
Effective Date
Date of Last Revision
Chapter Name
Information Management
Chapter Number
Central File Share Use, Availability and Rights Management
1.0 Purpose
The University has a responsibility to manage the central file shares to protect and assure the availability of the data
stored on that system. This policy establishes the basic rules for use, availability and rights management.
2.0 Scope
This policy applies to all users of the Central File Share.
3.0 Policy
The Central File Share is provided for general electronic file storage necessary in the normal course of
conducting University business.
The Division of IT is responsible for managing the Central File Share and determining allocations and
acceptable use within the context of all university policies and all strategic requests.
Files stored on the Central File Share must be business related. Personal use of this system is
prohibited. Individuals should make alternative arrangements for their non-business related files with a
3rd party service provider of their choice.
Where financially feasible, the Central File Share may also be used in support of specific business
processes (for example, a share defined to store image files for the Admissions Imaging application).
For this paragraph to apply, IT and Departments must work together to define the need and use
applicable to the specific business processes and then define that use in an IT “Standard” under and
consistent with this policy.
Share space is a limited resource and usage should be consistent with the University’s mission and
consistent with the Acceptable Use Policy. In addition, the following restrictions apply:
a. Except as defined within #4 above, storage of video files, audio files and photo files should be
minimal on the shares to ensure this shared resource is available to meet general business
needs. Departments that need to store significant volumes of these file types can work with
IT to determine needs and costs.
b. The University has not funded a solution for hard drive backups. As such, the Central File
Share should not be used for this purpose. Departments that require hard drive backups
should make separate arrangements with DoIT or with an appropriate service provider.
Shares are available on campus. Although not a guaranteed service, shares may be remotely accessible
using the VPN system.
The storage system that hosts the Central File Share will be maintained consistent with other EMU
enterprise systems. To the extent possible, maintenance will occur during planned outages that are
announced at least five business days in advance of the outage. However, the system may be taken
offline for emergency maintenance to resolve significant performance or security issues as required.
IT Policy
Form Version 3.0
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Should there be any situation where higher level approval is required to approve a change, IT shall use
the list of Authorized Approvers published on the IT Web Site under the “Project Inventory and RFS
Process” to determine which Senior Administrator can approve the change. (As an example, this
provision may be used in cases where reorganization has occurred and the contents of a share may
need to be divided among multiple units or where a department head has left EMU.)
IT will provide a cost estimate for service continuation for usage that exceeds normal usage thresholds
or for new requests that exceed IT’s financial ability to provide and maintain the service.
4.0 Responsibility for Implementation
The Director of Network and Systems Services and the Director of Enterprise Support shall have the responsibility
and authority to cause this policy to be implemented and maintained.
5.0 Enforcement
Any employee found to violate federal or State of Michigan laws, EMU policies, procedures or standards of
conduct, will be subject to disciplinary action under University policy. Any student found to violate federal or State
of Michigan laws, EMU policies, procedures or standards of conduct, will be subject to disciplinary action under
EMU’s Student Code of Conduct. Any suspected violation of state or federal laws will be reported to the appropriate
legal authority for investigation.
The University reserves the right to protect its electronic resources from threats of immediate harm. This may
include activities such as disconnecting an offending computer system from the campus network, terminating a
running job on a computer system, or taking other action.
6.0 Definitions
Central File Share
7.0 Revision History
First Draft – Jenkins
Approved by CIO
IT Policy
Storage provisioned from the DoIT central storage array for use as file system
storage. This is often referred to as the “W: Drive” or similar.
Approval Date
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