ISS Inflatable Hab Overview What is the Inflatable Hab? The Inflatable Hab is a light weight inflatable habitation module for space applications Original concept for light weight module as transit module for future exploration Proposed to the International Space Station (ISS) Program as a replacement for the current Hab Module ISS Inflatable Hab Level 4: Pressurized Tunnel Level 3: Crew Health Care Level 2: Crew Quarters and Mechanical Room Level 1: Galley and Wardroom ISS Inflatable Hab Overview Multi-Layer Inflatable Shell Central Structual Core Multi-Layer Inflatable Shell Overview Windows: 2 Places External Thermal Blanket MOD Shielding Kevlar Restraint Layer { { Internal Scuff Barrier Redundant Bladders Subsystems Packaged in Core Life Support Systems Area for Packaged Comnsumables and Outfitting Systems Longerons Avionics Packages Core Panel Shelves Hab Inflation Inflated Hab Inflation Inflatable Hab Launch Package ISS Inflatable Hab Hatch Door Level 4: Pressurized Tunnel Inflatable Shell Central Structural Core Treadmill Ergometer Level 3: Crew Health Care 20” Window (2) Integrated Water Tank Level 2: Crew Quarters and Mechanical Room Soft Stowage Array Level 1: Galley and Wardroom Wardroom Table Level 1 Integrated floor strut into fabric floor above Leave floor open for return air to mechanical room above zenith zenith Leave Floor Open for Return Air to Mech Rm. Above Integrated Floor Strut into Fabric Floor Above LEVEL 1 SOFT STOWAGE HAND WASH ISS RACK GALLEY UTILITY CHASE 'A' UTILITY CHASE 'B' 62" aftaft ISS RACK REFRIG/ FREEZER #1 PASS THRU ABOVE GALLEY WARDROOM window nadir nadir ISS RACK REFRIG/ FREEZER #2 PASS THRU ABOVE ISS RACK forward forward Level 2 Integrated floor strut into fabric floor above Leave floor and clg. open for return air to mechanical room zenith zenith Leave Floor & Clg. Open for Return Air to Mech Rm. Integrated Floor Strut into Fabric Flooring LEVEL 2 MECHANICAL ROOM CQ #5 AIR DUCT CQ #6 Door 42" aft aft PASSAGE TO GALLEY CQ #4 CQ #1 PASS THRU TO BELOW ISS RACK WATER Door TANK CQ #3 CQ #2 OPEN TO W ARDROOM BELOW OPEN TO WARDROOM BELOW OPEN TO WARDROOM BELOW Floor strut OPEN TO WARDROOM BELOW FLOOR STRUT INFLATABLE OUTFITTING Inflatable outfitting compression ring COMPRESSION RING nadir nadir forward forward Level 3 Leave floor open for return air to mechanical room zenith zenith Leave Floor Open for Return Air to Mech Rm. LEVEL 3 Integrated floor strut into Integrated Floor Strut fabric flooring into Fabric Flooring Private Medical Area Movable Partition SOFT STOWAGE UTILITY CHASE 'A' Movable Partition ISS RACK CHeCS #1 UTILITY CHASE 'B' Movable Partition aft aft Changing Area ISS Rack Full Body Cleanser SOFT STOWAGE PASS THRU TO BELOW PASSAGE TO CREW QUARTERS ISS RACK Movable Partition ISS RACK CHeCS #2 ERGOMETER TREADMILL EXERCISE AREA window nadir nadir forward forward Crew Quarters Provides: (design for 0g) • 6 Crew Quarters (Outfit 4) • 81.25 ft3 of Volume: – 27% Larger than ISS Rack – ISS Rack Crew Quarter = 64 ft3 +/- (without bump out) • Private Space • Quiet Space • Sleep Area • Personal Stowage Area • Radiation Protection 11.0’ 11.0' 3.35’ m 3.35' m zenith zenith CREW QUARTER #5 UTILITY LINES CREW QUARTER #6 ATU Integrated into Door Panel CREW QUARTER #4 aft aft CREW QUARTER #1 81.25cf 42" PASSAGE TO GALLEY CREW QUARTER #2 CREW QUARTER #3 37" 4” (10 cm) I-beam longerons 4" (10 CM) I-BEAM LONGERONS nadir nadir SHEAR PANEL W/ WATER TANK Shear panel with water tank Sleeping Restraint Crew Personal Unit: Entertainment and Work Substation Unit: Light weight frame and fabric that packages into a box forward forward Inflatable Hab Proof-of-Concept Test Program Challenges Demonstrate the inflatable technology Build a full size inflatable module Develop the ISS Inflatable Hab architecture and verify Inflatable Hab integration to space station Inflatable Shell ‘98 Development Plan Verify by test structural integrity of the load bearing restraint layer Two structural development articles tested in the Sonny Carter Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory pool Demonstrated structural layer to 4 atmospheres (4 times the operating pressure) in September 1998 (vs. 2 atmospheres for typical aluminum module) Verify by test the folding, packaging, and deployment of the inflatable shell in a space environment Built full scale development unit with multi-layer shell and folded and packaged the unit as if for flight Demonstrated deployment in space simulated environment (in JSC’s thermal vacuum Chamber A) in December 1998 Tunnel CBM Interface Multilayer Shell Optimized Restraint Layer Redundant Bladder MM/OD Protection MLI Blankets Composite Core Structure Bulkheads Longerons Isogrid Shelves Radiation Shield Water Tank Restraint Layer (Shell Structure) Boilerplate Core Structure Tunnel Airlock Flight Vehicle Primary Structure Short Development Unit TransHab Shell Development Unit 2 9-12-98 Structural Integrity Verified to a Factor of Safety of 4.0 Full Scale Development Unit MMOD Tunnel Fairing Restraint Layer Triple Redundant Bladder Core Structure Core Fairing Support Stands Tunnel Fairing and Support Spacer TransHab Full Scale Shell Development Unit (SDU-3) First Inflation: November 17, 1998 SDU-3 Installation of M/OD Gores Chamber Layout TransHAB Folded TransHAB Inflated TransHab Full Scale Shell Development Unit (SDU-3) Vacuum Deployment Test: December 21, 1998