Hydraulic properties of the Gerber soil by James Buckley Sisson A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Soils Montana State University © Copyright by James Buckley Sisson (1972) Abstract: During 1971 two plots, instrumented with neutron access tubing and tensiometers, were flooded, covered and allowed to drain. Total water above a depth x was described by an empirical equation in the form of W = axct-b, where W is total water in cm, a, b, c are parameters, t is time in days. The physical significance of the parameter b is presented. The regression equations for estimating total water above a depth are 1.012t-0.014 W = o.326x and 1.022-0.021 W = 0.319x t for plot 1 and plot 2, respectively. STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO COPY In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the require­ ments for an advanced degree at Montana State University, the Library shall make it freely available for inspection. I agree that I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purpose may be granted by my major professor, or, in his. absence, by the Director of Libraries. It is understood that any copying or publi­ cation of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES OF THE GERBER SOIL by James Buckley Sisson A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Soils Approved: Head, Major Department Dean, Graduate Division MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana August, 1972 -iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his appreciation to the assistance and encouragement received in every phase of his project from his wife, Kathy. Special appreciation is due to Dr. Hayden Ferguson for assis­ tance during the entire course of this project. Special acknowledgement is due to fellow students of Computer Science, Mr. Gordon Decker and Mr. Donald Stanfield for their able assistance in developing suitable FORTRAN IV programs. The author is further indebted to Mr. Fred Booth for the use and operation of tillage and earth moving equipment. The project was supported by funds from the Agricultural Research Service, USDA, the State of Montana and the Highwood Alkali Control District. ■' — iv— TABLE OF CONTENTS page ii V I T A ....... ................. ........ ................................... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................ Iii TABLE OF C O N T E N T S ....................... ....... ..... ................. iv LIST OF T A B L E S ........ ........ ....................... ................. v LIST OF F I G U R E S .................. ............. ....... ......... ....... vi A B S T R A C T ..................... INTRODUCTION............ .'..................... ...... ............ MATERIALS AND M E T H O D S ................................ vii ' I 8 RESULTS AND DIS C U S S I O N ................. 10 SUMMARY AND C O N C L U S I O N........ 30 LITERATURE C I T E D .................................................. 32 APPENDIX I - Geology of the Highwood A r e a ..................... . 34 APPENDIX I I ... ................ .... .....;............ ................. ' 39 APPENDIX I I I ....................... ..........'........ ................. 43 -v•LIST OF TABLES Number Table I. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Page Regression parameters for equations of the form Ln(W) = Ln (a) + cLn(x) + b L n ( t ) ............................ 11 Analysis of variance for the regression equation in the form of W/xc = a f b ................................ . 12 Hydraulic properties at various depths during d r a inage.... ........ 17 Rate of drainage and total water drained on various days for the 180 cm d e p t h .......................... 20 —viLIST OF FIGURES Figure page 1 Total water above x v s . time in days in plot I . . . ....... 14 2 Total water above x vs. time in days for plot 2.. . . ........ 15 3 Volumetric water content vs. depth at various times during infiltration for plot I .......... ............... . 22 Volumetric water content vs. depth at various times during infiltration for plot 2 .............................. . 23 Volumetric water content v s . depth .at various times during drainage for plot 1 .................................... 26 Volumetric water content vs. depth at various times during drainage for plot 2 .......... ............. ...... . 27 4 5 6 -viiABSTRACT During 1971 two p l o t s , instrumented with neutron access tubing and tensiometers, were flooded, covered and allowed to drain. Total water above a depth x was described by an empirical equation in the form of W = axct ~ k , where W is total water in cm, a, b, c are parameters, t is time in days. The physical significance of the parameter b is presented The regression equations for estimating total water above a depth are W o .326x 1.012-0.014 and W = 0.319x 1 . 0 2 2 - 0.021 for plot I and plot 2, respectively. INTRODUCTION Alarm of saline seeps encroaching onto valuable crop land in Montana was first sounded by Warden (1954) in a popular article titled "Why that North Slope A l k a l i ?", in-which he presented observations on the nature and occurrence of saline seeps on the Highwood Bench in Chouteau County. Warden reported that the depth to shale under the seeped areas was usually only 12-15 feet (4-5 m) and.that test holes filled with w a t e r . Problem spots generally occurred on 3-5% slopes with lengths of 100-200 rods (500-1000 m) on areas which had been under cultivation for 30-40 years. He used 1937, 1941 and 1951 aerial photos and interviews w i t h agriculture operators in the area to point out that saline seeps were increasing in size and number. Warden stated that the problem was becoming evident at other locations in Central Montana and in the Province of Saskatchewan and speculated the problem was caused by precipitation exceeding evapotranspiration under a summerfallow-crop rotation system. Warden's observations have been substantiated by research conducted on the area since the fall of 1969. That research established that the soils on the Highwood Bench are of glacial origin and are underlain by several hundred feet of Colorado Shale (Appendix I ) . Also, the region is isolated from possible ground water sources by the Big Sag on the s o u t h , Highwood Creek on the w e s t , the Shonkin Creek channel on the east and the present Missouri River channel on the north. 'Thus, excessive ground water originates on the Highwood Bench itself and Warden's original hypothesis that precipitation in excess of evapotranspiration causes the overabundance of shallow ground water in the area is substantiated. This condition leads to the formation of alkali se e p s . A saline seep can be divided into three essential parts. Obvious is the discharge area, where the actual seep exists. This region is characterized by 'a salt crust and lack of vegetation. A second part is the subsurface aquifer or that portion of till resting on shale which conducts water into the seep. The third part is the recharge area, where water enters the aquifer, that usually consists of clean summerfallow or a good stand of small grain. A simple definition of a recharge area is an area where precipita­ tion percolates through the rooting zone, enters the aquifer and eventually appears at the seep. With this definition the amount of water that enters the aquifer is simply that quantity of water which moves beyond the rooting depth of the vegetation established on the recharge area. The motion of water in soils is generally described mathematically as: 30 -^T = V-KVH (I) 3 3 where 0 is the volumetric water content, (cm /cm ) , t is time, K is. the hydraulic conductivity and H is the total fluid potential. -3Although this expression is valid and general, solutions are avail­ able for only a few simple boundary conditions. The problem of finding solutions is greatly confounded by the fact that K, 0, and H are all interrelated in a complicated fashion that is not fully understood. Much of the theoretical work during the past 20 years in soil physics has centered around solving and initial conditions. (I) subject to different boundary These works have been invaluable in leading to a greater understanding of soil-water relationships. The methods that have evolved from these studies work satisfactorily for simple initial and boundary conditions. But vast amounts of laboratory data .-and adequate empirical relations between K, 0, and H are needed to facilitate solutions. of this technique. These requirements greatly limit the applicability In order to describe soil-water behavior in exten­ sive recharge a r e a s , a less intensive model must be employed to study soil-water dynamics. Of the less intensive methodologies currently available, no single model describes the motion of soil water from early stages of infiltra­ tion through late stages of drainage. These processes are studied independently with the intermediate stage usually ignored. The most extensively used relationship to relate infiltration with time is that of Phillip k Q = St^ + At; (1954) (2 ) -4Q is the total amount infiltrated, S and A are constants and t is time in seconds. values of t. Phillip stated that his equation failed at large Miller and Gardner (1962), working with uniform and stratified soil colu m n s , demonstrated that equations of the form Q = Atb (3) or Q = atb + ct failed to describe the entire infiltration process and for a time period of a few seconds up to 3 hours. (4) were inadeqaute Miller and Gardner also encountered discontinuities in the infiltration rate as the wetting front reached sand lenses. previously by Colman and Bodman (2) and These phenomena were encountered (1944). But equations of the form of (3) are finding continued use since their form is easy to handle and they are reasonable approximations. An empirical expression relating drainage and surface evaporation with time was proposed by Richards, Gardner and Ogata W = WLt~b (1956) in the form (5) where W is the total quantity of water above the depth L , i.e., (L W=I and 0dx, t is the time in days following the irrigation is the total quantity of water above depth L on day I. The exponent b is a constant, and under conditions of evaporation, will be different for each depth. Ogata and Richards (1957) further verified this equation form on a sandy loam soil covered with a sheet of polyethylene and straw. Soil water was monitored gravimetricalIy at periodic intervals for 50 days. The relation between soil w a t e r , depth and time was W = (0.52 + 0.209x + 0 . 0 0 0 5 3 X 2 ) t_° o128 (6) The authors noted that the simplified equation W = 0.256 xt 8 "^28 described the data almost as well. These results were consistent with laboratory data and previous experiments conducted on the site. Wilcox (1959), in attempting to determine the rate of drainage following irrigations, examined the Richards equation in detail. the data of B l a n e y , Taylor and Young Using (1933)., he concluded that the equation was valid on a sandy loam for the duration of that test (435 d a y s ) . Wilcox conducted a series of experiments on a wide range of soil types. The research was carried out under the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. •6. Field trials only Uniform soil texture to the depth studied Free drainage into the subsoil No water table within 100 feet of the soil surface Subsoil moisture was present Trials followed heavy irrigations The results of these tests, for the upper 6 feet, were "W^" values ranging from 6.30 to 40.16 inches and "b" values ranging from .1404 to .0288 for sandy loams and clay loams, respectively. J The experiments ran from 15 to 64 days and to depths of 6 or 7 feet. Wilcox reported that the data points did not lie close to the predicted values until I day after irrigation for a sandy loam and that —6— 2 to 3 days were required for the data of a heavy loam to approach the predicted curve. In general, the equation overpredicted drainage during the early part of the experiments, except in the upper 1-2 feet where drainage was underestimated. exceptions, The author concluded that (5) with the above accurately predicted deep percolation. Davidson et al. (1969) reported a similar equation to describe drainage from both uniform and non-uniform profiles. Assuming a rela­ tionship between 0 and K, they derived the equation qL = K lZ U + aK^t/L) to predict percolation from covered plots, (7) q^ is soil-water flux at depth L, K l is the average saturated hydraulic conductivity to depth L , a is a constant and t is time. Richards et al. aw at (1956) predicted flux at depth L with (8 ) = -b (Wl ) t 13 L where W l is the initial water above depth L . Equation (7) and (8) are similar in that the rate of drainage is inversely proportional to t i m e . Gardner unity (ie. where K (1970) proposed that if the hydraulic gradient approximated =-l) then. is the hydraulic conductivity at depth L. — 7— But equation (9) is merely a special form of equation (8) in that /l aw at 36 ^rdx. aw at Combining equations (9), the result is -b-l -b(WT ) t ° = K Li L If on day I a unit gradient exists, -bW (8) and (10 ) (10) becomes = -K which implies that b = K^/w^. (ID Thus, the physical significance of b is established as the ratio of the hydraulic conductivity at depth L to the total water held above that depth. The most important variable in the study of saline seep problems requires an estimate of the quantity of water moving through the soil profile in the recharge areas. The purpose of this investigation was to establish the applicability of a model for predicting flux and total water lost by drainage from the rooting zone of Gerber silty clay loam. The model employed was first proposed by Richards et al. (1956) and requires only the flux at a depth and total soil water above that depth be known at the time of arrival of the wetting front. —8— MATERIALS AND METHODS In 1970 a site was chosen on a Gerber silty Clay loam (Appendix I I ) , where the water table was known to.be at a depth greater than 13.8 m (46 ft.). Plots were established and steel neutron access tubing (OD = 4.4 cm) were installed to allow an overwinter stabilization p e r i o d . Of the original plots, two were selected for study in 1971. Since equation (10) required both soil water potentials and volumetric water c o n tents, these variables were monitored simultaneously throughout the experiment. Although a knowledge of soil water potentials are not required for the model under test, these data were collected in order to obtain a better understanding of the soil water system. Soil water potential was determined with tensiometers installed at various depths. The tensiometers consisted of rigid plastic tubing bonded to porous cups. Small diameter nylon tubing joined the tensio­ meter to a liquid mercury reservoir forming the necessary manometer. The height of mercury standing in the manometer was multiplied by 13.546 to give total soil water potential in cm of water. On b oth plots the volumetric water content was determined at 15 cm depth increments by a neutron meter equipped with an 80-mc Am-Be high energy neutron source (sheid counting rate = 5.4 x IO^ cpm) . Volumetric water content was interpolated from the factory calibration cur v e . Water for flooding the plots was obtained at the Highwood Municipal Water Works and trucked to the site. A ponding depth of 10 cm was achieved within 10 minutes on both plots, after which inflow rate was -9monitored occasionally with a 355 cm3 (12 oz.) aluminum can and by interrupting the inflow and observing the rate of fall of the water surface. The inflow was constant throughout the flooding period on both «5 plots at approximately I cm per hour. The major differences between plot I and plot 2 were: I) Plot I was 3 x 3 m in area where plot 2 was 6 x 6 m, 2) Plot I was covered with polyethylene whereas plot 2 was covered with a heavy straw mulch. 3) Tensiometers were installed at the 15, 30, 6 0 , ....... 240 cm depths on plot I, whereas 15 cm depth increments were employed to a depth of 270 cm on plot 2. 4) water was ponded at 10 cm for 4 hours on plot I a n d plot 2 received the full ponding depth for approximately 24 h o u r s . On both plots the water level receded within approximately 10 hfs. All data were processed on an XDS 7 computer at Montana State University. Regression analysis was carried out on Multiple Regression Program by R. E. L u n d . Plotting was executed on an IBM 1627 plotter. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In order to fit regressions to (5) the equation was written in the logarithmic form of W = axCt^ (12) (i.e-, LnW = Lna + cLnx + b L n t , where Ln denotes the natural logarithm). Linear regressions were developed and the results are presented in Table I. The regression coefficients are b and c, the intercept is the L n a . The r 2 values imply that over 99.9% of the experimental variation is accounted for by the regression equations. The partial correlation coefficients are a crude measure of association between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The correlation coefficients than for L n t . (Table I) for Lnx are considerably higher This would be expected since W varied by a factor of 20 in depth but only 0.05 in time. In order to more closely estimate the effect of time, (12) was written as W/xC = at ^+d, where a and d arise from regression and the exponents were taken from Table I. This form-of the equation helps to estimate the effect of time by incorporating the effects of xC into a new dependent variable W/xC . not too obvious fashion, Another objective is also accomplished, in a in that (12) is being tested for asymptotes, as time becomes arbitrarily large, will there still be water in the profile? The results are presented in Table 2. i.e. -11Table I. Regression parameters for equations of the form Ln(W) = L n (a) + cLn(x) + bLn(t). Where W is total water above x at time t. Plot No. I Source of Variation Mean Ln of t in days 3.502 -0.5626 Ln of x in cm 4.679 0.9995 Ln of total water above x 3.565 r 2 = 0.9990 Partial Correlations intercept = -1.0120 Regression Coefficients Std. Error of Coefficient Computed t -0.01405 ±0.001301 -10.80 1.012 ±0.002048 494.1 Std. error S y x = 0.02525 Plot No. 2 Source of Variation Mean Ln of t in days 2.103 -0.7742 Ln of x in cm 4.730 .9997 Ln of total water (cm) above x 3.648 r 2 = 0.9994 Partial Correlations intercept = -1.144 Regression Coefficients Std. Error of Coefficient Computed t -0.02078 0.001118 -18.59 1.022 0.001549 660.0 Std. error S y -x = 0.005601 -12Table 2. Analysis of variance for the regression equation in the form of W/x = at . The exponents are coefficients from Table I and W is total water above x at time t. Plot No. I Source of Variation Due to Regression d.f. I Residual 254 Total 255 r 2 = 0.9994 Intercept = C).0000 Regression coefficient a = 0.3260 F M.S. 24.5825 408386 6.01941 x io"5 S td. error S y -x = 0.007758 Plot No. 2 Source of Variation Due to Regression d.f. I Residual 233 Total 234 r 2 = 0.9997 Intercept = 0.0000 Regression Coefficient a = 0.3190 M.S. 21.8393 F 696207 3.13689 x io"5 S t d . error S y -x = 0.005601 -13Note in Table 2 that the new variable W/xC is strongly dependent on time. And, since d = 0.0, all the water in a soil profile, covered and free to drain, is in theory subject to loss by drainage. These results imply that a recharge area is continually adding water to the underlying aquifer. From Tables I and 2 the final equations for estimating cm of water above a depth- x are 0.326x 1.012 -0.014 1.022 - (13) and 0.319x 0.021 (14) for plot I and plot 2 respectively, where water in the profile on day I is given by axC . The differences between (13) and (14) have been attri­ buted to natural variation between the sites and to differences in the quantity of water a d d e d . These curves together with scatter diagrams of the data, are presented in Figures I and 2, respectively. The curve for plot I has been extrapolated backwards in time to approximately I day after infiltration had ceased, in order to show that the equation also predicted part of the redistribution phase. Extrapolation was not done for plot 2. Drainage fluxes from the profiles are obtained by differentiating (13) and (14) with respect to time. The resulting flux equations are 100.<L 90.Q 80.0 . 70.0 i-fz---- ^------5- * 60.0. ♦ ♦ ♦ *.♦ + + + Total water W in cm above SQ-Qi »+++++ + 10. Ql +++++++-»+ ** +++ * * ♦ +++*++* + ++ +++ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦I♦♦♦■ f ♦ ♦♦ + + + *+ +» + + + + + ♦♦♦ • +-»- + + + + ++++++++++++ +I ♦♦♦■ ♦ ♦ <**•+**+ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ to. cl ♦ T T -- ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ * ♦♦♦ * ♦ ♦ O Time Figure I. O Cl O .1 O (t. + 0.1) ? ? ? ????? in days Total water above x vs. time in days in plot I. Time is actually t + 0.1 to allow plotting of data from initiation of flooding through the drainage phase. The parameter is depth in cm. The vertical arrow denotes "day I" of the drainage phase and the dashed lines are extrapolations of the solid regression li n e s . .. 100 0 to.Q 00.0 70.Q Total water W in cms above X | 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 ♦ ♦ !!!!!!!« ♦ * * « * ♦♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 60.0 W-Q 40.0 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 30.0 ♦ 20.Ql ♦ ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 44 44 4 4 4 44444*44 4 ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ 4 1 4 4 4 4 4.4 4 4 4 4 44^4 4 4 4 4 4 4 HzH-!^t t-! - “-- tEt*'- * * 4 .♦ 4 e.o 1.0«.o; 4 1 »5 41 ♦▲ , * ., Z_!_I___ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 44 44 . 1 .0 . 4 4 1 ♦ 10 . 0 =5 TSM ”"'I f W i \ S i t - a "» iff -» 1 44 4 1 4*5 t ♦ I H 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 f4 5.0 Ul 4 I 4.0 » f O •< • V. • • b Time Figure 2. * ::E t% O O O O O it E E E EEEEEl (t + 0.1) in days Total water above x vs. time in days for plot 2. Time is actually t + 0.1 to allow plotting of data from initiation of flooding through the drainage phase. The parameter is depth in cms. The vertical arrow denotes "day I" of the drainage phase and the solid lines are regression lines. I — 16— 1.012 q = 0.00456x -1.014 t (15) and 1.022 q = 0.00670% - 1.021 t (16) for plot I and plot 2, respectively. Utilizing hydraulic gradients estimated from tensiometer data together with the flu% equations (15) and (16), the hydraulic conductivities were computed by (17) A% L is the hydraulic conductivity at depth L; q and — total hydraulic gradient respectively at depth L. are the flu% and The gradient is actually an average gradient over the interval A%; t h u s , L is interpreted to be the midpoint of the interval. Since the soil water potential data were erratic, perhaps because of wide fluctuations in ambient temperature and a continual problem with air bubbles developing in the tensiometers, no attempt was made to correlate these data with time or depth. Instead, the data were smoothed with a 3-point moving average in time and the gradients were computed between depths that reacted parallel in time. Flu%es, volumetric water contents, hydraulic conductivities and matri% potential (matri% potential (h) = total potential several depths, are presented in Table 3. (H) - depth) for These data show that soil water flu% and the hydraulic conductivity decrease rapidly with time, whereas 0 -17 Table 3. Hydraulic properties at various depths during drainage. Fluxes were obtained with equation 15. PLOT I avgd. Dats into Drainage 1.00 5.00 14.00 18.00 25.00 34.00 40.00 48.00 53.00 69.87 72.10 74.17 86.02 95.00 Avgd. Days into Drainage 1.00 5.00 14.00 18.00 25.00 34.00 40.00 48.00 53.00 69.87 72.10 74.17 86.02 95.00 60 cm depth Gradient from 30-90 1.66 during the drainage phase K=/ 0.29 0.047 0.018 0.015 0.011 0.0078 0.0068 0.0067 0.0056 0.0051 0.0038 0.0037 0.0035 0.0031 .17 .028 .011 .0090 .0066 .0047 .0041 .0040 .0034 .0031 .0023 .0022 .0021 .0019 ei/ 34.2 34.5 34.8 34.1 35.0 32.6 33.2 32.6 32.9 32.2 32.8 32.9 32.3 33.3 h ^ 20 35 44 74 90 100 104 104 108 116 HO HO 90 72 105 cm depth Gradient from 90-120 0.632 during the drainage phase q 0.51 0.083 0.033 0.026 0.019 0.014 0.012 0.0098 0.0089 0.0068 0.0065 0.062 0.0055 0.0050 K .81 .13 .052 .041 .030 .022 .019 .016 .014 .011 .010 .0098 .0097 .0079 6 35.6 34.9 35.5 36.4 34.9 34.8 34.9 34.5 34.8 34.3 35.1 34.5 34.5 34.8 75 cm depth Gradient from 30-120 avgd. 1.046 during drainage h 34 40 42 64 80 98 109 126 118 121 100 101 90 84 K 0 h .34 .056 .022 .017 .012 .0094 .0080 .0067 .0060 .0046 .0045 .0042 .0037 .0033 35.5 35.1 34.9 34.8 34.3 34.5 34.4 34.5 34.8 34.2 35.0 35.2 34.5 34.8 20 30 36 61 78 89 95 104 97 82 65 74 74 66 q 0.36 0.059 0.023 0.018 0.013 0.0098 0.0084 0.0070 0.0063 0.0048 0.0047 0.0044 0.0039 0.0035 180 cm depth Gradient from 120-240 Avgd. 1.66 during drainage q .87 .14 .056 .044 .032 .024 .020 .017 .015 .012 .011 .011 .0094 .0086 K 1.25 .20 .080 .063 .045 .034 .028 .024 .021 .017 .016 .016 .013 .012 6 32.1 32.1 32.1 30.6 32.0 31.8 31.5 31.8 31.4 32.2 31.4 31.4 31.1 31.4 h 6.9 13.3 19.0 36.0 53.0 68.0 79.0 90.5 83.5 72.0 55.0 55.5 57.5 62.0 — 18Table 3«, (Cont.) I/ q is flux in cm/day 2/ K is hydraulic conductivity in cm/day 3/ 9 is volumetric water content expressed as percent 4/ h is matrix potential expressed in cm of w a t e r . —19— and, to a lesser degree, matrix potential constant in time. (h) appears to remain nearly These results are consistent with the fact that the hydraulic conductivity is characteristically a violent function of 0, changing 2 to 3 orders of magnitude with small changes in 6. Thus, even small errors in estimating 0 obscure any relationship that may exist between K and 0. The data for plot 2 are similar to plot I and are not presented in this p a p e r . Assuming a 180 cm rooting depth, (15) and (16) become q = 0o87t- 1 '014 (18) q = 1.35t~1-021 (19) and (14) become W = 62.45t~"°14 (20) W = 64.37t"-021 (21) and noting that total water lost to drainage is - W, Table 4 was constructed. Table 4 shows that flux and total drainage from plot 2 are greater than from plot I. As.emphasized in the introduction, the "b" parameter is directly proportional to flux and was 50% greater for plot 2 than for plot I. Differences in drainage characteristics are to be expected since natural variation in hydraulic properties is known to occur over any area. The data in Tables 3 and 4 demonstrate that when the soils in these -20plots reach a water content higher than about 33%, drainage will take place at a rate exceeding that of crop water use for the first few d a y s . Summerfallow operations are directed specifically at producing a profile with the maximum water content possible, by reducing evaporation from the soil surface and plant water extraction to a minimum. This practice usually produces a wet profile and thus, loses the maximum water to drainage. Assuming a recharge area to discharge area ratio of 10 to I and that the data in Table 4 represent the recharge area, 39 to 59 cm of water per unit area of discharge would be available over a 100-day period. These estimates explain in part why seeps in the area are growing at a rapid rate. Table 4. Rate of drainage and total water drained on various days for the 180 cm depth. Rate of drainage (cm/day) Plot I Plot 2 Days into Drainage .87 .14 .083 .041 .027 .020 .016 .0081 I 5 10 20 30 40 50 100 Results from the tensiometers those of Davidson, Thurtell / 1.33 .26 .13 .062 .041 .031 .025 .012 Total water lost(cm) Plot I Plot 2 ———— —.——— 1.39 1.95 2.55 2.90 3.14 3.33 3.90 2.12 3.01 3.89 4.37 4.75 5.03 5.87 (see Appendix III) are similar to Stone, Nielsen and LaRue (1969) and Black, Gardner and (1969) in that the hydraulic gradients remain nearly constant for -21extended periods of time during drainage. However, negative matrix potentials were encountered at considerable depths in the profiles. Most notably these anomalies occurred at 60, 150 and 210 cm depths on both plots. tinuous pores One explanation of these phenomena is that large con­ (e.g., root channels, vertical joints, etc.) hydraulic­ ally connected the soil surface to the depth horizons. The physical implications are that water can enter subsurface horizons with large pores such as sand and gravel, while most of the profile is in an unsaturated condition. Tensiometers provide an estimate of total water potential gradients and also marked the time of the wetting front arrival at a given depth. This event is actually day I for equation (5) and is signified by an abrupt decrease in soil water potential at that depth. (See Appendix III). An estimate of the wetting front position with time may also be obtained from soil water content-depth data during infiltration. 3 and 4 show typical data from plots I and 2, respectively. Although these figures describe 6 as being determined at points in space, actually an average water content over a depth interval. of the interval is not known. Figures 6 is The exact size The factory manual for the neutron probe states that the zone of measurement will vary with water content between 10 cm (4 in) and 30 cm estimated as Z 6_.Axj. (11.6 in) in height. to the depth under consideration. Figures 3 and 4 describe an over the interval A x j . J' For this reason the I Gdx was Therefore, average volumetric content of soil water ov Figures 3 and 4 show a diffuse wetting frong and a relatively small increase in water content in the transmitting zone Figure 3. Volumetric water content vs. depth at various times during infiltration for plot I. Para­ meter is time in days. The curves designated by the crosses (X) arc time 0.0; those desig­ nated by pluses (+) are for times shown. -23KRCtNT WflTiR ST VOLUMt H 30 31 « KRCtNT NflTtR ST VGLlRIt 4$ R IC 31 <0 r 165 . «5 . I I I i ■ ' i Ttes RtRCtVT IiflTtR ST VOLlRt ?n _ ro. 4 j Z*5 1 -1 .‘.-L ' - L J - l - L . L Figure 4. I 2_3__:____ L - L - L - U L - J ZTO . ?4S I■ i4 ' I I ' I I I .................................................... Volumetric water content vs. depth at various times during infiltration for plot 2. Para­ meter is time in days. The curves designated by the crosses (X) are time 0.0; those desig­ nated by pluses (+) are for times shown. 45 — 24— above the wetting front. to an already wet soil 1952). This is to be expected when water is added (Hillel and G ardner, 1970 and Miller and Richards, By comparison, when infiltration takes place into initially dry media, the transmitting zone is characterized by large increases in water content and the wetting front remains abru p t . Also, the wetting front moves at a slower rate through an initially dry media. Figures 3, 4 and data presented in Appendix III provide an estimate of the movement of the wetting front with time. since This is important (5) requires a knowledge of when the wetting front arrives at the depth where drainage is being considered. Until the wetting front arrives at this depth, drainage at that depth will occur as if no water had been added to the soil profile. Considerably more water was added to each plot than could.be accounted for by the increase neutron p r o b e . It in soil water content measured with the is possible that ponding the water on the plots resulted in water being conducted completely through the profile by large vertical pores. Certainly Figures 3 and 4 indicate a rapid move­ ment of water into the two plots, at least to the 180 cm d e p t h . H owever, it is more likely that lateral seepage from the plots during the ponding period accounted for most of the water loss. The objective of this study was to establish the validity of a simple model that can be used to predict drainage losses, from a covered p r o f i l e . The model, once established can be extended to a wider variety of initial and boundary -25conditions and ultimately provide estimates of the quantity of water entering an aquifer. Water was added to obtain the initial conditions required by the m o d e l , not as a part of a water budget study. Figures 5 and 6 show examples of the drainage pattern from plots I and 2, respectively. These figures considerable degree of heterogeneity (and Figures 3 and 4) indicate a within both profiles. age pattern was much more consistent in plot 2 than plot I. The drain­ However, the scatter diagrams for soil water above a specified depth as a function of time (Figures I and 2) and the r significant drainage from both profiles. 2 values (Table I) indicate Equation 5 and 12 describe soil water behavior in these moderately heterogenious profiles satis­ factorily. For cases of extreme heterogeneity a more elaborate function of W ^ may be needed, or a separate "b" term may be utilized for each d e p t h . equations The 15 cm depth lost more water than average, but (13) and (14) predicted this as can be seen from Figures I and 2. In order to predict flux from profiles.on which vegetation is transpiring soil w a t e r , Wilcox (1959) combined (5) with its derivative in time as follows: W = W l t 13 taking logarithms of both equations and eliminating time (5) (t) to — 26— ftRCZMT WTFR RT tOLUri MRTFNT W T tR PT VOLUME 33 35 PERCENT W TER ST VOLUME 30 35 MRCFMT W T fR RT R O U M 30 35 t$ 30 45 CO 75 $0 I= $ " 8 iso tr 210 225 2*0 255 273 Figure 5. Volumetric water content vs. depth at various times during drainage for plot I. Parameter is times in days. The crosses (X) designate "day I"; pluses (+) are for time shown. 27 Figure 6. Volumetric water content vs. depth at various times during drainage for plot 2. Parameter is time in days. The crosses (X) designate "day I"; pluses (+) are for time shown. -28give b+1 3W (22) at In terms of the development carried out in the introduction, (22) can be written as (23) Wilcox utilized (22) to estimate drainage from cropped profiles by proceeding as follows: 1) assume the rate of drainage is independent of crop water use. 2) sample the soil at periodic intervals and determine W. 3) use graphical interpolation to establish the average rate of drainage between the dates 4) (i.e. the average W ) . use the average rate of drainage times the number of days between the sampling dates as being the total water lost by drainage. Although Wilcox was never able to establish the accuracy of this p ro­ cedure, he stated the method yielded reasonable estimates of deep percolation losses from beneath growing crops. More recently Miller and Aastard (1972) verified (.22) for predicting drainage losses from laboratory columns on which alfalfa sativa, V a r . Vernal) was established. (Medicago The results obtained were in agreement with the predictive equation, provided adequate time was -29allowed for drainage to start. A condition prevalent on recharge areas where the validity of is yet to be established is the presence of a water table. modification to allow extension of (5) A possible (5) would be to introduce a function of x to account for the presence of the water table. Further study of saline seeps should be directed at applying this model to estimate deep percolation into aquifers of large areas. When reliable estimates become available of soil water drainage and aquifer gains, sound judgement can be made on what changes are necessary to control the saline seep problem. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The most important variable in the study of saline seeps is drainage loss from soil profiles. The model W = axCt k, proposed by Richards et al. (1956), for describing soil water behavior was varified in the field for a Gerber silty clay loam. Examination of the model indicated that the parameter "b" had the physical sig­ nificance of being the ratio of drainage flux at depth L to the total water held above that depth at the moment of the arrival of the wetting front. The model's parameters were estimated by least squares regression. The resulting equations for predicting total water above a depth x at time t are W - 0.326*1-012 t"0 -014 and M -, 0 . 3 3 V - 022 t " 0 -021 for two adjacent covered p l o t s . 0.999 were obtained, In both cases r values in excess of indicating that the model accurately described soil water data for the Gerber soil. Differentiation of these equations with respect to time t yields the flux equations q _ 0.00456xl'°12t-l'°14 and q = 0.00670xl'°22t-l'°21 for the two plots respectively. These equations describe the rate of soil water loss at depth x and time t . The model predicts drainage losses of 3.9 and 5.9 cm of water from profiles wet to a depth of 180 cm over a 100 day time period. Assuming a recharge to discharge area ratio of 10 to I, 39 to 59 cm of water per unit area of discharge would be supplied to the seep. Further assuming a porosity of 50% for the soils in the discharge area the water table could rise to 78 to 118 cm. It is concluded that the model does predict soil water behavior at the study site and should be applicable to large recharge areas. Also the model may be applicable to more hetrogenous profiles. LITERATURE CITED 1. Black, T . A., W. R= Gardner and G= W. Thurtell. 1969. The prediction of evaporation, drainage, and soil water storage for a bare soil. Soil S c i . S o c . A m e r . P r o c . 33: 655-660. 2. B l a n e y , H. F., C. A. Taylor and A. A. Yo u n g . 1933. Rainfall penetration and consumptive use of water in the Santa Ana River Valley and Coastal Plain. Calif. Dept. Pub. Works Bull. 33. 3. C o l m a n , E. A. and G. B. Bodm a n . 1944. Moisture and energy conditions during downward entry of water into moist and layered soils. Soil S c i . S o c . A m e r . P r o c . 9: 3-11. 4. Davidson, J. M., L. R. Stone, D. R. Nielsen and M. E. L a R u e . 1969. Field measurements and use of soil-water properties. Water Resources Res. 5: 1312-1321. 5. Gardner, W. R. 1970. Field measurement of soil water diffusivity. Notes. Soil Sci- S o c . A m e r . P r o c . 34: 832-833. 6. Hillel, D. and W. R. Gardner. 1970. Transient infiltration into crust-topped profiles. Soil S c i . 109: 69-76. 7. Miller, D. E. and J. Sv Aa r s t a d . 1972. Available water as related to evapotranspiration rates and deep drainage. Soil Sci.. So c . A m e r . P r o c . 35: 131-134. 8. Miller, D. E. and W. Gardner. 1962. Water infiltration into stratified soil. Soil Sci. S o c . A m e r . P r o c . 26: 115-119. 9. Miller, R. D . and F. Richard. 1952. Hydraulic gradients during infiltration in soils. Soil S c i . S o c . A m e r . P r o c . 16: 33-38. 10. Ogata, Gen and L. A. Richards. 1957. Water content changes follow­ ing irrigation of bare-field soil that is protected from evaporation. Soil Sci. S o c . A m e r . P r o c . 21: 355-356. 11. Philip, J. R. significance. 12. Richards, L. A., W. R. Gardner and Gen Ogata. 1956. Physical processes determining water loss from the soil. Soil Sci. S o c . A m e r . P r o c . 20: 310-314. 1954. A n infiltration equation with physical Soil Sci. 77: 153-177. -3313. Warden, R. W. 1954. Why that North Slope Alklai? Farmer-Stockman. Sept. I pp I and 17. 14. : Wilcox, J. C . 1959. Rate of soil drainage following an irrigation Can. J. Soil S c i . 40: 15-27. Montana APPENDIX I -35GEOLOGY OF THE HIGHWOOD AREA— The geological history of the Highwood Bench area, as well as the rest of northern Montana, includes long periods of sedimentation, emplacement of volcanic and plutonic igneous rocks, regional uplift, erosion, and glaciation. Throughout most of the Paleozoic million years ago) and Mesozoic (225 to 600 (70 to 225 million years ago) time, thousands of feet of predominantly marine sediments were deposited in this region. At the end of the Mesozoic Era (Late Cretaceous time) and extending into Early Tertiary time (50 to 70 million years a g o ) , the entire area was uplifted, faulted, a n d folded, producing the Rocky Mountains to the west and south, tilting the sedimentary rocks under lying Chouteau County gently to the northeast subjecting the area to erosion. (1/2 to 3 degrees), and The emplacement of volcanic and plu­ tonic rocks forming the Highwood and Bearpaw Mountains also occurred during this time. Continued erosion during the Tertiary Period stripped away the uppermost Cretaceous sediments, exposing the black shale of the Colorado Group in the Highwood Bench area. This same area was dissected and drained by the ancestral Missouri Ri v e r , which flowed in a northeasterly direction to Hudson Bay. During the Pleistocene Epoch (20,000 to I million years ago), the entire region north of the Highwood Mountains were covered two or more times by glacial ice, leaving a mantle of unconsolidated, poorly sorted deposits called glacial till or drift, which filled most of -36have been observed lying beneath, within, and on top of the glacial till. No salt accumulation has been observed in areas where the gravel lies at the till-shale contact, but large saline areas are no­ ticeable adjacent to the gravel beds that are within or on top of the till. These gravel zones probably act as recharge areas capable of transmitting large quantities of water to nearby low areas. In ex­ posures of till along the Missouri Riv e r , extensive vertical joints have been noticed, which could greatly enhance the vertical movement of water. These joints are filled with salt crystals. X-ray analysis of the clay minerals in the glacial till indi­ cates 80 percent montmorillonite (highly plastic sodium-rich expanding c l a y ) , 15 percent illite, and 5 percent kaolinite or chlorite. The high montmorillonite content may severely hinder the chances of effectively draining the saline areas. Beneath the glacial till and underlying the entire Highwood Bench is 950 to 1,850 feet of black bentonitic marine shale of the' Colorado Group. Owing to erosion and the gentle dip to the north­ east, the shale thins to a southwest toward the Little Belt Mountains' and thickens to the northeast. Lithologic information obtained from more than 120 test holes indicates that a weathered zone at the tillshale contact is I to 2 feet thick. This zone is commonly saturated with water and is somewhat more premeable than the overlying glacial till. (able to transmit water) The underlying unweathered shale -37the pre-existing valleys and coulees, leaving a relatively flat gla­ cial plain. The ice blocked the drainage of the Missouri River and its tributaries, forcing the streams to change course numerous times and in some places to cut new channels. The Shonkin Sag, along the flanks of the Highwood Mountains, is a classic example of one of these glacial channels. During the last 20,000 years (Recent Epoch), the area was again subjected to erosion, establishing the present-day drainage pattern in the Highwood Bench area, which may or may not correspond to the preglacial drainage network. Geological units of considerable importance in the investigation area are the glacial till and.the underlying black shale of the Colo­ rado G r o u p . Available drill-hole information and exposures along the Missouri River indicate that the thickness of the glacial till ranges from a few feet to 60 feet. Two distinct tills, representing two separate ice advances, are normally present— the upper till (youngest) is normally the thickest and is buff to tan., whereas the lower till (oldest) is generally only a few feet thick light to dark gray. (locally absent) and is A pebble or boulder zone is frequently encountered between the two tills. Except for the upper 2 or 3 feet, the entire till profile is loaded with salt crystals— an inexhaustible supply.. The till consists of unsorted clay and silt and contains wellrounded pebbles scattered throughout. A few sandy lenses were en­ countered in some of the test holes, and several gravel beds (rep­ resenting temporary glacial channels of the ancestral Missouri River) -38is completely dry, indicating that it is virtually impermeable; con­ sequently, there is no upward or downward movement of water in the unweathered shale of the Colorado Group. I/ Marvin R. Miller, "Hydrology of Saline-Seep Spots in Dryland Farm Areas - A Preliminary E v al u a t i o n ," Saline Seep-Fallow Workshop, February 22-23, 1971, Sponsored by the Highwood Alkali Control Association, H i g h w o o d , Montana. The above was used with the a u t h o r 1 permission. APPENDIX II —40Area: Chouteau County Date: Sept. 21, 1970 Location: Section 3, T22N, R8E, Fred Booth test plots Soil T y p e : Gerber silty clay loam Classification: Vertic Agriborolls - fine montmorillonitic family Parent M a t e r i a l s : Deep alluvium over till Physiography and Relief: Nearly level terrace Elevation: 3200 feet S l o p e : less, than 1% Aspect: Level Drainage: Well drained. Water table more than 46 feet (test well) Permeability: Moderately slow throughout most of profile Native Vegetation: Barley, small grain Root distribution: Plentiful to 37 inches, few to 78 inches Sample No. 70-COC-l (I to 8) Described by C. 0. Clark Soil P r o f i l e : Gerber silty clay loam, nearly level. Ap 0-8" Grayish brown (10 yR5/2) silty clay loam, very dark grayish brown (10yR3/a) moist; strong fine granular and subangular blocky structure; hard, friable, sticky and p l a s t i c ; abrupt wavy boundary. B2t 8-14" Brown (10yR5/3) silty clay, brown (10yR4/3) with dark brown (10yR3/3) coatings on peds; strong medium prismatic and strong fine subangular blocky structure separating to strong very fine subangular blocks; very hard, friable sticky and very plastic; contin­ uous thin clay films on faces of p e d s ; common very fine and fine roots; many very fine and micro pores; clear wavy boundary. B31 14-21" Light brownish gray (2.5y6/2) with graying brown (10yR5/2) coating on peds silty clay loam, dark grayish brown (10yR4/2) moist; moderate medium and coarse prismatic and moderate fine and medium sub­ angular blocky structure separating to moderate very fine subangular blocks; very hard, friable, sticky and plastic; strongly effervescents; common thin clay films and stains along p r i s m s ; common very fine and fine roots; many very fine and micro pores, common fine pores; gradual wavy boun d a r y . —41— B32ca 21-29" • Light brownish gray (2.5y6/2) silty clay loam dark grayish brown (2.5y4/2) moist; weak medium and coarse prismatic structure separating to moderate very f i n e , fine and medium separating to moderate'very f i n e , fine and medium subangular blocks; very hard, very friable, sticky and plastic; common fine and very fine roots; many very fine and micro p o r e s , common fine pores; strongly effervescent with common fine .distinct lime masses and threads, fewer pebbles ■lime coated; gradual wavy boundary. Clca 29-37" Light brownish gray (2.5y6/2) silty clay loam, dark grayish brown (2.5y4/2) moist; weak medium and fine subangular blocky structure; very hard, very friable sticky and plastic; common very fine and fine roots; many very fine and micro pores, common fine pores; few weathered shale fragments; strongly effervescent with common fine distinct lime masses and threads, few pebbles lime coated, gradual wavy b o u n d a r y . C2Ca 37-48" Light brownish gray (2.5y6/2) in upper 4' grayish brown (2.5y5/l) lower 5" light clay loam, dark gray­ ish brown (2.5y4/2) in upper 4" dark grayish brown (2.5y4/l) moist in lower 5", weak medium and coarse subangular blocky structure separates to moderate fine and very fine subangular blocks in weathered shale chips; very hard, friable, sticky and plastic; ■ few fine and very fine roots; many very fine and micro pores, common fine pores; few lignite chips and limonite specks; strong effervescent with common fine distinct lime masses and threads, few pebbles lime coated, diffuse wavy b o u n d a r y . C3cs 48-78" Pale brown (2.5y6/3) with light brownish gray and light yellowish brown (2.5y6/2 & 6/4) clay loam, dark grayish brown (2.5y4/2) with very dark grayish brown (2.5y3/2) coatings on peds moist; moderate medium and coarse subangular blocky structure; very hard, firm, sticky and plastic; few fine and very fine roots, many very fine and micro pores, common fine pores; few lignite chips and limonite specks, few and common gypsum streaks and coating on blocks masses; diffuse wavy boundaryw -42C4 78-96" Light brownish gray (2.5y6/2) light yellowish brown mottlings (2.5y6/4) clay loam, dark graying brown (2.5y4/2) with mottles of dark yellowish brown (10yR4/4) and dark gray (5y4/2) moist; massive and ploty; very hard, firm, sticky and plastic; very few roots; few pores; few lignite chips and limonite specks; few threads and masses of gypsum; slight effervescent. APPENDIX III PLOT NO. I DATE D AYS 5/27 INTO E X P E R I M E N T .000 TOTAL TOTAL PERCENT WATER WATER WATER BY ABOVE POTEN­ DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH TIAL * * * ***** ***** ***** ****** 32.38 4.86 157. 15 32.36 9.71 147. 30 45 31.10 14.38 0. 32.39 19.23 60 142. 33.48 24.26 0. 75 32.91 29.19 297. 90 34.52 34.37 105 0. 32.91 120 39.31 429. 30.04 135 43.81 0. 30.91 150 48.45 142. 52.59 165 27.58 0. 28.89 180 56.92 186. 195 28.20 0. 61.15 28.66 210 65.45 566. 29.17 225 69.82 0. 29.65 74.27 240 613. 28.94 78.61 255 0. DATE DAYS 5/27 INTO EXPERIMENT .008 TOTAL TOTAL PERCENT WATER WATER WATER BY ABOVE POTEN­ DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH TIAL ***** ******** ***** ****** 15 36.35 5.45 146. 30 34.05 10.56 142. 45 32.39 15.42 0. 60 32.66 20.32 173. 75 33.05 25.27 0. 90 32.60 30.16 291. 105 34.27 35.30 0. 120 33.24 40.29 402. 135 31.03 44.94 0. 150 32.24 49.78 146. 165 28.13 54.00 0. 180 28.82 58.32 213. 195 29.21 62.70 0. 210 29.64 67.15 324. 225 29.45 71.57 0. 240 29.28 75.96 402. 255 29.08 80.32 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. DATE 5/27 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 36.27 35.26 33.91 33. 33 33.23 32.94 34.09 32.93 30.84 32.26 28.25 30. 10 30.18 30.22 29.84 30.21 29.21 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.44 10.73 15.82 20.82 25.80 30.74 35.85 40.79 45.42 50.26 54.50 59.01 63.54 68.07 72.55 77.08 81.46 .018 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** —6. 136. 0. 185. 0. 304. 0. 415. 0. 150. 0. 239. 0. 348. 0. 423. 0. PLOT NO. I DATE 5/27 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 36.02 34.59 33.63 35.20 35.06 33.12 33.34 33.55 30.66 31.29 28.56 28.82 29.42 30.14 29.70 29.56 28.96 ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT NOTE MAN O M E T E R READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.40 10.59 15.64 20.92 26.18 31.14 36.14 41.18 45.78 50.47 54.75 59.08 63.49 68.01 72.47 76.90 81.24 .031 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** -5. -3. 0. 167. 0. 304. 0. 415. 0. 150. 0. 245. 0. 360. 0. 441. 0. FAILURE OR DATE 5/27 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERC E N T WATER BY VOLUME ******** 35.39 33.82 32.76 33.96 34.71 34.25 34.61 32.96 29.50 31.54 27.77 29.39 29.15 29. 99 29.37 29.61 28.25 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.31 10.38 15.29 20.39 25.59 30.73 35.92 40.87 45.29 50.02 54.19 58.60 62.97 67.47 71.87 76.31 80.55 .042 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** — 5. —6. 0. 136. 0. 304. 0. 415. 0. 150. 0. 249. 0. 368. 0. 444. 0. PLOT NO. I DATE 5/27 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 35.62 34.13 31.98 34.32 34.79 34.61 35.22 33.24 29.86 31.28 27.91 29.20 29.38 29.91 28.83 29.25 28.67 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.34 10.46 15.26 20.41 25.63 30.82 36.10 41.09 45.57 50.26 54.45 58.82 63.23 67.72 72.04 76.43 80.73 .053 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** -2. -5. 0. 102. 0. 300. 0. 415. 0. 150. 0. 247. 0. 375. 0. 465. 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. i A. (Ti I DATE 5/27 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 35.36 33.98 32.41 34.59 34.20 35.03 35.59 33. 16 30.13 31.58 27.91 28. 38 29.02 29.22 28.73 29.27 27.88 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.30 10.40 15.26 20.45 25.58 30.84 36.18 41.15 45.67 50.40 54.59 58.85 63.20 67.58 71.89 76.28 80.47 .063 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 6. 2. 0. 81. 0. 291. 0. 422. 0. 152. 0. 246. 0. 384. 0. 471. 0. PLOT NO. I DATE 5/27 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 36.49 34.95 33.61 34.64 35.32 35.27 35.85 33.78 30.89 32.01 28.76 29.63 29.78 29.76 30.27 30.20 28.83 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.47 10.72 15.76 20.95 26.25 31.54 36.92 41.99 46.62 51.42 55.74 60.18 64.65 69.11 73.65 78.18 82.51 .074 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 9. 5. 0. 71. 0. 274. 0. 422. 0. 152. 0. 242. 0. 387. 0. 473. 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. DATE 5/27 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 36.91 34.53 33.15 34.86 35.42 35.25 36.32 34.37 31.37 32.28 28.29 30.08 29.98 29.73 29.83 30.44 29.42 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.54 10.72 15.69 20.92 26.23 31.52 36.97 42.12 46.83 51.67 55.91 60.42 64.92 69.38 73.86 78.42 82.84 .084 TOTAL WATER P OTEN­ TIAL ****** 13. 10. 0. 58. 0. 273. 0. 422. 0. 154. 0. 236. 0. 398. 0. 492. 0. PLOT NO. I DATE 5/27 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 35.55 33.83 32.45 34.68 34.62 35.00 35.94 34.67 32.15 32.17 28.58 29.56 29.96 29.73 28.93 29.30 29.37 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.33 10.41 15.27 20.48 25.67 30.92 36.31 41.51 46.33 51.16 55.45 59.88 64.37 68.83 73.17 77.57 81.97 .098 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 13. 10. 0. 44. 0. 266. 0. 410. 0. 152. 0. 231. 0. 406. 0. 506. 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. DATE 5/27 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 35.46 33.70 33.06 34.55 34.76 34.86 35.05 34.37 32.85 32.70 28.85 29.54 29.56 29.56 28.86 28.78 28.80 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.32 10.37 15.33 20.51 25.73 30.96 36.22 41.37 46.30 51.20 55.53 59.96 64.40 68.83 73.16 77.48 81.80 .108 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 13. 10. 0. 40. 0. 262. 0. 318. 0. 136. 0. 224. 0. 410. 0. 515. 0. PLOT NO. I DATE 5/27 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 36.01 34.13 33.49 34.31 35.35 35.65 35.70 35.15 32.38 33.33 28.28 29.10 29.46 29.86 29.38 29.09 28.82 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.40 10.52 15.54 20.69 25.99 31.34 36.70 41.97 46.83 51.82 56.07 60.43 64.85 69.33 73.74 78.10 82.42 .128 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 20. 16. 0. 40. 0. 259. 0. 217. 0. 152. 0. 226. 0. 414. 0. 526. 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. DATE 5/27 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME * * * ***** 36.19 34.18 32.74 35.15 34.68 35.23 35.30 34.92 33.28 34.03 29.22 29.58 29. 15 29.86 28.96 29.71 28.08 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.43 10.55 15.46 20.74 2 5.94 31.22 36.52 41.76 46.75 51.85 56.24 60.67 65.04 69.52 73.87 78.32 82.54 .148 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 20. 16. 0. 39. 0. 235. 0. 188. 0. 152. 0. 234. 0. 437. 0. 537. 0. PLOT NO. I DATE 5/27 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 36.89 34.77 32.90 35.24 36.15 35.08 35.95 35.98 33.48 34.67 30.47 30.02 30. 19 30.43 29.80 29-82 27.98 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.53 10.75 15.69 20.97 26.39 31.66 37.05 42.45 47.47 52.67 57.24 61.74 66.27 70.83 75.30 79.78 83.97 .169 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 21. 17. 0. 39. 0. 224. 0. 166. 0. 135. 0. 236. 0. 452. 0. 295. 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. DATE DAYS 5/27 INTO E X P E R I M E N T .200 TOTAL TOTAL PERCENT WATER WATER WATER BY ABOVE P OTEN­ DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH TIAL ****** ***** ***** * * * ***** 15 34.98 5.25 21. 30 34.22 10. 38 16. 45 33.12 15.35 0. 60 35.44 20.66 37. 75 34.75 25.88 0. 35.07 90 31.14 197. 105 35.54 36.47 0. 120 34. 80 41.69 161. 135 33.34 46.69 0. 150 34.04 51.79 135. 165 30.81 56.42 0. 29. 88 180 60.90 236. 29.11 195 65.27 0. 210 29.43 69.68 464. 225 29.98 74.18 0. 240 29.43 78.59 238. 0. 255 28.03 82.80 PLOT NO. I DATE 5/27 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT .223 TOTAL TOTAL PERCENT WATER WATER WATER BY ABOVE POTEN­ DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH TIAL ***** ******** ****** ***** 15 35.20 5.28 21. 30 34.19 10.41 16. 45 32.19 15.24 0. 60 34.32 20.39 35. 75 34.76 25.60 0. 90 34.04 30.70 188. 105 34.81 35.93 0. 120 34.52 41.11 143. o. 135 31.96 45.90 136. 50.90 150 32.70 55.44 0. 165 30.94 59.97 231. 180 30- 16 29.39 64.38 0. 195 29.67 210 68.83 472. 225 73.10 28.50 0. 240 29.74 77.56 226. 255 28.29 81.81 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. FAILURE OR DATE 5/27 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERC E N T WATER BY VOLUME ******** 35.39 34.25 33.70 34. 10 35.15 34.63 35.69 35.55 32.45 32.98 30.63 30.92 28.99 29. 59 29.66 29.59 28.76 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.31 10.45 15.50 20.62 25.89 31.08 36.44 41.77 46.64 51.58 56. 18 60. 82 65.17 69.60 74.05 78.49 82. 80 .247 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 22. 17. 0. 35. 0. 186. 0. 143. 0. 133. 0. 223. 0. 480. 0. 224. 0. PLOT NO. I DATE 5/27 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 36.45 34.41 32.95 35.16 35.42 34.90 35.74 35.56 32.87 33.33 31.41 30.72 29.50 30.10 29.57 29.78 28.52 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.47 10.63 15.57 20.84 26.16 31.39 36.75 42.09 47.02 52.02 56.73 61.34 65.76 70.28 74.71 79.18 83.46 .292 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 22. 20. 0. 35. 0. 177. 0. 143. 0. 132. 0. 238. 0. 510. 0. 593. 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. Ul M I DATE 5/27 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME * * * ***** 35.54 34.18 33.26 35.01 35.85 35.87 35.85 35.03 33.11 33.29 30.79 31.22 29.65 29.93 29.54 28.96 28.57 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.33 10.46 15.45 20.70 26.08 31.46 36.83 42.09 47.06 52.05 56.67 61.35 65.80 70.29 74.72 79.06 83.35 .334 TOTAL WATER P OTEN­ TIAL ****** 24. 20. 0. 35. 0. 163. 0. 143. 0. 128. 0. 239. 0. 528. 0. 223. 0. PLOT NO. I DATE 5/27 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 35.65 33.97 33.14 35.10 35.16 35.00 35.23 35.47 32.35 33.02 31.49 30.16 30.21 29.22 28.43 28.57 28.39 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.35 10.44 15.41 20.68 25.95 31.20 36.49 41.81 46.66 51.61 56.34 60.86 65.39 69.78 74.04 78.33 82.58 .375 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 24. 20. 0. 35. 0. 158. 0. 143. 0. 125. 0. 245. 0. 548. 0. 222. 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. Ln U> I DATE 5/28 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERC E N T WATER BY VOLUME ******** 34.99 33.46 33.19 34.36 34.89 34. 70 35.26 35.30 32.51 33. 09 30.55 31.13 30.37 29.93 28.54 29.53 27.49 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.25 10.27 15.25 20.40 25.63 30.84 36.13 41.42 46.30 51.26 55.85 60.52 65.07 69.56 73.84 78.27 82.40 .894 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 28. 20. 0. 41. 0. 115. 0. 144. 0. 123. 0. 293. 0. 147. 0. 222. 0. PLOT NO. I DATE 5/28 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 34.93 33.80 32.97 33.97 34.03 34.49 34.93 34.00 32.43 32.92 31.26 31.18 29.96 30.05 29.97 29.56 28.38 1.035 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.24 10.31 15.26 20.35 25.46 30.63 35.87 40.97 45.83 50.77 55.46 60.14 64.63 69.14 73.63 78.07 82.33 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 28. 21. 0. 47. 0. 121. 0. 148. 0. 29. 0. 296. 0. 157. 0. 220. 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. DATE 5/28 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ***** * * * 34.28 33.37 32.42 34. 73 34.63 33.73 35.15 33.74 32.31 32.79 30.53 30.91 30.65 29.93 29.80 29.58 28.89 1.296 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.14 10.15 15.01 20.22 25.41 30.47 35.75 40.81 45.65 50.57 55.15 59.79 64.38 68.87 73.34 77.78 82.11 TOTAL WATER P OTEN­ TIAL ****** 36. 29. 0. 58. 0. 133. 0. 139. 0. 32. Oo 254. 0. 165. 0. 219. 0. PLOT NO. I DATE 5/29 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 34.85 34.52 33.12 33.84 35.26 34.60 34.41 34.18 31.95 33.80 31.63 32.20 31.19 30.43 30.00 30.59 29.61 1.885 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.23 10.41 15.37 20.45 25.74 30.93 36.09 41.22 46.01 51.08 55.83 60.65 65.33 69.90 74.40 78.99 83.43 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 47. 43. 0. 50. 0. 121. 0. 143. 0. 14. 0. 292. 0. 181. 0. 215. 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. Ln Ul I DATE 5/30 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERC E N T WATER BY VOLUME ******** 33.84 33.43 32.25 34. 17 34.26 33.91 34.54 34.54 32. 14 33.05 31.30 31.52 30.54 30.54 15.21 30.03 29.17 2.916 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.08 10.09 14.93 20.05 25.19 30.28 35.46 40.64 45.46 50.42 55.11 59.84 64.42 69.00 71.29 75.79 80.17 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 48. 55. 0. 54. 0. 129. 0. 155. 0. 142. 0. 314. 0. 199. 0. 203. 0. PLOT NO. I DATE 5/31 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 35.66 34 =06 32.85 34.65 34.77 34.51 35 = 32 34.53 32.14 33.34 31.10 31.28 30.34 30.22 30.44 30.33 29.65 4.260 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.35 10.46 15.39 20.58 25.80 30.98 36.27 41.45 46.28 51.28 55.94 60.63 65.18 69.72 74.28 78.83 83.28 TOTAL WATER P OTEN­ TIAL ****** 33. 28. 0. 100. 0. 135. 0. 158. 0. 136. 0. 349. 0. 213. 0. 205. 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. DATE 6/ 2 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 34.99 33.89 32.67 34.22 35.04 34.04 35.00 34.64 31.80 33.25 31.72 31.54 30.54 30. 02 29.83 30.51 29.00 6.176 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.25 10.33 15.23 20.37 25.62 30.73 35.98 41.17 45.94 50.93 55.69 60.42 65.00 69.50 73.98 78.55 82.90 TOTAL WATER P OTEN­ TIAL ****** 28. 24. 0. 98. 0. 132. 0. 152. 0. 40. 0. 254. 0. 220. 0. 216. 0. PLOT NO. I DATE 6/ 3 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 34.67 33.78 33.01 34.21 35.46 35.06 35.66 35.06 32.29 33.70 31.62 31.91 30 = 23 30.98 30.31 30.37 29.21 7.051 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5 = 20 10.27 15.22 20.35 25.67 30.93 36.28 41.54 46.38 51.43 56.18 60.97 65.50 70.15 74.69 79.25 83.63 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 41. 50. 0. 104. 0. 136. 0. 170. 0. 173. 0. 255. 0. 223. 0. 217. 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. Ul I DATE 6/ 8 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 35.05 34.57 33.09 34.48 35. 13 35.21 34.93 35. 16 33.24 33.28 32.02 32.08 30.58 30.99 31.12 30.37 30. 13 12.051 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.26 10.44 15.41 20.58 25.85 31.13 36.37 41.64 46.63 51.62 56.43 61.24 65.83 70.47 75. 14 79.70 84.22 TOTAL WATER P OTEN­ TIAL ****** 28. 36. 0. 86. 0. 108. 0. 136. 0. 174. 0. 284. 0. 219. 0. 230. 0. PLOT NO. I DATE 6/17 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 34.54 33.68 32.59 34.77 34.86 34.62 35.50 34.11 32.71 34.42 31.58 32.11 31.42 30.63 30.95 30.69 30.26 21.051 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.18 10.23 15.12 20.34 25.57 30.76 36.08 41.20 46.11 51.27 56.01 60.82 65.53 70.13 74.77 79.38 83.91 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 64. 82. 0. 242. 0. 157. 0. 161. 0. 199. 0. 261. 0. 230. 0. 247. 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. DATE 6/21 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME * * * ***** 33.31 34.39 32.57 34.09 34.84 34.71 36.41 35.09 32.62 34.41 31.73 32.08 31.42 31.93 31.38 30.97 31.17 25.051 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.00 10.16 15.04 20. 15 25.38 30.59 36.05 41.31 46.21 51.37 56.13 60.94 65.65 70.44 75.15 79.79 84.47 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 77c 87. 0. Oc 0. 159. 0. 162. 0. 203. 0. 226. 0. 236. 0. 258. 0. PLOT NO. I DATE 6/28 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 30.35 33.70 32.77 34.97 34.31 35.12 34.89 32.02 32.66 30.93 31.40 30.61 30.80 30.67 30.29 30.46 30.97 32.051 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 4.55 9.61 14.52 19.77 24.91 30.18 35.42 40.22 45.12 49.76 54.47 59.06 63.68 68.28 72.82 77.39 82.04 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 147. 133. 0. 161. 0. 188. 0. 192. 0. 224. 0. 213. 0. 273. 0. 278. 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. i Ul w I DATE 7/ 7 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 30.81 32.97 31.39 32.58 34.46 33.80 34.77 34.88 31.63 32.49 31.08 32.02 30.62 30.85 30.41 30.87 30.00 41.051 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 4.62 9.57 14.28 19.16 24.33 29.40 34.62 39.85 44.59 49.47 54.13 58,93 63.53 68. 15 72.71 77.34 81.84 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 184. 138. 0. 0. 0. 200. 0. 211. 0. 228. 0. 177. 0. 276. 0. 297. 0. PLOT NO. I DATE 7/13 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 30.52 33.79 31.89 33.16 34,43 34.34 34.56 34.69 32.05 32.94 31.19 31.75 30.84 30 =82 31.27 30.70 30.10 47.051 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 4.58 9.65 14.43 19.40 24.57 29.72 34.90 40.11 44.91 49.85 54.53 59.29 63.92 68.54 73.23 77.84 82.35 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 158. 96. 0. 133. 0. 207. 0. 217. 0. 213. 0. 154. 0. 266. 0. 293. 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. PLOT NO. I DATE DAYS 7/21 I NTO EXPE R I M E N T 55. 051 : TOTAL TOTAL PERCENT WATER WATER WATER BY ABOVE P OTEN­ DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH TIAL ***** ******** ***** ****** 15 29.02 4.35 62. 30 33.91 9.44 125. 45 32.06 14.25 0. 60 32.61 19. 14 0. 75 34.47 24.31 0. 90 29.50 34.62 216. 105 35.46 34.82 0. 120 35.30 40=12 235. 135 31.92 44.91 0. 150 32.79 209. 49.82 165 31.23 54.51 0. 180 31.48 59.23 101. 195 63.91 31.22 0. 210 30.82 68.54 273. 225 31.13 73.21 0. 240 30.96 77.85 301. 30.87 255 82.48 Oo DATE DAYS 7/26 INTO EXPERIMENT 60.051 TOTAL TOTAL PERCENT WATER WATER WATER BY ABOVE POTEN­ DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH TIAL ***** ******** ***** ****** 15 28.49 4.27 70. 30 33.93 9.36 116. 45 31.97 14.16 0. 60 32.87 19.09 0. 75 34.82 24.31 0. 90 34.03 29.42 227. 105 35.50 34.74 0. 120 34.89 39.97 282. 135 31.57 44.71 0. 150 32.55 49.59 253. 165 31.19 54.27 0. 180 31.78 59.04 119. 195 30.91 63.68 0. 210 30.85 68.30 270. 225 30.42 72.87 0. 240 30.81 77.49 293. 255 30.10 82.00 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT M A NOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR o FAILURE OR DATE 8/12 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERC E N T WATER BY VOLUME ******** 29.25 33.15 31.56 32.24 34.20 33.42 34.30 34.45 31.13 31.85 31.06 31.39 30.25 31.04 30.43 30.32 29.95 76.926 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 4.39 9.36 14.09 18.93 24.06 29.07 34.22 39.39 44.06 48.83 53.49 58.20 62.74 67.39 71.96 76.51 81.00 TOTAL WATER P OTEN­ TIAL ****** -24. 108. 0. 37. 0. 213. 0. 167. 0. 215. 0. 39. 0. 253. 0. 304. 0. PLOT NO. I DATE 8/14 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 30.30 33.85 31.78 32.85 35.02 34.83 35.59 35.44 31.84 32.64 31.49 32.15 31.55 31.06 31.63 31.30 31.03 79.156 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 4.55 9.62 14.39 19.32 24.57 29.79 35.13 40.45 45.23 50.12 54.85 59.67 64.40 69.06 73.80 78.50 83.15 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 35. 97. 0. 0. 0. 194. 0. 173. 0. 239. 0. 29. 0. 264. 0. 293. 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. CTN M I PLOT NO. I DATE DAYS DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 8/18 INTO EXPERIMENT 83. 218 TOTAL TOTAL PERCENT WATER WATER WATER BY ABOVE P OTEN­ VOLUME DEPTH TIAL ******** ***** ****** 29.33 4.40 35. 33.57 9.43 140. 31.66 14.18 0. 32.87 19.11 192. 35.15 24.39 0. 34.02 29.49 197. 34.57 34.67 0. 35.28 39.97 185. 31.34 44.67 0. 32.53 49.55 241. 31.48 54.27 0. 31.35 58.97 173. 30.30 63.52 0. 68.19 31.13 247. 31.39 72.89 0. 30.98 77.54 287. 30.59 82.13 0. DATE DAYS 8/28 INTO EXPER I M E N T 93. 072 TOTAL TOTAL PERCENT WATER WATER WATER BY ABOVE POTEN­ DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH TIAL ******** ***** ****** ***** 15 29.32 4.40 0. 30 32.75 9.31 128. 45 31.23 14.00 0. 60 32.26 18.83 0. 75 33.84 23.91 0. 90 33.59 28.95 193. 105 34.49 34.12 0. 120 34.47 39.29 197. 135 31.48 44.02 0. 150 31.84 48.79 223. 165 30.58 53.38 0. 180 31.12 58.05 213. 195 30.77 62.66 0. 210 30.85 67.29 246. 225 31.78 72.06 0. 240 30.21 76.59 278. 255 29.69 81.04 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. DATE 9/ 6 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT 102.051 DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 32.35 34.57 32.31 33.29 34.76 34.10 34.77 35.27 31.96 32.58 31.11 31.43 31.21 30.66 32.55 30.90 30.71 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 4.85 10.04 14. 89 19.88 25.09 30.21 35.43 40.72 45.51 50.40 55.06 59.78 64.46 69.06 73.94 78.58 83.18 TOTAL WATER P OTEN­ TIAL ****** 52. 75. Oe 0. 0. 200. 0. 200. 0. 247. 0. 280. 0. 292. 0. 277. 0. PLOT NO. I DATE 9/26 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT 122.051 DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 32.00 32.84 31.56 32.51 33.55 33.69 34.45 34.27 30.52 32.56 29.50 30.36 29.63 29.98 30.01 29.91 29.17 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 4.80 9.73 14.46 19.34 24.37 29.42 34.59 39.73 44.31 49.19 53.62 58.17 62.61 67.11 71.61 76.10 80.47 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 18. 45. 0. 0. 0. 151. 0. 197. 0. 217. 0. 352. 0. 311. 0. 303. 0. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. DATE 8/ 3 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 24.78 32.97 32.49 32.74 31.76 33.17 33.84 33.61 33.18 34.47 35.52 36.69 36.25 28.61 30.27 30.75 30.76 30.31 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 3.72 8.66 13.54 18.45 23.21 28.19 33.26 38.30 43.28 48.45 53.78 59.28 64.72 69.01 73.55 78.16 82.78 87.33 .OOO TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 192. 226. 143. 143. 81. 102. 205. 310. 528. 571. 282. 0. 184 = 610. 238. 426. 486. 673. PLOT NO. 2 DATE 8/ 3 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 37.16 35.45 35.25 35.02 32.73 33.69 34.30 34.03 33.90 35.60 36.49 37.09 36.56 29.07 30.35 31.24 30.72 30 =88 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.57 10.89 16.18 21.43 26.34 31.39 36.54 41.64 46.73 52.07 57.54 63 = 11 68.59 72.95 77.50 82 = 19 86.80 91.43 .042 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 284. 262. 157. 266. 64 . 60. 6. 0. 572 = 625. 358. 507. 216. 450. 303. 469 = 518 = 690. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. DATE 8/ 3 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 37.13 35.36 34.46 34.48 34.37 34.56 34.75 34.04 33.40 35.38 36.25 36.69 36.25 28.80 29.88 30.75 30.72 30.87 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.57 10.87 16.04 21.21 26.37 31.55 36.77 41.87 46.88 52.19 57.63 63.13 68.57 72.89 77.37 81.98 86.59 91.22 .070 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 266. 250. 157. 254. 2. 35. 6. 0. 575. 633. 368. 547. 220. 488. 314. 471. 522. 712. PLOT NO. 2 DATE 8/ 3 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 36.72 34.69 34.45 34.47 33.40 34.00 35.01 34.67 34.23 35.32 35.90 36.71 35.89 28.27 29.36 30.33 30.47 30.31 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.51 10.71 15.88 21.05 26.06 31.16 36.41 41.61 46.75 52.04 57.43 62.94 68.32 72.56 76.96 81.51 86.08 90 = 63 .147 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 140. 63. 155. 182. 0. -18. 10. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. 0. 575. 662. 415. 610. 265. 614. 366. 468. 549 . 746. CTi O' I t,■ DATE DAYS 8/ 3 INTO EXPER I M E N T 180 TOTAL TOTAL PERCENT WATER WATER WATER BY ABOVE POTEN­ DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH TIAL ***** ******** ***** ****** 15 37.11 5.57 86. 30 35.34 10.87 54. 45 34.88 16. 10 136. 60 34.74 21.31 135. 75 33.94 26.40 -18. 90 34.43 31.57 0. 105 35.06 36. 82 10. 120 34.69 42,03 0. 135 34.60 47.22 501. 150 36.70 52.72 629. 165 36.49 58.20 392. 180 37.39 63.81 486. 195 36. 51 69.28 257. 210 29.22 73.67 636. 225 29.83 78.14 358. 240 30.41 82.70 457. 255 31.04 87.36 526. 270 30.95 92.00 736. PLOT NO. 2 DATE 8/ 3 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT .223 TOTAL TOTAL PERCENT WATER WATER WATER BY ABOVE POTEN­ DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH TIAL ******** ***** ***** ****** 15 36.57 5.49 73. 30 34.83 10.71 0. 45 34 o64 15.91 117. 60 34.40 21.07 123. 75 33 =94 26.16 0. 90 34.41 31.32 0. 105 35.21 36.60 12. 120 35 o 12 41.87 0. 135 34.82 47.09 21. 150 36.47 52.56 433. 165 37.60 58.20 391. 180 36.65 63.70 204. 195 36.24 69.14 289. 210 28 = 66 73.43 658. 225 29.74 77.90 375. 240 30.09 82.41 361. 255 30.33 86.96 547. 270 30= 16 91.48 743. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT M A NOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR * FAILURE OR DATE 8/ 3 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERC E N T WATER BY VOLUME ******** 36.29 34.21 34.18 34.10 33.62 34.37 34.46 34.38 34.40 35.88 36.50 36.65 35.74 28.95 29.17 30.16 30.21 30.13 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.44 10.57 15.70 20.82 25.86 31.02 36.18 41.34 46.50 51.88 57.36 62.86 68.22 72.56 76.93 81.46 85.99 90.51 .271 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 66. 55. -11. 108. 0. 0. 13. 0. 13. 297. 383. 162. 295. 664. 387. 228. 547. 744. PLOT NO. 2 DATE 8/ 3 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 36.87 34.38 34.42 34.50 33.76 34.27 34.28 34.75 34.58 35.80 36.89 36.81 35.89 28.59 30.46 30.11 30.32 30.52 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.53 10.69 15.85 21.03 26.09 31.23 36.37 41.58 46.77 52.14 57.67 63.19 68.58 72.87 77.44 81.95 86.50 91.08 .307 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 63. 54. 0. 71. 0. 0. 13. 0. -9. 201. 373. 144. 282. 656. 398. 136. 548. 746. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. i 01 03 I DATE 8/ 3 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 36.24 34.30 34.58 34.03 33.75 34.40 34. 73 34.64 34.35 36.09 37.44 37.55 36. 09 29. 13 30.11 29.99 30.44 30. 12 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.44 10.58 15.77 20.87 25.93 31.09 36.30 41.50 46. 65 52.07 57.68 63.31 68.73 73.10 77.61 82.11 86.68 91.20 .346 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 60. 55. 0. 51. 0. 0. 13. 0. -9. 151. 366. 136. 285. 73. 411o 119. 548. 751. PLOT NO. 2 DATE 8/ 4 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 36.66 34.49 34.29 33.87 33.92 34.21 34.76 34.42 34.18 35.38 37.06 36.31 36.10 29.19 29.89 30.14 29.96 29.89 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.50 10.67 15.82 20.90 25.98 31.12 36.33 41.49 46.62 51.93 57.49 62.93 68.35 72.73 77.21 81.73 86.23 90.71 .387 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 56. 55. 0. 41. 0. 0. 13. 0. -18. 131. 360. 132. 288. 66 . 422. 112. 548. 753. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. DATE 8/ 4 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 36.60 34.73 34.68 34. 88 34.31 34.42 35.06 34.47 35.04 35.82 37.62 37.69 36.49 29.25 29.80 29. 87 30.69 30.31 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.49 10.70 15.90 21.14 26.28 31.44 36.70 41.87 47.13 52.50 58.14 63.80 69.27 73.66 78.13 82.61 87.21 91.76 .431 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 55. 55. 0. 32. 0. 0. 16. 0. — 18. 117. 343. 129. 300. 66. 427. 104. 545. 753. PLOT NO. 2 DATE 8/ 4 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 36.96 35.63 35.07 34.97 34.38 34.79 36.00 35.14 35.47 36.81 37.69 38.22 37.05 29.65 30.81 30.68 31.23 30.78 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.54 10.89 16.15 21.40 26.55 31.77 37.17 42.44 47.76 53.28 58.94 64.67 70.23 74.68 79.30 83.90 88.58 93.20 .470 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 54. 55. 20. 0. 0. 0. 13. 0. -18. 109. 329. 125. 297. 70. 433. 98. 548. 755. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. DATE 8/ 4 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 35. 78 34.69 34.20 34.16 34.07 33.78 34.61 34.01 33.91 35.70 36.52 36.65 35.93 28.88 30. 04 30.38 30. 51 30.34 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.37 10.57 15.70 20.83 25.94 31.00 36.19 41.30 46.38 51.74 57.21 62.71 68.10 72.43 76.94 81.50 86.07 90.63 .512 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 54. 55. 0. IOo 0. 0. 13. 0. 0. 105. 315. 123. 296. 73. 438. 85. 539. 755. PLOT NO. 2 DATE 8/ 4 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 36.76 34.45 34.74 34.23 33.54 34.64 35.01 35.00 34.95 36.28 37.12 36.73 36.46 29.94 30.01 30.44 30.84 30.17 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.51 10.68 15.89 21.03 26.06 31.25 36.51 41.76 47.00 52.44 58.01 63.52 68.99 73.48 77.98 82.55 87.17 91.70 .549 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 54. 55. 0. 5. 0. 0. 16. 0. 0. 105. 306. 123. 293. 75. 444 c 94. 534. 755. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. •vj H I DATE 8/ 4 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 37.13 33.95 34.71 34.82 34.38 35.16 34.87 34.79 34.59 36.51 37.67 36.83 36.42 30.25 30.37 30.36 30.59 30.61 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH * * *** 5.57 10.66 15.87 21.09 26.25 31.52 36.76 41.97 47.16 52.64 58.29 63.81 69.28 73.81 78 = 37 82.92 87.51 92. 10 .802 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 47. 54. 0. 0. 0. 0. 17. 0. 0. 93. 194. 112. 223. 82. 417. 78. 430. 706. PLOT NO. 2 DATE 8/ 4 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 37.08 35.79 35.06 34.76 34.80 35.17 35.68 35.43 35.23 37.25 37.74 37.72 37.16 31.17 30.79 30.61 31.09 31.20 1.219 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.56 10.93 16.19 21.40 26.62 31.90 37.25 42.56 47.85 53.43 59.10 64.75 70.33 75.00 79.62 84.21 88.88 93.56 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 40. 43. 0. 0. 0. 0. 16. 0. 0. 94. 146 = 105. 182. 91. 369. 70. 289. 706. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. i -j NJ I DATE 8/ 5 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 36.96 35.77 35.58 35.38 34.70 35.02 35.66 35.00 35. 16 36.79 37.59 38.36 37.31 30.81 31.73 31.01 30.75 30.51 1.948 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.54 10.91 16.25 21. 55 26.76 32.01 37.36 42.61 47.89 53.40 59.04 64.80 70.39 75.01 79.77 84.42 89.04 93.61 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 36. 39. 0. Oo 0. 0. 16. 0. -9. 68. 64. 83 = 128. 96. 284. 68. 219. 709. PLOT NO. 2 DATE 8/ 5 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 36.10 36.10 35.32 35.50 34.67 35.64 35.95 35.83 35.50 37.27 38.60 38.34 37.20 30.89 32.11 31.45 31.25 30.94 2.260 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.41 10.83 16.13 21.45 26.65 32.00 37.39 42.77 48.09 53.68 59.47 65.22 70.80 75.44 80.25 84.97 89.66 94.30 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 47. 50. -I. 35. -2. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. 0. 33. 0. 21. 96. 136. 102. 184. 124. 234. 123. 289. 730. DATE 8/ 6 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 35.05 35.11 35.05 34.33 34.25 34.65 35.28 34.54 35.23 36.63 37.71 38.05 36.95 31.09 31.75 31.27 31.29 30.62 2.969 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 5.26 10.52 15.78 20.93 26.07 31.27 36.56 41.74 47.02 52.52 58.17 63.88 69.43 74.09 78.85 83.54 88.23 92.83 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 70. 75. 21. 37. 9. 2. 48. 8. 51. HO. 83. 119. 101. 151. 123. 112. 259. 689. PLOT NO. 2 DATE 8/ 7 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 32.89 34.62 35.06 34.50 33.33 34.37 35.08 35.25 35.03 36.43 37.88 37.80 37.14 30.51 31.26 31.18 31.89 30.89 4.000 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 4.93 10.13 15.39 20.56 25.56 30.72 35.98 41.27 46.52 51.98 57.67 63.34 68.91 73.48 78.17 82.85 87.63 92.27 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 89. 79. 39. 56. 18. 21. 60. 43. 83. 125. 106. 136. 131. 166. 151. 143. 300. 686. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. i i DATE 8/10 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 31.13 34.30 33.81 33.56 32.87 33.86 33.93 34.52 33.82 35.90 36.83 37.47 36.69 30.60 31.42 30.92 31.08 30.55 6.906 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 4.67 9.81 14.89 19.92 24.85 29.93 35.02 40.20 45.27 50.66 56.18 61.80 67.30 71.89 76.61 81.24 85.91 90.49 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 104. 32. 48 o 77. 71. 109. 70. 104. 119. 146. 140. 170. 154. 190. 143. 182. 297. 671. PLOT NO. 2 DATE 8/11 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 31.78 33.78 34.34 34.25 33.62 34.37 34.83 35.08 34.89 36.78 38.53 38.07 37.03 30.68 32=17 31.66 31.59 31.35 8.156 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 4.77 9.83 14.99 20.12 25.17 30.32 35.55 40.81 46.04 51.56 57.34 63.05 68.60 73.20 78.03 82.78 87.52 92.22 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** HO. 98. 87. 123. 73. 41. 83. 119. 119. 146. 140. 170. 154. 213. 143. 182. 297. 341. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. i in I DATE 8/12 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 31.66 34.24 34.40 34.04 33.56 34.52 34.64 34.91 34.58 36.25 38.00 38.13 36.70 30.81 31.61 31.82 31.96 31.56 8.865 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 4.75 9.89 15.04 20.15 25.18 30.36 35.56 40. 80 45.98 51.42 57.12 62.84 68.35 72.97 77.71 82.48 87.28 92.01 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 112. 105. 78. 75. 48. 33. 85. 100. 150. 158. 119. 181. 142. 200. 127. 190. 258. 292. PLOT NO. 2 DATE 8/13 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 31.78 34.51 34.25 34.26 33.80 34.30 34.60 34.89 34.59 36.09 38.05 37.64 36.79 30.84 32.07 31.91 31.91 31.27 10.135 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 4.77 9.94 15.08 20.22 25.29 30.43 35.62 40.86 46.05 51.46 57.17 62.81 68.33 72.96 77.77 82.55 87.34 92.03 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 125. 109. 89. 115. 78. 36. 86. 143. 170. 190. 151. 200. 162. 217. 143. 212. 265. 303. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. DATE 8/14 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 31.73 34.09 33.76 33.78 33.56 33.93 34.77 34.44 34. 14 35.83 37.71 37.36 36.69 31.11 31.90 31.57 32.71 31.40 11.062 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 4.76 9.87 14.94 20.00 25.04 30.13 35.34 40.51 45.63 51.00 56.66 62.27 67.77 72.43 77.22 81.95 86.86 91.57 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 119. 106. 86. 93. 60. 28. 90. 138. 165. 174. 151. 194. 185. 215. 170. 200. 255. 291. PLOT NO. 2 DATE 8/15 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 31.90 33.86 34.09 33.34 33.28 34.32 34.32 34.77 34.44 36.01 37.75 37.06 30.63 30.42 32.01 31.40 32.13 30.99 12.125 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 4.79 9.86 14.98 19.98 24.97 30.12 35.27 40.48 45.65 51.05 56.71 62.27 66.87 71.43 76.23 80.94 85.76 90.41 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 120. 113. 104. 133. 90. 32. 93. 151. 186. 207. 189. 216. 230. 231. 189. 226. 269. 333. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. i <i i DATE 8/18 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 30.92 33.91 33.68 33.73 32.95 33.70 34. 54 34.17 33.68 35.57 37.65 37.86 36.93 30. 84 32.18 31.70 31.54 31.31 15.094 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 4.64 9.73 14.78 19.84 24.78 29.83 35.01 40. 14 45.19 50.53 56.17 61.85 67.39 72.02 76.84 81.60 86.33 91.03 TOTAL WATER P OTEN­ TIAL ****** 146. 115. 94. 223. 68. 32. 100. 102. 178. 193. 166. 211. 197. 231. 155. 230. 269. 303. PLOT NO. 2 DATE 8/28 DAYS INTO EXPERIMENT DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 PERCENT WATER BY VOLUME ******** 31.04 33.88 33 o22 33.35 32.14 33.77 34.52 34.42 34.01 35.77 37.28 37.75 36.68 30.63 31.98 31.44 31.74 31.32 24.990 TOTAL WATER ABOVE DEPTH ***** 4.66 9.74 14.72 19.72 24.54 29.61 34.79 39.95 45.05 50.42 56.01 61.67 67.17 71.77 76.57 81.28 86.04 90.74 TOTAL WATER POTEN­ TIAL ****** 136. 135. 6. 102. 32. -5. 117. 150. 189. 213. 186. 230. 207. 243. 247. 259. 264. 314. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. PLOT NO. 2 DATE DAYS 9/ 6 INTO EXPE R I M E N T 33. 969 TOTAL TOTAL PERCENT WATER WATER WATER BY ABOVE P OTEN­ DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH TIAL ***** ******** ***** ****** 15 31.59 4.74 150. 30 34.28 9.88 139. 45 33.97 14.98 139. 60 34.27 161. 20.12 75 33.00 25.07 41. 90 33.94 30. 16 43. 105 34.70 35.36 131. 120 35.02 40.62 232. 135 34.53 45.80 85. 150 36.44 51.26 94. 165 37.65 56.91 112. 180 38. 33 62.66 116. 195 37.31 68.26 136. 210 33.18 73.23 124. 225 32.49 78.11 161. 240 31.92 82.89 125. 255 32.09 87.71 147. 270 31.01 92.36 209. DATE DAYS DEPTH ***** 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 9/26 INTO EXPERIMENT 53. 969 TOTAL TOTAL PERCENT WATER WATER WATER BY ABOVE POTEN­ VOLUME DEPTH TIAL ******** ***** ****** 29.00 4.35 166. 31.94 9.14 158. 32.15 13.96 105. 31.60 18.70 158. 30.96 23.35 0. 31.68 28.10 52. 32.82 33.02 182. 33.28 38.02 273. 33.64 43.06 243. 34.51 48.24 258. 36.89 53.77 268. 36.51 59.25 303. 35.91 64.64 282. 29.65 69.08 273. 31.79 73.85 312. 30.80 78.47 301. 31.02 83.12 320. 30.84 87.75 361. NOTE ZERO VALUES OF TOTAL WATER POTENTIAL DENOTE EQUIPMENT FAILURE OR MANOMETER READINGS BELOW THE MERCURY RESERVOIR. 3 1762 / 8103 cop. 2 Sisson, James B HyJraulic properties of the Gerber soil W A M K A ND Ay -Xnpf. o J dhf J x.)\ I* /f //- & T 'I; otlC* 2 v COUEGE PUCE MtottK COUtGE PUCE. WA 7