Relative size limitations for natural convection heat transfer within an enclosure by Stephen Alan Smith A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Mechanical Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Stephen Alan Smith (1977) Abstract: Natural convection heat transfer from .isothermal cubes and cylinders concentrically .located within an isothermal cubical enclosure was investigated. Four fluids (air, water, 20 cs silicone oil, and glycerin) were used in the test space in conjunction with seven inner bodies. Heat transfer data and temperature' distributions were obtained. The independent correlating parameters used in this study were the Rayleigh and modified Rayleigh numbers (both based on the hypothetical gap width, L, the boundary layer length, b, and the diameter, D), and the hypothetical gap width ratio. The ranges for these parameters were: [Formulas not captured by OCR] Temperature profiles were taken at five angular positions in two vertical planes. The fluid temperature dropped gradually directly above the body, but all other angular positions demonstrated a sharp decline in temperature to very near the wall temperature within a short distance of the inner body, indicating the small effect of the enclosure on the heat transfer. The heat transfer data were compared to the equations for natural convection within an enclosure and for natural convection in an infinite atmosphere. The best equations for the two regions were: Nub = .585 Rab^*.236 (enclosure [10]) 25 Nub = .52 Rab^.25 (infinite [1]) For the range of L/R. considered, these two equations differed by a maximum of fifteen percent in their prediction of the heat transfer. Correlations were improved by using the equation: (L/R)i = 1.26(Rab)^.0593 i as the criterion for switching from the' enclosure equation to the infinite atmosphere equation. STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO COPY In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the require­ ments for an advanced degree at Montana State University, the Library shall make it freely available for inspection. I agree that I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by my major professor, or, in his absence, by the Director of Libraries. It is understood that any copying or publi­ cation of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature Date RELATIVE SIZE LIMITATIONS FOR NATURAL CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER WITHIN AN ENCLOSURE by ■ STEPHEN ALAN SMITH A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of . MASTER OF SCIENCE in Mechanical Engineering Approved: Chairperson lraduate .Committee Head, Major Department Graduate l5Dean MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY ..Bozeman,.Montana 'October, 1977 ill ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to express his gratitude to those who pro­ vided assistance and advice during.the course of this investigation. Special thanks go to Dr. R. 0. Warrington, his thesis advisor, and to the other members of his committee. Dr. H. W. Townes, and Dr. N. A. Shyne. Thanks also go to Gordon Williamson and Vincent Ko e t t e r , who.? assisted in building and maintaining the apparatus. The w o r k in this investigation was supported by the Mechanical Engineering Department at Montana State University. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page V I T A ..................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT’ .................................................... iii LIST OF T A B L E S .......................'............................ v LIST OF F I G U R E S .................................................. vi NOMENCLATURE . . '............. vii A B S T R A C T ..................................... ......... '.......... - ix I. INTRODUCTION .................... •................ .. II. LITERATURE R E V I E W ........... . V ............................ 3 EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS AND PROCEDURE '.................... 11 DISCUSSION OF R E S U L T S ...................................... 24 C O N C L U S I O N S .................................................. 51 III. IV. V. 'I B I B L I O G R A P H Y ............................................. .. APPENDIX I: APPENDIX II: APPENDIX III: APPENDIX IV: HEAT TRANSFER SIMULATION PROGRAM . . . 54 . ............... 55 PARTIALLY REDUCED HEAT TRANSFER DATA. ............. 61 HEAT TRANSFER DATA REDUCTION PROGRAM . . . . . . .66 TEMPERATURE PROFILE DATA REDUCTION PROGRAM . . . 76 V LIST OF TABLES Table Page 3.1 Inner Bodies and Cartridge Heaters ......................... 4.1 Inner Bodies Used in 10.5 Inch Cubical.Outer Body and Parameter Ranges for Each . . . ......... . . . . . . . '. 28 4.2 Correlations by Inner Body T y p e ........................... 30 4.3 Correlations by Fluid Type . . ......................... .. 31 4.4 Correlations for All Transition Region Data 32 4.5 Correlation Comparison Between Infinite Atmosphere V... Equation and Enclosure E q u a t i o n .........................- 36 . 13 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure . 3.1 Heat Transfer Apparatus and Supporting Instrumentation . . . 3.2 Heat Loss from Cubes by Radiation and Stem Conduction . . 3.3 Heat Loss from Cylinders by Radiation and Stem Conduction 4.1 Comparison of the Infinite Atmosphere and Enclosure Equations ......................... ■................... . Page 12 . 20 . 21 26 4.2 Correlation of All Transition Region Data with Enclosure and Infinite Atmosphere E q u a t i o n s . . ■............................ 33 4.3 Correlation of All Transition Region Data with Enclosure E q u a t i o n .................................. .. . ............ .. 4.4 . Comparison Between Infinite Atmosphere Equation and Enclosure C o r r e l a t i o n s ..................................... 35 37 4.5 Comparison Between Infinite Atmosphere and Enclosure E q u a t i o n s .........................................................38 4.6 Temperature Profile in the Perpendicular Pl a n e , 1.5 x 4.0 Inch Cylinder in Air . . . . •..................................41 4.7 Temperature Profile in the Diagonal Plane, 1.5 x 4.0 Inch Cylinder in A i r ......... ‘ .............. .. ■.................. 42 4.8. Temperature Profile in the Perpendicular Plane,.1.5 x 4.0 Inch. Cylinder in 20 csSilicone 4.9 43 .Temperature Profile in the Perpendicular Plane, 2.625 Inch Cube in A i r .......... ......................................... ■ 44 4.10 Temperature Profile in the.Perpendicular, Plane, 2.625 Inch Cube in 20 cs S i l i c o n e ............................. .. . . .. . 45 4.11 Temperature Profiles.for All,of the.Cubical Inner.Bodies ■ and 20 cs,- Perpendicular Plane . ... . . . . ... ... . 47 4.12 Variation of the Nusselt N u m b e r 'with Gap Width Ratio.for ■ Convection from a .Cube in A i r ......................... . . 49 vii ' NOMENCLATURE •' Symbol •' Description a Any characteristic length A. Su/tface area of the inner body b distance traveled by the boundary layer around the inner body - o ..' Empirically determined constants C 1-3 C Specific heat at constant pressure P D Diameter for a sphere or cylinder, f Denotes function g Acceleration of gravity, 32.174 ft/sec Gr Grashof number, p h Average heat transfer coefficient, q k Thermal conductivity £ Height of a vertical plate or cylinder L Gap width or hypothetical gap width, R^ - R^ Nu Nusselt number, h a/k cond conv Pr 2 side length for a cube 2 3 2 gg(T^ - T^)a /p conv / (A.AT) i Heat transfer by conduction Heat transfer by convection Prandtl number C y/k pRadial position measured from the center of the test space r - Pi(B) r Dimensionless radius, -- t- t— =-=--- r-nr ^o(G) " ^i(B) viii Nomenclature (continued) Symbol Description 1^ ( 6) Distance from the center of the inner body to the surface of the inner body V 9) Distance from the center of the outer body to the surface of the outer body R i ’R o Ra a * Raa Rg Rayleigh number, 2 p gg(T^ - T q)a 3 C^/pk Modified Rayleigh n u m b e r , Ra- (L/R^) Ratio of characteristic dimensions ■Local temperature T T T Hypothetical r a d i us, defined as the radius of a sphere having the same volume as the body in question (inner and outer body, respectively) am T - T Dimensionless temperature, — ---- — i 1O Arithmetic mean temperature, (T^ + T )/2 T. i Inner body temperature T Outer body temperature O AT Temperature difference, T^ - T^ 3 Thermal expansion coefficient y Dynamic viscosity. ' * .■ Ratio of circumference of circle to diameter, 3.14159 0 Temperature probe angle p Density . ix ABSTRACT Natural convection heat transfer from .isothermal cubes and cylin­ ders concentrically .located within an isothermal cubical enclosure was investigated. Four fluids (air, water, 20 cs silicone oil, and gly­ cerin) were used in the test space in conjunction with seven inner bodies. Heat transfer data and temperature' distributions were obtained. The independent correlating parameters used in this study were the Rayleigh and modified Rayleigh numbers (both based on the hypothetical gap width, L, the boundary layer length, b , and the diameter, D ) , and the hypothetical gap width ratio. The ranges for these parameters w e r e : 2.26 • IO6 < Ra* < 4.35 — L — io10 4.77 • IO6 < Ra* < 4.03 — D — O I-1 O —I 4.14 • IO5 < Ra, < 1.42 b • IO9 I 9.91': IO5 < 'Ra < 5.98 L .■IO10 % < 9.02 O r—{ CO 2.92 • IOI 4 < * 2.28 < L/R. < 5.89 — i — Temperature profiles were taken at five angular positions in two vertical planes. The fluid temperature dropped gradually directly above the body, but all other angular positions .demonstrated a sharp decline in temperature to very near the w a l l ‘temperature within a short distance of the inner body, indicating the small effect of the enclosure on the heat transfer. The heat transfer data were compared to the equations for natural convection w ithin an enclosure and for natural convection in an infinite atmosphere. The best equations for the two regions were: Nu^ F= .585 R a Nu^ ?= 25 .52 R a ^ " ^ (enclosure [10]) (infinite Jl]) For the range of L/R^ considered, these two equations differed by a maximum of fifteen percent in their prediction o% the heat .transfer. Correlations were improved by using the equation: I = I.2 6 (Rab ) '0593 i as the criterion for switching from the'enclosure equation to .the infi- • nite atmosphere equation. ■ CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ; : ' Many studies have been done in ,the past concerning natural convec­ tion heat transfer into a fluid medium of infinite e x t e n t . More recent­ ly several studies have examined natural convection heat transfer to an enclosed fluid, where the convective motion is limited. Useful equa­ tions have been developed for each case. One difficulty often encountered in using these empirical equations is determining the range of gap width ratios over which the equations for convection within an enclosure are. applicable.. Another difficulty is determining how large an enclosure has relative to the enclosed body in order for the equations for heat transfer into an infinite atmosphere to apply. The object of this study was to examine heat transfer within an enclosure, increasing the gap width ratio over that studied previously to determine the bounds within which each set of equations is applicable. First, the existing equations were analyzed to determine the range of gap width ratios .which would most likely form the bounds for the two sets of equations. Bodies of varying sizes were built to cover the range of gap width ratios required by the analysis. The analysis showed that for Ra^ ranging from IO^ to I O ^ , the transition from the enclosure the infinite atmosphere equations would.occur within a range.of gap width ratios between 2.5 and 5.0- The inner bodies built for use in the 10.5 inch cubical outer body included cubes (2.28 <_ L/R^. 4..25) and cylinders (2.84 <_ L/R^ <_ 5.89). Four fluids were used, yielding Prandtl numbers from .704 to 10189. These included air (.704 Pr .712), water (3.17 Pr <_ 10.16) 20 cs silicone oil (94.8 <_ Pr <_ 269) and 96 percent aqueous glycerin ■ (250 <_ Pr <_ 10189). The 20 cs silicone oil is a Dow-Corning 200 sili­ cone fluid with a kinematic viscosity of 20 centistokes at 25p Celcius. The data from this experimental work was compared with previous studies for both free convection within an enclosure and free convection into an infinite atmosphere. Empirical equations were derived from the data obtained in this investigation. More important, however, was the analysis of how well this data fit the equations derived in previous studies and the development of criteria for determining whether a system should be considered enclosed or infinite. This information will increase the acceptability of extrapolating the existing enclosure equations and infinite atmosphere equations for use in the transition region where the gap width ratio is large. CHAPTER TI LITERATURE REVIEW .Studies have been m a d e .concerning natural convection heat transfer from three-dimensional bodies,.both within enclosures, where..the convec­ tive motion is limited, and in an infinite .atmosphere, where there are • no external c o n s t r a i n t s .on t h e .fluid movement. Extensive research has .been done on the infinite .atmosphere c a s e . Correlation of experimental data shows that the Nusselt number is a function of the Grashof and Prandtl numbers.[I]; that is: Nu where: Nu = a - ha -— 'k f(Gra , Pr) (2.1) (Nusselt number) 2 3 gp a gAT 2 (Grashof number) . V Pr - ticP (Prandtl number) and a is some characteristic length dimension. If the inertia of the fluid is small, .the dependence pf the Nusselt number on the Grashof and Prandtl.numbers is such that the Nusselt n um­ ber correlates well w i t h the product of the two : Nu a = f(Cr a -Pr) By defining the Rayleigh .number as .the product of the Grashof and Prandtl numbers, the equation b e c o m e s : ■4 Nu where: Ra a = Gr a - a Pr (2.2) f (Ra ) x a = . C.3p 2a3gAT — ^— ;-----ky Correlation of data taken from a variety of shapes by Nusselt, M c A d a m s , and King [1] shows that, for Ra>10 4 , equation (2.2) can be . approximated by: ' Nu^ ^ .SZ(R u d)-25 (2.3) ■ where the characteristic dimension, D, is the diameter for cylinders and spheres, and the side length for cubes. In a study restricted to horizontal pipes in air and w a t e r , McAdams .[2] recommended the dimensionless equation: Nu d 3 be used for Ra ranging from 10 - .53 (RaD)'25 9 (2.4) w to 10 . . McAdams also gives the results of an analytical study by H e r m a n n , which yielded.the equation: Nu d *= .40(RaD )-25 (2.5) L i e n h a r d .[3 ] did both theoretical and experimental, work .on. external free convection using a variety of shapes. He equated the drag force of the body on.the boundary layer with the buoyant force pf .the boundary layer on.the body and.derived the-equation: 5 Nub = .52(Rab )'25 (2.6) He experimented with vertical p l ates, horizontal cylinders, and spheres and found that the equation accurately predicted the heat transfer. He also recommends the use of the length of travel by the boundary layer as the characteristic length dimension when calculating the Nusselt and Rayleigh numbers. Amato and Tien [4] experimented with isothermal spheres in water and obtained the relation: Nu d = 2 + .SO(Ra b)'25 ' (2.7) for 3 •10~’< R a < 8 -IO^ and 10<Nu <90. D JJ Yuge .[5] also worked with spheres and recommended the equation: Nu d = 2 + .392 (Grjy)-25 5 for l<GrD <10 ". ' ■ Holman [6] extended Y u g e 's work to include Prandtl number effects, yielding Nu d ?=.. 2 + ■.43 (RaD ) ‘2^ •. (2.8) Kreith [7] derived,the equation for the average Nusselt number to be: .25 Nu£ = - 555CrV (2.9). • 6 9 for 10<Ra^<10 , for vertical plates and cylinders. The length dimension, i, is the vertical length of the plate or cylinder. A few studies have b e e n .done on natural convection within a n .enclo­ sure. These show that the same dimensionless parameters, that were used to correlate convection to an infinite atmosphere (the N usselt, Grashof, P r a h d t l , and Rayleigh numbers) also work well in correlating the results of experiments on convection within an enclosure. In addition, some dimensionless ratio of characteristic dimensions is n e e d e d . The general form of the equation is the same as equation (2 .1), with, the ratio of characteristic dimensions (Rg) added as an additional parameter. convection within an enclosure, Nua For the general form is: F= f(Gr ,Pr,Rg) (2.10) Except for when the fluid inertia is high (as in liquid metals), .* the Rayleigh number can again .be substituted for the product of the Grashof and Prandtl numbers, changing the general .form to: Nua - f (Ra^ 5Rg) (2.11) Scanlan, Bishop, .and .Powe .'J8] .correlated free convection between two concentric spheres with the equation: NUp F= ...0874(Rap)'279(.]. + L/R^(L/R.)-'°°8 where L is the difference .between .the' two radii, R q - R ^ , (2.1%) 7 Weber [9] and Jakob [1] summarized natural convection within hori­ zontal and vertical enclosures, and.Weber included a summary of natural convection with i n concentric spherical and cylindrical annuli. ■In addition, he presented a study of free convection between eccentricallylocated s p h e r e s . The interested reader is referred to these works. Warrington [10] extended the data to include convection from cubes, cylinders, and s p h e r e s , to a cubical enclosure. By defining the hypo­ thetical radius as the.radius of a spherd of. the same volume as the body in question, he was able to ■correlate, all available enclosure heat transfer data using the hypothetical gap width ratio, the geometric parameter. (R -R^)/R^, as He correlated the available data with the equation: (2.13) x with an average percent deviation of 14.54 percent. .Because the expo­ nents on the Rayleigh number and hypothetical gap width ratio are nearly the same, the two parameters can be combined with only a small loss in accuracy. This simplifies equation .(2.12) to: Nu^ *..236 ?= ..585 (Ra^) V.: where; i This equation had an average.percent.deviation of 14.75 percent. (2.14) 8 Warrington also derived the equation: Nu^ = .954 Ra b '208 for free convection within an enclosure. parameter, (2.15) This equation has no geometric, so the correlation was less accu r a t e , with an average percent deviation of 18.51 percent. On examination of Warrington's equations (2.13) and (2.14), it can. be observed that for large values of L / R z the Nusselt number becomes' unbounded. Rowe [11] made this same observation of Scanlan's equation (2.12), and noted that the Nusselt number should be bounded by the Nusselt number yielded by the equations for convection into an infinite atm o s p h e r e . Using equation (2.12) for enclosures and equation (2.7) for an infinite atmosphere, Powe noted that the enclosure equation could be used until the gap width ratio was between 1.3 and 2.2 for air and between 2.0 and 4.0 for water. The exact value of L/R^ at which.he recommended switching to the infinite atmosphere equation was a function of the Rayleigh number. Powe also noted that for small values of L/R^ the heat- transfer would be primarily due to conduction rather than convection. He recom­ mended that the enclosure equation be used until the gap width ratio was reduced to where the equation for.pure conduction predicted a higher heat transfer, at which.point t h e .conduction equation should.he imple­ mented . 9 Warrington [10] presented solutions for the conduction from bodies of various shapes to their enclosure. to this source. The interested reader is referred By evaluating conduction solutions and comparing them to the equation for convection into an enclosed fluid, it can be deter­ mined whether convection or conduction dominate as the means of heat transfer. Powe recommends using whichever predicts the.higher value for heat transfer. , . Some of the studies on convection within an enclosure include a study of the temperature distribution within the enclosure [8,9,10]. It was found in general .that the temperature profiles could be divided into five regions: the inner body, I) a region with a steep temperature gradient close to 2) a transition region where the temperature gradient becomes less severe, 3) a region with a small temperature gradient, 4) a transition region where.the temperature gradient gradually increases, . and 5) a region w i t h a. sharp temperature gradient close to the enclosure walls. The large temperature gradients are due to the high fluid velo­ cities near the body surfaces. It was also noted that the vertical plane in which the profiles were taken had little effect- on the profiles. An increasing Prandtl number tended to increase the.thickness of the transition .regions and generally increase the fluid.temperature. . Inversions were sometimes noted in. the temperature .distribution. ' These were.attributed to a high rate,of convection,of energy parallel to 10 the fluid flow relative to the transport of heat across the flow. Holman [6] shows the results of a study done by E. E. Soehngen, who used an interferometer to photograph the temperature distribution in a fluid involved in free convection around horizontal cylinders in an infinite atmosphere. The photographs show a very small temperature gradient directly above the body. The gradient increased as the angular position increased from the upward vertical. At $0° from the vertical position, the temperature gradient was large and the fluid was at the ambient temperature a short distance from the b o d y . As the angular .position increased further from the upward v e r t i c a l , t h e r e was little change in .the profile. Very little data are available for free convection within enclo­ sures for large values of L/R_ j' where the equations for enclosures and those for an infinite atmosphere predict the same value for the Nusselt number. The.purpose of this study is to investigate that area. CHAPTER III EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS AND PROCEDURE EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS The data in this investigation were obtained by placing seven different inner bodies inside a 10.5 inch cubical test space. A ■ ..... detailed description of the apparatus comprising the test spacfe is given by Warrington [10]. A condensed description is given here for. reference Figure 3.1 is a schematic of the apparatus. test space was 15.0 inches on a side. The box housing the Inside the outer walls there was a water j a c k e t , consisting of six separate channels, each 1.25 inches wide. Each channel had four inlet and outlet ports equally spaced across the ends of the ensure uniform flow through each chan n e l . The top and bottom channels were fed by separate manifolds, while the sides were fed by two manifolds, adjacent sides. The cooling water flow rate to each manifold could be adjusted independently, isothermal. each supplying water to two ensuring that the test space walls could be made .The cooling water"was circulated .in a closed system from the water jacket through a pump, a water chiller, an i n s tank, and back to the jacket. The.outside walls of the water jacket and the walls enclosing the test space were fabricated from 0.5. inch type 6061 aluminum. The seven inner bodies .were fabricated from .solid 6061 T 6 aluminum. Three cubes were used, with side.lengths' of 3.2 inches, 2.625 inches, and 2.0 inc h e s . The other four were cylinders with hemispherical e n d s . 12 Figure 3.1 Heat Transfer Apparatus and Supporting Instrumentation 13 They will be referred to throughout this their diameter and overall length. The cylinders used were 2.5 inches by 5.0 inches, 2.5 inches by 3.5 i n c h e s , 1.5 inches by 4.0 inches, and I .5 inches by 2.5 in c h e s . The inner bodies were all heated by cylindrical Watlow car­ tridge h e a t e r s . The size and power rating for each heater ajre shown in , Table 3.1. TABLE 3.I Shape Size . (inches) Cartridge Size Length Diameter 'Heat Power (at 120 volts) 3.2 .371" 2.5" 500 watts 2.625 .371" 1.5" 250 w 2.0 . .246" 1.5" 200 w 2.5.x . 5.0 .371" 2.5" 500 w 2.5 x 3.0 .371" 2.5" 500 w 1.5 x 4.0 .246" 3.0" 300 w 1.5 x 3.5 .246" 1.5" 200 w Cubes . Cylinders Inner Bodies and Cartridge Heaters The 3.2 inch cube had four thermocouples, one in the lower corner of a side, one in the diagonally opposed corner on the top face,, one in the center, of a side face, and one in the center of the top f a c e . junction was epoxied in place within 0.125 inch of the surface. Each These thermocouples were used check the.ispthermality of.the inner body and 14 verify the results of the computer program .shown in Appendix I. - This program was designed to simulate the conduction through the solid cube from the cartridge heater to the convective medium, to check the iso- thermality of the surface of the cube. O n c e •isothermality was established, the other cubes were built with only one thermocouple in the center of a side face. The cylinders all had one thermocouple in the center of the straight portion within 0.125 inch of the surface. Each inner body was supported within the test space by a support stem. The 3.2 inch cube, the 2.625 inch cube, and the 2.5 inch diameter cylinders were supported by 0.5 inch diameter, 0.038 inch thick steel tubes, which fit through holes in the test space wall and the outer water jacket wall. The other three bodies were supported by 0.25 inch diameter, 0.038 inch thick steel tubes. Each of these tubes fit concentrically inside a ' 0.5 inch diameter, tube, .with steel bushings holding the inside the large one. The bushings were sealed to the tubes, one by a silicone gasket sealer and the other two by . silver solder. The 0.25 inch stem extended past the end of the 0.5 inch tube so that when e a c h body was centered in the test space, the .top of the 0.5 inch tube was finch with the test space wall, inch stem extended into the test space. so only.the 0.25 The 0.5 inch tube extended through the holes in the test space and.outer water jacket walls. .15 > Each tube was enclosed in heat shrinkable tubing to insulate against radial heat conduction through the stem. There was an O-ring seal around the stem, sealing the test space from the water j a c k e t , and another sealing the water jacket from the outside room. In addition, a 0.5 inch Conax packing gland was placed on the support stem to seal/ against leaks between the steal shaft and the shrink tube. T T h e heater leads and thermocouple leads were inside the support stem. The power to the heater .was supplied by a Sorenson variable DC , (150 volts,. 15 amp maximum). The current was measured by measuring the voltage drop across a Leeds and Northrup shunt box. The heater voltage, shunt voltage, and thermocouple voltage were read by three Digitec digital v o l t m e t e r s . Each face of the cube enclosing the test space had several thermo­ couples spaced in the face, 0.125 inches from the inner surface. thermocouples were wired in parallel, each face. The giving an average temperature for Each face was measured separately so that the overall fso- thermality. of the enclosing cube could be. monitored. Access to the test space and inner bodies was made, through a remov­ able 15.0 inch square coyer on the water jacket and a circular, coyer on the enclosing cube. 10.0 inch diameter The rectangular coyer was fitted with a rubber gasket and'..sealed■with a silicone gasket.sealant. The circular ■coyer was. flanged and sealed with an 0-rrlng .coated with Dow Corning high vacuum grease. 16 The temperature profiles .were measured using thermocouple probe's consisting of copper-constantan thermocouples epoxied inside 0.0625 inch diameter stainless steel tubes. Each tube was located concentrically inside a 0.40 inch diameter and held in place by a 0.07 inch hole in the end of extending into the wall, and a Conax fitting on the.exterior end. The tubes screwed into the test .space wall and were sealed with pipe sealant. jacket wall, where an They each passed through the outer water 0-ring seal was used to prevent water leaks. The probes were positioned a t •0° (measured from the upward verti­ cal), 34°, 80°, 120°, and 16.0° (Figure 3.1). ­ One set of probes was on a vertical plane passing through t h e .center of the test space and the center of the front wall of the test space. The second set was on a vertical plane passing diagonally through the center of the test space. The probes were positioned inside the test space using a modified vernier caliper. Heat transfer data were taken with different fluids in-the test space, including a vacuum, pumped by a Duo-Seal vacuum pump,, atmospheric air, 96 percent aqueous glycerin, water, and 20 cs Dow Corning 200 fluid, a silicone oil having a .kinematic viscosity .of 25° Celc i u s . 20 centistokes at The fluids were.put into and removed from .the ..test space through a fill stem in the bottom.of the apparatus. . The fill stem con­ sisted of a 0.40 inch d i a m e t e r .steel tube that.passed.through a hole in the' outer wall.of the water jacket a n d .screwed into a.threaded hole in 17 the test space wall. The tube w a s .sealed with pipe sealant on the threaded end and with an O-ring in the outer wall,. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The inner body was placed into the test space by sliding the stem through the O-rings and centering the body inside the test space. packing gland was placed on the stem and tightened. The The two covers were placed and sealed, and the .top three thermocouple probes were put in place. The heater leads and thermocouple leads were connected,.comple­ ting the assembly. The apparatus was activated by filling the water jacket and storage tank with water, turning on the water pump and chiller, and turning on the power supply for the cartridge heater. Once thermal equilibrium was achieved (approximately eight hours for the cooling system and four hours for the inner body), the flow rates in the water jacket channels were adjusted to make the enclosing cube isothermal. Once equilibrium was again established, the following data were recorded: (1) .heater current (2) heater voltage (3) inner body thermocouple reading(s) (4) outer body thermocouple readings This procedure was repeated at four-to'ten power settings for each 18 inner body and each fluid. The three liquids (glycerin, water,, and 20 cs silicone oil) were introduced into the system by placing reservoirs above the apparatus and connecting a hose from the appropriate reservoir to the fill stem in the bottom of the test space. The top three thermocouple probes were removed to allow the air to escape as gravity fed the liquid into the test space. When the test space was full, the probes were replaced. The line from the reservoir to the fill stem was left open to allow the fluid to expand and contract as ..the temperature changed. the above readings, After taking the fluid was drained by lowering the reservoir below the test apparatus and removing the top thermocouple probes. In— or-de-r— t o ob t-ain— the—heat— t-r-ansf er -by .convection--alone— -all— o ther forms of heat loss from the inner body must be calculated and subtracted from t h e :total-heat transferred from .the body. Since all of the fluids used except air were opaque to .radiation,.the only non-convectfve heat loss was conduction through the support stem. ..The stem was ,insulated against radial conduction, so .the losses., could be computed from the one-dimensional steady state conduction equation: ■klA l + k 2A 2 ^ k 3A 3 ^cond ^ (T, where the subscripts refer to the.steel tube walls, thermocouple leads, and heater leads, and d i s .the distance between the.bottom of the inner body and.the'bottom.of the enclosure. 19 When air was used as the test fluid, conduction and radiation both contributed to the heat loss from the inner body. convective heat loss, was used. To determine the non- the same procedure that Warrington [10] .described The test space was evacuated to a pressure under fifty m i ­ crons for the 3.2 inch cube, and under ten microns for the other inner bodies. This evacuation of the test space essentially eliminated con­ vection as a mode of heat transfer. With the enclosure wall.temperature remaining constant, the radiative and conductive heat losses were deter­ mined to be a function of the inner body temperature. . These data are plotted in Figures 3.2 and 3.3. Once the heat transfer by convection alone is known, the average heat transfer coefficient, can be calculated u s i n g t h e equation: T- _' t^coriv____ " W V The existing -equations for natural convection both within an enclo­ sure and in an infinite atmosphere .were derived from data taken from isothermal bodies and enclosures. Therefore, the temperature variation over the surfaces of both the inner and outer bodies to a minimum. The-.percent temperature variation over either.the inner or outer body was defined as:' temperature variation .T local,max ■ i^lbcal ,min • '-T o I 100 50 O 3 .2" cube A 2.625" cube D 2.0" cube 40 - Q □ A A □ A O A i 100 150 200 INNER BODY TEMPERATURE (0F) Figure 3.2 Heat Loss from Cubes by Radiation and Stem Conduction 250 □ 2.5" x 5" cylinder O 2.5" x 3.5" cylinder A 1.5" x 4" cylinder V 1.5" x 2.5" cylinder HEAT LOSS (BTU/HR) 20 - □ 10 " □ O □ A V M H a? □ O A 100 150 200 INNER BODY TEMPERATURE (0F) Figure 3.3 Heat Loss from Cylinders by Radiation and Stem Conduction 250 .22 where T" ' and T 1 1 .refer to the minimum and maximum temperalocal, m m local,max r ture readings on the inner or outer body. for the outer body was 2.25 percent. The average percent variation The average percent variation for the 3.2 inch cubical inner body was 6.78 percent for all the data except when water was in the test space. transfer involved, .Because of the high rate of heat .V- '..'. the average percent deviation for the 3.2 inch cube with water in the test space was 25.0 percent. According to Warrington [10], this temperature variation will have a negligible effect on the heat transfer correlations. Based on this information, the average inner body and outer body temperatures were used. The results of the computer program in Appendix I and the readings on the 3.2 inch cube indicate that the center of a side face of a cube will be at the mean temperature of the body. There­ fore, the remaining cubes had only one thermocouple each,- installed in the center of a side face, and the cylinders had one thermocouple installed in the middle of the straight portion of the body. The temperature profile data were obtained by inserting the probe into the test space until it contacted.the inner.body. It was then withdrawn in small increments and the.temperature recorded at each interval, providing data for the temperature as a function of radial distance. -The inner and outer body temperatures.were recorded in order to evaluate the profiles in terms of .the dimensionless temperature ratio: 23 T T T- = o as a function of the dimensionless radius ratio: r .r.L(Q) . ro (0) “ r.(0) The heat transfer data obtained in this investigation were reduced with a Texas Instruments SR-50 calculator to the partially reduced form given in Appendix II. A data reduction program, written in Fortran IV, was used to further manipulate the data. The heat transfer parameters and correlation coefficients for the empirical equations were calculated by this program. The fluid properties were evaluated at the arithmetic mean temperature: .Ti .+ T0 . T am by subroutines written by Weber [9] and Warrington JlO]. . A complete listing of this program is found in Appendix III. The temperature pro­ file data, was reduced by another program, listed in Appendix IV. CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION OF RESULTS HEAT TRANSFER RESULTS This investigation was done in two p a r t s . First the existing equa­ tions for free convection within enclosures and in an infinite atjnpsphere were -analyzed to find the range of hypothetical gap width ratio (L/R/) that would most likely compose the transition region between the enclo­ sure region" and the infinite atmosphere region. Data were then taken to verify the analysis and determine equations that would best predict the heat transfer in this transition region. Most of the existing equations for free convection into an infinite atmosphere yield s i m i l a r ■results for the range of Rayleigh numbers of concern in this s t u d y , .so one equation was chosen as a representative standard for free convection into an infinite.atmosphere. equation reported by Jakob Since the [1] represented the correlation of data from several different, sha p e s , including those used in this investigation, equation (2.3) was chosen. It is for reference:. Nty (_2.3) = Warrington .[10] developed-his empirical equation from a wide ran§e of data from several sources, so his equation was.used as the.standard for natural convection within enclosures. reference: It is for .25 Nub = (.2 .14) ./585(Ra*)'236 To compare the two equations, equation (2.3) was rewritten using the distance travelled by the boundary layer as the characteristic dimension. For convection from cubes, the infinite atmosphere equation becomes: Nub = .618(Rab )*25 Figure 4.1 compares equations " (4.1) (2.14) and (4.1) by showing the Nusselt number as a function of the .hypothetical gap width ratio (L/R^) for the two equations. The dashed line connects the points where both equations predict the same heat transfer. This is where Powe [11] recommends making the transition from the enclosure equation to the infinite-atmosphere equation. As L/R^ increases, the heat transfer predicted by the enclosure equation increases without bound. Since the infinite atmosphere equation predicts the heat transfer for infinite L/R^, Powe recommends that if should form the upper bound for the enclo­ sure equation. As L/R^ decreases, the infinite atmosphere equation predicts a greater, heat transfer than data indicate [8-10]., so the enclosure equations form the lower bound for the infinite atmosphere equation. The equation for this transition line is: L_ Ri l.-26.(Ra) .0593 . (4 .2) Enclosure Equation Na * .236 Infinite Atmosphere Equation Nu .618 (Ra, ) Transition Line L/R Enclosure Infinite Z --- Transition Line Enclosure Infinite Enclosure Infinite Enclosure Infinite Figure 4.1 Comparison of the Infinite Atmosphere and Enclosure Equations 10 . 27 The values of L/R^ defined by this transition line range from 2.5 to 5.0, which is higher than the range of 1.3 to 4.0 that Powe found. It should be noted that Powe based his calculations on data from spheres only. The Nusselt numbers for convection from spheres to an infinite atmosphere is six percent lower than the values for cubes shown in Figure 4.1. This would cause the range of L/R^ to vary from 2.0 to 4.2, which is in better agreement w i t h Powe's results. Based on the results of this analysis, seven inner bodies were built to provide data for L/R^ ranging from 2.28 to 5.89. Table 4.1 indicates the inner bodies tested, the value .of L/R_ for each body, and the ranges of Prandtl and Rayleigh numbers over which each body was tested. The data-“taken "from ’these seven bodies were correlated in several ways. The constants for the following empirical equations were evalua­ t e d using a least-squares .curve fitting technique: Nu d = F= Nu D (4.3) C1 itaDc2 C1 Ka8 tV c ^ ■ ^ (4.4) Nub F= C1 CBa*)02 (4.5) Nu l FF C1 HatC a ^ C 3 (4.6) Nu l F= C1 CSa*)^ (.4.7) TABLE 4.1 I I INNER BODIES USED IN 10.5 INCH CUBICAL OUTER BODY AND PARAMETER RANGES FOR EACH J .i Shape Size L/ R ± , 3.2" 2.28 i CUBES 2.8-106 3.00 2.0-IO6 i 2.0" max m m 5.8-109 RaD Fr max min max ■ 3.5 H O 5 7 . 3 -IO8 .705 I. O-IO4 2.2-109 . 2.4-105 2 . 7 -IO8 .704 7 . 5 -IO8 1.3-109 1.4-105 I.6 -IO8 .704 6 . 9 -IO3 1.4-1010 3 . 6 -IO5 8.4-108 .705 6.O-IO3 3.O-IO5 9.O-IO8 .704 5 . 5 -IO3 ! ", - 2.625" Ra b min ,i, 4.25 I ' I.I-IO6 2.5" x 5" 2.8 4 . 6.I-IO6 2.5" x. 3.5" 3.46 2.3-106 I 6.9-109 I CYLINDERS 9 1.5" x 3.5" 4.72 9 . 9 -IO5 5.3-10 2.9-104 1.6-108 .705 4 . 8 -IO3 1.5" x 2.5" 5.89 4.I-IO5 I.6 -IO9 3 . 7 -IO4 1.4 -IO8 .705 7 . 2 -IO3 29 The following tables (4.2-4.4) show the correlation constants for each equation form, the average percent deviation, and the percentage of the data within twenty percent of the equation. results broken down by inner body type. Table 4.2 shows the Table 4.3 shows the results for each fluid, and Table 4.4 shows the results for all of the data. It should be noted in Table 4.4 that the exponents of the two terms in equation form (4.4) are nearly equal and that no significant increase in accuracy is obtained by separating the Ra^ term in equation form (4.5) into its components as shown in equation (4.4). It also should be noted that excluding the geometric factor altogether had little effect on the accuracy of the equations, as can be seen by comparing equation form (4.3) w i t h forms (4.4) and (4.5). This indicates that for this range of L/R^ the enclosure has little effect on the heat transfer. Warrington [10] found that for small L/R^ the geometric parameter had a much larger effect on the accuracy. Excluding the geometric factor, the best equation for an enclosure was: Nub P= .954(Rab ) l2°8 (2.15) This had an average percent deviation of 18.51 percent. Figure 4.2 shows all of the transition region data compared with the enclosure equation (2.15) and.the infinite.atmosphere equation (2.3). ..It should be noted that this enclosure equation predicts a lower Nusselt number than either the'infinite atmosphere equation or the data TABLE 4.2 . CORRELATIONS BY INNER BODY TYPE INNER BODY TYPE PERCENT OF DATE WITHIN ■ ' +20% OF EQUATION Cl c, c, AVERAGE PERCENT DEVIATION 4.4 .270 .281 .131 10.39 93.33 4.5 1218 .284 10.50 88.80 4.6 .225 .281 10.39 93.33 4.7 .226 .281 ' 4.4 .525 .249 ' 4.5 .441 .251 4.6 ' .383 .249 4.7 .447 EQUATION ■ FORM EMPIRICAL CONSTANTS CUBES .287 10.38 .151 • . 93.33 10.38 95.65 10.50 92.39 . 10.44 94.57 L CYLINDERS ■ .252 .394 10.82 . 94.57 LO O TABLE 4.3 CORRELATIONS BY FLUID TYPE FLUID EQUATION FORM AIR GLYCERIN (96%) WATER, 20 CS SILICONE Cl c, 4.3 1.27 .170 4.4 1.67 .172 4.5 . EMPIRICAL CONSTANTS 4.6 .917 2.77 c, .068- .200 .104 : deviation 9.83 ' PERCENT OF DATA WITHIN +20% OF • EQUATION AVERAGE PERCENT 10.36. ^„ ' 88.89 ' 82.22 10.48 '■ .517 8.95 ■ 80.00 ' 84.44 4.7 .53 . .233 11.10 84.44 4.3 .555 .357 6.99 6.38 97.67 4.4 .244 .262 4.5 .366 .262 4.6 .300 .259 4.7 .323 4.3 .275 6.34 97.67 ' 97.67 5.42 97.67 .269 7.22 95.35 .319 .268 6.68 93.94 4.4 .183 .231 6.22 96.97 4.5 .167 .288 .288 6.73 ' 4.6 .168 .285 .335 6.09 96.97 96.97 4.7 . .156 .292 6.17 . 93.94 4.3 .731 .235 3.92 100.. ■ 4.4 .466 .259 4.5 .314 .272 4.6 .439 .249 4.7 .355 .266 .463 .168 .366 3.82 .100. 4.17 100. 2.69 100. 4.36 100. TABLE 4.4 CORRELATIONS FOR ALL TRANSITION REGION DATA EQUATION FORM EMPIRICAL CONSTANTS Cl c, c, 4.3 .443 ' .257 ' 4.4 .340 .265 4.5 .328 .265 4.6 ..280 .263 ,• .314 .267 4.7 ' .234 .414 AVERAGE PERCENT DEVIATION PERCENT OF DATA . WITHIN +20%. OF - EQUATION 11.90 86.23 11.26 87.43 10.94 86.75 11.13 89.82 11.53 88.62 O E Cubes - Cylinders Infinite UJ UJ Figure 4.2 Correlation of All Transition Region Data with Enclosure and Infinite Atmosphere Equations . 34 indicate. This is as expected since equation (2.15) was obtained from data where the gap width ratio was small and the equation form does not account for the gap width ratio. The best enclosure equation (2.14) includes the geometric parameter and Figure 4.3 shows that the correlation was greatly- improved by adding this parameter. Table 4.5 shows that this form of the equation has nearly -the same accuracy as the infinite atmosphere equation. Figure 4.4 shows the correlations from four different inner b o d i e s . The three correlations with open symbols.were obtained from Warrington's data [10]. They were taken from three cubes in a spherical enclosure, with L/IL ranging from .602 to 2.15. The fourth correlation was obtained from the.heat transfer data for the 2.625 inch cube inside the 10.5 inch cubical enclosure (L/R^ ^ 3.00). Figure 4.4 shows that as L/R. increases, .the enclosure .heat transfer correlations approach the I infinite atmosphere equation. Figure 4.5 shows that the best enclosure equation (2.14) accounts for the effect of changing L/R^,.seen in Figure 4.4. As L/R^ increases into the transition .region, both .the enclosure equation .(2.14) and the infinite.atmosphere equation (2.3) predict nearly the same.heat transfer Either-equation could be used in t h i s . r e g i o n , b u t Table 4.5 shows that the use of equation (4.2) as.the transition line improves t h e .correla­ tions . . By including only.those points indicated by the transition line, the.average, percent .deviation.involved in using the infinite .atmosphere 1000 Figure U .3 O Cubes EB - Cylinders Correlation of All Transition Region Data With Enclosure Equation TABLE 4.5 CORRELATION COMPARISON BETWEEN INFINITE ATMOSPHERE EQUATION AND ENCLOSURE EQUATION . INFINITE ATMOSPHERE EQUATION % ' -52saD'25 AVERAGE PERCENT PERCENT OF DATA DEVIATION | ■ WITHIN +20% OF EQUATION DATA INCLUDED ALL DATA 13.23 ENCLOSURE EQUATION Nub = .585(Ra*)'236 AVERAGE PERCENT DEVIATION PERCENT OF.DATA WITHIN + 20% OF EQUATION 80.84 12.71 84.94 ■: • CUBES 14.65 74.32 15.06 78.38 CYLINDERS 11.20 86:96 10.83 90.22 ' . 11.96 90.11 ALL DATA: L/R. < 1.26Ra •059 I D : i L/R. > 1.26Ra ’°59 1 , b . 12.17 84.00 Figure 4.4 Comparison Between Infinite Atmosphere Equation and Enclosure Correlations SdlM SdIM Figure 4.5 Comparison Between Infinite Atmosphere and Enclosure Equations 39 equation is decreased from 13.23 percent to 12.17 percent, and the enclosure equation deviation is reduced from 12.71 percent to 11.96 percent. As L/R^ increases.beyond this point, it is reasonable to assume that the enclosure equation would no longer be accurate and the infinite atmosphere equation should be used. ; TEMPERATURE PROFILE RESULTS Temperature distributions within the gap were obtained at two verti cal planes and at five angular positions in each plane,(Chapter III). The vertical plane that passes diagonally through the test space will be referred to as the diagonal plane. The vertical plane that passes per­ pendicularly through the center of the test space wall" will be called the perpendicular plane. All temperatures plotted in this chapter were plotted in terms of the dimensionless temperature ratio: ..T . - .T T ^ (4-8) i o The radius was plotted .in.terms of the dimensionless radius r a t i o : "_ r For each angular position, ..r . ^ . ri (6) • r,(:6) - ^(9)' 0, the dimensionless radius ratio, r , ranged at t h e .i n n e r .body to one at the outer b o d y . The temperature ratio, T, ranged from one to zero between the inner a n d .outer body walls • 40 respectively. Profiles were obtained for two inner b o d i e s , the 2.625 inch.cube and the 1.5 x 4.0 inch cylinder. The profiles for each body.were ob­ tained with air (Pr = .71) and 20 cs silicone (Pr - 170) in the test space. Figure 4.6 shows the profile in the perpendicular plane for the 1.5 x 4.0 inch cylinder in a i r . the diagonal plane. Figure 4.7 shows the same profile taken in As Warrington [10] indicated, the vertical plane in which the profiles were taken had little effect on the temperature dis­ tribution. This was true of all of the profiles taken. Using equation (4.2) as the limit for use of the enclosure equation, the 1.5 x 4.0 inch cylinder was within the infinite atmosphere range. Figures 4.6,- 4.7, and 4.8 show that the temperature profiles for that cylinder are similar to those presented by Holman [6] for free convection to an infinite atmosphere .(Chapter II). was a small temperature gradient. Directly above the body there The gradient increased as the angular position increased from the.vertical. At 90p from the vertical position, the temperature, gradient was large and the fluid was at the a m b i e n t .tem­ perature a short distance from the body. As the angular position .I .' increased further from the upward vertical there was little.change in ■ .the profile. figures 4.9 and 4.10 show the .temperature profiles for the 2.625 inch cube in air and silicone, respectively. According to equation (4.2), 41 ii 0.90 - 1.834 x TEMPERATURE RATIO 0.75 0.45 _ 0.30 _ 120 _ 160 0.15 - RADIUS RATIO Figure 4.6 Temperature Profile in the Perpendicular Plane 1.5 x 4.0 Inch Cylinder in Air 42 0.90 - 1.834 x 10 TEMPERATURE RATIO 0.60 0.45 _ 0.30 _ 0.15 _ RADIUS RATIO Figure 4.7 Temperature Profile in the Diagonal Plane 1.5 x 4.0 Inch Cylinder in Air 43 I\ 5.94 x IO TEMPERATURE RATIO 0.60 0.30 x.) RADIUS RATIO Figure 4.8 Temperature Profile in the Perpendicular Plane 1.5 x 4.0 Inch Cylinder in 20 cs Silicone 44 0.90 4 6.97 x 10 0.75 4» TEMPERATURE RATIO 0.60 - 0.30 ~ □ - 160 0.15 _ 0.00 RADIUS RATIO Figure 4.9 Temperature Profile in the Perpendicular Plane 2.625 Inch Cube in Air 45 A 0.90 - Pr = 171.1 Rafc = 7.63 x IO8 AT = 102°F TEMPERATURE RATIO 0.75 - Figure 4.10 Temperature Profile in the Perpendicular Plane 2.625 Inch Cube in 20 cs Silicone 46 the system shown in Figure 4.9 is very close to the transition line be­ tween the enclosure and infinite atmosphere regions, and the system shown in Figure 4.10 is within the enclosure region. Both distinctly show the five regions discussed in Chapter II; the large temperature gradients close to both walls, the small gradient in the middle of the gap, and the inner and outer transition regions. Figure 4.10 has the same characteristics as Warrington [10] . obtained for cubes with 20 cs silicone in the test space. -,His plot of the profiles is repeated in Figure 4.11 for reference. He showed that as the inner cube size was reduced, the shape of the profile did not change, but .the magnitude of the temperature ratio in the middle region of -.the— gap—was.; reduced-;— The— Zv625— inch— cube—used— in _this investigation yielded similar results; the profile has the same shape, but -the m a g n i ­ tude of the temperature ratio is lower than that obtained with the 6.4, 5.0, and 4 . 0 -inch cubes Warrington investigated. Figure 4.9 shows a profile similar to those obtained by Warrington for cubes in air for the vertical (0°) and the 34" probes. However, the other probes show profiles that resemble that described by Holman for convection to an infinite atmosphere. Warrington indicated that .temperature inversions.were present .when fluids with high Prandtl numbers were in the test space. . These inver­ sions .wefe more pronounced .when spheres and cylinders were in.the test space than.when.cubes were being.used. The transition range data shows 47 Open Symbols - 4.0" cube, Pr = 298 Solid Symbols - 5.0" cube, Pr = 257 Solid Line - 6.4" cube, Pr = 278 <P • n<> I Figure 4.11 Temperature Profiles for All of the Cubical Inner Bodies and 20 cs, Perpendicular Plane ■ • 48 the same tendencies, only less pronounced. There is a d e f i n i t e .inver­ sion shown in Figure 4.8, with.the cylinder connecting to silicone. cube in silicone (Figure 4.10) showed a very '.small inversion. The Neither of the bodies showed an inversion with air in the test space. BOUNDS FOR THE ENCLOSURE REGION Powe [11] suggested that the range of L/IL values over which the enclosure equations are accurate should be bounded from above by the value of L/IL at which the infinite atmosphere equations become appli- ' cable, and bounded from below by the point where more heat is transferred by conduction than by convection." No data are available for the region involved in the lower limit of L/R^. Powe hypothesized that the enclo­ sure equation could be extrapolated for small values of L/R^ until the conduction became the dominant mode of heat transfer. Based on this hypothesis and Warrington's solution for the conduc­ tion heat transfer between concentric cubes. Figure 4.12 shows the variation of the.Nusselt number with the hypothetical gap width ratio 7 for concentric cubes in air with a Rayleigh number of 10 ... The same figure would show the variation of the Nusselt number for cylinders, except the conduction heat transfer slightly higher than shown " for cubes, depending on t h e .eccentricity of the cylinder. It is the author's opinion.that.near the lower limit.for h/R_ the heat transfer would be due to both.conduction a n d .convection. Until INFINITE ATMOSPHERE ioL R Figure 4.12 i Variation of the Nusselt Number with Gap Width Ratio for Convection from a Cube in Air. Ra, = io' D • 50 data are available for this region,.however, Powe's hypothesis could be used with reasonable accuracy. CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS . This study has increased the amount of available heat transfer and temperature profile data by extending the range of the hypothetical gap width ratio beyond that studied previously. This has increased the acceptability of the existing equations for natural convection both within .an enclosure and in an infinite atmosphere by defining the range of hypothetical gap w i d t h ratios over which each are.valid. The author recommends Warrington's equation [10] for convection within enclosures: -~ Nub ^ .585(Ra*)"236 and the equation recommended by Jakob [1] for convection to an infinite atmosphere: NuP - -52(Ra0 ) The author recommends use of the equation: F= I. 2 6 (Rab ) *0593 as the upper limit for use of the enclosure equation. BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. J a k o b , Max, Heat T r a nsfer, V o l . I, John Wiley & S o n s , N ew York, 1949, p. 523-525. 2. McAdams, William, Heat Transmission, McGraw-Hill Co., Inc., New York, 1954, pp. 175-177. 3. L i e n h a r d , J., "On the Commonality of Equations for Natural Convec­ tion from Immersed Bodies," International Journal of Heat and Mass T r a n s f e r , V o l . 16, pp. 2121-2123, November, 1973. 4. Amato, W. S., and Tien, C., "Free Convection Heat Transfer from Isothermal Spheres in Water," International Journal of Heat and Mass T r a n s f e r , V o l . 15, ,pp. 327-339, February, 1972. 5. Y u g e , T., "Experiments on Heat Transfer from Spheres Including Combined Natural and Forced Convection," Transactions of the A S M E , Journal of Heat Transfer, V o l . 82, pp. 214-220, 1960. 6. Holman, J . P., Heat Transfer, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, N e w York, pp. 205-229, 1972. 7. Kre'ith, F., Principles of Heat Transfer, Third Edition, Intext Educational Publishers, New York, pp. 383-407, 1973. 8. Scanlan, J . A., Bishop, E. H., and P owe, R. E., "Natural Convection Heat Transfer Between Concentric Spheres," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, V o l . 13, pp. 1857-1872, 1970. 9. Weber, N.,' Natural Convection Heat Transfer Between a Body and its Spherical.Enclosure, Ph.D. Dissertation, Montana State Univer­ sity., 1971. 10. Warrington, R. 0., Natural Convection Heat Transfer Between Bodies and Their Enc l o s u r e s , Ph.D. Dissertation, M ontana State University, 1975. 11. P o w e , R. E . , ."Bounding Effects on the Heat Loss by Free/Convection from Spheres and Cylinders," Transactions of the.A S M E , Journal ' of H e a t ;Transfer, Vol. 99, pp. 558-560, 1974.. APPENDICES APPENDIX I HEAT TRANSFER SIMULATION'P ROGRAM' O O O O O O O O O O O 5 10 C T H ] ? , P R P r lR/)'I I S D F S T G N F O TU S Y N T H T S I / F THR HFAT TRANSFER IN A C U H c OF I" S Ti) C S V-1U H A ? ” LONG, i f ? " * I/?" H F A T E R CENTERED IN JT AND THE SURFACE EXPOSED TC A CONSTANT T E M R E P ATtJFF MEDIUM T-DR C O N V E C T I O N . TEMPERATURE TS N O R M A L I Z E D SO THAT AMBIENT TEMP=O INPUT A INTERVALS, III I IAL TEMP, HF ATLR WATTS, ClIPF C O N D U C T I V I T Y , 3 C O N V E C T I O N COEFF TCTUJTS , AMO THF SOR FACTOR. R E Al. K TNl E G F R X , Y , 7. COM "ON T C - 1 : 1 8 , - 1 : L O , - I R I I P ) , Il I , 112 , H 3 DIMENSION TtiINCO : 10) RE A D C J O S v S ) I MV ,C T , W A T I S ,K ,H I ,H 2 ,H 3 , W F O R M AT C T A t I F l P . ? ) NTNV=-INV DO 10 Z = N T N V 1JNV DD 10 Y=O ,IMV DO 10 X = O 1 TNV T ( X 1Y 1Z ) = C t DEFINE HEATER BOUNDARIES I F = TMV/6 M A X H T = I N V * 2/3 C HXl = M A X H T - I M X ? = I-MAXHT TRl=IR+! IRP=TR-I TNVl=TNV- I NTHVl=I-TNV C C C C 60 C C OX=DY=DZ D X = . 1 2 5 / 1 NV D T = ] UV . 2 1 * D X * V . ' A T T S / K NlOdPS=O NTDP=SOO BEGIN MEAT TRANSFER LOOP NLDOP S-NLOOPS + l ERR = O . CALCUL DO 75 DO 7 I) T ( X , m ATE HEATER SIDE WALL Z = M X 2 ,HXl X = O, IR 2 , Z ) =T(X,TR+l,Z)+DT TEMPS 70 75 TCTR,X, Zi = T C T R H 1X , / ) 4 m T C l R , I P , Z ) = ( T ( T R+ I , ] U , Z ) 4 r C I R , I R M , 7 ) ) / Z . H j T C calculate C Z=HAXHT HEATER end temps V »' ' 80 83 DO no Y = O ,TRZ T C X 1 Y 1Z H T ( X rY fZ H ) - H l T tty _ 7 I= - TCX T r Y ,V,-Z-i;+DT v _ 7_ 1 ■ >± T C X 1v Y ,-Z) I C X , J R , Z ) = C I C X , I R + I ,Z ) + I C X , I K t / + I ) ) / Z . + O T T ( I R , X , Z ) = (TC Iiml ,X .Z ) 4 T ( TL , X , /41 ) ) / R . +1)1 T C X , Tl? ,-Z H C T CX , I R + l , - Z ) + T C X , T R 1- Z - I ) ) / £ . + DT T c 1 1? , X , - Z ) = C T C I R 4 I , X , - Z ; » T c T R , X ,- 7 - I ) ) / z . + O T T C I P 1 T R 1 Z I - C T C T R + 1 » T R 1Z ) + T ( T R , TR + 1 tZ) 1-4 ICIH1TRfZ + !))/]. +I) I TC I R , I R , - Z ) = C T ( I R + 1 , T R 1- Z ) + T ( I R f TR + 1, - Z ) C C 85 C C 1-+ TC IR , IF ,-Z-I ))/] .+ OT INSULATE OO U 5 Z= DO B5 X= T C - I 1X 1Z T ( X 1- I 1 Z 2 SIDES: M lN V ,JUV O 1INV ) = ! (I , X 1 Z ) ) = T C X 1 I 1 Z) CONDUCTION SOLUTION U S nif, S U C C E S S I V E O V E R R EL A X A T I U M Oil (H) Z = N T M V l , I N V l OU 90 X = O 1 TNVi 1)0 9 0 Y = O 1 T N V l I F C J A B S ( Z ) . L F . M A X H T . a n d .Y.l F . I R . A M D . X . L E . T R) GO TO R = T ( X + 1 , Y , / ) + T ( X - l ,Y 1 Z ) + T ( X , Y - I , Z ) + T C X , Y + l ,Z) / + T C X 1Y 1Z + ! ) + T C X , Y , Z - l ) - 6 . * T ( X , Y , Z ) TT = H X 1 Y . Z ) + W / ( S . * R E R R = C R i m A p s (I CX ,Y ,Z ) - T I ) TCX . v , Z ) =TT 90 C C C CO M T I N U E C 0 MV E C T J V E P O U N O A R IFS : STOESOO H O Z = N I M V 1INV 00 IUO X = O 1TMV T T = T C X , INV-.1 , Z) /C I . + H 2 * D X / K ) E R R = F R K + A P S ( T ( X 1 T N V 1Z ) - T T ) 100 H O C T ( X 1I N V 1Z ) = T T DU 1 .10 V = O 1 T N V TI = ! C T N V - I 1 Y 1 Z l Z C I .+ H 2 * O X / K ) E R R = E R R + A d S C T C T M V , Y 1Z l - T T ) TC I N V 1 Y 1 Z ) = T I 90 C OOOO 12 0 131 132 133 135 140 155 15 0 160 170 100 ENOS00 120 X = O f T M V on 120 Y - O i INV T T l = T C X ,Y , I N V - I ) / (I .-+Hl * O X / K ) T T 2 = T ( X , Y , I - INV ) / C I . H_1 *0 X/ K ) E r r = E r r ^ a b s c t c x , Y , i n V ) - t i d t A B S c T c x, Y 1- I N v j - T T 2 ) T ( X 1Y 1I N V ) = Tl I TC X 1Y j- I N V ) = T T 2 END Ul= H E A T TRANSFER UlOP D E C I S I O N AND P R I N T S E C T I O N I F C E R R . L T . . 0 1 ) 0 0 TO 133 J F C N L O U P S .L I . N T O P )GU IU 60 W R T T f C l O P 1 13 I ) NLO QP S F U R M A T C / , ' D T O NJT C O N V E R G E I N ' , I ^ 1 ' I T E R A T I O N S " ) WR ITE Cl 0.8, I 3? H RR F O R M A T (' E R R = ' , F 1 J .3) C A L L Ii e A T ( D X 1 IIIV1K) GO TO 140 W R I T E( I OS, I 3 5 ) NL Q CJP S F O P N A T C / , / , ' S O L U T I O N C O N V E R G E D I N " ,15," I T E R A T I O N S ' ) O O 1 6 0 / = M I N V 1 INV WR IT E C I 0 (i , I 5 5 ) FORKAT(Z) DO 160 Y = O 1 INV W R I T E C I O b . 1 5 0 ) ( TC X , Y , Z ) , X = O , I N V ) F O R M A T ( I O F o . I) 'CONTINUE W R I T E 1 1 0 8 , 1 7 0) FORRATC/,/,/) T F f F R R . L T . . 0 1 ) GO T D IdO IF ( M T O P .GT . I O 0 O ) GO T D 180 NTUP = NTD p +5 00 GO TO 60 END C C C S U B R O U T I N E H E A T ( O X 1T N V 1K) C A L C U L A T E T H E H E A T C O N V E C T E O F R U M THE O F THE C U B E E X P O S E D T O T H E M E D I U M C O M M O N T ( - 1 ; I d i - I : 18 ,-ID: lo) ,H I ,112 ,M3 I M T E G F R X fY lZ DEAL K A=ox*nx O= O . Z=IhV M I N V 1 = l-TNV 00 10 Y = I , INV FOUR FACES 10 15 17 20 30 C C no 10 X = I 1T N V Q = 0 + A m 1 * ( 7 ( X , Y ,Z ) + T C X - I 1 Y l Z m c x O = O - H U H 3* O ( X 1Y 1Z K K X - I 1Y 1 Z K T ( X Y=TNV DO ]5 Z = K T N V l 1T N V HO 15 X = I 1INV 0 = 0 + A * H 2 * ( I C X 1Y 1 Z K T C X - I 1 Y 1 7 ) + T ( X 0 = 0 + A * H 2 * ( T C Y » X , Z )+-T C Y , X - I , Z ) + T C Y W R l T E ( 1 0 8 t1 7 ) F O R M A K / . ' C O N V EC T I O M F R O M SU R F AC WRTTEC100,20)0 Q = Q * . 293 W R I T E ( I Otl , 3 0 ) 0 FORMAT ( ' O = K F ? . ? , ' HTUZHR') FORMAT ( ' = ' , , = 7 . 2 , ' W A T T S ') CONDUCTION FROM MAXHT=In v * 2/3+I K X 2= I - M A X H T l Y - I , Z) + K X - I i Y - I 1 Z) + K X - 1 Y - I 1Z) Y - I 1 Z) /4 . /4. , Y 1 Z - I ) + T ( X - l tY , 7 - 1 ) ) / 4 . , X ,Z - 1 J + T C Y , X - I 1Z - D T M . T ') CARTRIDGE 0= 0. I R=IMV/ 6+I DO 4 C X = I ,IR DO 40 Y = I 1 TR Z=KAXHl - I T I = C T C X 1 Y f Z K K X - I 1Y 1Z ) + K X , Y - I 1 Z ) + K X - I 1 Y - I , Z ) ) / 4 Z=MAXHT + 1 T Z = I K X 1Y 1 Z K T C X - I 1 Y 1 Z K U X 1Y - I 1 Z M K X - I 1 Y -I , Z ) ) / 4 0=Q + K*l)X*CTl-T2)/2. Z=I-MAXHT T 3 = ( T ( X ,Y , Z D + T C X - I , Y , Z ) + T CX , Y - l . Z T + T C X - D Y - l , Z ) ) / 4 Z=-I-MAXH I 40 T 4 = a c x , Y . Z M T U - I , Y 1Z M K X M - I f Z K K X - l , Y - I , Z ))/4 0=Q+K*DX*CT3-T4)/2. on 5 U Z = M X Z 1M A X h t OO 50 X = I 1 TR Y=IP-I Tl = C T U 1Y 1Z M T C X Y = I R + I I, Y 1 Z M K X , Y 1Z - I M r C X - I ,Y , Z - I ) ) / 4 i l 5 « ^ ,5ill(T, 1 ) l { ?S x 7 i . - Y ’ n 4 r a i ', ’ z - n 4 K X - 1 'v ' z - 1 ) ) / 4 Y=TR-I T 3 = ( T ( X ,Y ,Z ) + T C X - M Y , Z ) + 7 ( X 1 Y 1 Z - I ) K 50 45 ( X - l , Y , Z - I ) ) /4 IQ ^ I L cxD i i I i r 3 i U 5 7 1 2 : v ’ z > , I C X - Y > z - u , u x - 1 ' Y > z - U ) / '’ WRTTFC I08,45 ) F U R M A T C /, CONDUCTION FROM C A R T R I D G E ') WRIT L ( I O H 1Z O ) O Ln VD Q=Q * .293 W R J T E C IOQ WRJJEClUn F O R M A K / ) RETURN EMO 3 0) Q 55) APPENDIX II PARTIALLY REDUCED HEAT TRANSFER DATA The data in this section is all of the heat transfer data taken in this investigation. The data has been partially reduced in that the thermocouple millivolt readings have been converted to degrees Rarenheit and the power losses have been subtracted from the total power to obtain PCONV. The column headings are: IDB Body Identification as defined on page 67 IDF Fluid Identification, 1-air, 2- w a t e r , 3-20 cs, 4-350 cs, 5-glycerin 0. B.DIA Outer body diameter or side length (inches) 1 . B IDPA-^-Inner- body- -diameter^"Or- side -length— (inches) — XXXX Eccentricity for cylindrical inner b o d i e s ; defined as (H-I.B i D I A)/(O.B.DIA - I.B.DIA) TAVGI . Inner body temperature (0F) TAVGO PCONV PLOSS . .Outer body temperature (0F) Heat transfer convection (btu/hr) . Heat loss due to conduction and radiation (btu/hr) IDB IDF O.B.D IA I.B .D IA XXXX 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 I I I I I I I I 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 I I I I I I I 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 10.5000 10 . 5 0 0 0 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 19.5000 10.5000 10.3000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 . 000O 0.0000 3 .2000 0.0000 0.0000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3 .2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6259 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 . 0 0 O0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 TAVGI 81.9740 50.8080 132.7190 102.1040 217.2380 171.8830 155.5630 109.2440 67.2940 204.2160 226.4520 146.6900 258.7700 70.4130 108.1210 57.8040 101.9540 129.4560 136.5210 78.7290 145.7340 108.7170 229.6050 195.0740 278.9510 171.8530 204.6850 121.9440 04.5420 192.01OO 11 1 . 9 6 0 0 230.4540 135.9720 218.0670 158.4430 98.2810 124.0340 179.3510 143.2520 227.1690 7 I .0890 I 19.7860 74.4920 93.7510 79.9910 TAVGO 38.1210 38.3130 37.9910 36.1240 37.0920 36.0390 37.0390 36.8850 45.30 IO 51.7630 58.4300 42.0320 60.8300 37.7220 38.88O0 37.1770 52.1930 67.1240 71.3470 43.9690 48.3000 43.5270 6 I .4720 55.8800 71.4210 53.5640 55.0990 42.2460 45.5070 46.8130 47.2910 45.6660 43.6190 43.2000 42.6010 5 I .2720 48.3680 53.4590 52.4190 58.8340 43.9510 63.4320 52.9690 53.7450 52.2610 PCONV 12.4300 3.8800 32.8100 2 0 .0800 76.8100 52.6000 43.9300 61.5400 47.6700 1641.3000 2101.3000 748.8900 2900.1000 106.7000 361.6000 3 0 6 . I 100 1645.60O0 2612.5000 2097.0000 206.6000 784.3000 441.3000 1676.1000 1265.0000 2310.5000 997.3000 1375.9000 564.9000 7.4600 42.8000 14.0000 58.90OO 32.0000 54.6000 42.7000 155.4000 341.4000 047.8000 480.2000 1499.6000 43.0600 1490.8000 343.9000 049.4000 483.1000 FLOSS 7.0000 0.6000 16.8000 10.9000 33.5000 24.5000 21.3000 28.0000 I . 1320 7.8470 8.6470 5.3860 10.I860 1.6820 3.5630 1.0610 2.5600 3.2080 3.3540 1.7890 5.0140 3.3550 8.6520 7.1630 10.6800 6.0870 7.6980 4.1010 3.9000 14.5000 6.5000 18.2000 9.0000 17.0000 1 1 . 1000 I .7280 2.7820 4.6280 3.3390 6.1880 0.8140 2.0720 0.7910 1.4710 1.0190 IDB IDF O.B.DIA I . B-DlA XXXX TAVGI 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 I I I I I I 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 I I I I I I 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.3000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.3000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.0000 0.0000 109.6650 05.8940 188.0080 108.0090 133.0940 214.7460 169.9330 209.0850 I 10.7280 186.3130 134.2270 149.9120 07.6790 134.8090 102.5760 167.3540 74.4920 193.5090 236.3500 131.5630 95.0050 100.6000 64.2430 170.2140 92.9300 209.5130 73.2120 142.3040 I 18.3100 94.5730 134.0190 101.6630 110.0400 210.9890 156.3670 123.5720 173.0670 7 9 . 0260 205.4650 104.5880 149.3790 182.4590 107.4070 126.2980 142.7580 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.0000 2.0000 2.0000 0.0000 2.0000 2.0000 0.0000 O. 0 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.0000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 0.0000 TAVGO PCONV 58.59O0 1252.7000 48.4810 152.2000 55.8580 848.0000 53.2780 254.5000 52.0420 432.5000 56.0230 1084.6000 52.3060 709.0000 50.8340 20.3000 52.4570 7.5000 50.6300 23.3000 50.7740 12.20OO 48.9430 15.9000 52.O870 4.2000 52.5770 268.0200 52.2530 120.0700 54.7530 462.2900 48.7840 41.9300 55.1290 655.0400 5 9.0130 1045.5200 6 7 .0 7 2 0 I 163.7900 59.6120 470.0600 58.4450 771.0000 49.6250 I 17.0900 52.0800 456.6700 49.9500 I 15.5300 58.2200 655.5000 52.6300 42.2200 52.4870 313.9300 49.9580 214.3900 53.0300 9.6300 53.5720 20.5600 52.1550 36.3400 50.4700 13.3000 48.1560 49.2500 48.1030 28.9400 55.7230 303.8700 56.0980 764.7200 50.2900 75.5100 5 7 .6 6 6 0 I 169.0000 190.0000 54.6250 56.8640 523.8400 08.3610 2969.0000 72.4600 831.7300 7 2.8440 1423.0000 7 7.2390 1947.0000 FLOSS 1.8780 1.3750 4.8900 2.0150 3.0090 5.0350 4.3240 15.0900 5.2000 12.6000 7.5000 9.0000 2.9000 1.3710 0.8390 I .8770 0.4290 2.3070 2.9560 1.0620 0.5900 0.0360 0.2440 1.6960 0.7160 2.5220 0.3430 1.4970 I . 1390 2.7500 7.4300 13.1200 4.6000 16.2100 10.1000 3.6430 6.2800 1.5430 7.9370 2.6830 4.9680 5 . 1070 I .0770 2.0700 3.5180 IDB IDF O.B.DIA I.B .D IA XXXX 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 I I I I I I 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 I I I I I I 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 10.5060 16.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5060 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 2.5000 2.5060 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5060 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 0.3125 0.3125 0.0125 0.3125 0.3125 0.0125 6.3125 0 . 1 25 0 O. 1 25 0 0.1250 0.1250 0.1250 0.1250 0.1250 0 . 1250 0.1250 0.1250 0.1250 0.1250 0.1250 0.1250 0.1250 0.1259 0.1250 0.1250 0.1250 0.1250 0.1250 0.1250 0.1250 0.2778 0.2778 0.2778 0.2778 0.2770 0.2778 0.2778 0.2778 0.2778 0.2778 0.2778 0.2778 0.2778 0.2778 0.2778 TAVGl 163.0930 121.3440 104.5270 92.5400 149.9930 211.0660 69.8030 83.3190 151.3860 102.1900 209.5130 176.0330 127.8050 133.9360 181.6630 94.5290 156.2860 77.6640 200.9720 106.1940 131.0960 160.2310 86.5480 99.5710 127.6380 75.7270 191.6940 102.5330 219.0310 160.4750 96.8600 175.9530 63.2600 150.6490 124.9990 199.8360 132.1460 85.1530 154.2470 102.2760 199.9920 175.5930 114.0810 171.0190 84.4980 TAVGO 83.7630 56.5630 58.7440 55.9030 56.4360 59.6490 51.2650 54.3020 51.9510 50.0570 52.0870 54.2720 53.4060 54.0310 55.1970 54.4750 56.7730 55.2270 57.9130 8 4 . 6 5 10 75.1030 77.5900 64.7400 60.0230 50.2220 49.2240 53.1430 50.6150 54.2340 51.4760 49.1780 49.6930 5 I .8460 52.0640 50.6070 49.2310 60.9570 53.6400 53.6170 49.0570 53.0070 54.1670 60.0080 66.6340 57.3210 PCOKV 2 5 0 6 . 70O0 304.7300 766,0300 149.5000 510.4660 991.3100 57.8500 4.9800 10.9600 9.0600 34.0900 2 4 . IOOO 13.1900 304.0000 688.5000 107.2500 457.9700 47.5600 850.5700 2949.5000 I 172.4800 2O 51.47O 0 301.3500 673.7200 300.9600 75.3500 670.7400 176.9100 849.7300 475.6100 6.0900 19.0300 I .6400 13.7500 9.8400 23.5200 197.0400 48.9900 327.6900 I 10.0400 611.1200 454.6700 750.3800 1880.2300 278.4700 PLOSS 4.2760 3.4790 6.7550 1.9670 5.0240 8 . 1 31 0 0.9950 I .4000 9.5300 3.6500 16.4500 12.4500 6.7000 3.2360 5 . 12 2 0 1.6220 4.0300 0.9090 5.7940 4.1120 2.3000 3.3470 0.8830 1.6020 3.1350 I . 0730 5.6110 2.1020 6.6740 4.4140 2.0000 7.0300 0.0000 5.6100 3.8000 8.6000 I .5280 0.6770 2 . 16O0 I .1430 3 . 1560 2.6070 1.1610 2.2410 0.5830 IDB IDF O.B.DIA I.B .D IA 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 I I I I I I 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5060 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5060 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5000 10.5060 10.5000 10.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5009 1.5000 1.5060 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.3000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 XXXX TAVGI 0.2778 0.2778 0.2778 0.2778 0.2778 0.2778 0.2778 140.3630 121.6920 82.5310 153.2260 102.4900 202.6930 176.2730 127.6800 181.2650 155.7970 201.5590 105.3150 68.8720 124.7470 170.2330 69.2710 199.7580 102.7470 149.5840 1 1 3 . 1910 166.5060 70.5860 137.3410 9 I .3270 143.3760 77.5760 212.0360 96.6870 161.3670 110.3950 185.7970 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 0.1111 TAVGO PCONV 62.0010 1245.2900 5 I .3330 107.7700 50.0940 60.2000 51.8010 317.0100 51.1670 126.0600 54.0990 538.5300 5 1.0980 420.7500 44.9020 10.0900 40.7690 14.4900 50.2140 10.6000 40.1710 17.2400 49.0720 5.0700 4 9 . 0 2 10 1.7900 51.3850 126.0200 52.4070 313.0900 52.6230 16.0400 54.5350 411.9600 53.8730 69.4600 52.7960 202.1600 60.2470 475.3400 6 5.4250 1213.7900 57.9950 124.3600 59.5520 013.2700 53.0900 276.5600 55.7600 176.0500 54.8660 30.7900 55.5650 306.5500 52.3130 69.9700 52.1400 234.0600 52.0720 120.9200 53.6550 306.0200 FLOSS 1.6820 1.4900 0.6960 2.1780 I .1020 3.1900 2.6070 1.6500 6.4100 5.2000 7.7500 2.4000 0.4000 1.2800 2.1930 0.2900 2.5330 0.8530 1.6080 0.9240 1.7630 0.3590 1.3570 0.6670 1.5280 0.3960 2.7290 0.7740 1.9050 I . 1570 2.3050 APPENDIX III HEAT TRANSFER DATA REDUCTION PROGRAM This program reduces the data from the form in Appendix II to the Nusselt, Grashof, Prandtl, and Rayleigh numbers, calculates the geo- - . metric parameters, and evaluates the constants for empirical equation forms using the subroutine CURET. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O OOOOOOO OO HEAT TRANSFER WRITTEN BY RD ADAPTED BY SA •N A T U R A L CONVEC DATA REDUCTION WARRINGTON SMITH TION IN A N ENCLOSURE M tI sIilysSyiIIiI-IrIIisIUS...... SA IS SURFACE AREA OF INNER BODY V1«EAN ?EHP^E » r5yGDlF^REScFT0RS T VlA V G 1 S AI Ea S V? R n , 5 E UI!N R N^°L S ^ TAVGO IS A V E R A G E OUTER BODY ^ IS J J IS 12345 IDB IS THE TOTAL POWER LOSS FLUID IDENTIFIER ATR H20 20 CS SILICON 350 CS SILICON GLYCERIN THE BODY IDENTIFIER !-SPHERE 2-CYLINDER J- CUBE DIMENSION DIMENSION NNNN=I PI=3.1415927 OO 1000 IJ K = I , N N N N K IS C O U N T E R K= O READ IN TDR=O -OR LAST 10.5 " INU5 R a D I a T I 0 N »N0 CRTU/HR) 9.B2B 4 - SPHERE 5-CYLINDER 6~ C U BE 7-CUBE-ROTATED u"6 TEMPERATURE P C O N O U C T I O ^ L O S S E S ^ C S T U / H R 8 ! 8110' PL “ VOLUMETRIC IN.SPHERICAL IN. CUBICAL OUTER OUTER BODY BODY c^iii§§) ,:Sp,R 6( )ii^;:,)^ r i ^ ^ R1ST6Ra500) 9 Z Z N U S C 1 5 0 0 ) C C 50 RE ADC 1 0 5 , 2 5 ) HT RUN I D Q 1 J J , X C U B E , S D f X X X , I A V G I , I AV G O » P , P L FORMAT(2T5,7F10.4) T F C IDB.EQ.O) GT TO 100 K=K+ I I F C K . E O . I) O U T P U T I D B ,J J ,S D ,XXX GO 7 0 ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 6 ) IDB SPHERE, SPHERICAL S A = P K - S D * SO V l = I . ;V OUTER BOOT 2= I. G A P = ( X C U B E - S D ) /2. R I= S D / 2 . BLL=P K S D / 2 . GO TO 11 CYLINDERS, SPHERICAL OUTER BODY XLEN=XXX*CXCUBE-SO)+SD SA=PI* S D * CXLEN-SD)+PI*SD*SD V l=I . ?V 2 = l . Rl=CSD/4.)*(C12.*XLEN/S0)-4.)**(1./3.) GAP = ( X C U B E / 2 . )-RI BLL=PI*SD/2.+XLEN-SD GO TO 11 CUBES, SPHERICAL OUTER BODY SA=6.*SD*SD Vl=I. ;v2=i. RI=CC3.*S0*SD*SD)/C4.*PI))**Cl./3.) GAP=(XCUBE/2.)-RI B L L = S D* 2. GO TO 11 SPHERES , CUBICAL OUTER BODY SA=PI*SD*SO v i = i . ; v 2= I . R0=((3.*XCUBE**3)/(4.*PI))**(l./3.) RI = S D /2 . GAP=R0-S0/2. B L L = P I * S O /2. GO TO 11 CYLINDERS , CUBICAL OUTER BODY XLEN=XXX*(XCUBE-SD)+SD SA=PI*SD*XLEN Vl=I.; V2=l. RO=XCUBE+C3./(4.*PI))**(!./3.) RI=SD/4.*((12.*XLENZSD)-4.)**(l./3.) GAP=RO-RI BLL=PI*S0/2.+XLEN-SD GO TO 11 CUBES, CUBICAL OUTER BODY SA=6.*SD*SO VI=I.; V2=1. 11 C C C C C C C C C C C R0=XCU8E*(3./C't .*PT))**C1 ./3.) R I = S D * ( 3./(<♦.«?[))*«■( I . /3.) GAP=RO-Rl OLL=SD*?. CONTINUE DT IS T E M P E R A T U R E DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INNER AND OUTER BODIES DT=TAVGI-TAVGn M .I S A V E R A G E HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT CBTU/HR-FT**I-F) H=Pfr1 4 4 . /CDTfrSA) MEAN ABSOLUTE TEMPERATURE CR) T A V G = C T A V G O f r V l f T A V G I * V 2 ) / CV I * V 2 ) + 4 5 9 . 6 9 CALCULATE FLUID PROPERTIES VISCOSITY CLBM/HR-FT) V I S = U C T A V G , JJ) SPECIFIC HEAT CBTU/LBM-R) SH=CPCTAVG,JJ) THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY CBTU/FT*»2-R) C O N D = C O N C T A V G , J J) DENSITY C L B M / F T*fr3) O E N = R H O C T A V G , JJ) THERMAL EXPANSION COEFFICIENT CFTfr*3/R) B E T = B E T A C T A V G tJ J ) PRANOTL NUMBER PR=VlSfrSHZCOND XPRCK)=PR GRASHOF NUMBER CEITHER GAP OR D L L OR SD, 3RD CARD) CF) GR-32.174*BET*DTfrCGAP*GAP*GAP/1728.)*DEN*DEN*3600.*3600.ZCVIS*VIS) G R = 3 2 . 1 7 4 * 0 E T f r Q T f r C S D f r S O frSD/ 1 7 2 8 . ) f r D E N f r D E N f r 3 6 0 0 . * 3 6 0 0 . Z C V I S f r V I S ) J C ^is3E 2L « ; 5 ^ i 3T^ ^ r ^ E %Ls%%LL^ 7^ u ,5g%N;?E5 ; « p oo-,cvis‘vi» ZZNUS(K)=HfrGAPZCC O H O * 12.) Z Z N U S C K ) = H * SOZ(C O N O f r l 2 . ) Z Z N U S ( K ) = HfrBLLZCGONDfr12.) RAYLEIGH NUMBER RA=GRfrPR XRA(K)=RA C RASTAR IS M O D I F I E D RAYLEIGH RASTARCK)=RA*GAPZRI GEO(K)=GAPZRI GO TO 50 .... 100 CONTINUE C****** NU = C.l*RASTARfr*C2 DO 115 N = I,K XC1,N)=1. X ( 2 , N) = A L O G l O C R AS T A R ( N ) ) 115 X ( 3 , N ) = A L D G 1 0 ( Z Z N U S CN)) h v = 2 ; n o b = k CALL CURFTCNV,NOB,X,C) C NUMBER (RAfrGAPZRI) ON VO OOOO 1000 1 2 997 998 11 12 20 30 13 14 15 16 999 3 4 31 CALL E R R O R C N V , N 0 3 , X 1C , S S Q ) C l = I O . * * C C l ) !OUTPUT Cl OUTPUT 0(2) CONTINUE END SUBROUTINE C U R F r ( N V 1N O B 7 X 1 C) DIMENSION X(6,1500),C(6),S(7,7) DOUBLE PRECISION 5,0 . LEAST SQUARES - NV INDEPENDENT VARIABLES WRITTEN BT R . E . P O W E - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Y = X f N V + ! , I) - NOB= NO. OF O B S E R V A T I O N S C(I)=GOEFFICIENI OF X(I) M=N V+ 1 MP=M+I DO I 1=1,M DO I J = I 1 MP S ( I 1 J ) = O . DO DO 2 I = I 1 NOB DO 2 J = I 1M DO 2 K = I 1M S ( J 1 K ) = S ( J , K ) + X ( J , I ) * X ( K , I) S ( I 1 M P ) = I . DO IF ( N V - I ) 997,997,998 S ( 1 , 1 ) = S ( 1 1 2 ) Z S ( 1 11) GO TO 999 DO 16 L K = I 1 NV IF L S ( L 1D ) 13,12,13 WRITE (108,20) FORMAT (' EQUATIONS IN S U B R O U T I N E CURFT ARE DEPENDENT !LOWING ERROR ANALYSIS') DO 30 I I I = I 1 NV C(III)=O. GO TO 31 DO 14 J = I 1M S ( M 1 J ) = S ( I 1 J t l ) Z S ( I lI) DO 15 1 = 2 , NV D = S(I, I ) DO 15 J = I 1M S ( I - I 1 J ) = S ( I 1 J f l ) - D t S ( M 1J) DO 16 J = I 1M S ( N V 1 J ) = S ( M 1 J) DO 3 I = I 1NV C ( I ) = S ( I 7 I) WRITE (108,4) ! , C d ) FORMAT ( ' D O X 1 COEFFICIENT O F X ' 1 2, ' = ' E 1 5 . 8 ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE E R R O R ( N V 1N O B 1 X 1C 1 S S Q ) . - .. IGNORE FQL OOOO C DIMENSION X ( 6 , 1 5 0 0 ) , C ( G ) 1A N P ( T ) OOUDLE PRECISION YC , T S , T E ERROR ANALYSIS - NOB OBSERVATIONS Y = X ( N V - H 1 T) - S S O = S T A N d AR O D E V I A T I O N C d ) - CONSTANTS WRITTEN BY R » E. POWE - MECHANICAL M= N V + I TS=O-DO TE=O-OO EMX=ODO 5 1=1,5 5 ANP(I)=O. WRITE (108,1) I FORMAT ('O rS X 1 e Y E X P E R I M E N I A L ' 8 X , Y 1R"5X ,'PER CENT ERROR') D] 2 I= I 1 NOB Y E = X ( M d ) ADD EQUATION FOR YC A T THIS POINT YC=O-DO DO 20 IJ=I.NV 20 Y 0 = Y 0 + 0 ( T j ) t X ( I J , I ) Y C = I O .**Y C Y E = I O d t Y E E=YC-YE E P = I O O d E Z Y E EPA=ABS(EP) IF ( E P A - E M X ) 6,6,7 7 EMX=EPA 6 D O 8 J = 1 ,5 A C O = J* 5 IF (EPA-ACD) 9,9,8 9 ANP(J)=ANP(J)+!* 8 CONTINUE TS = T S + E*E TE=TE+ABS(EP) 2 W R I T E ( 1 0 8 , 3 ) Y E 1 YC , E t E P 3 FORMAT (4E20.8) A = NOB SSQ=(ISZA)**.5 . TE=TEZA WRITE (108,4) S S Q 1TE 4 FORMAT (' O d O X 1 'STANDARD DE V I AT IO N = ' E H A T I O N = ' E 15.8) WRITE ( 108,10) EMX 10 FORMAT ( ' O d O X d M A X I M U M PER CENT DEVI DO 11 1=1,5 X N P = A N P (I) X N P = I O O d X N P Z A ENGINEERING CALCULATED'5X NUMERICAL ERRO H ....... I 5 . 8, 5 X , ' A V E R A G E A T I O N = 'E 1 5 . 8) PER CENT DEV =:i * 5 WRITE (108,12) X N P fACD FORMAT (5X.E15.8,2X,'PER IOh EQUATION ) RETURN a c d 11 12 CENT OF DATA WITH I N '2X ,E 15 . 8 , 2 X , 'PER CENT END FUNCTION U(TiJJ) GO TO ( I , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ) JJ C . . . . A B S O L U T E V I S C O S I T Y OF A I R 1 CO=I34•375 01=6.0133834 C2=l.8432299 C3=l. 3347050 U=Tt*G2/(EXP(Cl)*(T+C0)**C3) GO TO 50 C.... ABSOLUTE VISCOSITY OF W A T E R 2 T P = T - 5 9 3 . 33203 Cl=.0071695149 C2=.011751302 03=.0087791942 C 4 = . 81654704 VIS=01*TP+C2*(1.+C3*(TP**2))**.5+G4 U=1./VIS GO TO 50 C.... ABSOLUTE VISCOSITY OF 2 0 C S OOW 200 SILICONE 3 V = . 0 3 8 7 5 * 0 4 . 6 * 1 0 * * 5 ) / ( T - 3 5 9 . 6 9 ) * * l . 912 01=52.754684 02=.045437533 0 3 = 5 . 1 8 3 2 3 3 6 / ( 1 0 . **5) RH0=C1+(C2-C3*T)*T U = R H O * . 94 9 * V GO TO 5 0 r ABSOLUTE VISCOSITY OF 350CS COW 200 SILICONE V= O.03875*05.495*10**9)/(T-259.69)**2.943 01=52.754684 02=.045437533 0 3 = 5 . 1 8 3 2 3 3 6 / ( 1 0 . **5) RH0=C1+<C2-C3*T)*T U=RHO*.970*V GO TO 50 C*****VISCOSITY OF 96% GLYCERIN 5 01=103.51199 02=-.54040736 C3=.11128595E-02 • 0 4 = - . I 0 5 2 6 0 6 4 E - 05 C5=.38202064E-09 U = C 1 + C 2 * T + 0 3 *T * T + C 4 * T * * 3 + C 5 * T * * 4 U=IO.**U , K> \ 50 RETURN END FUNCTION CPCT.JJ) GO TO (I,2,3,4,5) JJ C - ... SPECIFIC HEAT OF ATR 1 C0=2.2 3 6 7 7 5 / ( 1 0 . ) . Cl-.22797749 CP = C H - C O * ! GO TO 10 C.... SPECIFIC HEAT DF WATER 2 Cl=I.3757095 C2=.OOl2960965 0 3 = 1 . 1 1 1 0 5 3 3 / ( 1 0. * * 6 ) CP=C l-(C2-C3*T)*T GO TO 10 C.... SPECIFIC HEAT OF 20CS 3 T P = 5 . * ( T - 4 9 1 . 693/9. Cl=.3448334 C2=7.7499/(10.* * 5 ) 0 3 = 4 . 1 6 7 / ( 1 0 . *»0) CP=C1+(C2-C3*TP)*TP GO TO 10 SPECIFIC HEAT DF 35 O C S T P = 5. K T - 4 9 1 . 6 9 ) / 9 . C =.3259583 C 2 = 2 . 4 2 5 / ( 1 0 . **4) 0 3 = 5 . 4 1 6 6 7 / ( 1 0 . **7D CP = C l + ( C 2 - C 3 * T P 3 * TP GO TO 10 C**** SPECIFIC HEAT DF 100% 5 IF(T.LT.599.69) 50 TO Cl=.22420651 0 2 = . 66666701E-03 CP = C I + 0 2 *T GO TO 10 6 Cl=.15481514 C2=.78571402E-03 CP=01+C2*T 10 R E T U R N END FUNCTION C O N ( T , JJ D GO TO (1,2,3,4,5) JJ C.... THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY I XP = . I C0 = - 8 . 5 9 6 4 9 6 5 01 = 344 9 0 . 8 9 02=868.23837 03=8056583.8 DOW 200 DOW 200 GLYCERIN 6 OF AIR SILICONE SILICONE 7 6 C.... 2 X=XP F=C0+Cl*X+C2*XtX+C3*X+X*X-T FP=C1+2.*C2*X+3.*X*X*C3 XP=X-FZFP IF ( A B S ( C X P - X ) Z X ) - O . 0001) 6,6,7 C O N = X P • GO TO 10 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF WATER Cl=.23705417 C?=.0017156797 C 3 = l. 1 5 6 3 7 7 0 / ( 1 0 . * * 6 ) C 0 N = - C 1 + ( C 2 - C 3 * T ) *T GO TO 10 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF 2 OCS OOW 200 SILICONE C O N = . 00034/0.004134 GO TO 10 C.... THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF 350CS DOW ZOO SILICONE 4 CON=O.00038/0.004134 GO TO 10 C*****THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY o f 96% GLYCERIN 5 C l = . 14340127 C2=.47222275E-04 C0N=C1+C2*T 10 R E T U R N END FUNCTION R H O ( T 1JJ) GO TO (1,2,3,4,5) JJ C.... DENSITY OF AI R AT A T M O S P H E R I C PRESS. LBM/FT3 1 A = 12.5 R H O = A t 144./(53.36*T) GO TO 10 C.... DENSITY OF W A T E R 2 01=52.754684 02=.045437533 C 3 = 5 . 1 8 3 2 3 3 6 / ( 1 0 . **5) RH0=Cl+CC2-C3*r)*T GO TO 10 DENSITY OF 20CS DOW 200 SILICONE C 1=52.754684 C 2=.045437533 0 3 = 5 . 1 8 3 2 3 3 6 / ( 1 0 . **5) RH0=.949*(C1+(C2-C3*T)*T) GO TO 10 C.... DENSITY OF 3 5 OC S D O W 200 SILICONE 4 01=52.754684 02=.045437533 C 3 = 5. 1 8 3 2 3 3 6 / ( 1 0. * * 5 ) RHO=.97*(C1+(C2-03*T)*T) Ul« C.... 3 GO TO 10 C*****OENSITY OF 96% GLYCERIN 5 01=89.789932 C2=-.2221163E-01 RH O = C 1+C2*T 10 R E T U R N END f u n c t i o n BETA Cl,J J ) GO TO Cl,2,3,6,5) JJ C.... THERMAL EXPANSION C O E F F . OF 1 B E T A = I . ZT GO TO 10 C.... THERMAL EXPANSION COE F F . OF 2 TP=TZlOO. IF ( T - 5 4 9 . 5 9 ) 6,6,7 6 01=603.11841 02=-353.03882 03=68.2970 I2 C4=-4.3611460 RP=01+(02+(C3+04*TP)*TP)*TP GO TO 8 7 C l = - 1 2 8 .44920 02=68.827927 0 3 = - 1 3 . 858489 04=1.2608585 05=-.042495236 8P=Cl+(G2+(C3+CC4+C5*TPj*TP) 8 BETA = BP/(10.t*4) GO TO 10 O.... THERMAL EXPANSION C O E F F . OF 3 BETA=.00107/1.8 GO TO 10 C.... THERMAL EXPANSION COEFF. OF 4 BET A = . 0 0 0 9 6 / 1 . O GO TO 10 C * * * * * T H E R M Al EXPANSION COEFFICIEN 5 01=89.789932 02=.2221163E-01 BETA=C2/CC1-C2*T) 10 RETURN END AIR WATER *TPJtTP 20CS 350CS T OF DOW DOW 96% 200 200 SILICONE SILICONE GLYCERIN APPENDIX IV TEMPERATURE PROFILE DATA REDUCTION PROGRAM This program reduces .the millivolt readings and micrometer readings to the dimensionless temperature ratios and dimensionless radius ratios for plotting. OOOOOO TEMPERATU NR IS R U N NP IS P R O TAVGJ IS TAVGO IS 5 10 RE PROFILE NUMBER BE NUMBER INNER BODY OUTER BODY PROGRAM TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE f i ^ ) "ROL( 6 0 “ y K ^ 0 C 6 O ) INNER 0UTER 80DIES R E A D f l O S , 1 0 ) N R , TI X f 0 ( 1 ) , I = i;6) FO M A T (7 1 ' -R ....... F 62.,3 ) IF(NR.EQ.0)G0 0 • TO 100 TO A = DO 15 20 25 30 35 GO 40 C C 45 47 50 60 80 1=1,6 TO 5 ,TP 40 ) . 30 K=K-I OLR = D I M E N S ION LESS DISTANCE O L T = O I M E N S I O N LESS TEMPERATURE W R I T E ( 1 0 8 , A 5 ) N R ,NP FORMAT ( 'Ik UN NUMBER ',I3,8X, ' W R I T E d 06,47) NR, NP F0RMAT(2I3) WRXTE(108,50) PROBE N U M B E R ' , 13,/) F O R M A T (' R A D I U S ' , 6 X , ' T E M P E R A T U R E ' ) DO 80 1=1,K DLR=RD(T)ZRO(K) O L T = ( T E M P R O d ) - T A V G O ) /I AV GD W R I T E d O W , 6 0 ) D L R 1O L T WRITE(106,60) DLR ,OLT F O R M A T ( F 6 . 3 , 9X, F 6 . 3 ) CONTINUE WRITE( 106,60) 0,0 GO 100 15 T0A=T0A+T0(I)/6. TAVGI=TEMP(TI) TAVGO=TEMP(TOA) TAVGD=TAVGI-TAVGO READ(105,25)NP F O R M A T (12) IF(NP.EQ.O)GO TO K=I READ(105,35 )RD(K) FORMAT(2F6.3) I F C T P .E O . 0)G0 TD TEMPRO(K)=TEMP(IP K=K+ I TO 20 END C F U N C T I O N M T E M P ( E ) TS 70 DEGREES CF:) F0R COPPER-CONST ANTAN THERMOCOUPLE 01=491.96562 02=46.381884 C3=-l.3918864 04=0.15260790 05 = - 0 . 0 2 0 2 0 1612 0 6 = 0 . 00 1 6 4 5 6 9 5 6 07=-6.6287090E-5 08=1.02413436-5 ........ TEMP=01+E*(02+E*C03+Et(C4+E*(05+E*(C6+E*(C7+E*08))))))-459.69 RETURN END I. OO <1 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 762 1001551 Sm66 cop.2 Smith, Stephen A Relative size limita­ tions for natural convec­ tion heat transfer ... DATE ISSUED TO 6 Z<oot- 2 WEEKS we a / 353*. t I S K W jBSARr l o a - ^^7 £ £ 1