A presentation of the General Secretariat / Finance Department to the Council Working Group “Elaboration of the Draft Strategic Plan and Financial Plan 2008-2011” Resolution 1243 “Improvement of the Linkage of strategic, operational and financial planning” Outlineofofthe thetechnical technicalimplementation implementation Outline project project October 27, 2005 R 1243 Improvement of the linkage of business plans Business Plans Strategic and Financial Plan Results-based Budget Business Planning Goals – Objectives Expected results Service and Market-oriented KPIs Technical Planning Operational Plan Feasibility analysis Financial Limits R 1243 Improvement of the linkage of business plans Sequences of RBB planning processes Planning steps Strategic Plan Financial Plan Actor PP RBB Target / Monitoring ITU Goals, Financial Framework Definition and Inter-relationships Objectives, Agg. Outputs by Sector / SG Linkage Definition and inter-relationships Operational Plan Council Budget Council Outputs by Objective Definition and inter-relationships Operational KPI Costs / Revenues by Output, Activities, SAP Modules CPM BPS CPM BPS CPM BPS+ CO + PBC BPS + CO + PBC Bureaux / Departments Linking plans with Council Budget structure Resource management Sectors/ SG Financial relationships between Outputs – Objectives – Goals BPS Linking objectives with BPR CPM Operational KPI Integrated and Interlinked Results-Based Budgeting Recommendation 1243 Planning steps Goals, Financial Limits (ITU) (Sectors / SG) Objectives (Sectors / SG) BSC/ MC / KPI Inter-relationships Strategies / Initiatives Expected results Non-financial parameters Income/Expenditures Ratios / KPIs Innovations indices (Sectors/SG) Financial Budget Within limits of Financial Plan Products Internal services Efficiency Productivity Cost centers Hierarchy Posts New Tools / MIS SEM - CPM CPM - BPS - CO Outputs Activities Monitoring Inter-linked Planning HR – PBC - BPS Bureaux Departments Recommendation 1243 RBB Inter-relationships Planning Monitoring Theoretical model ITU Goals Strategicand and Strategic FinancialPlan Plan Financial Forevaluation evaluationby byCouncil Council For BR BR Objectives Objectives Operational Operational Plan Plan Budget Budget StrategicKPI KPI Strategic TSB TSB Objectives Objectives BDT BDT Objectives Objectives SG SG Objectives Objectives StrategicKPI KPI Strategic Forgeneral generalevaluation evaluation For Outputs Outputs Outputs Outputs Outputs Outputs Outputs Outputs KPIs KPIs KPIs KPIs Activities Activities Activities Activities Activities Activities Activities Activities Bureaux Bureaux Bureaux Bureaux Bureaux Bureaux Departments Departments OperationalKPI KPI Operational Fordetailed detailedevaluation evaluation For SLA/ /SDR SDR SLA R 1243: What needs to be done? Theoretical model Balanced Scorecards BSC BR BSC ITU KPI’s BSC TSB ITU/ Sector/ SG Goals / Objectives / Expected results BSC BDT BSC SG KPI’s KPI’s Strategic KPI’s KPI’s Personalized Management information To meet Objectives / Expected results Management Cockpits MC’s KPI’s MC’s MC’s KPI’s Operational KPI’s MC’s KPI’s R 1243: What needs to be done? Theoretical model Balanced scorecard TSB Cause effect diagrams Inter-relationships E.g. one BSC for: ITU Objectives (Goals), each Sector’s Objectives, Department’s Objectives Objective 1 Objective 2 Description Objective 3 RBB - Expected results Formula Data Description Monitoring Formula Data Description Monitoring Formula Data Description Monitoring KPI 1 KPI 2 KPI 3 Layout KPI’s KPI’s KPI’s KPI’s Layout Layout RBB Performance management Glossary BSC Balanced Scorecard MC Management Cockpit KPI RBB BPR Key Performance Indicator Results-based Budgeting Business Processes SLA Service Level Agreement SDR Service Delivery Reports CPM SAP module Corporate Performance Management SEM SAP module Strategic Enterprise Management BPS SAP module Budget Planning and Simulation CO SAP module Cost accounting / Controlling HR SAP module Human resources management PBC SAP module Position Budgeting and Controlling MIS SAP based Management Information System