Optics and Microscopy II Graph of Fourier Optics resolution (Goodman) removed due to copyright restrictions. Two of tee mast hpmbmt and difbxlt to aspects of'an o l p i i d micmscoge are its Wtyta gmaak cwlmst d it albjlity ~ ~ 1 T R f i e R ~ s What is rewllltim? RemMrnrkflues how hW E call !M!E Two objects ane:dish-ble if* amtm are sep& thm thpk fill1 nr%"M .r) hslf rn~viminn .- - Iby Huygens-Fresnel Principle IXlTmdwmh ~ d a s a m n r e a ~ e d ~ o f intakemeefEect- The basic physics oft k two ~IBE weYI- M a l .W h i t e w e ~ ~ t e d i n ~ e a s ~ o r i ~ &mipint smmes (?ike the double slit q-t], diEmchm txmidm i x k c k r m of light hM b iesize. objects & as an apertune- Spherical Wave Solution ~ ~ ~ ~ b e ~ s i l y ~ w h ~ l . i g h t i s ~ ~ i n t o l dimmiws that are ccmpmbk to its wavelength,- For coherent light wmoe, like a laser, diflkxtim d k d s can be readily observed A n ~ ~ l e i s ~ g l ~ l i g h t ~ a n a a r o l w s l i - The b-eatmmtof diflhctim efk& skated mthe 170Qs-1800swi the intmdndkm dthe Huygens-Fmsnel Principle- The Huygen's principle wl be derived d k d y from the wave quation assuming the electric W d can k treated PS Scafaz quantities. It is quite a bit o f w a and I will not go thm@ it here. B(r,t ) = E, sin(k,r -a) Y anti ck, = o Diffraction I Diffracted Light Intensity Single slit diffraction is a result of the interference of light due to its wave nature -3l d -2l d -l d Maximum Intensity p l d Detector Screen Figure by MIT OCW. 2p 2l d 3p 3l d Diffraction II La's considm the simplest diffraction situation that of a fmite size slit: The contribution of clement dy at position P can be calculated from Hsvgen' s principle: Diffraction Ill In the far field (Fm~mhoffea)limit, R3:3 D We cm appr~~ximate r by R and the distance r can be approximated as a function of R y and E (usiny of cosine): The total field at P is: Therefore, we have E=-ED sin[(kD .!2 ) sin 81sia(c~- kR) R (kD1)rin8 Diffraction IV DefutmgP =(kD/2)sinO duIcu]atingimemtemitytPwe haw: 1 ED2 sinins 2 ( 0 )= -(-1 (-1 p = I(0)sin c(P) 2 R Uatethztinthis;deri~loe,wehavei~mear~~ @rmm!zl difbdm) as mtl as the vectar natwe of the electric field- Diffraction V Courtesy of Paul Padley. Source: Padley, Paul. Figure 3 in "Diffraction from a Circular Aperture." Connexions, November 8, 2005, http://cnx.org/content/m13097/1.1/. Microscopy imaging can be consider as the diffraction from a circular aperture with a lens for focusing – diffraction results in “broadening” of the focal point. Fourier Optics I Recall from lecture 1, the interference two plane waves: Recall the interference of two of plane waves r r r r r E1 (r,t ) = E cos(k 1 .r + wt) r r r r r E 2 (r, t) = E cos(k 2 .r + wt ) r r r r r I(r,t ) = 2I + 2I cos(k1 .r - k 2 .r ) In the case where the waves incident symmetrically and looking at the intensity along the y axis r k 1 = k sinqx̂ + k cosqŷ r k 2 = k sinqx̂ - k cosqŷ r r = yŷ The intensity has a simple distribution depend on angle q: r I(r ,t ) = 2I (1 + cos(2k cosqy)) Note that when angle is zero degree (light wave counter propagating), the highest 2 frequency oscillation is observed at spatial frequency: 2k = 2p ( ) . When the waves are l parallel, angle is 90 degree, the spatial frequency is zero (constant intensity light). Fourier Optics II Consider two point source at the focal plane of a lens, the light rays become collimated plane waves after the lens and interference is observed. Fourier Optics III What happen when the two sources coincide? Only parallel plane waves are generated. Fourier Optics IV What happen if the point sources are made further apart? Resolution viewed from Fourier Optics Light emission from any object in the specimen plane can be Decomposed into its Fourier components. Which Fourier component will pass the finite aperture of the objective lens? Low frequencies! Resolution viewed from Fourier Optics II NA = n sin(q ) What is the maximum frequency that can be pass? Consider the case of a very large lens (numerical aperture, NA approach one). The waves will approach counter propagating and the maximum frequency is: k max 2 = 2p ( ) l Note that maximum spatial frequency is a function of wavelength. Shorter wavelength implies higher frequency (resolution) imaging. At a given wavelength, we should expect a resolution of about l 2 Resolution viewed from Fourier Optics III Point Spread function More quantitative analysis shows that: 2p r 2 p a 2p J 1 (kasin q ) = J 1 ( a ) = J 1 ( r ) = J 1 ( NAr) l l f l f J 1 (x) = 0 at x = 3.83 � rmin 0.6l = NA Resolution viewed from Fourier Optics VI Graph of Fourier Optics resolution (Goodman) removed due to copyright restrictions.