Simulation of moving average hedging strategies for winter wheat by Al Stevens Brogan A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Applied Economics Montana State University © Copyright by Al Stevens Brogan (1977) Abstract: This research is an investigation of hedging alternatives for Montana winter wheat producers. Various moving averages are used to make hedging decisions. The results of implementing various decision-rules are simulated using a General Purpose Discrete Simulator program. The Great Falls, Montana winter wheat basis is analyzed as a function of days remaining to contract maturity for futures contracts on both the Chicago Exchange and Kansas City Exchange. The Kansas City basis is found to be more predictable. It is indicated that within a crop year the December and March bases narrow as contract maturity approaches. This is not true for the September basis. The May basis tends to narrow until December and then widen. These results are incorporated as returns to hedging. The distribution daily price changes is analyzed in a time series framework. Estimated autocorrelation functions indicate that daily futures price changes follow a random walk. The results of the simulation of moving average decision rules are generally negative. It is concluded that moving averages are not a good criterion for hedging decisions by Montana producers. STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO COPY In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for an advanced degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by my major professor, or, in his absence, by the Director of Libraries. It is understood that any copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature Date 'T ' - SIMULATION OF MOVING AVERAGE HEDGING STRATEGIES FOR WINTER WHEAT by AL STEVENS BROGAN A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of ■ MASTER OF SCIENCE in Applied Economics Approved: Chairperson, Graduate Committee Heai [ajor Department Graduate Dean . MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana June, 1977 ill ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful to my major advisor. Dr. R. Clyde Greer, for his support and guidance. I am also grateful to Drs. Oscar Burt, John Marsh, Edward Ward and Professor Maurice Taylor for their advice, and assistance. I would like to thank Farmers Union GTA for the graduate scholar ship which funded this work. I would also like to thank Mr. Gale Hansen of Farmers Union GTA in Great Falls and Mr. Kent Norby of Cargill, Inc. in Great Falls for their aid in gathering data. I am appreciative of the efforts of the typists, June Freswick and especially Evelyn Richard. I also wish to express my gratitude to my wife, Laura, whose , support and encouragement smoothed the rough spots. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page Vita............................... Acknowledgement.......... Table of Contents ............................... List of Tables.......... : ...................... List of F i g u r e s ................................ Abstract. ....................................... ii iii iv v vii viii 1 INTRODUCTION.................................... Introduction. . . . .......................... Objectives.................................... I I 3 2 THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS. .................... Hedging Theory................................ Price Change Theory ........................... 5 5 9 3 THE B A S I S ...................................... Methodology.................................. Conclusions.......... ...................... 14 14 28 4 SHORTRUN FUTURES PRICE CHANGES. . .......... .. . 30 5 THE SIMULATION MODEL............................ The Simulation Program. ....................... 34 36 6 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS ........................ Simulation Results............................ Conclusions......................... 40 40 54 Estimated Autocorrelation Functions for Daily. Price Changes of Wheat Futures Contracts of the Kansas City Boardof Trade................. 56 GPDS Computer Program "Simul" Subroutine "Average” .. . , ................... 62 APPENDICES A B REFERENCES 77 V LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PAGE Estimation of the Basis Model for the September ■ Contract During theAugust-September Period . . . 18 Estimation of the Basis Model for the December Contract. ...................................... 20 Estimation of the Basis Model for the Chicago-March Contract........................................ 22 Estimation for the Basis Model for the Kansas CityMarch Contract. . .; .................... 23 Estimation of the Basis Model for the Chicago-May Contract During the Periods of August-May and September^-May.................................. 24 Estimation of the Basis Model for the Chicago-May Contract During the Periods December-May and March-May .............. ■...................... 25 Estimation of the Basis Model for the Kansas CityMay Contract During the Periods August-May and September-May .................................. 26 Estimation of the Basis Model for the Kansas CityMay Contract During the Periods December-May and March-May...................................... 27 Distribution of Daily Price.Changes of Kansas City Wheat Contracts .......................... 33 Simulation Results of Simple Three Day and Simple Ten Day Moving Average Decision Rule Over Twenty Years '.......................................... 41 Simulation Results of Simple Five Day and Simple Fifteen Day Moving Average Decision Rule Over Twenty Y e a r s , ........... 44 vi TABLE 12 13 14 PAGE Simulation Results of Simple Ten Day and Simple Thirty Day Moving Average Decision Rule Over Twenty Years.................................. 47 Simulation Results of Simple Five Day and Expon­ ential Thirty Day Moving Average Decision Rule Over Twenty Y e a r s ....................... 50 Simulation Results of Exponential Five Day and Exponential Thirty Day Moving Average Decision Rule Over TwentyYears........................ 53 vix LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE I PAGE A Simplified Flow Diagram of the Simulation P r o g r a m ...................................... 35 viii ABSTRACT This research is an investigation of hedging alternatives for Montana winter wheat producers. Various moving averages are used to make hedging decisions. The results of implementing various decisionrules are simulated using a General Purpose Discrete Simulator program. The Great Falls, Montana winter wheat basis is analyzed as a function of days remaining to contract maturity for futures contracts on both the Chicago Exchange and Kansas City Exchange. The Kansas ■ City basis is found to be more predictable. It is indicated that within a crop year the December and March bases narrow as contract maturity approaches. This is not true for the September basis. The May basis tends to narrow until December and then widen. These results are incorporated as returns to hedging. The distribution daily price changes is analyzed in a time series framework. Estimated, autocorrelation functions indicate that daily futures price changes follow a random walk. The results of the simulation of moving average decision rules are generally negative. It is concluded that moving averages are not a good criterion for hedging decisions by Montana producers. Chapter I Introduction Agriculture is an important industry to Montana. of Montana’s income is derived from agriculture. Over 40 percent Within the agri­ cultural sector, winter wheat holds an important place. For the four crop years from 1973/74 to 1976/77 the average annual winter wheat production has been 84.2 million bushels. For many producers winter wheat is the most important source of income. Yet these producers can not be sure in advance what return their crop will bring. From 1972 to 1976 prices have fluctuated between $2.00 and $6.00 a bushel. Because of this instability, a few producers have adopted futures trading as part of their marketing activities. During this period of price volatility many authors, in trade publications, recommended that farmers should hedge. then presented a simplified example of hedging. These articles In this classical sense, hedging involves selling futures contracts to match production and.then lifting the hedge when the grain is marketed in the spot market. However, work by Wayne Purcell (1976) indicates that returns can be increased by using a trading hedge based on moving averages. The mechanics of a trading hedge are simple. A producer hedges grain when a short term moving average is below a longer term moving average and lifts the hedge when the short term average moves above the long term. 2 Inherent in the consideration of a trading hedge is an assumption about the motive for hedging. ducer hedges to reduce risk. Classical hedging assumes that a pro­ This view requires that variability of spot market price be greater than the variability of the difference between futures price and spot market price. that a producer hedges to maximize return. Trading hedging assumes In this case, stability of a price difference, or basis, is less important than the predict­ ability of the change in the basis and of the direction of price move­ ments. These concepts have been examined in the professional literature. Holbrook Working (1953a; 1953b) and Roger Gray (1960) have demonstrated the faults associated with classical hedging. However, their work is not generally applicable to the special problems encountered by a. producer who is spatially separated from a futures market and whose product does not generally move toward the delivery points of a futures •• contract, the position in which a Montana producer finds himself. All wheat futures delivery points are east of Montana. Ochsner (1974) con­ cluded that in recent years over 50 percent of Montana's wheat crop has been exported from the west coast. shipped east. Very little Montana wheat is Montana producers do not have the information needed to determine the applicability of new concepts in hedging to their situation. 3 Objectives The general purpose of this study is to investigate some of the specific opportunities and problems faced by a Montana producer who wishes to use the futures market. Specifically the study is addressed to: ■ 1. ' . ■/ describing the theory of hedging, 2 . reviewing the theory of speculative price changes, 3. choosing a futures market appropriate for Montana winter wheat producers, 4. determining a distribution of daily future price changes, and 5. simulating the results a producer might expect for moving average trading strategies. \ The theoretical considerations are presented in Chapter 2. development of the theory of hedging is discussed. The Some ideas and evidence concerning price changes in. speculative markets are presented. The choice of a market is investigated in Chapter 3. ability of basis movement is stressed as a criterion. Predict­ Basis is analyzed as a function of time. The distribution of daily price changes is the subject of Chapter 4. Time series analysis is applied to price changes, and the results are presented. The simulation model used to test hedging strategies is described 4 in Chapter 5. Moving averages are used as a decision criterion, The results of Chapters 3 and 4 are implemented in the simulation. The results of the simulation model are presented in Chapter 6 . The conclusions of the study and suggestions for further research are discussed. Chapter 2 THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS Hedging Theory There are four concepts of hedging, each based on differing assumptions regarding hedgers' motives. These concepts are classified as risk elimination, risk reduction, arbitrage, and portfolio manage­ ment. These, concepts are examined individually. The risk elimination concept of hedging holds that hedging is effective only if all risk associated with price fluctuations of a commodity is eliminated. In other words, any gains or losses in the cash market due to price changes are exactly offset by respective losses or gains in the futures market. This view of hedging is very naive and is characteristic of much of the work done in the early part of the twentieth century (Hardy and Lyon, 1923; Taylor, 1913;.Boyle, 1920) . Obviously, the risk elimination criterion requires a constant spread between cash and futures prices for hedging to be effective. Even cursory examination indicates that cash and futures prices do not move exactly in parallel. This observation, coupled with the . fact that successful business operations do hedge leads to the next concept of hedging, that of risk reduction. The risk reduction concept of hedging is an outgrowth of the earlier, naive view. The examination which indicates that cash and 6 futures prices do not move exactly parallel does show a similarity of price movements (Gruen, 1960). A simple test of hedging under this view is to calculate the ratio of expected changes in the cash pricefutures price difference to the expected changes in cash price. If this ratio is less than one, then.hedging can be deemed to be effective (Snape and Yamey, 1965). This test was used in several studies before and after Snape and Yamey’s article (Howell, 1948, 1962; Watson, 1938; Graf, 1953; Brogan, 1973). that the returns to hedging were negative. Howell and Graf, especially, concluded Again, the results of this risk reduction concept of hedging were in conflict with the business­ man's view of hedging. This disparity led directly to Holbrook Working's formulation of the third concept of hedging, arbitrage hedging. The arbitrage concept of hedging rests on Working's contention that hedging is done for at least one of four reasons. These are that hedging: 1. facilitates buying and selling decisions; 2 . gives greater freedom; 3. provides a reliable basis for conducting storage; and 4. reduces risk (Working, 1953a, p. 560-561). According to Working this view of hedging changed the criterion for effective hedging from minimum basis fluctuation to predictable basis fluctuation (Working, 1953b). 7 change in the basis was the size of the basis at the beginning of a. ' period (Working, 1953a). He regressed the change in the basis from September to December against the value of the basis on September I. The resulting equation was Y = 0.861 X + 1 .87'. approach seems to be begging the question. Unfortunately,:this . The futures price and cash price must approach each other in the maturity month, differing at most by the cost associated with making or accepting delivery of the commodity. If the futures price exceeds the cash price by more than delivery costs, then a trader could sell a contract, purchase the commodity, and deliver against the contract. An opposite set of transactions would be to the trader's benefit if the cash price exceeded the futures price by more than the acceptance costs. Roger Gray adopted Working's concept of hedging and then main­ tained that the effectiveness of hedging depends upon a market being a balance between traders desiring long positions and those desiring short positions. He maintained that a market was in balance if the average value of the basis was equal to zero. implied.a low cost of hedging (Gray, 1960). A basis, equal to zero It was argued that this criterion was' similar to the previously discarded criteria of risk . reduction and risk elimination and did not receive further attention. Two additional corollaries were developed by Working under the arbitrage concept of hedging, hedging. anticipatory hedging and selective Both of these concepts may be especially useful in the case 8 of primary producers. Anticipatory hedging consists of taking a position in the futures market opposite of an anticipated position in the cash market; A wheat•farmer, for instance, may hedge a portion of his crop before it is harvested or before it is planted, in anticipation of having the crop in the future. Selective hedging involves a determination of the size of a futures position conditioned on an expected price change. That is, an individual may take a larger futures position if the cash price is expected to move unfavorably and vice versa. A fourth,. and less fully developed, concept of hedging is that of portfolio management. The portfolio management concept of hedging is a relatively new point of view. This concept stems from investment analysis where the purpose is to balance assets which have various returns and risks associated with them. The original formulation of a mathematical model for portfolio selection was done by Markowitz (1952). • This.approach has been applied to commodities and commodity futures by Johnson (1960), Telser (1955), and Stein (1961) with varying results. • ' ' , ; The basic model consists of a column vector of expected returns ' and a matrix of variances and covariances. The total position can be described by a row vector of amounts held of each asset. The problem then be expressed in either of two ways, to maximize, expected returns subject to a given level of risk or to minimize risk subject to a 9 given level of return. If X is the expected return matrix, V the variance-covariance matrix, and A the asset matrix, then the first alternative can be expressed as the problem: Maximize AX subject to < ' ’ ' AVA' - C . while alternative two is expressed as Minimize AVA 1 subject to. AX-D In the case of commodities, the possible assets are unhedged stocks, hedged stocks and stocks marketed by forward sale. While the model seems to be ah especially neat formulation of hedging, certain problems exist; First, the variance-covariance matrix must generally be of a subjective nature. to determine. Secondly, the expected return vector is difficult A final problem arises from the inherent assumption that variance is the best measure of risk. This approach seems to be a step backwards emphasizing risk to the neglect of the other factors developed by Working. Price Change Theory Futures prices change daily and even within the trading day. These short run price movements have long been a subject of study by econo­ mists and statisticians and an area of conflict between academicians and 10 traders. This section presents summaries of the various theories and the evidence which has accumulated, dealing particularly with random walk, anticipatory prices,. and random shock hypotheses. The random walk hypothesis is the take-off point for most analyses of the behavior of short run price movements. This hypothesis was first presented by.Louis Bachelier in 1900 (Bachelier, 1900). Accord­ ing to Bachelierj, the price of a commodity in time period t was equal to the price in period (t-1) plus a random element, i.e., pt " pt - i + = f It is the distribution of e which is important. first contention was that E(e ) = 0. contention is straightforward. Bachelier's The argument to support this . If the expected price change is other than zero, then traders would take positions appropriately. For example, if the expected price change is,greater than zero, then traders would buy, confident that they could sell at a higher price in the future. However, this buying activity in period (t-1) would force the (t-1) price to that level where the expected price change was zero. A similar analysis holds for expected price changes less ■ than zero. Bachelier's second contention concerning the e 's was that they were independently distributed and normal. This conclusion was reached by solving the. integral equation of the probability of any price in period t given the price in period (t-1) . This solution is . 11 dependent upon three assumptions concerning the.probability density function: a. it is differentiable with respect to t, ■b.. it has first and second partials with respect to price in period t, and c. it has finite mean and variance (Cootner, 1964, p. 4.)• As a. consequence of Bachalier's work, many economists have studied . and tested price series for randomness with mixed results. While Kendall (1953) and Alexander (1961) concluded that price changes were random, Lirsoh (1960) found that price changes followed a moving average process. Smidt (1965) and Stevenson and Bear (1970) rejected random walk as an explanation of futures price behavior. Two alter­ natives, martingale and stable paretian, to the random walk hypo­ thesis have been developed but the evidence is far from conclusive., The martingale and stable paretian models each disregard one of the assumptions of random walk. The martingale model assumes E (e^) = 0 ■ but does hot assume, independence of the s 's. t . The stable paretian hypothesis does not assume that the distribution has a finite variance. The lack of a second moment has serious implications. If the second moment does not exist, then standard statistical techniques are not appropriate. Further discussion of these problems can be found in articles by Mandelbrot (1963, 1966), in Cootner's book (1964), a U.S.D.A. bulletin by Mann and Heifner (1976). The latter, especially. 12 rejected random walk and martingale models as well as the Gaussian hypothesis. It is evident that the random walk model is not a completely satisfactory explanation of futures price movements. An alternative explanation was offered by Holbrook Working (1958) ., Working developed an anticipatory, market model based on classes of traders which explained the gradual effect of new information on prices. The e in any period t is affected not only by the new information but also by the series of past information. Donald Gordon in a discussion of Working's paper objected to the division of traders into classes and then demonstrated that such a division was not a necessary component of the theory of anticipatory prices. Working's theory can be put into the framework of time series analysis according to the following finite random shock formula: *t where "t + *1 \ - l + V t - 2 + + Vt-n is the price change and the p^'s are random variables which are measurements of new developments and new information. To apply time series analysis it is necessary to assume that the p 's are independently, identically distributed. With this assumption, 1 . ' the process becomes a linear discrete stochastic process (Nelson, 1973). This can be approximated as an autoregressive process of order p as follows: 13 8t ' " A - i + V t - 2 + + ^P^t-p + Pt where the ir^'s are functions of the original Y^'s, and the (I) ^ ’.s are previous observations. It is apparent that a theory of the behavior of futures price ’\ ' changes can be devised which is consistent with, concepts.of market efficiency but does not require the independence of successive price changes. A later section will be devoted to the approximation of equation I from observed futures market- price c h a n g e s . Chapter 3 THE BASIS No. examination of futures market can be deemed adequate without an investigation of the basis. However, this necessary introduction of basis also introduces confusion. Arthur (1971, p 64-69) identifies four concepts of basis ranging from, the general "a spread or difference of the price relating to actual grain, above or below the price of a futures contract for such product." to the specific opportunity basis which "calls for the quotations at which I either close out my position on both sides or have the opportunity to close out my positions." Technically, then, basis even in the general sense refers to the. difference between a specific futures contract price and a cash price. In this exposition, however, the term basis is used to refer to the price difference between any futures price and a Great Falls, Montana cash price. When.a more specific interpretation is needed, the general term will be modified by including market and contract maturity month such as Kansas City - July basis or Chicago r- May basis. When there is no room for ambiguity, the market designation may be dropped. Methodology As Working's, view of hedging emphasizes, it is the predictability of basis movements which is important. A concentric idea, however, is that a hedger should only be interested in the predictability of 15 the basis when he is in a position to take advantage of favorable basis movements. Thus, the Montana producer is interested in basis predic­ tion only for that period after probable harvest or from August to contract expiration dates within a crop year. While the results of this study may have implications for the timing of sales within a crop year,, the optimum selling date is a question beyond the scope of this study. The producer cannot gain from favorable basis movements unless the crop is in hand and can be sold. Thus, for Montana produc­ ers, there are four relevant contract months, September, December, March and May. July is excluded on the presumption that the crop harvested in any year will not be held beyond the date beginning of the next harvest season. It is.further assumed that a producer will not maintain an open position beyond the first trading day in the month of contract termination. Some authors argue that it is important for a producer to predict the value of the basis. It is their contention that a producer should hedge only when the futures price adjusted by the predicted basis represents a return great enough to cover all costs. This attitude is consistent with risk reduction, but is a step away from dynamic hedging and aggressive marketing by the producer. TwO situations clearly illustrate the fallacy inherent in such a static strategy. In the first case, commodity prices may be so low that costs cannot be covered and still be dropping. In this situation, it is obvious 16 that a producer may hedge to minimize a loss. In the second case, commodity prices may be high enough to cover all costs, and yet still be rising. In this eventuality, it is clearly to the producer's disadvantage to hedge. Therefore, to effectively implement an aggressive marketing program a producer must be able to predict the direction of price movements and basis movements. The former problem will be dealt with in a later, chapter while the latter will be dealt with here. At any point in time the basis is made up of several components including a constant term representing locational differences, a yearly term representing peculiarities of a particular season or crop year, a daily term representing storage costs from the present to contract maturity, and an error term. This suggests the following linear model. - Bti = *0 + Gli?! + *2»t + =t where is the basis on day t of year i g is a constant o is a vector (I x i) of coefficients is a matrix (i x I) of zero - one values @2 is a coefficient of daily change is the number of days to contract maturity, and e is an error term. This general model can be estimated using ordinary least squares 17 if there are (.1 + I) years- of data available. As specified the model parameters estimates have the following interpretation, ; the location difference which is constant over time. g is ■■■ The S. ,'s are Ii inter-year differences representing a difference from the base year. @2 is the expected daily basis change. For each futures exchange there are ten possible contract-trading period combinations when the Montana producer may hedge his crop and expect to gain from basis change. I; The combinations are: a September contract may be used in the August trading period; 2. a December contract may be used in the August and September to December trading periods; 3. a March contract may be used in the August, September to December and December to March trading periods; and 4. a May contract may be used in the August, September to December, December to March, and March to May trading periods Data used to estimate the model are Chicago and Kansas City wheat futures closing quotations from July I, 1971 to June 30, 1976 and prices paid for ordinary winter wheat at Great Falls, Montana for the same period. ■The estimations results are discussed below. Regression results for the September contract are presented in Table I. The starting date for this regression is the first trading day in August and ending date is the first trading day in September. 18 Table I .Estimation of the Basis Model for the September Contract during the August-September Period.. Chicago Kansas City Variable D .■ Y -.1677 E-2 (.1241 E-2)* -.3135 E-2 (.1542 E-2) .9437 E-I (.3973 E-l) -.3264 .1203 E-2 (.3946 E-l) -.8265 E-I (.4160 E^l) .4658 E-I (.4031 E-l) .6199 E-I (.4149 E-l) Intercept .3938 .5410 R2 .1422 .5669 St. Error of the estimate .1347 .1391 Y2 Y3 (.4072 E-l) *The numbers in parentheses are the standard errors of the regression coefficients. 19 For both exchanges the estimated coefficient on days remaining to contract maturity is negative. coefficient is insignificant. In the Chicago equation, the The most probable explanation for these.coefficients being negative is that prices offered Montana producers are being depressed during a harvest "glut" while Midwest prices have achieved post, harvest stability. The estimated coef­ ficients on the year dummy variables represent a difference from the base year contract of September 1971. A standard error of the estimate criterion would favor the Chicago market while an R-squared criterion would favor Kansas City. In either case, the producer should expect an unfavorable basis movement through the month of August for the September contract. The December basis was estimated for trading period beginning in August, after harvest, and September, after the September contract expired. The results are presented in Table 2. ■ In all four cases, the coefficient on days remaining to contract maturity is significant and has the expected sign. The coefficients on the year dummy variables indicate a difference from the base year. While these results are useful for estimating basis predictability, they are not useful for estimating the absolute value of the basis. These results suggest that there are significantly different inter­ year demand and/or supply forces which determine the absolute value of the basis. Identification of these latter forces is beyond the scope Table 2 Estimation of the Basis Model for the December Contract August-Deceiriber Chicago Sep tember-December Kansas City Chicago Kansas City Variable Dt Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Intercept R2 Std., Error of the estimate .1126 E-2 (.1832 (E-3)* .1148 E-2 (.1739 E-3) .1871 E-2 (.2339 E-3) .1853 E-2 (.1680 E-3) .2593 E-I (.2068 E-l) .9814 E-I (.1956 E-l) -.9400 E-2 (.1974 E-l) .6814 E-I (.1395 E-l) -.1356 (.2056 E-l) -.6948 E-2 (.2063 E-l) -.1705 (.1939 E-l) -.1085 (.1966 E-l) -.1025 (,.1384 E-l) .2705 E-I (.1944 E-l) -.6560 E-I (.1958 E-l) -.3504 E-I (.1378 E - D .7756 E-3 (.2056 E-l) .1510 (.1939 E-l) -.7193 E-I (.1936 E-l) .9178 E-I (.1373 E-l) .3773 .2948 .3786 .2182 .4645 .2542 .1336 .1260 .1095 .2837 - . - *The numbers in parentheses are the standard errors of the regression coefficients. .5523 .0771 ts3 O 21 of this work. For both contract-trading period combinations, the Kansas CityDecember basis model has a lower standard error of the estimate higher R-squafed than the Chicago-December basis model. and This implies that if. a producer is to use a December contract to hedge he should choose the Kansas City exchange. The results of the March basis model estimations are presented in Tables 3 and 4. In five of the six cases the coefficients on days remaining to contract maturity are positive and significant. For the sixth case, the Chicago-March basis for the period December to March the coefficient is not significantly different from zero. This is also the only case where the Chicago basis model has a higher R-squared than the Kansas City model. However, in every case the Kansas City- March basis model has a lower standard error of the estimate than the Chicago-March basis model. The implications of these results are similar to those of the December models. A producer who chooses to hedge with a March contract should also choose the Kansas City exchange. Furthermore, depending upon the period, the producer can expect to benefit by a cent per bushel move in the basis every five to twenty days. In a like manner, the May basis was estimated for both Chicago and Kansas City. The results of these regressions, with starting dates of August, September, December and March are presented in Tables 5, 6 , 7, 22 Table 3 Estimation of., ttie Basis Model for the- Chicago-March Contract August-March . September-March December-March Variable .9903 E-I (-.8764 E-4)» ,.1065 E-2 (.9547 E-4) .1864 E-3 '(. 1497 E-3) ' Dt Y1 . Y ' ■ Y3 ■ Y4 -.3530 E-I (.172.7 E-l) -.6747' E-I (.1607 E-l) -.1724 -.1945. -.1664 .,(,1258 E-l) ' (.1604 E-l) -.1132 (.1258 E-l) -.2318 E-I (.1712 E-l) -.6907 E-I (.1587 E-l) -.2557 (.1236 E-l) -.2254 E-2 (.1711 E-l) -.6842 E-I (.1587 E-l) -.2132 (..1241 E-l) ■ Intercep t R2 St. Error of the I estimate (.1721 E-l). .3618 .3004 .1457 . .3792 ' ; ■ .2809 .1247 .4994 ' .6392 .. .0688 ' ' ' *The numbers in parentheses are the standard errors of the. regression coefficients. I 23 Table 4 Estimation for the Basis Model for the Kansas City-March Contract August-March Sep teiriber-Mar ch December-March Variable Dt Y1 . Y2 Y3 Y4 .1068 E-2 (.8166 E-4)* .1195 E-2 (.8018 E-4) .4050 E-I (.1603 E-l) .1096 E-I (.1344 E-l) -.7371 E-I (.1191 E-l) -.2045 (.1593 E-l) (.1336 E-l) -.1540 (.1186 E-l) .4987 E-I (.1589 E-l) .3742 E-2 (.1327 E-l) -.1395 (.1171 E-l.) .1431 .9517 E-I (.1333 E-l) -.2004 E-I (.1186 E-l) (.1595 E-l) Intercept.2545 R2 .5362 . Std. Error of the estimate .1353 ' -.1934 .5183 E-3 (.1430 E-3) .2607 .3534 .5505 .4941 .1043 .0652 ' *The numbers In parentheses are the standard errors- of the regression coefficients. , 24 Table 5 Estimation of the Basis Model for the Chicago-May Contract During the Periods of August-May and September-May August-May September-May Variable A ' Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Intercept R2 Std. Error of the estimate .7255 E-3 (.7961 E-4)* .7124 E-3 (.9244 E-4) -.6932 E-I (.2016 E-l) -.9815 E-I (.2070 E-l) -.3233. -.2925 (.2010 E-l) (.2067 E-l) -.3079 E-I (.2007 E-l) -.6196 E-I (.2057 E-l) .4798 E-I (.1999 E-l) .3566 E-2 (.2048 E-l) . .3288 .3466 .3516 .2925 .1936 .1866 *The numbers in parentheses are the standard,errors of the regression coefficeints. 25 Table 6 Estimation of the Basis Model for the Chicago-May Contract During the Periods December-May and March-May . March-May December-May Variable Dt Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 -.1358 E-3 (.8147 E-4 )* -.3544 E-3 (.2643 E-3) -.1799 G 1122 E-l) -.2015 -.2280 (.1122 E-l) -.2228 (.1116 E-l) -.8359 E-I (.1111 E-l) ' -.1905 -.2459 (..1514 E-l) (.1514 E-l) ' (.1533 E-l) -.9852 E-I (.1505 E-l) Intercept .4517. .5683 R2 .5552 .6164 .0801 .0702 St. Error of the estimate . *The numbers in parentheses are the standard errors of the regression coefficients. 26 Table 7 Estimation of the Basis Model for the Kansas City-May Contract During the Periods August-May and Septemher-May ■ : August-May Sept ember-May Variable .5718 E-3 (.5800 E-4)* Dt ' Y1 ’ Y2 Y3 Y4 Intercept R2 . St. Error of the estimate .5540 E-3 (.5870 E-4) -.5759 E-I (.1468 E-l) -.9362 E-I (.1315 E-l) -.4113 -.3672 (.1460 E-l) -5816 E-2 (.1462 E-l) 01308 E-l) -.3747 E-I (.1306 E-l) .1671 < . (.1456 E-l) .1420 .2680 .2790 .6608 .6801 .1410 .1185 (.1300 E-l) *The numbers in parentheses are the standard errors of the regression coefficients. 27 Table 8 Estimation of the Basis Model for the Kansas City-May Contract During the Periods Decemher-May and March-May Decembef-May March-May Variable -.4677 E-3 (.8466 E-4)* Dt ' Yi . Y 2. Y3 ■ Y4 ■ -.1953 . I (.1165 E-l) -.3229 ' -.1467... ■ Intercept R2 Std. Error of the estimate -.1262 E-2 (.2334 E-3) , -.2435 (.1328 E-l) (.1162 E-l) -.2497 (.1328 E-l) (.1159 E-l) . -.1852 (.1354 E-l) .8827 E-I (.1153 E-l) ■■ V .3880 .1168 .7580 ' .8564 .0832 .0616 C 1321 E-I).' .4184 ,' ' ■ *The numbers in parentheses are the standard errors of the regression coefficients. 28 and 8 . These results show that in three of the four cases the Kansas City market is clearly preferable using either the R-squared or the standard error of the estimate criterion. In the fourth case, the period beginning in December the Chicago-May basis has a slightly lower standard error than that of Kansas City. market is to be preferred. Overall, the Kansas City Far more important, however, is the fact that the coefficient on days to contract maturity is negative and significant for Kansas City for the periods beginning in December and March. A possible cause of this is that while prices are rising through the crop year, new crop expectations are affecting the May futures price. This is especially plausible when it is remembered that harvest in the extreme southern portion of the winter wheat producing area begins in early May. The implication of this is that while a producer who chooses to hedge with the Kansas City-May contract may expect 'a favorable basis movement of between five and six thousandths of a cent per day in the period August through December, that producer should also expect an unfavorable basis movement of between four and twelve thousandths of a cent per day in the December through May period. Conclusions In nearly all cases the Kansas City market is preferable to Chicago. Therefore, the time series analysis in the next "chapter will 29 focus on the Kansas City futures market. Furthermore, the December and March contracts offer the greatest probability of a favorable basis movement for any period after August. These expected movements will be'incorporated as a return to hedging in the simulation model ■described in Chapter 5. Chapter 4 SHORTRUN FUTURES PRICE CHANGES • The various theories of price changes in speculative markets were discussed in Chapter 2. The results of applying these theories to the Kansas City Board of Trade wheat contracts for the period July 1971 through June 1976 are presented in this chapter. Specific­ ally, if the price changes follow an autoregressive, moving average framework, the series can be identified through the autocorrelation function and the partial autocorrelation function. For instance, if the series is a moving average process of order q so that 2^ = + ¥-,y - + ...'Py , then the autocorrelation function will have ■ I t-1 q t-q spikes at lags I through q and then be cut off. The partial corre­ lation function will decrease gradually to zero (Nelson, 1973, p. 89). If the series is from the autoregressive process of order p such that 2 .= y + <)).,2 + ... <j> 2 , then the autocorrelation function will t t JL t I p t p tail off according to the Yule-Walker equations while the partial autocorrelation function will have spikes at lags I through p and then be cut off (Nelson, 1973, p. 89). ' Similarly, the most complicated possibility, a mixed autoregressive-moving average process of orders p and q can be identified through the autocorrelations and partial autocorrelations. In this case the model is 2^ = y^ + <j)^2t__^ + (J)12 - + ... +<j) 2^ +xP1Il 1 +. ... + xP 'p. . . I t-1 p t-p I t-1 q t-q.. The .autocorrelation 31 function will have an irregular pattern at lags I tail off according to Yule-Walker equations. through q and then The partial autocorre­ lation function will gradually decrease to zero (Nelson, 1973, p. 89). The identification of a time series model is hampered by the fact that the autocorrelation function and the partial autocorrelation function are unknown. However, these functions can be estimated.. An estimate for the jth coefficient of the autocorrelation function is * rj V . <at+d T h -i v 2] A t=l J 1 (Nelson, p. 71). Once a model has been identified and estimated, the adequacy of the model can be tested using a portmanteau test (Box and Jenkins, 1976, p . 290-291). A special case of this test can be applied to check whether the series is white noise. If daily futures price changes comprise a series of independent random variables then K I 3=1 where n is number of observations and r. is the sample autocorrelation 3 • 2 of the jth lag, will be distributed approximately x (K) where K is the number of autocorrelations (Box and Jenkins, 1976, p. 291). If Q is larger than the tabled Chi-square value at a selected confidence 32 level the series is not white noise. The autocorrelation function for twenty-five Kansas' City wheat contracts was estimated using the above formula. The calculated autocorrelation functions are presented in Appendix A. The estimated means, standard deviations, and Chi-square statistics for 24 degrees of freedom are presented in Table 9. At the 97.5 percent confidence level, the Chi-square coefficient for 24 degrees of freedom is 39.4. For 17 of 25 contracts the Chi-square statistic is below this level. Therefore, in these cases, a conclusion of independent random price changes with mean zero is not rejected". Since, in all contract months, the most recent contract is characterized by white noise this distribution will be used in the simulation model. The above conclusion is at odds with the conclusion of Mann and Heifner (1976). In their work, nonparametrie tests indicate serial dependence in futures price changes. Kansas City wheat contracts. However, they did not deal with Furthermore, while such serial dependence may exist, the results of this study suggest that the dependence is so weak that the information content is trivial and is not useful for decision making. 33 Table 9 Distribution of Daily Price Changes of Kansas.City Wheat Contracts Contract March March March March March May May May May May July July July July July 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 September September September September September December December December December December 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 Mean Standard Deviation Chi-Square 1048E-3 .4495E-2 .1668E-1 2143E-2 .1595E-2 .7189E-2 .4094E-1 .1226 .1216 .687IE-I 19.81 14.92 53.59 27.96 ,30.92 .1017E-3 .3823E-2 .5749E-2 6095E-2 .9080E-3 .7523E-2 '.3923E-1 .1329 .8649E-1 .7060E-1 23.28 26.48 40.41 43.95 29.18 .3318E-3 .3410E-2 .,6031E-1 6283E-2 -.5217E-3 .8938E-2 .4570E-1 .1289 .7375E-1 .6078E-1 23.30 56.78 31.78 ' 21.32 20.95 .2784E-2 .1290E-1 .3125E-2 3947E-2 .6207E-3 .1689E-1 .7772E-1 . .1193 .7286E-1 .5487E-1 67.84 57.39 26.14 13.45 19.38 2024E-3 .4922E-2 •1260E-1 1094E-2 1952E-2 .7778E-2 .2328E-1 .1039 .1093 .7005E-1 18.43 . 116.52 ' 41.63 33.07 . . 25.07 Chapter 5 THE SIMULATION MODEL Introduction In this chapter the results of the previous two chapters are combined into a simulation model. The model will be used to test wheat hedging strategies which are based on moving averages. The output of the simulation program will satisfy the original goal of this study, that is, to estimate a distribution of returns for hedging activities which incorporate various trading rules and stopping or marketing dates. A simplified diagram is presented in Figure I. The program is found in Appendix B. The simulation will be done using a General Purpose Discrete Simulation (GPDS) model which interfaces with a Fortran subroutine. This program first generates a price change according to an assumed white noise distribution. is determined. From the price change a new daily price Following this the program calculates a pair of moving averages for each decision strategy. At this stage, the pro­ gram initiates or maintains a hedged position if a short term moving average is less than a corresponding long term moving average. After a hedge has been initiated, the program closes the position when the relationship of the moving averages is reversed. When a hedge position . is closed the program calculates the returns to the hedging activity . 35 Calculate a price change Calculate new price Call Fortran Subroutine Calculate Moving Averages Wait for Price Change Pause to check for trading action Terminate transaction ,✓ /is'X his last iarketing STOP Generate a trading transaction /ShoulJNl. hedge b e ^ ^ f solaced*'/ Place Hedge Lift Hedge Calculate and tabulate return Figure I. A Simplified Flow Diagram of the Simulation Program 36. The Simulation Program To generate price changes the program uses a random number generator, which is intrinsic to GPDS. The program picks a random number which is internally converted so that it is from a distribution which is Normal with P = O and 2 a = I. Externally, this is converted to a number from a distribution which is Normal with y = 0 and $.49. a 2 = This, and all other money values, are expressed in terms of fourths, of a cent. This is necessary because GPDS requires that ■ numerical values be integers. The price change generated is then added to the previous day's price. The program then calls on a Fortran subroutine to calculate five pairs of. moving averages. These pairs are: 1. Simple 3 day. Simple 10 day 2. Simple 5 day, Simple 15 day 3. Simple 10 day. Simple 30 day 4. Simple 5 day. Exponential 30 day 5. Exponential 5 day. Exponential 30 day A simple moving average is one in which all days are given the same weight. The weight is equal to one divided by the number of days in the average. An exponential moving average is one in which all days are given different weights. The weight assigned to any one day is calculated by dividing the number of days from the first day not included in the average by the sum of the number of days in the average 37 To illustrate, the most recent day in a thirty day exponential moving 30 average would have a weight equal to 30/1 i. The earliest day included i=l in a five day exponential moving average would be assigned a weight 5 of 1/E i, i=l At this point the program checks to see if any hedges are in effect. If there is a hedged position, the program determines whether the hedge should remain or be lifted. Should any hedge be lifted, the program calculates and tabulates the returns to that trade. The program automatically lifts any hedges in existence on the predeter­ mined stopping date. For strategies in which there is no an existing hedge, the program decides if one should be placed and places it if necessary. An assumption inherent in this model is that trades take place at that day's price which triggered the decision rule. For each hedging strategy returns are calculated by two methods. One assumes that hedges after harvest (assumed to be mid-August) are placed in the nearest contract month. The second method assumes that hedges placed after harvest are in the contract month which has "the most favorable expected basis movement. Under both methods, the returns to hedging from the beginning of the marketing activity, the November preceeding harvest when the crop is seeded, to harvest are calculated in the same manner. For this latter period the returns are determined by the formula (Price Sold - Price Bought)(5000) - Costs. Costs include commissions of $43.00 per round turn. 38 In addition to commissions, the interest on margin money is a significant cost. Interest should be charged from the beginning of the marketing period to its termination. calculate the interest charge. The program does not The reader should be mindful of this cost when analyzing the simulated returns. . For periods after harvest the return includes an expected basis change. In these cases returns are calculated by the formula (Price Sold - Price Bought) + Expected Daily Basis Change x Days of Hedged Position) 5000 - Costs. The expected daily basis change is deter­ mined from the equations estimated in Chapter 3. The program then tabulates the returns. Five terminations are considered in the program. August, December, January, March and April. sents a sale at harvest. movements, are favorable. of a crop year. The August date repre­ The December and January dates represent sales dates because of tax considerations. a sale in early spring. These are The March date represents It is the last date at which expected basis The April sale represents a sale at the end Months are assumed to consist of twenty-one trading days and a year consists of 252 trading days. A final assumption in the model is that the generated price change applies equally to all contract months. Since: the contract months are considered to be in a single crop year, and since price 39 changes in this case appear to be highly correlated, the error resulting from this assumption is probably negligible. Chapter 6 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Simulation Results The simulation program was run twenty times and the results o f . each run were combined to obtain estimates of the mean return and standard deviation. These results are presented below. The first trading rule used was to place a hedge if a three day moving average was less than a ten day moving average and to lift the hedge when the three day moving average moved above the ten day moving average. The results of this strategy are summarized in Table 10. This strategy generated an average of ten trades per year between the beginning of the marketing period and harvest. If hedges, after the beginning of August, were placed in the near contract, September, the average annual return was $1,015 with an estimated standard deviation of $1,139. The yearly returns were split equally with ten losses and ten gains, ranging from a maximum loss of $3,980 to a maximum gain of $20,208. If hedges after August I were placed inthe contract with the most favorable expected basis movement, December, the average annual return rose to $1,025. In this case the estimated standard deviation was $1,150, and the range was from a loss of $3,912 to a gain of $20,234. Eor a marketing period which ends in December, hedging based on three and ten day moving averages resulted in ten years with gains Table 10 Simulation Results of Simple Three Day and Simple Ten Day Moving Average Decision Rule Over Twenty Years Near Contract January December August Favorable Contract Near Contract Favorable Contract Near Contract March Favorable Contract Near Contract April Favorable Contract Near Contract Favorable Contract Average Annual Return $1,015 $1,025 $1,723 $1,778 $2,126 $2,181 $1,967 $2,022 $2,417 $2,472 Standard Deviation $1,139 $1,150 $1,253 $1,252 $1,328 $1,327 $1,311 $1,310 $1,424 $1,422 Number Years Positive 10 10 10 10 11 12 11 11 11 11 Number Years Negative 10 10 10 10 9 8 9 9 9 9 Maximum Annual Return $20,208 . $20,234 -$21,159 $21,186 $23,187 $23,214 $22,453 $22,480 $23,684 $23,711' Minimum Annual Return -$3,980 -$3,912 --$4,085 -4,001 -$3,772 -$2,688 -$4,041 -$3,999 -$7,395 -$7,353 Average Number of Trades per Year 10 10 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 , 20 ' 42 and ten with losses. period. There was an average of fourteen trades over the The average return calculated for always hedging with the near contract was $1,723 with an estimated standard deviation of $1,253. The yearly returns ranged from a loss of $4,085 and a gain of $21,159. For hedging always done with the most favorable contract, the mean return was $1,778. estimated to be $1,252. The standard deviation was The range of returns was from a loss of $4,001 to a gain of $21,186. Including another one and a half months in the marketing period improved the apparent results from using three and ten day moving averages to make hedging decisions. trades was increased to sixteen. However, the average number of During this period, hedging with the near contract resulted in gains in eleven years and losses in nine. The average return was $2,126, and the estimated standard deviation was $1,328. The returns varied between a loss of $3,772 and a gain of $23,187. The returns to hedging with the most favor­ able contract were even better with gains in twelve years and losses in eight. With this type of hedging, returns averaged $2,181, and the standard deviation was estimated to be $1,327. The range of returns was from a loss of $3,688 to a gain of $23,214. Extending the marketing period to the first of March resulted in an average Ofs eighteen trades per year and in gains for eleven years and losses in nine. For near contract hedging the average return was ■ 43 $1,967. The estimated standard deviation was $1,311, and the range was from a loss of $4,041 to a gain of $22,453. Hedging the most favorable contract raised the average return to $2,022 with an estimated standard deviation of $1,310. The range of returns was from a loss of $3,999 to a gain of $22,480. Including the months of March and April in the marketing period resulted in gains in eleven years and losses in nine. The additional, two months did raise the average number of trades to twenty. Near contract hedging resulted in a mean return of $2,417 with an estimated standard deviation of $1,424. $7,395 to a gain of $23,684. Annual returns ranged from a loss of The average return for hedging with the most favorable contract was $2,472. The estimated standard deviation was $1,422 and the range was from a loss of $7,353 to a gain of $23,711.. The second trading rule simulated was to place a hedge when a five day moving average was below a fifteen day moving average and to lift the hedge when the relative positions of the moving average.were reversed. The results of this strategy are summarized in Table 11. During every marketing period the average annual return from this strategy was negative. The annaul loss increased as the marketing periods became longer. This strategy did result in three to four fewer trades than the previously discussed strategy. For sale at harvest near contract hedging, resulted in an average Table 11 Simulation Results of Simple Five Day and Simple Fifteen Day Moving Average Decision Rule Over Twenty Years t December August January Favorable Contract Favorable Near Contract Contract April Favorable Contract Near Contract -$954 -$933 -$1,261 -$1,216 -$1,364 -$1,322 -$1,799 -$1,754 -$1,648 -$1,607 $1,049 $1,051 $1,135 $1,135 $1,153 $1,153 $1,111 $1,111 $1,145 $1,144 Number Years Positive 6 8 5 5 5 6 4 4 5 5 Number Years Negative 14 12 15 15 15 14 16 16 15 15 Near Contract Average Annual Return Standard Deviation Near Contract March Favorable Contract Near Contract Favorable Contract Maximum AnnualRe turn $14,842 $14,842 $16,236 $16,238 $16,515 $16,517 $16,129 $16,131 $15,267 $15,269 Minimum Annual Return -$8,523 -$8,523 -$10,375 -$10,373 -$10,375 -$10,372 -$9,397 -$9,394 -$11,346 -$11,343 Average Number of Trades per Year 7 7 10 10 12 13 13 16 16 12. 45 loss of $954 with a standard deviation estimated at $1,049. returns ranged from a loss of $8,523 to a gain of $14,842. Annual Hedging with the most favorable contract decreased the average loss of $933. The standard deviation was $1,051 and the range of returns was unchanged from near contract hedging. The average loss for near contract hedging and a marketing period ending in December was $1,261. to be $1,135. $16,236. The standard deviation was estimated, The returns varied from a loss of $10,375 to a gain of For hedging done with the most favorable contract month the mean loss was $1,216. The estimated standard deviation was unchanged and the range of returns was from a loss of $10,372 to a gain of $16,238. Extending the marketing period, to mid-January resulted in an average loss of $1,364 for near contract hedging with an estimated standard deviation of $1,153. The returns ranged from a loss of $10,375 to a gain of $16,515. Placing hedges in the most favorable . contract decreased the average loss of $1,322. The standard deviation was estimated to be $1,153, and the range was from a loss of $10,372 to a gain of $16,517. For a marketing period ending the first of March the average loss was $1,799 for near contract hedging and $1,754 for most favorable contract hedging. to be $1,111. In both cases the standard deviations were estimated For hedging in the nearest contract the returns ranged 46 from a loss of $9,397 to a gain of $16,129. The range of returns for hedging in the most favorable contract month was from a loss of $9,394 to a gain of $16,131i Including March 1and April in the marketing period decreased the average loss. For hedging in the near contract the average loss was $1,648 with an estimated standard deviation of $1,145. The lowest return was a loss of $11,346* and the highest return was a gain of $15,267. Hedging in the most favorable contract resulted in an average loss of $1,607. The standard deviation was estimated to be $1,144, and the yearly returns ranged from a loss of $11,343 to a gain of $15,269. The third trading strategy which was simulated was to place a hedge when a ten day moving average was below a thirty day moving average and to lift the hedge when the ten day moving average moved above the thirty day moving average. are summarized in Table 12. The results of this strategy This strategy resulted in an average of five trades before harvest, six before December, seven before the middle of January, eight before the first of March, and nine before the end of April. For all marketing periods the average return was a loss ranging approximately from $2,000 to $4,000. For the period before harvest two of the twenty years had a positive return, while for the remaining trading periods only one year had a positive return. In all cases the estimated standard deviation of returns and the Table 12 Simulation Results of Simple Ten Day and Simple Thirty Day Moving Average Decision Rule Over Twenty Years August Near Contract Average Annual Return Standard Deviation January December Favorable Contract Near Contract March t April FavorabIe ■Contract Near Contract Favorable Contract Near Contract Favorable Contract Near Contract Favorable Contract -$2,051 -$2,051 -$3,280 -$3,257 -$3,629. -$3,574 -$4,095 -$4,041 $951 $951 $1,035 $1,035 $1,055 $1,055 $1,126 $1,126 2 I I I I I I I I 19 19 19 -$4,115 $1,090 ' -$4,060 $1,090 Number Years Positive 2 Number Years Negative 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 Maximum Annual Return $14,228 $14,228 $14,246 $14,246 $14,246 $14,246 $15,631 $15,631 $14,161 $14,161 Minimum Annual Return -$6,165 -$6,165 -$8,609 -$8,609 -$8,992 -$8,992 -$9,726 -$9,726 -$10,531 -$10,531 Average Number of Trades per Year 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 , ' 6 ' ■ 48 range .of returns were identical for near contract hedging and most favorable contract hedging. For marketing at harvest the mean return to hedging with the near contract and to hedging with the most favorable contract was a loss of $2,051. The estimated standard deviation was $951. The returns ranged from a loss of $6,165 to a gain of $14,228. Near contract hedging resulted in an average loss of $3,280 for a market period ending in December. For the same period hedging the most favorable contract resulted in a mean loss of $3,257. The standard deviation was estimated to be $1,035, and the range was from a loss of $8,609 to a gain of $14,246. When the marketing period was extended to the middle of January the average loss for hedging with the near contract month was $3,629. The average loss for hedging with the most favorable contract was $2,574. The estimated standard deviation was $1,055. Returns varied between a loss of $8,922 and a gain of $14,246. For a marketing period ending in March the mean return was a loss of $4,095 for hedges placed in the near contract and $4,041 for hedges placed in the most favorable contract. estimated to be $1,126. The standard deviation was The lowest return was a loss of $9,726; the highest return was a gain of $15,631. Near contract hedging resulted in an average loss of $4,115 for a marketing period ending in April. For the same period hedging 49 with the most favorable contract resulted in an average loss of $4,060. The estimated returns ranged from a loss of $10,531 to a gain of $14,161. The fourth decision rule to be implemented in the simulation program used a simple five day moving average and an exponential thirty day moving average.. A hedge was placed if the five day moving average was below the thirty day and lifted when the thirty day moving average was below the five day moving average. strategy are summarized in Table 13. The results from this This strategy resulted in fewer trades than the strategy based on simple five and fifteen day moving averages. During the November-August period, there was an average of seven trades; during the November-December period, there was an average of nine trades; during the November-January period, there was an average of ten trades; during the November-March period, there was an average of eleven trades; during the November-April period, there was an average of thirteen trades. was a loss. In all cases the average return For the marketing periods ending in January, March, and April one annual return was positive, and the remaining nineteen were negative. For the marketing period ending in December, two years showed gains and eighteen showed losses. The marketing period which ended with harvest had two years of gains if hedging was done in the near contract and four years of gain if hedging was done in the most favorable contract. Table 13 Simulation Results of Simple Five Day and Exponential Thirty Day Moving Average Decision Rule Over Twenty Years December August Favorable Near Contract ■ Contract Average Annual Return Near Contract January Favorable Contract -$1,377 -$1,344 -$2,121 $1,057 $1,058 $1,102 $1,101 Number Years Positive 2 4 2 Number Years Negative 18 16 Maximum Annual Return $17,028 Minimum Annual Return Average Number of Trades per Year Standard Deviation Near Contract -$2,073 . -$2,391 March Favorable Contract Near Contract April Favorable Contract Near Contract Favorable Contract -$2,340 -$2,690 -$2,640 -$2,601 -$2,566 $1,106 $1,105 $1,168 $1,167 $1,215 $1,215 2 I I I I I I 18 18 19 19 .19 19 19 $17,028 $17,014 $17,015 $17,014 $17,015 $18,399 $18,400 $18,590 $18,591 -$5,766 -$5,766 -$7,211 -$7,201 -$7,211 -$7,208 -$7,243 -$7,240 -$8,098 -$8,095 7 7 9 9 10 10 . 11 11 : 19 . 13 ■ 13 51 For the marketing period ending with harvest the average loss was $1,377,. with a standard deviation estimated to be $1,057 for near contract hedging. The returns ranged from a loss of $5,766 to a gain of $17,028. . The mean loss to hedging with the most favorable contract was $1,344. The estimated standard deviation was $1,058. The range was identical to the case of hedging the near contract. A marketing period which ended in December had an average loss of $2,121 for near contract hedging. ■ The standard deviation was estimated to be $1 ,102, and the range of returns was from a loss of $7,211 to a gain of $17,014. Hedging with the most favorable contract resulted in an average loss of $2,073 with an estimated standard deviation of $1,101. The returns ranged from a loss of $7,201 to a gain of $17,015. Near contract hedging resulted in a mean loss of $2,391 for a marketing period ending in January.. The standard deviation was estimated to be $1,106 and the returns ranged from a loss of $7,211 to a gain of $17,014. The average loss from hedging with the most favorable contract was $2,340 with an estimated standard deviation of $1,105. The lowest return was a loss of $7,208, and the highest return was a gain of $17,015. Extending the marketing period to March resulted in an average loss of $2,690 for near contract hedging with an estimated standard deviation of $1,168. The returns ranged from a loss of $7,243 to a 52 gain of $18,399. For hedging with the most favorable contract the mean loss was $2,640. The estimated standard deviation was $1,167 and the range of returns was from a loss of $7,240 to a gain of $18,400. Including March and April in the marketing period reduced the average loss slightly. The average loss resulting from hedging with the near contract was $2,601 with an estimated standard deviation of $1,215. The lowest return was an $8,098 loss, and the highest return was an $18,590 gain. Hedging with the most favorable contract resulted in a mean loss of $2,566. was $1,215. The estimated standard deviation The returns ranged from a loss of $8,095 to a gain of $18,591. The final trading strategy simulated was based on an exponential five day moving average and an exponential thirty day moving average. Hedges were placed when the five day moving average was below the thirty day moving average and lifted when the relationship between the moving averages was reversed. summarized in Table 14. The results from this strategy are This strategy resulted in more trades than that based on simple five, day and exponential thirty day moving averages but fewer trades than that based on simple five and simple fifteen day moving averages. There was an average of seven trades before harvest, ten before December, eleven before January, twelve before March, and fourteen before April. For one year, for the Table 14 Simulation Results of Exponential Five Day and Exponential Thirty Day Moving Average Decision Rule Over Twenty Years March January December August Near Contract Favorable Contract Near Contract Favorable Contract -$2,174 -$2,139 -$2,836. -$2,787 -$2,894. -$3,845 -$3,215 -$3,166 -$3,027 -$2,978 $388 $388 $414 $412 $397 $395 $409 $406 $470 $466 Wnnihpr Years Positive I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Number Years Negative 19 "19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 $400 -$635 -$637 -$676 -$672 -$702 -$698 -$79 -$76 -$8,164 -$7,846 -$7,835 -$8,340 -$8,329 11 12 12 14 14 Average Annual Return Standard Deviation Maximum Annual Return $396 Minimum Annual Return '-$7,037 -$7,037 -$8,140 -$8,129 Average Number of Trades per Year 7 7 10 10 . -$8,175 ' 11 Near Contract April Favorable Contract Near Contract Favorable Contract Near Contract Tavorable Contract 54 marketing period ending at harvest, there was a positive return. all other years there was a negative return. In . The estimated standard deviations of returns for this strategy.were the smallest of any strategy ranging from $388 to $470. The average returns ranged from a $2,139 loss for sale at harvest and hedging with the most favorable contract to a loss of $3,215 for'sale the first of March and hedging with the near contract. A more detailed presentation of the results is foregone because of the absolute ineffectiveness of this strategy. Conclusions This study has reviewed the theoretical considerations involving hedging and speculative price changes. The Montana basis for both Chicago and Kansas City markets has been investigated. The investiga­ tion leads to the conclusion that a Montana winter wheat producer who hedges should do so on the Kansas City.Exchange. The distribution of daily futures price changes of Kansas City wheat contracts has been analyzed in a time series framework. Estimated autocorrelation functions indicate that price changes follow a white noise pattern. The first conclusion which can be drawn from the simulation . results is that a producer who is going to hedge should hedge with the contract which offers the most favorable expected basis movement rather than with the near contract. From August to December a pro­ ducer should hedge with the December futures contract. From December 55 to March a producer should hedge with the March futures contract. It is obvious that of the five strategies investigated in this paper, the strategy based on simple three and simple ten day moving averages is preferable. However, even in this case, only two of the ten calculated average returns are significantly greater than zero at the 95 percent confidence level. Significant returns were realized for a marketing period ending in April hedging either with a near contract or with the most favorable contract. A producer who decides to use a moving average decision rule should remember that even the most favorable rule results in,losses nearly one-half of the time. Overall, for Montana winter wheat producers moving averages do not appear to be good indicators of the direction of price movements. This study has only scratched the surface of a major problem for Montana wheat producers. Far more reserach is needed in this area. Specifically, the basis needs to be investigated structurally. The distribution of futures price changes should be examined further perhaps in the context of semi-Markov processes. Other types of strategies, such as filter rules, should be looked at. The entire . concept of how much to hedge given production uncertainty needs study. Finally, any trading hedging strategies should be compared with other possible marketing activities such as forward contracting, hedging until sold, and storing grain. APPENDIX . APPENDIX A Table I Estimated Autocorrelation Functions .00 -.06 -.10 .05 .08 .08 .01 -.11 -.16 -.01 .08 .08 .08 .08 Lags 1-12 Standard Error Lags 13-24 Standard Error .09 -.04 .08 .08 .04 .07 .08 .08 Lags 1-12 Standard Error Lags 13-24 Standard Error .04 -.15 .07 .07 March, 1974 Lags 1-12 Standard Error Lags 13-24 Standard Error .04 -.15 -.07 .07 .07 .07 .21 .14 -.01 .08 .08 .08 March 1975 Lags .1-12 -.14 -.22 Standard Error .07 .07 Lags 13-24 -.01 .02 Standard Error .08 .08 March, 1972 March, 1973 March, 1976 .08 .08 .02 .04 .07 .07 .11 -.01 -.05 -.03 .07 .07 .07 .07 Lags 1-12 -.01 Standard Error .07 Lags 13-24 -.17 Standard Error .07 .08 -.07 .01 -.03 .08 .08 .08 .08 .05 -.02 -.11 .07 .08 .08 .08 .08 .01 -.06 -.01 .07 .02 .07 .07 .05 .07 .07 .11 .07 .03 .08 .06 .08 .11 .01 .09 .09 .04 -.02 .03 .02 -.07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .02 -.04 -.02 -.03 -.01 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .11 -.07 -.07 -.03 .12 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .08 -.11 .06 .17 — .08 -.16 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 -.06 -.14 .07 .07 .07 .09 .00 .01 .08 .09 .09 .04 -.12 .07 .07 .00 -.04 .05 .08 .08 .08 .04 -.01 .08 .08 .08 .06 -.09 .06 .08 .08 .08 .04 .07 .05 .08 .09 .07 .03 -.02 .07 .07 .03 -.10 .07 .07 .02 .07 .08 .08 .09 -.10 .07 .07 .13 -.01 .08 .08 .02 -.03 .09 . .04 .08 .08 .00 -.05 .08 .08 .08 .04 .08 .00 .00 -.05 -.01 .07 .12 .08 .05 .07 .06 .08 .07 .03 .08 .07 .03 .08 .07 .08 .08 .17 .07 .07 .07 I APPENDIX A Table 2 May, 1973 May, 1974 Lags 1-12 Standard Error Lags 13-24 Standard Error .06 -.07 .07 .07 .12 .06 .07 .07 .03 — .08 -.06 .07 .07 .07 .01 -.01 -.16 .07 .07 .07 Lags 1-12 .19 -.12 — .08 .02 Standard Error .08 .08" .08 .08 -.02 -.JQ5 -.09 -.09 Lags 13-24 Standard Error .08 .08 .08 .08 Lags 1-12 Standard Error Lags 13-24 Standard Error .03 -:17 .07 .07. .14 .06 .07 .08 .06 .08 .01 .08 .09 .07 .03 .07 .05 -.06 .04 -.06 .07 .07 ..07 .07 .02 -.02 -.02 .15 .07 .07 .07 .07 .04 -.05 .08 .08 .10 -.04 .08 .08 ---- ! .00 • .07 .07 .06 .01 .08 .08 OLO — May, 1972 I Estimated Autocorrelation Functions for DailyPrice Changes of Kansas City-May Contracts .00 .11 -.11 .08 .06 .08 ,08 .08 .06 -.01 .08 . .08 .01 .00 .01 -.02 .08 ;os .08 .02 .11 .08 -.01 -.03 .08 -.14 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .03 -.10 -.10 .09 .19 -.02 - H O .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 May, 1975 Lags 1-12 -.09 -.26 -.01 . .18 Standard Error .07 .07 .07 .07 .03 -.07 .06 .00 Lags 13-24 Standard Error .08 .08 .08 .08 .04 -.08 .07 .06 .08 .08 .08 .08 .03 .08 -.06 -.06 .08 .08 .08 .08 May, 19 76 Lags 1-12 -.04 -.02 -.02 Standard Error .07 .07 .07 -.16 -.11 -.01 Lags 13-24 Standard Error .07 .07 .07 .09 .07 .00 -.03 .00 .07 .07 .07 .10 .02 .00 .11 .07 .08 .08 .08 .08 .04 -.01 -.04 .07 .07 .07 .12 .02 .00 .08 .08 .08 .03 -.09 .11 -.01 .08 .08 .08 .08 .09 -.11 -.12 .02 .08 .08 .08 .08 .13 -.03 .07 .07 .04 .04 .08 .08 .01 .03 .07 .07 .06 — .08 .08 .08 .13 .07 .12 .08 APPENDIX A Table 3 Estimated Autocorrelation Functions for Daily Price Changes of Kansas City-July Contracts Lags. 1-12 Standard Error Lags 13-24 Standard Error July, 1972 .07 .00 .00 -.10 -.20 -.03 -.02 .07 ■ .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .01 -.02 .04 -.08 -.07 -.03 -.06 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .08 .08 .08 .08 .09 -.06 -.09 .07 .07 .07 .00 -.01 .07 .07 .11 .00 .07 .04 .08 .07 .03 .08 July, 1973 .26 -.19 -.12 .04 .12 .11 -.10 -.21 .05 .04 .10 — .08 Lags 1-2 Standard Error .07 .07 .08 .08 .08 . .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 -.15 -.01 -.10 -.04 -.06 .05 -.02 .00 -.03 — .08 -.02 .00 Lags 13-24 Standard Error .08 109 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 Julv Lags 1-12 Standard Error Lags 13-24 Standard Error 1974 ‘ .03 -.15 .07 .07 .08 .01 .07 .07 .02 Lags 1-12 -.09 -.10 Standard Error ' .07 .07 .02 -.06 Lags 13-24 Standard Error .07 .07 .00 .09 .09 -.09 -.06 .07 .07 .07 .07 .02 -.09 -.10 -.02 . .14 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .02 .07 .00 -.04 .07 .07 .07 .04 .07 .09 .07 .04 -.01 -.02 .07 .07 .07 .01 .00 -.03 .07 .07 .07 .01 .07 .04 .07 .07 .06 .07 .07 Lags 1-12 -.07 \02 -.09 Standard Error .07 .07 .07 -.15 -.13 -.05 Lags 13-24 . Standard Error .07 !.07 .07 ,W •02 .07 .05 .07 • July, 1976 ' .11 .07 •01 .07 .03 .07. .03 .07 .01 .07 .03 -.01 — .08 .07 .07 .07 .92 .05 .05 .07 .07 .07 .02 -.05 .01 .11 July, 1975 .02 .13 .07 .07 .04 -.09 .07 .07 .07 -.06 .07 .07 .07 .07 .08 -.02 -.03 .04 .07 .07 .07 .07 .02 -.02 .07 .07 .05 -.05 .07 .07 .06 .07 .04 .07 APPENDIX A Table 4 Estimated Autocorrelation Functions Daily Price Changes of Kansas City-September Contracts September, 1972 September; 1973 Lago 1-12 Standard Error Lags 13-24 Standard Error .27 -.13 -.01 .17 .07 .08 .08 .08 .18. -.05 — •16 . .01 .09 .09 .09 .09 Lags 1-12 Standard Error Lags 13-24 Standard Error .24 -.17 -.06 .22 .27 . .09 .02 .17 .07 .07 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .06 .00 .03 -.01 -.03 .02 -.02 -.05 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .14 -.11 -.15 .08 ;08 .08 .10 .17 .12 .09 .09 .09 .07 .10 .07 -.08 .07 .07 .07 .07 .05 -.06 -.02 .02 .08 .08 .08 .08 September, 1976 Lags 1-12 . -.14 .07 -.04 ■ .02 — .15 Standard Error .08 .08 .09 .09 .09 Lags 13-24 -.14 -.06 -.11 .09 .00 Standard Error .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .. .07 .03 -.02 -.01 .08 .08 .08 .07 .04 .08 .01 .09 .09 .00 .10 .01 .07 .03 .09 .09 .01 -.04 -.07 .09 .09 •09 .09 .06 ..03 -.07 — .09 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .08 .11 .00 .08 .03 -.02 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 Lags 1-12 Standard Error Lags 13-24 Standard Error .07 .08 .08 .10 • .04 .00 -.01 .07 .07 .07 .06 -.03 .06 .08 .08 .08 September, 1975 .11 -.05 .14 -.03 -.01 .09 .09 .09 .07 .14 .06 .09 .09 .10 .03 .07 .09 .08 Lags 1-12 -.08 -.16 Standard Error .07 .07 Lags 13-24 .02 -.01 Standard Error .08 .08 .07 .08 .07 .09 .00 September, 1974 .00 -.05 .12 .03 .09 .07 .09 .04 .13 — .08 .05 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 -.03 -.11 .07 -.01 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .05 .01 .04 .09 .09 .09 .07 -.04 -.04 .09 .09 .09 .05 -.06 -.05 .09 .09 .09 .02 -.11 .03 .09 .09 .09 APPENDIX A Table 5 Estimated Autocorrelatin Functions for Daily Price Changes of Kansas City-December Contracts December 1971 Lags 1-12 -.11 -.14 -.05 -.06 -.08 Standard Error .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 Lags 13-24 .01 .10 .11 -.05 -.15 Standard Error .11 .11 .11 .11 .11 December, 1972 Lags 1-12 Standard Error Lags 13-24 Standard Error .28 -.17 -.06 .07 .08 .08 .18 — .08 -.21 .09 .10 .10 December, 1973 Lags 1-12 Standard Error Lags 13-24 Standard Error .14 -.19 -.04 .05 .06 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .15 .07 -.03 -.05 -.10 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 December, 1974 Lags 1-12 -.07 — .18 Standard Error .07 .07 Lags 13-24 -.02 -.03 Standard Error .08 .08 December, 1975 Lags 1-12 Standard Error Lags 13-24 Standard Error .01 -.07 .04 .10 .01 .11 .11 .10 .11 .11 .07 .11 .02 .11 .26 .08 .03 .17 -.16 -.24 .08 .09 .09 .25 .14 -.01 .07 .09 .08 .16, -.08 -. 13 .02 .09 .09 .09 .09 .20 .10 -.18 -.07 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .05 .07 .05 .07 .10 .08 — .08 .04 .14 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .16 -.08 -.05 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .14 .07 -.14 .07 .07 .07 .07 .09 -.10 -.02 .00 .08 .08 .08 .08 .03 .07 .07 .07 .03 -.07 -.07 .07 .07 .07 .10 -.07 -.03 -.11 .10 .10 .10 .10 .07 .00 -.14 .06 .11 .11 .11 .11 .11 .11 .14 -.07 -.02 .08 .08 .08 .04 — .02 .00 .08 .08 .08 .05 .06 -.12 .04 .08 .08 .08 .08 .00 -.03 -.01 .02 -.05 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .05 .08 .05 -.07 -.04 .07 .07 .07 .14 -.06 .07 .07 .07 .07 .11 .06 .03 -.14 .07 .07 .07 .15 -.01 .00 .08 .08 .08 .11 .08 .11 .08 .01 .10 .07 .05 .08 .07 .02 .08 APPENDIX B OEv AE *r TRADE RtTl Rt T 2 KF A L L O C a Tl RE A L L O C A T E Rt A L L O C A T E REALLOCATE STARTVACkU GATE U T E S T NE TEST G LOGIC S BUFFER TRANSFER TEST L T F S T NE LOGIC S BUFFER BI T , 9 0 0 , X A C , 4 J O 1 F A C 1 20 , S T O 1 O C U E , 2 0 , L C G 1 2 r , T A B 1 GC F U N , 2 ,V AC , Z C 1U V R f O 1F S V H S V 1 O 1F V S 1P 1H M S 1 O 1C H A 1 , G R P 1 ? advance VJ ENCNACRO STARTMACRO G A T E ES ASSIGN VAPK SEIZE G A T E LS PFLFASt LOGIC R LOGIC R ASSIGN ENDMACRO SI AC T M A C R n *6 HA fit na 4A E N O m ACPC STARTMACRO *A Kt RFTT RE T 4 ENCYACKO ST A R T v A C R O IA <A ENr^ACcr STARTVAfRC ? *A, 'C1 o n , -F *F« »T,, ^ F tL » »'! * F , P G , "H " C 1 fU , "I! "A "A S R 1 ZC «A Aj VA 6A 6D *E, SC VC S D 1 SC SE , *C Zr, 9 C SG, SC CR, JC V D 1 ZC Z E 1 »C S F 1 SC ZB, ZC ZD, ZC "E , PC >l , 'C RFTc it* fc ND^ftCRP STARTMACRP »r JWC *6,*C TAfal TAB 2 TABT TABE TARS * TnIS J 2 3 4 'j 6 7 C V IO 11 I2 I? 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I - , Xi , 4 , c C l , K I 7 3 , 2 G'i 2 A S s i G N i ?V # •I I -i ' OO tab i BPB2 RETl TflBl CCC 2 RET? TAB? ODD 2 RE T 2 TAB? EE E 2 RE T 3 TflB I FFF 2 Rf T4 T A 84 GGC ? RETb TflBb HHH2 Afl A 2 2 TRADE RE T I TflBl BRB 2 ? RFTl TflBl C C C 22 RET? TAB2 00022 RET? TAB? EEE22 RET3 -v A l K U TRANSFE v TEST L WACPC MACRO TRANSFER TEST L MflCPC macro TRANSFER TEST L M flCRC MACRO TP A N S E ER Tl SI L M A C 0O wflCRO T h ANSFfP TEST I MACRO MACRO T F fl NS FE P TEST I M A C PO ,MACRO TABULATE TRANSFER GENERATE ADVANCE MACRO TEST L MACRO MACRu T R ANSFER. TEST I MACRO MACRO T P ANSFER TEST L wflCRD MACRO T R A N S p ER Tt ST L MACRO MACRO T? S S p ER TEST L MACRO 12,13,14,15,16 I HF H 2 C l , Kl B R , C C C 2 A S S I G N , 3 » V S , 4 , 5 , 0 ,! 1 2 , 1 3 , 1 4 , 15 , 16 ,HHH2 Cl,K l 99,DCC2 A S S IG N , 4 , V 9 , 5 , 6 , 7 1 3 , 1 4 , IS, 16 ,UHH2 C I,.< 2 6 2 , C L E 2 ASSIGN,4,710,5,6,7 !3,14,lb,lo • iiHh 2 fl,K294,FFF2 ASSIGN,5,711,6,7 I t , 15,16 ,HH H 2 C1,K325,GGG2 A S S I G N , 6, V I I, 7 15,16 , HH H 2 C 1 , K 3o / , H H H 2 ASS I O N, 7 , V l 2 I6 53 »AA A2 »,»1,7,,F O 1 3 , 1 , X b , I 4,2 Cl,K l 78»Bb822 ASSIGN,3,VE,4 , 5,6,T l ? » l o , 19,20,21 ,HHH22 C I , K I 8 9 , C C C 22 A S S I G N , 3 , V 1 3 , 4 , 5, 0 , / 1 7 , I d ,19,23,21 ,HUH? 2 C l fK l 99,00022 ASS If-N, 4, V 1 3 , 5 . 6 , 7 16,19,20,21 ,HHh 2 2 Cl , K 2 6 2 ,1 L T 2 2 ASSI G N , 4 , V l 4,5,6,? IE,ll,2i,21 ,HHU22 Cl , K 2 , 4 A Ir 12 A S S I G N 1 S t V l b 1O,? VO MACRO TRANSFER F F F 22 T E S T L RET4 MACRO MACRO TABA TRANSFER GGU22 TFST L RFTS -ACRD MACRO TABS H H H 2 2 TE A N S F t R GENERATE ADVANCE A A A3 t r a d e MACRO TEST I -ACRC RFT ] MACRO TABl TRANSFER TEST L BBB 3 MACRO RETl MACRO TABl TRANSFER CCC 3 TEST L MACRO RFT2 MACRO T AB2 TRANSFER TEST L ODD 3 MACRO RF T 2 MACRO T AB2 TRANSFER TEST L EEE 3 MftCRO RF T3 T AB 3 w f C R O TRANSFER TEST L FFF 3 RE T 4 MACRO macro TARA TRANSFER TEST L GGG3 MACRO RFTS MACRO TABc I A R U L ATE HHH 3 TPANSrFC GENERATE A A A 3 3 A D V "NCE TRADE -ACRG TEST L macro RFTl T AE l MACRO TABS I S , S C ,21 ,HHM2 2 C I , K 3 25 ,G G G 22 A S S I G N , 6, V I S , 7 20,21 ,H HH2 2 C I , K 3 6 7 , H H N 22 A S S I G N , 7 , V 12 21 ,AAA22 ,,,1,7,, O 5,1 , X 9 , 6 , 2 C l , K l 79 , B B B j A S SI G N , 3,Vd,4,5,6,7 22,23,24,25,26 ,HHHi C I,K I 89,C C C 3 A S S I G N , 3,V S , 4 , 5,o, I 22,23,24,25,26 ,HHH 3 C I,K l 9 9 , D C u j A S S I G N , 4 , V 9 , 5,6,7 2 3 , 2 4 ,2 5 , 2 6 ,HH H 3 C I ,K 2 62 , ELE 3 A S S I G N , 4,V I 0,5,6,7 23,24,25,26 IHHH 3 G I * K2 94 » P F F 3 A S S I G N , 5 , Vl 1 , 6 , 7 24,25,2 N i HH H 3 C 1 , K 3 2 4 , Go G 3 A S S I G N , 6 , Vl I ,7 25,26 ,H H H 3 C I, K 3 6 7 , H h h 3 A S S I G N , T , Vl 2 26 54 ,AS A3 , , , I , 7,,r O 1 5 , I , X % , I 6,2 C I, K I 78 , I d G S 1 A S S I G N , L , V o , 4, 5 , 6 , 7 27,28,29,30,31 "U O TFflNSHn BERlB RFTl TEST L Mf l CRU y c Rc TPflNSFE? CCC 2 3 TEST I RE T 2 wf l C R D Tfl R? MflCRG TRANSFER TflBl DDD 3 3 RET? T AR 2 EFF 3 3 RF T 3 Tf l RB T ! ST L V A C 1’ O Mf l CRC T 7 A N S F ER TEST L vflCFD vA C R p TRANSFER F F F 33 T E S T L RF T4 MAC R O Tf l BA macro TRflNSEE0 GGG 3 3 TEST I RF T 5 MflCR U v ACPO Tfl B«> HhH 3 3 TPf l NSPF0 AflflA TRADE RETl TflRl BR RA RFTl T AB I CCCA RET? TAB? DDDA RFT? T f l R? EEEA RE T 3 TAB7 GENFRATF ADVANCE "f l CRO TEST L MA C R O MACRO TP f " S t E P TFST L MACRO MACRO TRANSFER TEST L MflCKC MACRO T P A N sF E 1 TEST L MflCRn MflCPU TRANSFFr TEST L "ER G C Pt TRflNSFH ’« C * FF-H 3 2 C l , K l B H C C C 33 ASSIGN, 3« VI 2 , 2 7 , 2 8 , 2 9 , 30, 3 , H H H 33 C I , K I 9 9 , n o n 33 A S S I G N , 4 , V l 3, 2d, 2 * , 3 0 , 31 ,n H H 3j C l , K 2 h 2 , H E 3"! A S S I G N , A . V H , I6 i 2 E , 2 9,3 C , 3 I , HliH 3 3 C l , K2 9 A , F F r I7 A S S I G N , S , V l c ,6 , 7 29,33,31 , h 'I.i 3 J C I , K 325 , G G G 3 3 3 S S I G N , 6 , V l 5, 30,31 ,HHH33 C I, K 3 6 7 ,Hr H 33 ASSIGN,7,Vl2 Bi , A A A3 3 , , , 1 * 7 , ,f 3 7,l,Xb,e,2 C l , K I 7 8 , HRB4 A S S I G N , 3 , V B fA 32, 3 3 , 3 A , 3 5 , J ,H H H A C l 1 K l 8 ° .CCC 4 A S S I G N , 3,V«,A I6 « 7 32,33,34,35,3 ,D H H A C l , K l 99 , O b D A ASS I G N , A , V 9 , 5 33,34,35,3o , nH H A C l , K 2 6 2 ,EEFA A S S I G N , 4 , V 1C* j » 6 ,7 33,34,35,3b , M H H4 C l , K2 94 , F F F , A S S I G N , 5 ,Vl I, 6 , 7 34,35,31 , H HH A FFF4 RE T 4 T AB 4 GGG4 RETS I AB 5 HHH 4 AAA44 TRADE RETI TABl BEb4 4 RE T l TABl CCC 4 4 RET2 TABZ UOU 4 4 RET2 T AB 2 EEE44 RE T 3 TAB3 FFF44 RE T4 TABA GGG44 RE T5 T An 5 HHH 4 4 TEST L XAC %0 * ACkU TRANSFER TEST L MACau MAC R O TABULATE T k ANSFEP GENERATE ADVANCE y ACRG TEST L MACRO MACRO TRANSFER TEST I MACRO PACPO TRANSFER TEST I MAC R O MACRO T P AN S f E 9 TEST L MACRO MACRO T R A N S F ER TEST L MACRO MAC R O TRANSFEn TEST L MACRO MAC R O TRANSFER IFST L MACRO MACRO T k ANSf E d generate AAA5 TRADE Rf Tl TAHl BPB 8 ADVANCE MACdO TEST L " ACkC v ACkf TRANSFER TEST L Cl , < 3 2 5 , 0 0 0 4 4 8 0 1 0 0 , f , V l I »7 3 5, ,HH H 4 C I«K 3 6 7,hHH 4 A S S I G N , 7 , V12 76 56 ,A5A4 ,,,1,7,,' 0 I 7 , , X 1,18,2 C I, < I ,8,80344 ASSI GN, 3 , V t i , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 3 7 , 3 B, 3 9 , 4 0 , 4 1 , HHH44 C l , Kl Ei'i , C C C 4 4 A S S I G N , 3 , Vl 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , H H H 44 C l , K I 9 9 , O D D 44 A S S I G N , 4 , V I3 , 5 , o,7 3b,39,40,41 , HH H4 4 C1;K262,E[[44 ASSIGN,4 , V ] 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ,H H H 4 4 C l , K2 94 I FFF44 A S S I G N , 5 , Vt 5 , 6 , 7 39.40.41 ,H H M 4 4 C I,< 3 25 , 0 0 0 44 A S S I G N , 6 , V I5 , 7 40.41 ,HHH4 4 C I , K 3 6 7 , H H H 44 ASSIGN,7,Vl2 4I ,A A A 4 4 , , , I , 7, ,FO “A , I , X 3 , 1 0 , ^ C l , K l 73,09"5 A S SI G N , 3,V o , 4,5,6,7 42,43,44,45,66 , HHHc C l , Kl H O , C C C c •*4 NI RFTl TABl CCC5 R F T2 T AB 2 O D D 1' R ET 2 T AB 2 EEFS RF T 3 T AC 3 FFFS RE T 4 TAB4 GGGS PFTS TAEF HFHS AAASS TRADE RFTl TAB I BPBSS RF T I TARl CCC S 5 RE T 2 TAB? DDDSS RF Tl' TAP 2 EFESS RE T 3 TAP 0 FFFbS ,4 A C h U MACRO TRANSFER TEST L MACRO *7 C R D TcANSFFr TE ST L 'ALR n M ACRG TRANSFER TEST L MACRO macro T 2 ANSFfcR TFST L MACRC MACRO Th A N S F E R TEST L MACRO ^ AC RU I A G U L A TE TaANSFtD GENERATE ADVANCE MACRO TEST L MACRO MAC3O TRANSFER Tf ST L MACRO MACRO TPANSFF 0 TEST L MACRO MACRO TB A N S F E R TEST L MACRO macro TRANSFER IESt L m ACFO VACRC TF f JS F L R TfSTL ass IO',, 3,V'),4,'j,6, 7 42,43,44,45,4^ ,HHh 5 C I ,K I 9 4 , O D D 5 A S S I G N , 4,74,5,6,7 4 3,44 ,45» 46 , It4HS C I.K 2 62 ,F t U 5 4SSIGIN, 4, Vi C, 5,o, 7 43,44,45» 46 ,H H H 6 C I,K 2 ^4,F FH 5 A S S I G N , f ,V ll ,6,7 4 4 , 4 4 » *6 ,iiH,i5 C1.K 325 ,GCGh A S S I GN, 6 , Vl I , 7 45,46 »HH H 5 C I,K367 ,HHHS ASSIGN,,,Vl2 46 56 , AA AS ^ w ,,,I, 7»*r n X 3 ,2 0, 2 7 8 , P B 0 SS N , 3» V 8 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ,49,5,51 7 'CUSS ,Vi 3,5,6, , H h HS 5 Cl,K 294,FFhSS ASSIGN, 5,V I5,o, 7 49,5 3 , 4 I ,HHHS5 C I , K 325 , " C G S F RF TA TPfiA GCG5S RF 1 5 T P3 F Hh H5 5 »,LC*L YACRQ T R A M S F CR TFST L MPCRU MAC R C TRANSFER START RFSFT START RFSFT START RFStT STP9 T RF Sr T S I ART RFSFT START RFSFT START RFSET START RFStT S T A r- U RFStT ST ART RESET START RE S E T START RESET START RESET start RESET START RESET START RESET STA9 T RESET START RESET STA9 T RESET start F NE ' . SS Ib N , c , V i , , S O 4Si 4 F; HH 5 S C l 4 K T o Z 4 HF i H 5 S ASSIGN,T t V l0 5I ,AAASS 366 36 6 3 Ob 3 66 3 66 366 366 366 Too 366 366 3oo 366 3o6 3 oo 3 6o 366 06 6 366 0 66 ^sJ 4N SUF R CU T IGE IMPLICIT GPDF1CI.K.X) ItiTECtR(X) s o *3= s u M r = s u v i = S u m i c = S u m j o = E x p 5= E x p J v = U D I M E N S I O N I ( I , 3 0 ) , Xf I , 7) C m I C U L A T I ON ’F S I M P L E 3- )A1 MOVI NG A Vt RA Gf C IE (K.Lf .2) PO IQ J = K - P tK GCt H PD S 0 > 3 = 5 U M ? 4 l ( I ,J ) IC C U M I NUf Pb 30 G O T C 30 I F (K.E««. P) G O T O P ' , S U " J = If I,29) + l ( l , 3 0 ) + I ( i,I) G O T O 30 S U v U = I U , 3 0 ) + 1 ( 1 , I )+ r ( I ,2 > X ( I , I ) = SUM 3/ 3 C A L C U L A T I O N OE S I vPLL r. -,XY WflVING A V E R A G E A N D E X P O N E N T I A L r- D A Y M O V I N G A V E R A G E Tf ( K . L f . 4 ) G O T O 4 J U U 32 J = K - 4 , K S U M b = S U M S + T C I , J ) ; c X P 5 = l X? 5 + ( J * I ( 1 , J) ) 3? Cul1 T IN U E no PO 40 G O T U 45 TE ( " . E U . I) Th ( K . t O . 2 ) IF ( K . K . . 3 ) IF ( K . E U . h ) GOTO GOTO GOTO GOTO 41 42 43 44 41 42 f XP S = I ^ I » 2 P )♦ C P *T ( l , 2 9 ) ) + ( 3 * I ( i t 3 0 ^ ) + ( 4 * r ( l ,) ) ) + ( b * U l # 2 ) ) 43 GGTG 44 45 IF 47 bC 5I 4c SUNb = I U , 3 0 ) + I(l,l) + I(l,P) + I U , 3 ) + T (l,4) E X P 5 = 1 ( 1 , 3 0 ) + ( ? *I ( 1 , 1 ) ) + ( 3 * I ( l , 2 ) ) + ( 4 * T a , 3 ) ) t ( 5 * I ( l ,4 )) X ( I f P ) = S U M ^ z s ; XC I, 6) = ' X P b / l b CA L CUL AT I ON OF STMPf U PAY y OVI NG A V E R A G E (K.LE.9) GOTO U U O 47 J = K - U 1 X S U v I n = S U M l O + I ( I 1J ) C O M INUE GOfP 60 CO S 1 L=I ,K S U M l O = S U v 10 + 1 C! ,1 ) CONTINUE DO 52 L = P I+ K , ) yXl Ui S U M O = S L " i C t I CI , L ) 52 60 61 66 67 CONTINUE 70 15 O A Y M O V I N G AVERAGE GOTC 70 D U 06 J = I 1K S U M S = S U M 1 5 + 1(1 f J ) CONTINUE 65 C C G M INUE CALCULATION IF ( K . 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