Evaluation of alfalfa hay and factors affecting hay value by Jack Ira Stivers A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Animal Science Montana State University © Copyright by Jack Ira Stivers (1984) Abstract: Four experiments were conducted to evaluate factors affecting nutritional value of alfalfa (Medicago Sativa). Experiment 1 examined digestibility of low moisture (87% dry matter), medium quality alfalfa treated with anhydrous ammonia (NH3) at 3.5% of the dry matter (DM) weight. Treated and untreated alfalfa was fed alternately in two periods to four Holstein bull calves. Ammoniation raised equivalent, crude protein (CP) from 18.9 to 27.3%, a 44.7% increase. Total digestible nutrients and apparent digestion coefficients were unchanged by NH3 treatment (P>.05). In Experiment 2 six sources of first cutting alfalfa, four of second, one brome grass, and wheat straw were treated with NH3 at 3% DM weight. Proximate analyses, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) were conducted before and after treatment. Treatment with NHg did not affect (P>.05) ADF, NDF or IVDMD. Data shows an increase (P<.05) in CP although potential of the rumen to utilize the nonprotein nitrogen with alfalfa does not warrant treatment. Experiment 3 evaluated feeding long-chopped alfalfa with long alfalfa in two lactation trials. Grain was fed to balance the ration using high quality second cutting alfalfa in trial I and medium quality first cutting alfalfa in trial II. Feed intakes, milk production, milk composition and volatile fatty acid composition showed no significant (P>.05) differences which may be attributed to chopping. Experiment 4 consisted of 12 alfalfa harvest schedules based on vegetative maturity to determine DM yields, nutrient yields, nutrient correlations with protein and predicted milk production. Chemical analysis was used to calibrate a near infrared spectrometer (NIR) to determine nutrient correlations between chemical analysis and NIR predictions for Montana conditions and maturity levels. Yields of DM increased until full maturity, then declined. Schedules at 10% bloom furnished higher CP by weight while earlier cuttings resulted in higher CP percentages. Predicted milk yield, DM intake and TVDMD decreased as maturity increased. Protein correlated significantly (r=-.90;P<.05) with NDF, ADF and CF, exclusively. Correlations of r=.90 above were obtained for nutrient variables other than IVDMD where a low correlation of .76 was attributed to the limitations in wavelengths of the NIR used. EVALUATION OF' ALFALFA HAY AND FACTORS AFFECTING.HAY VALUE by JACK IRA STIVERS A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Animal Science MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana November 1984 APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Jack Ira Stivers This thesis has been read by each m e m b e r of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citation, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. !( ///2,0/%</_______ Date Chairperson, Graduate Committee Approved for the Major Department Date Head, Major Department Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the require­ ments for a master's degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules of the Library. Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission for extensive quotation from or reproduction of this thesis may be granted by my major professor, or in his/her absence, by the Director of Libraries when, in the opinion of either, the proposed use of the material is for scholarly purposes. Any copying or use of the material in this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature_______ _____________ Date &/?/?¥ T- T . iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express utmost gratitude to my major professor, Dr. B.R. (Pete) Moss, for initially making a graduate program possible, his patience, direction and implementation of experiments and suggestions in preparation of members this of my graduate Petersen, thesis. My gratitude committee making Dr. Art Linton, Dr. Ray also goes out completion possible, Ditterline, Dr. John to the Dr. Mark Bryant and Dr. Wes Kezar. The lab analysis portion of this thesis would not have been possible without the extensive assistance from Dr. Nancy Roth and Gayle Watts. My thanks to John Wenderoth, Kathy Malcolm and the staff of the MSU dairy for their assistance and humbling attitudes. of the Northwestern Agricultural Research Center Dr. Leon Welty Kalispell must be recognized for designing and harvesting the alfalfa schedules. My Animal thanks Science also goes out to the fellow graduate Department who were very encouraging, students of the informative and helpful, especially Lynn Courtney. Special thanks to Dr. Rob Keene for initially suggesting I pursue a Master's degree at MSU and to my wife. Phyllis for her patience arid help in revising this manuscript. Finally, LaRue Stivers I owe my for their special thanks to my parents, encouragement, support and which no graduate program would have been attempted. Jim Stivers and guidance, without V TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER Page A p p r o v a l ....................................... Statement of Permission Ii ............................... iii Acknowledgements . ...................................... iv Table of C o n t e n t s .......... - ............. ............ v List of Tables and F i g u r e s ............................. vii A b s t r a c t ................................................ xi 1 INTRODUCTION.............' ..............................' i 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE .................................... 4 Variation Effects within Alfalfa 4 Harvest Systems .............. 6 ........................................ Harvesting A l f a l f a ............................. .. Stand S u r v i v a l ...................................... Animal Response to Hay Quality and Maximum Yearly Nutrient Yield ................... Heat Damage to F o r a g e ........ '........................ Chemical Examples of Browning Reaction 8 . . . .............. 11 • 12 14 14 Storage at Proper Moisture ............................. 17 Detrimental Effects of Molding ................. 21 . . . . Molding due to Moisture . ............................ Influence of Mold on Animal Performance............. Chemical Curing 21 23 ........................................ 24 Hay Preservatives.................................... Animal Response Due to Acid T r e a t m e n t ............... Anhydrous Ammonia as a High Moisture Forage Preservative ............................... Application of Anhydrous Ammonia ................... 24 28 Facilitating Nutrient Analyses with NearInfrared Reflectance 29 33 34 vi CHAPTER 3 4 page Development of Near-Infrared for Biological Samples ............................... Adaptation of Near-Infrared to Grain A n a l y s i s ....................... Adaptation of NIR toForage Analysis . ............. 36 38 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE . . .............................. 46 General .................................. / ............ Experiment I - Digestibility of Anhydrous Ammonia Treated Alfalfa .......................... Experiment 2 - Analysis of Alfalfa Before and After T r e a t m e n t ............................... Experiment 3 - Long-vs-Chopped Lactation Study ............. Experiment 4 - Evaluating Harvest Schedules and NIR Calibration ................................ 46 51 52 61 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Experiment I - Digestibility of Anhydrous Ammonia Treated Alfalfa . . . . . . ............... Experiment 2 - Analysis of Alfalfa Before and After Treatment . '.............................. Experiment 3 - Lpng-vs-Chopped Lactation S t u d y .............................................. Experiment 4 - Evaluating Harvest Schedules and NIR Calibration........................ 5 47 Conclusions . ...................... A p p e n d i x ................................................ References Cited 66 74 76 80 91 94 101 vii LIST OF TABLES Table Number 1 2 Page Ratio of Lignin to Neutral Detergent Solubles (NDS) 8 Average Performance of Calves Fed Hays Baled at Various Moisture Contents during 112-day Growth Study ........................... 19 The Chemical Composition of the Hays Baled at Various Moisture Contents ............................. 20 Summary of Results with Log 1/R Reflectance Date to Predict Forage Components ..................... 40 Summary of Multiple-Linear Regression Analyses Relating Data From Chemical Analyses and Animal Response to Infrared Reflectance . . . . ............. 42 Analysis of Alfalfa Prior to Anhydrous Ammonia T r e a t m e n t .............................................. 47 Forage Identification Used in Before and After Anhydrous Ammonia Analysis Experiment ................. 56 Pairing of Cows for each Trial. Group I Receiving Long Alfalfa and Group .2 Receiving Chopped during Experimental Period .................................... 57 Composition of Alfalfa and Grain for Each T r i a l .................................................. 59 10 Ingredient Composition of Grain Diet 59 11 Percent Chemical Composition of Treated and Control Alfalfa for each Trial . . . . . ............ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 ................. Average Digestibility of Dry Matter and Chemical Components of the Treated and Control Hays When Fed to Bull Calves . 67 ........ .. . 70 Proximate Analysis, Digestibility, NDF and ADF of the Forage Before Treatment .............. .. . 72 - viii Table Number 14 15 16 17 I8 19 20 21 22 Page Proximate Analysis, Digestibility, NDF and ADF of the Forage After T r e a t m e n t ..................... 73 Nitrogen Retention and Nutrient Value Changes After Treatment ................................. 75 Comparison of Intakes, Milk Production and Milk Composition forTrials I and I I .................. 77 Characteristics of Rumen Fluid from Cows Fed Long Hay and Chopped Hay During Period II for Both T r i a l s ............................... 79 Nutrient Composition and Yields of Dry Matter, Crude Protein, In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility and Digestible Dry Matter Intake Per Acre for Each S c h e d u l e ...................................... . . 81 Predicted Daily Milk Yield for Each Cutting Based on Intake, and NEjj for a 590 kg Holstein Consuming the Alfalfa O n l y ................. 86 . Correlations Between Alfalfa Nutrient Variables ......................... . . . . . . . . . . Statistical Results and Filters From Calibration P r o c e d u r e s ........ ...................... .. Correlation Coefficients for Manual and Predicted Values .............................. .. 88 ' 89 89 ix Appendix Table Number 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Page Analysis of Variance for Hay Consumption, Lactation Trial I ......................... '........... 94 Analysis of Variance for Grain Consumption, Lactation Trial I ...................................... 94 Analysis of Variance for Milk Production, Lactation Trial I ...................................... 94 Analysis of Variance for Butterfat Production, Lactation Trial I ..................................... 95 Analysis of Variance for Solids Not Fat, Lactation Trial I ................................ 95 Analysis of Variance for Protein Production, Lactation Trial 'I . . . . .......................... . . . 95 Analysis of Variance for Hay Consumption, Lactation Trial 2 ...............■...................... 96 Analysis of Variance for Grain Consumption, Lactation Trial 2 ................................. .. 96 . Analysis of Variance for Milk Production, Lactation Trial 2 ................... ................ .. ' 96 Analysis of Variance for Butterfat Production, Lactation Trial2 ...................................... 97 Analysis of Variance for Solids Not Fat, Lactation Trial2 ...................................... 97 Analysis of Variance for Protein Production, Lactation Trial2 ...................................... 97 X List of Figures . -- Page 98 1 Initial Stages in the Maillard Reaction 2 Products From a Ketose Amino Acid R e a c t i o n ........ .. 99 3 Decomposition of Defructoseglycine (DFG) . . . '......... 99 ............ . xi ABSTRACT Four experiments were conducted to evaluate factors affecting nutritional value of alfalfa (Medicago Sativa). Experiment I examined digestibility of low moisture (87% dry matter), medium quality alfalfa treated with anhydrous ammonia (NHg) at 3.5% of the dry matter (DM) weight. Treated and untreated alfalfa was fed alternately in two periods to four Holstein bull calves. Ammoniation raised equivalent crude protein (CP) from 18.9 to 27.3%, a 44.7% increase. Total digestible nutrients and apparent digestion coefficients were unchanged by NHg treatment (P>.05). In Experiment 2 six sources of first cutting alfalfa, four of second, one brome grass, and wheat straw were treated with NHg at 3% DM weight. Proximate analyses, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) were conducted before and after treatment. Treatment with NHg did not affect (P>.05) ADF, NDF or IVDMD. Data shows an increase (P<.05) in CP although potential of the rumen to utilize the nonprotein nitrogen with alfalfa does not warrant treatment. Experiment 3 evaluated feeding long-chopped alfalfa with long alfalfa in two lactation trials. Grain was fed to balance the ration using high quality second cutting alfalfa in trial I and medium quality first cutting alfalfa in trial II. Feed intakes, milk production, milk composition and volatile fatty acid composition showed no significant (P>.05) differences which may be attributed to chopping. Experiment 4 consisted of 12 alfalfa harvest schedules based on vegetative maturity to determine DM yields, nutrient yields, nutrient correlations with protein and predicted milk production. Chemical analysis was Used to calibrate a near infrared spectrometer (NIR) to determine nutrient correlations between chemical analysis and NIR predictions for Montana conditions and maturity levels. Yields of DM increased until full maturity, then declined. Schedules at 10% bloom furnished higher CP by weight while earlier cuttings resulted in higher CP percentages. Predicted milk yield, DM intake and XVDMD decreased as maturity increased. Protein correlated significantly (r = - .90; P < .05) with NDF, ADF and CF, exclusively. Correlations of r = .90 above were obtained for nutrient variables other than IVDMD where a low correlation of .76 was attributed to the limitations in wavelengths of the NIR used. I CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The economy during the last several decades, grain feeding to ruminants. and greater has allowed liberal The result has been higher energy intakes productivity. This response is due to the lower bulk of concentrate diets and a decrease in the proportion of feed energy used for maintenance. However, animal agriculture on the grounds that consumption of result in efficient is in direct cereal energy returns and competition for of grain to human and alcohol diets and continued (Waldo and Jorgensen, human decrease. population increasing to 6 billion world grains come under attack by animals does not that an animal's use of grain potential surpluses in the United States will has by food. Concentrate This will result from the year 2 ,0 0 0 , a conversion 1981). of Increased grain demand shift to sugar for grain will elevate prices and force the animal industry to seek alternative •feed energy sources. The ruminant sector of the animal industry should logically lead the way toward maximum forage utilization. Ruminants are uniquely suited to utilize fibrous feedstuffs to the interaction of the forage source and rumen microbiota. forage to ruminants results in due Feeding production of food for humans from material that is little digested or utilized by humans. a 2 Ruminant forestomach fermentation may not always be advantageous. Fermentation of diets that contain large proportions of high quality protein and readily available carbohydrate may reduce nutrient utilization due to losses of heat, methane and ammonia. Forages and beef comprise cattle percent forage quality feed about 90 and respectively. (Hodgson, is Dairy 1977). critical 84 percent of cattle and rate producing cows 72 percent of need (Adams, a because digestion total diets contain about 63 Providing the dairy animal with high energy there is a limitation to the physical by extent the diet for sheep requirements capacity or intake, (Moss, ration are dry 1 982). matter 1977) which is impossible For (DM) high and controlled example, high digestibility of to attain unless excel­ lent hay or corn silage is fed, in addition to grain. Producing forages become a major factors have time of challenge been harvest and yield most), the application altering shown of meeting for dairy to influence (considered the the necessary nutritionists. Many the feeding value factor that affects quality of has different forages: forage quality reducing field and storage loss of nutrients through of the forage etc. , and capable increasing high moisture by grinding, the forage pelleting, digestibility and preservatives, physically dehydrating, chopping, nutritional value of low quality forages by treatment with strong bases or ammoniation. Accurate and precise assessment of forage quality before a forage is fed to animals will have a marked effect on the economic feasibility of feeding and supplementing such feeds. dure being tested is near infrared The most promising new proce­ reflectance spectroscopy, which 3 can often analyze a sample in less than 1/100 the time of conventional laboratory procedures. In producer an and utilization effort to livestock of evaluate'factors feeder forages under that may to optimize Montana benefit the forage the nutritional conditions, four yield and experiments were conducted with the following objectives: 1. Determine if anhydrous ammonia treatment of medium quality alfalfa (Medicago Sativa) hay will improve nutrient content and digestibility. 2. Determine if treatment with anhydrous ammonia will alter nutritive quality and in vitro digestibility of first and second cutting alfalfa. 3• Determine the effects of chopped and unchopped high and medium quality alfalfa on fat corrected milk yields of lactating dairy cows. 4. Determine nutrient yields for alfalfa harvested from 12 different harvest schedules at Kalispell, Montana. 5. Determine the correlations between crude protein and other nutrients parameters using the data from the 1 2 harvest schedules. 6 . .Determine accuracy of near infrared reflectance using the alfalfa analysis obtained from the 12 harvest schedules. ■ 7• Determine if maturity of samples affects the prediction of near infrared reflectance. 4 CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Variation Effects Within Alfalfa Genetic variation exists within forage species value and/or components contributing to nutritive value Cooper et determined a l . 1962, Chaverra et al. the variation existing for 1967). for (Elliott 1963, Allison et components nutritive al. (1969) of nutritive value within and between populations of Medicago Sativa L ., Medicago falcata L,., Medicago techniques. glutinosa The range (DMD) , within L . and Medicago of values of populations was Coerulea L ., using, laboratory percent from 45.0 dry matter to 27.1 disappearance percent (Medicago Satiya) to 33.3 to 27*7 percent (Medicago glutinosa). The corresponding range (Medicago between population means was to 26.3 percent (Medicago falcata). value were characterized by being 35.4 percent Satival Clones of high estimated nutritive relatively low in fibrous or cell wall constituents. Hansen and Krueger (1973) evaluated three alfalfa cultivars (T3X-8 hybrid, T3X-8 Saranac, hybrid and Vernal). alfalfa DM yields were than for Vernal higher for when moisture was Saranac and optimum. On dryland, however, there were no yield differences between the cultivars. T3X-8 was generally lowest in crude was highest in CP late in the season. Anchor, Saranac, Thor, .Vernal protein (CP) content and Vernal Wilson et al. (1973) and Washoe for nutrient compared availability, 5 digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME). nutrients (TDW), D E , ME Total digestible and digestion coefficients of the nutrients, except ether extract (EE), were not influenced by cultivar. White and Bergman (1980) determined the CF and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD)' of Anchor, Vernal, Thor, certain Ranger, varieties grown at Sidney, and Olympia produced the most DM yield, while Washoe produced the least in a total of three years. Digestibility MSA-75-1, NO-83 and being the varied digestible considerably lower findings of by cuttings Narragansett were and Washoe were less Wilson Montana. among cultivars. more digestible than the other in digestibility, et al. (1973) cuttings for two Generally, while Ranger cultivars with Washoe which Crude does not protein agree with content alone did not indicate digestibility, as MSA-75-1 was one of the most digestible cultivars, but contained the least CP. These findings have been supported by LaMontagne (1980; unpublished data) where 36 alfalfa samples (cultivars unknown) were analyzed for acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), CF and IVDMD. CF and IVDMD, ADF, NDF. Correlations were not significant among Further finding by Wilson et al. (1973) showed Washoe was one of the lowest cultivars for DM production,.digestibility, CF and phosphorus levels, and Narragansett was one of the highest. in digestibility, CF and phosphorus content. Ditterline Montana. insect el al. (1979) Recommended resistance, outlined cultivars and are adaptation the based from recommended upon yield, extensive and federal forage research scientists in Montana. cultivars for disease and testing by state 6 To date, cultivars is nutrient production and unknown. These data animal could response greatly of recommended ■ benefit the forage producers when evaluating varieties. HARVEST SYSTEMS When and pounds feeding that evaluating harvesting of digestible should field be major cured hay systems, dry matter criteria. generally (DDM) percentage lost a 2 to of during Logan and Hillman suffers loss in addition to a 15 to 20 the 6 nutrients storage (1975) percent packaging systems on available nutrients and stated DM percent DM -harvest loss. and storage Effects of DM losses vary greatly; for example, large package systems (230 - 909 kg) may result in greater storage and feeding losses. Logan and Hillman large hay package systems weighing 543 kg, package system (16 kg). (1975) compared three 495 kg, 254 kg to a small The large packages showed additional weathering losses during storage of 10.1, Martin (1980) determined that 10.8 and 19.5 percent DM respectively. conventional bales lose 3 to 8 percent DM as compared to large round packages that lose I to 15 percent DM. Higher harvest losses of large round packages were attributed to: I) light windows, 2 ) slow travel speeds, 3 ) very low moisture concentration and 4) badly weathered hay. Wells stored neutral et outside a l . ( 1977) under detergent packages were compared thesame solubles inferior after large conditions packages and small bales, using a ratio of lignin (NDS) to measure a 270 day nutrient storage ' (Table loss. I). to Large Greater losses incurred by large packages are mainly due to increased amounts 7 of exposed surface area. Unweathered portions of large packages do not change appreciably in chemical composition or digestibility during storage. The weathered fractions,, (exposed periphery) h o w e v e r , do undergo significant changes. Handling and feeding losses of large of system used and how the package is fed. predict a 23 to 39 percent DM loss when feeding on well drained sites field be consumed one in one week. week will become Hay less feeding to palatable. (1975) Racks Rides and Bowers (1 977) the cattle and hay not feeding more hay exposed type hays. to prevent from standing in muddy conditions, and vary with Logan and Hillman can reduce this loss to less than 4 percent. suggest packages the weather Lechtenberg than can for more et than a l . (1 974) reported that waste ranged from 35 to 46 percent when large haystacks were fed to cattle and amounts wasted when using a feeding rack dropped to 3 -7 percent. fed without racks Large forage cost of hay. offset haying haymaking These and Determining added producers. percent more hay .was needed when hay was Lechtenberg et a l .(I 974). package producers. of Thirty-two nutrient systems permit if systems loss, greatly rapid, ease and are high becoming decrease very labor, capacity harvest economy is a decision of large that must popular with reduce and package be made the storage systems by the 8 Table I Ratio of Lignin to Neutral Detergent Solubles (NDS) 270 day storage Lignin: NDS ratio Initial ratio 1:5-71 Interior portion of bale Conventional bales Big round bales 1:4.76 1:4.16 Surface (15 cm layer) 1 :1.66 1 :2.86 Sides Top Bottom I :3.57 Source: Wells et al. 1977. HARVESTING ALFALFA The primary factor which influences forage quality is the maturity of plants at the time of harvest (Hibbs and Conrad 1975). Yield of DM and contribution of leaves and stems to DM yield at different stages of maturity were investigated by Kilcher and Heinrichs (1979) by taking first cuttings of Roamer immature to late alfalfa at a wide range of maturities (very bloom). Dry matter yield increased at a constant rate from the very immature stage to the half-bloom stage of maturity. Thereafter, increased increased after and up yield linearly linearly that. Thus, leaves was 60 change increased percent but at throughout until at early equal; whereas and leaves in leaf-to-stem total harvested plant. the flowering the at only ratio a 40 declining rate. entire period. commenced, late percent affects bloom of energy Leaf then did flowering stage, the Stem DM yield the and DM yield, not increase the yield of stems stage, total CP stems yield. content of made This the 9 Kilcher nearly a and Heinrichs constant value (1974) determined throughout all the DE stages of of leaves to development. be The DE of the leaves declined in their study only from 73 to 70 percent. However, leaf in stems stage CP and in DE DE stems, to 47 percent of leaves yield declined rapidly at leveled continued the from 70 early out when bloom percent stage. flowering to increase. Crude at the early Yield of commenced; protein and both whereas DE yields for whole plant material declined at nearly a constant rate from very immature stage to late bloom. results when 11 testing Porter and Reynolds (1975) showed similar alfalfa cultivars for specific leaf weight, plant density, and concentrations of CP, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. with plant Dry matter yield of cultivars was positively correlated density but not correlated with specific leaf weight or with concentration in the forage of any of the elements stated. First cutting date not only affects forage yield and quality but also yields of succeeding cuts (McGuffey and Hillman 1976). and Winch cuttings), (1974) first During regrowth, to flower from (3 three harvest cuttings), following harvest, produce mature mainly compared stems. stubble of After the full of flower early (2 bud (4 cuttings). many early developing buds failed each most and schedules Singh harvest, recently regrowth harvested originated stems. reductions occurring in successive regrowths of each harvest were mainly due to the production of smaller stems. Yield schedule Increased growth rates following more mature cutting stages resulted mainly from faster elongation of stems developing from larger buds. 10 Peterson DM yield at for a Hagan per (1953) season was five-week intervals week in cutting intervals. hectare long and increased 50 .to 60 as carotene increased as is and per which alfalfa was stage 3 for after and the either (1953) until and al. (1960) crude conducted the pre-bud, then all plots cut that but and lignin same 1 /2 stage bloom in the During the 3 years of differential treatment, the greatest when all alfalfa was significant difference during previous decreased protein for 4 years in protein yield alfalfa was cut at the 1/10 bloom stage. the yield cutting interval DM yield was produced by alfalfa cut at the bloom stages. season, DM bloom and the or four the (CF) a trial at cut which may be as fiber 1 /1 0 bud, three showed cutting; total grass were two, full bloom, previous declined the largest becomes more mature and as cut at years fourth year. et al. cutting hectare Weir et that alfalfa and comparison with per the alfalfa lengthened. obtained when Jones days demonstrated in all in yield three cut at despite seasons. circumstances the same the However, and nutrient The greatest In the fourth stage, difference there was in treatment total .yield may yield per no not be hectare .may be enhanced as shown by McGuffy and Hillman (1976) when they employed three harvest [C] 2 late schedules cuttings) year schedule, ([A] 3 early cuttings, [B] 3 late to determine yearly yield and quality. A produced 563*63 and 800 kg more DM, 217*2 cuttings, For the and 41.81 kg more CP, 512.72 and 700 kg more TDN than schedules B and C, respectively. 11 Stand Survival The goal of high of the alfalfa producer is to obtain the largest yield quality forage Recovery rate after consistent with harvesting, reasonable total vegetative stand survival. growth and winter survival are all closely associated with the carbohydrate root reserves of alfalfa to produce (Ditterline new sufficient plant top top growth et al. growth, growth 1979). and continue to manufacture requirements Root (Grandfield has shown that the concentration be used enough until In after forage used there is to meet general, nonst r u c t i o n a l time are carbohydrates 1 935). of in alfalfa roots decreases for a to carbohydrates research carbohydrates is harvested and then increases as photosynthate is translocated to the roots. Pearce 45 percent et al. (1 969) found that during a 18-day regrowth period, of the carbon .in the defoliated plant was lost to respiration, leaching, and sloughing while 19 percent appeared in the new top growth. and Silva (1969) accounted carbohydrates in respiration, of the new roots and carbohydrates; for 1 5 percent defoliation of carbohydrate was associated and reduced yields (Cooper and Watson 1968). nonstructional schedules carbohydrate (8 , 6 , 5, 4, 3, root nonstructional while 66 percent was used in production tops. ■ Frequent low of Smith trends and in Buffalo 2 cuts alfalfa with stand Reynolds (1971) alfalfa per year) at for 2 decreased loss compared six harvest years. Root carbohydrate levels in the first year were generally lowest when cut eight year. times, and the stand was very sparse at the end of the first The greatest drop in carbohydrate concentration usually occurred after the first harvest of the year. Under a uniform harvest schedule 12 in the third year, the two cut, three cut, and four cut treatments had the most vigorous and productive stands. Alfalfa was cut to harvested determine the at various effects of stages of development both summer harvests and of first different fall rest periods on the productivity, quality of crops and persistence of Saranac and Narragansett alfalfas (Macleod et al. 1972) . DM yields with high CF and IVDMD obtained in the first year under However, early maturity of vigor, year. severe early harvest, did in which all Ditterline bloom not and Narragansett were early maturity regimes cutting managements. resulted of alfalfa at prebud stage, stage before markedly a l . ( 1979) fall improve cuts during the et Saranac, in a rapid decline stand deterioration and weed invasion in the second First harvest cuts at cutting of Satisfactory rest alfalfa season were recommends with period two and persistence a subsequent late fall over systems taken at vegetative stages. cutting alfalfa under Montana conditions at 10 percent bloom, stating this is the best time to obtain high concentrations of feed nutrients in the forage, high yields and to allow for high root carbohydrate replenishment. Animal Response to Hav Quality and Maximum Yearly Nutrient Yield The best indicator of forage quality is the amount of digestible forage DM or DE a cow can eat in 24 hours per unit of metabolic size (Hibbs and Conrad to harvesting, reduced 1975). forage (Moss 1982). As forage digestibility crops advance decreases Meyer et al. (I960) and forage prior intake is conducted a four year study on the influence of stage of maturity on the value energy source for sheep. in maturity of alfalfa as an Changes in lignin content and gains of lambs 13 fed hay harvested at different stages of maturity indicated the critical turning point stems have value to be when 10 percent of the in feeding value appears one did not or more blossoms. After 10 percent (1977) compared the feeding value harvested at first, second and third cutting. the feeding change as markedly as between earlier maturity stages. Horton and Holmes as bloom, digestibility of organic matter and between alfalfa Alfalfa intake decreased cellulose increased, to result in similar intakes of digestible organic matter for all treatments. Reid et al. (1959) noted a linear - 3 .0 kg of hay equivalent decline in maximum intake from 2.5 per 45.45 kg of body weight for forage harvested early June to 0.5 - 0.77 kg for forage harvested in mid-July when at dairy the Conrad cows were rate et of 0.45 al. used as kg for ( 1962) test animals and concentrates were fed 1 . 36 each showed the or effects 1.81 kg of advancing maturity digestibility, DM intake and milk production. from 15.45 a result kg of per the Decreased intake production per slower kg live weight rate along with 454.5 less than 9.09 kg. chopped 454.54 of passage to produced. on Dry matter intake decreased to about of the decreased kg live weight of milk the 11.81 kg which is ingested digestibility decrease from material. caused milk 19.31 kg to Hibbs and Conrad (1975) showed that as daily green forage matured, percent digestibility, voluntary DM. intake and milk production decreased, requiring increased grain supplementation to keep production at 19*31 kg a day. The optimum time to harvest depends oh the producer's goals; higher returns from his forage due to increased animal performance are more important than the price received for higher yields of lower digestible 14 forages. If the producer's goal is maximum DM production, he must sacrifice maximum digestibility of energy and protein, (Stallcup 1979). HEAT DAMAGE TO FORAGE Chemical Examples of Browning Reaction Rohweder by chemical and Collins oxidation (1980) explain (burning of that heat sugars in damage forage is caused material), and that such oxidation produces a compound known as artifact lignin formed by combining nitrogen with lignin compounds in the plant. is known as the Maillard Reaction of organic chemistry, groups of proteins react with carbonyl groups of This process in which amino carbohydrates to form an indigestible compound (Waldo, 1979). The reaction of carbonylic compounds with amino compounds can initiate a sequence of reactions frequently referred to as non-enzymatic browning which flavors. lead to the formation ■ of brown The most extensively studied form of non-enzymatic browning is the Maillard Reaction (Hodge, amines, amino acids, usually with intermediates produce feeds carbohydrates, and highly contain peptides, involve colored reaction occurs will 1953)• In general, amino compounds, and proteins which produce are pigments (McWeeny and the active highly condensation with these reactants pigments and off these in reactions, reactive carbonylic intermediates et al. , 1974). extent depend on the moisture to which content, Almost the pH, is. the present reducing such as sugar pentoses, content hexoses, of .a feed or and the disaccharides, all browning and temper­ ature a feed is exposed to during processing and/or storage. it to type which Frequently of sugars determine 15 the rate at which nonenzymatic browning occurs and the reaction of these sugars with amino acids (McWeeny et al., 1974). McWeeny et al. (1974) summarized the enzymatic browning and indicated the major Figure with I of the glycine, right appendix shows a reversible low-moisture systems, resultant glycosylamine to a acid catalysis, chemistry of features the initial reaction, the in known of ketoseamine. the reaction. condensation of glucose equilibrium therefore no’ n- lying to favoring formation of the the This arrangement requires and the amino acid function acts as its own catalyst, the ketoseamine being formed immediately. These are stable compounds but more reactive than ketoses. Analogous products from a corresponding aldoseamine which or amine give of the to appendix. the The diamino fourth ketose can add sugar step is amino a and the acid reaction are second mole is of illustrated degradation the amino acid in of Figure the 2 amino sugars to amino; and non-amino containing compounds which are believed to be the reactive intermediates lead to the production of brown colors and/or aromas. Decomposition of difructoseglycine is a complex stage and involves a series of degradations probably occurring concurrently, importance system. of The the relative the various routes depending on the particular reaction decomposition of difructoseglycine (Figure 3, appendix) has a maximum rate at pH 5.5 and yields a quantative amount of fructoseglycine together with hexosuloses and (Anet, I 962). the cis- other carbonylic compounds such as 3 -deoxy- and trans- forms of unsaturated hexosuloses 16 In Maillard reactions involving glucose and glycine, the concentration of its large turnover defructose-glycine insures the is products browned rapidly comparatively formation of carbonyl decomposition products (Anet 1959). they, and in a large low, amount but of the Since these decomposition turn be main precursors of the brown pigments. (at pH 5.5), defructose-glycine, may This mechanism should also apply in the case of other aldoses and other primary aliphatic amines but may not be .the most important under more acid or alkaline conditions (Anet 1959). Carbonylic from in sugars this compounds by case thermal be much of all these decomposition, higher types can though be formed the directly temperature (McWeeny et al., 1974). must Brown pigments or melanoidins are produced.by a fifth stage involving the carbonylic intermediates, with but each especially the unsaturated carbonyH s , other leading or with eventually amino moities, to highly possibly colored, condensing either in a random manner fluorescent macromolecular pigments (McWeeny et al., 1974). Goering and Van Soest temperature, and non-enzymatic pH on the browning. (1967) determined the effect relative This susceptibility experiment was of moisture, of conducted forages to by heating orchardgrass and alfalfa in flasks with varying amounts of water (8-82%) and buffer in an oven (40 to 10O C) for various lengths of time (4-72 hrs.). Extent of browning was soluble nitrogen or 4.5 6.5 with and increase in assayed pepsin digestion. acetic acid acid-detergent and by acid fiber Buffering orchardgrass phosphate, fiber detergent respectively, nitrogen with the in­ at pH caused an lower pH. In 17 alfalfa, no differences with pH could be found. greatest over 20-^0% moisture .range Susceptibility appeared with orchardgrass. Alfalfa susceptibility was high and relatively constant over the 20- 80% moisture range. Hemicellulose content decreased in severely browned samples and it appeared to be one of the carbohydrate sources for browning. STORAGE AT PROPER MOISTURE Biological processes that cause nutrient losses and lower digesti­ bility are closely linked during storage. to moisture content and As moisture content increases, DM is lost and nutrients become less digestible (Von Bergen 1978). et al. ( 1967) , demonstrates air dry basis, was ADF of relatively baling. and this constant The 3 showed regardless ash, Table 2, adapted from Miller concept. the hays in Table There was more that the of moisture cell wall chemical constituents, baled at this, Miller lower moisture et al. (1967) content determined primarily readily fermentable (Miller (1972) observations that at time cellulose content al. CP of and than in 1967). From that remaining portions of the carbohydrates, the moisture content at time of baling increased. and Gordon’s et analyses, percentage content lignin in the hays baled at higher moisture those forage, temperature of hay decreased as This confirms Barnes progressively higher moisture contents at baling were subsequently shown to be related to increased levels of ADF and lignin after storage, along with depressed digestibility of both gross energy and CP. Performance of beef animals decreases, in general, content at baling of alfalfa and native hay increases 1967) • Miller et al. (1967) showed average weight as moisture (Miller et al. gains of calves 18 fed hay baled at lower moisture contents were higher fed hays baled at higher moisture content (Table 2). was similar, of the although hay baled (1 978) noted milk there was at higher a trend moisture production in dairy than of those Daily feed consumption toward lowered content. consumption However, Von Bergen cows was maintained when fed hay at moisture contents below 40 percent level. If hay is put into stacks or packaged at low moisture and protected from weathering, fewer nutrient 1980). Moser (1980) However, A loss is significant, losses states one year conditions. of storage Absolute that, during due storage to oxidation, and loss is greater on the outside or packages than toward the center. after occur are losses vitamin stacks Carotene losses of 50 to 75 percent common regardless are of (Moser greatest of the hay in hay with high storage initial content of carotene, such as in high quality alfalfa. Moisture concentrations for not well defined. of less (1977) than and less 20 percent regardless than 25 percent Overall recommendations Conrad than 1975) 20 storage of all hay types are Lechtenberg (1978) suggests a moisture concentration suggests less outside. safe generally agreed percent moisture, of package for type, large hay whereas Simms packages stored (Martin 1980, Von Borgen 1978, Hibbs that native alfalfa hay at should 15 be percent baled at and large packages at less than 25 percent. Perennial moisture at Collins forages generally the suggested 1980). Rohweder contain between 70 stages of harvest for and Collins (1980), and 80 percent silage (Rohweder and recommend that moisture contents above 70 percent in direct cut silage may result in undesirable Table 2. Average Performance of Calves Fed Hays Baled at Various Moisture Contents during 112-day Growth Studya . Percent moisture at time of baling Alfalfa hay Item 26.2 35.2 Native hay 53.4 58.5 19.2 34.1 43.5 ‘ 50.8 Weight, kg. Initial 169 0.27° 0.l9d 181 175 ITS o.4ib 169 CXJ O.U2b ■173 O Daily gain 166 0.17C 181 184 o.i6c .08* H XO ■Feed consumed, kg. a 5.2b 13. Ib 13.2b CO Per kg. gain 5 .i,b ,a Daily6 18.3° 4.4b . 24.6* 4 . ob 4 . ob 3. 8 b 3.8b 1 5 .7b 23.2 6 23.7° 47.2* . Each value is the average of 5 steers. The alfalfa hay data and the native hay data were subjected to separate analysis of variance with Duncan's Multiple Range Test used to indicate which treatments differ from each other within each type of hay. bcdCoefficients with different subscripts are different at the 0.01 level of probability. Q * Includes O.U5 kg. of supplement each calf received daily with the native hay. Source: Miller et al. 1967. ' Table 3. The Chemical Composition of the Hays Baled at Various Moisture Contentsa . Percent moisture at time of baling Alfalfa hay_______________ Hative hay Composition, % 26.2 35.2 53.4 58.5 19.2 34.1 43.5 50.8 Dry Matter 91.5 90.2 90.6 58.5 90.9 90.4 88.6 87.6 9.6 9.8 11.0 11.4 8.8 8.8 8.9 9.2 18.3 19.4 20.4 18.1 8.2 8.2 8.0 8.6 k.S) 4.8 4.5 . 4.9 4.9 3.2 3.2 3.2 Cell wall constituent 44.9. 4l.8 46.7 46.8 63.8 67.2 69.4 67.3 Acid detergent fiber 30.4 31.6 39.9 4o.o 42.7 49.6 48.8 50.3 Cellulose 22.9 23.5 27.1 28.0 30.6 31.7 33.2 31.6 W-free extract 38.4 37.2 33.8 29.5 42.5 41,3 38.2 37.8 7.2 7-5 10.7 10.3 7-0 10.3 10.5 11.0 Ash Crude protein Water-soluble carbohydrates Acid detergent lignin aChemical analyses were made after samples were standardized at atmospheric conditions. Source: Miller et al. 1967» 21 fermentation, and seepage due to squeezing of water out of plant material movement of soluble nutrients out of the silo .with the water. Logan and Hillman (1975) found alfalfa will retain 70 percent moisture without seepage at normal silo pressures, when the forage has wilted to 70 be dryer, percent moisture. but most of the loads will A desirable moisture for suggesting filling silos Later loads will be 50 percent moisture or more. silages is 65 percent (Rohweder and Collins 1980 ) . Moisture heating. content Heating will during occur storage to some is related extent in to all the forage degree material unless it contains less than 15 percent moisture (Martin 1980). (1979) explains that allowing forages to wilt of Waldo before .ensiling to the suggested 65 percent will reduce field losses, but raise storage losses. Wilting can produce silages that have excessive heating. Corn silage that silage is is too too wet dry has Rohweder and has excessive protein excessive heating Collins 65 percent moisture, (1980) and state degradation; corn energy during that loss ensiling material that feeding. at 50 to excluding, air by packing and storing in a tight container are the best ways of preventing heat damage. DETRIMENTAL EFFECTS OF MOLDING Molding due to Moisture Forage, to be stored satisfactorily as hay (long or baled), should be about this and 80 percent greater during harvesting. DM DM, depending on environmental content, field loss of leaves conditions. is At considerable Rapid drying of leaves as compared to stems reduces nutrient and DM yields due to leaf shatter (Thomas, 1978). 22 Hay storage at a moisture content higher than the critical level results in continued plant respiration, mold growth, and the development of excess heat. Detrimental effects of high moisture content at the time of storage have been measured as is the degree of continued respira­ tion, the extent reduction in of heat development, digestibility, chemical the amount of mold composition of hay, developed> and animal production responses when fed this material (Barnes and Gordon, 1972). Using a (1 96 5) controlled determined heat and fresh alfalfa fresh material environment production, at chamber, Wilkinson and moisture, and weight losses of wilted different storage temperatures. at 7 »2 C would exceed field cured Fresh material losses freezing, They showed stored at 15.5 C would exceed DM losses of field-cured alfalfa after approximately 13 days of storage. in storage. Hall until alfalfa may it be curing losses after stored at -1.1 had Fresh material stored been in stored at to four weeks C would not exceed field- storage 3.8 three several months. After C indefinitely without loss. Respiration losses of stored alfalfa increased at storage temperature above 25 C and moisture contents greater than 10 percent. Miller et al. (1967) investigated the effect of moisture content at time of baling, as reflected through changes in temperature following baling, upon the nutritive value of alfalfa and native hay. 58.5 baled at moisture percent, and native hay was baled at moisture contents of 19.2, 3 4 .1 , and to eight 50.8 percent. Maximum of 2 6 .2 , 3 5 .2 , 53.4,. and hay was 43.5, contents Alfalfa temperatures were days following storage and peaked at 45 and lignin increased as moisture reached to 60 C. at Ash, four ADF content at time, of baling increased. 23 Apparent digestibility of CP decreased the four moisture levels of alfalfa and 3 .3 , 1 .7 , 0 .9 , and units for 0.6 percentage Digestible units energy for also the native hay, four declined 2 .0 , 1.8, 1.3; and 2.7, 2.5, and 11.5, 11.5, 8.0, and 5.1 percentage moisture levels as moisture levels of native hay. increased: 2.2, 1.9, and 1.9 percentage units for alfalfa respectively. When beef calves were fed the forage in digestibility trials, calves that received hay baled at lower moisture contents gained faster and more efficiently hay baled at higher moisture contents. than those that received There was no significant difference in feed intake between the two groups. Influence of Mold on Animal PerformannA Poorer animal performance from feeding moldy hay has been related to lower nutrient weight gains of digestibility. dairy Mohanty et al. (1967) steers fed badly percent of those fed good quality hay. with on 1.8 kg grain daily as compared the moldy hay hay. Dry matter decreased to 85 molded alfalfa were that only 7 5 . When steers were supplemented to 0 . 9 percent kg of grain daily, of those on needed per kg body weight gain was for the two-grain feeding levels with well-cured hay; kg respectively for moldy hay. reported gains good-quality 14.54 and 17.44 16. 29 and 22.71 Average digestible DM, energy, protein, CF, and nutritive value index for. good and moldy hay were 64.5, 60.3; 63.7, 63.9; 7 6 .0 , 65-3; 56.2, 71.2 and 61.2, 50. for well-cured and moldy hay fed steers, respectively. In similar of 2 two feeding chemical percent and experiments by Burt et al. (1976), two hays composition produced rates of decline 6 percent of initial yield of in milk yield per week when used as 24 part of the maintenance ration. It was found that when the hay- associated with the 6 percent decline was included in the maintenance ration, together with molassed sugar beet pulp and 1 . 8 kg concentrate per 3-785 liter of milk, milk yield was depressed and the digestibility of dry and organic matter, (NFE) were reduced. energy, Addition nitrogen, of 900 and nitrogen-free extract grams per day to the diet containing the poor hay did not alleviate Examination of this hay for fungal counts of more than 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 00 of hay Aspergillus which is and not contamination of species. apparently moldy may owing to fungal contamination, These results give poor these effects. showed per gram including large Penicillium concentrates total spore contaminations indicate productive that results and may be an important cause of field cases of unexplained poor productivity in dairy herds. CHEMICAL CURING Hav Preservatives Knapp et al. (1976) stated that DM losses, and digestibility decreases due to heating, at greater than 25 production. primarily ■ Mold percent moisture growth responsible deterioration. development It is in not only for the desirable inadequately are weathering, serious decreases heating to cured hay can and packaging problems quality of hay which devise hay compositional changes treatments in forage but it is causes further so be. prevented that due mold to the lack of optimal conditions for packaging. Early investigators treated wet hay with over 100 chemicals and found trichlorophenol to be one of the most mycostic chemicals investi­ gated. With 40 percent DM hay in .jars, a relation between days for 25 mold to appear and application rate of triohlorophenol was established. Later, at trichlorophenol was the rate hay but of 4.09 did not to sprayed on hay at the baler 15.9 kg/1.016 prevent mold metric sufficiently tons to pick-up apron of 70 be percent termed a DM success (Hopkins and Wiant, 1956). Two types of hay preservatives have been widely investigated. They are organic acids or their salts, such as propionic acid, ammonium isobutyrate, and anhydrous ammonia. acid, have strong fungicidal effective preservatives applied 3:2 and a mixture Organic acids, especially propionic properties, of and have high-moisture hay. of acetic and propionic been Huber acid promoted as et al. (1972) 0.5 at percent 1.5 percent of the DM weight to 40 percent moisture hay in large three-ton moisture stacks, and treatment. compared conventional Acid to stacks bales at 23 decreased DM losses visible mold of high-moisture hay, feed. Dry matter intakes of 23 (percent percent and 40 percent moisture without (28 percent vs 17 body weight) acid percent) but heifers readily ate of percent were and the moldy lower and daily gains were higher for acid-treated hays with 0.5 percent treatment being higher (OMD) was percent acid than all higher acid temperature for 23 treatment treatment of others. 40 Although percent moisture than. 0 . 5 percent percent moisture increases which organic matter appeared to stacks acid had be and digestibility bales and treatment, decreased the cause it appears DM losses of 1.5 and decreased OMD. McGuffey et al. (1973) moisture had less reported that alfalfa at 17 to 28 percent temperature rise w hen a higher concentration of 26 acid treatments were 0.42 percent used. ammonium For example, propionate percent propionic and 0 . 2 1 hay exceeded all (ADF-N) were percent temperatures. highest for had 0.70 lower respectively treatments combined the (McGuffey at 28 or 0.5 to 3.9 to three weeks of average ADF and et al., 1973). propionic, storage, for treated and untreated lots. isobutrate or 0.51 to 3.9 but untreated percent ADF-N to 1 . 6 as hay entered after which for the and other et al. (1974) percent ammonium the baler. They during the first temperature was Treatment with 0.65 percent moisture McGuffey found reduced temperatures (2 to 15 degrees C lower) one than 0.35 and 13.4 and 29.6 percent treated 45 percent moisture alfalfa with 0 . 3 5 isobutrate temperatures and Acid detergent fiber and ADF-nitrogen untreated hay than propionic ammonium propionate, lowest for untreated at 17 percent moisture, greater percent similar percent ammonium propionic had lower ADF-N (0.4 to 0 . 1 7 percent compared to .59% for untreated). Two evaluate experiments were conducted the of effectiveness by propionic Sheaffer ■ and acid and Clark (1975) to ammonium isobutrate in preventing mold growth. Application was done manually on alfalfa- timothy percent moisture. hay with 31 or 40 Preserving effects of the two compounds were not significant; however, there were significant differences in rates necessary to preserve the hay at a given moisture level. Hay baled at 3 1 percent moisture content and treated with preservatives at rates of 1 . 5 to 2 . 0 percent by weight had significantly lower storage temperatures and significantly higher IVDMD than untreated hay and hay 3.0 and 5.0 sprayed at the percent were 1.0 percent effective rate. Application rates of in significantly reducing storage 27 temperatures and maintaining forage quaility of hay baled at 40 percent moisture. Similarly, hay was Knapp et al. (1976) effectively preserved reported from mold that 32 percent moisture and fungi by propionic when the amount applied equalled one percent of the hay weight. rates of less than one percent did or dry weight loss during storage. rate, the acid fiber treatment did digestibility not of not effectively acid Application prevent heating Even when applied at an effective increase protein the hay. percentage, Results found IVDMD, or by Kjelgaard et al. (1977) after applying organic acids to high moisture hay as compared I) high-moisture alfalfa hay, 25 to 35 percent to field- cured were: moisture, weight I to 2 treated with organic acid at showed increased DM yield per hectar; percent of wet forage 2) chemically treated hay had less temperature rise in storage when compared with untreated hay baled at was observed, the same moisture content; 3) no change in CF content but there was higher available protein and ADF; 4) animal intake and acceptability were higher for acid treated than field-cured; 5 ) addition of water to the acid reduced intensity of irritating vapors, improved safety, and did not reduce effectiveness of the chemical. Lord tribution of some the rest and Lacey of the fungi. of (1978) chemical The the hay, h a r m f u l , fungi. recognized in fungi and They the bale metabolize permit found the problem of nonuniform dis­ permitting the chemical, colonization that addition localized of by spread other, growth through often more 8-hydroxyquinoline to propionic acid diminished the amount of the latter required to prevent mold growth, possibly by inhibiting organisms tolerant of fatty acids 28 Thus, 8-hydroxyquinline enables conserva­ and able to metabolize them. tion to be made some of the in the amount of propionic acid used and alleviates problems of obtaining a uniform distribution within the stored crop. Animal Responses Due to Acid Treatment Nehrir et al. ( 197 8 ) investigated 30 percent moisture hay at the baler. as controls. at the mower acid application methods conditioner, at the rake, to and Heat-dried and high-moisture untreated hays were used Results from ewes fed ad libitum alfalfa with treatment applied at either the baler or mower gained significantly more weight than ewes fed heat-dried hay. Weight gains for animals fed alfalfa treated with 2 percent acid at the baler did not differ significantly from those fed heat-dried hay. Animals refused more hay treated with I percent acid at the mower than with any other treatment. A commercial hay preservative of propionic acid was used to treat bermudagrass at moisture contents of 24.2 and 16. 0 percent; controls were baled days of storage, at 21.5 and 14.9 percent moisture. counterpart After 245 each hay was fed to four Jersey heifers and digesti­ bilities were estimated by lignin ratio technique. Apparent digestibilities of EE, CF, and DM of the treated 24.2 percent moisture hay were higher but the DM loss of 3*8 percent during storage was 310 percent of the average of the other three hays. Treatment of either high or low moisture hay failed to reduce DM losses during storage, raise voluntary intake, increase efficiency of utilization, or improve weight gains of heifers. Intakes of the untreated high and low moisture hays were 6.2 percent more and 5.0 than that of treated counterparts. Gains 29 of heifers and 153 receiving percent untreated high of those by and low moisture hays were 200 heifers fed treated counterpart hays investigated the effects of (Johnson and McCormick, 1976). Jafri et al. ( 197 9) applying one percent of the hay weight with 70 percent propionic acid and 30 percent formalin diluted 50:50 with to 2 8 percent water moisture alfalfa. They compared the chemically treated hay with dry (19 percent moisture) control hay using lactating Holstein cows. by the cows, resulting insignificant, was solids of hay. difference in average milk yield slightly higher nonfat in no than for of average intake. cows fed chemically those fed dry baled hay. percentages were Overall, Both were accepted readily feed value of similar for chemically cows fed treated While treated hay Milk fat the and two kinds hay was at least equal to that of dry baled hay. Anhydrous,Ammonia as a High Moisture Forage Preservative Anhydrous (NHg) ammonia number of fungal organisms is a good fungicide for (Bothast et al., 1973). controlling a It controls fungi and molds on fruit and high moisture corn (Bothast et al. , 1973, Hawkes et al., 1 966). Knapp et al. (1975) investigated the effectiveness of NHg as a preservative to prevent microbial activity and consequent DM and digestibility losses NHg the hay of indicated in stored that hay, and untreated as percent of DM weight NH g with hay applied treatment ADF-N during total in high-moisture immediately reduced molding, increasing storage. nitrogen, hay, the using one after baling. heating, significantly in percent Results and DM loss both treated However, when ADF-N was expressed original samples were 7 . 0 percent 30 ADF-N compared to 6.7 percent ADF-N in the treated hay. fiber-nitrogen was suggests 9.1 percent of total N in that only a small amount, if any, part of the indigestible ADF-N fraction. pearance was significantly after storage (66.1 greater in Acid detergent untreated hay, this of the added NHg-N became In vitro treated dry matter disap­ than in and 60.5 respectively; with 70.5 untreated before hay storage). Ammonia treatment did cause an increase in in vitro cell wall disappearance (IVCWD) of 11 percent in alfalfa. Presumably, the increase is due to NHltOH formed in the hay hydrolyzing some lignin-cellulose bonds. Knapp alfalfa et hay a l . (1975) and 57 reported percent study by Weiss et al. (1982) IVCWD from 53.2 to 57.6 IVCWD was in NHg 51 treated percent alfalfa. in untreated A more recent showed NHg treatment of alfalfa increased percent. Alfalfa harvested at the stage of maturity has relatively high fiber digestibility, fore, NHg quality treatment roughages, should such not improve it significantly, as straws, undergo large proper and there­ whereas low increases in fiber digestibility after NHg treatment (Horton and Stacey, 1979). These et results al. (1977) percent NHg of compare where a closely to the similar experiment was the hay DM weight findings conducted NHg treatment. from 51.1 with the percent control In vitro initially dropping cell to 56.9 to 47 applying one to 32 percent moisture in alfalfa. Dry matter losses during storage were reduced from 15.1 by of Lechtenberg wall to 9.9 percent disappearance was percent following NHg percent. increased treatment, This suggested NHg has an effect on fiber digestibility similar to that of strong bases (Guggolz et al., 1971). 31 Lechtenberg et al. ( 1977) . results also showed the alfalfa hay- baled at 32 percent moisture and treated with NHg did not heat during storage. They stated that the hay was after two months of storage. ision, heated to more bright green and free Untreated high moisture hay, than 50 C and was of mold in compar- extremely moldy at the end of the storage period. Neiss et al. (1982) conducted an experiement where alfalfa hay was baled either at 32 percent moisture and treated with 1.87 percent NHg of the DM weight, Moistures were for 12.4 the or at 19.5 percent moisture and left untreated. treated and percent and 11.2 untreated hays percent after 6 months respectively. storage At harvest, 9.56 percent CP equivalent from NHg was added to the treated hay with 52.3 percent CP of this content of nitrogen retained the treated hay after from storage. 18.8 a 27 percent increase in CP.. However, to 23.8 when insoluble as ADIN1s were percent of total nitrogen, raised the percent which was treated and were analyzed for acid detergent a This control hays nitrogen (ADIN), expressed similar for both hays. Forages with 20 percent or more total nitrogen as ADIN are considered heat damaged (Van Soest, that the relatively low 1965); ADIN hence, obtained Weiss for NHg et a l . (1982) treated hay states indicates that ammonia successfully prevented heating in high moisture hay. Intake data indicate that high moisture grass and alfalfa treated with NHg caused increased consumption for both cattle and sheep (Knapp et al., 1975). differences of Lechtenberg et with body weight) as sheep al. (1977) consuming NHg compared to showed treated untreated significant alfalfa alfalfa (1.94 (I .71 intake percent percent of 32 body weight). in intake or untreated Weiss et between lactating Holsteins alfalfa as corrected milk yields no statistical tionally the and for alfalfa. increase 3 .83 diet no roughage cows percent milk for source. protein in receiving NHg Percent milk (P=O.10) significant consuming NHg percent milk difference harvested significant alfalfa, al. (1982) showed fat, treated Actual this alfalfa and study treated or compared h o w e v e r , did to the cows fatshowed conven­ show cows receiving NHg those fat as differences a treated receiving untreated alfalfa, 3 .70 percent. Application nutritive and value NHg of has commercial treatment been practiced processing plants increase of wheat the CP and straw the (Horton, in have cereal Europe been a l . (1981) up to 20 stated percent digestibility 19 7 8 ; Sundstl that after for to improve several developed of DM and in its decades, a number the the CP stack organic et al., 1978; Horton and Stacy, 1979; Kernan et al., 1979). et straws of Many investigators have shown NHg treatment countries (Knipfel, 1982). to to content of is opened matter Horton, 1979; However, Herrara-Saldana the due straw can decrease to ambient factors such as wind, temperature and humidity. Morrison be present (1974) between postulated lignin and on borohydride reduction, that at least 3 types of bonding may carbohydrates: another break in lignin down the first digestibility, 2 types but one cleaved by alkali and a third type The effect of NHg treatment of straw of linkage resistant to alkali. may cleaved namely, no of clear bonds, producing explanation was literature for lignin digestibility in untreated straw. an increase found in the 33 Application of Anhvdrona Ammonia Applying effective NHg to forages relatively simple, cover to create an air-tight atmosphere, pipe and a source of NHg. is well-documented the Norwegian the shape and the material Method. size and There et are al. (1978) no of the container the NHg takes 1-1/2 or 2 requiring an a perforated steel The procedure generally adopted by researchers by Sundstol according to their size, bales are is and is referred to as specific requirements regarding in which place. the The it being easier reaction number of between bales varies to get a good stack if the times as long as they are wide. be placed between the third and fourth layers A lath should to provide an entrance for the injection pipe. The stack leaving a 0.7 stack. The is placed on m margin stack is an undersheet of plastic covered with oh each of 0.20 side for a top sheet of mm polyethylene closure of the black polyethylene leaving a free margin of 0.7 m polyethylene on each side corresponding to that on the undersheet. When the stack is completed, three sides are sealed by rolling the two edges of the under and top sheets around a wooden sand bags unsealed lath at the base of placed at until the the stack. the top of NH g has It is then pinned down by the roll. been injected. The fourth The NHg side remains is transported in pressure tanks on trucks and is injected through a perforated metal pipe which is put three quarters of the way into the stack. Syndsttfl et al. (197 8) recommends length of treatment for low quality roughages treated with 3— 4 percent NHg at ambient temperature to be: Temperature Length of Treatment Below 5 degrees C More than 8 weeks 5-15 degrees C 4-8 weeks I 5-30 degrees C 1-4 weeks Above 30 degrees C Less than I week Extending the treatment beyond the time indicated above does not harm the forage. FACILITATING NUTRIENT ANALYSES WITH NEAR-INFRARED REFLECTANCE Development of Near-Infrared for Biological Samples The region of electromagnetic spectrum is next to the visible region of the spectrum. not visible, known as the infrared Infrared waves, although are often known as heat waves because they cause a warm sensation to the skin and because the most important sources of these waves are rotational of the usually heated solids. and vibrational spectra changes in the molecular In this spectral of molecules, rotational the region lie the manifestations and vibrational energy that can occur under certain conditions by the interaction of infrared radiation with matter (Brugel, (1962). infrared with the spectroscopy, infrared Notable advances in experimental that part of region, have contributed the structure of molecules. the science to of the optics concerned understanding of Determination of precise values for inter- nuclear distances and bond angles and evaluation of potential functions 35 have indeed broadened the application of infrared spectroscopy to evaluate molecular parameters. Infrared radiation is characterized by its wavelength using microns (M) on the y axis and apparent absorbance peaks shown on the x axis. Instruments used for research are equipped to illuminate samples with monochromatic light making it possible to scan multiple wavelength spectra, the range depending on the monochromatic used. This enables the investigator to determine exactly which wavelength is being absorbed when scanning a sample for nutrient parameters. from a sample after illumination with source, detector. signal can be amplified being, (I) amplification most popular amplifier, signal digitized and output through an analog computer. detected infrared wave monochromatic The is fed to a a filter Reflectance emission, by a photocell in or different with digital and from a a lead-sulfide ways, a logrithmic computer, synchronizer, lengths or then (2) the two response channel processed by Once wavelengths are determined, a narrower region from the emission of a radiation source can be employed. Such a rough spectral resolution is of filters of be the generally required equipped with carried transmittance the wavelengths out by means characteristics. necessary to predict suitable Filters the can desired constituents of a sample without scanning a wide spectrum then amplified and digitized in logarithmic response. are amenable for marketing in that they Fixed wavelength provide instruments excellent precision if the proper wavelengths for estimating a specific property are known. However, that are such instruments do not provide the flexibility of those capable of scanning the wavelengths in the infrared region. 36 The latter type is certainly best for research uses (Barnes and Marten, 1979). Adaptation of Near-Infrared to Grain Analysis Although the near-infrared (NIR) reflectance technique is capable of rapid evaluation of various components within a biological the instrument does not directly must be calibrated against procedures. to analyze the A known (y) stepwise multiple linear the infrared parameters desired. components. through wet regression responses, predicted values for conducted (x) within It chemistry program optimum wavelengths components and animal and chemical standards determined the data and determine chemical measure sample, is used predicting between each of the the Researchers have applied this technique of trans­ mission spectroscopy to study NIR absorption of various proteins (Ellis and Bath, 1938; Bath and Ellis, 1956; Hermans 1938; Mitchell and Scheraga, I960), et al., 1957), bound and free water 1941; Sutherland et al., 1954; Fraser, carbohydrates lipids (Hart et (Ellis and (Holman and Edmoson, al., 1962; Ben-Gera Bath, 1956), and Norris, and 1968; Bayly et al., 1963), of cereals and oilseeds. Commercial introduced to instruments the Williams, 1975). protein, moisture, could trade in Research and the 1971 subsequently oil content NIR reflectance (Ben-Gera and demonstrated of various principle were Norris, that cereals 1 96 8; the percent and oil seed be estimated with a precision comparable to standard laboratory analysis. accuracy 1975), grain using Several of the papers have instruments particularly Hymowitz been presented (Murakami, et 1973; al. (1974). on the advantages and Trevis, 1974; Williams, In. an intensive study, 37 estimates an NIR of protein light in corn, reflectance soybean, instrument and oat coupled seed meals, to an made analog by computer, were compared to protein determinations by chemical laboratory Kjeldahl methods. Multiple correlations analysis were .994, respectively. A study fundamental .996, and .982 conducted background of the between for Kjeldahl corn, proteins and NIR soybeans, by Law and Tkachuk and (1977) oats, gives the technique in assigning absorption waves for wheat and its components. Near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectra between 1.0 and 2.5 were recorded for wheat, protein, starch, pentosans, lipids, and water. overtone and The combination vibrations of C-H, spectrum components. 1.50, are 1 .73, Spectral absorption waves were assigned to various for wheat was Major peaks in 1 .98, 2.1 8, characteristic of primary amide determined gluten groups in and and are gluten. The by spectrum 2.47. due and C-O bonds. the to 1.45, carbohydrate occurred Absorption high Spectra for were similar, with major peaks at 1.20, and 2.49. largely the gluten 2.29, N-H, 0-H, at peaks 1.19, I . 98 at concentration starch 1.54, and of pentosans 1.93, 2.09, 2.32, position of peaks associated with hydroxyl groups was determined, in part, by the degree of hydrogen bonding. Lipid spectrum was groups. at characterized 1.17, with OH Cs 2.14, water intense and 2.17 were double bonds, groups. while by due to hydrogen bonding. the absorption undried wheat, exhibited absorption at to due slightly gluten, longer to CHg C-H vibrations while absorption at Liquid water had in absorption 1.41 peaks starch, Waves associated and 2.07 was due at T.445 and to and I . 928, pentosan samples wavelengths, probably due 38 Speed of analysis is the primary advantage of NIR. A finely ground sample of grain or forage can be analyzed for multiple nutrients in less than two minutes. No than grinding is required. The or corrected for dry matter. marketing. special handling of sample does not the need sample to other be weighed One of the major uses of NIR is in wheat As of the 1978 wheat harvest, the Federal Grain Inspection Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture has accepted the infrared method of measurement of protein and the method is being employed at all wheat export stations around the U.S. Adaptation of NIR to Forage Analyses Less progress has been made, NIR principle mixed to feeds. estimating quality The potential was first reported reflectance ground spectra (1.4 in the application of this parameters application of the by Norris dry forages. tall fescue, however, et al. (1976). to 2.4 Temperate mm) was forage of forage technology In this recorded crops to forages study, for 87 and the NIR samples species analyzed were of alfalfa, and alfalfa bromegrass mixtures preserved as hay, silage, and fresh frozen forages. Eleven samples were prepared by mixing various amounts of alfalfa and smooth of legume: of CP, ADF, bromegrass forage to represent a range grass ratios and chemical constituents. NDF, L, IVDMD, as well Laboratory analysis as in vivo digestibility (IVVD), dry matter digestibility (DMD), dry matter intake (DMI), and digestible energy intake (DEI) were determined for the samples. Reflectance (R) spectra were recorded with a multipurpose computerized spectrophotometer with packed a monochromator into a sample operated in a single-beam mode. holder which holds the sample Samples were between a clear 39 glass window and a pressure pad to maintain good contact between the granular sample and the window. .Samples were illuminated with monochromatic light through the window and the radiation was collected by four leadsulfide detectors equally spaced around the incident beam. Signals from the detectors were amplified by a logarithmic-response amplifier, digitized and fed to a digital computer. Powdered teflon was used as a reference standard. Reflected signals from the teflon were stored in the computer and used to correct the curves recorded with curve the forage of true reflectance relative reflectance curves were recorded samples. to the using This gives a resultant teflon the standard. second derivative log (1/R) reflectance curve rather than log (1/R), calculations the second indicated derivative. that This performance showed could a much Spectral of the because preliminary be improved greater by using difference than log (1/R) between samples. Data .processing for by a computer the 2 ,000-point program which the curves to 500 points. was used to analyze the predict data and regression analysis crude indicating that adjacent points and determine of protein resulted second DEI the optimum wavelengths in a derivative reflectance correlation the second derivative values IVVD, DMI, and compressed components and animal responses. protein with a high degree of linearlity. IVDMD, curves was smoothed A stepwise multiple-linear regression program for predicting the chemical linear averaged spectral are summarized coefficient are related Multiple data of to .98, to Kjeldahl Results for NDF, ADF, lignin, in Table 4. Correlations were highly linear for each chemical component even though the samples SiJimnary of Results with Log l/R Reflectance Data to Predict Forage Components. Table b. Components CP N 87 R NDF 87 .98 ADF 87 .92 SE 1.07 5.3 a 5.98 12.80 87 .90 Source: Norris et a l . . 1 9 6 7 . .81 •79 7.8 5.60 2.88 7-75 6.90 13.26 XVDMD - InVitro dry matter digestibility a - Standard deviation .90 75 b.k L - Lignin SE - Standard error 75 3-5 ADF — Acid detergent fiber R - Correlation •72 INTAKE 2.1 HDF - Neutral detergent fiber N - Number of samples 75 DMD 2.5 CP - Crude Protein DMD - Dry matter digestibility IVDMD L 41 included with the variables of hay, and fresh-cut alfalfa and four different grasses. responses were greater The silage, authors response data, samples. . 78 from attribute grass combined Errors in predicting animal than those in predicting chemical composition. this to be the result of errors in the animal and much of the error appeared to be in. only a few An elimination of these few samples improved the correlation to .87. By use of the six wavelengths normally used in the instrument manufactured for grain analysis (I.680, 1.940, 2.100, 2.180, 2.230, and 2.130 m ) , an accurate prediction of CF and NDF of forages could be determined but not for other components. Analyses were then made to choose six new wavelengths which would give the best prediction of all components (Table 5). Researchers in the area of forage spectroscopy agree that the chemical composition of forages which determines its nutritional values may be cereal less uniform grains a l . , 1 981; over geographic areas, (Shenk et al., 1979; Fales and Cummins, years, species than al., 19 8 I; Templeton et Shenk et 1 982) . and Therefore, re calibration of the instrument or new equations are expected to be required for each situation. that forage Shenk is a et al. (1979) states complex material both that the reason for chemically and this is physically. A forage sample usually will contain a mixture of plant parts (leaves, stems, sheaths) and plant and thereby and differenct species will different are not all alike. IR have species. different spectra. Each of chemical, Proteins in a these plant physical sample parts properties of alfalfa The qualitative differences are due to differences in amino, acid composition. Each amino acid has a specific NIR spectrum Table 5 . .Summary of Multiple-Linear Regression Analyses Relating Data From Chemical Analyses and Animal Response to Infrared Reflectance. Correlation data Component N CP 87 NDF R2 SE oa _________________ ________ Wavelengths (urn) X1 X2 X3 x4 X5 x6 X7 X8 1.818 1.786 2.250 1.458 2.190 X9 .98 .74 5.98 2.164 2.084 2.254 1.610 2.100 1.574 87 .97 2.74 12.85 2.294 2.072 1.902 2.204 1.850 1.586- ADF 87 .92 1.64 5.60 1.666 1.492 1.854 1.558 1.898 2.148 2.210 L 87 •92 .83 2.88 1.552 1.642 '2.030 1.694 i.6o4 • 1.494 1.678 IVDMD 76 .90 2.64 7-75 2.260 1,902 ' 1.602 1.504 2.202 1.478 1.516 I.626 DMD 76 .78 3.58 7.19 1.666 1.992 2.266 1.596 2.210 1.868 1.758 2.100 • 1.512 DMI 76 .6b 8.6 13.3 1.976 1.690 I.898 2.080 2.208 1.718 2.158 76 .72 29.5 52.4 1.976 1.664 1.900 -2.240 2.188 1.514 1.714 DEI - DMI DEI; Oa R^ X = = = = = Dry matter intake Digestible energy intake Standard deviation of sample values Correlation coefficient Lambda Source: Norris et al. 1976 43 and when combined into a dipeptide will have a much different spectrum which is not the simple sum of the two amino acids. The point is that once any instrument is calibrated to a specific set of samples, constants. with a the coefficients and wavelengths in the equation become Therefore, if an instrument is calibrated to predict protein series of alfalfa samples, the coefficients, and wavelengths will need to be changed by recalibration to predict protein in grass. Recent developments increased nique. availability the motivation of Milestones which prediction sample and of grind, predictions, forage hinder widespread such and an NIR the 1.68, as Winch spectrometer 1.94, 2.10, a hammermill fitted with a coarse grind. greatly a 1.0 mm screen species, specific and Major 2.18, two grind sizes were of of limited nitrogen (N), IVDMD, and IVVD as affected and moisture level, have application effect accuracy defined. an experiment with wavelengths: the nutrients, becoming equipment forage researchers in applying the tech­ sample moisture are of NIR to by species, examined on all size of conducted filters and 2.31. m. NIR nutrient (1981) six of for To estimate size of grind, by initially using samples to produce A portion of each sample was reground through a Udy cyclone mill that yielded a fine grind. by initially drying all Moisture levels were regulated samples to 0 percent moisture. Samples were then placed in a desiccator containing water to permit a slow increase in the at intervals each the moisture sample; other was content of the during rehydration, one was dried used samples. two subsamples to determine in an oven to At 0 percent moisture were removed and from in NIR reflectance values and determine the percent moisture. 44 Four or more such measurements were made from each sample over the moisture range of 0-25 percent. Grass timothy, calibrations orchardgrass, were and made 36 using bromegrass with samples known consisting Kjeldahl N, of IVVD derived using sheep, and IVDMD values determined using the Tilley-Terry (1963) method. red clover, Eighty-two samples of legumes consisting of alfalfa, and birdsfoot trefoil were used for a legume calibration, for the same parameters as grass for N, and IVDMD and IVVD which were unknown prior to prediction. Of the three with an acceptable quality parameters, degree of accuracy. only percent The analyzer, a potential for rapid N analysis of grasses, mixtures. Correlation between NIR test A and Kjeldahl samples were slight coeffecients decrease N when of the derived on either in standard the legumes, .90 N and content grass error or of N was therefore, has and grass-legume above of estimated were grasses obtained or legume a legume calibration. prediction occurred when grass and legume calibrations were used to estimate N content of grass and legume wasn't samples, determined, respectively. the study did Although the precise size of grind prove that samples used to develop calibrations as well as those to be analyzed should be finely ground. In addition, the moisture the moisture range percentage The forage which moisture of a quality purpose the the calibration. of moisture predicting (1982),. of content of of sample has their interferes with as been be kept within Further determination on the to the conducted study was the samples must to ability affects by accurately Fales and determine of NIR of the Cummins extent to to predict ADF in 45 silage-type predicted sorghums. ADF 43 percent, showed no ADF for on samples 63 percent, that were differences that were However, dry oven-dry laboratory or had been between laboratory or had when samples were percent relative humidities, of resulted. ADF between and 100 percent relative humidities. significant samples humidity. Comparisons were made a Increased been stored under stored under 63 significant (p<0.0 5) sample moisture and lowered 43 stored and at Results predicted percent percent or 100 over-estimation predictability, since the standard error of the estimate increased from 1.27 and 1.18 for dry and high-moisture low-moisture samples, samples, to 2.2 8 and respectively. 4.15 Consistently for medium and repeatable ADF values were obtained when calibrations and NIR analyses were conducted on oven-dry material. Determinations of NIR major to that commercial obstacles tions must may such affect be the of greatly speed the forage nutrients. application However, calibrations for different geographical loca­ overcome. soil and environmental grown. these will determination such as still as spectral Other factors properties not studied thus far include the of the sample conditions under which the plant material was 46 CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES General Five experiments quality were evaluating conducted at various the Montana factors affecting State University (MSU) forage Agri­ cultural Experiment Station Livestock Center, Bozeman, Montana, located 1.6 in km west the of the MSU experiments campus. were Analyses conducted at of all the MSU forages and grain Nutrition Laboratory. Proximate analyses in these studies was obtained according to A.O.A.C. (1970) procedures. according to Acid the method detergent of Goering fiber and Van and NDF were Soest determined (1970). In Vitro dry matter digestibilities were obtained by using the 2-stage technique of Tilly and Terry (1 963) by McDougall (1948). 4 year old heifer, employing the buffer solution suggested Rumen fluid was extracted from a rumen fistulated maintained on a high quality alfalfa diet. The rumen fluid was taken from the heifer housed 7.6 m from the laboratory into a 3.81 liter thermos, and used for IVDMD immediately after straining through 16 layers of cheesecloth. Bull calves used in digestibility trials and'cows used in lactation trials were produced and managed at the MSU dairy located at the Live­ stock C e n t e r . Prior maintained in to the manner lactation stage. going common on to the experiments, other animals the at animals were their age and 47 Experiment I-Dieestibilitv of Anhvdrona Ammonia Treated Alfalfa Conventional rectangular bales meters x H = 3-81 a local decimeters) (L = 1.14 meters x W = 4.81 deci­ of second cutting alfalfa obtained from producer for use as the forage source for the MSU lactating Holsteins were used to determine the effects of NHg treatment on alfalfa digestibility. with Ten bales which had been stored under cover were sampled a manually operated Pennsylvania State employing all 6 . 0 the end of the bale, Forage Tester, through decimeters of the core tester. Samples were then analyzed for proximate analysis, NDF, ADF and IVDMD prior to NHg treatment (Table 6 ). Table 6 . Analysis of Alfalfa Prior to Anhydrous Ammonia Treatment. OO VO Dry Matter Crude Protein Crude Fiber Ether Extract Nitrogen Free Extract Ash IVDMD NDF 18.9 31 .3 1 .4 29.3 10.7 60 • 2 8 . 8 •31-37 10 The bales were weighed, (280 kg) then stacked in two with six bales on the bottom tier and four on the top tier. of 4 ml stack. then (3.04 x 4.8 meters) A second used to sheet cover tiers A sheet black polyethelene plastic was under the of 4 ml the ADF stack. polyethelene The (4.5 x 6.1 polyethelene was meters) sealed was by using lumber to roll the excess polyethelene from the top and bottom sheets together on both sides. Ends of the in a similar manner. Sandbags were sides completed and ends. The stack were sealed using lumber used sealed to hold down the rolled stack measured high, I .37 meters wide and I . 98 meters long. 9.6 up decimeters 48 A 7 «6 centimeterdiameter hole was cut in one end of the poly­ ethelene stack to insert a 7-6 centimeter diameter PVC pipe measuring 1.5 meters long. This pipe was placed 1.40 meters into the stack. Caps had been placed on both ends.of the pipe and 36 one-half centimeter holes were drilled in the tape was used to seal through of NHg the was 6.1 decimeters of the pipe. the area where the PVC pipe entered plastic. then distal A small nurse tank attached to the PVC containing 90.8 Duct the stack kilograms pipe via a pressurized hose. The amount of NHg applied to the sealed stack was measured by placing the nurse tank on a portable scale, injection, subtracting be applied, and adjusting the scale accordingly. into the stack at the weight weighing the rate of 3.5 of the percent (total weight of alfalfa 280.45 kg). the desired tank amount prior to of NHg to Ammonia was injected of the alfalfa DM weight When the scale holding the nurse tank balanced at the adjusted weight, the injection was complete. The alfalfa was left in the sealed stack for 2 weeks as suggested by SundstgSl 26.6 and et C to 29.4 24.9 al. C. (197 8) The mean C respectively for day until ambiant and the temperatures night ranging from temperatures were 26.8 stack was uncovered C on August 7, 1981. same Comparison of the treated source was conducted in two alfalfa to periods, control with alfalfa from four Holstein the bull calves. Age and weight of the calves before the trial began were: Calf A - 6 mo. , 176 kg; Calf B - 4 mo., 107.2 kg; Calf C - 5 mo., 142 kg and Calf D - 6 mo., 176 kg. Two weeks before the experiment began, 49 the calves were fed similar alfalfa during the metabolism trial. in swine metabolism crates to that they would The smaller two calves (B, D) were placed converted feeders and automatic waterers, to whereas accommodate the large calves with calves placed in metabolism crates designed for yearling steers. period of 6 days was used to accustom the first total collection be receiving calves to the period which consisted (A, box C) were An adaptation crates prior to of 6 days. Water was supplied ad libitum to all calves throughout the trial. Calves A and B were fed treated alfalfa and calves C and D received the control period II. for alfalfa period I and treatments were ■switched in Alfalfa was offered twice daily at I percent of body weight each of the and orts were was during totaled two feedings. Net consumption added to the next feeding. to determine amount per day was Each day’s net consumed for that recorded consumption period. Samples of the alfalfa fed each calf were taken from each feeding and composited for each calf for proximate analysis at the end of the period. Feces collections were taken twice daily, weighed and total feces determined per period. Samples were taken from each collection and at the end of each collection for proximate analysis. combined Urine collections were made by adding 25 ml of 5 percent sulfuric acid to the collection flasks before the period began and after each a.m. and p.m. collection to stabilize the nitrogen. Urine were composited daily for the Total urine excretion for samples taken from each collection respective calf’s urine nitrogen analysis. each calf was determined urine collected for that calf from the 6 day period. by weighing all 50 After the first period, all calves were taken out of the metabolism crates and weighed. Two weeks before period 2 began, confined slatted floor source indoors of on alfalfa. After the and allowed second week of the calves were to adjust to another the adjustment period, calves were reweighed and returned to the metabolism crates and given 3 days for readjustment to commenced. Digestibility and were on calculated based the crates digestion intake, before the 6 coefficients excretion and day for collection each analysis period according to standard procedures (Schneider and Flatt, 1975) • Examples of calculating digestion coefficient, digestibility and nitrogen retention are: Digestion coefficient Nutrient Consumed = total DM consumed x percent nutrient in feed Nutrient Excreted = total DM feces x percent nutrient in feces Nutrient Digested = amount nutrient consumed-amount nutrient excreted Digestion Coefficient = amount of nutrient digested •s- amount of nutrient consumed x 100 TDN = amount of nutrient in feed x digestion coefficient Nitrogen retention Nitrogen intake = total DM consumed x nitrogen in feed 51 Nitrogen in feces = total feces DM x nitrogen in feces Nitrogen in urine = total urine excretion x nitrogen in urine Nitrogen retention = N Intake - (N in feces + N in urine) Digestibility and chemial consumption data were analyzed by using paired comparisons (Huntsberger and Billingsley I98I). Experiment 2 - Analysis of Alfalfa Before and After Anhydrous Ammonia Treatment Six different sources of first cutting alfalfa, four sources of second cutting alfalfa, one brome grass and one wheat straw, harvested in the 198I season were purchased from local producers in May of 1982. Each source was one 4.85 decimeters wide to type of forage, bale x of 3-92 storage conventional decimeters (covered maturity and weight in Table 7. size high), or (I .23 meters and was uncovered) long identified before x as purchasing, After purchase, all bales were stored in hay sheds at the MSO Dairy Center and core sampled using a Pennsylvania State forage tester. Samples were then analyzed for proximate analysis, NDF, and ADF. Bales were stacked on a concrete slab, three and one bales. The PVC described with tiers of four, four, in Experiment I was inserted on the third tier and covered by the top bale. One sheet of 6 ml black polyethelene measuring 9.75 m x 6.09m was used to create as airtight an atmosphere as possible, the bales on one edge the and using entire polyethelene corner of the sheet, the stack. to remaining A 7.6 allow portion centimeter I decimeter of by stacking 7.36 decimeters from the outer of the diameter the PVC polyethelene hole was pipe to to cover cut into protrude the from 52 the stack, pipe. with duct The remaining by using 5 x 5 of tape the to seal two ends and one centimeter •lumber polyethelene and side. used together, the around the side of the stack were sealed to •roll then polyethelene the top and sandbags were bottom layers placed on the ends The completed stack measured 1 .56 meters high, 2.46 meters wide and 2.46 meters long. Ammonia was of the forage injected DM weight, into the stack at (11.36 kg NH3 described for the digestibility trial. the rate applied) of 3.0 percent using the methods The stack was injected August 8, left sealed for two weeks, and uncovered August 22. Average ambiant temperatures were 27.2 C during the day and 25.1 C at night.' Upon uncovering 24 hours were due core the stack, to the prominent sampled. Before and the bales were' allowed to aerate for smell of NH3 , and for analysis, after samples were analyzed bales together for IVDMD using the methods described in the general procedures section. The samples were subsequently reanalyzed for IVDMD indicating were used depressed except a 17 month digestion after rumen .fluid was treatment. obtained to confirm results The by pumping same the procedures rumen of old Holstein heifer which had received ■alfalfa hay as her only feed source. Experiment 3 - Long vs Chopped Lactation Study Two lactation trials (I and II) evaluating the effect of long-chopped alfalfa MSU compared Nelson to feeding long Dairy Center. alfalfa hay were Twenty I and 18 Holstein cows in trial II. trials was a modified Holstein conducted cows were used at the in trial The experimental design for both switchback as described by Cunningham and Owen 53 (1971). Each trial consisted of 3 periods per trial with 3, 4 and 3 weeks per period. Cows were selected that had passed peak lactation before being on at end of the placed percent butterfat experimental periods all 1 and The cows in half received period were of pass mid-gestation Cows were paired as near as possible (Table fed second not (Lucas, 1956), number of days production and milk production error were the first week and would of past lactations minimize I) whereas study, the experiment. according to number fresh, the long period, chopped periods 8). alfalfa half alfalfa I and used as an adjustment During and the and 3 and the per day first concentrate cows received concentrate third (Treatment Treatment (Treatment first 2 weeks to the physical and of to the 2). second change in hay and dissipation in carryover effects. Forage used in Trial I was of high quality, second cutting alfalfa harvested in the 1981 season, packaged in conventional rectangular bales (1.06 meters long x 5.18 decimeters wide x 3.81 decimeters high) with an average weight of 38.6 kg. by a local producer, of this study. The alfalfa was grown and harvested and purchased by the Dairy Center for the purpose Upon delivery, .5 random bales were sampled and composited for proximate analysis (Table 9) • Until fed, bales were stored under metal roofing with three protective sides with an open east exposure. Forage used in Trial II consisted of purchased medium quality first cutting alfalfa grown in 1981 and packaged in large square bales (681.8 kg) measuring 1.98 meters long x 1.37 meters wide x 9.65 decimeters high. This alfalfa was purchased in September 1981 and expanded metal roofing and sides with a north end opening. stored under 54 Before Trial II began in June, 1982, five random bales were core sampled using a T .3 1 meter long 1.01 decimeter diameter steel core sampler developed by Larsen (1980) and powered by a three-quarter horse, electric drill. Samples were then composited and proximate power analysis determined (Table 9). For both trials, sufficient using a Heston-tub-grinder trial I the baled hay. chopped fitted with alfalfa was a 7.6 stored chopped discarded as waste. under the but when feeding, Table 9 shows for centimeter In Trial II the chopped alfalfa was slab exposed to the weather, were alfalfa was same period screen. cover 2 In as the stored on a concrete the top 1.5 decimeters the range in length of chop for both trials. Experimental with animals an open front were confined housing unit on a concrete equipped with 24 free exercise lot stalls. The lot was scraped daily and free stall bedding renewed with wheat straw weekly. at Cows were, fed separately feeding in front time of each to their stall in stalls designated containing a designed to confine stall. Individual compartment for feed keeping cows bunks grain separate from alfalfa were used. Initially, alfalfa was supplied as 60 percent of t h e .total ration, but up. subsequent Weigh consumption allowed backs of all feed were cows as much as they would clean taken and net consumption recorded per day. Feeding day at 7:30 5:00 p.m. schedule for Trial a.m. after milking, after milking. Due I started with 11:00 to a.m., and digestive three feedings per evening feeding at problems such as bloat, 55 the afternoon feed was evening feeding moved changed (after 4 weeks) to 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. and the This late schedule of 7:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. was adapted for the entire Trial II. Long alfalfa was handled by opening bales and weighing out one-third of the cow's daily allotment for each feeding. cow's daily heavy weight allotment plastic of trash During period 2, each chopped hay was weighed cans and approximately into 11.56' liter one-third of that fed per feeding. Samples of each hay were taken daily, composited and analyzed for proximate analysis weekly. Concentrates for both trials were mixed from purchased ingredients at the MSU Feed Mill located at the MSU Research Center, to allow 10). 16 percent CF for the total ration in both and balanced trials (Table The concentrates were mixed every two weeks and stored in plywood grain same bins at 7:30 liter the am., 1:00 plastic feeding site. p.m., 8:00 buckets were used Cows were p.m. schedule to hold each fed as concentrates on roughage. cow's Two the 1 .28 grain allotment, one-third of which being fed at each feeding. Each cow's grain allotment was I kg grain per 2.5 kg of 3.5 percent fat-corrected-milk (FCM). 3.5% FCM = (.4318 Calculating FCM by using the equation: x kg Milk) + (16.2338 x kg Fat) (R.C. Lamb, I 966 personal communication) Water was supplied ad libitum by an electric waterer, but the cows did not have access to water during the feeding periods. Cows were milked twice daily at 4:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. and milk yields recorded. Two milk samples of an a.m.-p.m. milking were taken 56 Table 7. Forage Identification Used in Before and After Anhydrous Ammonia Analysis Experiment. 1st or 2nd Cutting Maturity Storage Before Purchase Forage Type . I Uncovered Alfalfa 1st 39.5% .2 Covered Alfalfa 2nd ' 39-09 3 Covered Alfalfa 2nd 37-27 k Uncovered Alfalfa 1st 32.95 5 Covered Alfalfa 1st 36.81 6 Uncovered Alfalfa 1st 28.18 7 Covered Alfalfa 2nd . 38.Uo 8 Covered Alfalfa 1st ■24.77 9 Covered Alfalfa 1st 36.13 10 Covered Alfalfa 2nd 35.90 11 Covered Grasshay 1st 32.27 12 Uncovered Wheat Straw Bale No. . Weight, kg 27. oU TOTAL U08.35 TOTAL x DM WEIGHT 384.51 57 Table 8. Pairing of Cows for each Trial. Group I Receiving Long Alfalfa and Group 2 Receiving Chopped during Experimental Period. TRIAL • I Cows for Group I (Long hay) Lactation No. Days Fresh Milk/ Day %BF 2 76 100 3.1 3 lt8 ' '95 2 45 2 Cows for Group 2 (Chopped hay) Lactation Ho. Days Fresh Milk/ Day %BF 2 Ul 95 3.1 3.6 3 55 95 3.7 90 3.3 2 109 90 3.8 122 100 3.5 3 139 105 3-7 6 69 75 3.3 6 U8 100 3.2 2 30 75 3.6 3 150 80 3.2 2 123 100 3-9 2 121 100 U.2 I 120 60 2.6 I 112 65 3.2 I IlU ' 50 U.o I 80 50 3.2 I 129 6o 3.2 I 150 50 3.5 58 Table 8. (Cont'd) TRIAL Cows for Group I (Long hay) Lactation No. Days Fresh %BF Milk/ Day 2 63 75 2 55 I II Cows for Group 2 (Chopped hay) Lactation No. Days Fresh Milk/ Day %BF U.o 2 66 66 3.1 95 3.5 2 59 89 3.3 UU 53 U.5 I U2 6U 3.0 2 72 63 3.3 2 62 88 2.9 2 5U 75 u.u 2 73 88 2.9 I 67 6l 3.2 2 2U 8U 5-8 75 58 3.5 I 70 67 3.2 23 82 U.U I 33 6o ' 2.8 5U 3.8 2 103 70 2.8 72 3.9 3 6b 69 U.O I 2 2 k • HO 50 $ BF = Percent Butterfat ' 59 weekly and stored in a refrigerator for subsequent analysis, one sample was taken to butterfat was sample was the MSU Marsh determined used the Golding for on a Mark determination Plastic Bead of milk with a Laboratory, test protein factor III of (1964), 8 km from dairy, Milk-O-Tester. solids Kjeldahl of 6.38, the not fat, The second (SNF), using protein and DM at where using 5 ml the MSU Nutrition Center. Table 9. Composition of Alfalfa Pro. DM ASH Alfalfaa 18.8 93-7 Grain 11.7 Alfalfab Grain and Grain for Each Trial E.E. C.F. NDF ADF 10.0 1.4 27-9 35.1 29.5 92.8 4.8 2.7 5.6 15.4 5.9 14.8 93.1 9.0 2.6 32.3 44.0 35.7 17.8 93.0 5.0 2.8 5.4 15.6 5.4 Trial I Trial II a - Length of chopped alfalfa in Trial I ranged from fines to 3 decimeters, the major portion being 1.5 decimeters long. b -Length of chopped alfalfa in Trial II ranged from fines decimeters, the major portion being 1.0 decimeter long. to Table 10. Ingredient Composition of Grain Diet Percent of Dry Matter Barley Corn SBMa Molasses Calcium/Salt a SBM = Soybean Meal 44% 44% 5% 5% 2% Trial II Barley 52% Corn 25% 16% SBMa Molasses 5% Mineral/Salt 2% I .5 60 Cows were weighed three days prior to each period, a final weight taken the last three days of the third along with period. Rumen samples were taken on the last day of the second period for both trials. Rumen fluid of all cows was sampled via stomach tube aided by a vacuum source rumen approximately samples were three hours after the 7:30 5 ml were collected, a.m. feeding. strained through 16 After layers of cheesecloth into a I 5 ml centrifuge tube containing I ml of metaphorsphoric acid (25 percent). After standing for 30 minutes, centrifuged for 10 minutes at 3000 rpms. the contents were The supernatant was frozen for analysis of volatile-fatty-acid (VFA) concentration and composition (Erwin et. al, procedures with 10 Analysis of Baumgardt percent washed packing. G the for 1961). SR. (1964) 1200, 175 done according using a Supplco GA4926 I percent Temperatures column and of VFA's were HgPO2t, 80/100 used were C for the 170 C for detector. 1.8m the column chromosorb acid the Gas to injector, flow 125 rates were 10 for the compressed air, 30 for hydrogen and 40 for nitrogen. Production and cow. Data from data from analyses and the first week the first to reduce consumption deviations Rumen consumption data were VFA the first and third for each period, and two weeks of the second period were omitted from variation from data of values fluid of composited weekly for each obtained carryover period were during the concentration values hay were tested between means by t-test. effects. The analyzed by first from and production testing third the periods. cows on long or chopped 61 Experiment 4 - Evaluating Harvest Schedules and NIR Calibration Four replicate plots (2.4 sq. meters each) of integrated Apple alfalfa grown in 1981 at the Northwestern Agricultural Research Center, Kalispell, Montana, were harvested based on vegetative maturity. DM and nutrient yields for at 12 different cut, weighed, in Kalispell. sampled schedules Samples from these were used to determine the different harvesting schemes and then to compare wet chemistry with NIR analysis. was harvest and DM determined The alfalfa on each plot at the research station Four replicate samples of each harvest date and maturity were sent to the Animal and Range Sciences Department at Montana State University, Bozeman. The representative samples were then analyzed for proximate analysis, NDF, ADF and IVDMD. Net energy for lactation (NEjj ) and TDN were calculated from nutrient analysis, using the formulas (Bath et al. 1978): NEl (meal/lb) = 1.044 - .0123 ADF% TDN (%) = 53-1 NEl + 29.8 Calculations (DDMI) as grams were also used per metabolic for digestible body weight dry matter (gm/Wkg®*^^) intake (Baylor and Rohweder I 979) using the'formulas: Digestible dry matter (DDM) = 34.1080 + 2.6429 ADF% - .0499 ADFg2 Dry matter intake (DMI) = 146.9517 + 1.0137 NDF - .0302 NDF2 DDMI = (DDM x DMI) + 100 Predicted daily milk yield based on intake and NE l was also calculated for each cutting, based on the requirements for a 600 kg (metabolic 62 weight, 121 .2) mature lactating cow consuming the forage only. Calculation used for predicted daily milk yield was: Total 9 Intake of hay = DDMI gm/Wkg®*^^ x 121.2 cows metabolic weight = gm intake -t 1000 = Total of hay kg intake x NEl content of the hay = MCal NEl intake MCal Ne available for milk = MCal NEl intake - 9.70 (cows for maintenance NEl ) Predicted daily milk yield = MCal NE for milk * 0.69 kg requirement for NEl (MCal) producing 3.5 fat. Total yield (tons) per acre of DM, CP, IVDMD, TDN, NEl and predicted daily milk yield of each harvest schedule was determined with the analyzed and calculated values. Shenk et al. (1979) stated that persons NIR to analyze forage and feedstuffs have considering the three alternatives. use of First, use the present wavelengths suggested for forages, (Norris, et al. 1976) as if they are satisfactory for the application. Secondly, choose one of the more versatile instruments with multiple wavelength capabilities and assume uses. that better wavelengths will be identified for specific Third, wait for the development of instruments capable of performing their own data processing and selection wavelength. The NIR machine used in this study was a Technicon Infra Alyzer 400-R-(Technicon Industrial Sys. Terrytown, NY) equipped with 19 wavelengths (filters) designated by the manufacturer to predict nutrient parameters 63 of cereals (Table 8) interfaced with a Hewlett-Packard 98l5Ts Computer for statistical programs. This was employed for calibrating the nutrient- parameters of alfalfa. Sixty of to calibrate statement the alfalfa samples from all maturity levels were used the machine. that at least This 50 complied with samples are Shenk et necessary for al.'s a (1979) calibration. Samples were stored in plastic whirl-pak sample bags to reduce moisture loss and Wavelength chemistry for grains absorption in guidelines for (Manual) accordance Fales selection which would analysis were (Anonymous). with This those presented consisted of and best Cummins predict by the wet the manufacturer selecting were designated for specific parameters in grains. (1982). filters that For example, filters for alfalfa protein were those recommended for grain protein. Of the six filters recommended for forages by Norris et al. (1976), (1.672, I .70, 1.94, 2.10, using this equipment value of log automatically 1/R run 2.18, (1.94, 2.10, 2.336 2.18, (R = Reflectance). a regression urn), four 2.336 The are urn). computer coefficient on ,the available w hen The NIR predicts is programmed obtained log to 1/R values (predicted) against the manual values for each filter, obtaining a standard error of prediction and a multiple correlation coeffiecient. The F for regression to estimate the overall 'goodness' of the regression was used to help determine which wavelengths are important for prediction of the constituent under consideration. expression: F = R^ (N-K-I) O - R 2 ) (K) With this F is equal to the Where: R is the multiple correlation, coefficient N is the number of samples in the regression. K is the number of wavelengths used in the regression In gen e r a l , higher statistics from the or are more added decision. unimportant reliable. in F mean Changes the In deletion of filters, that the other in F as filters regression is indicative of the filters are deleted F will leveling are deleted correctness of increase off with regression as long deleted as filters then dropping as important prediction filters The t-value computed for each coefficient is also helpful determining which relative of to of some predictive value, are deleted. values error (t) filters are in calculateed the important. In order value of the to obtain the corrresponding coefficient, t is calulated as follows: coefficient standard deviation of the coefficient t = Hence, not be coefficients with high t values point to variables that should deleted variables that outright. are Coefficients w ith candidates for low deletion. t values Selection of was conducted in this manner for each nutrient parameter, until found. the highest multiple correlation Filters selected for IVDMD portion of the forage due coefficient corresponded with to higher correlations that corresponded with the digestible portion. point to filters individually, obtainable was the undigestible than using filters Ash could not be determined by the NIR due to limitations of the instrument. After filter selections, all samples were analyzed with the calibrated NIR. from the harvest schedules 65 Procedures necessary holds after samples) sample between a constant the sample recalibrates contact door itself. operator when the board is activated, the sample pouring to weigh the maintain included of ground clear sample glass window been opened. series of calibration the holder and pressure sample is lights computed. by pressing the proper switch, cup containing (it is not and which pad to the window The instrument automatically colored cycle 6 grams into between the granular has A approximately the ground meal indicates When the to the circuit the operator places on the sample door loader. Forty-five seconds after the sample door loader is closed the concen­ tration of CP, CF, EE, moisture, NDF, ADF and DM indigestibility are displayed as a percentage on a digital meter readout device. the cycle again, the operator opens the door. is about 2 minutes. by for conventional each nutrient To begin Time required per sample A correlation coefficient of the values obtained laboratory to assess procedures and the accuracy of predicted was the method. determined 66 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Experiment I - Digestibility of Anhydrous Ammonia Treated Alfalfa Chemical digestibility trial is of shown treated in Table and 11. control The alfalfa for application each of 3.5 NHg was the equivalent of 17.93 percent CP due to NHg being percent 82 composition N. percent The 3.5 percent that was added to the alfalfa would have theoretically raised the CP content to 36.8 percent on a DM basis. Approximately 47 percent of the N added during ammoniation was retained by the hay and was days of aeration) present and 42.5 after analysis percent from the first These figures coincide closely the N added with Buettner et al. (1982) who found that 57 percent of Neiss ammoniation was et al. (1982) retained treated percent N H g , and found 32 (21 N was retained after analysis of the second trial (42 days of aeration). during trial by tall percent fescus hay moisture after alfalfa aeration. with 1.83 52.3 percent of this N was retained after six months of storage under cover. This suggests that, whether the forage is covered there not bound 80 percent or in left the of to aerate, hay. Knapp an added one et is a portion of al. (1975) percent reported (of DM weight) in 33 percent moisture fescue and alfalfa hays, remained in 16 percent moisture fescue hay the N between of NHg but only after total 17 that 60 is and remained percent drying. The greater retention in higher moisture hay is similar to the 67 percent 67 Table' 11. Alfalfa Percent Chemical Composition of Treated and Control Alfalfa for each Trial. DM CP CF ADF KDF FE ASH Percent Dry Matter Trial I Treated 90.9 27-3 28.3 2 8 .3 8 2 5 .8 1.3 1 2 .0 Control 9 1 .8 18.9 31.3 31.37 28.8 1.4 10.7 Treated 90.5 26.5 30.3 30.3 27.4 1.2 10.5 Control 93.0 17.5 34.0 34.8 31.7 1.0 9-3 Trial 2 68 retention reported by Huber and Santana with an ammonia solution. Other researchers have found lower levels of N to be retained after NH^ of 18 percent N to five treatment of cereal straws. (Males and Gaskins, percent (1972) in corn silage treated moisture wheat 1982), straw Retention and 28 percent N applied (Herrera-Saldana et al. 1981: Waagepetersen and Vestergaard Thomsen 1976) have been reported. et al. (1978) of approximately is opened. forage, rates stated that disadvantage of NHg one two-thirds of the injected Sundstdl treatment is loss ammonia w hen the stack It appears that N retention is greater for higher moisture but Lechtenberg et al. along with greater (1977) exposure stated that higher application time results in chemical reactions in dry hay or straw similar to those observed in high moisture hay. Therefore, if the alfalfa in our study had been left under the plastic longer than two weeks, a higher N retention might have been observed. The control alfalfa N percentage analysis was lower in the second trial than in the first by 22 percent. This was probably due to differences in sampling and testing procedures. NHg The of the treatment alfalfa from increase raised 18.9 the to 27.3 in CF equivalent for crude protein equivalent percent which was the first trial. a 44.7 content percent In the second trial, CF equivalent content of the treated alfalfa was 8.9 percentage points above from the control ammoniation. ammoniation of reported alfalfa, Similar a 40.3 increases alfalfa hay were CF increased from percent 14.4 in reported percent increase in CF equivalent by Knapp at baling et to CF equivalent content al. (1975) 21.8 from who percent after ammoniation and storage of 32 percent moisture hay at a treatment 69 Weiss et al. (19 82 ) also level of one percent of the hay DM weight. experienced a CF increase from 18 .8 to 23.8 percent in 32 percent moisture alfalfa hay treated at the 1 .87 percent level of the DM ,weight. An increase in CF has al., 1979; Horton, Herrera-Saldana been observed by many researchers (Garrett et 1979; Horton and Steacy, 1979; Kernan et al., 1979; et a l . 1 981) after treating cereal straw with NH3 at varying levels. Fiber levels (CF, NDF, ADF) in both trials showed a slight reduction for the treated alfalfa. These results differ from those obtained by Weiss et al. (1982) who reported that chemical composition of alfalfa generally was unaffected by NH3 treatment Ash content of the treated alfalfa was except for 1.3 and 1.2 CF increases. percentage greater than in the control in trials I and 2 respectively. of both forages no significant tested lower differences after storage. between the Ether points Ash content extract treated and control showed in either trial, with trial 2 having lower values than trial I. Animal Response Data Digestion coefficients and TDN are shown in Table 12. coefficients treatment. this for all variables were not affected. Digestion (P>.05) by NH3 Crude protein and N retention tended to increase although increase was not significant. This might be expected due to the availability of the add NH3 to the rumen microbes and rapid absorption through the rumen wall. epithelium of N into may the explain liver Absorbtion the exceeded of N directly nonsignificant the capacity through response. for may have raised the urinary rotate level (Visek, the rumen Rapid detoxification. 1979). influx This These findings TO Table 12. Average Digestibility of Dry Matter and Chemical Components of the Treated and Control Hays When Fed to Bull Calves. Item Hay Diet Control Treated .:Standard Error • Statistical Significance Average •Digestion Coefficient Percent Drymatter 6 0 .8 58.6 4.1 NS Crude Protein 6 6 .9 T2.3 2.3 NS Crude Fiber 48.9 U0 .6 T-13 NS Ether Extract 1*1.4. 1+3.1 ■ 4.1 NS Nitrogen Free Extract Tl.9 68.2 3 .4 3 NS Total Digestible Nutrients 54.3 51.T 6.8 NS Invitro Drymatter Digestibility 6 0 .0 63.0 71 are similar to the results reported by Odi et al. (1977) from treatment of corn stover with NHg, and Garrett et al. (1979) of rice Al-Rabbat and Heaney The (1978), similiarity a digestibility treatment N H g , but do not agree with results reported by straw with (1981). through Horton et al. (1979) in DM digestibility using NHg trial and Herrera-Saldana agree with findings in treated grass legume hay (Lechtenburg et al. 1977) and for wheat straw as the only diet source in a digestibility trial reported by Herrera-Sandana (1 978) and Horton and Steacy et (1979) a l . (1981). reported a However, Horton positive effect when NHg treated wheat straw was combined with concentrates in growth studies. Table trials. 12 In shows the first digestible than Lechtenberg et after NHg percent. IVDMD the In trial 2 in TVDMD than the treated trial, treated control. Other al. 1977) treatment of of have shown and control 8. 3 alfalfa was researchers significant high moisture alfalfa for percent (Knapp et increases alfalfa varying the treated alfalfa was only 2.2 both more al. 1975; in IVDMD from 25 to 35 percent greater control which caused the overall effect due to NHg treatment to be nonsignificant. The alfalfa in this experiment was fiber and high in CP. content, prior to relatively treatment was of high quality (Rohweder et al. 197.8). and Sundsttfl et al. ( 1978) feel that low in indicating detergent the hay Lechtenberg et al. (1977) improvements in digestibility may be much greater with a forage low in digestible materials. could have affected the response obtained in these studies. This 72 Table 13. Proximate Analysis, Digestibility, NDF and ADF of the Forage Before Treatment. Measurements Bale No.a DM ■ CP IVDMD : CF ADF NDF EE . Ash NFE Percent I 9k.6 18.4 6l 27.0 38.2 45.2 2.5 9.9 36.8 2 94.9 18.1 67 27.7 34.2 4o.5 2.6 9.9 36.6 3 9 2 .1 1 6 .8 58 30.5 37.1 45.1 2.2 9.6 33.0 k 93.4 18.5 57 2 9 .0 37-1 ' 46.2 3.5 10.3 36.3 5 95-2 16.4 56 28.7 36.2 46.2 2.9 9.4 37.8 6 96.3 15.9 50 36.8 44.4 51.6 1-9 9-5 32.2 7 95.3 19.6 63 2 8 .1 35-2 42.3 2.4 10.2 35-0 8 95-4 1 7 .8 59 29.6 . 35-9 4l.8 3.1 9-7 . 35.2 9 96.2 1 8 .0 63 2 6 .8 31.7 37.4 2.3 10.1 39-2 10 94.7 21.4 65 ■ 25.1 31.4 36.8 2.9 9.9 35.4 11 93.0 6.3 42 34.8 4 5 .0 52.3 2.9 9-5 39.5 94.1 6 .0 26 33.6 4 5 .0 52.5 3.4 13.0 38.1 12 a bales I - 10 are alfalfa, 11 is grass and 12 is straw. 73 Table l4. Proximate Analysis, Digestibility, NDF and ADF of the Forage After Treatment. Measurements Bale No.a . DM CP TVDMD CF ADF NDF EE Ash NFE " I 90 25. U 62 31.4 40.3 41.9 2.2 9.8 21.2 2 91.5 23.9 59 30.3 39.6 3 9 .8 2.2 10.2 24.9 3 92 24.5 56 31.0 4o.7 44.0 1.8 10.2 24.9 k 91 25.6 59 27-5 36.7 41.2 1.7 11.2 25 5 91 23.6 51 29.9 37.8 41.9 .1.8 10.8 25.4 6 91 22.5 4l 36.7 45.7 51.2 1.4 10.2 '20.2 7 90 25.8 49 34.8 39 43.6 3.0 14.4 12 8 91 24.9 45 29.1 4l 45.1 2.4 1 0 .5 24.1 9 91 ■ 24.6 56 30.7 34.5 37.6 1.8 10.7 23.8 10 91 24.6 56 25.8 31.8 36.7 2.0 10.6 26.2 11 92 13.6 36 24.5 42.6 47.2 2.2 10.8 40.9 91 9-7 29 34.6 48.2 50.1 2.8 11.2 32.7 ■ 12 a - bales' I - 1 0 are alfalfa. 11 is: grass and 12 is straw. X 74 Experiment 2 - Analysis of Alfalfa Before and After Anhydrous Treatment Ammnni= Proximate analysis comparing nutrient values of the alfalfa before after NHg and treatment is and various shown in Tables 1 1 .36 to equal 3.0 percent of the total DM weight was the equivalent 15.73 Nitrogen retention as percent of N added during ammoniation, after treatment are shown in Table 15. to other researchers data, lower for of bales of kg NHg of alfalfa Treatment straw, CP. level 14. grass, percent nutrient 13 and the forage, number 12 than has DM (straw) content and found bales 2, 7 and 10 than reports This may be related These researchers higher N retention levels. Bale retained 24 percent of the added N which is higher been reported for cereal straws This increase in CP resulting from NHg value changes Nitrogen retained is comparable to moisture content of the bales at time of treatment. less expressed and nutrient value from Knapp et al.. (1975) and Neiss et al. (1982). reported with increase when relating the (Males and GaSkins, 1982). treatment may not show a feed utilization of nonprotein nitrogen by the rumen to the increase in CP. Nitrogen forage could to the is to explain the most due carbon cases second contrary ash free extract treatment. some of sources and to values Weiss 'et al. (1982). show substantial decreases This reduction in insoluble the N retention, accounted for fiber analysis, does (CF, the by nitrogen effect experiment due to the carbohydrates added free NDF, ADF) levels were suggesting an shown in with in NHg bonding extract. In increased after treatment. This I and results obtained by 75 Table 15. Nitrogen Retention and Nutrient Value Changes After Treatment. Bale Cutting Nitrogen Crude. No. .Maturity Retained..IVDMD. Fiber ..ADF ...NDF Ether . Extract ash NFE Percent 1st U5 I -4.4 -2.1 -3.3 -.30 -.10 -15.6 2 2nd 37 -6 -2.6 0.9 -.70 -.40 •30 -11.7 3 2nd 54 -2 -0.5 -3.6 -1.1 -.40 .60 - 8.5 It 1st 46 2 1.5 -0.5 -5.0 -1.8 .90 -11.3 5 1st 47 -5 -1.2 -1.6 -4.3 , -1.1 6- 1st 43 -9 0.1 -3.1 .4 -1.0 7 2nd 4o -l4 -6.7 -3.8 1.3 -0.1 -4.2 -23.0 8 1st 46 -14 0.5 -5.1 3.3 0.1 .8 -11.1 9 1st 43 -7 -3.9 -3.8 0.2 - 3.7 .6 - 9-2 10 2nd 32 -9 -0.7 -0.4 0.1 -0.1 .7 -15.4 11 47 -6 10.3 2.4 H - 5.1 1.3 9-2 12 24 3 -1.0 -3.2 2.4 2.4 -1.8 - 5-4 decreased feed value. LT\ I I 1.1 -12.4 .70' -12.0 76 Increases in IVDMD have been found when treating alfalfa with moisture levels of 25 to 35 percent by Knapp et al. (I 975) and Lechtenberg et al. (1977). Trial I in experiment I also shows higher IVDMD values for treated alfalfa, of this study but trial 2 shows a reduction in TVDMD. displays various reductions in Effect IVDMD values, in the case of bales 6,7)8,9 and 10 significant reductions. These data suggest NHg may have adverse that treatment of good quality effects on forage value, alfalfa with when the CP equivalent is considered nonprotein nitrogen. Experiment 3 - Long vs Chopped Lactation Study In chopped trial I three hay were disturbances cows receiving long hay and one dropped occurring epiglotis blockage from less pronounced in from the experiment from bloat, rumen the chopped hay. trial II, probably because cow receiving of compaction and Digestive due to the digestive death from disturbances were longer chop used for the forage and high fiber content reducing the incidence of bloat. However, one cow was dropped from the experiment in Trial II because of severe mastitis caused by becoming intangled in the confining chain of the feeding stall. Comparison long versus In both by chopping. for with both of intakes, chopped hay for trials intake There was trials, carryover production and milk trials of hay I and II are and grain was slightly which may effects. milk less be due intake shown in unchanged of with Welch Table of 16. statistically chopped to palatability This agrees composition hay shown not accounted for and Smith (1 975), also Rode and Satter (1981) who determined chopped hay had no influence 77 Table 16. Comparison of Intakes, Milk Production and Milk Composition for Trials I and II. L ong.Hay Item Chopped Hay Experi­ mental Differencea Experi­ mental 7 - 9 Differencea TRIAL I N o . Cows - Hay (kg/day) 10.5 - .86 10.36 -1.35 Grain (kg/day) 11.07 - .08 11.50 - -25 Milk (kg/day) 25.95 -3.05 27.68 .60 BF 3.9 .10 3-5 •78 SNF %C 8.8 .14 8.6 .44 Pro %d 3.27 .13 3.3 .22 - 8 TRIAL II No. Cows 9 - Hay (kg/day) 11.6 •57 11.03 1.42 Grain (kg/day) 14.3 1.23 13.49 •39 Milk (kg/day) 28.0 26.66 - .85 3.3 - .05 HF I? .479 3.6 .23 SNFc 8.36 - .38 8.4i — .18 Pro %d 3.14 - .03 3.16 - -05 a- values are differences between experimental and standardization. "b HF a = Butterfat SHFc= Solids not fat Pro = Protein 78 on intake when compared to feeding long hay. Fine grinding of hay did cause increased intake for Rodrigue and Allen (I960), but decreased milk and Finely butterfat ground production when hay has been more quickly than long hay, 196 4). It would appear shown compared to chopped and long hay. to pass through the reticulo-rumen allowing a higher rate of intake the length of chop in trials (Moore, I and II was not short enough to greatly affect intake or rate of passage. Milk production and milk components were not significantly different in the two trials. A slight advantage long hay was observed in both in trials. butterfat production for Other research has shown long hay stimulates butterfat production (Cullison, 1961; Hinders et al. 1961). The increased saliva in for fat secretion the rumen due Significant if. a larger 1 979) • treatment in variables studied. probably due both of to such as increased causing The higher level trials differences were However, number is to long mastication, (Church, the long hay effects. production of could not an be increased pH butterfat shown suggesting these detected for any of the the differences may have been significant, cows had been used per treatment increasing the sensitivity of the experiment (Gill, 1979). Volatile fatty acid concentration of long hay and chopped hay during is shown in a significant Table 17. difference. Acetic the to rumen fluid from treatment period for propionic ratio Chopped hay produced level in proportion to propionic acid than long hay. of acetic acid, and reducing propionioc production (Thorlacius and Lodge, 1973)• acid, in fed both trials trial a higher cows I showed acetic acid Increasing production stimulates butterfat This is somewhat contradictive 79 Table 17. Characteristics of Rumen Fluid from Cows Fed Long Hay and Chopped Hay During Period II for Both Trials. TRIAL I Volatile Fatty Acids, Percent of total moles Long Acetic Propionic Chopped Standard Error Statistical Significance 53.49 56.11 4.85 NS 17.84 16.58 .67 NS 5.18 4.99 .16 ■ NS 11.03 1 0 .8 5 •98 NS Isovaleric 7.89 6.68 .26 NS Valeric 4.53 4.8 .30 NS Acetic/ Propionic Ratio 2.99 3.38 .21 58.97 59.10 4.39 NS 17.44 16.88 .46 NS ' 3.48 3.35 .89 NS 11.27 12.11 .79 NS Isovaleric ■5 .2 7 5.02 .63 NS Valeric 3 .2 8 -3 •46 .16 NS Acetic/ Propionic Ratio 3.44 3.56 .1 5 6 . NS Isohutyric Butyric P .01 TRIAL II Acetic Propionic • Isohutyric Butyric NS, means not statistically different (P< .1) 80 of butterfat production differences in trial I. of volatile fatty acids showed no All other comparisons differences between treatment in either trial. Experiment 4 - Evaluating Harvesting Schedules and Near Infrared Calibration Dry matter harvesting nutrient schedule, shown in Table 18. as yields and determined by nutrient composition for conventional each procedures, are In general, the experimental harvesting procedure used in this experiment would result in less harvest loss due to less leaf loss than that of conventional harvesting procedures. Drv Matter Yields Total than DM yields of early schedules Harvest incorporating schedules maturity cutting schemes 10 percent 3, bloom 4 and 6 were lower cuttings (I ,2,7,8). I and 2 removed a first cutting at early vegetative producing lower for that cutting. DM yields when compared to other schedules Second cutting at 10 percent bloom showed substantial regrowth however, with total DM yield for schedules I and 2 comparing closely to schedules 7 and 8. percent and 60 percent bloom, over all other schedules. The two late vegetative et similar al. 1 960; and Watson harvesting at experiments Maturity levels of in many geographical Chatterton et al. 1977; 1968) which have also alfalfa early maturities at later showed to later maturities when 50 of Schedule 9 showed peak DM production schedules 1.2 resulted in reduced DM yields beyond schedule 9with cuttings, Reynolds stages potential seasonal and of maturity. to produce effects, plant 11, and This data correlates areas shown DM yields 10, (Hueg Smith 1963; Weir 1962; Cooper to be greater when Multiple cuttings comparible DM yields variety and other Table 18. Nutrient Composition and Yields of Dry Matter, Crude Protein, In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility and Digestible Dry Matter Intake Per Acre for Each Schedule. Composition, DM% Harvest Schedule I) Early Veg. 10% Bloom 20% Bloom 2) Early Veg. 10% Bloom After Frost Total Yield,Tons/Acre . DDMI Date CP 5/20\ 7/23; Values determined for No.2 9/9 18.2 5/20 7/23 10/13 23.9 17.8 lU.9 IVDMD 62 75 6l 57 ' gm/v'^kg DM 98.1 76.6 92 1.06 .25 1.58 1.76 .28 ,32 4.4o .85 1.16 1.52 1.56 .27 •32 .23 .82 98.1 76.6 72.2 CP 4.24 3) Prebud Prebud Prebud Prebud U ) Prebud Prebud Prebud After Frost 6/5 i 7/15j 8/19 Values determined for No.4 9/22 28.1 6/5 1 8 .U 7/15 8/19 10/13 24.2 23.7 22.9 72 83.2 ' 97-4 98.0 102.5 66 71 97-4 67 68 98.0 101.7 83.2 1.48 0.68 1.21 6/24^ 7 /2 V 9/9 Values determined for No.6 18.5 77.4 99.6 61 91.0 .86 .92 .89 2.67 .98 .48 .19 .10 .91 .81 2.76 1.57 .28 1.03 0.71 1.11 .12 •50 . 0.49 ’ 1.09 •2.85 .27 3.88 5) Prebloom Prebloom Prebloom .80 .96 .16 0.68 4.05 ■ IVDMD 1.73 '. 0.97 1.57 4.27 .49 .26 .65 .11 •77 .33 2.51 .28 .22 1.07 •79 .69 .96 2 .7 2 Table 18. Continued Composition, DM% Harvest Schedule Date 6) Prebloom Prebloom After Frost 7/24 10/13 6/2k 7) 10% Bloom 10% Bloom 5% Bloom 8/12 ; 10/13 8) 10% Bloom 10% Bloom After Frost 8/12 10/13 6/30\ 6/30 9) 50% Bloom 7/8 60% Bloom 9/9 10) 50% Bloom After Frost Total Yield,Tons/Acre DDMI 7/8 10/13 CP 16.4 23.0 15.0 Values deter.mined for No.8 21.7 17.8 20.8 IT-T Values determined for No.10 IT-2 15.0 12.7 IVDMD gm/w‘75ke DM 62 77-4 1.74 71 57 99.6 0.99 74.1 1,27 4.00 78.2 1.77 1.57 1.05 4.39 86.3 65 100.9 6l 60 86.3 64 94.1 58 56 53 78.2 1.79 1.69 1.07 4.55 83.6 58.8 50.0 75% Bloom 12) 100% Bloom After Frost 7/20 10/1 7/20 10/13 Values determined for No.12 15-9 14.9 13.8 55 52 74.7 61.2 62.2 .32 .33 1.08 .23 .88 . .68 2.70 .31 •34 •19 1.08 1.02 .67 2.77 .83. .94 1.24 1.44 2.04 .30 .27 •57 l.l4 1.04 2.18 4.16 •31 .33 .64 1.15 2.31 1.98 1.75 .29 1.09 .24 3.T3 .53 1.00 2.09 1.99 ' .68 1.07 •70 .72 2.49 •33 - .43 •76 2.11. 56 .28 .22 .18 IVDMD 2.21 2.49 4.70 4.03 11) 100% Bloom CP 2.05 2.68 1.16 83 variation allow substantial regrowth between cuttings, as results from schedule 5 demonstrated.■ Harvesting schedules employing frequent cuts at early maturity (3,4,5) second and fourth show similar cutting for reduction showed greater reduced DM yields, schedules 3 and 4. trends in DM yield, than Weir et al. (I960) with a very sharp drop in production late in the season, by harvesting at three-week intervals compared to four, five and six-week intervals. Grouping harvest schedules according to like cuttings differentiated by a final cutting of afterfrost shows consistently lower for those schedules employed after frost cuttings. related caused this to vegetative viability by wilting. This could have and Glover et al. (1983) defoliation been DM yields of the the factor with plant the frost effect here. Protein Yields Nutritional and cost effective importance of CP production can by analyzed as total tons per acre yield of protein for each harvest schedule. to yield high and This comparison the highest. constant showed Schedules results, with between the four schedules. DM yields 4 comparatively cuttings using only a reduction schedule 6. occurred as in prebud percent slight (schedule bloom total 3) showed very tonnage variation Although schedules 4 and 5 produced lower to the other was slightly higher than in schedule 9. caused 10 of CP tonnage due schedules, protein production Cutting after frost may have to leaf loss as displayed by As with DM production a sharp reduction in protein yield schedules cut at later maturities. Cutting management research (MacLeod et al. 1972; Hueg 196 3; Weir et al. I960) has shown 84 constant declines general, this in CP usual percentage percentage as plant maturity increase reported is increases. In contradicted by the rise in CP yield of schedules I, 2, 7, 8 over 4, 5, 6. Comparing CP production per cutting shows a considerable decrease in percentage occurring between early and late maturities. Schedules 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 had higher CP percent yields for second cutting over first the cutting, second second this cut as and later was also percentage for probably due discussed by cuts the a higher leaf Collins difference demonstrated schedules to 10, in by MacLeod 11 and advanced maturity obtained with and 12 CP et to Taylor stem ratio (1980). percentage was al (1972). probably was a late first of Between sma l l e r ; The lower caused by CP the cut and a long interval between the first and second cuts (Crasser and Lachance, 1969). In Vitro Drv Matter Digestibility As shown in Table 18 most schedules displaying IVDMD .values per cutting capable of matching or exceeding the 72 level are early maturity cuttings before 10 percent digestibility level is stated by Adams percent digestibility percent (1975) bloom. The 72 to be the point where intake in a 24-hour period is not limited by indigestible residue. Cuttings at the early vegetative the highest value of all. stage in schedules I and 2 showed Schedules 3 and 4 employing three cuttings of prebloom displayed the highest IVDMD values as an overall schedule. Research done by Weir et al. (I960), Horton and Holmes (1977) also observed that IVDMD content decreases with each increase in the cutting interval. Tonnage production of IVDMD varied but similar results throughout. per schedule, however, showed 85 Calculated Digestible Drv Matter Intake When Digestible Dry Matter Intake (DDMI) is expressed as grams per kilogram of metabolic body weight, it reflects percent digestibility, rate of digestion, palatability Conrad, with 1975). have digestibility 1966; (Balohand Conrad, as well on voluntary A number of workers have Campling, 1974). the animal, or acceptance may decreasing 1965; and size of 1966; noted intake (Hibbs that intake Campling, Jones, as any influence 1972; 1962; Gupta and decreases Van and Soest, Pradhan, In the present study calculated DDMI also decreased as digestibility Schedules 3 and 4 show decreased and maturity at harvest increased. the highest intake potential, with schedules I, 2 , 5 , 6 , 7 and 8 varying only slightly. .Drastic reductions in DDMI resulted when maturities reached the stages in. schedules 9 through 12. This agrees with Spahr et al. (1967) whose results showed dairy animals will limit DM intake, nutrient intake Increased and milk intake passage of 1959). The would the hay rate production be through of due to as greater the animal passage would forage maturity palatability (Crampton, be due, increases. 1957; and rate of McCullough, at least in part, to the higher NE^ levels for the earlier cuttings (Taparia and Shairma, 1980) . Predicted Daily Milk Yield Daily milk yield a 590 kilogram Holstein, 19 . As with milk yield stated production each cutting based on DDMI, and NEjj for consuming the alfalfa only, is shown in Table IVDMD and DDMI potential. milk for This schedules 3 and 4 produced the greatest agrees with correlates Hibbs and positively with Conrad (1975) who digestibility and 86 Table ip. Harvest Schedule D Predicted Daily Milk Yield for Each Cutting Based on Intake, and BE l for a. 590 kg Holstein Consuming the Alfalfa Only. Date 5/20 7/23 3) 5/20 7/23 10/13 1.0 6/5 7/15 8/19 6) 6 /2 4 7/24 10/13 8) 2 .2 6/5 ' 7/15 8/19 6/24 7/24 7) '12.5 10/13 5) 12-5 8.3 9 /2 2 4) Harvest Schedule 2 .2 9 /9 2) Milk Yield kg. ' > Date 6/30 8/12 10/1 Milk Yielda kg. 3.1 5 •6 12.4 6 /3 0 8 /1 2 10/13 9 .2 7/8 -2.92 9 /9 5.01 3.1 5 •6 4.9 10.8 10.9 16.0 9) 4.9 10.8 10.9 15.0 10) 7/8 10/13 -2.92 - 5.39 2.7 . 12.1 11) 7/20 10/1 -2.70 2.7 12.1 12) 7/20 10/13 1.8 2.70 -1.5 a Negative values shown in this column estimate milk production and do not predict actual performance. 87 intake of forage. Schedules 9 through 12 showed deficits in predicted milk yield for a 590 kilogram Holstein. of the On these schedules the requirements cow would have to be reduced; such as a smaller cow or beef breed, for the cutting to meet NE^ requirements. Nutrient Variable Correlations Correlations Alfalfa in many between cases nutrient across amount of CF in the forage. variables are the United States shown in is Table 20. purchased on the Livestock feeders concerned with overall nutrient quality should be aware that the results here show relatively low CP. correlations Ash and CF values other .nutrient, IVDMD have substantial, negatively. of while As correlate a reasonable fiber shown other closely. feed quality in the past, and evaluation of feed quality. (NDF, ADF Collins Although it appears CP has that CP value should be and (1980) CP, CF) NDF, been used but not correlate ADF, and to evaluate CP should not be the sole Negatively, NDF, ADF, CF values correlated highly with protein supporting Rohweder and Collins the variables with correlation with determinates by Rohweder than fiber, supplemented with (1980). additional However, information of feed digestibility, since the two variables appear independent. Near Infrared Reflectance Calibration Various are 60 combinations shown in Table 21 samples of wet of 14 filters for each nutrient chemistry used from parameter. determined nutrient the available 19, Calibration with parameters showed high linear correlations for each component predicted by the NIR which agrees for with each Norris nutrient et al. (1976). parameter Correlations indicates variation being .highly in maturity linear of the 88 Table 20. Correlations Between Alfalfa Nutrient Variables CP Protein DM Ash FE .10 .61 .47 •73 -.88 .12 -.07 ■ .02 .06 .04 .49 — . Ly . -.45 -.5 0 -.68 IVDMD ’NDF ADF -.90 . Dry Matter .10 Ash .61 .12 Ether Extract •57 -.07 .04 = .41 - .69 -.70 ’ .73 .02 •49 .41 = -.7 1 -.74- t— -d" IVDMD I cd co CO .06 ADF -.90* .06 I 1 CF -.92* .04 -•50 -.6 9 = -.7 4 .96 -.68 -.7 6 .95 t— -.7 1 0 I* NDF .06 -.9 6 CF ' -.92 .04 . -.7 6 .95 .98 .98 - 89 Table 21. Statistical Results and. Filters From Calibration Procedures. Correlation D a t a ______ ____________ Wavelength 2b Na .r CP 6o •97 2.180 2.100 1.680 EE 6o •95 2.310 2.270 2 .2 3 0 1-754 CF 6o .98 2 .3 3 6 2.190 1.818 1.778 IVDMD 6o •97 1.818 1.778 1.445 MDF 6o •98 2 .3 3 6 2.348 2.190 1.818 1.778 ADF Go .98 2 .3 3 6 2 .1 9 0 1.818 1.778. — - 1.940 1.680 — — *■ — — N = no. samples I2 r = correlation coefficient Table 22. Correlation Coefficients for Manual and Predicted Values. Parameter Ma r 2b Crude Protein 100 .96 Ether Extract 100 .85 Crude Fiber 100 •93 IVDMD 100 •76 NDF 100 •90 ADF 100 •94 'N b 2 r = no. samples correlation coefficient 90 samples 21). has little if no adverse effect on NIR. predictions (Table Table 22 shows the results of analyzing all 100 samples of alfalfa after the NIR had been calibrated. parameters by NIR be very high. from wet Accurance of chemistry predicting nutrient calibrations is shown here to Low correlations for IVDMD could probably be increased by use of an instrument designed specifically for the spectral region used (Norris et al. 1976; Winch and Major 1981). The high for alfalfa. correlations and predictability No variation is considered as to what could be expected if grass and legume mixtures were used. to affect the shown here are strictly Location has been postulated calibration along with fertilizer and year of harvest. In this study all these factors were controlled. 91 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS Ammoniation of low moisture alfalfa in experiments I and 2 demonstrated that chemical CP. composition was unaffected except for an increase in This increase in CP had no effect on the CP digestion coefficient as measured in the metabolism trials of experiment I. Alfalfa harvested at the appropriate stage and maturity has relatively high fiber digestibility and, therefore, ammoniation should not improve it significantly, whereas low quality roughages, such as straw, have improved fiber digestibility after NHg treatment,. as found by Horton et al. (1979). No adverse effects were observed in payability or animal condition due to feeding the NHg treated alfalfa. Chopping first and second cutting alfalfa in a tub grinder through a 7*6 centimeter screen caused first and second cuttings. chop of than second the first cutting, cutting over differences in length of chop from First cutting alfalfa resulted in a longer probably due the second. to the coarser, longer stems When chopped first and second cuttings were compared to feeding long hay in lactation Trials I and II and respectively, feed Thus, it milk production, consumption were is hypothesize^ not that percent different butterfat, (P>.05) in the length of chop in solids either both not fat trial. trials was not short enough to cause a reduction in acetic acid production (PX05) in either significant, trial. However, if a larger the number differences of observed may cows were used per have been treatment, 92 increasing harvest the sensitivity schedules examined of the experiment in experiment (Gill, 4 revealed 1979). The 12 schedules at 10 percent bloom produced higher CF by weight while earlier cutting resulted in higher CF percentages per cutting. and IVDMD decreased as maturity Predicted milk yield, increased. Crude DM intake protein content was inversely related to DM yields. Calibration linear of correlations NIR for from wet each chemistry component analysis predicted. indicated high Analyses of all 100 samples from the harvest schedules by NIR indicated rapid nutrient analysis. for Error did not vary due to forage maturity. Low correlations IVDMD were attributed to the limitations of the NIR used. This could possibly be improved by use of an instrument designed specifically for the spectral region required. High correlations and predictability were demonstrated within the same source and year of alfalfa harvest. V a riation from fertilizer, year of harvest, grass-legume mixtures and source should all be investigated in further experiments to determine the accuracy of the NIR. 93 APPENDIX APPENDIX TABLE 23. Source of Variation Analysis of Variance for Hay Consumption, Lactation Trial I. F I 46.844 .682 Within Treatment 14 68.689 — — — Total 15 —-- Between Treatment APPENDIX TABLE 24. —- — Analysis of Variance for Grain Consumption, Lactation Trial I. Mean Square F I 5.001 Within Treatment 14 124.247 Total 15 --- Between Treatment APPENDIX TABLE 25. Source of Variation Between Treatment Significance of F -=t Degree of Freedom O O Source of Variation Significance of F 00 Mean Square CM Degree of Freedom .844 — — — — — Analysis of Variance for Milk Production, Lactation Trial I. Degree of Freedom Mean Square F I 2574.721 .539 Within Treatment 14 4772.903 — — — Total 15 — — — — Significance of F .4748 95 APPENDIX TABLE 26. Source of Variation Between Treatment Analysis of Variance for Butterfat Production, Lactation Trial I.■ ’ Degree of Freedom • I Within Treatment 14 ' Total 15 APPENDIX TABLE 27. Source of Variation Mean Square .332 F 1.373 — Analysis of Variance for Solids Not Fat, Lactation Trial .1. Mean Square F I 2.540 -541 Within Treatment 14 4 .6 9 5 Total 15 APPENDIX TABLE 28. Source of Variation Between Treatment .261 .241 Degree of Freedom Between Treatment Significance of F --- - Significance of F .474 — — — -- ■ Analysis of Variance for Protein Production,' Lactation Trial I. Degree of Freedom Mean Square I .716 Within Treatment 14 .924 Total 15 ———— . F .775 — Significance of F •394 __ 96 APPENDIX TABLE 29. Source of Variation Between Treatment Analysis of Variance for Hay Consumption, Lactation Trial 2. Degree of Freedom Mean Square F Significance of F I 153-744 .333 •572 Within Treatment 15 461.599 ——— 1—— Total 16 --- APPENDIX TABLE 30. Source of Variation Between Treatment Degree of Freedom I 15 Total 16 Source of Variation Between Treatment Within Treatment Total — Analysis of Variance for Grain Consumption, Lactation Trial 2. Within Treatment APPENDIX TABLE 31. — Mean Square F 150.922 2 .3 5 9 6 3 .9 9 1 —- — Significance of F .145 — -- Analysis of Variance for Milk Production, Lactation Trial 2. Degree of Freedom 'I 15 16 Mean Square F 6627-184 1.283 5164.624 -— Significance of F .2751 ——— __ 97 APPENDIX TABLE 32. Source of Variation Between Treatment Analysis of Variance for Butterfat Production, Lactation Trial 2. Degree of Freedom Mean Square F Significance of F I .2197 .6U2 .1+356 Within Treatment 15 .31+2U -- ——— Total 16 APPENDIX TABLE 33. Source of VariationBetween Treatment __ Analysis of Variance for Solids Not Fat, Lactation Trial 2. Degree of Freedom Mean Square F I .0713 •955 Within Treatment 15 .071+6 -— Total 16 APPENDIX TABLE 3^. Source of Variation .31+38 -- Analysis of variance for Protein Production^ Lactation Trial 2. Degree of Freedom Mean Square F- I .0011+ .030 Within Treatment 15 .01+65 —— Total 16 Between Treatment Significance of F — — — — — Significance of F .861+1+ — OH + NHg-CHg-CO H -NH-CILj-COgH Glycine Amadori Rearrangement VD 00 Difructoseglycine (DFG) Figure I. Initial Stages in the Maillard Reaction Monofructoseglycine (MFG) 99 CH OH CH OH ’-NH-CH -CO-H 'H-CH-CO-H Monoglucoseglycine Figure 2. Diglycineglucose Products From a Ketose Amino Acid Reaction CHg-NH-CHg-CO H PH 5-5 DFG --- > C=O I HO-C-H I H-C-OH I H-C-OH I H-C-OH I H Fructoseglycine Figure 3. + C-OH I C=O I H-C-H I H-C-OH H-C-OH I H-C-OH 1 I H Cis-Hexosulose C-OH 1 C=O I + H-C-H HO-C-H + Other Compounds H-C-OH H-C-OH I H Trans-Hexosulose Decomposition of Defructoseglycine (DFG) REFERENCES CITED 101 REFERENCES CITED AOAC. 1970. Official methods of analysis (11th Ed.) Official Analytical Chemists. Washington, D.C. 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