Population dynamics of rotifers and some factors affecting their populations in Canyon Ferry Reservoir, Montana by Gerald Lynn Kaiser A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Botany Montana State University © Copyright by Gerald Lynn Kaiser (1971) Abstract: Zooplankton and phytoplankton collections were taken biweekly and weekly in 1957 and 1958, respectively. A total of 58 samples were taken from one station in Canyon Ferry Reservoir. In earlier papers, on Canyon Ferry, Dr. J. C. Wright discussed primary production and the population dynamics of Daphnia schodleri. However, the rotifer community was not discussed. Finite birth rates, birth rates, population change, and death rates were calculated for populations of Polyarthra vulgaris, Keratella cochlearis, K. quadrata and Kellicottia longispina. Finite birth rates were strongly correlated with temperature. Birth rates were often correlated with extinction coefficients, temperature and to a lesser extent chlorophyll concentrations, and phytoplankton standing crops. There werq strong correlations between abundance of Daphnia spp. and Diaptomus leptopus and rate of rotifer mortality due to interspecific competition. The correlations between phytoplankton standing crop and rotifer mortality were attributed to Myxophyceaen "blooms". The latter suggests the Myxophyceae have an inhibitory effect on the rotifer community. Correlations with Cyclops bicuspidatus and Asplanchna priodonta versus mortality rates of totifers indicated the predators preferred the illoricate forms; some predation was observed to affect Keratella cochlearis. It was concluded that mechanisms controlling a rotifer community are primarily temperature, competition, antibiosis, and to a lesser extent predation. In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the require^ ments for an advanced degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by my major professor, or, in his absence, by the Director of Libraries. It is understood that any copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature Date POPULATION DYNAMICS OF ROTIFERS AND SOME FACTORS AFFECTING THEIR POPULATIONS IN CANYON FERRY RESERVOIR, MONTANA .s/ Vz v. by GERALD LYNN KAISER A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Botany Approved: Mlead, Major Department Graduate ^ean MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Boze m a n , Montana December, 1971 iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to express his thanks to Dr. John C. Wright for providing ■the samples used in this study, and for the opportunity to attend Montana State University under his guidance; Thanks are due Dr. R. E. Lund for his assistance with the statistics used in this study, and to other members of the graduate faculty and colleagues of the author for their review of the manuscript. The author expresses his sincere thanks to his w i f e , Connie, for her p a t i e n c e , understanding and encouragement during the course of this study. The research was supported with funds from the Environmental Protection A g e n c y , Federal Water Quality Office, 5T2-WP-228-02. I ) Training grant No. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page VITA . • a • e e ® a o e a o a a a a a a a a o a , a ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . iii TABLE OF CONTENTS , . vi LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES e e e a e e e e a . . .viii ® ABSTRACT e e a e e e a a INTRODUCTION ......... ® a a a a a a a a a a a DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA MATERIALS AND METHODS a Polyarthra vulgaris a a a Keratella cochlearis. . . Keratella quadrata. « a a Kellicottia longispina a a a a a f Keratella cochlearis o o a a e ' e a e a a a a a a e a a a a a a a s a a o a a * a e e a a a a e ix o I a a a a a a a e a a a a a a a a a a a e e e a a a o a Keratella quadrata. . . . . . Keratella quadrata, 1957 o e e e e a ® a a 7 e e 7 15. ® 22 a o e a e i a s e s 28 o 28 35 a e a a a o a a a 43 a a a a a a a a 43 a o a a a 45 . . . . . Keratella cochlearis, 1958 a e a e Keratella cochlearis, 1957 e a e a e q a a e a v a a e a o ^ a a a a a a a o a a a a o a a a a e a . . Asplanchna priodonta e a a a . . . RESULTSo . . . . . . . . DISCUSSION iv a a a a e e e e e e e o ® 46 o e e e e e o e e 47 V Page Keratella ^c^radiratia^ 1958 e e e e e » o e e e e e e ® @ Kellicottia longispina» ............................. 49 . . . . 49 Asplanchna priodonta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 SUMMARY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 LITERATURE CITED 79 LIST OF TABLES Table I Correlation coefficients (r) fpr Polyarthra vulgaris, 1957= . . . . . Table II Correlation coefficients (r) for Polyarthra vulgaris, 1958. . . . . Table III Correlation coefficients (r) for Keratella cochlearis, 1957 . . . . Table IV Correlation coefficients (r) for Keratella cochlearis, 1958 . . . . ■Table V Correlation coefficients (r) for Keratella quadrata, 1957 . . . ... Table VI Correlation coefficients (r) for Keratella quadrata, 1958 . . . . . ' Table VII Correlation coefficients (r) for Kellicottia longispina, 1958 . . . Table VIII Correlation coefficients (r) for ■ Asplanchna priodonta . . . . . . . Table IX Polyarthra vulgaris, 1957. . . . . Table X Polyarthra vulgaris,, 1958. . . . . Table XI Correlation coefficients (r) for Polyarthra vulgaris, 1957 and 1958 Table XII Keratella cochlearis, 1957 . . . . Table XIII Keratella cochlearis, 1958 . . . . Table XIV Correlation coefficients (r) for Keratella cochlearis, 1957 and 1958 Table XV Keratella quadrata, 1957 . . . . . Table XVI Keratella quadrata, .1958 . . . . . vii Page Table XVII Correlation coefficients (r) for Keratella quadrata, 1957 and 1958.. . . 66 Table XVIII Kellicottia longispina, 1958 and 1959 . 67 Table XIX Zooplankton % 1957 ® . 68 Table XX Zooplankton, 1958 . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Table XXI Table of means, maximums, and minimums for zooplankton and other measured parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Table XXII Some measured parameters, 1957 ......... 73 Table XXIII Some measured parameters, 1958 . . . . . . . 75 Table XXIV Correlation coefficients (r) relating some measured parameters, 1957 . . . . . . . 76 Correlation coefficients (r) relating some measured parameters, 1958 . . . . . . . 77 Correlation coefficients (r) relating some measured parameters, 1957 and 1958 . . . 78 Table XXV Table XXVI . . . . . . viii LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure I Map of the stpdy area . . . . . . . . . Figure 2 Fluctuations of rotifer populations for the sampling period,1957 . . . . Figure 3 . . . 4 /.■ Finite birth rates of Polyarthra vulgaris versus the abundance of Ciryptomo Ticis sp ^ Figure 4 Fluctuations of rotifer populations for the sampling period 1958.......... Figure 5 Phytoplankton standing crops with individual classes in Canyon Ferry Reservoir for 1958 and 1957 . . . . . . Rotifer death rates versus the abundance of Cyclops bicuspidatus (adults + copepodids), Asplanchna priodonta, Daphnia galeata + D. schodleri and Diaptomus leptopus 1957 . Figure 7 Rotifer death rates versus the abundance of Cyclops bicuspidatus (adult + copepodids), Asplanchna priodonta, Daphnia galeata + D. schodleri and Diaptomus leptopus 1958 . 12 ... 36 O <h Figure 6 ... ix ABSTRACT Zooplankton and phytoplankton collections were taken biweekly and weekly in 1957 and 1958, respectively. A total of 58 samples were taken from one station in Canyon Ferry Reservoir. In earlier papers, on Canyon Ferry, Dr. J. C. Wright discussed primary production and the population dynamics of Daphnia schodleri. However, the rotifer community was not discussed. Finite birth rates, birth rates, population change, and death rates were calculated for populations of Polyarthra vulgaris, Keratella cochlearis, K. quadrata and Kellicottia longispina. Finite birth rates were strongly correlated with temperature. Birth rates were often correlated with extinction coefficients, temperature and to a lesser extent chlorophyll concentrations, and phytoplankton standing crops. There werq strong correlations between abundance of Daphnia spp. and Diaptomus leptopus and rate of rotifer mortality due to interspecific competition. The correlations between phytoplankton standing crop and rotifer mortality were attributed to Myxophyceaen Vblooms". The latter suggests the Myxophyceae have an inhibitory effect on the rotifer community. Correlations with Cyclops bicuspidatus and Asplanchna priodonta versus mortality rates of totifers indicated the predators preferred the illoricate forms; some predation was observed to affect Keratella cochlearis. It was concluded that mechanisms controlling a rotifer community are primarily temperature, competition, antibiosis, and to a lesser extent predation. INTRODUCTION This paper describes a study of rotifer populations and some plausible factors affecting their populations in Canyon Ferry Reservoir, a Missouri River impoundment. Previous limnological studies on Canyon Ferry have been carried out by Wright (1958, 1960, 1961 and 1965). A follow-up study is currently in progress. Similar studies in Lake Francis Case and Lewis and Clark Lake, ' two Missouri River impoundments, revealed the occurrence of populations of Asplanchna priodonta, Polyarthra vulgaris, and Keratella cochlear is (Cowell, 1970). Williams (1966) observed that Polyarthra spp. and Keratella spp. are among the dominant rotifers found in major water­ ways of the United States. In Lake Ashtabula reservoir, North Dakota, rotifers were observed to have a bimodal cycle, (Knutson, 1970). Beach (1960)( also observed bimodal cycles with pulses occurring in early and late summer. ■Edmondson (i960, 1965) observed that reproduction of rotifer populations is strongly influenced by food supply and temperature. Predation on rotifers by the predaceous rotifer Asplanchna priodonta has been observed by Edmondson (1946) and Nelson and Edmondson (1955). Phytoplankton may have inhibitory effects on rotifer populations. Ryther (1954) observed inhibitory effects of phytoplankton on a population of Daphnia magna. Phytoplankton present may or may not represent the food of the zooplankton (Hazelwood and Parker ,11963). 2 Lund (1969) points out that one of the reasons blue-green algae are so often the dominant algae in the plankton is their relative freedom from grazing, compared.to smaller green algae, ■ Rotifer populations may also be suppressed by competition. In an open water system, Brooks.and Dodson. (1965) found the following relations to. prevail. "(l) Planktonic herbivores all compete for the fine particulate matter (l p. to .15 p .in length) of the open waters. (2) Larger zooplankters compete more efficiently and can also take larger particles. (3) When predation is of low intensity, the small planktonic herbivores will be competitively eliminated by large forms (dominance of Cladocera and Calanoid copepods)." The objectives of this study were to determine the mechanisms that influence population control in rotifer communities. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA Canyon Ferry Dam is located 24 km east of Helena, Montana (Fig, I). Canyon Ferry Reservoir was formed by the closure of Canyon Ferry Dam in 1953. It was constructed by the Bureau of Reclamation and is the uppermost impoundment on the Missouri River. attained operating levels in 1955. Canyon Ferry The reservoir is approximately 40 km long with a mean width of 1.3 km. At maximum operating pool level (1155 meters m.s.l.) the reservoir has a capacity of 25.3 x 8 3 7 2 10 m , a surface area of 14.1 x 10 m , with a maximum depth of 49.5 m and a mean depth of 18.1 m. 4 MONTANA WYOMING Helena CANYON FERRY RESERVOIR ki Iom e t e r s M is s our i Rl v e r Fig I Map of the study area, Canyon Ferry Reservoir, Montana MATERIALS AND METHODS Zooplankton samples were collected by Dr. J. C. Wright in 1958 and 1959. Oblique tows were made with a Clarke-Bumpus plankton sampler using a No. 10 net. On each- sampling date a tow was made through the euph^otic zone tovthe surface and from the bottom (43 m) to the surface. All tows were made in the center of the reservoir at a station near the dam (Wright,1965). The samples from the euphotic zone were used for rotifer counts. The rotifers were identified to genus and species using a 6OX binocular microscope apd according to Edmondson (1959). Aliquots of 3 ml were placed in a modified rotary counting chamber (Ward, 1955), To attain statistical validity a minimum of 15 ml was counted (Lund, personal communication). Calculations of the population dynamics follow Edmondson (i960). Rotifer egg duration times are from Edmondson (1965). rate (B) was then calculated as follows: Finite birth B = E/DN where E = number of eggs, D = egg duration, and N = population size. . Instantaneous birth rate (b) was then calculated from the following equation: b = In (B + I). following: N Instantaneous rate of increase (r) was obtained from the • = N^e 3Tt where N q = initial population and N^ the population after time t. Therefore, knowing b and r the death rate (d) may be calculated from the following relationship: r = -b-d. 6 Statistics reported in this thesis follow standard procedures of Snedecor and Cochran (1967). The multiple linear regression analysis program was provided by Df. R. E. Lund, Mathematics Department, Moptana State University, RESULTS ■ In decreasing order of abundance the six most common rotifers, in 1 9 5 7 were: Asplanchna priodonta, Polyarthra vulgaris, Keratella cochlearis, Anuraeopsis■sp.?■Keratella quadrata, and Ascomorpha sp. For 1958, the following six genera were the most abundant: Polyarthra vulgaris, Asplanchna priodonta, Keratella cochlearis, K^. quadrata, Ascomorpha sp. and Kellicbttia longispina (see appendix, Table XXI). POIiYARTHRA VULGARIS In 1957, the population was bimodal in appearance9 The first peak occurred in mid-June, and the following peak in early July (Fig. 2). The decline in numbers of P_. vulgaris at the end of June coincides with the decline of phytoplankton standing crop and phos­ phate concentrations (see appendix, Table XXII)„ After the second pulse in July the population declined and never recovered (Fig. 2). Numbers per liter of ]P. vulgaris were positively correlated with numbers per liter of other rotifers and negatively correlated with phosphate concentrations (Table I). Death rate was positively correlated with temperature, phyto­ plankton standing crop, abundance of Daphnia spp. and copepodids (Table I), x Finite birth rates were positively correlated with temperature and negatively correlated with the abundance of predaceous zooplankton (Table I). Finite birth rate demonstrated a lag phase response to the 1957 Polyorthro vulgaris Keratello quadrota Keratello cochlearis OO / x-yX Fig. 2. Fluctuations of rotifer populations for the sampling period of 1957• Table I Correlation coefficients (r) for Polyarthra vulgaris, 1957 Dependent Variables Independent Variables Numbers/Liter -.2934* Phosphate mg/1 -I b .3133** r d B .2957 -.2427 -.1243 -.0841 -.1030 -.2092 -.2139 .1599 .1095 .0084 -.2697 .3163* .3049* .1298 .0920 -.1437 .2028 .1739 .0905 -.2049 -.3403* .3377* -.0979 Rhodomonas sp. mm /I .0325 -.1595 -.1516 .1201 -10525 3 Cryptomonas sp. mm /I .1458 .0422 .0206 .0006 .0190 Rhodomonas sp. + Cryptomonas sp. mm ^/1 .1467 .0362 .0149 .0051 .0209 Daphnia galeata + D. schodleri #/l .1272 .0177 -.2664 .3068* .0260 -.2448 .1266 -.0795 .1249 .0383 .0950 .0370 -.2867* .3351* .0325 -.0032 .0157 -.1082 .1275 Extinction coefficient m Temperature C Chlorophyll mg/m 3 Phytoplankton standing crop mmr/ 1 . 3 Diaptomus leptopus #/l Daphnia spp. + Diaptomus I. #/l Nauplii #/l -.4656*** Table I. (Cont'd) Dependent Variables Independent Variables Numbers/Liter b r d Copepodids #/l -.0912 .0923 -.2625 .3175* -.1860 Adult Cyclops #/I -.0079 .1324 -.0819 .1291 -.0694 Copepodids + Adult Cyclops #/I -.0865 .1113 -.1320 .1800 -.3654** Asplanchna priodonta #/I -.1468 .1585 -.1173 .1754 -.1108 Copepodids + Adult Cyclops + Asplanchna -.0996 .1220 -.1303 .1807 -.3781** B Keratella cochlearis #/I .7137*** -.3354* -.0881 .0245 -.1108 Keratella quadrata #/I .4483*** -.0721 -.0154 .0084 -.1550 * Significance level 107« **. Significance level *** Significance level 57, 17, Degrees of Freedom N-2 = 33 11 abundance of Cryptomonas sp® (Fig. 3). In 1958, numbers per liter of vulgaris were correlated with phytoplankton standing crop and the abundance of Keratella cochiearis and Kellicottia longispina (Table Tl). Birth rates were negatively correlated with phosphate concen­ tration and the abundance of Keratella cochlearis. Birth rates were also positively correlated with the abundance of Rhodomonas sp., Cryptomonas sp-® , and numbers per liter of predaceous zooplankton (Table TI). Death rates were negatively correlated with food abundance, and positively correlated with the abundance of predaceous zooplankton and Keratella quadrate (Table II). In other words, as food declined and as the number of predators increased a corresponding increase in the death rate of P_. vulgaris occurred. In 1958, no significant correlations were observed for the finite birth of P_=, vulgaris (Table II). . Simple correlation coefficients obtained by combining all data indicated that predaceous zooplankton, Daphnia spp., and food scarcity enhanced the death rate of P_« vulgaris (see appendix, Table X I ). Multiple linear regression analysis of the variables affecting death rate, birth rate and finite birth rate of P_® vulgaris are not presented because of low R 2 values. 12 Polyorrhro vulgaris (B FINITE BIRTH RATES /' /' 1 '/ 1958 Ap r i l June Fig. 3. F i n i t e bi r t h rates of P o l yarthra v u l g a r i s versus the a b u n d a n c e of C r y p t o m o n a s sp. CRYPTOM ONAS (mm/I) I9 57 Table II Correlation coefficients (r) for Polyarthra vulgaris, 1958 Dependent Variables Independent Variables Numbers/Liter b r d Phosphate mg/1 .0592 -.3672* -.1806 -.0547 .2280 Extinction coefficient m ^ .2177 -.2820 -.7053*** -.0204 .1617 Temperature C .2856 -.1314 -.0064 .0260 .2821 -.2259 .2877 -.1638 -.0550 .1024 -.0004 B 3 Chlorophyll mg/m Phytoplankton standing crop mm ^/1 .4693** -.2290 .4567*** .0127 3 .3503** .5808*** -.5944*** -.0234 .4015* .5706*** -.4330** -.0788 -.0538 .4315** .6362*** -.5253*** -.0579 .1863 .2039 .2962 .1574 -.0834 Diaptomus leptopus #/l -.0956 .0608 -.2110 .2481 -.0023 Daphnia spp. + Diaptomus I. #/l -.0252 .1235 -.0938 .2788 -.0298 Nauplii ///I -.0790 .3390 .2397 -.0641 .1724 mm /I .1236 Cryptomonas sp. mm /I 3 Rhodomonas + Cryptomonas mm /I Rhodomonas sp. Daphnia galeata + D. schodleri #/l .0276 Table II. (Coat'd) Dependent Variables Independent Variables Numbers/Liter -.1155 Copepodids #/I .1011 Adult Cyclops #/I b .5234** r d B -.0157 .3136 -.0109 .3976* .2230 .0300 .1627 Copepodids + Adult Cyclops #/I -.0979 .5309*** .0082 .2969 .0057 Asplanchna priodonta #/I -.3134 .5508*** -.0553 .2428 .2815 Copepodids + Adult Cyclops + Asplanchna #/l -.2071 .6666*** -.0149 .3469* .1166 -.3486* -.1959 .1843 .1940 -.1889 .3496* -.1353 .2152 .7759*** Keratella cochlearis #/I -.0707 Keratella quadrata #/I Kellicottia longispina #/l * Significance level 10% ** Significance level 5% *** Significance level 17= Degrees of Freedom N-2 = 21 .5202*** .1333 -.0822 .0574 -.3004 15 KERATELLA CQCHLEARIS Correlation coefficients■of K. cochlearis given in Tables III and IV show that numbers per liter of K. cochlearis were positively correlated with the abundance of Cfyptomonas sp., chlorophyll, Baphnia spp® s Polyarthra ,vulgaris and Keratella quadrata. Abundance of.K« cochlearis was- negatively correlated with phosphate concentration, extinction coefficient, arid Diaptomus leptopus abundance (Table III). The 1957 population peak (123 orgariisms/liter) of K. cochlearis occurred on 19 June (Fig. 2). In 1958, the population peak of 539 r organisms per liter occurred on 9 July (Fig. 4). During 1958, the population of K. cochlearis did. not decline as rapidly as in 1957 (Fig.s 2 and 4). The large numbers of K. cochlearis found in 1958 followed a trend similar to that of all the major species, that is, of more rotifers per liter in 1958 than in 1957. Birth, death, and finite birth rates were positively correlated with temperature in 1957 (Table III). Birth rates were positively correlated with extinction and the abundance of Diaptomus leptopus. Negative correlations were observed between birth rate versus the abundance of K. quadrata, and finite birth rate versus nauplii abundance Table III Correlation coefficients (r) for Keratella cochlearis, 1957 Dependent Variables Independent Variables Numbers/Liter b r -.2965* .1666 .1154 -.0391 -.1191 Extinction Coefficient m -.3378* .4671*** -.0074 .1833 .1390 Temperature C -.1043 .5474*** -.1087 .3396* .3521** -.1414 -.1962 .1467 .1494 Phosphate mg/1 -I d B 3 Chlorophyll mg/m .2889* Phytoplankton standing crop mm ^/1 .0649 .0615 -.1129 .1446 -.0801 -.1476 .2389 -.1390 .2317 .0819 3 Rhodomonas sp. mm /I 3 Cryptomonas sp. mm /I .3328* -.2742 -.0790 -.0177 -.0081 3 Rhodomonas + Cryptomonas mm /I .3265 -.2647 -.0840 -.0090 -.0050 .3852** -.2107 -.3253* .2463 .0040 -.1772 .3693** .0787 .0158 Daphnia galeata + D. schodleri #/l Diaptomus leptopus #/I -.3144* .4824*** Daphnia spp. + Diaptomus I .#/I .3510** -.1461 -.3620** .3089* Nauplii #/l .2216 -.2289 -.3457** .2256 -.4822*** Table III. (Cont'd) Dependent Variables Independent Variables Numbers/Liter b r d -.0221 -.2236 -.3533* ** .2619 -.2069 Adult Cyclops #/l .0642 -.2101 -.0598 -.0163 -.0942 Copepodids + Adult Cyclops #/l .0012 -.2409 -.2829* .1876 =**1688 Asplanchna priodonta #/I -.0632 -.1772 -.2824* .2119 -.2089 Copepodids + Adult Cyclops + Asplanchna #/l -.0118 -.2314 -.2869* .1953 -.1794 Copepodids #/l B Polyarthra vulgaris #/l .7137*** -.1909 -.0572 -.0119 .0677 Keratella quadrata #/l .8093*** -.3765** -.1532 .0086 -.1828 * Significance level 10% ** Significance level 5% *** Significance level 1% Degrees of Freedom N-2 = 33 Table IV Correlation coefficients (r) for Keratella cochlearis, 1958 Dependent Variables Independent Variables Numbers/Liter b .2343 .1513 -.2925 .3595* .2699 Extinction coefficient m .2006 .4849** -.1865 .3341 .2119 Temperature C .2823 .4376** -.2034 .3868* .3236 Phosphate mg/1 -I r d B 3 -.0880 Chlorophyll mg/m Phytoplankton standing crop .6458*** .5666*** .2925 -.1787 -.0452 .3545* .0800 .0735 .0359 .0199 mnr /1 3 Rhodomonas sp. mm /I -.0659 .3024 .3740* -.3123 3 Cryptomonas sp. mm /I -.0119 .7193*** .5828*** -.4067* -.0732 -.0283 .6827*** .5890*** -.4253** -.0554 .4035* .0951 .1152 -.0790 Rhodomonas sp. + Cryptomonas sp. mm-3/! Daphnia galeata + D. schodleri #/l .1558 Diaptomus leptopus #/I -.0907 -.2125 -.4587** .4500** -.0170 Daphnia spp. + Diaptomus I. #/1 -.0385 -.0594 -.3868* .4489** - 40418 Nauplii #/I -.0754 -.0776 .3173 -.3473 .1500 Table IV. (Cont'd) Dependent Variables Independent Variables Numbers/Liter b -.1403 -.0303 -.1936 .2474 -.0499 .0187 -.0884 .0091 .0360 .1352 Copepodids + Adult Cyclops #/l -.1294 -.0374 -.1806 .2357 -.0336 Asplanchna priodonta #/l -.3455 -.2340 .2124 -.2948 .2394 Copepodids + Adult Cyclops + Asplanchna -.2464 -.1244 -.0679 .0817 .0666 .2032 -.0560 .1812 -.1620 -.3829* .3782* Copepodids #/l Adult Cyclops #/I .7777*** Polyarthra vulgaris -.0826 Keratella quadrata .5738*** Kellicottia longispina * Significance level 10% ** Significance level 5% *** Significance level 1% Degrees of Freedom N-2 = 21 -.2179 .5045** r .0661 d .0988 B .0351 ■•2404 Polyorthro vulqoris Kerotella quodroto KerQteIIa cochlearis Kellicottia Iongipina UJ 500 Q- IOO Fig. 4. Fluctuations of rotifer populations for the sampling period of 1958. 21 In 1958? the abundance of K. cochlearis was positively correlated with phytoplankton standing crop and the abundance of Polyarthra vulgaris and Kellicottia longispina (Table IV)„ Birth rates were positively correlated with extinction, temper­ ature , phytoplankton standing crop, chlorophyll, abundance of Cryptomonas sp., Baphnia spp®, and Kellicottia longispina (Table IV). ■'.Death rates were positively correlated with phosphate concen­ tration, temperature, abundance of Diaptomus leptopus and Keretella co chlearis e> A negative correlation was obtained with death rates versus the abundance of Cryptomonas sp« (Table IV)„ No significant correlations were found with finite birth rate. Simple correlation values for both years showed that the most significant correlations were the effect of temperature and the abundance of Daphnia spp,,iplus Diaptomus leptopus on death rates of K, cochlearis, The multiple linear regression equation best explaining the observed variation in birth rates of K. cochlearis is as follows: b = -0.072 + 0.008T + .424k + 0.003C R 2 = 0.52 (I) Where T = temperature (C) ^ k = extinction coefficient (m ) C = chlorophyll (mg/irv^) The R 2 value of 0.52 for 1958 was the best value obtained for either year and using all combinations of independent variables. Factors in 22 decreasing order of significance were: chlorophyll (r = 0„57; P = ,01) ,| extinction coefficient (r = 0.48; P = .01) and temperature (r = 0.44; 2 P - .05). The R values for death rate and finite birth rate were not significant. KERATELLA QUADRATA On 19 June 1957, K. quadrata reached a maximum of 72 organisms per liter (Fig. 2). This maximum occurred after the decline of Cyclops bicuspidatus (see appendix. Table XIX). Numbers per liter of K. quadrata were positively correlated with the abundance of Cryptomonas sp,, Daphnia spp., and the other major species of rotifers (Table V)'® A negative correlation between the birth rate of K. quadrata and Rhodomonas sp. and Cryptomonas sp. was observed. A negative correlation also existed between the birth rate of K. quadrata and the abundance of Keratella cochlearis (Table V). Death rate was negatively correlated with phosphate concentration? and positively correlated with Diaptomus leptopus (Table V). Finite birth rate was positively correlated with temperature,, and negatively correlated with the abundance of nauplii (Table V). These two correlations were also noted for P_. vulgaris in 1957. K. quadrata attained a maximum of 327 organisms per liter in 1958. Numbers per liter were, positively correlated with herbivorous and predaceous zooplankton (Table V I ). A negative correlation was Table V. Correlation coefficients (r) for Keratella quadrata, 1957. Dependent Variables Independent Variables Numbers/Liter b r .5201*** d Phosphate mg/1 -.2360 .2885* Extinction coefficient m ^ -.4450*** .5508*** -.0515 .3644** .1582 Temperature C -.1712' .4209** -.1021 .3511** .3463*** .0208 -.0578 .0752 .1700 .2906* -.0215 .2012 -.0517 -.0434 -.2427 .1986 .0535 .4858*** -.2862* -.1159 -.0575 -.0172 Rhodomonas sp. + Cryptomonas sp. .4794*** mm ^/1 -.2871* -.1247 -.0500 -.0150 Daphnia galeata + D. schodleri #/l -.2702 -.1902 .0205 -.0069 -.0832 .3399** .0843 .0053 .2317 Chlorophyll mg/m^ Phytoplankton standing crop mmr /1 -.0065 -.2988* B -.1049 3 Rhodomonas sp. mm /I -.1386 3 Cryptomonas sp. mm /I Diaptomus leptopus #/l .4761*** -.2689 .4363** Daphnia spp. + Diaptomus I. #/l .4516*** -.2142 -.2086 .0715 Nauplii #/l .0872 -.1729 .0177 -.1110 -.4752*** Table V. (Cont'd) Dependent Variables Independent Variables Numbers/Liter b Copepodids #/l .1664 -.2140 -.0308 -.0957 -.2111 Adult Cyclops #/I .1457 -.1562 .0700 -.1542 -.0929 Asplanchna priodonta #/I .0381 .1228 .2413 -.1461 -.0608 Copepodids + Adult Cyclops + Asplanchna .1436 -.1357 .0641 -.1362 -.1450 Polyarthra vulgaris #/l .4483*** -.2193 -.1126 -.0236 .0627 Keratella cochlearis #/l .8093*** -.3072** -.1274 -.0613 -.1266 * Significance level 107= ** Significance level 57= *** Significance level 17= Degrees of Freedom N-2 = 33 r d B Table VI Correlation coefficients (r) for Keratella quadrata, 1958 Dependent Variables Independent Variables Numbers/Liter b r -.3437 .2793 .0011 -.0007 .2874 Extinction coefficient m -.3493* .1731 -.2295 -.0387 .2035 Temperature C -.0494 .0179 -.3945* -.0777 .2995 .1128 .2073 -.0539 -.0977 -.0531 -.2590 .1718 -.0631 -.0388 .0355 .0757 -.1440 -.1152 -.0645 -.0121 -.2133 -.2880 -.0102 -.2539 -.1372 -.1565 -.2798 -.0405 -.2293 -.1175 Daphnia galeata + D. schodleri #/l .2038 -.2821 -.3799* .0190 -.1233 Diaptomus leptopus #/I .9301*** -.0291 -.3217 .1662 -.0095 Daphnia spp. + Diaptomus I. #/l .9165*** -.1206 -.4202** .1580 -.0498 Nauplii #/l .1366 -.1632 .3567* -.3951* Phosphate mg/1 -I 3 Chlorophyll mg/m Phytoplankton standing crop mm /I d B 3 Rhodomonas sp. mm /I Cryptomonas sp. 3 mm /I Rhodomonas sp. + Cryptomonas sp. mm ^/1 .1311 Table VI. (Cont'd) Dependent Variables Independent Variables Numbers/Liter b r d B .0369 -.0744 -.1848 .0908 Copepodids #/I .7530*** -.2729 -»3555* Adult Cyclops #/I .2997 -.4511** -.2415 Copepodids + Adult Cyclops #/l .7362*** -.3018 -.3480* .0162 -.0611 Asplanchna priodonta .1498 .0381 .3818* -.3156 .2446 Copepodids + Adult Cyclops + Asplanchna .6806*** -.2395 -.1504 -.1117 .0455 Polyarthra vulgaris -.0732 -.2815 -.1972 -.0518 -.1938 Keratella cochlearis -.0827 -.2667 -.2885 .0070 -.0832 .0174 -.2480 -.2782 -.0135 -.2839 Kellicottia longispina * Significance level 10% ** Significance level 57» *** Significance level 17= Degrees of Freedom N-2 = 21 27 obtained between numbers per liter and extinction coefficient values (Fig. 4 and Table V I j. Negative correlations were obtained for birth rate versus adult _C. bicuspidatus and death rate of K. quadrata versus nauplii abundance (Table Vi). Correlation coefficients for 1957 and 1958 were positive for numbers per liter of K. quadrata with herbivorous and predaceous zooplankton. Negative correlations were exhibited between phosphate and extinction versus numbers per liter; however, birth rates were positively correlated with the former two independent variables (see appendix, Table XVII). A negative correlation was shown for birth rate versus abundance of Cryptomonas sp., ppedaceous zooplankton, J?. vulgaris and K. COchiearis (see appendix. Table XVII). Death rate was negatively correlated with the abundance of Asplanchna priodonta. Finite birth rate was positively correlated with temperature, and negatively correlated with nauplii abundance (see appendix, Table XVII). The multiple linear regression equation best explaining the observed variation in the birth rate of K. quadrata is as follows: b = -0.306 + 0.008T + 0.006 S. + 0.951k + 0.016P where, T S k P = = = = temperature (C) ^ phytoplankton standing crop (mm /l) extinction coefficient (mr^) ortho-phosphate (mg/I) R 2 = 0.45 (2) 28 The variables in order of decreasing significance were: extinction coefficient (r = 0.55; P = .01), temperature (r = 0.42; P = .05), phytoplankton standing crop (r = 0,29; P = .10) and ortho«-phosphate p (r = 0.29; P = .10). The R value of 0.45 for 1957 was the best value obtained for either year and using all combinations pf independent variables. For death rate the finite birth rate no plausible combin- ation of independent variables yielded an R 2 values greater than 0.27. KEhLIGOTTIA hONGISBINA Only one K. Iongispina was found in the 1957 samples, K» longispina reached a maximum.of 34 organisms per liter on 28 June, 1958. This maximum coincides with a high in chlorophyll, phyto­ plankton standing crop, and extinction (Fig. 4 and see appendix, Table-XXIII). The abundance of K. Iongispina was positively correlated with chlorophyll, phytoplankton standing crop and the abundance of Polyarthra vulgaris. Birth rates were positively correlated with extinction and temperature (Table VIT)i ASPhANGHMA BRIODONTA A. priodonta was the only predaceous rotifer found during the Canyon Ferry study. In 1957, the mean number of A. priodonta was 44 organisms per liter with a maximum of 447 organises occurring on 18 Correlation coefficients (r) for Kellicottia IonRispina, 1958 Table VII Dependent Variables Independent Variables Numbers/Liter -.1051 Phosphate mg/1 b -.1062 r d B .2094 -.2351 .2469 Extinction coefficient m ^ .2368 .3735* .0338 .1218 .2133 Temperature C .3105 .4033* .0344 .1503 .3262 Chlorophyll mg/m .4391** .1918 -.0680 .1208 .2469 Phytoplankton standing crop mm^/I .5449*** -.1461 -.1831 .0872 .0057 -.0872 .2573 -.0015 .1180 .0219 .2852 .0477 .1302 -.0988 -.1060' Rhodomonas sp. + Cryptomonas sp. I r n n j / ! .2132 .1111 .1079 -.0495 -.0821 Daphnia galeata + D. schodleri .6965* .1173 -.0349 .0981 -.0922 -.0706 -.0109 -.1574 .1296 -.0072 Daphnia spp. + Diaptomus I. .1677 .1291 -.1553 .1510 -.0366 Nauplii #/l .1791 .0027 -.1532 .1426 .1501 3 3 Rhodomonas mm /I 3 Cryptomonas mm /I #/l Diaptomus leptopus #/l Table VII. (Cont'd) Dependent Variables Independent Variables Numbers/Liter b r d Copepodids #/I .0831 -.0567 .0105 -.0246 -.0538 Adult Cyclops #/I .1765 .1491 .0068 .0878 .1471 Gopepodids + Adult Cyclops #/l .0963 -.0381 .0103 -.0139 -.0360 Asplanchna priodonta #/I -.2909 -.1919 .1244 -.1791 .2322 Copepodids + Adult Cyclops + Asplanchna #/I -.0343 -.1084 .0581 -.0829 .0618 -.0618 -.4052* .3167 -.0636 -.1228 .1535 .0531 -.4052* .3167 .2875 Polyarthra vulgaris #/I .5738*** Keratella cochlearis #/I .0174 Keratella quadrata #/I .5422*** * Significance level 10% ** Significance level 57« *** Significance level 17, Degrees of Freedom N-2 = 21 .0907 -.0618 B 31 May (see appendix, Table XIX). In 1958, the mean number per liter was 135 organisms with a maximum of 629 organisms occurring on 3 May (see appendix, Table XX). The population peak .of A. priodonta for 1957 was coincident with the peak population of Cyclops bicuspidatus; however„ in 1958 A. priodonta peakpd prior to the peak population of C. bicuspidatus (see appendix, Tables XIX and XX). A multiple linear regression equation best explaining the vari- > atipn in numbers per liter of A. priodonta for.1957 yielded ap R 2 value of 0.89, but three of the independent variables used in the calculation were not significant. data produced an R 2 Another equation using the 1958 value of 0.84; however, two of the independent variables were not significant. Using the same independent variables, .2 and combining all data yielded an R value of 0.51. The equation is as follows: Numbers per liter = 246.0 + 0.17C - 0.18k + 0,9SM - 12.8T + 64.1k =• 2.5P where, R 2 = 0.51 (3) C = adult Cyclops + copepodids (#/I) K = Xeratella quadrata (#/l) M T k P = = = = minor rotifer genera (#/I ) temperature (C) ^ extinction coefficient (m ) ortho-phosphate (mg/l) The independent variables in order of decreasing significance were: temperature (r = 0.53; P = .01), Cyclops + copepodids (r - 0.50; 32 P = ,01), extinction (r = -0.44; P = .01), ortho-phosphate (r = -0.29; P = .05), minor rotifer genera (r = 0.24; P = .10), K. quad,rata (r = 0.23; P = 10). The simple correlation coefficients for A, priodonta are given in Table VIII. Correlation coefficients (r) for Asplanchna priodonta. Table VIII , , , Independent Variables Dependent variable numbers per liter 1957 1958 1957 and 1958 .2217 -.5383*** -.2337* Extinction coefficient k/m -.3101* -.6321*** -.4749*** Temperature C -.4086** -.6249*** -.5684*** Ortho-phosphate mg/1 3 .0089 .2700 -.0210 3 Phytoplankton standing crop mm /I -.0877 .0450 -.1043 3 Rhodomonas mm /I -.2287 -.1677 -.0465 Chlorophyll mg/m Cryptomonas mm^/1 .3514** -.1396 .1290 3 Rhodomonas + Cryptomonas mm /I .3420* -.1627 .1162 Daphnia galeata + D. schodleri #/I .0999 -.2058 -.0603 -.2236 -.0337 -.0121 Daphnia spp. + Diaptomus I. #/I .0700 -.0991 -.0603 Copepodids #/l .7316*** .2136 .3661*** Adult Cyclops bicuspidatus #/I .6254*** -.0521 .5668*** Copepodids + Adult Cyclops #/I .9428*** .1947 .5668*** Diaptomus leptopus #/I Table VIII. (Cont'd) Dependent variable numbers per liter Independent Variables 1957 .8930* *** * Nauplii #/l 1958 .3154 1957 and 1958 .5817*** Polyarthra vulgaris #/l -.1468 -.3134 -.1731 Keratella cochlearis #/I -.0632 -.3455 -.1451 .0381 .1498 .2077 — —— — -.2909 -—— - Keratella quadrata #/I Kellicottia longispina #/I .0897 Minor Rotifer Genera #/I * Significance level 10% ** Significance level 5% *** Significance level 1% .7552*** .2155 DISCUSSION Polyarthra vulgaris was the dominant herbivorous rotifer. P. vulgaris reached a maximum standing crop of 1569 per liter on 2 July 1958 (see appendix, Table X). Cowell (1970) found vulgaris to be the most abundant rotifer in Lewis and Clark Lake, a Missouri River impoundment» He found maximums of 96 and 83 P_. vulgaris in Lake Francis Case and Lewis and Clark Lake, respectively. Similarly, Hudson and Cowell (1966) recorded a maximum of 112 Polyarthra spp. per liter in Lewis and Clark Lake. Polyarthra vulgaris attained a maximum standing crop of 498 per liter on 3 July, 1957 subsequent to the decline of Cyclops bicuspidatus and Asplanchna priodonta. At this time,) there was an upward trend in phytoplankton standing crop and chlorophyll concentration (see appendix Table XXII). After a secondary pulse in July, the population declined and never recovered. This lack of recovery appears to be due to un­ favorable temperature conditions, high Myxophyceaen standing crops and to a lesser extent suppression by Daphnia spp. (Figr.s I and 5). Table I shows a negative correlation between phosphate poncen^ tration and the abundance of J?. vulgaris. The phosphate decline may be attributed to an increase in phytoplankton standing crop resulting in an increase of P_. vulgaris numbers. The increase of phytoplankton following high phosphate concentrations was shown by Wright (1965)= 36 1 958 / / v\ X x Chlorophyceoe Myxophyceoe Bocillariophyceoe Cryptomonadaceoe Cryptochrysldaceae Chrysophyceae Desmokontoe Total Phytoplankton Individual clas ses \ C D E F G TTl X , CELL VOLUME (mm3/ I) A B 1. ABCDEFG ABCDEFG ABCDEFG ABCDEFG ABCDEFG ABCDEFG April May June July Aug Sept 1957 ____ / ABCDEFG ABCDEFG ABCDEFG ABCDEFG ABCDEFG ABCDEFG Afifj I Moy Ju n e July Aug Sept ABCDEFG Oct Fig, 5. Phytoplankton standing crops with individual classes in Canyon Ferry Reservoir for 1958 and 1957, 37 The positive correlation (1957, Table I) with standing crops of Polyarthra vulgaris versus those of Keratella cochlearis and Keratella quadrata indicates that there was minimum competition among the three species, George and Fernado (1970.) found P_. vulgaris occupied a different zope and concluded this zonation, to a certain extent,| avoids competition with Felinia terminalis and K, quadrata. The positive relationship with the abundance of Polyarthra vul=, gar is (1958, Table II) versus the abundance of Keratella cochlearis and Kellicottia longispina is similar to the relationship of K, quadrata and K, cochlearis versus P_, vulgaris observed in 1957, Conditions that coincide with the maximum standing crop of P_, vulgaris in 1958 parallel those of 1957, Finite birth fate (B) of Polyarthra vulgaris was positively correlated with temperature in 1957 (Table I), Finite birth rate attained its maximum value for both years in early June (see appendix, Tables IX and X), The high values for B are coincident with the abundance of Bacillariophyceae (Fig,.5 and see appendix, Table IX), Edmondson (1965) observed a similar correlation with respect to temperature as well as a positive correlation between, the abundance of Cryptomonas sp„ and the finite birth rate of P» vulgaris. For the data discussed here, the latter relationship was not significant; however, a lag between B of P_. vulgaris and Cryptomonas sp, abundance 38 is apparent (Fig, 3). For 1957, negative correlations -were observed for birth rates, of Polyarthra vulgaris versus standing crops of adult Cyclops bicuspidatus plus copepodids and nauplii» in 1958. These correlations were not significant Consolidation of both years yielded a negative correlation with the abundance of nauplii (see appendix, Table X). The latter negative correlation indicates an inverse relationship exists between finite birth rate of P_. vulgaris and nauplii abundance. Anderson et al. (1955) stated an increase in phytoplankton density tended to be.accompanied or followed by increases in rate of reprp?, duction of copepods. Consequently, direct competition for food may ■ exist between P_. vulgaris and nauplii resulting in the suppression of the finite birth rate. Adult Cyclops bicuspidatus, although predaceous, may exert a similar influence as there is evidence adult Cyclops may feed on diatoms, ciliates, flagellates, and possibly bacteria (Brown, 1950). The negative correlation between adult C^. bicusp idatus plus copepodids versus the finite birth rate of Polyarthra vulgaris may be a residual effect caused by nauplii abundance. In 1957, the death rates of Polyarthra vulgaris were positively correlated with temperature, phytoplankton standing crop, Daphnia spp. abundance, and copepodid abundance (Table l). 39 Phytoplankton standing crop and temperature are positively correl­ ated (see appendix. Table XXIV). The dominant class of phytoplankton was the Myxophyceae during the peak standing crop (Fig0 5). The high, phytoplankton standing crop and Myxophyceaen abundance coincide with high temperature values (Fig. 5 and see appendix, Table X). High temperatures are often correlated with the incidence of summer blooms of Myxophceae (Hutchinson, 1967). A s ■Myxophyceae contribute little to the food of P 0 vulgaris (Edmondson, 1965)<it appears that the lack of available food coincident with high temperatures contribute to the high death rate of P_. vulgaris. The abundance of Myxophyceae may also act as an inhibitor of P_0 vulgaris. Similar inhibitory effects of phyto­ plankton on zooplankton have been observed by Ryther (1954). Effects of Daphnia spp. and copepodids on the death rates of P_. vulgaris may be attributed to competition and predation, respectively. Daphnia spp. are filter feeders, and are known to feed on bacteria and small algal cells (Hutchinson, 1967)= Therefore, the apparent overlap in feeding habits of rotifers and Daphnia may contribute to the death rate of P_= vulgaris. Cyclops bicuspidatus is known to be carnivorous, and probably by direct feeding on P_. vulgaris causes an increase of the death rate (d) (Fig.s 6 and 7). For 1958, negative correlations were observed between Cryptomonas sp. and Rhodomonas sp. versus d of P_. vulgaris implying that a lack Po I y a r t h r a vulgaris IV K e r a t e l Ia quadrata [j K e r a t e Il e a c h l ea rl s -------- A DEATH RATES \\ V. i/ 170 0 Cyclops b i c u s p i d ot u s Asplanchna priodonta NUMBERS PER LI TER 1957 Dophnia g a Ie a t a ♦ Dioptomus D. s c h o dleri Ieptopus /V Y June Fig. 6 . Rotifer death rates versus the abundance of Cyclops bicuspidatus (adult + copepodids), Asplanchna p r i odonta, Daphnia galeata + D . schodleri and Diaptomus le p t o p u s , 1957. Polyarthro vulgaris Keratello q uo d r o t a Ke r a t e I I a c o chlearis — Ke I l i c o t t i a • Iongispina \ nA \ ■ 1300 I IOO Cycl ops bicuspidatus Asplanctina priodonta 1958 Daphnia go l ea t o + D . s c h o d I e r L Diaptomus Ieptopus — I_Apr i l May June July Au g Sept Fig. 7. Rotifer death rates versus the abundance of Cyclops bicuspidatus (adult + copepodids), Asplanchna p r i odonta, Daphnia galeata + D. s c h odleri, and Diaptomus lep t o p u s , 1958. 42 of Rhodomonas sp. contributed to increased death rates of J?, .vulgaris (Table II), Using the sums of Cryptomonas and Rhodomonas abundance produced a smaller r than did Rhodomonas by itself, indicating the absence of Rhodomonas had a greater effect on d of Ih vulgaris (Table II). Edmondson (1965) stated Rhodomonas may affect reproduction of P_. vulgaris, and Cryptomonas definitely does affect reproduction. If the abundance of these organisms enhances reproduction of P_. vulgaris, then the lack of these organisms would seem to cause an increase in d. No correlation was obtained using Asplanchna priodonta, juvenile and adult Cyclops bicuspidatus. as individual groups versus the death rates of P. vulgaris (Table II). This indicated that singularly the predators exerted little influence on d of 3P. vulgaris. correlation obtained using the sum The positive of copepodids, adult C. bicuspid- atus, and A. priodonta versus d of P. vulgaris showed that the combined effect of predation was greater than the individual group effect. Combining all data the most significant effects on P. vulgaris (.01 level) were: the positive correlations of K. cochlearis and K. Iongispina versus numbers per liter of P» vulgaris, the positive effect of phytoplanktpn standing crop on d, and the positive effect of predaceous zooplankton on birth rate. 43 KERATELLA COCHLEARIS Beach (i960) observed K, cochiearis to be dlcyclic with pulses in early and late summer. The earlier pulse was generally larger. A similar dicyclic curve was observed in Canyon Ferry; however, the pulses in 1958 occurred much later in the season. The latter may be attributed to lower temperatures observed for Canyon Ferry in 1958 (FigoS 2 and 4, see appendix, Table XX). Keratella cochiearis 1957 The negative correlation between abundance of K. cochlearis and phosphate concentrations indicates that at high phosphate concen­ trations the abundance of K. cochlearis is suppressed. Hall et al. (1970) found that the abundance of K. cochlearis was depressed at high nutrient levels. The possible reason for this correlation is dis­ cussed in a previous section. High extinction values may be related to turbidity as there was no correlation between extinction and phytoplankton standing crop (see appendix, Tables XXIV and XXV). Based on the proceeding, the low numbers of K. cochlearis at times of high extinction appear to be related to turbidity and not phytoplankton abundance. Abundance of K. cbchlearis was correlated with Cryptomonas sp.; this correlation was not observed by Edmondson (1965). Edibility is largely determined by size, with the specification of 10 or 12 p as 44 the upper limit eaten by Keratella and Kellicottia (Edmondson 1965). However, Pourriot (1963) observed that Keratella and Kellicottia could eat Cryptomonas sp. as large as 16 x 48 p . The latter observation would tend to explain the correlation observed for Canyon Ferry. The positive correlation of finite birth rate (B) versus temper­ ature was similar to that observed by Edmondson (1965). The negative effect on B caused by nauplii is similar to the effect observed for Polyarthra vulgaris which is discussed in an earlier section. It may be hypothesized that the correlation of instaneous birth rates (b) with extinction and temperature are related to the phyto­ plankton bloom in July (Fig. 5). Although the preponderance of the standing crop was composed of Myxophyceae, there may have been enough Bacillariophyceae present to influence b of K. cochlearjs. The negative correlation observed between the abundance of K. quadrate and b of K. cochiearis seems to indicate that K. quadrate acts as a depressant on b of K. cochlearjs. This negative effect may be attributed to intraspecific competition which? temporarily makes conditions unfavorable for K. cochlearjs. The highest value of d for K, cochlearjs occurred during the population peak of Diaptomas,leptopus (Fig.s 6 and 7). values of d also correspond to high temperature values. These high A multiple linear regression equation using these two variables accounted for 30% 45 of the variance in d of K. cochlearis. The higher r value obtained for I). Ieptopus versus d of K. cochlearis indicates that I). Ieptopus has a greater effect on d than does temperature- The effect caused by _D. Ieptopus is probably due to competition for food. Keratella cochiearIs 1958 Williams (1966) observed that rotifer abundance is generally associated with average to high phytoplankton populations. correlation was observed for K. cochlearis in Canyon Ferry. this correlation was not observed in 1957. This However, The observed correlation in 1958 may be attributed to the abundance of Bacillariophyceae= A r value for B versus temperature was significant at the 0=20 level. This correlation was not as convincing as the correlation ■ observed in 1957.or that observed by Edmondson (1965). Cryptomonas sp. had a greater correlation with b of K. cochlearis than Rhodomonas sp. indicating Cryptomonas sp. may be a preferred food organism of K. cochlearis.. If the:latter is true it would be in line with the findings of Ppurriot (1963). ,• Death rates of K, cochlearis increase as Cryptomonas sp. declines. This is further evidence that Cryptomonas sp. may have an effect on populations of Keratella spp, The correlations of d versus temper­ ature and the abundance of D= leptopus has been discussed in a previous section. 46 The positive correlation of phosphate with d of K, cochlearis indicates that high nutrient levels, may affect populations of K„ Cochlearis, The suppression of K, cochlearis at high nutrient levels was observed by Hall et al. (1970). A multiple linear regression, equation for d using the preceding variables yielded an R 2 value of 0.49. This equation was not present­ ed as two of the variables used had nonsignificant t values. There­ fore, little of the variance in d was actually explainable. KERATELLA QUADRATA . K, quadrate attained its maximum of 72 organisms per liter on 19 June, 1957. The maximum in 1957 occurred subsequent to the decline of Cyclops bicuspidatus and Asplanchna priodonta, and prior to the maximum of the Myxophyceae (Fig.s 2, 5 and 6 ). The peak of 327 K. quadrata per liter on 25 May, 1958 did pot follow the sequence of events observed in 1957. The maxima of K= quadrata in 1958 occurred at Iqw A. priodonta levels; however, C. bicuspidatus was still very abundant (Figis 4 and 7). The maximum observed in 1958 is higher than any value reported on American waterways by Williams (1966). The numbers of K. quadrata observed in 1957 are similar to values observed by Cowell (1970) in two Missouri river impoundmentse For 1957 and 1958 the populations of K. quadrata in Canyon Ferry.were bimodal. 47 Hutchinson (1967) reports K, quadrate in soipe years exhibits a persistent sparse population; but usually has a maximum in late May or June followed by a marked autumn increase. observed in Canyon Ferry for 1958. An autumn increase was The lack of an autumn pulse for 'K. quadrate in 1957 may be attributed to an autumn pulse of Cyclops bicuspjdatus and Asplanchna pripdonta. Williams (1966) observed that rotifers are generally associated with waters of high clarity. This relation was observed in Canyon Ferry; as extinction values increased the abundance of K. quadrate declined. As a similar relationship existed for K. cochlearis this correlation will not be discussed here. Negative correlation (r) values obtained for phosphate concen-; tration versus the abundance of K. quadrate were significant at the 0.20 level. This may indicate that the relationship to nutrients and the abundance of K. quadrate is similar to the one observed for K. Cochlearis by Hall et al. (1970). Keratella quadrats 1957 The correlations of finite birth rate (B) versus temperature and nauplii abundance are similar to those observed for Polyarthra vulgaris and Keratella cochlearis (see previous discussion). The negative effect on B caused by nauplii abundance appears to reduce the reproductive potential of K. quadrats. 48 To avoid duplication the variables that affected instantaneous birth rate (b) of K. cochlearis $nd K. quadrata are not discussed. However, three variables were correlated with b of K. quadrata that were not correlated with b of K. cochlearis. These variables were: phosphate concentrations, Cryptomonas sp, abundance? and phytoplankton standing crop. The negative correlation of b versus Cryptomonas sp. indicates K. quadrata depends very little on Cryptomonas sp. However, the positive correlation with phytoplankton abundance and b indicates that another organism pot enumerated contributed to b of K. quadrata. The correlation of phosphate with b is probably similar to that of Polyarthra vulgaris. Equation 2 shows that 45% of the variance in b was attributed to temperature? food? and/or fpod related factors. The effects of temperature and Diaptomus leptopus on the death rates (d) of K. quadrata are believed to be the same as those for K. cochlearIs. However, the correlations of extinction and phosphate were notoobserved for K. cochlearis, The effect of extinction on d may be related to turbidity since high values of d were coincident with periods of spring run-off in June 1957, Another reason may be the abundance of Myxophyceae which were also coincident with high extinction values. The negative correlation with d and phosphate concentrations is attributed to uptake of phosphate by the Myxophyceae, 49 Keratella quadrata 1958 No significant correlations were observed for finite birth rates (B) qf K. quadrata in 1958; however, the instantaneous rate of increase (r) value for B versus temperature was significant at the 0.20 level. The lack of a strong correlation for B versus temperature may be attributed to the lower average temperatures for CanyQn Ferry in 1958 (see appendix, Table XXl). Cyclops bicuspidatus may tend to inhibit 'K. quadrata through i; predation which is indicated by the negative correlation between b of K. quadrata versus the abundance of bicqspidatus. The only significant correlation.of death rates (d) observed for 1958 was with nauplii abundance. The negative correlation with nauplii is probably an artifact related to the development of nauplii into copepodids which in turn may prey upon X. quadrata. \ KELLICOTTTA LONGISPlNA The peak abundance of K. Iongispink is attributed to the lack of predators and the abundance of Bacillariophyceae. The latter is indicated by the strong correlation observed between numbers of K. Iongispiha versus chlorophyll and phytoplankton standing crop. Similar correlations were observed for Keratella cochlearis and Polyarthra vulgaris 50 Nelson and Edmondson (1955) noted that the maxima of K. Iongispina occurred prior to the peak Asplanchna sp. populations. In Canyon Ferry the maxima of K. Iongispina occurred after the decline of A. priodonta (see appendix, Tables XVIII and XX). Data from Canyon Ferry suggests that populations of K.. Iongispina are cyclic. Only one K. Iongispipa was observed in 19573 in 1958 the population increased; this was followed by a huge increase in 1959 (see appendix, Table XVIIl). Nelson apd Edmondson (1955) mention a three year maximum was attained by K. Iopgispina in Bare Lake.Alaska. The data from Canyon Ferry indicates, a three year maximum may occur. Finite birth rate of K. Iopgispina versus temperature was signifi­ cant at the 0.20 level (Table VII). This correlation was not as strong as a similar correlation for the other rotifers studied. Edmondson (1965) observed that B of Kellicottia had the weakest correlation with temperature than any other rotifer species studied. Only two correlations, temperature and extinction, were observed for b of K. Iongispina, These correlations are similar to those observed for Keratella c o c h l e a r i s 'and to avoid duplication they are not discussed here. ASPLANCHNA PRIODONTA Since A. priodonta is viviparous an egg ratio cannot be calculated (Edmondson, 1960). Therefore no population dynamics data is presented 51 for this species. Cowell (1970) observed in Lake Francis Case and Lewis and Clark Lake, two Missouri River impoundments, abundant A. priodonta in May. The abundance of A. priodonta coincided with large Cyclops spp. populations. in May, Maximums of A. priodonta in Canyon Ferry were observed The positive correlations of A. priodonta with juvenile, adult Cyclops bicuspidatus, and nauplii indicate that the two genera coexist; however, predation on each other is a possibility, A. priodonta may very well feed on nauplii; therefore, the correlation between A. priodonta and all forms of Cyclops. A. priodonta is known to eat sizable animals such as the rotifer Keratella cochlearis (Edmondson, 1946). Correlations obtained from Canyon Ferry indicate A. priodonta has little or no effect on popu­ lations of other rotifers (Table VIII). Edmondson;(i960) in a later paper, suggests that predatory rotifers were not the dominant source of mortality of Keratella spp. in Bare Lake. The latter would agree with observations from Canyon Ferry. Equation three accounted for 51% of the variance in the abundance of A. priodonta. Temperature appears to be the most important factor in the population of A. priodonta. SUMMARY Canyon Ferry Reservoir was formed by the closure of Canyon Ferry Ebm in.1953. It was constructed by the Bureau of Reclamation. At maximum 8 3 operating pool level the reservoir has a capacity of 25.3 x 10 m . Extensive limnological investigations of Canyon Ferry were conducted by Dr. J. C. Wright from the fall of 1956 to the spring of 1959. The zooplankton samples used in this study are from the fore mentioned investigations. Zooplankton samples were collected using a Clarke-Bumpus plank­ ton sampler. The samples through the euphotic zone were used for rotifer counts. A total of 11 genera and 6 species were identified. Population dynamics were determined for Polyarthra vulgaris, Keratella Cochiearis , Keratella quadrata and Kellicottia longispina. The rotifer maximums, both years, occurred subsequent to the decline of Cyclops bicuspidatus and Asplanchna priodonta and preced­ ing the Myxophyceaen "bloom". In general, intraspecific competition among rotifers was minimal. However, the presence of Keratella quadrata did cause increased death rates for Polyarthra vulgaris and Keratella cochlearis. Predation by Cyclops bicuspidatus and Asplanchna priodonta is evident on the !!loricate Polyarthra vulgaris. Only one loricate form, Keratella cochlearis, showed a positive correlation with its death rates (d) versus the abundance of A. priodonta. The latter ; 53 occurred in 1957, and was only significant at the 0.15 level. Cyclops predation appears to be selective for the !!loricate fotms. Interspecific competition from Daphnia spp, and Diaptomus Ieptopus apparently had the greatest effect on death rates of the rotifer community in Canyon Ferry Reservoir. The only rotifers not X significantly affected were Keratella quadrata and Kellicottia longispina, in 1958. Another plausible factor affecting the rotifer community is the abundance of Myxophyceae. The fact that Myxophyceae may inhibit rotifers is indicated by the rapid decline of rotifers coincident with the Myxophyceae "bloom". The higher standing crop of rotifers in 1958 may be attributed to the following: higher water clarity, lower Myxophyceae standing crop, lower Daphnia spp. abundance, lower phosphate levels, and the slightly greater abundance of Cryptomonas sp. and Rhodpmonas sp. APPENDIX Polyarthra vulgaris, 1957 Table IX # Eggs/1 Finite birth rate % Instan­ taneous birth rate Intrinsic rate of increase Instan­ taneous death rate Temp. #/l 5/ I 5/ 5 5/15 5/18 5/22 5/25 9.1° 9.1 9.7 13.5 14.0 13.8 .15 2.13 5.05 8.19 3.84 .50 .15 1.06 3.15 4.80 1.18 .30 .3279 .1639 .2118 .2455 .1330 .2565 .33 .33 .34 .42 .42 .42 .2776 .1484 .1906 .2151 .1222 .2231 .6603 .0867 .1612 -.1893 -.6774 -.0280 -.3827 .0617 .0294 .4044 .7996 .2511 6/ 2 6/ 8 6/15 6/19 6/28 14.4 16.5 14.1 17.5 15.6 .40 .93 15.78 322.43 134.52 .20 .93 5.73 78.20 21.72 .2222 .5194 .1580 .1356 .0778 .25 .52 .42 .57 .48 .1988 .4121 .1397 .1222 .0676 .1396 .4037 .7555 -.0971 .2623 .0592 .0094 -.6156 .2193 -.1946 7/ 3 7/ 8 7/12 7/17 7/22 7/26 7/31 18.1 17.8 20.6 18.1 20.4 20.3 20.2 498.93 177.34 39.10 1.06 9.72 .80 .41 50.00 13.28 3.84 .27 1.39 .11 .21 .0589 .0427 .0735 .1470 .1038 .0995 .3278 .59 .57 .75 .59 .72 .72 .66 .0487 .0392 .0676 .1310 .0953 .0861 .2776 -.2069 -.3779 -.7216 .4431 -.6242 -.1314 .1336 .2557 .4171 .7893 -.3121 .7195 .2176 .1440 8/ 5 8/ 9 8/14 21.0 21.0 20.5 .92 .25 14.56 .23 .13 5.40 .1957 .3911 .2747 .78 .78 .74 .1739 .3293 .2390 -.3192 .8057 .1520 .4932 -.4764 .0870 Date 4/21 4/28 Table IX. (Cont'd) # Eggs/I Finite birth rate 1Zd Instantaneons birth rate Intrinsic rate of increase Instantaneous death rate Temp. #/l 8/19 8/23 8/28 21.0° 20.5 20.0 31.00 17.92 12.34 8.91 4.52 3.26 .2254 .1871 .1856 .78 .74 .70 .1988 .1655 .1655 -.1349 -.0771 .1427 .3338 .2426 .0228 9/ 2 9/ 6 9/11 9/16 9/23 9/27 19.6 20.1 19.0 19.0 17.4 17.5 25.17 18.98 1.76 1.40 1.67 1.68 7.44 6.01 .58 ..35 .47 .84 .2005 .2156 .2115 .1584 .1587 .2796 .68 .68 .63 .63 .55 .56 .1823 .1906 .1906 .1397 .1397 .2390 -.0709 -.4747 -.0457 .0252 .0028 -.0004 .2532 .6653 .2363 .1147 .1370 .2394 10/ 6 10/ 9 10/13 10/17 10/20 13.5 14.2 13.6 13.5 13.5 1.68 .96 3.17 1.52 2.45 .31 .32 1.27 .51 .82 .0761 .1463 .1680 .1395 .1396 .42 .43 .42 .42 .42 .0676 .1310 .1484 .1222 .1222 -.2201 .3234 -.1837 .1591 .2878 -.1924 .2321 -.0369 Date Polyarthra vulgaris, 1958 Table X Date 4/13 4/20 4/27 Temp. 5.0° 5.8 5.8 #/l # Eggs/1 Finite birth rate 1Zd Instantaneous birth rate Intrinsic rate of increase Instantaneous death rate .24 2.52 .24 .84 .2837 .0944 .28 .28 .2468 .0861 .3340 -.1912 -.0871 .2774 5/ 3 5/10 5/19 5/25 5/30 7.3 8.8 9.7 14.9 11.7 .80 .56 .71 .40 .12 .80 .28 .71 .20 .12 .3030 .1727 .3389 .2298 .3809 .30 .32 .33 .46 .38 .2623 .1570 .2851 .1988 .3220 -.0502 .0268 -.0972 -.2358 -.0778 .3126 .1838 .3824 .4346 .3999 6/ 7 6/12 6/18 6/23 6/28 16.4 15.9 16.8 16.8 19.3 .06 .16 1.03 110.66 384.96 .06 .11 .68 32.54 84.51 .5063 .3564 .3555 .1568 .1439 .50 .49 .53 .53 .65 .4054 .3001 .3001 .1397 .1310 .1820 .3062 .9454 .2388 .4625 .2235 -.0061 -.6453 -.0990 -.3315 7/ 2 7/ 9 7/16 7/23 7/30 17.6 17.0 17.1 19.2 19.6 1569.44 329.36 149.74 232.50 455.88 212.03 70.08 25.36 41.65 63.72 .0761 .1142 .0915 .1175 .0948 .56 .53 .54 .65 .68 .0676 .1043 .0861 .1043 .0861 -.2864 -.1131 .0632 .0962 -.0209 .3541 .2175 .0230 .0082 .1071 8/ 6 8/12 8/20 8/27 9/ 3 19.9 21.5 21.0 21.5 18.2 393.84 68.75 8.61 .57 1.87 64.90 2.84 1.49 .14 .20 .1156 .0344 .1363 .2025 .0645 .70 .83 .78 .83 .58 .1043 .0295 .1222 .1823 .0582 -.2923 -.2583 -.3878 .1979 .3967 .2879 .5100 -.0156 Table XI Correlation coefficients (r) Polyarthra vulgaris 1957 and 1958 Independent Variables Phosphate mg/1 ^ Extinction coefficient m Temperature C Chlorophyll mg/nr5 Phytoplankton standing crop mnr/1 ^ Rhodomonas sp. mm /I Cryptomonas sp. mm /I Rhodomonas sp. + Cryptomonas sp. mm^/1 Daphnia galeata + D.schodleri #/l Diaptomus leptopus #/l Daphnia spp. + Diaptomus I. #/l Nauplii Copepodids #/I Adult Cyclops Copepodids + Adult Cyclops Asplanchna priodonta #/l Copepodids + Adult Cyclops + Asplanchna p. Keratella cochlearis Keratella quadrata Kellicottia longispina * ** *** Dependent Variables r d Numbers/Liter b -.0837 -.0593 .1742 -.0864 -.0251 -.2360* -.0699 .1360 -.1000 -.1695 -.1461 -.0264 -.1668 -.0990 .1702 .1246 -.0458 -.0559 .1896 .0314 .1188 -.0165 -.0262 -.1833 .2105 .1579 -.2654** .2859** .1550 .2782*** -.2687** -.1022 -.1505 .1427 -.0195 .0224 .1839 .1928 -.0305 -.0695 .0612 .0554 -.1626 -.1185 .2647** .1445 -.0241 -.0301 -.0513 .0486 -.0506 -.1731 .0842 .1216 .3130** .1720 .2807** .3659*** -.2040 -.0198 -.1465 -.0229 -.0827 -.0661 .2992** -.0811 .3015** .1086 .2138 .1844 -.0377 -.2531** -.0349 .0140 -.1836 -.0481 .3318*** -.2818** .1185 -.0948 -.0858 -.0966 -.0825 .1293 .2258* -.0939 .1720 .0644 -.1351 -.0585 .1217 -.0256 Significance level 10% Significance level 57« Significance level 17= Degrees of Freedom N-2 = 56 -.0902 .7792*** -.0516 .5319*** -.1387 B .0035 -.0877 .0425 Keratella cochlearis, 1957 Table XII Date 4/21 4/28 Temp. #/l # Eggs/I Finite birth rate I, D Instantaneons birth rate Intrinsic rate of increase Instantaneous death rate 4.6° 6.2 5/ I 5/ 5 5/15 5/18 5/22 5/25 9.1 9.1 9.7 13.5 14.0 13.8 3.19 28.72 42.92 8.48 5.32 .18 .31 11.70 9.40 3.40 1.50 .18 .0314 .1283 .0717 .1684 .1182 .4255 .32 .32 .33 .42 .43 .42 .0295 .1133 .0676 .1484 .1043 .3506 .5492 .0401 -.5404 -.1165 -1.1287 .2392 -.5196 .0732 .6081 .2649 1.2331 .1115 6/ 2 6/ 8 6/15 6/19 6/28 14.4 16.5 14.1 17.5 15.6 1.22 1.55 41.87 123.07 16.36 .41 .62 5.30 17.30 2.10 .1474 .2112 .0556 .0815 .0620 .43 .53 .43 .58 .49 .1310 .1906 .0487 .0769 .0582 .0399 .4706 .2698 -.2246 .2281 .0911 -.2800 -.2210 .3016 -.1698 7/ 3 7/ 8 7/12 7/17 7/22 7/26 7/31 18.1 17.8 20.6 18.1 20.4 20.3 20.2 51.06 46.09 37.82 1.60 2.77 6.40 .25 24.40 11.70 10.90 .53 1.40 3.20 .17 .2948 .1540 .2425 .2050 .4081 .4000 .5530 .62 .61 .85 .62 .82 .80 .79 .2546 .1397 .2151 .1823 .3364 .3364 .4382 -.0206 -.0542 -.6324 .1097 .2093 -.6469 .0262 .2752 .1940 .8475 .0726 .1272 .9834 .4120 8/ 5 8/ 9 21.0 21.0 .29 .12 .18 .11 .5715 .7971 .89 .89 .4510 .5822 -.2088 .0357 .6599 .5465 Table XII. (Cont'd) # Eggs/I Finite birth rate % Instantaneons birth rate Intrinsic rate of increase Instantaneous death rate Temp. */l 8/14 8/19 8/23 8/28 20.5° 21.0 20.5 20.0 .15 .36 .47 2.45 .07 .12 .23 .41 .4147 .2958 .4166 .1282 .83 .89 .83 .77 .3435 .2546 .3435 .1133 .1728 .0651 .3298 .0736 .1708 .1895 .0138 .0397 9/ 2 9/ 6 9/11 9/16 9/23 9/27 19.6 19.9 19.0 19.0 17.4 17.5 3.54 .59 .29 .89 .18 1.68 2.10 .29 .29 .44 .15 .37 .5482 .3927 .6840 .3520 .4700 .1287 .91 .79 .68 .68 .57 .58 .4317 .3293 .5187 .3001 .3852 .1133 -.4458 -.1417 .2235 -.2238 .5488 -.2887 .8770 .4710 .2953 .5239 -.1635 .4020 10/ 6 10/ 9 10/13 10/17 10/20 13.5 14.2 13.6 13.5 13.5 .12 .16 .63 .17 .88 .12 .16 .15 .17 .29 .4211 .4378 .1057 .4210 .1402 .42 .43 .42 .42 .42 .3506 .3476 .0953 .3506 .1310 .0823 .3442 -.3247 .5445 .2684 .0135 .4200 -.1938 Date Keratella cochlearis, 1958 Table XIII Date 4/13 4/20 4/27 Temp. 5.0° 5.8 5.8 #/l # Eggs/1 Finite birth rate % Instantanecus birth rate Intrinsic rate of increase Instantanecus death rate .24 .84 .00 .42 .0000 .1369 .27 .0000 .1222 .0422 .2596 -.0422 -.1374 3.99 7.31 12.30 18.69 1.92 1.60 1.40 1.40 1.60 .64 .1154 .0596 .0382 .0394 .0774 .28 .31 .32 .45 .36 .1043 .0487 .0295 .0295 .0676 .0865 .0577 .0689 -.4540 -.1440 .0179 -.0089 -.0393 .4836 .2117 6/ 7 6/12 6/18 6/23 6/28 16.4 15.9 16.8 16.8 19.3 .60 2.40 4.46 64.45 211.26 .30 .53 2.06 31.20 85.60 .2631 .1110 .2494 .2620 .2872 .52 .50 .54 .54 .70 .2311 .1043 .2151 .2311 .2468 .2750 .1032 .5331 .3238 .1048 -.0439 .0012 -.3180 -.0927 .1421 7/ 2 7/ 9 7/16 7/23 7/30 17.6 17.0 17.1 19.2 19.6 492.59 539.68 182.36 45.57 117.34 183.30 113.70 27.70 3.80 8.80 .2189 .1170 .0847 .0592 .0555 .58 .55 .56 .70 .73 .1906 .1043 .0769 .0487 .0487 .0130 -.1550 -.1982 .1385 .0046 .1776 .2594 .2752 -.0897 .0442 8/ 6 8/12 8/20 8/27 19.9 21.5 21.0 21.5 124.01 31.81 5.61 .34 21.50 1.70 .37 .08 .1338 .0522 .0604 .2438 .76 .97 .90 .97 .1222 .0487 .0582 .2151 -.2268 -.2168 -.4005 .0312 .3490 .2656 .4588 .1839 9/ 3 18.2 .41 .3101 .62 .2700 O 7.3 8.8 9.7 14.9 11.7 CM 5/ 3 5/10 5/19 5/25 5/30 Table XIV Independent Variables Correlation coefficients (r) for Keratella cochlearis, 1957 and 1958 Numbers/Liter .0389 Phosphate mg/1 ^ .0168 Extinction coefficient m .1241 Temperature C -.0489 Chlorophyll mg/m Phytoplankton standing crop .1415 mm^/1 ^ .0523 Rhodomonas sp. mm /I .0402 Cryptomonas sp. mm /I Rhodomonas sp. + Cryptomonas sp. .0466 Daphnia galeata + D. schodleri .0274 #/l -.0532 Diaptomus leptopus #/I Daphnia spp. + Diaptomus I. -.0154 #/l .0101 Nauplii #/l -.0351 Copepodids #/I .0486 Adult Cyclops #/I Conenodids + Adult Cyclops #/I -.0206 Asnlanchna nriodonta #/I -.1451 Conenodids + Adult Cyclops + Asplanchna p. f /I -.,0611 .7820*** Polyarthra vulgaris #/I .0689 Keratella quadrata .6211*** Kellicottia longispina * ** *** Significance level 10% Significance level 5% Significance level 1% Degrees of Freedom N-2 = 56 b .2270* .4674* .4820* .0731 Dependent Variables r d -.0192 -.0606 -.1349 -.1189 .1144 .2374* .3434*** .1448 B -.0237 .1119 .2393* .0292 .2073 -.0189 -.0588 -.0592 -.0867 .1383 .0515 .0709 .0164 -.0758 -.2609** -.2194 -.0390 -.1815 -.2142 -.2139 -.2319* -.3034** -.3472*** -.2134 -.2712** -.0463 -.2358* -.0389 .3377*** .1184 .1819 -.0334 .1413 -.0797 -.0458 -.2846** -.0719 -.0147 -.0563 .1380 -.2813** -.1050 -«2908** -.0264 -.2034 -.0310 -.1741 .0408 .0903 -.0584 .0531 -.0694 -.0034 .0143 .0914 .0056 .1867 -.1500 -.0748 -.0949 .2775** .1869 -.1238 .1298 -.0343 -.0126 .0345 -.0912 Table XV. Date 4/21 4/28 Keratella quadrata, 1957 Temp. #/l # Eggs/I Finite birth rate X Instantaneons birth rate Intrinsic rate of increase Instantaneous death rate 4.6° 6.2 5/ I 5/ 5 5/15 5/18 5/22 5/25 9.1 9.1 9.7 13.5 14.0 13.8 13.56 17.02 7.57 9.89 14.49 9.55 2.71 2.12 1.26 1.69 2.36 1.08 .0696 .0435 .0706 .0911 .0900 .0616 .34 .34 .42 .53 .55 .54 .0582 .0392 .0676 .0861 .0861 .0582 .0577 -.0809 .0891 .0939 -.1369 -.1196 .0006 .1201 -.0214 -.0077 .2231 .1779 6/ 2 6/ 8 6/15 6/19 6/28 14.4 16.5 14.1 17.5 15.6 3.67 3.41 12.34 72.43 7.44 .20 .62 1.14 .64 1.19 .0317 .1221 .0516 .0065 .0999 .57 .67 .55 .73 .62 .0295 .1133 .0487 .0059 .0861 -.0122 .1944 .4236 -.2528 -.1502 .0418 -.0811 -.3748 .2588 .2364 7/ 3 7/ 8 7/12 7/17 7/22 7/26 7/31 18.1 17.8 20.6 18.1 20.4 20.3 20.2 3.51 3.90 3.84 .53 1.66 3.84 .50 .26 .78 .64 .26 .83 1.37 .20 .0588 .1509 .1780 .3921 .5060 .3569 .4059 .78 .76 1.06 .78 1.02 1.00 .99 .0487 .1397 .1570 .3293 .4054 .3001 .3364 .0211 -.0039 -.3945 .2268 .2097 -.4057 .4063 .0277 .1437 .5515 .1025 .1958 .7058 -.0698 8/ 5 8/ 9 21.0 21.0 5.78 1.02 .29 .14 .0559 .1563 1.09 1.09 .0487 .1397 -.4337 .2588 .4825 -.1190 Table XV. (Cont'd) # Eggs/I Finite birth rate % Instantaneons birth rate Intrinsic rate of increase Instantaneous death rate Temp. #/l 8/14 8/19 8/23 8/28 20.5 21.0 20.5 20.0 3.72 4.26 2.64 3.67 .24 .38 .37 .40 .0682 .0994 .1465 .1066 1.02 1.09 1.02 .96 .0582 .0861 .1310 .0953 .0263 -.1196 .0659 .0117 .0320 .2058 .0651 .0836 9/ 2 9/ 6 9/11 9/16 9/23 9/27 19.6 19.9 19.0 19.0 17.4 17.5 3.89 .46 .58 .28 .23 4.45 2.12 .46 .29 .28 .18 .51 .5019 .9524 .4392 .8804 .5796 .0879 .93 .95 .87 .87 .74 .75 .4054 .6678 .3576 .6312 .4510 .0769 -.5326 .0479 -.1431 -.0261 .7310 -.1317 .9381 .6199 .5008 .6574 -.2799 .2087 10/ 6 10/ 9 10/13 10/17 10/20 13.5 14.2 13.6 13.5 13.5 1.36 .32 .79 1.35 1.32 .19 .16 .15 .33 .22 .0761 .2816 .1073 .1332 .0887 .54 .56 .54 .54 .54 .0676 .2468 .0953 .1222 .0769 -.4823 .2266 .1333 -.0075 .5500 .0203 -.0380 .1297 Date Table XVI. Date Temp. 5.0° 5.8 5.8 % Instan­ taneous birth rate Intrinsic rate of increase Instan­ taneous death rate #/l # Eggs/I Finite birth rate 1.26 .54 14.29 .29 .54 5.05 .0789 .3508 .1239 .33 .35 .35 .0676 .3001 .1133 -.1411 .4679 .4756 .2088 -.1678 -.3623 5/ 3 5/10 5/19 5/25 5/30 7.3 8.8 9.7 14.9 11.7 24.83 46.54 97.08 327.45 74.25 14.42 16.51 19.56 53.94 1.60 .2180 .1433 .0853 .0969 .0102 .37 .40 .42 .58 .47 .1906 .1310 .0769 .0861 .0099 .0782 .0811 .2027 -.2968 -.1941 .1124 .0499 -.1257 .3830 .1951 6/ 7 6/12 6/18 6/23 6/28 16.4 15.9 16.8 16.8 19.3 15.75 9.88 25.06 26.03 59.85 .30 1.60 3.09 1.30 2.32 .0129 .1046 .1049 .0425 .0345 .66 .64 .85 .85 .89 .0099 .0953 .0953 .0392 .0295 -.0925 .1553 .0070 .1665 -.1396 .0935 -.0600 .0883 -.1273 .1691 7/ 2 7/ 9 7/16 7/23 7/30 17.6 17.0 17.1 19.2 19.6 34.25 11.24 1.81 8.12 16.23 .91 .66 .45 .31 .30 .0198 .0412 .1785 .0334 .0171 .74 .70 .71 .86 .90 .0099 .0392 .1570 .0295 .0099 -.1595 -.2602 .2144 .0986 -.0968 .1605 .2994 -.0574 -.0691 .0978 8/ 6 8/12 8/20 8/27 19.9 21.5 21.0 21.5 8.22 28.97 5.08 2.60 .65 2.27 .74 2.17 .0760 .0922 .1471 .9804 .95 1.17 1.14 1.17 .0676 .0862 .1310 .6831 .2553 -.2351 -.1003 -.1902 -.1876 .3213 .2313 .8733 9/ 3 18.2 CO OO O CsJ .1291 OO 4/13 4/20 4/27 Keratella quadrata, 1958. .1133 Table XVII. Correlation coefficients (r) for Keratella quadrata, 1957 and 1958 Independent Variables Numbers/Liter Phosphate mg/1 ^ Extinction coefficient m Temperature C ^ Chlorophyll mg/m Phytoplankton standing crop mnw/1 Rhodomonas sp. mm /I Cryptomonas sp. mm-’/1 Rhodomonas sp. + Cryptomonas sp. Daphnia galeata + D. schodleri #/l Diaptomus leptopus #/l Daphnia spp. + Diaptomus I. #/l Nauplii Copepodids Adult Cyclops Copepodids + Adult Cyclops Asplanchna priodonta Copepodids + Adult Cyclops + Asplanchna p. Polyarthra vulgaris Keratella quadrata Kellicottia longispina g * ** *** Significance level 10% Significance level 5% Significance level 1% Degrees of Freedom N-2 = 56 -.3106** -.3143** -.1215 .0155 b .3092** .4350*** .2510** .0969 Dependent Variables r d B .3038** -.1164 -.2279* -.0624 -.1412 .1979 .1225 .0388 -.0103 .1171 .2214* .0358 -.1648 .1682 -.0095 .2950** -.1459 -.2725** -.0378 -.0869 -.0900 .1385 -.0352 -.1133 -.0116 .1145 -.0577 .0171 -.2835** -.0997 -.1139 -.0374 .0678 .8728*** -.2006 .0144 -.2215* -.1805 .0355 .1405 -.1118 .0410 .6445*** .0764 .5729*** .1422 .5136*** .2077 -.1426 -.1682 -.2592** -.2132 -.2611** .0134 -.2909** .0974 -.1497 .0190 -.1137 .2865** .1225 -.1943 -.0416 -.1504 -.0728 -.2484* -.0569 -.2782** -.0792 -.0183 -.0589 .1835 .4831*** .0530 .0689 .1451 -.2082 -.2494* -.2468* -.2044 -.0024 -.1203 -.1543 -.1239 -.1374 -.0561 -.0273 -.0376 .0098 -.0005 .0488 -.0115 Table XVIII Date 1958 4/13 4/20 4/27 5/ 3 5/10 5/19 5/25 5/30 6/ 7 6/12 6/18 6/23 6/28 7/ 2 7/ 9 7/16 7/23 7/30 8/ 6 8/12 8/20 8/27 9/ 3 1959 5/14 5/25 5/29 6/ 8 Kellicottia IonRispinia 1958 and # Er r s /I Finite birth rate % Instantaneous birth rate .21 .22 .32 .25 .37 .35 .38 .38 .51 .41 .39 .39 .50 .53 .56 .72 .66 .72 .44 Temp. #/l 5.0° 5.8 5.8 7.3 8.8 9.7 14.9 11.7 16.4 15.9 16.8 16.8 19.3 17.6 17.0 17.1 19.2 19.6 19.9 21.5 21.0 21.5 18.2 .75 .36 1.60 .80 2.47 8.81 2.40 3.25 34.03 19.44 10.58 1.26 1.56 2.45 1.97 .56 .18 .34 10.20 .75 .36 .53 .32 .30 1.28 2.06 .65 11.73 3.70 2.64 .32 .31 .30 .32 .56 .04 .04 2.29 .2150 .2260 .1082 .1019 .0455 .0514 .3296 .0768 .1768 .0793 .0990 .1039 .1012 .0666 .0938 .7273 .1666 .0907 .1008 109.52 388.77 387.14 350.00 71.42 203.06 122.85 57.14 .1208 .1173 .1783 .0494 6.0 9.6 10.0 14.1 1959 Intrinsic rate of increase Instantaneous death rate .1906 .1988 .0953 .0953 .0392 .0487 .2776 .0676 .1570 .0676 .0861 .0953 .0953 .0582 .0861 .5423 .1484 .0861 .0953 -.0809 .2476 -.1383 .1407 .2543 -.2167 .0606 .4695 -.1402 -.0877 -.3028 .0305 .0644 -.0311 -.2072 -.1388 .0883 .5634 .2715 -.0488 .2336 -.0454 -.2151 .2655 .2170 -.4018 .2972 .1554 .3890 .0648 .0309 .0894 .2934 .6811 .0601 -.4772 .1133 .1043 .1570 .0392 .1153 -.0006 -.0111 -.0021 .1050 .1681 Table XIX Zooplankton 1957 Total Cyclops bicuspidatus #/l Daphnia galeata + Daphnia schodleri #/l Diaptomus leptopus #/l Asplanchna priodonta #/l Minor rotifer species #/l 5/ I 5/ 5 5/15 5/18 5/22 5/25 == 215.94 545.45 2022.04 1055.76 554.08 == 7.98 24.80 44.11 126.92 146.10 —— 00 00 00 00 00 15.25 84.04 42.92 447.27 233.07 58.44 1.98 57.45 4.41 56.43 1.34 00 6/ 2 6/ 8 6/15 6/19 6/28 316.16 171.36 145.47 170.88 121.05 139.70 72.58 50.37 147.43 16.36 00 00 00 00 00 15.83 65.52 37.31 24.35 1.19 .61 .62 1.23 00 .59 7/ 3 7/ 8 7/12 7/17 7/22 7/26 7/31 102.80 59.86 126.02 21.94 63.77 53.83 13.53 11.96 32.22 147.42 22.56 47.91 20.40 15.98 00 00 6.41 .90 00 26.40 18.89 3.54 5.19 8.97 .86 4.16 1.60 1.91 9.90 00 .64 00 41.66 184.61 58.13 8/ 5 8/ 9 8/14 8/19 8/23 33.65 11.49 37.13 34.87 32.05 26.59 37.50 22.30 16.00 18.90 8.33 9.70 15.60 10.20 7.10 5.31 3.70 7.19 14.53 12.26 1.77 2.25 7.41 5.81 00 Table XIX. (Cont'd) Total Cyclops bicuspidatus #/l Date Daphnia galeata + Daphnia schodleri #/l Diaptomus leptopus #/l Asplanchna priodonta #/l ** Minor rotifer species #/l 00 8/28 9.78 9.19 8.00 4.89 9/ 2 9/ 6 9/11 9/16 9/23 9/27 50.00 72.15 35.93 112.97 11.41 89.99 14.62 12.50 11.82 24.19 5.40 10.13 00 16.60 8.40 14.11 5.40 8.40 46.80 53.84 93.54 107.93 30.83 90.06 12.41 25.00 2.52 16.48 5.73 51.75 10/ 6 10/ 9 10/13 10/17 10/20 36.32 9.60 57.18 16.20 24.77 2.70 3.00 27.10 13.30 6.60 5.70 3.60 4.50 2.70 2.20 3.52 3.20 13.43 4.06 13.91 1.16 00 3.01 2.01 1.75 * Diaptomus and Daphnia data, John C. Wright (Unpublished) •* In order of decreasing abundance: Anuraeopsis sp., Ascomorpha sp., Felinia sp., Trichocera sp., Brachionus sp., Hexarthra sp., Kellicottia longispina. Table XX Zooplankton, 1958* ** Daphnia Raleata + Daphnia schodleri #/l 4/13 4/20 4/27 7.65 71.57 191.02 .76 1.14 .76 5/ 3 5/10 5/19 5/25 5/30 107.34 97.56 507.22 1274.02 1288.44 .96 1.13 5.43 25.64 35.26 6/ 7 6/12 6/18 6/23 6/28 596.53 643.13 315.91 281.87 569.22 7/ 2 7/ 9 7/16 7/23 7/30 241.64 95.20 72.43 154.14 184.43 Diaptomus leptopus Wi 00 Asplanchna priodonta #/l cvj cvj Total Cyclops bicuspidatus #/l Minor rotifer species #/l 10.23 227.00 311.43 2.36 .54 10.08 00 00 1.09 262.82 1.60 629.80 289.03 431.87 113.78 304.48 60.07 35.98 44.89 7.47 1.59 39.64 37.39 12.77 31.25 88.03 00 00 00 4.88 1.76 199.17 154.55 40.27 119.79 36.37 .35 2.84 .91 .64 00 22.22 9.92 4.53 15.00 26.96 2.78 00 .91 .62 1.22 31.47 19.84 7.24 33.25 4.90 00 19.84 4.82 13.32 2.45 00 o Table XX. Date (Cont'd) Total Cyclops bicuspidatus #/l Daphnia galeata + Daphnia schodleri #/l 8/ 6 8/12 8/20 8/27 42.96 70.45 69.10 8.11 8.55 22.73 10.53 15.22 9/ 3 5.20 1.56 Diaptomus leptopus #/l .66 5.68 7.02 5.43 00 Asplanchna priodonta #11 ** Minor rotifer species #/l 13.15 47.15 18.91 10.28 7.00 1.73 .37 .14 .83 .21 Daphnla and Diaptomus data, John C. Wright, 1965. ** In order of decreasing abundance: Brachionus sp., Trichocera sp. Ascomorpha sp., Felina sp., Anuraeopsis sp., Table XXI. Table of means, maximums, and minimums for zooplankton and other measured parameters. 1957 Max. Mean 1958 Min. Mean Max. Min. Polyarthra vulgaris #/I 38 498 .15 46 1569 Keratella cochlearis #/l 12 123 .12 81 539 <r CXJ 6 72 .23 36 327 .54 5 34 135 629 CO 00 .72 Keratella quadrata #/l I Kellicottia longispina #/I 0 .1 Asplanchna priodonta #/l 55 447 Nauplii #/l 40 386 I 42 200 104 1198 I 206 1158 I Adult Cyclops bicuspidatus #/l 39 547 2 51 116 2 Daphnia galeata + D. schodleri #/I 38 147 2 18 88 5 26 0 13 262 21.0 4.6 14.9 Copepodids #/l Diaptomus leptopus #/I 16.8 Temperature C 3.99 Ortho-phosphate mg/1 Chlorophyll mg/m 30.7 .670 Extinction coefficient m ^ 3 Phytoplankton standing crop mm /I Rhodomonas sp. Cryptomonas sp. mm /I 3 mm /I 5.3 .86 .06 4.64 70.6 .02 1.1 .931 .500 29.8 .90 .03 6.7 .598 3.0 .76 0 21.5 .323 15.8 5.0 0 3.7 .731 .514 8.3 .11 .01 1.06 0 .06 .76 0 .29 2.63 0 .33 1.08 0 Table XXII Date Some measured parameters, 1957 . Phosphate mg/liter Chlorophyll mg/m3 Standing Crop mm3/1 Extinction Coefficient 5/ I 5/ 5 5/15 5/18 5/22 5/25 .52 .60 .44 .40 .68 .60 12.9 12.9 8.4 8.4 5.6 4.5 6.47 3.48 4.48 4.36 1.14 1.59 .656 .612 .656 .725 .537 .562 6/ 2 6/ 8 6/15 6/19 6/28 .52 .48 .68 .76 .24 7.8 7.7 7.7 12.5 10.6 2.15 2.66 3.39 6.43 3.14 .500 .537 .725 .700 .712 7/ 3 7/ 8 7/12 7/17 7/22 7/26 7/31 .32 4.64 .56 .52 .24 .20 .12 21.8 11.2 11.2 1.7 70.6 24.1 10.1 8.21 5.23 9.43 3.34 29.75 13.98 2.79 .862 .712 .800 .625 8/ 5 8/ 9 8/14 8/19 8/23 8/28 .04 .12 .08 .12 .04 .04 8.4 3.9 6.2 4.9 6.1 8.5 5.18 4.50 .85 3.66 6.85 2.98 .631 .669 .625 .662 .687 .687 — — — .675 .844 Table XXII. Date (Cont'd) Phosphate mg/liter Chlorophyll mg/nP Standing Crop mnP/1 Extinction Coefficient m" 9/ 2 9/ 6 9/11 9/16 9/23 9/27 .04 .08 2.32 1.72 .40 .02 10.9 10.1 16.0 9.6 5.0 10.1 5.53 5.14 1.54 7.89 5.88 15.03 .650 .612 ..718 .869 .538 .931 10/ 6 10/ 9 10/13 10/17 10/20 .92 .60 .40 1.7 3.4 3.4 1.1 2.2 1.31 3.34 2.04 1.85 .90 .662 .675 .687 — — .40 * John C. Wright (Unpublished data) — — — .600 Table XXIII Some measured parameters, 1958 . Chlorophyll mg/m^ Date Phosphate mg/liter 4/13 4/20 4/27 .323 .024 5.01 4.25 4.86 3.05 4.22 .631 .582 5/ 3 5/10 5/19 5/25 5/30 .042 .023 .015 .020 .030 5.28 7.03 9.15 4.39 4.00 8.32 2.06 —= .12 .40 .560 .543 .481 .540 .600 6/ 7 6/12 6/18 6/23 6/28 .004 .023 .038 .027 .049 3.51 6.00 6.67 8.16 15.12 1.24 .95 1.67 2.37 7.82 .514 .541 .531 .556 .700 7/ 2 7/ 9 7/16 7/23 7/30 .011 .023 .008 .000 .000 13.49 15.82 9.66 5.32 5.82 7.36 8.02 4.51 2.93 1.81 .731 .637 .587 .556 .594 8/ 6 8/12 8/20 8/27 .011 .023 .004 .034 5.89 7.86 4.50 4.40 1.23 2.26 1.85 4.92 .538 .600 .619 .538 9/ 3 .035 3.68 2.48 .575 John C. Wright, 1965 Standing Crop mm^/l Extinction Coefficient m Table XXIV. Correlation coefficients (r) relating some measured parameters, 1957. Rhodomonas sp. mnrVliter Rhodomonas sp. mm-5/1 Cryptomonas sp. mm^/liter 1.000 Standing Extinction Crop coefficient Phosphate mm3/liter m mg/liter .0455 .1279 .1879 Chlorophyll mg/m^ -.1022 -.2090 -.1659 -.0719 Cryptomonas sp. mm-5/! .0455 1.0000 .0092 Phytoplankton stand­ ing crop .1279 .0092 1.0000 .1318 .0009 -.0008 -.3092* -.5383*** Extinction . coefficient m =.1879 -.5383*** .1318 1.0000 .0268 Phosphate mg/1 -.1022 -.1659 .0457 .0268 1.0000 .0457 -.2090 -.0719 -.0008 -.3092* .0457 1.0000 .2509 .2606 .0299 .0096 -.2736 3 Chlorophyll mg/m Temperature C * ** *** Significance level 10% Significance level 57= Significance level 1% Degrees of Freedom N-2 = 33 .4376** Table XXV. Correlation coefficients (r) relating some measured parameters, 1958. Rhodomonas sp. mm^/1 Cryptomonas sp. mm^/1 Rhodomonas sp. mm3/liter Cryptomonas sp. mm3/liter 1.0000 .4979** .0764 -.0326 .2998 1.0000 -.0236 .3040 -.0627 .3472 -.0236 1.0000 .1705 .1460 .3574* .0764 .3040 .1705 1.0000 .6491*** .0612 -.0326 -.0627 .1460 .6491*** 1.0000 -.2136 .2998 .3472 .3574* .0612 -.2136 1.0000 -.1723 ..3012 -.2245 .1392 Phytoplankton stand­ ing crop -.1742 Phosphate mg/1 Chlorophyll mg/m^ -.1742 .4979** Extinction 1 coefficient m Standing Extinction Crop coefficient Phosphate mm3/liter m - -*" mg/liter 3 Chlorophyll mg/m Temperature C * ** *** Significance level 10% Significance level 57« Significance level 17« Degrees of Freedom N-2 = 21 .2193 -.4506** Table XXVI Correlation coefficients (r) relating some measured parameters, 1957 and 1958. Rhodomonas sp. mm^/liter Rhodomonas sp. mm-5/1 Cryptomonas sp. mm^/liter Standing Extinction Crop coefficient Phosphate mm-5/ liter m -1 mg/liter 1.0000 .2022 -.1159 .2022 1.0000 .0115 Phytoplankton stand­ ing crop mnr/I -.1159 .0115 1.0000 .1639 -.2861** .1639 1.0000 -.1022 -.1188 .0833 Chlorophyll mg/m -.0073 .0053 .0956 Temperature C -.0449 .1734 -.2654** Cryptomonas sp. mm-5/1 Extinction , coefficient m Phosphate mg/1 3 * ** *** .0250 Significance level 107« Significance level 57« Significance level 17« Degree of Freedom N-2 = 56 Chlorophyll mg/m3 .0250 -.1022 -.0073 -.2861** -.1188 .0053 .0833 .0956 .3082** .3082** -.1758 1.0000 .0178 -.1758 .0178 1.0000 -.0585 -.0236 -.1907 LITERATURE CITED Anderson, G»C«,, G„W» Comita, and Vern Engstrom Heg. 1955. A note on phytoplankton zooplankton relationships in two lakes in Washington. Ecology, 36: 757=759. Beach, N . W . • 1960. Planktonic rotifers in Michigan impoundments and stream conditions. Ecol= Monogr., 30(4): 339=357. 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