Group 2 Field Grace Matt Gildner Rachel Price Mission Objective Tree y travel to and survey y Harvard Bridge g Pylons. y Goal: Autonomously Objectives Rugged Vehicle Fly Planned Path Flyy Parallel to Wall Photo‐Survey Bridge Support Tasks Analyze Vehicle Capabilities Construct Support Structure Analyze Sensors and Motors Navigate Bridge with GPS Cl d L Closed‐Loop C Controll Navigate Bridge with Sonar Record Images of Bridge Pylon Solar Feasibility Spec/ Select Solar Panels Project Division y Vessel Structure ‐ Physical Components y Sensors – GPS, Sonar, etc. y Propulsion ‐ Motors y Control – Data Collection, Commands y Solar ‐ Panel Selection/Integration y Environment – Waves Student D • • • • Vessel Modifications Buoyancy Weight and Trim Final Design Desig V l Modifications M difi i Vessel Motivation: needed survivable & rugged vessel y Functional Requirements: y Stable y Maneuverable y Sensor mounts y Rugged design PT 2017 Photo of the Pro Boat Miss Elam 1/12 Brushless RTR removed due to copyright restrictions. Pro Boat Miss Elam Spirit of the Challenge Final Design y Trimaran y Stability = pontoons y Maneuverability = motors mounted outboard y Sensor mounts = metal sheet + hull structure y Rugged = strong, non‐corrosive materials P Si l l i Pontoon Size C Calculations V = Awaterline h ~ Akite h li •h ki •h Streamline : d1/d2 ~ 3 d2 d1 V = .5(d1)(d2)(h) = .5(6”)(18”)(5.75”) = 310.5 in3 > 303 in3 Mold to shape pontoons H ll Stability St bilit Hull Metacentric height v. Draft 120 100 80 Draft = 3.5 in GM = 44.2 44 2 in 60 40 20 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Draft (in) 3 3.5 4 4.5 Hull Trim Trim Moment as a Function of Draft 450 1in Draft 2in Draft 3in Draft 3 5i (T 3.5in (Tow T Tank) k) 250 • Loaded with battery and pontoon assembly only: - Freeboard = 0 in ! 50 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -150 -350 -550 Trim (in) • Port-Starboard trim with symmetry • Loaded with extra 3.5 lbs at bow: - Freeboard = 0.75 in Student B • • • • Pontoon Wave Forcing Wave –Frequency Resonance Transportation Stress Hazards Crashworthiness‐‐ Crashworthiness Crashworthines Spring‐Mass Resonance Model y Single cantilever beam w/point loading : Euler Bernoulli Equation d 4u w( x) = F ⋅ δ ( x − L) EI 4 = w( x) where : F dx y Mass –Spring System: F = −k ⋅ u y Resonant R t ffrequency: k ω= m y Vessel Natural Frequency: q y ω = 83Hz u= k= 3EI L3 y Far higher than frequency of water waves! y Near frequency of transportation vibrations y Switch h bolt b l attachments h to delrin d l wingnuts 3EI L3 Wave Forcing on Pontoon • B = 0.075m, 0 075m T = 0.1m 0 1m • Worst‐case waves : ω= 1Hz A= 0.3m • Deep water waves: k= F FK = − ∫ ∫ p nds Sw l 2 ρage − kT cos(ωt ) sin( kb) FZ = k FzMax L 2 ρage − kT sin( kb) = = 166 N k ω2 m ~ 0.1 • Surface pressure integration: Fx = 2 Lρag (1 − e − kt ) sin(ωt ) sin( kb) FxMax = 2 Lρag (1 − e − kt ) sin(kb) Fx Max = 0.44 N Implications of wave forcing y Forcing moment: 50Nm y Horizontal force on pontoon is negligible Danger zones: y Vertical force causes moment y Reaction force on boat structure: 277.8N y Bend in pipes MR y Stress calculated using σ = I y Max stress: 8.8 x 106 Pa y Yield stress of aluminum: 4 x 108 Pa y Force on bolts • Originally, load distributed over 6 bolts • Total force on each bolt is 46.3N y y Strut bend Structural bolts If stress is too high, the internal structure could be ripped completely out of the boat! Failure of internal boat structure y Internal structure to which pontoons are mounted is held onto hull with epoxy y Approximate that most stress on epoxy is in the shear direction y Epoxy much weaker in ‘peel’ forcing y Peel forcing unlikely: hull not pulled outwards independent of plate y Shear force per unit area of epoxy contact: 1.5 1 5 x 104 Pa y Shear strength of epoxy: 1.4 x 107 Pa Transportation and Handling y Most likely transportation method is to carry by frame y Potential problems due to weight of boat: •Total weight of boat hull and components: 26lbs •Stress on epoxy << than rated shear stress (8,000 PSI) •Original 6‐bolt design: 19.3N per attachment point • Internal boat structure failure possible • Design modified to reduce these issues • Number of bolts increased to 12 Pontoon Arm Collision y Impact creates moment around central attachments y U‐bolts on plate – act as moment constraint y Peel forces on epoxy y Crash 1 pontoon while boat travelling at 1 ms‐1 forward y Relevant for mission and for vessel transportation y Results: y Moment around center – 15.87 Nm y Force per U‐bolt U bolt – 31.24 31 24 N (U (U‐bolt bolt max. max rating: 1935 N) y Average force on epoxy – 89.25 N y Total peel strength of epoxy – 91.44 N/mm epoxy peeled Student E • • • • Reading GPS Data GPS Test Results Result Reading Compass Data Readingg Sonar Data Global Positioning System y Standard Format: GPRMC,135713.000,A,4221.4955,N,07105.5817,W,4.29,258.17,310809,,*16 y GPS shield is used on Arduino MEGA y 1 signal i l hit/second hit/ d Courtesy of Used with permission. Trial 1 Trial‐2 Trial‐3 GPS Output y Imaginary X‐Y I i X Y coordinate di t system t y Sailing pavilion as the origin y GPS latitude and longitude processing: y Decoded into x‐y coordinates y Sent as an input to control system Photo by ladyada on Flickr. A i Compass C OS5000 3 3‐Axis y Primary Navigation y Low Noise y Works under the bridge y Faster refresh rate than GPS y Outputs to Control System y Heading: 0 to 360 degrees y Pitch: ‐90 to +90 degrees y Roll: ‐180 to +180 degrees WR 1 LV MaxSonar WR‐1 • Range 0‐255 inches • Analog and serial output Photo of the MaxSonar WR1 removed due to copyright restrictions. – Analog accurate 1” of serial output – Maintain moving average off anallog output • • • • • • Fully waterproofed M Mounted t d to servo Run at pre‐set heading until wall is detected Wall detection @ 3.05 3 05 m, m Accurate reliable readings @ 2.13 m Safety buffer of 1.52 1 52 m from wall Student A • Selected Sonar • Wall Finding Findin • Wall Following • Control Architecture Mi i Pl i Mission Planning z Mission stored as an array of way points z z Sample way point: { x, y, heading, speed, range, mode } Modes describe behavior of boat Test Mission z z z z Unreliable GPS and sonar data Reliable compass data Internal clock, counting time Mission composed of target headings, and times at which to change way points Wall Finding and Following z Two modes: modes z z Mode 1: Travel at set heading until wall is detected Mode 2: Hold constant distance from wall, wall assumed to face a known heading M d 2 Mode Mode1 Data Collection z Serial z z z Analog z z z GPS: Position Compass: p Heading, g, Pitch and Roll Sonar: Range Solar: Voltage Output Internal z z Time: Since program start up Way point and error Data Logging z Logging constrained to <1 Hz z z Logged to an onboard netbook z z z Higher speed causes serial buffers to fill Data stored via Realterm Formatted for MATLAB importing External GPS data stored on SD card Student C • Propulsion and Speed Control • Thrust Tests Test • MATLAB Simulations • Real‐ Real‐World Tests Propulsion System Design y 2 Thrusters y 1 per outer hull y Differential thrust for yaw y PWM control t l with ith Arduino Ad i and Speed Controllers y 12V DC Trolling Motors Speed Controller Selection y Pro Boat 40A Waterproof ESC y Limited PWM frequency q y range g y Incompatible with Arduino PWM y Victor 884 ESC y Compatible with Arduino y Not Waterprooff Photos removed due to copyright restrictions. Please see: Pro Boat Waterproof ESC with Reverse 5-12V 40A VEX Robotics Victor 884 + 12V Fan Thrust Test y Test conducted in water tank y Thrust was measured at differentt motor diff t voltages lt y Data fit to linear curve y Maximum vehicle thrust=2X28.17N=56.3N y Minimum voltage=1.5V g Force=Sensor Force X R2/R1 Thrust Test Data C t l System S t d MATLAB Simulation Si l ti Control and y Closed‐loop proportional control y heading and speed using sonar, GPS, and compass y Mission set set‐points points determine control behavior y Way‐point Traveling y Static Heading Following y Wall Following y Boat and control system modeled in MATLAB using ODE45 y M, J, B(lateral) B(lateral), B(rotational) y Various set‐points were used as inputs to adjust the gains Si l ti Simulations Simulations Experiments Experiments Student F Characterize wave spectrum of Charles River Ri River Setup Flow rate meter computer LabPro LoggerPro Real Term Pressure transducer Arduino microprocessor River Wave Data Case 1 y Fair weather y No Wind y No river activity Case 2 y Raining y Steady wind y No river activity y Case 3 Case 4 y Raining y High winds y No river activity y Test T tD Day y Fair weather y Slight wind y High boat traffic River Wave Data Case 1 y Fair weather y No Wind y No river activity Case 2 y Raining y Steady wind y No river activity y Case 3 Case 4 y Raining y High winds y No river activity y Test T t Day D y Fair weather y Slight wind y High boat traffic D t Data Heights and Wave Periods Average 1/3 wave height = 0.7174 cm Average period length = 1.1487 s River Wave Data Case 1 y Fair weather y No Wind y No river activity Case 2 y Raining y Steady wind y No river activity y Case 3 Case 4 y Raining y High winds y No river activity y Test T t Day D y Fair weather y Slight wind y High boat traffic D t Data Heights and Periods Average 1/3 wave height = 1.3295 cm Average period length = 0.5450 s River Wave Data Case 1 y Fair weather y No Wind y No river activity Case 2 y Rain y Moderate wind y No river activity y Case 3 Case 4 y Rain y High winds y No river activity y Test T t Day D y Fair weather y Moderate wind y High boat traffic D t Data H i ht and dP i d Heights Periods Average 1/3 wave height = 1.4242 cm Average period length = 0.8082 s River Wave Data Case 1 y Fair weather y No Wind y No river activity Case 2 y Rain y Steady wind y No river activity y Case 3 Case 4 y Rain y High winds y No river activity y Test T t Day D y Fair weather y Slight wind y High boat traffic D t Data Heights and Periods Average 1/3 wave height = 3.5856 cm Average period length = 0.7936 s W S Wave Spectra Conclusions y No real current y Waves driven by two sources y Wind y River activity y Frequency F ffaster in i presence off wind i d source y Need more data! Student G • • • • Vehicle Requirements Po Pow wer er Output Te TTest st System Integration Feasibility Comparison Compariso Project Overview y Tasked with feasibility assessment for solar power use y Desired quantitative data Assess Vehicle R i Requirements Select Panels Check Panel Specifications Integrate S stem System Full System System Test Vehicle Requirements Component Voltage Current Power Accelerometer 6V 50 mA 0.300 W Sonar 5V 50 mA 0.250 W GPS 3.3 V 50 mA 0.165 W Arduino Mega 5V 50 mA 0.25 W Electronics Total: 0.965 W Motors (Min) ( ) 12 V 0.25 A 3W Motors (Max) 12 V 2.50 A 30 W Vehicle Minimum Total: 3 965 W 3.965 Vehicle Maximum Total Total: 30.965 W Correcting Specifications y Panel output: Pout = η panel Edensity Apanel y Standard Peak Edensity : 1000 W/m2 (noon @ equator) y Boston Dec. Dec Peak Edensity : 800 W/m2 y Ideal: 10am on sunny day Sun Power Density y 600 W/m2 1200 P(t) = P ⋅sin( t − t dawn t dusk − t dawn ⋅ Π) 1000 Power in W/m2 y Non‐ideal: 10am Cloudy y 200 W/m2 y Power through day day: 800 600 400 200 0 ‐200 200 0 Standard 5 10 15 20 Time of Day in Hours Boston Ideal Boston Non‐Ideal 25 Suntech STP0055‐12 Measured Capabilities y Sunny: y Short Circuit Current : 0.21 0 21 A y Measured Output: 2.8 W y Cloudy y Short Sh t Ci Circuit it C Current: t 0.065 0 065 A y Measured Output: 0.933 W Sunny Cloudy 30 Voltage (V) Estimated Capabilities y Peak Rated Power = 5W y Peak Power (sunny)= 3W y Peak Power (rainy) = 1W Suntech Panel Power Curve 20 10 0 ‐10 0 0.1 0.2 Current (A) 2 V P = VI + = R 0.3 System Integration Physical System Electronic System R1: 170 Ω > 21 V >4V Arduino Arduino Voltage Logger Power Resistor 140 Ω 21 V y Panels sit on motor mounting y Servo available for optimization Solar l Panel Vout = R2 Vin R1 + R2 R2: 40 Ω Feasibility‐ Electronics Measured Cloudy Output Electronic Power Consumption Extrapolated Sunny Output 8 7 6 Power ((W) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time (s) 300 350 400 450 500 Full Vehicle Feasibility 70 Extrapolated Sunny Panel Output Vehicle Total Minimum Power Use Actual Mission Power Use 60 Power (W W) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time (s) 350 400 450 500 Mission Video y View from vessel y View from shore Final Evaluation Solar Feasibility Rugged Vehicle Fly Planned Path Survey Bridge Wall‐ Following y Vehicle survived well y Deployment & leaks y Path followed y Solar power sufficient y No time for f bridge test y Capability Present y Wall W ll ffollowing ll i untested t t d Future Mission Objectives y Add full GPS navigation capabilities y Use Sonar for wall following y Remote data logging abilities y Actively control solar panel angle y Test in warmer drier weather!! Special Thanks to: Franz Hover Josh Leighton Harrison Chin Charlie Ambler MIT Sailing Pavilion MIT Towing Tank Mechanical Engineering Department Center for Ocean Engineering Ch Chevron Schlumberger S hl b Q Questions? i ? N lA hi SSpreadsheet dh Naval Architecture y Displacement v. draft N lA hit t SSpreadsheet dh t Naval Architecture y GM calculation N lA hi SSpreadsheet dh Naval Architecture y Trim Calculation Fully Constrained Pontoon Attachments Leads to stress concentrations at joints Previous Designs Pressure Transducer: Calibration Curve slope = -0.366 cm/Volt MIT OpenCourseWare 2.017J Design of Electromechanical Robotic Systems Fall 2009 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: