Timing and mechanism of formation of selected talc deposits in the Ruby Range, southwestern Montana by Dale Lewis Anderson A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Earth Sciences Montana State University © Copyright by Dale Lewis Anderson (1987) Abstract: The mechanism of formation of talc deposits in Archean dolomitic marbles of southwestern Montana is not well understood. This study examines the mineralogy, chemistry, and structure of selected talc prospects with the purpose of developing a model for talc formation in these dolomitic marbles. Detailed field mapping and petrography yields a paragenetic sequence with three periods of mineral formation, designated , M2, and M3. M1 is characterized by amphibolite-grade assemblages in calcitic marbles. M2 resulted in dolomitization and greenschist-grade silicate assemblages overprinting M1 assemblages. M3, the last step in the paragenetic sequence, resulted in formation of talc from dolomite and all greenschist-grade silicate minerals (with the exception of chlorite) present. Structural control of talc formation is suggested by discontinuous occurrences of talc bodies. Layer-parallel fracturing is indicated by the orientation and morphology of talc bodies, and by the lack of cross-cutting structures which can be related to talc formation. Geochemical analyses and mass balance calculations demonstrate that talc bodies did not form by isochemical alteration of high-grade or talc-bearing marbles. Infiltration of large quantities of SiOg and Mg++ is indicated, with concomitant removal of Ca++. Infiltration is supported by the absence of isobaric univariant mineral assemblages, indicating that mineral parageneses did not buffer the talc-forming reaction. Preservation of millimeter-to centimeter-scale relict textures suggests constant volume replacement during talc formation. Mass balance calculations show that alteration of 1 m3 0f dolomite to form talc, while conserving volume, requires addition of 1,764 kg of SiOg and 157 kg of Mg++ to the system, with concomitant removal of 1,556 kg of calcite. A minimum fluid flux of 7.05 x 1O 5 liters is indicated for each cubic meter of dolomitic marble that was altered to talc. Field and mineralogic relationships constrain timing of talc formation. A Proterozoic, post-greenschist , pre-Paleozoic age is indicated. Field relationships, mineral parageneses, marble and talc geochemistry, mass balance determinations, and the tectonic history of the study area are all consistent with formation of talc in a near surface hot springs environment. Maximum temperature and Pfluid indicated is 450° C and 2 kbar. TIMING AND MECHANISM OF FORMATION OF SELECTED TALC DEPOSITS IN THE RUBY RANGE, SOUTHWESTERN MONTANA by Dale LewpLs Anderson A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Earth Sciences MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana March, 1987 iAtN UB, /V37C An ^// 4- Cop. APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Dale Lewis Anderson This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. 3/ z m / Date Chairperson, Graduate Committee Approved for the Major Department p S',..L Head, Major Department Date ■ Approved for the College of Graduate Studies ^ Date ^ 4 3 o j/<tS'7 53^. fGraduate Dean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master's degree at Montana State University,- I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules the Library. Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable special permission, of without provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission for extensive quotation from or reproduction of thesis may be granted by my major professor, the Director of Libraries when, or in his/her absence, by in the opinion of either, the proposed use of the material is for scholarly purposes. the material Date ALroL Any copying or use in this thesis for financial gain shall not without my written permission. Signature o 3iH. this jh/\_______ __________ be of allowed iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would Childs, and like to thank David Mogk Childs, Chairman), David Lageson for suggestions and constructive' during preparation of the manuscript. John (Committee who were John criticism Many thanks go to David Mogk and particularly patient and helpful in the organization and inspection of the manuscript. Funding Company and for the study was provided by Cyprus Industrial (CIMC). CIMC also provided access to the prospects examined, XRD analyses of selected samples. Howard Harlan of CIMC provided lodging during field work at the Metlan Annex in well as suggestions throughout much of the study. comments Minerals Dillon, Montana, as Andy Barth provided and insights during field work and early stages of the study. Michael Clark assisted with plane table mapping of the Sweetwater Mine. Rick Weeks and Robert Piniazkiewicz of Cyprus Minerals reviewed drafts of the thesis. error final I thank Robert for bringing to my attention in the mass balance calculations, which had previously an avoided detection. Finally, I would like to thank my family, without whose support my education would not have been possible. V TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ....................... viii LIST OF FIGURES........ ............... ix LIST OF PLATES.... .................... xi ABSTRACT...... ........................ xii 1. 2. INTRODUCTION...................... I Purpose and Scope................ Background....................... Methods.......................... Geologic Setting................. 1 2 3 5 FIELD RELATIONSHIPS AND PETROGRAPHY 9 Bosal Prospect............... Introduction............ High-Grade Marble....... Talc-Bearing Marble..... Dillon Gneiss........... Structure............... Summary................. Ruby View Prospect........... Introduction............ High-Grade Marble....... Serpentine-Bearing Marble Talc-Bearing Marble..... Summary................. T.P. Prospect................ Introduction............ High-Grade Marble....... . Talc-Bearing Marble..... Dillon Gneiss........... Summary................. Spring Creek Prospect........ Introduction............ High-Grade Marble....... Talc-Bearing Marble..... Structure............... Summary................. 9 9 9 10 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 20 20 20 21 22 24 25 25 25 26 26 30 30 I vi TABLE OF CONTENTS— Continued Page 3. 4. Pope Prospect............................................... Introduction...................................... High-Grade Marble...................... Talc-Bearing Marble..................... Schists......................................... Dillon Gneiss..................... Summary........................... .................... Sweetwater Mine............................................. Introduction.......................... ................. Marbles...................... ......................... High-Grade Marble............................... . Talc-Bearing Marble....... ....................... Gneisses............................................... Introduction................................... . Unaltered Gneiss........................ * ........ Slightly Chloritized Gneiss....................... Intensely Chloritized Gneiss..... ................. Structure................................. ...........-• Discussion.............. Mineralogic and Textural Relationships.................. . Structural Control of Talc Formation......... ^ Stratigraphic Controls on Talc Formation.... ........... 31 31 31 32 34 35 35 36 36 36 36 37 39 39 39 39 40 42 42 42 44 45 WHOLE ROCK GEOCHEMISTRY............................. ......... 47 Introduction........................... .................... Data.................. Discussion............................................... Geochemistry of Gneisses.......................... 47 47 4S 51 MASS BALANCE.................................. Introduction................ Isochemical Talc Formation..................... Metasomatism and Talc Formation......................... Estimates on Fluid Flux During Talc Formation............. i. Discussion......................... Implications of Mass Balance Calculations........ Sources of Silica and Magnesium............ ..........••••••• 5. RELATIVE AND ABSOLUTE AGES OF TALC FORMATION........ Relative Age of Talc Formation...... ....................... • Absolute Age of Talc Formation............ Summary.................. 53 33 54 57 61 61 62 63 65 65 65 68 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS— Continued Page 6. 7. PHYSICAL' CONDITIONS OF TALC FORMATION........................ 69 Introduction................................................ Pressure of Talc Formation.................................. Temperature of Talc Formation........... Introduction................... .............. . .. . .. Talc Stability Field.... ...................... Summary............................... 69 69 70 70 72 73 CONCLUSIONS.... ...... .... ..... ............................. 74 Timing of Talc Formation.................................... Physical Conditions of Talc Formation............... j?...... Mechanism of Talc Formation.......................... Significance of Study....................................... 74 75 76 77 REFERENCES CITED............... 79 APPENDIX......................................................... 85 Whole rock geochemical analyses........ 86 viii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6. Summary of replacement reactions and diablastic intergrowths observed during petrographic analysis....... 11 Balanced reactions corresponding to replacement reactions Listed in Table I ..................... ........ 12 Normative mineralogy of high-grade marble calculated in terms of talc, dolomite, and calcite........... ...... 55 Normative mineralogy of talc-bearing marble calculated in terms of talc, dolomite, and calcite.............. 56 Mass balance calculations holding Mg constant and introducing all SiO^ and H^O necessary of dolomitic marble. to form talc from I 58 ++ Calculations showing total mass of SiO^ and Mg added to dolomitic marble to conserve volume while altering marble completely to talc............... 60 7. Whole rock geochemical analyses of high-grademarble...... 86 8. Whole rock geochemical analyses of talc-bearingmarble.... 9. Whole rock geochemical analyses of talc.................. 89 10. Whole rock geochemical analyses of gneisses.............. 90 87 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Page Regional location map showing the study area and outcrops of similar lithologies in southwestern Montana................................... 2 Location map showing . the Ruby Range, with locations of prospects examined......................... 4 Diagram showing the paragenetic sequence determined for the Bosal Prospect.......................... ......... 13 Photomicrograph showing exsolution lamellae in carbonates (dolomite exsolving from calcite)............. 13 Diagram showing the paragenetic sequence developed for the Ruby View Prospect............................... 18 6 . Diagram showing the paragenetic sequence for the T.P. Prospect....................................... 7. Photomicrograph showing talc pseudomorphs after serpentine............................................... 23 23 8 . Diagram showing.the paragenetic sequence for the Spring Creek Prospect........ 28 9. Photomicrograph showing quartz altering to talc.......... 30 Diagram showing the paragenetic sequence for the Pope Prospect........................... 33 Photomicrograph showing talc pseudomorphs after dolomite, defined by color bands in talc................. 34 10. 11. 12. Diagram showing the paragenetic sequence developed for marbles at the Sweetwater Mine............. ■ 37 13. Photomicrograph showing relict quartz ribbons which have been altered to talc, surrounded by chloritized feldspar..................................... 41 Photograph of relict gneissic texture in which quartz ribbons preferentially altered to talc wrap around a chloritized feldspar porphyroblast......... 41 14. X LIST OF FIGURES— Continued Figure 15. 16. 17. Page ■ CaO-MgO-SiO^ ternary diagram showing high-grade marbles, talc-bearing marbles, and talc........................................ 49 CaO-MgO-SiO2 ternary diagram showing fields occupied by high-grade marble, talc-bearing marble, and talc......................................... 49 Temperature-pressure diagram showing serpentinetalc relationships............................. 66 Isobaric temperature-X diagram showing the stability field of talc at Pj=^uid “ ^ kbar.... 71 xi LIST OF PLATES Plate Page 1. Geology of the Bosal Prospect..................... In pocket 2. Geology of the Ruby View Prospect................. In pocket 3. Geology of the T.P. Prospect...................... In pocket 4. Geology of the Spring Creek Prospect.............. In pocket 5. Geology of the Pope Prospect...................... In pocket 6. Geology of the Sweetwater Mine.................... In pocket xii ABSTRACT The mechanism of formation of talc deposits in Archean dolomitic marbles of southwestern Montana is not well understood. This study examines the mineralogy, chemistry, and structure of selected talc prospects with the purpose of developing a model for talc formation in these dolomitic marbles. Detailed field mapping and petrography yields a paragenetic sequence with three periods of mineral formation, designated , M 2, and M 3 . M 1 is characterized by amphibolite-grade assemblages in calcitic marbles. Mg resulted in dolomitization and greenschist-grade silicate assemblages overprinting M 1 assemblages. M3 , the last step in the paragenetic sequence, resulted in formation of talc from dolomite and all greenschist-grade silicate minerals (with the exception of chlorite) present. Structural control of talc formation is suggested by discontinuous occurrences of talc bodies. Layer—parallel fracturing is indicated by the orientation and morphology of talc bodies, and by the lack of cross-cutting structures which can be related to talc formation. Geochemical analyses and mass balance calculations demonstrate that talc bodies did not form by isochemical alteration of high-grade 0r++a‘*"C""^ear^n® marT3Ies• ,Infiltration of large quantities of SiOg and Mg is indicated, with concomitant removal of Ca++. Infiltration is supported by the absence of isobaric univariant mineral assemblages, indicating that mineral parageneses did not buffer the talc—forming reaction. Preservation of millimeter-to centimeter-scale relict textures suggests constant volume replacement during talc formation. Mass balance calculations show that alteration of I m3 of dolomite to form talc, while conserving volume, requires addition of 1,764 kg of SiOg and 157 kg of Mg++ to the system, with concomitant removal of 1,556 kg of calcite. A minimum fluid flux of 7.05 x IO^ liters is indicated for each cubic meter of dolomitic marble that was altered to talc. Field and mineralogic relationships constrain timing of talc formation. A Proterozoic, post-greenschist , pre-Paleozoic age is indicated. Field relationships, mineral parageneses, marble and talc geochemistry,, mass balance determinations, and the tectonic history of the study area are all consistent with formation of talc in a near surface hot springs environment. Maximum temperature and P fl11 indicated is 450° C and 2 kbar. I CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Purpose and Scope This chemical study is controls southwestern part of ongoing research and timing Montana (Figure on the of talc formation in I). physical the Ruby The purpose of this study Range, is determine the mechanisms of formation of talc bodies of economic as well as to develop a physicochemical model for talc and to size, formation. Towards this end talc deposits have been examined in detail in the Ruby Range. Based on techniques presented below, this study will address the following points: 1) Physical characteristics of each prospect examined; 2) Talc forming reactions identified by means of petrographic analysis; 3) Geochemistry of marbles, with determination of the nature of bulk compositional changes during talc formation; 4) Mass balance petrographic materials calculations observations will incorporating demonstrate which may have been added to, or field the and nature subtracted of from, dolomitic marbles during talc formation; 5) Evidence for petrographic metasomatism, analysis, rock geochemistry; based on field mass balance calculations relations, and whole 2 BUTTE WHITEHALL Highland M tn s. X Bridger Ifiange Approximate Boundary /~\tf ♦ faaa n i ll M D I BOZEMAN I# 'Tobacco \fioot >Mtns, DILLON STUDY AREA S. Madison ^ Ran9e Montana IdahoXMontana iTendoy \M tn s . Blacktail Range Gravelly Range K ilom eters Figure I. Regional location map showing the study area and outcrops of similar lithologies in southwestern Montana (modified from Bergantino and Clark, 1985). 6 ) Phase equilibria of the talc forming system and proposed temperatures of formation of talc; 7) Mechanism for formation of economic-sized talc bodies, and the inferred time of formation of such bodies. Background Formation restricted to of economically two geologic environments: dolomitic carbonate rocks; Ruby Range, viable talc deposits is generally I) metamorphosed siliceous and 2) altered ultramafic bodies. In the metamorphosed dolomitic carbonate is known to be important J 3 in talc formation; alteration of ultramafic bodies in the range has not been recognized as a mechanism for formation of minable talc bodies (Qkuma, 1971; Desmarais, 1981). Recognition host rock of dolomitic marbles in the Ruby Range as sole for large talc deposits has resulted in several studies the distribution and petrology of these units (Perry, 1949; the Heinrich descriptions and Rabbitt, 1960). 1948; Additional work of many known talc deposits and prospects on Levinson, has provided (Okuma, 1971; Garihan, 1973; Olson, 1976; Berg, 1979; Whitehead, 1979; Walton, 1981). Tliis study adds including more prospects studied. theories concerning considerable information detailed physical and Also, to this petrographic data base, descriptions of this study results in the presentation of talc formation which differ slightly from those mapping on a scale of I" = 5 ’ or I" = 10' of several tale­ developed in previous studies. Methods Field bearing prospects in the Ruby Range was carried out to determine mesoscopic controls on talc formation, such as compositional variations within host marbles, mineralogy, and structure. Prospects Chosen for detailed examination provide three dimensional exposures of talc bodies and the gneisses. of relationships Also, of talc bodies with surrounding marbles these prospects were,considered to be representative areas with potential for talc formation of economic interest. prospects examined described in and during this study, the following order; shown in Figure I) Bosal Prospect; 2, 2) will Ruby The be View 4 Phanerozoic Sediments Archean Metasediments 1. Bosal Prospect 2. Ruby View Prospect 3. T.P. Prospect 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Spring Creek Prospect Pope Prospect Sweetwater Mine Cottonwood Creek Fault Stone Creek Fault Carter Creek Fault Sweetwater Fault Figure 2. Location map showing the Ruby Range, with locations of prospects examined, and major northwest trending faults (modified from Schmidt and Garihan, 1986). 5 Prospect; 3) Prospect; and T.P. Prospect; 4) Spring 6) the Sweetwater Mine. Creek Prospect; 5) Pope All of the prospects examined are controlled by Cyprus Industrial Minerals Company (CIMC). Samples petrographic collected during mapping were techniques, as well as analyzed using cathodoluminesence standard (CL) ultraviolet (UV) microscopy, with two main goals: the and 2) understanding the nature of talc-forming reactions; forming reactions and I) determination of talc­ within the context of the paragenetic sequence and thermal history of marbles being examined. Samples were selected for whole rock geochemical analysis to determine chemical differences between talcose and non-talcose marbles. Tliis information is necessary to evaluate the possible metasomatic processes which were active during talc formation. Geologic Setting In southwestern Montana, restricted aged Range block economically viable talc occurrences are to Archean marbles exposed in Iate-Cretaceous-to Paleoceneuplifts which have been modified by subsequent extension. Such lithologies occur in the Ruby, Basin Tobacco Root, Gravelly, and Tendoy Ranges, among others (Berg, 1979) (Figure I). talc prospects examined during this study are located in marbles have been correlated with the Cherry Creek Group and All which (Heinrich and Rabbitt, 1960; Okuma, 1971; Garihan, 1973), as defined by Peale (1896), in the Gravelly Range, south of Ennis, Montana. This correlation has not been verified by geochronologic or geochemical data. 6 Previous investigators in the Ruby Range generally agree that area metamorphism Okuma3 Range3 granu lite-grade, dated at approximately 2750 M a . Garihan3 dynamothemal (Gilletti3 1973; James and Hedge3 1980). which tight, northwest. southern strikes northeast and dips to the northwest 1981). and surfaces strike northeast, of Deformation dip style of folding is correlative with Garihan of (Karasevich and (1973) in the central and F^ portion of isolated quartz pods and development of having formed under these conditions. the and the F2 range. boudinage gneiss and schist lenses within marble described herein is as to and F^ folds Okuma (1971) in the southern portion of the range, folds Ruby Macroscopic folds associated with M^ are isoclinal axial This 1966; metamorphism the dominant foliation within the central and and others, of (M^), 1971; produced to ampb i.bol it e-1 o underwent the in interpreted Timing of Okuma1s F^ event with respect to metamorphic conditions is unclear, but it is thought to have occurred under amphibolite-grade conditions due to developed axial planar cleavage (?) defined by alignment of a poorly hornblende and biotite in F^ folds (Okuma3 1971). A Proterozoic retrograde regional thermal event (M^) resulted in overprinting of the amphibolite-grade assemblages by greenschist facies assemblages. this Ma. No penetrative deformational features are associated with thermal event. K-Ar dates place the timing of M^ at about 1600 (Giletti3 1966; Okuma 3 1971; Garihan3 1973; Dahl 3 1979; Desmarais3 1981). Talc formation (M^) occurred greenschist mineralization (Mg). very late-to post-retrograde It is important to point out that the 7 m3 event may not represent a separate orogenic cycle; represent the final stage of The and rather it may (Figure 2), recrystallization. major faults in the Ruby Range strike northwest have undergone recurrent movement since Proterozoic time and Garihan, 1983, 1986). (Schmidt Previous workers have suggested that talc formation is the result of fluid movement along these structures during the Proterozoic greenschist thermal event (Okuma, 1971; Garihan, 1973; Olson, 1976; Berg, 1979). Contemporaneous with, the Belt and possibly prior to Basin (1700 - 1500 Ma.), trending mafic these dikes formation several generations dikes intruded the area, fracture zones (Wooden and others, may 1978). 1978). of probably along northwest pre-existing It has been postulated that have been the source of heat (Wooden and others, incipient rifting of and However, fluids for no apparent talc spatial relationship between mafic dikes and talc-bearing marble was documented during this study. The Ruby Range and surrounding area (termed the Dillon Harrison and positive tectonic acting as amphibolite southern others feature during has been middle-to in of the LaHood of the Belt Formation, Basin marble, which was (McMannis, the LaHood Formation has been interpreted as Iate-Proterozoic the source area for clasts of Archean margin Deposition (1974))(Figure I), Block 1963; Boyce, interpreted as a time, gneiss deposited by and on the 1975). marking incipient rifting of the Belt Basin (McMannis, 1963). The northern-most Phanerozoic sediments portion which of the Ruby Range have been subjected to is underlain Laramide by style . 8 deformation (Tysdal, Basin and deformation. Range 1976; style Schimdt and Garihan5 1983). extension has overprinted Most recently Laramide style 9 CHAPTER 2 FIELD RELATIONSHIPS AND PETROGRAPHY Bosal Prospect Introduction The Bosal Prospect, controlled by CIMC, (Figure 2, SE 1/4 Sec.11 T7S R6W) is an isolated talc occurrence within a continuous marble band up to 20 meters thick. This marble band probably forms one limb of a tight to isoclinal fold, whose axial surface strikes northeast and dips steeply northwest. Compositional layering is defined marbles by bands rich in Mg silicates, 50-60° northwest. are common. in high-grade striking N 50-70° E and dipping Centimeter-scale open folds and warps in layering The geology of the prospect is shown in Plate I. High-Grade Marble High-grade assemblages marbles indicative (includes of those marbles with high metamorphic grade) tend to mineral be more calcitic than talc-bearing marbles, and contain the assemblage calciteolivine-phlogopite +/- dolomite. In thin section, boundaries Twinning and patchy carbonate grains display irregular extinction, undulose to extinction in carbonate grains is present but not abundant. rounded is rare. A complex recrystallization history is indicated by calcite grains which exhibit 10 homogeneous rims of calcite surrounding well developed exsolution (dolomite from calcite) lamellae. On a microscopic scale retrograde serpentine occurs dominantly a replacement of olivine, surrounding dolomite grains. as often with small growths of serpentine into Small rounded calcite grains are common in serpentine that has replaced olivine grains, possibly a by-product of the recrystallization of olivine and dolomite to form serpentine by the reaction: I Olivine + I Dolomite + I Quartz + 8 H^O = I Serpentine + I CaCO3 + I CO2 + 6 H2O (Tables I and 2). Quartz present in high-grade marbles occurs as deformed lenses and as rare isolated, secondary grains within marble. Talc-Bearing Marble Talc-bearing marbles contain the assemblage dolomite-calcite-talcehlorite. Serpentine, tremolite and relict phlogopite are.also present but are not in equilibrium. Graphite, pyrite, rare quartz are present as accessory minerals. presence of manganese.oxide, and Textures indicating the a stable mineral assemblage are not present. Figure 3 shows the paragenetic sequence determined for the Bosal Prospect. A complex recrystallization history is textures. These dolomite formation exsolution (Figure 4). textures also indicate indicated that the by main post-dates high-grade metamorphism, carbonate period of that all in textures observed involved dolomite exsolving from calcite 11 Tbe varies dominant carbonate in talc-bearing marble is dolomite, in subhedral centimeter color to from light-orange to brown to white. which ■ ■: Grains are anhedral and range in size from I millimeter (mm) (cm), averaging I mm to 2 mm. Average grain size to I varies between layers. Table I. Summary of replacement reactions and diablastic intergrowths observed during petrographic analysis, and the prospects in which they occur. Abbreviations used here are used in all following diagrams. R.V. (Ruby View), S. Creek (Spring Creek), Do (dolomite), Tc (talc), S (serpentine, Ch (chlorite), Tr (tremolite), Feld (feldspar), Qtz (quartz), Ph (phlogopite), Ce (calcite), Cl (olivine).. Bosal > Prospect: T.P. S. Creek Pope Sweetwater Observed Replacement I) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Do — Tc S — Tc Ph — Tc Tr — Tc Qtz — Tc M — Tc Ph — Ch Qtz — S 01 — S Tr — S Feld — Ch X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X .X X X X X X Diablastic Intergrowths I) 2) 3) 4) 5) Ch Do Do Ch Ce — — — — — Tc Ch S S Tc X X X X X X X X X X X X. X 12 Table 2. Balanced reactions presented in Table I. corresponding to replacement 1) Do— Tc: 3 CaMg(CO3)2 + 4 SiO2 + I H2O = I Mg3 Si4O 10(OH)2 + 3 CO2 Mg3 Si2O5 (OH)4 + 2 SiO2 = I Mg3 Si4O 10(OH)2 + I 2) S— Tc: I 3) Pb-Tc: 4 KMg3 (AlSi3O 10)(OH)2 + 4 KOH + 2 H2O 4) T r - Tc: I Ca2Mg5 SigO22(OH)2 = + 2 MgO CaCO3 + 3 H2O + 4 SiO2 + 4 HgO = 4Mg3 Si4O10(OH)2 I Mg3 Si4O 10(OH)2 4 SiO2 + 2 CaO + 5) Qtz— Tc: 4 SiO3 + 3 Mg(OH)3 = I Mg3 Si4O 10(OH)3 + 2H3O 6) M— Tc: 3 MgCO3 + 4 SiO3 + I H3O = I Mg3 Si4O 10(OH)3 + 3 K Mg3 (AlSi3O 10)(OH)3 7) Ph--Ch: 10 reactions + I Al 3O3 + CO3 29 H3O 6 Mg 5 Si3Al 3O 10(OH)g + 10 KOH + 12 SiO2 8) Qtz— S: 2 SiO2 + 3 Mg(OH)3 = I Mg3 Si2O5 (OH)4 + 1 H3O 9) 01— S: I Mg 3SiO4 + I CaMg(CO3)2 + I SiO2 + 8 H2O = I Mg3 Si3O5 (OH)4 + I CaCO3 + I CO2 + 6 H3O 10) Tr--S: 3 Ca3Mg 5SigO 32(OH)3 + 14 SiO2 + 8 H3O 11) Feld--Ch: 2 + 15 H3O = 5 KAlSi3Og + 5 Mg(OH)3 = I Mg3 Si3O5 (OH)4 Mg5 Si3Al3O 10 (OH)g + 6 + 2 CaO KOH + 3 SiO2 Talc occurs in several forms body which shaped talc fracturing; 4) is locally including: I) a large layer-parallel discordant; 2) centimeter-scale irregularly pods which do not appear to be controlled by layering 3) disseminated scattered veinlets parallel to layering; talc grains which in many cases exhibit or and pseudomorphs after dolomite and tremolite. The main talc body is a layer-parallel unit 2.5 to 3.5 meters thick. Incomplete alteration of marble to talc within the indicated by inclusions of relict marble blocks. body (m) is 13 OLDEST YOUNGEST M 3 (?) Figure 3. Diagram showing the paragenetic sequence determined for the Bosal Prospect. Fx (fracture filling). Figure 4. Photomicrograph showing (dolomite exsolving from calcite). exsolution lamellae in carbonates 14 In thin inclusions Accessory section, talc is seen as cryptocrystalline masses of chlorite, pyrite with serpentine, limonite phlogopite, and halos is also common rare with apatite. within talc. Inclusions frequently occur as clots up to 5 mm in diameter composed of a mosaic Serpentine of the above listed minerals (minus pyrite and and phlogopite have recrystallized to form talc; apatite). chlorite forms diablastic intergrowths with talc. A discontinuous 5 cm to 10 cm thick dark gray composed of talc, minor graphite, is alteration and intensely argillized amphibolite found at the contact between talc-bearing marble and the Dillon Gneiss. zone overlying Argillization does not extend into gneiss or marble for more than ten to twenty centimeters. Dillon Gneiss Dillon contains Gneiss the conformably amphibolite-grade amphibole(cummingtonite)-biotite, undergone intense underlies the assemblage with rare chlofitic alteration, Bosal marble., plagioclase(An^^_^^)^ quartz. This unit A greenschist facies assemblage of chlorite-sericite-serpentine overprints the amphibolite-grade assemblage. has with the degree of alteration lessening with distance from the marble-gneiss contact. mentioned and above Also present are minor stringers, rare quartz and fine-grained carbonate. talc Retrograde chlorite (with minor serpentine) fills fractures in gneiss both parallel to, and cross-cutting within foliation. chlorite-filled chlorite. In rare cases, serpentine which is present fractures exhibits a well developed halo of 15 Carbonate within altered gneiss influx of carbonate-bearing fluids. is chlorite, largely being restricted replacing can not exhibits fractures. suggesting Carbonate is more wide-spread than present throughout the rock, to textures The phase be positively identified, while which but is chlorite is carbonate is thought to be plagioclase. Structure Faults within the prospect area are dominantly northwest-striking, and dip to the northeast. slip, and Latest movement on faults is reverse-oblique post-dates talc mineralization. Total offset is generally less than 30 cm. Joints within the prospect strike dominantly to the northwest, and dip to the southwest. Joint and layering surfaces are typically coated by thin selvages of talc, to formation of chlorite, or iron oxide. Deformation related r . ■ talc is not evident. Structures responsible for localization of talc formation are no longer discernible. Summary High-grade marbles with the assemblage +/- dolomite formation are overprinted by greenschist-grade assemblages, of dolomite. dolomite and serpentine, last stage greenschist calcite-olivine-phlogopite of Talc occurs as an product of indicating that talc formation was either the greenschist recrystallization, event. alteration and by or a separate post- Mineral relationships do not permit a distinction to be made between these two possibilities. 16 Deformation resulting from talc formation, in the form of faulting or distortion ,of layering, structures movement forming which is not noted on an outcrop m&y have provided large volume are ' no longer visible. fluids surfaces, migrated However, scale. for fluid it is obvious that talc­ at least in part along conduits Also, joint and layering and along lithologic contacts, as evidenced by thin selvages of talc along these surfaces. hydrothermal alteration, Marble and gneiss were both affected by with evidence present for carbonate influx into gneisses. Ruby View Prospect Introduction The Ruby View Prospect, controlled by CIMC, (Figure 2, NW 1/4 Sec. 13, in T7S R6W) the is located approximately at the apex of a small same marble km band approximately 2 to Compositional layering, currently being the northwest (NW mined 1/4 by flexure Pfizer Sec.14, T7S Corp., R6W ) . locally defined by talc stringers standing in positive relief on weathered surfaces, strikes N 50-60° W, and dips 3050° northeast. The geology of the Ruby View Prospect is shown in Plate 2. High-Grade Marble Marbles with high-grade mineral assemblages tend to be more calcitic than are talc-bearing marbles, an observation which is true in all prospects assemblage of examined during this study. caldite-diopside-olivine layers are garnetiferous. These rocks +/- phlogopite. contain an Scattered 17 Serpentine-Bearing Marble Calcite-serpentine marble +/- quartz is present 8 m southeast 45 m northwest of the Ruby View Prospect. the prospect Approximately 350 m west of calicite-serpentitle +/- quartz marble changes abruptly to the calcite—diopside—olivine (+/— garnet) marble mentioned above. transition and marks the western boundary of This greenschist-grade mineralization in the immediate area. Talq-Bearing Marble Talc-bearing marbles in the Ruby View Prospect are mm)-to coarse (>4 mm)-grained, grade assemblage medium (2-4 dolomitic, and contain the greenschist- dolomite-calcite-talc-chlorite. Evidence equilibrium is lacking within the greenschist-grade assemblage. for Other phases present (also not in equilibrium) include serpentine, and relict tremolite diopside within and phlogopite. A single occurrence of relict (minus olivine) was noted within talc-bearing I m of a dolomite-talc assemblage. present as accessory minerals. or thin section. calcite- marble, found Graphite and pyrite are Quartz is notably absent in hand sample The paragenetic sequence determined for the Ruby View Prospect is presented in Figure 5. Evidence rare. Where for multiple generations of dolomite present, it is manifested as is present, undulose and but patchy extinction in dolomite grains, and as occasional recrystallized rims on earlier-formed grains. Coarse dolomite crystals up to I cm in size occur as vug-fillings in several places within the prospect. Calcite, forming grains, subordinate in quantity to dolomite, occurs as and tends to be finer grained than dolomite. matrixCalcite 18 exhibits rare textures similar to those seen in the presence of multiple generations of calcite. dolomite, indicating Calcite formed by the alteration of dolomite to talc (Tables I and 2) has not been identified using normal petrographic methods, or by UV and CL microscopy. Talc I) a in the Ruby View Prospect occurs in several forms including: massive elliptical botryoidal by body dominantly parallel lenses; 3) irregular to 2) layering; millimeter-to concordant centimeter-scale blebs which occur as open space fillings within vugs coarsely crystalline poikiloblastic dolomite dolomite; grains; 5) 4) replacement disseminated lined of coarse grains (often micaceous); 6 ) small lenses in hinge zones of meter-scale open folds in marble; and 7) as discontinuous coatings on poorly exposed layering planes. OLDEST YO UNG EST M 3I7I Figure 5. Diagram showing the paragenetic sequence developed Ruby View Prospect. Gar (garnet), Di (diopside). for the 19 The main talc body is oriented roughly parallel to layering within surrounding marble, and is up to 2.5 m in true thickness. from high-purity light-green, abundant impurities. tremolite. material, to gray-brown Impurities are mainly .dolomite, Pseudomorphs of talc Talc varies after dolomite are talc with graphite and common, talc pseudomorphs after tremolite are present but not abundant. Examination of the talc body where exposed along strike a maximum lateral extent of 9 m to 12 m. apparently due to a gradual pinch-out, indicates Termination of the body is as opposed to fault controlled termination. In talc addition to the main talc body there are lenses present, convex ^orders. generally concordant to layering, cm feature with flat to Halos of partial talc replacement up in width surround many of these is elliptical These bodies range from 0.3 m to 1.5 m in length, and 15 cm to 60 cm in thickness. 15 i several talc lenses. However, to this inconspicuous in outcrop because the original texture and color of the marble are well preserved. The hinge zone of a meter-scale, gentle to open fold (F^?) in the northwestern portion of the prospect contains a lens of talc 4 cm to cm thick which pinches out along fold flanks. fold strikes N 30° E and dips 80° SE, 26° E and plunges 47° NE. to type pressure The axial plane of this with a fold axis which trends N This talc lens exhibits a geometry analogous saddle reefs in precious metal deposits. is 8 Talc formation of this interpreted as being the result of small-scale variations in during of talc relatively low pressure. formation, with talc forming in areas 20 On a microscopic scale talc occurs as an alteration dolomite, phlogopite, (Tables I and 2). product of and serpentine, and is associated with chlorite Pseudomorphs of talc after serpentine and dolomite are common. Summary Dolomite and recrystallization, present. Talc calcite with exhibit multiple a complex generations of history both of carbonates formation can not be genetically related to any of the carbonate generations observed. The main talc body, strike. Structural layer-parallel in form, controls pinches out along responsible for talc formation in this restricted zone of talc growth are not apparent. T.P. Prospect Introduction The T.P. Prospect is controlled by CIMC. The main T.P. marble NE 1/4 Sec. 13, T7S R6W), as well as a small marble lens to (Figure 2, the northwest (herein informally designated as the upper T.P. are concordant marble bands within Dillon Gneiss marble) (Garihan, 1973). Compositional layering, defined by Mg silicate-rich bands strikes N 5080° E, strikes dipping N 78° E, 45-60° northwest. Foliation in adjacent dipping 46° northwest. geologic map of the prospect area. Refer to Plate gneisses 3 for a 21 High-Grade Marble The main T.P. marble are marble away from the talc zone, quite similar to each other, and the upper T.P. and notably different marble in the immediate proximity of the talc body. are fine-to coarse-grained (2mm - 10 mm), calcite-dolomite-olivine. folded stringers Retrograde and minerals pseudomorphs Quartz as discrete consist after olivine. indeterminant age. is Outlying and contain the also present as secondary solely of marbles disharmonically grains within vugs. serpentine, which forms are commonly abundant red to yellow iron oxide coatings within vugs. metallic to submetallic marbled assemblage Accessory graphite is present, High-grade from hematite veinlets are but is of vuggy, with Cross-cutting common, and locally abundant. On a exhibit microscopic scale, multiple generations of carbonate growth zones of patchy extinction; formed grains; grains. of high-grade calcitic and marbles generally manifested Grains I) 2) thin recrystallized rims around earlier 3) carbonate veinlets which cross-cut serpentine Calcite commonly exhibits well developed exsolution dolomite. as: containing exsolution lamellae commonly lamellae exhibit homogeneous recrystallized rims of calcite. Also in inclusions, thin section, zones with rhombohedral dolomite fills vugs with either rhombohedral or irregular outlines. Using UV microscopy, growth quartz, in infillings of vugs; quartz is seen to occur: rhombohedral dolomite; 2) as I) as thin layers along partial to and 3) as late-stage fracture fillings. complete In plane 22 light quartz layers along growth zones and late-stage fracture fillings are masked by ubiquitous iron oxide staining. Talc-Bearing Marble Talc-bearing marble within the prospect is medium-to coarse­ grained, with an assemblage of dolomite-calcite-talc-chlorite. Evidence for equilibrium is lacking. pblogopite, serpentine, Also present, and graphite. but not in equilibrium are Variations in composition between marble layers apparently controls the abundance of disseminated talc, pblogopite, serpentine, and chlorite present in any given marble layer. The paragenetic sequence for the T.P. Prospect is presented in Figure 6. . . In thin section, I) discrete grains; replacement fillings grain zones which dolomite exhibits several distinct morphologies: 2) rims on earlier formed calcite grains; along cleavage traces crosscut calcite grains; boundaries of calcite. Patchy dolomite is present but not common. in calcite; 4) 3) thin fracture- and 5) concentrations and undulose along extinction in Calcite also exhibits evidence for the presence of multiple generations manifested by patchy extinction of calcite grains. Talc I) within the T.P. a large, Prospect occurs in several forms including: layer-parallel body which is slightly discordant; thin coatings along joints and layering surfaces; grains within (Figure 7). marble (often forming and 3) pseudomorphs after 2) as disseminated serpentine 23 YOUNGEST OLDEST M 3 (?) Figure 6. Prospect. Figure 7. Diagram showing the paragenetic sequence for the T.P. Photomicrograph showing talc pseudomorphs after serpentine. 24 The main approximately original T.P. 30 talc body is exposed within meters along strike. marble layering, and is roughly parallel with overlying marble is nearly concordant, is (Plate 3). prospect Layering within layering noted in marble overlying the talc body. 5-10 the to The talc for mimics compositional contact of talc diverging from layering by A 2 cm to 6 cm thick argillized and graphitic zone common at the contact of the talc body with overlying marble. The base of the talc body, as well as the eastern termination of the body, I are not well enough exposed to determine relationships with the surrounding marble; this also precludes determination of true thickness of the talc body. southeast A northeast-trending shear zone which dips steeply marks the western termination of the talc body. Amount of offset on this shear can not be determined due to lack of exposure. Talc within the main body is dark-green in color abundant talc pseudomorphs after serpentine. 0.5. % to Copper and/or Incomplete 1% of the talc body iron alteration staining common contains Chalcopyrite (?) makes up and is locally is and altered along to fractures of marble to talc is indicated by hematite. in rare talc. relict marble blocks within the main talc body. On dolomite, a microscopic scale talc occurs as an alteration serpentine, and phlogopite. pseudomorphs of talc after serpentine, In dolomitic product marbles of with talc commonly forms halos which extend into dolomite grains adjacent to talc grains. Dillon Gneiss Dillon gneiss surrounding the lower T.P. on outcrop or hand sample scale, marble band is unaltered with the exception of local isolated 25 blooms of chlorite. developed Gneiss underlying the marble contains joint sets. two well The dominant set strikes N 44° W and dips southwest, with a subordinate set striking N 55° E and southeast. Both sets exhibit chlorite and iron oxide 60° dipping selvages, 50° with chlorite being slightly more abundant along northwest trending joints. Summary Well-developed calcite observed exsolution lamellae of dolomite are found in high-grade calcitic marbles. in dolomite, indicating exsolving from . Exsolution is that the main period of not dolomite formation occurred post-amphibolite-grade metamorphism. Excellent preservation in talc of original marble layering and pseudomorphic textures such as serpentine after olivine with subsequent replacement of serpentine by talc, indicate constant volume replacement. Structural control of talc formation is indicated by the localized nature of talc formation. layering Any surfaces, Fluid movement was facilitated by joint and evidenced by thin talc coatings on such surfaces. large structures which may have facilitated talc formation are no longer discernible. \ SPRING CREEK PROSPECT Introduction The Spring Creek Prospect, Sec. 32, (1971). T6S R6W) controlled by ClMC, lies within the Regal Marble as (Figure 2, SE 1/4 named by Okuma Garihan (1973) mapped the Regal Marble in the prospect area as the overturned limb of a northeast trending, isoclinal synform. This 26 talc occurrence nearest marble amounts lithologic contact. only within zones tens of meters from Along strike from unit is largely calcitic, Layering relief is within dolomitic marble, the prospect, with dolomite found 10 m to 15 m from in talc-bearing northwest. and strikes N 40-60° E, this, significant within marble is defined by talc lenses standing in on weathered surfaces, the zones. positive dipping 55-75° The geology of the prospect is shown in Plate 4. High-Grade Marble High-grade within This marble with intercalated tremolitic quartzite is found 14 meters of the main talc body of the Spring marble.is generally coarse-grained, and contains the dolomite-olivine-phlogopite in the prospect area. and tremolite are also present. of irregularly assemblage of shaped Creek Prospect. assemblage Retrograde chlorite Minor quartz is present as infillings vugs. Garihan (1973) also describes an dolomite-diopside-tremolite-phlogopite-garaet-scapolite along strike in these marbles. Equilibrium textures are not present in thin section. chlorite examined is rutilated and appears to be an alteration of phlogopite. twinned. Dolomite is fine-to medium-grained, and All product commonly Undulose extinction is absent in dolomite, patchy extinction is present but not well developed. Talc-Bearing Marble Talc-bearing mediupi-to marbles are white to buff (locally pink and maroon), coarse-grained, talc-serpentine. Rare with the assemblage of dolomite-chlorite- quartz and relict phlogopite and tremolite are 27 also present. Apatite is paragenetic Accessory minerals are pyrite, rare, and sequence is present developed for apatite, only within talc the Spring Creek and graphite. grains. The prospect is presented in Figure 8. On hand sample and thin section scales dolomite is notably coarser-grained in talc-bearing marbles than in high-grade marbles. thin section, patchy extinction is well developed, and indicates minimum of two and probably three generations of dolomite. In a Twinning is present, but is less common than in high-grade marbles. As in high-grade marbles, bearing much of the chlorite present in tale­ marble is rutilated and is an alteration product of phlogopite (Table 2). Several phlogopite grains are present with a scaly texture caused by incipient exsolution of rutile. Talc occurrences exhibit several distinct morphologies I) a large layer-parallel body I m to 4 m thick marble inclusions; and minor relict 2) minor disseminated grains which locally occur as pseudomorphs after tremolite; layering with including: 3) scattered, fracture surfaces; 4) minor discontinuous coatings on centimeter-to meter-scale concordant and discordant irregularly shaped pods; and 5) millimeter-to centimeter-scale halos in marble surrounding chloritized and boudinaged biotite-quartz schist inclusions in marble. The thick, body. main talc body is a dominantly layer-parallel body I m to 4 m which is discordant only near the lateral terminations of the Strike length of the talc body is unknown due to the presence of 28 OLDEST YOUNGEST M 3 (?) Figure 8. Diagram Creek Prospect. debris showing overlying determination of key the paragenetic exposures. This sequence for the debris also Spring prohibits the nature of the lateral terminations of the talc body. At the northeastern termination of the main talc body the talc-marble contact cuts abruptly upsection, thin from (Plate 4 4). projected Assuming stratigraphic continuity across the thick talc body dolomite, reason outcrop. causing the talc body m thick to I m thick across a mine bench 9 equivalent basal of the truncated lower portion of is a talc-rich zone composed of dense, meters wide bench, the 4 to the meter coarse-grained with up to 40 % talc in concordant and discordant pods. fpr the lateral termination of the talc body is not obvious The in 29 In hand.sample talc is dominantly light—to medium—green in however, there color; is also locally abundant maroon—to gray—colored often with well developed leisigang banding. size, (partially or Pyrite, totally altered to hematite), talc, up to 5 mm and graphite in are common accessory minerals in talc. On a microscopic scale talc occurs as an alteration dolomite, phlogopite, serpentine, tremolite, and quartz. product of None of these reactions has gone to completion on thin section scale. Quartz (Figure 9). ha$ altered to form talc in an apparently calcitic marble Carbonate in contact with talc exhibits a different CL and UV signature than does ground mass carbonate, indicating sub-millimeter scale compositional signatures, a immediately adjacent to talc. talc fine variations rind of between dolomite carbonates. is inferred Based to be Preferential alteration of CL present quartz has been inferred at other prospects during this study; actual reaction fronts have not been observed. on to however, Alteration of quartz to talc has been reported elsewhere in the Ruby Range (Whitehead, 1979). Rare, within centimeter-to talc-bearing marble commonly exhibit crenulated, halos meter-scale biotite-quartz schist are oriented parallel chlbritized halos. to boudins layering, and Centimeter-scale talc are common in marble immediately adjacent to schistose boudins. Similar chlorite-talc relationships are seen in feldspar-quartz gneiss inclusions schist in marble at the Sweetwater Mine and inclusions in the Pope Prospect. in biotite 30 Figure 9. Photomicrograph showing quartz altering to form talc. Structure Detailed mapping has delineated several northwest-striking faults which dip steeply (>70 ° ) to the northeast and/or southwest (Plate 4). Most recent movement on all northwest trending faults post-dates formation, and is generally < 30 cm in total offset. Structures which may have provided conduits for talc forming fluids are not at present. talc discernible Also, no evidence is seen for fracturing or distortion of marble which can be genetically related to talc formation. Summary Carbonate-silicate mineral formation. relationships indicate multiple periods of Talc forms at the expense of dolomite, phlogopite, 31 tremolite, quartz, and serpentine. A very late-greenschist to post- greenschist age for talc formation is indicated. The main discordant talc body basal contact. is a layer-parallel unit with a locally Evidence for movement of fluids which may have facilitated talc formation is rare, being marked only by scattered talc coatings on joint and layering surfaces. Structural control of talc formation is indicated by the localized nature of talc formation. Cross-cutting structures which may have allowed fluid movement are not present. Pope Prospect Introduction The area chosen for detailed study within the Pope claim block (held by CIMC) is the northwestern-most prospect pit, located in the NE 1/4 Sec. 12, T8S R7W (Figure 2). prospect is Gneisses Dillon intercalated overlying Gneiss and (Okuma, Calcitic to dolomitic marble in this with biotite-quartz-feldspar underlying the talc zone 1971). Detailed are schists. identified geology of the propect as is presented in Plate 5. High-Grade Marble High-grade assemblage folded grade marble is fine-to pedium-grained, calcite-dolomite-olivine-diopside. quartz stringers are also present. assemblage tremolite. is a retrograde assemblage and Rare contains disharmonically Superimposed on the of the high- serpentine-chlorite- 32 The first appearance of high-grade marble is approximately 15 west of the main talc body, and corresponds closely with an poorly front in marble. defined alteration This m inferred, alteration front separates high-grade marble to the west from talc-bearing marble to the east, and is defined by westward decreasing dolomite content and grain size. In thin periods of section, crystallization, later-formed Tremolite acicular scattered calcite. occurs mats as exhibit evidenced by dolomite grains Serpentine forms pseudomorphs pseudomorphs around throughout the rock. carbonate grains after olivine, and as olivine, discrete multiple rimmed after by olivine. as fine-grained grains disseminated Retrograde reactions did not go to completion on thin section scale. Talc-Bearing Marble Talc-bearing marble grade marble occurs within 3 meters of calcitic high-grade described above. Talc-bearing marbles contain assemblage of dolomite-calcite-talc-serpentine. a greenschist The paragenetic sequence determined for the Pope Prospect is presented in Figure 10. Mining in the area has removed the main talc body. From talc left in place it is inferred that the talc body was formed within marble, at the contact of marble with overlying Dillon Gneiss. Overall, formation of talc disseminated in marble is restricted to a zone within 25 meters the lithologic contact. This is the only occurrence of extensive talc formation at a lithologic boundary encountered during this study. 33 OLDEST Figure 10. Prospect. The Diagram amount YOUNGEST showing the paragenetic sequence for the of material removed indicates a talc body no more meters in thickness, Pope than 5 with discontinuous lateral exposures indicating a strike length of about 60 meters. In halos hand sample, talc commonly occurs as: I) I cm-to 6 in marble which surrounds the intercalated, bodies described below; chloritized cm-thick schist 2) disseminated millimeter-to centimeter-scale blebs with botryoidal textures; 3) disseminated amorphous grains within marble; and 4) discontinuous coatings along layering planes. In morphs thin section talc exhibits several after serpentine; dolomite 3) isolated, (Figure 11); 2) morphologies: an alteration I) pseudo- product of irregular pods, which commonly exhibit well- developed coronas of chlorite with minor serpentine (texturally similar 34 to talc ribbons in altered gneisses at the Sweetwater Mine); 4) botryoidal grains within vugs lined by rhombohedral dolomite, and with euhedral carbonate inclusions within talc. Figure 11. Photomicrograph showing talc pseudomorphs after dolomite, defined by color bands in talc (plane polarized light). Schists Schistose folded with retrograde axial surfaces parallel to have been bodies. foliation. In hand chloritization of schists is expressed either as chloritization selvages layers within talc-bearing marble have been isoclinally in of schist lenses or as 6 cm-to 10 described by Okuma (1971) as possible This interpretation seems unlikely pervasive cm-thick schists where they are in contact with sample, chloritic marble. altered based on Schists ultremafic mineralogic composition of the schists, which indicates a pelitic protolith. 35 On a microscopic amphibolite-grade scale, assemblage biotite-garnet-sillimanite, greenschist-grade biotite, and alteration of greenschist in is expressed exhibit a fine-grained plagioclase (An23^ 7 )-K-Spar-quartz- of with sericitization biotite schists minor by of hematite. Retrogression chloritization plagioclase. is commonly sagenitic. of garnet Chlorite Fronts and formed of to by pervasive alteration are expressed as sharp boundaries (lmm to 2 width) across which the degree of alteration of biotite and mm garnet to chlorite changes from slight to intense. One occurrence was noted of talc formation in schists. talc Blue-white is found as an apparent open-space filling along the nose of an isoclinalIy folded, pervasively chloritized schist body. Dillon Gneiss Rock Gneiss immediately overlying the talc zone is identified as (Okuma, 1971), which is moderately altered in hand Dillon sample. ’ Chlorite selvages are common along joints striking N 30-40° W, dipping 70 - 80° southwest. Summary Amphibolite-grade overprinted movement indicated adjacent surfaces. by along assemblages retrograde in marbles greenschist-grade gneisses assemblages. lithologic contacts and layering planes in by chloritized rinds in schists, marble, and and by discontinuous are Fluid marble is with talc halos forming in talc coatings on layering’ 36 Structural control on talc formation is indicated by ■ • ' ■ 'restriction of talc growth to a relatively narrow zone adjacent to the the marble-Dillon Gneiss contact. Sweetwater Mine Introduction Mining has largely removed the main talc body in the Sweetwater Mine, held by CIMC, (Figure 2, Sec. 13 T8S R7W)» preventing a detailed study of the prospect. major talc-forming reactions and However, well-exposed this mechanisms in prospect provides an opportunity to chloritic alteration in quartz-feldspar-garnet this study gneisses which are intercalated with magnesite-rich, talc-bearing marbles. Marbles High-Grade the. pit and gray-white, Marble. High-grade marble 20 m to 25 m northeast 3 m to 4.5 m structurally below talc-bearing sugary, amphibolite-rgrade and contains contorted quartz marble stringers. assemblage of dolomite-olivine-phlogopite has of is An been overprinted by a greenschist-grade assemblage of serpentine-chlorite- tfemolite. The paragenetic sequence for the marbles of the Sweetwater Mine marbles is presented in Figure 12. Quartz occurs as contorted stringers, fillings. and as irregular pods, Irregular quartz pods are elongate in the plane of foliation are commonly weakly boudinaged and deformed. vug fillings, quartz. and as vug isolated, Where.quartz occurs founded carbonate grains are enclosed by 37 OLDEST YOUNGEST Figure 12. Diagram showing the paragenetic sequence marbles at the Sweetwater Mine. M = magnesite. Thin section examination reveals the presence of generations of calcite. less textural at least two Smaller calcite grains exhibit well developed undulose extinction with rare patchy extinction. have developed for undulose extinction and common Larger calcite grains patchy extinction. differences suggest incomplete recrystallization of These calcite, with resultant release of strain and enlargement of grains. Talc-Bearing Marble. Talcose marble within the pit is homogeneous, medium-to coarse-grained, friable, and composed largely of magnesite inferred (presence of magnesite is not detectable optically, on Meter-scale the basis of XRD analysis and whole gneiss inclusions which have rock been chloritized are common within talc-bearing marble. but is geochemistry). boudinaged and 38 Talc-bearing marbles magnesite-talc-chlorite. present are dolomite, contain the Evidence calcite, greenschist-grade for equilibrium is relict phlogopite, assemblage lacking. Also serpentine, minor tremolite, rare quartz, and accessory graphite and pyrite. Qn oxide a microscopic scale, staining contact with magnesite is coarse-grained, with iron common along cleavage traces. , Where magnesite is talc, grain boundaries are irregular and in jagged, indicating formation of talc from magnesite (Table I). Talc occurs serpentine as: I) disseminated grains and tremolite); 2) isolated pods; (pseudomorphous after 3) open-space fillings; 4) centimeter-scale halos surrounding boudinaged gneiss inclusions; and 5) discontinuous coatings on layering surfaces. Many talc pods occur as 1.25 cm to 4 cm lenses roughly parallel to layering, texture which is appear to have been boudinaged and similar to that of quartz pods deformed. described in This high-grade marble, suggesting preferential alteration of quartz to talc. In thin section, of phlogopite, relict textures in talc suggest that dolomite, alteration serpentine and tremolite to talc is common. Other relict textures in talc are indeterminate in origin. Meter-scale and-swell and gneiss inclusions within marble exhibit both chocolate block boudinage extension for boudins are N 37 dip of layering. chloritized, E and N 50 Boudinaged gneiss structures. W, is pinch- Directions of parallel to strike and slightly to intensely with abrupt, irregular alteration fronts between slightly and intensely chloritized gneisses. Dark gray to white rinds are present at all gneiss-marble contacts. talc-graphite 39 Gneisses Introduction. with Chloritization in gneisses appears to be cogenetic talc formation in the intercalated marbles, increments gneiss. from unaltered gneiss to intensely in altered Although chloritic alteration of gneisses involves a slightly different talc, relatively and is preserved chemical system than does alteration of dolomitic marble this prospect yields valuable information regarding to physical mechanisms of chlorite formation which can be applied to talc formation in other areas examined during this study. Unaltered immediately NW. Gneiss. Layering in relatively unaltered north of the main pit strikes N 40-65° E and Oriented sillimanite locally defines foliation, dips gneiss 35-50° as does a crude alignment of feldspar and rare quartz ribbons. Relatively assemblage unaltered gneiss contains the amphibolite-grade plagioclaseCAnggg^j-orthoclase-garnet-sillimanite-quartz. Weak retrograde alteration of this assemblage is evidenced by formation of muscovite and sericite in plagioclase. In thin section, of quartz garnet is garnet is rarely poikiloblastic, with inclusions and feldspar. seen No evidence for mechanical in thin section; however, in deformation outcrop garnets of are commonly crudely aligned along a mineral lineation trending N 15-20° E, and plunging incipient approximately alteration, 23°. Sillimanite shows evidence but the alteration product is not of identifiable optically. Slightly gneiss grades Chloritized Gneiss. into a Within the slightly chloritized main pit, unaltered gneiss with moderately 40 abupdant northwest-striking, pervasiye northeast-dipping joints. chloritic replacement of feldspar Moderate characterizes to alteration along these joints. On a microscopic scale, slightly chloritized gneiss contains the assemblage plagioclase-orthoclase-quartz-sillimanite, chlorite, sericite, and muscovite. to have present as intensely altered elliptical clots. formed from alteration of plagioclase, garnet retrograde Quartz and feldspar grains are seen coalesced into ribbons up to 6mm in length. grain boundaries, with Sillimanite Groundmass sericite, often exhibits crudely defined apparently mimicking relict feldspar grains. porphyroblasts are defined by chlorite is enclosing Relict sericite, muscovite, quartz and feldspar. Intensely Chloritized Gneiss. talc Pervasive chloritic alteration (and formation) is restricted to stratigraphic horizons exposed within the main pit.. chloritized Weakly chloritized gneiss changes abruptly to intensely gneiss across irregular alteration fronts 0.5 centimeters or less in width. Intensely chloritized gneisses contain the talc-serpentine-brucite (?). In thin section, replacement of sericite (after feldspar). alteration of quartz ribbons, groundmass by moderately assemblage chlorite- chlorite occurs as a Talc, formed by preferential is commonly separated from the chloritic well developed coronas, of serpentine and brucite (?)(Figure 13). Relict gneissic textures are locally well preserved in chloritized gneiss. intensely Figure 14 shows a common relict texture, in which 41 Figure 13. Photomicrograph showing been altered to talc, surrounded serpentine-brucite (?) halo. relict quartz ribbons which by chloritized feldspar. have Note Figure 14. Photograph of relict gneissic texture in which quartz ribbons preferentially altered to talc wrap around a chloritized feldspar porphyroblast. 42 quartz ribbons, selectively altered to micaceous talc, wrap around a feldspar porphyroblast which is completely altered to chlorite. Structure Two joint sets are present in the area. 60° W, along dips 55-65° northeast, joint gneiss. strikes dominates surfaces, The N second 75° E along The first strikes and exhibits pervasive with chlorite locally flooding joint set, and dips these joints, chloritization into adjacent less well developed than the 60° southeast. Iron but does not extend N 40- oxide first, alteration into neighboring gneisses. Discussion Mineralogic and Textural Relationships Data examined presented have in previous sections similar paragenetic show that histories; all Three prospects periods of crystallization, M^, M^, and Mg are indicated. High-grade marbles are characterized by the amphibolite-grade (M^) assemblage calcite-olivine-phlogopite +/- dolomite. is also fillings. present, M^ is as disharmonically Secondary folded stringers commonly overprinted by retrograde and quartz as vug mineralization (Mg), characterized by dolomite-chlorite-serpentine. Talc-bearing marbles typically contain a greenschist-grade assemblage of dolomite-chlorite-serpentine +/- calcite, formation of talc (Mg). are also present. Tremolite, (M0) - I * overprinted by relict phlogopite, and rare quartz Evidence for equilibrium assemblages is lacking. 43 Calcite and dolomite in talc-bearing marbles indicating a complex crystallization history. carbonates show dolomite exsolving from exhibit Exsolution textures in calcite, indicating marbles were calcitic during amphibolite-grade metamorphism, main period of metamorphism, dolomitization This occurring tending amount to of after be dolomitic. that with the amphibolite-grade is consistent with field observations that high-grade marbles tend to be calcitic, textures indicating with talc-bearing marbles It should be noted that at least dolomite was present early in the history of the a small marbles, acting as the source for Mg++ to form olivine,diopside, and phlogopite. The last stage in the paragenetic sequence, M3 , is marked by localized recrystallization of dolomite, phlogopite, tremolite, quartz, magnesite, pqwhere and serpentine to form talc. seen supposition recrystallizing that talc to formation The observation that talc is form other is the last phases leads to the major event in the paragenetic history of marbles examined. Formation of talc from dolomite should result in the formation by-product calcite (Table 2). and CL and UV microscopy, formation population consistent has not been with been Using normal petrographic observations, calcite which might be cogenetic with differentiated, identified on outcrop previous of studies nor scale. (Garihan, has This 1973; such a talc calcite observation Berg, is 1979; Piniazkiewicz, 1984), and suggests that calcite which is cogenetic with talc formation may have been removed from the system. Excellent indicates preservation of relict textures in marbles and gneisses that talc formation occurred under static conditions, and 44 that constant volume relationships were maintained. Examples of such features in marbles include locally abundant pseudomorphs of talc after dolomite, tremolite, preserved in boudins and serpentine. Relict textures are also well moderately to intensely altered gneisses which occur within marbles and as discrete lenses intercalated as with marbles. Structural Control of . Talc Formation Field . and petrographic evidence suggests that talc formation largely structurally controlled. is With the exception of small northwest trending joints, very few cross-cutting structures demonstrate evidence for fluid, movement which may be related observation, combined larger bodies talc observed talc little fluid are locally may have been fractures. nature talc formation. the dominantly layer-parallel discordant) controlled Talc formation may of This nature suggests by then be that explained noted during may also be explained by Mg++-rich fluid movement along by caused It should be noted that many of the dolomitic zones of discontinuous movement along layer-parallel fractures which or no visible offset in marbles. podiform mapping (which formation layer-parallel irregular with to the field such structures prior to formation of talc. Areas with abundant talc examined during this study are generally surrounded by zones of retrograde greenschist mineral formation, which are These in turn surrounded by high-metamorphic grade relationships suggest marble experienced brittle fracturing bands that discrete assemblages. localitites after within continuous amphibolite-grade 45 metamorphism, thus forming pathways for fluid migration during subsequent retrograde recrystallization and talc formation. Pathways for fluid movement during talc formation are evidenced by discontinuous surrounding boundaries. provided talc-chlorite layering surfaces, It coatings joints, and centimeter-scale and marble-gneiss lithologic should be noted that major structures that conduits halos may for fluid movement were not identified as have part of this study. Stratigraphic Controls on Talc Formation The possibility exists that pre-talc compositional variations between marble layers may have played an important role in formation of massive talc bodies, favorable horizons. with talc forming by preferential alteration Such stratigraphic control would result in layer- parallel (or nearly so) talc bodies. can be talc If talc formation compositional variations, expected. not It is felt that this It was controlled by of stratigraphic discordant lateral terminations would not be is important to note that even though this mechanism favored for formation of large layer-parallel bodies, validity on a smaller scale. Preferential alteration of rich stringers to talc is suggested by similarities in the folded quartz stringers in high-grade marble, and is it may have some of hypothesis largely discounted due to the nature of lateral pinch-outs bodies. of quartz morphology contorted talc stringers in talc-bearing marbles. The above compositional discussion variation shows that, by itself, is not the favored mechanism for stratigraphic control of 46 talc formation. However, talc formation may have occurred along certain compositional horizons which contained fractures that cross-cut layering at a low angle, discordant terminations. resulting in layer-parallel talc bodies with 47 CHAPTER 3 WHOLE ROCK GEOCHEMISTRY Introduction Examination of (HGM), talc-bearing useful in the whole rock geochemistry of high-grade 'marble marble determining (TBM) and talcose the nature of bodies provides bulk-compositional data changes in marbles resulting from talc formation. Trends defined on the basis of geochemistry are microscopic—scale relationships, and consistent allow with interpretations to be made textural concerning the and talc were collected for mechanism of talc formation. Data Twenty-seven samples of HGM, TBM, whole rock geochemical analysis using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). appropriate, Where ^samples of altered gneiss immediately adjacent to marbles and/or talc were also examined to determine if the nature of alteration within gneisses coincides with that seen in marbles. The results marble and gneiss analyses are presented in Appendix I. •HGM, TBM, Figure 15. and talc are shown on a ternary CaO-MgO-SiOg Analyses diagram of for in 48 Discussion As shown, in Figure 16, with little, suggested, if any, HGM, TBM, and talc occupy distinct fields overlap between fields. Two distinct trends are denoted by arrows in the diagram, that indicate the path of talc petrogenesis. The the first trend noted marks the transition from HGM to HGM/TBM transition an increase in MgO increased MgO/CaO ratios, is apparent, TBM. In marked by with little apparent mobilization of SiOg. Also, examination of the relationship between MgO/SiOg isopleths (lines of equal composition) and the fields of HGM and TBM in Figure 16 shows that the MgO/SiOg ratio increases slightly in response to the increase of MgO in the system. the result metamorphism Sweetwater possible Mine). microscopic-scale which These relationships are interpreted as of dolomitization having occurred after (with This relative coeval formation interpretation is of amphibolite-grade magnesite in at agreement the with carbonate textures (dolomite exsolving from calcite) indicate that marbles tended to be calcite-rich at the time of high-grade metamorphism. The second trend delineated marks the transition from TBM to talc. The from talc. TBMs are initially dolomite-rich, a and are seen to follow a bulk composition near dolomite to The SiOg/MgO a bulk composition of ratio increases systematically within the trend pure TBM field, suggesting introduction of large quantities of SiOg to form talc from TBM (assuming a homogeneous dolomitic precursor). interpretation suggests that the fluid phase controlled the This mineralogy 49 SiOZ Figure 15. CaO-MgO-SiO2 ternary diagram showing high-grade marbles (squares), talc-bearing marbles (triangles), and talc (circles). SiOZ Figure 16. CaO-MgO-SiO2 ternary diagram showing fields occupied by HGMs1 TBMs and talc. Arrows denote trends between HGMs1 TBMs and talc. SiO2ZMgO isopleths radiate from the CaO pole to the MgO-SiO tie line. 50 of the (Rice the system during talc formation by the and Ferry, limiting marble. This 1982), component process of with the amount of introduced SiO2 acting as of talc formation from precursor interpretation is similar to conclusions previous studies (Okuma 1971; Microscopic-scale infiltration dolomitic drawn during Garihan, 1973; Olson, 1976; Berg, 1979). observations are in agreement with this interpretation in that: I) isobaric univariant mineral assemblages have not been observed, thus indicating that mineralogic buffering of fluid phase has not occurred; in TBM on a microscopic and 2) visual estimates of talc scale increases as percentage the present of SiO- increases, with free quartz rarely being present in TBMs. It is interesting to note that the slope of the trend from TBMs to talc crosses MgO/SiOg isopleths at a relatively high angle, in contrast to the approximately parallel trend line-isopleth relationship noted for the HGM/TBM transition. possibility differing that two periods of fluid flux MgOZSiO2 compositional which These relationships affected changes the ratios may have occurred. resulted from HGM to TBM, the Alternatively, from during a single period of ongoing transition suggest gradational fluid followed by flux, the transformation of TBM to form talc. A third possible trend, not considered due the direct transition of HGMs to talc, is to lack of macroscopic and supporting such an interpretation. microscopic evidence 51 Geochemistry of Gneisses With ambiguous one exception, whole rock chemistry of altered gneisses with respect to determination of the nature of fluids caused the observed alteration. Sweetwater Mine, with and Efforts TBM. intensely were which The one exception noted is that of the where intensely chloritized gneisses are intercalated magnesite-rich altered, is made Analyses of relatively fresh, altered gneiss are presented in to insure that samples were taken stratigraphic, horizon to minimize chemical slightly Appendix from variations the I. same caused by compositional layering. Chemistry of approximately gneisses gneisses from the Sweetwater Mine indicates one-half of the total SiOg present in the least was removed during transformation to intensely gneiss, and changes result ++ that substantial quantities of Mg . in an end-product of gneisses were that altered chloritized added. which have These a bulk mechanism which affected chloritization of gneisses may also composition identical to that of chlorite. The explain the mineralogy of intercalated magnesite-talc Chloritization of gneisses resulted from addition of Mg ++ marbles. to the system ++ under greenschist-grade conditions. coeval magnesite gneisses This Mg formation in adjacent enrichment may marbles. resulted in SiOg depletion in gneisses, explain Chloritization of which would then be available for talc formation in adjacent marbles by the process of mass transfer across lithologic boundaries. suggested If MgO is present in excess, as by the presence of chlorite and magnesite, it would appear 52 that SiC^ prospect. is This the limiting component of formation in interpretation is consistent with interpretations talc formation in other prospects examined, being talc th e . Mg++-rich nature observed mineralization. with the major of the fluids which brought this of difference about the 53 CHAPTER A MASS BALANCE Introduction Mass closed balance calculations can be used to model talc formation or open determination systems. results, fluids result from the examined here The calculations are further predicated on field and petrologic observations, volume calculations of the nature of the talc-forming system (open or closed). and These in and address the nature.of changes in the mass of the system which resulted from talc formation. These used in conjunction with phase equilibria, allow talc-forming to be characterized to the greatest extent possible with the address the methodology of this study. Mass balance calculations presented here will only alteration of dolomite to form talc by the reaction: 3 Dolomite + A Quartz + I H^O = I Talc + 3 Calcite + 3 CO^ (I). This limitation dolomite formation 2) is by (this is imposed for several far the most common observation reasons: reaction is consistent I) alteration contributing with previous to talc studies); the complexity of the over-all talc-forming system (six phases identified as having contributed to talc formation); of are and 3) microprobe 54 data for allowing exact determination of mineral compositions, necessary calculations involving more complex phases and solid solution, lacking. is j Isochemical Talc Formation Whole rock geochemical analyses of HGMs and TBMs are examined in terms of normative mineralogy (Talc, Dolomite and Calcite) to determine whether talc formation as observed in this study can be isochemical alteration determinations for of HGMs HGMs and/or TBMs. explained Normative and TBMs are presented in Tables by mineral 3 and 4 respectively. From alteration talc. are examination . of Tables 3 and 4 it is clear that of HGMs and/or TBMs does not result in formation of pure It should be noted that normative weight percent determinations anomalously high given the initial average bulk normative percentages result from normalizing SiO^, to isochemical calculating calculations. values seen molecular proportions to be chemistry. High MgO, and CaO prior used in normative These increases result from high Lost On Ignition (LOI) inherent in analysis of carbonate rocks. that values for SiOg, MgO, By inspection it is and CaO in HGMs are increased 37 %, with corresponding TBM values increasing 42 %, resulting in. anomalously high normative multiplied values. Final normative by the total average analysis, mineral percentages are 63 % for HGMs and 58 % for TBMs, to adjust for high LOI values. Adjusted visual normative percentage of talc in TBMs is compatible percentage estimates determined in thin section. Given with the 55 Table 3. Normative mineralogy of high-grade marble, calculated terms of talc, dolomite, and calcite. See text for discussion* High-Grade Marble Normative Mineralogy (defined in terms of (Do), Talc (Tc), and Calcite (Ce)). Avg. Geochemical Analyses: Mol. Proportions: SiO2: 7.07 % SiO2: 0.187 MgO: 21.19 % MgO: 0.834 CaO: 34.80 % CaO: 0.984 1) Assign all SiO2 to talc. in Dolomite Add MgO in 3:4 ratio. a) 0.187 (Tc) x 0.75 = 0.140 (MgO); leaves 0.694 MgO 2) Assign all excess MgO from la to Do. Add CaO in 1:1 ratio. a) 0.694 (MgO) + 0.694 (CaO); leaves 0.290 CaO 3) Assign all excess CaO from 2a to Ce. a) 0.290 (Ce) Total Normative minerals (in weight %) Adjusted Normative % (Total Normative x 0.63) Talc Talc = 31,18 % = 19.74 % Dolmite = 56.15 % Dolomite = 35.37 % Calcite = 1,2.74 % Calcite = LOI = 37.00 % Total 100.07 % Total 8.02 % 100.13 % Isochemical alteration of an average HGM to form talc would result formation of no more than 20 % talc. in 56 Table 4. Normative mineralogy of talc-bearing marble, calculated terms of talc, dolomite, and calcite. See text for discussion. Talc-Bearing Marble Normative Mineralogy (defined in terms of (Do), Talc (Tc), and Calcite (Ce)). Avg. Geochemical Analyses: Mol. Proportions: SiO2: SiO2: 0.274 9.56 % MgO: 23.28 % MgO: 0.995 CaO: 25.20 % CaO: 0.774 1) Assign all SiO^ to talc. in Dolomite Add MgO in 3:4 ratio. a) 0.274 (Tc) x.0.75 = 0.206 (MgO); leaves 0.789 MgO 2) Assign all excess MgO from la to Do. a) 0.789 (MgO) + 0.774 (CaO); excess MgO Add CaO in 1:1 ratio. CaO deficient, leaves 0.15 3) Assign all excess CaO from 2a to Ce. a) CaO deficient, no Ce Total Normative Minerals (in weight %) Adjusted Normative % (Total Normative x 0.58) Talc = 41.13 % Talc = 23.85 % Dolomite = 56.48 % Dolomite = 32.75 % Calcite = 0.00 % Calcite = 0.00 % Excess MgO = 2.39 % Excess MgO = 1.38 % Total 100,00 % LOI = 42.00 % Total 99.98 % Isochemical alteration of an average TBM to form talc would result formation of no more than 24 % talc. in 57 of average SiO2 content in TBMs and HGMs1 similarity normative values for talc in HGMs is considered reasonable. It is important to note that in both HGMs and TBMs SiCL limiting component with respect to talc formation (i.e.. present in excess in both on cases). interpretations based geochemical interpretations of previous studies ( This is study is with and with Garihan1 1971; the dolomite consistent data in this Okuma1 is 1973; Olson, 1976; Berg 1 1979). Metasomatism and Talc Formation Normative data indicate that talc formation must have occurred in an open system with examine Mg the constant. the Calculations presented in Table main basis in observations and geochemistry period of dolomite formation and preceded talc formation. which post-dated 5 SiOg1 with Dolomitic marble composition is assumed on petrographic metamorphism, on and talc formation in dolomitic marbles deficient of that HGMs and introduction of SiOg. held basis of TBMs1 geochemical metasomatic mineralogy the indicate high-grade SiOg deficiency is assumed of geochemistry and field observations indicating low initial SiOg content in HGMs and TBMs. As should previously have recognized described (Chapter I), calcite formed from alteration of dolomite to talc has as part of this study, not nor has calcite having this been noted in previous studies (Garihan1 Lack by-product 1971; which been origin Piniazkiewicz1. 1984). of calcite which is cogenetic with talc formation suggests that 58 ++ Table 5. Mass introducing all dolomitic.marble. balance calculations holding Mg constant ^ and SiOg and HgO necessary to form talc from I m of Note 29 % volume loss due to expulsion of calcite. “W* 3 Hold Mg constant during alteration of one cubic meter .(I m ) of dolomite (Do) to form talc (Tc) and calcite (Ce) by Reaction I. Assume introduction of all SiOg and HgO necessary to alter marble completely to talc and calcite (all molar volumes and formula weights used are taken from Robie and others (1978)). g Given: I) I m = I x 10 cm 2) Molar Volume of Do = 64.34 cm 3) Molar Volume of Tc = 136.25 cm^ „ 4) Molar volume of Ce =36.93 cm 5) Molar volume of SiOg = 22.688 cm 6) Formula weight of Do = 184.403 g 7) Formula weight of SiOg = 60.085 g 8) Formula weight of Tc = 379.268 g 9) Formula weight of Ce = 100.089 g 10) SiOg is present in a 4:3 ratio with Do 3 Do = 15,542 moles Do. Im 15,542 moles Do, combined with 20,723 moles SiO yields 5,181 moles of Tc and 15,542 moles of Ce (by stoichiometry of Reaction I) . Mass of SiOg added is 1,245 kg. 3 5,181 moles Tc occupies a volume of 705,885 cm , original volume. Mass of Tc produced is 1,965 kg. 71 % of the 3 15,542 moles of by-product Ce occupies a volume of 547,028 cm , 57.4 % of the original volume of I m . Mass of Ce produced is 1,556 kg. Complete alteration of dolomite to form talc (Tc) with concomitant removal of by-product calcite would result in a net volume loss of 29 I.* 3 calcite was totally removed from the system. The net volume loss described in Table 5 reflects this assumption. From Table 5 it is seen that alteration of I m 3 pf dolomitic marble to form talc with SiOg and HgO added in excess, and with all by­ product calcite removed from the system, will result in formation of 59 talc which will occupy 29 % less volume than the original m3 I of The mass of SiO2 added to the system is 1,245 kg, masses of dolomite. talc and calcite formed are 1,965 kg, and 1,556 kg respectively. Field observations indicate that talc formation by the mechanism presented in Table 5 is unlikely for two reasons. First, formation of chlorite interpreted blooms in gneisses adjacent to coeval with talc formation, during the during formation to be indicating that Mg++ was not held constant talc forming event. talc TBMs is are Second, indicated constant volume by field and conditions petrographic observations, in that: I) deformation related to talc formation was not and 2) relict textures and pseudomorphs observed during field mapping; are preserved in marbles (and intercalated chloritized gneisses). Given the criteria above, talc formation will now be from a constant volume standpoint. considered Calculations for a constant volume case are presented in Table 6 . The largest problem to be overcome in considering constant talc formation is the 29 % volume loss resulting from calcite from the system. in excess were expulsion of However, constant volume could be maintained a situation if SiO2 and Mg++ were available such volume in solution of amounts necessary to completely alter dolomite to talc, precipitated to form talc in open spaces. This supposition in and is supported by field and petrographic observations of talc occurrences as open-space fillings. Calculations conserved during presented alteration talc, 1,764 kg SiO2 in Table 6 show that, for volume of one cubic meter of dolomite and 157 kg Mg++ must be introduced, to to resulting be form in 60 Table 6.^ Calculations showing total mass of SiO- and Mg++ added to I m of dolomitic marble to conserve volume while^altering marble completely to talc. Given: I) 2) 3) 4) 5) Assume original volume of dolomitic marble = Inf* Molar volume of Tc = 136.25 cnf* Formula weight of Talc = 379.268 grams (g) Formula weight of SiO- = 60.085 g Formula weight of Mg = 24.305 g 5,181 moles Tc = 71 % of the volume of I m3 (from Table 5). This requires an additional 2159 moles of talc to form from introduced SiOg and Mg to maintain constant volume. Multiplying 2,159 moles of talc by ++ subscript values in the idealized talc formula for SiOg and Mg allows determination of the number of moles of each which was introduced into the system to maintain constant volume. These values can then be multiplied by their respective atomic weights to determine total weight of material introduced to maintain constant volume. It must be remembered that, to determine total mass of material introduced to ^the system, the amount of SiOg necessary to alter the original Im of dolomite to talc must also oe accounted for. From Table 5, this value is 20,723 moles of SiOg. SiOgi 2,159 moles x 4 = 8,635 moles 8,635 moles x 60.085 g/mole = 518.83 kg added to system Mg : 2,159 moles x 3 = 6,476 moles 6,476 moles x24.305 g/mole = 157.4 kg added to system Original SiOgi 20,723 moles x 60.085 g/mole = 1,245 kg Total SiOgi 519 kg + 1,245 kg = 1,764 kg added to system formation of talc and calcite with a total mass of 4,340 kg (with 1,556 kg of calcite having been removed). during talc formation Thus, total comprise approximately 45 % solids of introduced total solids present after formation of talc is complete (with calcite being removed from the system). 61 Estimates on Fluid Flux During Talc Formation Given the total mass of silica added to the system formation (Table 6 ), and pressure estimates (P) can by Morey (1964) interest (from Chapter 6 , of in solubility A00° relatively good SiO2 of and 2 kbar), introduce this Experimental and theoretical work on SiO2 solubility and Hesselgesser (1951), are talc and the solubility of SiO2 at the temperature (T) be made of the fluid flux necessary to quantity of SiO2. during Wood (1958), agreement, and Weill and indicate (as quartz) in HgO of approximately percent at the T and P noted above. and a Fyfe maximum 0.25 weight The minimum fluid volume required to introduce 1,764 kg SiO2 at a concentration of 0.25 weight percent is 705,600 liters. maximum solubility of SiO2 decreases, necessary the It should be noted that, for SiO2 introduction. at lower T and/or thus increasing the fluid For example, solubility of SiO2 is 0.09 weight maximum P the flux at 300° C and I kbar, percent, which would require a fluid flux of 1.96 x 10^ liters to introduce 1,764 kg SiOg. Discussion Normative formation as isochemical mineralogy observed alteration of HGMs during and this TBMs study of HGMs and/or indicates could TBMs. not that talc result from Metasomatism is thus indicated as the mechanism which effected talc formation. Several approaches to mass balance calculations are possible, with the best-fit case possibility that controlling other being Mg ++ constrained by field observations. was held constant during talc extensive parameters of the formation, system, must The thus be 62 considered. This case results in a net loss of volume of 29 % calcite removal is considered. not consistent A net volume loss and constant Mg++ are with field relationships indicating that under constant volume conditions, (interpreted to talc bodies. talc nor with chloritization of formed gneisses be coeval with talc formation) in close proximity Also, the constant Mg occurrences after to case does not adequately explain of talc as an open-space filling. Talc formation under conditions which meet constant volume criteria is the preferred case. Mass balance preferred calculations based on conservation of due to preservation of relict textures, volume volume for are volume (pseudomorphic) replacement of dolomite and other phases, and a lack of deformation of marbles or adjacent gneisses related to talc formation. Also, the constant volume case presented as an open-space filling, may explain formation of talc after considering volume loss due to calcite removal. Implications of Mass Balance Calculations Mass SiOg, Mg volume balance calculations clearly indicate that large volumes ++ and H^O from external sources must have moved through of dolomitic marble altered reservoir is indicated for SiOg, Mg A net ++ to talc. A large and, each external and H^O. loss of calcite from the system is assumed based on observations, of as previously stated, a sink field for this calcite has not been noted from field or petrographic observations. It is possible that calcite was removed from the system by the same fluids responsible for influx of SiOg and Mg "H* . Mass balance calculations show that -63 removal of calcite contributes greatly to the total mass of ++ ^ Mg which must be added to the system to occupy the volume SiO2 and evacuated by calcite. Sources of Silica and Magnesium Chlorite provided pods in gneiss surrounding talc-bearing marbles may have source for at least part of the SiO2 a formation. necessary data talc Such a relationship is problematic due to lack of evidence concerning timing of chlorite formation relative to talc, of for regarding the amount of SiO2 liberated during chlorite pods. It is doubtful however, chlorite have could and the lack formation of that isolated occurrences of provided SiO2 in quantities indicated by mass balance calculations. Chlorite pods in gneiss surrounding talc-bearing marbles compound the problem of a source for Mg++, gneisses to accomodate therefore could in that Mg++ must have been added to chlorite formation. not provide any of the Mg Chlorite which has been formation shown to have been added to marbles. Mafic dikes may have contributed Mg++ to marbles. However, mafic dikes do not exhibit alteration consistent with Mg++ depletion and others, 1978). Further, (Wooden in all but one prospect examined mafic dikes •are not spatially related to talc-bearing marbles. alteration and spatial relationships combine to make this an Lack of unlikely mechanism. Meteoric talc water formation, is a potential source for material given added during the shallow depth of talc formation which has 64 been proposed. Meteoric waters associated with hot springs and hydrothermal systems 1977). source of Mg++ in such waters is again a The are commonly enriched in SiOg (Ellis and that such systems are not noted for enrichment in Mg++. other Mahon, problem, given Also, gneisses surrounding talc-hearing marbles are a relatively poor source rock leaching of Mg++ by meteoric waters, previous studies (Garihan, be 1971; based on mineralogy described in Okuma, 1973). Meteoric water should considered as a source of fluids for talc formation even source of Mg ++ is lacking. Tc. for though a 65 CHAPTER 5 RELATIVE AND ABSOLUTE AGES OF TALC FORMATION Relative Age of Talc Formation The relative late-to age of talc formation has been established as post-greenschist-grade metamorphism (Chapter 2). very Based on mineralogic relationships this relative age can not be further refined, that is, distinct it can not be determined wether or not talc formation and separate event which totally post-dates is a Proterozoic greenschist-grade thermal metamorphism. Absolute Age of Talc Formation Regional geologic studies indicate that the Ruby Range experienced lower-granulite, to upper-amphibolite-grade metamorphism, Ma., at dated at 2750 with subsequent retrograde greenschist thermal metamorphism dated 1600 Ma. present in (Gilletti5 1966; talc-bearing James and marbles Hedge, probably 1980). Serpentine represents incipient greenschist-grade thermal metamorphism. Serpentine-talc phase relationships (Figure 17) indicate that thermal pulse must have accompanied recrystallization of serpentine form above. place talc after the amphibolite-grade metamorphic event a to described Examination of possible causes of such thermal pulses helps to , formation of economically viable talc bodies in an absolute time framework. 66 OO 600 Temperature, 0C Figure 17. Temperature-Pressure diagram showing serpentine-talc relationships. S (serpentine), Q (quartz), T (talc), B (brucite), F (forsterite), Tr (tremolite), V = vapor (modified from Sprineer, 1974). Several possibilities exist for heat sources which may have caused talc-forming thermal pulses. K-Ar clock's, Among these are: I) thermal resetting of which occurred at approximately 1600 Ma.; 2) multiple generations of mafic dikes were intruded in the region between 1700 Ma. and 1100 Ma. (Wooden and others, 1968); and 3) thermal effects related to Phanerozoic deformation. Phanerozoic formation is not timing of talc formation is unlikely, observed in favorable dolomitic in that host talc rocks of Paleozoic age in the central and northern Ruby Range, which are closely related spatially to Archean marbles with abundant talc (Tysdal, Garihan, 1973). Also, 1970; wide-spread thermal effects are not generally 67 associated with Phanerozoic deformation in southwestern the exception of Mesozoic intrusives. not been recognized in the Ruby Range. However, Montana, with such intrusives have These points indicate that talc formation preceded deposition of Phanerozoic sediments. The possibility exists that resetting of K-Ar clocks and intrusion of mafic dikes are manifestations of a proposed higher heat flow in the region, associated relatively higher with rifting of the Belt Basin. heat flow during mid-to The Iate-Proterozoic proposed by analogy with present-day rift environments. theory of time is One example is the Great Basin of the western United States, where a relatively higher geothermal gradient exists due to extensional tectonics resulting from crustal attenuation (Lachenbruch and Sass, framework existed Proterozoic 1963; time, in southwestern Montana A similar tectonic during middle-to marked by development of the Belt Basin Schmidt and Garihan, assume 1978). 1986). Iate- (McMannis, It therefore seems reasonable that extension related to rifting of the Belt Basin would produced a relatively higher geothermal gradient in the providing a possible heat source for talc formation have region, on a to thus regional scale. A Proterozoic discussion presented age for above. previous studies (Okuma, talc formation is indicated This age agrees with that 1971; possibilities Garihan, from the proposed in 1973; Berg, 1979). As noted exist for a source of heat to generate above, several growth of talc during this time period; I) thermal resetting of K-Ar geologic clocks; 2) intrusion of multiple generations of mafic dikes in the region between 1700 M a . and 1100 Ma.; and 3) the tectonic setting 68 proposed by Schimdt and Garihan (1983) for the region during middle-to Iate-Proterozoic time suggests a locally higher geothermal gradient due to the extensional regime associated with opening of the Belt Basin. Summary The metamorphic textural relationships, all consistent with history of the nature area, microscopic-scale and the tectonic setting of the study area are talc formation greenschist thermal metamorphism, podiform study occurring very dated at 1600 Ma.. late—to The post— localized, of talc bodies and the fluid flux necessary for formation suggest that economically viable talc bodies did not form response to a regional thermal metamorphic event. talc in An absolute age for talc formation in the range 1600 Na. to 1100 Ma. is proposed. 69 CHAPTER 6 PHYSICAL CONDITIONS OF TALC FORMATION Introduction In the developing a model for formation of. economic-sized talc bodies determination of formation is critical. in temperature and pressure conditions varying Skippen, 1974). talc The talc stability field is fairly well defined terms of temperature (T) and mole fraction COg ^ phase, of q q 2^ ^^ie fluid with changes in pressure (Gordon and Greenwood, 1970; In order to place constraints on possible temperatures of talc formation observed during this study, it is thus necessary to establish pressure conditions, hence the depth of burial of the marbles under examination. Pressure' of Talc Formation The Dillon Block (Harrison, 1974), (Figure I) has been interpreted as an exposed highland during late Proterozoic time, serving as the source area for marble, gneiss, and amphibolite clasts found within the LaHood Formation of the Belt Supergroup (McMannis, 1968; Boyce, 1975). This interpretation places the study area in a near surface environment during the time period deemed most feasible for talc formation. not possible however, data currently It is to define an. exact depth for talc formation with available. A depth range of 0 km to 6 km, with a 70 corresponding maximum pressure (P) of 2 kbar, is consistent with a near surface interpretation, and will be used in the following discussion on temperature of talc formation. Temperature of Talc Formation Introduction Limits determined X on the temperature of formation of talc deposits by examination of the stability of talc on a (T—X__„) defined by diagram. the The stability field of talc theoretical and experimental can temperature-^ has work been of noted involves a Korzhinskii reaction fluids that progressive metamorphism combination of decarbonation (1959) demonstrated and of dolomitic dehydration that the temperature of well several investigators who have studied the system CaO-MgO-SiOg-HgO-COg. (1940) Bowen marbles reactions. any given in this system will vary as a function of the COg content present investigators during metamorphism at constant be pressure. of Later graphically illustrated these relationships using T-Xcq2 diagrams (Metz and Trommsdorff, Skippen, 1971, 1974; 1968; Gordon and Slaughter and others, 1975). Greenwood, 1970; An isobaric T-Xqq2 diagram outlining the talc stability field is shown in Figure 18. It should be noted here that the salinity of fluids which affected talc study. talc formation can not be determined with the methodology used in this Consequently, formation due elevation or depression of the temperature to .the presence of a saline forming fluids will not be addressed. component in of talc- The fluid phase will be assumed to have been a binary mixture of HgG and COg. 71 2 kbar 600 — 550 - 500 - 450 - 400 - x CO2 Reaction: 1) 3 Do + 4 Qtz + HgO = I Tc + 3 Ce + 2) 5 Tc + 6 Ce + 4 Qtz = 3 Tr + 6 3 COg COg + 2 HgO 3) 2 Tc + 3 Ce = I Tr + I Do + I COg + HgO 4) 8 Qtz + 5 Do + HgO = I Tr + 3 Ce + 7 COg 5) I Tr + 3 Ce + 2 Qtz = 5 Di + 3 COg + I Hg 6 ) I Do + 2 Qtz = I Di + 2 CO2 7) (I) = Invariant Point I Figure 18. field of Isobaric talc Temperature-X^g at Pfluid = 2 Tc (talc), Tr (tremolite), Skippen, 1974). kbar. diagram Do showing the stability (dolomite), Qtz (quartz), Ce (calcite), Di (diopside) (modified from 72 Talc Stability Field An (TSF) isobaric T - X ^ ^ diagram outlining the for calcite-bearing marbles at Figure 18. isobaric By. inspection talc TSF bounded by with limits on talc formation at Pfluid " 2 kbar of 400°-450o C at X ^ ^ = 0.15-0.4. and is Reactions I, 4 from Figure 18 are isobaric univariant reactions, expected 1974; to buffer X ^ ^ during prograde metamorphism Greenwood, field a pressure of 2 kbar is shown in it is seen that the univariant curves I and 3, stability 2, 3 and would (Skippen, be 1971, 1975; Rice, 1977a; 1977b; Ferry and Burt, 1982; Rice and Ferry, 1982; Flowers and Helgeson, 1983). Talc-bearing univariant variance marbles assemblages mineral in the Ruby Range are have been documented parageneses are in indicated; point(s) I in Figure 18 will not exist. continue to the Hg0-rich side of Figure 18, dolomitic this and study. therefore no High- invariant This allows Reaction becoming asymptotic I to with respect to the Y axis under extremely HgO-rich conditions. Field and petrographic observations suggest that talc formed in an open system. The absence of isobaric univariant mineral indicates a lack of buffering capacity external control (infiltration) formation is indicated. of by the dolomitic fluid marbles, thus during talc phase These points are consistent with introduction of SiOg and Mg ++ assemblages metasomatic as previously presented. Mass balance calculations demonstrate that 15,542 moles of C0„ are ' 3 '. ' liberated during formation of talc from I m of dolomitic marble, with a minimum results fluid flux of 7 x IO^ liters (39 x 10^ V, in X ^ g = 3.98 x 10 moles) (X^^g = COg/HgO + COg), Ho0. This with COg being 73 extremely diluted by infiltrating solutions. talc formation at This dilution would allow extremely low temperatures due to the asymptotic nature of Reaction I with respect to the H2O r i c h side of Figure 18, as described above. It should be noted that talc also occurs at than those such as Fe, equilibria described here, (Figure 17). impurities However, allow high-temperature talc formation to be discounted as an important talc­ mechanism. environments, for talc mineral during low Since talc is metastable in high-temperature such occurrences are not considered as viable mechanisms formation on an economic scale. Also, high-temperature assemblages stably coexisting with talc were nowhere this study, temperature (Tables relationships noted during this phase study forming mineral temperatures either due to the presence of or as a metastable phase and higher I temperature and while it has been noted that recrystallization phases 2). observed For such as serpentine to these reasons form talc consideration of is of common possible conditions prevailing during talc formation are limited to a maximum of 450° C, and possibly considerably lower. Summary From the above discussion, Range kbar. occurred External talc formation as observed in the Ruby below a maximum temperature of 450° C at control of the fluid phase is P,., ., = fluid indicated, and possibility exists that infiltration of an H O^rich fluid allowed 1 formation to occur at much lower temperatures. 2 the talc 74 CHAPTER 7 . CONCLUSIONS Timing of Talc Formation Field combine and to petrographic place relationships, talc formation within a and phase relative equilibria, time framework. Temperature constraints on phase equilibria in the CaO-MgO-SiOg-HgO-COg system indicate amphibolite-to dated talc formation must (James and Hedge, 1980). occurred after Further, paragenetic minerals petrographic sequence since talc replaces dolomite and nearly occurred during an event, indicate that talc formation was the last major event greenschist-grade silicate minerals present. grade have lower-granulite^grade dynamothermal metamorphic at 2750 Na. observations the that in all Formation of greenschist- Proterozoic retrograde thermal / metamorphism dated at 1600 Ma. (Giletti, 1966). The maximum indicated for talc formation based on the metamorphic history paragenetic sequence is thus very late-to and age the post-greenschist-grade thermal metamorphism, dated at approximately 1600 Ma. > Talc is not found within favorable dolomitic horizons in Paleozoic rocks which marbles. are This closely related spatially strongly suggests that to talc-bearing talc formation was Archean a Paleozoic event. Timing of talc formation is thus constrained to Proterozoic and further, Eon, prethe late-to post-greenschist metamorphism, with a probable maximum age of talc formation of 1600 Ma. 75 The thermal suggests that the paragenetic talc may have formed as a natural result of metamorphism, 1973; history interpreted from as described in previous studies (Okuma, Berg, 1979). However, sequence retrograde 1971; Garihan, ubiquitous replacement of serpentine by talc requires that a late, or secondary, thermal pulse accompanied talc formation. volumes Also, mass balance calculations indicate that significant of water must have moved through each system. Such features metamorphic cycles. are not normally localized associated talc-forming with regional Therefore, a late-or post-greenschist age for talc formation is favored. Physical Conditions of Talc Formation The study area has been described as a positive tectonic during middle-to Iate-Proterozoic time, element placing marbles of the area in a ' near surface . environment during the time period proposed for talc formation. Phase relatively with equilibria of the system CaO-MgO-SiC^-^CHCC^ indicate narrow stability field for talc formation at low pressures, ther'talc stability field becoming asymptotic with respect to H^O side shows that a of the diagram. The isobaric T - X ^ g diagram in the maximum temperature for talc formation at Figure an the 18 assumed ' of 2 kbar is 450° C at X 0 = 0.4. fluid CO2 P XgQg large quantities formation, approached 0.0 during talc formation probably and of HgO^ necessary to transport all due SiOg the relatively small amounts of COg produced to the for talc by talc 76 formation. This would allow talc formation at much lower temperatures than that stated above. Mechanism of Talc Formation All model aspects of this study aid in the development of the for talc formation. proposed The salient features used to develop this model are summarized here. 1) Field and petrographic observations indicate that: I) talc formation was the last major event in the paragenetic sequence; 2) calcite, forming which formed as a by-product of the reaction, has been removed from the formation controls was a localized process, indicated; and 4) constant with main system; 3) strong volume talc­ talc structural was maintained during talc formation. 2) Mass balance calculations and whole rock geochemistry indicate ++ that large quantities of SiOg, system. Two overlapping followed by , and H^O were added to the stages of infiltration are in dolomitization Mg time. The first indicated, stage is marked with concomitant increases in MgO/SiOg second stage silicification, possibly resulting by ratios, in talc formation. 3) Formation of talc is proposed to have been in a near environment (Pj-^uid < ^ kbar), surface based on interpretations of the tectonic history of the study area. 77 4) Maximum temperature of talc formation at the above is 450° C. ■ The presence of an depth indicated 0-rich fluid phase would permit talc formation at much lower temperatures. These data are all consistent with talc formation hydrothermal activity in a hot springs environment. the land resulting from Fluids venting to surface in such a system may have provided the mechanism by which calcite and CO^ were removed from the system. The heat source necessary to drive the talc-forming reaction(s) may have been provided by the naturally high geothermal gradient should have accompanied the extensional environment of the Proterozoic Belt Basin, dike swarms. occurrences, or by igneous activity related to Proterozoic-aged Due to the scattered and discontinuous nature to localized heating be mafic of talc and the apparent lack of mafic dikes spatially related to talc prospects examined, seem which the regionally high geothermal gradient would the most plausible mechanism for heating of fluids scale without associated igneous activity. By a analogy, of meteoric waters by circulation at depth along fault without related igneous activity, on zones, is a relatively common occurrence in southwestern Montana at the present time (Sondregger and others, 1982). Significance of Study The marbles model presented here for talc formation in Archean differs from that proposed by many previous 1973; dolomitic studies 1971; Garihan, 1981; Piniazkiewicz, known talc occurrences in similar host rocks in southwestern (Okuma, Olson, 1976; Berg, 1979; Karasevich and others, 1984). This model may be applicable to other Montana, 78 the major difference in each case being the scale of the hot springs system necessary to accomodate the. observed volume of talc formation. It physical should before the and chemical controls on formation of such talc deposits are well understood. lines what be apparent that much work still remains Hopefully this study will illuminate several possible of further research which may contribute further information is currently known about one of.the most crucial aspects of formation in southwestern Montana, that is, the fluids which formation of talc within dolomitic marbles of Archean age. to talc caused REFERENCES CITED 80 REFERENCES CITED Berg, R.B., 1979, Talc and chlorite deposits in Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Memoir 45, 66 p. Bielak, J., 1978, The origin of Cherry Creek amphibolites from the Winnipeg Creek area of the Ruby Range, Southwestern Montana: M.S. Thesis, University of Montana, 46 p. \ Bowen, N.L., 1940, Progressive metamorphism of siliceous limestone and dolomite: Journal of Geology, v. 48, p. 225-274. 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AB-71 AP.-36 AS-68 ASW-I8 AT-28 AT-31 13.30 0.32 7.88 0.18 1.03 0.13 3.78 0.14 3.48 0.52 5.81 0.19 34.20 16.60 <0.01 0.13 0.63 50.50 2.61 •<0.01 0.06 30.00 21.20 <0.01 0.03 1.50 29.00 21.30 <0.01 29.40 20.40 <0.01 0.03 0.86 0.04 1.11 34.00 17.30 <0.01 0.04 0.70 0.74 0.03 0.02 0.63 <0.01 0.02 0.75 0.02 0.02 . <0.01 <0.01 0.84 0.02 0.04 <0.01 <0.01 1.00 0.04 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 LOI 34.00 37.50 45.20 44.60 44.50 41.70 Sum 98.97 99.82 99.99 100.50 100.51 100.50 SiO2 Al20S CaO MgO Na20 Fe2O3 MnO TiO9 P2O; Cr2O3 AR-49 SiO2 14.20 Al2O3 ' CaO MgO <0.01 Na20 K 20 Ee^03 MnO TiO2 36.50 14.10 <0.01 0.03 0.95 0.77 <0.01 0.02 *2°5 Cr2°3 LOI 33.40 Sum 99.97 <0.01 0.44 0.73 0.01 0.02 87 Table 8. Whole rock geochemical analyses of talc-bearing marble. Samples were analysed using X-Ray fluorescence, by XRAL Inc.. Area designators are: AB (Bosal Prospect), AR (Ruby View Prospect), AT (T.P. Prospect), AS (Spring Creek Prospect), AP (Pope Prospect), ASW (Sweetwater Mine). AB-65 AB-70 AP-37 AS-69 AS-70 14.00 17.70 0.25 0.41 6.64 .0.52 8.33 0.22 4.88 0.48 0.15 23.40 24.00 <0.01 0.04 1.20 24.10 21.40 <0.01 0.04 1.40 27.40 22.90 <0.01 0.03 0.92 26.60 23.00 <0.01 0.03 1.44 28.00 22.30 <0.01 0.04 1.08 0.55 49.00 <0.01 0.03 1.96 0.10 0.03 0.02 0.28 0.02 0.02 0.27 0.04 0.02 0.45 0.01 0.02 0.56 0.04 0.03 0.22 0.03 0.03 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 37.40 35.00 41.80 40.50 42.80 43.30 100.44 100.37 100.31 100.24 100.54 100.60 AT-23 AT-24 AT-25 AT-26 AR-30 AR-33 SiO2 5.15 Al 3C3 CaO MgO 0.49 2.63 0.14 5.35 0.42 8.13 0.24 3.04 0.04 14.50 <0.01 27.40 21.20 <0.01 29.50 27.60 25.50 21.40 <0.01 22.00 <0.01 25.40 <0.01 23.80 24.00 <0.01 0.04 0.03 0.04 26.30 21.30 <0.01 0.04 0.03 0.04 3.18 1.64 1.51 3.20 0.95 1.00 0.88 0.03 0.02 .0.91 0.01 0.02 0.88 0.03 0.84 0.02 0.12 0.02 0.60 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Cr2O3 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 LOI 42.20 44.20 42.40 40.20 45.20 36.50 100.48 100.25 100.29 100.32 100.47 Si°2 A3-2°3 CaO MgO O' O o «1 Q) Pu Na20 K 0O MnO TiO9 P2°5 Cr2O3 LOI $ O O Sum ^2° Fe 2O3 MnO ■ TiO9 Sum 100.59 ~ ASW-I9 4.97 88 Table 8— Continued SiO2 A12°3 CaO MgO Na9O K 20 Fe2°3 MnO TiO2 P2°5 Cr2°3 LOI Sum AR-34 AR-47 22.30 11.60 0.01 0.62 19.30 25.50 <0.01 0.04 • 1.54 18.70 28.30 <0.01 0.04 1.46 0.17 0.02 0.02 0.15 0.05 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 31.50 39.50 100.4 100.44 89 Table 9. Whole rock geochemical analyses of talc. Samples were analysed using X-Ray fluorescence, by XRAL Inc.. Area designators are: AB (Bosal Prospect), AR (Ruby View Prospect), AT (T.P. Prospect), AS (Spring Creek Prospect), AP (Pope Prospect), ASW (Sweetwater Mine). AB-67 AP-39 AS-71 ASW-2I AT-21 ■ AR-35 60.00 59.00 58.50 60.10 59.90 60.50 0.46 1.20 1.02 0.55 0.09 0.03 0.15 32.20 <0.01 0.03 0.44 0.17 32.10 <0.01 0.03 0.78 0.08 31.80 <0.01 0.04 0.83 0.30 32.50 0.05 0.01 0.27 0.01 27.80 <0.01 0.03 6.80 0.13 31.70 <0.01 0.04 1.02 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.07 0.09 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.17 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0,01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 LOI 6.08 6.31 6.08 5.70 4.93 5.47 Sum 99.43 99.76 98.44 99.71 99.61 98.98 SiO2 A12°3 CaO MgO Na9O K 2O Fe2O3 MnO TiO2 P2°5 Cr20S . 90 Table 10. Whole rock geochemical analyses of gneisses. Samples were analysed using X-Ray fluorescence, by XRAL Inc.. Area designators are: AB (Bosal Prospect), ASW (Sweetwater Mine). ASW-I5 SiO2 a 1203 CaO MgO Na 2° K 2° Fe2O3 MnO TiO9 P2O5 Cr2O3 LOI Sum 71.40 13.60 0.38 6.13 <0.01 3.14 0.33 .ASW-16 ASW-I7 AB-6 2 AB-64 33.00 18.10 . 74.10 14.40 54.20 66.50 14.50 13.70 0.24 35.00 <0.01 0.53 0.13 3.75 5.00 7.35 7.16 2.08 0.84 1.05 11.10 0.28 8.20 <0.01 3.05 .2.70 0.14 0.74 0.02 0.63 0.09 0.03 0.19 0.01 - 0.05 0.71 0.01 0.01 <0.01 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.01 4.16 13.20 0.39 2.00 5.00 99.30 100.37 99.53 100.23 100.28 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 __________ PLATE I BOSAL PROSPECT p 37 □ ALDER Bosal P ro s p e c t □ D IL L O N C o tto n w o o d C reek .N EXPLANATION P a le o z o ic U n d iv id e d F a u lt s h o w in g p lu n g e of d ip and tre n d s l i c k e n s id e s tria e D illo n G n e is s I2 chDg C h lo ritiz e d S trik e a n d d ip o f jo in t -A- S trik e a n d d ip o f f o l ia t io n \2 6 S trik e c o n ta c t a n d d ip o f l i t h o l o g i c G n e is s 82 M a rb le T T a lc SCALE: 1” = 1 0 ’ 10’ 20 ’ I j F a u lt ____________ PLATE 2 RUBY VIEW PROSPECT m EXPLANATION P a le o z o ic U n d iv id e d 9 7 F a u lt s h o w in g d ip , a n d s lic k e n s id e tre n d p lu n g e of s tria e S trik e and d ip o f jo in t _A- S trik e and d ip o f fo lia tio n Y 14 S trik e and d ip o f lith o lo g ic D illo n G n e is s m M a rb le 2 T T a lc c o n ta c t 10’ and A/3 4 3' /A ; ] PLATE 3 PROSPECT \ EXPLANATION D XU P a le o z o ic U n d iv id e d F a u lt p lu n g e T . R P ro s p e c t Dg D illo n G n e is s m M a rb le T T a lc S trik e □ ALDER C o tto n w o o d C reek Fault D IL L O N 10’ s h o w in g o f s lic k e n s id e and dip of foliation \7 5 S trik e and c o n ta c t d ip o f AfSf 7 7 /m \ d ip o f j o i n t Strike and 20’ 1” = 10’ s tria e % --------1__________ I SCALE: d ip , a n d t r e n d Shear Zone lith o lo g ic and AT-:-I\ ________________ PLATE 4 SPRING CREEK PROSPECT EXPLANATION □ ALDER T e rtia ry DILLON U n d iv id e d F a u lt SPRING CREEK PROSPECT 15 P a le o z o ic S illim a n ite s h o w in g d ip , a n d tr e n d a n d s lic k e n s id e s tr ia e p lu n g e of S trik e and d ip o f jo in t S trik e and d ip o f fo lia tio n S trik e and c o n ta c t d ip o f lith o lo g ic U n d iv id e d S c h is t M a rb le Y 56 S c a le : m / T — — ------- y I PLATE 5 POPE PROSPECT EXPLANATION Carter Fault F a u lt T Alder T a lc s h o w in g d ip , a n d slickenside p lu n g e of S trik e and d ip o f and D ip tre n d and striae Pope Prospect 83 M a rb le P' S c h is t jo in t S trik e of fo lia tio n D illo n Dg G n e is s S trik e and c o n ta c t Fault zone S c a le : 1 ” = 5 ’ 0 5 ’ 10’ 1_____________ I________________I covered Rubble s \ m X 46 covered covered d ip o f lith o lo g ic ^ 'i 5 __________ PLATE 6 SWEETWATER MINE F a u lt s h o w in g d ip , and tr e n d p lu n g e o f s lic k e n s id e s tria e S t r ik e a n d d ip c o n ta c t S trik e and Iin e a tio n g of d ip o f and lith o lo g ic fo lia tio n , w ith MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 1762 100 1587 O