Charter Information Technology Policy Committee 1. Purpose The Information Technology Policy Committee will administer a consistent and collaborative lifecycle for the development and maintenance of policies, procedures, standards and guidelines for efficient and effective operation of the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) and to protect the interests of the University by adherence to federal and state regulatory requirements, national standards, best practices and audit control. 2. Responsibilities • • • • • • • • Based upon best practices, manage lifecycle of and recommend policies, procedures, standards and guidelines related to assets, operations and services of DoIT. Periodically review all IT policies, procedures, standards and guidelines for accuracy. Review federal and state regulatory requirements, national standards, best practices and audit controls for required updates to IT developed policies, procedures, standards and guidelines. Identify need and obtain sponsorship for University IT policies as needed. Sponsor the creation of IT policies for non group specific policies as needed. Guarantee compliance with EMU policy 2.6 Policy on Policies including discussion, notification, and dissemination of information associated with IT or administrative policies. Develop and maintain procedures to: o propose new or modified IT policies, procedures, standards and guidelines o process such proposals o obtain constituent review of such proposals o disseminate/publish approved documents Develop and maintain templates and conventions for categories and numbering. 3. Authority • • • The committee is chartered by and reports to the CIO. Actions of the committee are subject to the review and approval of the CIO. The chair shall have final authority over the rules of operation for the committee. IT Policy Committee – Charter January 27, 2014 Page 1 of 2 Information Technology Policy Committee 4. Membership Members are appointed by the CIO. Chair – Director of Business Operations Rotation of members • Process for appointment o Appointment shall be for a three-year renewable term o Appointment will be made by CIO by December 1 • Process for resignation prior to completion of term o Appointment will be made by CIO o Appointment will fulfill remaining term of member who resigned One or more representatives serving a three-year term from each of the following departments: • Business Operations • Network & Systems Services/Enterprise Operations (at least 2) • Enterprise Support/Desktop & Classroom Technology (at least 2) 5. Meetings Meet biweekly 6. Ground Rules Role of chair • Distribute agenda and relevant materials in electronic format at least two business days prior to meeting • Ensure that meetings begin and end on time • Maintain focus on agenda topics • Provide minutes and relevant materials to CIO • Maintain minutes or designate a recorder – note committee actions and distribute minutes in electronic format within five business days • Maintain list of document status and list of approved documents Role of members • Complete assignments by due dates • Ensure that discussion about sensitive or controversial topics is treated confidentially • Judge ideas, not people • Attend every meeting; if not able to attend a meeting, contact chair • Contribute to the activities in order to fulfill the purpose IT Policy Committee - Charter Page 2 of 2