Analysis of genetic diversity in barley (Hordeum vulgare) using restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis by Matthew Glenn Kramer A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Agronomy Montana State University © Copyright by Matthew Glenn Kramer (1987) Abstract: Exploitation of genetic diversity is the basis of plant breeding programs. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis represents a new tool for the plant breeder in his efforts to detect genetic variability. For this technology to be of use in barley breeding programs, it must be demonstrated that heritable variation can be detected in barley using this technology. Examination of three barley populations using two randomly selected genomic clones as probes across four restriction digests showed a moderate amount of variation both within and between populations. This study reports the detection of four polymorphic loci on at least four separate chromosomes, suggesting that this technology holds promise for future genetics studies in this crop. ANALYSIS OF GENETIC DIVERSITY IN BARLEY (HORDEUM VULGARE) USING RESTRICTION FRAGMENT LENGTH POLYMORPHISM ANALYSIS by Matthew Glenn Kramer A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Agronomy MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana May 1987 UN Lift. 37? ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Matthew Glenn Kramer This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. hairperson,Graduate Committee Approved for the Major Department Datfe Head, Major Department Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis requirements for a in partial fulfillment of master's degree at Montana the State University, I agree that the library shall make it available to borrowers under the rules quotations from this thesis are permission, provided that of the Library. allowable without accurate acknowledgment Brief special of the source is made. Permission for extensive of this thesis may his absence, by quotation from or be granted by my the Director opinion of either, the proposed scholarly purposes. of reproduction major professor or Libraries when, in the use of the material is for Any copying or use of the material this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed my written permission. Signature Date S-XH ~ _________ ______ - in _____ in without iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES.... ............................. • V LIST OF FIGURES..................... ABSTRACT......... vii REVIEW OF LITERATURE.................... I PROBLEM STATEMENT....................... I 8 MATERIALS AND METHODS................... 9 Genotype Selection............................... Plant Tissue Preparation........................ DNA Extraction.......................... Restriction Digests.................... Electrophoresis.......................... Transfer of DNA...................... Probe Fragment Isolation................. Nick Translation................................ Prehybridization/Hybridization.............. Washing........................................ Autoradiography........... .......,........... Re-use of Membranes..................... Data Analysis................................ 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 RESULTS................................... Characterization of Fragments............... Evaluation of Polymorphism in Barley............ Allelism Among Probes Within Enzyme Treatments. CONCLUSIONS.... ............................... REFERENCES CITED.......................... 17 17 18 20 45 49 V LIST OF TABLES Table 1. 2. 3. 4. Page VARIETIES AND RELATIONSHIPS OF BARLEY CULTIVARS. ........................... . 10 TOTAL NUMBER AND SIZE OF RESTRICTION FRAGMENTS OBSERVED USING PROBES LAMBDA 107 AND LAMBDA 167 ACROSS ENZYMES AND GENOTYPES....... '.......... '. .............. •• 20 NUMBER AND SIZE OF LAMBDA 107 FRAGMENTS.... . ..................... 22 NUMBER AND SIZE OF LAMBDA 167 FRAGMENTS........ ........................— • 22 LAMBDA 107 ALLELES :HIND 3.................. 24 6 . LAMBDA 107 ALLELES : BAM Hl...'........ 24 7. LAMBDA 107 ALLELES : ECO Rl... ............... 25 8. LAMBDA 107 ALLELES : ECO R5............. 26 9. LAMBDA 167 FRAGMENTS :HIND 3......... 5. 35 10. LAMBDA 167 FRAGMENTS : BAM Hl............... 36 11. LAMBDA 167 FRAGMENTS : ECO Rl.......... 36 12. LAMBDA 167 FRAGMENTS : ECO R5............... 37 13. DATA SUMMARY: BANDING PATTERN DESIGNATIONS USED IN PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS........................ vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Page HIND 3 RESTRICTION DIGEST WESTERN 2-ROW TYPES.... ....................... 2. RESTRICTION DIGESTS OF LAMBDA 107 AND LAMBDA 167 USING BOTH HIND 3 AND ECO Rl .................... 3. LAMBDA 107 ALLELES BETWEEN POPULATIONS : BAM Hl.................................... 4. LAMBDA 107 ALLELES OF WESTERN 6-ROW TYPES : HIND 3 ....................... 5. LAMBDA 107 ALLELES OF WESTERN 6-ROW TYPES : BAM Hl... ................... ............. 12 26 28 6. LAMBDA 107 ALLELES MIDWEST 6-ROW TYPES : HIND 3....................... 7. LAMBDA 107 ALLELES MIDWEST 6-ROW TYPES : ECO R5................. . ;.... .............. 30 BETWEEN POPULATION POLYMORPHISMS REVEALED BY LAMBDA 167 : BAM Hl ............ 37 LAMBDA 167 FRAGMENTS WESTERN 6-ROW TYPES : HIND 3 ............ .......................... 38 8. 9. 10. LAMBDA 167 FRAGMENTS MID-WEST 6-ROW TYPES. : HIND 3....... .............................. • 39 11. LAMBDA 167 FRAGMENTS MIDWEST 6-ROW TYPES : BAM Hl................. ...... ...... ........ 40 12. PHYLOGENETIC RECONSTRUCTION OF BARLEY CULTIVARS.......................... ......... 44 vii ABSTRACT. Exploitation of genetic diversity is the basis of plant breeding programs. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis represents a new tool for the plant breeder in his efforts to detect genetic variability. For this technology to be of use in barley breeding programs, it must be demonstrated that heritable variation can be detected in barley using this technology. Examination of three barley populations using two randomly selected genomic clones as probes across four restriction digests showed a moderate amount of variation both within and between populations. This study reports the detection of four polymorphic loci on at least four separate chromosomes, suggesting that this technology holds promise for future genetics studies in this crop. I REVIEW OF LITERATURE All heritable variation can be attributed to in sequence or organization of nucleic acids. variation The recent development and use of restriction endonucleases has allowed the direct examination of genomic DNA sequence variation. This direct examination of variation at the DNA level, made possible by the use of DNA fragments generated by the action of restriction endonucleases, is called restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. viruses (Grodzicker, 1974), RFLPs be both ubiquitous markers (Burr et Discovered first in have since been found to and numerous relative al, 1983; Seller to other and genetic Beckmann, 1983; Helentjaris et al, 1985; Beckmann and Seller, 1986). Restriction fragments themselves specific DNA sequence endonucleases, which site are generated by recognition of catalyze endonucleolytic the restriction cleavage of DNA resulting in fragments of a defined length (Nathans and Smith, 1975; may then be Nei and Tajima, 1981). electrophoretically molecular size. These separated on fragments the basis of Differences between individuals and species in the lengths of these fragments (i.e. RFLPs) may be due to a variety of genotypic differences. Specifically, one more individual bases may differ (e.g. by point mutations) or 2 resulting in the loss or gain of an enzyme recognition site. The loss or gain of an enzyme recognition site by .point mutation results in a DNA fragment of different size in mutant relative enzyme site to its which is and/or deletions isogenic normals ■for the modified. within (Bottstein et al, a Alternatively, fragment may 1980; Burr et specific insertions alter al, 1983). the it's size Alteration of fragment size leads to altered mobility which can then be electrophoretically complex genomes, visualized, or in through the techniques (Southern, 1975). agarose gel such as probe is transferred The identification of allelic of DNA suitable membrane hybridized resulting with an matrix radiolabelled autoradiogram variation of of hybridization In this case, the DNA from to a nitrocellulose and sequences. use the case allows the specific probe sequence. The number of RFLPs available in a species is dependent on the number of unique or low copy number sequences in genome of that species. single copy sequences may In barley, as many be available for RFLP The number of potentially polymorphic loci is unlimited (Seller Tanksley, 1986). and Beckmann, Genomic RFLPs Mendelian codominant markers neutral (Bottstein Helentjaris et as al, are 1986; analysis. Bernatzky inherited Burr 500,000 theoretically and are generally 1980; et the as and simple selectively al, et al, 1985; Seller and Beckman, 1983). 1983; 3 Linkage relationships other genetic progeny among markers can of a between be demonstrated heterozygous Helentjaris et al, 1985; humans, RFLPs RFLPs and parent RFLPs and by analysis (Bottstein of 1980; Bernatzky and Tanksley, 1986). have already provided a number of In markers which have been shown to be linked to disease loci (Gusella et al, 1984; Newmark, 1984). The extent of RFLPs among eukaryotic genomes appears to vary considerably. In humans a high has been demonstrated (Bottstein et 1984; Helentjari's, 1985; Jefferys, 1983; Jefferys 1985). In level of variability al, 1980; Baker et et al, 1979; plants, only the al, Jefferys, genomes of maize and tomato have been extensively studied (Burr, et al, 1983; Johns, et al, 1983; Bernatzky and Tanksley, levels of polymorphism have Helentjaris, 1986). been found in The level tomato being is less than that detected in somewhat of barley less have than 1985; different these species of variability detected shown maize al, Surprisingly (Helentjaris, 1985). studies et a but maize. degree of greater in Limited variability than tomato would be (Saghai-Maroof et al, 1984). The most molecular obvious markers initial in the use of RFLPs construction (Bottstein et al, 1980; Beckmann of genetic as maps and Seller. 1983; Burr et al, 1983; Tanksley, 1983; Helentjaris et al, 1985; Bernatzky and Tanksley, 1986). The use of RFLPs as genetic markers 4 has been extensively applied in the area of human genetics (Bottstein et al, 1980; Jefferys 1979; Jefferys et al, a&b; Murray et al, 1984). of RFLPs to a heritable In a number of studies, disease locus and their use as molecular markers 1985 linkage subsequent has been accomplished (Gusella et al, 1983; Phillips et al, 1983). Seller and Beckmann identify three major areas in which these new markers may be used; affecting quantitative genetic the identification of traits, genetic loci improvement through evaluation of germplasm sources combined with marker assisted introgression of desirable genes into commercial cultivars and varietal identification (Seller and 1983). Linkage technology maps will produced also recombination rates, improve our allow through the use researchers to study unusual knowledge of plant Beckmann, of RFLP monitor segregation ratios evolution (Bernatzky and and Tanksley, 1986). In the past, genetic and utilized important breeding for a species. linkage maps have been limited Recently, technology have numerous biochemical markers and zein proteins This advancement, such as the agriculturally advancements in localization of isozymes and to morphological limited polymorphic biochemical markers of technical permitted with respect though number developed by the hordein markers. number of available to breeders, has nevertheless permitted the manipulation and utilization of a 5 number of economically important traits such as male sterility in tomato (Tanksley, Rick and Vallejos, 1984). addition, known marker loci characterization of the have been used In in the wheat-barley addition lines (Islam and Shepard, 1981). Many economically important traits, such as yield, quantitatively inherited. these traits are due to number of small loci. or at each negative Traits demonstrating Some QTLs have influencing to the trait loci (QTLs) with morphological and biochemical markers Beckmann and Seller, 1986). trait genetic variation been mapped of (unlike application of in this respect to known (Soller et al, 1976; It has been suggested that phenotypic and/or QTL-Iinkage mapping biochemical markers) techniques may Chao and Blake, due within enhance efforts to map and manipulate economically significant (Soller and Beckmann, 1986; QTLs unpublished). Exciting as this may appear, it must be remembered that number of offspring RFLP-QTL linkage Beckmann, 1986) which appears and must unavoidably some unreasonable (Ellis, 1986). be would a (Gelderman, to the virtually unlimited number of RFLPs available a genome large locus contributes component type are termed quantitative 1975). differences multiple allelic series at a Each allele positive question. Genetic are screened large argue to the detect (Seller and statistically While controversy exists as to the possibility of producing a viable RFLP-QTL linkage map. 6 it is clear that by using classical methods it will possible to map the location of RFLP loci relative to marker loci and thus produce a saturated be known linkage map (Beckmann and Soller7 1986; Helentjaris7 1985; Bernatzky and Tanksley7 1986; Chao and Blake7 unpublished). Tanksley as well saturated linkage as others map for view the use the introgression of the of RFLP desirable genes from resource strains to cultivated varieties as their most important potential use (Bernatzky and Tanksley7 1986). It has been suggested demonstrated that (Seller and Plotkin-Hazan7 1977) genes linked to marker alleles and can be effectively selected for and manipulated (Tanksley7 Rick and Vallejos, 1984). The use of RFLP technology to improve the efficiency of backcrossing in gene transfer from exotic germplasm into adapted lines could result in the reduction in the number of generations of backcrossing required to adequately eliminate the donor genotype while retaining the desired single gene. donor This approach has been used successfully with linked to isozyme markers wild type species to when transferring a commercial genes from cultivar (Tanksley Rick7 1980; Tanksley7 et al7 1981; Tanksley7 et al, An additional advantage ability to differentiate of RFLPs in of and 1982). this context is cultivars a their the same species (Helentjaris7 1985; Beckmann and Soller7 1986; Chao and Blake, unpublished). between traits This should allow the breeder not 7 only to use RFLP technology to introgress genes from donor species, but also allow for the movement exotic of genes between cultivars of the same species. Perhaps the most plant breeding immediate use of programs will be RFLP technology their use identification (Seller and Beckmann, 1983). in in varietal The development of a number of RFLPs across a number of cultivars within a I species should yield a unique combination of fragments for each cultivar. This unique fragment pattern would provide a solid basis for varietal identification. et al (1985) have shown in humans and individuals . In Jefferys that highly variable regions exhibit unique plants RFLP there appears patterns to be then exist , between sufficient variability between cultivars that such a system of varietal identification Beckmann and is indeed Seller, feasible 1986; (Burr, Helentjaris, Bernatzky and Tanksley, 1986; Chao and Blake, et et al, al, 1983; 1985; unpublished). Furthermore it has been calculated that depending upon extent of and polymorphism multiple fragment exhibits, somewhere between bands - should be sufficient allelism 10 and 20 to provide that the each polymorphic positive identification of cultivars (Seller and Beckmann, 1983). If RFLPs are as abundant as hypothesized and their distribution covers the entire genome of the organism being studied, they will likely become the method of choice to track a variety of genetic phenomena. 8 PROBLEM STATEMENT One of the first major hurdles to overcome in to apply RFLP analysis to a plant species attempting is the deter­ mination of the detectable levels of genetic variability in the species to to be studied. determine whether a sufficient variability exists both This attempted level of detectable within and useful barley populations as study has between agronomically determined by RFLP Two random genomic clones were used as probes. analysis. These probes represent a single copy sequence and a multi-copy sequence. genetic dispersed 9 MATERIALS AND METHODS Genotype Selection Barley genotypes used in this study were drawn from three genetic backgrounds of spring barley in an attempt assess the genetic diversity of the major barley found in the United Varieties were selected on pedigree and following States. represent both parents genetic backgrounds: ("Manchuria" derivatives),* Western 6-row derivatives) Smyrna and Western derivatives). 2-row The varieties used in this study 6-row based table the genotypes genotypes genotypes following varieties and progeny of Midwest to (Coast (Hannchen and contains the and their relationship to one another. Table I. Varieties and Relationships of Barley Cultivars. Midwest 6 Row Genetic Background Western 6 Row Western 2 Row Parents: Darker Traill Unitan Atlas Coast Betzes Doman Palliser Progeny: Morex Robust Bedford Hazen Azure Steptoe Utah 1423 Or8408 Karla Columbia Karl Clark Lewis Harrington Gallatin Bowman Hector Klages 10 Plant Tissue Preparation Foliar tissue obtained in of the above mentioned the following manner: were seeded with 30 g seed per pot. closed 24 hr. light lyophilized for 48 was standard pots 15.5 cm Pots were placed in environment and days post planting, expanded varieties watered daily. Five leaf tissue was harvested hours in a Virtis a and large scale Total genomic DNA was obtained using a modified method lyophilizer. DNA Extraction of Saghai-Maroof (1984). accomplished through the use 4050 spectrophotometer. was read at both Quantification of a purity and concentration. samples LKB Biochrom Ultraviolet 260 and 280 nm of was Ultraspec absorbance of samples in order to estimate both One O.D. was taken to equal 50 ug /ml of nucleic acid at 260nm , while a ratio between the the readings of roughly preparation of samples were 2.0 nucleic was taken to acid (Maniatis, subsequently adjusted to a indicate et a pure al,1979). concentration approximately I microgram DNA per microliter. All of 11 Restriction Digests Restriction digests were carried different restriction endonucleases, recognition site. The out using a six base restriction endonucleases used were as follows: Bam Hi, Hind In all cases, enzymes were supplied by IBI, Inc. complete with the appropriate buffer. 3, Eco R I, each with four and Eco R 5. In all cases, 3Oug of total genomic DNA was digested with 4OU of the specified enzyme according to manufacturers instructions at 37 C for 16 hours. Electrophoresis The using resulting 0.8% agarose approximately buffers were 50 1979). restriction 2 fragments slab gels (resolution volts/cm. Both the gels were stained separated 0.2-22.0 kb) electrode mM Tris-Borate/2mM EDTA Upon completion of were and at gel (Maniatis, et al, electrophoretic separation, the with ethidium bromide at 0.4 ug/ml and visualized by transillumination using short wave ultraviolet light. type 57 A photograph film at f8 of each and 2 gel was second taken with exposure. restriction digest is shown in Figure I. Polaroid A typical 12 Transfer of DNA DNA restriction fragments were transferred from the agarose gel to a cationically charged support membrane using a modified Southern blot technique (Gatti, et al 1984; Reed, et al, 1985). Figure I. Hind 3 Restriction Digest of Western 2-Row Types Lanes: I :Betzes,2:Doman,3:Palliser,4:Clark,5:Lewis,6:Harrington 7:Gallatin,8:Bowman,9:Hector,10:Klages 13 Probe Fragment Isolation Two probes were utilized in this study. Both were barley genomic clones in the vector EMBL 4. Lambda 107 is a putative single copy is a multi copy clone. clone and Specific lambda 167 fragments of dispersed barley DNA isolated from these phage after double digestion with were EcoRI and Hind 3 utilizing the low melting point agarose isolation technique discussed in Maniatis et al. (1982). Figure 2. Restriction Digests of Lambda 107 and Lambda 167 Using Both Eco R I and Hind 3. % M i M i e MkIMH - E M B L 4 DI GE ST S “ 14 Nick Translation Approximately 0.1 ug of cloned DNA fragment 32 radiolabelled with P by nick translation (Rigby, et 1975). was al, The reaction was carried out for two hours at 14 Labelled DNA was separated from unincorporated by filtration through G-50 fine (Maniatis probes was measured a 1.0 et al, using a ml "spun 1982). nucleotides column" of Activity C.' of Sephadex labelled Packard scintillation counter and those probes exhibiting a specific activity of at least 8 1.0x10 cpm/ug DNA were utilized as probes. denatured prior to use as follows: All probes to IOOul of were labelled probe, 500ul of sonicated salmon sperm DNA and IOOul of 0.4M sodium hydroxide was added. The mixture was centrifuged to consolidate the components and then denatured for 10 minutes in a boiling water bath. Prehybridization/Hybridization Prehybridization of the nylon membrane was carried in a 10 ml out volume of 1.5% SSPE, 1.0% SDS, 0.5% BLOTTO and 0.5 mg/ml carrier DNA (sonicated salmon sperm) at 60 C for 18 hours. Hybridization was carried out in a 10 ml volume of prehybridization mix to which was added the labeled probe. Hybridizations were carried out at 60 C for 2_4 hours. 15 Washing Upon completion removed from briefly in 2 their X of hybridization, hybridization SSC. the membranes solutions After rinsing, the were and rinsed membranes were washed successively by vigorous agitation for 15 minutes in approximately 200 ml of the following solutions: 2 X SSC/0.1% SDS (room temperature) 0.5X SSC/ 0.1% SDS (room temperature) 0.1X SSC/ 0.1% SDS (room temperature) The final wash was carried out for 30 minutes in 0.1X After the final wash the membranes were rinsed at room SSC/1.0%SDS at 55 C.A Autoradiography temperature in a solution of Whatman 3MM chromatography wrapped in plastic wrap 0.IX SSC and paper. The membranes were and taped to a Whatman chromatography paper. blotted dry on then clean sheet of The membrane was then 3MM placed in a Kodak ETO X-Ray exposure cassette with a piece of Kodak X-Omat X-Ray film and intensification screen. -70 C freezer and period of 3-10 days. a Du Pont The cassette was the film was allowed Lightening Plus then placed in a to expose a for 16 Re-use of Membranes Since two separate probes were was necessary to probe first used in this study, with one clone and then it after, exposure and subsequent stripping of the membrane, with the other. was Stripping accomplished as the old follows: probe off the using gentle membranes agitation, the membranes were washed for 15 minutes with a boiling solution of 0.1X SSC/0.5% SDS. This wash was then repeated a time to insure removal of all residual probe. was then prehybridized as described The second membrane previously and hybridization was carried out using the new probe. Data Analysis Data program analysis of was the carried MSUSTAT regressions were run out using statistics on standard the package. molecular weight run in conjunction with all restriction digests. then a regression equation was obtained the determination of the approximate Linear markers From which allowed size in base pairs each restriction fragment. From this data, it was to compare within and cultivars both MREGRESS between this for of possible populations with respect to the loci represented by each of our probes. 17 RESULTS Characterization of Fragments Restriction fragments revealed through to be homologous to the specific probes autoradiography utilized in study were characterized in terms of their mobility this through the agarose gel relative to known molecular size standards. In this study, the molecular size standard used in all cases was phage lambda DNA restriction endonuclease digested Hind 3. restriction fragments of the to completion This with digestion yields following sizes: I: 125bp. The first seven of these 2,028bp fragments are generally resolvable on a 0.8% this study. log linear regression on By calculating a molecular size obtain a standard of regression for specific regression Using the each gel, it was possible to for each it was equation combination. weight agarose gel as used each gel, restriction each possible autoradiograph of that specific gel. equation By taking the anti-log of the to observed for molecular on the The apparent molecular weight is expressed as the log of the base pair size of fragment. in standard/gel derive an apparent fragment 8 23,130bp, 2: 9,419bp, 3: 6,557bp, 4: 4,371bp, 5: 2,322 bp, 6: 7: 564bp and 8: the each value, a size terms of base pairs was determined for each fragment. the in 18 Evaluation of Polymorphisms in Barley The fundamental question to be answered by this study is whether or not detectable genetic polymorphism exists a high enough development of frequency this in barley technology indeed variation can be to allow for use in for at the breeding. demonstrated at a particular If locus or set of loci, the alleles observed then have potential for use as genetic markers. To resolve this question, barley populations were screened with two randomly three selected genomic clones across four restriction enzyme digests. The results of this study indicate that the level variability detected by both probes, lambda 107 and 167, These is useful moderately for molecular high. the detection level. The of probes lambda should genetic variability overall analysis of of prove on the restriction fragments characterized in this study revealed a total of 23 fragments using probe lambda enzyme combinations. fragments is revealed a from all genotype . and The size range in base pairs of 16,520 total of 107 across to 1,968. 115 restriction Probe these lambda 167 fragments across all genotype and enzyme combinations ranging in size from 16,945 to 1,291 base pairs. Both within and between and size range of probes populations. revealed Table 2 polymorphisms shows the restriction fragments seen over enzyme combinations using probes lambda 107 and 167. number genotype 19 Table 2. Total Number and Size of Restriction Fragments Observed Using Probes Lambda 107 and 167 Across Enzymes and Genotypes. Probe Lambda 107 Total Fragments Lambda 167 Size (bp) 23 16,520-1,968 As can be generated by seen, each Total Fragments • 115 the probe number differs Size (bp) 16,943-1,291 of distinct fragments greatly. This result reflects the fundamental difference in the molecular nature of each probe. While both probes represent nuclear sequences mapping as and shown by both segregation wheat-barley analysis (Chao addition and line Blake, unpublished), they are quite different in terms of what they represent on a molecular level. lambda 107 is a single 7. As previously stated, probe copy sequence located on chromosome As such, it may be assumed that the restriction fragment length polymorphisms observed through the use of this probe represent various alleles of a single locus. Probe lambda 167 has been shown to be a multicopy dispersed sequence located on at least four different chromosomes (1,4,6 and 7). As such the length polymorphisms restriction fragment through the use Of this probe sequence polymorphic forms of at least four loci. it may be assumed that observed represent several 20 Allelism Among Probes Within Enzyme Treatments Each enzyme utilized in this study was observed generate a number of polymorphic fragments across and probes. In the polymorphisms may be case lambda probe assumed to forms of a single locus on of. probe of 167 lambda genotypes 107 these represent various allelic chromosome 7, while in the it may be assumed to that case these polymorphisms represent various allelic forms of a number of loci dispersed throughout the barley genome. Each autoradiogram of every enzyme/probe/genotype combination was examined and scored for resulting information is the presence listed in Tables of RFLPs. 3 and 4. The Table 3shows both the number and size of alleles observed for each restriction enzyme using probe lambda 107, while Table shows the same information for probe lambda 167. Table 3. Number and Size of,Lambda 107 Fragments. Enzyme Hind 3 Frag.# Size Frag.# I 16,520 I 2 8,318 2 7,775 3 3 4 3,048 4 5 2,818 5 6 2,432 6 7 Bam Hl Eco Rl Size Frag.# 13,459 I 12,677 2 12,218 3 10,069 ,4 8,830 ■■ 5 6,194 1,968 ECO R 5 Size Frag. # 11,614 I 11,220 2 10,328 3 7,889 4 6,295 . 5 Size 13,243 12,474 12,035 11,041 10.069 4 21 Table 4. Number and Size of Lambda 167 Fragments. Hind 3 Frag.# I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 42 Size Frag.# 16,943 I 16,406 2 15,996 3 4 14,859 14,015 5 13,050 6 12,775 7 11,912 8 9 11,561 11,027 10 10,839 11 10,375 12 10,116 13 9,908 14 9,725 15 9,370 16 9,162 17 8,820 18 7,870 19 7,568 20 7,295 21 6,823 22 6.628 23 6,412 24 5.998 25 5,584 26 5,376 27 5,130 4,920 4,677 4,540 4,159 3,926 3,793 3,508 3,133 2,723 2,355 2,094 1,614 1,291 Enzyme Bam IHl Size Frag.# 15,241 I 14,521 2 13,964 3 13,213 4 12,350 5 11,455 6 11,041 7 10,839 8 10,666 9 10,280 10 9,921 11 9,280 12 13 8,179 7,728 14 6,966 15 6,223 16 5,808 17 5,572 18 5,012 19 4,831 20 4,571 21 3,873 22 2,974 2,793 2,716 2,523 1,435 ECO ]Rl Size Frag.# 13,614 I 13,183 2 11,588 3 9,954 4 9,616 5 8,825 6 8,414 7 7,943 8 7,691 9 7,396 10 6,998 11 5,689 12 5,050 13 4,425 14 4,150 15 3,785 16 3,515 17 2,804 18 2,294 19 1,845 20 1,490 21 916 22 23 24 25 26 Eco : Size 16,052 15,031 14,588 13,772 12,823 12,474 12,084 11,668 11,041 10,444 9,977 9,036 8,780 8,235 7,691 7,434 7,031 6,622 5,794 4,656 3,508 3,296 2,924 2,742 2,500 2,289 22 In this study genetic variation at the molecular level was demonstrated both within and between populations through the use of various restriction/enzyme/probe combinations. The following tables list the postulated alleles present each population by restriction digest and variety for probe Lambda 107. Table 5. Lambda 107 Alleles: Hind 3. Population Fragment #. Postulated Allele # Midwest 6 Row: Larker Traill Morex Robust Bedford Hazen Azure 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 Western 6 Row: Unitan Coast Atlas Steptoe UT1423 OR8408 Karla Columbia Karl 3 3 3 3 3 5 n/d 3 5 I I I I I 3 n/d I . 3 Western 2 Row: Betzes Palliser Klages Harrington Gallatin Bowman 6 2,5 5 5 1,5 6 2 4 3 3 5 2 I 2 I I I I I in 23 Table 6. Lambda 107 Alleles: Bam HI. Population Midwest 6 Row: . barker Traill Morex Robust Bedford Hazen Azure Fragment # Postulated Allele # 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 I I I I I I I Western 6 Row Unitan Coast Atlas Steptoe UT1423 OR8408 Karla Columbia Karl 3 I I 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 Western 2 Row: Betzes Doman Palliser Hector Klages Lewis Clark Harrington Gallatin Bowman 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 6 2 6 6 6 6 2 6 2 6 7 24 Table 7. Lambda 107 Alleles: Eco Rl. Population Fragment # Postulated Allele # Midwest 6 Row: Larker Traill Morex Robust Bedford Hazen 5 3 3 3 3 3 Western 6 Row Unitan Coast Atlas Steptoe UT1423 OR8408 Karla Columbia Karl ,2 2 2 2 2 I 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 Western 2 Row: Betzes Doman Palliser Hector Klages Lewis Clark Harrington Gallatin Bowman 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 . . I 2 2 2 2 2 25 Table 8. Lambda 107 Alleles: Eco R5. Population Fragment # Midwest 6 Row: Darker Traill Morex Robust Bedford Hazen Azure Western 6 Row: Unitan Coast Atlas Steptoe UT 1423 OR 8408 Karla Columbia Karl Western 2 Row: Betzes Doman Palliser Hector Klages Lewis Clark Harrington Gallatin Bowman 4 5 3• 3 3 3 3 I 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1,3 3 3 3 ■3 1,3 3 3 As can be seen from different alleles 3 4 . 5 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 the preceding Tables, probe 107 reveals substantial genetic populations tested. Postulated Allele # lambda variation between and among This result indicates that a number can be detected at example of this is shown in Figure 3. the three populations studied was probed with lambda 107. a single locus. of An DNA of cultivars from digested with Bam Hl and 26 In addition to the variation populations, this study reveals observed between that a number of different alleles can also be detected at a single locus in different varieties within a Western 6 population. Figure 4 shows DNA of the Row varieties digested with Hind 3 and probed with Lambda 107. While there are similar alleles members of this group, two distinct alleles can be among observed by this particular enzyme/genotype/probe combination. Figure 3. Lambda 107 Alleles Between Populations: Bam HI. Kb Alleles 2319. 4- # I _1 -2 -3 —4 654. 3— 2.3- 2.0- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 the 12 13 Lanes: I:Lambda Hind 3,2:Harrington,3:Clark,4:Lewis,5:Hector 6 :Klages,7: Betzes,8 :Larker,9 -.Morex, 10 :OR8408,11: Unitan, I2:Steptoe,13:Coast. 27 Figure 4. Lambda 107 Alleles of Western 6 Row Varieties: Hind 3. Lanes: I :Unitan,2:Coast,3:Atlas,4:Steptoe,5:UT1423,6: OR8408 , 7:Karla,8 :Columbia,9:Horsford,10:Ridawn,11:Lambda Hind 3. 28 As well as the previous variety of examples. Figures 5-7 exhibit enzyme/genotype combinations which demonstrate several RFLPs using probe Lambda 107. Figure 5. Lambda 107 Alleles Western Bam HI. 6 a Row Varieties: Lanes: I :Unitan,2:Coast,3:Atlas,4:Steptoe,5:UT1423,6:OR8408 7:Karla,8:Columbia,9:Horsford,10:Ridawn,11:Lambda Hind 3. 29 Figure 6. Lambda 107 Alleles Midwest 6 Row Varieties: Hind 3. A lle le s Kb 2 3 .1 - m 9 .4 -1 6 .5 43 — 2 .3 - -2 2 .0 — # I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Lanes: I :Lambda Hind 3,2:Prior,3:Clipper,4:Azure,5:Hazen,6:Bedford 7:Robust,8:Morex,9:Traill,10:Larker. 30 Figure 7. Lambda 107 Alleles Midwest 6 Row Varieties: Eco R5. Kb -2 3 .1 A lle le s r* ?2 “ _ 9.4 — 6.5 -4 .3 -2 .3 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2.0 10 Lanes: I:Lambda Hind 3,2:Prior,3:Clipper,4:Azure,5:Hazen,6:Bedford 7:Robust,8:Morex,9:Traill,10:Larker. 31 To summarize, using restriction enzyme Midwest 6 -row varieties show Western 6 -row varieties show Western 2-row varieties two alleles 4 alleles Allele I is common to both the Midwest row varieties. 6 3, the 2), the and 3), and the (I and 2 alleles (I show Hind (2,3,4,and -row and Western Allele 3 is common to the Western Western 2-row varieties. 2-row and Midwest Hind 3 alleles 6 5). 6 -row 6 - and Allele 2 is common to both Western -row varieties. using probe This gives a total of Lambda 107 three of which 5 are common to more than one population. Using restriction enzyme Bam HI, the varieties show I allele (I). The Western show (2,3,4 5), and 4 alleles and varieties show 2 alleles (6 is common to tions. The the Western remaining 6 -row and alleles 6 the and 7). This seven alleles using probe lambda 107. Midwest -row 6 -row varieties Western 2-row gives a total of In this case allele 2 Western 2-row appear to be popula­ population specific. Using restriction enzyme Eco Rl, the varieties show two alleles (I and 2). varieties show two alleles as well Western 2-row varieties show total of five alleles Midwest 6 -row The Western 6 -row (3 and one allele (5). for this enzyme 4), while the This gives and once again a they all appear to be population specific. Using restriction enzyme Eco R5, the varieties show three alleles (1,2 and 3). Midwest The Western 6 -row 6 ^row 32 varieties show one allele varieties show three (3), while alleles (3,4 total of five alleles the and 5 with one, number Western ). 2-row This gives 3, being common a to each population. An interesting note at this point is that although varieties show polymorphisms with a specific most restriction enzyme, a number of varieties show polymorphisms across two or more enzymes (e.g. barker, Traill, OR8408 and Columbia). This would seem to suggest that although most polymorphisms are due to polymorphisms point mutations, a observed in this study number of the appear to be due to insertion or deletion type events. The analysis of probe straightforward.The molecular nature data which is more complex. detected both within and Lambda 107 of probe 167 was provided Again, genetic polymorphism was between populations although this case these polymorphisms represent a number of at differing loci. alleles of one another each fragment polymorphisms which specific fragments and so no attempt represented in this represent has been made to It is possible however to characterize in . terms among alleles It was not possible within the bounds of this study to determine report them as such. in the study. of molecular size enzyme/population The following and observe combinations tables list various specific restriction fragments observed using Lambda 167 in specific enzyme/population combinations. the probe 33 Table 9. Lambda 167 Fragments: Hind 3. Population Fragment # Pattern Designation Midwest 6 Row: barker Traill Morex Robust Bedford Hazen Azure 2,7,12,17,25,26,29,31 2,7,12,17,25,26,29,31,34,35 2,4,6,10,13,19,24,27,29,34,39,42 2,4,6,10,13,19,24,27,29,34,39,42 2,4,6,10,13,19,24,27,29,34,39,42 2,4,6,10,13,19,24,27,29,34,39,42, 2,9,14,19,24,27,29,39,42 Western 6 Row: Unitan Coast Atlas Steptoe UT 1423 OR 8408 Columbia Karl 7,11,15,24,31,39,42 7,11,20,24,27,31,39,42 7,11,18,25,27,30,36,39,42 7,12,30,42 7,11,19,27,29,34,39,42 7,11,36,42 7,11,16,23,26,29,33,36,38,42 7,11,12,16,27,28,29,33,37,40,42 9 10 11 12 Western 2 Row: Betzes Doman Palliser Hector Klages Lewis Clark Harrington Gallatin 3,5,8,12,16,27,28,33,35,37,40,42 3,5,8,12,16,23,29,37,40,42 3,5,8,16,21,23,27,32,37,40,42 5,8,15,24,28,42 5,8,15,24,28,42 5,8,15,24,28,42 5,8,15,24,28,42 5,10,15,24,25,30,39,41,42 5,10,24,30,42 13 14 15 16 16 16 16 17 18 I 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 34 Table 10. Lambda 167 Fragments: Bam HI. Population Fragment # Pattern Designation Midwest 6 Row: Darker Traill Morex Robust Bedford Hazen Azure 4,5,10,13,18,19,20,21,23,24,25,26 4,5,10,13,18,19,20,21,23,24,25,26 3,4,7,12,18,20,23,25,26 3,4,7,12,18,20,23,25,26 3,4,7,11,12,18,23,25,26 3,4,7,11,12,18,20,23,25,26 3,4,6,16,24,25 I I 2 2 3 4 5 Western 6 Row: Unitan Coast Atlas Steptoe UT 1423 OR 8408 Karla Columbia Karl 2,5,8,12,13,14,17,21,22,23 2,5,6,7,8,12,13,18,21,22,23 n/d n/d 2,5,7,12,13,19,21,22,23 2,5,7,12,13,14,17,21,22,23 2,5,7,12,13,14,17,18,21,22,23 2,5,7,12,13,14,17,18,19,21,22,23 2,5,8,12,13,14,17,18,21,22,23 6 9 10 11 10 Western 2 Row; Betzes Doman Palliser Hector Klages Lewis Clark Harrington Gallatin Bowman 2,5,8,12,13,15,17,18,22,23,24,27 2,5,8,12,13,15,17,18,22,23,24,27 2,5,8,12,13,15,17,18,22,23,24,27 2,5,8,12,13,15,17,18,22,23,24,27 2,5,8,12,13,15,17,18,22,23,24,27 2,5,8,12,13,15,17,18,22,23,24,27 2,5,8,12,13,15,17,18,22,23,24,27 2,5,8,12,13,15,17,18,22,23,24,27 2,5,8,12,13,15,17,18,22,23,24,27 2,5,8,12,13,15,17,18,22,23,24,27 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 7 8 35 Table 11. Lambda 167 Fragments: Eco Rl. Population Fragment # Pattern Designation Midwest 6 row: Darker Traill Morex Robust Bedford Hazen Azure 2,6,7,10,11,12,15,17,22,23,25 2,6,7,10,11,12,15,17,22,23,25 2,5,6,9,12,13,14,16,22,23,25 2,5,6,9,12,13,14,16,22,23,25 2,5,6,9,12,13,14,16,19,22,23,25 2,5,6,9,12,13,14,16,19,21,22,23,25 2,5,6,9,12,13,14,16,19,21,22,23,25 Western 6 Row: Unitan Coast Atlas Steptoe UT 1423 OR 8408 Columbia Karl 6,11,12,14,16,20,22,25 6,8,12,14,15,16,20,22,25 6,11,12,14,16,20,22,25 6,11,12,14,16,20,22,25 6,11,12,14,16,20,22,25 6,11,12,14,16,20,22,25 6,11,12,14,16,20,22,25 6,11,12,14,16,20,22,25 Western 2 Row: Betzes Doman Palliser Hector Klages Lewis Clark Harrington Gallatin Bowman 1,6,11,12,14,16,18,20,21,22,24 1,6,11,12,14,16,18,20,21,22,24 1,6,11,12,14,16,18,20,21,22,24 1,6,11,12,14,16,18,20,21,22,24 1,6,11,12,14,16,18,20,21,22,24 1,6,11,12,14,16,18,20,21,22,24 1,6,11,12,14,16,18,20,21,22,24 1,6,11,12,14,16,18,20,21,22,24 1,6,11,12,14,16,18,20,21,22,24 1,6,11,12,14,16,18,20,21,22,24 I I 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 36 Table 12. Lambda 167 Fragments: Eco R5. Population Fragment # Midwest 6 Row: Larker Traill Morex Robust Bedford Hazen Azure Western 6 Row: Unitan Coast Atlas Steptoe UT 1423 Or 8408 Karla Columbia Karl Western 2 Row: Betzes Doman Palliser Hector Klages Lewis Harrington Gallatin Pattern Designation 7,12,15,18,26 7,12,15,18,26 7,10,12,14,16,18,24,25 7,10,12,14,16,18,24,25 7,10,12,14,16,18,24,25 7,10,12,14,16,18,24,25 7,10,12,14,16,18,24,25 I I 2 2 2 2 2 4,7,9,11,12,15,17,19,23,24 4,7,9,11,12,15,17,19,23,24 4,7,11,12,17,18,23,24 4,12,15,18,23,24 4,7,11,12,15,17,18,23,24 4,7,11,12,17,18,23,24,26 4,7,11,12,23,24 4,11,12,13,23,24 4,8,11,12,13,17,22,23,24 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1,2,3,5,8,10,11,17,20,21,22 1,2,3,6,9,11,12,15,21,22 1,3,5,8,10,11,12,15,16,17,21,22 1,3,9,10,12,15,18,21,22 1,3,9,10,12,15,18,21,22 1,3,9,10,12,15,18,21,22 1,3,6,9,10,11,12,15,18,21,22 3,6,9,10,11,12,16,18,21,22 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 16 Results obtained through the use of this probe indicate that several different alleles can be detected at several loci between observation. populations. DNA from populations examined Lambda 167. A a was number Figure number of digested of length polymorphisms exist populations. result This varieties with distinct both demonstrates 8 and indicates from three probed with restriction between the and this fragment within existence various forms of several loci in cultivated barley. the of 37 Figure 8. Lambda 167 Between Population Polymorphisms: Bam HI. F ra g m e n ts Kb 1 2 3 4 5 Lanes: I :Lewis,2 :Klages,3:Robust,4:Hector,5:Morex,6 :Clark 7:Columbia,8 :Apex,9:Azure,1 0 :Teton,1 1 :Andre,1 2 :Bellona 13:Lambda Hind 3. 38 Figure 9. Lambda 167 Fragments of Western Hind 3. 6 Row Varieties: Kb F ra g m en ts -2 3 .1 715- -9 .4 24- -6 .5 31- -4 .3 % 3439- - 2 .3 - 2.0 42- W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Lanes: I :Unitan,2:Coast,3:Atlas,4:Steptoe,5:UTl423,6:OR8408, 7:Karla,8:Columbia,9:Horsford.10:Ridawn,11:Lambda Hind 3. In addition to the variation between populations probe also reveals that a number of different can be detected at within a population. is shown 6 in Figure -row varieties several loci An example 9. In this was digested in polymorphisms different varieties of this type of variation case with the Hind 3 and probed with Lambda 167. this DNA of the restriction Western enzyme While similarities exist 39 in the banding especially those patterns related revealed by pedigree, there number of distinct polymorphisms Figures 9 and 10 present the population/ enzyme combinations: Midwest 6 -row Bam Hl between varieties, are also which can be observed. same result in two Midwest respectively. 6 other -row Hind 3 Note the 6 and similarities observed in varieties related by pedigree. Figure 10. Lambda 167 Fragments Midwest Hind 3. a Row Varieties: Lanes: I :Larker,2 :Traill,3:Morex,4:Robust,5:Bedford,6 :Hazen, 7:Azure,8 :Clipper,9:Prior,10:Lambda Hind 3. 40 Figure 11. Lambda 167 Fragments Midwest 6 Row Varieties: Bam Hl. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Lanes: I :Larker, 2 :Traill,3:Morex,4:Robust,5:Bedford,6 :Hazen, 7:Azure,8 :Clipper,9:Prior,10:Lambda Hind 3. 41 To summarize, restriction digests with Hind 3 yield the largest number of polymorphisms between populations. Of the 42 restriction fragments generated with this enzyme, 20 unique to a specific accounting for accounting for nine population; Western of seven of them. Midwest them and Western accounting for the remaining four. Bam Hl yielded populations, out 13 total generated by this enzyme. are found in the Midwest the Western 2-row 6 -row varieties. total of unique to Eco Rl a specific varieties :-row varieties 6 -row varieties fragments of 27 unique to restriction fragments Eleven of these unique fragments -row varieties, two are found types, and restriction 2.2 6 2-row Restriction digests with restriction of a 6 are one is found restriction in the digests fragments, sixteen population. Midwest Western produced of which 6 -row 6 varieties -row varieties while the remaining four were in Western 2-row varieties. Finally, digestion with Eco a specific population. Seven 6 -row and Midwest 6 are found the Midwest Hind 3 6 in the -row varieties respectively. Variation among varieties within a population was observed. R5 which the Western 2-row varieties while two each are found in Western in found yielded a total of 26 restriction fragments eleven of were unique to a were accounted for eight of these fragments, three were found Western in digests yielded 17 polymorphisms -row varieties,, 14 among the Western 6 varieties and 17 among the Western 2-row varieties. also within -row Bam Hl 42 yielded 13 polymorphisms among the Midwest four among Western Western 2 row 6 -row varieties. 6 -row varieties 6 varieties and Eco R5 digests 6 and ^row varieties, none among yielded 12 -row varieties, none among the Midwest varieties and Eco Rl digests the Midwest Finally, the morphisms among Western -row varieties. morphisms among Western 6 6 13 among poly­ 3 among the Western yielded -row varieties, the the 2-row 7 9 among poly­ the the Western 2-row Lambda 167 and 107 probe varieties. The data derived from both screening was used in a reconstruction analysis to evaluate how well our results would resemble the known pedigree data. This analysis would determine if it is possible to estimate genetic distance between genotypes using RFLP analysis. data was evaluated using from the Illinois Natural a program History determined relatedness between called PAUP Survey. . This The available program genotypes and constructed a phylogenetic tree which was compared to known pedigree data. Table 13 presents the data.summary used for the phylogenetic analysis. Figure 12 is a representation of the tree derived from our data. phylogenetic 43 Table 13. Data Summary: Banding Pattern Designations Used in Phylogenetic Analysis. Lambda 107 Lambda 167 Pattern Designation H3 BHl Rl Enzyme: H3 BHl Rl R5 Probe: R5 Cultivar Darker Traill Morex Robust Bedford Hazen Azure Unitan Coast Atlas Steptoe UT1423 OR8408 Karla Columbia Karl Betzes Doman Palliser Hector Klages Lewis Clark Harrington Gallatin Bowman I 2 I I I I I I I I I I 3 3 3 3 2 I I I I I I I 2 3 3 4 4 5 4 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 3 6 6 6 3 5 6 2 7 6 I I I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 I I I I I I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 3 4 4 5 6 6 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 11 10 12 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 11 8 11 11 8 12 11 8 11 8 13 14 14 14 7 8 9 7 10 8 9 13 14 15 16 16 16 16 17 18 11 8 11 8 11 8 11 8 11 8 11 8 6 7 8 9 10 15 16 44 Figure 12. * * * Phylogenetic Reconstruction of Barley Cultivars I LARKER ********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4* ****50 * 2 TRAILL 3 MOREX 4 ROBUST **** 6 * *** *45 * * * * * * * * ******* * * * * * * *****45 *****49 * * * * * * * * * * * 48 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * HAZEN * * * AZURE ****** 8 UNITAN * * ******* COAST *******27 * * 1 0 ATLAS *****44 * * * * 43 *** 11 STEPTOE *****28 **30 * 12 UTl423 * * * * 15 COLUMBIA ****37 * * ********* 23 OR8408 * * **29 * *****32 * 14 KARLA * * 16 KARL * **** 17 BETZES 42 * * * * ****18DOMEN * * ***32 * * *35 *19PALLISER * * * * * * *36 * 25 GALLATIN * * *******42 * **38 * 20 HECTOR * * * * * * 21 KLAGES **39 33 * * * 23 CLARK * * 40 * 22 LEWIS * 34 * ****** 24 HARRINGTON * **** 26 BOWMAN 45 CONCLUSIONS This study describes the evaluation of diversity in three barley populations using RFLP genetic analysis. A moderate level of genetic diversity was observed using two randomly selected genomic clones copy and one a dispersed of barley, one a gene family sequence. single Due to: the molecular nature of these probes it is possible to report at least four polymorphic separate chromosomes. variation on barley it at loci on at least Since only two clones have least four becomes located of the seven readily apparent that four uncovered chromosomes this in technology holds promise for future genetic studies within the species. This study utilized randomly selected genomic Earlier reports in the literature cDNA probes 1985). (Relentjaris et have described the use of al, 1985; These probes will evaluate loci which are expressed as clones. Tanksley, variation only at translation identify genes of interest, coverage of is impeded. clones In contrast, al, those products. useful in attempting to the genome et While random genomic must be assumed to be random in their occurrence and thus allow for uniform fashion. the evaluation of the That two genomic genome in a clones have been more used to demonstrate genetic variation represents a first step in 46 covering the g e n o m e o f barley with randomly distributed molecular markers. In comparing the two probes used in this study, several points need to be 'addressed. probes were used in this advantage. Two fundamentally study, each with its own Probe lambda 107, a easily interpretable data this study. different distinct single copy probe in all provides combinations screened Each polymorphism is assumed to be a different allelic form of a single locus on the basis of earlier which was done to characterize this in sequence work (Chao and Blake, unpublished). In contrast, probe lambda 167 is a probe. dispersed sequence It reveals complex banding patterns which are taken to represent a number of polymorphic forms at several loci. Initially it is not possible to determine which bands are allelic or how many loci are represented. At first glance, the dispersed sequence probes to provide data unnecessarily complex. of probe seems loci are likely to prove available for segregation analysis possible to determine However, this advantageous since evaluation with of F2 appear one individuals, which polymorphisms several probe. it are type Using should allelic. Helentjaris and others have demonstrated the feasibility this approach (Helentjaris, et Tanksley, 1985; Chao and Blake, al, 1985; unpublished). be Bernatzky of and Furthermore, since several loci are evaluated at once the liklihood of 47 finding useful polymorphisms is increased. Initial reports in both maize and tomato indicate the advantage of multicopydispersed sequences while the 2 0 as probes. Helentjaris reports that % of single copy probes reveal polymorphisms, 80% of multicopy dispersed sequences show polymorphisms (Helentjaris, et al, 1985). As RFLP linkage markers are map, linkage assigned positions on the barley with mapped genes controlling agronomically identified. Selection resistance to easier. multiple (e.g. dwarf gene transfer conferring will characters virus) genes with genes characters useful yellow Marker associated pyramiding of effects important for barley previously will overlapping resistance (e.g. be may also be made promote phenotypic to powdery mildew). RFLPs between provide a tool populations. for studying The virtually genetic unlimited variation number of RFLPs available within a species as well as their capability to monitor changes extremely useful in in untranslated studies phylogenetic relationships, sequences make which attempt to analyze genetic structure them determine of related populations and measure genetic diversity within and between populations. with pedigree genetic Our reconstruction analysis fits analysis distance among possible and useful. and suggests genotypes by that RFLP well estimation of analysis is In our case, evaluation of data by 48 PAUP reconfirmed the relationships determined in ■ our analysis. To summarize then, this study indicates that a substantial amount of detectable genetic variation exists both within and between the barley populations screened with two random genomic probes. A saturated linkage map in barley seems feasible and brings to light enormous potential in terms of genetic improvement and manipulation. Population improvement will benefit through improvements selection efficiency for desirable traits. in Introgression of desirable wild type alleles will be facilitated using marker assisted"gene transfer. Screening of germplasm and isolation of genes of interest will be RFLP saturated linkage map it more random genomic dispersed type. Care yet not should be taken of the however provide data which is unnecessarily analysis will need to be To complete a will be necessary to, develop clones, preferably clones of this type which complex facilitated. confusing. multicopy to select reasonably Segregation carried out on these clones which they can be mapped to known marker loci. That after barley contains sufficient genetic diversity to lend itself to such analysis has been demonstrated use of appropriate means of here. The development probe sequences should applying a basic molecular achieve real agricultural improvement. bring about biology technique and the to 49 REFERENCES CITED Barker, D., Schafer7 M., White 7 R. 1983. Restriction sites containing CpG show a higher frequency of polymorphism in human DNA. Cell 36-:131-38. Beckmann, J .S ., and Seller, M. 1986. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms in plant genetic improvement. In: Oxford Surveys of Plant Molecular Biology (in press). Bernatzky7 R., and Tanksley7 S.D. 1986. Toward a saturated linkage map in tomato based on isozymes and random cDNA sequences. Genetics 112:887-98. Botstein7 D., White, R.L., Skolnicck7 M., and Davis 7 R.W. 1980. Construction of a genetic linkage map in man using restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Am. J. Hum.Gent. 32:314-31. Burr 7 B., Evola 7 E., Burr 7 F.A., and Beckmann, J.S. 1983. 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