– Frequently Asked Questions COC COC stands for Constant Overhead Charges

COC – Frequently Asked Questions
1. What does COC stand for?
COC stands for Constant Overhead Charges
2. Why do I have to pay for COC?
COC is a simplified process to allocate overheads to all areas of the
University. It replaces a number of internal recharges and is
calculated via a simple and fair percentage off income line items.
3. How are the COC rates determined?
COC rates have been set as per the table below:
4. What are the standard COC exemptions?
Standard exemptions
a. Direct Research Income (excl. Research Block Grants)
(L2B: 1140, 1200 and 1610 except for line items: 41201,
41295,41321,41322,41325 and 41330)
b. Inter-departmental Income
(L2B: 1740 or Line Item: 49&&&)
c. Donations
(L2B: 1710 or Line Item: 442&&)
d. Scholarships
(Line Items: 48935, 48936, 48937)
e. Other Commonwealth Grants
(L2B: 1190)
Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
5. Does scholarship income get COC deducted?
No, sponsorships and industry sponsorships do not incur COC.
6. How will fees related student support from the faculties be
Effectively COC are charged on fees net of student support. The fee
revenue line will be charged with COC offset by a reduction in
student support expense contributed by COC.
Example 1:
Fees income
Student Support
Operating Result
Example 2:
Fees income
Student Support
Operating Result
7. How will COC affect royalty income?
 Curtin Sarawak / Curtin Singapore: Royalties income after
withholding tax will be distributed net of COC
 Curtin College: Royalties income will be distributed net of COC
 Curtin Sydney: Royalties income after management fees will be
distributed net of COC
 OUA:
- OUA Direct revenue will be subject to the automatic COC journal
- OUA CSP revenue will be distributed net of COC. At the same time, COC
will bear the corresponding share of the related agent commissions.
8. COC makes my project unprofitable, shall I stop it?
Not necessarily. A project or event should be evaluated based on the
overall impact for the University. While a negative result after COC
indicates that the project cannot fully contribute to our overheads,
strategic considerations can still make it worthwhile.
Please review the rationale with your Faculty Business Manager and
Senior Accountant.
Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
9. I want to get an exemption for a specific project/ cost centre/ line-item
from COC. What is the process?
COC exemptions can be requested for items above A$10k per case.
You will find a COC Exemption Form on the Financial Services
Website (https://finance.curtin.edu.au/accountants_corner/constantoverhead-charges.cfm). This form needs to be filled-in, signed by the
applicant and the Faculty Business Manager and sent via email to:
VC-FS-Reporting@curtin.edu.au for approval by the Director
Financial Reporting.
10. Who has to approve COC exemptions?
COC exemptions need to be approved by the respective Faculty
Business Manager and the Director Financial Reporting.
11. When I have similar other transactions that resemble an exempted
item, can they be included under the granted exemption?
No, each exemption must be requested and approved separately via
the Exemption Form.
12. For how long will exemptions be carried forward?
Exemptions will be valid for as long as stated on the exemption
approval (single invoice, period limitation, project limitation). In any
case, each exemption needs to be requested again annually during
Budget preparation for the following year.
13. I have an approved exemption but see that COC has been charged.
What can I do?
COC exemptions are posted monthly before period close. For many
transactions, COC gets applied automatically by the Finance 1
system every night. It is therefore normal to see COC on exempted
items during the current month.
Should you note an exempted transaction in a prior month for which
a COC exemption hasn’t been applied, please contact VC-FSReporting@curtin.edu.au for assistance.
14. Following month-end, I can see a mismatch between the income for
the month and the charged COC. What should I do?
In most cases, COC will be posted in the same month as the income.
In rare cases a mismatch can occur:
Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
 if an approved transaction gets posted by the system only after
period close. In this case, the following COC journal will post in
the new month.
 if a transaction gets posted into another than the current month
(e.g. open period journals). The COC journal will always post in
the current month.
15. For some line items, I cannot see a split of COC and the gross
amount (Fees, Research Block Grants). Is this an error?
Fee disbursement journals are prepared by the central Fees team
and posted net of COC. They show as a single transaction in
Finance 1.
16. I have posted a transaction to the wrong cost centre or the wrong line
item and COC has been charged. How can I correct?
Simply request a journal to the correct cost-centre and line-item. The
corresponding COC journals will be corrected automatically by
Finance 1.
17. I am raising an invoice for more than 1 cost-centre (centre,
department, school, or faculty) and need to charge out to other
areas. How can I avoid to be penalised by COC?
While it is best practice to include the correct dissection per cost
centre and line item in the original transaction, distribution journals
can be posted at the full amount. The corresponding COC journal will
automatically correct afterwards.
18. I believe a transaction should not receive COC. Can I journal it to an
exempt line item?
No! For the integrity of University reporting, it is essential that all
income and expenses are classified correctly. Should you require a
COC exemption, please follow the COC exemption process (see
19. I have another question. Who can I contact?
In case of any questions, please feel free to send an email to: VCFS-Reporting@curtin.edu.au
Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J