12.108 Struct. & Prop’s. of Earth Mat. Lecture 9 Single-crystal elasticity Assigned Reading: Nye JF (1957) Physical Properties of Crystals. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (Chapters 5 and 6). Nye, J. F. “Elastic behavior of single crystals: Anisotropy”, pp. 2415-2423, in Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, Elsevier Science, 2001 (http://www.elsevier.com/mrwclus/15/show/Main.htt) From MIT campus. Resource reading (If you would like to brush up on stress, strain, and elasticity): Malvern LE (1969) Introduction to the Mechanics of a Continuous Medium. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. (A rigorous introduction to continuum mechanics.) Oertel G (1996) Stress and Deformation: A handbook on Tensors in Geology. Oxford University Press, New York. (Many problems on which to practice.) 1 12.533 Rock Physics Le05: Strain/Elasticity, 2003 02 27 2 Elasticity Elastic and inelastic behavior For small strains at constant temperatures, the amount of strain is determined by the magnitude of the stress causing it. Perfectly Elastic: Purely elastic behavior implies thermodynamic reversibility. All the work put into deforming the body is recoverable. Deformation is not timedependent. The relation between stress and strain may be linear or non-linear. Anelastic: Time-dependent behavior in which the material strain is recoverable Plastic and viscoplastic behavior: When a material is deformed to large strains, some of the strain is permanent and not recoverable; this permanent strain is plastic (if time independent) or viscoplastic (if time dependent). Elastic Recoverable TimeLinear independent Nonlinear Inelastic Anelastic Part. Recov. Timedependent Lin or Non­ lin. Plastic Not recover. Time-indep. “ Visco-plas. “ time-dep “ Rock Physics Le05: Strain/Elasticity, 2003 02 27 200 3 Non-linear σ ( MPa) Tensile compression Linear Elastic Recoverable Recoverable Elastic Energy extension ε -3 10 Compressive σ ( MPa) 12.533 Anelastic Non-elastic Heat lost/cycle -3 10 ε 12.533 Rock Physics Le05: Strain/Elasticity, 2003 02 27 Anisotropic (Single Crystal) Elasticity Table removed due to copyright reasons Image removed due to copyright reasons 4 12.533 Rock Physics Le05: Strain/Elasticity, 2003 02 27 5 Coordinate Conventions for Elasticity Tensor The exact values of the elasticity tensor depend on the definition of the coordinate system. The convention used is that the modulii are referred to an othonormal coordinate systems, x1, x2, x3, with unit vectors, eĢ1 , …. These axes are related to the mineral lattice vectors by the following convention Monoclinic Tetragonal, trigonal, hexagonal Orthorhombic and cubic eˆ 2 || b eˆ1 || a, eˆ 3 || c, eˆ1 || a, eˆ 2 || b, eˆ 3 || c, Linear Elastic Equations Given the restrictions of reversibility and linearity, Hooke’s law can be written for strain as a function of stress ε ij = cijklσ kl ( i, j , k , l = 1,...,3) ε I = cIJ σ J ( I , J = 1,..., 6 ) σ ij = sijkl ε kl ( i, j, k , l = 1,...,3) ε I = cIJ σ J ( I , J = 1,..., 6 ) The matrix notation (right-hand set of equations) reduces the number of subscripts to two, but the equations do not strictly obey tensor transformation rules and require factors of 2 and 4 to be inserted in the relations between sijkl and sIJ. s Compliance Modulus Stress-1 c Stiffness Constant Stress The reduction from 81 separate components to 36 occurs because the stress and strain tensors are symmetric. Because the material behavior is thermodynamically reversible, a chemical potential energy, the Helmholtz free energy, can be defined to express the energy of the elastic solid. For this thermodynamic potential to exist, requires the stiffness and compliance tensors and matrices to be symmetric. This limits the number of independent components of the most general elasticity tensor to 21. 12.533 Rock Physics Le05: Strain/Elasticity, 2003 02 27 Symmetry causes further restrictions: Crystal symmetry requires further reductions in the number of the stiffnesses and compliances Triclinic Monoclinic Orthorhombic Tetragonal Trigonal Hexagonal Cubic Isotropic 21 13 9 7,6 7,6 5 3 2 6 12.533 Rock Physics Le05: Strain/Elasticity, 2003 02 27 8 Stiffness Moduli Cubic Gold (Au) Halite NaCl Spinel (Mg Al204) Wustite (Fc0) Periclase (MgO) α-Iron (Fe) Grossular Garnite3 Pyrite FeS2 Diamond Cii 191 165 283 246 294 230 322 361 1079 C44 42 34 155 45 155 117 105 105 578 C12 (GPa) 162 47 155 149 93 135 91 34 124 Remark metal halide Al204 Oxide Oxide metal Al. Silicate Sulfide covalent ρ 19.3 2.2 3.6 5.73 3.6 7.9 3.6 3.5 Tm (°C) 1063 801 2135 ~1400 2800 1408 (~1400) 5.0 (3652 Hexagonal Graphite (C) Ice-I (H20) β−quartz (S:02) C11 1060 13.5 117 C33 36.5 15 110 C44 0.3 3.0 36 C12 180 65 16 C13 15 6 33 Remark Sp2bonding hydrogen framework ρ 2.26 0.9 - Tm (°C) (3652) 0 1470- Remark carbonate oxide oxide framework ρ Τm (°C) (1339°C) ~1550 1840 (1470) Trigonal Calcite (CaC03) Hematite (Fe203) Corundum (Al203) α-quartz (Si02) C11 144 242 497 86.5 C33 84 227 501 107 C44 33.5 85.7 147 58 C12 53.9 54.6 162 7 C13 51 15.4 116 12 C14 -20.5 -125 -22 -18 Orthorhombic Perovskite (MgSi03) Olivine (Mg2Si04) Fayalite (Fe2Si04) Enstatite (MgSi03) Ferrosilite (FeSi03) Wadsleyite4 C11 515 328 266 224 198 360 C22 525 200 168 178 136 383 C33 435 235 232 214 175 273 C44 179 67 32.3 78 59 112 C55 202 81 47 76 58 118 C66 175 81 57 82 49 98 C12 117 69 94 72 84 75 C13 117 69 92 54 72 110 C23 139 73 92 53 55 105 Remark Clspckd Isolated Isolated Chain Chain Chain Sources: Simmons, M. G., and H. Wang, Single crystal elastic constants and calculated aggregate properties, MIT Press, 1975. Bass, J. D., Elasticity of Minerals, Glasses, and Melts, pp.45-63, in Mineral Physics and crystallography: a handbook of physical constants, edited by T. J. Ahrens, AGU, Washington, DC., 1995. 3 4 (Mg,Fe,Mn)3Al2Si3O12 β−(Mg2SiO4) ρ 3.20 4.38 3.20 4.00 3.47 12.108 Struct. & Prop’s. of Earth Mat. Lecture 9 9 Tetragonal C11 424 C33 489 C44 131 C66` 48 C12 70 C13 149 Remark Zircon (ZrSi 04) ρ 4.7 Stishovite (Si 02) 453 776 252 302 211 203 Framework 4.20 α-Cristobalite (Si 02) 59.4 42.4 67 26 4 -4.4 Framework 2.335 Tm (°C) (1540 decp) high pressure 1713 Monoclinic Albite (NaAlSi3O8) Anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8) Microcline (KSi3 AlO8) C11 74 124 67 C22 131 205 169 C33 128 156 118 C44 17 24 14 C55 30 40 24 C66 32 42 36 C12 36 66 45 C13 39 50 27 C23 31 42 20 C15 -6.6 -19 -.2 Labradorite5 Diopside (CaMgSi2O6) Hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6) Hornblende6 Coesite (SiO2) 99 204 222 116 161 158 175 176 160 230 150 238 249 192 232 22 68 55 57 68 35 59 63 32 73 37 71 60 37 59 63 84 69 45 82 49 88 79 61 103 27 48 86 66 36 -25 -19 12 4.3 -36 5 Albite 30-50%, Anorthite 70-50% 6 (Ca,Na)2-3(Mg,Fe,Al)5(Al,Si)8O2(OH)2 C25 -13 -7 12. 3 -11 -20 13 -2.5 2.6 C35 -20 -18 -15 C46 -25 -1 -2 Remark Framework Framework Framework ρ 2.62 2.76 2.56 Tm (°C) 1100°C 1550°C 1150°C -12 -34 26 10 -39 -5 -11 -10 -6.2 9.9 Framework Chain Chain Chain Framework 2.70 3.31 3.65 3.12 2.911 1280°C 1390°C (1713) 12.108 Struct. & Prop’s. of Earth Mat. Lecture 9 10 Elastic stiffness or compliance in an arbritrary direction Vector Transformation Express the components of a vector in a new coordinate system that has been rotated. The components of the vector in the new system are Ei' = aij E j where Ei are the components of the vector in the old system, aij are the direction cosines between the old and new coordinate systems, and Ej’ are the components in the new system. Tensor Transformation: Tensors of the second rank transform in much the same way as vectors: Ei'j = aik a jl Ekl Tensors of the fourth rank (like stiffness or compliance) transform as ' sijkl = aim a jn ako alp smnop Thus, the Young’s modulus (c1111) could be calculated in any arbitrary direction. 12.533 Rock Physics Le05: Strain/Elasticity, 2003 02 27 12 Relations among moduli, stiffnesses and compliances In isotropic elastic materials, the most commonly used elastic (moduli, constants, stiffnesses, compliances) are Young’s Modulus, the Bulk modulus, the Volumetric compressibility, Poisson’s ratio, and the Lame parameters. Young’s Modulus l σ1 w ½ dl ½ dw The relation between the load on a bar and the fractional stretch of a bar along its long axis is known as Young’s modulus. σ l = Eε l εl = 1 σl E where the subscript l is used to indicate the direction in which the measurement is made, but in an isotropic material the direction is immaterial. In an anisotropic material, the equivalent measurement depends on the direction (relative to some fixed axes in the material) in which the measurement is made). When the measurement is made along the 1 axis in a single crystal, the equivalent modulus (stiffness, compliance) is σ 11 = c1111ε11 equivalently σ 1 = c11ε1 or ε11 = s1111σ 11 When the Young’s modulus measurement is made in the 1 direction, E = 1/ s1111 When the measurement is made in another direction D 1/ E = aDi aDj aDk aDl sijkl where aDi is the direction cosine between D and the axis i. 12.533 Rock Physics Le05: Strain/Elasticity, 2003 02 27 13 Some typical values of compressibility and Poisson’s ratio Rock/Material Obsidian Granite Diorite Gabbro Diabase Dunite Slate Limestone Dolomite Quartzite Mica Schist Feldspathic Gneiss Amphibolite Oligoclase Anorthosite Rocksalt Anhydrite Ice Steel Aluminum Compressibility (10-5 MPa-1) 2.9-3. 1.9-2.0 1.4-1.7 1.1-1.3 1.2-1.4 0.8-0.9 1.9-2.3 1.3-1.4 1.0-1.1 2.4-2.6 2.1-2.3 1.8-2.2 1.1-1.3 1.5-1.6 1.2-1.4 4.3 1.8 12 0.6 1.3 Poisson’s Ratio 0.12-0.16 0.23-0.27 0.26-0.29 0.27-0.31 0.27-0.30 0.26-0.28 0.15-0.20 0.27-0.30 0.30 0.12-0.15 0.15-0.20 0.15-0.20 0.28-0.30 0.29 0.31 0.25 0.30 0.36 0.28-0.29 0.34-0.36 12.533 Rock Physics Le05: Strain/Elasticity, 2003 02 27 15 Poisson’s Ratio ν ≡ −ε ⊥l ε l for an isotropic material σ l = Eε l s22111 = ε 22 ε 22 ν = = =s σ 11 Eε11 E 21 For rocks, Poisson’s ratio is commonly 0.25. In some materials, it may be very small or even negative. Can you think of a common use for a material with a low or negative Poisson’s ratio? For an incompressible material, Poisson’s ratio is 0.5. Why? Is it possible for ν to be even larger than that? Rigidity Modulus h µε shear = σ shear dl When the body and the crystal axes are aligned, s44 = 1 µ Lamé Constants For an isotropic material, the stress strain relations are often written: σ 1 = ( λ + 2µ ) ε1 + λε 2 + λε 3 σ 2 = λε1 + ( λ + 2µ ) ε 2 + λε 3 σ 3 = λε1 + λε 2 + ( λ + 2µ ) ε 3 From the equations above it is clear that if the crystal axis 1 is aligned with the exterior axis 1 then 2 µ + λ = c1111 and c1122 = λ 12.533 Rock Physics Le05: Strain/Elasticity, 2003 02 27 Compressibility Consider imposition of pressure σ ij = − pδ ij Then the equation for the strain is ε ij = − psijkl δ kl define ā ≡ ε ii = − psiikk and βT = − ā = siikk p Write the equation for the isothermal compressibility for a cubic crystal. βT cubic = 3 ( s11 + 2s12 ) Does the compressibility depend on the direction of measurement? The bulk modulus is the inverse of the compressibility. 16 12.533 Rock Physics Le05: Strain/Elasticity, 2003 02 27 17 Relations among Various Moduli and Elastic Constants Name Inv. Young’s Modulus Poisson’s Ratio Symbol 1/E ν,σ Definition Normal Strain Normal Stress Normal Strain ⊥Norm. Strain S/C S1111 S2211 /S1111 Units Stress-1 λ 2(λ + µ ) µ, G Shear Stress Shear Strain C1212 Stress Lame Const. λ Response of Stress to Volum.Change C1111 Stress Dilation/Pressure λ+µ µ ( 3λ + 2µ ) --- Shear Modulus Compressibility B Relations Stress-1 E 2(1 + ν ) λ= Eν (1 + ν )(1 − ν ) E µ =λ +2 3(1 − 2ν ) 3 Equivalent formulations for isotropic elastic materials in principal stress representation: 1 ν ν σ 11 − σ 22 − σ 33 E E E 1 ν ν ε 22 = σ 11 − σ 22 − σ 33 E E E 1 ν ν ε 33 = − σ 11 − σ 22 + σ 33 E E E In general: ε11 = ε ij = 1 +ν ν σ ij − δ ijσ kk E E σ 1 = ( λ + 2µ ) ε1 + λε 2 + λε 3 σ 2 = λε1 + ( λ + 2µ ) ε 2 + λε 3 σ 3 = λε1 + λε 2 + ( λ + 2µ ) ε 3 σ ij = λδ ij ε kk + 2µε ij