College Panhellenic Council (November 19, 2015) 900 Oakwood Street 342U EMU Student Center Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Meeting Opened 7:02pm Officers Present: All Officers Present Delegates Present ΑΓΔ X Senior X Junior ΑΣΤ X X ΑΞΔ X X ΔΖ X X ΣΔΤ X X ΣΚ X X ΣΝΦ X X ΣΣΣ X X Special Guests: Outreach Program o Adopt a School, can mentor, tutor and could meet requirements for GSAP o Heidi will be sending out contact information when she receives Officer Reports: President: Slating for Member at Large o 8:45 on Monday (the 23rd), in the Greek Life Office o if you can’t be there please talk to Heidi and she can work with you so your voice can be heard Red Wings Greek Night o It is a large greek life event from different schools o If we have the largest attendance from our greek life, 5 dollars from every ticket sold we will get back to go towards make a wish o Ticket Prices: $20 for standard seating and $40 for preferred seating Executive Vice President: Glass Dates Left: o Glass 1 dates: 12/6/2015 from 12-2pm SC 360 KIVA Room o Glass 2 dates: 12/6/2015 from 12-2pm SC 347 Conference Room o Glass Re-Certification: 12/6/2015 from 2-4pm SC 360 Kiva Room Make sure you are turning in the correct forms to Bailee at the appropriate times. o Look on FIPG policy to make sure you are following the correct rules and if you have further questions, please contact Bailee Vice President of Membership: No Report Vice President of Education: Gamma Sigma Alpha o Info Session December 8th @ 8pm in the student room 310B (snack and study afterwards in the ballroom free food!!) New Member Institute o Surveys will out shortly Photovoice o If interested in being on the committee please email: o A lot of participation from different chapters would be great Scholar of the Month o Brittany Bentz Alpha Xi Delta Vice President of External Affairs: PLEASE be submitting your service hours and philanthropy dollars before the end of the semester Swoop Food Drive (door to door event) o November 20th from 2-6pm, please sign up on the Greek life Facebook page Lobby Tables November 30th-December 3rd for Macy’s letter writing campaign o They are from 2-6pm normally, this excludes December 2nd, which will be from 3:30-6pm Vice President of Internal Affairs: No Report Advisor Report: No Report (Casey Krone will be out of town so if you need to talk to an advisor about something please contact Casey Swick) Unfinished Business: Recruitment Rule Voting Discussion for Recruitment Rules Section IV Subsection B, Gamma Rho Chi Infraction o Add the word Gamma before to prevent any issues wit the Rho Chi Section V Recruitment Process Subsection T: o All Bids must be turned into College PanHellenic Vice President of Membership by the assigned time o The PNM’s first and last name must be clearly printed on the outside of the bid o If the time is clearly stated to the chapter recruitment chairs then failure to turn in bids on time will result in a Panhellenic absence o Bids not done correctly will need to rewritten by the chapter MOTION CARRIES FOR RECRUITMENT Suggestions: Section V: Recruitment Process Subsection T, 5. All bids handed out on Bid Day must be presented to PNMs in an unsealed envelope. -please bring back to your chapter for discussion New Business: Addition to Presidential Requirements: o Article X- Duties of Officers Section 2: Subsection O in case of a campus emergency, the president will be the only one speaking on behalf of the College Panhellenic Council with the approval of the advisor. If the president is not available it will follow in order of: o Executive Vice President o Vice President of Membership o Vice President of Education o Vice President of External Affairs o Vice President of Internal Affairs Voting for Slated Position of Membership Vice President o CONGRATULATIONS TO HARMONI ON RECEVING THE POSITION OF VPM Announcements: The new nail polish (darker color) for SDT, 10 dollars a bottle! Member at Large letters due to Heidi at 11:59 tonight, email Heidi with any problems! Meeting Closed: 8:00pm