Assistive Technology for the Deaf: Thailand Experience Wantanee Phantachat National Electronics and Computer Technology Center National Science and Technology Development Center Ministry of Science and Technology Aug 26, 2014 Outlines • General information of Thailand and Statistical data of pwds • Background situation: barrier of communication • Telecommunication Relay service 2 General Information of Thailand Country:Thailand Location : South East Asia Geography Maximum Length : 1,620 km. Maximum Width : 775 km. Land Area : 513,115 Land Boundaries : 4,864 km. Neighbor Border : Laos PDR, Cambodia, Myanmar and Malaysia Population : 65.6 million (8 million in Bangkok) Disability Population: 1.8 million Deaf Population: 0.249 million Speech impaired Population: 20,000 persons Older Population: 8 million National Religion : Theravada Buddhism Government : Constitutional Monarchy Current statistical data of Thai Pwds • Up today, there are 1,463,466 persons with disabilities that registered in pwd registry of National Office for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (NEP)*. • There are 249,184 persons with hearing loss (deaf). • Deaf populations is second largest within disabilities group (16%) behind physical handicapped (46%)* 4 *Source: National Office for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (updated on June 2, 2014) Current statistical data of Thai Pwds No Disability Stated, 54,930 , 4% Mind/Behavior, 90,169 , 7% Austistic, 3,862 , 1% Learning Disabilities, 3,618 , 0% Multiple Disabilities, 97,594 , 7% Mental Illness, 109,899 , 8% Physical Handicapped, 626,646 , 46% Blind, 151,317 , 11% Deaf/ Hard of Hearing, 217,968 , 16% Source: National Office for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (updated on March, 2013 5 Barrier in Communication • How does the deaf communicate? using sign language to communicate. using lip reading to perceive information. using text or pictures to communication and perceive information. 6 Communication problems • Communication distortion leading to less understand the information. • Can not communication to hearing people using sign language directly, sign language interpreters are necessary persons to help transfer information. 7 Thai Telecommunication Relay Service (TTRS) By Wantanee Phantachat Advisor to TTRS Center Presentation at International Workshop on Assistive Technology in I-create 2014 , Singapore Date: August 22, 2014, Venue: ITE, College East, Singapore 8 Background • National Telecommunication Commission is established in 2004, one of the policies is USO • National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC) of Thailand was established in 2011 as a broadcast and telecoms regulatory body in Thailand. • At present NBTC forms the Universal Service Obligations (USO) Division which relies funding around 3.75% from revenue of telecommunication corporation to promote and develop telecommunication for remote areas and disadvantaged people. • Universal Service Obligation Master Plan (2012-2016) aims to provide the telecommunication services for persons with visual impairment and persons with hearing impairment at least 100,000 persons to access to information. • NBTC expects to receive 20,000 billion baht in 5 year of USO plan to put in USO fund 9 Establishment of TTRS • TTRS established in 2011 • TTRS is not for the profit organization, working under Universal Foundation for People with Disabilities. • TTRS is annually supported and funded 2 Million USD by NBTC equal to 0.00015% of USO Fund • TTRS has to provide the commission with proposal every 5 years for the plan and expenditure according to 5 year USO Plan. 10 THAI TELECOMMUNICATION RELAY SERVICE Services of TTRS 6 services of TTRS SMS/MMS Relay service IP Text relay Service Video relay Service VRS via Mobile app VRS via Kiosk Emergency relay service 2 New service of TTRS Speech enhancement service for persons with Laryngectomy Captioned Phone Relay Service 12 Telecommunication Relay Service System and Application 13 TTRS-Message Menu Text message Relay Ser Emergency Relay Servi TTRS News Membership Registration Contact TTRS agent for membersh Setting, picture, and location Text Message Medical Emergency Relay Service Information Public Internet Kiosks • 30 Kiosks were installed around Thailand. • This year 90 new model of Kiosks will be installed. 20 Activities of TTRS Services Service Level Agreement set to: Success of picked up calls must be equal or greater than 85% of times Success of responded times must be equal or quicker than 20 seconds per call 21 Activities of TTRS Problems encounter: – One of most frequent problems: quality of video due to poor internet speed at consumer ’s point – Installation kiosk at schools for the deaf, had to put separated ADSL line to prevent low 22 Activities of TTRS Improvement – New interpreter agents are given training workshop sessions with other organizations especially NEP and Ratchasuda College and Suan Dusit University – Once a year, held a meeting with selected one hundred frequent called consumers to share feedbacks 23 Method and Good Impact • Language Access – Thai to Thai Sign Language, Thai Sign Language to Thai – Thai Sign Language is natural and first language of deaf people – Thai text conversation help hard of hearing people who do not 24 Method and Good Impact • Recognition – Gain respect for deaf people • Understanding – Family of deaf children understand what children need • Independence – Deaf users can contact anyone, 25 Method and Good Impact • Collaboration – Create partnership with local deaf organizations, government offices for person with disabilities, public place such as police station, hospital, schools to create access for deaf people • Innovation – Constant creation for better quality of service such as relay through mobile phone, operator room setting, sign language interpreting on WebTV 26 The result of TTRS services in 2012, 2013 until May The result of TTRS services in2014 2012, 2013 until May 2014 (Unit: times) (Unit: call) 45,000 40,000 Number of Incoming Calls 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 - Kiosk VRS 18,917 IP Text Relay 2,888 Jan-May 2012 21,331 Jan-Dec 2013 42,554 21,893 Jan-Dec 2014 16,093 7,117 SMS MMS 2,358 Emergency VRS 484 4,718 15,230 706 1,477 2,316 20,276 351 151 23:00 0 23:00 22:30 22:00 21:30 21:00 20:30 20:00 19:30 33 41 16 37 31 22:30 22:00 21:30 21:00 105 20:30 169 7 20:00 22 19:30 122 122 19:00 1 19:00 245 219 204 229 18:30 49 18:30 18:00 21 18:00 329 17:30 81 17:30 656 17:00 229 17:00 44 16:30 16:00 15:30 15:00 109 16:30 16:00 15:30 15:00 14:30 14:00 173 14:30 272 14:00 13:30 13:00 102 125 13:30 456 13:00 12:30 12:00 128 12:30 226 12:00 241 11:30 91 11:30 11:00 41 11:00 96 90 98 10:30 79 10:30 10:00 9:30 9:00 35 21 27 10:00 9:30 61 9:00 112 8:30 68 8:30 8:00 7:30 7:00 25 30 8:00 67 7:30 7:00 Abandon calls per hours: VRS & KIOSK in ่ งเวลำ ปี 2555 จำนวนสำยทีไ่ ม่ได้ร ับในแต่ละชว 2012-2013 751 391 295 181 0 In 2013 843 623 485 421 346 271 204 51 50 32 33 33 13 Challenge • Speed – Lack internet coverage around Thailand – Currently on 3G, faulty speed in some spots • Interpreting – Small number of interpreters thus long queue at during highest number of • Interpreters – Quality of interpreting, more and training needed 29 Challenge • Technology –Require use of better telecommunication technology means more money for deaf consumers to buy, many deaf do not make enough money • Funding –Require large amount of money to improve technology infrastructure 30 Annual Users Feedback Seminar • Selected 80 most users with most frequented use • Evaluate only callers, not receiver 31 Users Satisfactory Evaluation Service Preference Percentage of Users Satisfactory by Service Preference 45% • • • • • 45% 40% 35% 35% 30% 25% VRS 45% Kiosk 35% Text 19% SMS 13% MMS 7% 19% 20% 13% 15% 7% 10% 5% 0% Webcam Kiosk Text SMS MMS 32 Future Plan • Improve Emergency Relay Service • Video phone to be installed in all deaf clubs (77 clubs) in 77 provinces. • Deaf individual can purchase video phone for personal use • Relay through mobile phone/tablet 33 Medical Emergency architecture ITEMS Medical Emergency architecture Mobile Application SMS VRS Thank you TTRS Thailand