A paleobotanical study of Judith River and Lance Formations along... by Jacob Bauer

A paleobotanical study of Judith River and Lance Formations along the Yellowstone River in Montana
by Jacob Bauer
A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate Committee in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Degree of Master of Science in Botany and Bacteriology
Montana State University
© Copyright by Jacob Bauer (1935)
no abstract found in this volume A PAtEOBOQMlGAL STOBY OF THE JUBITH H I T O AND LANCE
Submitted to the Graduate Gommittee In
partial fulfillment of the requireaeate
•for the Degfe# of Master o f Seienoe
in Botany and Bacteriology at
Montana State College
^ C h a r g e of Major
Bozenan, Montana
June, 1935
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Materials & Methods
........... • • •
Paleobotanical Microtechnique . . . . . . . . . .
Taxoncany of Fossil Woods . . . . . . . . . . . .
G e o l o g y ..................................................... ..
Formations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E a g l e ..................... .. . . . .
d a g g e t t .......................
Judith Hirer. . . . . . . .
......... 17
Bearpaw ...................
Lance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4
General Discussion .....................
Sunmary & Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Literature Cited................
Description of P l a t e s ..........
OE THE J U D i m
■ "
' ■ .myssk
Tho ineresaaed knovUeSg© ©f fossil Tlora9 though still far t s m
Somplete9 W s ©auo©a a .eoasidoraMe number ©f changes % the elsasification of fossil plants Spring the lfist. dofadeo
The, eonteihmtiono
that others have offeredD M v o nesossitated a complete revision of tho
Mole eubjaat and e W p no W s r s l account of the complete fossil .flora•. .
-- f '
of the Sbdith Kiver and lance Topnations9 including the recent advehoep
in .paleontology exists? the priter therefore proposes- to commence by a
brief enumeration of the characters found in the lnportant genera^
The primary result of this pork shall be the establishment of the
paleontological ,sections-Mich-shall constitute--the type
these formations9 for the comparison and reference in the
ccffreMtioa of -other formations such
sections of
study: and
the Denver, Eagle, Claggett9
^id Bearpac occurring Sn the upper- and lower Gretaceous periods, -'•
She other* largely .Qoncmitaat9. results that are either economical
or scientific in their nature M v e also- been,-- reached in the- process of
elaboration of the fossil plants, of the -Judith, Biver and Lanco in their
typical regions,
detailed study o f the. histologr of certain silicic
fled fossil woods are included in this, paper,-
.The fossil- wood* which •
.was completely encased and hermetrically 'sealed in, the violent flow
’j \
I-■it' . ,< I!!«■«!§
< vK-
* 4
of magma at the time of volcanic eruptiona, was collected from, deposits
in the Boaeman Lake Beds®
The questions concerning the general geologic
correlation of the Judith Biver and Lance formations depends upon the
data Tfoieh determine the age of the se'uformat ions—
i=ee (a) the time
interval representing the type section, and Cb) the relations of the
Judith River and Lance formations in other regions of Montana.
According to Khowlton (8 ), the first record of collections of
fossil plants obtained from the Judith River formation were made in the
summers of 1888 to 1893 by M r 6 T» E. Stanton and Mce J 0 B 0 Hatcher,
The principle results of their work was the accurate determination of
the positions of the Judith River Beds in the upper Cretaceous section,
and the removal of all doubts as to the correlation of these beds with
the Belly River Beds of Canada.
These results are offered as a contri­
bution to. the Mesozoic history of the northern interior region of
Both men had previously visited the mouth of the Judith River
in the winter of 1903 and 1903 to!establish the facts regarding certain
observations made in 1888*
In 1888 to 1893 Iffic0 Eateher spent consider­
able time collecting vertebrate fossils from the Judith River beds, making
only incidental observations on tbs stratigraphy of the region,
A few
of the fossil plants were collected at that time from the mouth of the
Judith River and near. Willow Greek, tributary to the Musselshell River,
' '
PlBiOBgTMiagL m G R O T E G m i O B E
These are
general methods need in sauing fossil uood=
is the use of a diamond charged aau running in a Iuhrieant5. The
M s never used
this device
of such very hard large Specimens9
tilth the apparatus used by the
the diamond charged aauo
a rolled copper di# 9
and believes it. is less suited
the cutting
the expense associated
is materially less than that of
The ean. used consisted of a sheet iron
in a
electrolytic, copper diok0 running
of abrasive Uhi©h pas mixed to a ^ ! • l i q u i d
The saning is done tilth the above mentioned Sieha9 SO to 22 guage8
inches in diameter 9 running at an approximate speed of 1800 r 0pom0
p i # its edge in a reservoir, of liquid, abrasive,,, about the
of Cream0
The Xiqgaid abrasive is made of equal parts of Carborundum8
EaOlih9 .Volcanic ash„ and cater®
consistency ■
The mounted section rides
sati9 being held in place by its m i g h t or b y the operator*
The cut surface is ground uith the follcwing grades of earbo®
rundnm; IOO8 ISO8 E W 8 and 320O
Polishing is done on a revolving'-.,^raes
disk, or on a poplar m o d Uheel8
ture of tin oxide end Uater0
on buffers pith a semi-liquid mix­
On the cut S W f a e e 9 finer grinding io done
by hand upon a glass plate tilth plenty of carborundum*
Polishing is
followed in the seme manner as the method of finer grinding*
The latter
grinding and polishing by hand, has a feu advantages over the
mechanical method*
Eor example?
if the section becomes extremely thin
a serieo of inapeeticma ean be mafi©p slth the aid ©f a Iaiesoscopas, on=*
ahllng one to grind just to the desired thinness to bring out the desired
Objeet0 tihile ulth the maehanieal Inethod9 the retrolviBg uheel n £ H
more than desired and as a result the
is Iost0
CS) At high
QpeGds9 often thin sections aro ©racked or destroyed, chile grinding
or polishing b y hand allocs one to note hoc the
is progressing,,
CS) Bxtreme care must be taken tiien polishing by the mechanical method
or else the sections d l l be
off b y the speed of the disk8 chile
the method by hand allocs the operator to regulate his speed and pressure?
The polished surface is noc fastened to a Btiero=Glide9 after
gradually heating the slide until it is rather C a m 0 a email ©mount of
shellac (flake)0 or ran balsam or sealing can is placed o n the micrSlide0
After the fixative is malted, the polished surface is placed in
the melted fixative and the section is pressed very firmly to the slide©
A steel clamp applied to the section insures perfect sealing= . The
mounted section is alloued to Cool0
cool the next cut m a y be made?
As soon as the section has become
One precaution must be observed; the
section must not be dipped into cold cater for the purpose of cleaning,
cooling or inspection after cutting or polishingo
The section is cleaned
for inspection b y oiping off all surplus abrasive with a dry clothe
The cutting process is repeated sauing as close as possible to
the Bxiero=Qlide0
is repeated?
The grinding and polishing process as described before
When changing from one operation to another elj of the
loose abrasive is cleaned from the cement?
When it becomes necessary to
gofteB ar renove the fizativsj, use xylol on. halsam. or absolute alcohol oa
#ollap^ ,0?? B p M W . : M 6 sulphite:dn sealing
% e n aeetiona became extremely thin, the surplus ©arborundum rag
the section was then polished with^StaimicrWideuuhtll a velvet
lustre rag obtained^
The section uas rashed again and ras allowed to dry
thoroughly before mountings
The use of balsam for final mounting is de»
Siyable for fossil m o d Sectiongp
4 H
sections rare covered with micro?
cover glasses N o p O for final permanent work so as to enable one to ex­
amine them with the. higher powered objectives=
Sections were ground thin enough by this method, for examination
with the aid of a 2 millimeter oil immersion Objeetivep
micrographs were
Ixcellent photo?
also obtained from material prepared b y this
survey of the literature o# the subject shows a heterogeneity
of ideas concerning, the diagnostic data which" must be assembled to
describe fossil wood accurately,
M f f i e u l t y in comparison has been en­
countered, due to varying degree of importance placed op features of the
fossil wood.,
According to Bead Cl®), m?a%a8 iothan, Benhallow8 Jeffery,
m i l o y , Bolden, Torrey, and a host of other men have commented on the
relative value of the various tissues of the wood for systematic purposes9
Tcrrey has compiled a table of data which is of particular interest and
The table of data is as follows?
. “Annual rings—
present or absent| regular or irregular wood as
compared with late woods transition from early to late wood! width of
rings I ©ompaetness of early and late modv®. l9Hesin ©anals-r— present
zontal or vertical
op both;
absent; normal or traumatic, hori­
cells ■as
gize and shape;,-- secretory
to size,
ghape, thicknes®, of m i l s , number of row®, thyloges=®
'f9Wood rays-.—
Sieriation; height and variability; shape of cells
in cross eeotion; attitude- of terminal m i l e ; pitting of lateral,
terminal, and upper and lower walls with reference to
Siaep and
character; irregular thickening of wall®; ray traeheids, with reference
to distribution type of pitting and thickenings of m i l s ; resinp"
W o o d parenchyma*=-- terminal
diffuse, abundant, or scarce; dis­
tribution; contents1,, size?#
. KTracheide--* variation in size; bar® of Sanio; pitting, with re­
ference to distribution of pits in radial
tangential walls in various
parts of ^be ring; nature of pits; spiral thickening®; resinous tracheitis;
W L o e e e o ro
isMetiulla- size, sclerotic cells, resinous structureo?
..•It tos been the custom t o describe fossil woods and designate them
with the ending, Qgylonft even when evidence ha® been available to suggest
that these
referable to modern genera,
however, for Inatanee0 fossil wood of Sesuoian affinities are usually
placed in the
Sesuoia rather then
from the asm© horison are called Bitdzyloii0
& e h am irregular system is
the writer it asms only logical to regard associated
Woods and leaves as the same species*
t W u g h pine®
The fossil wood- deserlbog in this ®ape3?
toms-co H e e t e d
from the
Bozeman Bake Beds located in the Mhdison Galley south of Iogame M o a t a w 9
exempt the Seonoia wood whieh was- collected from the Ihdlth Biver forma"
tion $ miles ©ast of 'Soliambuss, Moatana0
The uood collected from Logah9 Iiontana9 belongs in the UlmaceaCo
This fossil m o d is mostly silieified and many finer structures such as
the details of structure of some of the walls in the tracheal tubes are
lost due to petrification?
In all eases the annual rings are well de­
veloped 9 and an abrupt transition between the early and late wood
The tracheal tubes are very numerous and scattered, oeeurr-
Ing most abundantly in the spring and summer wood?
# e ..trsnsverse
section, CFlate ZVIII9 figure 3 ) shows the transition between spring and
summer wood?
The tracheal tubes are elliptical to circular in form?
The xylem rays CFlate- Z H H 9 figure 3) are numerous and form a say of
. '
cells 16 to SO cells thick? i. few of the rays that are one-eelled thick
extend for a considerable distance adjacent to the tracheal tubes o
individual cells in section are almost square with rounded Corners9 thin
Walls9 and in most cases are filled with a yellow
colored matgriaXo'
Uhile the writer was preparing fossil wood sections, brown streaks
appeared in the tracheal tubes of the radial sections?
analysis of these.brown streaks- is described -as follows;
In so## of
the tracheal tubes (Plate ZVII9 figure 4 j 9 the material is collected
at the ends, but in other tracheal tubes they are only half filled with
this colored material?
This mass of blackish material has usually
stelveleS 9om©nhat$ thus leaving a space between it ana the tracheal
nailo In. some of the tracheal tubes and- in a fen ray eelle are -blaek
jEina yellow globular bodies CHate ZFg fl@ire;3s Hate Z H p figures Ip
30 3? and 4) though others contain a foamy substancep ^ome of the
globular bodies seem to be mde up of a series of small® bodies fom»
Ing clusters*
According to EhotSton (9), H n h a l l o n refers to the glo=-
bular bodies-in the cells of
Gallizylon newberfyi
a s starch and
but its chemical nature has: never been determined*
Zn Plate Z H 5 figure F and 5 illustrates a globular body having
a stalk-like projection, the base of the atalk resting on the cell wall
tracheal tube*
It is peculiar to find only one of these globular
bodies with such a long stalk which measured 60 microns in
of the medium sis® globular bodies haws small projections measuring 8
microns in length*
On further observation,at a magaifIeation of 960
this stalk-like projection appears to he mad©
resembling strands of mycelium*
of very fine thread­
Due to poor
the writer is unable to determine whether this strand-like material is
a mycelium and whether these strands are septate or
several glides
thread-like strands were
tracheal tubes, however, a few occurred in
long and marrow*
• '
freely and irregularly*
• •
strands are
BTo thread-like strands
were found to be connected to the globular bodies, except the one mention­
e d above®
The following Is a description of the fossil trood of the Shdith
Biver f o r m t i o n CEinug and Seoudid ? and B o z e m n Lake Beds Cnteush
.The fbasil representative of the genua Plnus uas described by
(Plate - Z H l 0 figure I) o
Annual rings---, not
Besin canals*-^ the ray tracheids are- reticulate„ dentate and
Eom© appear smooth ualledoy The pitting appears
to be o n some of the nails of the tracheal tubes,
S p m of the cells show a presence of resin Sn the
■ '
% o d parenehyma—
Trachelds-L-^- The pitting occurs in single rous and seems to
be confined (Chiefly to the tracheal m i l s .
Tribe Tagbdiheae
.The fossil representative of the g m u a v Sequoia m s described by
Enoulton in 1935,
(Plate O T H a OTHiZa figures 5 & 13,
" ■ ■ ■ ' / -
Annual rings-?- not ,observed,.
Reein canals— - the canals, are numerous and
dark contents,
by their
They occur .mainly in the spring
and sunaaer wood®
ITood rays— — - the linear wood rays are unieeriated although some
lateral cell,walls grp
pitted alttoufEt a tew ghoo sea© pitting?
Era@Mid8^ ”v~-r the traeheida are variable in Stzesi .-Bars-of
’ ■
Seaio sse .peesent? .■’
$ & radial
are strongly
pitted Bith border pit© In ona or tuo roue
Coeeaslonally more)?'Bead C11) state© that Ia
©Mae speeies the tangential Balls are pitted Ia
the late woodo
.!Ehe fossil representative of the genus DlwiB naa deseribed by
Eelix in 1933„
(Plate X m i ? . figure 2 & 3)?
Annual rings=— » the annual rings are present, a ansi sting of 2 or
3 rons of thickened cells=
In the succeeding
spring Bood the ducts ere much larger than in
the late wood which makes the annual rings
easily to be seen b y the unaided eye=
Eeeia canals— ^
the resin canale-ar© numerous and scattered,
occurring most
abundant- in the spring and summer
.pood=- ..!Bese resin canals are almost circular, In
some eases slightly elongated radially= = % % © of
the duet© are arranged in notable radial rpBs=
Some of the resin ducts measure H O microns wide
and 425 microns in length?
^ooci r©ys«»-~ the msdulla^y- rays are numepoua aizd eas ily
to the tmaided s y s o -Ssine of the -medullary raye that
sr© a single sell in -thickness pass for a considerable
distance adjacent to the ducts®
The individual ©ells
of the large rays are nearly circular in
section and are also, thin nailed®
Traeheids-!-- The teachaids are not preservedp probably destroyed
through silieification®,
'r'. ,
#0 on the Jrorthern, Bacifie r ight=of«yay
Fark Sity) is a cliff about two mil©© west-; ,, consisting .of three beds
of sandstone with intervening shale or softer sandstone as shown In figures
I and So
The dip is low as the Eagle sandstone approaches the river be­
Eagle sandstone ©an
best be seen in the hills on the south side of the
Yellowstone Bivere,
neath the Glaggett formation®
At mile-post 35
The top of the Eagle sandstone passes below -water level at a siding ©ailed
Yomgs-Boint o
i Beyond Park-Gitys another sandstone and -shale about
three hundred feet thick immediately overlies the Eagle sandstone and
is visible across the river®
These beds make up the lower part of the
Glaggett formation, which dips gently westward and
beneath the water level®
At mile-post Sg Cweat of Bapids) all of the
white sandstone has passed from view and the hill slopes
of the overlying Sudith Biver formation®
This formation has no decided
— /-f -
characteristics by which it may be recognized and identified with the
exception of the volcanic material which it contains, however, the
underlying Glaggett formation contains no volcanic material*
slopes composing the Judith Elver formation has a whitish grey tint
and is rather monotonous in color and appearance*
The sandstone coim­
posing the upper part of this formation is well exposed in Countryman's
Bluff (fig* 3), between mile-post 37 and 39 where the writer6s collection
of fossil plants was obtained*
The formation yields fresh and brack­
ish water invertebrates, numerous fragments of fossil plants, and some
marine flora*
Turning now- to the geological application of Paleobotany, we may
say that this application of the•study of fossil plants makes its
strongest appear*
The sedimentary rocks, which are practically the
only rocks that contain fossils, have been divided by geologists into
a. number of major divisions and then again into smaller sub-divisions*
Technically speaking, a formation is defined as a l9Biappable lithogic
unit"-- ioS*, it is a bed or layer or rock, or a series of layers, that
is sufficiently distinct lithologically from those below or above, and
sufficiently large in extent* to permit its representation in an area
(mapped by a separate color or other distinctive conventions)*
' ..
Eagle Sandstone *
The name EagLe sandstone, according to Khowlton
(T) a wa.s given by W* H, Weed to the formation overlying the Colorado
lMr!1'! l'.-\.'UH
•v; !-Mt!: IIiKfW
. ys e.
sliale in north-central Mbntana0
The typical Eagle formation as defined h,
by Weed; consists of three distinct units containing respectively, ripple
Imarkss cross bedded layers, and marine shales*
Weed further states that
the lower member is very persistent and characteristic over a large area
in north-central Mentana, even where other divisions of the formations
are not readily recognized«
According to Khowlton (?}, Stanton and Batcher described the Eagle
sandstone as the lowest formation of the Montana Group, consisting of a
dull grey to brownish massive ledge making sandstone about one hundred
feet thick; the middle division of the Eagle sandstone is a thin-bedded
shaly sandstone, while the upper is composed of rusty—brown concretions,
which are locally very mumerouai
The Eagle sandstone is conformable with
the overlying Glaggett formation, .from which it is distinguished by its
lithologic character.
Figures I and 2 show the Eagle sandstone east of
Youngs Point, Montana;
QIaggett Formation;
According to Khowlton (7), the name Olaggett
was given to this formation by
This formation which
overlies the Eagle sandstone is separable into two divisions; a lower one
of shale and the upper one consisting predominately o f sandstone.
lower division of the Olaggett consists of a dark marine ,shale similar
both lithologically and paleontologically to the Bearpaw shale.,. At. the
top there is a bed of massive rust-brown sandstone ranging from one to
twenty feet in thickness*
TTiese beds were included in the Oleggett
formation by Stanton, and Hatcher in their reports due to the fact that
the formation contained some marine flora*
Judith Eiver Formation*
The Judith Hiver formation is chiefly of
brackish water origin and lies between two marine beds,*
The formation,
according to Ehowlton (8 ), was named by Hayden in 1871, but at that time
its stratigraphical position was not understood®
According to M o w l t o n
(?)» in 1903 Stanton and Hatcher determined that the formation was a
member of the Montana group and is possibly equivalent of a part of the
Fierre shales*
The JUdith River formation,according to the above authorities,
consists of alternating beds of light-colored sandstone and clay, in
Which occur thin beds of carbonaceous shale®
In the area studied the
formation contains some coal bsit is not known to have coal deposits of
commercial value f although plant material is abundant®
The formation
also contains bones of vertebrates, some sicilified wood, and stems,
though'well preserved fossil leaves are exceedingly rare.
Ihe sand­
stone beds of the formation are hard and form definite benches, but be­
cause they are numerous and not separable by thick beds of shale or clay,
most of the beds Join in producing a rough, steep escarpment, which has
the appearance of range hills from a distance®
At many places, near the
top of the formation a strata ranging less than a foot to several feet
in thickness is made up of almost wholly of shells*
The Judith River
formation is of upper Eontana age and is composed-of continental sedi­
ments that are intercalated without erosion or apparent interruption
? 1&.
of deposit ion between the;marine Gleggett formation and the Beaygan- •
shale aboveo
near mile-post
& p and § shows the Judith Sdvey formation
The giants found in the Judith River formation are described ns
I W i l y FucaeeaQ0latively smalio
Tfye body
repeat SdJy0 a type of
This specialized group of brown alga# is re-*
of brown algae-is a flat tha-llus which forks
called dioho-tomouec,
The fossil representative of the genus Fueus was described in
188? by lasqnereunp
genu# is restricted to the nothern hemi-
Fueus Is a tidal form and is not found in S#ep water*
specimen has two main branches* two secondaries on each branch and
tertiaries as shown in Plate I 9 figure 1»
Family Schimeaceae0.-* These
have erect? single, pinnate,,
or Siehatomous0 or vine-like, elongate leaves, with
paired, pa l mtely, lobad or pinnate leafy divisions,,
according to IBhlta
The fossil
MowltQtt in 1916p
£16), are
of the
M e i m a wgs described by
this specimen no doubt belongs to the g a m s M e l m a
(IS)0 as illustrated in Plat© I 0 figures 3 and 4 0
babSy represents only a
large frond*
these plants,
mostly found in the tropical
& i e specimen pro®
of lateral divisions of a comparatively
These ferns are cut deeply into Iinear0
sharply toothed,
rather obtuse segnents; apical portion of the frond is well preserved;
.fronds being alternate above and opposite near the bass*
The v#!nation
•“ 2 0 «»
is ©haracteriatif of the genus. Aaejma (JJS)f eoneisting of a elendar ■
^eoondary raohia or eeeondazy Biavela6 Isaiffig cJoaef paral3,el0 and one©
or twie® forked^
Ehe specimen show in Plate If figures ,3 and 4f has
forking© ohieh arise at very aeffite angleB*
.EamiIy Sphaffionhyllaeeaee.^
The leaves- of the plants that be Jong
the faatily Sphenophyllaoeae are superposed in Chorlsf erect„ uniform
f ‘■
With yellow veins? Some of these plants have numerous sporangia on the
• I ■
'■ ■ V •
.' ■.
leaves in long
cylindrical ■floreeoencet
Sphenophyllum tehefrium ladliohef»«»
The apioes
these leaves
which are slender and elongated are shown in Plate I/ figure 5 P
leaflets a r e .usually W r i e d in the matrix which on being broken-away
often results in so much destruction of the speoimen that to give
enact and definite description for it# true identification Js very
cult 9
Thmily EguisetaceaQ0^
The family EculsetaCeae
plants, with mostly hollow jointed, single or often much branched
The Jeaves are reduced to sheaths at the nodes or Joints,
the- ©heaths are toothed*
The fossil representative of the g e m s E g u i s e t m was described
hy EhottiLton in 1930»
The specimen collected by the writer shows-that
of the stem has ?
figures 6 and J 0
as illustrated in
I and I-Zf
At the nodes there are tooth-like projections which
connect the Internodes above ami below.
I? teeth
the node*
One-half of the stem has about
Family Stermtadeae*to tropical Asia*
$he planta of this family are now epnfteed
!Bhe-,learaa- are for the most part distinguished by the
presence of light horizontal or somewhat descending basilar veins» saner
times by slightly peltate character*
'lteroapeimites minor Ward*-
She leaves are rather thick and oblong^
obliquely heartrshaped as illustrated in Plate H 8 figure 2» % e margin
is entire or nearly undulated below*
Ho. petiole is attached to the speci­
Teination seems to be pinnate; the midrib is straight, however, the
veins are rather light and "basilar, nearly opposite,
upward near
the extreme gs
!Ehe eyeads are tropical plants and
are the modern living representatives of the line that began in the
Paleozoic time*
The plants have a tuberous or columnar stem, covered by
an armor of leaf base®, and bearing % crown o f large branched leaves^
' GycadedmylCML mdmfaha h * sp*-
The writer designates these specie-
mens as trunks of conifer trees’
, Plates H
& IIIj,. figures 2 & I, resting.
the ease of figures of Br* Newberry and Professor Fontaine as die- -
cussed by Ward
who, however, regards it as a
remains of,
% e cigar-shaped prominences
. . .
these egecimana
.writer believes these specimens are the
decayed eycad trunks*
of, partly
are decidedly larger than those of otters described in the literature*
!®t.in seams, of carbonized vegetable matter are irregularly included in
the overlapping folds that make the specimen appear as if it was im­
bedded in coal*
Family gigilarIaceae0^
(Plate U i s, figures 2 ana S)o
bases are transverse and. prpminento
% © leaf
The leaf soars are .transversely
rhombie or o m l with S. vascular Searsp the .central vascular gear is the
lhile the writer was a m b l e to find any leaves of this plants
according to ,Adams (I)p the leaves are long and single veined.
other structures of the specimen clear3y place it in this family,
Family ,GixUsggmaeeaec-
The leaves of this family are notched on
the margins and appear similar to an expanded paper fan.
Ginkgo laramiehsis Ward.,? This species, according to Ehowltm (9),
as Prof essor Ward has pointed bnt @ is undoubtedly very closely ,related
• .
to Ginkgo adiahtoidea..(Uhg, I Hear, the main differences being the size
of the leaf.
being more
They are
nearly .wedge-shaped
the leaves of this
not so abruptly narrowed to the petiole^
than Ginkgo Mi a h t d i d e s (f), ..In outline
as illustrated in/Plate 17, figure I,
among themselves, as do the leases o f the living Ginhgd (7),
■Family Pjnaeeae,-
% e pin© trees are r e ^ h o u s ..^ees aud shrubs,
mostly evergreen, with a narrow or
shrub© bear
gcale-li# leaf,
,These trees or
a cone with numerous, several, or few, woody, papery,
or fleshy, scales; sometimes berry-like,
GurinfhgKamites .slegahs -{Gords0 ). EnaLemann,-
The collect of speci­
mens contains branches that are rather .thick and closely beset with
.long narrow leaves, .The writer believes that they must be referred with­
out doubt to this species,
T m best specimen is shown in,Plate 17, figure
3 5 *»
,CunMnghanitee puciiellus B^owltoja9-
The branches
elen6er» -leaves alternate* somewhat remote,
turning abruptly at right angles to the stein?
narrow, and sharp*?poiated at the ap@Zo
end thick at the bass*
The leaf is very Iong6
% e texture Is rather thiek
and deeply channeled above; -leaf abases are large, oblong, obtusely SQutep
Iceeled6 and
in the lower part with several ,fin© .Strias0 .This
fossa is represented by several -very well-preserved branches^ the best
of which is shown in Plate H 0 figure 3»
-■r ‘ " , th§ leaves may be seasonal growth=
Apparently the apace
. ■ ''
-In this tease the specimen would
show a second season* a .growth* disposed spirally, with'enlarged ,leaf
bases closely oppressed to the branch Just above which they turn abruptly
at right angles and are then straight- or sometimes slightly
.Soquoia Btagaifolia Ihiowlton^
cones are of a carbonaceous
torture, very STagnentary6 rather oblong, -and conical shape as illus­
trated in. Plat© H *
figures 4 Si- So
The difficulty of any attempt to
identify these cones definitely with those of described
Ssdudiao unless they are Siund actually attached to leafy .twigs* ■may W
v- ■
appreciated by con^aring them with certain published figuresp
.Zf the specimens Bhould be found on which -coafs are definitely
associated with identifiable foliage e distinct species might be feasible;
but under existing conditions any such attempt would be purely arbitrary*
Taxodium distiehum Biehsrdo-
The branches of this specimen have
alternate spirally arranged sessile linear or seals-like leaves, spread­
ing a© as to appear 3-reogked»
The cone of this specimen is globose or
nearly s»p the scales appear t h i c k r I n m b o M a fitting close together
by their Bstrgias3 each marked with a
sear at its ba@©0
Family Ealaaeeae&-
These plants are sometimes tree«=likea s e M o m
branchings occasionally with lengthened internodes and © l i m M n g ? ,Falnm
are a i m characterized b y their fan-ribbed shaped Ieayesa with large
sheathing basesa which invest the young flower clusters*
The fossil representative of the genus Sabal was described by
SnowLton in 1916*
Ibst fossil palms are very difficult to identify*
The leaves are commonly of. very large sine and it is difficult to obtain
specimens that are anywhere near perfect*
this specimen are lacking*
The essential characters of
specimen perhaps n o larger
from a leaf that was probably 5 feet in diameter
than ,one9a
fail to convey
a very inadequate idea of its Charaeter8 particularly to variation*
The specimen figured in Flate Y 9 figures 4 & § 9 ere fragments
from Allen Sulch and measure
14 centimeters I m g from the attach*
rays* . % c ^ e c i m a n probably is-from near the tip of the leaf*
The specimen seems to belong to what has W e n
.(IS)9 as based
number of examples
Sabal by Biewlten
from different
have sessile leaves*
spath-like bracts*
somewhat succulent*
herbs are short petioled or
The flowers are in sessil cymes subtended by
-The herbs are erect ascending or procumberent, and
Paliasya apMablepia Eaowltoa,-
$his apseImoa akaua the prInei-
pie stem to tiiioh the pinnultimate tuiga are Bttaehei0
The tnigs on
both sides show that they are very stout& nhile the maim stem is less
thickly covered with leaves*
% e larger stems are represented mainly by
their imprints, bat in some places a portion o f the carbon material re­
mains are present as illustrated in Plate VI, figure 1»
The leaves are
dioecious in the plane of cleavage of the rock*
Family PohterdeEiaeeae0-
The plants in this family are found in
The leaves are petIoled0 with thick blades, or long and grass-
The leaves have many parallel veins*
several sheathing
The -stems are erect with
leaves at the base of the nodes*
HGteranthera eretaeeae KhQuXton0-
The leaf is evidently thick
in texture, elliptical or very slightly ovate-elliptical,
narroued or rounded to a very narrow, short basal portion being slightly
pointed at the apex*
Three veins arise in the basal portion of the
blade or petiole9 one passing up the center of the blade and the other
two dividing-the space between the first and the Dmrgin0
From these
three veins several other veins arise of equal strength running parallel
to the tip of the blade*
There are 11 to 12 nerves in this leaf*
curious little leaf is almost elliptical end absolutely perfect except
a minute portion of the tip is destroyed as illustrated in Plate H ,
figure S*
F a m i l y .Halieaeeae*-
The willow family are dioecious trees or
shrubs with brittle twigs, bitter bark, alternate stipulate leaves*
53j© stipules are often: minute^?
Flowers are found on. both sexes in aments
solitary in the a^ial region of each braeto
The trees of this genus
E o m l u s have scaly resiimous budsv
B > m l u s obovata Khowltonn~
The leaf is of firm texture, obvate
or nearly elliptical in general outline, being abruptly Wedga^sMpedc, At
the base the leaf is obtuse*
% e apex shows the entire margin while
valuation is nearly equally four palmate from the
with a straight
The secondaries curve around: and pas? near the apeg, the other
pairs divide the space between the second pair and the margin?
the secondaries are emspedodrome and
All of
The finer veins are not
The entire leaf is nearly all preserved, lacking only a
petiole and a side of the margin S M illustrated in Elate 11, figure 4?
Bdpulus speeiosa IfardaS,i'**•"'.v'
■•~ , iiv*
■■ -
The leaf appears to be long petioled which
‘ T
is about S 9S centimeters in lengt%?
The blade being a little longer*
father rounded,? sinuate or cremate except nearly at the horizontal base
which is palmately veined'?
The inner pair of veins appear stronger,
TSxile the outer pair appear delicate?
The tertiary veins are barely Visir
probably terminate near the margin of the leaf as
Blat© T p y figure I?
Tdmily F a g a c e a e The oak family are trees dr shrubs?
tire, p innately
petioled, single, dentate, serrate,
The leaves
cleft or
the stipules if any, are deciduous,
^uerCus baueri Kaa wit on? *» The IoSf is small, of coriaceous texture,
ovate-elliptical and about equally rounded to the M s e as well as to the
apex uhlch is Spmeuhat rouMedo.
The base Is rounded with an entire
The petiole is prpbably long and very stout 3 although it is
not present in this Bpecimen0
Secondaries are very numerous* stout*
prominent on the lower surface of the leaf, ringing from opposite to
The veins are straight in their course from the midrib and
beeomp eemptrodome in the marginal region*
The tertiaries are well de­
fined, partioularly on the lower surface of the leaf as shorn in Plate
Till, figure 4o
Quercua Wlbruaifoilia Eesguereuz0obtuse and the base
The apex of this leaf is rather
The margin is entire below* sharply
and somewhat irregular toothed above; petiole being slender; veination.
is pinnate, which consists of heavy midrib with 5 pairs of
or alternate secondaries* which end in the marginal teethp
Plate Will,
figure 5, shows the lower secondaries associated with several outside
Family Mdraeeae6milky sap*
The mulberry family are trees or shrubs with
The leaves.are alternate, petloled stipulate, the stipules
are fUgaeeious,
The leaves are
often dentate and lobed,
midrib being stouter than the laterals,
Flcua dawsonehaiB Khowltoa.-
The leaf is thick,
broadly ovate,
and deeply heart-shaped gt the b a s e r o u n d e d and obtuse-at the
apex; margin absolutely entire* The midrib la rather slender* Fqur
pairs of thin secondaries rise near the top of the petiole, which gives
the leaf a 3 ribbed aspect*
Plate IZ9 figure 3, the finer veins are
planicostata lbsqueg©uz:tt°> This
was obtained
of Miskos ,hbatana, which contains a number of specimens that are re­
ferred with more or less hesitation to this Speciea0
They differ con­
siderably in sine as shown in Plate %, figure,I,
tieua psuedopopnlua Spowltoni-
The leaf is of medium size,
palmately veined,.broadly ovate in general outline, narrowed a^d pro­
bably aocuminate at the apex, truncate or more or less- deeurrent at the
/. r.■-
The texture of the leaf -is subeoriaeeous, being stout and slightly
' -hf' . [ curveda The midrib is stouter than the laterals as shorn in Plate Z,
figure go
The two lateral veins diverge from the midrib just above the
top of the petiole and join, the- secondaries further aboves although the
veinlets are thin, precurrent and closely at right angles to the pri­
maries and secondaries*
truncate or slightly heart-shape.
The base is probably obtuse aboves
.valuation is strong with three-ribs being stronger, with several pairs
Of gub-opposite secondaries joining above the base; small veinlets are
numerous, strong*, and. mostly unbroken*
The leaf is longer than broad &@
shown in KLate Z, figures 0 &. 4*'
Kicus rhamaoldes Zbowltom0-
T h e .leaf is thick, oblong-lanceolates
in outline; margin entire, except for the right side which ip,destroyed*
..The petiole is thick, ,straight and curves near the apex*
There are about
IO pairs of secondaries which are alternate at right angles to the midrib*
% e nervilles are
Jiumeroua0 although many are precurrent as shpra
In .Blate XE-, figure Il9
Bieus aquarroaa EnoltTtoneV.
These specimens, from fensley .OreeK8
are no doubt related to this species*
The leaf is of medium thickness
and quadrangular in outline, broadly rounded at the base=
Blate XE,
figure 8 ,. shews the leaf being .palmately three-veined»
Family Kjnaphaceaee-
The water lily family are aeaules,eent herbs,
with more or less elongated tuber bearing rootstocks«, The leaves are
alternate, leathery^ while those In the water are membraneous and deli­
cate, all with a sinus at the base9 '
KelUtobQ intermedia BhQwltoh0- The leaf has a tM n h i s h character, .
nearly circular, slightly undulate on the margin; centrally pellate,
Joined- With shout 18 or IS regular radiating veins*
The veins are rather
These veins form an irregular polygonal network of large aeroles*
Khis specimen is represented in the collection b y some ^eagnentany exampies*
The point at which the petiole was attached.is very nearly the
center from which the 18 or 13 nerves radiate Sn a regular mapner toward
the margin of the leaf as illustrated in Elate XI, figure ^ 0
Family Eaufaceae *Wfth single, alternate
The laurel family are aromatic trees and shrubs,
rarely opposite) leaves*
thick, evergreen or deciduous and punctate*
The leaves are
The flowers are sometimes
This genus dimatootoun was
two specimens apparently belong to the
by Knowlton in 193Q9
leaves are
wedge-shape base aw shorn In Elate -XII,
She midrib
IR strong with 2 or 5 pairs of secondaries.in the upper portion of
the leaf*
She lateral ribs are lighter than the midrib and pass up
nearly to the margin of the blade*
Family Eutaceae*-
She Bue family are trees and shrubs, rarely
herbs, with heavy seented and glandular
% e leaves
are alternate or opposite, mainly Cpmpotmd0
Bagara eatahoulenaig Berry0IA
She leaflets are glandular, punctate,
averaging of relatively large size, ovate-lanceolate -and slightly in­
equilateral in outline, with an acutely pointed apex end a rounded base*
She margins are almost entire, petiole stout, and the leaf is of- a cor;
iaeaous texture*
She midrib is stout, prominent
the lower surfaces of
the l e a f l e t S e c o n d a r i e s are stout and prominent, about 6 pairs, sub?
opposite below and usually alternate abovej they are for the most part
curved, upward and sub-parallel as illustrated
Family Bhaxmaceaa0••
■ TT
-■ - -
in Elat©
XIII, figure 2*
She Buckthorn family are erect or climbing
■' .
'v \
shrubs or small trees, often thorny*
She leaves are simple stipulate,
mainly alternate and often 3 to 5-veined*
fhe stipules are small and
Ealiurua catahoulehsia BPrry*1 Y ~ ' J-■'■ i ^ r^ V J .
specimen is a slender
flezuoue thorned
In Elate XIII, figure 5, the
stem that is placed tentatively
to the genus Ealiufus0
Family Biftefoearyaceae*- She leaves are cup-shaped, five in a
■ '
'' .
cluster, wing-like in structure with the exception that they are some-
elongated Iongitudinally9
D W a r a aricularia Enomlton,- Flate X H I 9 figure 4P atom that
the ©one aeales are broad and very thick at the apex uhleh narrows down
below into a borad, thick, basal portion? apex being broadly rounded*
Which is provided in the center with a long* slender* acute, apparently
depressed awn*
The body seal® has 8 to 10 strong concentric ribs* which
ST© pressed close together and then pass down the basal portion as thin
Family ^dfpdaryadeae9T
plants are aquatic*
She leaves are cup-shaped0
The plants produce edible seeds' or fruits,
Teapa mief6phylla~FeaquereauxB;
Best-of these
The sise> shape, and veination
of these leaves are substantially identical w i t h t h e other specimens
This perfect specimen in Flat© H F * figure I, shows the nature
of the plant as' well a s living specimens, could do and demonstrates its
.complete a n a l o g with the recent forms in its habits in growth,
Family Apooyhaoeae0nodes,
The leaves are arranged in whorls at the
The flowers are Umbel9
The plant produces a mild-like latex
when injured,
C^rpoXithus bumellafdfmis Berry,or nearly globose»
The fruit is ©bvate-aphereical
The seed is large* nearly ephereigal-* erustaceous*
thin fleshed and dry- as illustrated in FJate XET* figure S 9
to lhite (15), Berry states that this species is based on only a few
specimens which agree with fallen fruits of those of our M e r i c a n species
Bumelia that have a dry fruit instead of a fleshy fruit,
The genus
Gagpolitlms is a predominate element in the earliest tertiary floras of
eautli eastern Anerioa^
family Hubiaoeae0«
% e madder family are herbs„ shrubs, or trees*
pith single* opposite or sometimes ventricular stipulate leaves©
The fossil representative of the genus Phyllites pas deseribed by
Khowlton in 1906o
The leaf is elliptical, oblong, rounded and regularly
below at the base*
The left margin is somewhat destroyed but -the right
margin is nicely preserved as illustrated in Plate Xlf, figure S 6
petiole is strong, passing evenly into the midribj secondaries are
opposite, below they alternate, curving slightly upward, apparently
craspedodrome; veins are
while the finer veins
Phyllites petiblastua Saowltono-*
The leaves are small, membran-
sous in texture, elliptical-lanceolate, long wedge-shaped at the base,
apparently narrow and possibly accumlnate. at the apex©
The M d r i h is
The p a g i n ' is
very strong below, w M e h becomes thinner in the
upper third of the leaf as shown in. Plate X H 0 figure 5, secondaries are
four pairs, alternate^oppbsite which disappear near the margin, joining
the next secondaries above.
The small veins' are well preserved and .are
four in number, which are at fight angles to the secondaries©
PsMlftleated foot©-
-This -specimen, from,grown Grebk9 appears to
.• •'
■. .he a root or rootstock* but its exact affinities has not been recognised©
Ihs largest portion of the W n
in diameter©
axis that is preserved is one centimeter
It is irregularly ridged© The scars are strong, fairly
regularly disposed from w M e h finer roots have emerged as shorn in
figure S 0
Bearpaw. Shalett-* The Bearpaw shale overlies the Judith River for­
The formation was named and its stratigraphical relations were,
according to Ehowlton (?$, determined by Stanton & Batcher in 1903«,
Bearpaw shale is composed of a dark marine shale of the same lithologic
character as the Claggett of this area and the Pierre shale of other
The following differences have been observed between the
Bearpaw shale etnd the Claggett sandstone:
(I) The Bearpaw shale is.much
thicker, as. shown in different localities studied#
(2) The Bearpaw shale
is more fossiliferoua and consists almost wholly of brackish water shells
which lies immediately beneath the Claggett, however, no shells are
found immediately bennesth the Claggett formation#
The stratigraphical relations of the Judith River to the enclos­
ing, formations is regarded to be of Late Cretaceous period, notwith­
standing the fact that the vertebrate- remains are regarded as indicating
a Clpse relationship with the- Cretaceous period#
The stratigraphies!,
and paleontological evidence as to the position and age of the Judith.
River formation has been presented in the fore-going pages#
The dis­
cussion of the stratigraphy of the Judith River beds as it occurs at
the mouth of the Judith River and as described for that region by
Stanton and Hatcher has shown that the material presented to be identical
with the Judith River formation at the locality where the writer made the
collection of specimens described as belonging to this formation^
Lance Formatioa.;»
Overlying the Oolgate sandstone member is a
mass of somber-colored stele and local beds of sandstone which are all
fresh water origin as t h e .fossil flora indicates#
To these beds
several designations have been ascribedj but the name Lance is now
applied by the United States Geological Survey#
The strata generally are known or have been characterized in
some publications as toGeratops beds®5 in other publications they have
been termed. uLance Greek Bedsto from their known exposure on streams of
those names in Wyoming and Montana respectively#
Hhe area here described is the. Leanep and Lance formation, con­
sisting of beds of readily alternating andesitic and yellow sandstones
separated by yellow-buff sandstone * and dark-green clay all containing
much volcanic matter#
The thickness of the formations were rot deter­
mined due to many outcroppings and severe erosion.'hat is certainly several
thousand feet thick#
After Lennep time all deposition in this area appears
to have been of continental character*
The contact with the Lance forma­
tion is usually covered, hut sandstones of the two formations are parallel,
and there was probably uninterrupted continential deposition during the
passage from Lennep to Lance time#
The rocks of the Lance formation are extremely soft and weather
rapidly into bad-land areas, in many places devoid of vegetation,
Figures 6, ?, and 8 show these conditions#
The formation is exposed
v '‘
a belt of Gretaceous strata which outcrops on either side of the Yellow*
stone River#
some of the sandstone layers are well consolidated and form
•3 5 -
p m t e c t i n g caps to the softer underlying beds*
The shale is unconsoli-
dated and weathers rapidly where not protected by the more resistant
sandstone *
peculiarity of these beds is the occurrence of log-like
sandstone concretions with an iron stained surface*
Some of these con­
cretions are 3 feet in diameter and 20 to 30 feet in length*
Figure 9
shows these log-like concretions* -Mpple marks and cross bedding are
common structural features*
The origin of these log-like concretions is
rather doubtful, but it is possible that percolation of mineral waters
(chalybeate) along restricted channels at the time of deposition of the
sandstone m ay have influenced their formation*
Regarding the age of the lance formation there has been much con­
troversy, as the vertebrate and invertebrate fossils which it contains are
said to be indicative of the uppermost non-marine Cretaceous, dr in other.
words, of the LaramiBe
Tfce fossil flora appears to be inseparable from that of the undoubted
Fort Union of Eocene period*
Under these circumstances the geologic; Survey
has only provisionally assigned the Lance formation to the Tertiary period
or system*
A few additional points to remember in the identification of the
Lance formation in the area studied are:
(I) the finding of Triceratqps
remains.near the base of the formation at Castle Butte, northeast of
Forsyth, and the occurrence in it of many fragments of dinosaur bones in
other parts of this area, (2) Its strat!graph!cal position between
.. ..
the Bearpaw shale and the Fort Union
In a bulletin which came to hand after the thesis was accepted,
E. S. Berry (MLsc* Gontr» Ho. 2 of Montana), has shown that the Lance
formation is;of Cretaceous period*
D ia g r a m m a tic
cZ F e
S e c tio n
S e c t io n s
West fidd
Fast ffield
/3d rni/es
bangc /r o m f r e s h iva/B r^X
Ib m arrnc. co r d itions'^ S S '
(o ShaieF '. KfTtat
'Io jy e T t a n d Coiorado S h a /e s
F/ g . io
formationp and Cs) its continuity with other beds that undoubtedly
belong to the Lame© formation in ©astern Montana*
Figure 10 shows
a diagrammatic section of the formations of the Montana Group0
"She plants found in the Lanee formation are described as follows$
Fungi Shyllozora.-
(Plate X V f, figures I & B) illustrates leaf
galls that are approximately circular, about 2 to 5 millimeters in dia­
meter end are located away from the veins? . Phylloxera is found on
certain species of grape leaves with roundish performations from 2 to
4s millimeters
in diameter which greatly resemble the work o f the larva
of Incurvariatt one of the lepidoptera?
Family PoSy^diacQaee-
The plants of this family are ferns*
leaf blades are single once or several times pinnate or doe©Bpound0
most of the ferns, clusters (aori \ appear on the back side o f the leaf*
^heae clusters Csori) are either with or without a membraneous cover*
Ing (Indttaium)0
The fossil representative-of the genus Adfostiehtim was described
by Berry in 1916*
This speoimep ,is probably represented by on© specimen
of a plant of frond habit as shown in Plate I, figure 2*
Pinnates are
variable in size and outline, from reduced elongate-elliptical pinnae
to long narrow pinnae*
The margins are entire but somewhat irregular
and more or leas revolute*
The leaf substance is thick and coriaceous*
The midrib is stout and more or less flexuous from the appearance of the
The lateral veinatioa is very fine and obscure of the typical
Acroetidhtim type*
(The genus Aerostiehumr is made up of a tropical
mgrgh. £ ® m p
ItemJXy Itegacsae e-«» Eh^se trees or shrubs are res la bearing*
Xeaves are ,evergreen or deciduous., Xluegr or sometimes fan-shaped^
fruit is drops-like or rarely a Ooae0
The fossil representative of the genus Pinus m s
described by
The detached fragment of this broad leaved pin© uas found
near Bencher, Montana0
This leaf shorn neither has© nor tip, hut be­
longs to the broad, stiff, single vein pine leaves as illustrated in
Plate V, figure ,2, and described by Ward (IS)0
Of course, no positive,
determination can be made from such imperfect material*
Family Salicaoeae0-
The M l X o u family are dioecious trees or
shrubs M t h brittle twigs, bitter bark, alternate, stipulate leaveso
stipules are often minute,
S1I o m r s are found on both sexes in aments,
solitary in the axial region of each bract*
The trees in the genus
Pdnulus have scaly resinous huds0
The fossil representative of the genus Pdpulus was described by
EBaeuXtoa in 1930»
The leaf is
tire margin, being denticulate*
ovate, regular in outline, with an en­
The midrib is straight and slender*
Microscppie.analysis shows that the leaf is scsnewhat peculiar in the
manner by which the primary and secondary veins merge into m e another
as illustrated in Plate
figure S 0
The fossil representative of the genus Salix was described by
Lee in 1917*
This leaf is linear-lanceolate which probably is correctly
referred to the genus Salix*
Plate ¥11, figure 3, m o w s that the leaf
gradually tapers uprard to a slender apex, however, the finer
1© not visible unless viewed under a microscope»
The midrib is rather
thick with eamptodrome secondaries, numbering about 16 pairs sub-opposite
but alternate at the base*
This species is principally Tertiary in distribution, and its
identification in the eeyeral lower horizons whence it has been reported
is probably due to error because the greater or less uncertainty which
attaches to the identification of willow leaves of this general type®
The writer does not choose to attach a specific name to it because of
r "
possibility of miaidentifleetion with an existing speeleso
Salix lancasis Berry(T)*- The writer has compared the material
from the lower lance with all the described latpr Cretaceous and early
Tertiary species of Salixo and my material appears to be new*
material is so scanty, however, that diagnosis is attempted with a great
deal of hesitation, although it has more definite generic characteristics
than most of the numerous lanceolate leaves that authors have referred
to this specieso
Plate EXX, figure 5, shows that the leaves are linear-
The texture is ©ubeoriaceouso
closely spaced serrate teeth9
The margin shows email
The mid-vein is ©tout and prominent»
Secondaries are thin, closely ©paced, ascending and eamptodrome*
writer suspects that the leave© from the beds of Fort Union age in
Yellowstone National Park, which Khowltoa (S) referred to Salix Iavaterifl
Ueer really belongs to this species*
Sallx plicafra K m u l t o a g»
$he leaf Is evidently thick and conic a-
Qeouo in texture, narrow, linear or linear-lanceolate,, long and narrowly
wedge-shaped at the baseP
margin is entire.,
The midrib is rather
thick, deeply impressed; secondaries numerous, about IS pairs, forming
a series of lniaermerginal loops adjacent to the margin*
Plate til,
figures 4 & 5, Plate H I I , figure I, shows that the finer veination is
not preserved due to the coarse, sandstone in which the leaf is imbeddedo
Salix stantout Snsiwltoni0-
The leaf is evidently of a film texture,
elliptical-lanceolate in outline, rather abruptly narrowed to a rounded,
obtuse baseo
The margin is entire; petiole pot well preserved; midrib
is rather thick, straight end deeply furrowed*
aries are alternate*
The oemptodrom® second­
The fiper valuation is not well preserved as
illustrated in Plate VIII, figure
Femily Slmaeeae0-
The elm family comprises trees and shrubs,
with alternate,simple, serrate, pstioled, pinnately veined stipulate
The stipules are usually fugaeeioua*
Ulmua floridiana Berry*-
According to lhite (15), Berry de­
scribes the species of f l o r l d i a m as followss
The leaves are from
medium to a small size; ovate-lanceolate in general outline* with a
slight, gradually narrowed, semethat acuminate apex*
The margins are
entire at the extreme base, above which they are very fine, sharp
and doubly serrate, increasing slightly in size diet ad; petiole short
and stout, about 30 millimeters in length*
size, and rather flexuous*
The midrib is of medium
Secondaries are well marked in ? pairs
aub-oppQaiiie to alternate, in rather irregularly spaced pairs aa shown
in Plate DC, figures I & S 0
In any event, this species may be regarded
at least as closely allied to the genus UjmRSfi however, since the apez of
the leaves are destroyed it Is rather difficult to place it definitely
to the species floridiaheio
Esmiiiy Moraceae0milky sap0
The mulberry family are trees or shrubs with
The leaves are alternate, petioled stipulate, the stipules
are fugacelouBo
The leaves are often dentate and Iobed, 3 veined, the
midrib being stouter than the Iaterals0
Eicus lesquefeuzli H b U i e k 0-
It m a y be possible that two species
are included in these speeimens^the smaller ones probably representing
Eibus dapWh&eholdes Hollick (4)0
The midrib is slender above, slightly
thickened in the lower part; veination is not preserved,
Plate BE,
figures 4, 5, & 6^ shows that the secondaries are sub-opposite and
eamptodrome, the lower ones leaving the midrib at an acute angle, the
upper ones at a more obtuse angle0
According to Hblllek (4}, these
leaves differ from the leaf of the Dakota sandstone of .Empanp described
by Leaquersux as Eieus berthoulifi merely in its slightly greater width,
Family.Myctagihaceae0throughout the year.
These shrubs or trees bloom constantly
The leaves are opposite, the largest leaves being
at the base of the fIowers0 . The leaves are sometimes single or united,
and sometimes petioled,
aheath about the flower.
Often the cluster of leaves form a cup-like
Heafraaotea parvula Beggyg-
leaf is anally broadly lanceo­
late, generally falcate, and often slightly Ineqnilateral, uidesfr msdianly
and tapering with full and rather evenly rounded margin fro the equally
acute apex and
end veinedo
She texture is coricacous,
The mid-vein is stoufr
Secondaries are stout, prominent, six or seven opposite to
alternate pairs, generally unequally spaced, diverging from the mid-vein
at angles of about 45 degrees, decurved, ascending, and Canrptodrome9
The leaf figures is decisively lauraeeous and not leguminous {2}0 as
shorn in Plate H 0 figure S 9
Glnnamomum atantoni ShoTCLton0cal in outline, narrowed from about the
The leaf is elongated, ellipti­
middle of the leaf
fro a
shape base and in the same manner to a cuminafre apex; .petiole destroyede
1 ■
Midrib is thick below, becoming slender above; secondaries about 4 pairs,
the lowest pair being the strongest, opposite, rising high above the
base at an angle of about 45 degrees, eanrptpdrcme; the upper secondaries
are thin, alternating, also arching inside the margin and joining; finer
veination is not preserved*
Among the other fossil species a number may be mentioned that have
more or less resemblance to the one under consideration=
Thus Gihha-
.m o m m polymorphuri as described by Euowltoh (?) may be mentioned*
SBeeies has much the same resemblance to the one under discussIoa8 but
differs in that the lower pair of secondaries are at a sharper angle as
shown in Plate E U , figure 2*
^his leaf is more nearly ovate in out­
line, with a pair of secondaries arising nearer the base of the blade
sad passing up for a longer distance,
It is certainly very suggestive
for the Ebntana species,
family legiiiidinbaceaeo ~
Ehe pea family are herbS0 shrubs* vines
or trees, with alternate, mostly compound, stipulate Ieaves0
are irregular perfect or sometimes dioecious.
Ehe flowers
E m i t is generally in
l^guminoiater lamafenaia EhoWlton0-
Ehe leaflets are thin,
oblong-lanceolate, rounded-truncate at the base, and rather long acumin­
ate at the apex.
The midrib is strong, and perfectly straight»
secondaries are alternate at about 45 degree angle* slightly curving up­
wards remainder of the veinatipn is not preserved*
The base of the leaf
is almost truncate, and apparently regularly narrowed above into an acum­
inate apex0
Plate X U ,
figures 3, 4* 5, and S p shows that the secondaries
are eamptodrome, numbering about 8 to 9 pairs.
According to lhlleott (15),
the nearest related species is LegiimihQistef Iescuereufiehm Khowltona
from Chreen Elver, ■Wymaiagi % r i a g Sanyon in ffibntana, and the Lamar River
in Tellowstone Rational Park0
The latter species are larger, broader, and more oblong or ovate
than the one under diacuasioBo
This relationship is evidently close,
and perhaps more-material would show a closer affinity than I have re©
cognised, however* there can be m
the reference to this genus.
question as to the correctness of
Sliaaeolites eoloradeasis Baqwltoao^
# e leaflets are thick,
asymme tri cally ovate (apex destroyed), obtusely wedges shape, and in-?
equilateral at the base*
The margin being perfectly entire; petiole
short, very stout; midrib very stout; secondaries 5 pairs; lowest pair
are stronger, •sub^opposite, and arising just above the top of the petiole,
at an angle of about 45 degrees, joining the next secondaries by a broad
The other secondaries are sub-opposite to alternate at a low angle,
oamptodrome; small veins,,few and strong©
The species.is represented
by small leaflets; the best one of which is practically perfect©
veination is not distinct as shown in Plate XIII, figure I, but a
microscopic analysis shows that secondaries are at different angles from
all others, all secondaries being esmptodrome©
Family Pihaceae*-
The pine trees are resinous trees and shrubs,
mostly evergree, with a narrow or scale-like leaf*
These trees or
shrubs bear fruit, a cone with numerous, several or few, woody, papery
or fleshy, scales; sometimes berry-like©
Sequoia, reichehbachi Beer©in the collection of plant fossils©
This is by far the most abundant form
The specimen shows large branches
from which, nearly all. the leaves have fallen, to great clusters of
branchiate and even those just unfolding as illustrated in Plate
In one or two Instances there are branches showing the male aments in
good state of preservation©
The writer has selected for illustration a
few of these specimens to show the range of size and appearance©
^he writer has very
compared these specimens with the
illustrations of §eduoi& raehimhadhi Heer„
Though differences in size
and to some extent in appearance are s h o w > y m y species these are
not enough to warrant ,the establishment of a new. species*
The fossil representative of the genus Hhyllites was described
by Knowlton in 1900«,
The leaf is ellipt ical-oblong^ rounded regularly
below (apex d e s t r o y e d m a r g i n entire? (petiole destroyed}» howeverj
the midrib appears to be strong^ and straight^
Secondaries are opposite
above, curving slightly upward, and apparently craaped©drome»
yeination is not well preserved as shown in Hlate XPT, figure 4*
v -
, • ■ ,
The question: of the geologic age of the florae known from uarions parts of Montana, is so vital to the interpretations, that this
material dsnands special consideration at the beginningo So far, no
one has ever questioned the age of the various beds or formations from
which these fossil plants have been obtained, with a view of proving
them to be younger than the Qretaceous period©
In a great majority of eases, there is paleozoological evidence,
from the associated sediments of undoubted Oretaceous age such as find?*
ing Mastodons and TTieeratops, etc*
Such doubts on the geological
strata whicji exist, relates not to the question of period^, but of
This question of horizon is often of more serious difficulty
is not one which is of first vital importance from the paleo-
M t a n i c a l standpoint©
The field studies of the Judith River fo m a t ion as well as those
of the Hanee formation have established the etratigraphieal succession
of the upper Cretaceous period by which the Eance has been placed in
this period©
Both formations show that several hundred feet of Cretaceous
marine shale lies between theme
The Judith River formation belongs to
the Montana group, page 48, on the basis of its relation to the former
flora collected by D r e E e H e Zhowlton (8) near the mouth of the Judith
The Cretaceous flora of Montana, as described and discussed in
this paper, consists of two quite distinct groups or assemblages^ in
each of which a distinguishable group magr be readily recognized©
groups are represented by the collection from the Jhdith River beds
and by those from the Eanee formation as shown in figures 4 and ?©
,analysis of all the floral elements indicated that each group, or
assemblages of collections, represents a mope pr less distinct geologic
horizon— -and that the Judith Biver formation is older than the Eances
as shown oh page 48©
further analysis shows that the Judith Biyer
formation includes two readily distinguishable floras^ that of the
marine shales and sandstones, and that of the coal bearing rocks©
There can be no question that the flora of the Judith Biver re=
gion is upper Cretaceous and approximately equivalent to that of the
Eance and Colorado formations, however, the lower and upper Cretaceous
System, and Series
■■■ *
Jtort u n i o n . .
Banoe Formation
Bearpaw Shale
Judith River. Formation
iGlaggett F o m a t i o n
Eagle Sandstone
Telegraph Greek
Colorado Shale
Kootenai ltormatlon
species indicate that for the most part,, the flora is approximately
of Montana age.
On the other hand* the Eance formation flora indipates
a possibility of Tertiary age but a migration of plants of Montana age
may have occurred into the Tertiary period, page 48; however, because
of the definite and rather extensive evidence of the close relationships
of this formation with the upper Cretaceous formations presented by the
writer,, it seems unwise to make the division between the upper Cre­
taceous and Tertiary periods between the Lance and Judith River forma­
Since these formations are so plosely related it seems much more
in keeping with, the facts to leave the Lance formation in the upper
Cretaceous period*
Ineigentally in this connection, it is accepted as a general
principle that certain species commonly regarded as indications of older
geologic horizons occasionally persist and are elements in the flora of
more than one horizon, but that the reverse of this principle does not
hold ture, viz., the primitive fora of trilobites make their first appear?*
anoe in the Paleozoic era but. would not reappear again as a primitive fora
in the Meso-zoic period's
Since the change from one age to another was undoubtedly a
gradual progress involving a long period of time, it is not hard to ex­
plain the migration of plants from one formation to another.
In contrast?*
ing the floras of different formations it seems feasible tp give some
discussion to fossil plants and to certain other observed differences
\ '
between the flora which may appear to be Climatic0
The interrelations of climate and vegetation are extremely complex*
We cannot confine our attention to a single plant or to a group
of plants but must regard the flora as a whole, composed of individuals
unequally endowed with qualities which make for success in the struggle
for existenceo
Glimate is not the sole controlling agent»
There is the
relation of plant with plant in their rival claims for dominance or
s u r v i v a l , W h e n we compare the more uniform nature of the plant .world of
certain geological periods with, the more diversified covering of vegeta=*
tiott at the present day, it is important to remember that the contrasts,
after making, allowance for our Imperfect knowledge of ancient floras,
are undoubtedly considerable, and are not necessarily dependent on differ­
ences in Climate0
The atratigraphical position of each collection is determined in
order that the data thus obtained might be definitely applied in correlat­
ing the formations; with those of other fields and in determining the time,
represented© Some of the species found here have been described from
other places such as the Denver formation which include the Hation and
Mesa formations©
The formations named above furnish a means of correlat­
ing the Judith Bivar and lane© formations.© „ The fossil plants described
in this paper include 52 plants, of which. 42 are placed in definite species
and ? are identified only generleally©
The fossil plant material from, the areas collected is not yet -fully
worked up, in fact, is largely new to science, which accounts for the short
list of specieso
Hatnreveri It is not probable that any change of opinion
with regard to stratigraphic position will result from the material
collected by the writer, bat rather than an existing opinion will be
Strengthened by the recognition of a greater number of species found
common to several areaeo
Bearing in mind the above limitations, we may consider the lance
flora of the lance formation*
If, as has been suggested, the beds
immediately below-the Beazpaw shales might on stratigraphieal basis be
presumed to belong to the Banee formation we would expect to find numer­
ous species common to both formations»
The giants found in these beds
(Bance and Judith Biver} shows this connection Scmewbati since 4 species
are common to the Judith River beds, and 4 species and 11 genera of the
Judith Biver formation are found to occur also in the -Lance fonaation0
See Table I , ,page 58«
Qn the other hand S species, and IQ genera of the flora of the
Judith River beds and Lance formation also occur in the Denver formation*
This flora then has a positive affinity with the flora of the Denver
See Table I, page 55o
From this consideration it appears, beyond question, that the
flora of the Judith Biver and. Lance formation finds its nearest reIationship with the flora of the Denver beds of Colorado*
However, a
Closer relationship exists between the Judith Biver and, Lance formations
than between either of these formations with the Denver beds*
Table I
Sossil Flants of the Jtidith Biver
I8 I
3 & 4
Sphenophyllum tenerrium
^ sEquigetuia
fBgteridospermites minor
isGinkgo laramiensis
ssSequoin reichenbaehii
IF8 8
F8 I
Ficus rhamnoides
Ficus squarrosa
Xi Z
X9 I
3 .& 4
# % e l u m b o iatemedia
Fagara eatahoulensis
XE8 4
F8 4 & 5
Heteranthera eretaeea
FHI8 3
Bichard.: F 8 3
TPalissya spheaolepia .Brown
F H 8 I
Fieus planieostata
T- Fieus
IF8 4 & 5
Khowlton IF8 3 .
FI8 4
^ sQuereus vibrunifolia Lesquereux FIII8 5
Fleus dawsonensis Ehowlton H 8 3
Quereus preyirginiane
H 8 S
Onerous baaeri
HI8 3 & 3
Chmninghamites puchellus
ssTazodium distiehum
I8 5
II8 2; III, I
Cunninghamites elegans
# Sequoia magnifolia
,POpulus speeiosa
I 8 6; H 8 I .
FI8 8
XE I 8 I
#:paliurus eatahoulensis ,Berry
XEH8 3 .
isBammara arlenlsris
scsUcapa microphylla
Z H » I
^earpoIlthus humeliafosmis
XH, 3
Phyllites petiolatus
Decortieated root
Z H 8 5
Z H 8 6
Table I T
Fossil Plants of The Bance
# Populus
Salix lancesis
Salix plicate
# Dlmus floridiana
scTieup Xesquereuxii-
FI, 3
Kecteranda parvula
FIX, & & 5; VIII, I
Roman numerals are plate numbers?,
Phaseolites colordensis
XX, 5
XII 3, 4, 5,
XH, 4
arable numbers are figures
* Plants of the Judith Riyer formation which are also found in the Lance formation
§nd vice versa.
’ ’
" ■ .
XII, 2
BE, 4, 5, & S
# Beguminoister larmarensis
Salix stantoni
IX, I & 2
Cinnamomuni stantoni
Berry W I 8 3
¥> B
Plants of the JUdith River and Banee formation which are also found in the Denver
„ formation
The fossil plants that are found to be present in either the
Judith Rirer and Eanoe formations hare a more precise valuei as the
plants generally range through a longer period of time.
The upper
Cretaceous period of the Eance and Judith Hirer formations is further
attested by the !presence in it of the genera which hare not been re­
ported in older beds or formations*
Qn the basis of the plants of the
Lance, Judith River, and Benrer beds, these formations are shown to he
closely correlated*
The opinion is therefore reached that all these
formations are of upper Cretaceous period*
Ba. the Montana section the shaly portion- of the Claggett forma­
tion does not differ Very greatly in lithologic character from the Bearpaw shales, due to the peeularities of the Bearpaw shales, although
fossils are not sp easily -found, while the sandstone members of the
Claggett bear a littoral fauna that may be closely related to that of
the Eox Hills*
It is very probable, therefore, that the Claggett should
be separated from the Bearpaw shales as a distinct formation from the
Judith River Beds, as they have no distinct relation*
Bi view of the facts above stated it seems expedient, to give
the local name Bearpaw shales to the-formation immediately overlying the
Judith River Beds, rather than to regard it as the strict equivalent of
the Pierre shale, which it resembles *
Although the writer does not doubt
that the one formation can be traced directly into another zone or that
these two formations may be identical*
The Gl^ggett formation is a distinct strat!graphical unit,, and
is easily separable from the previously defined formations above or
below ito
Returning to the correlation diagram, on page 48, the writer
wishes to leave the question open whether the.
shales in eastern
Montana fills all of the space corresponding to that occupied by the
Bearpaw, Judith River ^ Glaggett,, and Eagle format ions©
The writer
is confident that all of these formations including the Lance forma­
tions, belong to the Montana
group of the upper Cretaceous period#
The paleontological evidence shows?
(1) That the marine sandstone immediately underlying the Judith
River beds does not represent the Fox Hills or Pierre shales but con­
stitutes a distinct horizon within the Montana group which has been
named as the Olaggett formation#
(2) That the invertebrates of the Judith River formation are
Closely allied to the Belly River, and to the Lance formation than the
Claggett or Colorado shales#
(3) That
almost all of the vertebrates that are common to the
Judith River formation are also common, to- the Lance formation, at
least showing transitional relationship between the two formations#
Cd! That the flora, of the Lance formation so far as it has been
«* 5
6 ->
determined is of upper O^etaeeoua rather than Tertiary period*
■(S') Sixteen genera of fossil plants are reported that are new
to the Judith river formation*
figures 3 & 4; Ginrmmdmim
Plates H 0 figure
. .
They are.;
H 0 figure I; Hetefanthefa
Ili0 figure I; Eguisetum
Plate H I I 0
Plate II0
Plate V 0 figure 5$ Sigillafaeeae
. . . .
Plate III0 figures 2 & 3; Spheadphyllum
Plate H I I 0 figure 3;
Plate H 0 figure Ij Ptefdsfefnites
Plate H 0 figure 2 ; -Helumbd
Plate H 0 figure 4; Pallufus
Plate I 0 figure I; CfinKgd
figure 2; Sabal
Plate I0
Plates I 0 figure .6, Plate II0 figure I? Fagafa
Plate H I 0 figure 2$ CyeademyIeon
Z9 Plate
. .
Plate I, figure 5?
Plate f 0 figure 3*
(6# Six genera of fossil plants are reported that are new to
, a- :
■ ''
the Lanee formation* They are: G i M a m i m u m Khowlton Plate H I 0 figure
. -
■ ■
XlTi0 figure. I;
Plate H F , figure At -Phaseolites
' t,
Plate I 0 figure
• t
!■ .T
■, "
Plate X I 0 figure 3; and Eiaus Ward Plate V 0 figure SrT
(??) Fifteen generaXof fossil plants.of the Judith Biver formar- r ~
tion occur in the Lance formation*
: " ,
(8} Twelve genera of fossil plants of the Judith Siver and Lanee
formation occur in the Denver formation*
'(S') From the abundance of the plant types it may be presumed
that there was an abundance, of moisture and ffom the general aspect of
the whole flora that the climate was warm, temperate and perhaps even
Io Adamas Charles C 0
1929=V=^Eanabook -of Paleontology for. Beginners &
=AmteurSo Sart 1» H» Y 0 Museum. K o 0 9 9
No Yo
Eo Berrjr9 E 0 W 0
1930— vR6vlew of the Lower Ebeenea -Wileox Flora
o f S o u t h Eastern States© .'Bo:S 9 Geol9 Surv0
Profo Paper 156
1930tri~A LoTfier Lance Florule from. Harding County8
South- Dakota© .U9 S 9 Geol © .Surv0 Prof9
Paper 185-Z
4 9 Hollick9 A© & Bfcrtin9 Geo© G0 1
1930— Vffihe Upper Cretaceous Flora of Alaska©
Geolo Surv0.Prof© Paper 159
U 9 s©
5 0 .Lee9 W. T 9 & EhotiLton8 F 0 H©
1917— -Baton Mesa -& Other Regions in Colorado &
Hew -Bfcxlco © . U 9 So.Gaol© Surv9 .Prof9 Paper
S<? Knappe9 H 9 S= & Ifculton0 G 9 S©
- ■
1930*»— Geology & Mineral Resources of Parts of
Carbon9 Big-. Horn8 .-Tellowstone8 -and Stillmter
Counties^ Montana© U 9 S 9 Geol9 Surv9 Bull©
?© KhotiLton9 FTank9 Hall
8.' -
Flora of the Montana- IbrmatIon9
,■Bull© 1636 vhi-,
U 9 S„ Geol©
1905-— Fossils of the -audith Beds© U 9 S9 Geol© Ssrv0
Bull© 257, Fol9 85 '
9 p Ebowltoa, Eranks Ball
Flora ot the Denver & Aesoplated forma■ ttons of Coloradoo Uo Sb Geol0 Sarv0 Erof0
Eaper 155
IO0 Bead9 Charles, B 0
3.933— -Eossil Flora of Yellowstone National Earks
Carnegie Insto of Waehingtons Q 0 C 0
H o Wardji Lester, E 9
-Types of the Laramie Elorap
Surv0 fiull» 0?
U 0 S 0 Geol9
1899— -Status of the Mesozoic Floras of the -United
States0 U 0 Sc Geol0 Surv0 A a n 9 Bept0, Tol* 2
13? Walleott, Ghas0 D 0
1899«— Geology of Yellowstone STational Fark8 Mono-'
graph, U 0 S 0 Geol0 Surv9 Eart II, Tol0 S3
M o Shite, David
1 5 o ..■■■' •
-Shoorber Gontributions to General Geology,
U 0 So Gedl0 Surv0 Erof= Baper 90
Shorter Contributions to General Geology*
U 0 S 0 Geol= Surv= Frof= Paper 96
1919-— -Shorter Contributions to General Geology©
U= Sb Geal0 Surv0 Erof= Faper 125
Plate Ie
Figure I 0 Thallus of Fuaua ap,
A. dictrotomous branch of thallus=
Figure 2. Part of frond of Acrostichmn ap.0
The leaves of this Bjseeimen measure about 6 centimeters in
length and 18 to 24 millimeters in uidtho
Figure 4 0
Part of a frond of Aheima sp-o
Larger -part of a frond of .Arieima ap.
The margin of these leaves are remote, low, and have sharp
a 0* teeth
h» rachis
Figure S 0
This specimen shows the stem of Spheriophyllum terierrlum*
a» ribs
b e leaflet
Plate I & Il0
Figure 6 & I 0
This specimen is- a stem of Fgulaetum n 0 sp0
stem measures 7 centimeters in diameter and 27 centimeters
in lengtho
a 0 teeth
h 0 ribs
Cet nodes
d» internede
Plate H o
Figure 2,
This leaf represented i a .Fterospezmites miner.
fossil leaf measures 3 to 4.centimeters in width and 6 to
8 centimeters in length*
Bfo petiole is attached to the
Plate H
& III,
Figurp 2 & I*
n* sp»
Cigar shaped prominences cm Gyeadeomyleon moat a m
These cigar shaped prominences measure about ? mill!-
meters in width and about.30 millimeters in length*
decorticated surface of these prominences are marhad by
rhomhoidal elevations which reaenble somewhat the markings
on the trunks of Lepidodehdroh*
a* carbon
b* prominences
Plate III*
Figure S.& 3*
These are fossil easts of Segillariaceae*
a* leaf soars
Plate IF,
Figure I*
The leaves of Ginkgo laramensis range in measurement
from 20 to 25 millimeters in width and 30 to 35 millimeters
in length*
Figure 2*
This specimen Gunhinghamttes elegahs measure 4*5
centimeters in length.
The leaves are I to. 1,5 centimeters
in length and I to 2 millimeters in Tzidth0
The leaf sears
on the branch are O 0S millimeters long and 5 millimeters
a* leaf
b 0 leaf acars
Figure 5»
This Sneeimen0;Oanhinghaaites puchellna has needle­
like leaves that measure I to 2 millimeters in width and 7
to 15 millimeters in length®
a» leaves
Figures 4 & 5®
The length of this Seahoia magnifolil cones are
about 4 to 9 centimeters long and 3®5 to 5 centimeters wide®
a 0 rachis
b e bracts
Plate T 0
Figure I 0
The branches of.Sequoia reidhehbacbi twig measure 5 to
11 millimeters in
a 0 leaves
he branch
0 leaf scars
Figure S 0 .This Pinus leaf is S 0S centimeters long and 03 milli'
appears to
The midrib is thick and stout, while the leaf
coriaceous in character®
Gu midrib
Figgre 3®
di Btetomi
a® cone
b* twig
Figures 4 & 5»
%bese leaves are known as S&bal or palm®
bi rachie
Plate. TI,
Figure 1»
These are twigs of. Polyiaaa sphoholeplao
of this specimen vary slightly in s Impe=
ments of leaveu are H
These leaves
.The average measure­
millimeters in length and I milli-
meter in wiatho
Figure B 0
Ihese fossil leases of ,Hbtefahthera oretaeeaa are 23
millimeters loipg and 4 millimeters Wide0
From the. 5 selected
specimens each leaf has 12 to 13 veins*
a* veins
This specimen .Populusa a leaf, measures 2 06 ,centimeters
in length and 2,63 centimeters in width®
The base of this
leaf is broad and Quneate0
Figure 4»
This leaf* Populus obovata, is 8 centimeters long and
4 centimeters wide, without petiole,
Plate T H o
Figure I 0
Populus speeiosa
a; apex
b® secondary veins
The willow leaf, Sall±9 ia 13 eentimeters long and
about 2*2 centimeters wide*
Figure 3*
This willow leaf, Salix Iancensistl is 8*5 centimeters
long and 10 to 13 millimeters wide®
S 0 teeth
he midvein.
Plate m
Figures 4, 5, & I 0
These willow leaves are Salix plioata from
Rancher, ,Itontana0
Plate YIIIo
Figure 2*
This willow, Salix stahtohi, is 6*5 centimeters long
and 20 millimeters wide®
Figure 3«
This Oak leaf, Quercua baueri, is nearly perfect
structure^ measuring 2*6 centimeters in length and 1*6
centimeters in width*
The leaf is evidently thick and
coriaceousj, both by its thick valuation and general appear-,
a* teeth
ho W i n s
Figure 4*
The oak leaf, Quercus previrginiana, measures 2J.5
centimeters long and 1*5 centimeters wide*
•-a* .veins
Figure 5o
T M a oak leaf, guereus Mb r u m j f o l i a . Is membraneous
In textureo
The leaf I s 5,5 centimeters long and 2 0?
centimeters side?
a? midvein
be secondaries
Flats .IE0
Figure 1«,
The two leaves of TJlimis florldiaria are from 4»5 to
.6 centimeters, long and from 25 to 2? Centimeters in Wfdthi
a 0 petiole
Figure 2«
The leaf Ficue dawsorienala is 7.i5 centimeters long
and' about 5 centimeters in width,
Figures 3 & '4,
The two leaves Ficus lesquereuxii are about 8
Jcentimeters long and 25 millimeters wide.
Flate X,
Figure Io
This leaf. Ficus nlariicostata,, is 3 centimeters wide
and about 4 centimeters long,
a, petiole
Figure 2»
The length of Ficus nseudapdpulua is about 6 centi­
meters long, and 3*5 centimeters, wide*
The petiole is .2
centimeters long and 1,5 millimeters; wide.
Figures 3 & 4o
The two leaves. Ficus prelatifolia, are about 10
to 13 centimeters long and about 8 centimeters wide?
exact measurements can only be inferred©
Thia leaf, Fioua rharoaoldesj, is 5 centimeters long
and 4 centimeters wide©
a © midvein
Figure 2 o
These small leaves, Fieua BquarTOaatl is 2o8 centi-
meters wide, and 5 centimeters long©
So 3-veined
Figure So
.This small leaf, Uectahdra -parVulaa is 4 04 centi­
meters. long and 15 millimeters wide*
The petiole is short
and atoutt 4 millimeters in length*
Figure 4c
These four leaves, Uelumhd intermedia^ measure about
25 to 34 millimetera in diameter»
These leaves are almost
circular with slight undulate margins©
Plat® xiio
Figure i;
The leaf O i i m s m m u m is 4 centimeters long and 2 centiV .■ v '
meters wideo
Figure 2 o
The leaf, Ciimamomuiii
L" '
Stahtdhi1,,is 6
centimeters long
• ■
and 25 millimeters -wide*
•- -
Figures 3, 4, 5, 6©
Ttiese leaflets* leamihdlster lainarehsiaB are
about 5*5 centimeters long and I? millimeters wide*
Plate XIII*
"Figure I*
The leaf, PhasedIltes Odldradehsisi, is 6,5 centimeters
long and 4 centimeters wide*
The petiole is preserved for
about a distance of I centimeter*
Figure 2»
These three leaves, Fagara eatshouleitsla are 2 03 to
2 05 centimeters wide and about 5 centimeters long?
figure S 0
The thorn Faliurus catahoulensis is 6 millimeters wide
and 20 millimeters Iongc
The fragments of the stem is 8
millimeters wide and SQ millimeters long?
a 0 thorn
Figure 4 0
These four cone scales, Banmiafa Sricularisa are
gently.from a medium size cone?
The largest cone scale
measures 16 millimeters in width near the distal end? the
second 11 millimeters?; third 12 millimeters, and fourth. IS
millimeters, in width;?
The slender awl shape awn shows poor
The length of these cone scales are 10, 12,
14$, fdd 15 millimeters* including the awn?
a 0 awl
Figure I?
These two small leaves, Tfapa micfophylla, are fan-
shape with long petioles*
The leaves measure 8 millimeters
in length and 10 millimeters in width*
The petiole i s 15
millimeters long and I millimeter wide?
Figure 2 o
Thia fruit is Qafndlithus bumelidfdrmis
a* fruit
Figure S 0
This specimen Phyllitea mdhtaha n* sp? is 6 centimeters
■ ■ ■
long, excluding the petiole which is 8 millimeters long, and
4 millimeters wide?
Elgure 4©
This leaf, Ehyllltests 4,5 eentimeters long and a
little ntovs than 3,5 eentimevs- In width.
Figure 5,
The specimen Hiyllites petiolatus is 8 cent imeters
long and 4 centimeters wide,
Ehe petiole is S c.6 centimeters
, Jtohgo
Figure 6,
This decorticated root is 6 centimeters long,
root sear®
Plate %y.
Figures I Sg 2,
Fungi Phylloxera on fossil leaves,
. a? sell-like clusters
Figure S 0
Black and yellow globular bodies in
Badial section,
of the
a, globular objects
Plate XT!,
Figure I,
Black and yellow globular bodies in some o f the tracheal
Badial section,
Figures B Sg 3,
Black and yellow objects in some of tbe tracheal
One globular body has a stalk which measures 68,8
microns long and about 17 microns wide at the base,
a, globular body with stalk
b; cell wti.1
Figure 4,
Same section except showing numerous globular bodies in
the tracheal tub©;
globular bodies
Eigures I & 5«,
Badial section; of Pinusa
The tracheal tubes
are SlOt microns long and 56 microns Wide0
wall is 17 microns thick*
The ,cell
The medullary rays are from 8 to
18 cells thick:*
a* medullary rays
Figure S 0
longitudinal section of Sequoia*
8*6 microns thick*
The cell walls are
The width of the radial rays is 64*5
The radial cells measure 81*5 microns wide, while
the radial rays is 869*5 microns high*
All measurements are
taken at Z440o
a* radial ray
bo radial cells
Eigure 4*
Badial section of Sequoia*
The tracheal tubes with
double broder pita are 96 microns wide*
The tracheal cell
wall is 17 microns thick, end the tracheal tube is 815 microns
The border-pits vary from S 06 microns to 85 microns
wide, while the border pit membrane or plug are 9 to 14 microns
All measurements are taken at Z440*
a* tracheal tube, single border pits
b«, tracheal tube, double border pits
a* border pits
d* plates or membrane in border pit
Plate XVIIIi
Elgure 1»
Badial section of Sequoiaa
Similar to Plate XVIIs
figure SJj excepting showing the tracheal tubes near the
middle of the tube0
Figure 2»
Transverse section of Ulmus0 XlQO0' Medullary ray
cells are 170 microns widec
The trachea^, tubes are IlO0S
microns wide and 255. microns Iongp
a o annual rings
Figure 3 0
Badial section of Ulmns0 XlOO0
The sieve tubes are
IlO0S microns wide and- 425 microns, Igng0
a 0 tracheal tubes
b 0 cellulate in place
Plate I
Flgv 4
Plate II
Fig. 3
Fig. I
Fig. Z
fig. J
Pig. *r
Tig. S
Fig- z
Ztar- J
F1&, f
rig. 4
m i
Pig. f
Pig. J
Fig ■ 6
Pig. 3
Pig- f
Fig. f
Fig. <
Fig. J~
Plate X V
Figr. Z
Plate XVII.
Fig. J
Fig. 4
CrQ D •
5D4o 1