The partial purification of the lecithinase of Clostridium Hemolyticum by Donald Edward McRoberts A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemistry Montana State University © Copyright by Donald Edward McRoberts (1962) Abstract: The possibility of isolating the lecithinase of Clostridium hemoivticum from other proteins in the culture filtrate by differences in the solubility of the various components in acid solutions was investigated. The lecithinolytic activity of the enzyme per milligram of nitrogen was used as a measure of its purity. Variables such as polymetaphosphate concentration, acidity, temperature, agitation, and acid contact time, which were thought likely to influence the amount of the precipitate, were investigated. The stability of the enzyme alone and in the presence of polymetaphosphate at certain pH values has been estimated in a number of chemical systems under various physical conditions. The amount of the enzyme which can be recovered by acid precipitation from a solution with and without polymetaphosphate at various concentrations, pH values, and temperature has been evaluated. An attempt has also been made to purify the crude lecithinase by separation on the N,N-Diethylaminoethylcellulose column. The amount of crude lecithinase adsorbed on a certain weight of DEAE cellulose was determined. TRIS (hydroxymethylamino) methane buffer was selected for ruse on the column. Calcium ion was found to stabilize the lecithinase during dialysis of the eluate. Purification values for acid precipitation of the lecithinase -PO3 and DEAE cellulose column separation were determined. Acid purification of the crude lecithinase was typically about 22 fold for crude lecithinase which had been, purified about 10 fold in previous treatments; i.e., a total of 220 fold. Separation of the DEAE cellulose column gave about five fold purification. This value is estimated, since several lecithinase peaks were obtained on the graph when lecithinase activity was plotted against eluate tube number. It is thought that these several peaks may indicate that Clostridium hemoivticum elaborates more than one lecithinase. THE PARTIAL PURIFICATION OF THE LECITHINASE OF CLOSTRIDIUM HEMOLYTICUM' by Donald MoRoberts A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemistry at Montana State College Approved: Chairman, Examining^bmmittee MONTANA STATE COLLEGE Bozeman, Montana December, 1962 Tlii.ACKNOWffiDGEMEliJT I wish to express ray appreciation to Dr. K. F. Swingle and Dr. R. F . Keeler for assistance and advice in collecting the data and preparing the thesis in its final form,, to Dr. L„ D. S. Smith and Mr. K. D. Claus9 at the Montana Veterinary Research Laboratory9 for assistance in growing the Clostridium hemolvticum bacteria. I wish to thank the members of the Chemistry Research Department at Montana State College for the use of equip­ ment and chemicals. The .work performed in the development of this thesis was done in partial fulfillment of Contract.N6onrT2'379 Task Order Il9 Project NR 134 244 between the Office of Naval Research and Montana State College. -iv- TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT PAGE .NUMBER. . Introduction 1 Historical Acid precipitation of bacterial toxins. Polymetaphosphate and protein. N,N Diethylaminoethyl cellulose column. Materials and methods General analytical methods. Preparation of materials Analysis of crude lecithinase -Part I: ( A. Acid precipitation of the lecithinase-PO^ complex as a means of increasing the specific activity of the lecithinase. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES I, 'Stability of lecithinase in the presence of polymetaphosphate in acid solutions. 2„ -Effect of pH on the stability of lecithinasePO3 . 3. Lecithinase purification as a function of acid contact time. 4. -The pH at which'the lecithinase-P03 precip­ itate forms for one ratio of PMP and protein. 5. .Purification of lecithinase in,.bacterial filtrate at acid pH values. 6. Concentration of components in the crude lecir thinase-POg precipitate as a function of con­ centration of polymetaphosphate and the pH of the solution. B. RESULTS C. DISCUSSION 1. Protective action of PMP on!.lecithinase. 2. The stability of Iecithinase-PO3 in 2-methyl2-amino-l,3 propanediol-acetic acid buffer. 3. ■Lecithinase purification as a function of acid contact time. 4. The separation of lecithinase protein from nonlecithinase protein. 5. ,Purification of lecithinase by reprecipitation. 2 3 4 6 10 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 22 40 41 42 42, 43 -V— 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. D. CONCLUSIONS Part II: A. B. C. D. Influence of PMP concentration oh the composition of the acid precipitates. Influence of pH on the amounts of various components in the precipitate. 1 ' Interpretation of data in Tables, I and II as plotted in Figures 8 to 14. The MLD per mg. of phosphorus ratio as in­ fluenced by the amount of PMP. Nitrogen and phosphorus in the precipitate as a function of solution pH. The separation of crude lecithinase on the N 3N diethyIaminoethyIcellulose column. 43 44 44 45 46 48 49 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 1. -The column material. 2. Eluent buffers. 3. .Protein placed on the column. 4+ Connecting tubing. 5. Mixing chamber. 6. Column and. dialysis operation. 49 49 50 52 52 52 RESULTS 54 „ DISCUSSION CONCLUSIONS 61 64 General Conclusions 64 Literature Cited 66 =-vi=rLIST OF TABLES TABLE I II ITI IV V PAGE NUMBER The concentration of Iecithinase9 nitrogen9 and phosphorus in precipitates obtained at three pH values arid various concentrations of polymeta­ phosphate at room temperatures and atS-Ey0C 0 25 Analysis of variance of the data from Table T Summary of Fdistributionsignificance, 28 The composition of eluent buffers for the diethylaminoethyl cellulose column. ' 50 The purification of crude lecithinase previous to placing it on the diethylaminoethyl cellu­ lose column. 51 .-Analysis of column eluates for lecithinase and protein, 55 -vii- LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE ' PAGE NUMBER_______ SUBJECT ______________ _______________________________ NUMBER 1,2,3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Lecithinase recovery in solutions at acid pH Values with and without PMP0 29 Enzyme recovery in 2-methyl-2-amino-I ,3 pro­ panediol-acetic acid buffer at two acid con­ tact times and two temperatures, 30 Lecithinase purification in the sodium polyl­ inetaphosphate precipitate as a function of acid contact time at 3-5°C, 31 Lecithinase and nitrogen recovery in precipitates. 32 ■ Recovery of lecithinase by repeated precipitation in a glycerol solution at pH 2.8. . 32 Lecithinase activity per mg. of nitrogen as,a function of concentration of SPMP at constant pH and room temperature. 33 .Lecithinase activity per mg. of nitrogen as a function of concentration of SPMP at constant .pH and 3-5°C.‘ ' 34 Lecithinase activity per mg. of phosphorus as a function of the SPMP concentration at a const­ ant pH and room temperature. 35 Lecithinase activity per mg. of phosphorus as a function of concentration of SPMP at constant ,pH and 3-5°C. ' 36 Protein nitrogen in the precipitate a-s a function of solution pH in the presence of 2 meq. of poly­ metaphosphate per g. of protein. 37 Amount of phosphorus in the precipitate as a function of pH in the presence of 2 meq. of PMP per g. of protein. 38 -viii14 15 •P/K( ratio as a function of SPMP concentration at constant pH and room temperature. 39 Hydrogen ion concentration as pH in the eluate fractions. 57 16 Ionic strength of column eluates. 17 Analysis of column eluates for leclthinase activity. 59 Xowry protein concentration in column eluates. 60 18 ' 58 -Ix- ABSTRACT The possibility of isolating the lecithinase of Clostridium hemoivticum from, other proteins in the culture filtrate by differences in the solubility of the various components in acid solutions was investigated. The lecithinolytic activity of the enzyme per milligram of nitrogen was used as a measure of its purity. Variables such as polymetaphosphate concentration, acidity, temperature, agitation, and acid contact time, which were thought likely to influence the amount of the precipitate, were investigated. The stability of the enzyme alone and in the presence of poly­ metaphosphate at certain pH values has been estimated in a number of chemical systems under various physical conditions. The amount of the enzyme which can be recovered by acid precipitation from a solution with and without polymetaphosphate at various concentrations, pH values, and temperature has been evaluated. An attempt has also been made to purify the crude lecithinase by separation on the N',N-Diethylaminoethylcellulose column. The amount of crude lecithinase adsorbed on a certain weight of DEAE cellulose was. determined. TRIS (hydro xyme thyIamino) methane buffer was selected for ruse on the column. Calcium ion was found to stabilize the lecithinase during dialysis of the eluate. Purification values for acid precipitation of the lecithinase -POg , and DEAE cellulose column separation were determined. Acid purification of the crude lecithinase was typically about 22 fold for crude lecithinase which had been, purified about 10 fold in previous treatments; i.e., a total of 220 fold. Separation of the DEAE cellulose column gave about five fold purification. This value is estimated, since several lecithinase peaks were obtained on the graph when lecithinase activity was plotted against eluate tube number. It is thought that these several peaks may indicate that Clostridium hemoivticum elaborates more than one lecithinase. INTRODUCTION Immunization of cattle against bacillary icterohemoglobinurias. or "red water"' disease, for periods longer than six months has not been achieved. This disease is caused by the bacterium Clostridium hemdlvticum (i, 2) which produces a lethal hemolytic toxin, shown by Jasmin (.3) to be a lecithinase. S1Wingle (4) has shown that the enzyme has lecithinolytic activity since it produce's neutral fat and phosphoryl choline. The action of the enzyme is similar, then, to the Lecithinase A elaborated by Clostridium perfrinaens (Mac Farlane and Knight)(5). As a first step towards developing an improved immunizing agent,, an attempt was made to isolate this lecithinase in greater purity than had hitherto been achieved. Previous attempts (6) at this isolation, using ammonium sulfate frac­ tionation, nucleic acid precipitation, or adsorption on resin such as IRC-50 or on magnesium oxide, failed to yield a product of desired purity. In this study, two additional methods for isolation of the lecithinase were investigated: acid precipitation of the lecithinase in the presence of a protective agent,, and the separation of crude lecithinase on an N,Ndiethylaminoethylcellulose column. Acid Precipitation of Lecithinase; Turpin, Raynaud and Relyveld (7) were able to concentrate effectively the toxins and toxoids of tetanus, diphtheria-, and staphylococci, and the toxins of Clostridium perfrinaens.'Clostridium sordellii. and Clostridium botulinum by acid precipitation in the presence of spdium polymetaphosphate or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Their studies did not include a con­ sideration of Clostridium hemolvticum lecithinase. Since Swingle (4) has -2- shown that the lecithinase of Clostridium hemolvticum is rapidly inactivated by acid, the possibility of its being protected by an agent such as. sodium polymetaphosphate before acid precipitation was investigated. Even though such protection was not in general achieved, a number of observations were made regarding the stability of the enzyme under various conditions, its. ' reactions with sodium polymetaphosphate, and its precipitation by acids. The first separation of crude lecithinase on the diethylaminoethylcellulose column showed that lecithinase activity occurred in more than one series of eluate tubes. When a profile curye was plotted showing lecithinase activity against eluate tube number, several peaks of lecithinase activity appeared on the curve. It was. then assumed that these peaks represented the action of different species of lecithinase- protein. As such, an effort was then made to demonstrate that two or more. Iecithinases were elaborated by Clostridium hemolvticum bacteria. No further effort was made to isolate the lecithinase from the crude lecithinase mixture by the procedure of acid precipitation. HISTORICAL Acid Precipitation of Bacterial Toxins.? Much research has been done on the possibility of concentrating toxins or toxoids by acid precipitation. Schmidt, Hansen, and Kjger (8) in 1931 used hydrochloric acid on diphtheria toxin and toxoid, but ob­ served a destruction of the active principle of the toxin or toxoid. Burnet and Freeman (9) purified the toxin of staphylococci by precipitation with acetic acid., Nelis (10) ,et al_. studied the action of strong acids on -3- - staphylococcal toxin. With HgSO^, the authors observed partial destruction of the toxin at room temperature. Jacobs and Behan (ll) concentrated the antitoxin of tetanus with trichloroacetic acid and eliminated 99 per cent of the impurities. .In 1951 Jacobs and Gillis (12) used metaphosphoric acid for the concentration of diphteria toxoid to eliminate 97 per cent of the protein nitrogen. Turpin, Raynaud and Relyveld (7) improved the yield of toxin or toxoid separated by acid precipitation by adding a protective agent. A partial history of one of their protective agents,, sodium polymetaphosphate,, is given in the next section. Polvmetapho sphate and Proteint M.etaphosphoric acid of soda (13), so. named in the early literature, has been recognized (13) since 1833 as an agent which will precipitate proteins (13). Because of the efficacious action of polymetaphosphoric acid as. a piotein precipitant, many workers, have attempted to determine the specific action by which the protein in the presence, of an acid solution of the poly^ mer becomes insoluble. According to Briggs, (14) Schofield, (15) Perlman, (16, 17) Herrmann and Perlmann, (18, 19) and Ebel and Colas,. (20) a reaction occurs between polymetaphosphate and the nitrogen of a nitrogenous compound or protein. .Briggs (14) has shown by dialysis that at neutral pH values the polymeta­ phosphate can be dialyzed from horse serum albumin, but at acid pH values, this is not possible. pho sphoric acid. Perlmann (17) precipitated egg albumin with meta­ The complex formed crystals which was taken as evidence that denaturetion did not occur. -4- Briggs, (14) using horse serum, albumin in the presence of polymetaphosphate, stated that at low pH values, the ionization of the carboxyl group is repressed, and the positive charge on the amino group is. com­ pletely neutralised. The overall effect is a shift of the isoelectric point in the acid direction. I Putnam and Neurath9 (21) working with egg albumin and sodium dodecylsulfate,, stated that precipitation may result from a combination of oppositely charged electrostatic forces; that is,- an anion detergent will precipitate protein in the cationic form, but precipitation ceases some­ what above the isoelectric point, even though combination between deter­ gent and protein (22) does occur. Just above the isoelectric point, (21) the protein-detergent complex precipitates completely and remains in the solid state for immediately lower pH values. The amount of protein precipi­ tating in the presence of detergent depends on (first), the protein: detergent concentration ratio, (second) the pH of the solution, (third) the temperature, and ,(fourth), the ionic strength of the solution. NfN Diethvlaminoethvl Cellulose Column Chromatbgraohv: Sober and Peterson (23, 24) first prepared this special cellulose ion exchanger by treating strongly alkaline cellulose with,2-chlorotriethylamine. They then used the product in a column for separation of serum proteins^ Column material of this derivative is said by the authors (23, 24) to have the following properties: good mechanical strength,, insolu­ bility in water, and, as an anion- exchanger., the ability to adsorb protein effectively at pH values above the isoelectric point of most proteins. Hence, elution of the bound protein can be accomplished by increasing the _ 5,- ionic strength of the medium or decreasing the pH of the medium or both. According to Guthrie and Bullock (25) DEAE cellulose^=/ has, a maximum capacity for protein of 0.7 meq. per g.? and the pH at half capacity is 7.7. Boman and Westlund'(26) believe that with an anion exchange column, best results in separation of protein will occur with a cation buffer such as TRIS (see also ref. 27). These authors state that DEAE cellulose is the preferred cellulose derivative for the separation of proteins,, en­ zymes, and some hormones. It should be mentioned that one disadvantage of using DEAE for sep­ aration of the lecithinase mixture rests in the fact that the material is an anion exchanger. -On addition of protein to the column the pH of the eluate increases. If the protein is. alkali labile, this procedure can be used only with caution. Very few lecithinases have been isolated on a DEAE cellulose column. Of importance to this investigation is the work of Boman and Kaletta (27) who used DEAE cellulose in TRIS (hydroxymethylamino) methane buffer to separate three different forms- of phosphodiesterases from phospholipase A amino acid oxidase. Sober and Peterson (23) in 1954 reported the separation of two distinct amidase activities from a lyophilized kidney fraction which differed in their relative rates toward leucine and alanine amides. 'I/ Diethylaminoethyl cellulose MATERIALS AND METHODS General Analytical Methods Determination of Lecithinase Activity The determination of the lecithinolytic activity of Clostridium hemol-vticum was performed according to the method of T u r n e r S w i n g l e and Strickfaden (28) as follows; Reagents; Borate Buffer 2 j Sodium chloride Anhydrous calcium chloride Boric acid Water to 5.3 g„ 2.2 g. 6.2 g. I liter The pH was adjusted .to 7*4 with 40% sodium hydroxide. Standard Solution of Lecithinase in Glvcerol; A quantity of the culturel filtrate (prepared as. described on^lO-12) was dialyzed in cellophane tubing at room temperature against three daily changes of glycerol. The glycerol solution of the protein was then stand-, aidized by injecting graded amounts, int,o the lateral tail veins of 35 g. mice and noting death or survival within 24 hours. Ifg for instance^ 0.5 ml. of toxin diluted 1:50 killed all mice but 0.4 ml. of the same toxin did not kill any$ then the original toxin solution was labeled 100 mouse minimum lethal dosage (MLD) per ml. The lecithinase solution which was used in column work was not standardized by mouse injection. 2/ Also referred to as isotonic borate buffer * ■ ’~l~or‘ Egg. Yolk Substrate; One egg yolk was uniformly suspended in 2.5 I.. of borate buffer which was preserved with three or four large crystals of thymol or I part Roccal 3/ to 375,000 parts of buffer. Roccal did not protect the substrate from decomposition for as long as. thymol. The mixture was allowed to stand for one day at room temperature, centrifuged., filtered through a mat of Super-Cel ^ diatomaceous earth* and allowed to stand for another day. The suspension was then refiltered until the turbidancy of the solution as read against a water blank falls between 0.04 and 0.15 at 650 read with a round tube of 1.9 cm. diameter in a Coleman spectrophotometer. The sub­ strate was then standardized against the standard solution of toxin in glycerol by the procedure described below. Procedure.: \ A quantity of the enzyme solution in glycerol .was added to borate buffer^ and dilute base was added if necessary to bring the pH to 7.4. solution was then diluted to 5.00 ml. with isotonic borate buffer.. The Five ml. of egg.yolk substrate was then added and the mixture incubated at 37°C . for exactly 20 minutes. The turbidity which developed in the suspension was read in a spectrophotometer at 650 my against a blank containing 5.0 ml. of isotonic borate buffer and 5.0 ml. of egg yolk substrate. An almost linear relationship existed between thg quantity of lecithinase and the turbidity developed. 3/ Roccal - Registered trade mark, Benzalkonium chloride (alkyldimethylammoniumchloride). ^ 4/ Super-Cel5 Registered trade mark. ™8- The activity of the unknown was converted to MLD from the standard curve which was plotted daily for the particular batch of substrate used in • the assay. The variance between successive identical lecithinase assays was found to be 0.02 MLD„ Calcium ion, which is essential for the action of the lecithinase on its substrate, is not only precipitated by the polymetaphosphate (34), but the precipitate itself contributes to the measured turbidity of the system. When the amount of PMP introduced into the.assay tube was, less than 0.1 mg., only a small error resulted in the lecithinase analysis. Swingle (4) found that maximum lecithinase activity occurs in a calcium ion range between 0.0Q6 M to 0.04 M. In precipitates of relatively-high specific activity to phosphate ratios, the polymetapho$phate interference was negligible. Determination of Nitrogen or Protein Acid Precipitation Studies: Nitrogen was determined by the manometric method of Van Slyke (29). The only modification employed was that, after digestion and boiling down to the first appearance of white fumes, 5 ml. of water was added to insure the decomposition of the potassium peroxydisulfate. Crude Lecithinase Placed on the Diethvlaminoethvlcellulose Columns Crude lecithinase was first analyzed for protein content by the Biuret method (30). The Biuret color intensities were read on the Coleman or Beckman spectrophotometer at 540 mp. A curve, Curve 1 ?. was then plotted of absprbance vs. milliliters of protein solution., -9- According to Gornallil (30) I mg. of protein dissolved in 3 ml. of water in a I Cjmd cell will give an absorbance of 0.151. From Curve Is the yolume of protein solution giving an absorbance of 0,151 was determined^ and the concentration of. the solution in mg. of protein per ml. calculated. Then appropriate volumes of the protein solution were treated with the Lowry reagents, (31) and the absorbance obtained was used to plot Curve 2 (absorbance vs. ml. of protein solution). protein From Curve 2, the volumes of solution required for qn absorbance of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4 were read. Then the weight of protein in these solution volumes was cal­ culated from the Biuret value of mg. of protein per ml. and a new curve, Curve 3, was plotted using the absorbance values of Curve 2 against mg. or yg. of protein contained in these volumes of solution. This standard curve was then used to convert absorbance of a sample of eluate protein solution from the column, as determined by the Lowry method,, (31) to the weight of protein which the solution contained. Diethvlaminoethvlcellulose Column Eluates: Protein content in column eluates was determined by the method of Warburg and Christian,- (32) and Loyvry, (31). In the Warburg method (32) absorbance of the protein solution at 260 mp and 280 mp was con­ verted to mg. of protein by the use of a monograph. Miscellaneous Analyses Nitrogen in DEAE Cellulose and some prbtein determinations, wa6 determined by standard Kjeldahl (33) procedures. Sodium polymetaphosphate -10- was precipitated a,s barium polymetaphosphate and hydrolyzed to ortho­ phosphate according to the method of Jones (34)„ The phosphate was then determined by the modified method of Fiske and Subbarow .(35)„ Organic phosphate in the crude lecithinase was hydrolyzed with hydrogen peroxide or perchloric acid and determined by the modified method of Fiske and Subbarqw„ Crude Lecithinase: Culture! filtrate protein, separated by the ammonium sulfate precipi­ tation^ was analyzed for nitrogen and phosphorus according to the methods already mentioned (29, 33, 35). Protein-bound hexose was determined by the method of Lustig and Langer, (36) and Weimer and Moshin (37)„ The presence of nucleic acids in the protein solution was indicated after consideration of values obtained in the Warburg paper chromatography„ ultraviolet absorption procedure and by The latter procedure involved developing the spot on paper with Pabst solvents (38) end then viewing the chromatogram with a SL Mineral light, Model V-41, which provides light at 253.7 mp. The presence of lipoprotein in crude lecithinase was shown by treat­ ing' a-paper chromatogram with Sudan black (39). PREPARATION OF MATERIALS Crude Lecithinase Culture Medium and Toxin Production: The crude lecithinase which was used for acid precipitation of leci­ thinase was, prepared from the culturel filtrate of Clostridium hemolvticum (Montana Veterinary Research Laboratory, strain number 4473). The bacteria were grown in the peptic digest medium of Jasmin (3) modified by Swingle and Smith (40). -11- The peptic digest medium (4) was prepared by placing 500 g. of ground lean beef, 500 g. of beef liver, and 75Q-1000 g. of ground fresh pig stomach in 2000 ml. of water. The pH of the mixture was brought to 2 with hydrochloric acid and 10-20 g. of pepsin added. The mixture was digested at 50°C. for 12 hours.,, heated on the steam bath at 80-90°C, to stop peptic action, refrigerated overnight*, and filtered through a mat consisting of I cm. of Super-Cel (diatomaceous earth). The pH of the filtrate was adjusted to about 7.3 with 5 ,N sodium hydroxide and 0.0375 per cent calcium chloride (W per V) was added, the solution heated at 90°C. for 30 minutes, and the precipitate filtered off through a mat of Super--Cel. The filtrate was the peptic digest, abbreviated PD. Two volumes of PD were diluted with I volume of water. Then proteose peptone, I per cent,,, and glucose, 0.5 per cent, were added and the solu- \ tion brought to a pH of 7.6 with sodium hydroxide. The medium was then sterilized in an autoclave. An inoculum of Clostridium hemolvticum was transferred from the stock culture in Hall's medium £ / into a tube containing about 20 ml. of the com­ plete PD medium. This was incubated for about 6 hours at 37°C. and poured into a small flask containing about 200 ml. of fresh medium. After in­ cubating for the same time interval, this culture was poured into a large flask three-fourths filled with medium,; which had been recently heated and then copied to 37°C. After a growth time of aboyt 6 hours at 37°C., the p'H of the medium was adjusted to 7.6 with 5 N sodium hydroxide and the liquid 5/ 'H a l l ’s medium is probably similar to Holman's cooked meat medium with modification. I T12“ cooled to about 4°C0 The refrigerated culture was centrifuged at an RCF of about 2000 until clear, and the supernatant filtered through a mat of Super-Cel0 The filtrate is referred to as culturel filtrate. The crude lecithinase used in the more recent work with the DEAE cellulose column was prepared according to the modified procedure of Claus (42), This medium -was prepared as follows: equal weight of finely ground liver and water were mixed in a Waring blender. chloric acid was added to a pH of 2-2,5, Concentrated hydro­ Then 0,50 g, of Difco pepsin per 100 g» of liver was stirred in the suspension, and the mixture placed in a water bath at 50°C. for 15 hours* After cooling the suspension to 15°C„, it was centrifuged at moderate speed and the supernatant filtered through a mat, I cm. thick, of Super-Cel, The pH of the filtrate was then adjusted to 7,3 with 5 N sodium hydroxide and calcium chloride dihydrate added to a concentration of O iS mg. per ml. of solution. . The solution was steamed to 9d°C, for 30 minutes, cooled, and filtered through Super-Cel. An equal volume of water was added,, plus trypticase to I per cent and soluble starch to 0.5 per cent. The pH of the solution readjusted to 7.3 with 5 N sodium hydroxide, after which the medium was autoclaved. ; After growth of the bacteria and preparation of the culturel filtrate, the liquid,- if passed through a Seitz filter*, is referred to as the Seitz filtrate. 6/ Relative centrifugal force (a I pound, mass spun at an RCF of 1500 would ,weigh 1,500 pounds.) ) 13- Precipitation and Dialysis of Toxins The crude lecithinase was precipitated from the cultural filtrate with ammonium sulfate. The filtrate was first made to 16 per cent by weight with ammonium sulfate^ and solids, if any, were removed by centri­ fugation, RCF of 1000 and discarded. Additional ammonium sulfate was then added to bring the solution to the final content of 31 per cent by weight. The precipitated lecithinase was collected by centrifugation and dialyzed : in a Vistex -Z/ membrane against running distilled water at IO0C 1 In some cases tap water at 3-&°C. was used for 3-4 days until a chemical test for the ammonium ion or a conductivity test showed the near absence of ammonium sulfate in the dialysate. At this stage the nucleic acid separation of Van Heyninger and Bidwell (43) was used for the protein ,which was to be placed on the DEAE cellulose column. The procedure for the Van Heyninger and Bidwell (43) separation was as follqws: the dialysee in the Vistex membrane was centri­ fuged for 10 minutes at an RCF equals 1500 after which the precipitate was discarded. The pH of the supernatant was adjusted to 7 with 5 N sodium hydroxide and the solution cooled to near 0°C. Ice cold I per cent ribose nucleic acid? in the amount of 4.7 ml. per 100 ml. of lecithinase solution, was added with stirring, and the pH of the solution adjusted to 4.5 with 6 N acetic acid. temperature. The solution was allowed to stand for I hour at this Centrifuge cups were then removed from the deep freeze,, and the precipitate was quickly centrifuged from the acetic acid solution at an RCF of 1500. Only a small precipitate was. obtained. 7/ Vistex,Registered trade mark. This precipitate — 14— was saved, and the supernatant was readjusted to pH 7 with sodium hydroxide. Additional I per cent ribose nucleic acid solution was added in the amount of 14.1 ml. per 100 ml. of lecithinase solution. The pH of the solution was then adjusted to 4.5 with 6 N acetic acid, and the suspension allowed to stand for 1.5 hours at 3-5°C. after which a heavy percipitate was. obtained The precipitate was separated from the liquid by centrifugation at RCF equals 1500 and the two precipitates combined in about 100 ml. of ice cold water which contained 2 drops of 5 N sodium hydroxide to dissolve the precipitate. To remove the protamine nucleate, the pH of the solution was adjusted to neutrality with dilute hydrochloric acid, and ice cold I per cent protamine sulfate added drop by drop until no further precipitate of protamine nucleate formed. After removing the precipitate by .centri­ fugation at RCF equals 1500, I per cent ribpse nucleic acid was. added to just precipitate any excess, protamine sulfate. The solution was then recentrifuged at an RCF equals 1500. The final solution was light straw-colored, faintly opalescent and kept frozen at -IO0C. until used. Almost one year passed before the protein separation was made on the DEAE cellulose column. In the acid precipitation part of this investigation, the protein solution was lyophilized after dialysis,, without the nucleic acid puri­ fication step. Sodium Polvmetaphosphate; The polymer was either prepared by the fusion method (34) of Jones -15- or purchased as "Calgon'1^ (The analysis is described on page 9 and 10). N-Die-thvlaminoethvlcellulose: The Eastman compound number 7392 was used. This DEAE cellulose was found to be somewhat hygroscopic and in purified form contained about 0.1' per cent less nitrogen than Sober)s product (23). If proteins in the column eluate are to be determined by using the Lowry method, any decomposition of DEAE cellulose must be avoided since the Lowry reagents will develop color with N,N-diethylamine. Moore and .Lee (45) found that Eastman DEAE cellulose would yield nitrogenous products to the column eluate. The DEAE cellulose this investigation was purified according to their procedure, which involves treating the DEAE cellulose with I N sodium hydroxide, washing with water to a supernatant pH of 7, then washing with ethanol and finally with ether. Buffers: THIS (hydroxymethylamino) methane (2-amino-;2-hydroxylmethyl-l,3propanediol) buffer (46) has been used on the DEAE cellulose column. (27). The product used in this investigation was labeled Sigma 7’t 9. compound was twice crystalized from water. The The final product absorbed in the. ultraviolet in agreement with the value obtained by Boman and Westlund (26). (0.05-0.06 for a 0.5 M solution). / 8/ The commercial preparation, Calgon, is a glass with a ratio of NagQsPgOs of 1.1:1. It is made by fusing food grade phosphoric acid and commercial soda ash and is commonly called hexametaphosphate. The unadjusted form used in this study does not contain sodium carbonate. I -1 6 - Weights of constituents in 0.1 M buffer as used in acid precipitation of Iecithinase-POg are: 2-amino-2-methyl-l?3 propanediol Glacial acetic acid Distilled water to 10.5 g. 3.0 g. 1.0 I. ANABASIS OF CRUDE LECITHINASE A one ml. sample of crude lecithinase as prepared by ammonium sul­ fate precipitation, dialysis of the precipitate, and centrifuging off any insoluble tion. material was found to contain12*4 mg. ofsolids per ml.of solu­ Of thisweight, 1.07 mg. was protein-bound hexose. The Biuret protein value calculated according to Gornall (30) was 2.2 mg. The calcu­ lated protein value using a factor of 6.25 for the Kjeldahl nitrogen was. 3.8 mg. of protein. Very likely other nitrogen-containing compounds are present. Lipoproteins were shown by a qualitative test involving Sudan lglack (39). Electrophoresis of the crude lecithinase at a pH near 8 in the Perkin Elmer apparatus showed a large number of different proteins, so many proteins, in fact, that a photograph of the pattern showed broad heavy bands which gave no useful information. Light absorption by the Seitz filtrate ^ a t 260 my was intense indicating the presence of rather large quantities of nucleic acids. Paper chromatograms of the protein viewed under ultraviolet light further indicated the presence of nucleic acids. 2 / Medium after growth of Clostridium hemolvticum centrifuged and run through diatomaceous earth twice, then through a Seitz filter. PART Ti ACID PRECIPITATION OE THE LEOITHINASfe -tPC3 COMPLEX AS MEANS OF INCREASING THE SPECIFIC ACTIVITY OF THE LECITHINASE Since one intent of this investigation was to obtain lecithinase with a high specific activity it was necessary to determine, optimum physical or chemical conditions for retention of lecithinase activity in lecithinasePO3 -^^/systems. This determination of the probable maximum specific activity of lecithinase as obtained in the precipitate with optinum conditions requires at least as empirical consideration of the nitrogen, lecithi­ nase and PMP equilibria existing between soluble and insoluble com­ ponents in the various, systems at certain acid contact times.. Swingle (4) has determined the stability of the impure enzyme in various systems under certain types of stresses, such as temperature, agitation, and adverse hydrogen ion concentration. The lecithinaSe-PO3 complex was, not investigated. A. I. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Stability of the Lecithinase in the Presence of Polvmetaohosohate in Acid Solutions: A weighed quantity of the crude lecithinase yvas, taken up in several drops of 0.5'N sodium hydroxide solution, and the slightly turbid solution diluted with buffer to a protein concentration of 0.5 per cent. Five 13/ meq. — ' of SPMP per gram of protein were added to half this solution.The remainder was used for controls. Three ml. aliquots were taken from 10/ Specific activity refers to the MLD per mg. of nitrogen ratio in the protein mixture. ll/ A designation for the protein-polymetaphosphate complex. Perlman (17) considers the reaction between PO3 and albumin. 12/ PMP, Sodium polymetaphosphate. 13/ I meq. of PMP equals 0.102 g. of the polymer. both the SPMP solution and the control. The pH of the aliquots was adjusted with 0.5 N or 2 N sulfuric acid (the 0.5 N acid was added first and, if necessary, the 2 N acid was used). After the pH was adjusted the solutions were diluted with water to a final volume of 4.5 ml. One ml. portions of the 4.5 ml. solutions were measured into tubes marked at 2 ml,, and the tubes allowed to stand for the indicated acid contact times at room temp­ erature. The precipitate was then dissolved in 0.5 N sodium hydroxide. Results are presented in Figure I, 2 and 3, 2. The Effect of pH on the Stability of Lecithinase-POg: Crude lecithinase (0.5 per cent) plus one-half its weight of SPMP was dissolved in the buffer at pH 8^9. The protein alone in the buffer gave a suspension, but on addition of the SPMP the liquid cleared. Five protein-PMP solutions were adjusted to the intended pH values (1-5), and one ml. of each solution was placed in, a calibrated tube. After the indicated time interval, sodium hydroxide (0.5 N) was added to bring the pH to 7-8, and sufficient isotonic borate buffer the solution to volume. was added to bring The lecithinase activity was determined for 5 pH values, two acid contact times, and two temperatures (3-5°C. and room temp,erature). A second set of readings, was taken for the pH range 5-12.1 with acid contact times, of 4 hours at room temperature. The results are shown in Figure 4. 14/ Rorate'buffer-, calcium chloride and sodium chloride solution at the same cpncentrations as used in the lecithinase determination (see page' 6).. -19— 3. Lecitfainase Purification as a. Function of Acid Contact Time: The lecitfainase precipitates were obtained as follows: crude Ieci- tfainase, specific activity about 75, plus one-half its weight of SPMP was dissolved in 0.1 M )x 2-methyl-2 amino-1, 3 propanediol buffer. was divided into three parts. The solution The pH of the solutions was then adjusted to 2.37, 3..72 or 5.0 with 0.5 N sulfuric acid. were- then allowed to stand at 3-5°C. Aliquots of the solutions At a specified acid contact time, one tube was centrifuged (RCF equals 1500), the supernatant discarded, the precipitate washed twice with distilled water, and then dissolved with­ in 45 seconds by mixing with several dbops of 0.4 N sodium hydroxide. Isotonic borate buffer at a pH of 7.5— 8.0 was immediately added and Iecithinase activity determined in the solution. The nitrogen content of the precipitate was determined by the method of Van Slyke (29). by the method of Swingle (4). Lecitfainase The values ^ A i a v e been plotted in Figure 5. 4 . The p H at Which the Lecithinase-POo Precipitate Forms for one Ratio of PMP and. Protein; In the experiment in which an aqueous solution was used, bacterial filtrate containing 1.0 per cent of unadjusted Calgon, (analyzing 75 per cent polymer) and 24 per cent sodium chloride was adjusted to the desired pH values with 0.5 N sulfuric acid and the solution allowed to stand at -15°C. for three and one-half hours. The tube was, then centrifuged,, the precipitate separated from the supernatant, dissolved, taken up in borate buffer and the lecitfainase activity determined by the method of Swingle (4). 15/ The- purification factor is the ratic of the specific activity of the final material to that of the starting material. -'20— The supernatant solution was then used for the next separation at a lower pH value. (See Figure 6). 5. Purification of Lecithinase in Bacterial Filtrate at Acid pH Values; Bacterial filtrate containing I 0O per cent PMPy 25 per cent sodium chloridey and 12 per cent (v/v) glycerol was. swirled at -IS0C 0 during the 15 minute acid contact time. For the first precipitation^ the pH was adjusted with 1.0 N sulfuric acid; on subsequent precipitations of the previous precipitate, 0.24 N acid was used. The precipitate was dissolved in borate buffer containing 25 per cent (v/v) glycerol and an aliquot of the solution analyzed for lecithinase and nitrogen by the same methods as were used in the aqueous -solution. shown in Figure 6. The data- for the aqueous experiment are Figure 7 presents the data as obtained in the glycerol experiment. 6. Concentration of Components in the Crude Lecithinase-POn Precipitate as a. Function of Concentration of Polvmetaohosohate and the pH of the Solution; Crude lecithinase,' about 15 MLD per mg. of protein, specific activity of 94 (protein factor 6;25-),' was suspended in 2-methyl-2-amino-l, 3 propane-: diol-acetic acid buffer (each at 0.1 M) at a pH near neutrality. Then several drops of 1.0 N sodium hydroxide were added to bring the pH to near 8,5. (In this adjustment, care must be taken that higher pH values are not used, since the lecithinase is more susceptible to inactivation at pH values above 8.5). The solution cleared to a faint turbidity. Weighed solid PMP (95.6 per cent polymer) was. then added and the solution was rapidly swirled for several minutes for complete solution of the PMP. The -21- solution became crystal clear. Aliquots of the solution were then adjusted to the desired pH with Chb N sulfuric acid which was added drop by drop with swirling. After an acid contact time of 10 hours at room temperature or H O hours at 3^-5 °C.S the precipitate was recovered by centrifugation at RCF equals IbOO and the supernatant liquid discarded. The drained preci­ pitate was dissolved in Oib N sodium hydroxide, taken up in isotonic buffer, pH 7.4, and the lecithinase activity, nitrogen content^ and phos­ phorus determined. Lecithinase units are given in MLD- per mg. of nitrogen; however, a primary standard was not available. ratios are shpwn in Table I. Results and calculated Statistical data in the form of an analysis of variance for F distribution significance are presented in Table II., The data have been plotted in Figures 8 to 14. -22- B4 RESULTS The area between Curves I and 2, Figures I, 2% and 3 ? decreases from an acid contact time of 4 hours to an acid contact time of 72 hours in the pH range 2 to 4„ In general? Iecithinase recovery in a splution having a pH below 4 decreased with an increase in acid contact time. In each figure it is seen that Curve I intersects Curve 2 between pH 4 and 5. With increasing acid contact -time, the point of intersection approaches pH 4„ At pH 5 recovery in the PMP solution becomes less, with increasing acid contact time. Lecithinase recovery in 2-methyl, 2-amino-L,- 3 propanediol-acetic acid buffer as, plotted in Figure 4 shows the dependency of lecithinase stability on the pH of the solution. In the acid region-, curves for leci­ thinase recovery for different acid contact times and solution temperatures were well separated. Least lecithinase recovery occurred at pH 5-5.5 and near 12 and at acid pH values at rpom temperature. at pH, 7 to 10 and at acid pH values. Good recovery occurred Curve 3 with an acid contact time of 24 hours at 3-5°C . show's a lecithinase recovery of over IQO per cent. Lecithinase purification as a function of acid contact time in Fig­ ure 5 shows the highest purification factor at pH 3.72, the lowest factor odcurred in the most acid solution.. In Curves I and 2 , Figure 6, it is seen that nitrogen in the precipi­ tate attains a peak at one pH value and the maximum purification factor shows a peak at a pH value about 0.5 pH units lower. - 23- Figure 7 shows a Teiatively large decrease in the nitrogen content ■of the precipitate as formed by reprecipitation of one precipitate. The. Iecithinase purification factor increased to precipitation number 3 after which there was a decrease and then an increase in the factor. The amount of precipitate in the last precipitations made the determination of nitro­ gen ,difficult. These values being somewhat in doubt; are indicated with a -- dotted line on the graph. The lecithinase in these precipitates contained less than one per cent of the total starting material.' In Figure 8 the specific activity wa.s at a maximum for pH 4.5 and 2 meg. of PMP per g. of protein. A slight-rise for1 the same polymer con­ centration also occurred at pH 3.5. was obtained at 3-5°C.? Figure 9. The best over all specific activity Good recovery occurred over a wider range of PMP (almost 0 to 2) at a pH value of 4-.5„ The MLD/mg. P curve at room temperature. Figure 10,■ showed a maxi­ mum at pH 4.5 and with 3 meq^ of PMP per g. of protein. '?■ The ratio of MLD/ mg. P increased at a lower temperature, Figure 11, and the maximum was obtained with a smaller amount of polymer (2 meq. of PMP per g. of protein at pH 4;5). Figures 9 and 11 show a rough.similarity in the general shape of the curves. The same observation can be made for Curves 8 and 10. Figure 12 supports the general observation that size of the precipi­ tate increases with a decrease in pH of the solution. In the intermediate acid pH range, more nitrogen appeared in the precipitate at 3-5°C. than at 250,C„ —24-. In Figure IS5 the cross over between the curves' for the two temp­ eratures occurs at pH 3.5. ' Figure 14 shows that the P/n ratio at room temperature varied with the amount of polymer per g. of protein. -25Table I The concentration of lecithinase, nitrogen, and phosphorus in precipitates obtained at three pH values and v'ari'ou s concentrations of polymetaphosphate, (PMP) at room temperature and at 3-5°C. pH PMP* (meq./g. orotein) Lecithinase recovery (MLD's/ootj (per cent) N ' (ma/Wt.) MLD's P per (mq/potJmq.N Molar MLD's ratic per of mq.P P:N ■ Acid contact time 10 hours at room temperature 2.5 3.5 4.5 5 .0 2.5 4.0 440 440 325 ■37 37 27 352 32 3 .5 415 4.5 345 37 31 . 2 .5 3 .0 3.5 4,5 2.5 3.5 4.5 2 .0 2 .5 1.0 3.5 4.5 2 .5 3 .5 0.10 4.5 2.5 0.01 3 .5 4.5 2.5 3 .5 4.5 340 290 30 38 25 435 0.00 345 32 380 35 310 28 700 1330 2710 0 .2 7 454 678 0.50 0.34 0.13 222 392 704 1220 704 2650 0.14 0.14 0.12 1.47 0.61 0.9 9 p .30 0 .4 2 0.09 196 438 557 1035 0.1 6 0.19 ,9 6 7 3190 0.14 I..40 0.-71 p.21 0.66 0.47 0.16 246 536 523 0.-21 1510. 810 1940 0 .3 0 0 .3 4 6 .8 2 1 .2 0 0 .5 7 0.61 404 542 0 .3 3 0^48 0.17 297 740 1820 0.18 0.14 1340 1650 0.17 0.14 2540 0 .1 2 246 1350 O.QS 143 758 4500 0.14 4170 0.0 8 1.06 0 ,9 7 0.4 8 1.58 1.06 6 .4 9 0.63 0.3 3 0.12 330 34 355 310 36 32 335 365 330 32 35 31 0.66 0.25 0 .7 2 0.22 0.49 O.lS 54 '5 p .22 270 250 26 24 0 .2 0 0.04 0.06 0.-33 0.06 86 88 48 8 ,8 5 0 .0 2 0.01 0.-01 415 548 506 505 676 5500 7000 3380 0.15 0.11 ■; * One meq. of sodium polymetaphosphate per gram of protein equals 0. 102 grams of polymer per gram of protein. -26- T able I continued pH PMP (meq./g. Lecithinase recovery protein) (MLD's/ppt.) (per cent) M L D 's N P per (mq/ppt) (mq/ppt.) mq.N Molar MLD's ratio per of mq.P ■P:N Acid contact time H O hours at O0C. 2 .5 3.:5 10.00 4.5 2 .5 5.0 3.0 3 .5 4.0 4 .5 2.5 4;0 3 .0 3 .5 4.0 4.5 0.14 0.34 175 412 784 1120 1860 734 0.11 0.-16 0.19 0 .9 9 0.83 552 657 0.38 1.11 0.47 36 0 .2 8 0.06 484 1200 1260 1300 887 1310 1610 1950 0.2 5 0 .4 2 CU 36 8 0.61 0.43 0.2 2 0.04 545 655 62 1.61 1.68 0.55 0;82 0 .7 0 338 665 936 0 .2 3 0 .1 9 0.3 8 0 .3 0 0 .2 0 0 .03 69 74 67 42 8 575 64 - 0.01 0.46 391 1070 1240 1280 1850 - 2300 594 694 938 945 744 0.30 0.30 0.14 0,97 0.8 8 0.65 0.36 0.07 554 1.83 1.76 1.43 0.89 0,74 764 825 ,1190 0 .6 4 0 .0 8 0.2 3 CU 02 371 348 411 904 2100 - 0.-15 0.16 0.11 1.76 2.04 1.57 0.9 7 0.46 329 274 598 0.2 5 584 0.56 350 65 36 0 .9 0 0 .32 0.09 642 982 1790 0.21 0.16 0.16 2000 3550 0.25 193 ki 0.79 878 0.13 44 0 ,6 8 0 .1 9 0 .2 2 0 .2 2 244 405 400 598 0.16 2100 1840 2500' 0 .1 4 0 .3 8 '610 610 340 3 .5 0.50 55 55 57 370 3 ,0 2.10 0.94 0.34 545 540 565 355 78 590 4.0 4.5 2.5 3.0 368 386 266 69 69 39 6 52 1.04 1.70 1.52 1 .08 0.4 6 338 402 315 113 0.40 0 .2 4 0 .1 9 0.15 0 .6 8 I 2 .5 3 .0 3 .5 2.0 610 585 580 4.0 4.5 2.5 680 168 1.0 580 3 .0 560 3.5 4.0 4.5 550 575 2.5 3.5 4 ;5’ 0.10 86 ' • 77 74 ;74 '21. 66 63 62 44 0.16 0.49 2520 0 .2 2 0 .1 9 -27Table pH I continued PMP (meq./g. protein) 2 .5 3 .5 4 .5 0.01 2 .5 3 .0 0 .0 0 3.5 4.0 4.5 Lecithinase recovery (M L D 's/ppt.) (per cent) .Molar MLD's MLD's ratio per of per N P Omq/ppt.)- (mq/ppt.) mq.N mq.P P:N 205 26 0 .5 0 590 . 600 75 0.49 0.42 14 2 3 12 25 28 0.21 28 103 210 238 76 0.-12 0.11 0.10 410 1200 1420 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.05 0.0010 1270 560 0 .1 0 0 .1 3 0.0010 0.0008 0.0010 0.0041 0.0054 0.0045 0.0006 1030 1610 1130 0.0028 0.0021 -28Table II Analysis of variance of the data from Table I Summary of F distribution, significance Source of Variation Lecithinase N (MLO's/ootJ (mcV DDtJ P (mq/oDtJ M L D 1S MLD's per per mo. N ‘mq„ P P:N At room temperature PH Polymetaphospha te * ** , 0.1656 Linear regression Quadratic regression Control vs. rest ** ** 0,4396 ** ** - ** ** 0.4140 , ** * 0.7184 0,4152 ,0,5179 ** - - ** ** - — * -X-X- * * At S-S0C „ pH Polymetaphosphate ** 0.5269 Linear regression Quadratic regression Control vs. rest “ - 0.5847 - * * Significant at the 5 per cent level, ** Significant at the I per cent level. Estimate of total error. ** — * ** 0.6638 ** * * 1.0590 2.3670 0.5419 * - — — - X — — - 29 <0 sP CURVE I U W CURVE 2 WITH PMP CURVE I W ITH O U T PMP CURVE 2 PH FIGURE I ACID C O N T A C T T IM E 4 HOURS CURVE 2 C UR VE I FIGURE 2 PH ACID C O N T A C T T IM E 7 2 HOURS CURVE T W CURVE UJ U PH FIGURE 3 ACID CONTACT TIM E 180 HOURS FIGURES 3 , 4 AND 5 LECITH IN A SE RECOVERY( % ) IN SO LU TIO NS AT A C lD p H VALUES W IT H AND W ITHOUT PMP ■CURVES CURVE 2 CC 60 CURVE I CURVE I < 60 6 .0 7.5 SOLUTION pH FIGURE 4 ENZYME RECOVERY IN Z-M ETHYLrZ-AM I NO 1, 3 PROPANEDIOL-ACETIC ACID BUFFER ( l) ACID CONTACT TIM E 4 HOURS AT 2 5 cC (2 ) AC TIME 4 HOURS A T 3 - 5 e C (3 )AC TIME 2 4 HOURS AT 3 - 5 °C (4 ) A C TIME 2 4 HOURS AT 2 3 - 2 5 eC 16 ££ R pH 3 .7 2 5 z ao o pH 5.0 i- < U § 4 .0 a. 20 ACID 30 40 50 60 C O N T A C T TIM E (HOURS) FIGURE 5 LECITHINASE PURIFICATION IN THE SODIUM POLyMETAPHOSPHATE PRECIPITATE AS A FUNCTION OF ACID CONTACT T IM E A T 3 - 5 °C 32 LU CU CL OC 3 .0 FIGURE 6 CURVE I C UR VE 2 3.5 pH LECITHINASE AND N ITR O G E N RECOVERY IN P R E C IP IT A T E S FIGURE 7 RECOVERY OF L E C IT H I NASE BY REPEATED PR E C IPITA TIO N IN A GLYCEROL SOLUTION AT pH 2.8 N 14 H 2.5 2.0 3.0 4 .0 POLYMER (M EQ ) PER G. OF PROTEIN FIGURE 6 LEC ITH IN ASE A C TIVITY PER MG. OF NITROGEN AS A FUNCTION OF C O N C EN TR A TIO N OF SPMP AT A CO NSTA N T pH AND ROOM TEMPERATURE M L D 1S PER MG. OF N IT R O G E N 34 . 0 I 1.0 POLYMER i i 2.0 (M E G ) i i 3 .0 4 .0 PER G OF P R O T E IN 5.0 FIGURE 9 L E C IT H IN A S E A C T IV IT Y PER MG OF N IT R O G E N AS A F U N C T IO N OF C O N C E N T R A T IO N OF SPMP A T C O N S T A N T p H A N D 3 - 5 °C 5 0.5 POLYMER (MEO) PER G. OF PROTEIN FIGURE IO LECITHINASE ACTIVITY PER M G OF PHOSPHOROUS AS A FUNCTION OF THE SPMP CONCENTRATION A T A CONSTANT pH A N D ROOM TEMPERATURE (8 4 0 0 ) Y IO <m 45 L M L D 'S PER MG. PHOSPHORUS 40 35 30 25 20 OJ 0> pH 4 .5 15 IO 5 1.0 2.0 3 JO 4 .0 POLYMER MECL PER G. OF PROTEIN 5.0 FIGURE I l LECITHI NASE ACTIVITY PER MG. OF PHOSPHORUS AS A FUNCTION OF CONCENTRATION OF SPMP AT CONSTANT p H AND 3 - 5 e C CM N FIGURE 12 PROTEIN NITROGEN IN THE PRECIPITATE AS A FU NC TIO N OF SOLUTION pH IN THE PRESENCE OF 2 MEQ. OF POLY METAPHOSPHATE PER G. OF PROTEIN 1.0 .AT ROOM ✓ tem perature 3.5 SOLUTION pH FIGURE 13 A M O UN T OF PHOSPHORUS IN THE PRECIPITATE AS A FUNCTION OF pH IN THE PRESENCE OF 2 M E O OF PMP PER G. PROTEIN PRECIPITATE 0.4 P /N RATIO IN 2 .5 04 3.5 4 .5 B A S E L IN E IN D IC A T IN G T H E P Z N R A T IO F O R PR O TE IN A N A L Y Z IN G 3 eZe P H O SP H O R O U S A N D 16 e Z o N IT R O G E N POLYMER MEO PER GRAM OF PROTEIN FIGURE 14 P / N RATIO AS A FUNCTION OF SPMP C O N C E N T R A T IO N AT CONSTANT pH A N D ROOM TEMPERATURE CO -40' C. DISCUSSION The previously presented data offer an estimate of the possibilities and limitations for the acid precipitation method of purifying the Iecithinase in the presence of PMP. I. Protective Action of PMP on Lecithinaset At four hours acid contact time?- Figures I, 2, and 3, PMP exerted a protective action on the lecithinase in acid solution; that is, the complex was more resistant to loss of biological activity and a precipi­ tate of higher specific activity can be obtained by including PMP in the lecithinase solution. With increasing acid contact time-,- bonding between protein and PMP was probably decreased. Depolymerization of a PMP solution at room temperature and pH 2 was found to be less than one per cent after 10 hours of acid contact. At 96 hours, 15.5 per cent of the PMP depoly- merized (at 0°C. pH of I, 14.5 per cent of the PMP was lost after 120 hours). It was also determined that crude lecithinase did not demonstrate any phosphatase activity. In this experiment only one concentration of PMP was investigated. Since an equilibrium exists between the protein-POg complex and soluble PMP9 increasing the amount of PMP in solution might extend the protects ive action of the PMP. Addition of acid to the lecithinase solution initially at pH 5, Fig­ ures I9 2, and 3 with or without PMP resulted in formation of a precipi­ tate in the pH range 4 to 5. On this basis the isoelectric point of the lecithinase could be- estimated at about'4,7, According to,Briggs (14), . -41- the isoelectric point of the lecithinsse-BOg complex shifts to the acid side with increased PMP content. That the lecithinase-POg is probably formed at pH values above this isoelectric point (4.7) is ,shown by the work of Putnam and Neurath, (22) who found that sodium dodecysulfate formed two complexes with albumin at pH 6.8. The'low lecithinase recovery with PMP at pH 5 indicates that in these solutions the lecithinase-POg complex is, more susceptible to denaturation than is lecithinase alone. 2. The Stability of Lecithina se-POg in 2-methvl-2-amino-1.3 propanediol Buffer: Recovery of more than 100 per cent of the original lecithinase activity, Figure 4y when the enzyme in solution is allowed to stand at low temperatures is a frequently encountered phenomenon. This effect might be explained by assuming that removal of extraneous protein from biological­ ly active centers on the lecithinase molecule occurs. As would be expected, at high pH values the ,enzyme was least stable^ as the pH of the solution approached that of physiological pH (7.33), leci­ thinase stability was near maximum. At pH 5.5 most of the protein was still in a soluble form, and without the stabilizing effect of insolubility inactivation occurred. As the pH of the solution was lowered, more of the lecithinase separated from the solution in insoluble form and became less, susceptible to denaturation. Increasing the acidity gave more rapid denat­ uration indicating that the stabilizing effect of the precipitated form no longer balanced the denaturing action of the strong acid. The 2-methyl-2~ amino-1,3 propanediol buffer, pK 8.78 (46), was included in the system to prevent the solution pH from becoming to basic while adjusting the pH of -42- lecithinase solution or dissolving the lecithinase-POg precipitate, 3, Lecithinase Purification as a Function of Acid Contact Time: The nitrogen cpntent of the precipitate,Figure 5, between one arid two hours of acid contact time increased six-fold, the lecithinase acti­ vity threesfold. Comparison of the amount of nitrogen in the precipitates formed from two to 72 hours showed a standard deviation of 0,044„ The standard deviation for lecithinase content of the precipitate in per cent of the original for the same acid contact time is 6.1, Hence the rise occurring between four and eight hours for the solutions at pH 3.72 is probably the result of reactivation of the lecithinase. Thus within certain limits it could be expected that longer acid contact times would give a higher specific activity. 4. The Separation of Lecithinase Protein from Nonlecithinase Proteins Figure 6 shows a good separation between lecithinase and total protein; hence, the possibility exists for increasing the specific activity of leci­ thinase- POg by the method of acid precipitation. In this series of investi­ gations,■ losses of lecithinase activity varied from about .15 to 36 per cent. _ JBelow pH 4 the left slope of the curve appears to be greater than that on the right side of the peak. This decrease in purification factor may result from denaturation because of the relatively longer acid contact time to which these solutions were subjected. Putnam and Neurath (21) found less combination between bovine serum albumin and dode.cylsulfate with more salt in the reaction mixture or with reduced temperature. Stabilizing action of PMP on lecithinase in the . presence of 25 per cent salt' might then be less because of reduced com­ -43- bination between protein and PMP. Turoin et al. (7) repeatedly emphasize the necessity for use of low solution temperatures (-15°C. or less.) in the purification of the toxins and antitoxins.of certain bacteria. However, it would seem that the good recoveries which these authors obtained are certainly not dependent pn complete saturation of ,all free amino groups in their proteins with the protective §gent. Preliminary tests on crude Iecithinase-POg have shown little temperature inactivation to about 25°Cj with an acid contact time of three and one-half hours. 5. Purification of Lecithinase by Reprecipitation; I t 1is seen that subjecting one precipitate,Figure 7 ? to a number of subsequent precipitations at first increases the specific activity and there then results.a decrease'In recovery of lecithinase. This method of increasing the specific activity, of the precipitate is pro­ bably limited by the increased possibility of denatpration, which results from alternately dissolving and precipitating the enzyme. of the solution might be involved to a greater extent. Also agitation Preliminary experi­ ments indicated that in agitated solutions of high acidity the presence of PMP actually increased the relative loss of lecithinase activity. Agitation with PMP at 3-5°C. ip the pH range 4-8 gave little or no loss of lecithinase activity. Agitation of the lecithinase with or without PMP at room temperature resulted in loss of lecithinase activity. 6„ Influence of PMP Concentration on the Comoosition of the Acid Precipitates At room temperature, the amount of PMP present in the starting solu­ tion influenced .both the anoint of all listed components in the precipitate -44- and the calculated ratios. However-, the ratio of MLD per mg. of phosphorus showed significance at the fiye per cent leyel only. F o r ■solutions at 3-5°C., the amount of PMP showed no significant relationship to the com­ position of the precipitate except for MLD per mg. of phosphorus, and the P/N ratio (this at the five per cent leyel). The lack of significance at 3-5°C. for the relationship of concentration of initial polymer in the solution to phosphorus in the precipitate demonstrates that the point of equilibrium between PMP and protein is probably temperature controlled, Putnam and Neurath (21). 7. Influence o£ ,pH on the Amounts of Various Components in the Precipitate; .At both temperatures, the pH influenced the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in the precipitate (p % 0,01). Lecithinase activity of the precipitate was. significantly influenced by pH at room temperature (p % 0.-05) -as was the ratio of MLD per mg. of nitrogen at 3-5°C. (p 0.05). All other pH relationships showed no significance at the 5 per cent level, A statistical analysis was not obtained for the influence of temperature on the amount of components in the precipitate. 8. Interpretation of the data in.ilables I and %I as Plotted in Figures .8 to 14: ' Because statistical evaluation showed that the amount of PMP in­ fluenced the amount of various, components in the precipitate in a highly significant manner for the solutions at room temperature, PMP (in meq. per g, of protein) was plotted against other components in Figures 8 to. 14 for both temperature ranges investigated. -45- The influence of the amount of polymer on the MLD per mg. of nitro­ gen ratio at room temperature as shown in Figure 8 was apparently profound. This is indicated by the high peak for the specific activity ratio at 2 meq. of polymer per g. of protein for the solution at pH 4.5^ A smaller peak occurred for the same polymer concentration for the solution at pH 3.5. The smaller peak might indicate a lap over in which lecithinase was linked by the PMP to material which was insoluble at this pH; if so^, sharp separation of lecithinase from other proteins would be difficult by ,the method of acid precipitation. ^At pH 2.5 most of the lecithinase and nonlecithinase protein appeared in the precipitate. The slope of the curve probably indicates denaturation of lecithinase. The data plotted in Figure 9 enable some evaluation of the same relationships at 3-5°C. fluctuations. nitrogen ratio: These data show a less regular curve, with wide .Twg,"'"factors are probably influencing the MLD per mg. of first, the possible unmasking of enzymatically active centers; and-, secondly, the probable reduced combination of PMP with protein at lower temperatures. 9. The MLD per mg,. Phosphorus ratio as Influenced by the Amount of PMPs In Figures 10 and 11 it is seen that in general the data for MLD per mg. of phosphorus vs. the amount of polymer in some respects seem to parallel that for MLD per mg. of nitrogen vs. the amount of polymer with respect to shape of curve. This might be expected,, because the linkage in the protein-PO^ complex is between free protein amino groups in cation form and the negatively charged POg monomer, a Isl ratio.. -46' 10. Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the Precipitate as a. Function of Solution pH: Figure 12 shows that protein nitrogen once precipitated at a higher pH value remains insoluble as the acidity of the solution increases. To. the left of the cross over pH where the two temperature curves intersect^ more protein nitrogen appeared in the precipitate at 3-6°C. than in the solution at 25 0C.. For I meq. to 3 meg. of PMP per gTi of protein9 the pH of the cross over point increased in a nonlinear manner. The solution pH values were initially adjusted at ropm temperature; hence, the actual acidity of the solutions at 3-5°C. would differ somewhat from the values shown in the figure. At these cross over pH points,* the nitrogen content . of the precipitate was independent of the temperature. In Figure 13, it is seen that the phosphorus content of the precipitate was independent of the temperature at pH 3.5. This may mean that the most stable link­ age between protein and PMP occurs at these cross over pH points. The next question is whether these cross over pH values correspond to the probable .isoelectric point of the lecithinaSe-PO3 complex; that is, the pH at which the lecithinase complex should be most stable.. To adjust the isoelectric point of the lecithinase from about pH 4.7 to a more acid pH value should require progressively more PMP per g. of pro­ tein. The cross over pH point"for I to 5 meq. of PMP per g. of protein (5 graphs) varied from pH 3.5 to pH 4.4 and did not show a regular change in cross over pH with increase in PMP concentration. Two meq. of PMP per g. of protein does, however, seem to be a significant value. In Figure 14, the P/N ratio at room temperature at -47- P'H 3.5 and 4.5 attained a maximum at 2 meq. of PMP per g„ of protein. In Figure 8 and 9 , the specific activity of the lecithinase was at or near maximum for 2 meq. of PMP per g. of protein. It is apparent that in certain ranges of PMP per g. of protein, a small change in PMP concentra­ tion results in a considerable change in thej^ lecithinase content of the precipitate. Saturation of the lecithinase with PMP in the sense that all available reacting sites on the protein are combined with PMP would diff• { er from saturation of the protein with PMP in the sense that under cer­ tain equilibrium between complex and protein plus PMP favored the formation of free protein and PMP. At room temperature with 5 meq. of PMP per g. of protein, only a fraction of the polymer added (one-fourth to more than one-.half according to pH) appeared in the precipitate. With 2 meq. of polymer per g. of protein, the precipitate contained more phosphorus, natural and added, than was initially present in the PMP. Phosphorus values in the precipitate on the controls at room temp­ erature were not reported because of experimental difficulties. -48- D. CONCLUSIONS A lecithinase precipitate of high specific activity can be obtained by using a ratio of 2 meg. of PMP per g. of protein in 2-methyl-2-amino-l? 3 propanediol-acetic acid buffer and an acid precipitating pH of 4.5 at a temperature of 3-5°C. A short or long acid contact time with a minimum of agitation could be used. With a long acid contact time, reactivation of the lecithinase occurs. Starting with the bacterial filtrate, the first precipitation of lecithinase with ammonium sulfate can be expected to increase the specific activity after dialysis and lyophilization of the precipitate by a factor of about 10. The overall purification factor would be 220 fold. This value is in accord with that observed in' the data obtained by acid precipitation of lecithinase in the presence of PMP from the bacterial filtrate. In these solutions purification factors between 27 and 221, depending on conditions were obtained. It is. evident that acid precipitation of lecithinase in the presence of PMP offers possibilities as a:means of obtaining lecithinase protein of high specific activity. t PART H s THE SEPARATION OF CRUDE LECITHINASR ON THE DIETHYLAMINOETHYL CELLULOSE COLUMN Preliminary determinations by the Lowry method (Si) for protein in TRIS buffer have shown that the protein value is influenced by the amount of TRIS buffer in the reaction mixture; however, the TRIS buffer absorbed only slightly at the wave lengths, used in the Warburg method (32) of determining protein. Separation of the buffer from the protein by dialysis would result in about a 22 per cent loss of lecithinase activity in the column eluates. This lecithinase loss can be tolerated if the activity of the protein placed on the column is of the order of that used, in this experiment. It was further determined that saturation of DEAE with crude lecithinase protein will not occur belpw a ratio of about 9 mg. of pro­ tein per g. of DEAE. A-. 1. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The Column Material: The column, material was Eastman DEAE cellulose, catalog number 7392, which was purified according to the procedure of Moore and Lee (45). purified D.EAE analyzed approximately I,.3 per cent nitrogen.. The The DEAE (3.2 g.) was suspended in 0.005 M TRIS buffer at an initial pH of 7.75. The slurry was then poured into the 1x20 cm. glass tube. After each increment of slurry, the slowly forming column was packed under a pres­ sure of about 5 psi with pompre.ssed air. 2. Eluent Buffers: The composition of the eluent buffers- is shown in Table III. -50,Table III The composition of eluent buffers for the DEAE column. Number of tubes of Eluate Exoected Actual Buffer Number I 5 10 .10 10 10 15 2 3 4** 5* * 6** 6 10 10 10 10 15 TRIS* (Molaritv) Sodium Chloride (Mblaritv) 0.005 none CLOl 0 .0 5 0 .0 2 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 .1 5 0;25 0 .50 Final Volume (ml;) • .50 100 100 100 100 150 dH 7.80 7 .5 0 7 .2 0 7 .0 0 7 .0 0 7 .0 0 600 * The Sigma 7-9 product was twice crystalized from water Buffers 4, 5, and 6 were made 0.02 M with respect to calcium I chloride to stabilize, as much as possible, lecithinase remaining in contact. with DEAE cellulose for longer periods of time. Before elution, protein from any bacterial growth in the buffers, was determined by ultraviolet absorption'at 260 and 280 nyj. cejDt.■ number 4 showed negligible absorption. All buffers ex- Absorption of buffer number 4 showed a protein equivalent of 28 pg. per ml; Gitlin (50) reports the sensitivity of the UV method of protein determination as being 90 pg. per ml. 3. Hence, this value of 28 yg. was initially taken as being insignificarit. Protein Placed on the Column; The history of the crude lecithinase which was placed on the column is given in the Preparation of Materials section, pages 10-14, and in Table IV. In Table IV lecithinase units as determined in column eluates refer to enzyme activity but are not to be taken as being synonymous with MLD„ The lecithinase activity in the solutions which are mentioned in Table IV -51- was determined by antitoxin precipitation. A portion of the Seitz filtrate, mentioned in Table IV5 was diluted with glycerol until the final glycerol solution contained 100 such units per ml. This glycerol standard was then used to determine the sensitivity of the egg yolk substrates which were used to evaluate lecithinase activity in the DEAE column eluates,. Table IV The purification of the crude lecithinase previous to placing it on the DEAE column. Lecithinase Fraction Biuret Protein mq./ml. Lecithinase* Units/ml. Lecithinase Units/mq. N Seitz Filtrate 14.5 220 Dialysee** 12; 8 1995^2090 160. 1.9 8407-.8550 4450 . Supernat-**** ant * ** *** , x*xx Purification Factor (over orevious step) 15.2 ,10.5*** 27.8 By'antitoxin precipitation. After dialyzing out ammonium sulfate. OveraI!-includes gain by ammonium sulfate precipitation and loss due to dialysis. Estimated gain for ammonium sulfate precipitation, about 18 times. From nucleic acid precipitation; referred t° as Sol. 6. It is seen that this protein sample has already been purified 292 times. The crude lecithinase protein Sol. 6 (4.05 ml.), which contained a total of 7.61 mg. of crude lecithinase (according to the Biuret method) and 36,138 lecithinase units, was made 0.005 M to TRIS buffer and the pH of the solution adjusted to 7.75 with hydrochloric acid. The protein solution was placed on the column in the cold room (3-5l0C.) by adding a portion of the solution to the free space above the DEAE and then forcing -52- the solution do,wn with a hand bulb. When the solution level was just above the ,DEAE, several portions of 0.005 M TRIS buffer at pH 7.75 were used to wash the protein into the c.olumn material. A control sample of the pro­ tein was saved and this lecithinase subjected to the same temperature conditions as were encountered by the column lecithinase. 4. Connecting Tubing; Tests showed that gum rubber connecting tubing would release com­ pounds which would develop a color with Lowry's (31) reagent; hence, polyethylene tubing was used in making glass-to-glass connections. 5. Mixing Chamber; A. Mariotte mixing tube (24) of about 6 ml. volume was connected between the buffer reservoir and the DEAE column. This chamber was used to effect a smoother gradient elution between changes of buffer in the step-wise procedure. Figure 16 shows that the increase in ionic strength of the buffer was nearly linear to 150 ml. of column eluent.. With addition of the calcium chloride solution the slope of the curve increased, but a nearly straight line was obtained from 155 ml. to 350 ml. of eluent. 6. Column and Dialysis Operation; Column fractions were collected in volumes of about 10 ml. each. Pressure (l-2 pounds per square' inch) was used on the. column. The frac­ tion collector in the cold room was set to change tubes every eight minutes. A total of 62 samples were collected over a time interval of about eight and one-half hours. From each fraction a 4 ml. sample was measured into a cellophane sack which, was then string tied. The eluate -53- samples were dialyzed at 3-5°C. with stirring against 0.02 M calcium chloride solution for approximately 24 hours. The first 35 eluates were dialyzed against 6 liter portions of salt solution which was changed three times. The next 27 eluates were dialyzed against a comparable volume of calcium chloride in portions. could be obtained. The undialyzed eluate was frozen until the pH values The pH of the dialyzed samples was about 5.6, completion of dialysis, the samples were frozen at -15 to -IT0C. After They were then thawed and analyzed for lecithinase activity and protein content at a later time. The protein content of the eluates was determined by the Warburg (32) and Lowry (31) procedures. After the eluate fractions were collected, the DEAE cellulose in the column was removed and teated with 10 ml. of I N sodium hydroxide, the resin removed by centrifugation, and the ultraviolet absorption of the solution measured at 260 and 28,0 mp. -54B. RESULTS Values obtained in analyzing the eluate fractions are given in Table V. The Warburg protein values for column eluates were not included because a graph of le.cithinase activity vs. eluate tube number for the Warburg data seemed to show the presence of some interfering material? perhaps nucleic acids. Because of this interference, peaks on the graph were rounded and troughs filled in. Graphs of pH, lecithinase activity, and protein are shown in Figures 15,- 17, and 18. The graph of lecithinase activity vs. eluate tube number shows lecithinase activity in tubes 1-38 only. No lecithinase activity was found in tubes 39 to 62, and the graph was not extended. The control con­ tained 30,678^7 units per 4.05 ml. at the time of stopping the fraction Collector. At completion of lecithinase analysis, the control contained 21,991.5 units per 4.05 ml. Calculation revealed that 18,6 per cent of the starting lecithinase activity remained in the dialyzed eluate fractions. Meanwhile the control in just standing at comparable temperatures lost, 39:2 per cent of its leci­ thinase activity. It was estimated from dialysis experiments that the leci­ thinase should have lost 23 per cent of its activity. The loss of lecithi­ nase activity is then 19;2 per cent more than expected. When the DEAE cellulose was treated with I N sodium hydroxide, 1:2 mg. of protein were recovered as. indicated by UV absorption. In the Lovvry method, about 41 per cent,of the starting protein was accounted for. Since the column at addition of the sodium hydroxide was still moist with TRIS puffer, a Lowry protein, determination was not run. -55Table V Analysis of column eluates for lecithinase and protein Fraction Number I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Fraction Volume .(ml,) 10,0 8 ;0 9 .0 8 .3 8.7 9 .D 8.-4 10.0 9 .8 9 .8 9 .8 10.0 ' 9 .0 22 23 9.5 24 9.6 25 26 9 .0 7 .5 8.0 ■ 9:7 9 .9 27 28 29 7 .80 8 .0 0 8.25 8 .4 7 8.5 7.4 7..'5> 12.5 12.0 13.0 12.5 12.0 9 .4 Lecithinase (units per fraction) Fraction -d H .46 3% 278 32 33 34 10.2 9.0 I O'.4 , 7.40 35 36 9 .8 9 .8 7.29 7.25 37 38 39 9.5 10.4 9.7 . 7.25 40 41 10 .0 9 .7 7.25 7.23 39 24 24 20 ' 7 .5 2 7.5 0 7.48 7.68 7.59 7 .4 0 53 35 39 8.15 7.50 83 165 93 145 54 9.10 9.10 9.-10 9.10 9 .4 107 25 0 0 6 .5 9.1 5 9 .2 0 9.1 3 10.4 225 200 95 7.80 9.00 30 31 .43 878 3900 680 7.93 7.6 2 9 .2 0 9.19 9.2 3 9.35 9 .4 0 9.3 7 9.2 8 9.2 8 9.19 0 .1 Ool 8.00 ' Protein Lowry* (u q ./fraction) 17 18.9 32 16.4 1.6 68 39 88 17 10 36 25 - ' 71 22 14 16 1.5 - 11.3 16 2.4 15 2 .8 .93 1.4 -.56 2.1 1.2 1.6 1.8 15 45 83 7 ,6 4 .3 2 .4 1 ,3 41 31 1.7 31 0 0 2.7 7,24 ' 4 .9 7.2 9 1.3 . 5 .2 .62 .90 8.1 12.5 .40 4 2 .2 -56Table V continued Fraction Number 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Summation values Fraction Volume (ml.) '10.2 10.3 10.0 . 9,3 '9.7 10.2 10.8 10.5 11.4 10.4 10,5 9.4 10.8 9.8 10,,3 10.0 10.8 10.0 10.5 9.0 6.5 Fraction dH 7.23 7.21 7.19 7.15 7.15 7.13 7.13 7.13 ' 7.13 7,15 ' 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.29 7.22 7.20 7.19 7.18 7.18 7..15 7.16 Lecithinase (units per fraction) .22 .86 1.0 IiO ' 1.0 .42 .22 .44 0 1.3 .48 0.10 0.24 0.21 0.11 0.10 0.23 0.10 0.22 0.20 0.27 Protein Lowry^ (ucu /fraction) 8.5 5.2 0 7.9 0 1.4 1.8 13.1 72 31 32 20 9.1 19.6 ' 15 23 1.8 1.3 0 4.5 .65 607.3 6,737.6 1,907 * The Lowry standard curve for protein (absorbancy vs. ug. ) was obtained by first plotting absorbancy vs. ml. of Sol. 6. Then a final curve was plotted in which ml. of protein were converted to ug. of protein by using the 1.88 mg. protein/ml. ratio. a. 8.0 >0 24 COLUM N FIGURE 15 28 32 FRACTION 36 40 44 NUM BER HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION AS pH IN THE ELUATE FRACTION 48 52 56 60 58 STRENG TH BUFFER 5 IO N IC BUFFER 4 WITH 0.02 M BUFFER BUFFER 2 ELUATE VOLUME (M L'S) FIGURE 16 IONIC STR EN G TH OF C O LU M N ELUATES BUFFER I I BUFFER 2 BUFFER 3 | BUFFER 4 | BUFFER 5 L E C IT H IN A SE UNITS | IO 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 C O LU M N FRACTION N UM BER FIGURE 17 A N A LY SIS OF CO LUM N ELUATES FOR LECI TH I NASE A C T IV IT Y 42 46 225. i= 175. u- 150 . 125 z ioo 12 16 20 COLUM N FIGURE 18 24 28 FRACTION 32 36 NUMBER LOWRY PROTEIN CONCENTRATIO N IN COLUMN ELUATES -61C. DISCUSSION The discrepancy between amount of protein placed on the column and the amount of protein determined in the dialyzed eluate by the two methods of analysis was great. Since there is no accurate method of determining protein concentration in a mixture such as is encountered in the crude lecithinase, it was thought that analysis of the eluate by the ultraviolet procedure of War­ burg (32) and by the Lowry method (31) would enable a more accurate inter­ pretation of protein content than one based on a single method of protein determination. With regard to the ultraviolet method of determining pro­ tein content of a solution, it has been observed in previous work that protein concentration curves (absorbancy vs. mg. of protein solution) obtained on dialyzed crude lecithinase usually failed to intersect the zero point on the curve. tion. This fact is an indication of protein denatura- Glazer and Smith (51) have determined the effect of protein de- naturation oh ultraviolet absorption of protein before and after de­ nature tion. They found that "In addition to difference peaks due to tyrosine and tryptophane side chains at 278 mp. and 285 my. and 293 mp., respectively, denaturation was invariably associated with the appearance of a far more prominent 230 to 235 mp.,K As quoted by Nielands and Stumpf (52), a ratio of absorbancy 280/ absorbancy 260 of 1.6 or larger indicates the absence of appreciable amounts of nucleic acids (nucleoproteins). Values for this ratio on column eluates. were frequently less than one; hence, the concentration of protein as read from the Warburg monograph would be in error with excess nucleic acids. 62- It would be expected that denaturation of the protein or the presence of nucleic acids would change the protein value of a sample as determined by the two methods. That the extent of the change should be the same for both methods is not probable. It is apparent that peaks of lecithinape activity occurred in frac­ tions number 4, 9*. 20, and 3.1. From the protein values obtained by the Lowry method on column eluates, protein peaks occurred in factions number 3, 10, 20, 31, 41, and 50. A rough estimate of the areas under the respective curves indicates a purification factor of 2-3 for the first three lecithinase peaks. The results suggest that there are three separate lecithinases. The plot of lecithinase units versus column fraction number shows three defi­ nite peaks and a possible fourth. It is. noticed that the height of these peaks decreases as the fraction number increases. It is possible that a portion of the lecithinase which should have appeared in one peak was displaced for some reason to another peek. However, the fact that leci­ thinase, concentration in intermediate tubes approaches zero would seem to nullify this assumption. The decrease in, peak height could result from inactivation of lecithinase with increased DEAE contact time*, or the second and third lecithinases could be present in the starting material in lesser amounts, or their activity could be less. Figure 17 shows that these peaks of lecithinase activity occur about two or three tubes after a change of buffer. The column was operated under a pressure a little above atmospheric pressure. During a change of eluent, the compressor was dis- 63- qonnected from the column and the column was then at atmospheric pressure for a time interval of about 45 seconds. Cassidy (53) states that column elution once started cannot be interrupted without changing the shape of the profile curve. It is possible, then, that each change of eluent solu­ tion resulted, in more enzyme of the same species appearing in the eluate. The complete lack of trailing between Reak I and Peak 2 (Figure 17) sup­ ports- the contention that two different lecithinases are present. Trail­ ing was encountered between Peaks 2 and 3; hence, the same enzyme might be involved in tube 9 and tube 20. There was no trailing between Peaks 3 and 4. An approximate calculation of the ionic strength of the six buffered solutions which were used to elute lecithinase from the DEAE column shows, as plotted in Figure 16, a nearly linear relationship between the ionic strength of Buffers I, 2, 3. To insure that lecithinase would be removed from the column as rapidly as possible in the second half of the elution, the ionic strength, of Buffers 4, 5, and 6 was increased above this, linear relationship. These buffers contain calcium ion (.02 M) to redupe inacti­ vation of lecithinase on the DEAE. The calculated activity of the starting protein was 36j 138 units (Vol. of solution X Units/ml.). A recovery of 6,737 lecithinase units indicates a loss of 81.4 per cent. It is felt that this, lass is excessive and that better recoveries should be possible. -64- D. CONCLUSIONS The rate of migration of crude lecithinase on the DEAE cellulose column differs for- several lecithinase fractions. The assumption is made that this indicates the presence of two or more different lecithinases which are .elaborated by the Clostridium hemolvticum bacteria. It seems probable that the best application of the DEAE column with crude lecithinase will be to separate these lecithinase fractions. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS The separation of crude lecithinase protein on the DEAE cellulose column does not give a large purification factor. A comparison of the area occupied by the curve as obtained by plotting lecithinase activity against‘ tube fraction number and the curve obtained by plotting total protein against tube fraction number, as. shown in Figures 17 and 18, typically shows about a three fold increase in the purity of the lecithinase. Acid precipi­ tation of the lecithinase in the presence of PMP will give an increase in specific activity of about 220 fold. A second disadvantage involved in the use of the DEAE cellulose column is. the amount of eluent required to make the separation; hence, the lepithinase is diluted, and removal of the excess liquid is time consuming and will probably result in the denaturation pf some of the lecithinase. It is suggested, that a quick procedure for con­ centrating the lecithinase in the eluate from the DEAE cellulose column would be to use the procedure of acid precipitation of the lecithinase in the presence of PMP. This procedure would probably work best with eluate fractions which do not have a high salt concentration, and would probably increase the specific activity of the lecithinase. -65- Further work should be done in characterizing the several lecithinases. as separated on the DEAE cellulose column. A comparison should be made be­ tween these lecithinases- to determine if there is a difference in lethal or lecithinolytic9 activity and the ability to lyse red blood cells. It would also be interesting to find put if these eluate lecithinases differ in the ability to cause an antibody response in animals? or im wave pattern in electrophoresis, or ultracentrifugation. Most especially it would be of value to know how many lecithinases are elaborated by Clostridium hemolvticum. The author is currently investi­ gating the relatively new method of Immunoelectrophoresis in which electro­ phoresis is used to separate the various proteins in an agar covered slide. -66LITERATURE CITED 1. Vawter, L. R., and Records, E. J., Am. Vet. 'M. :A . , 21, 494\(I92£ X- 2. Records, E., and Vawter, J. R., I^niv.. of Nevada Tech. Bull. 173'(1945). 3. Jasmin, A. M.,. Am. J.' Vet, Research, 8, 289 (1947). •4. Swingle, K, F., Unpublished Technical Report, Office of Naval Research •Project NR. 135 224 (1950). 5. Mac Farland, M. G., and Knight, B. C. J. G., Biochem, J., 35, 884 (1941). 6. Unpublished. 7. Turpin, A., RaynaUdj M., and Relyveld, E. H., Ann. Inst. 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