Semiconductor Diode Detectors Electron energy diagram – (electrons fall downward) carrier density conduction band ED, donors → n-type (e’s conduct) EA, acceptors → p-type (holes conduct) valence band “Fermi level” EF (analogous to sea level) Vopen circuit Egap ≅ 1.2 V (Si) p-type n-type pn junction z Lec07- 1 DHS 12/27/00 C1 Conductivity of biased diodes Forward-biased diode If T = 300K, kT ≅ 26 mv - + p-type n-type E Reversed-biased diode electrons i hf photoexcitation Egap trapped electrons cannot cross junction trapped holes 0 Lec07- 2 DHS 12/27/00 v - holes + C2 Photodiodes - + Reverse current i Increases with hf (power = Ps) ~ eav − 1 for v > 0 i∝ photo-excitation photodiode and T (therefore cooled circuit photodetectors have + less “dark current”) + v vo i V R 0 Forward Quantum efficiency biased η≅ 0.8 – 0.95 behavior conduction electrons per photon ηPs ⎞ ⎛ v o = ⎜ idark + e ⎟R if hf > Egap ⎝ Lec07- 3 DHS 12/27/00 hf ⎠ C3 Avalanche Photo Diodes, “APD” i APDs have current gain per photon E L v cascaded ionizations produce “avalanche” avalanche region breakdown photoexcitation hf i(t) collisionally excited electron 100 10 zj z 0 1 t Lec07- 4 DHS 12/27/00 C4 Avalanche Photodiodes, “APD” i(t) 100 10 1 t Simple model for avalanche current and noise: ith photon has gain gi ≅ e go zi L 1 ⎛ goL ⎞ ∆ 1 g z g z − 1⎟[L junction thickness ] G = E ⎡e o i ⎤ ≅ ∫ e o dz = ⎜e ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ L ⎠ goL ⎝ [ ] E g2 = E ⎡e ⎢⎣ 0 2go zi ⎤ ⎥⎦ ≅ 1 ⎡ 2goL ⎤ e −1 ⎥⎦ 2goL ⎢⎣ In practice E ⎡⎢ g2 ⎤⎥ G2 ≅ Gx ; where x ≅ 0.25; ( x = 0.2-0.5 is typical ) ⎣ ⎦ G ≅ 200 ± ~6 dB, for typical applications Lec07- 5 DHS 12/27/00 C5 Carrier-to-Noise Ratio, “CNR” for photon detectors signal + shot dark + shot thermal Rd i(t) T°K Photodetector circuit model RL = Rd 0°K 0 B CNR ∆ is (t ) E[i - i] where is (t ) is the signal current through RL and i is the total current 2 2 ≅ constant for PMT signal power (W) is (t ) = ηPseG hf in2 shot = 2B(eG ) is +D Only in/2 flows in RL from Rd noise (assume TL << Tdiode), and (in 2)2 RL = kTB since RL matched to diode R d Lec07- 6 DHS 12/27/00 Therefore in2 thermal R = 4kTB RL L E1 Carrier-to-Noise Ratio, “CNR” CNR ∆ is (t ) E[i - i] where is (t ) is the signal current through RL and i is the total current 2 2 ≅ constant for PMT signal power (W) is (t ) = ηPseG hf in2 shot = 2B(eG ) is +D in2 thermal R = 4kTB RL (ηPseG hf )2 CNR = (2BeGη(Ps + PD ))eG hf + (4kTB RL ) in2 shot Lec07- 7 DHS 12/27/00 in2 L for photo diodes or PMT with constant G thermal E2 CNR for constant-G photodiodes, photomultipliers (ηPseG hf )2 CNR = (2BeGη(Ps + PD ))eG hf + (4kTB RL ) in2 shot CNR = in2 for photo diodes or PMT with constant G thermal ηPs hf 2B 1 + PD Ps + 2kThf RL ηPs (eG )2 For PD = T =0, or Ps → ∞; ideal quantum limit (denominator equals unity) In the quantum limit, we want large η and Ps, and small B Why not let RL → ∞? Because RLC = τ sec; C = detector capacitance ≅ 10-12 (say) Then RL ≅ 1000 Ω for τ = 10-9 (f ≅ 150 MHz) Also, generally: Lec07- 8 DHS 12/27/00 set T so PD < Ps set RLG2 large to contain thermal noise E3 CNR for variable-G avalanche photodiodes i(t) gie η(Ps + PD ) n= events s­ 1 hf gie/δ δ 0 Assume rectangular pulses to simplify analysis t P +P g2 e2η s D hf φi AC -δ Lec07- 9 DHS 12/27/00 (τ ) Ps + PD η δ hf 2 e g 0 δ 2 τ Φi 0 shot noise AC B (f ) f ~1/δ E4 CNR for variable-G avalanche photodiodes 2 g φi AC -δ (τ ) 0 2 σi2 = ⎡(i − i) = ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ 2⎤ Φi τ δ 0 AC (f ) f B ~1/δ B 2 2 ( ) Φ f df = 2 B g e η(Ps + PD ) hf ∫ i −B Therefore CNR (APD) = 2B g2 (ηPseG hf )2 e2η(Ps + PD ) hf + 4kTB RL σi2 shot Lec07- 10 DHS 12/27/00 shot noise hf P +P η s D δ hf 2 e g 2 Ps + PD e η in2 thermal E5 CNR for variable-G avalanche photodiodes Therefore CNR (APD) = 2B g2 (ηPseG hf )2 e2η(Ps + PD ) hf + 4kTB RL σi2 shot CNR (APD) = in2 thermal ηPs hf 2B g2 ⎛ P ⎞ 2kThf ⎜1 + D ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ G2 ⎝ Ps ⎠ RL ηPs (eG )2 Only change is g2 G 2 ≅ G x , x ≅ 0 .2 − 0 .5 In general, to maximize APD CNR we want G2 large to make thermal noise negligible, but small so Gx is still modest; e.g. Gx ≅ 4 is typical Lec07- 11 DHS 12/27/00 E6 Infrared Detection Types of electromagnetic detectors hf << kT hf >> kT hf = kT Lec07- 12 DHS 12/27/00 “radio” “optical,” “visible,” etc. “infrared” G1 Infrared Detection Bolometers (measure heat) I = bias Rbias + vout - R(T) Ps(W) + - Signal power Ps raises T, changing R(T) and vo. Heat flows to heat sink and to bath; Tbath ~ < 4 – 250K. heat sink Tbath Thermal conductance ( Gt WK −1 R ≅ Ro e ) ∆ ∆Powert ∆T Td T E conduction band where T increases with Ps. kTd donors valence band z Lec07- 13 DHS 12/27/00 G2 Responsivity S of a bolometer I = bias Rbias + vout - R(T) Ps(W) + - heat sink Tbath ∂v o ∂R ∂P ∆ S " responsivi ty" = I • where P = I2R + Ps ∂Ps ∂P ∂Ps ∂P ∂R ∂P ∂R ⎞ ⎛ Thus = I2 + 1 = ⎜1 − I2 ⎟ ∂Ps ∂P ∂Ps ∂ P ⎝ ⎠ Thus S = I S= Lec07- 14 DHS 12/27/00 −1 (Rbias >> R) ∂R ∂R ∂T ∂R ⎛ 2 ∂R ⎞ = • ⎜1 − I ⎟ where ∂P ⎠ ∂P ⎝ ∂P ∂T ∂P − ITdR Gt T 2 ⎛ I T R⎞ ⎜1 + d ⎟ ⎜ G T2 ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ t 2 = = 1 Gt ⎞ ∂ ⎛ Td T ⎞ − RoTd ⎛ Td R e ≅ 1 << ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ o 2 ⎠ ∂T ⎝ ⎝T ⎠ T Td << T may not apply G3 Responsivity S of a bolometer S= − ITdR Gt T 2 ⎛ I2T R ⎞ ⎜1 + d ⎟ If T << T d ⎜ G T2 ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ t 0 Thus S → 0 and thermal noise in Rbias dominates as Ibias → →∞ [ ] Thus there is optimum Ibias = f TdR Gt T 2 (near maximum S) Lec07- 15 DHS 12/27/00 G4 Bolometer noise sources 1) 2) 3) 4) Can be recombination noise Johnson noise in R, Rbias (thermal) Phonon noise via Gt Photon noise (“radiation noise”) Recombination Noise traditional shot noise • t carrier creations t carrier recombinations (deaths) ~ < × 2 shot noise Lec07- 16 DHS 12/27/00 H1 Johnson noise ( VJ rms = 4kTR v Hz ­ 1 2 ) [Recall v 2 = 4kTRB] ( " Noise - Equivalent Power" ≡ " NEP" W Hz ­ 1 2 ) ⎛ ∂V ⎞ ⎟ NEPJ = VJ S ; ⎜⎜ S ∆ ⎟ ∂ P ⎝ s⎠ vo rms NEPJ is analogous to : ∆Trms = ∂v o ∂TA Lec07- 17 DHS 12/27/00 H2 Johnson noise minimization Bolometer equivalent circuit for VJ , VJ B R from bias and detector resistors: RB R VJ + VJ - R VJ Bout + B vo - RB R →∞ = VJ → 0 as R + RB B R ∝ RB Therefore set RB >> R or Tbias ≅ 0°K and then VJ mostly from R out VJ Rout Lec07- 18 DHS 12/27/00 RB ≅ • VJ ≅ VJ = 4kTbathBR volts rms R R R + RB H3 Phonon noise Approximate intuitive analysis: P+ watts → For thermal phonons hf ≅ kT Say nR phonons s-1 moving right, nL moving left ( nR → ← nL chip Gt bath phonons carry heat ) Heat flux P+ ≅ k nR Tchip − nL Tbath ≅ kn∆T(n = n ≅ nL ) = Gt ∆T Gt Phonon shot noise: NEPG ≅ σP ≅ kT 2n ≅ kT 2Gt k = 2kG t T 2 t + Actually, NEPG ≅ 4kG t T 2 WHz ­ 1 2 t If Gt → 0, NEPG → 0 but then T rises, so there is t Lec07- 19 DHS 12/27/00 an optimum Gt which can be computed H4 Photon shot noise Thermal radiation contributes photon shot noise Assume radiation comes from cavity attached to the detector Cavity has ni photons in mode i at energy Ei = hfi We seek σn2 for a single mode, i.e. the variance of n p(n ) = D e­ n[hf kT ] where p(n) = probability of n photons in each mode with frequency f; D is to be determined This is “Maxwell-Boltzmann” distribution for thermal equilibrium Lec07- 20 DHS 12/27/00 J1 Photon shot noise p(n ) = D e­ n[hf kT ] where p(n) = probability of n photons in each mode with frequency f, is to be determined This is “Maxwell-Boltzmann” distribution for thermal equilibrium ∞ To solve for D let x ∆ hf kT and define Sk (x ) ≡ ∑ nk e −nx n=0 −d Sk ( x ) then Sk +1(x ) = dx so So ( x ) = 1 1 − e− x ( ∞ Since ) ∑ p(n) = 1 = n=0 ∞ ­ nx D e = D • So ∑ n=0 If follows that D = 1 So = 1 − e −hf kT Lec07- 21 DHS 12/27/00 J2 Photon shot noise If follows that D = 1 So = 1 − e −hf kT ∞ −d k −nx ( ) ( ) ≡ ⇒ = then Sk x Sk +1 x Sk (x ) ∑n e dx n=0 Therefore S1(x ) = e −x (1− e ) −x 2 (1− e ) 2 2 Here we seek σn2 ≡ E ⎡(n − n) ⎤ = E[n2 ]− (E[n])2 ≡ n2 − n ⎥⎦ ⎣⎢ S2 (x ) = S1(x ) + 2e ∞ −2x −x 3 ( ∞ 1 −nx n = ∑ n p(n ) = ∑ n e = S1 So = e − x 1 − e − x n=0 n = 0 So ) −2x S 2 e 2 2 2 1 + = n + 2n n = ∑ n p(n ) = S2 So = 2 So n=0 1 − e− x ∞ Lec07- 22 DHS 12/27/00 ( ) J3 Photon shot noise n= ∞ ∑ n p(n) = n=0 ( ∞ 1 −nx ∑ S e = S1 So = e − x 1 − e − x o n=0 n ) S1 2e − 2 x 2 + = n + 2n n = ∑ n p(n ) = S2 So = 2 S x − o n=0 1− e 2 ∞ 2 ( σn2 2 2 ) 2 = n − n = n + n = σn2 ( ) ( ) where n = 1 e x − 1 = 1 ehf kT − 1 photons mode Optical limit: hf >> kT ⇒ n << 1, σn ≅ n Lec07- 23 DHS 12/27/00 Radio limit: hf << kT ⇒ n >> 1, σn ≅ n IR regime: hf ≅ kT ⇒ n ≅ 1, σn ≅ n + n 2 J4