Profile Name Nickname Age



Name :   Kewalin Malun

Nickname :    Ke

Age :   14    Years   old

Studying   at   :Romklao Buriram School

Nondindaeng District   Buriram Province

Studying   in   :Grade   7

Major :   Science   – Math

Live :   Buriram Province

Hobby :Reading fantacy Book   ,play   internet

Favorite   sport   :   Swimming

Future :   Doctor




My   name   is   Kewalin Malun (ke),   I   am   14   years  

Old,   I   live   in   Buriram Province,    I   am   a   student   on   grade   7   major   is   Science   and   Math   at  

Romklao Buriram School,Nondindaeng District  

Buriram Province.

My Hobby   is   read   a   book   and   tour   on   internet.

Swimming   is   my   Favorite   sport   and   I   want   to   be   a   Doctor   that   I   wish   ….

The   1st   SAFSeN ‐ ASEAN   Smart   Farmer   Regional   Carnival   20 ‐ 23  

January   2015   in   Chiangmai,   Thailand.

Master   plan   in   year   2015

At   first,   step   forward.

  We   started   from   our   empowerment   principle   power joining   idea   and   network   built   on   trust.

  On   Empowerment   From   the   power ,   we   could   retain   the   power   of   community   and   good   culture   communicates   society.

One   more   important   group   is   Organic   Agricultural  

Youth   Farmer.

  They   will   be   grouped   together   and   started   at   home   for   organic   products.

  After   stable   products,   the   shop   online   were   utilized   to   promote   their   products   same   as   we   used   throughout   these   community   products   now.

  In   this   group,   each   part   of  

Guru   and   staff   will   be   supported   and   help   them   to   learn   and   do   until   could   be   started   by   themselves

The   young   farmers   are   from   3   different   youth   groups   ;  

Young   Entrepreneur   ,   Youth   Guide   and   Youth   Reporter.


They   will   work   together   as   one   team   and   will   be   trained   with   joomla.

  After   training   we   expect   them   to   be   able   to   work   and   pass   on   knowledge   to   matured   farmers,   so   that   all   these   farmers   can   be   able   to   use   the   internet   as   a   channel   to   promote   themselves   and   their   stories.











Schedule   Plan   from   Burirum SafSen ‐ aec

Master   plan   in   year   2015  

• การนําระบบโซลาเซลล์มาลดต้นทุนการผลิตทางการเกษตร

• Sola   cell   system   cost   reduction   to   agricultural   produce



• โครงการเกษตรปลอดโรค ผู้บริโภคปลอดภัย ประกอบด้วยกิจกรรมการตรวจหาสารเคมีในเลือดเกษตรกร และการ


• Food   Security   and   Consumer   safety   Projects


• โครงการส่งเสริมการเรียนรู้การใช้ประโยชน์จาก IT   ให้กับเกษตรกรและประชาชนในพื้นที่

• Advantage   of    IT   to   promote   learning   take   advantage   to   the   farmers   and   the   people   in   the   area.


• Development   Potential    for   smart’s   farmers   projects






Development   Potential    for   smart’s   farmers   projects knowledge   development   in   the   field   of   agriculture.


About   Trico   derma   and   quarterly   update   to   apply.

To   expand   the   network   of   the   young   farmers.

To   improve   soil   quality   by   know ‐ how   from   the   community.

Agro ‐ tourism   management   and   Nature   tourism

To   promote   the   knowledge   of   English   to   farmer   and   communities
