5.73 Lecture #2 2-1 free particle V(x)=V0 Last Time: general solution ψ = Aeikx + Be–ikx A,B are complex constants, determined by “boundary conditions” k= p h (from e ikx , eigenfunction of p,√ and the real number, p, is the eigenvalue) 1/2 2m k = (E − V0 ) 2 h probability for E ≥ V0 P( x ) = ψ * ψ = |1 A4 |2 2 +4 | B4 |2 + 21Re ( A * B) cos 2 kx2 + 4444444 2 Im( A * B)sin 23 kx 4 3 4444444 const. distribution wiggly only get wiggly stuff when 2 or more different values of k are superimposed. In this special case we had +k and –k. TODAY and 1. infinite box 2. δ(x) well 3. δ(x) barrier and 5.73 Lecture #2 2-2 What do we know about ψ(x) for physically realistic V(x)? ψ ( ±∞) = ? ψ * ( x)ψ ( x) for all x? ∫ ∞ −∞ ψ * ( x)ψ ( x)dx ? Continuity of ψ and dψ /dx ? Computationally convenient potentials have steps and flat regions. infinite step finite step infinitely high but infinitely thin step,“ δ-function” ψ continuous dψ d 2 ψ , not continuous for infinite step, and not for δ-function dx dx 2 dψ is continuous for finite step dx More warm up exercises 1. Infinite box V(x) 0 L ψ ( x) = Ae ikx + Be − ikx = C cos kx + D sin kx [C=A+B, D=iA – iB] ψ (0) = 0 ⇒ C = 0 ψ (L) = 0 ⇒ kL = nπ n = 1, 2 , … ( why not n = 0?) x 5.73 Lecture #2 recall 2-3 2m n 2 π 2 = 2 V0 = 0 L h2 Insert kL = nπ boundary condition. k 2 = ( E − V0 ) En = n2 2 h2 π2 2 h 2 2 = n mL 2 mL 8 here. En is integer multiple of common factor, E1. Important for ∞ # of bound levels wavepackets! n = 0 would be empty box E1 normalization (P=1 for 1 particle in well) L ⇒ |D|= (2 / L)1/2 1 =| D |2 ∫ dx sin 2 ( nπx) 0 ψ n ( x) = (2 / L )1/ 2 sin( nπx) because L 2 ∫0 sin ( nπx)dx = L / 2 iα D = (2 / L)1/2 e{ arbitrary phase factor cartoons of ψn(x): what happens to {ψn} and {En} if we move well: left or right in x? up or down in E? Infinite well was easy: 2 boundary conditions plus normalization requirement. Generalize to stepwise constant potentials: in each V(x)=constant region, need to know 2 complex coefficients and, if the particle is confined within a finite range of x, there is quantization of energy. * boundary and joining conditions * normalization * overall phase arbitrariness So next step is to deal with case where boundary conditions are not so obvious. δ(x) well and barrier. 5.73 Lecture #2 2-4 0 x V(x) V(x) = –a δ(x) a has units Energy x Length (because, as we will see, δ(x) has units of reciprocal length) a>0 = 0 everywhere except V(0) = –a “∞” “strength” of the δ-function well Schrödinger Equation Integrate: 2m d2ψ (3 E4 +2 aδ4 x) 2 ψ 2 = – (1 dx E − V( x ) h +ε 2 mE 2 ma dx dx x x x lim = − lim ψ ( ) + δ ( ) ψ ( ) h2 ε →0 ε →0 dx2 h2 −ε −ε dψ dψ = LHS = ± size of discontinuity dx x =+ε dx x =−ε +ε ∫ d2ψ ∫ in dψ at x = 0 dx RHS = 0 – because 2mE ψ(0) h2 is finite and integral over region of length 2ε ♦ 0. 2ma − h2 ψ (0) because, by the definition of a δ–fn ∫ δ(x)ψ(x)dx = ψ(0) or, more generally ∞ ∫±∞ δ(x ± a)ψ(x)dx = ψ(a) 5.73 Lecture #2 2-5 Since the potential has even symmetry wrt x → –x, ψ(x) must be even or odd (not a mixture) with respect to x → – x, thus ψ(x) = ±ψ(–x). If ψ(x) is even, there must be a cusp in ψ(x) at x = 0 ψ(x) is ψ(x) continuous 0 OR BUT NOT ψ(x) is not continuous at x = 0 So what happens when ψ(x) is an odd function? dψ(+) dψ(±) 2ma ± = ± 2 ψ(0) dx dx h The new boundary condition since there is + reflection symmetry for an even ψ(x) dψ(+) dψ(±) =± dx dx ma dψ(±) = m 2 ψ(0) dx h Now find the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. Standard procedure: divide space into regions and match ψ and dψ/dx across boundaries. 5.73 Lecture #2 2-6 Region I Region II 0 x ψ L = ψ I = A L e + ρx + BL e − ρx (8 unknowns, because A and B can be complex numbers) V(x) |x|>0 E= –|E| Let E < 0 ψ R = ψ II = A R e + ρx + BR e − ρx 1/ 2 | E | 2m ρ = h 2 (THIS IS WHAT WE DO WHEN k WOULD BE IMAGINARY) ψ(+∞ ∞)=0 AR = 0 unknowns determined (2) ψ(–∞ ∞)=0 BL = 0 (2) ψL(–εε)=ψ ψR(+εε)0 AL = BR ≡ A (2) arbitrary phase (1) normalization (1) (8) dψ R ( + ) − ma = − ρAe −0 = 2 ψA(0) h dx ∴ ρ= ma h2 dψ L (–) + ma = + ρAe +0 = 2 ψA (0) h dx again ma ρ= 2 h ψ L = Ae ρx ψ R = Ae −ρx Done! required discontinuity in dψ/dx at x = 0. 5.73 Lecture #2 2-7 Only one acceptable value of ρ → one value of E < 0 2 2 2 ma ρ ma h ρ = 2 |E|= = = ±E 2 h 2m 2h E=± ma 2h 2 Actually, the above solution was specifically for an even ψ(x). What about odd ψ(x)? No calculation is needed. Why? Normalization of ψ ∞ 1 = ∫ | ψ |2 dx −∞ ψ R = Ae − max/ h ∞ 2 1 = 2 ∫ | A |2 e ( 0 ma A = ± 2 h ) − 2 ma h 2 x h2 dx = 2 | A |2 2 ma see Gaussian Handout 1/ 2 ma ψ δ = ± 2 h 1/2 e −ma|x|/h 2 only one bound level, regardless of magnitude of a large a, narrower and taller ψ There is a continuum of ψ’s possible for E > 0. Since the particle is free for E > 0, specific form of ψ must reflect specific problem: e.g., particle probability incident from x < 0 region. It is even more interesting to turn this into the simplest of all barrier scattering problems. See Non-Lecture pp. 2-8, 9, 10. 5.73 Lecture #2 2-8 Nonlecture Consider instead scattering off V(x) = + αδ(x) a>0 V(x) = +αδ(x) x 0 ψ L = A L e ikx + BL e −ikx 2mE k= 2 h ψ R = A R e ikx + BR e −ikx 1/2 In this problem we have flux entering exclusively from left. The entering probability flux is |AL|2. Two things can happen: 1. transmit through barrier ∝ |AR|2 2. reflect at barrier ∝ |BL|2 2 There is no way that BR can become different from 0. Why? 2 2 Our goal is to determine A R and BL vs. E ψL(0) = ψR(0) continuity of ψ A L + BL = AR + B R but BR = 0 A L + BL = AR 2ma dψ R (+0) dψ L (±0) ± = + 2 ψ(0) dx dx h 2ma ψR(0) ikA R ± (ikA L − ikBL ) = 2 A R h AR = AL + BL 2ma ik( A L + BL ) − ik(A L − BL ) = 2 ( A L + BL ) h ψL(0) 5.73 Lecture #2 2-9 2ma ( A L + BL ) h2 2ma 2ma BL 2ik − 2 = 2 A L h h 2ikBL = h2 2ma ikh 2 AL = −1 ≡ α 2ik − 2 = BL 2ma ma h α +1 = ikh 2 ma B A R = A L + BL = A L L + BL = α BL + BL = BL (α + 1) BL α = AL/BL ikh 2 A R = BL ma Transmission is T= AR AL Reflection is R= BL AL 2 2 2 2 What is T(E), R(E)? AR 2 = BL 2 k 2h 4 2 2 m a = BL 2 2mE h 4 h 2 2 2 m a = BL 2 2h 2 E ma 2 * ikh 2 ikh 2 AL AL − 1 − − 1 = BL BL ma ma 2 k 2h4 2h 2 E + ma 2 2 = 2 2 +1 = m a ma 2 BL AL 2h 2 E ma 2 R(E) = 2 = + 1 2h E + ma 2 ma 2 −1 decreasing to zero as E increases −1 ma 2 2h 2 E T(E) = 2 = + 1 . 2h E + ma 2 2h 2 E R(E) + T(E) = 1 increasing to one as E increases 5.73 Lecture #2 Note that: 2 - 10 R(E) starts at 1 at E = 0 and goes to 0 at E → ∞ T(E) starts at 0 and increases monotonically to 1 as E increases. Note also that, at E = − ma 2 2h 2 R → ∞ as E approaches –ma2/2h2 from above and then changes sign as E passes through –ma2/2h2 ! This is the energy of the bound state in the δ(x)-function well problem. See CTDL Chapter 1 Problem #3b (page 87) for a related problem