-:.i ty te qusutio nt Uo JotIoJa tin a trip o isnapection iruAuwn nas rcievet te Vicks choed. Let th 'and'to tuit ' tiho. bent way to burg at this port for strategic reas as he will. hec bring the SItin las Indlians to Ci- o9s. The Government forces ar chnology whict I vilizistion. A1 Ft 1. nl. of tle Maine reconcentrated on the western sid ,r he misunder. dIsy we antc hIrtrd at Notblre . of Lake Nicaragua, it is reported (e The revolutionists from Chonta that is gold, or Dion where we spent the night ,,ea attacked General Toledo'i is, or amethysts . and ulrdy left Sal nt n. in. Dourforce at Tipitapa river, but were ir iron, or steel what is called i ing the wlt ile day we coull ad. defeated with considerable loss. ilatan ot o knows? The mire the in ullernl,l ldois to utilize, . the Gulf of San Illan, and te far. OM SSIONERGENERAL tricity give a hills of the Andex uvrel with TOOK PRECAU rONS. ultimate atom, rich vergetti ion andortuitg here ho attempts to and there i,enutirfil enepry. . IIA A UOtpLICATa L'sT. s0 PrlzsI of the eiluid At5 'l.l I. we aw in tile dinWILL a: AWAXDI. i .cre words. tance Cain Tiluron whiern the ·rted by geolog- IReplhli of I'nallia etlcllanll tilh Brussels, Aug 16-The lists 'oi cat many years Culoiullsliao tIerrit.ry I.giis. ive awards to exhibitors is still avail. the drawing of ri I.-s altvny wve w a small tWId able and they wvill reccive prizes. t bterranean ·ls.i Iell*' 'Itil o, whiic, The Comlnissioner-General of the an end, but the prettlly ly i, we sanw sv!ral expo;lition. fearing accidents had and developer at nighlt fill ___:li1-. _ . z -nnl...'"' " 0 -i -a rest,Ie from the . lights, wlii,.it iomli-at-,t that tl.r.- stcuce. be hundreds of wras l'uo.rt,, ()lin. tle- t.vt. At elancholy aban- Istitnttin tw, foundailtelel 14 elling of failure nonltih.s i to xsO uwt to te 1i. PRIVATE UIIURIAL FOR to supply, but dians that he whole roast sif Satl fields are being 1s: i 'anaildtitnt: territory undl .FLORINCE .:I(;HTINGALE. over and for will be new that Colotililin lns Iloltihiu t luI FEt.UtSM.D IT IN tiER WILL object or :r. It is mnuch there ny tur. 'rThe :entury since a that towu was also to flitallt t' London. Aug. 16-The eecu. Western Penn. ruonltulree with t lilinlr?, to tort of the will of Florence Night. only' oll field. con'c in ingale have definitely declined lltact withl thetal anti has spread to to attract thelt ntlt eivilixrtd life, the Sffer 'of public burial in and to the Gulf which l partially bLin alttai- Wisiminster Abbey. They con. ,pe gives forth ned, one or two thousantl of those sider they are bound by the !. Yet the-de. terms of the will in which shie il' eonmiared to Indlians liaving recoguizetl alrean expressed the wish.for a private dy the' Panamanian aluthorities funeral. The oil produe. ans'l having have.the world of l'uortc; Olhaldia where thearo consented not to do any lharl to - - .. :i ' vevryrllenr to10 Su011 tisSia to study measures for combating the disease. is -increasing. ' Children are' starving in many instances because the parents and dult relatives have been swept aay by the disease, leaving them 'nsupported. There is no indicae tion of the epidemic decreasing, new ases being reported. daily. rhe official figures, though immense, are understating tefull extent of the disease, owing to the impossibility of registering ll the ases, ZNaGLI8 PAPER8S * TTAM-U. B. - : Bpenos Aires Journals Excited. . . _ Ilhtinus Aires, Atug. tnin foreign intorelts, i-'-Cer. now tho. r-atthlvy arouserilnlt tle develop. t.ltlts tll the l'nl-Amptricnn (on,. rtnit',;ilrt stild to aetIon. The ilitishl uliflstlnlers here are leadIog tlhmattack against the United itatr i efforts to sateu tile title if tle Conference. Tile 1itllans Aires "It. rlld'" in il editorinl today, entitled "L. hlotds of te l'Paeellaker" eve. 'rly ttacks Knox, and attempts Ibelittle and ridicule ltis efforts o plreserve - the --peae on the \uinrican Continent. It says lils settlement of the. Peru-Bounadot luarrel ony. tioeirponii the clalsh, may oC mentioned as' an'occasion of deepest 'intercst,'not nly a a means of bringing the eople ol the hemisphere -together, but as an effective advrtisement dOf a very progressive'community. Con­ tinning,. the 'articlte: states that those ho go from the'Unitd States may have their yes opened to wide-awake Argentiba; says the writi ' ':r:, "The Confes ence Is not ihe oily thling orth'secing and reporting. b d Argentina has a big International I. Exposition to celebrate te 'centenary of its independence. .Buc nos Aires itself i an exhibii wortb ' goiifi-n i'is'' ile -'to ee, nnd illustrates what may be done nddr. inmplse of the right srrt of ntion;l an'd local spirit. "Baenos' Aires Is bone:of 'the best- governed 'municipalities in thle hemisphere ird from it some df the oremest- towns in the United States could' learn' some­ thing in successfulrclean adminis­ tration. Buenos Aires possesses some,lndlvidual features which make it stand out among the cities of the world It has a club house I building more expensive than any d owned by any club in Hew York or London,. and possesses the best.equipped newspaper plant of anry :Journal n the world. Its streets are bordered witk. build. Ings possessing hbrmonizingarchi tecture which makes the average resident o Washfngtolt-'regret that his city 'has no artistie :.con Irol of the -haouses had ublie II I II I m,.avitewfti vhenhiai ri · o'irc' 0otf[ght. , teld.qirhotie ; di:solate* itels OI theigrea ol.: m.rbp the -pat-Into-oiise id' nia abl! eztra."Odf scold auerib s^;{d having , _,.. ':?'. '' It.. . -. Obadoia . .. ' · thi I·J· rru·�-.�.. '--·-'�-·r·r· t · CoIil i:t . .fig. tad Ftib :IoX'isilrtinrthe broltmio't and 'at i ed ; us P:lD eryg'.ato '#nleftint 1F iKg .L4rardt. T MAORtZ roe:or thc IrtASrk iem; t:l osor.L aiB. tteeji .ma wi dii'ia i6faior,: hot whaa riat t eeh, ] nlr sp forhia recent/ Itladefphi .dsrs [' m.'ditanchored In io 1 jorecasting i Cenitra'Aieriacn oft thod.'.bf. t oth't toritoba . The reT fuandel Sur; Aug 16-Jli federation; It"sa.i' .iLis *orld, lowing niorlng }i:pdent 31en- .anSan Executive Delegate to trying to mlie, deal-with ' W nt creaihtto 'he -Irau, Dr.:.o a dosd an. his Atlantic coast, handed MaIsxico':is s and the oltce drix his resignation. The power- Mexic6, where!bi: X th Polfeiqiaterte -. of n ot]ldcutonant.' Edlwarl. faves, ful reasons given therein indued Riven the gualsrdianship:. hmtep}Jeth'dn h:-th&United ST-: .Unitd hy the tral Amrolea Chref- otljsa. detachsent of the Madriz to accept. , Iriu is now alft States,'~ But foUllowiuWLt frontier, who i. the: 5tmPr sit- completerl separated from the tei, in return for an agreement to been id os.thd ite sib;i I-.,oeapital American protct. --Government. tholty.:U tlt t t~rritor7. Therc .xieo; and it expresses'f-t: ;hot th.P.gsMcz mar.bs.i ae4 fri& Dr. 3lendos sld his Seretariom tlie Conferenoe doesr dot feirti lbe pl~pl- 'erat'fn aisdigo of'-5lte eixamined everythig stggestS.th*id sabi¢t aofti ioer age ind oolked ai. the books.... An EUlROPEAN CROP OUTLOOkC the' great bene ts derived 'eq pblituCa'an~cmmurclate. i-I thtliu, King dwar in thsiu"..L.tahit' later they went through the' A t rrtc-.th2etiocour. by'mens,.... . ., ALITTtOOg tin-Ameriea, YteLD Low AND which town ir-ets of' the Yt,t.wiil le· tiles may profiL"/n4:f/: .t nn anW L.W.. 5. ofthe purpost i Uine wlthth b In Dow n ituutnt .. . TOos LOS QUE SUFRE! Pan;Amnerican Conferenc' which Ibc a gRood Ihablitants. There l ' '! bids fall'-to sccomplh :much ' t rnRg Oane London. Aug. 16-In Brittany smhool louni and tey ar build. of.th(i produo ning, the dicorv. rful by-product heat is the harvesting of the e lanentlon ltg -pretty park. �-----7'--- ind favorably:; the weathoil well sunplies. ' The climate of Puerto Ohaidia is progressing is dry and warm. The yield *ning machinery. helthftl. In tie nmountains there er the Loire valley is very poor. of thousands of are all kinds of line lumber, rublieri in It is estimated that it will be neces.. the building arid vegetable ivory, not to men- sary, in order to meet require sseL. the use of tion the cooenut, plantations, ments. to ilmport from 48 tk,96 mile' trugglea bethe outturn and refiners. which belong to tile indian tri. lion bushels. In Italy of the crop islight. but very good; . ' litigatlon, the bee. fine quality for a demand is there .end normous On iundayat 10 a. tn. we Ieft red wheat. In Spiin the crop is allureo the colo- to comne back, luakin, stops at improving. In Ulelgium and Holt ha- spouted several ' indian Threr land the htie weather has raised village-. 4 and that have Canhd's taracts from the hours after we rivEtl at Saaarli. hopes of improvement. exportable surplus of wheat is ·omplete history wat of otie tile ri,-h..t trilwr,-. estimnated at 40 million less than ,er.can be writ. Flrotst far awnv, wr? aw a tulvtimcrop will forever re. hiat fHag at tr tit ofr t llh i;l,.t 1909. in Australia the newfreely. of wheat is offered rather ohscurity as the hounae of tlh vilag.. In Russia the carting and thresh. of the Alexan. Tile st*ailer Nilsitorei sat alitut, ing of the wheat crop is progress. 4(X) menters fruitl the tiwla allal ing rather slowly. In oumania to thle threshing returns are satisof barrels have Irrilent AI-aduz;n cls'itilel the bowel of encl ahilore a reolalltiion roln- factory; the crop has been mar.Iern Penneylva- ptoseal of.MIr. .1. I'.lfvrr, SQ,,,re- kted on a large scale. In Bulga. I Central Qhio tary of l'osentu; I)r. Itafa-Il Nei- ria the arrivals front the interior {ilil Only very ra-A., (loverntor of the l'rovince are larger. The wheat crop in rful gusher was ul C(uoln; Mr. At.Inlio V'al-rina. Ser via is eitimatcd 25 per cent. under 1908; the yield. however, is I, the old Butler ,ppened. on the 1.eltitat uf tile P'olicer (url, anlcl heavy. In Hungary there are lnt-rplretr. complaints of the quality of the already 3Mr. Narviso Navt, man w-t ashlure to new crop. In Auitria the yield s .11made rom oil Thi .omlision natural produc- prlore to he nlinln t seutl is satisfactory. with the exception nce exception of repr'eanntative to hIAV a coufe- of BoIhemia. precious rtonel rence with the l'resitluat anl h!is arcs of so many Seretrie. A saoon a tle lIrty tIlrir pihtare at tihe visit, and .ns as .this rth. which gdshes arrivedi at .tardli, some :10 or mlule everal e oellplainta aginalt JI------- t aIfl.Inana oaln AlwuiurtOas1d ZuUJ.r aniL.N tuiUlor_ 'fe amlnu "'ru · '.y ,th0. 'o0rn ueadoi. settIamont;iol qlurre'Kphtoeipon . -- LEER LA$ SIGUIENTES LINEAS * Tengo 32 afht d oidede;crtbe el: < meAor Mlarin. rico lbradoro do E Ita veiMa . * Igrande (rnelci. *anterforos he psdecido ligundo. .'a ceis d Aebre quo ban cosd0 at *us d sultf t do qilnaitna el ·me d.(4sto tlumo me 'voltid & ismsa debre Intermi· cometer * stsulfat de a tentc, pero as.er * quinine no produjo of efcto, de · costumbre, caslndome, on catmble, a , por vivo dolores d esdmngo * conscuencla, un rputgnsnct In* vencibl. * aumento Pba towards bringing' the A'Xesricn Rcpublis togethert;.'And ..the Mfrendshrp wrl be .oemmtedstill more :fir mly iwhe.'the Panama Canali open, antlk rwetve 'the wisdom . to' estabih.''onr~own lines of ships betwent th ports of the., United States ' -ud thoseof .; Southern Nation ." -- ., , L " o5 MARTIN repugsotaci otrsmuad- hscs lo alimeotnt y Otiagrna debilidad. Pa­ uba lu nochs dosamodoe pantOow y no podla sborsar l ursolt, momebtro de reposeo. * De poenr qua no podlr yt soportar el daileo remedlo qu hata entouceo ma habie 4eado, liegui A metir Ds .tristaes profunds. , e1lcespoernba domsperdo. ,a, . muert.* - i: "-' .:.:. G T . HES. ALWAY . Aebre qtoe yo padecla /C ,.. ' .'.. -' , j '' ..·cA . o me proeot4 un& · . : Loa, begn .who ?forthclffe. ge En pic An rol me: ias . th me life,as a poor rgporter,.novwowna the London Times, the Daily MdJll the Daily.. Mlrror,-_ the. .Evening News, and a score or two.,of -. Weeklies and magazines. : ' last .Lord Northclillfe, 'on.;h visit-to New York, was reproached newspapers ad. becaus tw'its vocated diametrically oppodite views .: . . mc sh be '.' - .. : wel si, Vis set ..But the young millionaire jor nalist was quite ready. with his . : '· defens "Are there not," ho said, twc sides, a right and wrong, to ever quention? Well how, without twc Cl i paper, can I always be right7- tla tit­ Los Angeles Times. . . - > ... in T) ­ .USTIFIED mc' w . 7, * . .