZR92 4 00 3.00 a 2 00 ENERGY ZR92 a .00 SHIFT (eV) 5 00 84.70 6 00 62 20 00 OXYGEN 4.0. 00 60 00 EXPOSURE 30. 00 (LANGMUIR) 100 00 TzS1.oo Figure 26. The energy shift of the ZRsz peak from a Zr sample at different oxygen exposures at room temperature (linear scale). 63 was first chemisorption, slow oxidationsurface next During chemisorption saturated. rapid oxidation and finally the initial sites During the are chemisorption, the believed to become rapid oxidation, chemisorbed oxygen nucleates and the oxide starts to growing small domains. In uppermost monolayer "oxide" of thickening of oxide observed this reaction the exist on the surface as final slow oxidation, the is occurs. probably complete and Holloway sequence in and the Hudson C391 oxidation of a nickel single-crystal surface. The analysis of the energy shifts of the Auger data of this study and the observation indicate that oxygen uptake on temperature seems also to of zirconium chemisorption process example, Foord et by stage of the from a the chemisorption by zirconium using kink, a change in Foord with zirconium reported by Tapping C23. an et the to follow a researchers, for the work function al. claim that the reaction with Oz is a adsorbates occupying surface. oxide The transition nucIeation stage was In his study on oxygen adsorption XPS, Tapping slope, shown From surface to reaction sequence previous E233L dissociative chemisorption sites just below been many al. the The initial stage of surface has measurement on Zr-Oz system, initial a zirconium surface at room follow proposed by Fehlner and Mott. oxidation of previous investigators at 3.5 observed a reproducible L Oz in the XPS O(Is) 64 intensity data. This transition from stage. a kink was suggested to represent a chemisorption to an oxide nucleation However, no direct evidence of oxide nucleation was reported in Tapping's work. An analysis of the data of this study energy provides nucleation and oxide support for the occurrence of growth. As magnitude of energy shift of measurement of the change a in surface investigated by AES. transition between two the chemical states of the The energy exposure in energy shifts of core oxygen L chemical interaction between Zr and this region of 17 and 18, a large change level Zr Auger transitions occurs between oxygen exposures of 3 in and state adsorbed exposure. occurrence of oxide nucleation and oxygen exposure since there state in this region of levels therefore atoms between these exposure As indicated in Figures change shift of a ccc the degree of interaction between zirconium and adsorbed oxygen that more already discussed, the core level transition is a oxygen ■represents the change of levels. shifts of the Auger uptake 10 L. This suggests and more electronic oxygen atoms occur in This also suggests the growth at this level of exists more change in chemical oxygen exposure. concurs with the analysis of Sen This observation et al. C253 of XPS Zr(Bd) data associated with Oz adsorption on Zr. They showed that an increasing amount of an intermediate sub-oxide of a high oxidation state was present between 15 L and 70 L Oz which 65 reached a maximum surface concentration around 25 L Oz. Oz Exposure Pressure Dependence on Aucrer Spectra Intensity ____ The dependence of oxygen pressure at specific exposure levels (in Langmuirs) on peak amplitude ratio was examined by varying the pressures exposure Langmuir exposures. The for tests of the same results, monitored using the peak height ratio of Osos peak Figure 19 as .a function (Osos/ZRsz), of indicate that the extent exposure are displayed in time. These data of surface oxidation, as measured by the normalized peak height ratio of Osos peak, increases slightly as the exposure pressure exposure decreases Similar results have from the N(E)*E system). been Auger exposure Their data time) at increases a shown spectra In their study, L are achieved with two 1000 sec). time given by of or the oxygen exposure level. Axelsson et al. [17] oxygen (from the Zr-Oz Oz exposures between IO4 and IO6 exposure time periods (100 sec and at low exposure pressure (1000 sec demonstrate higher amounts of adsorbed oxygen. Since the oxygen uptake . is favored by lower pressures with longer exposure time, it is expected that the spectral transition points or the saturation occur at lower Oz lower pressures. exposure Such a in the Zr surface will levels for experiments made at dependence on pressure can be 66 partially responsible for level reported to reach the inconsistent Oz exposure the saturation among the published research papers. As can be seen in Figure intensity seems less dependent lower oxygen exposure of 3 L 19, on and oxygen exposure time at 10 these lower oxygen exposure levels, the oxygen exposed Zr surface the rapid oxidation region. the Osos Auger signal L than at 100 L. At it has been shown that is in the chemisorption and On the other hand, the surface is mainly controlled by the slow oxidation process at 100 L Oz exposure. This shows time dependent when the nucleated oxygen. that the surface reaction is more zirconium The surface is covered with difference dependence may therefore indicate in exposure-time- the extent of nucleation on the Zr surface. A u c r e r Results above Room Temperature Dissimilar behavior during Oz exposure in to Auger peak intensity changes zirconium temperatures at or below 470 K is and at 673 K. observed for As indicated in Figure 20, the peak height ratio of Osos obtained at 673 K is apparently lower than those obtained at or below 470 K at each corresponding oxygen for example Foord et al. in peak intensity is exposure. Previous studies, [23], show that such a difference caused by a diffusion of adsorbed 67 oxygen into the bulk of the variation in the zirconium. magnitude of the .There is a similar Osos intensities at several temperatures of 470 K Figure 20. that the diffusion of adsorbed This indicates oxygen into the bulk Zr at Further discussion on the and below as illustrated in or below 470 K is very small. behavior of surface oxidation of zirconium above room temperature the in data reasons. developed First, the that some indicates incompletely cleaned above room time intensity of Zr the prior to to period Auger (about acquisition important. Hence, multiplexing Auger when signal 5 several of the Osos peak tested were experiments conducted Secondly, obtain for specimens the the use spectra minutes of the requires a per run) for A relatively large amount of adsorbed oxygen can diffuse data study initial recording each Auger spectrum. during the not appropriate from present temperature. multiplexing scheme fairly long the is into time the bulk of the metal when diffusion becomes diffusion obtained is is a apparent, the time-averaged result and does not represent the true initial condition of the surface. Ion Sputtering- Monitored with SIMS and AES The SIMS signal shows during sputtering (see Figure a rapid 21). intensity decrease The rapid decrease in 68 SIMS signal intensity implies that the surface oxide formed at 60 L Oz resides layers, since the atomic layer. primarily SIMS This at signal the very top few atomic is observation primarily from the top agrees with the previous conclusion drawn from the AES results of this study. In contrast to the the intensity of the interruptions moderate difference Osos during decrease, in behavior Auger peak, taken at sequential sputtering, as the of the ZrO+ SIMS signal, exhibits indicated decrease sputtering between the two with the fact that the in of relatively Figure signal surface a 22. This intensity during spectra does not agree AES signal originates from a larger information depth, about 3 peak, compared to the SIMS atomic .layers signal. very thick, thicker than the for the Osos If the oxide layer is information depth of the Osos Auger signal, the resulting sputter depth profile of either spectral method will be flat initially. constant signal yield, the Osos when the thickness of falls below about would not sense 3 much the signal signal for the Both signals should oxide should variations if .the layer layers, difference thickness of oxide layer is the Auger signal would start to drop oxide atomic begin thickness initial in to on the Zr surface but thinner. exhibit After the initial the SIMS signal intensity until the For the same reason, drop before the SIMS, between these two levels. similar oxide sputtering profile thickness is only one I 69 atomic layer or less. t^ifference From depth intensity of the of Osos this analysis, because of the surface .sensitivity, peak similar decrease during the signal intensity, if the should the thickness on Zr the two two spectral methods both relate sputtering. oxidized Zr. three possible surface matches surface spectral classes signals The observed faster ions during sputtering of None of the oxide layer the observed behavior of during interrupted decrease of the ZrO+ SIMS signal during sputtering therefore of ZrO a sharper or sputtering than would the ZrO+ only to the surface abundance of outcomes of exhibit the signal suggests that the yield is closely related to the oxidation state of Zr surface structure. The relatively large when the ZrO+ Figure 23, SIMS signal indicates " that closely related to surface. the For instance, about 8% of its initial sputtering. this point the oxygen. Auger is small. the SIMS oxidation the signal that remains as can be seen in signal intensity is state of the zirconium ZrO+ SIMS signal decreases to intensity after the first minute's On the other hand, the Osos Auger intensity at exhibits initial value. that Osos Zr an This intensity about 50% of its larger Osos signal intensity confirms surface Therefore, the is still coexisting ZrO+ SIMS signal intensity implies not only related to of the abundance relatively replete with larger decrease of the that the SIMS signal is of oxygen but also the 70 oxidation state of the Zr surface investigated. Further evidence of the existence between the oxidation state of -yield can spectra also be taken found at the Zr surface and the SlMS from the sequential sputtering process. This is spectra, sequential taken at sputtering process, with of a relationship nature of the Auger interruptions, during the done by comparing these Auger interruptions those during the Auger spectra obtained for ,different extents of oxygen exposure to initially sputtered clean Zr, especially in terms of energy shifts and of Auger line shape, extents intensity ratio of the Osoa peak. From this comparison, the Auger spectrum corresponding to a 92% decay in the ZrO+ sputtering) is close SIMS to signal (after about I minute's those Auger spectra taken for a sputter clean Zr surface after it is exposed to I to 3 L of oxygen. This associated Oz with exposure a level has chemisorption been stage shown to be by previous researchers C2, 233. When the SIMS ZrO+ signal shows.a 65% decay 0.12 initial (after about value, the minute's Auger spectrum spectrum of a sputtered clean oxygen exposure. the Zr surface Zr sputtering) resembles surface from its the Auger after 3 to 10 L At an oxygen exposure level of 3 to 10 L, has been shown to be undergoing oxide nucleation. a 71 CONCLUSIONS 1. Both, signal intensities transitions observed and energy shifts of the Auger during oxygen uptake reach approximate saturation at around within the top two atomic on zirconium 30 L Oz. Oxidation layers of oxidized Zr surface is not complete at 100 L Oz exposure. 2. Oxygen seems to adsorption follow chemisorption, on the next zirconium reaction rapid at room temperature sequences oxidation and of first finally slow oxidation, which was postulated by Fehlner and Mott [38]. 3. Oxygen uptake on zirconium on the exposure level but pressure (exposure time) of is favored by lower exposure level. pressure is found to depend not only also slightly on the exposure oxygen. and This dependence The adsorption of Oz longer time at the same is more dramatic at an Oz oxygen exposure of 100 L as compared to 100 L of Oz is mainly occupied by exposure, the surface 3 L and 10 L. At nucleated surface oxide instead of chemisorbed oxygen. 4. Very little diffusion of absorbed/adsorbed oxygen into the bulk of a Zr sample occurs at temperatures below 470 K. Diffusion starts to become between 470 K and 673 K. significant at temperature 72 5. Secondary ion yield from an oxidized Zr surface is observed to be closely related to the level of oxidation of the surface structure. A chemisorbed oxygen exhibits a relatively large Auger surface very signal; the that contains mainly weak SIMS signal but a SIMS ZrO+ signal is larger when the oxygen exists in oxide nuclei. 73 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. A sputtering study of Zr after 100 L, .1000 L and 10000 L Oz exposure and of ZrOz (or oxygen-saturated Zr surface), utilizing SIMS (static concurrent AES, would SIMS provide mechanism and the'kinetics room temperature. will Care of be more more information about the surface should helpful) and be oxidation of Zr at taken to ensure the cleanness of Zr samples used and to avoid possible problems caused by the insulation property of ZrOz (or oxygen- saturated Zr). 2. Extend spectra the to a studies larger experiments will transition occurs of pressure range of Oz probably . help among the dependence on Auger exposures. determine three Such when reaction the sequences postulated by.Fehlner and Mott. 3. 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The Energy Shifts of Auger Peaks Determined by Averaging Peak Maxima and Peak Minima in d[N(E)AE]/dE and those Determined by the Maximum Points in N(E)AE Spectra. spectrum mode I average shift I Energy shift by | from dCN(E)AE]/dE I I N(E)AE maximum j I ZRl 4 8 I 0509 I O ZRi 17 I -4.0 I -5.5 I -4.0 I -7.0 j I I i O I ZRd z I Pt I O I (a) data for "oxidized" were taken from 100 L results of this research. (b) energy shift is measured in eV relative to the kinetic energy of the same Auger peak of the clean zirconium. 81 The difference between the dCN(E)*E3/dE spectra and from is small. Z R n 7 peak two schemes. exhibits Possible reason results determined from N(E)*E spectra of this study a larger difference in the for this is presented in the section of discussion of results. 82 Appendix B The Oxygen Exposure Conditions under which the Data Compiled in Figure 24 were Taken All the data plotted in temperature starting with Figure a 24 were taken at room sputter cleaned zirconium specimen without annealing. . The exposure conditions prior to recording the Auger spectra are listed in Table 5 on the next page. For identical conditions are listed in 0509 signal intensity. Oz exposure levels, the exposure descending order of the resulting 83 Table 5. Exposure Conditions for the Data in Figure 24. Oz Exposure (L) Exposure Time (sec) Oz Pressure (Torr) 0.3 100 3 A 10 9 1.0 100 7 A IO-9 3.0 300 I A IO-8 3.0 30 I A IO"7 3.0 100 3 A IO-8 3.0 10.0 Sequential exposure of a + b + c ^ Sequential exposure of a+b+c+d^^ 10.0 1000 I A IO-8 10.0 333 3 A IO-8 10.0 100 I A IO"7 10.0 100 I A IO"7 30.0 Sequential exposure of a+b+c+d+e^ 30.0 Sequential exposure of g+h<4> 100.0 I A IO'6 100 100.0 Sequential exposure of a+b+c+d+e+f (TjJ) 100.0 Sequential exposure of g+h+i1* 1 (Tj)) where a b C d e f g h i is is is is is is is is is sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec 200 sec 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 X X X X X X X X X A A A A A A 1.0 A 2.0 A 3.5 A 3.0 7.0 2.0 7.0 2.0 7.0 10_g Torr i:; io 7 10 10 10 10 7 7 7 9 Torr Torr Torr Torr Torr Torr Torr Torr STATE UNIVERSITY