Optical coherent transients and hole burning of the 7F0 - 5D0 transition in Eu(OH)3 by Michael Stephen Otteson A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy i n Physics Montana State University © Copyright by Michael Stephen Otteson (1984) Abstract: The narrowest inhomogeneous optical linewidth ever seen in a solid has been observed in Eu(OH)^. This transition is quadratically enhanced in a magnetic field and the results are explained completely in terms of second order perturbation theory and the coupling of crystal field energy levels. Optical coherent transients are reported here for the first time in this optically pure, stoichiometric material. The optical dephasing time, T2 is shown to be greater than 2 microseconds for the 7F0-5D0 zero phonon transition. Hole burning, attributed to optical pumping of nuclear— qua drupole levels, has been used' to measure the qua drupole splittings in the excited, 5D0 , state. Due to the small magnetic moment, conventional magnetic resonance techniques have failed to make this measurement in all Europium compounds. The new technique developed and used in these hole burning measurements yields the quadrupole coupling coefficients, |P| = 11.6 MHz and |P| = 4.5 MHz for the 153 isotope and the 151 isotope, respectively. The qualitative behavior of line narrowing in Doubly-resonant two—photon-absorption induced four—wave mixing is explained in terms of the anomalous dispersion. The implications of this dispersion regarding the measurement of the homogeneous linewidth and hyperfine levels hidden within the inhomogeneous profile are discussed with regard to the particular example of LiTbF4. OPTICAL. COHERENT TRANSI ENTS AND HOLE BURNI NG OF THE 7F 0 - 5 D0 TRANS I TI ON IN E u ( O H ) g • by Michael Stephen Otteson A thesis submitted in p a r tia l fu lfillm en t of t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r t h e d e g r e e of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics MONTANA STATE UNI VE RS I T Y Bozeman,Montana November 1984 APPROVAL of a thesis Michael submitted Stephen by Otteson This t h e s i s h a s b e e n r e a d by e a c h member of t h e t h e s i s committee a n d h a s b e e n f o u n d t o be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and c o n s i s t e n c y , and i s r e a d y f o r s u b m i s s i o n to the C o l l e g e of G r a d u a t e S t u d i e s . Date Approved for the Major Department Date I/ Approved for the College of Graduate // Date Graduate Dean Studies © 1985 MICHAEL STEPHEN OTTESON All R igh ts R eserved iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting requirem ents U niversity, to that U.S. a doctoral I agree that this consistent Copyright M icrofilm s of this of thesis with Law. reproduce degree and by a b s t r a c t format. " , ^ ljr i ? make i t copies right u , n tn - to only for prescribed of to fo the State available I further extensive agree scholarly in the copying or U niversity Z e e b R o a d , ■ Ann A r b o r , granted Signature Da te. Montana be r e f e r r e d 3 00 N o r t h and d i s t r i b u t e any as for should t o whom I h a v e the shall use" Requests thesis fulfillm ent at allow able "fair and from m ic r o f ilm in partial the L ib rary . is International, M i c h i g a n 4 81 0 6 , in the L ib rary under r u l e s copying of reproduction to thesis for borrowers purposes, this "the the exclusive right dissertation reproduce and in distribute iv VI TA Michael Stephen Otteson S t ou gh t on, Wisconsin. He i s Otte son. was the b o r n on A p r i l 3 , 1951 son of O t t o C. and J e a n in M. Educated in the Wisconsin p ublic school system, he g r a d u a t e d from D e e r f i e l d High School i n 1969. He attended University of W i s c o n s i n —O s h k o s h a n d g r a d u a t e d w i t h a B. S. degree i n p h y s i c s and a p p l i e d m a t h e m a t i c s i n 1973 and the M. S . d e g r e e i n 1 97 (> . He r e c e i v e d t h e M . S . d e g r e e i n p h y s i c s from Montana S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y i n Bozeman, Montana i n 1979. V ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author several has people been w ishes to the Dr . Rufus been very helpful Thanks a re Jungst in and apparatus ; ing m anuscript, over Cone, this due Mr. also and t o the years this the Mr. in parents for machining of his his h e lp and to Mr. and Tom building successfully supply­ e x p e r i m e n t a l work. R. M. Macfarlane and s u g g e s tio n s . extend a very Thompson, Foremost guidance has equipm ent; the of preparation. t h a n k Dr. discussions to thesis. Al B e l d r i n g needed in to contributions assistance and i t s Ma r k B a l d w i n f o r w ishes his the whose s c i e n t i f i c Knick he w i s h e s K a r e n L. and thesis to of electronic nitrogen stim ulating Ms. L. To n y and t o Finally, friend, in also Mr. The a u t h o r f o r ma ny preparation building the l i q u i d acknowledge encouragement advisor, expertise the to warm t h a n k s for her help for their in to his preparing the encouraging support vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page APPROVAL. . ...................................................................................... STATEMENT OF PERMI S S I ON TO U S E .................................... V I T A ............................................. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. . . . .. ................................................... TABLE OF CONTENTS . L I S T OF T A B L E S .................................. L I S T OF F I GURES ........................................................................... ABSTRACT. ......................................................... i i iii iv v vi vii ix xii 1 I NTRODUCTI ON........................................ 2 RARE EARTH S P E C T R A..................................................................... F r e e I o n ........................... . ........................................ . . . C r y s t a l F i e l d ................................................. . . . E u 3 "1" i o n i n E u ( O H ) 3 .......................................................... 4 5 8 9 3 SPECTRAL HOLE BURNI NG .......................................................... Hole B u r n i n g i n Rare E a r t h s . .. . . . . N u c l e a r Qu a d r u p o l e H a m i l t o n i a n . . . . . . E s t i m a t e of Q u a d r u p p l e S p l i t t i n g i n Eu ( OH) 3 ............................................................................. O p t i c a l D e p h a s i n g T i m e ....................................... 13 14 18 4 , . . ............................. OPTI CAL PHASE SWI TCHI NG ....................... ........................ S i n g l e P h a s e S w i t c h . .................................................... D o u b l e P h a s e S w i t c h .......................................................... I 22 23 . 26 27 30 5 SAMPLES AND EXPERI MENTAL APPARATUS........................ S a m p l e s .................................................................... L a s e r and G e n e r a l A p p a r a tu s . . . . . . . Hole B u r n i n g - E x p e r i m e n t a l D e t a i l s . . . . Phase S w it c h i n g - E x p e r i m e n t a l D e t a i l s . . . 37 37 38 40 42 6 EXPERI MENTAL R E S U L T S ............................................................... 46 Line w i d t h . . . Isotope Shift ..................................................................... Q u a d r a t i c M ag n etic F i e l d Dependence . . . Enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O scillator Strength . . Electronic Magnetic Magnetic Zeeman S h i f t . . . . . . . . . F i e l d P a r a l l e l to c - a x i s . . . F i e l d P e r p e n d i c u l a r t o c —a x i s . 46 48 53 54 61 64 67 72 vii TABLE OF C O N T E N T S - c o n t i n u e d Chapter Page M e a s u r e m e n t of D e p h a s i n g Ti me O p t i c a l D e p h a s i n g Ti me . i n Eu ( OH) g .............................. . H o l e B u r n i n g i n E u (OH) 3 ................................... Q u a d r u p o l e S p l i t t i n g s .............................................. M a g n e t i c F i e l d E f f e c t s .................................... M a g n e t i c F i e l d P e r p e n d i c u l a r t o c —a x i s . Magnetic F i e l d P a r a l l e l to c -a x is . . . Hole L i f e t i m e s a n d L i n e w i d t h s .. . . . 7 8 76 79 85 87 92 CONCLUSI ONS . ................................................................................ N a r r o w L i n e w i d t h ........................................................... 105 I s o t o p e S h i f t ........................................................................... E l e c t r o n i c Zeeman S h i f t . . Q u a d r a t i c E n h a n c e m e n t .............................................. . 107 D e p h a s i n g T i m e ................................................................ Quadrupole S p l it ti n g s . . . . FOUR- WAVE MI XI NG AND HYP ERF I NE S P L I T T I N G S I N L i T b F 4 AND T b ( O H ) 3 ............................................... I n t r o d u c t i o n ................................................................................ T h e o r y a n d E x p e r i m e n t s . .............................................. S i m u l a t i o n S t u d i e s ..................................................... 121 C o n c l u s i o n s ................................................................................ 94 99 104 105 105 106 107 108 109 10 9 114 12 8 A P P E N D I C E S .................................................................................. 131 Appendix I .................................................................................... 13 2 Appendix 1 1 .............................................................................. 13 4 Appendix I I I ..... ........................................................................ 13 6 REFERENCES CI TED. . 139 viii L I S T OF TABLES Table I Page S e l e c t i o n r u l e s and c r y s t a l quantum n u m b e r s f o r e v e n —e l e c t r o n i o n s i n Cgj 1 s y m m e t r y ............................. ....................................... 12 ix L I S T OF FI GURES Figure 1 Page Energy le v e l diagram fo r t r i v a l e n t rare e a r t h i o n E u r o p i u m .......................................................... 2 Phase 3 N o n l i ne a r transient, T >> 4 Nonlinear transient, T << 5 I l l u s t r a t i o n of n o n l i n e a r t r a n s i e n t f o r jt/ 2 p h a s e S h i f t w i t h i n c r e a s i n g delay time T . . . . . ........................................ 34 S c h e m a t ic diagram of Hole b u r n i n g e x p e r i m e n t ................................................................................. 41 Schematic transient Phase switched .................................................... 45 7 5 E x p e r i m e n t a l l i n e s h a p e of F q ---- > D q t r a n s i t i o n i n Eu ( OH) 3 .................................................... 51 B e s t f i t s u p e r p o s i t i o n o f t wo g a u s s i a n p e a k s . . . . .............................................. . . . . . 52 A b s o r p t i o n of Eu(OH)g magnetic f ie ld . 55 6 7 8 9 10 Switching resonance diagram. 7 d i a g r a m of experiment . . 28 . . . 32 , T2 ..................... a 50 kG Absorption 12 Ma x i mu m a b s o r p t i o n 13 Ma x i mu m 14 Absorption 15 S i m u l t a n e o u s a b s o r p t i o n s p e c t r u m of Eu ( OH) g a n d I 2 v a p o r .................................................... 69 Ze e ma n s h i f t of a b s o r p t i o n s p e c t r u m i n E u ( O H ) 3 , B l l c ............................................................... 70 Zeeman s h i f t of f l u o r e s c e n c e e x c i t a t i o n s p e c t r u m i n E u ( O H ) 3 , B I I c ......................................... 71 17 absorption . . . 57 coefficient, B I Ic . . 58 coefficient, Bj _c . . . 59 coetticient, a ( m) , 32 11 16 coefficient, in T^. . . a(ia), B I Ic Bj _c . . . . 60 X L I S T OF F I G U R E S - c o n t i n u e d Figure 18 19 20 21 22 Page Zeeman s h i f t of f l u o r e s c e n c e e x c i t a t i o n s p e c t r u m , Bj _ c ......................................................... 74 Zeeman s h i f t of B k. . . . . . . absorption spectrum, .................................................................. 75 T ransient signal following phase s h i f t o f it r a d i a n s i n i o d i n e v a p o r ....................... ..... 78 Phase swiched t r a n s i e n t s i g n a l Eu ( OH) ^ ................................................................ 81 Semi-log switched in p l o t of n o n l i n e a r p h a s e t r a n s i e n t s i g n a l i n E u ( OH) g . 81 Hole b u r n i n g i n Eu(OH)g, r e a d and b u r n c y c l e .................................................................................................. 86 24 Average s c a n s ......................................... 88 25 A v e r a g e o f 16 r e a d s c a n s ( No h o l e b u r n i n g ) ............................................................... 88 26 Ratio d a t a . ..................................................................... 91 27 E i g e n v a l u e s of Q u a d r u p o l e H a m i l t o n i a n p l o t t e d a s a f u n c t i o n o f y B / P .................................. 95 153 Quadrupole l e v e l s p l i t t i n g s of Eu B k, | P | = 1 1 . 6 MH z .......................................................... 97 Q u a d r u p o l e l e v e l s p l i t t i n g s o f "*"^*Eu B l c , | P | = 4 . 5 MHz .......................................................... 98 23 28 29 30 31 >32 Side burn of of 16 read . hole f re q e n c ie s r e l a t i v e to l a s e r f r e q u e n c y , B I I c .................................................... 100 S p l i t t i n g s o f qua d r u p o I e l e v e l s , * ^ E u Bi I c .............................................................................................. 101 S p l i t t i n g s of qua d r u p o l e l e v e l s , * Eu B l c ........................................................................................................ 102 L I S T OF F I GU R E S —c o n t i n u e d Figure Page 33 Four-wave 34 S c h e m a t i c d i a g r a m of f o u r - w a v e m i x i n g e x p e r i m e n t .............................................................. 112 E x c i t e d s t a t e s i d e n t i f i e d b y t wo p h o t o n f l u o r e s c e n c e e x c i t a t i o n ............................ 115 Experimental LiTbF4 . . 120 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 mixing signal absorption Model s i m u l a t i o n s of signal, gaussian f i t in LiTbF^. . . . Ill coefficient four-wave . mixing 123 S u p e r p o s i t i o n f i t of f o u r h y p e r f i n e l e v e l s ............................................................................................ 124 Mode l s i m u l a t i o n s signal, hyperfine 125 o f f o u r —w a v e m i x i n g f i t ................................................... C o m p a r i s i on o f i n v e r s e F u l l W i d t h a t H a l f Ma x i mu m o f f o u r —w a v e m i x i n g s i g n a l ..................................................................... ..... 12 6 Mode l s i m u l a t i o n s o f s i g n a l , L = 1 . 0 cm . 130 four-wave . . . . mixing xii Ab s t r a c t Th e n a r r o w e s t i n h o m o g e n e o u s o p t i c a l I i n e w i d t h e v e r s e e n i n a s o l i d h a s b e e n o b s e r v e d i n E u ( OH ) ^ . This t r a n s i t i o n is q u a d r a t i c a l Iy enhanced in a m a g n e tic f i e l d and th e results are explained completely in terms of second order p e r t u r b a t i o n t h e o r y and t h e c o u p l i n g of c r y s t a l f i e l d e n e r g y levels. Optical coherent t r a n s i e n t s are rep o rted here for the f i r s t time in t h i s o p t i c a l l y p u r e , stoichiometric m aterial. The o p t i c a l d e p h a s i n g t i m e , ^2’ s h o wn t o be g r e a t e r t h a n 2 m i c r o s e c o n d s f o r t h e ^ F q- ^ Dq z e r o p h o n o n t r a n s i t i o n . Hole b u r n i n g , a t t r i b u t e d t o o p t i c a l pumping of nuclear^qua d r u p o l e l e v e l s , has been used' to measure the qua d r u p o l e splittings in the e x c ited , ^Dq , state. Due t o t h e s m a l l m a g n e t i c moment, conventional magnetic resonance techniques have failed to ma k e this measurement in all Europium compounds. The ne w t e c h n i q u e developed, and used in these hole burning measurements y ie ld s t h e qua d r u p o l e coupling coefficients, IP I = 1 1 . 6 MHz a n d I P I = 4 . 5 MHz f o r t h e 1 5 3 i s o t o p e and t h e 151 i s o t o p e , r e s p e c t i v e l y . The q u a l i t a t i v e b e h a v i o r of l i n e n a r r o w i n g in Doublyresonant t w o —p h o t o n - a b s o r p t i o n i n d u c e d f o u r —w a v e m i x i n g is explained in terms of the anomalous dispersion. The i m p l i c a t i o n s o f t h i s d i s p e r s i o n r e g a r d i n g t h e m e a s u r e m e n t of the homogeneous I i n e w i d t h and h y p e r f i n e l e v e l s h i d d e n w i t h i n the inhomogeneous p r o f i l e are d i s c u s s e d w ith r e g a r d to the p a r t i c u l a r example of L i T b F ^ . I Chapter I I NTRODUCTI ON The which rare make practical is earth it dominantly state is study of general, rare earth have narrow efficiency and the variety lattice small A of to the emission fact of has as that host The general is a ground of such the as can to singlet begin the be a electronic electronic field as s t a t e 1 which from which singlet well nonmagnetic nature practical solid for state s o me they the hyperfine state described be ma k e trivalent GHz h a v e linewidths easily the in a europium action. of rare rare and These attractive ion earths a quantum features, as a laser host Absorption l i n e — widths in of in into a earth characteristics trivalent incorporated them v e r y been measured discussion in The transitions. can laser interest lasers. absorption lattices, particular is position crystal and displayed 3.5 state, as properties manner. for 1.0 established the the several a spectroscopic interactions of there ions near m aterials. as due exhibits singlet order straightforward In J =O The Because perturbations in attractive higher structure. more a ^Fq , an , The w e l l state. also Eu interesting sense. electronic ion, E u P ^ O-^q 4 a t properties the 1.6 and spectra K. s o me are 2 presented and Chapter explanation study of Chapter new of method the of results transition of are first resolved One added of in experimentally The shape along of with in laser used before the stimulated by of narrowest In the the 167 absorption of this Eu(OH)g and field. measured theory other The the and in change explained the second the change Zeeman in terms and third 6 the of the is the optical compounds quadratic small work, of Eu0 full profile possibility contributions dynamic MHz chapter a solid. the 5 F q--- Dq inhomogeneous in of 7 the shift s t r e n g t h and perturbation the explicated of value solid. isotope major of is any and detail magnetic oscillator Chapter The m e a s u r e d in the .5 was this using CW d y e chapter in explained is the work used dephasing linewidth FWHM, optical the characteristics order this the o p t i c a l understanding external in linewidth discussed and 6. chapter a description is switching details observed in experimental optical in maxi mum, ever burning in in Eu(OH)g. half of by techniques described interest measurements followed hole phase Experimental Initial width Optical are is experimental optical study discussion at t wo This measurement of 4. this width 2. E u (OH)g . 3 and chapter in in in an in the shift are of second parts of 6 respectively. measurement of an optical dephasing time in Eu(OH)g 3 is difficult strength because associated material. Th e the intrinsically with the ^ F q <-----> ^D q t r a n s i t i o n development ne w technique for the interest in different of measuring making as an of a measurement particular the experimental application dephasing these time measurements The use of are splittings complement the nuclear resonance techniques. of burning the previous coupling the is ne w technique In ular fine Chapter type potential in of use hole is of make detail in the splittings this and of and last The measure Chapter of the section used the given qua d r u p o I e experiment along the s o me quadrupole and i n. Eu ( OH) 3 a 6. partic­ with in measuring linewidths. of of Chapter for to mor e isotopes, of 6. nuclear explanation measurements is phase concerning a discussion experiment homogeneous to of nuclear europium these ma n y 4. been use an with explanation type the 3, the f o u r —w a v e m i x i n g of by of a results measure Measurement to a ne w to recently Chapter each expected switching as in optical four this renewed type Chapter part resonance used 8 in burning presented for of in has conclusions in only measurements. constants described In this the phase obtained magnetic process and given discussed has of oscillator switching transients E u ( OH) g a n d results standard method optical spectral phase description are of in hyperfine hole coherent A switching optical measurements m aterials. such of small the hyper­ 4 Chapter 2 RARE EARTH SPECTRA Typically consists of the groups approximately are groups are quantum relatively The S, good ionic crystals lines are atoms or as narrow 3 GHz , solids at low the possible to study of of 4f In fact, spectra observed those This in the earths optical spectra separated about of each of as with of symbols each crystal within by group 200 cm- * . dominant of a group, J by a the group characterized for a states set of remains a number. of eigenfunctions rare ago. 5 in means spectra the of narrow imply that, the The or rare cases these of in of free Ang­ m aterials in features principle, a these 0.01 spectral in in solid it with is an ions. earth energy suddenly ions spectra widths These atoms earth I n many interactions free l a n t h a n i d e 1c o n t r a c t i o n ; the the in are lines range long rare obtained sharp by yet temperature. by ions groups observed occur exhibited sharp J , earth energy states molecules. or The of L, were strom, accuracy an absorption free the labeled quantum sharp rare these component. admixtures numbers and over then of lines; c m- ^ spread Russell-Saunders contains of 1000 generally These spectrum ions and drops at are spatial the a result extension start of the 5 lanthanide electron series. by The another 4 f - electron contraction. As increase nuclear in effective of the entire f-shell outer the the rare to and increases, of the earth ions do the 4f in it chemical with each number, the a reduction contraction is xenon not this causes this Ai- to series e le c tro n and shells and the of shell one contributes which Because inner participate electronic ions in with n electrons a solid lutecium. levels of H = where of also of shielded by structure. interact the the As a appreciably electrons have little bonding. Ion The for an environment tendency Free as shielding through charge charge closed consequence proceeds Afn shell.* behaves 5s^p° with one nuclear im perfect in The ( - h 2 / 2m) the nucleus, The consists firs t symmetric and of the the n=l that structure for of ! ; ( r j_) parts therefore itj electrons, the of do spin-orbit the not the electrons up t o the 4f n=l 4 energy £(r i )si ' I i i=l screened coupling expression remove of earth as e2/ r . , J Z^e rare cerium determines Z % 2/ r , i=l number two xenon t r i v a l ent i o n c a n be w r i t t e n y i=l and of 4f shell, Hamiltonian an i s o l a t e d N is the configuration any are of charge function. spherically the 6 degeneracies mutual coulomb respectively, structure Hq f o r of the >> H go °r H g 0 >> H ^ total must electrons. are responsible 4f which two f it the the free or neither H1 HC of two level terms as spin-orbit be considered. to scheme these the the LS c o u p l i n g coupling into energy these cases terms, interaction ion a n d H go f o r lim iting j-j two spin-or b it Russ e 1 1 - Saunder s , in which last Labeling interaction, are the for electrons. there earths and The applies, c a n be cases, used. so the Hamiltonian, be diagonalized approach from energy by in 4f interaction coulomb Hg rare the the interactions, The of is a basis level Dieke and called set to = + determine intermediate of diagram H SO' the coupling Russell-Saunders for trivalent C rossw hite, 7 is energy shown and u s u a l l y states. europium, in levels. Figure The as I. This starts general determined 7 Eu3*(4f6) S D1 2 5D O Figure I : Energy level diagram e a r t h ion Europium. for the trivalent rare 8 Crystal Field Whe n the experiences the charge lap effects are ion an inhomogeneous also by a one which removes free ion. For crystal smaller m ultiplets. the the free earth field have the So the the the crystal crystal potential. the field field produced and crystal degeneracy of potential as a are the produced the splittings over­ the called of by effects experimentally separation ion These splittings shown the Covalency remaining ions, been crystal potential potential the energy a crystal. to of into electric electron s o me rare than in contribute field treating introduced distribution modeled the is to free by be ion obtained perturbation by of ion. The crystal field Hamiltonian V - I Bt q Vt I is usually written as U l l 7 l l Z1 ) k, q, i where the fitting parameters, the symmetry, specify symmetry must be only four as 8 many the field as 27 crystal this real. real Hamiltonian f or m crystal for is , treated energy complex field reduced The are field parameters equivalent as levels. constants potential. to for 27 f With Bg Q, electrons time needed Bgg, c a n be which specified and to reversal constants is in considering w o u l d be symmetry B^q , parameters Before independent Cgj 1 E ^ Q, free the written by total in the 9 H where Hq i s nomials of the even Matrix <B2 0 V2 ° free calculated the doubly Then basis of the matrix the Hq , crystal spherical b SO v C0 field tensor elements crystal states Hamiltonian, + i o n H a m i l t o n i a n 9 and using reduced K o s t e r . 11 + B4 0 V4 ° + B6 6 V6 6 > the are poly­ d e g r e e . 10 elements be using H0 + operator tabulated field energies corresponding and operators to diagonalizing by are can methods and Nielson and obtained the the V free. matrix of by ion H on a computer. Eu^ + I o n in E u ( OH) ^ This was F a u l h a b e r . 12 following In the state the in four the to is determine -54 the I The and cm 1 from to of and Co n e are and given the ^Dq a t ± 8 cm + 3 6 cm absorption ^Dq , not very the = -Tl B4 0 were and position ^F^ by parameters B66 = 6 1 7 s t a t e , ^Fq, forbidden from field Faulhaber, D manifold fluorescence absorption about Cone the E u (OH)g constants. + 3 cm * by in crystal + 11 ground transition fitted Eu^+ B2 0 = 2 1 1 paper between for W O Il the The on by done the lowest reported weak. But 77K to at within excited because they ^Dq a b s o r p t i o n ^Dq s t a t e transitions by 4.2K an were that able comparing with accuracy the of c m- ^ . energy level separations, from the paper by Cone 10 and Fauthaber explanations given as I2 of , which the phenomena observed J Z numbers H = 0 = 1151 cm this later crystal are " = 1753 5dO — 5dI = 0 = 1771 cm 5D0 “ 5D2 U = 0 = 4230 cm matrix elements field q. J Z p ma y b e above. Also, work I a O energy separations similarly varies these, shift with J z = p(mod label are energy the These states given measurements level 339 |i = 4 4 0 .5 0 ^ F section increase of of will also the the be ^Fq to square cm- I —I cm of q — chapter ^D1 6 to absorption the magnet i c the in cm. ^F 1 (i= 0 , I and — second the of q made separations. = = quantum q) . (1=1 function as Zeeman to selection crystal 17226 . 8 in coefficient observed used of the = quadratic the level that differences, be u s e d satisfy set such the Il 7 p I a O calculate to n 1 0 O in O - energy will are complimenting - 7F1 must implies introduced numbers I k r- I , This corresponding The cm - I = I quantum ( i = 0 , in in 5dI crystal this necessary 5dO crystal r U l e be follows. 7pO -- ?F2 The will field. used to ^Dq transition which magnetic field of the calculate Th e s e the strength. In a calculation of the expected nuclear qua d r u p o I e 11 splittings, it is separations. the ^Fq For —— ^ Fg calculation just an of and in the Chapter In ^Fq as of state tions are all have dipole selection the out rules weak level energies used this in of the calculation in given of are the it last The conclusions are the of is does section for with in the J E u ( OH) 3 4 f 11 configura­ unless The first electric the magnetic order = 0 is magnetic the 4fn to and J ' magnetic = 0 dipole dipole below. considerable for importance, transitions rules rules in crystal of the enable nature takes these in a with I the the interesting t h e o r y , 13 rule valid between is parity. symmetry selection about of parity still Table transition deals state opposite selection with transition levels the techniques and the in rules connected which by consistent levels, which the and rules a t h e ' J u d d —O f e l t tr a n s ition consideration. concept are given of intensity spectroscopic between by This character draw energy splittings, ^ Dq e x c i t e d between Selection to results and admixtures the t r a n s i t i on. directly states qua drup o le existence forbidden states energy use difference Although the pointed transitions all the experimental dipole selection the ^ D q ------^ ^ 2 3. to 6. ground explains necessary estimate, Chapter itself, because in this estimate reinforce again of place. symmetries between t wo spectra are crystal the the in under experimenter energy levels The m a t h e m a t i c a l is group theory. 12 Group theory originally available The as developed in tables selection Eu( OB) 3 are applied rules shown in for for to by all rare earth B e t h e , 14 of the but now different Eu^ + , w i t h Table crystal Cg j i s i t e spectra it is readily s y m m e t r i e s . 15 s y m m e t r y , 1 * in I. H' I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 I e a eo m jt m Jt mo m it m n e cr ea ecr m Jt m cr ea e Jt m Jt 2 ecr m it e a mcr m Jt e Jt I m it eo e Jt m Jt mo ea -I m Jt e a m jt e Jt eo mcr P 0 3 0 m<y e it 3 e Jt -2 -2 was -I T a bl e I . S e l e c t i o n r u l e s and c r y s t a l quantum numbers f o r e v e n - e l e c t r o n i o n s i n Cgj 1 s y m m e t r y ; m, m a g n e t i c d i p o l e t r a n s i t i o n ; e , e l e c t r i c d i p o l e tr a n s ition. 13 Chapter 3 SPECTRAL HOLE BURNING A short, given general in this saturation holes The latter description chapter and long parts of calculation in using description of Wh e n a is saturation, resonant laser frequency On the the energy inhomogeneous other levels electromagnetic line, a nd no The strongly are atoms is or one in the is only emphasis on solids. focus on one an would measure and a short broadened, supplied those be at a energy and single levels saturated. A at 'hole' line. a homogeneously immediately intensity falls broadened by the line, saturating throughout the produced. ions another in a liquid and w i t h hole disappears very relatively, rapid relaxation rates The be width measurements. saturation solids. will will earth techniques will affected power, hole with hand, rare parameters power cause in in inhomogeneous Iy to appears all line burning particular holes burning homogeneous line a hole chapter the electromagnetic frequency the of hole spectral sufficient lived this approximate Eu(OH) 3 with of density which is or solid vibrational quickly modes. because frequently obtainable interact in Thus of a the encountered in a an solid is 14 advantage scale however. linearly increase in which is rates burning in scale This as kind combination, m aterials. hole can in different mechanisms, list s ome, of modification population storage one of nuclear o r more one which is of the , 17 responsible is than relatively m o me n t it rapid use of does not limit a result on is hole hole is in relaxa­ saturation the of a hole burning not the variety particular should I 8 , 2 0 long but and lived holes it A photo- metastable populations*1’22. present of solid. include saturation . , may be for nonlinear dipole solids an burned. level hyperfine above the photochemistry t wo mean s a me the mechanisms , of burning, should saturation depending these 19 be a solids physical pumping It because burning of limits however, that the hole These i n many and as which power smaller solid of Hole fourth solids, in such efficiency. the much effects, density i n many general, only the burning typically gases. tion with hole interactions Nonlinear optical In is in solids, the last rare earth rare earth solids The strong p u mp laser such that materials. Hole Burning Two in level Rare. Earths saturation requires the use of interacts with the t wo ground and excited in the intensity in the as well particular as t wo hole lasers. level the system. burning system states dipole Wh e n in depends coupling a weak on the the population p u mp laser the levels between probe laser interacts 15 with the absorbing s a me t wo power of interacting strong by with p u mp transparent. is scanned Saturated to the state than the as the This of is levels are levels show separations Simultaneously, width an is of the the in is the saturated to be more absorption profile. this type c a n be in used rare earth lim itations the transfer the most in from cases optical As will rare be is the ground broadened much narrower and redistributed resonant nonresonant of earth transition, these level ground popula­ population, between regions excited or removed pumping corresponding antiholes process population pumping. depleted the with inhomogeneousIy the level during holes of with optical by is frequency their burning depopulated, hyperfine from and it probe linewidth selectively hyperfine enhanced transitions hole selectivity are will lived the of the full chapter. associated state a result tions this inhomogeneous ground state measurements in as inhomogeneous spectroscopy resonant appears detected homogeneous population transition. absorption then long level the sample the unless case, is later profile also A hole the feel are the the will that so These addressed solids, that absorption it inhomogeneous ions In through compounds. system beam measure In the the p u mp b e a m . the level to state increased in process. the the Now spectral energy hyperfine spectral the line level levels. absorption ,16 will appear at difference hyperfine By energies combinations using this important, usually of the is a much method, broadened because less than inhomogeneousIy solid atomic state ground and the s um excited spectral resolution spectral line the observed hyperfine the Full Width broadened analogue and state of is at the achieved. In Ma x i mu m, other D o p p l e r —f r e e This splittings Half line. within are FWHM, words this spectroscopy in physics. Hole burning has compounds because as major experimental nuclear magnetic resonance, Nuclear which electrons of field that is ions, be this or gauss. applied in no by nuclear resonance earths, as they not do magnetic moments tings me a s u r e d can be in form is have electron ion. in m a t e r i a l s possible be experiment of in nuclear the rare Nuclear hyperfine paramagnetic oft he external compounds. the In fromthe any resonance measurements from s o me paramagnetic. than 3+ qua d r u p o I e particular greater been Eu conventional n u c l e u s w h i c h ma y diamagnetic determined are field resulting a nuclear direct moments this in there nuclear weakly the This out observed only internal at interest doing and on very field reason in NMR, usually the a a million for E l l i o t t 2* pointed diamagnetic can particular experiments creates order of difficulties resonance are been resonance, NQR, paramagnetic and of to splittings. i n h o m o g e n e o u s Iy is corresponding split­ resonance 17 experiments, estimate 4f b u t moments of the average <r- ^>, in where this r is way the depend on an radius of the electron. Europium does which produces state since conventional have sensitivity. (IMHz), tuneable making these hyperfine structure that qua d r u p o I e Since are so narrow most attractive use of examples this because of due the to direct has the the techniques earth lanthanide to lucky been linewidth, existence of It and is Zeeman r : La F^ ’ , investigated. detected have nuclear been EuP^ q used 3O absorption they hyperfine Except possible. coincidence the state hyperfine contraction, detect for the P in optical spectroscopy. not means burning been optically splittings rare candidates inhomogeneous and ODNQR, in the hole burning, have of excited using and linewidth, effects**, hole and because narrow and ground nucleus, another transition burning resonance, the of the used of Ground P r ^ + : LaBrg * 9 hole be measured use electronic at provided Stark “ 2 and YAlOg: Eu^t * * moment, has been the the time, qua d r u p o I e measure all Through of field development measurements. P r ^ + :LaCig * 8 , small The lasers have techniques. the no m a g n e t i c splittings*^'**. e f f e c ts *7 Since a non-degenerate NMR a n d NQR c a n n o t limited by determined for to and lines are the structure t wo isolated possible i n Ho^+ of three things, a a very large magnetic nuclear only one. i s o t o p e , ^ ^ H0 . 3 very 11 has also been hyperfine observed splitting inhomogeneous 4 to sites in as very a identify in 650 the other which tensor ground earth the m aterials. interesting because ground nuclear state to of a the large narrow quadrupole particular hyperfine have splittings complemented obtained measurements of excited compounds E lliott's this of the would in have also the ma n y states is the qua drup 0 1e of rare particularly p re d ic tio n *3 tensor in perturbed the measurements the used sites. magnitude and been of understanding the europium of a shown a u s e f u l n e s s of compounds states also also individual the affect In has and splittings has resonance deal contributions GEz has These, e x p e r i m e n t a l great in the earth paramagnetic a it measurements m aterials. added burning and of P r ^ + and Eu^+ r a r e electron 2.7 identification s ome burning of hyperfine m aterial, of CaF2 : P r ^ + w h i c h MHz . 33 hole sensitive perturbations Hole of spectral this 0.01% constant width Recently EuVO^ in be that the anomalously small. Nuc t e a r Quadrupole The tensor large between difference ^Dq a nd contribution to mechanisms. Since for a pure to admixtures Hamiltonian the J = O electric no first level, of q the excited in magnitude s t a t e s * 0 ' 31 field order is the of quadrupole into field the quadrupole attributed gradient observed states of t wo coupling F q and the important gradients 7 to 5 exists are Dq due wa ve 19 functions and a contribution caused by the crystalline lattice. The of t wo contributions opposite the 4f^ from c m- ^ the in the contribution to denominator coupling which and configuration. results 4230 s i g n , 3 5 ’ 36 to The level, ^Fq from 1151 from with the an splitting, excited of is the smaller has than an smaller of the energy qua d r u p o I e lattice contribution of which denominator which the are states for energy state 2 So the the expansion, a result cancels qua d r u p o I e contribution cm- ^ . ^Fq is nearly, are perturbation of for ^T> 2 the contribution due to the ^Fg, admixture. To to derive the first an e x p r e s s i o n qua drup 0 1e described by tensor, the spin H = P[IZ2 - H I where each m o me n t of P is each parameter, of Cgj 1 s i t e The spin the t wo Hamiltonian * - the qua drup ole is contributions splittings are Hamiltonian: to the europium Vy y ) / V z z ,' h a s symmetry, different + I) /3 + q (I x 2 + Iy2 )/3] as in respective isotopes. a value Eu( OH) g , quadrupole The asymmetry between Vx x = Vy y ( 1 / 3 ) I (I J * 1 “ P4 £ U ) + 1)1 + Pp<j + p I a t 0 and then H = P [ I z2 - where the proportional q = ( Vx x - For for + p 4 f <2) • and I. q = 0. 20 In the above total the expression, q u a d r u p o Ie order in nuclear coupling which qua d r u p o I e term they is quadrupole the nuclear to the be however E u ( OH) 3 . ^iat lattice. The polarization leads to an closed tronic charge , is of a result cloud through of the of is J =O interactions of effect is experimentally it the effect. small induce which moment. of a in turn The last the admixtures crystal in crystalline to distortion the a term shells with in is This tend quadrupole state order magnetic by charges in observed negligibly caused the first quadrupole electronic the a so the lattice the moment. interaction external the from the explained term is I *J , contribution enhancement P^ £ ^ ^ states t^e of term, J=2 this of be to experiments. which square i s dominant qua d r u p o I e distinguished Fortunately P will resonance unrelated cannot contributions **4 f ^ ^ the interaction proportional the constant pseudoquadrupole to of appear. which electric each elec­ of the field. 3 7 The P4 f (1) first = - order [ 3 e 2 Q/ 4 1 ( 2 1 x The quantity actual term - theorem by an expectation is I)] given (I - by Rq ) < r - 3 > 4 f <J I I o l I J > <J I I a l I J > Wigner-Eckart interaction 4f results to operator value from application the equivalent, for JU + D ] . evaluate of .r ~ 3 [3 J z2 - 4f of crystal and <r ~ 2 > 4 f electrons in the field is the the ion. 21 The expectation cubed, <r value of given by ^ >q> i s <r ^ > Q = ( I where Rq i s term, f ^^ splitting The been the , for i s zero, a J estim ated by which The last just factor. there authors en tirely tribute with to the two te rm s Plat first no order quadrupole constant, to be less in the has than 0.052 contribution sum. constant can now be written as terms thing to nuclear different be negligible ( im portant This can interaction Pla t The radius l e v e l . 24 coupling t wo inverse <r ^ > 4 f . because an quadrupole of Rq ) several is compared to the s um = 0 q u a d r up o l e Sternheimer p seu doqu a drupoIe M H z 3 6 ' 37 the atomic the 2) + P4 f notice is electric that these quadrupole two parts coupling con­ constant signs. = -[30(1 - Y==) A2 0 I / 1(21 - I) P 4 f ( 2 ) = [ 6 e 2 QA2 °< r 2 > 4 f ( l - C T 2 ) < r ~ 3 > 4 f ( 1 - R q ) x I <20 I I a l I 0 0 > I 2 ] / I ( 2 1 - 1 ) ( E 2 0 - E 0 0 ) Here the y „ ground large, is state Yco = - 8 0 , cancels the excited state the Sternheimer where * second ^Dq , the the for antishielding contribution order Yro factor from contribution should be small the lattice. parameter Y00 the. l a t t i c e from or P4 f ' even In . equal is nearly In the to I, 22 so that the the second order E s t imat e of values measurements the t wo an Splitting from for of Co n e isotopes of Eu (I - where A2 0 ct2 ) F a u l h a b e r 1 2 and have S ulfate, 37 been coupling each the of the made, ya where one constant isotopes P can for have a T00) state P implies ct2 ) = 45.7 —I ^Fq t h i s gives = -18.6 a P of cm * = 81 cm pIat -I = 101 cm- 2 e OO = 1 1 5 1 quadrupole E 11 N O a - " I c m- 1 P4 f <2> which of = O .27 A2 ® = 1 9 3 . 4 Plat the result -3 aQ = 7.41 - E2 0 - Q, and < r 2 > = E1 0 A2 0 < r 2 > ( I (I with the I = 5/2. < r - 3 >4 f ground be E u ( OH) 3 qua d r u p o I e A2 0 < r 2 > = 1 6 9 . 2 the only Ethyl these ' values (3/5) For in Europium approximate of will contribution. parameters a2 calculate splitting Qnadruoo Ie Using and qua dr up o l e 17.3 Q MHz Q moment, + p4 -3.2 £ <2) MHz MHz in barns. m - 1 -3 O for ' Eu a n d - 1 . 2 MHz f o r Eu, a first approximation of the excited state, , 23 qu ad ru p o Ie = 0. coupling With the constant energy E2 0 one one obtains The (21455 E0 0 for ^^^Eu coupling the it 0 + 4.71 is It should be as they the are are in shall The see burning 4.5 MHz chapter for ^^^Eu hole dephasing method, single the frequency, a Q ' Eu so is the MHz isotope is no very values are as predicted and is an MHz for s a me in the Ethyl especially good, true or however, these P = 11.6 discussed approximate <r + ^ > , < r - ^ > 4 £ , ( I - Y00) , measurements for and quadrupole P = 4.5 just parameters is barns respectively. this the 2.45 t wo MHz in Sulfate for in estimates because as constants we using and for the Y 00 last section of 6. Spectral this that —I for This B u rn ing Measurement optical so cm 1 Q MHz. because techniques 17225) Q MHz = 4 . 7 1 no m e a n s measured ym = I , 2) that the agreement the 151 Eu( OH) g . state cm barns noted by ( - P = 11.5 the because excited exist. moment are and — 02) + P,4 f T Q = 0.95 isotope (I with P 153 and Ho I e jrI a t constants calculation hole P quadrupole assume difference 4230 and can width H, 0f burning time or where can also transverse sample which Dephas ins is T i me be to relaxation prepared induces used by time The in the T2 . irradiation a polarization H = 2 ( Awy+AtOj-) . measure the observed In at a sample hole width is then given by convolution I i n e w i d t h , Awg, and dye instrumental lasers of the ments is the laser of where =(2/ the difficult to following make the the by goes strictly to the CW bandwidth measure­ width is then in but are For deconvolution valid zero, which Ao i j . So f o r time lim it, only the in hole it can be given by the limit is often reliable the display limit the difficulty, will true for is diffusion due will ma y affect be faster depth read the gives of one a hole than to has lower burn as been time One the a function the and of on the slightly power, the and important n o n r a d i a t ive on to of time scales measure the involves the use of other monitor or time. but optical is no width. broadening This required successful*', limit the and w i d t h solution hole zero radiative depth the a hole. spectrum technique the be homogeneous however, to still of spectral lasers, only is homogeneous 10 MHz , interactions. t wo this 5 or dependent or is MHz. time transfer width I dephasing This hole important which . and The m o s t because The Atoj instrumental measurements low p o w e r will hole the power broadened light, jtH) than the reasons. the power and laser linewidth greater negligible. T 2 = (xrAtojj) In widths of linewidth, approximately necessary, considered instrumental itself, hole not the a to In in s o me most dephasing cases, cases, time it T2 . 25 In any (2/nH) case, is if always a hole true. width, H, can be m e a s u r e d , T2 26 Chapter 4 OPTI CAL PHASE SWI TCHI NG Since the discovery techniques such b u r n i n g 4 *, laser s w i t c h i n g 44 dephasing be time used free all in these to used variety methods measure photon the to of of transient dephasing time optical dephasing time, T2 , the spontaneous emission time T^, interact neighboring with environment. This T2 s u c h at than that, the optical dephasing interactions of step this in general. low diagonal which coherence the however, the atoms affects the or time can lead time. development T^. is This of a sample it the the With s o me gas a rarefied s imply = or or related to 2T^. Iu ions the rest usually interest understanding strongly of dephasing or is optical the time much less in the understand lengthening and optical in better lasers frequency can and is hole spectroscopy atoms ions ruby, optical T2 So to to is coherence temperatures, lifetime and in m aterials. the solids, , 4 o measure where stoichiometric echo decay switching43, been a the induction frequency have restrictions all as of the shortening an important devices in 27 Single P h a se Switch Optical phase approach to changing the absorbing switching4* coherent phase medium, switched established in the sample has again at original the before place, First consider the laser field by the emitted laser beam a t mixing of as local the After the sample s a me sample sample phase the the wa s the laser are relaxes detected. interaction of the results laser is Once sample as a sample the collinearly This an which switch, propagates with and is polarization the through switch. the signal frequency. signal as rapidly in is small with the homodyne beam w h i c h serves oscillator. I et a sudden is by the the Genack laser. the By polarization sample and transient powerful passing phase the frequency where and polarization the a stage ne w laser sample equilibrium, driven phase taken of light into preparation to the a spectroscopy. laser phase to switch back the the phase the transient of relative is aI , phase in shift, instantaneously E(t) a calculation expressed shifted = 2Esin[®t+«j»(t)] by of the an the sample laser amount response field <f> a t whose t =0 as = - i [ E + e i<*, t - E " e _ i ( 0 t ] with One m u s t then solve the optical Bloch equations for the 28 sample polarization equations can be P -(t ) corresponding written to E±(t). The Bloch as (±iA-l/T2 )pi + 2(p 2 i/fi2 )NWE+ P- 2.2 NW where - N( W- W0 ) / T 1 a single ! / T 2 . is as off shown in d e s c r ib e s the Wq i s field, ground Figure the 2: frequency resonance Figure 2. degree H12 is excited the component, from N is of equilibrium and and (E+P " + E 'P + )h the driving the of dipole the homogeneous field density population value of of width by an a m o u n t A m olecules, W inversion, W = (P22- P 11) . inversion with m atrix element no laser between the state. The d a s h e d l i n e i s a s i n g l e f r e q u e n c y c o m p o n e n t in the inhom ogeneous line which is off resonance from the l a s e r f i e l d a t fre q u e n c y u b y a n a m o u n t A. 29 A Laplace The result profile transform is to then obtain can be used integrated the signal over to solve the equation inhomogeneous 2 . 2 . 4$ line S(t), A n 3 7 2 ( Mn Z c ) W0 NL^ 2 / [ A q ( I + ^ 2 T1 T2 ) 17 2 1 =S ( 0 ) , t<0 S(t) C 2.3 k s ( 0 ) +4 Tr37 2 U n Z c ) (W0 ZA0 ) N L y t T1 T2 S i n 2 C <}>/2) g ( t ) , t>0 g ( t ) = ( l / ( 1 —e / 2 ) ) e x p ( - 2 t / T 2 ) ( —e / ( l —e ) ) e x p ( —2 t / T 2 ) + ( E/ ( l - e ) ( 2 - s ) ) e x p ( - t / T 1 ) , for excitation at inhomogeneous equation is length of density matrix the width, 2.3, index the go to zero The refraction sample. divided of greater by the than flopping sample, off-diagonal The line diagonal when the I/T 2. In frequency, and L element element is i s the of the given is in signal when th e p h a s e proportional to the a nonlinear effect switch by_ laser and o c c u rs , AS= intensity the linear squared, effects A0---in the signal after the phase switch can as AS = 4 Ti3 7 2 ( Wn Z c ) (W0 ZA0 ) NL Xt T1 T2 S i n 2 C 4 > / 2 ) g ( t ) . In n e = ( T 2 ZT1 ) . change be w r i t t e n much the is as is a Gaussian of The c h a n g e S0 t h i s A0 , of Rabi parameter ^ 4, center ^ = 2 E | i 1 2 / b. i s t h e the S(0+) - S ( 0 " ) , the general, the decay of the n o n lin ear signal 2.4 is 30 com plicated the because lim it it T g ^ T ^ , depends or on e -----> 0 , both g(t) and Tg. But s im p lifie s to in the expression g (t ) = exp(-2t/T2) and the Tg. signal The at I ow lim it a rate a result time the of when optically this time The the from Do u b I e An the Phase a time a T after shift and <f> i s at twice in with burned parameter, many at the the rate switching. For ground the at homogeneous state probing, and hole During width for burned add so and of inhomogeneous t=0, rates the dephasing homogeneous into solids twice superposition. occurs from in phase the relaxation one one decays prepares then the The signal a coherent is only appropriate process hole I / Tg, as times in the together, one the signal decays r a t e . 46 experim ental double second the time functional given by47 phase phase firs t dephasing The in by Swit ch of dipole (Tg/Tj). state relaxation known application step laser alternative switching, decay probes preparation twice The the stage. very the two phase laser is and saturation preparation and the tran sitio n , t >0 the I / Tg. t <0 , a characterized << T^ excited profile. at Tg is tem peratures dephasing is decay application switching switch of switch. Tg, independent of , On e A Sg of on can the the phase involves opposite phase dependence 4 7 of the polarity then at obtain ratio, e = variables T 31 AS 2 ( T , <f>) = AS1 C[ l - 4 e x p ( - 2 T / T 2 ) c o s 2 (<J>/2) ] - 2 g ( T ) ( l - 2 c o s 2 (<#)/2] , so by setting one then (j>= n / 2 , so that [ l - 2 c o s 2 ( (j)/ 2 ) ] = 0, obtains AS2 ( T , T r m = A S 1 [ [ 1 - 2 e x p ( - 2 T / T 2 ) ] ] . By considering AS 2 ( T ) , where T is radians, one can transient signal T >> T 1 , T 2 t h e have in than 4. is T1 In or time less ~ -AS1 , after the 3 the and with switch second phase the expected t wo. extreme response the AS2 phase second = of transient shift change cases. the This is in jt/ w ill 2 the First sample response AS1 . of if w ill be because as the a p p r o a c h e d i n a t i m e T w h i c h i s much g r e a t e r than the it where first of transient zero The than time regarding second example, scale, different AS2 is T2 . this much to second visualize by Figure steady state the f irs t decayed shown the 2.5 the T1 or lim iting time AS1 phase just is the is second shown phase T 2 , T < < T 1 , T 2 . On t h a t nonlinear was of case polarization before the switch. the change first in the cannot phase in Figure switch kind be of much switch, nonlinear T so signal 32 * ( * ) a V( r ) Figure 3: S c h e m a t i c r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of n o n l i n e a r t r a n s i e n t absorption. T, t h e d e l a y b e t w e e n t h e t w o p h a s e s h i f t s , i s much g r e a t e r t h a n or . Figure 4: S c h e m a t ic r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of n o n l i n e a r t r a n s i e n t a b s o r p t i o n . T , t h e d e l a y b e t w e e n t h e t wo p h a s e s h i f t s , i s m u c h l e s s t h a n T j o r %2 . 33 From change go in the last the nonlinear through solving the for equation expression which zero two a second nonlinear for is easily A $2 c h a n g e s interm ediate seen sign time T q = T w h e n AS2 = 0 relates phase it signal some 2.5 which Figures, the shift dephasing of jr/ 2 radians so Tq one time to gives that it = the must T. By obtains the no time at change in signal. T0 = ( T2 / 2 ) I n (2) With by this method, varying occurs. simply an one the The related can measure time time to at which when the 2.6 the the a second null dephasing optical n/2 occurs, time, dephasing phase T = with time switch Tq , is then T^ g i v e n b y T2 = ( 2 / l n ( 2 ) ) T q ( jt/ 2 ) . An illustration of the top second of the The fast the n/2 power bottom of achieved it the the a voltage amplitude large, to phase sim plicity The can shown switch, of beam. may be is phase dephasing applying laser this figure experimental of of and tim es step amount the at be T, is of the an of Th e 5 where increasing method in the phase electro-optic phase shift step. 70 v o l t s . very Since is Typically is time from lies the in its measurement switched modulator in proportional n radian the v o lta g e fast. the figure. applicability voltage made Figure sw itching T2 • to in step by the to shifts is not 34 NULL METHOD FOR MEASUREMENT OF T2 Figure 5 The t r a n s i e n t a b s o r p t i o n due t o t h e t h i r d o r d e r effect is illu stra te d for increasing delay tim es b e tw e e n the f i r s t and second phase s h i f t . When null occurs in second phase sh ift T = ( 2 / ln2)T2 . 35 A v e l o c i t y —m a t c h e d switch the phase can as be used to fast in a time as 300 generate through the is simple that in the sample intensity detected pulses there for switching The for of on all plays an im portant laser stability are so the upper lim it is approximately is that of if the in the The phase need to on the and echo to which pulser transm itted a change occurs. discrim inate photon used time light switch detection then the rate will just display Two other measurements phase rapid time This against technique bandwidth role and the 2 a of in is the nor is frequency is with no the of is also re stric tio n upper the which lim it, is measurement. measurement of the dephasing The frequency and the is transient frequency In switching or be signal of met upper the described at the time during twice a case double nonlinear, this stages, such stability must for bandwidth, changing, probing valid. the reason the Mos t MHz longer for it a I co n d itio n s expressions but suited to of phase the ideally stabilized laser decay The sets microseconds. the is transients, duration actively for switching scales. preparation dephasing the the no of for lasers One, m onitored, then rise depending is larger longer CW d y e earlier, step step. as measurement course the voltage optical valid lim it to is transients. method the modulator picoseconds is the equal when there preparation a need extracavity the the result laser. when phase transient making switching. response 36 require an absorption higher be optically coefficient order neglected in The true, power signal will decay not true is second and dephasing apparent from "X are be measured is twice the w ill the anywhere modern sample nonlinear of the that dipole is a then these nonlinear phase betw een day CW d y e and than If the a so that packets rate, this is but in if the homogeneous to the and a f a s t e r conditions, aL<<! and transients can picoseconds lasers. can transient hole the switched 100 the signal, c o n trib u tio n two o is polarizability burn homogeneous If length, dephasing wider in where X2 T ^ T 2 < < 1 . w ill r e s u lt time. aL < <I , negligible, which maintained with is la se r different dephasing the condition at the expansion profile this microseconds to broadening inhomogeneous w idth the sample, and L i s corrections AS(t). it thin and 2 37 Chapter 5 SAMPLES AND EXPERI MENTAL APPARATUS Different eliminate the crystal. All chapters were A short which of in the in chapter system the E u ( OH) 3 w e r e of in the hole of three samples is describe burning and this to anomalous the following in individual by samples. a section electronics, The last the particular phase study single followed the experiment. in a reported system, respectively used studying each the laser this of results observed details, used of possibility description dewars this samples t wo switching and sections use of the in the experiments. S amp I e s The in the Eu(OH)g c r y s t a l s following Mroczkowski These crystals Yale a needle 3 millimeters developed from crystals with and europium the the crystal. a diameter ions threefold by H.E. Professor shaped long experiments in described hydrothermally are and of grown samples site axis the The The needle were obtained m illimeters. symmetry in technique were University. hexagonal 2 or with chapters used of these c axis S. M e i s n e r . 4 * ' 49 W. P . clear, typical by Wol f of colorless, dimensions approximately crystals corresponds of 0.3 have to the 38 Laser and general A Coherent Newport apparatus Radiation Research Corporation pneumatic vibration experiments reported solid bar of components Invar of the the a cavity. when in This used t wo laser is and intracavity fold mirror. cavity MHz effective Rhodamine to range the between which input used in stability, 40 and be with ofa control a to 30 the and was typical output the the a focused on with A or the 20 GHz The of Brewster the mounted length of to w ithin. I GHz , I cm ^ , internally, laser at inch cavity frequency controlled 50 m i l l i w a t t s a 2 filter. control connector the 1/4 the has the for piezoelectrically laser can of into the with is col l i n e a r elements The is a all bench birefringent a of on configuration linewidth controlling an 6 G dye was not insertion t wo linewidth. through improve last range a and for optical basic is plate plate table consists the the e l e c t r o n i c thereby scan externally by optical t h e . p u mp b e a m that by th e mounted used laser The has laser, was as in which three These dye continuous $o tipping the laser. narrowed e talons serves system a 4 'xlO’ This direction with bandwidth here. dye cavity CW d y e isolation, which t h r e e —m i r r o r dye 599-21 control or box. water cooled powers in the wavelength of interest. Wavelength 0 ;85 meter, monochromator measurements C z e r n y —T u r n e r has t wo 1 8 0 0 were made Double groove/mm with a Spex Monochromator. holographic #14018, This gratings and it in will the be referred following as chapter. measurements was chromator a 1200 with to a simply Also used M c P h e r s o n Model groove/mm simple from the monochromators was tube and a Keithley picoammeter, and fluorescence stored channel analyzer. to CRDS M F - 2 1 I the the hole output the In with in was the a Northern stored ( DEC L S I 11) stored monitored and E u ( OH) g glass dewar reported was initially at 5000 A. a. light photomultiplier output of then 575 be for which by was multi­ transferred analysis. In photomultiplier the The identified crystal by Pope Scientific. however, the dewar superconducting solenoid Magnetics, a maxi mum Tesla. mono­ Scientific could experiments the with meter the tube NS—5 7 5 where averaged. switch solenoid the d i r e c t Iy with superconducting shift experiments, with the mo d e here, Zeeman 0.3 blazed computer a EG+G F N D - 1 0 0 p h o t o d i o d e . excitation 6.0 data experiments, was phase in The burning current data 416 the #218 excitation detected Spex monoch rom ator in grating In monitored the signal ^Fq For the in all crystal field fluorescence a three the was constructed was detected >^Dq t r a n s i t i o n in mounted was window experiments mounted in this in tab. constructed by rating kilogauss of 60 a Th e American or 40 Hole Burning- Experimental For was a the the hole computer laser burning generated would averaging digital-to-analog laser. is listed The in controlled volt hole. The Figure the computer to each II erase is erase a a a be the schematic to discussed listing spectral before of the hole. read signal to and the laser program also a I generating a was portion a scanned generating laser arrangement 6. for Also reading of the pulses of Chapter making computer dye used the 6, it the the hole shown a t representation Because in by that the beam I = I q s i n^ ( JtV/ 2) . A s c h e m a t i c drive burn-read then computer the for controlled burning, the Figure modulator. hole in interfaced output cycle so was which while wave a hole modulator was burn-read read this This equation in used generated to volt light shown wave E u ( OH) g , I . laser I of by is acousto-optic program experimental is 6, triangular and amount measurements of 0 the and and the triangular computer acousto-optic determined of burn converter, while between diagram The Appendix voltage being modulated computer the output experiments, repetitively purposes. the Details of the the laser, in bottom modulated and the controlling the long was lived also a new m e a s u r e m e n t . program burning w h i c h was holes in necessary Appendix used to 41 Phoronx/lt'OliSr L aser Sample I3* PDP-11 computer Figure 6: S c h e m a t i c d i a g r a m of h o l e b u r n i n g experiment. C o m p u t e r g e n e r a t e d , s c a n o f Dye l a s e r , a n d A c o u s t o - o p t i c m o d u l a t o r p u l s e s shown a t t he bottom. The i o d i n e v a p o r c e l l u s e d i n t h e Zeeman s h i f t m e a s u r e m e n t s i s a l s o shown. 42 P h a s e S w i t c h i n g —E x p e r i m e n t a l A schematic experiment was is drawing shown accomplished lithium mm. Gold a end faces electrodes width of crystal given the microwave square wave through modulator length of crystal, and Therefore the The is induced is as in The crystal, the inversely crystal phase lens ^ F q< > **Dq was used modulator. lens. This It focus was resulted lower mm) was of this rise the then in laser recollimated a waist in of time thin as to 5805 with is dc light by this of the the thickness. possible. specifications through the the of index the out of beam modulator time from m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s wavelength line, wavelength, to as so tantalate generated laser works height chosen lithium transit be of form transmission shift to faces ratio e l e c t r o —o p t i c chosen transition to $2 the the 26 . 2 / X m i l l i r a d i a n s / v o l t w h i c h the and proportional is shift to a coated. matching, phase of antireflection 0.50 the 3126A mm x 25 constant as Model consists The a 50 which fast proportional the be switch mm x 0 . 6 5 line. impedance crystal. is to Inc. 0.5 upper mm t o switching phase device and the (0.65 device pulse the on dielectric matched phase optical dimension polished appears correct The This of crystal the velocity 7. transmission the With are optical Laserme t r i e s , deposited that (e=43).il a crystal parallel-plate to the modulator. tantalate The of Figure with phase/ frequency a in Details 2.57°/volt at A. cm A 10 the Li TaOg another 10 cm modulator of 48 43 microns, beam of a confocal diameter the crystal of be As and most b = Z jtmq^ / X at the a result to The to alignment difficult the part the and exit of the approximately microns modulator a a faces aperture, 100 doing mm, and angle within of 26 small an of of entrance of within positioned distortion. the microns aligned 2 milliradians beam 150 crystal. must parameter to is avoid probably phase switched experiment; To provide the voltage modulator a Tektronix picosecond rise the initial time to repetition rate. to FE T s 80 fall have a push-pull times. varied by The the phase between This experiments, by M F-211 ( DEC L S I accomplished program by which was and then pulser driving the computer a drives dye the of 10 this the which delay lines in shot.of the in the the pulse a power rise and could be circuit. laser was hole burning laboratory. during up switched the wave. of be phase externally triangular laser the wa s could nanosecond pulser in it VMOS laser generating control 150 used enhancement-mode as in was experiments, experiments, averaged done, rate with pulses in switching pulser would provide pulse length electro-optic designed with digital the relay later pulses was 11) reed arrangement, each transient. to repetition n-channel interchanging In scanned This Hz In A pulser using 109 700 longer externally. volts, in and experiments. necessary triggered Model pulse with the CRDS The s c a n wa s Th e computer phase switch 44 experiment is essentially Appendix Since to A/0 the be from I , pulse through I switch, transient transfer except the burn time of these the the with nsec. was stored digitizer the averaged was pulse monitored reverse transient and which data. was with psec. enough constructed rise pulser the times and transmitted a n EG+G F N D - 1 0 0 and with 2-10 this light is burning, fast was fast a rise signal, averaged not With The bias hole was had program short, a pnlser independently. was for converter scales, switch This very m ultivibrators. 90 v o l t The III. program pulse D/ A time phase crystal the the mo n o s t a b l e controlled photodiode than as and be Appendix s a me on 74121 in the rise used could given due a interfaced to time the Tektronix to the of PI N less phase 79 12 AD computer to LiTaO 3 A c o u s t o - o p t i c phase mo d u la to r mo d u la to r! Dye Laser PIN diode = IE E E Sample I . 3K v ( t ) T| L For >> T2 t h e homodyne s i g n a l f o l l o w i n g t h e Phase Swi tch i s : S ( t ) oc Tj T2S i n ^ (<J)/2)exp(-2t/T2) Figure 7: Pulse Transient digitizer generator JVK_ I PDP-11 I computer display I S c h e m a t i c d i a g r a m of P h a s e e x p e r i m e n t i n E u ( OH) g Switched transient 46 Chapter 6 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Linewidth The first fluorescence this mode excitation the containing H=+ 1 . to This can When the three site ways, there at least symmetry in that indicates that i n i t i a l indicated or our of than in different case. The crystals all three of of the lines The the to site the ^Dg t o three range. that implied in disturb high g -----> ^ D g in there that several indicate of this appear fact then due symmetry. w ill number were range crystal, E u V O ^ 34 very In perturbed, perturbed ways small were in spectrum observations 30 are tran sitio n be K. showed frequency earth spectrum. the while from which sites can 1.3 in a frequency GHz rare the at tran sitio n a 25 one in dewar transition the performed ^ F g -----> ^ D g dislocations i d e n tif ic a tio n that the local symmetry but glass through in if observed different are the excitation lines europium for lines more were tran sitio n perturbation occurs, a scanned known t h a t fluorescence were the a Eu(OH) 3 in m onitored impurities, to this was identified is w ell lead mode excitation defects, on absorption was fluorescence It laser the fluorescence 7 experiments the extra quality. that site lines This tra n s itio n extrem ely narrow. 47 ranging between 167 MHz and 670 MHz full width at half m a x i m u m ; FWHM1 Typical line widths in many b e t w e e n 1 5 GHz a n d 3 0 GHz w i d e . rare F q <-----> 3 D q t r a n s i t i o n is rare earth Previously, inhomogeneous measured geneous in the state ground state neighbors is or The nearest 5 2 in is of compared however for 3.5 This first narrow order because its to by a magnetic lines, 1 67 t r ansitions was inhomo­ affected these known GH z , Thus as other narrowest non-magnetid. neighbors narrowest investigate taken to Bjorklund. the Gary using normally an be 5 3' the absorption other. Roger several MacfarTane* capable laser same the the J=O nearest ion would MHz w i d e , in other the one but sideband detection of a is rare the crystals experiments called weak a b s o r p t i o n . is frequency frequencies as in and Gary technique beam band intensity, for very laser side different Bob S h e l b y , developed measuring beam profile, Heterodyne has of technique The of further, Bjorklund th is m odulated. this I BM R e s e a r c h L a b o r a t o r y with FM s p e c t r o s c o p y the understood level the than transition, m agnetically narrow collaboration into this narrower are m aterials. To In be not next exceptionally were can electronic affected. earth for usually E uP ^ O ^ q c o m p o u n d . profile ground be width compounds In Eu^+ compounds the transitions. earth the laser w ill scans becomes weaker than beats between the 48 modulated the and u n m o d u l a t e d d e te c tio n experiment of did very not show F q ---- > j D 0 t r a n s i t i o n in one this on thousand experiment this that the Isotope did not add of MHz as is be these in it was new did in 167 less laser anything to the the singlet of several be allows lin es. This that than the part Although information reconfirm the the one beam. to the fact neighborhood, and MHz FWHM. the discussed in of section determine that the in tr in s ic site in with the states, the it this a nuclear and The strength the the of . T his two the narrow can which state be f irs t or observed on t h e an different The sites 167 w ith ^D q e x c i t e d section, of chapter, line, splitting structure splitting this structure perturbed follow ing for shows perturbations. la ttic e . absorption narrowest crystal. apparent w o u l d be oscillator of superposition state the a sso c ia te d Eu(OH) g different the lin e because ^Fq ground explanation is dependence next c r y s ta llin e possibility in considered of unlikely quadratic interesting Since dependence as the beam, w hich means the associated each result three the axial most lines. are in transitions the to was unperturbed could ab so rp tio n Eu(OH)g, discussed possible F WH M, line laser Shift strength, was in the the E u ( OH) g a b s o r b s light By m e a s u r i n g it in three of any a b s o r p t i o n , the were narrowest weak of tran sitio n there portions the of strains quadratic magnetic makes however. electronic field, this an Another ground state. last On t h e section the cause Finally, shift basis of of the isotopes, 47.82% this the structure spectral 1 5 3 Eu have because may s h ifts linewidth the transition the > Dg f irs t isotope to time shift. measure estimates this that fluorescence Eu(OH)3 . the with the shift to ta l accounting 8, stable is compare 52.18% with transitions. in Eu(OH)g, the it with Because it clear the way the ma y be of an evidence firs t and state resolved compared clear provide europium so lid clearly narrow there in isotope chance theoretical the experim ental line shape in excitation for the tran sitio n in this of line the is two 167 and 46% peak the left high energy the total area. th is it is not does a the peaks is best shown fit in e a c h h a v e FWHM o f 9 6 MHz the of abundances, on MHz a n d gaussian two g a u s s i a n l i n e s energy Although isotope a p ro file . an of as shows area for in the e x i s t . 54 These low two in eliminated with s h ifts optical so also be abundances sm all the is and superposition the of may T h e FWHM o f F i g u r e 9. seen which It Figure for in are with are also associated There been measurements inhomogeneous Isotope inhomogeneous Fq be 1 5 1 Eu, never these can the line. and burning this in re s p e c tiv e ly . m aterials hole chapter s tru c tu re the of of accounting peak 54% o f the rig h t . p e rfe c t provide on for some m atch with the m otivation for 50 further experiments to results with m e a s u r e m e n t s 55 a n d current measure this shift and compare t h e o r i e s . 54 the 51 Figure 8: E x p e r im e n t a l l i n e shape fluorescence excitatio n FWHM = 1 6 7 MHz . o f t h e ^ F q ------- ^ D q l i n e i n E u ( OH) 3 . 52 Figure 9: B e s t f i t s u p e r p o s i t i o n o f t wo g a u s s i a n p e a k s . Peak on t h e l e f t , high energy sid e, 54% o f total area. P e a k o n t h e r i g h t 46% o f total area. Isotope abundances, ^ Eu 52. 2%, 1 5 1 Eu 4 7 . 8 % . 53 Quadratic Optical crystal i o„n. a transitions field defect defect different levels of A will field the distortion potential. in forced the For the Eu5 crystal symmetry. * 7 allowed i n ma n y to the optically the The are active small a in field due with the of terms rare and a of earth thereby change change expansion. optical are that intensity i n ma n y crystals. This to in distortion associated appears cases dipole identify a local S y m m e t r i e s , * 6 an shown vicinity interpreted crystalline field often immediate in the the energy site. levels magnetic difficult be leads dipole have ion transitions of s o me field measurements can field. then Dependence the create symmet r y electric crystal to perturbed affect exist sites crystal crystalline the adjacent Field in transition sites Th e Magnetic the odd If when these transitions defect crystalline term terms can exist, between the Experimental ^ F q <-----> ^ D q t r a n s i t i o n it of the a harmonic possible. the to is allowed forced s a me transitions. intrinsic the electric order This crystal by of of site dipole magnitude makes field it as very transition 54 Enhancement It of wa s these applied magnetic states the of J=I vary as through into strength square Eu(OH)g magnet 60 crystal dewar magnetic with field microns the fluorescence magnetic the effect it when was at inserted keep the in signal 50 kiIogaus s by almost d e n s ity zero c-axis was the the three photomultiplier scale an magnetic of s F q- D field was to a wa s adjusted for to along there a n u m b e r /2 n e u t r a l used which strength. to a function field the of line of was a a the very changed. With full scale density filter monochromator of m a g n i tu d e result By m o n i t o r i n g magnetic excitation then a diameter sample that Spex This parallel obvious the I). identified. “N superconducting the as nearby easily crystal. signal dipole transition q focused the the would fluorescence tube. transition, state a.magnetic was one Figure with orders f i l t e r of if crystal the that (see in the in of the magnetic of voltage field, front on 7 the mounted placed photomultiplier deflection J =O the excitation field, dramatic the The b e a m w a s was to state c-axis Cone, admixture enhancement was the axis. and perpendicular the this Dr . enhance for of of intrinsic the states E x p e r i m e n t a l Iy On e would ground the help the ^Fq oscillator should the was field strength into admixture an with transitions transition in realized, field signal in of 20 had order to kG. At changed and a number 3 n e u t r a l avoid s a t u r a t i n g the 55 This implied phenomenal that detected. This transmitted photodiode. the change detected There of 50 would in wa s no as the ' F q ---- > D q was easily done the crystal through The that result, detectable function absorption by with in The 45% o f the magnetic could an Figure at at 300 laser the 10, zero zero be field d i r e c t Iy laser light EG + G F N D - 1 00 PI N transition absorption this of monitoring excitation however, almost a shown occurred. fluorescence kilogauss, absorb change demonstrates could magnetic field. micron only In thick be field. a field crystal light. 5 0 0 MHz/div. Figure 10: ^ F q -----> ^ D q a b s o r p t i o n p r o f i l e of E u ( OH) g c r y s t a l a t 1 . 3 K i n a 50 k g a u s s m a g n e t i c f i e l d . 56 Al t h o u g h further did demonstrate measurements change The this was qua d r a t i c a l Iy absorption magnetic were field p ro file intensity using law Beer's in dependent was strength. transmitted made a raw physical order on data to the recorded The into large sure field as was absorption be a change, this strength. function transformed of from coefficient, a ( m) , I(a>)=I0 e_a((o)L which i mp l i e s a( a>) = where a ( m) is the cen tim eters, transmitted I laser thickness. absorption then log 2.0. the and This As absorption to the square with a(t o) at for as a 11. function shown through in or I ( to) is the is the crystal 5 kG i n c r e m e n t s Plotting of the magnetic 12. This data points has quadratic is a dependence o sc illa to r from t he maximum Figure the the c m, inverse field a log- slope of of the on the measuring the strength, strength. check, coefficient the result establishes further c —a x i s of line L= 0 . 0 3 Figure in in te n s ity , and in coefficient, field a result c o e ffic ie n t laser the given the then absorption magnetic of coefficient gives plot the intensity, A plot 1 0 kG t o 5 0 kG i s ab so rp tio n is q )/L ln(lQ/I(ti)) of with the magnetic each field this was the magnetic crystal. field plotted repeated This as in by field also illu strate d Figure 14. perpendicular varies in as Figure the 13 CM ' 1 IOO MHz/dlv. Figure 11: Absorption Magnetic between to coefficient, field 1.0 c - ax i s , T B changed and I Ic . 5.0 a(w), in T . 0.5 in inverse Tesla Magnetic centimeters. increments field parallel 5 8 o 5 £* .a O -6 J .4 a .6.7431 2 3 MAGNETIC FIELD (TESLA) Figure 12: Ma x i m u m a b s o r p t i o n c o e f f i c i e n t , a (a>) m a with magnetic field parallel to c - a x i s , B I I c. Slope= 2 .0 . ABSORPTI ON coefficient 59 ■ ■■I .3 .4 J .a .7 4 J I 2 3 4 3 6 7 • SIO MAGNETIC FIELD (TESLA) Figure 13: Ma x i m u m a b s o r p t i o n c o e f f i c i e n t , magnetic fie ld p erp en d icu lar B c. Slope = 2 . 0 . to max* w i t h c- xi s, CM-' 30.0 r 25.0 20.0 5 0 0 MHzAtIv Figure 14: Absorption c o e f f i c i e n t , a ( to) , i n i n v e r s e c e n t i m e t e r s . Magnetic f i e l d changed in 0.5 Tesla increments b e t w e e n 1 . 0 T and 5 . 0 T . Magnetic f i e l d p e r p e n d i c u l a r to c- ax i s . 61 T wo From things Figure should 12 and be noted Figure 13 in the coefficient at 50 kG is 17.0 cm-1 and ^ for B J_ c in Figure 2 8.6 cm theory, the one would inverse energy the level ^Fg [i = 0 absorption Ji = I of the at 339 energy at level. 4 4 0.5 cm- * , it the function of field can perturbation theory also, Zeeman Oscillator From number would the axis. be section of I I c be the will this the to ^ F q (i = l state than sense that the admixture with the notice profile be 12 perturbation ground makes t o' Figure proportional the This in Since is is from that plotted frequency calculated and can absorption also be because by Dr . indicate this magnetic field states For thing absorption From to figures. discussed with shift second in in as a order detail in chapter. Strength important computer horizontal shift for absorption on t h e the larger other frequency B difference. to The and 14, change four maximum 13. closer is last for is coefficient 11 the cm ^ state energy Figures expect the the operator transformed in this the and the into oscillator J=O had of the c a lc u la tio n been calculated of the two interpretation admixture of the or f is on a numbers concerning J=I crystal magnetic moment state. calculation, R u s s e l l —S a u n d e r s the strength This a comparison dependent computer the number accuracy field the c a lc u la te d . Cone, into data, intermediate the coupling coupling case, was representation 62 using the free Crosswhite.5* moment the ion wave functions gave the intermediate between the This operator oscillator strength and could be ^ Dq of Carnall coupling states. calculated and magnetic From using this standard t e c h n i q u e s 59 f Md - ( Sn^mc/ 3 h e ^ ) f MD = ( 4 .028xl0-1 1 ) k is where and n is result the the for the k I ( - e / 2 m c ) < F ^ q | L + 2 S I Dq q > I ^ n k n transition index of I <F1 0 IL + 2 S | D0 0 > I 2 energy in wavenumbers, refraction, 7 transition for results the factor the in D q— ' F ^ of an ^ D q--- > 7 F q o scillato r transition (0.0032)2, the transition The computer and 15 (0.201)2 strength by resulting at = 1.5. 5 F ^ ---- > D q , wa s I <F1 0 I L + 2 S | D 0 0 > I 2 = This n k = l 67 85 cm ^ of f j j D = 4 . 0 9 x I O- ** including oscillator the admixture strength for kG i s ^MD = 4 . 1 x 10 The experimental calculated by standard f Md - o scillator the number lattice density of ( 2 m c 8 q / n e ^ h ) ( I / n ) ( I / Nq ) 4 . 0 0 x 1 0 ^ / Nq constants the europium integration of also be ions can the ( m ) dm a (d)) da) a = 6.32 Nq = 7 . 9 6 5 x l o 2 1 and can, techniques* f Md From strength A and be c = 3.63 A 6X the calculated, ions/cm^ absorption coefficient over the 63 experimental profile gives J a ( M) d to = 0 . 7 05 This implies an e x p e r i m e n t a l oscillator fMD = 3 . 5 4 The computer dependent which result dipole the in measured and confirm ation of matrix L + 2 S. This strength calculated with of the the th is this, . strength of . o scillato r admixture Considering agreement, x 10-13 nonzero oscillator magnitude. This small operator, calculated of on calculation cm ^ GHz coefficients elements means can quadratic adm ixture the easily the oscillator strength of of the states magnetic magnitude vary by agreement strengths dependence, process of an in the order between is is the excellent. is another E u (OH)g . 64 Electronic As mentioned theory predicts function in the and This field width so is calculated From correction Because an ideal mechanics energy is AE = <f 0 0 I h 1 I f 0 0 > + where and F qq p=0, and and E qq are wave f u n c t i o n of Fj energy and diagonal the the matrix energy H1 is or text shift the square of the line demonstrates to measure the element. 6 2 the second order by state wave respectively, J ,p crystal Ej Zeeman a Zeeman I <f 0 0 I h 1 I f 1 0 > I 2 / ( E 0 0 - E 1 0 ) E q q =O, by wave calculation ground elements, shift, AE = where the state inhomogeneous matrix given the energy, to as opportunity any quantum perturbation ground the following coupling the the appears intermediate to chapter, proportional the E u ( OH) g p r e s e n t s to change strength. narrow, Shift previous correction which magnetic that a the energy. energy is in Zeeman field The so function, and level where is perturbation is the denoted by H1 no <Fq q |H1 I F qq> e q u a l s shift J =O has zero and then I <f 0 q I h 1 I f 1 0 ) 12 Z ( E 0 0 - E 1 0 ) the Zeeman term in the Hamiltonian which c a n be written H1 = and pg = e hZ 2 m c ^ ^ ( e Z 2mc ) B ' ( L+2 S) is the Bohr = | i gB ( L z + 2 S z ) magneton. B is the applied 65 magnetic field, operator. In matrix B — Bz , LS element The state is ^ n=0 ^F q , and k-ilogauss, so or and ( L Z+ 2 S Z ) is the R u s s e l l —S a u n d e r s magnetic coupling mome nt the <F o 0 *L z + S s S z *F 1 0 > = 2 . 0 0 2 3 2 . $9 energy the level Bohr the is 440.5 magneton change in is energy c m- * above the ground Hg = ( l / 2 1 . 4 2 ) c m ~ ^ " per is AE = - ( 2j i gB) ^ / 4 4 0 . 5 cm- * = - ( 2 / 2 1 . 4 2 ) 2 ( c m - 1 ) 2 / ( k G ) 2 ( I / 4 4 0 . 5 cm- 1 ) B2 = - ( l . 9 7 9 x l 0 " 5 c m' ' 1 / ( k G) 2 ) B2 AE = - ( 0 . 5 9 3 7 4 This implies field of energy, for 50 and this would be narrow check a total Zeeman kilogauss. This if not it were shift is for an in Eu(OH)g impossible to measure. means interpretation that and of 1484 that so small, This lucky has an ideal understanding of MHz small fact is one only extremely the tran sitio n linewidth, the MHz Z( k G ) 2 ) B2 the for change a in line width 167 MHz , it coincidence, opportunity this to admixture process. Measurements described 1265 MHz num ber, in transformed and this detail +. 3 0 the of this presently, MHz . To the calculation gave compare elem ents into Zeeman for the the which will be total energy shift of calculations LS intermediate resulted a shift, coupling coupling i n a new v a l u e eIement, < F 0 0 1 ( L Z+ 2 S Z ) I F 1 0 > = 1 . 9 6 5 . with case this were representation of the matrix 66 On e must causes an 5 state, gives also realize that admixture Dq . of A sim ilar a matrix an external J =I states calculation magnetic into for the the field J =0 also excited excited- s ta t e s element, <d 0 0 I ( l z + 2 S z ) I d i o > = 1 . 2 8 0 , for the the excited because energy excited state state the than ^ D^ the admixture. is. in fi = 0 the s a me excited Dq e x c i t e d So the energy direction state- is but 1771 cm shift mu c h ^ for smaller higher i n state. A E = ( I . 2 8 0 / 2 1 . 4 2 ) 2 B2 ( 3 0 , 0 0 0 M H z / c m - 1 ) / ( - 1 7 7 1 c m _ 1 ) AE = - 1 5 1 Since each field strength the of the difference energy increases, given MHz levels the 1265 compares MHz + 3 0 very MHz . is 50kG depressed measured as Zeeman the shift magnetic will be shift of by AE = ( 1 4 3 3 - 1 5 1 ) which at well MHz = 1 2 8 2 with . the . MHz measured . Zeeman 67 Magnetic Field Parallel To m e a s u r e required; narrow one the This is only measurement of magnetic recording minute. shift To the sample 100 was and shown at 50 kG spectrum in of in 15, as function and of an the iodine 6, recorded the is shown absolute field. The about the in a pressure t wo the cm, diagram the An example and the of of this inputs from of the this spectrum absorption 15(b). shown and glass different spectrum calibration result Zeeman at Figure one recording Eu( OH) g a b s o r p t i o n 15(a) because 10 where a change Eu( OH) g s a m p l e , schematic a in a simultaneously. where scans, for and to takes in CW- d y e from vapor The very completed simultaneously signal Figure 599-21 necessary field are calibration be between from in 'F ig u re I 2 vapor a relative by the increments, each drift analyzer shown both at is MHz / h o u r only is things transition the +.1 0 0 k ilo gauss signal cell Figure is 5 millitorr. iodine because time made with frequency The excitation shown F q <-----> D q can shift excitation multi-channel is a in were f i l l e d the shift period. two mentioned, w ith in frequency fluorescence experiment to small, been absolute Zeeman time of this necessary stable avoid approximately of is measurements cylinder an frequency fluorescence the width field the shift already is the one t o two h o u r the has other laser. laser that The c —a x i s an e n e r g y inhomogeneous Eu( OH) ^• to This of the in Figure gives frequency 16 is 68 the Zeeman s h i f t increments plotted of t h e ^ F q to ^Dq a b s o r p t i o n a t 5 k i l o g a u s s between on dependence a 50 k i logauss log-log on graph, t he. m a g n e t i c measurements can be in that field. measurement + 30 MHz c —a x i s of record was the 17, the from quoted, crystal. signal for the which for.the the strength. because to Figure field showing monitoring sensitivity in again kilogauss. by signal shown 10 made excitation The and case right fluorescence the Zeeman magnetic is adequate zero magnetic excitation shift field accurate fluorescence there down t o is quadratic Mor e the This of 1265 parallel to is MHz the Absorption c 30 5 0 0 MHz/dIv. Figure 15: S i m u l t a n e o u s a b s o r p t i o n s p e c t r a of E u ( OH) g and I2 vapor. (a) Abs o r p t i o n s p e c t r u m of transition i n E u ( OH) ^ i n a m a g n e t i c f i e l d o f 50 k G . (b) Abs o r p t i o n s p e c t r u m of I 2 v a p o r ZEEMAN SHIFT (MHz) 70 .3 .4 J ^ .7 3 . 9 I MAGNETIC FIELD Figure 16: 5 6 7 » 9 10 (TESLA) E l e c t r o n i c Z e e m a n s h i f t o f t h e ^ F q ---- > ^ D q a b s o r p t i o n spectrum in Eu(OH)^. Dat a p o i n t s e ve r y 0.5 T e s l a between 1.0 T and 5. 0 T . Bile. 71 ZEEMAN SHIFT (MHz) 3000 .3 .4 J MAGNETIC FIELD Figure 17: 4 .8 .7 .8 .9 I 9 6 7 8 9 (0 (TESLA) E l e c t r o n i c Zeeman s h i f t of f l u o r e s c e n c e e x c i t a t i o n signal corresponding to q---- ^ Dq t r a n s i t i o n . B i l e , t o t a l s h i f t 1 2 6 5 MHz. 72 Magnetic Field A check can he shift P e r p e n d i c u l ar of the by crystal. the a dmixt ur e is from In the closer to give larger a closer 19 to the In matrix with case the th 6 ?F1 5 D1 to the is i t is Zeeman c-axis which H= I 33 9 cm. 101.5 state state Zeeman intermediate of except =O s t a t e D^ n = 0 calculated the same, P measured elements the Since the total is state The than the I than shift. Dq s t a t e each perpendicular state. state matrix measuring everything ground so and t h e . ^,F ^ p = Zeeman closer, larger. field case, ground the c m~ this ^Fq coupling calculating magnetic the away c - axis the.intermediate obtained with to cm -I *— I i t will i s also but shift only is coupling elements, <F 0 0 | L z + 2 Sz l F l l > = 1.965, < d 0 q I L z + 2 S z 1d h > = I . 2 8 0 , are the s a me , and AE= the Zeeman shift the The change ^Fq ground in 50 kilogauss is ( I . 9 6 5 ) 2 ( 50) 2 Z ( 21 . 4 2 ) 2 ( 3 3 9 ) AE = 1 8 6 3 for at MHz state. energy for the ^ Dq e x c i t e d state is A E = ( 1 . 2 8 0 3 ) 2 ( 5 0 ) 2 Z ( 21 . 4 2 ) 2 ( 1'7 5 2 ) AE = 1 5 3 Thus, the total Zeeman AE = Again this coupling is a matrix shift (1863 - MH z . is 153) MHz = 1 7 1 0 confirmation of elements the and the MHz. calculated interpretation intermediate as a whole. 73 because, the m easured value i s 1 7 3 4 MHz + 3 0 MHz . was 18, determined shift in taken Figure which only be is from from 19 not is as monitored Figure fluorescence the Zeeman accurate between which the excitation shift because 10 is kG a n d of the 50 the m e a s u r e d Zeeman data. Al s o absorption change kG. This value in s hown line, energy can 9 P 9 8 3 888 ZEEMAN SHIFT (MHz) 74 .3 .4 J .4 .7 4 .9 I MAGNETIC FIELD Figure 18: 2 3 4 3 6 7 9 910 (TESLA) E l e c t r o n i c Z e e m a n s h i f t of f l u o r e s c e n c e e x c i t a t i o n c o r r e s p o n d i n g t o ^ F 0 ---- > 5 d O t o t a l s h i f t 1 7 3 4 MHz. t r a n s i t i o n . B J_ ZEEMAN SHIFT (MHi) 3000 .3 .4 J .6 .7 .8.9 I MAGNETIC FIELD Figure 19: Electronic absorption 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 0 (TESLA) Z e e m a n s h i f t o f ^ F q — > **D s p e c t r u m i n Eu ( OH) ^ . B c Measurement The phase of switch time were characterize the response against Dephasing measurements relaxation results Optical first done time measurements of already of on the T i me the transient iodine system ma d e by vapor and to check Genack et the aI . 4 7 6 3 and measurements response t i me F N D - 1 00 the Tektronix by pulse model monitored 162 a 70 of Type This picoseconds s hown measured less representation sake of 20, consists of reference. of 20. the The with from 163 has timing rise EG+G time to pulse generated to by a 150 picosecond long, determined amplitude the Applied of the photodiode wa s Research Processor Head averager with a rise Mo d e l Mo d u l e 50 H time using input limited to uncertainties. type of This figure measurement e l e c t r o —o p t i c experimental the the The an Th e wa s nanoseconds a Mo d e l using sample. pulser signal t wo p a r t s , by modulator Sampling thi.s techniques. nanosecond cable,and internal of I the relay 32 other a Princeton with boxcar Figure phase The with than from wa s S—2 by example in wa s charging Averager resistance. is time reed volts. Tektronix An of signal pulse directly Boxcar 100 use with 109 This length wa s the electro-optic time. the by rise homodyne Li Ta Og rise or photodiode monitor the ma d e also in s hows modulator result, initial iodine a schematic pulse shown change vapor in in for the Figure signal. 77 marked by related Tg, to is the transition. the linear !averse The of rise the is approximately rise of this probably the is diode. Th e response limit and the 15 the slope measurement nanoseconds, time is able the response to of measure this mor e system into a slope the is linewidth and the o n T^ just the the it microsecond which photo­ nonlinear plot In of is the , just a relaxation t i me establishes that picoseconds, relaxation the measured a function gives is phase a n d T2 . s e m i —l o g 500 of FND- 1 0 0 , T2 » i s importantly transient subnanosecond on is which picoseconds, of by sample e l e c t r o —o p t i c 500 depends response of the is marked plotted but the response which this the picoseconds, portion part, sample inverse A the from second of 300 intrinsic % ^ T ^ T 2 < <1 , Tg / 2 . of of linear of inhomogeneous t i me modulator time response times range. and it accurately 78 Elecco-opcic modulacor pulse (b) Figure 20: (a) (b ) T r a n s i e n t s i g n a l f o l l o w i n g a phase s h i f t of n r a d i a n s i n i o d i n e v a p o r . Schematic representation of 70 volt e l e c t r o - o p t i c m o d u l a t o r p u l s e , 32 n s e c long. Dephasing The manner, The first with with measurements the Tektronix Mo d e l it exposure time, a the bandwidth preparation in a burn time long also each mo r e than in the one T2 . times population of a long a measurement of be triggered externally, the over phase switch. a variable It population saturation generate laser hole to corrected the wa s hole be delay between the the in and possible because 200 beginning of results to than the Tj can inhomogeneous hole will a pulser which profile between eliminate, but it By A/ 0 or allowed computer w h i c h wa s the Th e computer the msec. with the to profile, pulse states T2 . by b u i l d i n g the relaxation population wrong the resonant then greater run continuous related and p r o g r a m i n g then light 2 0 0 . nsec not inhomogeneous burnt an A/ 0 m o d u l a t o r between the is in lived with linewidth. packet 7. basis free to prepare mu c h holes wa s scan which this long s a me run diagonal ma y the Figure light in homogeneous Exposure decay of homogeneous time in exposed the jitte r situation erase, t i me than is in a free the resulted than This could to wider Th e result longer relaxation gate sample frequency lived profile. the on Because to This laser of Hz . done s hown operates possible Wh e n a time measured dephasing not E n ( OH) g arrangement 700 modulator. for T^, of in E u ( OH) g wer e pulser rate times. radiation 109 wa s acousto-optic in experimental a repetition operation, Ti me a could continuously changing pulse and the the 80 phase was switch easy delaying pulse. 500 a pulse, to nsec phase time to up to for 64 E u ( OH ) 3 inverse 163 time, is of time kHz, of 974 the variation the of in other the in stru m e n ta l measurement psec, This the by had same material, a 1.95 of such as experiment where the at as 200 the are To confirm its upper dephasing sim ilar at to shot the same results location within in d ic a tio n the that nsec. s ame an of fact that instrumental lim it repeated dephasing in time, an linewidth shot gave the diagonal as the shots with off averages profile mu c h was an using 22, scale magnitude that the 16 microsecond But in average Figure A homogeneous p r o file reached of psec. measurements lim it. In compounds. was could average 21. A/0 averaged which to the was implies to Eu^+ into This inhomogeneous inhomogeneous were it advantage o n a s e m i —l o g order unsystematically shots Figure nsec. signal psec digitizer plotted same Inconsistent the is 10 A typical corresponding in varied in no strength Eu( OH) g s a m p l e and transient signal was than the o f ' T2 = 1 . 9 5 measurements position of range shown the there more internally. slope is response response relaxation of switch 7 9 1 2 AD shots nonlinear that microsecond Tektronix monitoring determine the The and 0.05% Pr T2 , is an the at 2 :LaFg. 5.6 psec, 6 4 has been result of the subject that of mu c h experiment Eu( OH) 3 e x p e r i m e n t , implying study in recent years. was the same as that that the laser frequency The for the jitter ONAL ClLANG K (Arbitrary Units ) 81 100 nsec/div Figure 21: Phase Switch t r a n s i e n t sig n a l A v e r a g e of 16 s h o t s . M a g n e t i c i n Eu(OH)g. f i e l d 15 kG. 100 n s e c / d i v Figure 22: S e m i - l o g p l o t of n o n l i n e a r r e s p o n s e i n F i g u r e 4 . 1 4 . I n v e r s e s l o p e = 974 s hown nsec. 82 wa s contributing stand tion the If this of the the a very phase switch polarization a single homogeneous the the mor e ■t h e phase one decay mor e time than one shot basis be time, shot. systems, Eu ( OH) g and 5 would have the down on Several the be correct laboratory lifetim e, but to the width 573 Hz, in set must on be the and the is in of 2 the not third or Eu^+ time microseconds it using dye an laser present This to decay other 599-21 than it on a s h o t shorter measure range. time excited relaxation between to more but But linewidth every transient E u (OH) g . by the results range k Hz reasonable mechanisms with technique, 10 phase, interference observe o r der stabilized lin ew id th , is in burn 2 / T2 . be signal j itte r , the phase. the will of a new laser the switch real equipment, any homogeneous o p tical in switching to linewidth, the by mixing a rate the genera­ simultaneously. could laser that probably phase than can under­ the at in at packet phase together microseconds, optical less one the This, is the beam decay decaying that by indicates for with such generated fourth of One homo d y n e excited determined i so chrom a t was is will is the laser homogeneous will The v a r i a t i o n by the packet it time. way by c o n s i d e r i n g with width single decay signal switch, homogeneous than measured simple sample after if in to I MHz could be done possible in this scale. considered The ultimate o p tical corresponding to to a account limit ex cited lifetim e to for the state of 278 83 fisec. This linewidth expected states not of to are support kG 6 0 k Hz be this, as and also support does not k G. dephasing likely a result caused optical 10 of it 1.3 weak flip-flops. nearby in as would contributions to the and be simple and ions the that technique can by An for Phonon of the I studies of the an nuclear to of Th e nucleus local effect spin to field on the decoupling stabilized do kHz linewidth europium determine both laser, of these specifically the linewidth. optical for dephasing than residual have one section, s ome more did the contribution. actively allow homogeneous noted induced to between into next dependent this of varied the be The.f lu c tu a tio n P r ^ + : L a F g „6 4 Eu(OH)g to remaining demonstrated bandwidth, should the hydrogen in accurate determine excited linewidth. Temperature coupling the in also evidence burned account unlikely of experiments It is K. would holes is apparently was hyperfine could of linewidth k Hz but field homogeneous explanation the measurements the time discussed that and experimental lived be transfer time spin by to homogeneous ground relaxation long to wa s a dephasing the magnetic conclusion linewidth hydrogen of the a temperature most is profile, both There The energy residual because external to Hyperfine measured contribute assisted the the compared more. states. the 50 or small as inhomogeneous at insignificant J = O change 10 is the ph a s e s w i t c h i n g measurement of is an optical 84 transient to relaxation measure switching very a measurement and gas It fast very of The sim plicity transient attractiv e dephasing phase has times. signals method times in and make to solids the ability optical be used as well phase for as the liquid m aterials. been shown that the homogeneous FWHM f o r the o ^Fq <----- > ^ D q This tran sitio n c o rr e s p onds m icroseconds. basis of signal 6 0 kHz. the implies to An shot a a in Eu(OH)g dephasing estim ate to shot of is time, the T2 , than linewidth of the 163 greater dephasing variation homogeneous less time phase between 150 kHz. than on 2 the switch kHz and 85 Hole The is experimental shown cycle in Figure for the of between 5 0 0 [isec read time could controlled optic bundle 1.5 the from into a used the times as read and was noise for the to and 'F2 Scientific burn the state was using 575 at the just available, increment's, and and second, computer. A fiber­ fluorescence emission located The states separated tube fed averager to from from 2.61 was s o me fluorescence excited a Corning signal the filter. directly which was as it began to burn holes in Eu(OH) 3 w i t h exposure by both the it wa s milliseconds, cycle, as deepest hole burn shown generate the sweep. milliseconds longer lying photomultiplier 20 read I cryostat. low by computer, as that and En(OH)^ and are jisec the in burn a photomultiplier excited possible the 100 ' F^ frequency small 500 transmit magnet the Northern determined about to radiation from 'read' It of the by in times the laser triggered laser seconds burn through optically signal and A/0 m o d u l a t o r independently the exciting driven 64 m s e c to ^Dq computer burning between was be hole varied emission The 30 E u ( OH) 3 for Variable Eu(OH)g c r y s t a l meters the laser 6. and in schematic with Figure each from 6 C W- d y e bottom the Burning with times. but shown in would no For recording Figure burn on 23, a time improvement of this the reason scale signal burn to time 86 was always are between necessary dependent scan. In MHz/msec, that of the and because interactions sensitivity. MHz 100 level The scan this way the read 300 milliseconds. broadening of Fast the hole loss of results in a time 456 milliseconds the wa s tuning cycle ma d e rate wa s only a fast small scan times by time detection for a 400 enough, perturbation populations. 5 0 m s e c /d iv READ Figure 23: ~1 •BURN Read and Burn c y c l e f o r h o l e b u r n i n g n e a r t h e c e n t e r of t h e i n h o m o g e n e o u s p r o f i l e . F l u o r e s c e n c e i n t e n s i t y i n c r e a s e s toward the b o t to m of the f i g u r e . 87 QuadrupoIe S p l i t t ings Much can be learned effective use of this splittings hidden These hyperfine inhomogeneous the energy and read the with scans which Figure ,2 5 in Figure 24. hole across are with very laser 25 was The a new resolution to the Comparing into weak, the or MHz Figures to I describes This can be of 16 average by the computer excitation burn-read the signal signal laser shown back 5 or 10 m i n u t e s burnt into which the side sp littin g s 24 and be cycle. for and 25, inhomogeneous resolution measuring the by and the line was averaging 16 wide. see energy absent, Appendix recorded technique to than of 16 b u r n scanning been less an a v e r a g e simple the by line. aritiholes. fluorescence then 400 a and controlled line much of the 24. is after was each introduce enough which most broadened usually read-burn previously scans, burnt 25, the determ ination holes Figure of but determined side inhomogeneous had corresponding hole c a n be By r e p e t i t i v e l y experimental levels. in II. are output with obtained Figure successive We was the which erased. the Appendix in forth Figure the inhomogeneously the shown control compared in of burning is which spectral is computer program the broadening, the cycles in within separations of hole technique splittings, the An e x a m p l e from only it line, one gives the necessary holes and antiholes of the is easy but the q u a d r up o l e antihole distinguishable. to see side the holes shows up 88 500 MHz/div. Figure 24: A v e r a g e o f 16 Burn time 100 read scans msec. of 400 MHz. 5 0 0 M H z/div. Figure 25: Average No B u r n o f 16 time. r e a d s c a n s o f 4 0 0 MHz. Fluorescence e x citatio n signal 89 By t a k i n g into that the in resolving Figure power corresponding levels. new is of side one of the taking energy Figure data in F igure the of 26. By map out the sp littin g s, as a 25 experim ental frequencies the q u a d r up o l e resolution and can the sp littin g s files one data measure improved in two the obtains to energy shown holes, quadrupole 24, the An e x a m p l e procedure, or d i v i d i n g necessary to technique the ratio, using using this dividing hole to this new resolve frequencies, function, of magnetic field. In zero magnetic field, H = PEIz2 describes isotope. of the the 1 ( 1 + 1) / 3 sp littin g Measurements quadrupole in zero the the +1/2, zero +3/2, should +5/2. the red istrib u tio n would Thus not hole result of be of levels allow transitions Furthermore, for each the determination P, for each are too in the isotope. weak fo r axial small K I lim it hole the + I) /3] nuclear eigenstates are Optical transitions between selection rule population expected, burning, a quadrupole field Hamiltonian, is field satisfy spin I y2) /3] , parameters, H = P t I z2 “ and effective + ti ( I x 2 - the zero coupling field. spin Hamiltonian of at I n E u ( OH) g , h o w e v e r , burning the if and it among hole is admixture Amj=O, the which the these would is not that levels occur. presum ably nuclear +mj = levels implies quadrupole burning observed, of I+mj > w h e r e the eigenstates. |mj>. On e possible so that field An attrib u te effects; T} ^ where graphic can 0, one, or the field analysis of former, is what was zero the it is from burning true axial application not so process the magnetic is parallel burning the This and is c-axis This observed. hole responsible eigenstates. direction. burning in which crystal field axis the hole to to two symmetry of a magnetic the crystallo­ c-axis. that the observed departure secondly, E u ( OH)g p r o v e s nuclear a the lead Also, field. for done was last la tte r it deeper was not the admixture of the intentionally would holes, not in and parallel procedure to effect, the by not ch aracteristics to the enhance which possible to was aligning applied the hole exactly burn holes H------ 1------ 1-------1------- 1------ 1-------1-------1------ 1------- 1------ 1-------1-------1------ 1---- —*-------1------ 1------ •-------1 1 * IO MHz/dlv. Figure 26: D a t a shown F ig u re 25. top of the toward the i n F i g u r e 24 d i v i d e d b y d a t a s h o w n i n Hole i n t e n s i t y i n c r e a s e s toward the figure. Antihole in te n s ity increases b o t t o m of t h e f i g u r e . 92 Magnetic Field The Effect s spin Hamiltonian in H = P tIz2 To o b t a i n the parameters coupling parameters, P, magnetic field where the 6P f o r each 4P, and burn holes nuclear spin in an of primary one would holes isotope. effect Hamiltonian. Since it is easy to interaction levels. side of the laser 7 for burn y pN B z / I , nuclear level im portant expected energy 2 P, field, the to the effective ( Yli N/ I ) f - B , energy level spectrum isotope, can each other as the the nuclear into appear Zeeman a pair significantly A further large of of because on e a c h complication side is the the m agnetic f i e l d before the q u a d r up o l e Zeeman coupling P. moment, experim ental field as zero as, each through gets in of frequency. in possible a magnetic included - holes only effect the is q u a d r np o I e splitting the each crossing parameter, the sp lit is t h e h o l e s move as a f u n c t i o n of strength, The to that complicates holes, that term, is This 14 fact discern is a Hamiltonian H = P [ I Z2 - I ( I + 1 ) / 3 ] it rj = 0 , the burn show be the to would also . Writing where interest, like there must limit, + I) /3] . K I E u ( OH) g w h e n Zeeman axial data depends involved. role to level YHn * t h a t The s h o u l d be on reduced in the ground affect the <r 3 Dq n u c l e a r is much further the away in f i t t i n g p articu lar nuclear state, used Fq, moment moment but it because ( ~1 7 5 3 c m - ^). crystal plays is the One an not 5 D^ can. 93 assume and the bare nuclear magnetic moments f or ^ Eu, v alid ity of the different In the Fuller = 0 .466 ME z / k G = 1 .055 ME z / k G 1 5 1 Eu. comparing two by and y| iN =( 3 . 4 6 / ( 5 / 2 ) ) ( 0 . 7 6 2 M H z / k G ) The given Cohen, 7 Hn = ( ( I - 5 3 ) / ( 5 / 2 ) ) ( 0 . 7 6 2 M H z / k G ) for as one a function with is the field it fie ld p erp en d icu lar given by moments and then the easier to sp littin g s 2P, 4P, are used the other magnetic it is also splitting 155 Eu, quadrupole the c-axis, effective of data can be checked by constants in perpendicular to fitted cases. case, the assum ption experimental crystalline Because this and in to also 6 P. possible does strength, make field not at vary least measurements the to as for with c ry s ta llin e show In the this f it ti n g same case the burn holes. rapidly the the isotope magnetic c-ax is. zero the field bare quadrupole as The lim it nuclear coupling constants. In parallel to the coupling to first the with crystalline quadrupole fit case, constants case. the c —a x i s , and the magnetic one field can nuclear check moments axis the used 94 Magnetic Field To Pernendicnlar measure coefficients, function dicular a of to P, field the nuclear is equation can dividing by value one can f or field be by the each 5/2 in t/5 the hole m atrix the 1/2 / 4yB 0 This manner parameter P, m atrix by first and then -5/2 0 0 I I I VTyB -(2/3) P 0 - ( 8/3 ) P 3 / 2yB 0 3 / 2yB -(8/3)P V^yB I 0 0 0 V^yB I 0 0 0 0 ■0 0 0 0 I 0 I I VTyB - ( 2/3 ) P j The function Figure parallel resulting of 27. to the eig ehvalues dim ensionless Just the as sp littin g m onitoring the of the in the crystalline quadrupole function to this I I ]/5 / 4yB I 0 I H = I 0 I a yB/P. -3/2 0 leads describing constant - 1/2 as p erp e n- also below. coupling of c-axis This clearest coupling locations Hamiltonian the value 3/2 I (10/3) P I the quadrupole for qua d r u p o le direction. the solved the crystal lographic splitting; given diagonalizing of measure the applied Zeeman sp littin g the t o c —a x i s can magnetic then case with c-axis. the P can I I (10/ 3 ) P I as be shows as shown magnetic 27 of y571yB plotted yB/P Figure frequencies field. be param eter parameter relativ e l /5/ 4-yB I J field that the determined by the holes as a VO Ul Figure 27: E i g e n v a l u e s of qua dr u p o I e H a m i l t o n i a n p l o t t e d as a f u n c t i o n of t he d i m e n s i o n l e s s p a r a m e t e r y B/ P. 96 F ig u re 28 measurements to the are 2 made w i t h the wide, the Figure in IP I = 11.6 the MHz and 2.4 5 the isotope is smaller barns. isotope In increases, pN, the was hole the the way get from provide value for the 151 for lines s p littin g s Hamiltonian with moment an solid IP I = 4.5 isotope the q u a d r up o l e for of a value 0.466 of M H z / kG lines MHz of the The coupling and so reading k G. in so 153 for is 1.53 3.464 of magnetic of to the rapidly, it the field faster. P for close Eu , nuclear levels admix the The 151 central is more of hole position data does convincingly constant Figure 29 a bare moment europium. Q. = 0 . 9 5 Eu is measurement are *^ energy as place accurate moment it eigenstates the 10 the moment for ^^^Eu rapidly takes to moment holes quadrupole The the the 2 kG u p the however. for admixture to Th e s o l i d obtained field , more used but- b e c a u s e d iffic u lt which holes energy q ua d r up o l e and nuclear isotope, and bars, side k G. a magnetic change and geometry has a magnetic ^ Eu perpendicular diagonalized nuclear than The magnetons, magnetons. bare is of the the f it axis of J Eu. ^ * Eu which This 10 are of r e s u l ts The v e r t i c a l 2 kG a n d p o sitio n s 27. field lo c a tio n eigenvalues isotope The nuclear between hole shown the mark fields by same magnetic MHz described Q = the e x p e rim e n ta l c-axis. through barns the c ry s ta llographic different for shows are IP I 4.5 MHz , calculated with of = all 1 .055 MH z / kG MHz VO -J kG Figure 28: N u c l e a r Zeeman q u a d r u p o t e s p l i t t i n g s in a m a g n e t i c f i e l d p e r p e n d i c u l a r to the c r y s t a l l i n e c - a x i s , B lc I s o t o p e I 53E u ; I p I = 1 1 . 6 MHz MHz 80 — Figure 29: C a x is . Isotope l 5 l Eu; |p| = 4.5 MHz. 99 Magnetic side the Field Shown in, F i g u r e holes relative magnetic data zero the = 4.5 MHz f o r now be with the IP I = 1 1 . 6 32 of the with qua drup o le bare nuclear The symmetry. and a to YAlOgrEu^ +31 b u t the no MHz the magnetic in for This in burn axis. and Figure level in IP I of 30 and field Figure 31, ^**^Eu. parallel the to ^*Eu IP I = 4.5 as a the c isotope MHz , and a MH z / k G . chapter the represent ^Dq e x c i t e d are on are ions en tirely M acfarlane P values 153 position field co efficient, 1.055 left a function for with do n o t hyperfine lines the different the shown hole is laser four on of c-axis. isotope as measured measurement by for solid plot the holes data splits by sp littin g s made Since Yf1N = 0 . 4 6 6 MH z / k G this a at the h o les level coupling in made 20kG. is of crystalline particu lar the of frequencies frequency the all This sp littin g s The to the for moment m easurements smaller to crystal. correspond to 151, shows resu lts qua drup ole burn shown MHz measured IP I = 11.6 is field of the there quadrupole axis They field, splitting function the SkG attached Figure are measurements isotope Each c - axis parallel two v a l u e s , isotope. and to from magnetic to 30 to fields With can field corresponds magnetic in Parallel et more aI, than the state in measured of E u ( OH ) 3 . complete axial consistent with in EuP^ a factor 4 of and four MHz 100 Figure 30: Side h ole f r e q u e n c i e s r e l a t i v e to l a s e r burn frequency at four d iff e re n t magnetic f ie ld s . Magnetic f i e l d p a r a l l e l to c- a x i s , B I I c . MHz 101 20 kG Figure 31: N u c l e a r Z e e m a n q u a d r up o I e s p l i t t i n g o f * ^ Eu a m ag n etic f i e l d p a r a l l e l to the c r y s t a l l i n e B i l e . | P | = 1 1 . 6 MHz, YMn = 0 . 4 6 6 MI I z / k G. in c-axis. MHz 102 Figure 32: Nuclear Zeeman a magnetic Bi I c . | P | q u a d r up o I e field parallel = 4.5 MHz. YHn = splitting in to c- axi s , the 1.05 5 o f * ^ * Eu crystalline MIIz/kG. 103 A way to check the the ratio of the quadrupole known r a t i o of the qua dr upo I e m o m e n t s 3 * comparing with the v alid ity Q1 5 3 ZQ1 5 1 This c a n be compared to = 2.5812 the 1 5 3p / 1 5 I p = again confirming Although to measure the ground s ta te as shown with that these optical rf this do ground state, 3, of exist, 7F q , measurement coupling that no in = 2.58 the and d o u b l e —r e s o n a n c e param eters be this work, + 0.5, it should hyperfine attempt best by measurements. was technique. could is + 0 .0010 . s e e m t o be so s m a l l , experim ental measurements laboratories. . 6/4.5 h antiholes Chapter the measurements accuracy sp littin g s in them the of less is carried t e c h n i q u e 22 possible splittings, made It be the t h a n 4 MEz to measure most out available likely using in an other 104 Ho I e Lifetimes and Linewidths A complete versus time MHz w e r e already laser was measured, known into the the time pursued was not dramatic greater than position and deeper the read would These long im portant, in the side than at the burn enough t o make an the also hour the of it the on tran sitio n on t h e was 30 minutes imply the that wider read and transient as was than the the hole a function cycle in but hole this width measurement, exist at and this the hole lifetim e was the burn time and the on the profile. would burn side. that these possibly hyperfine scale it spectral not energy determ ined on a t i m e of low got does inhomogeneous holes least depending the as 1 - 2 data, less that accurate widths as. s m a l l was change that hole switching and dynamics observed least chapter. profile and widths width observed between explanation previous phase homogeneous was holes lived at the the 1/2 cycle, last It Hole because was energy from the of w ithin lifetim es further explanation It hole inhomogeneous not high but delay tim e .66 of attempted. that was an not I inewidth. burnt of study on t h e Holes much By d e l a y i n g deep much dephasing order relaxation easier holes longer. is not of m i n u t e s , time in the 105 Chapter 7 CONCLUSI ONS We of the have Eu^+ ion variety of measure and the studied in will also rare time measure Narrow earth crystal field Cg^ in F other To of E u ( OH) g . in hole E u ( O H ) g. were used this Eu(OH)g. of an ion that has been ion in novel this is the used an to has contain this A with study These knowledge, burning splitting in This m aterials our Dq t r a n s i t i o n symmetry interaction in 5 <-----> q techniques effects optical to axially potential. Linewidth An e x c e p t i o n a l l y MHz FWHM ---- > ^Dq has ever Isotope narrow inhomogeneous been measured transition stoichiometric width the ion. qua d r u p o I e of nonlinear novel occur that the symmetric sites environment several trivalent first and 7 intrinsic characterize crystalline effects axial linear identified the in solids, measured for for the Eu(OH)g. this is linewidth first time for Compared w i t h the an o p t i c a l narrowest of 167 the all F q other inhomogeneous transition. Shift Line shape provided an measured isotope fitting indication shift of of an of ~85 the isotope MHz ^ F q <-----> **Dq shift. is about transition The 1.5x10 apparent —3 —I cm 106 per unit mass. magnitude that it is This is apparently in including ODNMR, Resonance, and are to planned Electronic expected the resolvable the exactly with clarify the c —a x i s , the with the a check it ma y Further Detected of order of m a t e r i a l s , 11 which state. be but clearly measurements Nuclear iso t o p i c a l l y Magnetic pure samples further. the electronic line in With MHz. provides of second 1282 in earth the Shift the of case this measured tion rare acquisition explained The agrees first excitation theory. approximately Optically Measurements completely is for solid the Ze e ma n fluorescence shift second shift of 1265 order perturbation the magnetic shift of change calculated order field the line are MHz theory agrees calcula­ perpendicular MHz + 3 0 1710 of perturbation MEz + 30 1734 of shifts absorption of predicted the the terms Zeeman of and Zeeman MHz. electronic to MHz also This also Zeeman matrix e I erne n t s , <F0 0 | L + 2 S | F 1 0 > = I .965 , <D0 0 I L + 2 S | D 1 0 > = I . 2 8 0 , for each of the is the highest in any rare The the s a me J=I resolution earth admixture oscillator excited states with electronic the Zeeman J=O states. effect This measured solid. matrix which strength. elements results The in three lead to the dramatically order of an understanding magnitude of increased quadratic 107 variation of transition strength can be m aterials and lasers. Quadra t i c Enhancement The tion, very quadratic w h i c h we probability useful has t wo m a t e r i a l s , EuVO^ to (unperturbed) dislocation This sites effect is of already commonly applicable divalent played role in in Samarium in the gated a sites compounds hole Shelby. The quadratic useful a practical way for others sensitive from t r ivalent and by defect and and has. experiments ma y switching and samples. presently enhancement in detector Europium burning optical earth transi­ spectroscopic both Macfarlane in as used field rare intrinsic been intrinsic found magnetic work w i t h the a n d E u A s O ^ , 67 isoelectronic a major future enhancement pioneered, distinguish in with also and of be energy transfer . Dephas i n s Ti me While of the that off it it is very between phase to and in fast memory. the the range in which The lead to make time, between that dephasing an e x a c t T2 . 2 it and 5 stoichiometric times because of the transfer residual width, not nuclear fluctuation of local of determined This the ground fields which is usually interactions and a accounted I / Z jtT^ = 57 3 H z , moment was materials energy rate, measurement psec. to relaxation reduced possible dephasing the long ions population not diagonal surprisingly have was is loss by the probably due state for of Eu^+ modulates ion the 108 local environment and causes depha s i n g . Quadrnpole S p littin g s Excited reported hole state for nuclear europium burning as ions a in an axial sensitive overcoming inhomogeneous qua d r u p o I e splittings trivalent qua d r u p o I e field. detection broadening, of each measurements of Using optical technique we h a v e the are for measured stable the isotopes of europium. 1 5 1 Eu |P| = 4.5 MHz + 0 . 5 MHz Tl = 0 . 0 1 5 3 Eu Ip I = 1 1 . 6 MHz + 0 . 5 MHz q = 0 .0 These measurements contribution distortion to caused proportional Considering the the to agree qua d r u p o I e by the Erickson's measured ratio with of the the predicted coupling crystalline nuclear parameter. electric electric nuclear electric 1 5 3 q/1 5 1 q quad ru p ole second order This is field q u a d r up o l e qua d r u p o I e a and moment. ratio of = 2.58 coupling parameters in this study, 1 5 3 p /1 5 1 p is in state caused exact agreement. only, by dominates the This distortion admixtures the = 2 .5 8 + 0 .5 , nuclear of J implies of = 2 the that the electronic states qua d r u p o I e in into the interaction 5 Dq e x c i t e d charge cloud J = state 0 parameter P. 109 Chapter 8 FOUR-WAVE MI XI NG AND HYP E RF I NE S P L I T T I N G S IN L i T b F 4 AND Tb ( O H ) g I NTRODUCTI ON F o u r —wa v e recently mental because of technique F o u r —w a v e free mixing has also evident in w a v e 70 to overcome our their means Four-wave important the been used as of and in has Mixing new p r o p e r t i e s An has also in the will in Interest is of in an filter. of of i mage inhomogeneous a potential 7 I has Doubly shown Tb^+ compounds these be four-wave conjugate particular explanation importance use mixing useful demonstrated study Doppler- f o u r —w a v e a phase optical in of been the experi­ applications. properties. distortion n a r r o w —b a n d Four-Wave potential solids interest an in measurements generating phase as practical concerning mixing a laboratory. considerable usefulness possible proposals a Resonant general e x c i t o n —t r a n s p o r t as usefulness of sp e ctro sc o p y 6' mixing medium. been spectra,** transient-grating characterizing its and mixing t w o —p h o t o n has ne w results discussed in s o me in and what follows. Studies were of undertaken hyperfine splittings fortuitously in trying in to L i T b F 4 and understand T b ( OH) 3 results HO obtained from by D. Doubly Th e understand the line signal. the wave observed mixing This new, including the its on effect index the phase F o u r —Wa v e Mixing dispersion (I)2 . and been has these dependence be three a four-wave possible eliminated of the four- developed by to of refraction and the index conditions. in in coherent in treatments Nonresonant all the anoma I o u s at beam mixing occur. experiment beams, Resonant f o u r —w a v e resonances fourth anomalous a Doubly and wave m i x i n g input The other considered, double The to is considered four was explanation the or these 33. ignored is the c a n be following, in in several But a generate in contribution single 34(a). M3 , due process Schematically, Figure Figure O t t e s o n , 73 t h i s . work negligible must where of S. experiments observed angle matching has is Mixing. in in dispersion there experiments matching additional Four-Wave index one a n d M. in narrowing but shown dispersion because line all phase signal Cone, emphasis narrowing This and L. F o u r —Wa ve M i x i n g original e x p l a n a t i o n s , 74 by E n d e r , 7 2 R. Resonant m aterials. mixing A. is shown frequencies at frequency , M4 , where h>4 = toI The beam mixing, other at both three. frequency M4 spatially The sample is, and + toZ ~ tdS * unlike degenerate spectrally polarization distinct P( M4 ) is four-wave from related the to Ill I 0 = 3.0 0 = 1.4 INHOMOGENEOUS Fwhm Figure 33: F o u r-w a v e m ix in g s i g n a l in LiTbF^. Signal shown is a t f r e q u e n c y w^ = 2 w ^ - w ^ f o r different crossing angles, 9 . Uig=I 7 4 2 2 cm ^ . 112 SAMPLE CJ4 = CU, + U 2 - U 3 P(CJ4 ) a x ^ ( - u 4 .u ,.CJ2--U 3) E(U1) E(U2) E(U3) K4 = Zkl - K 3 Figure 34: (a) S c h e m a t i c d i a g r a m of four-wave mixing experiment. (b ) General three beam phase matching diagram. ( c ) Two beam p h a s e m a t c h i n g diagram with beam c r o s s i n g a n g l e 6 ^ g . 113 the input third laser order electric P (u 4 )« The and resonances, of a major existing induced this photon whenever phase role which and E3 ( U2 ) , X ^ ^ (- in occur resonances, there matching theories frequency study. E2 ( U2 ) > susceptibility resonances double experiments, plays E1 ( U1 ) , by u ^ , W1 , U 2 , - U 3) X ( ^ N - U 4 , W1 , u 2 , - W3 ) E 1 (W1 ) E 2 (W2 ) E 3 (W3 ) . possible single fields the in are in but single induced Xv in or can double frequency The accounting phase selectivity was the the original * both mixing photon selectivity i n t e r p r e t a t i o n . 74 for . 7 6.1 be nonlinear the inadequacy matching reason for 114 Theory In the resonances experiments and E x p e rim en ts terbium compounds, occur, but here the sufficient inhomogeneously.broadened resonance. assumed, In this choice the with simplest k^=!^ geometry, of Wg a n d and the the phase the phase to as analyzing consider 7x3 Also to in each is loss of can be other. set Figure the single condition condition shown a without parallel matching , of matching beams angle a n d T b ( OH) g , m u l t i p l e purpose is generality, it for LiTbF^ by 34(c) . a>4 = 2 u ) j - u ) g The more general Two p h o t o n Freidmann, Gg of of ~6 8 cm- '*" , but enough over 5 or In is any 4 f° away the excitation the electronic ^ F g ---- > ^®4 yield to Figure located 34(b) . studies excited show no by Cone . a n d ^Kg, , configuration, energy. multiresonant f o u r —w a v e m i x i n g factor 6.3 to the which generated path. individual equation the in 6.2 structure ^ Kg in is and the close enhancement to when scanned is 10 w a v e n u m b e r s . c o h e r e n t Iy optical have to proportional matching shown 35, twice enough, far is fluorescence Figure manifolds vicinity case the wave A product takes waves to of account at different the change the I X^ \ l ^ into in change v e c t or experiment, the observed and the . phase interference points frequency in a signal manner along of th e causes an shown in 115 =G6 3G6 B 5K a =K 5 2 u ,— 38,800cm-' -39,900 cm*' 5^ 4 f7 54 and (?) charge transfer 4 f7 5d [Nof to scale, Spacing -6 8 cm * 1 between twice 3D4 (Zu1) and 3Ka ] 20,568.8 cm*1 3D4 T1 OJ1(TT) O J1(T T ) Ocm-' 7F6J 1 = - S 20,538.3 cm*' 5 D4 /*=3 - j Ocm-' 7F6 J1 =-S- 4 f8 LiTbF4 (a) Figure 35 : T b ( O H )3 (W Excited states identified fluorescence ex citatio n . (a) L i T b F 4 ; (b) Tb(OH) 3 by t wo photon 116 Aki Zki Over the narrow FWHM for LiTbF4 , negligible The jsT I inewidths 0.8 changes Ak = 2 n Z L w h i c h in is terms = n i Wi Z c , it will be term, ( Wi Z c ) A n i , these and is easy the to term for for can 0.35 Tb(OH)3 , in phase 6.4 6.3 m aterials, changes an intensity. see ( P i Zc)Awi that be wave Am1 H1 m u s t matching be cm- 1 gives provide the selectivity. rewritten, using the + ( Wi Z c ) A h i dominant But on approximation, one term 6.4 off resonance resonance the other dominant. can expression This order = ( n i Zc)Awi . experiments, third So equation will plane obtain the these FWHM necessary in + Ani Zni as where the in cm- 1 kj^ . Aki In = Aui Zui integrate for intensity which the is along and a phase applicable the four-wave proportional susceptibility is path mixing to the in length signal square matching of factor G(Ak). I t i 4 (U )1 ) A the general form following the phase =I I 2 G( Ak) matching factor 6.5 c a n be written in way. T + e x p [ - ( 2 a 1+Og-o4 ) L ] - 2 e x p [ - ( 2 a 1+ a 3- a 4 )LZ2][cosAkL] G( Ak ) [ A k ] 2 + ( 2 a 1 + a 3 _ a 4 ) 2 Z4 In any the experiments electronic or described r am a n here, resonances W3 wa s such tuned that Ct3 away = (Z 4 from = 0, 117 and w i t h = a2 = a , l + e z p [ - 2 a ( ( i ) 1 ) L ] - 2 e x p [ - a ( ( o 1 ) L ] c o s (AkL) G ( A k ) = ------------------------------------------------— -------------------------- . [ A k ] 2 + Ea(O)1 ) ] 2 Two things reduces zero, One should to and the a condition Now f o r fam iliar this is in and the phase depends the line by the law One, it as goes to a(o>) t wo parameters. line shape, expressing the k| = 4k2 + k2 at only G(Ak). one shape . To must determine phase matching W1 . of matching on other on done factor s i n c 2 ( A k L / 2) frequency easily terms this form dependence on in G( Ak) ( Oi1 ) " L h ow Ak d e p e n d s This noted secondly, being understand be 6. 6 of the cosines. 4k1kgcos01g W1 Q , Ak = 0 , within 6.7 the resonance line. k 4Q = where kg, resonance 3 » ^lO' ~5 = 0 for cm a n ^ ^40 - 4 k 10 are k g c o s O ^ g ) 1^ 2 constants fixed 6 .9 for + A k 4 = k 4Q + ( “ 4 0 / c ) An 4 + the and small from scan range equation used 6.2, ( U4 0 Z c ) A w 4 in these experiments, Aw4 = 2 Aw1 f o r fixed Then k 4 and in a given profile. k 4 = k 40 An 4 ( 4k20 + k | equation 6.7 = k with 4Q + ( 2 n 4 0 / c ) A w i» k 1 = k 10 + Ak1 , k 4 - k40 + 2 ( 2 k 1 0 - k g c o s © 1 g ) Z k 40 A k 1 + ( ^ ( A k 2 ) k 4 ~ k 40 + 2A ki - k 4Q + 2 w i q Z c A nj + Z n i 0 Zc Aw^ Wg. 118 Ak = The - final k^ result = ( 2 u 1 q / c ) An 1 + ( ZAm 1 / c ) ( U1 Q - n ^ Q ) . is 1 Ak ~ This result implies intermediate resonance, characteristic change in of phase matching the Figure value of smaller, line center. to matching more, the the index To 33. As for signal change is signal and absorption coefficient To phase that more and the matching the very four the matching increases matching condition it away moves to from 3.0° the signal where phase the center, gets on dispersion angles angle line angle, thin experimental increasing signal a wave m i x i n g . line, toward dependence and end, By driven this times angle index. homogeneous a thousand as the This to phase of width leads phase the an also matching the a index. the again broadens side steeper dispersion transition. phase increasing again to nonresonant different the smaller understand the at the This over consider energy is is satisfies the high of this, signals Then by occurs which cases. through display in related s o me case of and the the in scans will change is 6.10 laser signal dispersive k1 which gets moves in the the condition mixing in as dn1/dw1 , example four-wave the the transition than As a n shown of index, width selective that ( Zto1 Q / c ) A n 1 . angle where narrower. the anomalous one must know for the resonant samples of LiTbF ^ the and 119 T b ( OH) 3 With of were patience, 26 of The scanned experiment intensity for into are later. a LiTbF^ profiles with I LiTbF^ have asymmetric diamond was polishing polished crystal was to techniques. a thickness polished to a 78 m i c r o n s . laser techniques profile and absorption dye using a T b ( OH) g s a m p l e microns, thickness that polished is been absorption shape and GHz were bandwidth. shown in used to Figure but the 36, using structure using The convert coefficient apparent important, obtained a pressure result where the of this standard transmitted Beer's, law. Th e in this absorption discussion will r e t u r n . to 120 (cm-1 J , t I -1.0 Figure I I I I -0.5 36: I I I I________ I 0 . a .A,= 3 5 5 cm"' I 0.5 1.0 WAVE NUMBERS Experimental absorption co e ffic ien t c r y s t a l 78 m i c r o n s t h i c k . -I FWHM = 0 . 3 5 LiTbF4 121 Simulation Using the plasma this experimental line shape, by using obtained one in the was the 37. fitted It does the This observed angle. it a FWHM o f calculate Figure shows the show experimentally, It profile. hidden was If one the on individual hyperfine asymmetric shape was taken at components the Boltzman with wa s 1.3 would The 36, of original fit inhomogeneous s a me dispersion function, type line which is shown of. b e h a v i o r of phase narrowing that GHz, as matching also, was which reconsider there of was line, but observed was the would K, where higher the a reduced structure is forced levels, inhomogeneous This absorption really hyperfine the the one line, width also because energy population to with for a each explain this the data hyperfine proportional to exp(-E/kT). experimental a Then profiles absorption with GHz . index the distribution then to component. have 10.5 LiTbF^. that of gaussian signal 1.68 necessary order approximate a function inhomogeneous splitting profile, narrowing in possibility the the c m- * , believes the mixing as line detected then within consider shows Voigt and plasma characteristic the an coefficient four-wave fit to or wavenumbers, complex 0.056 signal function, fit 0.35 e x p e rim e n ta l Iy not narrowest was absorption from can dispersion profile with Studies absorption superposition widths of 0.08 of cm- * , 4 profile. Figure gaussian lines 2.4 GHz , • and 122 hype r f i n e which splittings took into hyperfine level of account of ground absorption data almost The from complex this the of was the inhomogeneous to each curve mixing of of the is the inhomogeneous fit between shows, signal 33 This to also the the 38. This the the experimental factor duplicate shown the resulted the model An e x a m p l e in narrowing displays of Figure 39. observed in correct position the for the curve four hyperfine each of 4 the shown inverse factor the is The of a FWHM o f cases components is which generate is line matching t wo of width splitting needed of within signal. signal the plotted plotted to. mixing inverse (a), profile. case. levels fit behavior within the ' the absorption for it phase marked signal the Figure reproduces used mixing profile. Comparison the This dependence in energy GHz . dispersion, function f o u r —w a v e and respect for shown profile reproduces experiments, signal is then four-wave simulation with temperature hyperfine plasma fit simulated This 3.18 exactly. simulations the four cm- * , the populations superposition state 0.106 f o u r —w a v e m i x i n g in Figure FWHM o f the gaussian (b) is is 2.4 is 3.18 GHz . of four narrower narrowing experimental fit the is As exactly results For four-wave to s a me components, component 40. the and the this the the shown thing where GHz in the in figure latter amount Figure 123 INTENSITY 0.5 IX WAVE NUMBERS Figure 37: Model s i m u l a t i o n of f o u r - w a v e m i x i n g signal as a f u n c t i o n of p h a s e m a t c h i n g a n g l e f o r a g a u s s i a n f i t to the complex plasma d i s p e r s i o n function. 124 [cm"'] WAVE NUMBERS Figure 38: S u p e r p o s i t i o n of f o u r g a u s s i a n l i n e s , each with an i n h o m o g e n e o u s w i d t h of 0.08 cm w i t h h y p e r f i n e s p l i t t i n g o f 0 . 1 0 6 cm ^ . , 125 INTENSITY 0.5 1.0 WAVE NUMBERS Figure 39: Model s i m u l a t i o n o f f o u r - w a v e m i x i n g s i g n a l as a function of phase matching angle Complex plasma d i s p e r s i o n f u n c t i o n f i t to s u p e r p o s i t i o n of f o u r g a u s s i a n l i n e s . 126 17.0 [wave numbers] 0.5 LO WAVE NUMBERS Figure 40: Comparison of i n v e r s e F u l l W i d t h a t Half Ma x i mu m o f f o u r - w a v e m i x i n g s i g n a l . (a) S i n g l e g a u s s i a n . (b) S u p e r p o s i t i o n of f o u r g a u s s i a n l i n e s . 127 The important studies, is simulated, is the that the depends on absorption duplicate is point the the only shape, duplicate the structure absorption profile. great signal Thus gives of in narrowing. For hy p e r f i n e of in by its the was with are familiar One a range the free form the that the of of one other which values the can to and signal obtain four-wave the a mixing dependence parameter no to inhomogeneous writing with fit parameters matching GHz , was and simulation fitted 3.18 parameters. parameter, of analyzing the wa s which in implies phase which profile, no simulation signal, last accurate example, splitting Hamiltonian fit This information terms This there an these a( ) > and w i d t h experimentally. deal mixing absorption was in experimental profile. line fit made coefficient, dispersion observed t wo experimental resulting be f o u r —w a v e determines the to and for the hy p e r f i n e external magnetic f i e l d . 7< H = Aj(J-t) . The splitting between hyperfirie levels for Tb 3 + i s then AE = 6 Aj , where and J =6 In LiTbF4 . electron 7 7 in spin This checking that discovered Bleaney, 1=3/2. this is the in a value Aj = 5 3 0 measurements, previous measurements resonance i mp I i e s exact rare techniques. value earth MHz it was obtained salts, in by using 128 Conclusions The m o s t wave mixing interesting ma y b e I inewidth. These restrictions will the homogeneous I inewidth could experiment . and signal as this, one must the But the strength is a ( a)) * L . the s a me be a a a role, signal fit strength thick crystals extreme scale with very linewidth oscillator strengths many are ma y 9xl0- ^ rare larger be for earth by prime 2 or in the is reach ^Fg m aterials 3 orders candidates the 3+ <-----> have of for f-f enough in to the LiTbF^ of oscillator 41 crystal the limited the thick, and the dimension, so produce only transitions transition this is discussed by m aterial. magnitude. is signal will oscillator limit. centimeter thickness testing produce parameter Figure one particular Tb narrowest fundamental absorptions signals the for the mixing To r e a l i z e important shown by homogeneous changed. a crystal as imposed the because four- matching f o u r —w a v e big the phase the of this of homogeneous limit a was that with narrow homogeneous angle narrowing strong the linewidth signal parameters both doing since from the holds, restriction, simulated signal small, the to of that that by sample severe The and measured have application fundamental If matching plays previously. strong the necessary The indicate linewidth. f o u r —w a v e m i x i n g with approach useful measurement studies phase not also the measuring narrowing this in and the Although are in quite LiTbF^, strengths These very which materials hypothesis and 129 reaching the homogeneous Further detail, simulations, have homogeneous limit demonstrated linewidth. simulation and varying expected, homogeneous Doubly have to far wait reaching future Resonant for which that the f o u r —w a v e m i x i n g the is the mixing. been crystal if length in the it of is it the that, as limit prediction practical experiments, the fundamental but in is predict This done limit width verification, a n d many transition. fundamental simulations Four-Wave implications not homogeneous width experimental material have the the profile, this the By v a r y i n g inhomogeneous the of will will have applications confirmed. in in 130 INTENSITY WAVE NUMBERS Figure 41: Model s i m u l a t i o n as a f u n c t i o n of L = 1 .0 cm. of f o u r - w a v e m i x i n g signal phase matching angle. AP P ENDI CES 132 APPENDI X I /* # i n c l u de # i nolude ^include HOLE BURNI NG PROGRAM TO R E P E T I T I V E L Y SCAN LASER I N BURN- READ CYCLE */ < s t d. h > < r t 1 I . h> "da.c" main () i nt i nt scan, r d l y , v o lt , hbtime ; i , j , k, I , m, s , t ; / * SET HOLE BURN TIME * / p u t f m t ( "Ho l e b u r n i n g t i m e , i n t e g e r \ n " ) ; g e t f m t( " g i\ n » , &hbtime); / * SET SCAN SPEED * / p u t f m t ( " s c a n s p e e d , ramp i n c r e m e n t \ n " ) ; { g e t f m t ( "%i \ n ", & s c a n ) ; p u t f m t ( "ramp d e l a y \n . g e t f m t ( "%i \ n ", & r d l y ) ; / * SET ACOUSTO-OPTIC MODULATOR VOLTAGE # / p u t f m t ( " v o l t a g e , A / 0 m o d u l a t o r , I 84 3 < = v o l t a g e < = 2 0 4 7 \ n " ) ; g e t f mt( "% i\n», & v o lt) ; / « NUMBER OF SCANS TO AVERAGE * / p u t f m t ( "How many s c a n s do. y o u w a n t ? \ n " ) ; g e t f m t ( "%i \ n " , &j ) ; / * SET START POSI TI ON * / p u t f m t ( " 0 => m i d f r e q . , I => l o w f r e q . X n " ) ; g e t f m t ( " % i \ n " , &m) ; ■ i f ( m == I ) { fo r(s= 3 0 7 1 ;s> = 2 0 4 7 ; s-=16) . { p u t v o l t ( 2 , 2 0 47 ) ; p u t v o l t (0, s ); } } Z 8 START SCAN 8 Z putfm t( "hit return ge t f m t ( " \ n " ); key to s t a r t X n "); 133 f o r ( k = I ; k <= j ; k + = I ) { f o r ( s = 1 ; 3 < = h b t i m e ; s + =1 ) p u t v o l t ( 0 , 2 O4 7 ) / » SET A / 0 MODULATOR VOLTAGE TO 1 VOLT TO BURN HOLE * / p u t v o l t ( 2 , I 844); f o r ( 1 = 2 0 4 7 ; I < =3 07 I ; i + = l 6 ) { pu tv o l t (2,2047) ; put v o l t ( 0 , I ) ; } p u t v o l t ( I , I 024) ; f o r ( 1 = 0 ; 1 < = 2 5 ; 1 + = 1 ){} . / $ TRIGGER PULSE * / p u t v o l t ( I , 20 47 ) ; ' / * LASER SCAN VOLTAGE * / f o r ( s = 3 07 I ; s > = 10 2 3 ; S- = S c a n ) { putvolt(0,s ); p u t v o l t ( 2, v o l t ) ; f o r ( 1 = 0 ; K =r d l y ; ! + = I ) H > . f o r ( s = 1 0 2 3 ; s < = 2 0 4 7 ; s +=16) { p u t v o l t ( 2 , 2047); p u t v o l t ( 0 , s ); } • . } f o r ( s = 20 47 J s <=3 07 I ; 1 + = 1 6 ) { putvolt(2,2047); p u t v o l t ( 0 , s ); } p u tv o l t( 0 ,3071); p u tfm t( "done\ n "); } 134 AP PENDI X I I /9 PROGRAM TO ERASE HOLE IN THE INHOMOGENEOUS L I N E #in e l u d e #include #in e l u d e */ <std.h> <r tlI . h> "da.c" main() { i nt i nt scan, r d ly , vol t ; j , k, I , m, n, s ; / * I N I T I A L I Z E ALL D/ A OUTPUTS TO ZERO * / p u t f m t ( nSho u l d s c a n b e i n i t i a l i z e d ? O => y e s \ n n ) ; g e t f m t C rt% i \ n n, &n ) ; i f ( n == 0 ) { p u t i n i t () ; } / * NUMBER OF SCANS TO ERASE HOLE * / p u t f m t ( nHow many s c a n s do y o u w a n t ? \ n n ) ; g e t f m t ( n ^ i N n " , &j ) ; / * SET SCAN SPEED * / p u t f m t ( ns c a n s p e e d , r amp i n c r e m e n t \ n " ) ; { ge t f m t ( n%i \ n ”, &s c a n ) ; p u t f m t ( rtr amp d e l ay \ n " ) ; g e t f m t ( n$ i \ n ”, &r d I y ) ; / » SET ACOUSTO-OPTIC MODULATOR VOLTAGE » / p u t f m t ( " v o l t a g e , A / 0 m o d u l a t o r , I 8 4 3 < = v o l t a g e < =20 4 7 \ n " ) ; g e t f mt ( " % i \ n " , &vdl t ) ; . / 9 SET START POSITION * / p u t f mt ( " O => m i d f r e q . , g e t f m t ( " % i \ n " , &m); i f ( m = = O) { I => l o w f r e q . \ n " ); f o f ( s = 2 0 47 ; s <=307 I ; s + = 1 6) . • { ; putvol t(2 ,2 0 4 7 ) ; ■p u t v o l t ( 0 , s ); } } / 9 START SCAN * / putfm t( "hit return ge t f m t ( " \ n " ); key to s t a r t \ n "); 135 f o r( k = 1;k<=j;k+=I ) . { p u t v o l t ( I , I 024) ; f o r ( 1 = 0 ; 1 < = 2 5 ; 1 + = 1 ){} p u t v o l t ( I ,2047); Z 8 LASER SCAN VOLTAGE * / f o r ( s = 3 0 7 1 ; 3>=1 0 2 3 ; s - = s c a n ) { putvolt(0, s ) ; putvolt(2,v o lt) ; f o r ( 1=0 ; K = r d l y ; I + = I ){} } for(s=1023;s<=2047;s+=l6) { p u tv o lt( 2 ,2047); p u t v o l t ( 0 , s ); } p u t v o l t ( 0 , 2 0 47) ; p u t v o l t ( 3 , 1 53 5 ) ; p u t v o l t ( 3 , 2 0 47 ) ; f or(s=2047;s<=3071;1+=16) { p Ut V o l t ( 2 , 2 0 47 ) ; putv ol t ( 0 , s ) ; } } putvolt(0,3071); p u t v o l t ( 2 , 2 0 47 ) ; p u t v o l t (3>2047); P u t f m t ( nUoneXnn ); } ■ /# TRI GGER PULSE »/ 136 APPENDIX I I I /^PROGRAM TO SCAN LASER AND ACCEPT PHASE SWITCH DATA TEKTRONIX 7912AD TRANSIENT DI GI TI Z ER * / # i nclude ^include # i nclude < s t d . h> < r 11 I . h > "da. c " main( ) { i nt IBUPO ; int w r i t e = 0; int read = I ; i nt r e m o t e = 4; i nt l o c a l = 5; int digitizer = I ; char s COmdI ; char s Comd2 ; char s comd3; int len stl; int lenst2; ' int lenstg; char stripC g]; u n s ig n e d char a r r ay[ 1024] long s u m a r a y [ 51 2] int three = g; int s i z e = 1024; i nt two = 2; int one = I ; int b it9 = 256; int ji I, s ; int s can, r d l y , v o l t ; int sh o t = I ; char f ilnam [20]; FIO fio ; int sh o ts, save ; p u t f mt ( nWh a t i s t h e name o f g e t f m t ( n% p \ n n, f i l n a m ) ; i f ( I f c r e a t e ( & f i o , f i l n a m , I )) the data f i l e ? \ n " ); { p u t f mt ( wE r r o r : c a n ' t return; } o p e n %p \ n n, f i l nam) ; FROM 137 / » NUMBER OF SHOTS TO AVERAGE * / P u t f mf c CnHow many s h o t s do y o u w a n t ? \ n u ) ; g e t f m t ( u % i \ n ", A s h o t s ) ; c o md I = uDIG S A , \ 0 U; i = i t o b ( G o md l + 7 , s h o t , I O) ; c o m d I [ 7 + i ] = 1XO*; comd2 = uREAD SA \ 0 U; comd3 = uMOD TVXOu ; l e n s t l = I e n s t r C comdI); I e n s t E = l e n s t r ( comdE); I e n s t S = l e n s t r ( comd3); f c a l l ( I B U P , 2 , Ar e m o t e , Adi g i ' t i z e r ) ; f c a l l ( IBU P, 4, A w r i t e , A d i g i t i z e r , comd I , A l e n s t l ) ; / * SET SCAN SPEED * / p u t f mt ( us c a n s p e e d , r a m p i n c r e m e n t Xnu ) ; { g e t f m t ( u % i Xn ” , As c a n ) ; p u t f m t ( ur a m p d e l a y \ n u ) ; g e t f m t ( u% i \ n u, A r d l y ) ; / * SET ACOUSTO-OPTIC MODULATOR VOLTAGE * / p u t f m t ( " v o l t a g e , A / 0 m o d u l a t o r , 1843< =v o l t a g e < = 2 0 4 7 \ n u ); g e t f m t ( u % i \ n u, Avol t ) ; / * START SCAN « / ' p u t f m t ( " h i t r e t u r n key t o s t a r t \ n u ); ge t f m t ( u Xnu ) ; . f o r ( k =I ; k <=sh o t s ; k + = I ) { ■ p Ut Vo l t ( I , I 0 2 4 ) ; f o r ( 1 =0 ;1<=2 5 ; 1 + = I ) {} / » TRIGGER PULSE * / p u.tv o l t ( 1 , 2 0 4 7 ) ; / * LASER SCAN VOLTAGE * / f o r ( s = 3 07 I ; s > = I 0 2 3 ; s - = s c a n ) { p u t v o l t ( 0 , s ); p u t v o l t ( 2 , v o l t ); f o r ( 1 = 0 ; K = r d l y ; 1 + = I ){} } f o r ( s = I 023 ; s < = 2 0 4 7 ; s + = l 6 ) { p u t v o l t ( 2 , 2 0 47 ) ; p u t v o l t ( 0 , s ); } p u t v o l t ( 0 , 2 0 47) 5 p u t v o l t ( 3 , 1 53 5 ) ; p u t v o l t ( 3 , 2 0 47) ; f or(s=2047;s<=3071;s+=l6) { P u t v o l t ( 2 , 2 0 47) ; p u t v o l t ( 0 , s ); 138 } shots f f f f = shots + I ; c a l l ( IBUP, 4 , c a l l ( IBU P, 4 , c a l l ( I B UP, 4 , c a l l ( IBUP, 4, putfmtC'SAVE? ge t f m t ( " % i \ n ", i f ( s a v e == 0) &wri t e , & d i g i t i z e r , c om<32 , & l e n s t 2 ) ; &r e a d, &d i g i t i z e r , s t r i p , & t h r e e ) ; &r e a d , &di g i t i z e r , a r r a y , & s i z e ) ; &r e a d, & d i g i t i z e r , s t r i p , &two ) ; 0 => Y E S X n " ) ; &s a v e ) ; { shots = shots- I ; for(i= 1;i< 7;i+ =1) '{ : . a r r a y [ I 5 9 + i ] = ( a r r a y [ I 57 + i ] + a r r a y [ 1 6 3 + i ] ) / 2 ; a r r a y [ 2 5 1 + i ] = ( a r r a y [ 2 4 7 + i ] + a r r a y [ 24 9 + i ] + array[257+i] + a r r ay[259+i])/4 ; -} f o r ( j= 0 ; j< 5 1 2 ; j++) { s u m a r ay [ j ] = s u m a r a y [ j ] + a r r a y [ 2 s j ] s b i t 9 a r r a y [ 2®j + 1 ] $o n e ; } + } f c a l l ( IBUP, 4 , &wri t e , &di g i t i z e r , com d I , &1 e n s t I ) ; } p u t f ( &f i o , " % \ n " ) ; f o r ( i = 0 ; i < 6 4 ; i++) { p u t f ( &f i o , "55+ X06041 2 + X 0 6 0 6 1 % + \ 0 6 0 6 I % + \ 0 6 0 6 I % + \ 0 6 0 6 I %+\0606I 2 + X0 6 0 6 1 % + \ 0 6 0 6 I %+ \ 0 6 06 I X n " ( l o n g ) ( S8I ) , s u m a r a y [ 8 c i ] , s u m a r a y [ 8 8 i + 1 ] , s u m a r a y [ 8 8 i + 2 ] , s u ma r a y [ 8 # i + 3 ] , s u m a r a y [ 8 5 i + 4 ] , s u m a r a y [ 8 s i + 5 ] , s u m a r a y E8 s i + 6 ] , s u m a r a y [ 8 * i + 7 ] ) ; } f close(& fio); p u t v o l t ( 3 , 1 53 5 ) ; p u tv o l t( 3,2047 ) ; f c a l l ( IB UP, 4 , &wri t e , & d i g i t i z e r , comd3 , &1 e n s t 3 ) ; p u t v o l t ( 0 ,307 1 ); p u t v o l t ( 2 , 2047); p u tv o lt (3,2047); f c a l l . 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