Helena area stoneware slip glazes by Doris Jean Strachan A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate Faculty in Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Applied Art Montana State University © Copyright by Doris Jean Strachan (1954) Abstract: Land surrounding Helena, Montana, was explored for clay and sands for us as stoneware glasses. Samples were collect- ed from serveral areas and from different types of locations, such as lake and river banks, read cuts and rocky hill sides. A Map is included which shows the main areas explored and locations from which successful samples were taken. The sample were fired at cone 9 cone and cone 10 to discover their potential use as glasses. Those which appeared to pos- sess suitable color and texture possibilities were selected for further testing. When alteration of the color or texture appeared desirable or necessary, natural or commeically refined material was added. As a result of the tests a stoneware glaze palette with color ranging from tan to black and texture ranging from shiny to matt was obtained. This palette is suitable for re- duction firing. A limited stoneware glass palette suitable for oxidation firing was also obtained. Information concern- ing the formulas, firing tempatures, and results of the tests are recorded in the form of data sheets. A number of colored alides of test cups and pots glazed with the natural glasses are also included. HBtaNA AREA ammrmA @L%p .G&azss ' ' - *v - , DORIS JEAN STRAGHM - & mB8*8, . ' : Babbitted to the Qcedamte Faculty i# p&rt&al eulflllm eat o2 the eegMlremeat for the degree of Master of Applied Art at Moatmma sta te College Approved: diaadL dbjor-#bp&r&mem$ CEeBaSmT c & a itte e Wmouate" oavisim s^ Botemam* Bomtarna jmmej' -105* 2. TABLE OF CONTESTS T itle page I Acknowledgments 3 Abstract 4 Introduction 5 Statement of the Problem 12 Procedure 13 Data Sheets 1$ Conclusion 54 Appendices I Map of areas explored fo r n atu ral glaze m aterials II Colored slid e s of te s t cups and pots glazed with III 56 n atu ral m aterial glazes 57 L iteratu re &0 cited 3« \0 ACKROWLEDOEXEKTS I m deeply Indebted to the facu lty of the Art Depart­ ment o f Montana State College including %r. C yril Hs Conradf Ml33 Jayne V&n Alatynef Miss Je ssie Wilber, Hr, Robert DeWeesef and esp ecially IHas Frances Senakaf a l l o f whom con­ trib u ted so generously of th e ir time and e ffo rt in assistin g me in the planning, revising and completion o f th is th e sis. Peter H« Voulkosf his w ife, Peggy, and Bidy Autiof with vhom I was so closely associated a t The P ottery, were a con­ sta n t source of in sp ira tio n and, without th e ir encouragement and enthusiasm, the hours spent doing experiments could not have been h a lf so enjoyable or rewarding. To the la te Archie Bray, S r ., founder of the Archie Bray Foundation, and the Board o f D irectors of the Founda­ tio n , I am very g rate fu l fo r placing a l l the f a c i lit ie s of The P ottery a t my disposal fo r use in the testin g o f natu­ r a l glaze m aterials. I also wish to thank Hiss Lesley Reathcote and Hr. Verne Dusenberry fo r th e ir aid in arranging and revising the contents o f th is th e s is . The typing was done by Mrs. Gretchen Kelly, Mrs. A. E. Johnson and Hiss Margaret Whitcomb. I w ill never be able to express in words the gratitude I fe e l fo r the help given me by my parents. aa@#aa*#%Gaa&a# #&* a # e&af 4W am&e a # %@@w eeagp&aa way* w lla o s* %*&pram s m e ra l aram# m& ferna t#p*e # f AgaaMoa* eiaeb ae & #» %#ve# &&#%>$ am # # it8 m& 3W%y W a ald#8* & WB Ba 3mW@& IKdsdkBdb: # # # ISWs*. w&& &*#*# m& # * looGtlOBs fM#. # 1 # m oeew M , #e#&@a war* Wma* — A I W W a w w w 8&B&* w # W # w W W (W m g w#» @&a@#W & W * I a W w tW i wwwm* &*# W ,SpajpjLxws a # mm&t* g f s&ie W t a a#& e w a w # && # e W m o f d a # aheeta* . A m # w - o f # W W e l # # OdT Iwastt sagast a # #@$* #jw*& wdLiWBk W W w a l # aw & # * a im W W # * mm Be* $Qe$9i& IWwa diyeator o f the Japaoeae 3bl& dart BkwsetHs mad IRws W W leotaeI Ie a W of the Japmeae om ft movemeat ## today* &*# eta&ed* *3b .me the geeateet liv&ag W ag la te liv e beauty l a @e# dally l i f e aad to a*W, #ve*y ooma&t Wltb W age of Beaatyv I t la t&m @a& 'tbm W y# t&at the a# t o f the people *e » #bele la eadeeed with-l t e yleheat atgalfleaaee* Bby It* ppodoeta a*e t&eee wade By a gpeat #e#y maftemaa for thei&aee o f tM people* and the mwmt thla a r t deellae* tW l i f e of the a&tloa la ymeved f#e amy fm a bemty* @9 Ioag a# W w ty a&ldee W W y 4k fe e a e tlo le a Greeted by & #@» g aaw o e* the # agdoa o f Beauty i s aowhere aear #ealiaWo%** Boday may o f the a rtic le s o f everyday ape fom*& l# the homea of Beth rleb <#%* poor alike ay* fa r from W m tlM .* .Aaxwkg thee* aye pot* tepy e&3eo#* for I f oa* type o f w t& ele m a t I** alaglod out i%» WgW the #*8*0** of sarroaMlag 18%» m w of the people w&# Weaty* the eWiee of p etW y @ytl«* ales seem a lo g lo al caws* Aa 3W#@ylt@ WlldeoWla said l a ' Iwwe leetare a t SGPlyp* Ullage* *%op what a rtic le s Ms man Beaded more im the past and w ill he oo&tlmo to ass# SKKpB W the fatwre them vmsa&s from whloh to eat sa# d#Ws md I* %p&&&$tleBtlo AaMka %a**# 6, ia v&leb $& atare eoa aelida.* ' 8&y#&p&$@ *&&&89&*&o &&@&eeeelbe@ # e &a*t#py #f t&& Mat om W y #a aQ&*iw#W#ye &&&m#*W m tifai 1# # 1 # 4*2" a&I # a %eoM.@e% k w vle##, a ll the OaebiBaey go# e^aoelve e%perlme&tal ego&pae&tf a ll the material* e&&t%y or eomom* f&ae&y gemma or eearee*^* W ay the greatest me# Ie m t for teWmieal Improvmmt la tb* f&e&a o f pottery* %&% f o r aaetbesio i#9r#*eme8t* gbia ia tr&e i&tb# case o f the glaaaya&rfa&G w i l e # to pottery to aa&e&oe the Wmty of the &e e e ll #e mko i t a&ootbep to the teaeb @a& more v&riea la eolor ea# te&tsre* that la* the @1&#&4 #&&*# p ra e tle e o f glaaWg b la p o tte ry as# the ebaraetee of the he baa employe# hare ohaage# & groat *&#a&W.th the paeeiAg o f Mm*- TBbe yoopleg l e f t th e ir pete %m@lat0#o Wblla W ay* w e t eomBereiai p o ttery la m tlr e ly glaWL, W fle e t glarno* o@&le& blip .#W#8* were maae s# o f m ta r a l m t e r la l a , WULob the p o tte r fm n# Ih JBdLai om duct*, oale* IRkwBwae glam e were maW ly c&sraeteriae& by th eir 9%%» brlety o f oolor *#& variety o f W stere d&e to m reflae# mate* rla&e* the rntbo# of applle&Mm* o r the m om troile# fire* # a r # a r l t a #iaebbal& t #<#&### {Railage a&ileW&T^ 3. lbia* _ 19^3 7* t&ere Ie #s@ of highly refl&ea* ##rf«6tly o#xw tyollea* #h&$@ gl&B@e* a i l the Iag rM len ts fo r moh 4 pro&* ' i n o t e@& he ordered from & oeramie 8%#&ly hosaw* ^he early gl&aeB mere a* outgrowth of a#pl0&&g elipa aad meteillo oscidee for m tllltorlah or deooratire ^arpooes. In d&ameoiag s lip deoor&ted pottery of the early mew England pottore* JoW #argo stated 3 *3& the mamfacturo of common pottery* s lip 1# need fo r two main pmgpoaea* !Ftxar one thing a local olay need for the body of the were often present# a ooerse or un&ttmotive appearance*. - This m y -Ibat overcome by gW ng i t $s coating of slip made from a finer clay o f better appeariwce* The body (tawaar need m y Sxax inferior not; ,Lsi SKHWie only*, but from the standpoint of n W lty as well ^ ##& the application of the outer coating of 31 enperier clay may be dictated by th at eoneidaratlon rather than th at of appearance* %&i» may be called the primary nee of elip* The eecondary nee la for decorative affect* . The nae of clay# of contrasting colors in order to obtain ornamental affect# baa been pr&o*ticed by potter# in a l l lands and Ages^* for centuries the potters of the Bast have need slip# not only for decoration but alee fo r gla$e& Ssrbert 8+ Sanders in ■ hi# a rtic le p o tte ry form and Beeoratlve Techniques** relate# h* John Sparge* Barly American Pottery and Bhlna« S>4 Apple* tosw^entury ^omp^y* %nci» ^ow fork* Mow fork* 1918* sw# (Nwly (M a e # p*#G*a aiw ov#"# IBbwa giW a# tie s o f # . gt###e* 4&@ t w w l y # # # e r ##om & tw #&ey# 1# .$&» *&@W3y ear Iaewae ear M $am& JgafSMBt w l& #o% !Laa # e OpaadLjlSdkeaf o f %*# va#l#88 elaye* #ea&e #? # e e e # tW#e M4 LagHaci #8' ##M3W TKaitBt ,; ' Y- - I- /y #&» :':% &a& th e f 9#m&G@ w e o $ e th a t ia*@y #»e#ee& & a&BgdL&Wjp glossy m#f&ee Wwm # # # , W t Wtea vaem tmre m a# #e@m Wmo W y reiW aa IBs* W W a #@3* Bsilt ■■'■■:. .Y w& . , w & W SaidGot 8lae«#llko '- ' '- \.''/ %&& emMy BeeWm # & W a *«#%& a# . #a& ae$ $# aeW'me# ' ' -'#-e&a# slaw*#* %& al&ee* were %&:#& ., . IGgp IBesr %08&m& %##W# &a W ' GHaarSjp 1#&*# #& ;%8*dbG8>8 eem earllee# W a -W # id 8 mtkWt* 1# IBwasr IaoadL: m W l y IBfesy 3Bag* ILeEkL PsaiKlMBBgF* #&?&t m a tlm e SdBws moo of a&&# #&8&e l a eWwo* %lm #&% MkfWl4. PbtW y* #&Wk %w ipSHSd&aa&gHS 3a*.#& w l # 1808*#*. # e #W#»* Aa&c&e&& # w # # 3##&em&-& 8@W . ' -, 6, W& adf t### o#ir##a& !WSliWO& #8ek @&&p glam SmkLAe mA Omt^# . SSaas #&&# IiswadL by # 8 AeWleM Pottoro #&e A lb w slip* - ' ,' SfktleLt lost;; obW&eA from ,AJLtHsagr,; %w %%&<, $WL& 3&1&* W,e& JfGLsreA at b&eek, ..&&#&%a# #eAAl# Brom GLsi os&aasp,. m # me# by i4^_-If^V '»l^'l»-7i- ' 2* Yi '( f I Vrf.-'.I Coremloo Pebll$m&A M y* 1903* #* 19# 4*. Wr$ WOoAelAe %WW&e* TWl^. Wmem* ISGweipegeAD JLitgR)* #* IW '#wwk» SRare . Geeat m # # * e f e a rly Nw mg&md. potW a* et& W a* 'Bh**? aa d#4& V em m t m # %&t& $&@ W'&wmeat o f m l% w ha$ e@m th e mf&Wwmt M 83L&B* w #yl#L * %&# %be 3B<HSdb*WE&ij*i&l2&;&;%# f m e *#*&& !Gww* m#@' #& m o W ^ a t l a # ear p e e p w w @M #p%yimg IKRltb IWkbB #qpM*W6%&m o f pwmle W **98*** th e w pbi& tW t& ea o f 0aa*& %&#&* 1%, th e ge&ey W t wtsi*@ a f g&*ae* At the aw e Mm* *a& # r w # ,&% im&et&w.# #@ #8& garfeo- t&OR* &wt oeidaeea* &f the OBeva ##w*&08#& taadeoaf* m &##%%%&##&#& a# t&##&a#aaQ& vewiety o f @l&#9e m@e Zeemtaea** ea&wmea&a m& &&&## w ##?#&*%*&, ma* w w t * @*w& t& ba ####%%#* aibagy l a #%&&& &% 89* W a y @a im w la w a W Gawdb w tlo le s o f %K>%%ery ee eeaeW aa# beam p a # * IheBaeal #*&e& am m # w%@ w # # W #*# w eW&o # 0 $ # TBgr # e mw@& &m m a m asweswonar* &# @e**i8%a&» 'Oity* TGpr Qp* 4s%%&mm. #4 W %&* m@ m ao OsdBaar? %&e glmaw a s # *9%the m # F l t y o f p o ttery W a y , TatiiJLe. W W a a l l y pare W p w e e t* # W Iw k w arn# W # a m * m w%ram a w m w y a w w&*8 f o # M # a# aisW A l## # » a h a rw W o f W - m W W %&# wML@& W .w*3m* mWa& 'ea rn* SHBEKBlBaaLar WLweal' glaae w em i& a m #& # # f p e a rl o r # # « #om- pw tW e* reaoamimW W l r Glaaee &# &@a& m& a@M*. W?e # w # w lbs* p a t W a W m W ILAigs* m& m m tb e f t w #i& (&88@#* 3%arAMee m@ la#erfe@t f&riag 'Wf* Skaaeai acare&AW 10. b&iag the o f th@ ec&oeo &&& te&t&re# ohamoterialmg Sb&ea ol& #&&8@8* #&&* W a t&ek Ie #o% IapoeelhIa 1% 1# mo* Spme&y Ia doaorl&lag e ll# olaye t&a Oeraal* Ba* Aaetry ^agegiae elate# W t *&p%&fl6la& a&aWea o f loaredl*" e&te o f M eatloal ooapoelllom %&tb the m ta m i <&aye Wfe W W -Saf # v e th e em elleB t @%##&, ea# color &%Waa& bgr't&a 7 <# mWaal Aley*» MA # . &, #MBw#r* W pa# o f W g>epwtmat a o f Omml##* T lo to n # m l MWrt %&#%& @3* w a rn * atmte** * 8 l9 # llelty a # airectw ee are epooW W tRoa Im oeyaa&e oalor&as* m& there 1# IltM o tat M #&&& IBcKp & W # OlaMy m ttloA axs& bwkm M. W W tlm o f W aoo$##tea S6 merMBg# oa a W w e o @##»* IW R&oOLAIfg O t be m#@ W l& el W howetp 1& striving for W obwaatep o f tab*) OM #R#ea* to take Wvmtago o f the poeeihillM oe o f glam m w elo l# Im tholr umeflmW &# m e rnggaete# 'hy loaoh la IadLa Wok m tltW * A P o ttw *# aaaadbb, Ow typo o f potter # a Me r o c o # lW aa& IbGdkdBBi e^oa* tag# o f them p o s s ib ilitie s ILet the param W@& Aeewlbee a# the 8ft&#t 'e#8ft8B8&* #erk&8# atom oy g lth t&# al6 o f a few aasletm&t#, 3& wy&eta &&e yp@Wt* && o@##MS$a» w ttbfao* torlea # le & have largely replaoW Mau 7* W w te la I Pab&leatl8B#» Oblea&o* 'mEmary# 195& p* 62 &, %* #» &@ad@a* # . 103 WMWamy m e a * - m* - TcwSay a w they grew# o f o ra fta m a &a ma&%a@ a&maiaaa o f ' %&Wa& #&aa#. -Ita_ mmbaee are # m fw@r IWwwa #o#@a dbowe* Tboao apaf*@mea a#e tbs i8#&*&a&a& a* aW ^o jpotWea taste- p^od&ee pottery #%# #e&#' m*a maGy&sBt WL, ia mme asasa*, -at I W W l m ate# a f If' WmtlW,- p e tW y diet te IgkletSP ia p a rt 1% tbs stWAW&t *>jr- # e o f Bsmty #ww& i t m o t be? m&e ayallabls- t a : a l l people* - "SSBdlat %ml& lavolve tbs m ea p y e# e# eb Of tbeae Items* - $&&' @8&a%&8@ o f w t i a t eeaftmea e&& Bt&dlo potters oa% not prodaoo ,pottery in mass .#abtltiS8* Btwvey, ^Vi mob pettep ebmld f#e& bis eeapom iblllty W ard, tbs OtmW d of W &ty md ahmld prod&ee* Ibgt the W & s# o f bis ability^, bem tiful pottery*. mMa# as&a&tdve a # home# ##e. ojf a l l tbs mteela&e %&t& vblob bo w#k@* Wiotbor # e y be oommroially' refined (Kif matnral ,&#&. m ra fln # .- Peebepe #e&* e&& $&m OB&y*. # 1 1 tbe eeammee ***& the b&gb etmdar&e . oW aoterialog Me m re and # 1 1 tb s m m orolal gw-Wne#- meek OBkIt and employ tbs pblloaopby and* 1% W%$ @m@ o f the m te* r ia ls jaw* &&# turns#*, 18* Aa a s p&t&er I i*&# & WB*W» o f - . p#@m@w iwtxtaSi,' &s. say ap&alo#* &a& t o Xowt 'W*@& l a o#&#p t& at I e&g&t # W # t to-, prodace i& s o tio m l p e t w r t b a t w a %8@a%l m a #% $yw #ae && INkwa gye* Ow o f the## pawblema a w t&a ##&#& a# m W W a - # # iM,a& # m ek, Bay tb # &@#'3 IW l* (W IGcr ge* 9 # w m p a te d m a * -3 STddlIk. Siwa l%- Baaee&see 1$ s Waaaampy # a & lty o f a # a r t i c l e i#&a& l a to last p a t to ovor^doy &@e m& W aaw a th e a ia y ea a M l s w a tW Iaai 1 # pro* R a t i o s wswa f o r my see* B w m ae I f & l t . t w t . w t # * *a& # 8 8 # a poaaoaa a g r e e t d b a l o f @&#m .##& w m t b <***81.1*8*» a m e e th e i&(X8%t$;9#6«M& me&@& as& SM %w;%w>#@;w& AaaaLcmW i a t& eir p y e p e r s tlm W l s e e a r e r e l a t i v e l y e l # l e I W1&&& ISct Ssegp to Aovolop m eto ral mxref&aea m aW & ela a v a lle b lo l a my % e em p eee o f th e folloW.&g e e r l w o f W eW l a foa^MEWl* the f i r # I e the loeetlem @f Iw ap ew lv e aw roea o f &W@ fo') r my #w& fo r w& o& th e eema&*. th e o f g l a # # m ita b le SaMEhaws o f p ete %#@#*& o o s ^ ls e r e , ta b le saEBcy* m& A e w e t i v e # # ; tba. W r A , IWBte A w e le p m a t o f g lo m e e f ' l # l v l # w l l t y ,*9& e M ra eter* $&@ S W ftb l a to Am* o m tr& te th e p e e e l b l l l t l e e o f aSWjB» #&8@& SGst o th e r # t W # l&* ib*%p<M&*b&a I a @ # lo ltla g I e m l rm m re e e * 13* ta mo? %&# wt& & # %bea& m W a& mate* y ia la vaa ee&mt&fle && im iw e, 8&$ba#* IsBwear vw * to o W .# # 8 #&&*& a&y potW r oomM @#&oy Wio M IkGuaaldi 3 ^ $ W y «#& ti & W W iWmmt * f W i& W # o&ples M#@m t&a $#w?a& #l@#w a re W W , ' W <m#m o f m&eflml a l l $be m W a l %8»W verm fbm& Im We&ooa o f ma*&&a matmm* Wm r w m i# * ^ e a t ^ w a m # 8 # W w e * ta k m m s # ae#&#$ $&# W a t* %y&*$ W ^ a m BwdiaKBWb' m&- 5W .*mtlW ; # * mmM*. WWam # lw )8 aaa Gws IaW a # &»*' # W l# g the mew* 8&9? * # f th e M ee; IAie #i#&* ww@aa BeImm aa& Block S W y be&ah* th e cm teeihg aa%Mm& BoWaMe *%B& 0%t8B&i%g- & e&@# 41@#ae@ WyoM IWbe SSnyat ceeek Wlds&$ W the f&n&, a&eaB #@ m t # M g W y W th e a#cWOB Gewk *oa&* o f Moteelel 3%*%? !Wt&o# She f l e e t etgp Im th e o f each m W a l mate* r i a l w e th e ?W898& o f moh f@ea&8& a & tw a$ ?ee&s mA #w%#* gas* m t e r i a l %&# IWbwaBt ###&& by haadL, # ltb th e # 6 o f m tW r m& peatle^ *w*tl& # <m&4 W p e e s # BwsBh WKPem* % fifty Sb* O fw tm aal m W ia l# w##& *%#»&$#%& Iaowaw a p$* a&M %&a #*#&% e#@& #*#&& Mw # * m olt $0@%* %W,d& W%3Rre*& # e ia g th e mtaadL# WLthwt # $ o f #W & m%tea& @# 4B0@B&&*%db&ll3rip@dNb*@a wwwt&m ,#f W m # swat w w » w w % # w m #& w # & # o f IXBke iwaB3L#r # e ta * &#* a w # o w o f W gcMdSat m # ax m&lt* #K # p # a t # GdT wayW a mlsma m # -W W ea^ W a e ggLwoa #a&& 4& B% & #W SgR8H&$8» ##@986 # # @PmW& W#F «804* t#Bg&&#6 poaelblU M ea woye ohaaga* - ' 2#&t #o#8 aa# a&g&l&a&lea o f Giaee TW g la m # # # warns f&e#& <wtjbA8db»tbegmB&f bW#eA te a t m#8 whleh *BewBw8Bi3M Bw&@g9@ ;% M 9iadLaaaibs*&jpf Ws Wha# &a )&i*a4g#*ti ah# two $aa&# la Mmatef* Thia type wa# as*# foe. aaweyel e@&* #@88+ Wgf' em ia W t W m WL fia&e&aa t W r aiaa mo awwMseadU&el-aw* me a# M la @p#m W waa&m&p ##& %h#i* 8%#* IKGwa oMeevatioa o f glam mt&ea es a Up W e e p w a l vail* The OdLsypf formia a w i e W of %&&%# poet# W m idawsyp'* th le ty W eta Beavee Flee e W * W * t y p arte taoky Ban elaar aa# t@& part# For amwmy- o f time m& material the *&a*@ m# # p l W to SdGwb # # s hy p w la # IkBwe lhmldea .##& d i p # # th e m taldea* Teat #9# M m tifleaM m m3 Beeordis# th@ BMBBbar o f tW teat* t&@ ow e to %&&*& t&# t e a t m e Se W i%e#& m& tB& eyg&x&l fo r SM type firimg %%&&mrke&#a t&# Wttom o f meb #*p» A #&%& ebaat m s Wpt aa #&o& glaze* The 4&ta ipeeoriW: IrndWW # e m # e e of t w teat* Idbe mo* to Ta&t$4**i I t sme fa#*# m& a ;a*B#%*3K&%>(K&6Ka, a f t&@-1## #B& am m t# o f *88dB*sej*e3L %#a&* 3Bm re m it# o f #11 tea# * imladUa# t w WLt te a t m re also rem aM * G W r date re@a#i@& JWWoae #*& m ath IW bwa *m8#e iwKtdt ea&iaeWi* ISBwa em aral &&**##& o f $11 the mtw&i m W ia le th at w ee te&tea aa& # e a p W fle loeatioa o f these # W mma eeleoW, fo r IbaKeIbSJaa;+ 3%rla& &Wtphwe# The m#or&tar o f the te&ta tRaaeaf fired i& & re ^ g la g etmos^Wre; howvm* a lim ited mmber w ee f i t # la Sm aWap&ar#* The rmWtiOA M rW m s Gksxaak &m & large &&& Wmlagg dem ^dreft MM* MM m s #e@& for the m all* a&e&telG ^LoWr' M rW * WspoBetaea* %# tWNN&W# a t WAeh the sW e e ware W *W MM#e# Amm ew e $ (A)Dh # # rW w lt) t# atm . W (#81 * !SBw* f l r i # time, for Wth MMs wa# #efW m t<A y iks&aatgpwdEayaar tm##* - &&&& 8SE8* O&L&BGBBD JQBB B0TB* M llagyad& aata maaoze# %Qr ##&&&&+ $08^ 8W#WB #ee& t&a &&%&* telZlod* gpagag % I la m la m aeawb&t aryatalllB # 100 p a r # 8# peyte dbloa Glqy •w-v $0 p ert# #1 ^ p a rta m # #%&%# 8&li*& pay # # a paete 0L% 100 p e e # 0L P p a r # #&&&e& #W*##a@8* ^saapareatp 6yA8#d #reyh#rG#&f am W a& t* a&QMMb&t aeyet&ll&Ae* orsae&p opsqae llmsp <%>s#e IO p se ta a l lia s # pseta e&l&aa am* 1@ BOpaeta 8&H&& a## X a XBaAiswa GBMMBa* *gr&#3f, spa## m m* WUUm grsea* m a W sstt r&a* dawltrifle&A mMsapi Oggwral &&@&t&&8 * ,Area I* %b@ #8t&0& of Bample #1 m # AlawoatlMaeG a t t&ie polat be* em ao m#%&*r # # l e f i r log meAlgm greem an& a&Kwia# greater p o a a lb llltle a ime o&l*&aa&. BOW A ll ##8#Q#@& by %#&#&&* $88$ e g Q* #2 daekbeom * @#a#0*a&% smWre m IQ # 4, # earn# 2 $ B, .# eame 2 W # eem #e#@fa& %b* 4#@& I* q f #%#&* #2 m e (%&eoeR#mW a& W a :pe&# be# GeKWBe a m th e r ample*. f^&8& & 4&8*$Klb##m& aa& #>W #$ greeter poee&b&lltle#* w e obW ee#* BMNiaaBBg . GABPBB #8$B* A ll lBgredleatB a#&8g#@& %ywe&gb&* ga&t 3 S 3 0$ a 0* # . 0, a 3 10 3» 8 3h S 0* 3$ $ 0* M B 0* 36 a 0# 3 8 ^4 W # e&am <&&y IW &a#%& 0$ lO p a r # Obdawa <a#y 1&& parte # ohlzm olay 100 #&#t& #& #0 p e r # eM m <&@y 10# p e r # # #9 parte #&%# *&# a ththMappi# grea#* a&tt* er9%W.13ne* thlak* W in Iwqwm* m .#* Awl** tp lflm erem* &@*v lt r lf lM . lshdbok lbs* ;a*9$dk9BBhd8%8f&ik* er@#8L tM,@W&jp&a .@*%a<aBk (r y e th llim not m W n eew erne eew am# <%Bgp*yt*k3J&jLQM&* IBW&db&QHB: gr&8e 8P@B8* ae%@#8l %08&tl<R& * &##*. I**%pa#l#&e W oatlon * W # l e # m n obtained, from & raaa m t th e r ig h t b@M »ld& o f the anaeA nine ten th s o f a M lo from the # e # o a # l PawdW.adWBQ on #@ r i g # Wma *%%&& to m m d&l i8#e@&&@Bt8 by W .# # * 8a,... ,..,!SaaLJtoe % at .emmernu m — % e 0* A *W9s % 10 0. $& mm % $ %# A mw k 10 A mm# #&% m am a &&oa%io& *&p@& &* % e s%#s&Bg #e @mp&# dp*iwsw&ia*#(KM%ai%Bw%& *$ &»» 4m ae o m tb # @%#Xe f W a g &#& W m W 8W&8& aeWme *a& W>Ww#&* HOb Dam 8BBE# a w m #9 coMasom a### 1993 SOTS; A ll djoyszr'GxljUeosj&gi meMmrW by weight* Teat 0* 5 a $ 10 0* e. 10 R* 10 m* 5 5 9a 9b 9a 9d 9e 9@ 9b #9 #9 #2 #2 lOO parts #2 HO parte Vhitlag 10 100 parta 02 Hg perta iAlMatg 10 Bw loo parte #2 30 p a r# IKdiitajBgg SLOO p e r # #g 10 32 part# whltiag 100 p e r # #2 10 W part# Vbltlag 10 R* 100 part# #2 pert# wblt&Bs 10 B. go parte #2 90 parte vbitiag 20 part# #9 10 50 parte Vhitias 90 parts #& . ereaa* gritty* did not begla to melt @aa$ earn aame 082)6! erne same mme eami #me same game Qeaeral LeoaMcm » Area I* The teaMag a f Sample #9 w&a diee#atim e& &t IKkwlia p o in t be* aaaae & #laa# T irlag Wa %a@ developed* a , DATA 8880% m&L8#BSD 192# MTB * A ll 3&#&#d&8#$e maauyW Dy w%L$^ S a o* # medWa g&eaia* dwi%p& 2W 6 IA a* 06 WB8 6 a m, ■m wdk&wm #a#8* #x&tty* m t m ta te # io m# # erne &a&sar8l law&Btdkaa * &p@& I* SBbe t%MBt33%%odP am p le 0$ m e aiacm%Mmo& a t W e # l a t &@* sw ee aw*&4&M8P m ap le p o a a lb a itle a w e abWawed* 3ww&&aa&i#r%Ma& *m& «&KMa&#a g&w&tm Baoa # cowmmD m m BORBa &&1 i8#p#&&0Bt& m a w e # by Twe&g&t* Rast O* iW Sm s @r@8&* ##pltp&* fl# ' ? a f 10 aam ■? S e r e m t o m&jbm gpem * c#w & fla w a # # Q {W SHS@% % j& 7 10 # . grew # fl# #9&@B6% &aa&t&6B * Area I* 53** iww&t&s# a# 8m@&# # m s <&&B*KM%t&3BW8& a t th&e p&&&t be* ^m ae m»b&@w #8#&@ ja&pl%w&#@dMbM% g ram a # aWwla# g reater p&w&M%&#GB m # obWa@&* #038* &%& #08% $ a Q& » # dawklwowB* 6#ag&a* m>t m $w e . # mm S a B. # ew e $ iQ m# # mm Q ew m l * .&#%& &* 3W W%1@# Qf a # # le # v w &l8o@Rt&med # q?GdU» # l & t Swewt oaaee a w # m #m#&* f ir in g #@ek I w m WL eWw#^ gm&W p&89&&$&&%&@9 #8# @bW#@&* 8028$ A il ameR&r# by sa&ig&ft* Seat # 9 9 9 @ 16 0 ID 6* 0, R. 8* 0 # * # dw& Wsm* mt mw& eeae mw am# #88@##i &omt&m * # e & l* 5Ebe ibeaidU&g <%P Wqple # m* M aw atW ed a t t&la pe&#t be* *m#@ mootWr $ 8 # le g e a a lb llltla e sa&a e&Waed* W & bam* aod $Mw&8g #8&Wr 89, WA mm? am em mwacmm m m # GywaiBbt* #aat 10 a 0* #0 aa#k &#w#@ m eew a WLtb tm * ep*#e* m t t - 10 9 0'$ AO &&a#* dle@&*& B ltb met* Opag&a* #eml#amtt 10 10 04 018 dba%Wwa* #@#e*. BWWay m :@ m #0 #**$: W m * 0»a#e* m t t m 3# mo laads %a%8*8* @w&e* m # 10» 8 8+ 188 #8F t9 # 0 la*& Warn*. # » # 0 $ m e# 10» ' 10 %+ am # am e IOb e %* 1 # ##&@ # 0 10 IW ta oaiOB&t# 8&me IOb 10 %, aame erne 100 e B* IQO # # # # 8 3k# # # # 8 O aim lte dWc Wm#* #a#ae* a»% GBlte m W e 3A> 10 &» S8&& < M k # e e a Wow* opaqb% 88# 100 @ 100 W t e # 0 80 W # O o lm lte W b W m * @p6#e* m t m&W# W 10 »# erne < W k W i% # # # # $ iaatt IOa e 8* 100 w%& m o &5fp'ay$@ Oolomlte 1@#% bwowa* epeg&e* m t mbs*# io a 10 m* am e W k %SM8d&$ #&#&*? am # eamim a # m m mm# tm % .m iaejm ee. &#@ #@#W # 0 # w e t* ##&. i*me*W* - '. e 1# ' 10 # .........#ee% A esalts................ - IW w W k re#* # io k * &l&d%6 gpag&e*, wagr w # I ew *&*#&' R, 1*)# pw&a AO 10 .parts ls%&& etWWki %*&$. # io k ^ m W l l o Maak* @9&#et very w # m* am # a#e . # 38eWL !#&&%&(# * # # $ & &88&ttaa * 8#a#&e # 0 w e o & tew a el# $ea&&# @# & BdJbe 3#am m%We 6#& 8<mtb &*e&# e f $8e m # * #8*% to # * r l # t DATA 8HB# - BBS#* a&& Bf. ###%&#& #wwp@& 1% e . 04. #1 BabbleA* @p#q#&* ##% a a W o 11 $ m& #1 11 10 0* #1 dW s *@&$ op@#@$ ma&"* 8#& kWd, 8&&a#$ m a t %&tb @p4#s& iwxsseWkaosy* Wm@& a' 10 mi 4#& ye&* @9##** aami* m att #» # 0* . # 0 ###&» # 1 6 pw W »@# a@» Ww&p. ap#q#e$ ab&oy n% 0 %» -Wyk W m * apa#*** m» 10 lib 0 Hb earn* Wpk *«&* opa##* aamdW m tt m. 100 pmr%R # 1 1$ paete w#& &#& OaW WOW.a «#8000$ 10 %* a#@@ dark itsMSi, opa#a* IW 10 0, 100 past# m !LES p a * # #&# # & &W&# o p # # * , #M#y a» 10 m* @am We& IBaMSReik v l t b W # theoagb, IM 10 #* 100 p a rt* #&1 ao p a y # f i g W i lW%b$*tsy8w*B#s%w&& Worn, #jW k#opa#a bladk* #bi8y* ##& 83., s s » BM m ssm m m ee»w » $686 »»«IM m. earn — g e m m r n im -------- -— vw y dw% gresa^blae* Hf m 0* -tOC* B a r# #& 9 #*»%# ##& &&#& @x&8e MWc* IBgMggpM*, Bblay Hf IO R* 1 # Ipaweibai #& 1# BWW SMSd W B OKI# Wm*4 w k fed* #&%y BaswtdB* e f# W IW , % IO B* IW B W 8 # 1 f BWte W W a *&&# dw@& W orn, &W#s a»a#** ##&* Hg 10 0» IW ItSWMbB # 1 10 BBfW W W B OKI# Worn* BBtallla* eW *aa# SmrnmI IqeaM m * #$& &. S&8«&flQ' Io q a ttm *, #&& m e G tW aaa !Bsxsmk t&* shore o f ga& W m a t #&- BtmMe <&%#* 30* 8#m s m m 8800# A ll m am # a w me&esre# by w ig h t. #98% .......................... 18 *5 0. #J8 W # i&Gaa*»i%M&id&6r #a& o%W.d& *# te 'e t Mp* Geeaed* tyaawparaBt* @emi4B8t* . Tolok-la* eldestm * (W itrifie d * 0paqQa*matt* OBtalde d&e%by@w&* t#8B8#6!F*» e a t #&&&#&* ebiay 13 8 &* 018 tb&nm&igbt gyeea, gp'ltty, epaqae* a w lm t t ; th&o&MmeaiHm geeea* opaque* matt 13 1# #* #1# W a^taa^ qpaque* @ry« eeml-mattA a ta llia e * **«aais."*»«»^v* tbid&*a@rk kpOMA* orase&o treagpereat WL ab&ay i& 10 m, #18 thla^gysy gwea* opaque* aemi^matt; me* dlam Ggeeewa* epaque* aometmat w y atallia e# thi@35»dark gyeea* @#&#e$ B&lay 18a 8 , . 0, 100 p a r # # .2 g p art* 4&&m <&#y #%* greea* oymg* fleeM p opaque* aemi* matt 18e 9 100 pecte 018 10 papta e&loa el&y t WLa^medlum yellow gpeoa* opaque* matt* %&le%*m@#&u#gpeGa* opaque* m att 12b 8 100 parta #18 10 paete eslaa clay tm* grew* eraage fleahs* opaque* matt 'Oo 30. m m 8%me l»b S IBe $ IBe 9 -im d 0, W 8 Rt IBe S 0. @ Rt Os *P8 parte 0 L& SfCP parte 08? loo parte 0&& Ig parte emma alay IigAS parte 012 . 10 perte ehlw elay #& parte #%# loo pert* # 8 &0 parte (dda& elay 58 parte of 0 L& 3%) part* # ? 4 parte #lt#®pa% 100 parte 010 8# parte o&W&el&y 50 parte 018 #8 part* #09 10 parte eleeopm eoft greygreea? opagae* matt ta&$ green* oreage Klaoka* ope#*@ matt mad&am thiokneea^srey IppeeGk opaque* matt; th&chwdapker green* et&rW to tarn eeye» taH iae tea* green*, orange fladka* eeag&e* m t t yg&lo#gyea&* 4p@#e* qeyet&lll&o Wn^grem and ayang* fleoha* opagne* matt IMdtawddamgBeeB, epa#e* matt Oaa&y&l &a6&%&@& * &e*& 2* BpaelKle IamtleB, * Bagpl* # B vea e & W W Kcem & dry creek W& looated # a t o f f th e l*ft*b*ad aide e f the %#&&* *&& te&tba o f a mile Krom 66$ 8@&th Devla #tea@t. 31, m s a BBBBg AWMK # 3 GOWKNE# ABQBBK jBQTBa &&& &8gr@&&@#*8 w am reS ky K$8% -------- KeAt 13 B 0* m 13 a m* #3 13 10 o* W 13 10 m* 013 13a S m* 10# parte #%3 9 IPiBpiMi Qa&oa&ta I ja 10 13b e a* W m &* 13o S m, 13@ 136 10 s# S m* IM IM 10 a. e B* 13a 10 <w%mmta8* Opagpa* very - (BM&m* gritty* a@t - oroma tea* tb la te w * aiBQmopagR#. m t t ; t#&a#par* @at$ e&lay* raa gram* w tm t& re , g ritty -' ope&m* W tm ts r e eeme grew* w t mature IOO parte # 3 10 parte earn arem* a&t a&twr* 10# parte #13 Ip parte a&lom&t* erne 100 parte 0&3 PO part# dBiom&te earn# 100 parte 013 ## parte Oo&em&Se ema grew* w t w ta re oram* w t matere grew*, m t m w e ermm* w t wW?@ IgamaHSB** a&t XBstiaaare or earn* a@t w ta re SLjLggit; gram* w t wtama 38, mm 10 a* loo peet# #13 10 paeta oolm m ite 13^ 10 &* 100 paeta #13 I 3h 10 B* IM 9 0* 13^ f 13k $ 131 f 80 pwrta wlm&B&te 9& poete w #& paete 13& ^Opwrte # 7 18&&30 p&rto # 3 1 # #sy$a @&»@opa% 0 * BOpaata #sy 1#% 30 SMWpika 013 1 # iwaopta %l*@op#& i pert mWLt wa&aB 0. #0 PWtB # 7 18%%& p w # Ip pw w alreopm & pw t @8&4e 8 parts %We& *&#*& mi&e Cf. |gCk pa*# @?1 §0 porta l # th&8»e*@8#$ t&&ok*89#e Opwga&f IWWMMB* oolay* #&#& y@& #&8# t&&&*e#80»; t&ldb* W@*&*#p#a8»* matt# eatalA# gritty oamamy ta% gold a## Motm flocks A Opaq&o* @M#y W@y Sm* &1*@ aa& 8#1& fleake* ##%&#* Gfeamy ligh t tm& m all gold 8B& blue fleoka* apagoo* mats to# %it& worn* gold aad b&aa flooka@ opaqae* matt #p@& * &#&%# # 3 w # #&$&&**& from a m e ll bWs 388% Ibo %&& IojMbof the $%»&&, %oo#6& fw ? t#&#8 o f a mite f»o& 668 #o&% W#&e atpeot* A ll l# g y e d lm # me&WPW SgyBeet a » w _ J k M j a a J B W L a m w g m a _ _ _ j & # u m m u * __________ $ 0, m - #*#& w&qpe* W ' 0* #% a R. 10 10 R* &* I^b m &. I^e 10 %* IW 8 m* IW 10 A* IW a l4e 10 B*' io o parte #% 3? parte ehlm <&&&y a. 6 R, 10 Bx, IV mk 100 swwrta #& 10 paetB ## 90 #8#ta #*& 90 9&yt» # 0 100 parte #1% 10 parte <#&m cloy 100 parte #,*» 9 parte ##* &#&. em # eeme dark brew* traa#ar* m t$ ttdu^ta## eMay dwk W m * ep&g&e*w tt tl&dk* opag&e* e&&%p dark grea&o traaepap* eat^ abloy blaek* l$r$# eheao* epagpa* e&lny dwkW om * m e t epote* epagae, ae8&*a&tt #&&*#&#, tM dW W k' @p@9B*- @pag&@* awB&* W tt t&&B*#G8t* th&ok*&8r% #*@w, eryataHiae* (Wk W w * ep&#@$ W tt dark Prewam m e t epote* ^aga#^ ekmy 100 parte #,** dark Warn* opagwea. 19 parte <*&&&& <&*y W tt eeme dark Pram* m et epote* opag&e* 8@B&*a&tt ...... %4@ B B* 100 p arte 014 80 p arte *&la» s la y #r& % fow * 8p@#a* m tt 14@ a# &* #m e dark b r w o , <^a#e$ eml^matt ' 14b $ B* 100 parta #14 8# parte e&&#& a&ay dar&tmam* op a#e* rwgb* m&tt 10 A. 100 part# # 4 # p a r # @ML8& cla y #ep& Bra##* opagpe* a ew w a ttt ' 141 & a. 100 p a r # # 4 ? p s # $ # # & m&#e # $ & r W * # 9 m * #8#*a? 141 10 &, W a R* 100 parte 014 $ parte eaeartaO #90# 88h@8 dark ippam* opa#@* *aatt I4 j 10 %» earn# dark WxMm* w e t i r @&lAy 1% a 3U aoo p arte # 4 IO partB aaeortaO mad eab&e iBw&aiwuw SKFdHSai* opagae* matt 14k 10 m, erne Omrk trom * trmeper^ m%t* eblAy 14k 10 A. 100 parte 0L4 10 p a rte r ig aab dark broW* am y ZtjLgastt gram flaake* o p a # * , m tt m at* op ##e* eMay; W ek * dark @r<Wleb tr a m gleake* o p w e * *awl* m tt 39* 1^1 IO #* lo o p a r te # ik ao p a r # #&# a@& sWbdBGk*isei***9g?$K*y*ek6,,-ap**&,' 1## T&r<9#&*.1dbjL<dB>"lKr49*8a iNdittk l i g h t g reea dSEdMa*#*; -@p#qpe* @m&*. m tt %% 10 s# 160 p a r te # % 10 p a r t# # W o p a » # o c o la t$ Worn# dgwqpap v e ry aW etk* ' 10 &* 100 p a r te PO p a r te Mreopaa:. l i g h t o&oeolate beam* epaqae* v a ry ameoth* eom&wm&tt IW 9 0* lo o p a r t# #&b 10#», F ayaarike a& roo## iw 10 %* %km 10 1% 10 0» d ark g rey Tbrom, opaga#, m att 100 p a r te IPSjht 10 «HGapi%* r # si**:# W da W a^O arh red* Stpfkqpw;* matt* Sblek^madk*, a r y a ta llia e * epG#@* mt%$ v a ry t&lo#» Maa&* aw&a&ll#* * t&awa&ea ., ' 100 BBPt# # 4 10 p a r te M roopek #8#** a&day* We&*#Fey gram * @p&#** eMmy 100 # r t a #0 p a r t e M roopm %###&* @&&8y* t&&0%*llg&t gray #r$ea* *ps#@* Gaaeral %#ga$lo& * Area 3* Bpeoiflo WmMoa * Wgple #,% m » @dMk&i*ww& f r w * Mgk alay wa% loo& W ^bo th e Ie fb o f t&e roM oppoalle SKLewds $#a8y Weak. 36* c o w o m e m m # & *# B&#B$ A ll #gy#&i@at8 meaamred Iaar velght^ STAAt m&Mm !%&%« 1$ S 0. A3 6ay& bpom*' #*#e@ a # t matmre 10 04 erne dW& iBoMMsba* opswgwe* g r i t t y , B O tq p lte &%t#re B m* earn 4W#%%8#Gmb opaq&e* g r itty , a o t m&Wa m«e a#rk brown* m e t opaque* ##%& m # 10 Geaesrai tm alH ea *» A**# 3* TM to stlmg o f Baaplo <&8d0at&ma@ a t Sdbdle p o in t be* *&&## another m aple f irin g d&B& bro#& &n& 9Wi#ag greater poABlbil&tlee *a» ebwa#&*. r 37* am m sm # m m eam c #0#* Teat 16 m m ? 1923 A ll Iagpadim ta maaewra# by we&G&t, .J8&&GLKLPA .3*6%. a 0, ^16 dark bmewa* geltty* GpegBAp a e t matu#* 16 10 0. aame dark bm#8&* aWay 16 9 m. aaw g r it ty , a%Wy$ t&iak+dark %Miwa* igasU&sgr*, a&lay # # e r a l W@atio& * Am# 3* Th* teetlag of Bmgple # 6 w * MemBtimad a t IW GdLak pelat be* o w m aaothar aampla f lr lh g dark h ra w m d #owln# g rm te r p o eeiM litl* # m e 38, BA*& a m # m m ? 1953; 8&T8$ A ll iwgrea&eata &y me&g&t* T est I? S 0* a? WWbm bram * aamAy* AiA a&t W g ia 1&& m & t 17 S R, mma v e r y dark aeoao* ap&qae* g r i t t y , 3eml<» m att If 10 R, aa*@ seme Qaoawal * Area 3* The %eet&8g of &a#p&9 01? m s QtaeoaMmaA a t t&la palat be* omae awBt&er sample flrim a dark Worn aad abew&ag g reater jpaeM&l&ltle* %a$ e&WL#e&* 39» #8 M9& 88B8& A098B9 19B #%*&$ j& l lagyediemta meamared by im&g&t. O I ■S& cl f j .,&K%e...9eet_.Oom#e.lt&on... 3L@ S ia 8 0* as WBg a ritty * did not ibwssoSat ike* m elt em o ta&Qmgpgy gpeea* Gpaqiae*, eam&*m@#g yea; Seaaapereat* eblay* te a 18 10 R» erne earn Gaaeral w a a tto a » &#*# 3» #&* teat&H# o f d%# w e &&#oo#t&a&@@ &t t&ie # i a t be* &8B88- o%be# #emp&## f&p&a# te a w& me&laB $#ee# #88 eW#ia# w* em em m e o o s w g # aw w st 19^3 JRktJl &8gw*aiea&a mw&yea hp IfeddBlMt* X k - u a m J B w a J W w a m u & U m _____ _____________________ %9 $ 0. #9 aerk brom , w t m w @ 19 W 19 S 19 19 Gemerel W 0* m* of WBW AA«A wmo AAW @me * Area 3* $mo m e m o 6 l9 q e # W e & At %&&8 poda&t &e* @68818* a rn tw ? ###&@ firin g &#*»% brom w a sW viM greater p o a s lb illtio e *## obW&a#&* &A3& @ 8 « am p m 08o GG&mcgm o w s m w a B8%B* A ll a*gBRpdWW8*tBaWG&893NW& &y 80 8 80 10 80 # 80 am (W&Woim* $#@&e&8*@atf f w , ^ # o i e % ablay 0* mm ewaiom becw* Wmepe#*@8%* .ab&ay m., aw # 3W& !BXMSRWa* 4# # # $ * M i l m # apow*. m # 10 a* am # 8w k twm# <#& l% # t W@@a W ay* $ %* 100 p w w #&o # Bwwpike elrcopw W&- i&gr-*BaM&!&B8Bb*S#8aPX&?*& Wwo* GpeQxt#* w al* ma#$ SabjkoaakkgMBdkaaaBi Ww* dwgGeSk*83G(trb-. 806 t R. aaae m et* 9pa#@* very :#&# 100 p a rte # 0 %SPiWP-Iksi t i a msiae Waa&m&W %!Wk* Ibaxi .8po%B* ope#e* @m&* #&%&* %&aWwa#a eeler* @pa#&@* ew l* m # 20b S 80a 8 8* lO&p&Pt# #00 9 paeW ##&' ire # SW swkXBto WM&* 9#8# 8*. SWSRdLkk m tt* #i(Akk@Rek gram* op###* am&* 'iaa# 80a 9 &* am # m at* i f w m a ll da*& wt&ll&a fle#& * gpagw#* %a&# wm am # BABBMWG # ) Beat 808 9 80# 9 8% 9 m* 9 801 8. '9&98Bt8 030 gO#@PW # tb&B*#oiah Sraaeparao** shiny; *w lw a*light gram* opagBe* eem&* m t#* t&idk* lig h t greeaf&ed&e* opaque, 8am-ma#* a m p a rte #80 $0 p a rte # 7 tb&&*ob@oelat@ bmwa, l&etye* opaque* ab&ay* t&&ok*&8*& &#&%&* *#11 apes#** l&*8tee* a&&Qy B* gO parW' 80a $0 p a rta 800 W # re6 h m w , opaque* mt% R* IOO p a rte # o g p arte m im elay wd&um'^Wt re 4* opa#@* am i*#*#* W e W a r k e*@*a* Opaque* aeml*#e# 9 gO p a rts 800 go p a rts 80e SbitMMea* opaque, 8ea&* matt* *Wap@$#* #&& 1&#&W e l l epeta* opaque* eW ^m att f 0* IW p a rte #80 18W 10 p a rts elreopm m m * mAlam brem , opaquoj O m eral lo e a tlo a ^ Area 4 % w elflo jW eatlm ^ A a# l# # 0 w # ohtalaeA a high olay bmh looaw a to # e r ig h t o r the row * approadmaWif w e tm th o f a m ile Krm lakeulde* SKMSBii M l &8@^W&m$a #e&m*f*a by W ight, Beat _____________ m a mi 10 0, ema m. 8 earn# M Mo IO B* am# 10 R* 100 p e r # 0M S? p arts r@& &*o# «#&4e 10 &* 100 parte #1 10 part# eiroepax 10 a# 100 payW #81 ma 10 a* M# 10 a* Mb 0. R* mi wa&m traw^a#* m t* eaMnoatt tt&awtm tranepareBt, W*m$ trWwm^e&t* Woke# Mbblaa* (very m a ll) e m l* m # IRKBiMit bmw* May blade apaeke* apmp&e* IBwwaKl** matt* v # y thiok^ am m W , oWay earn# W a^a& a Opagpe* 6M#y$ 1dQdL(dR&»)bl4»(dkLk r @6 8p#B* opaqp*# iaBdkKtSp w m lig h t brnm* qpagpe* eeml#mti so ft waiwm, g#@ea* Worn Media* e###e* a&iay s##B&e* m a ll brown fledka* opag&e* matt 100 parte #81 10 Spasitwa MreopaK # BMaapiKS eMm May $0 parte Me W # lig h t WDW& #lt& #0 parte W lig h t green Meeks* opBQ&e, semi-matt Genorml Loqatlm * Aroa % Gpeoifln ^oWkLoa * W w le #& m e e&Wwd. ##&& th e Iaho bWs* epproaim tely 3Q& f w t from th e WWxwoo a t Wceeide* C &AS& BBBBT -w em « GGSGBOTBB GOTOBBR 1933 BOTBi A ll lOgMN&loOto AMW «0 By %#&$&&* TO# & 0* me w & l m # e 9 & t&#$ ggM&e» m& m W e 8& 10' 0* #@$@ # F & ####& e M M&*& ' siea k e* o # 6 # e , *&8%ge p eel ta a W e m S mw GWe gpe@B* Opaqpe* w t t SB "10 aom #a IO 0, 100 ^GPta 0S® SkEf p»pta Bipoope# W W e o w #o# geey g ee ea fle o k e * opaqpe* %&&*&*&&&' h o led W 10 0* 100 BBPt* #88 80 pBpta #iec@B8& ereem <m& t r o m f le o h e , o p w e * oeaa&e p e e l te&» tope* somewhat p&B $ 5 § $# 10 %* 100 pBPta #8# $0 p e r ta d o lo m ite th la^ yello% , o p e # e * ee&lw&att* We&*me&&w gpeea* l i g h t gp eea j^eeh&p, ogpawsBMt* m att 32@ 10 &.* ioo,p#Pt& ;#B8 igbdkak*{*a:L@ka;& TbsacM**** ' ' tp ap ap arw t* eh&ay; th ie k medlem gpeea* ep&gpe* m att #e 10 0* i o o 9 # p t# # e IO p w rtp d o lo m ite W a ^ g o ld o a ta&«, tea##* p ea m t* W BM - th loh * 4ea% W m * l i g h t fle a h a * opaqpe* $&lay - deek 8#ee& #&& t l e e k flee& e* # & # * * a lig h t a p B B g e p e el W $a#& DA3& 8888% #8%*# - ....... 10 w ew e 10 0* 10 m# 10 0* W M>» 10 10 W a*8W a a tao* tyma*- 'pwms* ' W a W W iw yell## - sWM%&a* @%w&Q&ab #&tt .lOOp&yta #&& ' tasu trasa* 10 parte # $ @#& # * m s* #May» &p8#&$ W aW W k Ww&# trw p w a a tg ww@&* *w ' #%a*#oWe& tea# W#%* 3# P # t@ m& Iict p w ta fig &B& W iam yellaw warn* OP'#**?' matt' - 1#@ parte #8& # pa&t* f&# *e& #&*#&* #&%#$ t&la&k' d w a& w w , teaatp&y* - aot* s*@m&p 8&&#y #&& mwe W #^W loo«. opagaet m # $ t&lo%*ptaia# ' w#e&* opag&o# m tt* #w 100 p e a # 0&& W W ig & t ta&* tmaa* 10 p w te t^t& a# aw-aBt* QBaaea* ebiw* W o W ay k W m » W&$* pwoat* ep*W* *&&#* PBB : ■' WBmMgtt y e llw ##& * ewe tm a#a#m t* a&W# ' ' W a M W W .# * # * ggMNpse* aatt* Pm <&Qa*aw&.&«MH&&*awi * jaMsa k 9##o&f&@ W at& an * #a8#&* # 6 w s a&t#B8& #B@# W W t a&a& # a gta&y W a W app^mlm&tely IWXt fe@t -0e@& W W t e&&e 46. SAKPLL i.-22 co a t’d of the road, one tenth o f a mile from Lakeside on the road to the Trout Creek Bridge. M2B# AU 3ay%r@<HWw3$8i&ea9WMM»8 Beat Eo.*. Beat, SomBoaltlom.... B a 0* @3 10 0. # WMbm gyam %?*#&, #pa##* aemlMmat#, vw y @wo#' #00 W&w#8#& b#0#B* %##&#* ###%&* W w $ -Wob* #8#&m @&@m Wmm* a&k&iagr t mmo iSBedllxwGk 0%a#& #o& byorn f&oa&&* &em&* #& #; % W s^& & m #pem .&%& W & fL#oM*. ope#o* . mb 9 IW paete #&$ 10 *w&m #M@a* 0j9W&* ew ^m # -' ' mo 9 %#8 #&ete #8$ #0 # 8 * # W i m # # 98* op^&e, »* Www&I IaW K lw +t J&e@& ^ ##WUR&o 88#&# # 3 %a& from tba s%%w&4 dyadk $M#e jt*#t W iaw& #&#&# o f tM *w&» #*e o f #t m il# W#aB& -$*# 9bm*t W # #b& W W # o f #8@9&% # 3 m e pe&at be&8##e o f W* lee# o f th e At W e amspl* w&my &#* *&&aity to obWm eoot&ee eampl* @w# to veatWr e#& %o@&. mm am # ' mm# a# oow scm e StMQBg JKLl &*%M&edWkw%te $w#&BQ3%B& lor w ight* Teat .Teet OoaAealtlea...... .Teat Sem ite. . . iwmmmrnfr @ 0* #yk 10 mae $ erne 10 m. #B#&e* (BeaBdbma (Wb team , *p*#e, em W w#$ mWLW daek beosm* @pa@ae» matt* epamieg erne erne QggwMM&l W e a tlm * &p@a 0 &&e W tL a g o f Gkegple va* wa@@ aa&t&er aaw&e po89&&ll&t&@a gaa eW W ##* &t #& a ##&&% be* &8& g rm tw DATA SHEET IiCrIEi SAHPLE #25 COLLECTED CCTCBER 1953 A ll ingredients measured by weight. Test No. -Cone F ire Test ,C&apoaltlorx..... Test Results___________ 25 3 0. #25 dark brown, opaque, bubbled, very rough 25 10 0. same dark brown, opaque, medium g r it t y , thick bubbled, very rough General Location - Area I The te stin g o f Sample #25 was discontinued a t th is point be­ cause another sample fir in g dark brown and showing greater p o s s ib i l i t i e s was obtained. 50. DATA SHEET SAMPLE #26 COLLECTED OCTCBEK 1953 NCTEs All ingredients measured by weight. Teat ilQ^-Cofle Fire lest. Conposltlon _ Test Kesults________ 26 10 0. #26 thin-medium brown, transparent, shiny| thick-black, opaque, shiny 26 10 B. same medium green, opaque, matt General Location - Area 5 The testin g o f Sample #26 was discontinued a t th is point be­ cause other samples firin g medium brown and green and showing greater p o s s ib ilitie s were obtained. 51* mm m m a m # # 087 m tm m m g w a m 1 % 611 ajRa%%#&*&&&&8 *B@@awdpea by weight* %98t 27 8 0* #7 07 27 10 8' Oa R* erne 8880 37 10 B,' #*8 276 10 #a Id*) %M%yte 087 # ##et8 Futile 10 a. 1 # SW GKPibe W , . JbOpAPt# tea* apagae? W ay 27e 10 Ba JLCOPAPtA-0&7 5 9@et# PM #oe, #&<&**.. dae&m&* ceagpe* matt* J .....____________________________________ 10 Ba 4&P& Wcm* .-IdkgW adf fleoM* op#ao, sdaljaaf 076 10 Ba 10 Ba 27S 10 Ba ,IOCt BAPte'#7 IO pepte m tlle 100 # # t e ipS&SP. 10 pAPte tltoW## 5 BAPte m tlm gO'p&Pte #7# @p #syt8 SfTdt' gO BAPte W 50 parte #3 10 Ba @71 10 Ba l%Bt tm* mt'mwp#* Iklfxgr tpokea Wbblee same , #a* beam aiecke* opA#e$ a& w tea*, m et Hecke* #%#&* Way-' dark beam,, matt eM* opaqaA* sblay* laetre PM @#a gpw&'^ecm* swegeop eWay, Wamgpsy gegea* tm&a* pa&ABt* ablay* mWc*. #08 opacwp .matt blao# w a rM ap&te, 100 p8*te/#7 I part capper certaa* . Gpagaa*. eb#y ate dark bite Mack* 100 paete 087 & port cobelt OBiae op#*#*. aMay I $8+ SSAMGMWB m at+# 10 B* ISJSSS 10 a* 9# WrW W l g% >#&e# # 7 3 10 Bk 30 9##w mrog&aa: 87% 10 a* $7a 10 a# 87o 10 a. a%» 10 m 9 t 87a f myt $ 9 100 BaarW # 7 l$ # r W W m W#y IOOgmrW # 7 #0 payto adbNSOB#& 5&g#*t8 #7% $0 BswW # 7 a a* 10& ##PW #7 9' B#W *adbw& olmy 0* 100 amr&B # 7 18&B, 10 #a#t6 dolomite 0* IOG B#*a # 7 1@&&# gwwrta* W W to G, 100 ip # # # 7 i # & # $#*w wam&te #*. 18# &8%#& # 7 IWtiif BmrW W W W 0* &00 9#W -d# l&m Idk pwW BtdkSAmyg &#% %*##* t*d&bl@dL oMay W k gy#a W m * you# W t lig&t opa#Oy #&&By W fiW m tW k S taa* wtm&aee Sm, SBSSeey* OPWOf B&W taa* %#&8ep&9#*&, 6May» Wo#wWy Woka& Wf&We $#8^0*080* @B#QBe* tom W w oysaS f #loy*sipy b#@&8% SuWloa laws* i8M*QW%w&#gKf&* ' -'' aMay* dm Wokm wa&ao 'tbAa&dfaggr ;&&##*&yolio#* Sm, #Mt9pm#a&* aMgy* w*k*#ee Wokm WWloa ws& a m # 9 Ge IW BWrt# %#& 88 #8#%# Bhlting aem# 9 o* IW # r& a 0 B7 " 1 # & 3 0 # 8 # iai&&/gjkBi|g mm 9 iWkS&a#* 9%ww#&&* m t t G* SKbC) #a#te # 7 SLSBbab 3# papt# Wam&ta # papt# @OWt W ide 9 0$ lOOj&Betej&Zy 10#** 9 # t e #e& &#&& vecydawk %&##* OBeqBe* a&lay 9 0* vw y Wk®p@a&9 #& ##$ 100 BGCtB $7# W m te I&0&W.8& * @#gp&@ eap* lasts #&%6i88& fe rn a Mgb s#8& <Ba1b looaW l IbGi # e ? l # t o f th e e#*$ S> !BdW,;*** f r m tb# % tte M #m y W a e ff* g o B o w i# A AeWraK fWi& 9M,@& W*@& glam s vBwm f$*a@ g&W& W a W # %##&$ * w # m * #@ #&#** I # W W M WoaA .mWky a# #&& * f IBBMaawe mtmml #*3##a8» 8% % ** **$3%@*@ sBBwaa&sQp*; 31%* #&,, g&* asst ea# ay.* a# *&& W m W # $w w&*&#a& #%# *&@&*# #@$e a&% v&m #W& a%#w W&& #8wm a # a m a#%ew;*KBi%|jag; * gmr^aoa mlWp&a far Walawra me tfgdWL as a@awa%&»e petW y* Aim# Idbs* BwjW ty # my pots aea for W&* &#* I dReGUk va&y farA m a# lm.#W*W m ta rW a #b&Gk wa&& be mKMKL* f # . %&t #9@ o f vara tf&tbwt m y a#rwMem* 3W BK&ss m W a l g&wsee are f&»#@ eleee && w&o# # 9 # v&%& tb# a%9#p%&&a a# # y * #&&a*8 «M? Wmm or # # y f ir e varlm a 0 # fir m a taa*. #w89#r.$ %&# W MAltiem o f at&er m W a l materW.e or m m a ra i^ ly r e f l a # W oriag W dm * aSb%s*w* or apwifler#*' $ W r W o r r a w am W W#r#e&'* # * #&@r *#&*#* sW m && #pead&m I l w e obWmA miaSar W m %&& %&&m W a l g&aaea mmtltmeA* I t 1# &&W8&t&%# to w t e &#. app#M&# 1$ that v l # W sm e#tl#a &f W # e el% m toral #»% # mre- #em& <&@e@ 4% » a body o f iwBla&y* &»t WLy are # e w large Aapoal^ # #&& o f #@@e sM&ptdUmlsdP ww#lal*@ Tbat #& Aapaalta ara- ad& .ldb* @&W olaae to the mm& mA m e eaa&ly atwwb& e* %b@#* m te r le ls r e # l m very I l W e preparation for nee #a t&wgr.,. 55. tire fin e In grain and contain only a small amount of such foreign m aterial as rocks* I feel th a t I have benefited In a number of ways from t-he te stin g of n atu ral glaze m aterials, I gained not only a su itab le glaze p a le tte fo r my own work but also something I consider to be of equal Importance, th a t Is a greater appre­ c ia tio n for Nature and what she o ffers to e l l p o tters In m aterials as w ell as In sp ira tio n , I hope th a t the data con­ tained in th is th e sis w ill be of some value to other p o tte rs , located not only In the Helena area but throughout the s ta te , and th a t i t may encourage a l l p o tte rs to ex p lo it natural re ­ sources in th e ir v ic in itie s . I t i s also hoped th a t a l l who read th is th e sis may gain a b e tte r understanding of and appreciation fo r glazes made from n a tu ra l, unrefined m ateri­ a ls . Appm)ix i MAP Belov Is a tap Vblcth shows the fiv e areas from which naqples were taken fo r testin g and the general lo catio n of the m aterials which make up the glazes in the glaze p a le tte . The sp ecific lo catio n fo r these m aterials i s given on the data sheets. HAUSER DAM TROUT ) CREEK BRIDGE LAKE HELENA H ELEN A u n io n v il l e COX LAKE AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA I. EZ3 ZCZl 5Cd 4. C d 5. C d is maa#*# o f @0&o*e& elide# o f p ats $&&##& %l$& %&a mWm& .glam a aaa & e&ide e&ow&a# eem* o f tk@ ee&oe# #&%8&a$A* S lid e #1 * $@8& dap# BSjfBt Raw* IdHPt tO Fla& t 4 # ^ 8*oaw 9*0* #a,@ a8e i 8*m» 9,0. iW *#R* &o*a* #yac%me. &o*&, . # & ,4o w 8* K ' SbswaaxRdk Ra*, l e f t Ike yl#W 8M *0Q W 1@*R* 10,&, # % * 4@ae 10*8» d%8K&eTfGkeswk &,&» iB8:p%»*j9SMa# !9*0 * #ay&*aow 10*8* #% $goae 9*m* # a f* o o m io*o% 9a&* m&9* w # 10*8» d&3&*e@#e 9*0 » SBdjMl RkMf* l e f t ike f ig h t- # lo * o m o 9*0* # 3&*oo%& $*8 * ##pe*«me 10,&+ #e& *som 10*8. 0#&**m* io*m* 10*8 * W a p * * * 10*8 * # * erne 9*#* 10*8* #lg*ooRe 10, 8 * ##E&*oo8e 9*8* SRaietb a&Mp* l e f t to e l # W % , o 08@lo ,B . # & j ,OOWWk 9,0* # 8h*owe 8*8. # 31*eoae 9*0 » # 0* om e 8*0 . # * am e 8*8* 0 * wme 8,9* 9*0 * a 4**eoM &o,%, m d*w *aa 10*0. 10,8 * f i f t h #0** l e f t to eight* #&0f*#ao& &*0* #a&a*oo&@ 10*&. 10*&* fllydooe 8*8» #00, eo&e 10*&* &o*B* $*&* # 3 , 008» 8*0* - 4BBLbp4WM&e &#*#* 0 U 3*#m@ 9 *8 , . # 0*008» 0*&# . ; #%*<#&* IOyOt ##*.008* 9*9 * @3#t& B8&f* &#% - 8*8» 10*0* IOyBt # * #m& IOyOa #@&a*88e $*R* #%Fgeme 9#0* l 0 .,Ra IOyR* aad&# #& * @8a&& OeoMe fgp . . , 81&#* # 0 * 'o M # # o a * .c#a* 9*. 18 W # ###$ SdadLIbgt g&l# W@3# #110$ #3 * *3«f9NB%N$W &Pot o w e s 0 # W W & m * 'Ww# o* I # am # 'fite * d # W i y dW »m#e8* oaia# A "* p&'M w %##»# d&3&# W W W y .ow e 0». %0 W *r # e % m id * jpgr * Bett&e lM»* re d a e tW * a#M* 10* «8» S lid e # *" &#u&*#9 Ol&ae# W * W k s m e w ~ #0$. #@a&**&88@ oo&e #* dk . bow #*$$ wWLte *em *?olol al&ge &Bea #** C e lle d d#@o##tl#a* (KMWalP* l& M ae #&*$* eeeaame ~ W W & ea# ty & lW .##&* WedRAtkoa* oomo 10* # boar f&p** ## aolsyoa doeawet&ea* KLlAo # * AoBdLl'AS8A&e*& POte 'G&88&$ &##t # '* & # # * d&l* VAAwtW^ 8080-10* #» %#W W W f' #8#L* @#2b&8%*AM&y '*%8** ' »##AtlOm* @0&8 @* 1& Awxaf #&#8» &## #&%#» Ammm m Q&&3#* C&eem&G Age* #e*#8&#B p&bl&eMa# W p * @ay* &*#$*&» #@w J e ra # * 3# 9& .' 2* Cwmte leauatp#* 3&d&8te&@& 9%l^G@%%ma* #&*a#e, H I W te * l#3b 3< B&&9F* %, B»* *28 Am or %BB b* &9aa&p Bomwd) A # $ 9# * $ Wb&tt&eeey 2&*&e$ tP8&8$S&@8tle AeSe 2a&** Be# W % 19#L 9, 8i&Gw*#)B&* mm% &m&%w poBeBa# m o cmm* D„ c @ # w * %&&** Bge-t&e#* 1 9 # 6* W&WW* Wya WW9&&6, m$&% 838* MWlBD S*M%330%8 ABD IBBBGKBBi %&8#* B m W l W*@#ei%y #e#eldge# # # # * aoWe^ttep &99D I?. w a d m w # $ mRd%w&t** %m isEORMBRi m %# mm m m , , aoelppa college BRUet&o* d m rm m t, 1993 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 762 10020623 2