The feeding of mustard oil meal in the concentrate mixture to dairy calves by Wei-yip Huang A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Dairy Production Montana State University © Copyright by Wei-yip Huang (1950) Abstract: Two feeding trials were conducted with 36 purebred Holstein and Jersey calves 3 to l6 months of age® The calves were divided into four groups taking into consideration breed, age, and body weight to make the groups as uniform as possible® One group was fed mustard oil meal in the concentrate mix, and the other, used as a check group, was fed soybean oil meal in the concentrate mix* The summary of the results is shown in Table VIII Calves 3 to 6 months of age fed mustard oil meal in the concentrate ration gained 1.347 pounds per calf daily. Calves of the same age group fed soybean oil meal in the concentrate ration gained 1.458 pounds per calf daily. The diffe ence was 0.111 pounds of daily gain in favor of the calves fed soybean oil meal. Calves 6 months of age and over fed mustard oil meal in the concentrate ration gained 1.176 pounds per calf daily. Calves in the same age group fed soybean oil meal in the concentrate ration gained 1.132 pounds per calf daily. The difference was O.044 pounds daily gain per calf in favor of those fed mustard oil meal®. The average daily gain per Calf for all calves fed mustard oil meal in the concentrate ration was 1.262 pounds. The average daily gain per calf for all calves fed soybean oil meal in the concentrate ration was 1.295 pounds® This was 0.033 pounds in favor of the calves fed soybean oil meal in the concentrate ration® ■ ■ MIXTURE TO BAIRI C A M m '' by ■ ’ ■IEI-HP HUMS ' A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate Faculty partial.fulfillment of the•requirements ■ I- ' . .. for-the 'degree'of' '’Master of Dairy Pro'diction Montana State College Approved? ad^M ajw D epar^ent 'ChaiHflan5 Examrana^omffli'btee ans Graduafe’D^iEion Boseman5 Montana June5 19$Q -Iiiiay/;.! IfUl1UiH ■ rjrw 11w • ^ci/y'lfVS CLtrb 7 ' TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION .................... 3 REVIEW OF LITERATURE.......... 5 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE ...................................... 7 EXPERIMENTAL PLAN ...................................... 7 FEEDING AND MANAGEMENT OF THE CALVES 7 ..................... WEIGHING AND EXAMINING THE CALVES.............. 13 DETERMINATION OF BLOOD PLASMA CALCIUM AND INORGANIC PHOSPHORUS 13 DETERMINATION OF BLOOD PLASMA CAROTENE AND VITAMIN A 13 ... * EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS . . ......... * . • • » • • • • • • • • • • 15 DISCUSSIONS OF INDIVIDUAL AND GROUPS OF C A L V E S ........... 15 THE FIRST FEEDING T R I A L ......... 15 THE SECOND FEEDING TRIAL.......... 33 DISCUSSIONS OF R E S U L T S ......................... SUMMARY ............................... . . . . . . . . . . . CONCLUSIONS ............................................. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I I ......................... 5U 56 . . . . . . . . . . 57 BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................... 58 APPENDIX.................................... 61 Z $ Yf 2 r; 5k U7 92665 —3=" IMTROBUCTIOM .. . A large amount (20 ) of wild mustard seed is produced in Montana annually as a by-product in the cereal grainse When the oil is removed from the. mustard seed it leaves a highly nutritious material,, known as mustard oil meal, which may be used as a feed for farm animals This meal has possibilities as' a substitute for other oil meals in the ratiorie Mustard Oil meal has been Used as an ingredient in commercial feeds by many feed manufacturers who found it a low cost protein (31), The reports from farmers indicate that they are not in agreement on whether or not there are ,any detrimental effects, on farm, animals from feeding commercial feed mix containing mustard oil meal*. Wild yellow mustard seed is seldom used for oil production because its oil content is relatively low (31)» Brown mustard,, oriental ' 1 j■ ■ mustards wild rabbit ear.mustard and fan weed seed are. used, to make vegetable oil® These seeds contain a high percentage of oil.varying from 32 to 38 percent with the average oil content of about 35.percent (31)« lost of the mustard oil meal now being, fed to livestock, is manu­ factured from these varieties® - Mustard seed obtained as a by-product from screenings of cereal grains has limited demand. Some growers that produce mustard seed witiiout a contract have reported (22 , 26 ) that they were unable to Sell their crops. Therefore .if its feeding value is proved, surplus mustard seed should make an economical concentrate for the livestock industry of the state. Proven feeding value may stimulate mustard seed production in Montana® It was with this objective that the feeding trials made by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station reported in this thesis K r e cenductod, : . ... ....... . ,. ... .. . ..: fretsven and Helson (29) conducted two feeding trials with Wild yellow muEstafd seed as part of the concentrate ration of milking coWs'„ They compared it with soybean oil meal and found it slightly 'Superior as a feed for milicing cows. The flavor of the milk and the quality of the butter produced by the cowS fed ground wild yellow mustard seed Was equal to that produced by cows fed soybean oil meal,, $he Montana Veterinary Research Laboratory ('30) conducted Some experiments on feeding sheep 'With wild mustard seed pellets made ' '1 " ' from mustard seed obtained from wheat Screenings, . They fed .2,2 pounds of very finely ground mustard seed pellets per 100 pounds of body weight,* The ground mustard seed product was ,suspended in water and immediately given as a drench produced no ill e fects on three lambs. However5 the same material ground and soaked in water and held, at room temperature for 24 hours killed two lambs to which it was fed, fhe continued feeding of this same material without the preliminary treatment in water proved entirely harmless to lambs. Swingle (27) failed to isolate toxic material from mustard or mustard oil meal, and he Suggested that it might be possible that mustard contains glucosides which hydrolysed under the action of the Bnsymes ayrosin, and water to yield respective .mustard oils, which may be toxic, Ackles (7) in his best known growth studies, found the growth rate for 26 Ayrshire heifers from birth to 3, 6 , and 12 months of age to be 1.12, 1.21, and 1,0$ pounds per day respectively, McOandlish (19) reported corresponding figures for heifers of the four dairy breeds of leQ75"lle375 ';an.<i'-lo3L7® ■ Ragsdale (25) 'gave the dtandard pf ^growth for, . daily- e;att3.e.:'isihioh.,is widea^.usedi^r.research workere* ,. ,■■ ■ , *■ , .,Ifadaran3-Eennedys..Bechdeljl:and Anderson .(32) studied the chemical Composition of a lafge number of samples of bovine blood® ..Ihey reported that the;plasma inorganic calcium and phosphorus content ranged from .7o7. to.13^2 ..and from 3«38 to l<,Sh mg« per IOp mlc of blood plasma- ■ respectively, .These findings, agree m t h other investigators,O 3 21^ gk)e ■, .The, importance.of :Vitamin A in dairy-cattle nutrition •was first reported by.,Jones3-.Eqkles and Pslmer (10)© ■ Hart ahd Gilbert (9) found .that, the Vitaidn A ,deficiency developed in, cattle' under range conditions during long seasons-,of dry feeding, Moore (16) studied plasma carotene -of heifers and. found, that before- turning' them to pasture^ the plasma'■ ; carotene content .for all breeds- ranged from li|0 to 550 ug© per 100 ml© f . of blood plasma© Moore (17) also.fed- Vitamin -A'supplement to ■the calves which maintained the plasma, carotene ■level .at 20 ug© per 100 ml© of blood plasma©, ,They did not show symptoms of -nyctalopia© ’• Terri3-Kennedy and Morrow (.28 )--studied the composition of calf blood and carotene con% tent for calves-,under 6 months -of;age. add obtained results ranging from 21 to IliU. U g 0 per 100 ml© of blood plasma© KeyeS and associates (12) who, studied the growth of calves recommended a more liberal supply of Vitamin A and B 0 They recommend 30 ug© of carotene or equivalent, per pound of live weight per day© moq-mu# EldPERS-ISM'AL P t M ■ ' ^x-JO''feeding trials ’were conducted on !feeding vtild rastard' oil •Eieal -to diiYy calves at --the-,Montato, Agricultural -Experiment-Station,, ■fhe -fIl1St 'feeding -trialW s 'carried on -from Becemfcer5 '1947, 'to- Dfey, il948jl and -the •seebnd trial ■from' Hdvember,•■ '1948, lIo' April5 '-fbe length- of each-trial' was 170 days. .fhirty-esix healtlyr/ and vigorous purebred Calves5 :1 9 :Holstdlna and .17 Jerseysj from three to-sixteen months'of age were selected from the college dairy herd and used in these trial's.: Breed5 age, and body weight were taken into consideration to make the:groups and lots as uni« form as possible* fhe calves in each feeding trial were•divided into two different age groups. Each group; was again, divided into- uniform lots, one lot was fed the, wild mustard oil meal in the concentrate mix and the other lot fed soy bean oil meal was used as a control & EEEDlEG AMB -MHAGMiM? . ' ' - The calves'in each group were fed the concentrate ration given in fables I, J-I,. VI, and Vll. fhe rations' used in the feeding trials were mixed thoroughly at the beginning of each experimental period so as to keep the feed supply uniform for each trial. Samples from each ration were taken and analysed by the Ohemistry Research Department of the Jlontana Agricultural, Experiment Station, fable III. fhe analysis are shown in individual samples, of both mustard oil meal and soybean oil ■ meal, used in the rations were also analysed and chemical, compositions are shorn in fable JIX0 fhe calves were fed 3 pounds of grain.and -tiTABLE I Concentrate Rations Fed to the Calves 3 to 6 Months of Age Lot I Lot II Percent Percent Wheat Br a n ................. 25 Rolled Oats. . ..............30 Ground Barley............... 15 Butter Milk, Dried . . . . . 20 Bone Meal................ I Iodized Salt ............. I Mustard Oil M e a l ......... 8 Soybean Oil Meal . ....... 25 30 15 20 I I 8 Total...............1 0 0 ............ 100 Protein.............19 » 7 ........... 25.3 TABLE II Concentrate Rations Fed to the Calves 6 Months of Age and Above • Lot III Lot IV Percent Percent Wheat Bran ....... . Rolled Oats. . . . . . Ground Barley....... Molasses Beet Pulp . . Bone Meal........... Iodized Salt ....... Mustard Oil Meal . . . Soybean Oil Meal . . . Total . Protein 100 . 17.6 100 15.3 TABLE III Chemical Composition of Rations, Mustard Oil Meal and Soybean Oil Meal Used in Feeding Trials « Mustard Oil Meal, Lot I Ether Crude Extract Fiber Protein Moisture % % % % 6 .0 5.1 6.U 19.7 N. F. E. % 55.6 Psh Inorganic Calcium % % Inorganic Phosphorus % 7.2 Group I ■ Soybean Oil Meal, Lot II 25.3 6.0 It. 8 5.7 51.3 6.9 Mustard Oil Meal, Lot III 17.6 6 .It 2.6 57.1 5.9 Group II 4 I Soybean Oil Meal, Lot IV 15.3 5.6 3.5 9.5 5.8 Mustard Oil Meal, Lot V 16.6 5.9 3,5 7.0 58.5 8.5 1.00 0.79 Soybean Oil Meal, Lot VI 16.6 5.9 3.5 7.6 58.5 7.9 0,90 0.7k Mustard Oil Meal, Lot VII 15.5 5.6 3.5 11.2 57.9 6.3 0.75 0.1t7 Soybean Oil Meal, Lot VIII i5 .lt 5.6 3.5 11.6 6.3 0.72 0.1t5 Mustard Oil Meal ltl.5 It. 2 6.1t 7.3 6.2 0.96 0.!t5 Soybean Oil Meal 5.2 U.9 7.6 6.5 0.67 Group III Group IV - 10- TABLE IV Stinmaiy of Lots Showing Daily Gain, Grain and Hay Consumed and Feed Required to Produce 100 Pounds Live ’.eight Group I Group II Sunmary of Group III Group IV Summary of Lots Lots Lots Lots Lot I Lot II Biff. Lot III Lot IV Biff. I & III II & IV Biff. Lot V Lot VI Biff. Lot VII Lot VIII Biff. V & VII VI & VIII Biff. No, of calves in each group 3 3 3 3 3 Length of the feeding trials, days 170 170 170 170 170 Ave, daily gain per calf, pounds 'i.Uos 1.635 0.227 1.129 1.11*8 0.019 1.269 1.391 .122 1,286 1.260 0.006 1.222 1.117 0.105 1.251* 1.199 0.055 Ave, daily grain consumption, pounds 2.966 2.919 .01*7 3.053 3.053 3.000 2.986 .Oil* 2.276 2.319 .01*3 2.693 2.825 .132 2.1*81* 2.572 0.088 Ave♦ grain consumed to produce 100 pounds weight, lbs. 210.7 178.5 32.2 270.1* 253.0 1*81.1 1*31.5 1*9.6 176,9 180.3 3.1* 232.3 252.7 20.1* 1*09.2 1*33.0 23.8 Ave. daily hay consumption, pounds 8.881* 8.827 .057 13.969 .21*2 9.1*61* 9.11*1* .320 13.1*70 13.756 .286 11.1*67 Hay consumed to produce 100 lbs, weight 631.0 91.2 1237.7 1202.3 1095.0 1228.1 133.1 1830.8 539.8 6 82.6 Hi.507’ .538 6 11.1*26 11.668 35.1i 1868.7 171*2.1 126.6 3 3 3 3 170 170 170 170 735.3 713.9 21.9 6 6 11.1*50 .017 191*2.0 111.2 TABLE V Average Milligrams of Inorganic Calcium and Phosphorus Group I Fed Mustard Oil Meal Group Il Group III Group IV Fed Soybean Oil Meal Fed Mustard Oil Meal Lot n Lot III Lot IV Lot V Lot VI Lot VII Lot VIII 10.0 10.0 12.7 13.0 10.1 9.8 10.3 10.2 Final 9.0 9.3 9.7 9.0 10.0 9.5 9.3 9-3 , Lot I Plasma Inorganic Calcium mg./100 ml. Micrograms of Carotene and Vitamin A Initial Fed Fed Soybean Mustard Oil Meal Oil Meal Fed Fed Soybean Mustard Oil Meal Oil Meal Fed Soybean Oil Meal Plasma Inorganic Phosphorus mg./lOO ml. Initial 5.U 5.8 U.5 U.8 7.0 6.U 6.3 6 .3 ^ Final 7.7 7.7 5.6 6.2 5.3 5.7 U.9 U.6 Carotene Initial ug./lOO ml. Final Vitamin A ug./lOO ml* 56 76 256 200 310 363 U.3 UltO Initial 23 22 27 25 Final 20 21 23 22 -12 TABLE VI Concentrate Rations Fed to the Calves 3 to 6 Moiths of Age Lot V Lrt VI Percent Percent Wheat B r a n ................... 25 Rolled Oats .................. ,30 Ground Barley.............. . , 1 5 Dry W h e y ......... 20 Bone Meal .......................I Iodized Salt......... . . . . . I Mustard Oil Meal......... 8 Soybean Oil Meal 25 30 15 20 I I 8 Total.................... 1 0 0 ........... 100 Protein. . . . . . . . . . . 16.6 . . . . . . 16.6 sufficient hay to meet the nutrient requirements according to body weight. First cutting alfalfa hay of good quality was fed in a manger and they were allowed all they would consume. The concentrate and hay was fed at 6 A. M. and 6 P. M. with an additional feeding of hay in the middle of the day. Tha calves were confined in the stalls of a well ventilated and well lighted calf bam. On warm sunny days, the calves were turned out into a small yard to exercise. A uniform temperature was maintained in the calf bam. Dry wheat straw was used for bedding and stalls were cleaned and rebedded twice daily. and III at all times. Water was kept before the calves in Groups I The calves in Groups II and IV were older, so they were allowed to go out to the drinking trough twice a day to get water» Gdnseqilentlyfl they had one^-half to one hour of exercise daily- regardless of the condition of the weather's • WEIGHING A m K u a s m m the calves . Calves Ward weighed at the beginning of the feeding trial and every ten days thereafter. Each weighing took place at Yalg on the tenth aqr of each poriod» Weights were obtained from the average of three successive days weights at the start and, at the end of each trial. On the day of Wighingj, grain for-each calf was calculated for the next ten days period. • ■ Hay consumption for each calf was obtained - .. • - by accurately weighing the hay for one day in the middle of each period and the average consumption for the ten day period was Calculated from this weight* General health conditions and the well being of each calf was observed at all times throughout the experiments, trials* ISl'ERlIMTIOh OF JLOOD Ph-ASMA. CALCIUM A W INORGANIC PHOSPHORUS Blood plasma inorganic calcium and inorganic phosphorus.were determined at the beginning and at the end of the feeding trialse . Inorganic plasma calcium-was determined colorimetric ally by the method of de- Loureir and Jana (£) as- modified by Koch (IU) 0 Ihe results are expressed in mg. per 100 ml, blood plasma. Inorganic blood plasma phosphorus was determined by the photo­ electric colorimeter method as modified by Piske and Subbarow (8 ), Besults are expressed in mg. par 100 ml, blood plasma, IEl1SRroiAfION OF BLOOD PLASMA CAROTENE AND. VITAMTN A I T T 11jVI ........ in,.... i.'ini- m m m .i A t ........ 'MN. 1.11 n . .r... .I ... Blood plasma carotene and Vitamin A were determined at the beginning and at the end df the Se'eond feeding trial. The Garr-Priei special method for determining Vitamin A and carotene in biodd plasma as modified by Bbyer5 Phillipsi, aid Smith (3) m s used U this trial* The barotena. ia'separated by differentia^ solubilities of carotdhe and Vitamin A in $0 to 60 percent ethyl alcohol* Bie carotene was then precipitated from the alcohol solution by d Iutiond Vitamin A remained in solution* The carotene .was then estimated' by photoelectric colorimeter as described by Moore and others,(k, 6 , Il3 13,.Ig3 '23)% Correction factors for Xanthophylls, which appears in cattle blood plasma wa& also made. , . EXPliaM W m RESULTS DISCUSSIONS OF INDIFXHJiL iND GROUPS OF CilFES .Io THE FIRST FEEDING TRIAL In the first feeding trial, twenty-two purebred calves, thirteen Holsteins and nine Jerseys, were divided into two uniform groups designated as Group I and Group 11» Group I consisted of six calves, four Holsteins and two Jerseys, from 3 to 6 'months of age* Group II consisted, of sixteen calves, nine Holsteins and seven Jerseys, from 6 months of age and above# Group I was redivided.into two uniform lots, designated as Lot X and Lot IIe Each lot consisted of three calves, two Holsteins and one Jersey* Group if was also redivided into two uniform lots, designated as Lot III and Lot IV* Lot III consisted of four Holsteins and four Jerseys, while Lot IV consisted of five Holsteins and three Jerseys respectively* Lot I and Lot III were fed mustard oil meal in the. concentrate I mix, and Lot II and Lot IV were fed soy bean oil meal* The compositions of the concentrate rations are given in Tables I and II® The chemical analysis of the rations used in the first feeding trial is shown in Table III9 The detailed data for the individual calves in the various groups are given in Appendix Tables I through VYTT1r These tables contain data of the weight in pounds at the end of each period, normal weight by months according to Ragsdale (25), inorganic calcium, mg* per 100 ml* blood plasma, inorganic phosphorus, mg* per 100 ml* blood plasma*. The grain and hay intake in pounds, date of birth and age at start of trial are also given* ’'i. -6 I ^16" \ TM daily gain per calf, average feed Condmaeds and feeds required to produce IGO pounds of gain for each Ioi are. show in fable 1?» fails V SmmnarlneS the blood picture of each lot. Group Is lot I Calves Under 6 Months of Age Receiving MUstard ■ Oil Meal in the Concentrate Ration 1 ■" Calf 134. a female ^olsieinjr born, duly 14, 1947| started trial ' : ' at 4 months, 25 days of age, weighing 376 pounds.. / During the trialp it gained 234 pounds uith an, average daily gain of 1.376 pounds.. glx. weeks after the trial had begun, this naif was vaccinated for Bangfs disease and ,BlacMLeg. It lost its appetite for about three days* The rate of growth was slower from this time on; however" $t weighed thirty-eight pounds above standard at the end of the trial. Appendix fable, f sets forth the detailed data and Comparison to the standard.^ ' The ■blood picture' revealed that, the inorganic calcium decreased from 13.3 to 8.7 mg* per 100 ml. of blood plasma. Inorganic phosphorus increased from 6 to 7.5 mg, per 100 ml. of blood plasma* Inorganic caloima of this calf waS in the normal range* Oalf 136. a female Holstein, b o m August 20, 1947; Started trial at, 3 months:, 19 days of age^ weighing 274 pounds* It gained ’ steadily and consistently throughout the trial, showing a gain of 285 pounds with an average daily gain of 1=676 pounds, Vaccination against Bang's disease and Blackleg at the 6th week of the trial had no effect on the rate of gain, of this calf. Appendix fable Il sets forth the X detailed data and comparison to the standard. ■' . The blood picture revealed that ,inorganic calcium decreased from lUo6 .to 8®5 mg,» per 100 'ml© of blood.piasma'i inorganic phosphorus increased from W to TJg mg* per 100 ml, of blood plasma* Inorganic calcium was in the normal ranges, ,Cajf 131j a female Jerseyf born July I5 19k7j. started trial ' at g months, 8 days of age5 weighing 276 pounds® It gained steadily and consistently throughout the trial, showing a gain of 199 pounds with an average daily gain of 1.170 pounds. Appendix Table III sets forth the detailed data and comparison to the standard© The blood picture revealed that inorganic calcium decreased from 12.1 to 9.7 mg. per 100 ml, of blood plasma.. XnOrganic phosphorus Increased from 6,3 to 7.P mg. per 100 ml. of blood plasma. These are in the. normal range. Calves in lot I grew and developed as normal healthy calves, m e n they were changed from the usual ration to the experimental rations, they did not eat it readily, However5 in a few days, they ate the rations immediately after being fed. The detailed data of this lot is shown in Tables If and 7. Figures I and 2 show the rates of gain aid comparison to the standard. They were slightly above normal in weight throughout the 170 days period... They consumed an average of 2.966 pounds Of grain and 8,88k pounds of hay daily per calf* Feed produce'100 ' pounds of gain was 210*7 pounds,of grain end 631 pounds' of hay0 The blood inorganic calcium and phosphorus averaged 10 and 5«k per 100 mle blood plasma at the Stait5 9' and 7$7 mg® per 100 -18Figure I. WEIGHTS OF CALVES IN LOTS I AND II COMPARED TO RAGSDALE STiiNDARD ------------ — ------------ Mustard Oil Meal Lot I Ragsdale Standard Lot I « — * — * — • — Soybean Oil Meal Lot II — i Ragsdale Standard Lot II o 490 •h 450 / Z Month i on Trial 0 I 2 3 4 5 -19Figure 2. RATE OF GAIN OF CALVES IN LOTS I AND II COMPARED TO RAGSDALE STANDARD — — ---- — Mustard Oil Meal Lot I Ragsdale Standard — .— •— «— Soybean Oil Meal Ragsdale Standard Lot I Lot II Lot II c 200 ° 160 Months or Trial « 20- ml, blood plagm at the and of the' trial respectively, mz$Bl range, ■ ’ • ■' droup:l $ %'ot'B ■■ ■ ■ ..... '■ These are fa the . , ■■ ' : Qalves Under 6 Months of ,Age deceiving Boyhean",' Oil Meal in the Ooncentrate Bation :■.■■■■ Qalf ,135 o a female Jersey,, b o m August 11, ■1947s started trial at 3 months, 28 days of age, weighing 216 pounds, with an average daily gain of 1=041 pounds, ft gained 177 pounds- At the 6th weak of the trial,. it was vaccinated .against Bang's disease and Blackleg which caused it to lose its appetite for about a week= ft then gained in weight slowly and was 13 pounds above standard at the end of the, trial. Appendix fable 17 Sets forth the detailed data and comparison to the standard. The blood picture revealed that inorganic calcium decreased from 12=1 to 9,5 mg, per 100 m L of blood plasma* Inorganic phosphorus increased from 5=4 to 7=8 mg,= per 100 ml= of KLood plasma. These are in the normal range= Oalf 132* a male Holstein, b o m July 2, 1947? started trial at 5 months,.7 days; of age, Weighing 354 pounds* ft gained consistently and Steadily throughout the trial, gaining 319 pounds with an average daily gain of 1,876 pounds* Appendix Table. 7 sets forth the detailed data and comparison, to, the standard* The blood picture revealed that inorganic calcium decreased from 14,6 to 8,7 mg, per 100 mL, of blood plasma.. Inorganic phosphorus . increased from'6 ,3 to 7*8,mg, per IOQ ml, of blood plasma* calcium level was in the normal ranges • The inorganic " Galf1 133» a male Holeteitis born July gs 1947? started trial at 5 monthss 7' days ■of age, ueigbing 334 pounds* '-It.gained steadily ■ throughout 'the entire ■experimebtal period, ’ehouitig' •&.■gain-1of 538 founds ■'with an average1daily1gain of 1 ,988 pounds, 1Vaccinations against Bang's disease and-Blaekleg at the ;end of six weeks 'retarded the .animal's growth, ; : ■ ' ’ Detailed data and comparison to the standard is''shown in Appendix Table _ fhe blood picture revealed that 'inorganib calcium decreased from 13*3 to 10,9 mg. per 100 iat. of' blood plasma,' Incrgdnid phosphorus 'increased from' $.8 to 7,5 mg'a per 100 'ml,-; of blood plasma,- fheSe are within the normal range. ' ' CalveS in lot |X grew’Uormallyb ijhen ,they v@f#' changed from the usual ''rations to the ■soybean oil meal ration, they showed a dislike for it the' first few days but Soon ate the concentrate readily. They maintained a’good appetite the rest of the trial. So digestive trouble ’was observed, -The, summary of the data for this lot is Shorn 'In fables '17 and- lTfilV' Figures I and 2 show the- rates' of gain as compared to the ■standard, The average daily gain of lot' It was 1,635 pounds per calf, This is slightly higher than lot X s which made a daily gain 'Cf 1.408 pounds. They required' 178,5 pounds of grain' and 539.8 pounds of hay to produce 100 pounds.'of gain; The average; daily feed consumption was 2.919 pounds of grain, and 8.827 pounds of hay1per calf,, fhe blood picture revealed that inorganic calcium decreased £pqm.10 to $>»3 mg# per 3.00 b£Lw op blood plasmao liiorgan'ic phosphorus increased from 2,8'tp 7.7 mg, par lOO ml, df' Plqdd plasma* These era: ' ' in the normal rsiige* ‘ - Group H 9 Lot III " caJ-vQS 6„Months of ,Age and Above Receiving Mustard Oil Meal in the Goncentrate Ration .' . Calf 913 a female Holstein^ b o m July Ili5 19^.6j started trial at 16 Bionths5 2$ days of age, weighing 839 pounds, ' It gained 229 pounds with an average daily gain of io3h? pounds. showed a slight constipation, During' the experiment, it No treatment was given, aid it recovered soon.^ It .was bred in the 6 th week of the trial, but no change in rate Of growth was observed, .Appendix Table TII sets forth the detailed data and comparison to the standard.' 1 The blood picture revealed that, inorganic calcium decreased from 12*1 to 8*3 mg, per IGO ml* of blood plasma*.. Inorganic phosphorus" increased from h «2 to $ $ mg* per 100 ml, of blood plasma, "pie plasma inorganic calcium Was. in the normal ranges GaJfJ^ 5 a female Holstein5 born September f>5 I9h6| started. orial at 13 months, k days of age, weighing Slii pounds, ^pounds with an average.;daily gain of l*liil pounds. Xt gained. 19h Detailed data and ■ comparison to the standard is given in Appendix Table Till, The blood picture showed that inorganic cd. cium decreased from, 12,1 to 9.7 mgo per 100 of blood plasma, , Inorganic' phosphbrus increased from lt.0 to 2,2 mg, per loo'ml, of blood plasmas - These are in the normal range* -23" Calf lOlj.3 a female Holstein3 born November Ip3 I9I1.65 started ■ trial at 12 Bionihs5 20 days of age, weighing 7&2 pounds. . - h . , It .gained 195 ■ ■ ' ' 1 pounds with an average daily gain of I=IUT poundse Roughness of the hair and slight constipation Were also observed in this calf after the fourth week of the trial* There was-no serious effect on the health except Slight decrease of'appetite and occasional congestion of the eonjuntiva were Observed* Appendix Table II sets forth the detailed data 'and ' ' ' ' '' ‘ I' ( . , ■* ' V' ‘• comparison to the standard® ■ , ■ The blood picture revealed that inorganic calcium decreased front 12*1 to Po? mg* per 100 ml®- of blood pi asms| inorganic phosphorus increased from to 6*1 mg* per 100 ml* of blood plasma* in the normal range. These are " Oalf 1Q63 a female HolsteiKLr born Hovember 29s IPU63 Started trial at 12 months, 10 days of age5- weighing 737 pounds. It gained 213 ■■ Pounds with an average daily gain of 1*253 pounds* It .showed roughness of hair ana occasional constipation after U Weeks on trial, but it main" tainsd a good appetite throughout the entire trial. Appendik Table X .. sets forth the detailed data* ■ Inorganic calcium decreased from 12.1 to 11.9' mg. per IQO mlfc of blood plasmaj inorganic.phosphorus increased-from UbO to 6*3 mg* per 100 ml a of blood plasma* These are- in the normal, range. / Calf 93k a. Jersey female, born July 31, 19U6| started trial . at 16. months, 8 days of age, weighing 583 pounds* It gained 150 pounds with an average daily gain of 0.8 82 pounds.. I^ showed a roughness of the ) h a i r 'from the 3rd TJeek- of the trial md' slight constipation* Ho treat­ ment Wad givens.-and it recovered*- .jflppetidis: fable XI sets forth the detailed data and comparison to the standards* -The blood picture-"repealed th'at inorganic calcium decreased from 13i3 -to19*^ Ag* per 100 ini*:of blood plasma* Inorganic phosphorus . increased, from ■5*1 to 5*8 mg* ■per 100 adl*'of blood plasma* These are '-in the- normal 'range* .'-i Calf 1023 a female Jarsey5.born-Hovember Ih5 19h65 started ■ ■tidal at.12 months,. 2$ days -of age, weighing 5h3 'pounds. ' it .grew" ' noraally';and'ha'd''a-'--slee'k' Coat -■bl' throughout the entire "trial* ' it •/ - ; gained 162 ,pounds with an average- daily gain of 0,953 pounds* Appendix , • fable XIl sets' forth the detailed data and'Comparison : to the standard* ' - - 'fhe blood, picture revealed -that inorganic calcium decreased from li(.©6 to 8*0 mg, per 100 mlG of blood plasma, inorganic phosphorus increased from h&5 to 5*8 mg* per. 100 ml* of blood plasma* Inorganic calcium; was In the normal range* Gaif 113s a. female Jersey9 bor-n Jannaiy l3 a 19h?|' started trial at 10 months, 26 days -of age, weighing k92 pounds* it gained 176 pounds, with an average, daily gain of 1*035 pounds* Bang8S diseasevaccination at the -sixth week of the trial caused no effect, upon the - : - ; weight' though Slight-inactivity was observed for two days followag the injection* (Appendix fable XilI -sets forth.the detailed data- and comparison to the standard* The blood picture revealed that, inorganic calcium decreased from 13.3 to 10*9 mg4 pet' 100'ml.; of blood plasm. 'IPorgarlb phosphorus increased from 4.3 to 4.5 mg', per I O d m L of blood plasm. the normal r a n g e . -' ' ''' - ' '' Iheseiare in : : Qalf 124.:a female ’Jersey9 horn April ■13, 1947; Started trial at 7 months, 26 days of age, weighing 337 pounds. with' an average1daily -gain of 1,270 pounds; .It gained'.216 pounds • , Orouth was temporarily checked at the sixth week when it reacted to the vaccination against 'Bang’s disease and blackleg.' At the end of the trial, it Weighed-■ $53 pounds j 59 pounds above the Standards ' Appendix table i W Sets ■forth the detailed data and'comparison to the Standard. the blood picture revealed that inorganic Calcium decreased from '1 2 ,1 to 9.2 mg. per 100 ml. of blood plasma, ' there was no change of the-. inorganic phosphorus -level, which war 5 ,S mg." per 100 a£L* of blood plasma, tn general, the calves in hot H I ; were normal -healthy calves. Some of them showed roughness of hair and Slight constipation after - 3 or 4 weeks on trial. Calves number 91, 93, 97, 104, and 106 were ■ considered to be mors pronounced in symptoms. Calf'Mo. 106 was treated with castor oil twice because of -severe' Constipation. However, when the weather became warmer in the late spring, and the calves' were -turned, out into, the yard for a longer period of. time, their condition was 'improved, Tables !? and t show the SUmmaiy of the calves in hot'Hf, Higurea 3 and 4 show the rates of gain as compared to the standard. At the start of the trial, the Jersey calves weighed slightly below the standards btit they gained steadily, and weighed above normal after on# ■ month on trials All c'4ves in hot H I weighed above normal .at the end of the tzialy The average daily gain per calf in Lqt III was I«129 pounds@ It is slightly less than those in Lot I? which gained IeiljrS pounds respectively® They Consumed 3?Q53 pounds of grain and 13«96^ pound# ,■ of hay daily* Feed required tq produce 100 pounds of gain was 270*h pounds Of grain and 1,237*7 pounds of hay. The blood picture revealed that inorganic calcium decreased from 12o? to 9a7 mg» per 100 ml0 of blood plasma# increased from Inorganic phosphorus to $ .6 mg, per 100 ml,‘of blood plasma. These are in the normal range® Group II, Lot IF Calves 6 Months of Age and Above deceiving Soybean ,■. Oil Meal in the Concentrate.Eation Calf 9$s a female Holstein, b o m ingust 17 , IphGa started trial at IS months, 22 days ..of age.,, weighing 889, pounds, 'It gained 21h pounds with an average daily gain of 1,238-pound#,. Appendix Table W sets forth the detailed data and,comparison to thd-standard,.■ . The blood picture revealed that inorganic calcium decreased . from 12®1 to 8,0 mg, per. 100 ml, of blood, plasma,; ;Inorganic phosphorus increased from 3,2 to 3,7 mg. per 100 ml. of blood plasma, . The inorganic calcium was in the normal range® , Calf 98, a female Holstein calf, born September 3, 19ij.6| started trial at 13 months, h days of age, weighing 8k7 pounds® gained 230 pounds with m average daily gain of ImUlQ pounds® It Appendix fable H I sets forth the detailed data and comparison to the standard. ■ fhe blood picture revealed that .’ inorgahic calcium' decreased from 14 »6 to % 0 mg* per IDO mi6 of blood plasma. Inorganic phosphorus increased .from 4*8 to 5,=?'mg= per 100 ml= of blood plasma. Ihese are in the normal ,range.* Dalf IQS, a female Holstein5 born January 2„ 1947; started trial at 11 months^ 7 days of age, weighing 745 pounds, it gained 157 pounds with an average daily gain of 0*923 pounds* Dehorning the fifth week of the trial and vaccinations against Dang-6S disease and blackleg on the. sixth week temporarily checked the growth rate,. At the end of the trial, if -weighed 902 pounds, 96 pounds above the normal* Appendix fable H l I sets forth the detailed data and comparison to the standard, fhe blood picture revealed that inorganic, calcium decreased from 14.6 to 8*0 mg. ■per 100 ml* of blood plasma. ,Inorganic phosphorus increased from 4 .B to 6*6 mg,, per 100 ml* of blood plasma* Inorganic calcium was within the normal range* ' 1 ' 6 ’• . ■ Calf 116. a female Holstein,, born February 17, 1947? started trial at 9 months, 22 days of age, weighing 596 pounds. It gained steadily and consistently, gaining 236 pounds with an average daily gain of 1 .3 8 8 pounds. Vaccination against 1Bang6S disease and blackleg caused no effect upon growth. Appendix fable H l S l sets forth the. detailed data and comparison to the standard* fhe blood picture revealed that inorganic calcium decreased from 13.3 to 10*4 mg. per 100 ml, of blood plasma. Ihorganic phosphorus f m2Sfe 6*4--'ag*1per %G0 ml^.df ^bidcid plasma* ':fhe0q -are -Jlnqreetsed from in the normal range*• '' • •• • ' *• ' ••’ •"•1 •••'•• • - •” : Galfl125* a female Holsteirij born Anril 28„ 19A7: Starbed 'trial at 7 months^ H days of age; weighing 4Sl pounds. pounds with an average daily gain of 1,770 pounds, It gained 300 fascination against BangfS- disease .4nd Maclcleg temporarily retarded the growth, Appendix, ■ Ha M e XIX:;-sets forth -the1detailed data 'and Comparison to the standard, ' ■ fhe Mood pieture''revealed that, inorganic calcium decreased from 12,1 to 9,7 ng, per 100 M , of Mood plasma; inorganic phosphorus increased from 5.2 to 6,4 per 100 ml* of Mood plasma, in the normal range, ;' - HhSse were - - ■• ; ' Oalf 94. a'fSmale Jersey, horn August 10, 1946; Started trial at 15 months, 29 days of age, weighing 6 lS;ipounds,- ft'gained 150 pounds with an average daily gain of 0,862 pounds* Appendix H a M e Z& sets, ■■'’ forth the detailed data, and comparison to the standard, Hhe Mood picture revealed that inorganic calcium decreased from 1 2 .1 to 8 ,0 mg, per 100 ml. of blood plasma, increased from 4 ,8 to 6 ,3 mg, per 100 calcium was very low, ■but no undesirable inorganic phosphorus of Mood plasma, inorganic Symptoms were observed* Oalf 112. a female Jersey calf, b o m January 12, 1947; Started trial -at 10 months, 27 days of age, weighing 454 pounds,' It gained 145 ■ - I'-. ' ’; ' pounds with an average daily gain, of 0,853 pounds, Vaccination against ■ Bang8S disease and blackleg at the Srbth week retarded its growth slightly, but it recovered rapidly and was 29 pounds above the standard at the end *=*29”” of the trials Appendix fable XXl sets forth detailed data and comparison to the standard? The blood picture revealed that inorganic calcium decreased from 12*1 to 7 o8 mg® per IOQ mjU of blood plasma* Inorganic phosphorus increased from $$,2 to 6*3 mg, per 100 ml„ of blood plasma* Ihe inorganic calcium .was very Iow3 but no abnormal physical symptoms were observed® Galf IlS3 a female Jersey, b o m March- 20, I9h7$ started trial" at 8 months, 19 'days of age, weighing -lj.06 pounds« Xt gained 189 pounds with an average daily gain of I»111 poundse Vaccinations against Bang's disease and blackleg caused a temporary slower rate of growthc Appendix Table XXIl sets forth the detailed data and a comparison'to the Standarde The blood picture revealed that inorganic calcium decreased from 13*3 to 9*7 mg* per IQQ ml, of blood plasma* Inorganic phosphorus- increased from ki,3 to 607 mg* per- IQO mle.of blood plasma* in the normal raige. ■ ; - These are . ,- •Galves in lot ,IV grew normally,: ,They, gained steadily and above the normal rate* They showed sleek coats of hair for most of the trial and had, good appetites throughout the tried* Tables I? and ? show the summary pf the calves in lot IV.. ,Figures 3 and I show the rate of gain as compared to. the standard* The ,average daily gain per calf in lot IV was IeIilQ pounds® They consumed 3*053 pounds of .grain and ll;*507 pounds of hay per calf daily* Feed required to produce 100 pounds of gain was 253 pounds of grain, and, I?202*3Jpounds- of hay respectively*. -30Figure 3. WEIGHTS OF CALVES IN LOTS III AND IV COMPARED TO RAGSDALE STANDARD — — — — — Mustard Oil Meal Ragsdale Standard — — — — Lot III Lot III Soybean Oil Meal Lot IV — i — I — I — I— 'Ragsdale Standard Lot IV 840 Z /' ,. ' ■ 1 / / / / z* \^\ • \ \ 760 --- ----- 800 / Z ' Weight in Poxmds Z// s ' t Z > I o 720 Z .5 Z •h 680 P -A ^ \ > > > > 640 — Z > 600 M< nths on Tri! Il 560 0 J 2 3 4 5 5^- -SiFigure 4. RATE OF GAIN OF CALVES IN LOTS III AND IV COMPARED TO RAGSDALE STANDARD — — Mustard Oil Meal ----- Ragsdale Standard • — .— Soybean Oil Meal — I — i Ragsdale Standard Lot III Lot III Lot IV Lot IV — 'ftfe blood'picture of Lot I?'retrealedthat plasma Inorganic ’' calcium decreased from 13 to 9 mg» per 100 ml. of blood plasma. Inorganic phosphorus inoreased from 1|#8 to 6.2 mg* per 100 ml, of blood'plasma. Inorganic calbium m s slightly under the normal Ievei9 but no ciinical’ symptom was observed among the calves. ' " " ' ,=,, ; ii*.. .isE/S^qoXD-PB^ymg '. - ... ,Fourteen Calvess;6 Holstelns and 8 ;Jerseyss ^ere used in tb,e ;, s e c o n d , f e e d i n g , , ■Theyjtere divided into ,two uniform.groups designated as Grpnp III'.and Group IV* Group III. consisted of 6 calves from 3, to 6 months'of,ages and Group. IV consisted of 8 calves from 6 to 11 months of age. Group 111 was again redivided into two uniform Iots5 each consisted Of two Jerseys and one Holstein Galfe. Group IV was redivided into twouniform Iots5 each lot-consisted of two Holstein- and two Jersey heifer calves respectively, ■ ■ Similar to the-first feeding trials Lots V and VII were fed. the mustard oil meaia while Lots VI and VIII were fed soybean oil mealin the concentrate mixture* Ihe composition of the concentrate' rations are shown, in Tables ■ T l and VJIe ' ' TBLE Vll Concentrate Rations Fed to Calves 6 Months of Age and Over Lot V H , Percent Wheat Bran . . . . . e * . . . . Rolled Oats . . . . . . . . . Ground Barley.. . . . . . . . . . Molasses Beet Pulp. . . . . . . . Bone Meal . . ... Iodized Salt. . . . . . . . . . . . Bastard Oil Meal.- . ..«■• e Soybean Oil Meal. . . . „ ^ e e 20 20 30 18 I 10 . . . . . . . Lot vm ■ Percent . . . . . . ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... . 20 20 30 18 I I 10 Total . s o , . . , o e a ,100 . . . . . . »100 Protein. . . . . o ® . . . . 13'»5 . . . . . . IHsU , Chemical analysis of the above rations are shewn in Table ill* The concentrate fed to the calves/in Group III contained l6P6 percent of protein* According to Armsby and Msynai'd (I, I8),'l6.6 percent protein in the concentrate ration for growing dairy cattle under 6 months ■of age is considered, too Ie*, Bry skim milk' was not available, therefore dry Whey was used in the concentrate, ira^cwhich/ reduced the percentage of protein in the rations* The detailed data, for .individual calves in the second feeding trial are given in Appendix Table Kill thru XJSVI6 f ables IV and ? summarize the data for each let * Group In, .hot V Calves Under.Sia Ifonths of Age Receiving'TyWtard Oil ,Meal in the COncentrate/RatioiT” Calf IVQ0 a female Jersey, born lay 20, l9hQ$ Started trial at 5 months, 20 days of age, weighing 252- pounds* It gained 213 pounds XDith an average daily gain of I0253 pounds0 Appendix Table XXIII sets forth the detailed data and comparison to the standard* < The blood picture revealed that inorganic calcium and phosphorus decreased from 10 to 9*6 and from 6*5 to 5*2 mg, per 100 ml* of blood plasma respectively. These were in the normal range» Blood carotene greatly increased from 7k to 385 ug. per 100 ml. Of blood plasma. m n A increased from 23 to %k ug, per 100 ml, of blood plasma. ■ were an the normal range, . . . . Vita- They ... % female Jersey, born June. 26, I^Sj started trial —35>** at Ik months5 lk days of age9 teighing 225 pounds6 It gaimed 190 pdunds TdLth an average daily gain of 1*118 pounds* This calf showed a dislilce for the concentrate mix containing mustard oil mesi throughout the entire trialS although it maintained a fairly.good rate, of gain* .Appendix Table XXIF' sets forth the detailed" data and comparison to. the ’Standard®. There was little change in plasma inorganic calcium after 1?0 days on trial* Xnorganie phosphorus decreased from 6ek to ml* of blood plasma* Blood carotene increased from 73 to 315 ug» per 100 ml® of blood plasma® ml* of blood plasma* per 100 Fitamin A decreased from -23 to 17 ug* per 100 These were ,all in the normal range®. ' CalXiras -a female Holstein9 born June Ps ipkS; started trial at 5 months, I day of age, weighing 354 pounds® It gained steadily and consistently, ganing 253 pounds with an average daily gain of 1*488 pounds* Appendix Table %X7 eats forth the detailed data and comparison to the1standard* Inorganic calcium and phosphorus decreased from 10 to 9*4 and 8*1 to 6.4 mg* per 100 ml. of blood plasma respectively* . The carotene increased from 40 to 270 ug. per 100 ml. of blood plasma, # l l e decreased from 23 to 18 ug. per 100 ml. of blood plasma. Vitamin A values Vitamin A Carotene and for this calf were the lowest Of the calves used in this feeding trial, but these were still above- the normal.'levels. Calves in lot V seamed normal bud healthy* ' T M y showed c o L ^ siderable gloss and sheen .of the hair for moat of the experimental period* Mustard oil meal seemed unpalatable to all calves in this lot. They ■ —.36ate SldWlys usually needing about one-third more time to consume the con­ centrate, than: those .-receiving soybean' oil -weal in their grain ration* ' ■■ • The summary' of lot V is. shown in Tables IV and Vt and 6 show the comparison of rate of gain to'the standard# daily gain for. each calf in Lot V was 1*286 pounds® Figures g The average This was slightly higher than those in Lot VI* Galyes in L0t VI made an average daily gain of 1,280 pounds* ..They consumed 2.276 pounds' of ,-grain, and 9 pounds of hay per calf, daily* Feed required to. produce 100 pounds of gain was 176,? pounds of. grain and 735 ®8 pounds of hsy respectively^ . ,Inorganic calcium and phosphorus decreased from .IOoX to 10 and from 7,0 to 5*3 mg, per 100 ml, of blood plasma respectively#, The Carotene, increased frpm ^ 6 to. 310» while Vitamin A deomased slightly from 23 to 20 tig*,per 100 ml# Of blood plasma .respectively, Group JIl5 Lot =.;■ VI , GalTes pnd^r Six Months of Age Boceivine Soybean Oil leal in the Concentrate Ration Qalf 173^ a female Holsteinjl born June 22s 19U&1 started trial ‘ ' - at it monthsg 18 days of age* weighing 32lt pounds* with an average daily gain of 1,665 pounds# throughout the entire trial. It gained 283 pounds This Calf made very good gains Appendix Table ZHVI sets forth the detailed data and comparison to the standard# ' , Inorganic calcium and phosphorus decreased from 10*2 to 9 ,6 and from 6*2 to 5»6 mg* per 100 ml® of blood plasma respectively* Blood carotene increased f w m 31 to 260 ng. per 100 ml, blood plasma, Vitamkt A increased from 15 to 21 ug6 per 100 ml* blood plasma. They were all -37 Figure 5. VffiIGHTS OF CALVES H LOTS V AIiD VI COMPARED TO RAGSDALE STANDARD -------------- Mustard Oil Meal — Lot V -----------Ragsdale Standard Lot V — *— *— —i -— — Soybean Oil Meal Lot VI I Ragsdale Standard Lot VI 510 / / / -- X X / / 470 Z / 430 , X X" y 390 y Z X spunod UT q.HhTag , z ' 350 Z <* Z * 310 \ X 270 230 Z Months on Trial 190 0 1 2 3 4 5 5|- -38Figure 6. RATE OF GAIN OF CALVES IN LOTS V AND VI COMPARED TO RAGSDALE STANDARD --------- — Mustard Oil Meal ------------— ,— Lot V Ragsdale Standard ----- Soybean Oil Meal —+ — ' Lot V Lot VI Ragsdale Standard Lot VI 280 240 Zy to IO 200 o, C •H X rO <D •h 160 / <3 -P y •H I= 120 80 * 40 Months on Trial 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 5& ini,the normal range» ...( - Calf 16$a a female Jerseya born May Ila 19hBi, started, trial , • at $ Sionths3 29 days of agea weighing '2?2 pounds0 ft gained 174 pounds with an average daily gain of 1.023 pounds@ Appendix Table XXHI sets, forth the detailed data and comparison to -Iiie standard* Inorganic calcium and phosphorus decreased from 10o5 to 9e2 and from 60I to .5*3 mg, per 100 ml. of blood plasma respectively. carotene increased from 170 to Blood ug» per 100 ml0 of blood plasma. Vitamin A decreased from■31 ■te■19 ■ug.® per.100 ml., of bipod plasma. were all in the normal range. These 1 Calf 1723 a female Jersey3 born June Ih3 19h% 'started, trial at h monthsa 2& days 6f agea weighing 2h7 pounds. wrfch an average ,daily gain of 1*1^3 pounds* It gained 1 9 6 'pounds Appendix Table XXVlII sets forth the detailed' data and comparison to the standard* Inorganic calcium increased •slightly from 9 to 9 .6 Mill© inorganic phosphorus decreased from 7 .2 to 6 .9 mg. per 100 ml. of blood ■ plasma respectively. Blood carotene increased from Jk to 389 ug, par- ■ 100 ml. of blood plasma. ml» of blood plasma. All of these .were in the normal range* ■' Calves"in Lot H ration. Vitamin 'A decreased from 29 to 23 ug. per 100 ■ received soybean oil. meal in the concentrate They grew normally and vigorously throughout the entire trial* Their r ate of gain was slightly under Ragsdale’s standard* Since all the calves weighed highly above the standard at the start, they were still abcnre normal at the end of the trial*. Tables IV and V show the Summary ! df this lot, normal^ Figures $ and 6 show 'the rats of gain as compared to the 1.280 poundse Average- ,gain for Loi They consumed '2.319 pounds' of grain and 9^lhk pounds, of hay per calf daily. It required 180*3 pounds of grain and 713.9 pounds of hay to produce 100 pounds of gain. The blood picture, revealed that inorganic calcium and phosphorus decreased slightly from 9.8 to.9.2 and from 6eit to 2.7 mg. per 100 mle of blood plasma respectively,. Blood carotene increased from 76 to 363 uge psr 100 ml. of blood plasma® Vitamin A slightly decreased from 22 to 21 Uge per 100 ml; of blood plasma. These were in the normal range. Group IV5 Lot VII Calves 6 Months of Age and Above Receiving Mustard . .Oil Meal in the Concentrate Ration Cajf 122,. a female Jerseys born Januazy I?, 19L8| started trial at 9 months* 23 days of weighing k3k pounds y It gained 123 pounds with an average, daily gain of 0,900 pounds,. This calf showed a dislike for ......................... the mustard oil meal ration. ■ ' ; Appendix Table XXIX sets forth the detailed data apd ,comparison to the standard® Inorganic calcium and phosphorus decreased from IO02 to 9.2 and from 6,5 to 5.4 mg. per 100 ml. of blood plasma respectively. Blood carotene increased from 170 to 490 ug« per 100 ml. of blood plasma. Vitamin A increased from 21 to 24 ug. per 100 ml. of blood plasma. Calf 146S a female Jersey* born November 18S 19473 started trial at 11 months* 22 days of age* weighing 540 pounds. It gained 181 pounds with an average daily gain of 1.065 pounds® Appendix Table XXX sets forth the detailed data in comparison to the standard® The blood picture revealed that indrganic ealeium and pliosphdrds decreased from plasma respectively* tti 9,1 add from 6.0 to 3o3 mg* per 100 ml. of blood Blood carotene decreased from 770 to 580 uge per 100 mlo of blood plasma* Vitamin A also decreased from 36 to 22 ug«, per 100 ml. of blood plasma. Calf lb? 4 a female Holsieina born (April 26$ ,lpk8$ started trial at 6 months, lh days of age,' weighing 369 pounds. ■with an average daily gain of IiltfO pounds* It gained 250 pounds Appendix Table I X H sets forth the detailed data and Comparison to the standard. Blood picture revealed that inorganic calcium aad phosphorus decreased from 11.3 to 9.3 and from 6.It to 5.7 mg. per 100 ml. of blood plasma respectively. Blood carotene increased from ItQ to 2ljO ug. per 100 ml. of blood plasma. ibI. Vitamin A decreased from 27 to 23 ug. per 100 of blood plasmae These were all in the normal range® Calf 159, a female Holstein, born March I^ I9lt8| started trial at 8 months, 9 days of age, weighing 568 pounds. It gained steadily and consistently, gaining 2ltf pounds with an average daily gain of l.it53 poundse. Appendix Table XXXII sets forth the detailed data aid comparison to the standard® • The blood picture revealed that inorganic calcium and phosphorus decreased slightly from 9.8 to 9.7 end from 6.5 to 5.5 mg. per 100 rule of blood plasma. Blood carotene increased from Wt to 3h0 uge per 100 ml. of blood plasma. 100 ml. of blood plasma. Vitamin A decreased from 23 to 21 ug. per These were in the normal range. Galres in Lot VIl were fed the mustard oil meal ration* They '-■ ■ 1'■ >.■■■•■. ■ ' .i...■=•■.■. : • . ' ■ ■ ■■ ■■ ?. ■:■ were normal and healthy throughout the entire trial* this lot " : ’ .' ’ ■ ■ ‘ 1- ' > ’ : 1 ‘ ' 1 1. -- ‘ \ t: ' . i J ate the concentrate slowly* • Calves l$2 and 159 showed special dislike • ' ' 1 v ■' r.. ; ■ ■ for the mustard oil meal ration* ' V : ... r. , This would ind cate that the mustard oil meal was unpalatable» Tables IV and V show the summary of this lot* Figures 7 and 8 show the rate of gain as compared to the standard* Calves of the Jersey breed gained slightly slower than normal*. They weighed above normal at the end of the trial, however*, The average daily gain ' for this lot was 1*222 pounds* " 11 'I'' ' '■■■ They consumed 2,693 pounds of grain aid 13®^70 pounds of hay per calf daily* Feed required to prodioe 100 pounds '' ' * : ' •:! ' t . of gain was 232*3 pounds, of grain aid Is095 pounds of h§r respectively*- ,1 I , The blood picture revealed that the general decrease of Inor= ■ ' ■ ' ‘ ■■ ■ : ' • • ganie calcium and phosphorus was prevalent among the calves in this lot* The inorgai ie phosphorus level of calf li.6 decreased greatly from 6 to 3«3 mg, per 100 nO.® of blood plasma^ but no clinical symptoms were ob­ served®, The average calcium aid phosphorus decreased from 10*3 to 9*3 and irom 6*3 to 1|.®9 mg* per 100 ml* of blood plasma* Blood carotene " increased from 256 to &13 ng* per 100 ml. of blood plasma. Vitamin A decreased from 2? to 23 ug* per XQO ml, of blood plasma* Group IV^ Lot V I H Calves 6 ,Months of Age and Above Receiving Soybean Oil Meal in the 'Concentrate Ration / . Calf l5h, a female Jersey, born February I, I9I183 started trial at 9 months,- 9 days of hge^.‘weighing h56 pounds* with ah average daily gain of 0*712 pounds. It gained 121 pounds ' Appendix Table XEXIII sets -43 Figure 7. WEIGHTS OF CALVES IN LOTS VII AND VIII COMPARED TO RAGSDALE STANDARD ---- — ----- Mustard Oil Meal Lot VII — ----------- Ragsdale Standard Lot VII — • — < — •— — Soybean Oil Meal Lot VIII H Ragsdale Standard Lot VIII Months on Trial —44Figure 8. RATE OF GAIN OF CALVES IN LOTS VII AND VIII COMPARED TO RAGSDALE STANDARD ----------- Mustard Oil Meal ---------— Lot VTI Ragsdale Standard Lot VTI •— •— •— Soybean Oil Meal Lot VIII — I -t -,Ragsdale Standard Lot VIII '5 120 Months on Trial 0 I 2 3 4 5 5& ,forth;the detaile d data •in . •comparison to:the .standards The blood picture revealed .that inorganic-calditim and phosphorus decreased from IQ5tIi. to respectively and from 6 to W h mg* per 100 'rols of blood plasma Blood, carotene increased from 173 to 5go ugc per 100 ml. Of blood Plassiae Vitamin A decreased from 21 to 17 ug.» per 100 nils Of blood plasma* Galf .KSgjl a female, Jersey born April 6 S 19h8| started trial at 7 months3 h days of age, weighing 335 pounds. ,It gained slighter less .than normals gaining ,160 pounds with an average daily gain Of QePhl ' poundse Appendix Table XXjfIV sets forth th© detailed ■data sa d !comparison to the standard ■ ■ ■The blood picture revealed that inorganic Calcium and phos­ phorus decrease, from 10 to 9»5 and from ,7 to hs3 mg.® per 100 ml* of blood plasma respectively Blood carotene increased, from 132 to 610. Ug0 per 100 Pil5T of blopd plasma. Vitamin A slightly decreased from 28 to 23 .ug.® per 100 ml, of blood plasmae . C a K lQoiT a female HoKteina born March 9S 19h8| started trial at 8 monthsa I day .Of age, weighing 501 pounds® ,It gained-steadily and consistently^ gaining 2h9 pounds with an average daily gain of l»h65 ' Ptmnda^, Appendix, Table XJQEV ,sets forth the detahled data* .Inorganic caldium and.phosphorus decreased from.10 to 9„h and from 6*3 to 5»h mg«, per 100 ml* of blood plasma respectivelye BloOd carotene and. Vitamin. A increased from 70 to 300'and from, 21 to 23 ug* per 100 ml, of blood plasma respectively^ . . ■" : ; • Calf1UiTa a f emale Holstein9 ■born. Jfecember Ili9 19h7$ started trial at 10 months, 26 days of ■age9;weighing: $9$ pounds^ It gained: 230. , pounds:with .an.average daily gain, of 1»353. pounds, appendix Table sets forth the detailed data .,and .comparison to the standard, .' ' v " ■ Inorganic calcium and. phosphorus decreased from 10„6 to ,9,2 and from 5,9 to boh mg. per 100 ml. of blood plasma respectively* Blood carotene lt25 .to,'33p;ug# ,p*?. lOQ. ml. of blood: p W m a * - ;, Vitamin 4 decreased from 33 ,to 2b :ug. per 100 ml. of,blood,plasma*,.; , ■ 'Oelves In lot,VIII-were, fed the .soybean ■oil meal, ,ration. , They grew normally a d ware, in a, healthy condition- throughout the trial, ,The Jersey calves .gained less than normal,, this, was similar to those in Lot ■ VII which has.-been-.described-previously. ■-Hgures .7,,and 8 show the rate of-gain- as compared to-the. standard. , , ...; ^j.., ,,, The-data of- this, lot is summarised in Tables IV and .Vs Average daily gain was I9Il?.pounds per Galf9 they consumed S9825 pounds ,of grain ;and 13.756 pounds of.hay. per calf daily, feed produce 100 pounds of ga^r.was. 252.7. pounds of grain.. and„l9228.1 pounds, of, h%r.. respectively.. -.. . ,, , - -,V. , , . ' ; , . ; Tlie blood,'picture revealed that, inorganic calcium and phosphorus ,decreased lO*2 to 9.3 and from.6.3 ,to, per 100'mL. of blood plasma respectively^ . Blood carotene increased from- 200 to If,ItO ug. per 100 ml. of blood plasma, Vitamin f decreased slightly,from 25 to 22 ug.,pdr 100 ml. of blood plasma, ■. , , DISOJSSIOHS OF EESULTS A summary: of the results for the first feeding trial is given in Table IV0 The average daily gain for the calves in Group I3 Lots I ■ ■■ 1 •' ■■■. '■ ' ■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■■ -: ... % and II wae l<.if08 pounds .and I0635 pounds respectively« This was 0,227 pounds ip favor, of Lot jj that received soybean oil Meal in the concentrate ' ration, " •' ' ' 1 . t l V'. '- ' ■ ■ ' ■ ■’ ? n ' :. ii •' i ! The average daily feed consumed was 2,966 pounds of grain and 8*8% pounds of hqy for L^t I and 2,919 pounds, of grain and 8.827 pounds Of hay for Lot II* Lot II consumed an average of O.Oij.7 pounds less grain and 0*057 pounds less hay per calf daily than L0t Ie Comparison of rate of gain is shown in Figure 9» which Shows that the group receiving soybean oil meal maintained a more consistent rate of growth than the group fed mustard oil meal in the concentrate# This was especially noticeable the last three ten-day periods# The average daily gain for Group II3 Lots III and IV was 1*129 pounds and, I.Ut8 pounds respectively. This was. 0.019 pounds per calf in favor of Lot IV which received soybean oil meal in the concentrate ration* The average daily feed consume d was 3*053 pounds of grain and 13*969 pounds of hay per calf for. Lot III and 3.053 pounds of grain and Hu507 pounds of hay per calf for Lot IV® Lot IV consumed an average of 0*538 pounds more hay per calf daily than Lot III# Figure 10 shows the comparison of rate of gain for calves in • Lots I H and IV3 Thick shows that the rate of gain for the calves receiving mustard oil meal in the concentrate was considerably below those calves fed soybean oil meal* This was especially noticeable after the fifth ten-day Figure 9- RATE OF GAIN BY TEN DAY PERIODS, OF CALVES FED SOYBEAN OIL MEAL COMPARED TO CALVES FED MUSTARD OIL MEAL Fi rst Feec TriE I ing Mue tare Oil Mea I 280 -- • - — - hear 01] Mea I ' Iot I Iot ]I \ \ 21*0 / / f m 200 zr C+ / /Z g / Zz Z Z Z / Z ro 160 Z 6 X id o /> § / aO 120 C y Z 1/ v; / -Z Sr Z ./ / A Days / ) 2D 3 )' h D 53 6 O 7D 8D on Trii Li 9 3 IC D 11 O 12 o i: O 11 O 15 O 16 O I, O Figure 10. RATE OF GAIN BY TEN DAY PERIODS, OF CALVES FED SOYBEAN OIL MEAL COMPARED TO CALVES FED MUSTARD OIL MEAL First F flust ird )il Meal Pria . feeding period^ ' . In;the first feeding trials the calves receiving Soybean bil ■meal in the ,concentrate ration gained I 0391 pounds •and those receiving mustard oil meal ganed-1,269 ,pounds per calf per day respectively;, :The ': general decrease of inorganic, c alcium and 'increase'of inorganic ■phosphorus was;prevalent: among .the' calves in the first feeding trial3 '■ ' ,The.results for .the second- feeding trial are shown in:Tables • I? and V 0 ■The average, daly gain per .calf for ,-Group -Ilis Lots V arid VI was :I 0286 pounds .and, I „280 .pounds respectivelye v This was O «,006 pounds; ■ ’■ , : per calf in, favor of LDt -V'which received, mustard oil meal in "their con­ centrate.. ration®; The average daily feed'.consumed was ■2 .276 pounds' -of grain, and 9.M t ,pounds of h%r per calf for Lot V and 20;3 1 9 :pounds- Of-v grain and 9olMh, pounds of hay. per- calf for Lot VI. Ldb Vconsumed O.Olj.3 pounds less grain and G«320 pounds less hay per calf than Lot IVs -Com­ parison of rate of gain is ,shewn in Figure Ils * i c h shows that the rate; of gain,for both groups was practically the same®, . . .• ■ The average daily gain for Group IV5 Lots VII and VIIl waS" ■ 1=222 pounds and 1.117 pounds per. calf respectively= This was O 6IO^. : pounds in favor of Lot VII which- received'mstard oil meal in their con- . centrate ration. The average daily1 .feed consumed was 2.693 pounds of \ grain and 13=470 pounds ,of. hay per calf for Lot Vll and 2.82$ pounds of . grain and 13.756 pounds of hay, per calf for Lot VIII. • - ■ " • ' - Comparison .of .rate- of- gain is- given in Figure 12s which shows •■' that the rate of .gain for the calves, receiving soybean oil meal in the '' Figure 11. RATE OF GAIN RY TEN DAY 0ERIODS, OF CALVES FED SOYBEAN OIL MEAL COMPARED TO CALVFS FED MUSTARD OIL MEAL <Iecor d F eedi Ig I rial - IVusta rd O il IVeal Lot V 280 • — * — S uybe an O LI M eal Lot VI 2U0 / / 200 > Z / Z 160 * /' Z 120 / S -‘ Z/ 80 • Z uo — /P 'a/. - Da O ) 2 ) 33 U 3 5 3 6 3 7 3 8 D JB O n Tr ial 9 3 10 O 11 3 12 O 15 D IU 3 15 O 16 O 17 O Figure 12. RATF OF GAIN BY TEN DAY PERIODS, OF CALVES FED SOYBEAN OIL MEAL COMPARED TO CALVES FED MUSTARD OIL MEAL s!;con i F 3edi ng T "ial - Mu star d Oi I Me al jOt VII - S b /■bea n Oi I Me al jot 7III 280 — — 2U0 / 160 ' r^ > / / /■ 120 / 80 y -- / / Z / ^ »— Z / z-' Z " / / Uo X »/ // V D iys )n 1P *ial 0 / I O 2 5 3 ) U ) 5 ) 6 ) 7 ) 8 ) 9 3 10 ) 11 3 12 ) 13 ) lit D 15 Cj Weight Gained, Pounds 200 3 17 3 concentrate 'was^'slighily 'below those 'C'alwe ^fed-Mustard.' oil meal# .•Jhig--.. XVas1hoticeable’after the eighth ten-da^ feeding period, 1 1 ' ’ ■ 1' ' ' -Ih'the: second 'feeding, trials the averageidai Jy -gain for the;: calves'' fed' miiisiiaird'oil -Ifiealiiin"1their 'concentrate' ^htidn “w'as; -u ; " pounds faad;fthose'f fed 'sbyhfean-oil;Mfedt1was 1*119 •^liAdg4 This was 'OcO S ■< pounds' '!per Cdlf •in favor of *thfe c‘ 4ivfe's;ffed WiW^afd :6il.Meal0-’ A-genefal'-'■ decliiie of'both Inorganic1IfealcidM M phosphorus Mms -OhWtedi'but -these i Minerals 'were still in the ntimai-'rarigdo-'i ;' • . . . - SoMe of the calves fed'W t a r d 'Mil MeaL'in • 'their -concentrate - 1 ration1showed roughness of hair In the slatter part of the first feeding' trial# All "the calves on the second feeding trial that^were fed Mustard oil meal showed gloss and sheen1 -to the h W trial# . . ■ during Most of the' feeding' V1 ' Ihe blood picture Of the calves in the second feeding trial' ' revealedthat the carotene levels at the end of the "trial were highly ' above- that of the initial.IeVelSa The VitaMn- A was. fairly constant, However9 there was a slight decrease -.for most of the calves®. ■Thfe- fearo- tens -and Vitamin A values were above the; normal Iavel0 'These -levels were more uniform in the calves at .thfe end' of the feeding trial than 'atthe beginning# •'■ There was a general decline of; inorganic calcium and -inorganic phosphorus in the second feeding trial# with Maynard (18)« This seems to be in' agreement" ; SUMMARI Two feeding trials were conducted with 36 purebred Holstein and Jersey calves 3 to l6 months of age. The calves were divided into four groups taking into consideration breed, age, and body weight to make the groups as uniform as possiblec One group was. fed mustard oil meal in the concentrate mine, and the other, used as a check groups -Was fed soybean oil meal in the concentrate mix* The summary of the results is shown in Table VIlI * Calves '3 to S months of age fed mustard oil meal in the. con­ centrate ration gained l„3k7 pounds per calf daily. Calves of the same age group fed soybean oil meal in the concentrate ration gained I0Ii^S pounds per calf daily* The difference was OeIll pounds of daily gain in favor of the calves fed soybean oil meal* Calves 6 months of age and over fed mustard oil meal in the concentrate ration gained 1*176 pounds per calf daily* Calves in the same age group fed soybean oil meal in the concentrate ration gained 1.132 pounds per calf daily. The difference was OeOUU pounds daily gain per calf in favor of those fed mustard oil meal* The average.daily gain per Calf for all calves fed mustard oil meal in the concentrate ration was 1.262 pounds. The average daily gain per calf for all, calves fed soybean oil meal in the concentrate ration was 1.295 pounds.® This was 0*033 pounds in favor'of the calve® fed soybean oil meal in the concentrate ration*. TABLE VILI Simmary of Average Daily Gains3 Hay and Grain Consumed3 Bay and Grain Esquired to Produce 100 Pounds Gainj Milligrams of Xnorganie Calcium and Phosphorus and Micrograms of Carotene and Vitamin A per 100 Milliliters of Blood Calves- 3 to 6 Months ' of Age' Calves 6 Month's of Age and Over Average ' ExperimentalControl • Experimental-' Control Experimental- Control; Lots I & V Eots II & V I Lots III & VI I Lots XV & VIII Groups Groups'• Avei- lbs,;daily gain per calf i.M I'M 1.176 1.132 Ii 2.62 Aye. daily grain comsumption3 Ibse 2.621 2.619 2.873 2;939 2.747 1.295 2.279 & ' Avee daily hay consumption, 9.Hi? IbSe 8.986 13.719 14.136 11.441 11.651. Avee grain consumed to produce 100 lbs. gain 193.8 179,4 251.3 252.9 222.1 216.6 Ave. hay consumed tq produce 100 Ibse gain 683« U 626.6 1166.4 1215.2 924.9 926+9 9.5 9.5 ,, 9.5 9 .5 6 .7 . 5.3 5.2 6.0 6.0 •x-Plasma inorganic calcium mg./100 ml. -x-Plasma inorganic phosphorus mg./100 ml. 6.6 ■!{Carotene, ug./lOO blL. 310 363 413 x-Vltamin A3 ug./lOO ml. 20 21 23 -x-Data taken from end of the trial 440 22 ' -I 362 402 22 22 '. CONCLUSIONS ,-Mistard oil meal is just as satisfactory a protein supplement in the concentrate mix for dairy c elves 3 to 16 months of age as soybean ■-oil'meala/ , ■' f ■' r* 1 ” I - Calves fed mustard oil meal as a protein supplement will appear : ' ' . as thrifty and as vigorous as calves fe.d soybean oil meal„ Calves fed mustard oil meal maintain normal blood plasma . inorganic calcium and inorganic phosphorus levels^ ' : , ■ V’ " ‘ ' 1' ■' Calves fbd mustard oil meal maintain normal carotene and Vitamin A levels, , ■, Mustard oil meal fed to calves in a concentrate mix is not as palatable as the same concentrate ration male up with soybean oil meal as the protein supplement, She mustard oil meal fed to the calves in this experiment did not exhibit any toxicity to the daisy calves* ,ACKNOitLEmiEHIS' The author of this thesis gratefully acknowledges the advice ■ ,' , -, e and assistance of the following who' aided in Carrying out this study, 3>.-J A.1Helsorij,'Head of the:Department of'Hairy Industry,' Montana State, College,: gave1 'very helpful ehcoiiragementy advice, -aid assistance. Bn, B. A. Keyes,'project'adviser,’who'set-up the plan and furnished the calves for the experiment, gave valuable advice throughout the study and in compiling the data,' The valuable assistance of:Dr, Karl F« Swingle in analyzing samples was greatly appreciated. Gratitude is extended to The Montana Vegetable Oil and Feed Company, Great Falls, Montana, for the financial grant and supplying the mustard oil meal used in this experiment. Ie Arasby5 H, P0 1921« " ■ C O O P E M m rB EXPERIMENTS UPON THE, PROTEIN EEQUIREMTS FOR THE GROWTH OF CATTLE, Natfle RaSb arch Council Bull* IS5 1921«' 2o Anderson5 A, Ke5 and Gayley5 H» E « '1930'« " 'STUDIES ON THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BOVINE BLOOD0 J«. % . Sci«5 13:336-30* ' ' " ' 3* Boyer5 P* D«5 Phillip5 P. He5 and Ssnth5 Jff K, 19hH« THE SEPARATION QF CAROTENE. FROM VITAMIN A .FOR THE DETERMINATION OF VITAMIN A IN BLOOD PLASMA. ' J, Bioie Cheia,'5 .132:03-02« ' H0 GlauSen5 S. 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I U 5 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 TABLES XV AND X V I ............. . • . ..................... 8 TABLES XVII AND XVIII 9 ........................ ........... . TABLES XIX AND X X ........................ ............. . • 10 TABLES m AND XXII ..••• ......... ...... ......... LL TABLES XXIII AND X X I V .............. 12 TABLES XXV AND X X V I ........ 13 TABLES XXVII AND X X V I I I .......... Ill TABLES XXIX AND XXX ........... . . . . . . . . . 1$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ....... TABLES XXXI AND XXXII TABLES XXXIII AND XXXIV TABLES XXXV AND XXXVI 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 TABLE I GROUP I LOT I CAIf No. 13k Days Bom: Initial 10 Wt* at end of period, lbs. 376 Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 288 Wt. gain, lbs. 392 7-1U-U7 Holstein Heifer# 20 30 UO £0 60 70 80 UOU UlU U30 UU7 UU6 U56 U80 UOl 3U5 O U82 100 HO 120 130 IliO 150 160 170 5oo 520 533 533 558 610 501 U53 565 578 5U5 Total Ave . Daily 572 16 12 10 16 17 -I 10 2U 2 18 20 13 0 25 7 13 32 23U 1.376 Grain intake, lbs. 30 30 3U 35 35 33 26 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 513 3.017 Hay intake, lbs. 51 5o 67- 67 73 76 86 83 83 81 78 HU 97 95 115 150 165 1,531 9.005 Ca., mg./100 ml, blood pi. Inore P., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. 13.3 8.7 6.0 7.5 Carotene, ug./lOO ml, blood pi, Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Age: TABLE II GROUP I LOT I CALF No. 136 U months, 25 days Born: 8-20-U7 Holstein Heifer* Initial 10 20 30 UO 50 60 70 80 90 100 HO 120 130 IUO 150 160 170 Wt. at end of period, lbs. 27k 297 320 333 3U6 376 370 385 Uoi U22 U17 U55 U76 U85 506 508 5U3 559 Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 22it Wt. gain, lbs. 277 390 333 U92 UU3 Tot al Ave . Daily 509 23 23 13 13 30 -6 15 16 21 -5 38 21 9 21 2 35 16 285 1.676 Grain intake, lbs. 22 30 3U 35 35 35 28 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 509 3.000 Hay intake, lbs. 51 50 67 67 73 76 86 83 83 81 78 IlU 97 95 115 150 13U 1,500 8.823 Ca., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. Inor. P., mg./LOO ml. blood pi. 0 1U.6 8.5 U.8 7.5 • Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Vit. A, ug./lOO ml* blood pi. Note* Aga: 3 months, 19 days - Dayrs 2- Initial IO 20 30 i|0 £0 60 70 dO 90 100 no 120 v’t. at end of period, lbs. 276 230 295 302 315 332 339 3W» 363 369 368 387 koh hl6 Ub2 Ubb U66 U75 Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 211 Wt. gain, lbs. 296 25U 0 33U 130 lbo l5o 160 bOO 369 I/O Total Ave. Daily bb5 U 15 7 13 17 7 5 19 6 -I 19 17 12 26 2 22 U 199 1.170 Grain intake, lbs. 30 30 3h 35 32 28 22 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 b91 2.888 Hay intake, lbs. 51 50 67 67 73 76 86 83 83 81 78 Ilh 97 95 115 150 13b 1,500 8.823 Plasma Ca., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. 12.1 9.7 6.3 7.9 Inor. P*, mg,/100 ml. blood pi. Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. otex TABLE IV Agei GROUP I LOT II CALF No. 135 Dsys 5 months, 8 days Bomt 8-ll-b7 Initial 10 20 30 Jersey heifer* . „ bO _ 50 60 70 80 216 231 235 2b5 253 Wt. at end of period, lbs. Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. Wt. gain, lbs. 275 196 0 Grain intake, lbs. Hay intake, lbs* Plasma Ca., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. Inor. P., mg./lOO ml, blood pi. — ----------- 292 100 HO 120 130 IbO 150 160 170 30b 31b 322 338 3bb 36b 37b 381 393 283 321 358 Total Ave. Daily 380 15 b 10 8 22 -6 13 10 12 10 8 16 6 20 10 7 12 177 I.Obl 20 20 29 30 30 35 21 25 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 b70 2.765 55 66 55 6l 71 7b 8b 77 100 76 88 108 97 93 115 150 13b 1,50b 8.8b7 12.1 9.5 5.1i 7.8 ifit, /, ug./lOO ml* blood pi. " 282 2b0 Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Note* 269 90 Agei 3 months, 2d da y s TABLE V GROUP I LOT II CALF No. 132 Days B o m 7-2-U7 Initial 10 Wt• at end of period, lbs* 35U 372 Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 351 Wt. gain, lbs. O 392 Holstein Male* 30 ItO 397 4io 442 412 60 70 80 450 467 470 470 r.r. nC:— 492 511 531 557 570 600 576 525 617 639 635 — 673 677 18 20 5 13 32 8 17 3 22 19 20 26 13 30 17 22 34 319 1.876 Grain intake, lbs. 30 30 34 35 35 27 28 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 509 2.994 Hay intake, lbs. 55 66 55 61 71 74 84 77 100 76 88 108 97 93 115 150 134 1,504 8.847 Ca., mg./100 ml. blood pi. llt.6 8.7 6.3 7.8 Inor. p., mg./lOO ml, blood pi. Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. , Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Note* TABLE VI Agei GROUP I LOT II CALF No. 133 Days 5 months., 7 days Born; 7-2-47 Holstein Male* Initial 10 20 30 Wt. at end of period, lbs. 33lt 363 375 391 4oo Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 351 Wt. gain, lbs. 40 ?0 60 430 428 70 80 90 100 HO 120 130 140 150 160 170 444 467 484 510 531 556 573 597 617 641 672 470 412 576 525 635 -------- - m r Total Daily 677 29 12 16 9 30 -2 16 23 17 16 21 25 17 24 20 24 31 338 1.988 Grain Intake, lbs. 30 30 34 35 35 30 26 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 510 3.000 Hay intake, lbs. 55 66 55 6l 71 74 84 77 100 76 88 108 97 93 115 150 134 1,504 8.847 Ca., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. 13.3 10.9 5.8 7.5 Inor. P., mg./100 ml. blood pi. O Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Vlt. t, Ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Note* inntil#„ 7 Hatra TABLE; VII GROUP II LOT III CALF No. 91 Dags Bom: 7-lW*6 EIolstein Heifer* Initial 10 20 30 UO 50 't. at end of period, lbs. 839 881 901 861 911 961 912 950 Ragsdale's standard irt., lbs. 805 %t. gain, lbs. Inor, P., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. 80 90 100 HO 120 9U3 957 98U 985 1000 906 9U5 130 lUO 35O l60 170 Total Ave, Dally 987 1012 1029 1061 1068 980 1005 U2 20 -JjO 50 50 -U9 38 -7 IU 27 I 15 -13 25 17 32 7 229 1.3U7 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 33 30 30 30 519 3.053 15U 156 116 120 1U7 155 190 IUU 180 130 127 160 183 222 210 202 207 Grain intake, lbs. Ca., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. 70 873 839 O Hqr intake, lbs. 60 30 30 2,803 16.U88 12.1 8.3 b.2 5.5 Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. • Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Note* TABLE VIII Ages QHQPP H LOT III Dags CALF Ho. 97 Initial Wt. at end of period, lbs. BlU Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 751 Wt. gain, lbs. O Grain intake, lbs. Hay intake, lbs. Ca,, mg./lOO ml. blood pi. Inor, P., mg./lOO ml. blood pi, 16 months, 2J? days Born; 9-5-46 Holstein Heifer* 10 20 30 825 850 8U0 877 Uo 50 60 70 880 890 879 90U 918 81U 8U9 786 H 10 25 — 37 3 30 30 30 30 156 162 30 176 175 90 100 HO 939 960 966 965 120 130 3U0 150 982 883 160 170 Total 977 1011 1008 93U 917 25 IU 21 21 6 -I 17 -5 3U -3 19U 1.1U1 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 33 30 30 30 519 2lU 178 210 200 172 200 211 237 30 2UU 268 251 9.7 U.O 5.5 A g e j 15 months, U days 3.053 3,U17 20.100 12.1 Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. 1 Ave. Daily 10 -11 17U 139 Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi, Note* 80 TABLE IX GROUP II L O T III C A L F No. IOlj Bornt 11-19-1*6 H o l s t e i n H e i f e r * ___________________________________________________________________ _________ Ave . Initial 10 20 30 kO £0 60 70 80 90 100 HO 120 130 3ko 150 160 170 Wt. at end of period, lbs. 7h2 767 789 79k 797 803 76k 815 802 832 8k2 8kl 87k 860 899 910 937 Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 658 Days Wt. gain, lbs. 22 5 3 6 -39 51 -13 30 12 -I 33 -Ik 39 5 6 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 33 36 36 120 IWi 120 Ilk 12k 121 131 120 103 105 126 111 132 16k 151 158 Grain intake, lbs. Ca., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. Inor. P., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. Daily 195 l.lk7 531 3.123 856 833 25 0 Hay intake, lbs. 800 770 732 69k 90k Total 27 30 2,198 12.929 15k 12.1 9.7 5»1 6.1 Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi* Note* TABLE x ~ ” GROUP H LOT III Agei CALF No. 106 Days 12 months, 2 0 d g y s Bomt 11-29-^6 Holstein Heifer* Initial 10 20 30 kO 50 60 70 80 90 100 HO 120 HO IkO 150 160 170 Wt. at end of period, lbs. 737 757 777 755 792 788 800 830 826 8k9 878 899 89k 882 921 930 9k9 950 Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 6k5 Wt. gain, lbs* O Grain intake, lbs. Hqr intake, lbs. Ca., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. Inor. P,, mg./lOO ml. blood pi. 682 718 821 791 Ave. Daily 8k5 20 20 -22 37 k 12 30 -k 23 29 21 -5 -12 39 9 19 I 213 1.253 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 33 30 30 30 519 3.053 lk6 157 13k 117 lk3 116 151 128 133 106 160 169 168 198 175 IkO 165 12.1 11.9 IuO 6.3 Carotene, ug./lOO ml, blood pi, Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Note* 758 Total Age: 12 months, 1 0 day s 2,506 lk.7kl T A B L E XI GROUP II LOT III C/'LF N o . 93 Bornt ?-jl-a6 J e r s e y H e i f e r * _______________________________________________________________________________ Ave . Days Initial 10 20 Wt. at end of period, lbs. 583 610 620 628 652 656 63k Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 56U Wt. gain, lbs. Inor. P., mg,/100 ml. blood pi. 50 60 10 8 22 30 30 30 30 30 30 15k 122 103 107 112 108 U -31 100 n o 70 80 90 667 672 679 692 606 27 Grain intake, lbs. Ga., mg./100 ml. blood pi. kO 586 0 Hay intake, lbs. 30 120 1?0 680 697 IkO 150 160 170 69k 700 6k3 627 715 726 670 Daily 733 683 33 5 7 13 -12 17 -3 6 15 11 7 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 33 30 30 30 162 161 lk2 160 191 173 217 218 215 130 108 Total 150 0.882 519 3.053 2,583 15.19k 13.3 9.5 5.1 5.8 Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi* Note* TABLE H I Agej GROUP II LOT III CALF No. 102 16 months, 8 days Bomt 11-14-1*6 Jersey Heifer*________________________________________________________ Ave . ________________ Initial 10 Wt. at end of period, lbs. 5k3 Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. k7k Wt. gain, lbs. 30 IiQ 50 60 70 80 90 100 HO 120 130 IhO 350 l60 170 587 571 600 589 602 617 628 632 6k3 632 662 660 665 667 695 705 526 502 576 553 Total Daily 612 598 2k 20 -16 29 -U 13 15 11 k 11 -9 30 -2 5 2 28 10 162 0.953 Grain intake, lbs. 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 33 30 30 30 519 3.053 Hay intar e, lbs. 96 92 10k 92 103 105 113 99 93 105 92 117 126 lk6 162 169 158 Ca., mg./100 ml. blood pi. Inor. P., mg.A O O ml, blood pi, 0 567 20 llt.6 8.0 L.5 5.8 Carotene, ug.AOO ml. blood pi. Vit. A, ug./lOO ml, blood pi. Note* 1,982 11.658 A g e s 12 months, 25 d a y s Days Initial 10 V9t. at end of period, lbs. h92 Ragsdale*s standard wt., lbs. Ul6 Wt. gain, lbs. Inor. P., mg./lOO ml, blood pi. UO 50 ^6 60 70 80 90 100 n o Ave. 120 1,30 IUO 150 160 170 Total Daily U75 503 527 570 55U 3 35 I IU 18 -19 12 11 25 16 -i 11 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 IOli 66 76 77 95 90 71 6U 97 9U 78 111 157 152 156 159 1U7 1,79U 10.553 Grain intake, lbs. Ca., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. 30 U95 530 531 5U5 563 5UU 556 567 592 608 607 618 609 633 633 656 668 0 Hay intake, lbs. 20 -9 2U 0 23 13 176 1.035 33 30 30 30 519 3.053 13.3 10.9 U.3 U.5 Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Note* Age: 10 months, 26 days TABLE XIV GROUP II LOT i n CALF No. 12li Days Initial 10 Wt. at end of period, lbs. 337 Ragsdale*s standard wt., lbs. 319 Wt. gain, lbs. 20 L-lW i7 30 Uo Jersey Heifer* 50 60 355 10 16 15 -13 Grain intake, lbs. 30 30 30 30 30 Hay intake, lbs. 7k 76 89 100 103 Note* A, 90 100 n o 120 130 TllO 150 160 170 Total Ul6 UU6 U80 Ave. Daily U9U U 33 16 18 -10 38 2 28 0 IU 17 216 1.270 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 33 30 30 30 519 3.053 53 92 80 109 8U 56 IOU 119 172 132 1U7 126 1,716 10.09U 12.1 9 .2 5.2 5.2 Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Vit. 80 389 30 Inor. P., mg./100 ml. blood pi. 70 335 365 375 391 U06 393 397 U30 UU6 U6U U5U U92 U9U 522 522 536 553 -2 Ca., mg./lOO ml, blood pi. 0 Bom: ug./lOO ml. blood pi. A g e : 7 months, 2 6 days -3- Days Initial 10 20 30 1*0 50 60 Wt. at end of period, lbs. 889 905 923 928 961 951 983 1000 1005 1030 1033 10l*7 1059 1086 1102 1101 1095 1103 Ragsdale's standard wt., Ibs6 766 Wt6 gain, Ibs6 0 Grain intake, lbs* Hay intake, Ibs6 802 90 100 HO 869 835 120 130 11*0 150 160 91*1 903 Total 170 Ave. Daily 966 18 5 33 -10 32 17 5 25 3 11* 12 27 16 —I —6 8 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 33 30 30 30 11*3 157 186 167 202 163 191* 168 166 181 201* 257 230 198 211* 1.258 519 3.053 21*1* 3,165 18.617 12.1 8.0 5.2 5.7 Inor6 P*, mg./100 ml. blood pi. Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi* 80 16 150 155 Ca*, mg./100 ml* blood pi. 70 • $ Vit6 /, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Note# TABLE XVI Age: GROUP II LOT IV Days C alf No . 98 Born: Initial 10 20 30 1*0 50 60 70 80 90 100 HO 875 885 915 915 912 930 951 965 982 995 1018 101*2 1062 1051 1080 1097 Wt. at end of period, lbs. 81*7 Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 751 Wt. gain, lbs. 0 Grain intake, lbs. Hay intake, lbs. Ca., mg./100 ml. blood pi. Inor. P., mg./100 ml. blood pi. 15 months, 22 days 870 Holstein Heifer# 786 811* 81*9 120 HO 11*0 150 160 883 917 170 Total eve. Daily 91*1* 23 5 10 30 0 -3 18 21 11* 17 13 23 21* 20 -11 29 17 250 1.1*70 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 33 30 30 30 519 3.053 136 131 137 11*3 175 159 166 159 220 237 222 233 131* 160 11*8 170 21*3 2,973 17.1*88 ll*.6 9.0 lt.8 5.7 Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Note# 9-5-l*6 I5 T -9' TABLE XVII G R O U P II LOT IV Days C A L F No. 108 Bomt 1-2-47 H o l s t e i n H e i f e r * ________________________________________________________________ _______ Ave . Initial 10 20 30 itO 50 60 70 80 90 100 HO 120 130 IitO 150 Wt. at end of period, lbs. 7ltS 7U2 795 796 815 822 809 800 836 851 876 87lt 900 915 950 Hagsdale1S standard wt., lbs. 602 Wt. gain, lbs. O Grain intake, lbs. Hgy intake, lbs. 6ltl 1vX • -3 53 I 19 30 30 30 30 152 118 127 7 -13 75it 715 679 160 170 9it3 956 902 783 806 Total Daily -9 36 15 25 -2 26 15 35 -7 13 -5U 157 0.923 30 30 30 30 36 33 30 30 30 519 3.053 IitO 153 Ut3 151 169 215 193 188 219 2,627 15.U52 Total Ave . Daily 30 30 30 30 Ilt8 158 87 137 129 Ca., mg./100 ml. blood pi. lit.6 8*0 Inor. P., mg./lOO ml, blood pi. it.8 6.6 Carotene, ug,/100 ml. blood pi, Vit. A, ug./100 ml. blood pi. Note* TABLE XVIII " GROUP n LOT IV Days Ages 11 months, 7 days CALF No. 116 Bomx 2-17-it7 Holstein Heifer* Initial 10 20 30 ItO 50 60 Wt. at end of period, lbs. 596 615 630 6Wt 651 6l5 6lt5 665 Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 51tO Wt, gain, lbs. O Grain intake, lbs. Hay intake, lbs. Ca., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. Inore P,, mg./lOO ml, blood pi. 582 19 15 lit 30 30 30 120 123 no 80 90 100 HO 120 130 IitO 150 160 170 683 69it 718 737 758 782 792 821 832 661 622 7 -36 696 802 760 735 30 20 18 H 2it 19 21 2it 10 10 19 H 236 1.388 30 30 30 30 30 36 33 30 30 30 519 3.053 IOit Hit 127 133 Ut2 IitO 15it 153 1U7 lit5 2,115 12.ititl 30 30 30 30 107 H8 75 103 13,3 it.6 6,1 Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Note* 70 Aget 9 months, 22 da y s ■10- TABLE XIX GROUP II LOT IV Days CALF No. 125 Initial Wt, at end of period, lbs. U81 Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 1*29 Wt. gain, lbs. 0 Borm 10 . 20 507 30 51*8 552 1*7 Grain Intake, lbs. 30 30 30 Hay Intake, lbs. 71* 77 126 Inor* P., mg,/100 ml. blood pi. 1*0 50 60 70 80 90 100 HO 120 573 568 580 600 618 633 663 673 681* 706 1*79 26 Cs., mg,/100 ml* blood pi. IHolstein Heifer* h-2i-l*7 525 567 130 IliO 150 160 170 722 770 781 753 71*6 607 Total Ave , Daily 671 21 -5 12 20 18 15 30 10 H 22 16 31 17 H 300 1.770 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 33 30 30 30 519 3.053 131 127 106 123 90 123 126 123 136 11*3 185 198 183 198 I* 2,269 13.31*7 12.1 9.7 5.2 6.1* Carotene, ug,/l00 ml, blood pi. Vi t. A, u.g,/100 ml. blood pi. Note* TABLE XX Agei GROUP II CALF IV Dbj-s days CALF No. 91* Borm Initial 10 20 30 1*0 5o 60 70 666 666 680 677 673 681* 715 Wt. at end of period, lbs. 628 Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 557 Wt, gain, lbs. 7 months, U Jersey Heifer* 579 80 600 90 100 HO 722 726 731* 71*7 762 120 130 11*0 150 160 170 772 783 778 61*1 621 772 661* Total Ave. Daily 677 16 22 0 11* -3 -I* 11 31 5 I* 8 13 15 10 0 11 -5 i5o 0.882 Grain Intake, lbs. 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 33 30 30 30 519 3.053 Hay Intake, lbs. 96 120 119 93 113 115 129 138 11*0 11*6 156 160 183 209 210 208 226 Ca,, mg,/l00 ml, blood pi, Inor, P,, rag./LOO ml, blood pi. 0 6hh 8-10-1*6 12*1 8.0 j#,8 6.3 Carotene, ug./100 ml. blood pi. Vit. /, ug./100 ml. blood ol. Note* Agel I^ months, 29 d a y s 2,561 15.065 TABLE X H GROUP U LOT IV Daya C A L F No. 1 1 2 Initial Wt. at end of period, lbs. U Sh Ragsdale's standard wt*, lbs. W.7 Wt. gain, Iba. O 10 Bom: 20 1-12-U7 30 Uo Jersey Heifer* lit 80 90 532 535 U66 UU7 100 HO 550 558 50U 120 330 iUO 1^0 160 593 600 599 528 556 570 10 12 -U 19 15 3 15 8 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 106 116 102 133 120 103 136 30 30 30 30 Hay intake, lbs. 96 99 92 72 117 6 •«lU Ave. Total Daily 170 56U 550 597 16 30 Inor, P., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. 70 I468 U6U uao U90 502 U93 517 Grain intake, lbs. Ca., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. 60 50 U7 -U 7 -I 1U5 0.853 33 30 30 30 519 152 171 176 178 175 36 3.053 2,lUU 12,611 12.1 7.8 5.2 6.3 Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Note* Agei 10 months, 27 days \ TABLE XXII GROUP II LOT IV Days CALF No . 118 3“204t7 Jersey Heifer* Ave. Initial Wt, at end of period, lbs. U06 Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 3U7 Wt, gain, lbs. Borni 10 20 30 Uo 50 60 70 80 90 Uoo U33 UU2 U5i U65 U77 U59 U89 502 381 100 H O 120 130 IUO 150 518 523 550 566 518 U6C U39 UlO 160 170 575 580 595 U97 51U Total -6 38 U 9 IU 12 -18 30 13 16 0 5 27 16 9 5 15 189 IJH Grain intake, lbs. 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 33 30 30 30 519 3.053 Hay intake, lbs. 9U 88 76 7U 107 69 116 77 3U 105 96 121 137 159 139 138 151 0 Ca., mg./lOO iaL. blood pi. 13*3 9.7 Inor. P., mg,/100 ml, blood pi. 1*.3 6.7 Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi, Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Note* Aget 3 months, 19 days 1,831 10.770 TABLE XXIII G R O U P III LOT V Days CAL F No. 170 Initial 10 Wte at end of period, lbs* 252 Ragsdale's standard wt,, lbs. 228 Xt, gain, lbs. 276 Bom: $-20-48 Jersey Haifsr* 20 30 UO $0 278 313 319 330 272 0 336 3it6 36k 380 385 lt05 ItHt U23 3U8 311 It29 332 2 35 6 11 6 10 18 16 5 20 9 9 6 ItfO k$9 it65 Itll k30 Itl - H 6 213 1.253 Grain intake, lbs. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 22 22 2lt 28 23 30 30 30 397 2.335 Kay intake, lbs. 81 73 Bit 9lt 9lt 87 91 87 86 93 100 95 105 102 117 106 Hit :1,609 9.465 Ca., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. Inor, P., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. 10.0 9.6 6.5 5.2 Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. 7k 385 Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. 23 2it Note* TABLE X H V Age: GROUP III LOT V Days CALF No,, 175 Initial Wt. at end of period, lbs. 225 Ragsdale'a standard wt., lbs. 177 Wt, gain, lbs. 0 10 5 months;, 20 days Born: 20 6-26-ltd 30 ItO Jersey Heifer* 50 60 70 80 90 100 HO 120 130 2hk 2itlt 276 285 291 305 312 328 3U5 356 373 37lt 387 219 263 30lt UtO 150 160 IfO 3ltl 19 . 0 32 9 6 Ht 7 16 17 U 22 -It 13 7 35 -5 -9 190 3!tlt 2.023 16 17 18 16 20 20 17 18 18 20 22 2lt 20 26 26 26 Hay intake, lbs. 81 73 Bit 9lt 9k 87 91 87 36 93 100 95 105 102 117 106 Hit 1,609 10.0 6.U Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. 78 315 Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. 23 17 Note* 1.118 397 375 20 Inor. P., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. Ave. Daily 39lt lt29 i»2it las Grain intake, lbs. Ca., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. -Fetal "'Age': U months, l U days 9.465 -13table xxv group in lot v Dap Born: CALF No. 171 6-9-10 Holstein Heifer* Initial 10 20 30 Wt* at end of period, lbs. 35U 366 375 1*07 1*01* 1*21* 1*1*6 1*60 Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 299 Wt. gain, lbs. O 1*0 50 60 70 80 90 100 no 120 130 11*0 150 160 170 1*91 1*98 5oo 516 528 537 561 599 602 607 1*61* 1*12 357 5 io 'Fotal Ave . Daily 581 553 12 9 32 -3 20 22 U* 31 7 2 16 12 9 21* 38 3 5 253 1.1*38 Grain intake, lbs. 20 20 20 20 20 21* 21* 21* 21* 21* 21* 26 30 30 30 30 30 1*20 2.1*70 Hay intake, lbs* 81 73 81* 91* 91* 87 91 87 86 93 100 95 105 102 106 n l* 1 ,6 0 9 9.1*65 'Fotal Daily Ca., mg./lOO ml. blood pi* Inor« P., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. m 1 0 .0 9.1* 8 .1 6.1* Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi* 1*0 270 Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. 23 18 Note* TABLE XXVI Agei GROUP III LOT VI 5 months , Iday CALF No. 17:3 Boms 6-22-1*8 Holstein Heifer* Ave . Days Initial Wt, at end of period, lbs. 32ii Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 275 Wt. gain, lbs. 10 20 30 1*0 50 60 70 80 90 100 no 120 130 no 150 160 170 31*9 350 381* 396 1*15 1*27 1*50 1*63 1*73 1*91* 507 516 539 51*6 581 583 607 388 331 1*90 1*1*1 563 535 25 I 31* 12 19 12 23 13 10 21 13 9 23 7 35 2 21* 283 1 .6 6 $ Grain intake, lbs. 20 20 20 20 20 21* 20 21* 21* 21* 21* 26 30 30 30 30 30 1*16 2.14*7 Hay intake, lbs. 75 79 80 91 89 86 93 81* 81 88 91 88 103 102 n3 103 108 1,551* 9.H *1 Ca., mg./LOO ml. blood pi. Inor. P., mg./lOO ml, blood pi. O 1 0 .2 9 .6 6 .2 5 .6 Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. 31 260 Vit, A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. 15 21 Note* Agei H months, 13” days' table XXVII GROUP in LOT Vl Bays C lf Initial Wt. at end of period, lbs. 272 Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 227 Wt. gain, lbs. 169 No. Born: g-ll-gS Jersey Heifer* 10 20 30 ao 50 60 70 80 90 100 HO 120 130 IkO 150 160 170 287 290 312 322 333 3U2 350 372 371 383 389 39k klO kl6 k37 k5l kk6 28U 392 359 323 kl9 Total Ave• Daily k39 15 3 22 10 11 9 8 22 -I 12 6 5 16 6 21 Ik -5 17k 1.023 Grain intake, lbs* 20 20 20 20 20 20 2h 22 22 22 22 2k 28 28 30 30 30 k02 2.353 Hay intake, lbs. 75 79 80 91 89 86 93 8U 81 88 91 88 103 102 113 103 108 1,55k 9.Ikl Total Ave• Daily O Ca., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. 10.5 9*2 Inor* P., mg./lOO ml* blood pi. 6.1 5*3 Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. 170 Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi* 31 Note* r TABLE XXYIII GROUP III LOT VI Dajrs 19 Age* 5 months, 29 days GAIf No* 172 Initial Wt. at end of period, lbs. 2k7 Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 193 Wt. gain, lbs. 550 " 0 Born: 6- I W 18 Jersey Heifer* 10 20 30 kO 50 60 70 80 90 100 no 120 130 IiiO 150 160 170 25k 262 28k 295 306 318 332 358 358 361 37k 383 391 k06 k38 kk3 272 237 319 355 k35 k07 389 7 8 22 11 11 12 Ik 26 0 3 13 9 8 15 29 3 5 196 1.153 Grain intake, lbs. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 18 18 20 22 26 2k 26 26 26 365 2.1k7 Hay intake, lbs. 75 79 80 91 89 86 93 8k 81 88 91 88 103 102 113 103 108 1,55k 9.Ikl Ca., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. Inor. P., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. 9 .O 9.6 7.2 6.5 Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. 7U 385 Vit, A, u^lOO ml. blood pi. 29 23 Note* ~ Age: L months, 2 6 da y s -Ip- XHI TABLE ini GROUP IV GROUP LOT VII Days CALP No. 152 Bomi 1-17-48 Jersey Heifor* Initial 10 20 30 Uo 50 60 70 Wte at end of period, lbs* li3U U59 U56 MO U75 U90 U31 506 512 Ragsdale1S standard wt*, lbs* 385 O Grain intake, lbs. Hay intake, lbs. Ca., mg./lOO ml* blood pi. Inor. P., mg,/100 ml* blood pi. Carotene, ug,/100 ml. blood pi. Vit. A, ug./lOO ml, blood pi. LOT VII Days 170 519 536 5U8 529 562 550 561 579 587 5oo Ave , Daily n 18 8 153 0.900 28 29 30 30 U75 2.79U 131 nu 128 129 27 6 7 17 12 -19 33 -12 30 30 30 30 27 26 31 26 26 2U 2U 26 28 105 102 96 95 103 120 132 113 98 103 113 123 no Total 5U2 52U -9 1,915 U.265 9.2 6.5 5.U 170 U90 21 2U CALF No. Iii6 9 months Borni 23 days 11-10-U7 Wt, at end of period, lbs. 5U0 562 580 609 607 Ragsdale's standard wt,, lbs. Uk2 0 Grain intake, lbs. Hgy intake, lbs. liote* 160 15 UO Vit. A, ug./lOO ml, blood pi. 150 -5 30 Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. IUO 2U 20 Inor. P., mg.,/100 ml. blood pi. 130 -3 10 Ca., mg./lOO ml, blood pi. 120 U72 UU3 Initial Wt. gain, lbs. no 25 Agei GROUP IV 100 10,2 Note* TABLE XXX 90 I Wt* gain, Ibse UlU 80 60 63U U71 90 100 no 120 130 1 U0 i5o 160 170 600 653 626 67U 651 696 671 710 691 695 7lU 721 U99 52U 70 80 550 Total Ave. Daily 538 57U 22 18 29 -2 27 -3U 53 -27 U8 -23 U5 -25 39 -19 U 19 7 181 1.065 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 511 3.005 120 118 135 136 1U5 139 116 136 105 120 1U3 IUU IUO 101 11.3 162 1U9 150 '2,259 13.288 9.1 6.0 3,3 ' 770 580 36 22 Agei 11 months, 22 d a y s N — TABLE XXXI GROUP IV IDT VII Days l>-?6~43 Holstein Heifer# ItO 60 Initial 10 PO 30 Wt. at end of period, lbs. 36? 391 396 Jt23 Jt23 ltlt2 ItltS U70 Ragsdaleig standard wt., Ibr, 331 Wt-e gain, lbs. O 50 Ult 70 30 90 Jt86 5io ItSlt 100 no 526 538 529 120 130 5it5 563 IliO 150 160 170 563 616 619 591 611 571 Tota /Vti, Ltiily 637 22 5 27 0 19 6 22 16 2lt 16 12 7 18 0 28 25 3 Grain intake, lbs. 20 20 2lt 2lt 2it 2lt 26 2lt 2lt 26 26 26 28 28 30 30 30 lt3lt 2.553 Hay intake, lbs. 91 95 13lt 109 UtO 153 162 Ht5 132 121 Ht7 121 Ut3 lit3 139 Ut5 132 2,252 13.235 C<%, mg./100 ml. blood pi. Inor, p ., mg./loo ml. blood p i. 32.3 5.3 6.U 5.7 Carotene, ug./lOO m3., blood pi. ItO 2it0 Vit. /, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. 27 23 Note# TABLE XXXII LOT VII Days CldF No. 159 Borns 3-1-48 Holstein Heifer* Initial 10 20 30 ItO Wt. at end of period, lbs. 565 585 605 632 61t3 651t 665 Ragsdale‘s standard wt., lbs. 176 522 56!t Wt. gain, lbs. Grain intake, lbs. 50 60 — 70 80 90 100 no 130 UiO 150 160 170 656 707 736 732 7Jt5 75Jt 766 788 785 802 815 IPO 614 605 681 Total Ave. Daily 70Jt •0 17 20 27 11 11 11 -9 51 29 -Jt 13 9 12 22 -3 17 13 2Jt7 1453 • 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 511 3.006 127 113 156 120 175 169 171 161 130 136 171 163 ISJt 18Jt 175 173 161 2 ,67k Hay intake, lbs. Ca., mg,/200 ml. blood pi. 9.8 9.7 Inor. p., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. 6.5 5.5 Carotene, ug./lOO ml, blood pi. Jtlt 3JtO Vit, A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. 23 21 Note# 1470 6 months , lit days Ages GROUP IV 250 A c s * 3 months, 9 days -17- II ne.L.i.e!i-a* tie t Ave . Dajrs Initial 10 20 30 40 5o 60 70 80 ’•'t. at end of period, lbs. U56 465 466 493 493 5n 502 495 530 537 Ragsdale's standard w t . , lbs. 370 %t. gain, lbs. Hagr intalce, lbs. Ca., mg./loo ml. blood pi. Inor. P., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. Carotene, u^./lOO ml. blood pi. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. LOT VIII Days 544 571 552 581 584 577 459 487 514 529 8 7 -8 27 -19 29 3 -7 121 0.712 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 26 26 26 26 26 28 28 30 30 30 487 2.865 121 123 107 134 129 126 106 109 139 124 140 115 145 148 136 158 137 2,197 13.941 9.0 6.0 4.4 173 520 21 17 CAIf No. 9 months., 9 days 162 Boms 4-6-48 360 362 393 394 405 Ragsdale's standard wt., lbs. 291 O Grain intake, lbs. Hay intake, lbs. Note* 552 7 335 ug./lOO ml. blood pi. 545 Total 35 Wt. at end of period, lbs. a, 170 -7 40 Vit. 160 -9 30 Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. 150 18 20 Inor. P., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. 140 0 10 Ca., mg./lOO ml, blood pi. 130 27 Initial Wt. gain, lbs. 120 I Age: GROUP IV no 10.4 Note* T/'BLS XXXTV 429 100 9 O Grain intake, lbs. Vit. 401 90 ?0 329 Jersey Heifer* 60 70 30 90 100 no 120 no 140 150 160 170 402 422 438 432 451 442 461 467 460 476 490 495 364 397 25 2 31 I 11 -3 20 16 20 20 20 20 24 24 26 24 123 91 73 89 106 116 112 111 -6 24 108 424 five. Dflily 431 454 19 -9 19 6 -7 16 14 5 160 0.941 24 24 26 28 28 30 30 30 422 2.482 112 123 111 117 129 123 132 127 : 1,903 11.194 10.0 9.5 7.0 4.3 132 610 28 23 TTS Total "18-• TABLE XXXV RQUP IV LOTVin C/LF No. l60 3orm >9-^8 Hdbtein Heifer* /re • D^rs Initial 10 20 30 1*0 Wt. at end of period, Iba. 501 525 533 565 575 587 Ragsdale’s standard wt,, lbs. m 50 510 Wt, gain, lbs. 0 60 70 80 595 623 61*0 655 553 90 100 no 120 130 U o 661* 676 691 709 591* 703 633 150 160 170 721 71*1 750 672 695 2k 8 32 10 12 8 28 17 15 9 12 15 18 -6 18 20 9 Grain intake, lbs. 20 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Hay intake, Iba. 88 126 139 11*9 170 151 179 159 106 132 ll*8 133 135 U2 U5 152 U5 Co., mg./100 ml, blood pi. Inor, P., m -./100 ml. blood pi. 5.1* Vit. A, ag./100 ml. blood pi. 21 23 t TfBLi-; XXXVI e * GROUP IV A g e LOT VIII Days : 8 months, I day CALF No. Ui7 Bom: 10 20 30 Wt. at end of period, lbs. 599 603 629 Ragsdi e's standard wt., Ibc. 587 0 Grain intake, Ibe. Hay intake, Ibe. Ca., niv./100 ml. blood pi. Inor. P., mg./lOO ml. blood pi. Carotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Vit. A, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. Note* Holstein Heifer* 1 2 -lk -b 7 Ave . Initial Wt. gain, lbs. 1.770 2,399 U . l l l 6.3 300 o 501 9.1* 70 Daily 21*9 1*1*65 10.0 C. rotene, ug./lOO ml. blood pi. N Total 1*0 50 60 70 80 661* 671 677 695 710 730 71*7 71*3 770 627 666 90 100 110 120 130 11*0 150 160 170 Total Daily 700 771 781 800 71*0 8101 816 829 777 796 9 21 35 7 6 18 15 20 17 -I* 27 I 10 19 10 6 13 230 1.353 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 511 3.005 11*1* 151* 165 187 179 171* 179 158 185 191 173 167 163 150 153 155 158 2,835 16.676 10.6 9 .2 5.9 I*.!* 1*25 330 33 21* A e : 10 months, 20 days MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES CO *2. ig. Wei-yip.______________ — Ifhe feeding of mustard oil meal concentrate mixture to dairy ns78 H86f cop.2. Weeeew, 92605 IOCM 4523 CM CVJ CO Ill IIII Il111I