Yield and elemental composition of sainfoin and alfalfa as affected by fertilizer variables by Alan Roy Foos A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Soil Science Montana State University © Copyright by Alan Roy Foos (1979) Abstract: This study was part of a broader, longer term investigation into the nutritional responses of sainfoin and alfalfa. A strip plot, randomized complete block experiment was designed with sainfoin and alfalfa strips as the main plots. Each of four replications included 25 fertility treatments. Treatments were composed of one factorial set of four levels of potassium over three levels of phosphorus, and another set of four levels of nitrogen over selected combinations of phosphorus and potassium. Additional treatments included additions of sulfur and sulfur with selected micronutrients. Dependent variables studied were yield, water use efficiency, and soil nitrate. Also studied were the forage percentages and uptakes of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Alfalfa yielded more than sainfoin in both years, had a greater water use efficiency, and was higher in protein and concentrations of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Sainfoin was much higher in percent phosphorus. Yields and concentrations of most elements were higher the second year for both species. Soil nitrate was in- creased the spring following nitrogen fertilization, but nitrate levels were low by fall of that year (1977), and the effect of applied nitrogen was no longer evident. Nitrate levels were below levels of detection on all units when sampled in the summer and fall of 1978, In 1977, the year of seeding, alfalfa yield was increased by nitrogen and phosphorus, but a negative interaction existed between the effects of these two nutrients. Phosphorus also increased the uptakes of nitrogen, potassium, and calcium. Nitrogen increased sainfoin yield, potassium concentration and uptake, and phosphorus concentration in 1977, but caused percent protein to decline. Phosphorus increased the concentration and uptake of that element in both species both years. In 1978, moderate applications of phosphorus appeared to stimulate the growth of sainfoin and uptake of most elements, but larger applications reversed this trend. In 1977, potassium reduced soil nitrate levels on alfalfa units and improved the water use efficiency of sainfoin. The following year, potassium decreased yield, potassium concentration, and the uptakes of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium by alfalfa. Calcium concentration of alfalfa was increased to some extent by phosphorus in 1978 and nitrogen in 1977, but not by potassium. Sulfur sharply reduced alfalfa yield and the uptakes of most elements in both years. Micronutrients usually decreased sainfoin yield and the uptakes of most elements. STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO COPY In presenting this thesis in'partial fulfillment■of'the .require­ ments ■ .for ■an advanced degree at Montana State' University, I agree that the' Library•shall make, it freely .available for inspection, I further agree'that permission'for'extensive:copying of this thesis for schol­ arly purposes may be granted by m y -major professor, o r , i n his absence, by. the Director of'Libraries', It. is understood that any copying or . publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed’ • without my written permission. Signature' Date YIELD AND ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION OF SAINFOIN AND ALFALFA AS AFFECTED BY FERTILIZER VARIABLES by ALAN ROY FOOS A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER.OF SCIENCE in Soil Science Approved: MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana April, 1979 ill ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Sincere appreciation is extended to the following persons: Dr..E. 0. Skogley for his professionalism and guidance as my major professor and for providing an assistantship which enabled me to com­ plete my graduate program. Dr. IC. C. Feltner, Dr. R. A. Olsen, and Dr. I. K. Mills for guid­ ance and encouragement while serving on my graduate committee. Special thanks are due Dr. Olsen and Dr. Mills for exceptional classroom in­ struction. Dr. J. F. Martin, Dr. R. E, Lund, and Dr. S. R. Chapman for excel­ lent instruction and counseling in statistics. Dr. R. L. Ditterline and Dr. C. S. Cooper for organizing each har­ vest and for patient understanding, guidance, generosity, and moral sup­ port. Dr. C. N. Caughlin for outstanding patience and dedication in con­ veying an understanding of physical chemistry. My wife, Dorene, for her sacrifice, support, and encouragement. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE VITA. . . . . . .......... . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS................. .............................. ill TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................. iv LIST OF TABLES.................................................. vi LIST OF F I G U R E S ............ ABSTRACT. . . . ............ x . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION.............. I LITERATURE R E V I E W .............................................. General Characteristics of Sainfoin and Alfalfa . . . . . . . . Growth and Forage Quality . ............ ................ . . Nitrogen Fixation ................................. ........... Potassium.......... Phosphorus. . ............. . . . . . . . . . ................ Sulfur and Micronutrients ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . MATERIALS AND METHODS . . . . . . . . . . xii ...................... ■Plot Description. ............................................. Soil Sampling ............................ Seeding and Harvesting........................................ Chemical Analysis ............ ....................... . . . . Statistical Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ....... . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. ......................................... Emergence and Plant Height............ Soil Nitrate.......... ...........................■............ Yield and Water Use Efficiency. . . . . . . .................. Protein and Nitrogen Uptake .................. . . Phosphorus Concentration and Uptake ........................... Potassium Concentration andUptake. . . . . . . . ............. Calcium Concentration and Uptake................ Magnesium Concentration and Uptake. ................ Sodium Concentration and Uptake . ............................. .3 3 5 6 9 10 12 14 14 14 16 17 18 24 24 25 27 33 39 46 51 59 60 V TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd.) PAGE SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS.......................... ............. . Species' and Years Comparisons ............................ Effects'of ■Nitrogen ........ ; ..................; ........... Effects of Phosphorus . ...................................... Effects of Potassium. ......................... Effects of Stilfur and Micronutrients.......................... * APPENDICES. . .......... Appendix I: ■ i . . . . . ................ . . . . . . 64 64 65 66 67 .69 71 2 Regression Equations, Probability Levels, and r Values for Response Characteristics......... Appendix II: Significant Paired Comparisons................. Appendix III: Data and ANOVA Statistical Parameters for -. Response Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 LITERATURE CITED................................................ Ill 72 86 vi LIST OF TABLES TABLE ' PAGE 1 'Treatment numbers and levels of applied fertilizer in kg/ha 15 2 Prefertilizer soil test results.......... .. ............... 15 3 List of paired comparisons performed for each forage characteristic . . . . . . . .......... . ........ 20 Plant height of alfalfa in the year of seeding as affected by applications of N and P ...................... .. 25 5 Effects on soil nitrate levels to 6 feet under alfalfa . . . 26 6 Mean yields for species and years in metric tons/hectare . .. 27 7 Paired comparisons showing the effects of S and micronutrients on yields ........ ........ . 31 8 Effect of K on the water use efficiency (WUE) of sainfoin. . 32 9 Effect of P on the water use efficiency (WE) of alfalfa in 1977 . ......... .............................. .............. 33 10 Mean protein concentrations for species' and years........ . 34 11 Paired comparisons showing the effects of S and micronutrients on protein and nitrogen uptake............ 36 Effect of the 11-55-0 treatment (21-45-28) on sainfoin protein in 1977................ .. . . .................. 37 13 Mean phosphorus concentrations for species and years . . . . 40 14 Paired comparisons showing the effects of S and micronutrients on P concentration, ■............ ......... 45 15 Effect of micronutrients on the P uptake of sainfoin in 1977 45 16 Mean potassium concentrations for species and years. . . . . 48 17 Paired comparisons showing the effects of S and micronutrients on IC concentration.................... . . 4 12 51 vii • LIST OF TABLES (cont'd.) TABLE. 18 PAGE Paired comparisons showing the'effects of S and micronutrients on the uptake of K, . .................... 52 19 Mean calcium concentrations■for species and years..„ . . . . 52 20 Mean magnesium concentrations for species and years. 59 21 Mean sodium concentrations for species and y e a r s .......... ; 60 22 Effect of S on Na uptake (kg/ha) by sainfoin and Na concentration (% composition) of alfalfa ................. 62 .... APPENDIX TABLE 23 24 Yield in metric tons/ha at 12% moisture - regression equations for significant effects. . . . . ........ ... Protein percentage - regression equations for significant effects. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 73 ; 74 Nitrogen uptake in kg/ha - regression equations for significant effects, ............. 75 Phosphorus concentration - regression equations for significant effects. . .................... .............. 76 Phosphorus uptake in kg/ha - regression equations for significant effects....................... 77 Potassium concentration - regression equations for, significant effects. . . . . .......................... 78 Potassium uptake in kg/ha - regression equations for significant effects.......... , ........ .................. 79 Calcium concentration - regression effects for significant effects,...................................... .. • • • . 80 Calcium uptake in kg/ha - regression equations for significant effects. . . i . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 81 viii LIST OF TABLES (cont'd.) APPENDIX TABLE 32 PAGE Magnesium concentration - regression equations for significant effects. . , , „ ; .................... .. 82 Magnesium uptake in kg/ha - regression equations for significant effects. ........ . . . . . ................ 83 Sodium concentration - regression equations for significant effects............ ................................. .. . 84 Sodium uptake in kg/ha - regression equations for significant effects. . . . . . . ............. 85 36 Yield in metric tons/ha - significant paired comparisons . . 87 37 Protein percentage - significant paired comparisons. . . . . 88 38 Nitrogen uptake in kg/ha - significant paired comparisons. . 89 39 Phosphorus concentration - significant paired comparisons. . 90 40 Phosphorus uptake in kg/ha - significant paired comparisons. 91 41 Potassium concentration - significant paired comparisons . . 92 42 Potassium uptake in kg/ha for 1977 - significant paired comparisons.............................................. 93 Potassium uptake in kg/ha for 1978 - significant paired comparisons. . ............ ......................... ; 94 44 Calcium concentration - significant paired comparisons . . . 95 45 Calcium uptake in kg/ha - significant paired comparisons . . 95 46 Magnesium concentration - significant paired comparisons . . 96 47 Yield in metric tons/ha - treatment means and selected . statistical parameters , I . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98, Protein percentage - treatment means and selected statistical parameters ; .......... -. ; ......... .. 99 33 34 35 43 48 ix LIST OF TABLES (cont'd.) APPENDIX TABLE 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 PAGE Nitrogen uptake in kg/ha - treatment means and selected statistical parameters . . . ............................ 100 Phosphorus concentration treatment means and selected statistical parameters........................ 101 Phosphorus uptake in kg/ha - treatment means and selected statistical parameters .......... 102 Potassium concentration - treatment means and selected statistical parameters .................. 103 Potassium uptake in kg/ha - treatment means and selected statistical parameters . .......................... 104 Calcium concentration - treatment means and selected statistical parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Calcium uptake in kg/ha - treatment means, and selected statistical parameters........ .. . . .................. 106 Magnesium concentration - treatment means and selected statistical parameters . .............. 107 Magnesium uptake in kg/ha — treatment means and selected statistical parameters...................... 108 Sodium concentration - treatment means and selected statistical parameters . .................. 109 Sodium uptake in kg/ha - treatment means and selected statistical parameters ............................... HO X LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 PAGE Yield of sainfoin in 1977 as -a function of nitrogen applied 12-13 October 1 9 7 6 . .................... .. . . . 28 Yield of alfalfa in 1977 as a function of nitrogen and phosphorus applied 12-13 October 1976 ............... . 28 Yield of alfalfa in 1978 as a function of potassium applied 12-13 October 1976, ........................... , 30 Protein percentage of sainfoin in 1977, second harvest, as a function of nitrogen applied 12-13 October 1976 . . . . 35 5 z Protein percentage of alfalfa in 1977 as a function of potassium applied 12-13 October 1976, . . . . .......... 35 6 .Nitrogen uptake by sainfoin in 1977 and 1978 as a function of nitrogen and phosphorus applied 12-13 October 1976 . . 38 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Nitrogen uptake by alfalfa in 1977 and 1978 as a function of phosphorus and potassium applied 12-13 October 1976. . 38 Phosphorus concentration of sainfoin and alfalfa in 1977 and 1978 as a function of phosphorus applied 12-13 October 1976................................ .. 41. Phosphorus uptake by sainfoin and alfalfa in 1977 and 1978 as a function of phosphorus applied 12-13 October 1976. . 43 Phosphorus uptake by sainfoin in 1977 as a function of nitrogen applied 1.2-13 October 1976 .................... 43 Phosphorus uptake by alfalfa in 1978 as a function of potassium applied 12-13 October 1976, .......... . . . . 44 Potassium concentration of alfalfa in 1977 and 1978 as a function of potassium applied 12-13 October 1976........ 47 Potassium concentration of sainfoin in 1977 and 1978 as a function of nitrogen and phosphorus applied 12-13. October 1976.............. ........................ 47 xi LIST OF FIGURES (cont'd.) FIGURE 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 RAGE Potassium uptake by sainfoin in 1977 and 1978 as a function of nitrogen and phosphorus applied 12-13 October 1976 . . 50 Potassium uptake by alfalfa in 1977 and 1978 as a function of phosphorus and potassium applied 12-13 October 1976. . 50 Calcium concentration of'sainfoin.in 1977, second harvest, as a function of nitrogen applied 12-13 October 1976. . . 55 Calcium uptake by sainfoin in 1977 as a function of nitrogen applied 12-13 October 1976 ............... .. 55 . Calcium concentration of alfalfa in 1977 and 1978 as a function of phosphorus applied 12-13 October 1976 . . . . 56 Calcium concentration of alfalfa in 1977 as a function of potassium applied 12-13 October 1976. . . . . . . . . . . .56 Calcium uptake by alfalfa in 1977 as a function of phosphorus applied 12-13 October 1976 ............ ... 57 Calcium uptake by alfalfa in 1978 as a function of ■ phosphorus applied 12-13 October 1976 .................. 57 Calcium uptake by alfalfa in 1978 as a function of potassium applied 12-13 October 1976.................... 58 Magnesium uptake by sainfoin in 1978 as a function of phosphorus applied 12-13 October 1976 .................. 61 Sodium concentration of alfalfa in 1977 as a function of potassium, applied 12-13 October 1976............ .. 63 xii ABSTRACT This study was part of a broader, longer term investigation into the nutritional responses of sainfoin and alfalfa. A strip plot, ran­ domized complete block experiment was designed with sainfoin and alf­ alfa strips as the main plots. Each of four replications included 25 fertility treatments. Treatments were composed of one factorial set of four•levels of potassium over three levels of phosphorus, and an­ other set of four levels of nitrogen over selected combinations of phosphorus and potassium. Additional treatments included additions of sulfur and sulfur with selected micronutrients. Dependent vari^ ables studied were yield, water use efficiency, and soil nitrate. Also studied were the forage percentages and uptakes of nitrogen, phosphor­ us, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Alfalfa yielded more than sainfoin in both years, had a greater water use efficiency, and was higher in protein and concentrations of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Sainfoin was much higher in percent phosphorus. Yields and concentrations of most elements were higher the second year for both species. Soil nitrate was in- ■ creased the spring following nitrogen fertilization, but nitrate levels were low by fall of that year (1977), and the effect of applied nitro­ gen was no longer evident. Nitrate levels were below levels of detec­ tion on all units when sampled in the summer and fall of 1978, In 1977, the year of seeding, alfalfa yield was increased by ni­ trogen and phosphorus, but a negative interaction existed between the effects of these two nutrients. Phosphorus also increased the uptakes of nitrogen, potassium, and calcium. Nitrogen increased sainfoin yield, potassium concentration and uptake, and phosphorus concentration in 1977, but caused percent protein to decline. Phosphorus increased the concentration and uptake of that element in both species both years. In 1978, moderate applications of phosphorus appeared to stimulate the growth of sainfoin and uptake of most elements, but larger applications reversed this trend. In 1977, potassium reduced soil nitrate levels on alfalfa units and improved the water use efficiency of sainfoin. The following year, potassium decreased yield, potassium concentration, and the uptakes of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium by alfalfa. Calcium concentration of alfalfa was increased to some extent by phosphorus in 1978 and nitrogen in 1977, but not by potassium. Sulfur sharply reduced alfalfa yield and the uptakes of most ele­ ments' in both years. Micronutrients usually decreased sainfoin yield and the uptakes of most elements. INTRODUCTION Alfalfa (Medicago satIva L.) is the major forage legume in Mon­ tana. Because of its wide use and long-term popularity it has been the subject of more research than any other forage legume. However, little research has been done to investigate soil fertility requirements of alfalfa in Montana. Recent studies have shown that alfalfa in Montana is frequently deficient in P and that both P and K may increase yields. That alfalfa yields statewide are very low emphasizes the need to clar­ ify nutritional requirements of alfalfa on Montana soils. Sainfoin (Onobrychls viciifolia Scop.) has attracted recent atten­ tion as a substitute for alfalfa. It is ideally suited to many condi^ tions in the Northern Rocky Mountains and Canada that are less favor­ able to alfalfa production. that of alfalfa. Its nutritional quality is comparable to Its potential for improvement is excellent. It has not been subjected to the long history of intensive breeding that alfal­ fa has. Nutritional requirements and physiological status are by com­ parison nearly unknown, but it is certainly very different from alfalfa. In the United States, sainfoin has proven to have an outstanding ability to extract soil P and usually shows no response to additions of highly available forms. One problem with sainfoin is that it often shows symp­ toms of N deficiency and poor N fixation. It is also susceptible to a crown and root rot complex that frequently reduces yields and stands, especially on heavy, irrigated soils. The importance of studying the effects of soil nutrients on yield 2 is obvious. Knowledge of soil nutrient effects on chemical composition is also desirable. Such information reveals forage quality and physi- ■ ological status of the plant. It also characterizes in depth the manner in which each species responds to soil nutrients. valuable indicator of forage quality. Protein is the most Concentrations of other elements are indicators of general health, physiological strengths and weakness­ es, and differences in such characteristics among species. The objective of this experiment was to clarify and compare yield and compositional responses of irrigated sainfoin and alfalfa to soil fertility factors. levels; Specific items of investigation were: 2) water use efficiency; 3) yield; tions and uptakes of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Na. factorial combinations of N, P, and K. I) soil NO^ and 4) plant concentra­ Major treatments were Additional treatments included an annual application of 0-45-112, an annual application of 11-55-0 and KCl (24-45-28), an application of S, and an application of S com­ bined with B 9 Co, and Mo. Effects were analyzed for each species and harvest for the year of seeding (1977) and the year following. These experimental objectives were, however, only part of a larger experimental plan. Final conclusions will not be reached until results are obtained over a period of 5 or more years. Other investigators will be studying effects of soil nutrients on stand longevity, nodulation, and disease. LITERATURE REVIEW General Characteristics of Sainfoin and Alfalfa Sainfoin (Qnobrychis viciifdlia Scop.) is usually taller than al­ falfa (Medicago sativa L.), growing to a height of 3 feet or more (37), while the height of alfalfa is usually under 3 feet. The leaves are pinnately compound like those of alfalfa, but vetch-like, having a large number of leaflets (37,63). Alfalfa is trifoliolate. bent (26) instead of Upright like those of alfalfa. larger than those of alfalfa. Stems are decum­ Sainfoin seeds are The flowers are bright pink in color un­ til pod stage. (26,37), while those of alfalfa are usually purple but may be yellow or variegated. The long tap root of sainfoin, resembling that of alfalfa, may be 5 cm in diameter and I to 10 m deep (26), with about twice as many laterals (56). The popularity of sainfoin has been increasing for a number of rea­ sons. Depending on environmental conditions and location, sainfoin may yield less than, the same as, or more than alfalfa (14,26,37,79,81). Usually, sainfoin yields more than alfalfa at the first cutting and less at the second cutting (16,26,60) due to a slow rate of recovery. Sainfoin is therfore particularly likely to perform well in areas where springs are warm and moist and climate limits harvest to a single cutting (60). It is recommended for dryland production in Montana and Canada only where annual precipitation is greater than 12^13 inches 4 (26,37). The variety Remont is a multicut variety, as opposed to the single-cut Eski, and is recommended for irrigated pastures in Montana where a more even seasonal distribution of growth is desired (14,25) . Sainfoin is highly resistant to serious pests, in particular the alfalfa weevil (26,37,78) which has been a serious threat to alfalfa production in Montana. winterhardy (20). It is highly resistant to drought and is very Koch et al. (46) found sainfoin yields to be high in years of low moisture with little decline in forage quality from early to late bloom stages of maturity. Sainfoin, like alfalfa, is easily established (26), and at least in the early stages of growth is salt tolerant (87). A large variation in protein content among species gives promise of improvements through breeding programs (22). Sain- ■ foin, unlike alfalfa, has never been known to cause bloat (26,28,37,63, 67). Seedlings have a wider temperature optimum for growth than alfalfa or cicer milkvetch (Astragalus cicer L;) which permits earlier seeding (82). Feeding trials in Montana have indicated the nutritional value of sainfoin hay to be equal to or superior to that of alfalfa (14,43). is highly palatable to livestock. It Sheep will graze sainfoin first, alfalfa second, and cicer milkvetch last, although the total consump­ tion of sainfoin and alfalfa is about the same (81),. Sainfoin is more easily pollinated and much more heavily worked by bees than alfalfa, the honey yield being large and of excellent quality (27,34,43). . 5 Sainfoin possesses some undesirable characteristics in comparison to alfalfa. Due to poor recovery it may not be able to withstand graz­ ing (49), a problem aggravated by its high palatability. Stand lon­ gevity has been seriously reduced in many cases due to a root rot caus­ ed by a complex of organisms including Fusarium solan! (2,76) and Pseudomonas and Erwinia (29). Unlike alfalfa, sainfoin often seems to be ineffective at N fixation (2,26,79), even when abundantly nodulated (10). It is a poor competitor with most weeds and grasses (38,84), especially aggressive, rhizomatous types like bromegrass (Bromus inermis L.) (37), as well as most cereal crops (26). Hanna et al. (38) found alfalfa in Canada to give better yields than sainfoin either alone or in grass mixtures. However, Cooper (19) found sainfoin in grass mix­ tures in Montana to have greater persistence and vigor than birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) under hay-stockpile management, and additions of sainfoin to birdsfoot trefoil-grass mixtures have consis­ tently increased yields in Montana (26). Growth and Forage Quality For alfalfa, maximum dry matter accumulation occurs at 2% to 45% bloom, but at 100% bloom for sainfoin. These occur at about the same date on dryland but sainfoin may be much later on irrigated land (15). At maximum yield the crude fiber of sainfoin is less than or about the same as alfalfa, TDN (total digestible nutrients) is about the same, 6 but alfalfa has 3% to 6% more protein and 9% to 10% less nitrogen-free extract (15,25,41).’ The protein content of sainfoin is sufficient for the needs of beef cattle (15). Steers grazing sainfoin have gained more than those grazing other legumes and legume-grass mixtures (26). Swine have gained as much with 3% ground sainfoin as with 3% ground alfalfa (61). Baker et al. (4) summarized previous literature and data of their own on the composition of sainfoin. Protein content, lower than that of alfalfa, was found to vary from about 16% to 19% at preflowering to about 12% at full bloom. At full bloom, Ca was about 1.4%, P 0.6%, K 1.6%,. Mg 0.35%, and Na 0.6%. These figures varied considerably with climate and soil fertility status. They found large differences be-t tween leaf and stem composition for most nutrients, protein being concentrated in the leaf, which is also true of alfalfa (70). Large differences in the mineral composition of sainfoin were attributed by Baker et al. (4) to differences in the leaf-stem ratio,. is higher in sainfoin than in alfalfa (41). This ratio In Montana, alfalfa has been higher in N-free extract, TDN, and P (15,26). Varga (89) rated the nutritional value of sainfoin in Romania 26% higher than that of alfalfa. Nitrogen fixation Nodulation is generally decreased in legumes by N applications, but large amounts of N seem to be required for complete suppression 7 (55). However» Hallsworth (36) presented evidence that N fixation it­ self is unaffected or even sharply increased over a range of 0.5 to 60 ppm soil N. The literature dealing with N fixation of sainfoin is inconsistent. Burton and Curley (10) found that moderate additions of N had little or no effect on nodulation or symbiotic fixation by sainfoin in Wisconsin. On the other hand, Radomirov et al. (65) found N to decrease the number of nodules on sainfoin in Bulgaria. Panosian and Kirakosian (62) reported that, under sainfoin in Rus­ sia, soil N increased each year up until the third or fourth year and then declined. In Russian the nodules of sainfoin are reported to be more numerous than those of alfalfa and 5 to 8 times larger (44,83). Steergeva (83) maintained that the quality of sainfoin nodules was also greater than those of alfalfa in that yields of wheat were greater fol­ lowing sainfoin.than those following alfalfa. He stated that sainfoin stored 10 times more W for release into the soil than alfalfa. David- ovskii (21) also reported that sainfoin accumulated N in the soil. However, Rovshanov (73) found alfalfa to be superior to sainfoin in in­ creasing seed cotton yields’ the following year. Koter (48) found that while application of N as ammonia or small amounts of ammonium nitrate stimulated nodulation and N fixation in Poland, other forms of N (urea, nitric acid, ammonium nitrate) had a negative effect. Applications of N to sainfoin have consistently given greater 8 yields, the responses being more marked than those of alfalfa (3,11,48) In Montana, symptoms of N deficiency have been noted in the first 5 to 6 weeks of growth and in some cases resulted in depressed yields but not in others (.79). Sims et al. (79) concluded that soils with less than 80 pounds NO^-N to 4 feet were N deficient for sainfoin. The inconsistent behavior of infection leading to root rot could be responsible for some of the disagreement in the literature on N fix­ ation by sainfoin. of Rhizobium (2,76). It is known that Fusafium reduces the effectiveness The effectiveness of various Rhizobium strains is also variable, and there are many capable of nodulating sainfoin (88). There may be other organisms of unknown identity which are import­ ant to N fixation in sainfoin. Sainfoin plants dipped in Rhlzobium in­ oculum and transferred to sterile soil develop a massive accumulation of CaCOg in the roots and lower levels of Ca in the forage (72)„ This is accompanied by root distortion, decreased numbers of nodules, and decreased capacity to fix N. These effects were riot observed in plants grown on non-sterile soil. Meyer's data typify sainfoin responses to N (58). Nitrogen in­ creased yield, vigor, and regrowth at all rates of application up to 448 kg/ha. ment. Stand persistence was poor except in the 448 kg/ha treat­ Alfalfa usually shows little response and sometimes shows a neg­ ative response to N in both yield and stand persistence (30). Brown (9) found N to decrease alfalfa stands and facilitate weed invasion. 9 Potassium The critical plant level of K for alfalfa was found to be some­ where between 1.75% and 2.00% by Kresge and Younts (51). Adams and Sheard (I) considered it to be about 1.75% and Gerwig and Ahlgren (31) between 1.42% and 1.84%. Kresge and Younts (51) found maximum yield of alfalfa was obtained with a single application of 165 lb K/acre, but this was reduced to 83 lb if the application was evenly split between one spring application arid another after the first cutting. This was attributed to a higher recovery of K through more even seasonal distribution. Reports of vig­ orous yield responses of alfalfa to K are common in the literature (5, 6,30,31,33,45,77,85). Potassium also increases stand longevity (9,31,85) of alfalfa, and according to Seay (77) uptake of P is increased by K. Gervais found K requirements to increase sharply with continued 'cropping, and that K decreased the Ca and P contents of alfalfa (30). Kimbrough (45) found the growth rate and leaf area of alfalfa to increase faster with appli­ cations of K and suggested that timely use of K could make possible an increase in the number of seasonal cuttings. Butseroga (11) found that, both P and K or the two combined de­ creased sainfoin yields in Russia without applications of N. This does not seem congruent with other reports (54,55,68) that K in all cases and P in most greatly enhance the ability of Rhizobium to fix N. Phosphorus 10 in particular increases total root growth and nodule density (55,65). Phosphorus■ Blair and Prince (5) in 1939 found no significant response to P by alfalfa, even on soil previously cropped for ten years without any addition of P. Gerwig and Ahlgren (31) found no benefit of P to yield or stand persistence of alfalfa. Stivers and Ohlrogge (85) found no yield response of alfalfa on one soil type but a large response on another that was associated with a low soil test for available P . In most cases, however, marked yield responses of alfalfa to P are observ­ ed (30,34,47,52,80). Larson et al. (52) fouftd large yield increases of alfalfa still occurring 3 years after an application of 240 lb P/acre on a P deficient soil. Halstead et al. (35) observed 100% to 300% yield increases of alfalfa in the first year following applications of PgO^ up to 2000 Ib/acre. Cary et al. (17) found P and S effective in increasing alfalfa yields. Stivers and Ohlrogge (85) and Gerwig and Ahlgren (31) found P not to affect stand persistence of alfalfa; yield responses were not ob­ served, either. On an acidic soil, Singh (80) found additions of P not to affect the P content of alfalfa, but % P is usually increased (5,30,31,35,47, 52). Halstead et al. (35) raised the P content of alfalfa from an average of 0.18% to 0.54% with a high rate of P. Seay and Weeks (77) found alfalfa to take up P even when dormant in the winter. Adams and 11 Sheard (I). found P to decrease the N content of alfalfa, although Blair and Prince (5) found N content not to be significantly affected by P . Koehler et al. (47) found P not to affect the concentration of N or any cations. Gervais et al. (30) found P to decrease % K, but % Ca was unaffected. In most instances, sainfoin does not respond to applications of P . Butseroga (11), as previously noted, found P to decrease sainfoin yield unless N was also applied. Babian and Karagulian (3) found the same on a humus soil but on a basic soil (CaCO^ =5.9%) P increased the yield of sainfoin. Sainfoin was believed to have a strong ability to change unavailable forms of P to available forms. P content of sainfoin roots to be high. Ukrainskii (86) found the Roath and Graham (67) suggest­ ed that sainfoin might be grown to. advantage on soils low in available P. Where alfalfa and other legumes have responded to P in Montana, sainfoin has not (50). Phosphorus does not appear to influence recovery or stand persistence of sainfoin (58) , but may favor late development of both sainfoin and alfalfa (66). However, Rorison (71) and Sariceva (75) both found higher concentrations of soil P to reduce initial dry weight loss of sainfoin seedlings and to accelerate later weight gain. In most legumes, additions of P overcome the suppression of nodulation brought about by high levels of Mo, N, or Ca (40). The uptake of Mo may also be increased by as much as 5 to 30 times by P additions (40). Phosphorus greatly stimulates the growth, number, and density of nodules if ade­ 12 quate K is present, and P also increases total root growth (55). Sulfur arid Micronutrieiits The effects of S deficiency are similar to those of N in that S is required for the conversion of N into protein. Sulfur usually decreas­ es the uptake of Mo by above ground portions (40). A deficiency of S leads to small, greenish nodules instead of large, branched, pink ones (55). Adams and Sheard (I) found that a deficiency of S reduced alfalfa yields more than a deficiency of K. to increase alfalfa yields. Pumphrey and Moore (64) found S The S requirement of alfalfa is high: about 0.3% S content is required if the plant is adequately supplied (12). An adequate supply of S considerably increases N content (12,13, 63), the S content (13,64), and the Mn content (13) of alfalfa. Sulfur reduces the P and B contents of alfalfa, other elements being unaffect­ ed (13). Inorganic S is nearly absent in plants deficient in S (23). Dijkshoorn and Lampe (23,24) showed that only when the S content of protein falls below about 2.7% is S deficient, more exact values being 2.5% for legumes and 3.2% for grasses (24). Much of the importance of micronutrients relates to N fixation. Molybdenum increases nodule size if S is adequate but nodule numbers are decreased (40). On a soil of neutral pH, Radomirov et al. (66) found that.Mo applied at 300 g/ha increased seed yields of sainfoin 54%. With the addition of P, Mo increased yields more than NH^NO3 13 applied at 120 kg/ha. Since nitrogenase contains Mo, most of the ben­ efit obtained from Mo by legumes is probably through its effect on N fixation (36). Molybdenum is also required in the host plant for re­ duction of nitrates in protein synthesis (40,55). Liming increases the availability of Mo (55). Both the legume plant and the N fixing process require B (40). deficiency results in poof root and nodule development (55). A Modula­ tion requirements are probably less than those of the plant, but effects of B on nodulation and N fixation are dramatic. Small amounts of B, if deficient, will increase nodule numbers up to 9 times and the amount of N fixed per nodule 5 times with small increases of soil B up to 10 ppm (40). Radomirov et al. (66) found B to stimulate nodule development of sainfoin but not to affect yields. response of sainfoin to B. fixation process (74). Easier et al. (39) also found little Cobalt is also probably required for the MATERIALS AITO METHODS Plot Description On 12 and 13 October 1976, fertility treatments as listed in Table I were applied to a 128 by 200 foot plot at the Montana State Univers­ ity Agricultural Experiment Station Farm west of Bozeman, Montana. Soil on the experimental units was then worked lightly with a duckfoot cultivator. The units were arranged in a strip plot, randomized com­ plete block design with four replications. sainfoin. Strips were alfalfa and Soil was the Bozeman silt loam, a fine-silty, mixed Argic Pachic Cryoboroll. Blocks were oriented north and south such that a soil moisture gradient intersected at a right angle. Sources of fer­ tilizer were ammonium nitrate (34-0-0), superphosphate (0-45-0), po­ tassium chloride (0-0-60), calcium sulfate, cobalt chloride, molybdic acid, and sodium borate. Table 2 shows prefertilizer soil test results for soil nutrients and other characteristics. Soil Sampling On 25 April 1977 soil samples were taken from eleven selected treatment units in each replication at depths of 0-1, 1-2, 2-4, and 4-6 feet. Samples were weighed and then dried for 50 hours at 60°C, then reweighed to determine percent moisture and then converted to cen­ timeters of moisture to the full 6-foot depth. peated on 27 October 1977. This procedure was re­ The difference in moisture values was added to total precipitation over this period and to the total water appli- 15 Table I. Treatment numbers and levels of applied fertilizer in kg/ha. Treatment Number . P N K ■ Treatment Number N P K 112 336 0 28 112 336 0 0 0 0 45 45 0 28 112 336 0 28 7 S 9 10 11 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 .45 45 224 224 224 224 I 11 12 13 14 . 15 0 0 0 56 56 56 0 224 224 0 224 224 0 112 336 0 112 336 16 17 18 19 20 21 112 112 112 224 224 224 0 224 224 0 224 224 0 0 21 0 224 45 45 224 112 112 28 112 22 23 24 25 • Table 2. + + • 0 112 336 0 112 336 45S Annually (11-55-0 + KCl, Annually) 458 + 2.2B + 5[.2Co + 0. I 0 0 0 0 0 0 CM I 2 3 4 5 6 Prefertilizer soil test results. P K EC Mg. Na Ca (ppm) (ppm) (meq) (meq) (meq) mmhos Area Sampled Depth (cm) Texture PH O.M. (%) South 0-15 15-30 Si L Si L 6.9 7.0 2.4 2.1 21 16 344 296 13.5 13.5 3.7 4.0 Middle 0-15 15-30 Si L Si L 7.0 7.1 2.2 1.8 24 24 363 334 13.9 14.7 0.1 0.40 4.3 4.6 . 0.1 .0.40 North 0-15 15-30 Si L Si L 6.9 7.1 2.1 1.6 21 19 334 296 13.1 14.7 4.4 5.1 !■ Tr. 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.30 V 16 cation from 4 irrigations. This was then used to obtain water use efficiency (WUE), defined as kilograms forage at 12% moisture produced per centimeter of water evapotranspired. Nitrate was determined from the soil samples so that the influence of applied N or other nutrients on soil nitrate levels could be deter­ mined. . Soil samples were taken again in 1978 on 10-11 July and 2-3 October. Soil nitrate was determined using the phenoldisulfonic acid method (7). Seeding and Harvesting The plot was seeded on I May 1977 at the rate of 50 kg/ha sainfoin seed (variety Remont) and 13 kg/ha alfalfa seed (variety Thor). Seed­ lings were counted on selected treatments on 9-11 June 1977 in sets of two one-meter counts per unit. germination over the plot. Counts were made to confirm uniform Seedling height was determined on 30 June 1977 on each experimental unit by taking eight measurements per unit. . This was done in case yields in the year of seeding were insufficient to warrant harvesting. The first harvest was taken in the year of seeding on 3 August 1977. Sainfoin was at 100% bloom and alfalfa at 10% bloom. Second harvest was obtained on 17 October while sainfoin was in the early pod stage and alfalfa at 80% bloom. Samples for yield determination were taken by harvesting with a Mott forage harvester which chops the mat­ erial to facilitate subsampling. A 4-foot middle section of each 8 17 foot wide unit was harvested. Subsamples of forage were then weighed and dried at 65°C for 4 to 5 days and then reweighed. In this way per­ cent moisture was determined for calculating yields in metric tons per hectare at 12% moisture. The dried subsamples were then analyzed for protein, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and sodium. Total uptake of these minerals were then determined by multiplying the plant frac­ tion times yield in kilograms per hectare. The year after seeding, harvesting was performed on 29 June and 5 September 1978. Maturities for both harvests were 10% and 100% bloom for alfalfa and sainfoin, respectively. Chemical Analysis Forage nitrogen content was determined using the semimicro-Kjeldahl method as described by Bremner (8). Other elements were determined by ashing samples of 2 g each at 550°C to 600°C for 10 to 15 hours, in a muffle furnace. Concentrated HCl (1.5 ml) was added to each crucible after cooling. Distilled-de- ionized water (2.5 ml) was added and the mixture was evaporated at 145°C. Finally, 1.0 ml of 2.5N HCl and 5.0 ml H^O were added and the solution was poured into 100 ml volumetric flasks, and brought to vol­ ume. An aliquot was taken for analysis for P by the vanadomolybdic acid method (42), A separate aliquot was taken for analysis by atomic absorption spectrophotometry to determine K, Ca, Mg, and Na. Readings as percent transmission or absorbance were converted to percent of 18 plant forage. This value was multiplied by.dry forage yield in each unit to obtain values of total uptake in kg/ha. Statistical Analysis Thirteen nutritional characteristics were studied for each plant species for each cut in each year: yield, percent protein, uptake of N, and percents and uptakes of P, K, Ca, Mg, and Na. Data for each of these characteristics fit a randomized complete block design with 25 treatments for each plant species. The treatments can be arranged to fit a complete factorial with four rates of applied K over three rates of applied P. Another complete factorial exists with four rates of applied N over three rates of P and K combinations. the treatments into the two factorials. Table I groups In addition are four other treatments from which various paired comparisons can be made. These treatments are an annual application of the 0-45-112 treatment, the 0-224-112 treatment but with S added, the same but with B, Co, and Mo added as well, and an annual application of 24-45-28(11-55^0 + KCl). The latter treatment was included to determine whether or not any ben­ efit was realized from the application of 11-55-0. The manufacture of 11-55-0 results in a product where the N portion contributes less to the cost than if N were applied separately. Therefore, any resulting benefit is relatively host-free. A standard analysis of variance (ANOVA) for each characteristic 19 for each harvest, year, and species to evaluate the significance of the above factors. Appendix II contains treatment means and selected sta­ tistical parameters from these analyses. In addition, the percent com­ position values were averaged over both harvests, yields and uptakes summed for each year, and these data analyzed in the same way. Each of these analyses included tests for eight selected paired comparisons us­ ing the 4 odd treatments just described. these comparisons. See Table 3 for a list of Thus, each ANOVA includes information on applied P and K in a factorial design at 0 N, and N and P+K as another set. For each set the same error term is used from the overall ANOVA. Note that the analysis with respect to a, single factor (such as N) is performed at the mean level application of the others in each factorial set. Thus, the analysis for K at three levels of P implies that any con­ clusions drawn about the effect of K are under the assumption that mean levels of N and P exist from the first 12 treatments. lem except in cases where an interaction is present. This is no prob­ If the interac­ tion is significant, then one is committed to accepting both factors as significant and describing the behavior of one factor at each separate level of the other, or vice versa. For each standard ANOVA a regression analysis was also performed using all treatments from I through 21. Note that in using all of these treatments, orthogonality as in the previous ANOVA is lost. That is, the same levels of non-respective factors do not exist for each 20 Table 3. List of paired comparisons performed for each forage charac­ teristic. Treatment numbers Treatments 11 ■ vs. 25 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-1I2+S+B+Co+Mo 11 22 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-1I2+S 22 vs. 25 0-224-112+S vs. 0-224-1I2+S+B+Co+Mo VS . . vs. 23 0-45-112 vs. 0-45-112(Annually) 12 vs. 23 0-224-336 vs. 0-45-112(Annually) 6 vs. 24 0-45-28 vs. 21-45-28(Annually) 14 .56-224-112 vs. 21-45-28(Annually) I' VS . 24 23 VS. 24 0-45-112(Annually) vs. 21-45-28(Annually) 21 level of the other. However, If only one factor (e.g. N, P, or K) has an effect, this is of no consequence. If the effects of more than one factor'are.significant, then the inclusion of both, in one equation is still valid. Note that this can cause.a significant effect for one factor which is the result of another, but to eliminate these one can: I) check the significance of both factors when combined in one regres­ sion, and 2) check the significance of the factor in the standard ANOVA which is orthogonal. It was felt that the increased precision gained by using all 21 treatments for regression analysis overcame the ortho­ gonality question given these ways to resolve it. Regression analysis is a higher-powered test (i,e., conclusions are more likely to be correct) than the standard ANOVA, so the results of the regression an­ alysis were preferred and form the basis of conclusions drawn in this thesis. In some cases regression analysis indicates significance not substantiated by the other, and vice versa. With few exceptions, re­ gressions that were chosen as significant were so at the 1% level or less. Appendix I contains a list of all regression equations and prob­ abilities which were chosen as significant. A series of single and combined factors were run as regressions for each characteristic in both linear and quadratic form. From these and from the standard ANOVA, significant effects were selected and the appropriate factors run as one regression to give one equation. Because the EMS (error mean square) from the standard ANOVA (based on 22 treatment means) contained a greater degree of precision, the standard ANOVA EMS was corrected for number of observations and substituted into the regression analysis to give a new error term. As for the standard ANOVA, the assumption is implicit that values predicted by an equation are at the mean level of omitted factors among the first 21 treatments. Factors which are combined into one equation are graphed separately in this thesis at the mean level of the others. If an interaction exists, the graph necessarily portrays a family of lines. Most of the selected equations are quadratic models, not be­ cause the quadratic is significant over the linear, but because non­ linearity is generally assumed and the best fit is non-linear. All probability values refer to Type I errors so that smaller probabilities indicate greater significance. Also, rather than estab­ lishing significance by F values associated with certain levels of probability, e.g. 10% or 5%, actual probability levels associated with respective F ratios are reported. These values were rounded to three decimal places and except in Appendix III reported only for significant factors. Also, probabilities are listed under the heading "p(F)" to indicate probability as a function of F . A separate ANOVA was used to evaluate the overall differences be­ tween years, species, treatments, and their interactions. Tables in the text report only significant effects from this analysis. These effects are drawn from the following sources and degrees of freedom: 23 Source Decrees of freedom Replications Species Error a Years Treatments Species x Years Species'x Treatments Years x Treatments Error b 3 I 3 I 24 I 24 24 318 -x/ RESULTS M D DISCUSSION It was not practical to discuss in detail all of the significant effects.for each harvest and year. Only total and average effects for each year are discussed unless a special reason -warrants attention to a particular harvest. However, the appendices list information for each harvest separately in addition to the total or average effect in one year. Appendix I lists all regression equations and probabilities, if significant. Appendix II lists significant paried comparisons. Appendix III lists all treatment means and selected statistical inform­ ation. formed. Each EMS is also included so that additional tests may be per­ Appendix III also allows examination of data before conversion into predictive models. Numbers given in the test are carried to a certain number of places. This was not meant to imply accuracy to that point. The num­ ber of digits reported is based on the size of significant intervals. For example, if a significant interval is less than 0.01 then digits are reported to the third place beyond the decimal, indicating pre­ cision, if not accuracy, to that point. Appendix data carry an extra number of digits to avoid rounding errors in the event further analyses or transformations are to be performed. Probability levels are design nated by "p(F)". Emergence and Plant Height ' Seedling counts taken 9-11 June 1977 showed no significant dif- 25 ferences except between species. This was expected. Mean seedling number was 25.4/meter for'sainfoin (s = 6.7) and 72.6/meter for alfalfa (s = 12.5) Plant height measurements'made on 30 June 1977 did not show sig­ nificant differences among sainfoin treatments. both increased seedling height (see Table 4). For alfalfa, N and P Mean heights were 40 cm and 35 cm for sainfoin and alfalfa, respectively. Table 4. Plant height of alfalfa in the year of seeding as affected by applications of -N -and -P. Effect of N Effect of P Applied N, kg/ha Plant height, cm 0 56 112 224 33.7 37.1 36.5 37.2 Applied P ,. kg/ha 0 45 224 Plant height, cm . 30.4 33.9 36.0 CV=5.9% P(F) 0.001 Soil Nitrate Soil NO^ was determined primarily to see if applied N significant­ ly affected levels of this soil nutrient. By 1978 there was no measur­ able NOg remaining in the 0 to 6 foot depth sampled. Samples taken in the spring of 1977 showed a significant effect due to applied N. The mean level of soil NOg among treatments with N applied at 224 kg/ha was 306 kg/ha. But random variation was extremely high (CV - 41%). Sig- 26 hificance due to applied N was present among alfalfa treatments but not sainfoin (see Table -.5)v However, mean levels of soil N0~ did not dif­ fer significantly between the two. Mean soil NO^ among sainfoin treat­ ments was 207 and, among alfalfa, 194 kg/ha. As expected, other fertil­ izer treatments did not affect NO^ levels in the spring of 1977. Table 5. . Effects on soil nitrate-levels to 6 feet under alfalfa. Date of sampling 25 April 1977 Applied N, kg/ha Soil NO^ kg/ha 0 112 Date of sampling 25 October 1977 Applied K, kg/ha Soil NOkg/ha 0 112 54 ' 32 139 174 CV=40% P(F)-O.001 CV=62% p (F)=0.037 Soil NOg taken in the fall of 1977 showed a mean value of only 33 compared to the spring mean of 201 kg/ha. variation for fall 1977 was 79%. Also, the coefficient of This high coefficient was apparently due in part to many units having no measureable NO^ remaining. N no longer showed any significant effect; Applied however, among alfalfa units, applied K decreased soil NO^ as seen in Table 5. Potassium had a detrimental effect on both yield and chemical com­ position of alfalfa in 1978. If these effects and reduced soil NO3 by K in 1977 were related, the relationship was not understood. Since soil NO. reserves were completely depleted by 1978, and the response of 3 27 alfalfa to N was not. large, it is unlikely that NO. reduction by K■ 3 could directly cause reduced yield and -forage quality. The lack of ' effect by K on soil NO3 confirms that its effects were exerted through action on the plant rather than the soil. The effects on yield and soil NO3 suggest a possible weakening of the plant-Rhizobjum relation­ ship. However, the additional effects on plant composition suggest that either root growth or function was disturbed by high levels of K. Yield and Water Use Efficiency Table 6 shows that alfalfa yield was considerably greater than that of sainfoin although this difference narrowed in the year after seeding. Only the probability levels of significant factors are shown. Table 6. Mean yields for. species and years in metric tons/hectare. ■ Probability levels for significant.differences Yield, metric tons/ha Species 1977 1978 Sainfoin 5.52 11.1 Alfalfa 7.48 12.6 ’ p(F,species)<0.001 - p(F,years)<0.001 p(F,species x years)-0.042 Yields from.the two harvests of 1977 showed similar patterns. Sainfoin showed a response to N demonstrated by the regression curve in Figure I. Sainfoin yield was raised slightly more than I metric ton/ha with 224 kg applied N/ha. This response was not evident in 1978, nor Yield, metric tons/ha 28 112 ^ Nitrogen, kg/ha . Yield of sainfoin in 1977 as a function of nitrogen ap­ plied 12-13 October 1976. N-224 Yield, metric tons/ha N - I I2 p(F)<0.001 r 2-0.31 112 Phosphorus, kg/ha Figure 2. Yield of alfalfa in 1977 as a function of nitrogen and phosphorus applied 12-13 October 1976. 29 were any others for sainfoin. Alfalfa yield in 1977 was affected by both N and P which exhibited a negative interaction with each other. family of lines in Figure 2. This result is graphed as the Maximum yield of 8 metric tons/ha occur­ red near the middle application of P of 112 kg/ha and full rate of N of . 224 kg/ha. With equal rates of application, the effect of P was slight­ ly larger than that of N. Phosphorus, without N, increased yield from 7.1 to 7.8 metric tons/ha over an application ranging from 0 to 168 kg/ha. Alfalfa yield in 1978 (see Figure 3) exhibited one of several ef­ fects of K on alfalfa in that year. With increasing K there was an in­ itial, but negligible, yield increase which quickly changed to a sharp decrease from a maximum of 13.1 to 11.8 metric tons/ha. This strongly negative response is not readily explained, nor was it found in the literature, but soil nitrate levels in 1977 provide additional evidence in that K decreased soil'NO^ in the fall of 1977. Pretrial tests for soil K were higher than is usual (ppm K = 300), so positive responses to K were not necessarily expected. Paired comparisons revealed effects by S and micronutrients on yields. For a list of all such significant comparisons refer to Ap­ pendix II. For sainfoin in 1978, the addition of micronutrients and S, compared to the addition of S alone, resulted in a total yield re­ duction from 12.2 to 10.6 metric tons/ha. Micronutrient responses by Yield, metric tons/ha 30 p(F)=0.002 r =0.50 168 Potassium, kg/ha Figure 3. Yield of alfalfa in 1978 as a function of potassium applied 12-13 October 1976. 31 alfalfa tended to be positive instead of negative, but were not usually significant. As seen in Table 7, S consistently decreased alfalfa yields, causing a 0.6 metric ton/ha reduction in 1977 and a 2.2 metric ton/ha reduction in 1978. The S+micronutrient treatment gave similar reductions, though non-significant and not as large. This and other similar effects could suggest possible beneficial effects by the micro­ nutrient application. Forage responses to both S and K in this region have been recorded a number of timesi^, so these adverse effects were not expected nor readily explained. Table 7. Species Paired comparisons showing the effects of S and micronutrients on yields. . Year Treatments Sainfoin 1978 0-224-112+S vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo Alfalfa 1977 0-224-112+S vs. 0-224-112 Alfalfa 1977 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo Yield, metric tons/ha P(F) ■ 0.060 12.2 vs. 10.6 7.30 vs. 7.91 0.023 7.91 vs. . 7.48 0.099 11.6 0-224-112+S vs. vs. 0.024 . 13.8 0-224-112 __ ■ ^ ■ - D r . •Earl 0. Skogley, Professor of Soil Science, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana. 1979. Unpublished data. Alfalfa 1978 32 Water use efficiency (WUE) is defined as the amount of forage pro­ duced per"cm of water used. and in 1978' was 141 kg/cm. 1978 for alfalfa. The WUE of sainfoin in 1977 was 65.3 kg/cm It was 89,6 kg/cm in 1977 and 164 kg/cm in This represents a .considerably more efficient use of water by alfalfa, but this is mostly derived from greater yields. Wa­ ter use efficiency of both species, like yields, more than doubled from 1977 to 1978, but the year-species interaction was not significant. Unfortunately, WUE values obtained in 1978 reflected only the last har­ vest because the first set of soil samples was not obtained until 10 July 1978. Therefore, years are not strictly comparable. The set of WUE data for 1977 did not allow factorial analysis. Selected levels of applied nutrients in paired comparisons show that in 1977 WUE of sainfoin was increased from 62 kg/cm to 69 kg/cm by a 112 kg/ha application of K (see Table 8). Potassium continued to increase the WUE of sainfoin in 1978, the 336 kg/ha treatment giving an increase from 135 to 155 kg/cm. Table 8. Effect of K on the water use efficiency (WUE) of sainfoin. 1978 1977 Applied N, kg/ha WUE, kg/cm Applied K, kg/ha WUE, kg/cm 0 112 62 69 0 336 135 155 CV=40% p(F)=O.001 CV=62% ..p(F)=0,037 33 In 1977 the OTE of alfalfa was affected only by P (see Table 9). The application of 224 kg/ha P increased OTE from 82 to 93 kg/cm. effects.were significant in 1978. No The effect of P on the OTE of alfal­ fa was certainly a yield related example; however, this was not true of the effect of K on the OTE of sainfoin, since K had no effect on yield. Since K is involved in stomatal responses to water stress, it may be that sainfoin required higher levels of soil K to perform at peak efficiency. This is supported by the fact that the overall mean K concentration of sainfoin, was 23% lower than that of alfalfa. The fact that concentration of K in sainfoin forage showed no responses to applied K suggests, however, that the effect of K on OTE may have been related to root function rather than stomata. In either case, higher levels of soil K could have an important yield effect in the production of dryland sainfoin. Table 9. Effect of P on the water use efficiency (OTE) of alfalfa in 1977. Applied P, kg/ha TOE, kg/cm 0 82 224 93 P(F) 0.001 Protein and Nitrogen Uptake Table 10 shows the protein values for sainfoin and alfalfa in both years. Note that the percent protein of sainfoin did not increase in 34 1978, but that of alfalfa did. Since soil N0~ levels were entirely de­ pleted by 1978, it was assumed that the N fixing ability of alfalfa im­ proved but that of sainfoin did not. There were no significant effects by N, P, or K in 1978. 1977 seem to have originated mainly from the last harvest. Those in Because of large random variation, statistical resolution of effects was poor. Figure 4 shows the negative effect of N on sainfoin protein during the last harvest of 1977. The reduction in protein is not serious, but demonstrates a characteristic common to plants deficient in N. Addi­ tions of N in such cases stimulate growth more than N uptake, result­ ing in decreases in protein concentration. Table 10. Mean protein concentration for species and years. Forage protein, % Species 1977 1978 Probability levels for significant differences Sainfoin 14.8 14.2 p(F,species)=0.004 Alfalfa 15.1 16.4 p(F,years)<0.001 p (F,species x years)<0.001 Figure 5 shows the positive effect on alfalfa protein in 1977 by K, but this was very minor. The paired comparisons listed in Table 11 show that, contrary to yield decreases in sainfoin by micronutrient applications in 1978 and the first harvest of 1977, the micronutrient treatment gave a better Percent protein 35 p(F)=0.052 112 4. kg/ha Protein percentage of sainfoin in 1977, second harvest, as a function of nitrogen applied 12-13 October 1976. Percent protein CD Nitrogen, P(F)=O.012 Potassium, kg/ha Figure 5, Protein percentage of alfalfa in 1977 as a function of potassium applied 12-13 October 1976. 36 than I unit increase in percent protein the second harvest of 1977 when compared.to the S treatment. For this same harvest, a more than 2 unit increase was observed if the comparison was made to the no S - no micro­ nutrient treatment. Both S and micronutrients may have therefore in-t creased percent protein of sainfoin. In 1978 the S+micronutrient treat­ ment compared to the no S - no micronutrient treatment increased alfalfa protein from 14.2% to 16.8% in the first harvest but decreased it from 17.2% to 15.8% in the last harvest (see Table 11). There was no net effect when the total yearly harvest was considered. Table 11. Species Paired comparisons showing the effects of S and micronutri­ ents on protein. Year-harvest Treatments Sainfoin 1977-2 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S-t-B+Co+Mo Sainfoin 1977-2 1978-1 Alfalfa 1978-2 0.045 0.091 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 18.9. vs. 20.2 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-II2+S+B+Co+Mo 14.2 vs. 16.8 0.004 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 17.2 vs. 15.8 0.007 / VS., • P(F) 18.0 vs. 20.2 ' 0-224-II2+S Alfalfa Protein, % The annual 11-55-0 treatment (21-45-28) favorably affected the average protein concentration of sainfoin in 1977 over the same annual 37 treatment but without N (see Table 12). Considering the low cost of N applied in this mixture, 11-55-0 could be a valuable.source of fertil­ izer for sainfoin. This might depend on its being applied in amounts such that P does not unfavorably affect the growth of sainfoin. There are indications secondary to yield effects, explained at several points later on, that moderate to large amounts of soluble P may be detriment­ al to the growth of sainfoin. Table 12. Effect of the 11-55-0 treatment (21-45-28) on sainfoin protein in 1977. Treatment ■ Protein, % 0-45-28 14.1 21-45-28(Annually) 15.4 P(F ) 0.018 It is reasonable to expect that the total uptake of most elements would follow the effects of their components, i.e. yield and percent composition. nificant. However, the results may or may not be statistically sig­ Thus, N uptake in 1977 was increased by N in the case of sainfoin and P in the case of alfalfa (see Figures 6 and I ) . These effects were due to the yield rather than the concentration component. The effect of K on alfalfa, protein and the negative effect of N on sainfoin protein in 1977 did not carry over into significant influences on nitrogen uptake. In 1978, effects evident in total N uptake were reflected in the 38 P(F)=O.025 Phosphorus, kg/ha p(F)<0.001 r2= 0 . 72 0 Figure 6. 56 112 Nitrogen, kg/ha 168 224 Nitrogen uptake by sainfoin in 1977 and 1978 as a func­ tion of nitrogen and phosphorus applied 12-13 October 1976. P(F)=O.003 r =0.52 Potassium, kg/ha p(F ) <0.001 r 2=0.44 Phosphorus, kg/ha Figure 7. Nitrogen uptake by alfalfa in 1977 and 1978 as a func­ tion of phosphorus and potassium applied 12-13 October 1976. 39 first harvest but not in the last.. Sainfoin revealed interesting ef­ fects by Pj which were not evident. Ln yield or concentration values. Phosphorus applications resulted in large increases in N uptake by sainfoin, up to a maximum near 112 kg P/ha (see Figure 6).- However, from this point to the 224 kg/ha treatment, the uptake of N was reduced nearly as much as it was previously increased. Similar effects yet to be discussed show sainfoin to be affected by P applications, but responding in a manner like that of N uptake. The reason for a decline in N uptake and similar effects might lie in.a negative reaction to high levels of available P. unavailable forms. Sainfoin subsists easily on P in normally It may be most beneficial, from the standpoints of both cost and response, to fertilize sainfoin with a less available form., of P than superphosphate, or not to fertilize with P at all. The strongly negative effect of K on alfalfa yield.in 1978 was also evident in the uptake of most elements, including N (see Figure 7). The effect of S on alfalfa yield in 1977 also caused a reduction of N uptake from 193 kg/ha to 177 kg/ha. The effect of P on alfalfa yield in 1977 was reflected in N uptake (see Figure 7). Phosphorus Concentration and Uptake There are interesting comparisons between the P nutrition of al­ falfa and sainfoin. Table 13 shows sainfoin to have, on the average, a 25% greater concentration of P than alfalfa. The year following seeding there was a 6% and 8% increase in the P concentration of sain­ 40 foin and alfalfa, respectively. change between species. This w a s not a significant yearly Examination of Figure 8 shows that the P con­ centrations of both species, in both years, responded to applications , of P in nearly the same manner. These responses to P were evident in each harvest, each year, for each species. Table 13. . Mean phosphorus concentrations for species and years. Forage P, % Species Probability levels for1 significant differences . 1977 1978 Sainfoin 0.260 0.275 p(F,species)<0.001 Alfalfa 0.205 0.222 p(F,years)<0.001 p(F,species x treatments)=^.004 The significant species by treatment interaction arises from the additional effects of N and K on the P content.of alfalfa in 1977, a l - . though these effects were not large. Nitrogen additions resulted in a very slight decrease in P concentration for the second harvest, and K increased, on the average, the P concentration from 0.204% to 0.213% over its range of application (see Appendix I for additional details). .Micronutrients increased the P concentration of sainfoin slightly in 1977. As with yield and N uptake, S had a negative impact on the P concentration of alfalfa in 1978. Again, following yield and N uptake, the further addition.of micronutrients reduced this negative effect, but differences were not then significant. See Table 14 for probabil- 41 0 p(F)<0.001 Percent phosphorus 0 Sainfoin 1978 r2=0.63 p (F)<0.001 Sainfoin 1977 0 r2=0.86 0 Alfalfa 1978 0 Alfalfa 1977 0 112 Phosphorus, kg/ha Figure 8. Phosphorus concentration of sainfoin and alfalfa in 1977 and 1978 as a function of phosphorus applied 12-13 October 1976. 42 ity levels associated with these differences. Effects on P uptake wdre a combination of those factors' affect­ ing percent P and yield for each harvest. This resulted in a species by year interaction seen from Figure 9, which shows the effect of P applications. Because of the much greater yield of alfalfa in 1977» the uptake of P exceeded that of sainfoin in spite of the lower percent P of alfalfa, but the larger increase in sainfoin yield in 1978 caused the P uptake of sainfoin to exceed that of alfalfa. Thus, no practical difference existed between the P uptakes of the species for the two years combined. Sainfoin had a slightly greater P uptake of 45' kg/ha versus 44 kg/ha for alfalfa over the two years. Figure 10 shows the effect of N on the P uptake of sainfoin in the year of seeding. Figure 11 shows the negative effect of K on the P up­ take of alfalfa in 1978. These results were due to effects of the yield component rather than percent composition. There were also other effects of lesser importance in the second harvest of 1977 (see Appen­ dix I for regression results). Both N and K also positively affected the P concentration and uptake by alfalfa in 1977, although a yearly effect persisted only for percent P as affected by K. The addition of micronutrients to the S treatment increased the P concentration of sainfoin in 1977 (see Table 14). In spite of re­ duced yield due to micronutrients (see Table 7), P uptake, as shown by Table 15, was also increased due to the increased P concentration. 43 Phosphorus uptake, kg/ha Sainfoin 1978 P(F)-O.006 r =0.43 Alfalfa 1978 p(F)<0.001 r «0.73 Alfalfa 1977 Sainfoin 1977 112 Phosphorus, kg/ha Figure 9. Phosphorus uptake by sainfoin and alfalfa in 1977 and 1978 as a function of phosphorus applied 12-13 October 1976. p(F)<0.001 r2=0.92 5 13.5 112 Nitrogen, kg/ha Figure 10. Phosphorus uptake by sainfoin in 1977 as a function of nitrogen applied 12-13 October 1976. Phosphorus uptake, kg/ha 44 28.5 p(F)<0.001 r2=0.73 Potassium, kg/ha Figure 11. Phosphorus uptake by alfalfa in 1978 as a function of potassium applied 12-13 October 1976. 45 Table 14. Paired comparisons showing the effects of S and micronutri­ ents on P concentration. Species Year Sainfoin 1977 Treatments Phosphorus, %. 0-224-112+S vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 0.287 P(F) 0.267 VS . 0.018 Alfalfa 1978 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S 0.242 vs. 0.226 0.041 Alfalfa 1978 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 0.242 vs. 0.228 0.060 Table 15. Effect of micronutrients on the P uptake of sainfoin in. 1977. Treatment Phosphorus uptake, ■ kg/ha 0-224-112+S vs. 0-224-112+S-iB+Co+Mo 13.6 vs. 15.0 P(E) 0.091 Applications of S alone sharply decreased P uptake by alfalfa in both years. The decreases (see Appendix II) were from 17.0 to 15.7 kg/ha in 1977 and 34.9 to 26.7 kg/ha in 1978. These results were deriv­ ed from the negative effect o f S on yield in both years, but also from a negative effect on percent P in 1978. If the no S - no micronutrient treatment was compared to the S+micronutrient treatment in 1978, the difference was not as great. This is further evidence that the micro- 46 nutrient application had a favorable influence on alfalfa yield. negative effects by S were.not understood. The As for yield and other characteristics, these trends were opposite those of sainfoin, but, as in this case, not generally significant. Potassium Concentration and Uptake Table 16 shows that the K concentration of alfalfa ranged from 34% higher in 1977 to 25% higher in 1978 than that of sainfoin. The K con­ centration of alfalfa was far above critical levels in both years, even on units showing no fertilizer responses. Figure 12 shows that in 1977 K increased the K concentration of alfalfa from 2.62% to 2.74%. In 1978 K exerted a similar effect up to an application of 207 kg/ha, but in keeping with other negative responses to K in 1978, even percent K was reduced by larger applications. This phenomenon further supports the hypothesis that K was injurious to the alfalfa root. If reduced NOg levels suggest possible harm to the N fixing relationship, this may be argued against because the Rhizobium activity would not be expected to affect K uptake. Critical levels of K forage concentration have not been determined for sainfoin. Since yield increases due to applied K were not observed, the K concentration of sainfoin would seem sufficient. ously noted, K increased the WUE of sainfoin. Butil as previ­ Thus, there is some ques­ tion about sainfoin's ability to obtain adequate K under dryland condi­ tions or at lower levels of soil K. For some plants the critical level 47 1978 p(F)<0.OOl r2=0.52 p(F)<0.001 r2=0.62 Potassium, Figure 12. kg/ha Potassium concentration of alfalfa in 1977 and 1978 as a function of potassium applied 12-13 October 1976. Phosphorus application p (F)-0.073 r 2«0.22 a 2.1 Nitrogen application p(F)=0.066 r 2-0.23 ' 112 16! Nitrogen or phosphorus, kg/ha Figure 13. Potassium concentration of sainfoin in 1977 and 1978 as a function of nitrogen and phosphorus applied 1213 October 1976. 48 of K content may be dependent on moisture regimes. Table 16. Mean potassium concentrations for species and years. Species Forage K , .% ------------1977 1978 Sainfoin 1.99 2.22 p(F,species)<0.001 Alfalfa 2.66 2.77 p(F,years)<0.001 Probability levels for . significant differences p(F,species x years)<0.001 p(F,species x treatments)=0.065 The K concentration of sainfoin was increased by applications of N in 1977, although not significantly in the first harvest. This is in keeping with other responses by sainfoin to N in the year of seeding. Data from 1978 were unexpected. Over the range of applied K, the K concentration of sainfoin was decreased from 2.51 to 2.29% in the first harvest. This effect was not apparent in the yearly average and its importance is unknown. ,But it does appear likely that if supplemental K is required for optimum performance of sainfoin under dryland condi­ tions, then applications of K only may not be an effective remedy. Fig­ ure 13 shows that over the entire season in 1978, P increased the K con­ centration of sainfoin. Also, adequate uptake of K appears to be strongly linked to N nutrition. to be determined. The extent of these influences remains 49 Data for K uptake further demonstrate the involvement of N and P in the K uptake of sainfoin. and P in 1978. Figure 14 shows the effect of N in 1977 The effect, of N is a positive response derived from in­ fluences on both yield and concentration. In 1978 the effect of P is at least partially derived from an effect on K concentration, but the character and magnitude implicate yield as well (see Figure 14). Like the effects of P on N and P uptakes, this is in spite of a demon­ strated yield effect, and the curve is highly concave downward. < The source of P may also be important, superphosphate being perhaps' too available for sainfoin if present in large amounts. As previously mentioned, soil K as indicated by pretrial tests was high enough so that responses under conditions of low soil K are likely, especially in view of sainfoin's low forage concentration of K and the enhancement of. WUE by K. Experimentation under better controlled conditions must be per­ formed in order to resolve the effects of P and K on yield and WUE of sainfoin. These conditions should include lower levels of soil K and different sources of P. Figure 15 summarizes the uptake of K by alfalfa. on yield is shown in its effect on K uptake. The effect of P In 1978 the combined ef­ fects of K on yield and percent K resulted in a downward concave curve which is predominately negative. Sulfur and micronutrients decreased the K concentration of sain- 50 « 270 p(F)<0.001 r 2”0.38 ^ 240 Phosphorus, kg/ha -H 140 p(F)<0.001 r 2“0 . 77 0 Figure 14. 56 _ 112 Nitrogen, kg/ha 168 224 Potassium uptake by sainfoin in 1977 and 1978 as a function of nitrogen and phosphorus applied 12-13 Oc­ tober 1976. P(F)< 0 .00I r2=0.42 Potassium, kg/ha P ( F ) <0.001 r =0.62 0 Figure 15. 56 112 168 224 Phosphorus, kg/ha 280 336 Potassium uptake by alfalfa in 1977 and 1978 as a func­ tion of phosphorus and potassium applied 12-13 October 1976. 51 foin from 2.00 to 1.78% in the second harvest of 1978 (see Table 17). The total uptake of K by sainfoin in 1977 was reduced by the addition of micronutrients to the S treatment from 288 to 241 kg/ha as shown in Table 18. These and other effects suggest that the applied micronutri­ ents had an overall negative impact on sainfoin. Table 17. Species Sainfoin Alfalfa Paired comparisons showing the effects of S and micronutri­ ents on K concentration. Year-harvest 1978-2 1978-avg. Treatments 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S Potassium, % 2.00 vs. 1.78 P(F) . 0.032 2.86 vs. 0.009 2.63 Sulfur decreased the K concentration of alfalfa from 2.86 to 2.63% in 1978 (see Table 17). In the first harvest of 1978, S+micronutrlents , did not cause as great a reduction. These and other similar effects suggest that S’ alone was responsible for negative responses of alfalfa to treatments 22 and 25. Since yields were also reduced by S, S consis­ tently and sharply reduced the uptake of K, while the presence of added micronutrients ameliorated these effects as seen from Table 18. Calcium Concentration and Uptake ■ Table 19 summarizes the Ca percentages of alfalfa and sainfoin. The Ca concentration of alfalfa was 47% higher than that of sainfoin in 52. Table 18. Paired comparisons showing the effect of S and micronutrients on the uptake of K, Species Year Sainfoin 1977 Alfalfa 1977 Alfalfa 1977 Alfalfa 1978 Alfalfa 1978 Table 19. Treatments K uptake,.kg/ha. 0-224-112+3 vs. 0-224-II2+S+B+Co+Mo 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-1I2+S 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo -P(F) 288 vs. 241 0.014 211 vs. 193 0.020 211 vs. 198 0.088 408 vs. 308 0.001 408 VS . 0.044 348 Mean calcium concentrations for species and years.. Forage Ca, % Species Probability levels for significant differences .1977 1978 Sainfoin 1.15 1.17 p(F,species)<0.001 Alfalfa 1.69 1.59 p(F,years)<0.001 p(F,species x years)<0.001 p(F,species x treatments)=0.015 & 53 the year of seeding, but dropped to 36% higher in 1978. While the per­ cent Ca of sainfoin remained about the same the second year as the first, the Ca content of alfalfa dropped 6% from the year of seeding. These effects were all significant. The uptake of Ca is linked to that of P, so one would expect Ca content to rise substantially the second year (refer to Figure 8 and Table 12), but this was not the case. It may be, however, that the reduced uptake of Ca by alfalfa in 1978, com­ pared to that of sainfoin, was related to the reduced uptake of P by alfalfa in 1978 compared to that of sainfoin (refer to Figure 9). The data bring into question whether Ca uptake by sainfoin, at least as indicated by the above ground portion, is clearly associated with levels of soil P . Phosphorus did not change the Ca concentration of sainfoin in either year despite its effect on P content. The Ca up­ take of sainfoin in the second harvest of 1977 was increased only slightly by P, rising from 18 to 19 kg/ha over the entire range of ap­ plied P . In the first harvest of 1978, P increased the Ca concentration of sainfoin, but this was tempered by a negative interaction with N. Calcium uptake was also increased at this time, but the effect resembled that of K uptake by sainfoin in 1978. Lack of significance for sainfoin yield in 1978 does not rule out the possibility that the source of these effects of P on uptakes was primarily the yield component. In fact, ev­ idence based on uptake values consistently suggests yield as having been similarly affected by P. Thus, Ca concentration in sainfoin forage is 54 probably Independent of the rate of P uptake. Calcium concentration of sainfoin was decreased by N in the second harvest of 1977. This effect was paralleled by the similar effect of N on protein (see Figures 4 and 16). may be correlated. The Ca and N contents of sainfoin The overall uptake of Ca by sainfoin in 1977 was increased by N due to the yield component (see Figure 17). Unlike sainfoin, P increased the Ca concentration of alfalfa in both years (see Figure 18). Figure 19 shows that the highest level of K in 1977 increased the Ca concentration of alfalfa 12% over no applica­ tion (at the mean level application of P, i.e. 115 kg/ha). This is un­ expected when it is considered that the Ca content of alfalfa was al­ ready high and all other responses to K in 1978 were negative. The ef­ fect may be related to other detrimental effects of K on alfalfa in 1978. Figures 20 and 21 show the Ca uptake response curves of alfalfa as a function of applied P. Both years are graphed. Note that the 1977 curve is a composite of P effects on both yield and Ca concentration, but that the curve for 1978 reflects primarily percent Ca since P had no effect on alfalfa yield in that year. Ca by alfalfa in 1978 as influenced by K. Figure 22 shows the uptake of The fact that this curve re­ sembles the. effect of K on yield, despite, its positive effect on Ca con­ centration, emphasizes the depressive effect of K on alfalfa yield. The only significant paired comparisons of any interest with re- 55 0.98 P(F)=O.023 r =0.28 Z 0.96 112 Nitrogen, Figure 16. kg/ha Calcium concentration of sainfoin in 1977, second har­ vest, as a function of nitrogen applied 12-13 October 1976. P ( F ) <0.001 r 2=0.63 112 Nitrogen, kg/ha Figure 17. Calcium uptake by sainfoin in 1977 as a function of nitrogen applied 12-13 October 1976. 56 Percent calcium 1.70 p (F)=O.005 r -0.54 p (F)<0.00 I r 2-0.72 112 18. kg/ha Calcium concentration of alfalfa in 1977 and 1978 as a function of phosphorus applied 12-13 October 1976. Percent calcium ^ Phosphorus, p(F)-0.005 r -0.54 Potassium, kg/ha Figure 19. Calcium concentration of alfalfa in 1977 as a function of potassium applied 12-13 October 1976. 57 <u 128 E 124 p (F)<0.001 r^=0.64 112 Phosphorus, kg/ha Figure 20. Calcium uptake by alfalfa in 1977 as a function of phosphorus applied 12-13 October 1976. P(F)-O.003 r -0.48 112 Phosphorus, kg/ha Figure 21. Calcium uptake by alfalfa in 1978 as a function of phosphorus applied 12-13 October 1976. 58 r =0.58 Potassium, kg/ha Figure 22. Calcium uptake by alfalfa in 1978 as a function of potas­ sium applied 12-13 October 1976. 59 gard to Ca were the uptakes of Ca by alfalfa in 1978. These followed the pattern of yield in which S effected decreases. Magnesium Concentration and Uptake Table 20 shows overall means for percent Mg. Magnesium concentra­ tion of alfalfa was higher than that of sainfoin and for both legumes rose in the year following seeding. Phosphorus applications ranging from 0 to 224 kg/ha decreased the average Mg concentration of sainfoin from 0.32 to 0.30% in 1977. This effect was present in each harvest. In the first harvest of 1978, applied P initially increased percent Mg of sainfoin but further applications resulted in a decline. same time, N slightly increased Mg concentration. not evident in the 1978 average. At the These effects were For equations and statistics pertain­ ing to Mg, refer to Appendix I. Table 20. Mean magnesium concentrations for species and years. Forage Mg, % Species 1977 1978 Sainfoin 0.31 0.33 Alfalfa 0.34 0.38 In 1977 P decreased the Mg concentration of alfalfa in the first harvest but increased it in the second. Potassium increased the Mg concentration of alfalfa slightly in 1977, but had little effect in 60 1978. Magnesium uptakes followed the' same significant patterns as did yields in each harvest and year. A possible exception'was the effect of P on the Mg uptake of sainfoin in 1978. Figure 23 shows this effect to be similar to the uptakes of N, P, K, and Ca during the same period. Since these effects were not generally observed for forage concentra­ tions, it is again most likely that this was an effect of P on yield, despite lack of significance for the latter. Micronutrients tended to increase the Mg concentration of alfalfa in both years, but due to the effect of S on yield, the combined S+micronutrient treatment caused the Mg uptake of sainfoin to decrease 15% in 1978. Sodium Concentration and Uptake Alfalfa, as seen from Table 21, had a greater Na concentration than did sainfoin. The Na concentration of alfalfa tripled in the second year, and that of sainfoin increased almost as much. Table 21. Mean sodium.concentrations for species and years. Forage Na, % Species Sainfoin Alfalfa , 1977 1978 0.019 0.052 0.021 0.064 61 P(F)=O.061 r =0.25 112 Phosphorus, kg/ha Figure 23. Magnesium uptake by sainfoin in 1978 as a function of phos­ phorus applied 12-13 October 1976. 62 The Na concentration of alfalfa was generally increased by appli- . cations of K (second harvest 1977, average 1977, first harvest 1978). Figure.24 shows the effect of K on the average percent Na of alfalfa in 1977. Sodium uptake of sainfoin was.not affected by any variable. That of alfalfa was increased by K in the last harvest of 1977. positively affected Na uptake is not known. Why K The average Na uptake by alfalfa in 1978 was increased by both N and P, but these two variables interacted negatively (see Appendix I). A similar effect was observed for alfalfa yield in 1977. Table 22. Species Effect of sulfur on sodium uptake by alfalfa and the sodium concentration of sainfoin. Year Means,. p(F) Treatments Na, % Sainfoin 1977 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-1I2+S 0.027 vs. . 0.053 0.040 Na uptake, kg/ha Alfalfa 1978 0-224-1I2+S vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 1.57 vs. 2.52 0.052 Only S significantly affected the Na concentration of sainfoin. Sulfur doubled the Na concentration of sainfoin in the second harvest of 1977, raising it from 0.027 to 0.053% (see Table 22). Compared to 63 the S treatment, the addition of micronutrients increased the uptake of Na by alfalfa in 1978, second harvest, from 1.57 to 2.52 kg/ha. This appeared to follow from the yield component in that yield was similarly increased (non-significant) but concentration was not. 0.150 0.125 0.1 0 0 0.075 P(F)=O.005 0.050 Potassium, kg/ha Figure 24. Sodium concentration of alfalfa in 1977 as a function of potassium applied 12-13 October 1976. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Species and Years ComparisonsThe yield of alfalfa, considerably higher than that of sainfoin, increased 68% the year after seeding (1977), while that of sainfoin increased nearly 100%. Due to differences in yields, WUE (water use efficiency) of alfalfa was greater than that of sainfoin. These re­ sults, covering only a period of 2 years, will have to be reevaluated over a longer term. Alfalfa, protein, at an overall mean level of. 15.8%, was higher than that of sainfoin and rose slightly the second year (1978) while sainfoin protein, at an overall mean level of 14.5%, fell slightly the second year. The P concentration of sainfoin was 25% higher than that of alfal­ fa, and was 5% higher the year following seeding while that of alfalfa was 8% higher that year. The uptake of P totalled over both years was about the same for sainfoin as for alfalfa. The K concentration of alfalfa at 2.72% was much higher than the critical level of 1.75% to 2.00%, and it was 29% higher than the K concentration of sainfoin. 1978. Potassium concentrations were greater in That of sainfoin increased more the year after seeding than did that of alfalfa. Differences in Ca concentration between years followed the same pattern as those of K described above. At an overall mean of 1.64%, 65 the Ca concentration of alfalfa was 42% higher than that of sainfoin. Magnesium concentrations of both species were higher the second year than the first. Mean concentrations of sainfoin and alfalfa for both years,combined were 0.32% and 0.36%, respectively.. Sodium concentrations were 174% and 200% higher the year after seeding for sainfoin and alfalfa, respectively. The Na concentration of alfalfa was 11% higher than that of sainfoin in 1977 at 0.021% and 23% higher in 1978 at 0.064%. Effects of Nitrogen Ammonium nitrate applications increased seedling height of alfal­ fa in 1977. Applied N also increased spring soil NO^ levels, but this effect vanished by fall and NO^ was depleted to non-detectable levels on all- treatment units by 1978 under both sainfoin and alfalfa. Sainfoin yield was increased 20% by 224 kg/ha applied N in 1977. Alfalfa yield was also increased by N in 1977, but this depended on the amount of P added, P reducing the requirement for N. No appreci­ able effects due to N were observed in 1978 for either species except for Na uptake by alfalfa. The lack of effect due to applications of N was probably due to soil NO^ reduction by 1978. Nitrogen decreased sainfoin protein slightly the year of seeding, indicating N deficiency. Although in contradiction to. this result, 21-45-28 (11-55-0+KC1) increased sainfoin protein in 1977. Since the 66- cost of N applied in this manner is low, 11-55-0 may be a valuable fertilizer source for sainfoin if the amount of applied P is not too great. Either increased yield or protein could be expected. In addition to increasing yield, N increased P uptake, K concen­ tration, and K uptake of sainfoin in the year of seeding, and decreased Ca concentration in the last harvest.. The latter effect was reversed by slight increases in 1978. Other than yield in 1977, the only effects of N on alfalfa were an increase in Na uptake in 1978, a slight decrease in Mg concentration in 1978, and a slight decrease in P concentration in 1977. These results indicate probable N deficiency of sainfoin in both years. Any N deficiency of alfalfa is likely to occur the year of seeding and can be overcome by adequate applications of P. Effects of Phosphorus Phosphorus applications as superphosphate increased the P concen­ trations of both species in both years. These effects were roughly identical, but the response by alfalfa was slightly more pronounced. This effect on concentration carried over into effects on P uptake. Phosphorus had no other effects on sainfoin in 1977 except for a reduction in Mg concentration. However, in 1978 a downward concave re­ lationship was observed for the uptakes of all elements.except Na. These curves generally had maxima about midway in the. range of applied 67 P. Except for uptake of K, these effects were not accompanied by con­ centration effects and the influence on K concentration was far too small to account for that on uptake.' It was therefore concluded that in 1978' superphosphate most likely increased sainfoin yield up to an application of about 112 kg/ha P, but further applications reduced yield. Yield data substantiated this trend but significance was lack­ ing. Yield, seedling height, and WUE of alfalfa were all increased by P in 1977. P. Yield was influenced by a negative interaction between N and Other than P uptake,the uptakes of N, K, and Ca by alfalfa were also increased by P in 1977. In 1978 P increased the Na uptake of al­ falfa, but N reduced this effect. Calcium concentration was increased by P in both years. Effects of Potassium Pretrial levels of soil K were high - greater than 300 ppm - but responses to K under these circumstances have been frequent in this geographical region as discussed in the Results and Discussion section. Negative responses to K by either species are virtually unknown, and vigorous responses by alfalfa are frequent. Nevertheless, strongly negative responses to K by alfalfa were observed in 1978. Potassium appreciably decreased soil NO^ levels under alfalfa in the fall of 1977 but since no signs of N deficiency were observed it is possible this 68 was symptomatic of a negative effect on root function. This may have been related to subsequent negative responses to K in 1978. Slightly positive initial responses were usually seen which became negative with larger applications of K. This pattern was observed for yield, uptakes of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg, and K concentration. In 1977, applications of' K resulted in a 12% increase in the Ca concentration of alfalfa. The cause of these effects was unknown. Negative effects of K on alfalfa were not observed in the year of seeding. Potassium concentration was increased 5% in 1977 by K, and Na concentrations were increased in both years. centration were increased slightly in 1977. Protein and P con­ The negative effects of K on alfalfa in this study will have to be evaluated from the longer term perspective than that covered so far. It has been shown that splitting large applications into two or more smaller ones at different times dur­ ing the growing season sharply reduces the K requirement of alfalfa (51). Perhaps highly uneven applications of K on a soil already high in K can actually result in negative responses. Despite much lower levels of K in sainfoin, K did not increase the K concentration of sainfoin and decreased it in 1978. increased the WUE of sainfoin. In both years, K This leads to speculation that K may be more important to the dryland production of sainfoin than it is to that of other forage legumes. WUE It could be assumed that the effect on was due to increased leaf concentrations of K since K plays a cen­ 69 tral role in stomatal function. Other evidence suggests the effect on WUE was related to root rather than stomatal function. Potassium did not increase forage K concentration of sainfoin, and in one harvest ac­ tually reduced it. Levels of forage K were mostly affected by P and to some extent by N. Effects of Sulfur and Micronutrients Application of micronutrients resulted in generally positive re­ sponses by alfalfa, but negative responses by sainfoin. However, ap­ plication of S resulted in strongly negative responses by alfalfa while having little effect on sainfoin. A number of negative effects resulted from applications of S to alfalfa. Like those of K, these effects were unexpected and remain unexplained. Alfalfa has responded to applications of S in western Montana in the past, as mentioned in the Results and Discussion section Sulfur reduced alfalfa yield 8% in 1977 and 16% in 1978. Protein was unaffected, but N uptake was reduced 10% in 1977, P concentration was reduced 7% in 1978, P uptake was reduced 8% in 1977 and 23% in 1978, K concentration was reduced 8% in 1978, calcium uptake was reduced in 1978, and K uptake was reduced sharply in both years. The Na concen­ tration of sainfoin was increased in 1977 by application of S. Regard­ ing the negative effects due to S, data from a longer period of time will have to be analyzed before final conclusions can be reached. 70 The addition of micronutrients with S seemed to either counteract most of the negative effects of S on alfalfa or to cause positive ef­ fects of their own. This could not be determined since a treatment with micronutrients added Without S was not included. Since these effects led to results intermediate between the S and no-S treatments, many, but not all, of the differences were non-significant. The addition of micronutrients increased the Mg concentration of alfalfa in both years and Na uptake in 1978. Micronutrients caused a 13% reduction in sainfoin yield in 1978 and reduced Mg uptake 15%. In the year of seeding, S decreased K up­ take, but increased the concentration and uptake of P . APPENDICES 72 APPENDIX I REGRESSION EQUATIONS, PROBABILITY LEVELS,' AND RZ VALUES FOR RESPONSE . CHARACTERISTICS 73 Appendix Table 23. Yearharvest Species 1977-1 Sainfoin 1977-1 Alfalfa Yield in metric tons/ha at 12% moisture - regression equations for significant effects.* Equation(Y=) P(F) r2 1.15-1 Cf 3N+8.98-1 Cf 6N2+3.18 <0.001 0.68 3.59-10~3N+6.12-IO-3P-S.47•IO-6N2 ' <0.001 0.84 -2.38-IO-5P2-I.10-10-5NP+3.70 1977-2 Sainfoin 1977-2 Alfalfa 2.92-IO-3N-2.51•ICf6N2IZ.II I.47■10-3N+2.96-10-3P-2.49•IO-6N2 <0.001 ' 0.78 <0.001 . 0.72 3.65-10-3N+5.10-10-6N2+ 5 .30 <0.001 0.36 3.80-10-3N-5.27•10-6N2+ 7 .87•IO-3P <0.001 0.81 <0.001 0.47 -5.59*10-6P2-6.01•10~6NP+3.37 1977-tot. Sainfoin 1977-tot. Alfalfa -2.26-IO-5P2-I.10-10-5NP+7.08 X=7.06 1978-1 Sainfoin 1978-1 Alfalfa 1978-2 Sainfoin X=4.03 1978-2 Alfalfa X=4.40 1978-tot. Sainfoin X=Il.I 1978-tot. Alfalfa 2.52•IO-3K-I.71•10-5K2+ 8 .54 3.31•10"3K-1.94•IO-5K2+!2.9 ' 0.002 .0.50 ^Equations are replaced by means (X) where no significant factors exist. 74 Appendix Table 24. . . Protein percentage - regression equations for significant effects . * Yearharvest Species Equation(Y=) 1977-1 Sainfoin Xf=IO. 9 1977-1 Alfalfa X=I3.6 1977-2 Sainfoin -4.61*10~3N+3.50-10~'6N2+! 8.6 0.052 0.26 1977-2 Alfalfa -2.20*10-3K+1.15* IO-'5K2+! 6.4 0.007 0.33 1977-avg. Sainfoin 1977-avg. Alfalfa ' 0.012 0.29 1978-1 Sainfoin 0.001 0.53 1978-1 Alfalfa X=I6.3 1978-2 Sainfoin X=14.8 1978-2 Alfalfa X=I6.5 1978-avg. Sainfoin X=14.2 1978-avg. Alfalfa X=16.4 P(F) r 2 X=I4.8 -1.94*10""3K+9.28*10'"'6K2+! 5.0 3.25*IO-3P-I.99*10-'5K+! 3.5 *Equations are replaced by means (X) where no significant factors exist. 75 Appendix Table 25. Nitrogen uptake in kg/ha - regression equations for significant effects.* Yearharvest Species 1977-1 • Sainfoin X-57.7 1977-1 Alfalfa X=85.3 1977-2 Sainfoin 1977-2 P(F) '2 r ' 6.29-IO-2N-S. 72-IO-5N2H-SS. 6 ' <0.001 0.56 Alfalfa 5.61-IO-2P-S.63•10-5P2+79.0 <0.001 0.59 1977-tot. Sainfoin 1.65- 10-2N+4.08 •IO-4N2-H19 <0.001 0.72 1977-tot. Alfalfa 1.18-10-1P-2.79•IO-4P2-H 73 <0.001 0.44 1978-1 Sainfoin 5.91■10-1P-2.40•IO-2P2-H 44 0.029 1978-1 Alfalfa -6.03-10-2K~9.28•IO-5K2-KZ27 0.003 0.51 1978-2 Sainfoin X=95.9 1978-2 Alfalfa X=I 16 1978-tot. Sainfoin 6.80-10-1P-2.77•10-3P2+238 0.025 0.37 1978-tot. Alfalfa -1.61-IO-2K-2.22•10-4K2+342 0.003 0.52 Equation(Y=) . 0.34 ^Equations are replaced by means (X) where no significant factors exist. 76 Appendix Table 26. Phosphorus concentration - regression equations for significant effects.* Yearharvest ... Species 1977-1 Sainfoin 1977-1 Alfalfa Equation(Y=) P(F) 1.64-10™4P-2.27•10~7P2+0.193 . <0.001 9.87•10~5P+3.70•I(T5K+1.14•ICf 8P2 r2 0.66 <0.001 0.66 <0.001 0.84 <0.001 0.96 1.19-10-4P-2.42-10-8P2+ 0 .245 <0.001 0.86 1.68-IO-4P-I.84'10-7P2+2.33•IO-5K <0.001 0.94 -3.45'10-5P+5.00'10-7P2+0.289 <0.001 0.59 -3.02'10_8K2+0.182 1977-2 Sainfoin 1977-2 Alfalfa 1.04-IO-4P+I.57'10~7P2+ 0 .298 1.83-10 N+3.70-10 P+7.52'10 K -8.43-IO-7N2-O.73-IO-7P2 +8.89*10-8K2+0.189 1977-avg. Sainfoin 1977-avg. Alfalfa +1.35'10-8K2+0.187 1978-1 Sainfoin 1978-1 Alfalfa I.72-10-4P+1.57-10-7P2+0.212 <0.001 0.88 1978-2 Sainfoin 2.46-IO-4P-S.93-1O-7P2PO.246 0.013 0.38 1978-2 Alfalfa I.56*10-4P-2.96*IO-7P2PO.197 <0.001 0.65 1978-avg. Sainfoin 1.04-IO-4P-1.89 *IO-8P2PO.267 <0.001 0.63 1978-avg. Alfalfa 1.63-10-4P-6.73•IO-8P2PO.205 <0.001 0.85 *Equations are replaced by means' (X) where no significant factors' exist. 77 Appendix Table 27. Phosphorus uptake in kg/ha - regression equations for significant effects.*. Yearharvest Species 1977-1 Sainfoin -9.77-IO-3N-7.68-10 3P+5.31-IO-5N2 Equation(Y=) P(F) r2 <0.001 0.81 8.74-IO-3P-I.65•10-5P2+ 6 .19 <0.001 0.80 +5.00-10-5P2+ 2 .88•10-5NP+5.70 1977-1 Alfalfa 1977-2 Sainfoin 5.71-10-3N+3.64-10-3P+3.31-IO-3N2 -6 2 -8.75-10 P +5.35 <0.001 0.90 1977-2 Alfalfa 7.36-IO-3N+!.54•10_2P-7.75-IO-4K <0.001 0.93 <0.001 0.92 -3.26-IO-5N2-3.40-IO-5P2 +4.56-10-6K2+5.71 1977-tot. Sainfoin -1.34-10-4N+4.52•10-5N2-2.10•IO-3P +4.56-IO-5P2+!2.5 1977-tot. Alfalfa 2.09 -10-2P-2.65•IO-5P2+!3.7 <0.001 0.91 1978-1 Sainfoin 5.00-IO-2P-I.87-10-4P2+19.7 0.007 0.37 1978-1 Alfalfa 8.85-10-4P+5.79-IO-5P2+!.49.-IO-2K <0.001 0.66 . . -6.26-IO-5K2+!8.2 X=10.2 1978-2 Sainfoin 1978-2 Alfalfa 1.15-10-2P-2.94 *10-5P2+8.53 <0.001 '0.53 1978-tot. Sainfoin 6.21-10-2P-2.30-10-4P2+29.5 0.006 0.43 1978-tot. Alfalfa 1.15-10-2P+3.11-IO-5P2+!.66-IO-2K <0.001 0.73 -6.68-10-5K2+26.7 *Equations are replaced by means (X) where no significant factors'■ exist.' 78 Appendix Table 28.. Potassium concentration - regression equations for significant effects.* Yearharvest Species 1977-1 Sainfoin 1977-1 Alfalfa Equation(Y=) P (F) • X=I.74 • 1.46-10""3P+4.06 •10~4K-6.36-IO-6P2 <0.001 0.66 -2.66-10-7K2+ 2 .54 X=2.24 1977-2 Sainfoin 1977-2 Alfalfa 2;II•IO-4K+7,03•10-7K2+ 2 .68 <0.001 0.49 1977-avg. Sainfoin I.40-10-3N-3.15-IO-6N2+!.93 0.066 0.23 1977-avg. Alfalfa 3.53-10-4K+l.31-1O-8K2+ 2.62 <0.001 0.62 1978-1 Sainfoin -7.51-1O-4K+2.77-1O-7K2+2.51 0.027 0.32 ' 2.05*10-3K-4.74-10-6K2+2.51 0.027 0.32 0.010 0.24 1978-1 ■ Alfalfa 4.37-10 -4 P+1.88 1978-2 Sainfoin 1978-2 Alfalfa 1973-avg. Sainfoin 8.02-10-4P-2.28•10-6P2+ 2 .I8 0.073 0.22 1978-avg. Alfalfa 1.41-10-3K-3.41 *10-6K2+2.71 <0.001 0.52 X=2.62 AEquations■are replaced by means (X) where no significant factors exist. 79 Appendix Table 29. Yearsharvest Species 1977-1 Potassium uptake in kg/ha - regression equations for significant effects.* Equation(Y=) P(F) r2 Sainfoin 4.,18• 10~2N+1.53'10~4N2+47.7 <0.001 0.66 1977-1 Alfalfa 1.28-10_1P~4.74•10~4P2+85.8 <0.001 0.54 1977-2 Sainfoin 8.92-IO-2N-I.25•10-4N2+40.2 <0.001 0.62 1977-2 Alfalfa 9.05-10-2P-2.23•10-4P2+80.9 <0.001 0.58 1977-tot. Sainfoin I.33-IO-1N+2.80-10-5N2+99.8 <0.001 0.77 1977-tot. Alfalfa 2.19•10-1P-6.13•IO-4P2+!89 <0.001 0.62 1978-1 Sainfoin 0.006 • 0.40 0.051 0.19 1978-1 ■ Alfalfa X=177 2.57•10-1K-9.20•10-4K2+240 2.16-10-2P+75.2 1978-2 Sainfoin 1978-2 Alfalfa 1978-tot. Sainfoin 4.93-IO-1P-I.95•10_3P2+244 <0.001 0.38 1978-tot. Alfalfa 3.09-IO-1K-I.07•10-3K2+354 <0.001 0.42 X=I 15 ^Equations are replaced by means (X) where no significant factors exist. 80 Appendix Table 30. Calcium concentration - regression equations for significant effects.* Yearharvest Species Equation(Y=) 1977-1 Sainfoin X=I.30 1977-1 Alfalfa X=I.93 1977-2 Sainfoin 1977-2 Alfalfa 2.14-IO-4N-2.66•IO-6N2+! .01 -5.93-10-5P-9.08•10-5K+4.99-1O-6P2 P(F) r2 0.023 0.28 <0.001 ■ 0.79 .0.005 0.54 ■ 0.010 0.48 • 0.003 0.51 <0.001 0.58 <0.001 0.72 +1.17-IO-6K2+!.34 1977-avg. Sainfoin 1977-avg. Alfalfa X=I.15 -5.45-10-4P+2.15-10-4K+3.33*IO-6P2 +1.07-IO-6K2+!.64 1978-1 ' Sainfoin -3.66'10-4K+6.42•10-7K2+ 0 .997 and 3.40-10-4N+8.66-10-5P-2.41'IO-6NP +0.962 1978-1 Alfalfa 1978-2 Sainfoin 1978-2 ■ Alfalfa 1978-avg. Sainfoin 1978-avg. Alfalfa 9.38-10-5P+l.32-10-6P2+!.37 X=I.36 • 3.02-10-4P+1.11-IO-6P2+ ! .72 X=I.15 2.00-10-4P+l.20-1O-6P2+!.55 *Equations are replaced by means (X) where no significant factors exist. 81 Appendix Table 31. Year-. harvest.. Species 1977-1 Sainfoin 1977-1 Alfalfa 1977-2 Sainfoin Calcium uptake in kg/ha significant .effects.* regression equations for Equation(Y=) -9.87 •10-3N+2.30 ■10"'4N2+36.8 p(F) r2 0.002 0.46 0.001 0.66 X=37.6 2.42-10~2N+3.12-IO-4P-S.81-IO^5N2 +2.50•10~5P2+18.I 1977-2 Alfalfa 5.92•10-2P+2.81•10-4P2+40.7 '<0.001 0.77 1977-tot. Sainfoin 2.87 •10-2N+1.01 •10-4'N2+62.8 <0.001 0.63 1977-tot. Alfalfa 4.72*10-2P+5.45•10-5P2+121 <0.001 0.64 1978-1 Sainfoin 0.179P-7.64•10-4P2+66.0 0.085 . 0.24 1978-1 Alfalfa 0.105K-4.13-IO-4K2IlS 0.003 0.48 1978-2 Sainfoin 1978-2 Alfalfa 0.003 0.49 1978-tot. Sainfoin 1978-tot. Alfalfa 0.005 0.58 X=54.9 4.97-10-2P-7.44-10-5P2+74.4 X=I 23 -5.34-10-2P+4.29-10-4P2+0.I08K -4.24-IO-4K2+!92 ^Equations are replaced by means (X) where no significant factors exist. 82 Appendix Table 32. Yearharvest Species Sainfoin 1977-1 1977-1 Alfalfa 1977-2 Sainfoin 1977-2 Alfalfa Magnesium concentration - regression equations for significant effects.* Equation(Y=) P(F) r2 X==O. 255 -5,37; 10" 5P-1.78-IO-7P2^-0.312 0.028 0.35 1.37-IO-5P-S.82-IO-7P2-K).376 0.072 0.25 1.22-10-4P-6.47-IO-5K+2.53•IO-7P2 0.001 0.61 0.043 0.17 0.044 0.33 0.025 0.38 .0.010 0.34 +4.50-IO-7K2-H). 352 1977-avg. Sainfoin 1977-avg. Alfalfa 1978-1 Sainfoin -6.72-IO-5P-K).319 6.34•I0-5K-2.73•I0-8K2+0.331 2.54-10-4N-7.I5■IO-7N2+5.84•IO-4P -2.82•10-6P2+0.309 1978-1 Alfalfa X=O .349 1978-2 Sainfoin X=0.349 1978-2 ' Alfalfa 3.46-IO-4K-I.02■IO-6K2-PO.402 1978-avg. Sainfoin X=0.332 1978-avg. Alfalfa X=0.380 ^Equations are replaced by means (X) where no significant factors exist. 83 Appendix Table 33. Yearharvest ... Species 1977-1 Sainfoin 1977-1 Alfalfa 1977-2 . Sainfoin Magnesium uptake in kg/ha - regression equations for significant effects.* 2 Equation(Y=) p(F)- r 1.24'10-2N-2.06•IO-5N2+!.01 0.001 0.52 <0.001 0.62 X=Il.9 I.03-10-2N+4.91•IO-3K-I.51•IO-5N2 -I.44•I0-5K2+ 6 .53 1977-2 Alfalfa 9.06-10-3P+l.03•10-5P2+10.7 <0.001 0.79 1977-tot. Sainfoin 2.33-IO-2N-3.34 -10-5N2+!5.6 <0.001 0.70 1977-tot. Alfalfa 1.53-10-2P-2.06•10-5P2+24.0 <0.001 0.66 1978-1 Sainfoin 1.04-10-1P-4.57•10-4P2+21.6 0.023 0.37 1978-1 Alfalfa -1.12- 10-2'K+30.5 <0.001 0.32 1978-2 Sainfoin 1978-2 Alfalfa 1.19-10-2P+3.50-10-3K-4.74-IO-5PK +17.1 0.009 0.44 1978-tot. Sainfoin 9.53-10-2P-4.13•10-4P2+35.3 0.061 0.25 1978-tot. Alfalfa 2.45•IO-2K-I.04•I0-4K2+47.5 0.010 0.39 X=14.I • *Equations are replaced by means (X) where no significant factors exist. 84 Appendix Table 34. Sodium concentration - regression equations for significant effects.* Yearharvest Species 1977-1 Sainfoin X=O.208 1977-1 Alfalfa X=0.415 1977-2 Sainfoin X=0.392 .1977-2 Alfalfa 1977-avg. Sainfoin 1977-avg. Alfalfa 1978-1 Sainfoin 1978-1 Alfalfa 1978-2 Sainfoin X=0.408 1978-2 Alfalfa X=0.488 1978-avg. Sainfoin X=Q.516 1978-avg. Alfalfa Equation(Y=) P(F) r2 - 7.72-IO-6K+!.63•10-7K2+ 0 .0581 0.005 0.44 0.009 0.32 0.076 0.27 X=O.300 2.89-10~4K+0.0484 X=0.624 -4.39-10-5K+2.10-IO^7K2-K). 0765 . . X=0.636 ' ^Equations are replaced by means (X) where no significant factors exist. 85 Appendix Table 35. Sodium uptake in kg/ha - regression equations for significant effects.* Yearharvest . Species 1977-1 Sainfoin X=O.679 1977-1 Alfalfa X=I.62 1977-2 Sainfoin X=840 1977-2 Alfalfa 1977-tot. Sainfoin X=I.54 1977-tot. Alfalfa X=3.32 1978-1 Sainfoin X=4.36 1978-1 Alfalfa X=6.44 1978-2 Sainfoin X=I.64 1978-2 Alfalfa X=2.13 1978-tot. Sainfoin X=6.00 1978-tot. Alfalfa Equation(Y=) 8.7 4•10~4K+3.51•10~ 6K2+!.8 0 I.20-10_2N+2.09•10~3P-6.99-IO-5NP +8.23 : "o .r P(F) 0.004 0.019 0.39 ' 0.47 AEquations are replaced by means (X) where no significant factors exist. 86 APPENDIX II SIGNIFICANT PAIRED COMPARISONS 37 Appendix Table 36. Yield in metric tons/ha at 12% moisture - significant paired comparisons. Yield, metric tons/ha Species Year-harvest Treatments Alfalfa 1977-1 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S 4.039 vs. 3.681 0.080 Alfalfa 1977-2 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S 3.874 vs.3.624 0.065 Alfalfa 1977-total 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S 7.914 vs. 7.302 0.023 1977-2 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 3.874 vs. 3.525 0.012 Alfalfa 1977-total 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 7.914 vs. 7.475 0.099 Alfalfa 1978-1 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 9.613 vs. 8.020 0.079 Sainfoin 1978-1 0-224-112+S vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 7.991 vs. 6.613 0.067 Sainfoin 1978-total 0-224-112+S vs. 0-224-II2+S+B+Co+Mo 12.15 vs. '10.61 0.060 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S 9.613 1978-1 • 0-224-112 vs. 0-7224-112+S 13.32 vs.. 11.64 Alfalfa ' Alfalfa Alfalfa 1978-total VS . P(F) ' . 0.033 7.672 0.024 88 Appendix Table 37. Species Protein percentage - significant paired comparisons. Year-harvest Treatments Sainfoin ■ 1977-2 0-224-112+S vs. 0-224-1I2+S+B+Co+Mo 18.92 vs. 20.17 Sainfoin 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-1I2+S+B+Co+Mo 17.99 1977-2 20.17 1977-2 0-224-112+S vs. 0-224-112+S+3+Co+Mo 16.24 vs. 16.98 0.040 Alfalfa 1978-1 0-224-112+S ' vs. 0-224-II2+S+B+Co+Mo 15.27 vs. 16.34 0.074 0-224-112+S Alfalfa 1978-2 0.007 0-224-112+S+B+C0+M0 17.14 vs. 15.78 14.22 vs. 16.84 0.004 17.16 vs. 15.78 0.007 Alfalfa VS'. Alfalfa 1978-1 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo Alfalfa 1978-2 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo Protein, % P(F) 0.091 0.045 VS . ■ 89 Appendix Table 38. .. Nitrogen uptake in kg/ha - significant paired comparisons. .. Species Year-harvest Alfalfa 1977-2 Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa 1977-2 1977-total 1977-total Treatments 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-1I2+S+B+Co+Mo 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S ' 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-1I2+S+B+Co+Mo Nitrogen uptake, kg/ha 103.6 vs. P(F) 0.022 94.03 103.6 VS . 0.062 95.85 .193.4 VS 0.024 176.6 ■ 193.4 ■ vs. 180,6 0.084 90 Appendix Table 39. Species Phosphorus concentration - significant paired comparisons. . Year-harvest Treatments Phosphorus, % P(F) ' 0.021 Sainfoin 1977-2 0-224-112+S vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 0.323 ■ vs. 0.351 Sainfoin 1977-avg. 0-224-112+S vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 0.267 vs. 0-224-112 . vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 0.319 VS . 0.351 0.009 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo ■ 0.271 vs. 0.287 0.005 x Sainfoin 1977-2 Sainfoin 1977-avg> Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa 0.018 0.287 1978-1 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S 0.267 vs. 0.236 1978-avg. 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S 0.242 vs. 1978-1 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 0.267 vs. 0.240 0.025 . 1978-avg. 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 0.242 vs. 0.228 0.060 . - 0.007 ' • 0.041 0.226 91 Appendix Table 40. Species Sainfoin Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Phosphorus uptake in kg/ha - significant paired comparisons. Phosphorus uptake, kg/ha P(F) Year-harvest Treatments 1977-total 0-224-112+S vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 13.57 vs. 15.03 0.091 1977-total 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S 16.98 vs. 15.74 0.085 0-224-112 vs. ■ 0-224-112+S 25.75 vs. 18.13 0.003 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S 34.91 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 25.75 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 34.91 1978-1 1978-total 1978-1 1978-total VS . 0.003 26.70 VS . 0.013 19.58 vs. 29.09 . 0.026 92 Appendix Table 41. Potassium concentration - significant paired comparisons. Year-harvest Treatments Sainfoin 1978-2 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-1I2+S+B+Co+Mo 2.00 vs. 1.78. 0.032 Alfalfa 1978-1 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-II2+S+B+Co+Mo 3.06 vs. 2.85 0.090 Alfalfa 1978-1 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S 3.06 vs. 2.69 0.004 Alfalfa 1978-avg. 0-224-112 ' vs. 0-224-112+S 2.86 vs. 2.63 0.009 Species Potassium, % P(F) 93 Appendix Table 42. Potassium uptake in kg/ha for 1977 - significant paired comparisons. Potassium uptake, . kg/ha Species Harvest Treatments Sainfoin I 0-224-112+S vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Ho ' 208 vs. 170 0.026 Sainfoin Total 0-224-112+S vs. 0-224-1I2+S+B+Co+Mo 288 vs. 241 0.014 I 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S VS . Alfalfa p (F) 106 0.079 96.6 Alfalfa 2 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S 105 vs. 96.8 0.072 '■ Alfalfa Total 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S 211 vs. 193 . 0.020 Alfalfa 2 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-1I2+S+B+Go+Mo VS . 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-1I2+S+B+Co +M o VS . Alfalfa Total 105 0.031 95.2 211 198 0.088 94 Appendix Table 43. Species. . Potassium uptake in kg/ha for 1978 - significant paired comparisons. Harvest Treatments Potassium uptake, kgZha p (F) 296 Alfalfa I 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S Alfalfa 2 0-224-112+S vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo VS . 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S 408 vs. 308 0.001 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo■ 296 vs. 230 0.017 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-II2+S+B+Co+Mo vs. 348 Alfalfa Total Alfalfa I Alfalfa Total vs. 206 0.002 102 0.086 118 408 0.044 . 95 Appendix Table 44. . . Species Sainfoin Alfalfa Alfalfa Calcium concentration - significant paired comparisons. Year-harvest 1977-avg. 1978-2 1978-2 Treatments 0-224-112 vs. ' 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo Year-harvest Alfalfa 1977-2 Alfalfa 0.092 1.91 1.71 0-224-112+S 1.89 vs. 0.006 0.009 VS . 1.71 Calcium uptake in kg/ha - significant paired comparisons. Species Alfalfa vs. 1.16 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo vs. P(F) ' . 1.03 0-224-112 0-224-112+,S+B+Co+Mo Appendix Table 45. Calcium, % 1978-1 1978-total Treatments Calcium uptake, kg/ha 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 62.0 vs. 51.3 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S VS . 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S 215 vs. 118 p (F) 0.007 ■ 135 ' 0.029 103 0.019 96 Appendix Table 46. Magnesium concentration - significant paired comparisons. Treatments Species Year-harvest Magnesium, % Alfalfa 1977-1 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 1977-2 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 0.369 Alfalfa P(F) 0.283 vs. 0.320 VS . 0,077 0.038 0.433 Alfalfa 1977-avg. 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-II2+S+B+Co+Mo 0.326 . vs. 0.376 Alfalfa 0-224-112 vs. 0-224-112+S+B+Co+Mo 0.301 1978-1 VS. 0.368 0.022 0.004 97 APPENDIX III DATA AND ANOVA STATISTICAL PARAMETERS FOR RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS Appendix Table 47. Yield in metric tons/ha - treatment means and selected statistical parameters. Yield, __________________________________ Metric tons/ha_______________________________ ________________1977___________________ Treat ment i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 *p(N) p(P) P(K) p(PK) p (N(PMO) LSD.05 EMS G MEAN CV Sainfoi1st 2nd cut 3.434 3,306 3.199 3.025 3.137 3.182 3.121 3.087 2.885 3.289 3.261 3.154 3.199 3.496 3.367 3.356 3.238 3.362 3.614 3.726 4.011 3.210 3.462 3.121 3.216 0.000 0.507 0.527 0.306 0.243 0.397 8.2E-2 3.298 8.7 1.926 2.042 2.149 2.170 1.940 2.099 2.176 2.102 2.169 2.093 2.205 2.275 2.199 2.383 2.216 2.236 2.508 2.367 2.653 2.526 2.616 2.066 2.219 1.949 2.224 2.OOl Z.379 2.3:3 2.562 2.5-2 0.256 6.62-2 2.221 11.6 Tota I Al faIfa 1st 2nd cut cut 5.360 5.347 5.348 5.195 5.078 5.282 5.300 5.189 5.055 5.382 5.465 5.429 5.398 5.879 5.583 5.594 5.747 5.728 6.266 6.251 6.628 5.296 5.682 5.070 5.440 0.000 0.647 0.595 0.910 0.748 0.547 0.156 5.519 7.2 3,670 3.782 3.709 3.574 3.888 3.933 3.894 3.927 4.023 3.927 4.039 3.978 3.944 4.OOij 4.011 4.017 3.961 4.028 4.045 4.219 3.961 3.681 3.743 3.989 3.950 0.508 0.010 0.957 0.975 0.414 0.401 8.4E-2 3.916 5.4 3.311 3.400 3.487 3.270 3.617 3.471 3.304 3.530 3.800 3.618 3.874 3.662 3.446 3.520 3.549 3.910 3.660 3.634 3.630 3.749 3.766 3.621 3.355 3.402 3.525 0.932 0.000 0.604 0.097 0.101 0.269 3.8E-2 3.564 5.4 ________________ 1_973______________ Total 6.980 7.181 7.196 6.845 7.505 7.404 7.198 7.468 7.823 7.546 7.914 7.640 7.390 7.910 7.641 7.537 7.621 7.777 7.594 7.853 7.727 7.302 7.098 7.391 7.475 0.531 0.000 0.782 0.512 0.400 0.520 0.141 7.480 5.0 Sainfoin 1st 2nd cut cut 6.767 6.728 7.342 6.746 7.472 7.658 8.243 6.468 6.926 7.190 7.009 7.119 6.693 7.353 6.853 6.605 7.038 7.330 6.904 6.486 7.115 7.991 7.131 6.687 6.613 0.980 0.305 0.375 0.711 0.936 1.470 1.125 7.059 15.0 3.882 4.343 3.892 3.956 3.892 3.967 4.261 4.013 3.842 3.909 4.150 4.044 3.915 4.173 3.838 3.884 4.007 4.340 4.085 3.992 4.104 4.156 4.175 3.839 3.997 0.954 0.957 0.662 0.790 0.831 0.670 0.234 4.028 12.0 Total 10.65 11.07 11.23 10.70 11.36 11.62 12.50 10.48 10.77 11.10 11.16 11.16 10.61 11.53 10.69 10.49 11.04 11.67 10.99 10.48 11.22 12.15 11.31 10.58 10.61 0.977 0.327 0.275 0.759 0.761 1.596 1.325 11.09 10.4 Altai fa 1st 2nd cut cut 8.722 8.668 7.810 7.847 7.944 9.263 8.469 7.377 8.008 7.739 9.613 7.537 8.501 8.052 7.399 9.003 9.708 7.454 9.121 8.010 7.068 7.672 8.867 8.336 8.020 0.375 0.989 0.182 0.246 0.651 1.775 1.640 8.248 15.5 P Refers to the probability or level of significance of the factor which follows in parenthesis. 4.225 4.109 4.501 4.327 4.431 4.337 4.299 4.586 4.441 4.761 4.211 4.574' 4.013 4.670 4.393 4.711 4.431 4.282 4.390 4.475 4.150 3.972 4.678 4.392 4.456 0.893 0.515 0.879 0.694 0.370 0.702 0.256 4.393 11.5 Iota I 12.95 12.78 12.31 12.17 12.37 13.60 12.77 11.96 12.45 12.50 13.82 12.11 12.51 12.72 11.79 13.71 14.14 11.74 13.51 12.48 11.22 11.64 13.54 12.73 12.48 0.329 0.912 0.333 0.634 0.724 1.877 1.833 12.64 10.7 Appendix Table 48. Treat i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 *p(N) P(P) P(K) P(PK) p (N(PMC)) LSD.05 EMS G MEAN CV Protein percentage - treatment means and selected statistical par­ ameters. Sainfoin 2nd 1st cut 11.12 11.43 11.39 10.95 10.62 9.79 11.61 10.55 11.17 10.94 11.89 10.46 10.03 10.79 11.62 11.00 9.72 10.03 10.87 11.89 11.59 11.56 9.87 11.44 11.12 0.014 0.164 0.043 0.536 0.018 1.278 0.850 10.94 8.4 19.40 18.44 18.88 18.34 18.31 18.47 19.40 17.63 19.18 18.21 17.99 19.26 18.70 18.42 18.14 17.80 18.67 18.10 17.75 18.31 17.48 18.92 19.49 19.36 20.17 0.104 0.652 0.436 0.130 0.305 1.450 1.094 18.59 5.6 _____________ Values for protein concentration . %_________ 1977________________ _ ______________ 1973 Alfalfa Sainfoin 2nd 1st 2nd 1st Average cut cut Average cut cut Average 15.26 14.93 15.14 14.65 14.46 14.13 15.51 14.09 15.17 14.58 14.94 14.86 14.37 14.60 14.88 14.40 14.19 14.06 14.31 15.10 14.54 15.24 14.68 15.40 15.65 0.079 0.196 0.079 0.531 0.697 1.039 0.562 14.77 5.1 12.72 14.35 13.77 14.69 14.39 13.90 12.80 13.74 13.37 12.82 13.86 13.64 12.98 13.01 13.52 14.05 13.32 14.40 13.40 13.73 13.86 13.98 12.89 13.99 13.40 0.209 0.343 0.419 0.016 0.614 1.278 0.850 13.62 6.8 15.88 16.14 16.80 16.70 16.84 16.33 16.21 16.73 16.52 16.67 16.73 16.87 16.54 15.78 16.73 16.41 16.23 16.68 16.12 15.96 16.90 16.24 16.78 16.65 16.98 0.717 0.155 0.177 0.166 0.098 0.702 0.256 16.50 3.1 14.30 15.25 15.29 15.70 15.62 15.11 14.51 15.24 14.95 14.75 15.30 15.26 14.76 14.40 15.12 15.23 14.78 15.54 14.76 14.85 15.38 15.11 14.83 15.32 15.19 0.260 0.787 0.171 0.006 0.215 0.755 0.297 15.06 3.6 12.83 12.30 13.26 13.32 14.63 13.78 13.72 12.96 13.83 15.29 13.85 13.58 13.21 13.56 13.38 13.40 13.99 12.98 13.91 13.91 13.82 12.38 12.96 13.26 13.25 0.834 0.077 0.835 0.460 0.984 2.128 3.335 13.49 11.4 15.40 15.61 13.00 14.51 15.43 14.91 14.93 15.01 15.33 14.38 14.94 15.01 15.01 15.46 14.84 14.16 14.24 14.09 14.85 13.84 15.43 15.13 15.40 14.92 1515 0.135 0.518 0.129 0.779 0.607 1.575 1.826 14.84 7.7 14.12 13.95 13.13 13.91 15.03 14.35 14.32 13.99 14.58 14.84 14.39 14.29 14.11 14.51 14.11 13.78 14.12 13.53 14.38 13.88 14.63 13.76 14.18 14.09 14.20 0.630 0.105 0.456 0.920 0.926 1.491 1.638 14.17 7.6 Alfalfa 2nd 1st cut cut 16.55 15.49 17.00 15.33 17.42 16.10 16.31 15.99 17.13 16.50 14.22 17.43 16.49 15.83 17.75 15.91 16.12 16.07 16.63 16.16 16.49 15.27 15.22 16.17 16.84 0.504 0.681 0.099 0.010 0.146 1.719 2.175 16.26 7.6 'p Refers to the probability or level of significance of the factor which follows in parenthesis. 16.07 17.15 16.27 16.82 16.96 16.39 16.85 16.98 16.50 15.65 17.16 16.77 16.53 16.72 15.70 16.29 16.18 16.00 16.34 16.97 16.21 17.14 17.34 16.34 15.78 0.290 0,446 0.307 0.033 0.385 0.966 0.687 16.52 4.2 Average 16.31 16.32 16.64 16.08 17.19 16.24 16.58 16.49 16.82 16.08 15.69 17.10 16.51 16.28 16.73 16.10 16.15 16.04 16.48 16.56 16.35 16.20 16.28 16.26 16.31 0.438 0.417 0.175 0.111 0.364 0.961 0.680 16.39 4.2 Appendix Table 49. Nitrogen uptake in kg/ha - treatment means and selected statis­ tical parameters. __________________Nitroaen Unrakp fky/M_______________ 197 7 Sainfoin Treat­ ment ________________ 197' AI fa I f n 1st cut 2nd cut fot;aI 1st cut 61.06 60.55 58.29 52.82 53.25 50.14 57.81 51.78 51.80 57.36 62.03 52.77 51.22 60.38 62.35 59.10 50.48 53.57 62.98 70.77 74.33 59.67 54.69 56.94 57.24 0.000 0.134 0.117 0.461 0.012 9.593 47.91 57.73 12.0 59.93 60.81 65.37 63.16 57.15 61.79 68.18 59.09 67.18 60.85 63.28 70.48 65.64 70.43 64.37 63.55 75.42 68.92 75.51 74.00 73.72 63.48 69.54 63.69 71.59 0.077 0.479 0.604 0.633 0.593 13.20 90.74 66.17 14.4 121.0 121.4 123.7 116.0 110.4 111.9 126.0 110.9 119.0 118.2 125.3 123.2 116.9 130.8 126.7 122.6 125.9 122.5 138.4 144.8 148.1 123.2 124.2 117.6 128.8 0.000 0.218 0.230 0.868 0.940 16.18 136.3 123.9 9.4 74.21 86.40 81.62 83.50 89.42 37.80 79.56 86.39 36.13 80.46 89.73 86.88 81.66 83.36 86.50 90.13 84.41 92.56 86.47 92.99 88.06 82.53 77.20 89.34 84.71 0.151 0.209 0.880 0.113 0.207 11.10 64.16 85.28 9.4 Sainfoin 2nd cut 84.13 87.77 93.63 87.18 97.49 90.68 85.65 94.57 100.5 96.57 103.6 98.89 91.16 98.68 97.35 92.43 95.00 100.0 91.66 92.81 101.9 94.03 90.08 90.59 95.85 0.933 0.000 0.673 0.202 0.039 8.120 34.32 94.09 6.2 Total 1st cut 158.3 136.9 174.2 132.2 175.3 157.5 170.7 144.2 186.9 176.1 169.0 178.5 165.2 183.1 181.0 134.5 186.7 153.1 177.0 176.9 193.4 156.2 185.8 156.4 172.8 141.2 182.0 158.6 183.9 147.4 182.6 142.2 179.4 157.8 192.6 152.4 178.1 153.3 144.1 185.8 189.9 157.3 176.6 155.6 167.3 146.9 179.9 141.3 180.6 140.2 0. 352 0.995 0.000 0.074 0.909 0.386 0.006 0.371 0.033 0.955 14.47 40.96 109.0 873.6 179.4 152.6 5.8 19.4 2nd cut 95.66 109.9 80.82 92.31 96.13 94.86 101.9 96.47 94.58 90.19 99.61 97.20 94.72 103.7 90.75 88.16 91.08 97.91 97.26 88.58 101.1 100.6 103.1 92.76 97.04 0.853 0.870 0.914 0.219 0.713 20.81 225.5 95.85 15.7 Alfalfa______ Total 232.6 242.1 238.3 236.5 272.2 263.9 285.0 231.0 247.7 267.1 255.9 253.6 235.9 262.2 238.2 230.4 248.8 250.3 250.5 232.7 258.5 256.1 249.8 234.0 237.2 0.985 0.102 0.521 0.706 0.804 48.16 1207. 248.4 14.0 1st 2nd co:______cut_____ To- a I 232.1 216.2 213.5 188.9 220.7 239.2 222.2 109.6 112.8 117.6 116.5 120.4 113.8 115.8 124.6 117.1 119.3 115.6 189.1 219.1 204.7 217.3 211.3 122.2 223.6 105.9 204.0 124.9 110.1 209.5 229.7 122.8 251.6 114.7 192.0 109.3 245.3 115.2 209.3 121.5 184.6 108.1 188.0 109.0 216.0 129.7 216.0 114.9 216.9 112.8 0.840 0.980 0.908 0.630 0.299 0.771 0.836 0.975 0.552 0.423 53.20 21.07 1473. 231.2 214.4 116.2 17.9 13.1 *p Refers to the probability or level of significance of the factor which follows in parenthesis. 341.7 328.9 331.1 305.4 341.1 353.0 338.0 313.7 336.2 324.0 332.9 333.5 329.5 328.9 319.6 352.4 366.3 -»01.3 360.5 330.8 292.7 297.0 345.7 330.9 329.6 0.802 0.786 0.551 0.930 0.523 55.61 1610. 330.6 12.1 100 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 *p(N) P(P) P(K) P(PK) p (N (P&K)) LSD.05 EMS G MEAN CV ______________ Appendix Table 50. Phosphorus concentration - treatment means and selected statistical parameters. X Phosphorus 1977 Treat meat 0.197 0.204 0.198 0.197 0.199 0.192 0.202 0.205 0.213 0.227 0.223 0.255 0.189 0.207 0.214 0.187 0.207 0.205 0.180 0.232 0.215 0.211 0.198 0.198 0.223 0.111 0.000 0.818 0.802 0.424 0.021 2.6E-4 0.206 7.8 Averaoe Alfalfa___ 1st 2nd cut cut 0.304 0.292 0.289 0.307 0.303 0.307 0.300 0.299 3.320 0.330 0.319 0.334 0.296 0.329 0.328 0.304 0.327 0.322 0.292 0.324 0.317 0.323 0.307 0.305 0.351 0.621 0.251 0.248 0.243 0.252 0.251 0.250 0.251 0.252 0.266 0.279 0.271 0.279 0.243 0.268 0.271 0.245 0.267 0.263 0.236 0.278 0.266 0.267 0.252 0.252 0.287 0.297 0.176 0.188 0.186 0.196 0.186 0.188 0.186 0.197 0.205 0.209 0.210 0.209 0.180 0.211 0.212 0.176 0.194 0.195 0.185 0.211 0.218 0.209 0.188 0.187 0.206 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.4-52 0.669 0.825 0.023 2.7E-4 0.313 5.3 0.565 0.826 0.439 0.016 1.4E-4 0.260 4.5 0.065 0.774 0.702 0.015 1.1E-4 0.196 5.4 Ave rage 0.183 0.195 0.194 0.199 0.204 0.202 0.200 0.217 0.228 0.225 0.220 0.235 0.199 0.236 0.241 0.200 0.241 0.236 0.188 0.228 0.244 0.223 0.200 0.196 0.231 0.013 0.180 0.191 0.190 0.197 0.195 0.195 0.193 0.207 0.217 0.217 0.215 0.229 0.190 0.224 0.227 0.188 0.217 0.216 0.187 0.219 0.231 0.216 0. I<?4 0.191 0.219 0.036 0.000 0.000 0.025 0.608 0.447 0.015 1.2E-4 0.215 5.1 0.003 0.537 0.428 0.011 6.1E-5 0.205 3.8 Sainfoin 1st 2nd cut cut 0.288 0.288 0.301 0.273 0.280 0.292 0.288 0.292 0.300 0.312 0.315 0.304 0.289 0.305 0.314 0.293 0.289 0.304 0.288 0.315 0.302 0.299 0.284 0.300 0.321 0.750 0.005 0.330 0.740 0.569 0.027 3.TE-4 0.297 6.4 0.252 0.250 0.248 0.246 0.265 0.251 0.253 0.252 0.255 0.259 0.262 0.256 0.239 0.236 0.261 0.243 0.258 0.260 0.246 0.260 0.259 0.252 0.257 0.243 0.257 0.258 0.251 0.819 0.925 0.517 0.022 2.4E-4 0.253 6.1 Average 0.270 0.269 0.275 0.260 0.272 0.272 0.271 0.272 0.277 0.285 0.289 0.280 0.264 0.270 0.287 0.268 0.273 0.282 0.267 0.288 0.281 0.276 0.270 0.271 0.289 0.546 0.003 0.472 0.811 0.335 0.017 1.4E-4 0.275 4.3 Alfalfa 1st 2nd cut cut 0.197 0.212 0.231 0.208 0.219 0.218 0.220 0.223 0.274 0.251 0.267 0.266 0.216 0.260 0.257 0.204 0.247 0.255 0.216 0.253 0.255 0.236 0.226 0.221 0.241 0.488 0.000 0.257 0.104 0.307 0.022 2.5E-4 0.235 6.7 *p Refers to the probability or level of significance of the factor which follows in parenthesis. 0.179 0.198 0.207 0.195 0.198 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.219 0.211 0.218 0.213 0.203 0.214 0.235 0.196 0.211 0.220 0.199 0.215 0.212 0.217 0.215 0.213 0.214 0.076 Average 0.188 0.205 0.219 0.202 0.209 0.211 0.213 0.214 0.246 0.231 0.242 0.240 0.210 0.237 0.246 0.200 0.229 0.238 0.208 0.234 0.234 0.226 0.220 0.217 0.228 0.218 0.000 0.000 0.201 0.374 0.179 0.018 1.7E-4 0.209 6.2 0.103 0.033 0.109 0.015 1.2E-4 0.222 5.0 101 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 *p(N) P(P) P(K) P(PK) p(N(P&K) LSD.05 EKS G MEAN CV Sainfoin 1st 2nd cut cut Appendix Table 51. Treatment i 2 3 4 5 Phosphorus uptake in kg/ha - treatment means and selected statis­ tical parameters. _____________________________ Phosphorus Uptake (kg/ha)____________________________ ____________ 1977_________________ ____________________________1978____________ Sainfoin Al faIfa Sainfoin Alfalfa 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd Total Tota I cut cut cut cut cut cut cut Total cut 5.875 6.005 6.216 6.613 5.842 6.492 6.492 6.288 6.980 6.973 7.072 7.595 6.527 7.834 7.223 6.780 8.133 7.599 7.745 8.138 8.274 6.789 6.842 5.982 7.812 0.020 0.008 0.485 0.967 0.750 0.316 0.901 6.965 13.6 12.62 12.78 12.55 12.55 12.08 12.59 12.77 12.55 13.11 14.41 14.33 14.70 12.61 15.12 14.42 13.02 14.84 14.48 14.29 16.74 16.90 13.57 13.69 12.14 15.03 0.000 0.001 0.472 0.900 0.946 1.699 1.502 13.76 8.9 6.458 7.147 6.896 6.971 7.207 7.395 7.245 7.749 8.277 8.202 8.484 8.312 7.102 8.436 8.493 7.091 7.682 7.897 7.532 8.898 8.632 7.676 7.035 7.476 8.092 0.044 0.030 0.635 0.912 0.602 0.990 0.510 7.695 9.3 6.051 6.625 6.767 6.511 7.350 7.008 6.625 7.657 8.650 8.147 8.498 8.597 6.873 9.232 8.751 7.024 8.788 8.842 6.679 8.278 9.181 8.064 6.720 6.647 8.167 0.059 0.000 0.453 0.108 0.217 0.766 3.305 7.669 7.2 12.51 13.77 13.66 13.48 14.56 14.40 13.87 15.41 16.93 16.35 16.98 16.91 13.97 17.67 17.24 14.11 16.47 16.74 14.21 17.18 17.81 15.74 13.75 14.12 16.26 0.085 0.000 0.501 0.320 0.432 1.413 1.039 15.36 6.6 19.34 19.33 22.06 18.22 21.11 22.36 23.81 18.86 20.74 22.42 21.90 21.55 19.47 22.48 21.66 19.39 20.31 22.19 19.83 20.37 21.43 23.82 20.23 19.98 21.17 0.953 0.173 0.120 0.833 0.972 4.455 10.33 20.96 15.3 9.736 10.92 9.667 9.733 10.32 9.951 10.78 10.10 9.801 10.10 10.86 10.39 9.254 9.914 9.988 9.405 10.28 11.30 10.09 10.35 10.63 10.47 10.73 9.434 10.27 0.600 0.795 0.8'">7 0.739 3.924 1.886 1.852 10.18 13.4 29.08 30.25 31.73 27.95 31.43 32.31 34.59 28.96 30.54 32.52 32.76 31.94 28.73 32.39 31.64 28.80 30.59 33.49 29.92 30.72 32.06 34.29 30.96 29.41 31.44 0.990 0.124 0.074 0.887 0.894 4.685 11.43 31.14 10.9 17.19 7.635 18.39 8.178 18.06 9.313 16.34 8.457 17.42 8.835 20.14 8.923 18.65 8.845 16.51 9.360 21.94 9.706 19.49 10.09 25.75 9.161 20.17 9.821 18.35 8.098 20.84 10.04 19.33 10.38 18.46 9.251 23.72 9.352 19.11 9.378 19.99 8.780 20.57 9.615 18.02 8.784 18.13 8.577 19.95 10.05 18.49 9.376 19.58 9.509 0.647 0.593 0.002 0.013 0.171 0.766 0.422 0.602 0.374 0.323 4.794 1.687 11.97 1.482 19.38 9.181 17.8 13.3 p Refers to the probability or level of significance of the factor which follows in parenthesis. 24.83 26.56 27.38 24.80 26.25 29.06 27.50 25.87 31.65 29.58 34.91 29.99 26.45 30.87 29.71 27.71 33.07 28.49 23.79 30.18 26.81 26.70 30.01 27.87 29.09 3.790 0.000 0.212 0.684 0.288 5.087 13.47 28.57 12.8 102 6.744 6.780 6.329 5.932 6.242 6.102 t 7 6.277 8 6.266 9 6.129 7.439 10 11 7.253 12 7.105 6.078 13 14 7.282 7.198 15 16 6.237 17 4.703 6.879 18 19 6.543 20 8.607 21 8.926 22 6.780 6.850 23 24 6.156 7.222 25 0.000 *P(N) 0.012 P(P) P(K) 0.513 P(PK) 0.171 p (N(PiK)) 0.201 LSD.05 1.001 EMS 0.522 G MEAN 6.790 CV 10.6 Total Appendix Table 52. Potassium concentration - treatment means and selected statis­ tical parameters. _____________________ ______ 70 Potassium________________________________________ ________________1977___________________ ________________________________1975______________ Treat ment Sainfoin 1st 2nd cut cut 2.454 2.111 1.937 1.959 2.146 1.863 2.407 2.205 2.152 2.171 2.202 2.510 2.183 2.227 2.199 2.388 2.401 2.286 2.407 2.223 2.251 2.283 2.158 2.395 2.370 0.638 0.545 0.565 0.166 0.934 0.522 0.142 2.235 16.8 2.119 1.998 1.771 1.781 1.961 1.735 2.103 1.996 1.960 1.850 1.809 2.180 1.946 1.923 1.976 2.090 2.100 2.083 2.093 2.084 2.070 1.954 1.993 2.108 2.035 0.420 0.893 0.324 0.036 0.638 0.322 0.054 1.989 11.7 2.497 2.598 2.564 2.624 2.276 2.561 2.579 2.762 2.557 2.643 2.628 2.654 2.516 2.647 2.620 2.572 2.576 2.669 2.520 2.587 2.665 2.624 2.546 2.561 2.609 0.917 0.119 0.001 0.244 0.611 0.110 6.3E-3 2.598 3.0 2.578 2.566 2.709 2.721 2.721 2.678 2.696 2.877 2.653 2.696 2.696 2.783 2.712 2.746 2.815 2.793 2.696 2.768 2.690 2.734 2.861 2.672 2.572 2.696 2.703 0.320 0.050 0.001 0.750 0.491 0.161 0.013 2.713 4.3 Average 2.538 2.582 2.637 2.673 2.648 2.619 2.638 2.820 2.605 2.670 2.662 2.718 2.614 2.696 2.718 2.682 2.636 2.718 2.605 2.660 2.763 2.648 2.559 2.629 2.656 0.433 0.013 0.000 0.331 0.284 0.101 5.3E-3 2.656 2.8 Sainfoin 1st 2nd cut cut 2.518 2.470 2.402 2.606 2.624 2.364 2.408 2.532 2.482 2.470 2.594 2.556 2.476 2.444 2.676 2.538 2.464 2.518 2.500 2.476 2.500 2.605 2.450 2.563 2.574 0.717 0.690 0.115 0.316 0.595 0.208 0.023 2.512 6.0 1.936 1.849 1.801 1.819 1.931 1.886 1.893 2.066 1.961 1.906 2.004 1.998 1.806 2.202 1.911 1.974 1.936 1.856 1.849 1.949 2.036 1.931 1.899 1.794 1.775 0.745 0.068 0.511 0.612 0.044 0.206 0.022 1.919 7.8 Avera ge 2.227 2.159 2.101 2.212 2.277 2.125 2.150 2.299 2.221 2.187 2.299 2.277 2.140 2.323 2.292 2.255 2.200 2.187 2.175 2.212 2.268 2.268 2.175 2.178 2.175 0.546 0.179 0.070 0.437 0.401 0.154 0.012 2.215 5.0 Alfalfa 1st 2nd cut cut 2.878 2.854 2.946 2.884 2.754 2.878 2.842 3.070 2.860 2.896 3.064 2.996 1.766 3.158 2.940 2.842 2.898 2.922 2.792 3.008 3.008 2.686 3.045 2.983 2.853 0.596 0.456 0.134 0.531 0.637 0.244 0.031 2.913 6.0 p Refers to the probability or level of significance of the factor which follows in parenthesis. 2.568 2.618 2.656 2.640 2.624 2.674 2.712 2.706 2.538 2.448 2.648 2.668 2.686 2.576 2.432 2.562 2.650 2.656 2.680 2.736 2.612 2.580 2.723 2.667 2.649 0.184 0.065 0.088 0.733 0.105 0.174 0.016 2.628 4.8 Average 2.723 2.736 2.801 2.762 2.689 2.776 2.776 2.888 2.698 2.672 2.856 2.831 2.726 2.866 2.686 2.701 2.773 2.788 2.735 2.872 2.810 2.633 2.884 2.825 2.751 0.527 0.720 0.025 0.629 0.760 0.163 0.014 2.770 4.2 103 1.783 i 1.884 2 1.604 3 4 1.604 1.776 5 1.608 6 1.798 7 1.787 8 9 1.768 10 1.529 1.417 11 1.850 12 1.708 13 1.619 14 1.753 15 1.791 16 17 1.798 1.880 18 19 1.779 20 1.944 1.888 21 22 1.626 1.828 23 24 1.821 1.700 25 0.176 *P(N) 0.492 P(P) 0.346 P(K) P(PK) 0.151 P(N(P&K)) 0.439 0.346 LSD.05 EMS 0.062 G MEANS 1.742 CV 14.3 Averatse Alfalfa 1st 2nd cut cut Appendix Table 53. Potassium uptake in kg/ha - treatment means and selected statis­ tical parameters. ________________Potassium Uptake (kg/ha)________________ 1977___________________ Treat meat Sainfoin 2nd 1st cut cut 47.77 43.74 42.60 42.12 40.80 38.96 52.67 44.73 47.60 43.57 49.21 56.14 47.79 52.43 47.90 52.95 59.13 53.50 64.90 56.41 59.11 47.53 48.30 47.11 53.32 0.134 0.407 0.587 0.679 0.794 16.69 145.1 49.60 24.3 108.9 106.2 93.78 91 23 96.34 90.13 108.7 100.1 98.82 94.12 95.23 114.7 102.4 110.1 107.0 113.2 117.3 116.6 129.4 128.7 134.8 100.2 111.7 103.4 109.0 0.001 0.935 0.846 0.131 0.800 21.82 248.0 107.3 14.7 91.50 97.94 95.09 93.46 100.1 100.8 100.4 108.4 102.8 103.8 106.1 105.7 99.24 105.9 105.0 103.4 102.1 107.4 101.8 109.1 105.6 96.63 95.29 102.0 103.0 0.532 0.001 0.569 0.778 0.497 10.59 58.38 101.7 7.5 84.40 87.22 94.49 89.06 98.53 92.95 89.36 101.6 100.8 97.38 104.6 101.8 93.51 107.3 102.2 98.29 98.55 103.8 95.36 99.26 107.8 96.78 86.27 91.62 95.15 0.405 0.000 0.237 0.055 0.032 8.506 37.67 96.76 6.3 ________________ 1978 Tvtal Sainfoin 1st 2nd cut cut 176.9 185.2 189.6 182.5 198.6 193.7 189.8 210.0 203.6 201.2 210.7 207.4 192.9 213.2 207.3 201.7 200.6 211.3 197.2 208.4 213.4 193.4 181.6 193.7 198.2 0.241 0.000 0.297 0.146 0.056 14.37 107.5 193.5 5.2 168.1 165.4 175.4 175.2 195.0 180.8 198.2 163.2 171.9 176.9 181.3 181.4 165.7 180.9 181.8 167.3 172.4 184.2 172.8 160.5 177.4 207.7 174.4 170.1 169.8 0.902 0.296 0.626 0.607 0.936 33.12 571.2 176.7 13.5 75.03 80.24 69.99 72.05 75.06 75.41 80.63 82.87 75.51 75.45 83.35 80.52 70.89 93.01 73.34 76.66 77.33 80.51 75.36 77.73 83.44 80.19 78.77 69.88 71.00 0.990 0.525 0.889 0.635 0.337 31.90 132.44 77.29 14.9 Total 243.2 245.6 245.4 247.2 270.1 255.2 278.8 246.0 247.4 251.3 264.7 262.0 232.6 273.9 255.1 243.9 249.7 264.7 248.2 238.3 260.9 287.9 253.2 240.0 240.7 0.899 0.186 0.661 0.782 0.644 37.07 715.2 254.0 10.5 AIfaIfa 1st 2nd cut cut 250.5 245.6 229.7 227.6 218.9 266.1 240.7 225.9 226.3 225.3 296.2 228.1 235.4 254.6 221.9 256.9 281.5 219.2 254.6 242.5 213.3 205.6 269.4 249.7 230.4 0.419 0.875 0.260 0.129 0.801 53.33 1481. 240.6 16.0 p Refers to the probability or level of significance of the factor which follows in parenthesis. Total 109.0 359.5 107.8 353.3 119.2 348.9 114.2 341.8 116.1 335.1 115.9 382.0 357.2 116.5 124.1 350.0 112.4 338.7 342.1 116.7 111.5 407.6 121.7 349.8 107.6 343.1 374.4 119.8 106.5 328.5 120.7 377.6 117.3 398.9 113.2 332.4 117.7 372.4 122.3 364.8 108.0 321.4 102.3 303.0 396.7 127.3 116.9 366.5 118.0 348.3 0.709 0.402 0.472 0.822 0.496 0.369 0.889 0.317 0.377 0.863 35.72 57.45 166.0 1712. 115.3 356.0 11.2 11.6 104 61.11 62.43 51.17 U 49.10 55.54 5 6 51.43 7 55.98 8 55.37 9 51.22 10 50.55 46.02 11 12 58.55 54.63 13 14 57.69 59.08 15 16 60.28 58.21 17 18 63.08 19 64.46 72.30 20 21 75.67 22 52.64 63.43 23 24 56.31 55.73 25 0.001 *P(N) 0.427 PW 0.636 P(K) 0.228 P(PK) p(N(P&K)) 0.365 13.30 LSD. 05 EMS 92.11 G MEAN 57.69 CV 16.6 i 2 3 Total Alfal fa___ 2nd 1st cut cut Appendix Table 54. Calcium concentration - treatment means and selected statistical par­ ameters . % Calcium 1973 1977 Treat - Sainfoin 1st 2nd cut cut 1.070 0.979 0.919 0.983 1.016 1.004 0.988 1.021 1.013 1.048 c.*>3 1.025 1.004 1.079 1.044 0.991 0.976 0.959 0.973 0.936 0.929 0.993 0.923 1.045 1.029 0.016 0.633 0.109 0.646 0.450 0.109 6.2E-3 0.996 7.9 I.,232 I.,202 I..117 I,,110 I..164 I..121 I..206 I.186 I.213 I..102 I,.028 I.222 I.161 I.,114 I.169 I.,133 I..179 I..108 I.114 I.156 I..127 I..087 I..118 I..229 I .162 0,.926 0..737 0.,267 0..187 0.206 0,.155 0.013 I..150 9..7 1.888 2.000 1.938 2.100 1.881 1.969 1.888 1.981 1.800 1.950 1.944 2.019 1.944 1.881 1.931 1.950 1.775 1.975 1.875 1.969 1.756 2.075 2.025 1.853 1.990 0.541 0.595 0.073 0.979 0.358 0.233 0.028 1.930 8.7 1.219 1.298 1.375 1.400 1.413 1.293 1.331 1.419 1.453 1.588 1.594 1.550 1.444 1.509 1.588 1.409 1.510 1.638 1.304 1.494 1.663 1.544 1.410 1.381 I.456 0.525 0.000 0.211 0.254 0.119 0.165 0.014 1.451 8.2 Averaoe I..553 I..649 I.,656 I..750 I.647 I,.631 I,.609 I..700 I..626 I..769 I,.769 I..784 I,.694 I,.695 I.759 I,.679 I..643 I..756 I,.589 I..731 I..709 I..809 I..718 I.617 I..723 0..851 0..050 0..046 0,.718 0.,345 0..160 0..013 I..691 6.,8 Sainfoin 1st 2nd cut cut 0.969 0.956 0.944 0.938 1.006 0.988 0.975 0.944 0.994 0.994 0.969 0.938 0.975 0.988 1.000 1.019 0.969 0.925 1.031 0.944 0.931 0.975 0.944 0.975 1.000 0.820 0.579 0.417 0.999 0.676 0.108 6.1E-3 0.972 8.0 I..313 I,.350 I..256 I..281 1.400 I.356 I,.294 I..338 I.388 I..306 I.350 I,.413 I,.356 I,.538 I..385 I.531 I.319 I,.32$ I,.381 I..388 I.344 I..331 I..306 I..375 I..375 0.620 0..378 0..675 0,.893 0,.090 0,.186 0..018 I..360 9,.9 Averaoe I..141 I..153 I..100 I..109 I,.203 I.,172 I..134 I..141 I,.191 I.150 I,.159 I.175 I.166 I.263 I,.193 I,.275 I,.144 I.125 I..206 I..166 I,.138 I..153 I..125 I..175 I..188 0..583 0..339 0,.592 0..985 0,.195 0..125 8..IE-3 I..166 7..7 Alfalfa 1st 2nd cut cut I..306 I..413 I..438 I,.363 I..388 I..388 I..375 I.356 I.463 I,.469 I,.369 I..394 I.325 I.444 I.475 I.350 I.456 I.450 I.394 I.538 I,.513 I,.325 I.413 I..250 I..413 0..140 0..515 0.785 0..776 0.,995 0..180 0..017 I..403 9.,2 p Refers to the probability or level of significance of the factor which follows in parenthesis. I..625 I,.738 I.719 I,.775 I..794 I.713 I,.646 I.788 I.769 I.763 I.906 I.825 I.791 I.888 I.844 I.694 I.863 I..856 I,.694 I..869 I,.843 I..894 I..719 I..706 I..713 0..537 0..009 0.,327 0.,044 0..607 0.,134 9..3E-3 I..777 5.,4 Average I.466 I.575 I.578 I.569 I.591 I.550 I.411 I.572 I.616 I.616 I.638 I.609 I.558 I.666 I.659 I.522 I.659 I.653 I.544 I..703 I,.678 I.609 I,.566 I..478 I..563 0..229 0..043 0..869 0.449 0..996 0..123 7,.8E-3 I,.590 5.6 105 I 1.394 2 1.425 1.315 3 1.238 4 1.313 5 6 1.238 7 1.425 1.350 8 1.413 9 10 1.156 1.094 11 12 1.419 1.319 13 1.150 14 1.294 15 16 1.275 17 1.381 18 1.256 19 1.256 20 1.375 21 1.325 22 1.181 1.313 23 24 1.413 1.296 25 0.886 *P (N) 0.587 P (P) 0.609 P (K) 0.172 P (PK) P (N(PtiO) 0.282 0.294 LSD.05 EMS 0.045 G MEAN 1.304 CV 16.3 Averaoe Al faIfa 2nd 1st cut cut Appendix 55. Calcium uptake in kg/ha - treatment means and selected statistical par­ ameters. Calcium Uptake (ke/ha) 1973 1977 Treat- 47.86 47.27 41.92 37.77 41.10 39.61 44.50 41.41 40.98 38.30 35.51 44.85 41.99 40.86 43.45 42.66 44.70 41.93 45.66 51.22 53.15 38.07 45.40 43.42 42.24 0.039 0.365 0.845 0.233 0.294 10.41 56.45 43.03 17.5 20.47 19.86 19.47 21.14 19.57 20.86 21.32 20.91 21.93 21.67 21.02 23.19 21.92 25.35 23.03 21.86 24.29 22.50 25.65 23.42 24.04 20.44 20.21 20.78 22.43 0.216 0.316 0.815 0.976 0.549 4.590 10.97 21.89 15.1 Tjt.il Alfal fa 2nd 1st cut cut 68.34 67.13 61.40 58.90 60.66 60.47 65.82 62.32 62.91 59.97 56.53 68.04 63.91 66.21 66.48 64.52 68.99 64.42 71.30 74.64 77.19 58.51 65.60 64.20 64.66 0.018 0.765 0.881 0.265 0.402 11.65 71.08 64.92 13.0 69.05 75.09 72.29 74.49 73.40 77.45 73.43 77.78 72.28 76.42 78.43 80.59 76.68 75.77 77.24 78.09 70.37 75.72 75.92 82.92 69.87 76.16 75.73 73.77 78.65 0.563 0.503 0.070 0.977 0.430 18.11 42.20 75.45 17.3 40.25 44.10 47.89 45.75 50.92 44.83 44.05 50.18 55.04 57.48 61.96 56.84 49.87 59.10 57.63 49.64 55.10 61.42 46.07 54.10 62.64 55.92 47.25 46.89 51.25 0.647 0.000 0.527 0.119 0.029 7.546 29.65 51.85 10.5 7vt.il Sainfoin 1st 2nd cut cut Total Alfalfa 1st 2nd cut cut Tota I 109.3 119.2 120.2 120.2 124.1 122.3 117.5 128.0 127.3 133.9 140.4 137.4 126.6 134.4 134.9 127.7 125.5 137.1 122.0 137.0 132.5 132.1 123.0 120.7 129.9 0.071 0.901 0.000 0.590 0.063 14.31 106.6 127.3 8.1 64.87 63.94 69.16 63.08 74.24 75.56 80.47 60.82 68.91 71.35 67.61 67.36 64.75 73.21 68.70 67.04 67.99 67.55 71.00 61.42 66.21 76.42 67.09 65.04 66.27 0.912 0.103 0.176 0.551 0.741 13.66 97.10 68.40 14.4 115.9 123.1 118.2 113.7 128.7 129.9 136.0 114.5 122.4 122.5 123.8 125.0 117.8 137.7 121.8 126.5 120.9 125.4 127.1 116.8 121.3 131.9 121.5 118.3 121.1 0.346 0.150 0.458 0.726 0.362 19.18 191.6 123.3 11.2 115.1 123.3 112.8 107.4 109.6 129.0 116.3 99.64 117.5 114.0 134.9 106.7 113.3 115.3 109.4 121.3 142.2 110.2 129.1 125.3 107.3 102.6 125.8 104.5 114.6 0.419 0.875 0.260 0.129 0.801 26.67 370.2 120.3 16.0 184.0 194.4 190.2 184.0 188.6 203.0 187.0 181.6 196.2 197.8 215.1 189.9 185.6 203.2 190.5 201.0 224.6 190.0 203.5 209.1 183.9 177.6 206.2 179.3 190.8 0.591 0.290 0.408 0.870 0.833 31.02 501.0 194.3 11.5 51.07 59.17 49.00 50.62 54.42 54.32 55.49 53.67 53.45 51.17 56.24 57.66 53.05 64.48 53.10 59.44 52.91 57.85 56.12 55.42 55.09 55.46 54.45 53.30 54.81 0.945 0.757 0.962 0.677 0.439 12.63 83.00 54.87 16.6 P Refers to the probability or level of significance of the factor which follows in parenthesis. 68.86 71.11 77.37 76.62 79.01 74.04 70.72 81.99 78.69 83.86 80.25 83.19 72.26 87.85 81.09 79.79 82.42 79.89 74.46 83.79 76.55 75.00 80.37 74.84 76.22 0.810 0.069 0.567 0.673 0.689 13.54 95.50 78.01 12.5 106 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 *p(N) p(P) p (K) p(PK) p(N(P&K)) LSD.05 EMS G MEAN CV Sainfoin 2nd 1st cut Appendix Table 56. Treatment CV ___________________________________ % Magnesium_________________________________ ______________1977_________________ ______________ 1978____________ Sainfoin Alfalfa Sainfoin Alfalfa 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd cut Average cut cut cut cut Average cut Average cut cut 0.249 0.263 0.263 0.244 0.271 0.237 0.289 0.269 0.252 0.218 0.200 0.258 0.263 0.230 0.243 0.261 0.264 0.326 0.257 0.269 0.252 0.232 0.254 0.280 0.237 0.094 0.136 0.783 0.473 0.422 0.068 2.4E-3 0.255 19.2 0.372 0.351 0.389 0.363 0.389 0.358 0.381 0.375 0.325 0.360 0.376 0.364 0.397 0.386 0.332 0.389 0.325 0.378 0.372 0.347 0.362 0.360 0.375 0.414 0.344 0.821 0.269 0.303 0.499 0.068 0.048 1.2E-3 0.367 9.3 0.310 0.307 0.326 0.304 0.330 0.297 0.335 0.322 0.289 0.289 0.288 0.311 0.339 0.308 0.287 0.325 0.295 0.352 0.314 0.308 0.307 0.296 0.315 0.347 0.290 0.393 0.048 0.504 0.693 0.214 0.043 9.5E-4 0.311 9.9 0.297 0.309 0.317 0.340 0.294 0.318 0.308 0.317 0. 300 0.292 0.283 0.301 0.292 0.308 0.305 0.315 0.288 0.291 0.311 0.303 0.277 0.305 0.331 0.297 0.320 0.983 0.110 0.288 0.747 0.554 0.041 8.7E-4 0.304 9.7 0.339 0.329 0.362 0.387 0.357 0.351 0.380 0.359 0.388 0.416 0.369 0.405 0.341 0.371 0.441 0.349 0.391 0.385 0.375 0.369 0.405 0.387 0.391 0.355 0.433 0.852 0.024 0.628 0.407 0.528 0.060 1.9E-3 0.377 11.5 0.318 0.319 0.339 0.363 0.325 0.335 0.344 0.338 0.344 0.354 0.326 0.353 0.316 0.339 0.363 0.332 0.339 0.338 0.343 0.336 0.341 0.346 0.361 0.326 0.376 0.923 0.629 0.346 0.505 0.722 0.043 9.5E-4 0.341 9.0 0.298 0.291 0.314 0.303 0.343 0.331 0.315 0.328 0.295 0.330 0.297 0.286 0. 326 0.340 0.308 0.333 0.290 0.315 0.349 0.312 0.311 0.312 0.304 0.327 0.300 0.022 0.007 0.757 0.223 0.270 0.038 7.5E-4 0.314 8.7 0.330 0.326 0.362 0.339 0.360 0.347 0.344 0.358 0.339 0.344 0.352 0.339 0.352 0.390 0.338 0.351 0.339 0.343 0.352 0.342 0.364 0.349 0.357 0.368 0.339 0.213 0.334 0.608 0.573 0.112 0.035 6.3E-4 0.349 7.2 0.314 0.308 0.338 0.321 0.352 0.339 0.329 0.343 0.317 0.337 0.324 0.313 0.339 0.365 0.323 0.342 0.314 0.329 0. 351 0.327 0.337 0.330 0.330 0.348 0.320 0.027 0.020 0.951 0.216 0.095 0.031 4.9E-4 0.332 6.7 0.349 0.353 0.355 0.365 0.318 0.367 0.374 0.352 0.366 0.357 0.301 0.360 0.351 0.352 0.373 0.328 0.342 0.319 0.372 0.357 0.354 0.332 0.348 0. 309 0.368 0.034 0.670 0.415 0.019 0.169 0.044 9 .SE-4 0.349 9.0 p Refers to the probability or level of significance of the factor which follows in parenthesis. 0.406 0.421 0.397 0.414 0.389 0.425 0.401 0.409 0.422 0.403 0.443 0.413 0.382 0.443 0.394 0.384 0.423 0.394 0.414 0.451 0.389 0.417 0.417 0.393 0.429 0.325 0.388 0.845 0.356 0.832 0.044 I 0E-3 0.411 7.7 Average 0.377 0.387 0.376 0.390 0.353 0.396 0.388 0.381 0.394 0.380 0.372 0.387 0.366 0. 397 0.383 0.356 0.383 0.356 0.393 0.404 0.372 0.374 0.382 0.351 0.399 0.096 0.862 0.532 0.318 0.376 0.034 6.OE-4 0.380 6.4 107 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 *P(N) p(P> P(K) P(PK) p(N(P&K)) LSD.05 EMS G MEAN Magnesium concentration - treatment means and selected statistical parameters. Appendix Table 57 Magnesium uptake in kg/ha - treatment means and selected statis tical parameters. ________________ Magnesium Uptake (kg/ha)_______________ 1977___________________ Treat­ ment Sainfoin 2nd 1st cue cut 7.000 7.075 8.250 7.710 7.451 7.428 8.143 7.764 6.836 7.255 8.129 7.987 8.575 9.131 7.266 8.629 8.020 8.818 9.813 8.693 9.349 7.379 8.251 7.966 7.490 0.001 0.813 0.016 0.978 0.015 1.254 0.819 8.016 11.3 15.58 15.75 16.63 15.25 15.98 15.06 17.17 16.06 14.18 14.53 14.62 16.12 17.00 17.36 15.52 17.43 16.65 19.51 19.15 18.69 19.45 14.85 17.04 16.65 15.22 0.701 0.229 0.588 0.790 0.447 2.885 4.333 16.46 12.6 10.86 11.78 11.81 12.10 11.44 12.50 11.98 12.47 12.05 11.47 11.46 12.02 11.52 12.31 11.44 12.52 11.39 11.66 12.58 12.81 10.99 11.18 12.38 11.84 12.63 0.723 0.650 0.652 0.922 0.417 2.033 2.152 11.89 12.3 11.21 11.17 12.59 12.76 12.83 12.16 12.58 12.67 14.68 15.04 14.27 14.83 11.73 14.50 15.92 12.25 14.29 14.31 13.20 13.45 15.22 13.94 13.13 11.99 15.20 0.779 0.000 0.794 0.813 0.558 2.314 2.788 13.44 12.4 ________________ I97S Total Sainfoin 1st 2nd cut cut Total Alfalfa 1st 2nd cut cut Total 22.07 22.95 24.41 24.86 24.28 24.66 24.56 25.14 26.74 26.51 25.73 26.86 23.25 26.81 27.36 24.76 25.68 25.97 25.78 26.26 26.21 25.12 25.51 23.83 27.83 0.712 0.011 0.698 0.914 0.638 3-683 7.061 25.32 10.5 20.15 19.60 22.94 20.40 25.70 25.35 26.07 21.16 20.31 23.92 20.79 20.43 21.97 24.95 21.54 21.98 20.55 23.22 24.07 20.36 22.33 24.60 21.63 21.84 19.83 0.548 0.024 0.418 0.624 0.677 5.733 17.11 22.23 18.6 32.89 33.79 37.04 33.77 39.71 39.15 40.77 35.55 33.35 37.40 35.41 34.13 35.80 41.27 34.57 35.59 34.15 38.14 38.52 34.00 37.22 39.11 36.50 36.20 33.39 0.459 0.027 0.368 0.856 0.265 6.794 24.03 36.30 13.5 30.40 30.95 27.76 28.57 25.10 33.84 31.79 25.85 29.13 27.85 29.09 27.68 29.83 28.46 27.30 29.71 33.30 24.30 34.08 28.71 25.10 25.96 30.75 25.97 29.68 0.985 0.861 0.396 0.421 0.545 7.383 28.38 28.85 18.5 47.54 48.21 45.63 46.38 42.31 52.21 49.02 44.62 47 86 47.03 47.68 46.63 44.95 49.29 44.56 47.79 51.94 40.89 52.28 48.90 41.09 42.57 50.24 43.19 48.79 0.965 0.982 0.527 0.633 0.429 8.617 38.65 46.86 13.3 12.74 14.19 14.10 13.37 14.01 13.80 14.70 14.39 13.05 13.48 14.63 13.70 13.83 16.32 13.02 13.61 13.60 14.93 14.46 13.64 14.89 14.51 14.87 14.36 13.56 0.833 0.665 0.569 0.987 0.299 2.894 4.360 14.07 14.8 P Refers to the probability or level of significance of the factor which follows in parenthesis. 17.14 17.26 17.87 17.81 17.21 18.37 17.24 18.77 18.73 19.18 18.59 18.96 15.11 20.82 17.26 18.08 18.64 16.59 18.20 20.19 15.99 16.60 19.49 17.22 19.12 0.928 0.239 0.819 0.985 0.116 3.203 5.342 18.02 12.8 108 8.582 i 2 8.671 8.383 3 4 7.536 8.534 5 7.630 6 9.032 7 8.295 8 9 7.345 10 7.275 6.487 11 12 8.135 13 8.427 14 8.227 8.250 15 8.797 16 17 8.626 10.69 18 19 9.333 20 9.993 10.11 21 22 7.473 8.789 23 24 8.680 7.735 25 0.016 *P (N) 0.158 P(P) 0.979 P(K) 0.669 P(PK) p (N(PtiO) 0.577 2.397 LSD.05 2.990 EMS G MEAN 8.441 CV 20.5 Totnl Al faIfa 2nd 1st cut cut Appendix Table 58. Sodium concentration - treatment means and selected statistical par­ ameters. 7. Sodium _________________ 1977_____________________ TreatI 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 *P (N) P(P) P(K) P(PK) p(N(PSK)) LSD.05 EMS G MEANS CV Sainfoin 1st 2nd cut cut 0.035 0.016 0.017 0.012 0.018 0.012 0.019 0.018 0.003 0.024 0.024 0.011 0.027 0.015 0.024 0.017 0.041 0.020 0.028 0.022 0.022 0.025 0.021 0.030 0.021 0.950 0.751 0.831 0.267 0.253 0.024 3.1E-4 0.021 83.8 Average 0.040 0.037 0.048 0.032 0.040 0.029 0.024 0.037 0.022 0.026 0.029 0.020 0.034 0.027 0.042 0.030 0.030 0.016 0.050 0.076 0.027 0.026 0.023 0.035 0.041 0.034 0.041 0.028 0.029 0.035 0.041 0.029 0.039 0.040 0.054 0.037 0.040 0.034 0.022 0.023 0.029 0.025 0.053 0.039 0.039 0.030 0.038 0.045 0.030 0.040 0.243 0.505 0.444 0.249 0.538 0.380 0.317 0.395 0.793 0.590 0.019 0.025 1.9E-4 3.2E-4 0.039 0.030 45.7 45.7 _________________ 1978_______________ Al faIfa 1st 2nd cut cut Average 0.037 0.037 0.045 0.045 0.040 0.032 0.042 0.037 0.043 0.042 0.051 0.042 0.034 0.036 0.046 0.034 0.062 0.035 0.042 0.035 0.038 0.063 0.040 0.034 0.046 0.847 0.580 0.694 0.994 0.417 0.026 3.6E-4 0.042 45.4 0.042 0.059 0.036 0.051 0.057 0.035 0.048 0.050 0.048 0.061 0.081 0.042 0.047 0.075 0.041 0.044 0.034 0.026 0.051 0.054 0.027 0.050 0.053 0.047 0.069 0.047 0.037 0.056 0.062 0.054 0.061 0.036 0.053 0.064 0.056 0.034 0.047 0.071 0.051 0.044 0.071 0.048 0.065 0.058 0.041 0.053 0.032 0.063 0.068 0.069 0.040 0.057 0.042 0.055 0.059 0.048 0.044 0.051 0.066 0.045 0.053 0.055 0.052 0.066 0.057 0.032 0.056 0.093 0.048 0.044 0.059 0.043 0.060 0.074 0.040 0.589 0.819 0.173 0.427 0.525 0.557 0.232 0.248 0.925 0.910 0.258 0.110 0.383 0.998 0.888 0.021 0.031 0.022 2.3E-4 4.9E-4 2.5E-4 0.053 0.062 0.041 28.7 38.9 35.3 0.046 0.066 0.051 0.077 0.054 0.056 0.061 0.063 0.051 0.070 0.055 0.086 0.061 0.052 0.083 0.072 0.074 0.075 0.054 0.066 0.068 0.069 0.072 0.054 0.074 0.630 0.691 0.651 0.869 0.623 0.033 5.SE-4 0.064 36.5 Sainfoin 1st 2nd cut cut Average Alfalfa 1st 2nd cut cut 0.047 0.067 0.046 0.065 0.049 0.075 0.061 0.083 0.058 0.073 0.030 0.073 0.040 0.083 0.050 0.083 0.053 0.071 0.058 0.079 0.048 0.078 0.045 0.093 0.061 0.078 0.060 0.066 0.050 0.082 0.047 0.082 0.055 0.076 0.049 0.072 0.051 0.094 0.055 0.070 0.054 0.099 0.044 0.079 0.070 0.081 0.074 0.051 0.057 0.084 0.436 0.459 0.380 0.562 0.441 0.215 0.180 0.986 0.976 0.431 0.021 0.028 2.3E-4 4.1E-4 0.052 0.078 29.4 25 9 p Refers to the probability or level of significance o f the factor which follows in parenthesis. Average 0.045 0.056 0.045 0.055 0.057 0.066 0.043 0.063 0.048 0.061 0.052 0.062 0.046 0.065 0.049 0.066 0.050 0.061 0.052 0.065 0.055 0.066 0.065 0.079 0.048 0.063 0.052 0.059 0.045 0.063 0.045 0.063 0.051 0.064 0.048 0.060 0.052 0.073 0.037 0.053 0.045 0.072 0.040 0.059 0.051 0.066 0.047 0.061 0.056 0.070 0.428 0.724 0.249 0.274 0.274 0.836 0.704 0.920 0.375 0.220 0.021 0.019 2.2E-4 I.9E-4 0.049 0.064 21.9 30.5 Appendix Table 59. Sodium uptake in kg/ha - treatment means and selected statistical parameters. _______________________________________________________ S c v i i i i m M p t a k p ________________1_977___________________ Treat­ ment 1.228 0.535 0.549 0.407 0.566 0.436 0.609 0.549 0.079 0.842 0.772 0.341 0.803 0.541 0.805 0.597 1.345 0.656 0.993 0.814 0.851 0.781 0.769 0.891 0.668 0.886 0.686 0.807 0.215 0.271 0.813 0.344 0.697 84.2 Total 0.745 1.973 0.946 1.481 0.746 1.295 0.814 1.221 0.476 1.041 0.587 1.023 0.716 1.325 1.394 0.845 0.675 0.753 1.532 2.373 0.585 1.357 0.753 1.094 0.899 1.701 0.930 1.471 0.743 1.548 1.471 0.874 0.918 2.263 1.217 1.872 1.052 2.045 0.560 1.374 1.597 0.746 0.014 1.795 0.866 1.635 0.880 1.771 0.889 1.558 0.288 0.657 0.255 0.563 0.601 0.861 0.137 0.125 0.597 0.508 1.093 0.553 0.159 0.622 0.840 1.537 51.3 47.5 Al faIfa___ 2nd 1st cut cut 1.345 1.414 1.714 1.664 1.581 1.244 1.625 1.395 1.686 1.676 2.031 1.634 1.333 1.433 1.816 1.319 2.499 1.360 1.710 1.489 1.509 2.353 1.506 1.319 1.808 0.909 0.512 0.711 0.992 0.379 1.031 0.554 1.618 46.0 1.540 2.234 1.778 2.553 1.948 1.948 2.024 2.205 1.911 2.557 2.087 3.143 2.087 2.205 3.052 2.530 2.648 2.768 1.939 2.402 2.533 2.532 2.432 1.845 2.671 0.681 0.330 0.989 0.916 0.707 0.194 0.742 2.296 37.5 ________ ________________ 1_978______________ Total 2.885 3.648 3.491 4.217 3.528 3.192 3.649 3.600 3.597 4.233 4.117 4.777 3.420 3.457 4.868 3.849 5.147 4.129 3.649 3.890 4.041 4.885 3.938 3.164 4.479 0.662 0.169 0.324 0.926 0.372 1.565 1.275 3.914 28.9 Sain i- •;n 1st 2nd cut cut 3.948 3.860 3.645 5.247 5.541 2.622 4.336 3.474 4.728 4.134 4.271 3.777 4.654 4.997 3.869 4.059 4.827 4.119 4.126 4.480 3.762 4.555 6.632 3.945 4.894 0.877 0.913 0.362 0.353 0.998 2.265 2.671 4.357 37.5 1.380 1.468 1.926 6.583 1.593 1.083 1.155 1.909 1.450 2.110 1.509 1.332 1.995 1.944 1.579 1.239 1.613 1.923 1.756 1.760 2.067 1.303 2.030 1.606 1.574 0.271 0.730 0.966 0.187 0.737 0.902 0.424 1.636 39.8 Total 5.328 5.328 5.571 6.830 7.135 3.705 5.491 5.382 6.178 6.243 5.780 5.109 6.649 6.941 5.448 5.298 6.441 6.042 5.882 6.240 5.829 6.140 8.772 5.668 6.381 0.701 0.823 0.566 0.357 0.978 2.685 2.753 5.992 32.3 Alfal fa 1st 2nd cut cut 5.879 5.625 5.930 6.782 5.769 6.801 7.070 6.208 5.601 6.044 7.504 6.438 6.474 5.197 6.009 7.445 7.410 5.404 8.750 5.516 6.919 6.061 7.182 6.169 6.737 0.517 0.819 0.576 0.923 0.212 2.708 3.819 6.443 30.3 *p Refers to the probability or level of significance of the factor which follows in parenthesis. 1.931 1.838 2.627 1.803 2.115 2.236 1.941 2.280 2.185 2.431 2.279 2.848 1.897 2.500 1.925 2.084 2.161 2.030 2.313 1.649 1.775 1.573 2.365 2.029 2.523 0.485 0.259 0.831 0.467 0.286 0.954 9.474 2.134 32.3 Total 7.810 7.462 8.557 8.585 7.884 9.037 9.012 8.488 7.786 8.476 9.783 9.286 8.371 7.697 7.934 9.529 9.571 7.434 11.063 7.165 8.694 7.631 9.669 3.195 9.287 0.646 0.627 0.494 0.979 0.151 2.998 4.679 8.576 25.2 no i 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 *P(N) P(P) P(K) P(PK) P(N (PtiO) LSD.05 EMS G MEAN CV Sainfoin 2nd 1st cut cut fltg /h a^ LITERATURE CITED 112 p 1. 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