Structure and bonding of transition metal complexes by Donald Leslie Ward A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in Chemistry Montana State University © Copyright by Donald Leslie Ward (1972) Abstract: The crystal and molecular structures of two transition metal complexes were solved by the X-ray diffraction method; a comparison of the. first structure with an independent, duplicate determination of the structure has yielded information about the precision of the X-ray method and a. study of the second structure has yielded information about the relationship between the geometry of the molecule in the crystal and the geometry when free of the intermolecular forces in the crystal. Ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(II) chloride monohydrate crystallizes in space group P21/c with a = 6.905(5)A, b = 11.680(4)A, c = 18.038(22)A, β = 101,41(10)°, and Z =4. The nickel(II) ion is in square-planar configuration and the complex ion is essentially planar except for the ethylene bridge. Extensive hydrogen bpnding, involving the water of hydration and the two chloride ions, joins the complex ions into infinite sheets parallel to the (100) plane with additional hydrogen bonds acting between the sheets. The final R is 3,1% for 1714 observed intensities. The comparison of the atomic parameters and standard deviations of the two independent determinations of the structure has indicated general good agreement between the. two determinations. However, the comparison also indicates that there are significant differences between certain classes of parameters and that the estimated standard deviations of the two determinations have been underestimated, on the average, by a factor of about 1.7, Dicarbonylnitrosyltriphenylphosphlnecobalt(0) crystallizes in space group Pl with a = 11.055(2)A, b = 11.024(4)A, c = 10.260(2)A, α 121.07(2)°, β= 101.01(2)°, γ=105.14(2)°, and Z = 2. The cobalt and phosphorus atoms are in approximately tetrahedral configurations and the nitrosyl and carbonyl groups are disordered. There is no indication of hydrogen bonding. The final R is 3.2% for 2006 observed intensities. Non-bonded repulsion energies were calculated for the molecule with respect to rotation about the Co-P bond and about the three P-C (phenyl) bonds for the molecule in the crystal and for the free molecule. It was found that the configuration in the crystal minimizes the energy in the crystal but that the free molecule rotates approximately 20° about the Co-P bond to minimize the. energy. STRUCTURE AND BONDING QF TRANSITION METAL COMPLEXES . by DONALD LESLIE WARD A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements fpr. the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY ' in Chemistry Approved: Head, Major Department, Chairman, Examining Committee Graduate tfDean MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana June, 1972 iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT I wish to thank Dr. Charles N. Caughlan for his advice and guidance and other members of the faculty of Montana State University for their help, I wish to acknowledge the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society for fellowships while working on the research. Also I wish to thank the Computing Center of Montana State University for grants of computing time. Finally, I wish to thank my wife, Joan, for her patience, understanding and support while this research was being completed. TABLE OF CONTENTS 'Page LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . „ „ .. LIST OF FIGURES . . , .................. .. '. ., . ... ... v iii ABSTRACT . .... vi . . . ... . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION . . ix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PART I /' f . Ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(II) chloride- monohydrate' INTRODUCTION . ■.........................3 I. The Crystal and Molecular Structure Preparation of the crystals . 6 . . 6 . . ......... ................ .. Density d e t e r m i n a t i o n ...................' . . . . . 6 Determination of space group and cell parameters . 7 Collection of the data . . . . . ' ................. 7 Determination of the structure 6 . , ...............10 The structure ............. . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Hydrogen bonding ............................. ' . . . 18 Bonding within the complex ion .'. . II. The Comparison of the Two Determinations Experimental d i f f e r e n c e s ............... ... . , '. 26 ... . .. . 28, . . . . . 28 Refinement differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Comparison of parameter differences. . . . . . . . 29 The CHI-square t e s t .............. . •. . . . . . 30 The half-normal probability plot analysis' SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . .. .■ . ... . 32 . .' . .. . 40 V PART II Dicarbony lhitrosyltripheny Iph.osphinecobalt (O) INTRODUCTION ........................ I. The Crystal and Molecular Structure Preparation of the crystals Density determination . . . . . . . . . . 43 . '.......... „ . ' 45 45 . . . . . . . . . . . ............... 45 . . . . . . Determination of space group and cell parameters . 46 Collection of the d a t a ............... .. 46 Determination of the structure ................... 4$ The s t r u c t u r e ........... ................... .. 58 Bonding to the cobalt(O) a t o m ................... 62 II. The Study of the Angular C o n f i g u r a t i o n ........... 69 Introduction . . . . . . . The molecule in the crystal The free molecule ............... ^ P . . . . SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS APPENDIX I . 69 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 . 71 . 76 Normal Probability Plot Analysis . . . . . 79 APPENDIX II. Determining the External Geometry and Dimensions of a Single Crystal .................... gg LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . 87 vi LIST OF TABLES PART I Page Ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(II) chloride monohydrate TABLE I Crystal Data TABLE 2 Observed and Calculated Structure Factors . TABLE 3 Positional Parameters of Non -hydrogen Atoms ♦ ' 14 TABLE 4 Thermal Parameters of Non-hydrogen Atoms TABLE 5 Hydrogen Atom Parameters TABLE 6 . Least-squares Planes TABLE 7 Bond Distances . . . . . . • O O O 0 0 O . TABLE S Bond Angles . . . . . . . . 0 0 e 0 e 0 0 . .i. 20 TABLE 9 Hydrogen Bonding . . . • . . . * TABLE 10 CHI-square Test . . . . . . 31 TABLE 11 6P^ for Nickel and .Chlorine Bin'S- 34 . . . . . . . • O O • ... e . . . . . . • . • . 12 . . 0 S 15 . . ■ 16 . •■ 17 . . 19 22 PART II Dicarbonylnitrosyltriphenylphosphinecobait(O) TABLE 12 Crystal Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 TABLE 13 Observed and Calculated Structure Factors . . 51 TABLE 14 Positional Parameters of Non-hydrogen Atoms . 55 TABLE 15 __ Thermal Parameters of Non-hydrogen Atoms' TABLE 16 Hydrogen Atom Parameters TABLE 17 Least-squares Planes TABLE IS Bond Distances . . . . . . 56 ........ .57 .. ..................... 61 . . .... ....... 63 vii TABLE 19 Bond A n g l e s ............. .......... .......... 64 TABLE 20 Comparison of Nitrosyl and Carbonyl Bond Distances TABLE 21 . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 Non-bonded Repulsion Energies . . . ... . . . 74 viii LIST OF FIGURES PART I Page Ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(II )chloride monohydrate FIGURE I Bond Distances and A n g l e s .................... .21 FIGURE 2 Crystal Structure Projected onto (100) Plane 24 FIGURE 3 Crystal Structure Projected onto (010) Plane 25 FIGURE 4 Half-normal Probability Plot for Parameters . . . . FIGURE 5 o e e e o e all e e e t o o Half-normal Probability Plot for Nickel and Chlorine Pi j ts ............................ FIGURE 6 35 Half-normal Probability Plot for Nickel and 36 Chlorine P n ' s ............. FIGURE 7 33 Half-normal Probability Plot for Nickel and ■Chlorine Pij’s (i^j) . . . * . * * . * * . 37 PART II Dicarbonylnitrosyltriphenylphosphinecobalt(O) FIGURE 8 Molecular Structure . . * ......... * . « 65 FIGURE 9 Stereographia Packing Diagram FIGURE 10 Non-bonded Repulsion Energies as a Function of Rotation about the Co^P Bond 59 » » * * * 72 APPENDIX II FIGURE Il Graphical Illustration of View Through the Alignment Microscope of the Diffractometer 84 ABSTRACT The crystal and molecular structures of two transition metal complexes were solved by the X-ray diffraction method; a comparison of the. first structure.with-an independent, ■ duplicate determination of the structure has yielded • information about the precision of the X-ray method and a. study of the second structure has yielded information about the relationship between the geometry of the molecule in the crystal and the geometry when free of the inbermpiecuiar■■ forces in the crystal. Ethylenebisbiguanidenickel( II) chloride monohydrate crystallizes in space group PZ^/c with a = 6.905(5)A, b = 11.6S0(4)A, c = 18.038(22)A, P= 101,41(10)9, and Z = 4 . The nickel(II) ion is in square-planar configuration and the complex ipn is essentially planar except, for the ethylene bridge. Extensive hydrogen bonding, involving the water of hydration and the two chloride ions, joins the complex ions into infinite sheets parallel to. the (100 ) ■ plane with additional hydrogen bonds acting between the sheets. The final R is 3.1% for 1714 observed.intensities. The comparison of the atomic parameters and standard deviations of the two independent determinations of the ' structure has indicated general good agreemeht between t h e . two determinations. However, the comparison also indicates that there are significant differences between certain classes of parameters and that the estimated'standard deviations of the two determinations have been under­ estimated, on the average, by a factor of about 1 .7 . Dicarbonylnitrosyltriphenylphosphlnecobalt(O) crystallizes in space group Pl with a = 11.055(-2)A, b = 11.024(4)A, c = 10.260(2)A, a- 1 2 1 .0 7 (2 )0 , P = 101.01(2)°, Y = 105.14(2)°, and Z = 2. The cobalt and phosphorus atoms are in approximately tetrahedral configurations and the nitrosyl and carbonyl groups are disordered. There is no indication;of hydrogen bonding. ■ The final R is 3.2% for 200.6 observed intensities. Non-bonded repulsion energies were calculated for the molecule with respect to rotation about t h e .Go-P bond and about the three P-C (phenyl) bonds for the molecule in the crystal and for the free molecule. If was found that the configuration in the crystal minimizes the energy in the. crystal but that the free molecule rotates, approximately 20° about the Co-P bond, to minimize the. energy. INTRODUCTION This dissertation is divided into two parts,'egch. presenting a different crystal structure which makes significant contributions to the literature. The first, that of ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(II) chloride monohydrate (3 1 ), represents a duplicate, independent, accurate, diffractometer, X-ray determination of the structure.Significant information concerning the precision of the X-ray method has been learned from a comparison of t h e ' two determinations of the structure of this compound. The second, that of dicarbonylnitrosyltriphenylphosphinecobalt(O) (3 3 ), was investigated to assist in understanding its role in the catalysis of the dimerization of norbornadiene (bicyclo [-2 •2 «l] hepta- 2 ,5-diene) (21 ). A study of the structure has yielded information concerning the relationship between the geometry of the molecule in the crystal and the geometry of the molecule when free of. the intermolecular forces in the crystal. PART I Ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(II) chloride monohydrate INTRODUCTION The original purpose of this study -was the determination of the structure of ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(II)chloride monohydrate and the study of the nature of the tetradentate ligand along with its effect on the nickel coordination. When the structure determination, was completed, prepublication notice was received from Professor Richard Marsh of the California Institute of Technology indicating an independent determination of ,the structure there (l8 ). The consideration of the precision of the two determinations, the different methods of data collection and solution of the structure suggested that these duplicate structure determinations present an ideal case to study the accuracy and precision of X-ray crystal structure determinations. Such a study is presented along with the structural details of the crystal. The precision of an experimentally-determined parameter is indicated by the estimated standard deviation. The estimated standard deviations for the atomic parameters, determined in X-ray crystal structure studies have been phe subject of questions concerning their accuracy. Several statistical methods are available for the comparison of two sets of parameters with respect to their standard 4 deviations. A simple method is to compare the differences, between corresponding parameters to the. standard deviations; this can be done for individual p a r a meters,for groups of parameters, or for all parameters at once. The information obtained from this method would indicate agreement or lack of agreement between the two sets of parameters with respect to the standard deviations but does not indicate the correctness of the estimate of the standard deviations. Another method is the CHI-square test which has been applied to the comparison of parameter sets by -HanpLltdn (15). In this method, parameter differences are weighted by.the standard deviations and the sum of the squares of tfyese weighted differences (for j parameters) squared with j degrees of freedom. is tested as CHI- One may reject the postulate that the weighted differences are from a normaldistribution with zero mean at'the level if the tabulated . value of CHI-squared (j ,a ) is less than the.sum of the squares of the weighted differences.. One would expect the- postulate to be true only if there are no systematic errors in the weighted differences; standard deviations that are too small may result from systematic errors and would causethe postulate to be rejected. The CHI-square test can indicate the presence of differences from the -normal . 5 distribution but can not determine the 'cause of the ' differences. A new method for the comparison of parameter sets has' / ■ been presented by Abrahams and Keve (2), This method is the normal probability plot analysis and has the features of being able to indicate the correctness of the estimated standard deviations and to give an average factor by;which ■ to multiply the estimated standard deviations to obtain a set consistent with the normal distribution. Weighted differences are calculated and ordered in order of increasing magnitude and plotted against the normal distribution for the. same number of elements. If the differences themselves follow a normal distribution, the plot will be linear and the slope indicates the average factor by which the estimated standard deviations have been underestimated. The crystal structure of ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(£1) t chloride monohydrate is reported in Section I,' a condensed ■ description of the normal probability plot analysis method is given in Appendix I, and a comparison of the parameter ■ sets of the two duplicate determinations is given i n ■ Section II.. SECTION I THE CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE QF Et h y l e n e b i s b i g u a n i d e n i c k e l ( H ) c h l o r i d e m o n o h y d r a t e Preparation of the crystals Crystals of ethylenebisbiguanidenickel (II)cfrloricie monohydrate were prepared by Dr. David J. MacDonald .(24) from nickel(II) chloride hexahydrate, ethyleriedia,mine dl- ■ hydrochloride and cyanoguanidine using a modification pf' the method reported by Ray (27) fop the preparation of ethylenebisbiguanidecopper(II)sulfate. Using R a y ’s method one obtains the starting materials in a finely divided condition and mixes them thoroughly; the mixture is melted with constant stiring, cooled, treated with an aqueous solution of (NH^gSO^, neutralized with ammonia, filtered, and washed with cold water. Dark red-orange crystals ■ are obtained. ■j Density determination The presence of one molecule of water- per formula unit was determined from the weight loss of a finely ground sample heated to IlO0G for 16 h o u r s ; a loss of 4*$ 6 % was observed compared to.a theoretical loss of 4.79%. The density, measured by flotation in a carbpntetrachloride- ' 7 bromoform mixture is 1.740 g. CirT^e For four molecules in the unit cell and one molecule of water per formula unit, the calculated density is 1 .7 5 0""^. . ' Determination of space group and cell parameters Preliminary photographic examination of a single crystal of ethylenebisbiguanidenickel( II) chloride mono-r hydrate showed the conditions for reflection to be hOl: I = 2n, and O k O : k = 2n, uniquely determining the space group P2^/c. Precise unit cell parameters were determined by least-squares refinement of the 29 values of 14 general reflections measured on a General Electric XRD-5 diffractometer using a G. E. single crystal orienter and M o Kq, ( ^=0.71069A) radiation. in Table I. The crystal data is listed It was discovered that a P 2 -jyn cell could be chosen which would give a P angle nearer to 90 ° than is the angle for the P2^/c cell. This cell was not used so that the results of this structure determination could be easily compared to those of other determinations ' Collection of the data The unique intensity data were collected by 9-29 scans using zirconium-filtered MoK (X=0.71069A) radiation and a General Electric XRD-5 diffractometer equipped with a TABLE L Crystal data Ethylenebisblguanidenlckel(I I )chloride monohydrate C6N10Hl6NiC 1 2*H2 0 F *w * 375.91 F(OOO) = 776 Monoclinic, space group P2^/c a = 6.905(5)A b = 11.6S0(4) c 1 8 .0 3 8 (2 3 ) 3 = 101.41(10) V = 1426.OA 3 4 Din = 1.740 ” 3 Dx = 1.750 " 3 9 scintillation counter, pulse-height discriminator., and a G. E. single crystal orienter. ' Sixty^second scans (2 ° in 29) were used with stationary backgrounds measured for 30 seconds each at the start and fipish of each scan, The crystal was mounted with the a axis parallel tq the spindle axis. A chart recording of diffracted intensity v s . 29 was monitored during data collection to insure that the reflections were centered in the scan, range; •The intensities of the standard reflections monitored during data collection showed no systematic variations; there was no evidence of radiation damage to the crystal. Of the 2228 unique reflections which were examined out to 48 ° in 29, 1714 had an intensity greater than twice the. standard deviation of the intensity; the remaining . 314 reflections were coded as "unobserved” and were. not. included in the refinement. The dimensions of the crystal were measured using a , calibrated "Whipple disc" in the alignment microscope of the diffractometer (see Appendix II) well-shaped, bound by the planes (32), {1 0 1 }, The crystal was {001 } , {Oil}, and {Oil}, and Its dimensions in the directions of a, b , and c* were approximately .82mm, .28 mm, and .13 mm, respectively. The linear absorption coefficient for MoKa radiation Is 10 I S . 21 cm- 1 ; absorption corrections, using the method of de Meulenaer and Tompa (25) calculated transmission coefficients (!/Iq ) ranging from O.S95 to O. 7 6 3 . . Determination of the structure The positions of the nickel and one chlorine atom were determined from an E -map calculated using 230 reflections whose signs had been determined by the. symbolic addition procedure. Several repetitions of Fourier syntheses yielded the positions of the remaining non-hydrogen atom$.■ Full-matrix least-squares refinement, refining all atoms anisotropically and using unit weights, reduced R to 5.S% and R^pd to 8.1% where R and Rwtc^ are defined as and the function minimized during refinement was S w( IF0{ - ~ |FC) )2 Absorption corrections were applied reducing R to 4„9% and ^wtd to 6.1%. The positions of the hydrogen, atoms were, determined from a difference Fourier. Block-diagonal least-squares refinement, refining hydrogen atoms isotropically and the non-hydrogen atoms anisotropically, - 11 using the weighting scheme described by Stout and Jensen " (29), and applying anomalous dispersion corrections (2 0 ) for nickel (AfT = 0 .4 , A f ” = 1 .2 ) and for chlorine (Af» = 0.1, Afr' = 0.2) , reduced R to 3.12% and Rw td to 4.S7%. The observed and calculated structure factors are ' listed in Table 2 for the 1714 ”observed" reflections;. . . The positional parameters of the non-hydrogen atoms arelisted in Table 3, the thermal parameters for the non­ hydrogen atoms are listed in Table 4, and the'hydrogen atom parameters are listed in Table $. The structure All atoms lie in general positions. The nickel atoms are in square planar configuration and lie nearly; along the lines x, 0 ,0 and x ,i ,i with distances of 3.621(1) and . 3 .5 49 (1 )A between the nickel atoms on each of these lines, The tetradentate ethylenebisbiguanide ligand is essentially planar around the nickel. Ieast^sqpares planes were calculated using several sets of atoms within the complex ion and using unit weights for each atom; the equations for these planes are given in Table 6 . .. .The nickel and the four coordinating nitrogens lie very close to the pla n e ; the deviation for the nickel i s ..0013 A and., the deviations for the nitrogens are -.OOOlA for N(I) and "- 12 TABLE 2 Observed and calculated structure factors. 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J°-VT"T*." T = - T - T- =KSRSSS-KfS-TRKSl=-SS -ETSRKfKS-S=KRK=TKSRRSRK--R -EI==RT=SRT-=KS =SRSfSS-KVR-TSKSl=-SR ;EVSSSfRS2SSS=SSySSKR-=K-'S “ESISSSRKZT-RST -T-T- T- T SSRRSS=I=S=R= . - V - T-T *T“T - T-T-T SSRRRSilR .J=-V-= -T-T - T -T - R KSSSRVKSI- S- SI “ERKSK- IRS=SKfSKSKSKSSSSS- SR- = K = K -=R= -ES=RSlSS= SSKRR=RRKKS- S -KV ^ERKZKSTfS=-S*SSZSKSSSESS- - S-= K S S -=R1 ^ES=SR=SS= TSRRRRR==Sl=R=SK .J=-R- T - T -T-T-T-T- TTSSRRRR==I=S==R=SK .J=-R- T- T - T- S=Kf=K- KSRKS 'ERK=R=RZR=KZ-SKK=R- S- ==KRER= SE- S--KR=K=K=KK- == R 'T- S==RRK-RZRRZ 'ERRS==KZKRSS-KKK=KSS- ==KKK== -E-S--RRSS=K=KK-=R 1 -T-T-TSSRR==== .-'-V- T - T -T-T-T-T- T- TSRRRR=I= -T-TT-T-TTT=SR RSVSK=RRVKSSSfVKS=S=S-=S -ESE=Z-Sg- S=KSKR--=SSfRRTSR==ITSS-K - 'ES ,'RRVSE=ZSfESSKSTKS=R=S-SS ^ESRSff-ST- ==SSSS— R S S S S S V RSSlST=K-S-T-T-TT- TSSR==R=S:ZSSRRS 'ES .J.-v---?- :-?.- -T-T- T=SRRSR==S=Z=RSS .JO KSZTZKEES=E-S “EZRKTSRRSSESRKI=TS=RSS-R=SKSSS=-K-E S=- -EERKfRERZ? .SRVfZESKS=K-R ^ESTSfSEVS=SSSKfRVSIKRS-ESKKSIS V- TSSSR==I==K .J--V-Y-T-T-THS -S-SSR- -EKRSfSSfZV ___________________________________ -ERZR=ZfKRR-SZRE-RKKKK--RRR -KffffK=KTRKRSK=R-KZK=RKS=- = SR-SR =SS f EgKR=ZSEZR-SE=K- RRKKS--SSi ^EftlS=SgRSS- KRR-ZZK=RSS=-= =E- RR === J j-V-T- T- T-V-TT T =========== .j j --" = - TT-VT-T- TSSRRRR==== .J— T IKZT==K= -ESSSffSS=SRKgSKKSK-KVS=KEKRS-R- = -KKKttVRfffKf- E--EK S = R E -K .'ZZf==K= ^EKffTffEK=ES=ESttKZSKVRSKtffffT- =- = ^ESKtgT SE ZKff-K--tKS=ffr-f I=RR==SS •J--VV- -T- -T- T- S-T S=RR-==S==RRR= . J - V -T -T -TT-T-T-T-TSS=R !EEKEEK =EKK 0EK-ZSKSffTSSKVtRt - K R K -K tKfKRfSSVRKTKKIf-R -K SR-K=KS= i s g E K K ^EKZ ^ES-KKKofff ZSRfEKR ^ E = K -gfSTKSf S=SZK SE S V f = - R R = S R = S t l joVTTT .j VT Jjo-T- T-V -TSSRl==S .J — V-T-T - T-T- T- T-TSR=SR=S=S=RR==S ItRKff -ES=Z=TZRffffSSEKffff -ER=ZKT=ZffSKffSS- -K - K K S -S S K K -TK=SffS- - E R " IS=Rff ^ESRS=VK=SRffSESSS ^E==EKVZZSffKSSf-R - E K g -RSRK-RR=RR=- ^ E 2 " VVVV JjoVVVVfVVT=RR=== j jTVVIfTVSRR====== Ij o VTTTTTfTR==Z== TjVVV 14 TABLE 3 Positional parameters of non-hydrogen atoms in ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(II)chloride monohydrate (parameters x l o \ Atom Ni Cl(I) Cl(Z) 0 N(I) N(Z) N(3) N(4) N(5) N(6 ) N(V) N(G) N(9) N(IO) C(I) C(Z) C(3) C (4) C (5) C(6 ) in parentheses) x/a 2573(.8) Z472(2.0) 3329(2.3) 1234(6) 2892(5) 3 6 0 0 (6 ) 3634(6) 3490(6) 2960(5) 2258(5) 1 7 4 8 (6 ) 1 6 4 1 (6 ) 1539(6) 2175(5) 3 3 8 0 (6 ) 3324(6) 2574(8) Z686(7) 1 9 0 7 (6 ) 1 8 2 5 (6 ) zA 39K.5) -3613(1.0) -Z87(l.l) -4484(3) 786(3) 1930(3) 2704(3) 3874(3) 1906(3) 38(3) -1133(3) -1920(3) -3073(3) -1125(3) 1748(4) 2793(4) 2116(4) 990(4) -952(4) -2009(4) z/c 88(.3) -2753(o7) -3462(.7) -1Z58(2) 1 1 0 3 (2 ) ZI8 3 (2) IOZO(Z) 5(2) -190(Z) -942(2) -2007 (2 ) -862(2) 1 5 1 (2 ) 335(2) 1429(2) 2 4 2 (2 ) -1 0 0 8 (2 ) -1 4 2 0 (2 ) -1 2 6 4 (2 ) -97(2) 15 TABLE 4 Thermal parameters of non-hydrogen atoms in ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(II )chloride monohydrate (parameters x l o \ Atom eU ^22 e.s.d.'s in parentheses) hi Ni 138(1.3) 36(0.4) 6 1 (1 .1 ) Cl(I) 254(3.8) Cl( 2 ) 418(4.9) 57(1.1) 0 126(5) 388(13) Nd) 40(3) 214(11) N (2) , 283(13) 65(4) 2 3 6 (1 2 ) Nd) 38(3) 42(3) N(4) 337(14) 172(11) 39(3) N(5) N( 6 ) 174(10) 4K3) 327(14) 55(3) N(7) N(B) 233(12) 36(3) 294(13) 4K3) N(9) N(IO) 208(11) 41(3) 1 3 1 (1 2 ) C(I) 50(4) . C( 2 ) 148(12) 4K4) 308(16) (1(3) 48(4) e(4) 224(14) 57(4). c(5) 1 5 2 (1 2 ) 56(4) C( 6 ) 1 1 2 (1 1 ) 42(4) P12 16(0.2) 1(1.4) -9(3.2) 29(0.5) 23(0.5) -45(3.8) -80(12) 33(2) 17(1) -3(9) 16(1) -37(11) 19(1) -30(9) -32(11) 18(1) -3(8) 18(1) 9(8) 1 6 (1 ) 21(2) KU) 2 1 (1 ) -3(9) 29(2) -17(11) 2 1 (1 ) -2(9) 22(2) 17(10) 2 1 (2 ) -1 0 (1 0 ) 15(2) -24(13) 0 (1 2 ) 18(2) 17(2) 1 8 (1 1 ) 2 7 (2 ) 1 4 (1 0 ) h.3 hi 20(0.8) -1(0.4) 3 2 (2 .2 ) -23(1.2) 28(2.4) 11(1.2) 65(7) -29(4) 3K6) 2(3) 27(7) -8(4) 19(6) -9(3) 39(7) -6(3) 2 3 (6 ) -2(3) 21(6) -6(3) 4K7) -15(4) 29(6) -10(3) 26(7) 7(4) 4 0 (6 ) 0(3) 24(7) . -2(4) 35(7) 4(4) 33(8) 0(4.) 43(8) 4(4) 20(7) -8(4) 16(7) 2(4) The expression for the anisotropic thermal parameters is of the form: e x p C - P ^ h 2 ~ ^2 2 ^ ~ ^12 hk 16 TABLE 5 Hydrogen atom parameters in ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(II)chloride monohydrate (positional parameters xlO^, e,s.d. 1s in parentheses) Atom x/a v/b s/c H(I) H(2) H(3) H(4) H(5) H( 6 ) H(7) H( 8 ) H(9) H(IO) H(Il) H(12) H (13) H(H) H(15) H (16) H(17) H(l3) 275(6) 386(7) 436(6) ' 390(6) 350(5) 315(6) 110(3) 377(6) 417(5) 173(6) 220(7) 177(6) 134(6) 139(7) 190(8) 213(7) 190(9) -2(3) 31(3) 130(4) 239(4) 323(3) 437(3) 402(4) 245(5) 264(4) 90(3) 93(3) -$3(4) -134(4) -253(3) -356(4) -340(4) -132(4) -454(5) -486(5) 1 4 5 (2 ) 251(3) 234(2) 1 2 5 (2 ) 3 1 (2 ) -46(2) -120(3) -1 1 3 (2 ) -1 5 1 (2 ) -194(2) -227(3) - 2 1 3 (2 ) -103(2) -1 7 (2 ) 58(3) 76(3) -150(3) -138(3) Biso 3.7(1.0) 6 0 6 (1 .4 ) 4.4(1.I) 3.9(1.0) 1 .6 (0 .7) 4 .4 (1 .I) 8 .6 (1 .6 ) 4 .6 (1 .I) 2:3(0.9) 3.7(1.0) 5.3(1.2) 4 .8 (1 .I) 4 .0 (1 .0 ) 5.4(1.2) 7.2(1. 4 ) 5.7(1.3) 10.9 (2 .0 ) 9.4(1.7) 17 TABLE 6 Least-squares planes referred to orthogonal axes in ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(II)chloride monohydrate X = x+ Z oCos p; Y = y; Z = Z oS i n g . L .S . p l ane: IX + mY + nZ - d = 0.0 sum of squares of deviations of atoms from plane: Atoms in plane I m n S d S .88800 .15444 -.43321 ' 1.509 .07755 .89528 .15778 -.4 1 6 6 2 1.494 .01102 Ni, N(l), NO)-, N($),C(1),C(2) .89177 .17699 -.41643 1.461 .00486 Ni, N( 6 ), N(7), N(8),N(9),N(IO), C(5),C(6) .88120 .15823 -.44547 1.483 .00165 Ni, N( 6 ) , N(8 ). N(IO),C($),C(6 ) .88400 .16043 -.43912 1.492 .00073 Ni, N(l), N(5), N( 6 ) ,N(IO) .88380 .15368 -.44190 1 .4 8 8 .00000 Ni, N ( I ) . N ( 2 ) , N(3),N(4),N(5), N(6),N(7),N(8), N(9),N(IO), C(I),0(2),0(3), C(4),C(5),C(6) Ni, N d ) , N(2) , N(3),N(4),N(5), C(1),C(2) N(6) and 0005A for N ( 5 ) and N(IO). The maximum deviation from the plane of the complex ion (excluding hydrogens) is +.16A for the ethylene carbons; the diviations for- t h e , remaining atoms are less than .0$A. The maximum deviations from the individual six-membered ripgs are .04 and .02A., ' The bond distances within the ethylenebisbiguanide.r- \ nickel(II) - complex ion and the water of hydration are listed in Table 7 and the bond angles are listed in Table 8; the bond distances and angles are also shown in Figure I. Hydrogen bonding The criteria of Hamilton and Ibers (I?) was used to ascertain whether a hydrogen bond exists between two electronegative atoms: Knowing that a hydrogen atom lies approximately along the line connecting the two electro-' negative atoms, a hydrogen bond exists if the distance from the hydrogen to the more weakly bound atom is considerably less than the sum of the van der Waal's radii. The following van der Waal's' radii were obtained from Bondi (6): Cl, 1.75A; 0, 1.52A; N, I . 55A; aliphatic.C , 1.70A; aliphatic H, 1.20A; and aromatic H , I eOA-, All-hydrogen bopd interactions involving the'water of hydration and the, t w p ■ chloride ions are listed in Table 9. °°®calc an(^ H = «=BcaIc are the sums of the appropriate van der Waal's' 19 TABLE 7 Bond distances in ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(II) chloride monohydrate Bond distance Bond Ni --- N (I) N i --- N (5) N i N (6 ) Ni --- N(IO) N(I) — -C(I) N(Z)--C(I) i.sssd)A N(I)-H(I) N(Z)-H(Z) l.S7Z(3) l.S7A(3) 1.360(3) I.ZSl(S) 1.353(5) N O ) - C(I) 1.363(5) N(3)— C(Z) 1.376(5) N(A)--C(Z) 1.3A7(5) N($)--C(Z). 1.293(5) N(5)— C(3) l.A63(S) N( 6 )— C(A) l.A72(5) N( 6 )— C(S) 1.295(5) N(Y)--C(S) N (S)-C(S) N ( S ) - C( 6 ) N (9) ——C (6 ) N(IO)-C(6 ) C d ) - C(A) 1.3AK6) 1.375(5) 1.365(5) 1.3A3(S) 1.233(5) 1.519(6) N(Z)--Hd) N(3)— H(A) N (A)-H(S) N ( A ) - H( 6 ) ■ C (3)— H(7) .C( 3 )— H(S) C ( A ) - H(9) C(A)-H(IO) N(Y)--H(Il) N(7)- H ( I Z ) N ( S ) - H(13) N(9)- H ( I A ) N(9)— H(IS) N(IO)-H(16) 0 — —— ——H (17) 0 — —— ——H (IS) distance 0.36 0.93 0 .7 6 0.30 0.73 0.3 a I.OS I.OZ I.OS 1.02 0.90 0.35 0.32 0.31 0 .3 5 0.30 0 .7 0 O .9 6 (A) (5) (A) (A) (3) (S) (5) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (5) (5) (6 ) (6 ) 20 TABLE S Bond angles in N(I)N(I)N(I)N(5)N(5)N(6 )Ni-Ni-— Ni-—— Ni-—— N(I)N(I)N(2) C(I)- N(3)N(3)“ N(A)N(6 )N( 6 )N(7)C (5) N(d)N(d)N(9)Ni-—— Ni-—— C(2)C(A)N(5)C(3) H(17) Ni-—— -N(S) Ni ——— ■N(6 ) Ni-—— -N(IO) N i ——— N(6 ) Ni-—— N(IO) Ni-—— -N(IO) N(I)- c(i) N( 5) - -C(2) N( 6 )- C(5) N(IO) - 0 (6 ) C(I)- -N (2) C(I)- -N(3) C(I) - N (3) N(3) -C (2) C(2)- -N(A) C (2) - -N(5) C (2) -N(5) e d i ­ -N (7) cts) -N(B) c ( $) - -N(B) N(d)- -C (6) C(6) N(9) C (6) - -N(IO) C (6 )7 -N(IO) N(5)- -C (3) N( 6 )- -C (A) N(5)- -C (3) N( 6 )- -C (5) C (3) - -C (A) C(A)- -N(6 ) -H(IB) angle 9 2 .0 (2 ) 178.4(2) 89.7(2) 86.4(1) 1 7 8 .4 (2 ) 9 2 .0 (2 ) 129.5(3) 12B.K3) 12B.0(3) 129.6(3) 12A.2(A) 121.A(A) 11A.3(4) 126.B(A) 113.1(A) 121.8(A) 125.1(A) 12A.O(A) 122.0(A) 11A.0(A) 127.0(A) H A . 5 (A) 121.3(A) 124.1(4) 114.B(3) 114.6(3) 116.7(3) 117.0(3) 109.3(4) 109.4(4) 119. (6 ) Atoms. •H Atoms I ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(II)chloride monohyirate e Ni-———N(I),-H(I) 123. (3) C(I)-N(I)-H(I) 1 0 8 . (3) C(lj— N(2)— H(2) 1 1 8 . ■(3) C(1)„N(2)-,H(3) 114. (3) H(2)~-N(2)— H(3). 107. (A) C ( I ) - N(3)— H(A) ■. 1 1 6 . (3) C(2)— N(3)— H(A) 117. (3) 0(2)-,N(A)--H(S) C(2)-rN(4)--H(6) . 120. (3) H(5)— N ( A ) - H(6 ) 118. (A)N(5)-C(3)-H(7) . H I , (3) N( 5 )— C(3 )— H(B) 10$, (2) H(7)— C(3)— H(B) . 114. (4) C ( A ) - C(3)— H(7) 107. (3) C ( A ) - C(3)— H(B) 108. (2) C(3)— C ( A ) - H(9) 107. (2 ) C (3)— C(A)--H(IO) 111. (2) H(9) T-C(A)--H(IO) H O . (3) ■ N(6 )— C ( A ) - H(9) 109. (2 ) N(6 ),-C(A)-H(IO) 111. (2) C(5)— N(7)— H(H) 117. (3) C(5)— N(7>— H(12) .114, (3) H(Il)-N(7)— H(12) 122. (A) C(S)-N(B)-,H(13) 1 2 0 . (3 C (6 )— N($)-.-H (13) 113.. (3) C (6 }——N (9) ——H (I A) H S . (3) C (6 )— N(9)--H(IS) ■ 123. (3) H(IA)-N(9)-H(IS). 107. (S) Ni--- N(IO) i-H(l6 ) 1 22 . (3) C (6 )— N(IO)-H(16) 1 08 . (3) 21 '0.93(5} 1.358(5) 0.86(4} 1.288(51 ^ y 8151 1.281(5) 1.368(5) 1.858(3) 1.860(3) 1.872(3) 1.874(3) 0.80(41 1.376(5) 1.375(51 0)0.96(6) T 2 » (5 I 1.347(5) 1.468(5) 0.78(31 1.519(61 1.472(5) 1.02(41 r 113.96(37) NO)— N i - N(6) N ( S ) - N i------NOOI N(5)— C(3I — H17I NISI — CI31— H(8I C(4)— C(3)— H(7) CI4I— C(3)— H (8) 178.3505) 178.4005) 00.6 (28) 107.6 123) 107.2 1281 108.1 (23) 1(8.9(60) ^ ^ ® i. H(7)— C(3)— H(8) 03.9 (36! N(6)— 0(4)— HI9) 108.9 09) N(6)— 0(41— H(IO) 110.5(22) 0(3)'— 0(41 H (91 107.2 091 0(3)— 0(4)' -H(IO) 111.2 (22) HI9I -0141— H(IO) 109.6(29) FIGURE I Bond distances and bond angles of the ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(II) complex ion and the water of hydration. TABLE 9 Hydrogen bonding angle A--H--B calc A e *B obs A ... B N(2*)~H(2») •• -0 1 (2 ) 143.(3) 3.30 3.401(4) N(3,T)— H(4,T).•• -Cl(2) 153.(4) 3.30 3.178(4) .0 1 (2 ) 158.(3) 3.30 N(7)-- H(Il) • • •0 1 (2 ) 141.(4) N(9")--H(15v) • •0 1 (2 ) calc H «* B obs H-»»B diff H--B -.1 0 1 2.95 2.61(5) .34 .122 2.75 2.45(4) .30 3.243(4) .057 2.95 2.51(3) •44 3.30 3.19K4) .109 2.95. 2.45(4) .50 163.(5) 3.30 3.198(4) .102 2.95 2.38(5) .57 0(1» ?)-H(l 8 ,M) -01(2) 163.(5) 3.27 3.230(4) 2.95 2.30(6) .65 N(In ) - H ( I n ) • • -01(1) 168.(4) 3.30 3.319(4) -.019 2.75 2.48(4) .28 N(2 1)— H ( 3 ’) •• -0 1 (1 ) 167.(4) 3.30 3.342(4) 2.95 2.60(4) .36 N(7)---H (1 2 ) .. -0 1 (1 ) 162.(4) 3.30 3.274(4) .026 2.95 2.45(4) .50 N(IOn )-H(l 6 n )• -01(1) 164.(4) 3.30 3.426(4) — c126 2.75 2.65(5) .10 O(I)--H(IV) - o •0 1 (1 ) 139.(6) 3.27 3.155(4) .115 2.95 2.59(6) .36 •0 (1 ) 139.(4) 3.0? 3.144(5) -.074 2 .7 2 2.46(5) .26 N(8)-- H (1 3 ) •• •0 (1 ) 157.(4) 3.07 3.079(5) -.009 2.52 2.31(4) .21 N(9)---H(14) * * •0 (1 ) 163.(4) 3.07 3.002(5) 2.72 2.22L4) ...50 -B N(4")— H(5") N (4 ) - - H (6 ) - I O f- diff A--B 3 O bond .068 23 r a d i i ; A » •eB0^g and H ‘-«B0^S are the experimentallydetermined values. As the six-member rings appear to have '’aromatic" character, the entries in Table 9 involving', hydrogens bonded directly to the rings are f o r ."aromatic H-". Through extensive hydrogen bonding involving the water of hydration and the two chloride ions, the molecules ■ are formed into infinite sheets parallel to the (100). planes. These sheets are perpendicular to the.plane of the c-glide and the molecules within one sheet are related to each other solely by the glide relationship. Figure 2 shows the molecules and the hydrogen bonding in one of these sheets as projected onto the (100) plane. Figure 3 shows the entire structure and the hydrogen bonding as projected onto the (010) plane. The coordination of hydrogen atoms around the oxygen is a distorted trigonal bipyramid. The atoms 0, H (14) H(17) and H(l8) lie nearly in a plane with the angles: H (14)— 0— H (I?) 133.(5)° H(U)-O-H(Id) 108.(4) H(17)— 0 — H(l8) 119.(6) . sum = 360.° The atom H(6) is in an axial position with the angles: H (6 )—— 0—— H (14) 8 4 .(2 ) H(6)---O - H ( I T ) 89.(5) H (6)-- O - H ( I d ) 1 0 0 .(4 ) 24 J O- -H 0---N O— C O "*0 (*)-"CL O e--Ni FIGURE 2 Crystal structure of ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(II)chloride monohydrate projected onto the (1 0 0 ) plane. I 25 FIGURE 3 Crystal structure of ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(II)chloride monohydrate projected onto the (010) plane. 26 The gtom H (13) is considerably distorted from the axial position with the angles: H (13)— 0 — H (6) 128.(1) H (1 3 )— O - - H ( U ) 53,(2) H(13)— 0 — H(l?) .99,(5) H (1 3 )— O - H ( I S ) 119.(4) ' This coordination around oxygen is very similar to that . found by Ibers, Hamilton, and MacKenzfe (19) in their study of sodium perxenate octahydrate in which the two hydrogen ■ atoms in a water molecule also lie in equatorial positions in a trigonal bipyramid. One chloride ion is five-coordinate an,d the other is six-coordinate, packing. This appears to be dependent on the •s' Both chloride ions have four hydrogen bonds within each sheet parallel to the (100) pla n e ; Cl(I) has one additional bond to a hydrogen atom in an adjacent sheet while Cl(2) has two additional bonds, one each to a.hydrogen in both adjacent sheets. - - Bonding within the complex ion The bonding within the complex ion has been studied in detail by Holian and Marsh (18). There are characteristics which appear in the six-member rings which indicate a conjugated or "aromatic" system: (I) the planarity of the 27 rings; (2) the bond angles of approximately 120°; (3) tfte coordination of only three atoms around each carbon an,4 nitrogen in the rin g s ; and (4) the shortened C-N and slightly elongated C=N bond distances. The planarity and angles of the terminal -NHg groups with respect tp the six-member rings and the shortened C-N bond distance together indicate that these, groups may also be involved in the conjugation. SECTION II THE COMPARISON OF THE TWO DETERMINATIONS OF THE CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF ETHYLENEBlSBIGUANIDENICKEL(I I )CHLORIDE MONOHYDRATE Experimental differences The crystals used in the two studies came from . different sources; those used by Holian and Marsh (IS) (hereafter referred to as tiHMt') were prepared by Professor B.D. Sharma and those used in the present study were prepared by Dr. D.J. MacDonald. The data collection differed in that HM used Ni-filtered CuKa (X=l.5418A) radiation and an automated G.E. diffractometer while the present study used Zr-filtered MoKct (X=0.7107A) radiation and a manual G.E. XRD-5 diffractometer. The 9-20 scan technique was used in both studies but HM used a scan rate of half the 2°/minute in 29 scan rate used in the present study. The crystal used by HM was nearly a cube with edges about 0 .1 mm while that used in the present study was . rectangular with edges about 0 .8 mm, 0 .3 mm and 0 .1 mm. 'Refinement differences The difference in radiations used led to the following differences in the refinements: HM applied only the real 29 term for nickel in correcting for anomalous dispersion . while the present study applied both the real and imaginary terms for both nickel and chlorine; HM refined a secondary extinction parameter while no evidence of extinction was observed in the present study; and HM did not apply absorption corrections while they were applied in the present study. Additional differences in the refinements were that HM ended the refinement when the largest parameter shift was about 0.23 times the standard deviation while the present study ended at about 0.1$ times the standard deviation, and that the final R of the H M .study was Lr. for 2679 observed intensities while the final R of the present study was 3.1% for 1714 observed intensities, A significant difference, especially with respect to the parameter estimated standard deviations, is that HM refined the parameters with the full-matrix least-squares program of Duchamp (11) while the present study used the block diagonal least-squares program of Ahmed (3). Comparison of parameter differences The average difference in the x, y, or z parameters for the non-hydrogen atoms is slightly less than the average of the standard deviations; no individual difference, is as great as three times the individual standard deviation. 30 The thermal parameters .for the non-hydrogen atoms show close agreement. The average difference in the g - Q , , and 3 ^ is about twice the average of the standard deviations; the magnitudes in the present study average about 5% greater. Not a single '3^2 > P 13 > or 323 differ in sign and the average difference is about 0.7 times the average of the standard deviations; the magnitudes are essentially equal in the two structures. The average difference in the x, y , or z parameters for the hydrogen atoms is less than 1.3 times the average of the standard deviations; four individual differences just exceed three times the individual standard deviations. Hydrogen H (I?) in the water of hydration shows the greatest deviation between the two structures. The hydrogen temperature factors follow essentially the same pattern with the average in the present study being greater by nearly 20$. The CHI-square test The CHI-square test was applied to test the agreement between the HM atomic parameters and the atomic parameters of the present study; the results are listed in Table 10. There appears to be little or no significant differences between the positional parameters of the non-hydrogen atoms; . 31 TABLE 10 CHI-square test on parameter types (significant values at the 5$ and 1% levels are from Owen ( )) Parameters (non-hydrogen atoms) 1% X 32 y 28 PU z ■ 26 191 P22 P33 376 30? 9 65 11 012 013 023 all all Pii Oij all positional ■ thermal (ifj) parameters (hydrogen atoms) X y Z Biso all positional all parameters 86 959 674 65 1045 44 . 40 ' 28 28 112 140 (30) (30) (30) (30) (30) (30) (30) (30) (30). (76) (146) (76) (76) (212) (28) (28) (28) (28) (71) (92) * (36) (36) (36) (36) (36) (36) (36) (36) (36) (67) (156) (67) (67) (227) (33) (33) (33) (33) (60) (102) 32 however, significant differences are indicated for the s and the hydrogen positional parameters. Half-normal probability plots A half-normal probability plot was prepared by Abrahams (I) to compare the atomic parameters and standard deviations of the two studies; this plot is shown in Figure 4« 240 of the 252 total parameters lie close to a straight line of zero intercept and of slope about 1.7; the remaining 12 parameters are, with only two exceptions, nickel or chlorine P ij 1s . The 6 were then calculated for the nickel and chlorine thermal parameters; these are listed in Table 11 along with the expected values for a normal distribution containing j elements. Figure 5 shows a half-normal probability plot for the 18 thermal parameters of the nickel and chlorines; it is approximately linear, of zero intercept and of slope about 6 .5 . Figure 6 shows a half-normal probability plot for the 9 diagonal ( P thermal parameters of the nickel and chlorines; it, except for one point, is approximately linear, of intercept about 6.2 and of slope about 3-6. Figure 7 shows a half-normal probability plot for the 9 off-diagonal (Pjj, i^j) thermal parameters of the nickel and chlorines; it indicates two separate distributions of the parameters; o n e , consisting of the P^ 2 / 3 an^ @ 2 3 ’s 33 '=18I2 C '=16M 1:1r =22 .Cl(I)B,, A .cime., •cime. 1.00 o. 0.50 1.00 Z.00 1.50 ».50 1.00 1.5 *4 FIGURE 4 Half-normal probability plot for all parameters. 34 TABLE 11 6 p . for nickel and chlorine Sij-Ts (expected values from Hamilton and Abrahams Parameter GPI .1=18 (16)) expected values iz9 Ni 333 13.416 2 .1 2 5 1.835 Ni 322 1 2 .0 0 0 1.712 1.370 Cl(2) 333 9.225 1.471 1.029 Cl(2) 322 9.104 1.295 .875 Cl(I) 322 9.104 1.151 .696 Cl(I) 311 2.151 1 .0 2 2 .538 0 1 (2 ) 311 7.747 .919 .393 Cl(I) 333 7.422 .220 .257 Ni 313 4 .2 4 0 .729 1.835 Cl(I) 313 3.724 .6 4 4 1.370 C l (2) 313 3.077 .563 1.029 Ni 311 1.897 ■.486 Cl(I) 323 .769 .411 .875 Ni 312 .601 .339 .6 9 6 Cl(I) 312 .530 .269 ,538 Cl( 2 ) 312 .466 .200 .393 Cl(2) 323 .000 .133 .257 Ni 323 .000 .066 .127 .127 35 13.0--------------------------------------------------------- 12.0 -------------------------------------------BB------11.0 ------------------------------------------------------- 10.0---------------------------------------------------- EL - 0 9.0 -------------------------EB--E------------- EL 8.0 ------------------------ ------------------------------B 0 0 7.0 -------------------------- ---------------------------- 6.0 ------------------------------------------------------------6Pi 5.0 -------------------------------------------------------- 0 4 .0 ---------------- g - 9 ---------------------------- ------ 0 3 . 0 -------------- EL 0---------------------------------------- 2.0 ----------- !J5-------------------------------------- 1. 0 0 00 E o.o 4 6-00 0- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 xi FIGURE 5 Half-normal probability plot for nickel and chlorine PjjTs 2.0 36 xi FIGURE 6 Half-normal probability plot for nickel and chlorine 's 37 0 4.0- ■ 0 3.0- 2 .0 - 6P: 1 .0 0 0 0 0 0.O=I1= S = S = 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 FIGURE 7 Half-normal probability plot for nickel and chlorine Pij-fS (i^j) 2.0 is approximately linear of zero intercept and of slope about 0.8; the other, consisting of the 3- ^ 1s , is considerably removed from the .first distribution. The first plot, Figure 4, for all the parameters, indicates that the differences between the majority of the parameters follow a normal distribution and that the standard deviations of both studies have been underestimated by an average factor of about 1.7. This plot also indicates that the nickel and chlorine thermal parameters contain a systematic error either in the parameters themselves or in their standard deviations. The second pl o t , Figure 5, for the nickel and chlorine thermal parameters, ,assuming that the linearity and zero intercept are real, indicates that there are systematic • errors in either the parameters or in the standard deviations or in both such that the weighted differences are 6.5 times larger than expected for a normal distribution. The third plot, Figure 6, for the diagonal thermal parameters of the nickel and chlorines, indicates by virtue of the non-zero intercept.that there is a systematic error ■ in this class of parameters. The fourth plot, Figure 7, for the off-diagonal thermal parameters of the nickel and chlorines, indicates that the 39 P]_2 rs anc^ the P 2 3 *s belong to a normal distribution and that the £1 3 ’s belong to a different, non-normal distribution probably as the result of systematic errors in these parameters or in their standard deviations. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The comparison of the atomic parameters determined in two independent studies of a crystal structure has yielded information concerning the precision of the X-ray method of structure determination. The methods of comparison differed greatly in the information obtained from them. The simple comparison of corresponding parameters indicates that the positional parameters of both determinations agree well (to within about three times the standard deviations reported in the present study) and does point out that the hydrogen B^s q tS and the non-hydrogen P i i 1S differ significantly in'a systematic manner (the values reported in the present study average larger by 5% and 20 %, respectively). The CHI-square tests on various groups of parameters at the 0 .0 5 and 0 .0 1 levels indicate general good agreement between all classes of parameters except the non-hydrogen P - ^ tS which show moderate differences and the non-hydrogen P i i ’s which show marked differences as a class. It is interesting that the CHI-square test indicates good agreement between the hydrogen B^s o ’s. The half-normal probability plots indicate that all the parameter differences other than the nickel and chlorine 41 @3.1 ,s and 32.3 ’5 a normal distribution with their standard .deviations underestimated by an .average factor of about 1 .7 and that the nickel and chlorine P n ’s and @2.3 ’ belong to a non-normal distribution (that is, there are significant systematic errors which affect these parameters) The particularly interesting and important conclusion ' of this comparison is the quantitative determination of the factor by which the standard deviations have been under­ estimated. The question remains as to why the nickel and chlorine 3 ^^'s and alone were affected by whatever systematic error exists between the two studies or within one or the other of the studies. PART II Dicarbony lnitrosyltripheny lphosphinecobalt (O)' INTRODUCTION Dicarbonylnitrosyltriphenylphosphinecobalt(O) has been .used as a catalyst for the dimerization of norbornadiene (bicyclo[2-2«l]hepta-2,5-diene) (21) » Its catalytic action is not completely understood and the structure was determined to assist in furthering this understanding. This structure provides an opportunity to study the bonding of carbonyl, nitrosyl and tripheny!phosphine groups to the cobalt(O) atom and also the opportunity to study the effects of non-bonded interactions on the angular configuration of the molecule with respect to rotation about single bonds. The rotation about the Co-P bond is particularly . interesting and was studied in detail. Considering only the Co and P and the six carbon atoms bound to them, one would expect that the steric interactions would favor the staggered configuration. The X-ray crystal structure shows that the configuration in the crystal is actually only 6° from being eclipsed. Several explanations exist which may account for this discrepancy. and P . One is that tt-bonding exists between the Co Another is that the steric interactions involve more than just the eight atoms. Still another explanation is that this angle is an effect of crystal packing and that the free molecule would find another configuration more favorable from a steric viewpoint. An examination of molecular models indicates that the second explanation is true and that nearly every atom in the molecule is involved in the steric interactions. It does not exclude, however, the other explanations for the discrepancy. One means of examining the steric interactions within the molecule is to calculate the non-bonded repulsion energies as a function of the angles of rotation about the single bonds. If it is found that the molecule in the crystal prefers, with respect to non-bonded repulsion energies, a different angle about the Co-P bond than is observed, the existence of v-bonding may be indicated between Co and P . The configuration for the free molecule which minimizes the non-bonded repulsion energy can be compared with the configuration found in the crystal; this comparison should indicate whether and how much crystal packing deforms the molecule. The crystal structure is reported in Section I and the study of the angular configuration is given in Section II. SECTION I THE CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF DICARBONYLNITROSYLTRIPHENYLPHOSPHINECOBALT(O) Preparation of the crystals Crystals of dicarbonylnitrosyltriphenyiphosphine-' cobalt(0) were prepared by Gerald E. Voecks as follows: Co(CO)-^NO was purchased from Strem Chemicals, Dover, Mass.', ■ and purified by trap to trap distillation on a vacuum lin e ; under Ng at I atm and in toluene solvent, tripheny!phosphine and Co(CO)^NO were mixed in the molar rgtio 3:2 and heated ■ until no further evolution of CO was observed; the toluepe was evaporated and the remaining solid disolved in a 5:1 volume ratio of hexane and dichloromethane; the solution was put onto an alumina column and eluted with hexane.; the solidfrom the first fraction was re-crystallized from hexane yielding the red crystalline product melting in the rapge 136.0-136.5°C. Density determination The density, determined by flotation in a mixture of benzene and chloroform, is 1.39(5)"^. Several small crystals were used while adjusting the composition.of the mixture as the crystals rapidly disolve in it. 46 Determination of space group and cell parameters Preliminary photographic examination of a single crystal of dicarbonylnitrosyltriphenylphosphinecobalt(O) indicated that it is in the triclinic system. Precise parameters of the Delauney unit cell were determined by least-squares refinement of the 29 values of 30 general reflections measured on a General Electric XRD-5 diffractometer using a G. E. single crystal orienter and MoKa ( X=0.71069A) radiation. The crystal data is listed in Table 12. Collection of the data The unique intensity data were collected by 9-29 scans using zirconium-filtered MoKa (X=O.'71069A) radiation and a General Electric XRD-5 diffractometer equipped with a scintillation counter, pulse-height discriminator, and a G. E. single crystal orienter. Sixty-second scans (2° in 29) were used with stationary backgrounds measured for 30 seconds each at the start and finish of each scan. The crystal was mounted with the [II 3 ] vector parallel to the spindle axis. A chart recording of diffracted intensity ys_. 29 was monitored during data collection to insure that the reflections were centered in the scan range. Of the 2907 unique reflections which were examined within 47 TABLE 12 Crystal data Dicarbonylnitrosyltriphenylphosphinecobalt(0 ) C 20 H 15 C o N 03 P ' f -W ‘ 4 0 7 .2 5 F(OOO) =, 416 Triclinic, space group Pl a = 11.055(2)A a = 1 2 1 .0 7 (2 ) b = 1 1 .0 2 4 (4 ) 3 = 1 0 1 .0 1 (2 ) c = 10.260(2) Y — 105.14(2) N Il N V = 950.31A 3 Dm = 1.39(5) " 3 Dx = 1 ,4 2 ""3 48 the range 29 ^ £0°, 2006 had an intensity greater than twice the standard deviation of the intensity;' the remaining 901 reflections were coded as "unobserved^ and were not included in the refinement„ The dimensions of the crystal were.measured using a calibrated "Whipple disc" in the alignment microscope of the diffractometer (see Appendix II) (32) „ The crystal was well-shaped, bound by the planes [OIO), [lOOl, {110}, {Oil}, and (101}, and its dimensions in the directions of a*, b * , and c were approximately .19mm, tively. .39mm and .56mm, respec­ The linear absorption coefficient for MoKa radiation is 11.01 cm-^-; absorption corrections, using the ' method of de Meulenaer and Tompa (25), calculated trans­ mission coefficients (I/l0 ) ranging from .915 to .851. Determination of the structure The Patterson map was consistent with two molecules in the centric Pl cell.and from it the positions of the cobalt and phosphorus atoms were determined. A Fourier map revealed the positions of the remaining non-hydrogen atoms. The structure was refined by full-matrix least- squares, using the weighting scheme described by Stout and Jensen (29), refining the nitrogen and carbons in the nitrosyl and carbonyl groups as composite "NO atoms" 49 consisting of 1/3 N and 2/3 C in their scattering factor curves and refining all atoms anis'otropically. Examination of the resultant bond lengths and thermal parameters of the nitrogen and carbons (refined as composite "NO atoms") in the nitrosyl and carbonyl groups could not distinguish nitrogen from the carbon atoms; the refinement was continued assuming disorder in the nitrogen and carbons in the nitrosyl and carbonyl groups. The positions of the phenyl hydrogens were calculated assuming a C-H bond length of 1.054. The refinement of the structure was completed by full-matrix least-squares, refining the non-hydrogen atoms anisotropically and the hydrogen atoms isotropically, applying anomalous dispersion corrections to cobalt and phosphorus, and using the weighting scheme referenced above. The final R was 3-2% and the final R ^ d was 3.5% where R and RwtcJ are defined as P _ z If 0 -F c I 2 IF 0 | „ = / z:URi If 0 -F c I)2 15 J Z ( V S l F 0 I)2 J and the function minimized during refinement was S « ( IF0 I- “ |Fcl>Z The final R including "unobserved" data was 8.8% and the final R for "unobserved" data only was 53.1%. 50 The observed and calculated structure factors are listed in Table 13 for the 2907 unique reflections; the "unobserved" data are indicated by double asterisks (**) e The positional parameters of the non-hydrogen atoms are listed in Table 14, the thermal parameters for the non­ hydrogen atoms are listed in Table 15, and the hydrogen atoms parameters are listed in Table 16, A final difference Fourier map was calculated and was essentially flat with the density ranging from + 0 ,2 7 to -0.21. The observed peaks do not fall at atomic positions within the cell. The structure was also refined with a carbon and a nitrogen at each "NO. atom" position, refining occupation factors and independent positional and thermal parameters. This refinement yielded nitrogen and carbon positions within 0.03A of the corresponding "NO atom" positions, thermal parameters similar to those from the earlier refinement, and a final R of 3 «2% and of 3 = 5%» The parameters of the other atoms refined to within one standard deviation of their earlier values. were 0 .3 1 (4 ) for W(I) 0.22(4) for N(2). The occupation factors (corresponds to atom NC(I)) and The occupation factors for the remaining atoms are then 0 .4 6 for N(3), 0.69 for C(I ) , 0 .7 8 for C(2) 51 TABLE 13 Observed and calculated structure factors. n Al o o o m jj or. rim Ann « jj .n jn « £ . * a.o a , * jj * ^ o , . • r>. '-S*- "2*22:52 ' T T m u m . w o . o m -25- .jj ; 2 2 * * a* . ' 5 * 5 T T i- -5--5-2°2 njL,5525".Vd020 "22%%":*°"* *2SS“S~5-*- "222:5=2" -2Z*Z"2~ "2=:5»~ -2-2*5 2:5:5" :22S%"2-"-* iSRS-S"="" *222:222" *22*2":* *2 T ? f ? ? -*-*25 _______j______ j_____ :_____ : 2252*2-:"°** *2:522?"2"2* "222S222" *" *25"P22%22 "2 2 "' 5T-- -sf2*":5 2:5 S:35"S":*""* *25*S52%5: iS="' *22522%"%":* *222:522" T- T22"5~-* TSS****" 22- TS** ioee.cno»« I «- a, 2XO-AiI-. 2I 2IoInir.,. ,xo-Aim,. 2Io-Ai , X O - A l I, *- r 2 °2 **" XS"'** "5""" 52=75" 52-2 - 2 ° i2222":5 i2:5' •---- I'-"" - ..... 5°- ?S* v o ui TSmfu TS" " 0 TSm "* » I,-Al.Al 5 . , , i •I, , , *2 * * — ****** *; " x o — Aim *" :J- :JO ":Io— *"jo : —Al ^xo-AI : : * A l O A l . - , ,Al m JJ A l . . . A l , A. ,OAI--OOA.. .O-JJ V r - ^ - 2 - ,, i . I , T ,ni,o>i i 2 5 "5 * *2***5* iS*" = "** iS m"-**** *2*5" = * * * *252-2 * .1 5".- T2""%°:'5""""-' 22°527*"" 52"°*° T M : ; : = : * * * * * *S2"2*2*-* *s"*%*:*5**** *2 *— 2 "*"* —* 72-5 : *2::25" ■*2 ^1*" . ,c 2 =u-o~. rt:2~S2=^2<,*‘’VfIlSTSS-S"1"- TidSSSSSSS-^ TSSSISSS?=!'ESaASSSjAJ’:: »rAAEKSS?=i" ^ ic X l l i i . . A: l.iA.A Ij. A . A . i o A . . . 2 ... ?2%532-*°57°7" ?2Z~25"=5"575~ 527=7 rT: :K==::«5='!iy° gilRi!:;: i^.j.; i.jjAjX.i-..!.. ; . rv e . 0 *- , x 0 — ni m , u. . iv « . 0 — *"* T2:::s:%25* *SS5T5""":"2'2 *S:m 25':5'5"5* *2*2" ,xo-nim, Tsfv *52%%**" 72*2:55:5* f2"%*nl5m** T2"*-2%2*" ?2* T. 2 *2*2:55:5" *2"%"%%%"* iS"**"1 ?2 *,"* iS* iSSS=SSRC=." *2* *25 m s m m o - , UjCU-D-O 557"55* ~2"S""2-55:' ,O-U AAl= OO- , .00 "5*5 — "" -S- r 55""5=" *2*5""5-55:"- * 2** * * 5"iS55 * 5 * *2* **2*5*2” * * S*2'***5"2*** *2"- TfT5225 ^1 TTTTTfTfT25 ^ 1TTTTTfTTT25 .'TTTTTfTTTS: a .-: TTTTTfTfT2 ^ =TTTfTf D -jj,.D-D.D..rv mooDo.o t>25:s='25":-2 -OOA...,-.Aioo^ ~2 %%::5 5*:-5" "2 2 2 5 7 . 7. v . , . : : ; . "-"B*:*"-":"" i2%%%%2 5*:*5 * *2225*5 : 5 .'TTTTTfTfT= .1 TTfTT 0 0 0 .'TTTTTfTfT=: .=TTTTTfTfT== .=TTTTTfTfT== .=TTTTT ,-.-OA,- ojj.gjummo.^D-M - 2S5 528 - % 52 " ° ruS=CSSSf =7“; - "2=*~ZZ%5 u-- --a.d - ^---ssr"?:::=* iSa=:=?"::="" iS==Zsa::-""* iS=""=::= TTTTfTTTS 20. .=TTtTTTTT .=TTTtTTTTTS= DJJ- . | V« O O O O — Of- -V-OAl- ;,.L: »< o i.iii ,OOO :«L ;FHL. v.>D ^2** — *"* . 4 D m ,r-,O 1° t.: a * .3TTTtTTTTTS= .=TTTtTfT *2**5*" ***"** *2*" ^s *” "* *2*** *2* "222"r ,, „ .=TTTtTTTTTS= -OW- Ol -AI-O-JVO--AI i2 -ODD M-A AJO D U -C -A . 2*12 - "2™2*T2=’*"S"" - 2 S S T Z 5 g ° - 7 " u" iuS S T eT=-" -77 " 2.f-?g*7 7 7 "w eSf=SS = = * 1 ;; " S iv i25 = -r5 = "-2-" iSTSTSTig = --"*- i2ST"T5" --*• *2K-t2*"*m"* iST =ZS = ="" * *2" S 52 TABLE 13 Continued mmo <vtj-*»rumnjm«om<xi mu#mr~uiors »<uiu »uommmnjo» 0 -. «w0 loin* i«)<Dir«»rn»»-r» I0 »oj*m «own» I0 in»e «b *e » »* TU 2_ ----1 ^ee. •2jt-* **»m"*or% «* <xin .uc.-o* coo- iJ?2 I1- " ~ES,S-°SSS,nS mESS-SSSeSri 'ESSSSemSm inESSSeS^ i?E-SinS i iE-StnSS-eS-S'. ■ fESr-i •■ 2 -- ------ -- __________________ 1 1 ^ s - S inmSSSinS iESSmSSSeSe iEmSSSin-S' I:"":""""" ....... Jr-mES"* -E--SiuSSZ- inE S e- mS n -EeS0~ cE eo "EEEm ^c?*01'-0' luEmSSSES-0S'* mE iEemm-SSZm iESinm mS' iEmSme iES' iESJCSmE-S10mm' iEmESJSS-mSm iESluSEmES ? j ? : : : 1 : m: -EJmJSaSESmSe EKEEeeSSSm S r' iEjeSsSSZSSS' OCZ — iE K S S emSSSm JESmSooe-- SEZSSm **Ir 2 . :r 22»i.m euoom-omrmrx EESS-S- 1 : mEKS11eltiltiSmm eE K - K 11 Jom-«mmmnirm %ES:e m u u i r o n iomivjm-. oufummomo I.iotni.t., Ir2-InnilL IffLli.I i- r 2m TE if E - m S- uE S° JESmS-0S--'' JE°2 em-S-Z- JE0lllSmSSSltiS0 SESemS 0 S0m0e -Jr-Someeomme- TEm 2 » iE S mZ emiee' 111 E mSeemmSeSe iEeeSmSSSeSe iESmeSmSmeee I-^memlmemin' iE e JESm m emeZeiom-- JESSSJSSmiE S S eK-SSm e e -1 iESSSSSmm —m — TEJinZJSammSeiuine JESSSKSeSmeo-" JEmS^KinSm -M*- voomsinrm.mAr.r irD.mminmiS.JmrJ v 0 mS i« eESSSKSeZ11 _EmZ'2-2m nSSimeS1 ^ xo-ftimrm.m.monn Soonnnonnn.nn -uoo.n.nn. -"-SSeee- JESSin-SazS-'0 -e JEmeee i n 1«.:™. Knl.Sol. ! , . n l . - n l U H I-I-S- S ^ L S - S S n . n .n.nn on. -iiii. I.. 2if** Tr!2fS~S = 2“S-"'i Yr5K2SK5°''-2** Tt;22?0S02SS2-“ S f - S--IIAx I 2AIA-S S o . InInnm---:. I o o 11 n .n - ol I - . S o n . AAI J ^ in e I O - njm»in«meoio-< 0 ^I 0 —«um r i n. m . o >0-- I O —<Mm»in«r-«(T>On. E mSnS01S 'S0Sr -EmemSSKeS-Sin ltiE0-S10KeZeSlti0 mE om;SSmS % »» . I 0 — rum a »uommomo-B» _ vE eSeSmSi innoSnn iE--mSSKeS-Se iEmmZeKmZeS'- iE e'iZS-Semm- iE'''2'Z'ee- iE .‘t j j j j j j j j s z ^1Tj j j j j j j j s z ^ i T j t j j j t j j s z ^ i T j t j j j t j j s z .i T j t j j j t j j s E e Z ee-nSm KSS n E e- eZeZnKn eE-nr n S-Zo eE o m - J-nS-S- iEee-S-ieSmKSS eKmZnKn iE ev iEm » —— vE » » j t j j s z .'t j t j j j t j j s z .'t j t j j j t j j s z ^ i Tj t j j j t j j s z ^i T j t j j j t j j s .1TJJJTJ :Li:i - mSmr ES'%SK-%-emm nESSSSSSine-S eEZKSK - - E Z nS S Z eSmuimo e Eea3- S eno' iEKm^samK- Sm iESSZSSSin i -Z iEZZ S K m m n -Z-S iE S iS S S 1S JJSZ .1TJTJJJTJJSZ .i T j t j j j t j j s z r .i Tj j j j j t j j s z u -EE-e- -e iE 1 .*° .1TTJZ 0 m iEmm- iEm .1JS .1JfS .1TJZ V 1TT V - ? " T T rEKm eiti-“'e -EKiZmem iEZm ini.. ,.CL::. e> u — — V 7T?TTT V TTeTTT V T * V nE mZ' .;* »m *******J iE'' iE ne # J uEJm uEKmi I..:.:.::, .i T j j j j j t j j s z .i T j j j j j t j a., i ms: Za °- au .-.L-ii1' ^ E S eSlueor' -EZTKSgm S 0 eEuo; ' * mEmoe s e ; °ES&z;Ti;nmnm- -Ez*ssKms iE S eSnmen iE eme iE l0men* iE eee iE- iE J S Z J J S eemee- iEKJZSg-0Z memSZ 53 TABLE 13 Continued Innm e u n woo <nur- nu-en «njin * ** * ** *eh* * 2 * * * Vx^ni Txnm * m-o Vi —»um» «1 Vx ^n mo Z"Z -mom -om^o-mo. : "2 " * ZS2S ?2%""=" "ZZZS2 2* 2" K-0.0 ..0.0 - % - n m o -zz:?z2:2=^^" ~z2rz"2"S"2- "zz:22" moh- n e - 2—0—0—00 2—-00-0 2—0-00,- 2—oo "Z2 2 ? = % s : =*"" *z2ss*%"s":" "z::":" n n n T 7 7,_________ j________ L______ on- *00000 o 2 A 2 — oooo o —n "2S22: * "z:::2Z» r-ue eo-- — --0. 0.0.0,-, := :1 "2:22% * -I -Z:ZR2E» """ ~ZS2::2%"""2- "Z2:5ZS"2" ,0,-0 : 2 -onorvo- 01m 2 »wn ^on 0 1 :2 Z* *Z*»*Z"2 *Z" -00««^-^ W - - O 2 O--O. — unnr^oon — — — n *2222" ^ : : u -,O-Iono--O 00- Jx-nn*m -u.ono cu *ga:2+z* on- X O - no, I L ^x— no,--,—o.— oxo— ^x-noiom —r-e0.0 ^x-n mom " O 2 O1--O. 000« nom mo-^-o.-o *o 2 -o.-oo- -c,ono,-o«, .w-mm » m n o -onn 2 - Z om-A 2-0- "** 2 -----A- 2 2 -m-mooII 2 -mm. o o m 2 2 -mo xo — noio x0 - L nlonoi— ool 2 ooo,e>»-« -noiom— o .— — ^xo-MOtOMi 0:0 TZ322"y Mum^o-Oim, ?ommoo-y i-mnn-,:^ 2 «mAo,-o-o ----Jg O-Jo L ow.m-n-o mm 2 - o m - o o - o J o - o I =Z*' -ono-oi-n-o,- MOjn--Ot--O-O,^ 2 - 2 o-m-mJmmmJ * - J - - mr. « 0, 000 :Z2ZZ-Z" "ZZZZ""' :z°=-*=2% -on- o o ^ - o - “ZA =“ *°=S2 :I .IC - — 0 — ex 0 —no,Oin .= 22"::w: :Z2==:;:22 S%" 1,5 *ZSS3"%"S%" *Z2:s:"%ss22" og o,--no ?o::s«°»2s* - 2- , x 0 — no, ^or. r .0 ,O2 OtO--O-- n— ..: 0,0 oomo '0 J * - J J - -m-K 0 « 0 0 2-oKKin-eo -I... Ttf- "22 = ^nn —onoio — — — r-o— on nonr-^m.-- :??:? -«2 --n own 2 -0--mm0 .=7??f??:T?2: mo-m.ono-nmo- .on-— --2.onn m °ZJ2SZS%"222» -*ZK?i0 SZ22~S2- »r::A22Z'Z::" »rSK"S22:"S22 «ri2*2"2',S12* »£S;,-"”"2"22g* .'T??:T?t:?2= ."TTTTTTtTtg= ^"TTTTT?TTT2= i .'TTTTTfTTT2= ^'TTTITTTTTg= ^ g" "-Issx=S'^- ='"' Ij--T-J-I.:- IjT=TS-X-I"'-- 'EST = STSig"" * 'ESSTT ES = *" = 1 'E isSST.S" 22" T2= .'TTTTTTTTT2 .'TTTTTTTTT2= .'TTTTTTTTTg= .'TTTTTTTTT2= .'TTTTTTTTT2 T'SRK-S-:"= "E"TS-2"=-22" "K2XSg":"2*, _ „ „ "ESS=T=XK"=* T*2SE-S*2-= 'E * TS- = S = STg * 'EgSS:*:"="!* “ESRiTSXSl="" 'ESSTgRST = = "* 'Ei TTT TTTTTT2= .'TTTTTTTTTg= L i i L L l ;j.nxxxiii i •EXST2XXT=2~* _____... .'TTTTTTTTTg= .'TTTTTTTTTg= .'TTTTTTTTTg= .'T -U1 -O-O- O-Oir Ooo mom -o TeXXX-:: to- 2oo2oio,o LL "ZK3"3222~*~ *Z""2»2~^ "" *za2"3"2"""* *zaz"%222*"* *Z"»S"a*" -z:*c * Z —" — I -IO — 0,0. i~ e o>in o - u -n-mon r-onoot-r. w a,0,0,o ,c o■ >o— m vcAot—ooo. woo o o — c e wo coo 54 TABLE 13 Continued _>O o -oro mu -Ke-S- eK-- I::: -f'2- “f2* K-Z-S=SS "KSS”"°S" ^K=S*="- -KK-"'"1 *KK*2* - K = S -S- K--Z-S=SS iKSS - - mS - iK S S-S- - iKK---" iKS-S- iS-- iS-S-S...... ■________ _______ ? ______ " _____ I. ... T _______ I — rumimor.* ‘ *r=a22"2~ "rrss=:? * 22222*3" T*2222=22T T — m r» » m -or- « I — ivim » in o r- a ___ 2""2 *2"Immtfjn02 2*^2 *2~ •' •• m m j n m o Itfm » * in * - i e » e i z xo —m : L * inumr-wimm Io — m m m L -ou- 2“ 2U : L IO — m m » 7-— ™ o r-u*om— mmo«oom a u r. o « m « ^ m — tf o mumm ntfStf Jotfmmmmtfifvtfm J o Jmtftf O w m m tfm -or~ « o w m m » in -otf-e m 2 " 2» Ox ninimm Io L o'uom Tx-mmtf 72- m I O - mmtfino L__________ !•__ ?2 °-K 72=2 2=2 mr- m m z — mritf i o m -o » e Z2~* 72* 72"- 72 *.mtf« * z wmm *m z — mm«in-or> 222*- * Z^mm t fin-O muo m u = «,-o- immmmm z — m m tf m-orv K ^foo=tuS -2»2 *?2""2"S?;* 2 * " 2 * 22"< = "2^* : : . i s**22«"» *2° «22==«" 2" *222=«" *2="="* = tf m f-m m « in tf m u tf;o • - - tf m • m ^ - ? “ - - ij 2 S -*2 " * *-* 7 2 ^ 2 " 2 « = " " ° ^ ° . . . : : : : : 7 2 2 5 2 S 2 2 . : 2 * w m « S* O w m m # m o r- com .XC .222~2^ :2====2 .="2*=1 *2S===2""«i-*2 *2%"2""-""222» °2 7 2 2 " i " ~ » 2 ° m = 2« l o — mmtfinor-com tf_m-woom guotf- .* = i” -==-=-;-:-- 2k ~0""s -=---= =K---= =KZ-SSPS:----- s k s s p s -= *-=-S---2-- iK -S-S - - iK-1-- iKS-SSSS:---1- iK-SSSZS - urn Ofv -or- a N — .......................... O- O- Oummmmmtf TKSfS-SSS TKSTKSSSZZ i2i5S u= =2 mm= —< www O- ^ufvtfrvmwwww ZTTS .'TTTTTTZTT .1TTTTZT f’TTTTTZT ^ziurntfin-ocoo u w o r n ni « o « w w « m -o u ni a o-o nim iMm o « Dtfm*tfcotf««m-otf J e i t f m m 2*"**"*i*2«* *2 x777t7?777ww ♦ ##o» tf . .xTT?:?::??= fvumwmtfom-o nimtfm -ofvco 02 * m m " " w 0 = ° 2 0 "22~w=. Jeiiotfoee :2?SS";,2"=*r* *2%"== Ox?:?::?? .xT??:?:???== .xT??: » *2 2 2 =2 *2 *2* 2 ° "23»2Z°2*°=2" *22»=» ° « * *2 *^ ^ u o m .m^m o * om » *22222*2 *2* 2 " *23*3g"2*"==2 *2 2»2i A « * :2*2 *2 *2 5’2 **A « 52 .2 .x7T?:?:???2= .x7??:?::??22 .xT??:?:???== .xT??:?:???= ~-TSK-f-~- -K-fSJSSS — == -K = -2-- = -f"-- •omtfmm**mw-mom mu* --SSK-K" - 5 iK--SPSS=---- iK=-S-------- iK - - 1S 1S-- iK- TTTTTZTTS= .'TTTTTTZTTS= .'T T T ITTZTTS= .'TTTTTTZTTS= .*T ="='- -KZSS-S - - w m iM o mumemow « u * cr w w **** * 2 ' o tf u » e% owm z° is..A. iKSS = -owmrn*me eI o —m m tf e z <i ^x euwm mueo-o m ■ , m jm w « m o , - V rnm r m ^ °222"S««- -2"=* * 2 2 2 * 2 * ** o W rno mu *2B323"gA**A" *2»rA3«2g"«* * ^ x . e z°w, .. 222;*° * 2 " = ” .xa " 2 2 = =m 2=82=22*"* *222=8 owmmtfmtffvcom 55 TABLE 14 Positional parameters of non-hydrogen atoms in dicarbonylnitrosyltriphenylphosphinecobalt(0) (parameters xlQ^-, e.s.d.’s in parentheses) Atom Co P 0(1) 0(2) 0(3) NC(I) NC (2) NC(3) C(H) C (12) C (13) C(H) C (15) C (16) C (21) C (22) C(23) C (24) C (25) C (26) C (31) C (32) . C (33) . C(34) 0(35) C(36) z/c 2150(.5) 3173(.9) 684(3) 291(3) 4317(3) 1283(3) 1030(4) 3460(3) 2850(3) 2823(4) 2605(4) 2403(4) 2429(4) 1737(.6) 4462(.6) 1 0 7 2 (1.0) -1137(3) 2809(4) 4154(4) 22(4) 2381(4) 2695(1.0 3954(3) . 3211(4) 1553(4) 2980(5) 3389(5) 2380(6) 3468(4) 7634(4) 4172(4) 3846(5) 6377(4) 1247(4) 1798(5) 743(6) -8 7 0 (6 ) -1447(5) -380(4) 2657(4) 962(5) 558(5) 2700(4) -1022(4) 1338(4) 1326(4) -2029(5) 904(5) 18 4 6 (6) 3 2 0 6 (6) 3631(5) 5021(3) 5871(4) -3624(5) -4217(6) 5.00(4) -554(5) -3251(6) -1658(5) -762(6) 6 5 (6) 1111(5) 1925(4) 3646(4) 3134(5) 7256(4) . 2569(4) 3164(5) 7821(5) 313K5) 7014(5) 5630(4) 2522(5) 5154(5) 5705(5) 1942(4) 4992(4) 3867(5) 56 TABLE 15 Thermal parameters of non-hydrogen atoms in dicarbonylnitrosyltriphenylphosphinecobalt(0) (parameters xldA, e.s.d.’s in parentheses) Atom Co P 0(1) 0(2) 0(3) NC(I) NC (2) NC(3) C(Il) C (12) c (13) C(IA) C(15) c (16) C (21) C(22) C(23) c (24) C(25) C(26) c (31) c (32) 0(33) 0(34) 0(35) 0(36) hi ^22 hi P1 2 147(0.8) 218(1.1) 180(1.0) 95(0.7) 102(1.1) 132(1.5) 119(1.5) 58(1.1) 264(6) 186(4) 316(7) 115(4) 501(10) 159(5) 174(4) 344(7) 345(8) 226(7) 181(5) 34(5) 160(6) 120(4) 193(7) 76(4) 137(5) 220(7) 277(9) 92(5) 204(8) 125(5) 201(7) 57(5) 13K6) 131(6) 93(4) 52(4) 138(5) 148(7) 165(2) 69(5) 181(8) 165(6) 259(10) 96(6) 15d(6) 237(10) 226(10) 27(6) 147(2) 27(6) 218(7) 192(9) 187(6) 88(6) 156(7) 145(7) 121(6) 135(6) 121(5) 63(5) 144(6) 148(8) 68(6) 152(7) 125(2) 173(7) . 152(8) 43(7) 277(10) 102(8) 128(9) 132(9) 201(8) 118(8) 182(9) 212(9) 148(6). 76(6) 161(7) 149(7) 110(6) 122(6) 108(4) 61(4) 107(5) 166(7) 145(7) 52(5) 206(8) 115(6) 55(6) 202(9) 102(6) 207(8) 59(6) 17K9) 146(6) 108(6) 149(7) 243(9) 189(7) 116(5) 152(7) 77(5) Ai 108(0.7) 56(1.1) 133(4) 151(5) 71(4) 75(4) 123(5) 92(5) 47(4) 72(5) 70(6) 73(6) 70(5) 102(6) ts i 119(0.9) 80(1,3) 213(5) 286(7) 11(6) 109(5) 145(7) 68(6) 88(5) 100(6) 165(8) . 123(9) 114(7) 99(6) 91(5) 90(6) 92(7) 92(8) 61(4) 60(5) 41(6) 80(8) 86(7) 69(6) 56(4) 43(5) 76(6) 35(6) 62(6) 63(5) 118(8) 93(6) 65(5) 95(6) 121(7) 67(7) 116(7) 106(6) The expression for the anisotropic thermal parameters is of the form: e x p (-P11Ii2 -I322 Ic2 -P33 ^2-2 P12hk -2 P13W -2P23k 4 51 TABLE 16 Hydrogen atom parameters in dicarbonylnitrosyltriphenylphosphinecobalt(0 ) O (positional parameters xlO , e»s.d„?s in parentheses) Atom H(12) H (13) H(H) H(15) H(16) H( 22) H(23) H(24) H(2$) H(26) H(32) H(33) H(34) H(35) H(36) x/a 302(3) 261(3) 226(4) 239(4) 267(3) 69(3) -9 (4) 158(3) 397(4) 457(3) 549(3) 776(3) 871(4) 732(3) 501(3) zZk 367(4) 441(4) 268(4) 2 8 (5 ) -46(4) -156(4) -427(5) -526(4) . -356(4) -98(4) 259(4) 359(4) 354(4) 244(4) 146(4) z/c 293(4) 117(4) -156(5) -254(5) -85(4) 6 6 (4 ) -1 0 8 (5 ) -139(4) 5(4) 162(4) 227(4) 351(4) 563(4) 659(4) 532(4) Biso 4 .6 (0 .8 ) 5.5(0.9) 7 .2 (1 .1 ) 7.9(1.2) 5.0(0.9) 4.5(0.8) 7.7(1.2) 5.5(1.0) 6 .4 (1 .0 ) 3 .8 (0 .8 ) 4 .6 (0 .8 ) 4 .0 (0 .8 ) 4.9(0.9) 5.8(0.9) 4.5(0. 8 ) and 0.54 for C (3). These values f o r .the occupation' factors give additional justification.for the assumption of statistical disorder in the nitrogen and carbons in the nitrosyl and carbonyl groups and for the refinement of these atoms as composite nNC" atoms. The structure The coordination about the cobalt and phosphorus is slightly distorted from tetrahedral. The average angle NC-Co-P is 10$.1°, the average angle NC-Co-NC is 113.5°, the average angle C-P-C is 103.2°, and the average angle Co-P-C is 115.2°. The molecule is rotated about the Co-P bond such that the carbonyl-nitrosyl groups nearly eclipse the phenyl groups; the angle the molecule is rotated away from being fully eclipsed is 6° (the angle NC(I)-Co-P-C(21)). The phenyl groups are rotated about the P - C (xl) bonds to give a "propeller" arrangement. A drawing of the molecule which also illustrates the thermal ellipsoids is shown in Figure 8. One hydrogen atom of each phenyl ring is placed above atom C (xl) of another ring to give the following short non-bonded contacts: C(Il)--H(32) 2.60(4)A C (21)--H(16) 2.62(4) C(3U--H(26) 2.59(4) 59 FIGURE 3 Molecular structure of dicarbonylnitrosyltriphenylphosphinecobalt(0) illustrating the thermal ellipsoids. 60 Taking the aromatic hydrogen van der W a a l rS radius from Bondi (6) to be I.OA and the phenyl ring thickness of 3•2 A , a minimum non-bonded contact of 2.6A would be expected. The observed distances are not significantly less than 2.6A and thereby give no indication of strong intra- ' molecular hydrogen bond interactions. Intermolecular non-bonded contacts between oxygen and phenyl carbon atoms range as short as 3 -17A. Taking fpom Bondi (6). the van der W a a l rS radius of 1.77A for aromatic carbon and 1.50A for carbonyl oxygen, a minimum non-bonded contact of 3.27A would be expected.. However, the angles 0*»«H— -C are far from linear with the least a Qute- angle being about 134°. This far departure from linearity coupled with the lack of oxygen^— carbon distances that are significantly less than 3 .2 7 A indicates that there are no strong intermolecular hydrogen bond interactions.. Least-squares planes were calculated, giving each atom equal weight, for each of the three phenyl rings with and without the phosphorus atom. are given in Table 17. - The equations of these planes The maximum deviations from the. planes of the individual rings with and without the phosphorus atom a r e , respectively: 61 TABLE I? Least-squares planes referred to orthogonal axes in ' dicarbonylnitrosyltriphenylphosphinecobalt(0 ) I - x + y* cos Y + z»cosp; I = y«sin y + z (cosq - cose jC o s v ) // , sin Y " Z = V/(a«b«siny). L.S. plane: IX + mY + nZ - d = 0.0 sum of squares of deviations of atoms from pla n e : Atoms in plane I m P,C(I l ) ,0(12), C (13) ,C(H) , C(15),C(16) .91065 C ( H ) ,0(12) , 0(13) ,C(H) , C (15),C(16) v S n d S .33336 .24411 2.796 .00020 .91110 .33019 .24670 2.790 .00004 P,C(21),C(22), C(23),C(24), 0(25),0(26) .15579 .63020 -.76063 -1.546 .00011 0(21),0(22), 0(23),0(24), 0(25),0(26) .15547 .63166 -.75949 -1.552 .opooa P,0(31),0(32), C(33),C(34), 0(35),0(36) -.42442 .64076 .63976 -.031 .00133 0(31),0(32), 0(33),0(34), 0(35),0(36) -.41539 .64233 .64405 .037 .00037 62 .OlOA and. .004A for the ring containing C(Il) .007A .005A 0(21) .022A .013A c (31) Bond distances within the molecule are listed in Table lg and bond angles are listed in Table 1 9 . A stereographic packing diagram (22 ) for the crystal is shown in Figure 9 . It is interesting to note that the ’’propeller” arrangement of the phenyl rings gives a helical sense to the molecule. The second molecule in the unit cell, related to the first by the center of symmetry, has the opposite helical sense. It appears, from the study of models, that the interconversion between the two helical senses is accomplished by simultaneous rotation about the Co-P bond and about the three P - C (xl) bonds; the rotation about the Co-P bond being approximately H O 0 . Bonding to the cobalt(0) atom The comparison of the M-C bond lengths with those in Co(CO)^(NO) and other ’’pseudo-nickel carbonyls" is listed in Table 20 and indicates' a significant shortening of the M-NC bonds. Ibers (12) This phenomena was also found by Enemark and (13) and by Frenz, Enemark, and Ibers (1 4 ) to occur with Mn(CO)^(NO) with increasing substitution of the 63 TABLE Id Bond distances in dicarbonylnitrosyltriphenylphosphinecobalt(O) Bond C0 — P Co————O (I ) Co————O (2) Co————O (3) Co————N C (I ) Co———-NC(2) C o————N C (3) O(I)-NC(I) 0(2)— NC (2) 0(3)— NC(3) P------ C (Il) P------ C(21) P------ c(31) C( 1 1 ) -C( 1 2 ) C(12)-C(13) C(1 3 )-C(1 4 ) C(U)-C(15) C( 1 5 ) -C( 1 6 ) C( 1 6 ) -C( 1 1 ) C( 2 1 ) -C( 2 2 ) C(22)-C(23) c (2 3 )-C (2 4 ) c (2 4 ) - c (2 5 ) distance 2 .2 2 4 (1 )A 2.863(4) 2.894(4) 2 .8 5 8 (3 ) 1.717(5) 1.749(5) 1.729(4) 1 .1 5 2 (6 ) 1.145(6) 1.130(5) 1 .8 2 4 (4 ) 1.821(4) 1.816(4) 1 .3 8 2 (7 ) 1.376(8) 1.362(7) 1.368(9) 1.384(8) 1.374(5) 1.383(6) 1.377(8) 1.361(10) 1.363(9) Bond c (2 5 )- C (2 6 ) C (26) -C (21) C (3 1 )- C (3 2 ) C(32)-C(33) 0(33)-C(34) C (34) -C (35) 0(35)-0(36) c (3 6 )- C (3 1 ) C (1 2 )- H (1 2 ) C (13) -H (13) C(U)-H(H) C (15)-H(15) C (16)- H (16) C (22)- H (22) C(23)-H(23) C (24) -H( 24) C (25)-H(25) C (26)- H (26) C(32)-H(32) C (33)-H(33) 0(34) -H(34) C(35)-H(35) 0(36)-H(36) distance 1.374(8) 1.380(7) 1.375(6) 1.367(7) 1.371(7) 1.357(8) 1.365(7) 1 .4 0 3 (6 ) 0.94 (3) 0 .9 8 (5) 0.93 (5) 0 .9 6 (4 ) 0.97 (4) 0.96 (4) 0.98 (5) 0.90 (5) 0.99 (5) 0,94 (4) 0 .9 2 (4 ) 0 .8 9 (4) 0 .8 8 (4 ) 0 .9 6 (4 ) 0.97 (4) 64 TABLE 19 Bond angles in dicarbonylnitrosyltriphenylphosphinecobalt (O)-' Atoms P —————Co————NC(I) P —————Co————N C (2) P —————Co————N C (3) NC(I)-Co---- NC(Z) N C ( I ) - C o - — NC(3) NC(Z)-Co---- NC(3) Co ---- NC(I)-O(I) Co---- NC(Z)-O(Z) Co---- N C (3)-0(3) Co————P —————C (ll) Co————P —————C(Zl) Co————P —————C (31) C(Il)-P------C(Zl) C(Il)-P----- C (31) C(Zi)-P----- c (3 1 ) p ----- C(Il)-C(IZ) P —————C (11)—C (1 6 ) C(Il)-C(IZ)-c(13) C(IZ)-C(1 3 )- C (1 4 ) C (13)- C (14)- C (15) C (1 4 )-C(1 5 )- C(1 6 ) c (1 5 )- C (1 6 )-C(Il) C(16)-C(Il)-C(IZ) P ------C(Zl)-C(ZZ) p ------C(Zl)-C(Z6) C(Z1)-C(ZZ)-C(Z3) C(ZZ)-C(23)- C (24) C (23)- C (24)- C (25) C (2 4 )- C (2 5 )- C (2 6 ) C (25)- C (26)-C(Zl) C (2 6 )- C (2 1 )- C (2 2 ) P ------C(31)-C(32) P ------C(31)-C(36) C (31)- C (32)- C (33) C (32)- C (33)- C (34) angle 104« 2(1) 106.3(2) 104.7(1) 111.4(2) 116.3(2) I l Z .9(2) 179.0(4) 176.7(4) 176.6(4) 116.5(1) 113«9(l) 115.1(1) 10Z.9(2) 103.5(2) 1 0 3 .3 (2 ) 119.4(3) IZZ ®4(3) 1Z0.6(4) 1Z0.Z( 5 ) 120.Z(5) 119.5(5) 1Z1.Z(4) 116.2(4) 117.6(3) 1Z3. 6 (3 ) 1 Z 0 .5( 5 ) 119.6(5) 120.6(6) 1 1 9 .6 (6 ) 120.9(5) 1 1 6 .4 (4 ) 123.9(3) 116.6(3) 121.6(4) 119.6(5) Atoms .C(33)-C(34)-C(35) C (34)-C (35)- C (36) C (3 5)- C (3 6 )- C (31) C (3 6 )-C (3 1 ) -C (3 2 )' C(Il)-C(IZ)-H(IZ) C(IJ)-C(IZ)-H(IZ) C(IZ)-C(13)- H (13)1 C (14)- C (13)-H(13) C (13) -C (14) - H (14)’ C(15)-C(14)-H(14) C (14) r-C(15) ~H(15) C (16)-C (15)-H(15) C (15)-C (16)-H(l6) C(Il)-C(16)- H (16) C(Zl)-C(ZZ)-H(ZZ) O(ZJ)-C(ZZ)-H(ZZ) C(ZZ)-C(Z3)-H(23) C(24)-C(23)-H(23) C (23)- C (2 4 )-H( 2 4 ) C (25)-C(2 4 )-H(2 4 ) C (24)-C (25)-H(25) C(26)-C(25)-H(25) C (25)-C (26)-H(26) C(Zl)-C(26)- H (26) C (31) -C (32) -H(3’2) C(33)-C(32)-H(32) C (3 2 )-C (33.) - H (33) C(34)-C(33)-H(33) C(33)-C(34)-H(34) C (35) -C (34) -H(34) C (34)-C (35)-H(35) C (3 6 )-C (J5) - H (35) C (35)-C (3 6 )- H (3 6 ) C (31)- C (3 6 )-H(36) angle 120.4(5) 120,4(5) 120.5(4) 117.5(4) 117. (2) 122, (2) 119; (2) 121. (2) 119. (3) 121. (3) 1 22 . (3 ) 116. (3) 116. (2) 123. (2) 1,17. (2) 122. (2) 116. (3) 124. (3) 121. (3) 1 1 6 . (3) 127. (3) 113. (3) 1 20 . (2) 119. (2) 116. (2) 120. (2) 116. (2) 122. (2) 119, (3) 121. (3) 126. (3) 114. (3) 123. (2) 116. (2) 65 FIGURE 9 Stereographic packing diagram of dicarbonylnitrosyltriphenylphosphinecobalt(0) TABLE 20 Comparison of nitrosyl and carbonyl bond distances (Distances are averaged where there are two or more equivalent bonds.) Study M-C C-O M-O M-N. N ——0 M ——0 Ni(CO ) 43 1.82(2)A 1 .1 5 (3 ) 2.97 Ni(CO ) 413 1.84(3") 1 .1 5 2.99(3) Co(CO) 3 (NO) 0 1.83(2) 1.14(3) 2.97 1.76(3) 1.10(4) 2.86 Fe(CO)2 (NO)2 0 1 .8 4 (2 ) 1.15(3) 2.99 1.77(2) 1.12(3) 2.89 Co(CO)2 (NO)P(Ph)3d 1.732(4) 0 I O 'M - N C 1 .1 4 2 (6 ) M-O 2.873(4) a Brockwell and Cross ( 7 )(electron diffraction study) b Ladell, Post and Fankuchen (23)(X-ray) c Brockway and Anderson ( 8 )(electron) d the present study (X-ray) 67 carbonyl groups by triphenylphosphine. The shortening of the metal-carbon bond with increasing substitution of the carbonyl groups by triphenylphosphine may be explained qualatatively as follows: Phosphorus (as in triphenylphosphine) is less adept,at back bonding . I'' to the transition metal than is the carbon of a carbonyl group (77 -bonding between phosphorus and cobalt will be examined .in Section II of this Part). Substitution of the carbonyl group by triphenylphosphine would cause the loss of the back bonding attributed to the carbonyl group and thereby one would expect an increase in the bond order of the remaining metal-carbon (nitrogen) bonds. In the three canonical forms for bhe bonding in the carbonyl group ( M - O s = O , M = O - O , and M s e C — 0) as the Cr-O bond order changes, the M-C bond order changes in the opposite direction; thereby the C-O and N--O stretching frequencies may be empirical monitors of the M-C and M-rC bond orders. Infrared spectra have been studied (21) to give support to this explanation: Cp(CO)3 (NO) C-O v (a) ^(b) N-Ov Co(CO) 2 (NO)P(Ph)3 . .6 2100 cm"1 2036 64 2035 1932 53 1305 1?60 45 In each case'the stretching.frequencies are lowered as the carbonyl group is substituted by tripheny!phosphine. ' This indicates a decrease in the C-O and N-O bond orders and presumably an increase in .the M-C and M-N bond orders. One would then expect a lengthening of the C-O and N-O bond lengths and a shortening of the M-C and M-N bond lengths. As in the study of the Mn(CO)^(NO) series, the Co(CO)^(NO) series shows a decrease in the M-C and M-N '. ■ • bond lengths (observed as a decrease in the M-NG bond, lengths) and shows essentially no change in the nitrosyl or carbonyl bond lengthsv(observed as NG-O bond lengths). As a continuation of a study of the bonding to the cobalt(0), it would be interesting to.investigate the. crystal structure of Co(CO)(NO)(P(Ph ) ^ ) 2 to verify the explanation and prediction of the shortening of metalcarbop and metal-nitrogen bond lengths with increasing substitution of carbonyl groups by triphenylphoephine. SECTION II THE ANALYSTS OF THE ANGULAR CONFIGURATION OF DIGARBONYLNITROSYLTRIPHENYLPHOS PHINECOBALT(O ) Introduction The empirical equations of Bartell ( 5 ) were used to calculate the non-bonded repulsion energies. They are (in c .g . s . units): V c_c (r) = 20.Sxl0~105r*12 - 22.6xl0"6°r"6 Vh-h(r) = 4.5dxl0-10[exp-(r/0.245x10-3)] V c_h (r) = S.68x10-60 - 3 .42xlO-6 or ~6 5d[exp-(r/0.490x10-8)] - ij r “6 Conversion to units of kcal/mole requires multiplication by the factors: 2 • 6.02xl023 • 2.3^OxlO-11RcaI mole erg For the purpose of calculating relative non-bonded repulsion energies, all nitrogens and oxygens in the molecule were assumed to be similar to carbon and the equations for ^c-c(r) and V c-h(r) were used regardless of ..whether the non-hydrogen atoms were carbon, nitrogen, or oxygen. This appears to be a satisfactory approximation for calculating relative energies. The molecule in the crystal The initial coordinates for all atoms in the molecule 70 were those observed in the X-ray determination of the crystal structure. ' The molecule was translated to place the phosphorus atom at the origin (the other molecules were also translated by the same vector) and the four rotation axes were defined as the vectors from the origin (the phosphorus atom) to the cobalt atom and to the three phenyl carbon atoms bound to the phosphorus. The appropriate atoms could then be rotated about these axes ((CO)2 (N0 ) about the P-Co vector and C 5 about each of the P-C vectors). Extremely short non-bonded distances represent an improbable configuration for the molecule. To conserve on computing time, the calculation of the repulsion energy was bypassed for a particular configuration if any of the non-bonded distances were less than the following: I.SA for H - H , 2.2A for C - H , and 2.6A for C - C . The individual repulsion energies (summed for the total interactions of the molecule) were calculated only for pairs of atoms whose relative positions could change with rotation about one of the four axes and only when the separation between these atoms was less than 5 .CA. Taking the molecule imbedded in the crystal, the nonbonded repulsion energies were calculated in steps of 5° 71 over a range of 120° about the P-Co vector. As this vector approximates a three-fold rotation axis, this one part of the plot of the energy vs. angle of rotation should closely approximate the remaining two parts of the plot. The plot is shown in Figure 10 and indicates a maximum in energy at an angle 60° from that in the crystal and a minimum in energy at the angle found in the crystal. It appears to be smooth, uniform, and symmetrical about the angles of O0 and 60°= -The relative energy scale of the plot has been adjusted to place the lowest energy at zero. The free molecule The calculation of the non-bonded repulsion energies for the free molecule as a function of rotation -about the P-Co vector was similar to that for the molecule in the crystal except that interactions were considered only within the one molecule. This plot is shown in Figure 10 super­ imposed on that for the molecule in the crystal. The energy maximum appears at an angle of approximately 82° relative to that found in the crystal and the energy minimum at an angle of approximately 20°„ This plot also appears to be smooth, uniform and symmetrical about the angles of approximately 20° and 82°. The non-bonded repulsion energies for the free molecule 72 _8 I500_ I400_ O I300_ O I200_ _6 IIOO_ IOOOJ _5 900_ 800_ kcal O kcal 700_ 600_ _3 500_ 400_ 300_ 200 , I00_ . ° * 0_ o o* ® Q o. °• * * O O o O -0 60 degrees FIGURE 10 Non-bonded repulsion energies as a function of rotation about the Co-P bond 120 73 were calculated with respect to rotation about all four vectors with intervals of 15° and a range of 120° about the P-Co vector and a range of 180° about each of the three P-C vectors; interactions were considered only for separations of less than 3 « 5A.. The calculation was repeated with the rotation in the opposite direction giving a total of nearly 40,000 distinct angular configurations for the molecule» A large majority of these configurations are improbable due to extremely short non-bonded distances and the energies were not calculated for them. The non-bonded repulsion energies are listed in Table 21 for the free molecule in the angular configuration found in the crystal and for the free molecule in which the phenyl rings have individually been rotated 15° or -15° about the P-C vector. In the cases of rotation of 15° about the P-C vector and of rotation in the positive direction about the P-Co vector, the energy minima appear at about O0 and the maxima at about SO0 ; in the one case for rotation of -15° about P-C which did not create non-bonded distances less than the limits, the minimum appeared at about 2$° (-95°) and the maximum at about 85 ° (-35°). No angular configuration was found for the free molecule which calculated a minimum non-bonded repulsion 74 TABLE 21 Non-bonded repulsion energies for configuration (x^_ = increments of 15° about P-G(Il) , X 2 about P - C (21), x^ about P- C (31)) angle Co-P configuration 100 000* _ 001* ■ 010* 100* 3 .9 8 9 ok . ok.. 1 .359 .. ok ■ 000 001 .433 .832 1.328 1.172 .559 .733 1.143 1.645 1.443 .914 30 1.202 1.498 1.808 1.800 1.298 1.018 45 '1.858 1.936 2.200 2.033 1.924 1.814 60 3.936 3.593 3,885 3.071 4.115 4.564 75 7.699 6.093 7.011 4.780 7.831 10.280 90 7.501 5.417 7.082 4.316 6.777 12.710 10$ 2.853 2.149 3.168 1.632 2.647 ' 7.641 120 0.413 0.875 1.175 0.788 O .483 O 15 ' * 010 xxx ok xxx 2.095 denotes rotation in the negative direction about C o - P ; 15° an actual angle of -105°. ok xxx denotes no non-bonded distances less than limits. ■ denotes a non-bonded distance less than limits,and the energy not calculated for this configuration. 75 energy less than that for the angular configuration found in the crystal. It is interesting to note that the energy decreases when one rotates +120° about Co-P (by only .070 kcal/mole) and increases when one rotates -120° about Co-P (by only .076 kcal/mole) for the configuration found in the crystal; these very small energy differences help justify the assumption that the Co-P vector is essentially a three-fold axis. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The.plot of the non-bonded repulsion energy as a function of the angle of rotation about the Co-P vector, Figure 10, indicates that the molecule in the crystal is, ■with respect to rotation about the Co-P vector, in the most favorable configuration. T h u s , there is no indication of any forces within the molecule other than non-bonded repulsions influencing the angular configuration of the molecule in the crystal. The plot and the tabulation of the non-bonded repulsion energy as a function of rotation about the Co-P vector for the free molecule, Figure 10 and Table 21, indicate that the most favorable configuration in the absense of the intermolecular forces in the crystal is that with an angle approximately 20° greater than that in the crystal. The tabulation as a function of rotation about the four vectors, Table 21, indicates that the most favorable configuration for the free molecule is that with the same angles about the three P-C vectors as in the crystal and with an angle about the Co-P vector approximately 20° greater than in the crystal. This analysis of the dependence of the non-bonded repulsion«energy on the angle of rotation about the four vectors has not ruled out the possibility of ir-bonding 77 between the cobalt and the phosphorus atoms; it has indicated that it is not necessary to postulate ^-bonding to explain the observed configuration in the crystal. This analysis does indicate, in the absense of ^-bonding and presumably due to crystal packing forces, that in going from the free to the crystalline state the molecule is rotated approximately 20° about the bond joining the cobalt and phosphorus atoms. APPENDIXES APPENDIX I NORMAL PROBABILITY PLOT ANALYSIS OF ERROR IN DERIVED QUANTITIES AND STANDARD DEVIATIONS Introduction . Abrahams and Keve ( 2) have applied the normal probability plot analysis method to independent X-ray intensity data sets to check the validity of the assigned ■ standard deviations of the F 0^s and then to the independently determined sets of atomic parameters with their derived standard deviations to check for normal error distributions and correct standard deviations. This appendix presents the work of Abrahams and Keve in condensed form and describes the probability plot and the properties of a normal probability plot. The probability p l o t ' A probability plot may be used to compare the distribution of any set of magnitudes with any assumed distribution; deviations from the assumed distribution may be examined with great sensitivity. Taking two independent sets of magnitudes F(I) ^ and F(2)-j_ with their standard deviations <yF(I )^ and o-F(2) -^ and the least-squares scale factor K relating the two sets, the statistic <$p^ 80 is defined as dpi = ^F(I). - KF(2)J The distribution of the . + K2(*2p(2)^y^ is expected to be Gaussian if the F(I)i and F(2)^ contain only random error and if the O-F (I )i and(rF(2)j_ are correct. To construct a normal probability plot, the set of <fpj_ is rearranged in order of increasing magnitude -and plotted against x^, the values expected for a normal distribution. The values of x^ are obtained from the normal probability function I P(x) = fx I -8^/2 e dot v2tr -f-x where the i-th value of P(x) for the j-ordered statistics (meaning there are j elements in the set of Jp ) is given by (j-2i+l)/j . The sign of x is positive for i greater than j/2 and negative for i less than j/2. The construction of a half-normal probability plot is similar except that Jjpi J are used and the i-th value of P(x) is given by (2j-2i+l)/2j . Properties of a normal probability plot The ordering of the J p i in order of increasing Si magnitude necessarily places the largest at the extremes of the array. The density of points of this array represents the distribution of the Jpi . In the analysis of a normal probability plot, the departure of individual remainder of the array is less important trends. from the than the overall Hence, in judging a plot for linearity and slope, in is important to give the greatest weight to the densily populated central portion of the plot containing the majority of the data. If the assumed distribution is the same as that of the set of magnitudes to be compared, the plot will be recognizable as linear. A non-zero intercept can be attributed to an error in the value of the scale factor K in the case of a normal probability plot and to a systematic error (other than a scale factor between the sets) in the case of a half-normal probability plot. (This as a result of using the normal probability plot for sets of elements such as F0T3s which are relative and must be scaled, and of using the half-normal probability plot for sets of elements such as atomic parameters which are absolute.) A slope different from unity (on a linear plot with zero intercept) may indicate uniform misestimation of the standard deviations by a factor of !/(slope). APPENDIX II DETERMINING THE EXTERNAL GEOMETRY AND DIMENSIONS OF A SINGLE CRYSTAL • Introduction The calculation of accurate corrections for the absorption of X-rays by a crystal requires an accurate knowledge of the external geometry and dimensions of the crystal. Tichy (30) proposed a method to obtain this knowledge in terms of the coordinates of the apices of the crystal and Alcock (4 ) proposed a method in terms of the equations describing the plane of each crystal face. Another method determines the coordinates of three points on each face from which the equation of the plane of that face can be determined. The method described below obtains this knowledge easily and directly for a well-shaped crystal in terms of the Miller indices of the faces and the thickness of the crystal between parallel faces. The method has been developed for use with the General Electric XRD-5 diffractometer equipped with the General Electric single crystal orienter. instruments. It may be adapted for use with other Instrument modification The cross-hair reticle in the alignment microscope eyepiece is replaced by a nWhipple disc" (Bausch & Lomb Cat. No. 31-16-13) which consists of a IOxlO square grid with one grid unit near the center further subdivided into a 5x5 grid. The grid is aligned with one axis lying in the plane of the 9-29 circle and the other axis normal to this plane. The grid may be calibrated by placing a calibrated scale at the crystal position and observing the image of the scale superimposed on the image of the grid. The method The alignment microscope line-of-sight is set normal to the plane of the CHI circle of the single crystal .. orienter, (This is accomplished with the G.E. XED-5 diffractometer by setting 29 at 100.00°.) When CHI and PHI (but not 29 which is left set at 100.00°) are set for a given reflection, h k l , the crystal face with the same Miller indices, (hkl), is viewed as lying parallel to the line-of-sight and normal to the plane of the 9-29 circle (i.e. , it is viewed as a line parallel to the vertical axis of the grid). Figure 11 is a graphical illustration of this situation. . Whether the crystal face lies parallel to the line-of-sight can be verified by rotating +10° about 84 (hkl) uIhki) FIGURE 11 Graphical illustration of view through alignment microscope of the diffractometer showing the image of the "Whipple disc" grid superimposed on the image of the crystal. PHI and observing that the grazing angle approaches zero as PHI approaches the setting for that reflection. Scale drawings (similar to Figure ll) are made on graph paper for each face of the crystal at the CHI and PHI settings of the corresponding reflection. Taking the intersection point of the a x e s .of the CHI, PHI, and the 0-29 circles of the diffractometer as the origin, the scale drawings are measured to determine the origin-to-face distance for each face of the crystal. In Figure 11 the origin (indicated by a dot at the center of the crystal) is deliberately being displaced from the center of the grid (a common occurrence!) and the distances to the two parallel faces (hkl) and (hkl) are indicated. It is essential to calibrate the grid to determine the spacing between grid lines and to determine the location of the origin with respect to the grid. Summary The indices and the origin-to-face distance for every face, along with the unit cell parameters, constitute the data set necessary to describe the external geometry and dimensions of a single crystal. 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