Copper catalysis of polymerization of sunflower oil diesel fuel by Stephen John Jette A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Stephen John Jette (1985) Abstract: The role of copper catalyst in the oxidative polymerization of contaminant sunflower oil fuel in commercial lubrication oil was investigated in laboratory apparatus simulating engine crankcase conditions. Sunflower oil mixed at 5.0 percent in Phillips HD II SAE 30 lube oil was exposed to various forms of copper in catalytic quantities at 150°C for periods of 15 to 72 hours. Oil mixtures were contacted by percolation with both nitrogen and oxygen to provide agitation and/or an oxidizing environment. Polymerization was monitored by oil mixture viscosity, and both mixture acidity and dissolved copper concentrations were measured in selected experiments. Dissolved copper species as opposed to metallic surface appear to be of primary importance in catalysis of the triglyceride addition polymerization. The impact of varying metallic copper surface seems to be largely due to effects on rate of copper solubilization. Copper dissolves and becomes catalytically active in oil mixtures in both the presence and absence of oxygen. Oxygen does seem to accelerate copper dissolution but may somewhat deactivate dissolved copper. Sunflower oil appears to have little effect on copper dissolution phenomena. A theory of dissolved copper and oxygen combining to yield free radicals which initiate triglyceride polymerization is supported by experimental results. Copper does not appear to catalyze the propagation phase of polymerization, as copper has little impact on a reaction system supplied with excess initiation free radicals. COPPER CATALYSIS OF POLYMERIZATION OF SUNFLOWER OIL DIESEL FUEL byStephen John Jette A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman,Montana December 1985 MAV N3?9 Ts / c<3p. oL- ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Stephen John Jette This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citation, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. 3W . 23. mes Date p, X . ______ Chairperson, Graduate Committee Approved for the Major Department JUL --4 Head, Major Department Date Approved for the College of Graduate Studies 7; / 78-6 Date Graduate Dean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis requirements for a in partial fulfillment of the master's degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules from this thesis are of the Library. Brief quotations allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission for extensive of this thesis may be quotation from or reproduction granted his absence, by the Dean of by my major professor, or in Libraries when, in the opinion of either, the proposed use of the material is for scholarly purposes. for Any copying or use of the material in this thesis financial gain shall permission. 3-4/ not be allowed without my iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page APPROVAL................................... STATEMENT OF PERMISSION ±i TOUSE...................... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS................................... iv LIST OF TABLES........... .......................... v LIST OF FIGURES..................................... ABSTRACT.......................... vi vii INTRODUCTION.............. ........................ I RESEARCH OBJECTIVES.......... 5 THEORY........ 6 Oxidative Polymerization....................... Copper Metal.......... ......................... Copper Catalysis............................... 6 11 14 EXPERIMENTAL........................................ 17 Equipment....................................... Materials....................................... Experimental Procedures......................... 17 21 23 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.......................... 27 SUMMARY............................................. 59 CONCLUSIONS................................. 63 SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH..................... 65 BIBLIOGRAPHY........................... 67 APPENDIX........ 70 V LIST OF TABLES Tables Page I. Atomic emission results for Run 6 .............. II. 34 Atomic emission results for. ................ Runs 10 and 11. 4^7- III. Total Base Number for Runs 10 and 11... *...... 48 IV. Total Base Number for Runs 17 and 18.......... 56 V. Successive spectrographic analysis of used.... oil from a diesel locomotive crankcase. 70 VI. Atomic emission data for copper and.......... common additive metals for selected runs. 71 VII. Operation parameters for oil bath runs....... 72 Total Base Number in mg KOH/g Oil......... . for several runs. 73 Limits for trace metal concentrations........ in used crankcase oils. 74 VIII. IX. vi LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page 1. Single cell apparatus.......................... 18 2. Oil bath....................................... 20 3. Operating diagram........................ 22 4. Viscosity versus exposure time for standard.... conditions of Rewolinski C43 and the current work. 28 5. Viscosity versus exposure time for varying..... copper surface and sunflower oil concentration. 30 6. Viscosity versus exposure time with copper..... foil removal at 18 hours. 32 7. Viscosity versus exposure time for two......... samples of Phillips 66 HD SAE 30 at standard conditions. 36 8. Viscosity versus exposure time with copper..... foil removal and nitrogen gas changed to oxygen at 24 hours. 38 9. Viscosity versus exposure time with oxygen..... and copper foil for initial 48.5 hours. Copper foil removed and 5.0 percent sunflower oil addition at 48.5 hours. 42 10. Viscosity versus exposure time with oxygen...... and copper foil for initial 48.5 hours. Copper foil removed and 5.0 percent sunflower oil addition at 48.5 hours. Time zero at the point of sunflower oil addition. 43 11. Viscosity versus exposure time with nitrogen.... and copper foil for initial 48.5 hours. Copper foil removed, nitrogen changed to oxygen, and 5.0 percent sunflower oil addition at 48.5 hours. 45 vii Figures Page 12. Viscosity versus exposure time with nitrogen.... and copper foil for initial 48.5 hours. Copper foil removed, nitrogen changed to oxygen, and 5.0 percent sunflower oil addition at 48.5 hours. Time zero at the point of sunflower oil addition. 46 13. Viscosity versus exposure time with cupric..... and cuprous oxides at standard conditions. 50 14. Viscosity versus exposure time for varying..... levels of cupric acetylacetonate at standard conditions. 52 15. Viscosity versus exposure time with nitrogen.... or oxygen and cupric acetylacetonate for initial 48.5 hours and 5.0 percent sunflower oil addition at 48.5 hours. Nitrogen changed to oxygen at 48.5 hours for Run 18. 54 16. Viscosity versus exposure time with nitrogen.... or oxygen and cupric acetylacetonate for initial 48.5 hours and 5.0 percent sunflower oil addition at 48.5 hours. Nitrogen changed to oxygen at 48.5 hours for Run 18. Time zero at the point of sunflower oil addition. 55 17. Viscosity versus exposure time using Lupersol... 130 as a free radical initiator. 58 viii ABSTRACT The role of copper catalyst in the oxidative polymerization of contaminant sunflower oil fuel in commercial lubrication oil was investigated in laboratory apparatus simulating engine crankcase conditions. Sunflower oil mixed at 5.0 percent in Phillips HD II SAE 30 lube oil was exposed to various forms of copper in catalytic quantities at 150 C for periods of 15 to 72 hours. Oil mixtures were contacted by percolation with both nitrogen and oxygen to provide agitation and/or an oxidizing environment. Polymerization was monitored by oil mixture viscosity, and both mixture acidity and dissolved copper concentrations were measured in selected experiments. Dissolved copper species as opposed to metallic surface appear to be of primary importance in catalysis of the triglyceride addition polymerization. The impact of varying metallic copper surface seems to be largely due to effects on rate of copper solubilization. Copper dissolves and becomes catalytically active in oil mixtures in both the presence and absence of oxygen. Oxygen does seem to accelerate copper dissolution but may somewhat deactivate dissolved copper. Sunflower oil appears to have little effect on copper dissolution phenomena. A theory of dissolved copper and oxygen combining to yield free radicals which initiate triglyceride polymerization is supported by experimental results. Copper does not appear to catalyze the propagation phase of polymerization, as copper has little impact on a reaction system supplied with excess initiation free radicals. I INTRODUCTION Petroleum fuel stocks are among the most important energy sources available to modern society. of the early 1970s on worldwide for emphasized the United States' dependence petroleum production. suitable The oil embargo alternative alternative fuel with a properties similar to fuels chemical has intensified. An structure and combustion petroleum for petroleum products. As a result, the search could logically substitute A further advantage to a chemically similar alternative fuel would be the minimal modification of existing power-producing systems. One of the key fuels in both agriculture and transportation is diesel oil. Rudolf Diesel, in the search for invention, successfully used suitable fuels vegetable oils as for fuels his in short-term evaluations. Diesel chose not to promote vegetable of economics and drastic increase engine in the oils as diesel fuels because design cost considerations of petroleum CU. The has begun to remove the economic prohibition. However, the engine design problems remain considerations research. as important in current 2 Factors favoring vegetable oils as diesel fuels include heats of combustion similar potential widespread and the fact that oils present introduced they are diesel However, vegetable difficulties When used conditions for diesel engines, under vegetable when actually normal operating oil fuels tend to injectors, varnish build-up on pistons and rings, and thickening of lubrication oil C23. vegetable oils and conventional to cause still lesser void oils, portability as liquids, renewable. major fuel. cause coking of fuel standard availability, several as to problems, warranties Blends of diesel fuel have been found but without engine manufacturers may further research on fuel mixtures C33. Prior research at this thickening of laboratory lubrication contamination [4,53. contaminant in a oil If the lubricating viscosity may occur. due vegetable system, has focussed on the to vegetable oil oil is present as a an excessive rise in A 375 percent increase in viscosity is considered a failure in lubrication oil tests [63. The lubrication oil of an engine can become contaminated by incompletely combusted fuel passing from the combustion chamber to the lubricating oil is more crankcase. pronounced This dilution of the under loaded operating conditions when unburned fuel residue is most likely present 3 in the combustion chamber. diesel oil or vegetable normal oil change oil can be Dilution takes place when either oils intervals severe with are used thickening vegetable as fuels. Under of the lubrication oil fuels but not with diesel oils C73. Lubrication eliminating fuel oil thickening could dilution or possibly Changes in engine lubrication oil. dilution would be costly, chemical makeup of the even if be by reduced modifying the design to eliminate possible. lubrication by Changing the oil may, therefore, be more feasible. If the thickening is the lubrication oil, the fuel stocks for eliminated vegetable current by the alteration of oils become more viable engines (and hence a suitable alternative fuel) without costly design modifications. The thickening is a of the unsaturated result of oxidative polymerization vegetable oil triglycerides. The polymerization is known to be catalyzed by transition metals C83, some of which are present lubrication oil (Table V in iron are found to be C93 produced found the that the as wear metals in diesel Appendix) [63. Copper and common wear metal contaminants. a copper and thickening effect when designed to simulate the crankcase iron used Bauer mixed catalyst in environment. a system Rewolinski 4 C4] has demonstrated in can catalyze Copper, the therefore, a similar manner that copper alone thickening was polymerization selected as the reactions. catalyst for continued experiments in this laboratory. This particular the investigation form(s) of copper, contributing to the reaction. future As the form(s) research will be was dissolved catalysis of designed to reveal or the solid surface, polymerization and role of copper are clarified, aimed at modifying the lubrication oil to eliminate the catalytic affect. 5 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES This research was conducted to characterize the role of copper catalyst in the polymerization lubrication oil system. to determine the of vegetable oil in a Specifically, the research sought dominant active form(s) of copper and clarify their function in the polymerization mechanism. The interaction of the system variables was also variables included composition, and the active an time copper forms with other object of presence of this work. exposure, and level These contact gas of vegetable oil contamination. A further course for goal future was the research catalytic effect of copper. identification aimed at of a suitable eliminating the 6 THEORY Oxidative Polymerization Vegetable oils triglycerides. glyceral are predominantly Triglycerides esters of triglyceride is are fatty typical diesel fuel component acid roughly the same A three times fuel molecule. While a straight and branched vegetable oil is best with molecular vegetable larger oil than a each constituent fatty weight as a typical diesel diesel chain of the common reference for acids. approximately composed fuel is largely composed of paraffins with some aromatics, described as a reaction product of glycerol and fatty acids 1103. CHL-OH HOOC-R1 I CH-OH + HOOC-R0 — > 3H0H + I I CH2-OH HOOC-R3 Glycerol Fatty Acids Sunflower CH0-OOCR1 I CH-OOCR0 oil, CH2-OOCR3 the vegetable investigation, characteristically has linolenic fatty acid carbon fatty acids structural with one, Triglyceride Water oil in this oleic, linoleic, and components. two used These are 18 and three double bonds. 7 respectively. T h e ' actual ratio and composition of fatty acids in a particular oil Can vary with climatic conditions, soil conditions, geographical even location of the seed genetics may be used to many factors that are location, plant maturity, and within the flower itself. modify Though the extent of unsaturation, not readily controllable affect fatty acid content. The unsaturated elements autoxidation, the Autoxidation with of direct sunflower chemical polyunsaturated oil can undergo attack vegetable by oxygen. oils, such as sunflower oil, frequently results in addition polymerization [103. Rheimich and Austin C113 have given the major stages that occur during oxidative polymerization. 1. An induction period, the oxidative chain reaction, physical or chemical assumed that proceeding the initiation of during which no visible properties natural are changed. It is antioxidants are consumed during this induction period. 2. The interaction of oxygen with double bonds to form hydroperoxides. coincides with A considerable the polymerization reaction. beginning uptake of a of oxygen perceptible 8 3. A stage of double where polyunsaturates undergo conjugation bonds and isomerization of cis to trans forms. 4. Decomposition of hydroperoxides resulting in free radicals which in turn contribute to auto-catalysis. 5. Production of high molecular weight cross-linked polymers and low molecular weight carbonyl and hydroxyl compounds via polymerization The work of Rheimich Farmer and Sutton C123 product identification and scission reactions. and Austin was substantiated by who also demonstrated through that an alpha to the oxidation site. intact double bond exists The reaction was proposed to be: -CH2-CH=CH- + O2 -- > -CH-CH=CHOOH Bolland quantities of and Gee C133 established hydroperoxides were formed that substantial in the initial stages of autoxidation. The hydroperoxides were shown to be conjugated 90 involved C143. percent To of produce equation would require a the the source time when linoleates were hydroperoxide by the above of alpha-methylenic carbon-hydrogen bond. energy to rupture the This bond, which has a strength of approximately 80 kcal/mole, can conceivably be 9 broken when hydrogen radical ClBIl. indicate The that abstraction high free energy is performed via a free requirements would seem to radical formation must precede hydroperoxide formation. The purported formation of hydroperoxides almost prompted simultaneously, free several to radicals prior to the investigators [16,17,18], postulate that the initial oxidative attack occurred at the double bond and not alpha to the double bond. and Gee 0 6 3 Holland proposed that a small quantity of diradical, formed by oxygen attack on the double bond, to would be sufficient initiate the chain reaction. The reaction mechanism would then be described as follows 093. -CH0-CH=CH- 2 I . ; -CH2-CH-CH-(O-Oo)| - CHL-CH=CH- . w 2 -CHL-CH-CH-(OOH)- I I W -CH-CH=CH- -CHL-CH=CH2 CH2-CH-(OOH)- + -CH-CH=CHCH7 + I V Chain Reaction W -CH=CH-CH-(OOH)+Ho | V Chain Reaction -CH-CH=CHOOo V Chain Reaction 10 As free radicals polymers may also be are formed, produced high molecular weight by an additional mechanism, vinyl polymerization: HH HH I I Ro + I I C=C ----- > R-C-Co I I I I R1R2 HH R1R2 HH I I I I I I I I ROOo + C=C r ------> Higher polymers ----- > R00—C—Co------> Higher polymers Ir2 R iR2 Hydroperoxides, the main autoxidation, can react by initial other product generated by pathways when present as conjugated hydroperoxides of linoleate. are saturated and unsaturated other bifunctional constituents hydroperoxides of aldehydes, ketones, acids and oxygenated are less compounds. reactive, linolenic and catalyze the oxidation of oleic induction period, a Oxygenated products Though readily oleic formed linoleic constituents can species. considerable After the initial amount of polymerization can occur ElOIl. The initial attack at thermodynamic probability as trace metal contaminants radicals by electron the argued such as transfer double by Uri E83. copper and bond has low However, may produce free thereby initiate 11 autoxidation. Thus, trace metal contaminants (or additives) and their radical-producing factors in the mechanism ability of may become oxidative important polymerization as discussed later in this review. Copper Metal Copper is element in table. a the first The first metal transition transition are progressively electrons. transition filling Copper has a and series of the periodic series contains elements that their third energy levels with completely filled 3d shell and one 4s electron when in a neutral state. of d electrons is is the completing responsible The ready availability for the transition character of copper. Transition metals, and hence copper, have three characteristic properties C203. 1. Unpaired electrons are readily elevated from d ' energy levels to higher energy levels by visible light. The unabsorbed light results in a characteristic color. 2. The high catalytic activity of transition metals is thought to be related to the ease by which electrons are gained, lost, or moved between shells. 12 3. Transition metals coordination neutral participate compounds. compounds in the formation of Coordination formed between a compounds are complex ion (transition metal here) and other ions or molecules. Most transition elements exhibit states; copper is not an a number of oxidation exception. prevalent oxidation states Cu*1"1 , Copper has three Cu"4"2 , and Cu"4"3. A fourth state, Cu+*, is known in Cs2CuFg but is quite rare. Though +2 Cu is the most common oxidation state, it is usually difficult to predict from the electronic configuration of a transition element which is the most stable state [20,213. The copper cation will readily groups containing Though copper does temperature, if nitrogen not and react exposed to form a complex ion with sulfur as appreciably higher donor atoms. with Og at room temperatures, it will react to form copper oxide (CuO). The stereochemistry complexes can involve diastereometric pyramidal, and [21,223. copper linear, octahedral, diastereometric of by various authors These diverse environment in which compounds and its planar, tetrahedral, square, octahedral, Brief descriptions inorganic texts of pentagonal bi- dodecahedron geometries. geometries such geometries are given in as Cotton and Wilkinson may be modified by the they are present [20-243. 13 The lubrication oil used II SAE 30, contains an detergents, antioxidants, contents trade secrets and thus analyses additive and are revealed in These metals are the lubrication composed of and dispersents. The their unknown phosphorus and zinc present oil. package surfactants specific additive Chemical in this research, Phillips HD chemical nature are factors in this work. boron, magnesium, calcium, as additives in the lubrication in complexes specific for their role oil. lubrication oil may be Copper introduced into the Complexed by existing additives, the extent of which is unknown. A well-known can be used lubrication to copper complex, introduce oil system. a cupric acetylacetonate, soluble copper The general formula form into a follows C233: CH--C=CH-C-CHI I 0 0 V o' \ CH3-C-CH=C-CH3 Acetylacetonates are soluble in also has most the relatively organic ability solvents. to simultaneously altering its coordination number is the complex non-volatile and are Cupric acetylacetonate additional molecules, coordination number E233. number non-metal of surrounding the central metal ion or atom E203. The atoms 14 The coordination number complexed copper to participate modification allows the in the catalysis similar to metallic copper, as described in the following section. Copper Catalysis Autoxidation addition polymerization is believed to occur via a free radical mechanism, as discussed earlier. radical, represented by Io, hydrocarbon producing a removes new propagation or termination A a hydrogen atom from a radical reactions. which may undergo These polymerization steps are outlined below C83. RH + Io ----- > 'Rcffj + IH Initiation Ro + Og ----- > RO^ Propagation RO3O + R H ----- > ROOH+ Ro Ro + R'o ----- > RR' Termination Ro + R'02o ---- > RO2R' RO2O + R'02o ---- > RO2R' + O2 Vinyl polymerization using the Ro (triglyceride radical) may continue in the formation of higher polymers. There is propagation and uncertainty as considerable termination to the agreement sequences; formation of concerning however, the radical, 19.,- necessary for the initiation [163. the there is original free 15 The catalytic activity shift valence states in of copper, which can readily oxidation-reduction reactions, may involve several alternate pathways CS,103. 1. Trace hydroperoxides may shift the metal valances and produce free radicals. Cu+1 + ROOH ---- > Cu+2 + OH-1 + ROo 2. The oxygen and metal ion may react directly. The -i resulting Og then readily reacts with a proton to form HO^. Cu+1 + O2 ---- > Cu+2 O2*1 3. + H+ ---- > A metal/oxygen forms the HO^ + HO2Q complex may form which subsequently radical. Cu+1 + O2 ---- > Cut )1 02 + O2"1 Cu+O1 O 2 X H --- -> Cu + 2 Electron transfer to + the X"1 + h o 2® metal ion may result in the oxidation of the alpha methylenic group. Cu+2 + RH ---- > Cu+1 + H+1 + R o The radicals can oxidation or the initiate the chain reaction of aut- propagation step producing hydroperoxides. These hydroperoxides can rapidly decompose monomolecularly 16 or bimolecularly, substantially increasing the number of free radicals for initiation CIO]. R O O H ---- > ROo + HOo Monomolecular ROO + HOOR > ROO...HOOR I ---- > HOH + ROo + RO^ I H 2 H Bimolecular The copper is shown in ionic a complexed ion at that form. It may actually be respective oxidation state within the complex. According probabilities catalyzed to for Uri, "the formation initiation kinetic of free reactions are favorable than the Holland and and thermodynamic radicals by metal- considerably more Gee proposals of diradicals by direct oxidation of a double bond" ClOIl. 17 EXPERIMENTAL Equipment The primary experiments in this research were conducted in a single cell reactor impact of multiple experimental error. apparatus designed to minimize the sample removals and It referred to because each run was is completed other inherent as a single cell using the contents of one cell, where in previous research C43 two to four cells of 50 ml samples were required. The 500 ml reaction kettle fitted (Figure I). Each entrance single cell consisted of a with a four post entrance lid was 24/40 standard taper ground glass to insure gas-tight seals when greased. The center lid opening and one side opening were fitted with Ace threads to provide exiting gas tubes. The entering mm diameter glass frit. the bottom airtight seals for entering and The tube terminated with a 30 glass frit was positioned in and center of the kettle to provide maximum gas- to-liquid contact. The exiting oil surface providing a gas tube remained well above the flow escape. The gas flow was then passed (via tygon tubing) to a soap film flow meter. 18 Gas Dispersion Tube Gas Exit Tube Glass Stopper Ace Thread Reaction Kettle Lid Reaction K ettle Copper F o il — F itted Disc Gas Dispersion Head -j.l.L. Figure I. Single cell apparatus. 19 Thin copper foil, 0.125 mm cut in 5.0 cm lengths and rolled end-to-end. cylinder of copper was and supported by the thick, used as catalyst was placed The resulting over the gas dispersion tube fritted glass surface. This provided intimate gas, metal, and oil contact (Figure I). The reaction kettle was 2) capable of holding maintained at a two placed test temperature cells. of Model 73 immersion circulator. in an oil bath (Figure 150 minute. approximately The oil bath 13 was C using a Polyscience The Polyscience Model 73 has automatic temperature control with a circulates The oil bath was precision of 0.2 C and liters also of heating oil per fitted with a sheet metal cover and side panel insulation to minimize heat losses. The oil bath was situated in a venting hood to remove any noxious vapors. Gas was provided outside the hood. equipped pressurized Nominal was plumbed from the header via with permanent headers were secured 1/4 inch stainless steel tubing tank a cylinders regulator 0-30 psi employed, for oxygen. Tygon tubing was to a precision needle valve. to a four- position pressure one gauge. Two for nitrogen and one used to link a header position The valve was connected by stainless steel tubing to a preheating coil submerged in the oil bath. Insulated teflon tubing was employed between the 20 Gas Lines /4. Immersion Circulator D. Thermometer B. Insulated Gas Line C. Gas Line to Preheating Coii E . R e a c tio n K e t t le F . Gas P re h e a tin g C oit Figure 2. Oil bath. 21 preheating coil and the glass An overall the diagram of tubing tubing of the fritted disc. and control valves is illustrated in Figure 3. Viscosity of lubrication oil samples was measured using calibrated capable serial of 350 measuring and 400 120-500 and respectively. Viscometers were maintained at 40 C 0.2 (within Cannon-Fenske viscometers 500-1200 mounted centistokes, in a water bath C) by another Polyscience Model 73 immersion circulator. Initial scouting experiments were conducted in a multi­ cell apparatus Samples were as described exposed temperatures and as 2,000 50 by Chance ml ml/hr Rewolisnki aliquouts gas flow. to E43. 150 degree Procedures were followed according to Rewolsinki's work. Materials The vegetable sunflower mill oil Culbertson, Montana. oil used from throughout Continental It had an sunflower oil was centrifuged, for 20 minutes processes. to remove iodine when visible Lubrication oil was the research was Grain Company value of 140. of The necessary, at 5000 rpm solids left from mill provided by Phillips under 22 Gas cylinder Pressure regulator Shut-off valve Stainless steel tubing Four position header Tygon tubing Needle valve Hood Insulated teflon tubing Heater circulator Tygon tubing Soap film flow meter Oil bath Figure 3. Operating diagram. 23 the label of Phillips Oil. The Petroleum lubrication oil refineries, but both met 0.125 mm thick foil or was the Phillips 66 HD II SAE 30. but was produced by Amoco produced at two separate requirements to be labeled as Copper catalyst was available as powdered forms of Cu3O, CuO, and cupric acetylacetonate. All powders were reagent grade. free radical initiator, Lupersol 130, was provided The by Lucidol Pennwalt Corporation of Buffalo, New York. Experimental Procedures Samples of lubrication oil were placed in the individual sample size reaction kettle was accommodate 1,000 ml. was labeled This oil contaminated with vegetable 500 500 as ml reaction ml 500 of oil kettle. The mixture. The ml but would actually provided room for expansion and possible foaming of the mixture, thereby preventing overflow losses. The 30 mm gas dispersion tube was centered in the bottom of the reaction kettle approximately 8.0 cm below the Oil mixture surface. 2 cm x 5 cm Copper foil was cut in I cm x 5 cm and strips and formed into cylinders approximately 1.5 cm in diameter. The foil was then centered over the gas 24 entrance tube while supported dispersion tube. Mhen the foil was not present. stirred into the oil by the fritted glass of the powdered copper compounds were used, Powdered forms were thoroughly mixture before sealing the reaction kettle. The ground glass surfaces of the reaction kettle and lid flanges were then greased with Dow Corning high vacuum grease. placed over the reaction kettle with The lid was the stem of the gas dispersion tube protruding through the center opening. The lid was pressed and rotated to insure an air tight seal between reaction kettle and lid. The four ground glass lid Ace thread stoppers were used around the stem of the gas openings were also greased. to. provide an air tight seal dispersion length of 1/4 inch stainless steel exit. tube and a 5.0 cm tubing was used as a gas The remaining openings were sealed using ground glass stoppers. The sealed reaction kettle sample was placed in an oil oil bath level was bath containing the prepared maintained at 150 C. approximately one The inch above the test mixture level to insure 150 C temperatures in the mixture. The temperature assumption that temperature is a of 150 diesel approximately C was engine 150 C. chosen based crankcase on the operating This assumption is 25 supported by the Oldsmobile evaluates an oil for III D test C63. This test its resistance to oxidative thickening at oil sump temperatures controlled at 150 C. Immediately after immersion in lid was positioned above flow tube was attached tube. the to the oil bath, the bath reaction kettle and the gas of the gas dispersion 3 adjusted to 120 cm /min as measured The gas flow was by a soap film flow meter percolation through the the stem adjacent oil to mixture the oil bath. sample Gas was visually checked for problems of surging or excessive foaming. Periodic samples were time intervals removed between samples experiment being performed. was removed and 8 ml the test cell. The of 8 ml One used motor oil as C63. Following the to run. The by the dictated the test mixture was pipetted from sample was then transferred to a the evaluate discussed water bath. excess The 40 C viscosity rise in in the Handbook of Lubrication viscosity prepared for Total Base were each of the glass stopped ports viscometer maintained at 40 C in temperature is used during Number determination the sample was (TBN) titrations, returned to the reaction kettle, or discarded where appropriate. TBN indicates the acid neutralization power of the lubrication oil. TBN values were determined potentiometricly using ASTM Standard D 2896-73 C63. This is a back titration 26 method where excess standard HClO4 solution prepared sample. then The excess is standard sodium acetate solution. for used motor oils because is added to a back titrated with This method is preferred inflection points may be difficult to determine by other TEN procedures E253. Iodine values are a relative These values were 1959-69. This is indication determined the of unsaturation present. according to ASTM Standard Wijs procedure for determination of unsaturation in drying oils. It is applicable to vegetable oils and their fatty acids C263. 27 RESULTS AKfD DISCUSSION The purpose of several establish a set of baseline least a hours. 375 percent initial was to conditions which would yield at increase These conditions experiments in would viscosity then within sixty be used as a standard for comparison when operating parameters were varied. Preliminary conducted by studies Chance related Rewolinski Rewolinski used differed current work. Rewolinski hours. A first goal differing this project were The apparatus that that used in most of the established standard conditions viscosity of this Rewolinski's results, allowing the C43. from which gave a significant to apparatus. rise in less than sixty work was to approximate for valid comparison between If comparable results were achieved, work could then continue from Rewolinski's base of experiments. Figure 4 shows plots exposure time for Run line represents Rewolinski. results These percent sunflower 4 of of the at standard oil, presence of copper wire. oil mixture viscosity versus 2000 Run current work. standard conditions ml/hr conditions were oxygen The dashed 150 flow, for C, 5.0 and the 4 shows viscosity rising at a 28 - Rewolinski C43 VISCOSITY, cSt O Standard Conditions (Run 4) T I M E , hr Figure 4. Viscosity versus exposure time for standard conditions of Rewolinski C4] and the current work. 29 comparable rate to Rewolinski's it was performed in the new conditions of Run 4 were single cell were 500 ml sample, percent oxygen flow, 150 C , and cell apparatus. therefore conditions in the single 5.0 standard conditions though 2 selected for standard apparatus. cm The These conditions sunflower oil, 120 cc/min x 5 cm of copper foil using Phillips HD II SAE 30. Previous research copper surface area rise. demonstrated would increase that the an increase in rate of viscosity It was also established that an increase in vegetable oil concentration would rise. yield an increase in the rate of These results were also verified in early runs in the single cell apparatus. Results of Runs I, 2, 4) are given in Figure 5. 3 and standard conditions (Run Run I had no copper. Run 2 had I cm x 5 cm copper foil and Run 3 had 2 cm x 5 cm copper foil. Runs 2 and 3 had target level of 4.7 5.0 percent sunflower oil instead of the percent. This was due to a 1 calculational error which was eliminated in subsequent runs. All four runs used oxygen conditions are shown as a at 120 cc/min. Standard dashed line and will be presented as such in future figures when referenced. Two trends are evident in containing the same copper levels, Figure 5. The runs 3 and 4, confirm that an 30 Standard Conditions (Run 4) (Run I) O I cm x 5 cm Cu Foil, 4.7 % Sunflower Oil (Run 2) O 2 cm x 5 cm Cu Foil, Sunflower Oil (Run 3) 300 VISCOSI >- T I M E , hr Figure 5. Viscosity versus exposure copper surface and concentration. time for varying sunflower oil 31 increase in vegetable oil Run 4 contained contained 4.7 5.0 increases rate of polymerization. percent percent. sunflower This is oil while Run 3 consistent with earlier research by Rewolinski. The second trend is of greater relative importance to the object of this research. that increased copper polymerization rate. oil mixture. surface results in a rise in The copper surface could be serving as a site for the actual source of catalytic Runs I, 2, and 3 demonstrate reaction, metal If the or the surface could be a species former migrating into the bulk is true, then the reduction of polymerization might begin with reducing active surface area or permanently coating such surfaces. This appears to be infeasible based on current engine designs. surface is acting as a source another preventive measure may species may be rendered selective for these surface is species. important. of However, if the soluble metal species, be available. inactive The However, by Soluble metal an oil additive presence of the copper the exact role of the surface needs clarifying. Run 6 was conducted to see if it was necessary to have copper surface rise. At present eighteen following hours, approximately 30 percent at the the the onset viscosity standard of viscosity had increased conditions. At 32 Standard Conditions (Run 4) VISCOSITY, cSt O Run 6 TI ME , hr Figure 6. Viscosity versus exposure foil removal at 18 hours. time with copper 33 this point, the copper foil was removed. 6 in comparison to the feature is the fact after the copper removal surface standard conditions. that of The important viscosity increase continued even copper may Figure 6 shows Run he foil. This indicates that necessary for initiating the polymerization, or the surface may have released sufficient copper species to catalyze the reaction. these differing speculations might be It was felt that resolved if a metal content analysis was performed on the oil mixture. Oil samples at the beginning were analyzed by atomic tests were conducted by Indianapolis, emission Case Indiana. atomization technique means of two electrically of the results is within (AE). Atomic emission Lubricant Analysis Service in This where and completion for Run 6 the service sample uses a is volatilized by heated graphite plates. about non-flame 20 percent. Accuracy The results in Table I represent the oil mixture before the copper foil was added and at 48 hours,the completion of Run 6. The rise in copper content in the oil mixture supports the speculation that copper into the mixture but does is not involved. is migrating from the surface not prove that surface catalysis 34 I I I Run No. I Time of Sample I I I I I 6 I I | 6 I I Table I. I Copper Level 0.0 hour 0.0 ppm 48.0 hour 2.0 ppm I I I I I I -I Atomic emission results for Run 6. The viscosity rise in Run 6 higher than standard conditions. Run 6 was taken from a larger is conceivable that the was actually somewhat The oil mixture used in batch mixed for two runs. mixing of vegetable It oil in the lubrication oil was incomplete, resulting in a vegetable oil variation in the batch mixture. Hence, the resulting level of vegetable may oil contamination greater than the desired 5.0 conducted using single have percent. batch been slightly Future runs were all mixtures to avoid this potential problem. Having established that present to sustain the begin using a second referred to as sampley was new scouting trials. viscosity sample of Phillips exhausted the in copper rise, it was necessary to Phillips 66. Runs foil need not be 66 HD II SAE 30, The original, or first I through 6 and earlier 35 Atomic emission data indicated differed substantially between 66 (Table VI in Appendix). contacting the technical the the additive metals two samples of Phillips This difference was confirmed by representative for Amoco who had supplied the two samples. The samples had been shipped from two separate sources. One was from a Wyoming refinery, the other from an Oklahoma refinery. Each of these refineries used a different additive package based on its source of crude oil. Though the packages were engine specifications different, for findings, the standard the oils met the same operation. conditions Based were on these repeated using the second sample of Phillips 66. Figure 7 shows that viscosity rise in Run 7, standard conditions and new Phillips 66, standard conditions using the The viscosity rise in Run expected. varied significantly from original Phillips 66 (Run 4). 7 occurred much more quickly than Identical conditions were repeated in Run 8 to obtain more data points and confirm the results of Run 7. comparison of Runs 7 and variability in viscosity Runs 4 and 7 and Runs 4 variability. It was themselves were the 8 rise, shows A there is some inherent but the disparities between and 8 are well beyond this range of concluded primary that the additive packages contributing factors in the VISCOSITY, CSt 36 Standard Conditions (Run 4) A New Oil (Run 7) O New Oil (Run 8) T I M E , hr Figure 7. Viscosity versus exposure time for two samples of Phillips 66 HD SAE 30 at standard conditions. 37 differences between new and original standard condition results. The fact that atomic emission spectra revealed different quantities of additive metals may tempt the reader to draw conclusions concerning additive metal compounds pointed out various literature complex by the forms on Amoco (unidentifiable by complex that is varying may as not the other can However, as representative [32,33], means) different circumstances. activity. technical well our efficacy of individual copper references as in more than one the and coordinated organometallics act differently under The additive metals may be present form. be Also, the additive metal the actual causal factor. A metal that appears to be constant in amount may vary greatly in activity based Amoco on representative present nor a difference would indicate not the Speculation concerning lube oil in complex form. specify intended the The metal forms action of each. additive metal activity was therefore left for future research efforts. Experiments were continued using A new standard as determined by Runs the new Phillips 66. 7 and 8 was thus used for comparison in further experiments. The next objective being solubilized, perhaps Run 9 was conducted by was to confirm that copper was as catalytically active species. initially using nitrogen as the 38 — Standard Conditions (Run 8) VISCOSITY, CSt O Run 9 TI ME , hr Figure 8. Viscosity•versus exposure time with copper foil removal and nitrogen gas changed to oxygen at 24 hours. 39 agitating gas, otherwise using standard percent sunflower oil and 2 cm x running the experiment 24 hours, for removed and the nitrogen gas conditions of 5.0 5 cm copper foil. changed After the copper foil was to oxygen. Figure 8 shows the resulting viscosity rise. The results of Run 9 allow three important conclusions to be drawn. appreciable earlier First plant work oxygen oil is clearly necessary for any polymerization E43. If oxygen polymerization would have occurred standard conditions. Secondly, as demonstrated in were within copper unnecessary, 15 hours as with surface (as foil) need not be present for polymerization initiation as long as the oil mixture has been exposed to copper foil. indicate that the copper is dissolved form. The This would dissolving and is active in the third point is that, if copper is dissolving, it will dissolve with or without oxygen present. The copper that is however, may only Thus oxygen may dissolved become be in active necessary to the presence of nitrogen, upon exposure to oxygen. convert dissolved copper into a catalytically active state. As discussed previously oxygen and copper can react to form free radicals. Run 9 supports the idea that copper ion participates in oxidation-reduction oxygen as the an electron acceptor. reaction involving Atomic emission data 40 indicated a rise in copper at the point of copper foil and oxygen This are from 0.0 ppm to 2.0 ppm removal. This shows copper is that oxygen is necessary to begin supports the taken into solution but polymerization. content primarily assumption that copper responsible for forming the original free radicals necessary for initiation. At this vegetable oil solubilization. help clarify phenomena point was the possibility a causal existed factor in A series of experiments the impact of vegetable incidental to actual experiments were also used to that the the copper was designed to oil presence polymerization. further verify the on These catalytic form of the copper. The experiments in the following series have in common the fact that sunflower lubrication oil until containing the lube oil bath. This oil contributing factor in to addition vegetable introduced into the hours after the reactor cell had been placed in the 150 C oil time time required for significant Thermal not 48.5 pretreatment conditions. was period viscosity rise under standard exposure any was well beyond the is eliminated is not a predisposition of vegetable oil polymerization in these experiments. oil as present to aid in Also, the the copper solubilization nor is the vegetable oil being exposed to the copper surface (foil). 41 Each run lubricating oil. began with 500 ml of uncontaminated, The lubricating oil was placed in the test cell and the appropriate catalyst initially either nitrogen or 48.5 hours in the hot oil added. oxygen. The gas flow was At the completion of bath a 5.0 percent contamination of sunflower oil was added to the lubrication oil. accomplished without removing the In certain experiments copper foil was removed just before the addition of the sunflower oil. The gas flow was never interrupted adjustments. for If longer from the oil bath. than 5 minutes during was the initial gas, this was nitrogen changed to oxygen cell This was immediately following these the vegetable oil addition. The first run in this series. using new Phillips 66, 2 cm x was oxygen for the entire run. at 48.5 hours and a added. 5.0 sunflower 5 cm copper foil, and the gas The copper foil was removed percent level of sunflower oil was The plot of Run 10 hours without Run 10, was performed is oil given in Figure 9. shows a slight The 48.5 increase in viscosity, 31 centistokes, which is negligible in comparison with the viscosity rise for contaminated oil. after the sunflower oil Several hours addition a significant rise begins, exceeding 375 percent within 18 hours. 42 - Standard Conditions (Run 8) O Run 10 >- 300 T I M E , hr Figure 9. Viscosity versus exposure time with oxygen and copper foil for initial 48.5 hours. Copper foil removed and 5.0 percent sunflower oil addition at 48.5 hours. 43 Standard Conditions (Run 8) O Run I0 Figure 10. Viscosity versus exposure time with, oxygen and copper foil for initial 48.5 hours. Copper foil removed and 5.0 percent sunflower oil addition at 48.5 hours. Time zero at the point of sunflower oil addition. 44 Figure 10 is a plot of the standard conditions and Run 10 using 48.5 hours as time rise in Run 10 sunflower oil. viscosity has standard begins At zero for Run 10. quickly 4.0 hours increased conditions after it 20 has the following over The viscosity addition the addition. centistokes increased of while at less than 5 centistokes. The next experiment in this series. Run 11, was performed using nitrogen gas flow prior to the vegetable oil addition, with all other factors the same as in Run 10. 11 shows a viscosity rise result as seen in Figure 11. When Run similar to that of Run 10, zero time is taken as the time of vegetable oil addition and plotted with the standard case (Figure 12) it is seen that the curve for Run 11 approximates the standard even more closely than Run 10. The atomic emission (Table II) reveals a copper content of 28 ppm at 48.5 hours for Run 10, well above the 2 ppm measured at 24 hours in vegetable oil was present This demonstrates that factor in copper Run from 9. Recall that in Run 9 the beginning of the run. vegetable solubilization. soluble copper level at 48.5 oil It is not the causal also shows that the hours may be greater than that throughout a standard condition run. 45 - Standard Conditions (Run 8) O Run 11 > 300 T I M E , hr Figure 11. Viscosity versus exposure time with nitrogen and copper foil for initial 48.5 hours. Copper foil removed,nitrogen changed to oxygen, and 5.0 percent sunflower oil addition at 48.5 hours. 46 Standard Conditions (Run 8) O Run 11 TI ME , hr Figure 12. Viscosity versus exposure time with nitrogen and copper foil for initial 48.5 hours. Copper foil removed, nitrogen changed to oxygen, and 5.0 percent sunflower oil addition at 48.5 hours. Time zero at the point of sunflower oil addition. 47 I Run No. I Time of Sample I I 10 I I 48.5 hours 28 ppm I I I 11 I I 48.5 hours 14 ppm j Table II. Atomic emission results for Runs 10 and 11. The differences between Runs 10 complexity of the present system. of the lubrication slight oxidative This is Copper Level | based oil to initial 48.5 hours the data also shows that in the TBN and of heat is leading to the lubricating oil. rise in viscosity over the absence of the vegetable oil. with oxidation place in Run 10, probably the oxygen small This rise does not occur III shows that It appears that exposure polymerization on and 11 emphasize the nitrogen. of the Total Base Number lube oil is taking at points of unsaturation. (at 48.5 hours) Table for Run 10 with oxygen flow throughout is far less than TBN for Run 11 using nitrogen. 48 I Run No. I I I I I Initial TBN I I 10 I I I 7.0 I I 7.7 TBN at 48.5 hrs I I 6.0 I Total Base Number for Runs 10 and 11. lubrication oil and its may to It copper, as to the actual thereby increasing the copper in copper content lubrication oil additives may way that the soluble The chemistry involved is conceivable that oxygen complexing explain the higher directly affecting the speculate components being oxidized. may be oxidizing the be additives. difficult availability for I I 2.6 I Oxidative degradation very I I I 11 Table III. makes it I the of react copper system. Run with This might 10. Also the oxygen in such a activity is altered, resulting in a change in viscosity rise. The important results copper dissolves in lube oil from Run 10 and 11 are that with either nitrogen or oxygen present and that vegetable oil is not necessary to dissolve the copper. lead These soluble copper is runs also probably the to the conclusion that active catalytic form(s). 49 requiring only an copper surface. initial It is exposure also not necessary for dissolving of lubrication oil to noted that although oxygen is copper, oxygen may enhance the rate of dissolution. Having tentatively concluded of copper catalyst was could be verified if dissolved a known yield similar results. in later research that the active form(s) species, it was felt this soluble form of copper would This soluble form could then be used to minimize polymerization rate by limiting soluble copper levels. Cupric and cuprous oxides were tested at approximately 20 ppm copper by weight Runs 12 and 13. The as substitutes for copper foil in other operating parameters for these runs were at standard conditions. fine powders, making it possible mixing action of the oil suspension. However, The oxides were tested as 13 using the viscosity and to maintain the oxide particles in it is possible particles agglomerated and settled. Runs 12 and for the two that some of the Figure 13 is a plot of copper oxides and standard conditions. The copper oxides show catalytic activity less than that of the standard conditions using copper foil. indicate poor solubility. copper oxides are less It This may might also indicate that the active forms. These unknowns 50 Standard Conditions (Run 8) O CU0O (Run 13) (Run 12) VISCOSITY, cSt A CuO T I M E , hr Figure 13. Viscosity versus exposure time with cupric and cuprous oxides at standard conditions. 51 prevented the use of these oxides as a copper source for future experiments. Another copper source coordination complexes. The acetylacetonate. As acetylacetonates systems. be was are chosen complex from very group of selected was cupric discussed generally a earlier, soluble in metal organic An additional advantage is that, should the copper released by decomposition of the complex, the acetylacetonate fragments will evaporate C303. Run 14 was conducted using 5.0 ppm copper by weight with cupric acetylacetonate as the source. ppm was chosen based on condition runs. appears to be The a The value of 5.0 atomic emission results in standard viscosity close rise as seen in Figure 14 replication of standard conditions. The experiment was repeated using 1.0 and 10.0 ppm copper as cupric acetylacetonate. These were Runs respectively, also plotted in Figure 14. 10.0 ppm are quite variability of similar this and system trend decreases the However, the that rate as of similarity the as 16, Results at 5.0 and determined (Figure amount viscosity of and easily within the inherent experiments at standard conditions definite 15 results indicates that the dissolved copper of rise at 7). by repeated There is a dissolved Copper also 5.0 decreases. and 10.0 ppm may be reaching a point 52 >- 300 — Standard Conditions □ I ppm Cu (Run 15) A 5 ppm Cu (Run 14) O 10 ppm Cu (Run 16) TIME, hr Figure 14. Viscosity versus levels of cupric conditions. - exposure time for varying acetylacetonate at standard 53 where its concentration is no longer the rate limiting factor. The cupric next used in used oxygen nitrogen. acetylacetonate 48.5 flow The hour pretreatment throughout overall parallel the results at while results, for 10.0 experiments. Run as ppm copper was Run 17 18 initially used shown in Figure 15, previous pretreatment experiments with copper foil. The confirmation of soluble copper catalyst is cupric a significant finding. these pretreatment experiments between runs exposed to 48.5 hours. acetylacetonate again oxygen as a However, revealed a difference or nitrogen for the initial Figure 16 plots standard conditions (Run 8) and Runs 17 and 18 where time zero is the point of vegetable oil addition (48.5 hours). As lubrication oil is being hour period. before, slightly However, due to addition, equal amounts of copper it appears the degraded during the 48.5 control of the copper were present in both runs and did not depend on rate of copper dissolution. The curve for the oxygen run has a profile similar to that for a lower copper catalyst level, while the is similar to a copper conditions. the catalytic level This indicates activity of curve for the nitrogen run of 10.0 ppm and standard run that the oxygen may deactivate the dissolved copper species. 54 A O2 Initially (Run 17) O N2 Initially (Run 18) > 300 T I M E , hr Figure 15. Viscosity versus exposure time with nitrogen or oxygen and cupric acetylacetonate for initial 48.5 hours and 5.0 percent sunflower oil addition at 48.5 hours. Nitrogen changed to oxygen at 48.5 hours for Run 18. 55 — Standard Conditions (Run 8) A 0„ Initially (Run 17) O N9 Initially (Run 18) 5 IO 15 20 25 T I M E , hr Figure 16. Viscosity versus exposure time with nitrogen or oxygen and cupric acetylacetonate for initial 48.5 hours and 5.0 percent sunflower oil addition at 48.5 hours. Nitrogen changed to oxygen at 48.5 hours for Run 18. Time zero at the point of sunflower oil addition. 56 This deactivation is not as evident when vegetable oil is available for oxidative polymerization. Total Base Number data similar to those of Runs 48.5 hours the oxygen value when oxidation compared of the 10 run to lube in Table IV indicate results and had 11 At a significantly reduced TBN nitrogen oil with copper foil. at to 48.5 acidic hours. species Again, probably accounts for the difference in TBN. I I I I I Run No. I 17 I I Initial TBN TBN at 4B.5 hrs I I I 7.0 1.54 I I I 18 Table IV. It was I I I I I I 7.0 6.47 I I I Total Base Number for Runs 17 and 18. speculated earlier in this thesis that the copper catalyst might be primarily involved in initiation of the polymerization reaction. confirmed free speculation. radical Lupersol known to initiate Scouting initiator 130, addition tend experiments with a to support this a commercial hydroperoxide, is polymerization by spontaneously decomposing into free radicals. Lupersol 130 was added in 57 periodic additions intervals. original of Two runs 0.48 (19 lubrication and oil ml Lupersol 20) were conducted with the with catalyst, respectively. Nitrogen the run. are The results compared with the standard oil. without copper given in Figure and 20 are similar. propagation If copper phase. Run 20 containing the lack indicates increased rate involved in propagation but initiation. theoretical concept that providing the initial are then capable double bond and of the free copper hence polymerization reaction. a copper However, is not This reinforces the catalyst radicals. abstracting foil case for the original viscosity rise. an hour 17 and are copper should have an accelerated of 1.5 flow was used throughout condition The curves for Runs 19 were important in the and at is a key in These free radicals hydrogen initiating the alpha to the free radical 58 A Lupersol 130 with Cu (Run 19) VISCOSITY, cSt O Lupersol 130 without Cu (Run 20) T I M E , hr Figure 17. Viscosity versus exposure time using Lupersol 130 as a free radical initiator. 59 SUMMARY This research demonstrated oil polymerization in Any review of the results the multiple possible drawn. It the is highly complex chemical system. of this work must be mindful of interactions among system components care evident with which that any mitigate the activity of copper tested widely. catalysis of sunflower commercial lubrication oil containing unknown additives creates a and, therefore, that New additives conclusions must be additive developed to (or other) catalyst must be must be fully compatible with other additive formulations present for other reasons. Copper foil was copper catalytically vegetable exposed found oil. to oil active The polymerization, but it of in surface area would copper is dissolved. solubilization polymerization. amount mixture related to the rate to would was contribute in of the soluble forms of polymerization metallic important appears to copper surface in have the been copper solubilization. logically The then of rate of primarily An increase increase the rate at which increased give an rate of copper increase in 60 A series of pretreatment experiments was designed to demonstrate that the copper was indeed dissolving and that contaminant was not solvation. vegetable These oil experiments responsible verified for that that copper slowly dissolved in oil mixtures at simulated crankcase conditions. They also revealed rate at which that copper deactivating the copper oil is not present. oxygen appears dissolves, but as to accelerate the that oxygen may be well, especially when vegetable Vegetable oil contamination seems to have little if any effect on the rate of copper dissolution. Though metallic copper source of dissolved foil copper dissolved was difficult. in the areas of point of catalyst species, It poisoning benefit if the amount of had determined as a control of the amount was felt that future research or sequestering additives would copper could be quantified at the addition. conducted with materials been Experiments that would were therefore be sources of readily dissolved copper. Cuprous and cupric oxides but gave polymerization rates were tested as copper sources far below those expected for the levels of copper chosen. These compounds apparently had only minimal test solubility copper compound, levels of cupric catalytic in oil mixtures. A third acetylacetonate, demonstrated high activity at standard conditions. 61 Results parallel those exposure. achieved identified as a achieved, cupric acetylacetonate source for Precise amounts of copper can mixture, metallic copper foil Based on the chemistry of the acetylacetonate and the polymerization results was with providing control soluble therefore of this active copper. be added to an oil system variable in subsequent research. Experiments in a multi-cell apparatus indicated soluble copper species were of primary importance in initiation of the triglyceride polymerization reaction. were conducted using radical initiators Lupersol with and 130 to without These experiments provide excess free copper present. No enhancement of polymerization rate was given by the presence of copper as would be expected propagation phase of reaction. if copper catalyzed the Theory for copper catalysis suggests that copper and oxygen can function together in the production of free radicals. These initiate addition polymerization. radicals provided by the of forming free Without the initial free combined oxygen, energy constraints free radicals in turn presence of copper and associated with other mechanisms radicals might limit the overall poIymerization. The results of viscosity rise experiments were supported using atomic emission spectroscopy and alkaline reserve 62 experiments. conclusions. Both tests Viscosity initial indications often used as a whole the viscosity data helpful in developing valid rise without experiments being had provided conclusive. When atomic emission. Total Base Number, and reinforced experimental results. were each other and helped clarify 63 CONCLUSIONS 1. Soluble copper species appear to be of primary catalytic importance in the oil in free lubrication radical polymerization of sunflower oil at simulated engine crankcase conditions. 2. It appears that copper and form the initial free radicals polymerization of contaminant not seem to oxygen act in combination to catalyze necessary for the oxidative sunflower the oil. propagation Copper does phase of the polymerization mechanism. 3. Oxygen lubrication is oil not required system. however that oxygen does to dissolve Preliminary copper evidence in a suggests enhance the rate of dissolving of The presence of sunflower oil is not a governing factor copper. 4. in the rate of solubilization of copper at the conditions of this research. 64 5. Oxygen may deactivate dissolved copper over long exposure times, present. especially where When vegetable reaction may proceed vegetable oil too oil is not initially is present the polymerization rapidly for the provides a source copper to be deactivated. 6. Cupric acetylacetonate of soluble, catalytically active copper which parallels results given by metallic copper foil. The compound provides a means to control concentrations of soluble copper in subsequent experiments. 65 SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 1. One of the key approaches to seeking an additive to limit copper catalytic activity may be the comparison of the two additive packages used in the two different Phillips 66 batches of lubrication oil. It is obvious that the additive package in the oil lubrication more readily inhibits examination of these the rise additive from in the Wyoming refinery viscosity. A detailed packages may reveal specific additives effective in limiting polymerization. 2. Additional research other engine oil wear should metal include the contaminants. screening of If these other metals, which are known to include iron, chromium, lead, and silver, produce catalytic polymerization, it may be effects on triglyceride necessary to develop more general additives or mixtures of additives. 3. The research in this of oxygen may be thesis indicates that the presence influencing the solubilization of copper. It also indicates that in some instances oxygen may actually be reducing the activity of the dissolved copper. phenomena should be reviewed in These two greater detail as there are 66 other possible results. mechanisms There may deactivation effect to which be the an could yield the observed possibility advantage or of of using using the it in conjunction with a particular additive chemistry. 4. There are prescribed concentrations in used advantageous to work at acceptable limits for trace metal crankcase oils. these It would contamination levels. be Table IX in the Appendix lists trace metal contaminants at maximun recommended limits in parts oils would normally those listed. maximum metal If per million. Used lubrication be discarded if metal levels exceed the additives are effective at these levels. the additives will effective at lower metal contamination levels. probably be 67 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Nitske, H.R., and Wilson, C.M., Rudolf Diesel, Pioneer of the Acre of Power, 1st ed., University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, (1965). 2. Pryde, E.H., Overview," J. (1983). 3. Peterson, C.L., Wagner, G.L., and Auld, D.L., "Vegetable Oil Substitutes Diesel Fuels," Power and Machinery Division, ASME, Paper 81-3578 (Oct.,1982). 4. Rewolinski, C., "Vegetable Oil Dilution of Diesel Engine Lubricating Oil," Thesis, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT (1984). 5. Dutta, A., "Polymerization of Lubrication Oil Base Stock Contaminated With Sunflower Oil," Thesis, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT (1985). 6. CRC Handbook of Lubrication, Vol.I, The Chemical Rubber Co., Cleveland (1983). 7. Bruwer, J.J., Boshoff, B.V.D., Hugo, F.J.C., Fuls, J., Hawkins, A.N.,. 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Engine miles (km) Miles since last sample (km) Miles since last oilchange (km) 2 4 5 6 7 501,000' 509,000 516,000 533,000 538,000 547,000 554,000 (806,281) (819,156) (830.422) (857,780) (865.827) (880,311) (891,577) 4.000 8,000 7,000 17.000 4.000 9,000 7,000 ‘ (6.437) (12.875) (11,265) (27,359) (6.437) (14.484) (11.265) 4.000 12.000 19,000 36.000 4.000 13.000 20,000 (6.437) (19,312) (30,577) (57,936) (6.437) (20,922) (32.187) 17 21 14 1.0 0.3 18 24 16 1.8 0.4 Note: Oil changed at 534,000 mi (859,390 km). Table V. 3 20 31 17 2.0 0.5 39 59 36 51 2.1 12 11 12 4.3 0.3 19- • 17 16 2.9 0.4 - Successive spectrographic analyses of used oil from a diesel locomotive crankcase. (CRC Handbook of Lubrication 161) 23 24 21 1.4 0.5 APPENDIX Iron (ppm) Lead (ppm) Copper (ppm) Chromium (ppm) Silver (ppm) I 71 T I I M A C B P H C 0 P G N E A L C A R I 0 S P I I I I N I 6 P S ' I U H I C I 6 I U M U M I I I I R I u I N I I \ I N I I 0 I E I o I U I R I I R I S I 0.0 I I I J _ I I H I I I I I I10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 I 7 _1_ I |11 I I 113 I 0.0 I L 6 6 I I I 410 X I I I I I I I I I X I I I I I I I I I I 5 \ 0 576 148 '550 1539 507 890 0 0 0 1039 I 682 1210 I 1230 2 162 530 0 871 I 517 I 24.2| 2 1280 7 0 1157 I 1118 I I I x I X I I X I I I I I I I I I I I X I I I I I I I I I 28 48.5| 990 5 0 986 I 1212 I 14 1172 4 0 890 I 1078 I I X I I i 38.0| I I I17 I I I 5 485 1490 4 0 0 0 882 1270 I I 960 1280 I I I X I I I X I I .5 I I I I 0 I .5 I I I I I I I I S L I I H 4 I M I I I I I I I I I I U I I o I I I I N I A I I I I I O I 0 R I I I I I I 72.0| CD I I - Z I 0 I R I I I G I I 1227 Ln I 6 4 I .P" CO I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 J _ I I M E I N I E I W I 9 I Table VI . 1058 6 0 1088 I 1208 I X I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Atomic emission data for copper and common additive metals for selected runs. I I I I I I I -L I -L I I I I I L I L I I Run I Nitrogen I No Time I Exposure I I None I 2 I None I 3 I None I 4 I None I 6 I None I 7 I None I 8 I None I 9 I 0.0-24.0 I 10 I None I 11 I 0.0-48.5 I 12 I None I 13 None I 14 None I 15 I None I 16 I None _L 17 I None I 18 I 0.0-48.5 _L Table VII. Oxygen | Time Exposure I 0.0-90.0 I 0.0-70.0 I 0.0-60.0 I 0.0-60.0 I 0.0-48.0 I 0.0-24.0 I 0.0-17.0 I 24.0-64.01 0.0-70.5 I 48.5-64.51 0.0-48.0 I 0.0-48.0 I 0.0-18.0 I 0.0-30.0 I 0.0-15.0 I 0.0-78.0 I 48.5-60.51 Copper I Added j I None I IcmxScm I 2cmx5cmI 2emx5cmI 2cmx5cmI 2cmx5cmI 2cmx5cmI 2cmx5cmI 2crnx5cm I 2cmx5cmI CuO I Cu0O Cu AcAc I Cu AcAc I Cu AcAc I Cu AcAc I Cu AcAc I Copper Foil| Time Exposure None _L 0.0-70.0 hr I 0.0-60.0 hr I 0.0-60.0 hr I 0.0-18.0 hr I 0.0-24.0 hr I 0.0-17.0 hr I 0.0-24.0 hr I 0.0-48.5 hr I 0.0-48.5 hr I None I None I None I None I None I None I None I Time of I % Sun Sun Oil I Oil I Addition Added 0.0 hr I 5.0 I 0.0 hr I 4.7 I 0.0 hr I 4.7 I 0.0 hr I 5.0 I 0.0 hr I 5.0 _ 1 0.0 hr I 5.0 I 0.0 hr I 5.0 _ L 0.0 hr I 5.0 _ L 48.5 hr I 5.0 I 48.5 hr I 5.0 0.0 hr I 5.0 _ L 0.0 hr I 5.0 _ L 0.0 hr I 5.0 I 0.0 hr I 5.0 _ L 0.0 hr I 5.0 I 48.5 hr I 5.0 _ L 48.5 hr I 5.0 I Operation parameters for oil bath runs 73 Run No I Time I I 2 I Time 2 I 3 j Time 3 TSN 6 Time | 7 , Time 7 TEN j Time 10 j Time 11 TBN 14 Time 14 TEN 15 Time 15 TBN 16 Time 16 TSN Time 18 13 Ac A I hr hr hr 0.0 10.0| 40.0 0.6 20.0 30.0 40 . 0 | 50.0 60.0 70.0 4.5 3.3 2.1 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 — 6.7 3.4 2.2 1.0 0.4 0.0 10.0 18.0 28.0 38.0 I 48.0 I 3.7 2.2 0.9 1.1 48.6 52.5 56.5 I hr j hr hr hr hr| hr TEN Table VIII. I 5.2 7.6 | j j J 10.0 20.7 5.5 2.8 24 . 0 | 48.5 6.1 2.6 1.5 1.1 0.9 0.3 0.0 24.0J 48.5 48.6 52.5 56.5 60.5 64.5 7.7 6.2 6.0 6.0 6.4 3.4 0.9 1.5 0.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.01 18.0 7.2 5.8 4.6 2.8 2.0 2.2 0.0 10.0 14.0 17.0 20.0 6.8 — 3.4 — -- 2.8 0.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 6.2 4.0 4.3 4.0 1.9 60.3 . 0.0 j hr I 30.0 6.5 hr| 20.0 1.6 0.0 TBN Time 11.0 8.7 ---- I TSN Time 0.0 ---- 5.6 TBN 11 I hrj TSN 10 17 I T3N 6 17 hr| TBN I I 0.0 48.5 48.6 — 1.5 1.5 0.0 48.5 48.6 56.5 60.5 — -- 6.5 6.5 3.4 2.2 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 6.7 5.9 3.7 1.5 j 0.8 66.5 - Total Base Number in mg KOH/g oil for several runs . * This run had no copper, 5.0 percent Sunflower Oil, and was performed in new Phillips 66 lube oil. 74 Table IX. Metal Diesel, dual-fuel, and gas engines Max cdnc (ppm) Aluminum BoronChromium Copper' • Iron Lead Potassium Silicon Silver 40 20 40 40 100 100 . 50 20 6 Limits for trace metal concentrations in used crankcase oils. (CRC Handbook of Lubrication C63) MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES CO 7 OC>1457C CO CM CO I! IIII 111IlIIIIIIII Vain N3T8 J51 cop.2 DATE Jette, Stephen John Copper catalysis of polymerization of... ISSUED TO Main N378 J51 cop.2 I