(Z)-11-Octadecenyl acetate in Drosophila funebris : formation, transfer, catabolism and aggregation activity by Russell Dean Leu A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Biochemistry Montana State University © Copyright by Russell Dean Leu (1988) Abstract: (Z)-11-Octadecenyl acetate (Z11 - 18 : Ac) was identified as the most abundant (2300 ng/fly) hexane extractable component of the ejaculatory bulb of sexually mature virgin male D. funebris. Virgin female flies did not have Z11 - 18 : Ac at any age. There was a rapid increase in Z11 - 18 : Ac in virgin male flies during the first three days after eclosion. In mature male flies, about, 1500 ng of Z11 - 18 : Ac was in the ejaculatory bulb and about 800 ng was on the surface of the fly. During mating about 1200 ng of Z11 -18 : Ac was transferred to the female fly, but was not transferred into the reproductive tract. The female fly then looses approximately 60 ng of the Z1 1-18:Ac to the media. This amount is independent of the time spent in the holding vial. The amount of Z11 - 18:Ac on mated females decreased to undetectable levels at 12 hours post-mating. Concurrent with the Z11-18:Ac decrease there is an increase in the concentration of 14, 16 and 18 carbon fatty acids. The female is able to metabolize external Iy applied Z11 -18:Ac, vaccenol , vaccenic acid, oleyl acetate and stearyl acetate. Sexually immature (6-8 hours old) virgin females can metabolize applied Z11-18:Ac. A combination of Z11 -18:Ac and volatile, polar components from the male hexane extract comprise the aggregation pheromone in Eu. funebris. (Z)-II-OCTADECENYL ACETATE IN DROSOPHILA EUNEBRIS: FORMATION, TRANSFER , CATABOLISM AND AGGREGATION ACTIVITY by Russell Dean Leu A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Biochemistry MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana March 1988 ■ ; • /V3-72 LC7 ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by- Russell Dean Leu This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding c o n t e n t , English u s a g e , f o r m a t , citations, bibliographic s t y l e , and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate studies. Date ^ lraduate Committee Approved for the Chemistry Department Approved for the College of Graduate Studies 7 7-Ff " Date Graduate Dean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements University, for a m a s t e r ’s d e g r e e at State I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules of the Library. from this Montana thesis are allowable without Brief quotations special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission for extensive quotation from or reproduction of this thesis may be granted by my major professor, or in his absence, by the Dean of Libraries w h e n , in the opinion of either, the proposed use of the material purposes. Any copying or use of the material in this thesis for financial permission. Signature Date gain shall not be allowed is for scholarly without my written iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ..........'.................................. LIST OF FIGURES ........................................... v vi ABSTRACT ................................................... . INTRODUCTION Objectives ................................. . ................................................ % MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................ Ejaculatory Bulb Removal and Analysis ................. Extraction of Whole Flies ................................ Formation of the Ejaculatory Bulb Compound with Age ... Transfer During Mating ....................... Female Reproductive Tract Removal .................. Ejaculatory Bulb Compound Loss by the Female .......... Application of Compounds to Virgin Females ............ Collection of Volatiles from Hexane Extracts .......... Bioassays ...................................... RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................... Identification ........................................... Formation ................................................. Transfer During Mating .................................. Catabolism ............................................. Application of Zl1-18:Ac ................... Application of Vaccenic Acid ............... Application of Vaccenol ................ Application of Similar Acetates ........... Application of Zl1-18:Ac to D . melanogaster . . . ............................... Bioassay Response ............. CONCLUSIONS ................................................ REFERENCES CITED ........................ 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 11 ^ ^ 13 17 1 22 24 25 25 28 34 V LIST OF TABLES . . Table 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Page Drosophila species with identified aggregation pheromones ...... 2 A comparison of the amounts of Zl I-18:Ac sequentially extracted from D^ funebris and D . melanogaster mated females ........................ 15 Recovery of Zl1-18:Ac from mated and virgin D . funebris ....... *...... ..... ...................... 17 Aggregation response of several extracts relative to the mature male JX funebris hexane extract ...... 30* 5 Response of JX_ funebris to the male hexane extract and two components of the extract ........... . 32 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 'I. 2. 3. Page (Z)-II-Octadecenyl acetate (Z 11- 18 :Ac) in male D . funebr i s with age .................................. 12 Seven day old funebris matings with the subsequent removal of the ejaculatory bulb, reproductive tract and hexane soak of the fly ...... 14 Loss of (Z)-I I-Octadecenyl acetate (Z11-18:Ac) from mated D . funebris females with time ................. 18 4. Application of I I00 ng of (Z )-11-OctadecenyI acetate (Z 11- 18 :Ac) to 7 day old virgin female funebris .. 20 5. Application of 2500 ng of vaccenic acid and 1000 ng of vaccenol to mature D^_ funebris females ...... . .23 6. Application of I 100 ng of (Z)-II-Octadecenyl acetate (Z11-18:Ac), 1000 ng of oleyl and stearyl acetate to 7 day old virgin female JX funebris ................. 267 Application of 500 ng of (Z)-II-Octadecenyl acetate (Z11- 18:Acj to 4-5 day old virgin female D. melanogaster ....... ............................... 27 7. v ii ABSTRACT (Z)-II-Octadecenyl acetate (ZI I- I8:Ac) was identified as the most abundant (2300 ng/fly) hexane ext ractable component of the ejaculatory bulb of sexually mature virgin male f u n.ebj”i ^ . Virgin female flies did not have Zll18:Ac at any age. There was a rapid increase in Z I I- I8 :A c in virgin male flies during the first three days after eclosion. In mature male flies,, about, 1500 ng of Z11 - 18 :A c was in the e ja cul at ory bulb and about 800 ng was on the surface of the fly. During mating about 1200 ng of Zll18 :A c was t r a n s f e r r e d to the f e m a l e fly, but was not transferred into the reprodu ctive tract. The female fly then looses app rox im at el y 60 ng of the Zl I- 18:A c to the media. This amount is independent of the time spent in the holding vial. The amount of Z I I-18: Ac on mated females decreased to un det ect abl e l e v e l s at 12 hours post-mating. Concurrent with the Z I I-18:Ac decrease there is an increase in the concentration o f . 14, 16 and 18 carbon fatty acids. The female is able to me tab oli ze external Iy applied Zll1 8 :Ac, v a c c e n o I , vaccenic acid, oleyl acetate and stearyl acetate. Sexually immature (6-8 hours old) virgin females can me ta b o l i z e applied Z11-18:Ac. A combination of Zll18 :Ac and volatile, polar components from the male hexane extract comprise the aggregation pheromone in Eu. funebris. I INTRODUCTION fu n is cosmopolitan in species temperate southern of the cold adapted of Drosophil a found primarily (T),(2) woodlands and considered one northern a facultative (I) most a n,d is latitudes fungal common (3). at the Although species (4), mos t it is funebris does well on a synthetic Drosophila diet (Instant Drosophila Medium 4-24, Car oli na Biological). Many c l o s e l y related species are obligate fungal feeders (4) but D. funebris will not hybridize with them (2). Previous studies of jX funebris have included dispersal rates (5),(6), accessory (7); fitness gland, secretory parameters proteins (10), (8), phenomenon aggregation species (15), pheromones in JX me I ano gaster have D £ £ £ 0£h Il1L£. been (16), in is probably demonstrated group (12), in (13), s i m u l a ns (17), D^ yakuba and jX and in D^ mu I I e M and a Mal e- p r o d u c e d in D^ an a n a s sae and in 2^ maur it i a na, in D^ h^dei, (21), I. the of the jX v i.r:(:Ms species m a l e r k o t l i an a (18), (19), in (I) (11). Aggregation using aggregation pheromones general (9), IX seven (14), in EU b i^ec t ^ n a t e jia M (20), (22), as shown in Table 2 Table I. Drosophila species with identified aggregation pheromones . GENUS DROSOPHILA SUBGENUS SOP HOP HO R A GROUP MELANOG ASTER SUBGROUP MELANOGASTER -melanogaster -mauritiana -simuIans -yakuba SUBGROUP ANANASSAE -ananassae -bipectinata -malerkotliana SUBGROUP SUZUKII -r ajasekai SUBGENUS DROSOPHILA GROUP VIRILIS GROUP REPLETA SUBGROUP -americana SUBGROUP HYDEI -borealis MULLERI -hydei -Iittoralis -mulleri -Iummei -novamexicana -texana -virilis Djl m e l a n o g a s t e r , yakuba, simulans, JX m a ur iLt iLan a, JX rajasekari, D. ananassae, D. bipectinata, and m a I e r ko 11 JlB n a subgenus JX GROUP FUNEBRIS -funebris are all Sophophora octadeceny I acetate and in the mel anoga ster all of these (Z 11 — lSsAc) as pheromone, except JDj^ rna^JLe^r_ko^t_JLi_a^iia^ and use Z I I- 20 :A c. group of the species the ir use Z - I 1- aggregation ^ —— — that The rest of the species studied to date are in the Dr oso phi la subgenus and the aggregation pheromones are hydrocarbons, esters, and ketones, of two classes of these compounds pheromone. and usually comprises a blend the aggregation In all cases the pheromone attracts nearly equal 3 numbers of both sexes in the wind-tunnel olfactometer, and the pheromone is synergistic with food related odors. In most species, the aggregation mature male e ja cul at ory rep rod uct ive tract bulb, pheromone is present in the transferred during mating, and transferred by the females to the food media within hours (17), (18), (19), studies me lanogaster where it was (23), after mating (16), (20). N on-pheromonal mating to the female of ZI I- I8 :A c include work on D, reported to inhibit courtship but this was proven to be incorrect Zl I - 18:Ac has been quantitated female JX me Iano gas ter ap pr ox ima te ly 300 ng ( 16), (20% of in virgin (24), their (25). ma le Males Z I I - 18:Ac) (24), and and (25). mated transfer into the female’s reproductive tract with approximately 20 ng located on the cuticle. The female.then loses a majority of the transferred Z I I- 18 :Ac to the vial within 6 hours. No p r ev iou s pheromonal work with _Dj_ fHll®.^IL-LiL has been reported. distant thus D. fu n e b r i s relative far. in the Sophophora of the m e l anogaster Experiments with JX group fune bris after previous pheromone studies (16), (17). subgenus species are is a studied patterned 4 Objectives The most ejacu la to ry abundant bulb identification, female, hexane will be extractable characterized 2) rate of synthesis, 4) loss by the female, and aggregation pheromone system. compound of the including: I) 3) transfer to the 5) i n v o l v e m e n t in the 5 METHODS AND MATERIALS D. fu ne b r i s, wild type, Biology-University of Milan, from Milan, the (Department of Italy) were raised on a diet of yeasted Instant Droso phi la medium 4-24 (Carolina Bi olo g i c a l Supply Co., Burlington, North ambient lab temperatures using a 16 hour dark cycle. Carolina) at light and 8 hour At less than 24 hours after ec Ios ion, flies (anesthesized with carbon dioxide) were separated by sex. A p p r ox ima te ly 10 flies were put into a rearing vial (10 cm x 3 cm ID) until a specified age. D_j_ m e l a n o g a s t e r Canton S were reared and handled as reported previously (16). Ejaculatory Male s were Bulb killed approximately 30 minutes. Removal by placing of the abdomen them at -IO0 C. for A thin dissecting pin was used to fasten the fly to a cork board. the tip and Analysis Under (near, the 20 X magnification, genitalia) was grasped between two pins and this section of tissue which included the ejaculatory bulb was removed. The ejaculatory bulb was carefully separated in a 0.5 ml conical from the surrounding tissue vial containing and placed 10 u I of hexane and I ug of nonadecane as a quantitative internal standard. A pin 6 point was used to smash the bulb, and release the contents for extraction. The hexane extract (2-3 u I ) was analyzed in a Varian 3700 gas chromatograph fitted with a 15 meter Megabore DB-1 capillary column (J and W Scientific, ionization detector. temperature I 30° C , i n c r e a s e d standards CA) and flame The temperature program was initial temperature of 300°C. synthetic Folsom, at I O 0 C Z m i n to Chromatographic retention times of of the hydrocarbons, esters previously observed a fin al and ketones as aggregation pheromones were compared to the retention time of the major chr omatographic peak in the D. funeb r is eja cu la to ry bulb extract. Compounds with similar retention times to the peak from D. f u n e b ris were chr omatographed on a 30 meter D B - 225 c api ll ary column (J and W Scientific, Folsom, CA) programmed from 130 to 200° C at 5°/min. Electron impact mass spectra were obtained on a VG MMI6 mass spectrometer using a 30 meter DB-5 capillary GCoolumn for introduction of the sample. The double bond was located by ozonolysis and GC of the products (26). ExtracJ^i_o_n The ejaculatory o_f^ Who 1_£ _Fl_i_e„s bulb compound could be extracted from whole mature male flies by soaking them for 45 minutes in 10 uI of hexane containing I ug of nonadecane as a quantitative internal standard. Likewise, the remainder of the fly after 7 removal of the ejaculatory bulb was soaked in hexane for 45 minutes and the extract analyzed by GC. Formation of the. Ejaculatory Bulb Compound with Age Within two hours of eclosion and each day thereafter up to 6 days, the ejaculatory extracted and analyzed. bulbs of males were removed, The remainder of the flies was also extracted and analyze. ■ Transfer During Mating Seven day-old experiments. X 6 mm flies were used in the mating Flies to be mated were placed in (9mm diameter height) chambers without Immediately upon completion predetermined times after flies were k i l l e d by the of copulation aid of anesthesia. mating or at began, the heavy ether anesthesia, into separate 0.5-1 .0 ml conical various individual then placed vials and stored at - IO0C until subsequent extraction and GC analysis. Femal e Reproductive Tract Remo v a I ■The repro duc tiv e tract of mated female flies was removed by first fastening a fly to a cork board with a pin. The ovipositor was clasped with a pair of forceps and pulled out. Two dissecting pins were used to separate the reproductive tract excluding the ovaries from the intestine. The reproductive tract excluding the ovaries was placed into 8 a I ml conical vial with 10 Ul of hexane containing I ug of nonadecane as a quantitative internal standard.. Analysis by GC was performed as previously described. ^ J.££y.I.£^.°£.Z Bu l^b _Com££U rid^ Los^ _by t^h£ Fe m a le Immediately specified time, after completion a 4 ml conical vial specified time, the vial at - I O 0 C. removed placed washed concentrating nonadecane, at a Ten females were placed in for 30 minutes, into 3 times the After a containing the females was placed a separate extraction and GC analysis was or fitted with a wire mesh cap. in a freezer vial m a tin g, females were removed from the mating chamber using carbon dioxide anesthesia. and of the conical as p r e v i o u s l y with extract a qu anti tat ive 100 females uI were via l described. of hexane. under nitrogen, internal standard I was for The After ug of added. GC-analysis was performed as previously described. Ap p l ication of Compounds to V irgin Females Seven day old ap prox imate ly virgin 10 minutes females to make were refrigerated them easier for to handle. They were then placed in a petri dish which sat on crushed ice. Using acetone a 1.0 uI containing syringe a (Hamilton Co.) 0.2-0.3 uI of specified amount applied to the posterior end of the fly. into a 4 ml conical of material was Ten flies were put vial fitted with a wire mesh cap for a 9 predetermined period of time. as previously described, chromatograph c ap il la ry fitted column and analyzed with a 30 150° in' a Varian meter (J&W Scientific, ionization detector. temperature, Flies and vial were extracted 3700 gas Megabore Folsom, D B- 225 CA) and flame The temperature program was initial increased at 2° C/min to a final temperature of 200°. An equal volume of Meth-Prep I (Applied Science) to met hy la te the fatty acids was coinjected with the sample. Collection of Volatiles from Hexane Extracts A 2 cm long column of Tenax porous polymer 35/60 Mesh (Applied Science) was formed in a cap i l l a r y tube (2mm ID X 95mm L) with glass wool placed on either side. An apparatus was nitrogen ass emb lied ambient vapors so that a gentle stream of at temperature evaporated a 0.5 ml sample, causing the to pass into the Tenax column. After evaporation which took approximately 10 minutes, complete the Tenax was eluted with 250 uI of pentane and the resulting extract was quantitated by GC and Used in further tests. Bioassays Flies for the bioassays were removed from the rearing jars when 0-2 days old, starved overnight in the wind-tunnel olfactometer and tested the following morning. The bioassay procedure and apparatus were fully described by Bartelt and Jackson large (12). Briefly, enough to allow the win d-tunnel free approximately 1000 flies. flight olfac tomet er was and was stocked with A sample to be tested was applied to a filter paper strip inserted around the lip of a glass vial. Two vials to be compared were placed on the floor of the ol fa ct om et er in the upwind end. drop of water, Each vial contained a which was not itself caused the flies that entered the vial the test. attractive but which to remain throughout Tests lasted for 3 minutes after which the vials were capped and flies counted. Each bioassay experiment used the balanced treatments combinations. incomplete were The tested bioassay block in design, pairs data was in in all whi ch the possible transformed to the I o g (x + I) scale before analysis to stabilize variance and ana lysis was done by the method of Yates (27). Normally, 12 tests could be run before the number of flies became too low to give good results. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Identi f ication The hexane extract of mature male ejacul ato ry contained only one GC peak of appreciable size. of retention tim es on the non polar bulbs Comparison DB-I column of previously used synthetic compounds showed a match with (Z)1 I-octadecenyI acetate (Z I 1- I8 :Ac). The ejacul ato ry bulb compound and ZlI-ISsAc also had matching the polar DB-225 column. retention times on Mas s-spectra and GC analysis of the ozonolysis products of the ejaculatory bulb compound and Z11-18:Ac were structure of oct adecenyI identical. the All eja cul ato ry evidence bulb supported compound as the (Z)-1 I- acetate. Z I I- 1 8:Ac has been identified from the ejaculatory bulb of a number of species in the m was the first report of Zl1-18:Ac I L B J i g^oup, but this outside the m e l anogaster group of the Sophophora subgenus. Formation There was no det ec ta ble females of any ag e; ZlI-IBsAc however, there present was a in virgin dramatic increase in Z I I- 18: Ac in male flies during the first three days, as shown in Figure I. After three days, the level of 12 2400 Nanograms of Zll-ISrAc / fly 2200 2000 1800 0 1 2 3 Age Figure I. 4 5 6 (Days) (Z)-Il-Octadecenyl acetate (Zll-ISrAc) in male D. funebris with a g e . Shaded areas represent Zll-lSrAc in the ejaculatory bulb while clear areas represent Zll-ISrAc on the rest of the fly (N= 2 sets of 3 f l i e s ) . 13 Z 11-I 8:Ac ng/fly. reached a plateau level of approximately 2300 In comparison, ejaculatory bulbs of JX me lanogaster had ap pro xi ma te ly 1 600 ng/ fl y of Z I I- 18 :Ac (24), extracts of whole at age 5 days flies (16) of JX_ m e l anogaster had and JX. s i m u l an s had hexane 1400 ng/fly 1000 ng/fly (17). In male JX_ f u n e_b£ Jl^ of all ages, most of the Z I I- I8 :A c was located in the ejaculatory bulb, there was ap pr ox ima te ly remainder of the fly, 800 as however after 2 days of age ng/fl y shown of Zl I- 18:A c on in F i g u r e the I. This was confirmed by making two I second hexane dips of mature male flies which removed 820 ng of ZI I- I8:Ac. Transfer During M ating Z l 1-18:Ac (1000-1400 ng) was transferred male JX funebris to the female during mating. from virgin Over half of the Zl I- 18 :Ac was transferred within the first five minutes of mating, as illustrated in Figure 2, with a maximum of it being 13 transferred in th e a p p r ox im ate ly 16 minute mating. unexpected results. The first minutes transferred an JX funebrJ^s produced some female reproductive contained 240 + 45 ng Z I I-18:Ac/fIy which was 20% of the of Z I I- I8 :A c. After three tracts approximately minutes, the amount present in the reproductive tract was independent of time. Eighty fu n e b r is percent females was of the Z I I- I8 :Ac transferred easily ext ra ctab le with to JX hexane, suggesting that it was on or near the surface of the fly, as 14 (■--- B) Zll -18 :Ac in the male ejaculatory bulb ( V — '■) Z l l -18:Ac on the remainder of the male fly O ---A) Zll - 1 8 :Ac in the female reproductive tract (A--- A) Z ll -18:Ac on the remainder of the female fly Nanograms of Zll-18:Ac / fly 2400 2000 1600 1200 800 400 0 0 3 8 Mating Time Figure 2. 13 (Minutes) Seven day old ETl funeb ris matings with the subsequent removal of the ejaculatory b u l b , reproductive tract and hexane soak of the f l y . (N=3 sets of 3 flies) 15 shown in Table 2 and Figure 2, unlike what was observed with D . me I a n o g a s t e r . Transfer of Z I 1-18:Ac in D . fune b r is must be occurring di ffe re nt ly than JX me JL a n o g a s t e r . It appeared that the female reproductive tract became "filled" within 3 minutes and the rest of the transferred Z I I- 18 :Ac was deposited on or near the surface of the cuticle. the mated pair was still coupled when they were Since frozen, there should be no way for the female to lose the Z 11- 18:Ac from her reproductive tract. Table 2. A c o m p a r i s o n of the a m o u n t s of Z l 1 - 1 8 : Ac sequentially extracted from D. funebris and D . melanogaster mated females. Zl1-18:Ac (ng/fly) 2nd one sec dip (N=7 sets of 3 flies) Total 4 5 min soak Mated female flies 1st one sec dip JX funebris 560+210 260+80 170+90 980+320 42 + 9 15 + 5 360+80 410+80 JX melanogaster In D . me I a n o g a s te r , ap prox imate ly 300 ng of Z I I- I 8 :Ac was transferred (24) and the transfer was complet e within the first six minutes (25). of an appro ximat ely 20 min mating In IX me I ano g a s t er the Z I I- 18:Ac was deposited into the female’s reproductive tract during mating with only a small amount (60 ng) found on the female’s cuticle (Table 2; 25). In comparison, two I second hexane dips of mated JX 16 funebris but females only removed approximately approximately 60 ng 800 ng of Z I I- I8:Ac of Z11-18:Ac from D♦ me Ianogaster mated females, as presented in Table 2. The po s s i b i l i t y was considered that mated Djl fune b r i s females were releasi ng the Z I I- 18:Ac transfer to their food source. legs from mated females to their legs for Removal and extraction of revealed the legs had 81+68 ng/fly while the remainder of the fly had 990 + 230 ng/fly of Zll18:Ac. This small amount could result from rubbing her legs against her cuticle. If JX portion f u n ebrjijs males of the Z I I- 18:Ac t r a c t , how was such female? method One Interrupting showed that into a large a mating th e re were was no the depositing female's quantity could just only be additional repro ducti ve transferred cuticle as the pair a small to started to the cuticle. (0-1 minute) Zl I- 18:A c surface of mating male flies than on virgin flies, on the as shown in Table 3. The males had transferred over 200 ng of Zll1 8 :Ac to the females with no corresponding increase in the level of Zl1-18:Ac extracted from their cuticle. The males were not transferring a large quantity of Zl I- 18: Ac to their cuticle and then "rubbing it" on the female's cuticle. Neither was the female using her legs to "rub" the Z11- 18:Ac from the males's cuticle onto her cuticle. The small amount (80 ng) of Z I I- I8 :Ac located on her legs could result from a 17 preening action with the Z I I- I8 :Ac being removed from her own cuticle. Table 3. Recovery of Zl1-18:Ac from mated and virgin D . funebris. ng Z11-18:Ac/fly (+ SB) (N=5 sets of 3 flies) Complete mating Virgin fly 120+50 150+40 I20+120 2nd one sec dip of male 220+120 140+50 I80+1 10 45 min soak of male 740+430 450+240 750+260 45 min soak of female 240+90 1260+320 0-1 min mating Treatment I St one sec dip of male Catabolism 24 Within hours, the female had lost transferred Zl1-18:Ac with approximately 75% all of the lost within 3 hours, as illustrated in Figure 3. Extraction of the female holding vial showed that <100 ng of Zl1-18:Ac was deposited in the vial. The transfer to the vial was independent of time and showed a slight increase for the first 9 hours and then decreased. This amount could be rubbed from the cuticle as the female came into contact with the surface of the vial. Females were their surroundings. "losing" Zl I- I 8 :A c , but not to In comparison, when the male deposits 18 1200 Nanograms ZlI -18:Ac / fly 1000 Time after Mating Figure 3. (Hours) Loss of (Z)-Il-Octadecenyl acetate (Zll-18:Ac) from mated fu nebris females with time. (■— — ■) represents Zll-18:Ac on the female. ( ► — •■) represents Zll -18 :Ac emitted by the female into the vial. (N=l set of 10 flies) 19 the Zl1-18:Ac into the female's reproductive tract, within 6 hours after mating both D. simulans (17) and D_^ m e lanogaster (16) lose a majority of "the transferred Z I I- 1 8 :Ac to their holding vials. .App l ic ation of ZII-ISiAc Females may be or m e t a b oli zi ng sequestering it. A dose acetone was applied surface 1100 ng of Zl I-ISiAc to 7 day old virgin females and extracts, of Compared with mated loss by virgin of the Z11 - 18:Ac internal Iy the flies females, were a similar females occurred, analyzed in the hourly. rate of Zl I- 1 8 1Ac as shown in Figure 4, with a rapid disappearance for the first four hours and then a gradual loss.. The quantity of Z l l - 1 8 1Ac in the holding vials was similar to the quantity emitted by mated females. Ap pr o x i m a t e l y 5% of the applied Z I I- 1 8 :Ac was lost to the vial and the amount deposited was independent of time. Virgin females treated the applied Z I I- I8:Ac sim i l a r l y to the transferred Z I I— I 8 ;A c of mated females, but it is not clear whether the Z I I- I 8 :Ac was sequestered int er nal ly or metabolized. Flies to which increased level of 14, Z l 1-18:Ac had been applied 16 and 18 carbon fatty acids a peak of app rox im at el y 600 ng at 3 hours levels within 12 hours, an reaching followe d rapid decrease from 3 to 4 hours and then a slow to normal showed by a decrease as shown in Figure 4. 20 1200 Nanograms / fly 1000 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Post Application Time Figure 4. 9 10 11 12 (Hours) Application of 1100 ng of (Z)-Il-Octadecenyl acetate (Zll-18:Ac) to 7 day old virgin female D. fun eb ri s . (*-— * ) represents Zll -18 :Ac remaining on the f l y . (■— — ■) represents the total amount of cuticular fatty acids. (N= 5 sets of 10 flies) 21 Female flies to which only acetone was applied showed <100 ng of 14, 16, 18 carbon fatty acids whether the female was extracted and analyzed immediately (0 hour) or allowed to remain.in the holding vial for 3 hours. critical in determining acids. A 45 minute compounds without compounds. It compounds since the Soaking time was concentrations hexane soak of these removed the fatty external leaching out very much of the internal was important the se to fatty remove acids were only surface also present internal Iy in both the male and female flies and significant amounts could be extracted with a 3 hour or longer hexane soak. Since the and then concentration decreased further metabolic rather of these than fatty remain processes were acids increased relatively constant, indicated. lower starting temperature for the GC Using a much analysis, no new peaks appeared as the concentration of the three fatty acids decreased. either This implied that the three fatty acids degraded transferring was not ve r y rapidly them internally removing them. or else the and the 45 minute A 24 hour hexane were female was hexane soak soak removed si gn if ica nt ly more of the three fatty acid products but it was not whether known whether the products were natural Iy there or some of the applied material was taken internally. If I I 0 0 ng of Z 1 I- 18 :Ac was applied to very young (6-8 hour, old) virgin females, ( they possessed the same amount 22 of Z 11 - I8 :A c (approximately 3 5 0 n g ) after 3 hours and lost the same amount to the vial mature flies did. (approximately 20 ng) as the Thus, the transfer system was functional at a very young age. Further the female tests to show that Zl I- 18:Ac was metabolized by involved the application acid and vaccenol to the female. Zl I-18:Ac would ester, presumably of synthetic A degradation process of involve hydrolyzing oxidizing the alcohol vaccenic to an acid, the acid to shorter chain compounds. the acetate and then oxidizing If vaccenic acid and vaccenol were on the degradation pathway then the enzyme system(s) involved would treat them similar to Zl1-18:Ac and metabolize them. Appl ication of V accenic Acid When a large dosage ( 1000 ng was utilized too rapidly to accurately measure) of vaccenic acid (2500 ng) was applied to a mature virgin female, it was utilized very rapidly, illustrated in Figure 5. Within 2 hours approximately 80% of the applied A 24 hour vaccenic as vaccenic acid was "lost" from the cuticle hexane soak showed app ro xim at ely acid was present within the fly. 1100 ng of The ratio of internal vaccenic acid to oleic acid was relatively constant for the rapidly Hexane first with rinses 2 hours no after vaccenic of the holding application acid detected vials then after decreased 5 hours. showed that no vaccenic 23 2500 Nanograms / fly 2000 1500 1000 Post Application Time Figure 5. (Hours) Application of 2500 ng of vaccenic acid (■— — ■) or 1000 ng of vaccenol ( ► — b ) to 7 day old funebris females. (N= I set of 10 flies) 24 acid was lost to the surroundings. In addition, no Zll- 18:Ac or vaccenol was seen in any of the chromatograms. Comparing the free fatty acid extracted by the 24 hour hexane soak after vaccenic acid was applied, showed that the 16:0 and 16:1 fatty acid levels l e v e l s were relatively constant with time (approximately 1.3 times the 18:1 levels) while the 14:0 and 14:1 levels increased slightly with time. Thus, the decrease in vaccenic acid levels in the fly does not change the internal fatty acid profile very much. Application When female, o f V accenol 10 0 0 ng of vaccenol was applied a mature the disappearance of vaccenol was similar to the disappearance of vaccenic acid with a rapid first 3-4 hours and then a gradual 5. to loss, loss within the as shown in Figure In addition, the 45 minute hexane soak con sis tentl y removed a small amount of Zl I - 18:Ac (approxim ately 30 ng) and vaccenic system(s) to acid involved (approximately 10 ng). in this transformation The seems enz yme to be able both oxidize the alcohol to the acid and acetyl ate the alcohol to the acetate ester. soak removed a small 24 ho ur vaccenic hexane acid. if any vaccenol vaccenic acid nor soak While the 45 minute hexane amount of Z11-18:Ac from the surface, removed Rinses of the was released no vials to the Zl1-18:Ac was internal showed a Zl I - I 8 : A c or that surroundings. detected in vial little Neither rinses. 25 Appl ication of simil ar acetates Since the female was able to m eta bo liz e Z I I- I8:Ac and its degradation products, the degradation of two cl o s e l y related acetates (stearyl acetate, an 18 carbon saturated acetate and oleyl acetate, an 18 carbon unsaturated acetate with the double bond located in the 9 position) were tested. Utilization similar of the two ^acetates to the p r e v i o u s l y applied at 1000 ng/fly was applied compounds with a rapid initial loss that tapers off, as shown in Figure 6. A small amount of both compounds (approximately 50 ng) was deposited into the holding and did not double slightly Thus, involved, This increase me ta bo liz ed ace ta te . vial. a amount was relatively with time. s i ow er Oleyl a c e t a t e was than Z l 1— ISsAc non-specific enz y m e constant or stearyl syst em(s) was because lack of a double bond or movement of the bond d o e s n ’t affect the e n z y m e ’s ability to metabolize the applied compounds. Appl ication of ZlI-ISsAc to ~~ D_j_ melanogaster The ability of JX funebris to met ab o l i z e Z I I- I8:Ac and closely related m e l anogaster. in this (16). cuticle When virgin females, in D. funebris occurred, the lead us to investigate JX ZtI-ISsAc was also the aggregation species applied to compounds within 500 ng of pheromone ZlI-ISsAc was the same utilization pattern as with 9 0% of the Z 11- 18:Ac lost from 5 hours, as shown in Figure 7. In 26 ■Zll-18:Ac remaining on the fly 800 I I IOleyl acetate Ion the fly remaining I— I I Stearyl acetate remaining I on the fly Nanograms / fly 600 400 200 0 Post Application Time Figure 6. (Hours) Application of 1100 ng (Z)-Il-Octadecenyl acetate (Zll-18:A c ) , 1000 ng of oleyl and stearyl acetate to 7 day old virgin female D. funebris (N=l set of 10 flies). 27 Nanograms Z11 -18:Ac / fly 600 400 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 Post Application Time Figure 7. 5 (Hours) Application of 500 ng of (Z)-11-Octadecenyl acetate (Zll-18:Ac) to 4-5 day old virgin female D. m e lariogaster (N=l set of 10 flies). 28 addition, Soaking holding the vial flies for internal Z11-18:Ac. rinses 24 contained hours no removed Z I I- 18 :Ac. no additional Thus, it appeared that the ability to metabolize Z11-18:Ac was common to both species. Bioassay Response Identification of the aggregation pheromone began by preparing a crude hexane extract of 7 day old flies. the flies extracted to 7 days ensured that they were Aging mature when and a re prod uci ble a m o unt of material could be removed by extraction. When the flies were first put into the wind-tunnel olfactometer, they tended to form tight aggregation units in the corners.and on the upwind screen. temperature of 20o - C. was used to An overnight holding reduce stress. temperature kept the flies tightly aggregated. This One half hour before the tests began, the temperature was increased to 24° C. and lights were turned on,. This aided in the relatively uniform dispersal of the flies and also increased the frequency of flies that were in flight. the bioassay tests, the cage While running temperature increased to a final temperature of 26°C. was slowly This resulted in a better bioassay response than if a constant temperature was maintained. number of responding In response to an active airborne to an flies active increased. preparation, preparation However, 1/2-2/3 the when of the 29 responding flies crawled up the sides and into the vials. It became very evident within 30 seconds if a vial contained an active toward vial, preparation because the number the vial flies increased usually of flies dramatically. remained Once for the duration crawling inside the of the test. The same response behaviors were exhibited toward both flyderived and synthetic catches for any materials. treatment varied The abs olute from day to bioassay day, due p ri ma ri ly to the overnight hol di ng temperature and in the number and condition of the flies in the win d-tunnel olfactometer. Initial attempts to demonstrate an aggregation response in Dl_ funebhis were patterned me lanogaster after pre vio us work with Dj. (16) and Di simulans (17). The mature male and female fly (7 day old) hexane extracts male and female bioassayed to in Table 4. attractive, fly (0-24 determine hours) along hexane the aggregation Hexane extract of mature with immature extracts activity, males were as shown was c l ear ly catching an average of 23.1 flies per test with 55% of the flies being male. Both the immature male and immature female extracts showed little activity and were not s i g n if ic an tl y different from the hexane control. Mature female extract was significantly different from the control but showed little activity. males and It was decided to work with extracts from mature determine produced the aggregation response. what component(s) 30 Table 4. Aggregation response of several extracts relative to the mature male D . funebris hexane extract. Relative Response15 (N= 8 ) Hexane Extract of :a 100* Mature Males Immature (0-24hr) Males 3 Mature Females 4* -5 Immature (0-24 hr) Females Hexane Control flies/test) (1.3 flies/test); mature males (23.1 a) All extracts used at one fly equivalent b) (Extract - Control) Relative Response = _____________________ ___________ X 10( (Mature Male Extract - Control) # Denotes significant difference vs control at the 0.05 level The hexane extract from 7 day old virgin male flies was fractionated using eluting with hexane; 10% an 5 %, methanol/methylene open column acid and 10%, 25% and 50% ether-hexane; and chloride. of The silicic three most polar fractions showed some activity, but various combinations, when compared to the male hexane extract, an equivalent aggregation response. ' would not produce 31 Examining pre vi ou s pheromone of work mu I I e ri showed that the aggregation (22 ) contained volatile, polar component. an unidentified, To test this in JX f un ejDi-i^, a sample of the male hexane extract was taken to dryness under nitrogen and an equivalent amount of hexane was added back to the remaining residue. "evaporated" male hexane The aggregation response of the extract was reduced over 50% when compared to the untreated male hexane extract. Clearly, volatile component of the male hexane extract was also essential for aggregation activity. why a combination, of account for all The combined silicic acid a lost and This would explain fractions could not the act ivity of the male hexane extract. fractions had been partial Iy evaporated under nitrogen to achieve the proper concentration for bioassay tests. A fraction was prepared the volatile Tenax. component the male In the wind-tunnel olfactometer, produced a good response, equivalent to combination of the Tenax hexane from for bioassay tests by trapping the male hexane extract the Tenax volatiles as shown in Table 5, although not hexane e xtr ac t's volatiles fraction in bioassay with resp onse. hexane A the 5% ether- produced a response equivalent to the response of the hexane extract of males. showed in Since GC Zl1-18:Ac to be the major component in the 5% etherfraction, volatiles. Zl I-ISzAc Tenax volatiles was tested wi t h the Tenax accounted for approximately 40% 32 of the. male hexane e x t r a c t ’s activity, but when added to Z 11 - 18:Ac the response of the combination was statistically e qu iva le nt to the male hexane e x t r a c t , as shown in Table 5 . Table 5. Response of JX funebris to the male hexane extract and two components of the extract. Mean Bioassay Catch CN=12) Treatment3 Male Hexane Extract 20.7a Tenax Volatiles from Male Hexane Extract & Zl1-18:Ac (2200 ng ) 2 1 .8a Tenax Volatiles from Male Hexane Extract LU CTi O 7 .9b Zl1-18:Ac (2200 ng) a) All fl y - d e r i v e d fractions, extracts and synthetic compounds were used at I fly equivalent per test. b) Means followed by different letters were significantly different at the 5 % level (LSD). Tenax volatiles collected from the mature female hexane extract and analyzed on the GC showed the male Tenax extract. little similarity to This could account for the minimal aggregation response of the mature female hexane extract. Thus far, attempts to isolate and identify component(s) in the Tenax fraction were unsuccessful. appeared to results with be more the than volatile one component but the There reproducing c o m p o u n d (s) was difficult. A 33 volatile component identified viriI is (22), in JX mu I Ie r i 1s pheromone and an attract ive (12) remained.unidentified. has been developed and tested, polar Until was never component in IX a new procedure the volatile component(s) of D. funebris* pheromone system will remain unidentified. 34 CONCLUSIONS 1. (Z)-II-Octadecenyl acetate was identified as the most abundant component of the male ejaculatory bulb. 2. Z11— 18;Ac was produced by males at a rapid rate during the first three days after eclosion to a level of approximately 2200 ng/fly of which approximately 1500 ng was stored in the ejaculatory bulb and approximately 800 ng was on the surface of the fly. 3. During mating the male transferred approximately 1200.ng of Zl I- 18:Ac to the female with over half transferred in the first five minutes of an average 16 ■ Most and reproductive The mating. of the Z l 1-18:Ac was on the cuticle of the mated female 4. minute approximately 2 0 % was in the female tract. mated female fly released approximately 5% of the 1200 ng of transferred Zl1-18:Ac to the food media. c a t a b o I i zed the remaining hours after mating. Z I I- I 8 :Ac within They about 12 Mature virgin females c a t a b o Iize Z11- I8 :Ac, v accenoI, vaccenic acid , stearyl acetate, and oleyl acetate. 5. Volatile, along with system in polar components from the male hexane extract Zl1-18:Ac comprise the aggregation pheromone D. f._uH HA— . REFERENCES CITED Mer re 11 , D.J.195 1. Interspecific competition between Drosophilafunebris and Drosophila me I anogaster. Am. NatT~85:159-l69. E w i n g , A.W. 1979. 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