Optical constants of chromium by Lawrence Chung-kuen Chor A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Physics Montana State University © Copyright by Lawrence Chung-kuen Chor (1968) Abstract: The frequency-dependent optical constants are derived in the range 0 - 25 eV for Chromium film by reducing the normal incidence reflectance data with the Kramers-Kronig relation. The film is prepared in a high vacuum reflectometer having a base pressure of about 5 x 10^-5 torr. The film is irradiated with a H2 discharge light source between 850 Å and 3100 Å, and with a He source below 850° dispersed by a vacuum ultraviolet monochromator. Because of the high energy measurements, the reflectometer is connected directly to the monochromator without a window in between. The plasma energy of Chromium, found at 22.8 eV, agrees reasonably well with the published results obtained from characteristic energy loss experiments. OPTICAL CONSTANTS OF CHROMIUM by LAWRENCE C h u NQ=KUEN CHOR A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MA STE R OF SCIENCE in Physics Approved: Head, Major Department MO NT ANA STATE UN IV ERSITY Bozeman, Montana March 1968 -iiiACKNOWLEDGMENT I Dr. wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Gerald J . Lapeyre for his advice and constructive c r i t i ­ cism throughout the course of this study. I would also like to express my gratitude to D r s . Arthu r J. M. Johnson and Georgeanne R. Caughlan for their parts possible. I am also thankful for the typing help of M r s . Lyle Hammer, agement. in making this thesis and to my wife for her understanding and e n c o u r ­ •'ivTABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE List of Tablss List of Figures I. II. III. IV. v . . . ................... vi A b s t r a c t ................................... vii ■ INTRODUCTION ................... I T H E O R Y ...................................... 3 ■The Definition of Optical Constants . . The Technique of M e a s u r e m e n t ........... The Energy Loss Function Im e ~ . . . . The Computer Program for the Evaluation of the Kramers-Kronig Integral ..................... 3 6 8 • EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP AND APPARATUS . . . 12 General Experimental Arrangement . . . . Reflectometer E v a p o r a t o r ................................ 12 13 16 " R E S U L T S ...................... Data R e d u c t i o n ............................ Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . Discussion ............................... ■. V. 9 ' S U M M A R Y ............ REFERENCES . '....................... . . . 17 17 18 24 29 30 -vLIST OF TABLES Page Table I Comparison of the plasma energy values obtained from the optical measurement and the energy loss measurements . . 27 -viLIST OF FIGURES Figure . Page 1 Plan Vi e w of the Reflectometer 2 Reflectance Data of C r ................. 19 3 The Spectral Dependence of the Complex Dielectric Constant . . . ............ 20 The Spectral Dependence of the Energy Loss F u n c t i o n ......................... 21 The Spectral Dependence of the Optical Conductivity ................ 22 Comparison of the Computer Output with the Data of Lenham and.Treherne . . * 23 4. 5 6 . . . . 14 -vii " ABSTRACT The frequericy-dependent optical constants are derived in the range 0 - 25 eV for Chromium film by reducing the normal incidence reflectance data with the K r a m e r s -iKronig r e l a t i o n . The film is pre pared in a high va cuum re flectometer having a base pressure of about 5 x 1 0 ™^ torr. The fijm is irradiated with a H 2 discharge light source between 850 A and 3100 A, and with a He source bel ow 850° dispersed by a va cuum u l t r a ­ violet m o n o c h r o m a t o r . Because of the high energy measurements, the reflectometer is connected directly to the monochromator without a wi nd ow in b e t w e e n . The plasma energy of Chromium, found at 22.8 eV, agrees reasonably well with the published results obtained from characteristic energy loss e x p e r i m e n t s . I. INTRODUCTION Within the last d e c a d e , the optical properties o£ s e m i ­ conductors and metals, particularly the alkali and noble metal s,1 have been investigated rather thoroughly with r e f l e c ­ tance measurements. Little information is available, on the optical behavior of the transition metals spectral range above 5 eV. however, in the Cr is selected for this study because it is typical of this group. The object of the study .of the optical properties of these metals is to gain an understanding o f ^ the electronic structure in the solid form. The optical properties of a solid in the ultraviolet region are determined principally by the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with the electrons Classically, in the solid. the interactions are described in terms of the optical constants defined by Maxwell's equations. Since the definitions of the constants are not unique, many different constants are found in the literature. To characterize a response of a solid to radiation in a limited frequency range, two frequency-dependent constants are needed, phase, one for the in- (energy a b s o r b i n g ) , .and one for the out-of-phase, energy a b s o r b i n g ) , response of the electron. constants can be writt en as a complex number. (non­ The pair of If one optical -2constant is k n o w n , h o w e v e r , for all frequencies, any pair of constants can be calculated with the Kramers-Kronig d i s p e r ­ sion relations. This paper is concerned with the determination of the optical constants of Cr obtained from normal incidence reflectance data. Data are obtained in the spectral range from 4 eV to 25 eV. The data of Lenham and Treherne are used to extend the measurements below 4 eV..2 The real and imaginary parts of both the index of refraction and the dielectric constants, the optical conductivity, and the energy loss function are deduced from the reflectance data by the application of the Kramers-Kronig relation. The computer pro gra m for the evaluation of the Kramers-Kronig integral is taken from the work of E. L. K r e i g e r , D. J. Olechna, and D . S . S t o r y . 3 In Section II, different definitions of the optical constants wi th their interrelations are outlined and physical interpretations given. The computer programming techniques are also outlined in Section II. The equipment designed and constructed for this experiment is described in Section III. In Section IV, the experimental results are prese nt ed and discussed wi th emphasis on the pl asma energy. II. A » THEORY Definition of Optical Constants In a m e d i u m , Maxwell's electromagnetic wave equations are eIy 92S , 4mop 9@ - .2 + C 2 9t c2■ 91 CD g2S F r at2 (2 ) and B 1P V iH in which 4mon 9?I 91 C2 is the real part of the dielectric constant, is the conductivity of the medium, a and p is the permeability. The constants are frequency dependent and characterize the me diu m through which the wave is propagating. magnetic materials, For n o n ­ such as C r ,■ p = I . The solutions of E q s . (I) and S = Sqx exp[iu)(t~z)] S = ex p[i w(t -^ z) ] (2) can be w r i tt en as (3) and , (4) where N is the complex index of refraction and z is taken as the direction of propagation. The complex index of refraction N is defined by 4 N T-. n - ilc (5) where n is the usual index of refraction and k is the extinction c o e f f i c i e n t .5 The following relations between the electromagnetic and optical constants are obtained by substitution of the plane wave solution (3) into the wave equation of the definition (I) and making use (5): n2 - k2 (6) 2 n k (7) and 4TTO CO Another useful wa y to describe the effects of the electromagnetic wave on the solid is to define a complex dielectric constant 8 (co) -= With this definition, • the wa v e equation (2) may be written as V 2B = 4 ' c% St^ . On substituting the plane wave solutions, ■relation is obtained: the following Thus = -2nk (9) Combining E q s . C7) and (d), we h a v e : coe2 a = (10 ) 4 TT The extinction coefficient, k , is a measure of the decrease in the amplitude of the electromagnetic wave. It ■is simply related to the absorption coefficient wh i c h is a measure of the electromagnetic energy, absorbed per unit distance and is defined by: a = I s dill where s is the Poynting vector. and (4) into (H) dz By substituting E q s . (3) (11), one can express a in terms of k: 47rk A (12) which is the rate of decay as the wave travels through the medium. - Of particular interest is the optical constant whi ch is most naturally related to the number of photons absorbed per unit time. Using the correspondence principle, S p i c e r ,7 by - 6equating the classical and quantum mechanical expressions for the energy density associated w i t h an electromagnetic field, has shown that 1_ 1_ dN] (14) 4Tr n ' dt where N is the density of photons. Therefore, a is the pr obability per unit time of a p ho to n being absorbed by the solid. Since Eg Is simply related to 0 , it also describes the absorption behavior of a solid. B. The Technique of Measurement The measurement technique used in this study obtains the optical constants from the normal incidence reflectance data, R ( w ) . The reflectance is the ratio of the reflected to incident power and is equal to the square of the ratio of reflected to incident amplitude, r. The optical constants are related to reflectance by the Fresnel equation for normal i n c id en ce ,8 r - r1/2 e16 = g ; g ; i (15) if the interface is between vacuum and solid.. tance is known for all frequencies, If the r e f l e c ­ the phase angle 6 can be calculated wi th the Kramers-Kronig r e l a t i o n : 9 -7- 2a). £nR (co) dw 2 2 o (Ji) (16) Wg where P stands for principal v a l u e s . range of laboratory data is limited, Since the spectral an extrapolation procedure is required to evaluate the integral in (16) . The e xt ra po la ­ tion procedure is discussed in Section II, D. For computer integration, it is convenient to write (16) in the following way . i o I 2tt 6<u0) Using equations (15), (17) , (6), and (9), the complex index of refraction and complex dielectric constant are obtained in terms of R and 6: (18) 1+ R-2 R1/2Cos6 - 2R1/ 2sin9 . ' (19) 1+R-2R1/2C o s 6 " ’■ (I-R)2 - IR s i n 2G (2 0 ) (1+R - 2R1/2C o s 6)2 4R1 / 2 (1-R)sin9 (1+R (21) 2R1/2C o s 0)2 Thus measurements of the spectral reflectance over a large energy range are used to calculate the optical constants. -8C• The Energy Loss' Function Ime It is known that when a beam of electrons of fixed energy is incident upon a thin film of m a t e r i a l , some of the t r a n s ­ mitted electrons will lose energy by a discrete a m o u n t . The energy loss spectrum is characteristic of the target material The determination of the characteristic energy losses is usually achieved by measurements of scattering through thinsolids..12 The same information can also be obtained through the knowledge of the optical constants. This, is due to the fact that the energy loss probability function P(E), the probability that an electron will loose an amount of energy between E and E + dE in interacting with the medium, can be related to the complex dielectric constant in the following w a y :1 3 ■ P(E) oc Im e . (24) Thus the plasma energy given by the peak position in the energy loss measurements should correspond to the plasma energy obtained op t i c a l l y . 14 -c2 / (.ei + e P > Since orc^er for Ijn £ Im e ^ is equal to to have a maximum, necessary that both c^ and e^ be small. In fact, it is the general condition for the existence of plasma frequency is that c = O. 15 For the simple free electron model, w h i c h approximates -9 metals rather well, the plasma energy is given by AE = h U p = h ( - Pe-^l1/ 2 . where is the plasma f r e q u e n c y , p the electron density, the electronic change, D. (25) e and m the electronic mass. The Computer Program for the E v a l u a t i o n "of the K r a m e r s Kronig Integral The computer program used in this study to evaluate the phase angle 0 with the Kramers-Kronig integral.is the work of K r e i g e r , O l e c h n a , and S t o r y .3 6, the pr og ram computes n, k, taken from After calculating , Im e' and a. The rationale for the computer prog ra m is outlined in t h e .following discussion. ' in The difficulty found in the evaluation of the integral (17) is due to the fact- that the experimental curve for the reflectance cannot be written in terms of elementary functions. Even though it is possible to fit a polynomial to the experimental reflectance curve., we may still have problems in integration. A n alternative wa y is to do the integral graphically, whic h is very time-consuming and inaccurate. The best procedure seems to be a numerical integration with a digital computer. The integral in (17) can be approximated by a trapasoidal sum as the following: -IO- 0 Cw O^ ^ kN ^x N-I J- " xN-1 where the slope, XN ~ C I I comes from the term I _3 J Z d SnR(w)/dm, and ^ N - ’ is related to the term &n |(o) + a) ) / (or CD )| da) in' (17) . 3 The input- of the computer prog ra m is N pairs of E and R picked off at an interval of 0.2 eV from the Jln |R | vs. E curve. The output is computed at 0.2 eV intervals. The first value of E, or E ^ , must not be zero, but must be close to zero so that the slope is zero. evaluated for every desired putput. is printed, The integral in (17) is After the first output the progr am computes the next required output until all the desired outputs are obtained. If N pairs of the energy and reflectance values are the input to the computer and results are wanted for M values of the energy, the approxi^ mate computer time can be estimated as N x M/60 minutes. In this study the computer time for a complete calculation is about one hour. For evaluation of the integral in (17), it is necessary that the reflectance be known over the entire energy range, i.e. from zero to infinity. In this work, the experi" mental values of reflectance are known up to only 25 e V , thus -11an extrapolation for the high-energy- values is necessary. The reflectance is usually extrapolated linearly in a plot of &nR^/^ vs 5-nE.16 Without an adequate extrapolation, the values of the optical constants are inaccurate and may even appear to be physically unreasonable. The extrapolation is adjusted in such a wa y that the results of the computation agree with the independently determined low-energy values of the optical c o n s t a n t s . In this w o r k , the reflectance is linearly extrapolated to 0.19% at 100 eV. <?* III. A. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP AND APPARATUS General Experimental Arrangement The experimental determination of the optical constants from the reflectance data requires cleanest possible surface. that the sample have the The technique used in this study for obtaining a clean surface is to form the sample by e v a p o r a ­ tion in vacuum. This experiment is concerned primarily with the optical constants at high photo n energies where no material exists which can be used for a w in do w to separate the e x p e r i ­ mental vac uum chamber from the m o n o c h r o m a t o r . windowless construction, Because of this the best va cuum in the r e f lectometer is limited by the vacuum in the monochromator wh i c h is about 5 x 10 ^ torr. Therefore the sample is conceivably subject to some surface contamination. To minimize the contamination, the experiment is perfor med as soon as the film is m a d e . The light source used is a one-meter Mc P h e r s o n model 225 vacuum ultraviolet monochromator which is equipped with a Hinteregger type DC discharge lamp. 850 - 3100 A, hydrogen is used; used. In the spectral range and for 450 - 900 A, helium is A quartz filter is used to eliminate the second order O effect in the hydrogen spectrum above 1600 A. The experiment O is terminated at 3100 A (4 e V ) , where the quartz filter begins to transmit higher order reflections from the grating in the monochromator. -13The detector used inside the r e f lectometer is a sodiumsalicylate-coated photomultiplier tube. The current output of the detector is mea sur ed with a Gary model 401 vibrating reed electrometer. B . . Reflectometer The r e f l e c t o m e t e r , which is connected to the m o n o c h r o ­ mator, is shown in Fig. I. It is evaculated through the slit assembly with the monochromator v ac uu m system. The best pressure in the monochromator is about 5 x I O ^ torr. After the light source is turned on, the vacuum in the r e f lectometer decreases to 10 -4 torr. The reflectometer is designed in such a w a y that the same photomultiplier can be positioned to read either the reflected or the incident light intensity. This is achieved by s u p p o r t ­ ing the photomultiplier on a rotary feedthrough moun te d on the top flange of the r e f l e c t o m e t e r . It can be rotated to the incidence beam position or to the reflected beam position. The substrate is fixed at the proper angle on the optical axis. The evaporator is positioned inside a stainless-steel shield so the.deposition is directed toward the substrate. During evaporation the photomultiplier is rotated behind the evaporator shield. The electrical feedthrough for the p h o t o ­ multiplier and for the evaporator are brazed into the top y/\shield light beam from monochromator r X v^Waporator filter -- ^ ii smbstrate incident /beam position of photomultiplier xX reflected beam position of photomultiplier viewport Fig. I Plan View of the Reflectometer -14- _/ -15flange of t h e ■r e f l e c t o m e t e r . A viewport is mounted on the end of a side arm on the reflectometer for observation. The photomultiplier used is a RCA 1P28 tube. The window of the photomultiplier is coated with sodium salicylate by an atomizer. The coating is thick enough to make the window become opaque to the eye. is 850 v., The photomultiplier bias voltage so that each stage has about 100 v. across it. • A series of 87 Kfi resistors are used in a voltage divider to achieve this dynode bias. The reflectometer and its components are cleaned and assembled with conventional vacuum t e c h n o l o g y . 17 The s u b ­ strate is made of copper and requires special handling. It is polished w it h aluminum oxide to obtain a smooth surface. It is then cleaned by dipping into concentrated nitric acid and rinsed with deionized water. The measuring procedures start immediately after e v a p o r a ­ tion of the Cr film is completed. The photomultiplier is rotated into the path of normal incidence and the intensity of the He light source is me asured from 450 - 900 K. Then the tube is rotated into the path of the reflected b e a m from the sample- and its spectral intensity is likewise measured. gas then replaces The He gas for longer wa ve length measurements The spectral dependences of the lamp and the detector cancel because the dependences are the same In both the measurements -16o£ incident and reflected spectral intensities. C. Evaporator The Cr film is formed by condensation from the vapor phase. The evaporator is made by electroplating C r , 18 onto a 0.009" diameter tungsten wire. The tungsten wire is cleaned by electropolishing in NaOH s o l u t i o n , and then place d in the chromic acid solution for electroplating. The tungsten wire is connected as the cathode and a pl atinum screen basket is used for the a n o d e . A plate current of 6 0 0 :ma is used and the solution is kept at a temperature of about 53°C by a controlled heater. The temperature and the current must be carefully controlled for good results. After electroplating for three to four h o u r s , a mass of about 100 mg of Cr is plated on the tungsten wire. The evaporator is then ready for use after it is rinsed with deionized water and degreased in acetone. • - • ■ The procedure for forming the film is to outgas the evaporator first by slowly increasing the c u r r e n t . Then the evaporator is evaporated for about ten seconds to obtain a smooth and bright Cr film on the substrate. about 4 amperes evaporation. A current of is required to give a sufficient rate of IV. A. RESULTS Data, Reduction The reflectance at a certain energy is Obtained by measuring the relative intensities of reflected and incident light at that e n e r g y ; The ratio of these intensities is the reflectance. Since the spectral dependence of the lamp is a strong f u n ct io n 1of the wavelength, matching the wavelengths of the two spectral curves is very important. The w a v e ­ lengths of the spectra are correlated by matching peaks and valleys. In the data reduction the scattered light in the output of the monochromator must be taken into consideration. the Hg lamp is used, When the scattered light is negligible in comparison with the monochromatic l i g h t . For the data taken at short w a v e l e n g t h s , where He is used in the lamp, tered light must be accounted f o r . He terminates at about 500 A, the s c a t ­ The light spectrum of thus it is justifiable to assume that all the signals below 400 A are due to the scattered light. It is observed that the scattered light level increases linearly with decreasing wa ve le ng th below 400 tered light correction, to long w a v e l e n g t h s . above 700 A. At 640 The sc a t ­ t h e n , is made by linear extrapolation This extrapolation gives A A. zero correction (19.4 e V ) , the correction is 11.6% of the recorder level for the incident i n t e n s i t y , and 30% ■ -J.8 ^ for the reflected i n t e n s i t y . After the data are obtained in the above manner, the computer is used to analyze the data to obtain the optical constants. B. Experimental Results The reflectance data obtained in this study from 4 - 2 5 eV are shown in Fig. 2. The reflectance is me as ur ed with two samples and the results are essentially the same. The r e f l e c ­ tance data between 0.1 and 4.2 eV are obtained from the work of Lenham and T r e h e r n e . 2 The optical constants e, Im e \ and c determined from the reflectance data are shown in Figs. 3, 4, and 5, respectively. As discussed in Section II D, the reflectance curve is extrapolated above 25 eV in such a way that the computed values of n and k agree wi t h the work of Lenham and T r e h e r n e . The comparison is shown in Fig. general agreement is good. 6. The The minor inconsistencies are explained by the fact that at low photon energies, both n and k are very sensitive to the reflectance. For example, a difference of less than 1.0% in reflectance can change n and k by a factor of three or f o u r . 19 Because of the.strong line structure in the He spectrum between 20 and 24 eV, the determination of the reflectance at these energies is very difficult. Althou gh the structures in -19- Fig. 2 Reflectance Data of Cr 150 -50 -IOOL 4 O 8 12 16 hr Fig. 3 20 24 28 (e V ) The Spectral Dependence of the Complex Dielectric Constant I m ('4) - 21 - Fig. 4 The Spectral Dependence of,the Energy Loss Function 8 - 22 - 4 O Fig. 4 8 12 16 20 24 hZ/ ( G V ) The Spectral Dependence of the Optical Conductivity 23 LENHAM a TREHERNE — COMPUTED Fig. 6 Comparison of the Computer Output with the Data of Lenham and Treherne -24the reflectance at 4.4 eV and 13.2 eV are r e p r o d u c i b l e ,■ it is. not c e r t a i n , on the basis of this study, There.is little doubt, that they are real. h o w e v e r , about the main features of the reflectance spectra. To resolve this p r o b l e m , a more detailed study is required. A suggested improvement would be O the use of a different type of lamp below 1000 A, for e x a m p l e , a pulse lamp. C. Discussion a, and a , w h i c h are simply The optical constants related through E q s . (10) , (11), and (14), all describe the absorption behavior in the metal. ■ Thus it is sufficient to discuss only one of them. In this discussion, o is c h o s e n . To examine the plasma oscillations at higher energies, h o w ­ ever, the energy loss function Im e ^ is the important constant to be investigated. Since an optical measurement of the plasma energy is the principal motivation for this study, this point is discussed in some detail. The spectral dependence of the optical conductivity a is- shown in F i g . 5. Its features are discussed in terms of the different physical phenomena w h i c h contribute to the energy loss in different energy regions. types of energy loss mechanisms: interband excitation, There are three free-electron excitation, and plasma excitation. -25The free-electron effects dominate at the low photon energies, from zero to about I eV, and.cause o to be large. According to the Crude free-electron theory of metals, a should fall off linearly as a function of wav el en gt h in the free-electron region. However, Lenham has shown that cr falls off as I 0 *74 for Cr., where X is- the wavelength:. ^ 0 The threshold for interband transitions is very close to zero photon energy since the Fermi level is in the d-band. However, the interband contribution is small in the free-electron region. This fact enables one to distinguish rather u n a m b i g u ­ ously the contributions from free-electrons and interband transitions. Interband transitions dominate in the range between one and 8 eV. The electrons excited in.interband transition are frequently called bound electrons. For Cr, the interband absorption is' due mainly to transitions between the occupied d-bands belo w the Fermi energy and the empty d-bands above the Fermi energy. ' From the ph otoemission study, it is found that the interband transitions in Cr are p r e ­ dominately nondirect, that is, the conservation of the Bloch state wavevectors is not an important selection r u l e . 21 Finally, the region where plasma oscillations occur is c h a r ­ acterized by large values of Im c ^ and small values of and E 2 . This region occurs at the high photon energies. separation of the plasma and interband transition regions The is - not well d e f i n e d . - G e n e r a l l y ,■the onset of the plasma o s c i l l a ­ tion is where a starts eV for Cr. 26 to rise s h a r p l y , wh i c h .is at about 13 The'method of determination of the plasma energy is discussed in the next several paragraphs. The location of the plasma energies peaks of the energy loss function Im e is obtained from the . The plasma resonance can be distinguished from the interband transition by the fact that both in Im E ^ .2 2 and E^ are small in the vicinity of the maximum In Fig. 4, it is observed that the maximum peak of Im £ ^ occurs at 22.8 eV. The narrowness of the peak may be due to instrumental problems, as discussed in Section IV B . This peak is generally accepted as due to the so-called classical "volume" plasmons whi ch can be explained in terms of the simple free-electron m o d e l .^ 3 The me asurement of the plasma energy of Cr has been made by several investigators by means of the characteristic energy loss experiments. results are given in Table I. It is seen from Table Their I that the agreement between the present optical measurement and the energy loss measurements is good. The electronic configuration of Cr is 5 I ■ (Ar)3d 4s which has the characteristic unfilled d - shell of the transition metals as well as an unfilled s-shell. Thus the Fermi energy level is located simultaneously w i t h i n both the d- and s - b a n d s , a fact that greatly complicates the interpretation of the -27Table. I . Comparison of the plasma energy values obtained from the optical measurement and the energy loss measurements. Date Investigator 1954 Marton and L e d e r 2lt 21.8 eV 1954 W a t a n a b e 25 26.0 eV 1958 Fert and P r a d a l 26 28.0 eV Robins and S w a n 27 24.3 eV Present Work 22.8 eV 1960 ■ 1968 plasma oscillations in Cr. Plasma energy Pines has suggested a two-plasma model of coupled d and s electrons in which the low energy plasma is associated with an in-phase motion of s vs. electrons; • d the high energy plasma is associated w it h an out- o f -phase m o t i o n . 28 In the energy loss function,, an additional peak is observed at about 10 eV. The two peaks in the loss function observed at 10 eV and 22.8 eV are consistent with the two-plasma model. The value of the plasma energy of Cr, calculated by assuming all the 3d and 4s electrons is 26.1 eV. to be free, The difference between the experimental and the calculated free-electron-model values is possibly due to the effects of core polarization and the interband transitions associated with the d-band e l e c t r o n s . 29 -28Ritchie has shown that there is a plasma loss at energy (1//2) hu)p Fig. due to the "surface" p l a s m o n s . 3 0 H o w e v e r , in 4, no peak is observed at around 16 eV, but there is some weak structure at 13.4 eV which is about. I / /3 times 22.8 eV. It is uncertain whether this instrumental difficulties. is real or just due to If it is real, it can be explained by R i t c h i e ’s interpretation that "the resonance frequency of plasma contained in a small sphere is less than the value appropriate to an infinite plasma by a factor of 1//3 and that this shift.is due to the depolarizing effect of surface charge on the s p h e r e . " 31 Because of the fact that thin metallic films.may have a strongly granular s t r u c t u r e .3 2 one would expect the surface loss in an actual thin film to lie closer to.the value cal grain, (1//3) hw^, than to the value appropriate to a s p he ri ­ (I/ /7)' hw^. The relative weakness of the structure at 13.4 eV may be due to the o x i d a ­ tion of the surface whi ch reduced the intensity of the surface loss . 3 3 V. SUMMARY In this s t u d y , a refloctomete'r is designed and c o n ­ structed. It is designed in such a way that the same p h o t o ­ multiplier detector can be positioned to read either the reflected or the -incident light intensity. This design eliminates the possibility of error due to. the different spectral dependences of detectors when two or more detectors are used. i The optical constants are calculated in the photon energy range 0 - 25 eV for thin Cr film by reducing the normal incidence reflectance d a t a . The plasma energy is found at 22.8 eV where the energy loss function Im e peak. -I has its maximum The result of this optical experiment compares f a v o r ­ ably with the published r e s u l t s .of the characteristic energy loss experiments. In addition, the free-electron effect and interband transitions have been discussed. REFERENCES 1. D . B e a g l e h o l e , P r o c . P h y s . S o c . 87, 461' (1966), cited r e f e r e n c e s , and 2. A, P, Lenhdm and D . M. T r i h s r n e , in Optieal Properties and Electronic Structure of Metals' and Alloys, edited, by F. A b e l e s , (North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1966), p p . 1 9 6 t 201. 3. E . L. K r e i g e r , D. J. Olechna, and D . S . Story, Computer Det ermination of Optical Constants from Reflectance D a t a , (General Electric Research Laboratory R e p o r t ) . 4. Richard Becker, Electromagnetic Fields and Interactions, Vol. I, (Blaisdell Publishing Co., New YorkT, 1964) , p. 228. 5. N is sometimes defined as N = n(l - k ) , where k is called the attenuation coefficient. 6. W. E . Spicer, Optical Properties of S o l i d s , (Lecture notes, Stanford University, 19627". 7. Ibid. 8. J. C . Slater and N . H. Frank, E l e c t r o m a g n e t i s m , (McGrawHill Book Co., Inc., New York^ 1947), p .. 120. 9. C . Kittel, Elementary Statistical P h y s i c s , (John Wiley § Sons, Inc., Ne w York, 1958) , p . 210. 10. S . Wang, Solid State E l e c t r o n i c s , (McGraw-Hill Book, Co., Inc'. , Ne w York, 1966) , p . 6 74. 11. E . I . Fisher, I . Fujita, and G . L . W e i s s l e r , Optical Constants of Silver and Barium in the V a c u u m Ultraviolet Spectral Region, (Technical Report prepared for NASA, No. US C - V a c U V - 108, May, 1966). 12. L . Marton, 13. T. E . LaVilla and J. M e n d l o w i t z , A p p l . (1965). Rev. Mod. P h y s . 2_8, 172 (1956). Opt. 4, 955 - 31 - 14. H . Ehrenreich and H. R . Philipp, • (1963). 15. D. 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