Natural convection heat transfer from a trombe wall geometry to a rectangular enclosure by Peng-Cheng Lin A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTERS OF SCIENCE in Mechanical Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Peng-Cheng Lin (1982) Abstract: A 1/18th scale experimental model was developed to characterize the natural convection heat transfer in passive solar heating with a Trombe wall geometry. Steady natural convection heat transfer was measured from an isothermal heated Trombe wall (inner body) with various gap sizes, 2.54 cm gap, 0.635 cm gap, and zero gap, to a rectangular enclosure (outer body). Temperature profiles within the test space were obtained and fluid flow patterns were observed. Dow Corning 20 cs fluid was utilized as the working fluid with Prandtl numbers which ranged from 125 to 277. The inner body with 2.54 cm gap appears to give a highest heat transfer from the Trombe wall, especially in the low temperature range, due to the exchange of mass between the Trombe wall space and living space. However, when the gap size was increased the temperature stratification in the living space was also increased. A circulation cell around the upper portion of the living space was observed. The recommended empirical equation describing the heat transfer using two independent parameters was Nuh = 1.6106 RaH0.1760 (H/Hi)-0•2159 for 6.2x10 8 < RaH < 1.5x10 9 with an average percent deviation of 3.01. STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO COPY In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements University, available for an advanced degree at Montana State I agree that the Library shall mak e it freely for inspection. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by my major professor, or, in his absence, by the Director of Libraries. It is understood that any copying or p u blication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. signature Date 9 / I7 / S' T- NATURAL CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER FROM A TROMBE WALL GEOMETRY TO A RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURE by PENG-CHENG LIN A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTERS OF SCIENCE in Mechanical Engineering (fk-sjLjl Chairperson, Graduate Committee Head, Major Department Graduate Dean MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana September, 1982 iii ' ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to express, his thanks and appreciation to the following for their contribution to.this investigation: Dr. R. L. M u s s u l m a n and Dr. R. 0. W arrington, for their guidance, advice and instruction. Dr. A. Demetriades, for serving as a c o m m i t t e e m e m b e r and reviewing this thesis. Pat V o w e l l and Gordon W i l l i a m s o n for their helpful assistance in the construction and maintenance of the heat transfer apparatus. The Mechanical Engineering Department of Montana State University, for funding of this investigation.'*' The Theater Arts Department of Montana State University for providing lighting equipment for this investigation. Lastly, encouragement, yet foremostly, S u e - M a y , for and for typing this thesis. her constant TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter v i t a ...................................................... ... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.......^..................................lll LIST OF TABLES............... . .......... ..................... V LIST OF FIGURES............. . ........................... . . . .vi NOMENCLATURE...... viii X ABSTRACT........... . ....... ................. ........ . I. II. III. IV. INTRODUCTION...... ...... .............................. . .1 LITERATURE REVIEW.................. ....... ............ 5 EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS AND PROCEDURE..... ........ .,.19 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS...... .................... . .37 V. , CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS............. ..... ...... 72 APPENDICES. . . . ............................... ............... .76 APPENDIX I APPENDIX II APPENDIX III HEAT TRANSFER DATA REDUCTION PROGRAM.... ...77 PARTIALLY REDUCED D A T A ................ .....87 EFFECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER AREA. .......... . ... .89 BIBLIOGRAPHY.......... 95 V LIST OF.TABLES Table ^aae 4.1 Range of. Dimensionless Parameters .............. 39 4.2 Correlations for LHS Test Space ........ 66 4.3 Correlations for RHS Test Space ................ 4.4 Overall Heat Transfer Correlations ........ .67 69 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1 Solar Passive Heating with aTrombe 3.1 Heat Transfer Apparatus .......... 3.2 Schematic of the Heat Transfer Apparatus ...........22 3.3 Interior of the Inner Body ..................... 3.4 Heat Loss by Edge Conduction 4.1 Geometric Effect for All Gaps (OVERALL HEAT TRANSFER) ............................ 4.2 4.3 wall Geometry ...3 .21 26 ................ .34 Geometric Effect for All Gaps (HEAT TRANSFER TO LEFT HAND SIDE SPACE) Geometric Effect for All Gaps (HEAT TRANSFER TO RIGHT HAND SIDE SPACE) 40 ............ 41 .... . 42 4.4 A Sketch of Flow Pattern for the Inner Body with Zero Gap, AT = 30.80°K (55.44°R) , Ra11 = 4.79xl09 ...44 4.5 A Sketch of Flow Pattern for the Inner Body with 2.54 cm Gap, AT = 31.33°K (56.390R ) , Rafi = 4.89xl09 ................... ...... .45 4.6 (a) Photographs of Flow Pattern in the Living Space for Zero Gap Upper Left .................. (b) Upper Right ................ ...... .......... ........ 47 4.7 (a) Photographs of Flow Pattern in the Living Space for 2.54 cm Gap Upper Left .... .......... ...... ...............48 (b) Upper Right .................. ........... ........... 49 4.8 Comparison of Temperatures for All Inner Body Gaps ............................ 46 52 vii Pjigiu;.e 4.9 4.10 Page Variation of Temperature Profile with AT, Inner Body with Zero Gap ...... ....... .......... ...... .. 54 Variation of Temperature Profile with AT, Inner Body with 0.635 cm Gap .......................... 55 4.11 Variation of Temperature Profile with At , Inner Body with 2.54 cm Gap ............. ...... .56 4.12 Comparison of Present Data with Raithby et al. (Zero-Left) ..... ..... ;...................... ....... 61 4.13 Flow Patterns in the Trombe wall space for Zero-Left (a) Rag = 4.8x10® (b) Rag = 9.0x10®........... ...62 4.14 Comparison of Present Data with Raithby et al. (Zero-Right) .................... ........ ............ 64 4.15 Comparison of Heat Transfer Results between LHS and RHS for Zero Gap .................... ........ 65 A3.1 Unvented Inner Body ...... ...........................90 A3.2 The Effective Heat Transfer Area for the Left face of the Unvented Inner Body .... ........... .....92 A3.3 The Effective Heat Transfer Area for the Right . face, of the Unvented Inner Body .....................93 viii NOMENCLATURE Symbol A Aspect ratio, H/L Heat transfer area on the inner body with zero gap, 929 c m 2 (1.0 ft2) (3-7) AP Aperture ratio, the ratio of central the enclosure height opening to Empirically determined constants Universal function of Pr for laminar flow (2-10) Specific heat at constant pressure Ct Universal function of Pr for turbulent flow(2-11) f Denotes arbitrary function 9 Accele r a t i o n of gravity, 9.81 m/sec2 (32.17ft/sec2) Gr Grashof number, g$p2X 3 AT/y2 Hi Height of the inner body. Figure 1.1 H Height of the outer body. Figure 1.1 h Heat transfer coefficient k Thermal conductivity L The test rectangular enclosure total length L1 Left hand side space length. Figure 1.1 L2 Right hand side space length, Figure 1.1 NUg Nusselt number, hs/k Pr Prandtl number, yCp/k ix Symbol Description ^cond Heat transfer by conduction Qconv Heat transfer by convection ^rad Heat transfer by radiation Qtot Total amount of heat transfer, Qtot = Qconv + Qcondv + Qrad Ras Rayleigh number, Cpggp2S3 AT/yk s Some characteristic length Tc Average cold surface temperature Th Average hot suface temperature Tf Film temperature, T* Dimensionless temperature, AT Temperature difference, Tj1 - Tc x Horizontal distance from the south facing wall of the enclosure (Tj1 + Tc )/2 (T - Tc )/(Tj1 - Tc ) Dimensionless length, x/L-j Distance along vertical flat plate from leading edge Vertical distance from the enclosure top Dimensionless length, y/H 6 Thermal expansion coefficient U Dynamic viscosity P Density, of the fluid X ABSTRACT A 1 / 1 8 th scale e x p e r i m e n t a l model wa s developed to characterize the natural convection heat transfer in passive solar heating with a Trombe wall geometry. Steady natural c o nvection heat transfer was m e a s u r e d from an isothermal heated Trombe wall (inner body) with various gap sizes, 2.54 c m gap, 0.635 c m gap, a n d z e r o gap, to a r e c t a n g u l a r enclosure (outer body). T e m p e r a t u r e profiles within the test space were obtained and fluid flow patterns were observed. I)ow Corning 20 Cs fluid was utilized as the working fluid with Prandtl numbers which ranged from 125 to 277. The inner body w i t h 2.54 cm gap appears to give a. highest heat transfer from the Trom b e wall, especially in the low tempe r a t u r e range, due to the exchange of mas s b e t w e e n the T r o m b e wall space and living space. However, w h e n the g a p s i z e w a s i n c r e a s e d the t e m p e r a t u r e stratification in the living space was also increased. A circulation cell around the upper portion of the living space wa s observed. The r e c o m m e n d e d empir i c a l equation describing the h e a t t r a n s f e r u s i n g t w o i n d e p e n d e n t parameters was N u h = 1.6106 Ra110 '1760 (HZHi) for 6.2x10** < Ra g deviation of 3.01. < I.S x l O 9 with an •2159 average percent CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The study of natural c o nvection heat transfer within enclosures has been receiving increasing attention in recent years. in Despite this, there is still a dearth of knowledge this field. The study of natural convection wit h i n enclosures has not advanced sufficiently to the point where an analytical or a numerical investigation can be developed without simplifying the governing equations, boundary conditions/ assumptions. or As a result, applying the experimental idealizing the boundary studies layer are needed to tackle the p r o b l e m of natural convection heat transfer within enclosures. . This is particularly true for predicting fluid flow b ehavior from a body to an enclosure. has been reactor cabin concerned technology, design, and with solar design, nuclear cooling electronic devices, aircraft numerous heating Interest other applications. Most recently applications in passive solar heating have required a better understand of natural convection within enclosures. Since 1967, when the prototype roTrombe W a l l ro house was built and monitored in Odeillo, France, several experimental and analytical investigations have, been presented pertinent to this geometry in passive solar heating. The passive solar heating with a Trombe wall geometry is illustrated in 2 Figure 1.1. Two disadvantages studies w e r e observed: has a long conductive dependent changes heat too evaluate. wall time constant height by problem, mak i n g Nevertheless, only a few seconds, full-scale building (I) the thick concrete Trombe wall transfer rapidly of resulting in a time (2) full-scale solar irradiation data difficult to the convective time constant is which is calculated by dividing Trombe airflow velocity [30]. T h u s , steady convective data are appropriate for application to the time dependent heat transfer behavior of a Trom b e wall system. Since passive solar heating designs, including the Trombe wa l l itself, are b e c o m i n g e c o n o m i c a l l y c o m p e t i t i v e w i t h conventional heating systems, there is a need to obtain steady convective data for application to a Trombe wall system. These considerations led Mussulman and Warrington [1] to propose to build a 1/18 scaled experimental model to elim i n a t e the above two disadvantages. The criteria for designing this be chapter experimental mod e l will described in III. The objective of the present study was to develop a 1/18th scale experimental model to characterize the natural conve c t i o n heat transfer in Trombe wall geomety. passive solar heating with a In order to accomplish this the heat Trombe Wall Space Top Duct Gap 4% x Living Space Th X H T C H L2 lI South Double Glazing Figure 1.1 ---Trombe Wall — Bottom Duct Gap Solar Passive Heating with a Trombe Wall Geometry 4 transfer from an isothermal heated Trombe wall geometry with three different gap sizes to a rectangular enclosure w as measured. Temperature profiles within the Trombe wall space space were obtained and the fluid flow in the living (silicone) space fluid were with a observed. kinematic Dow patterns Corning viscosity of 200 20 c e ntistokes at 32°C (90 °F) was utilized as the test fluid. The Rayleigh number based on the enclosure height varied from 6.2x108 to 1.5x10-*-®. Moreover, empirical equations to d e t e r m i n e the heat transfer w i t h i n the living space we r e determined for several different combinations of parameters. Chapter II LITERATURE REVIEW The p h e n o m e n o n driven effect, of natural convection, is a buoyancy- that density differences fluid. is, external infinite fluid studies [9-20] motion results from of analytic and experimental convection heat transfer have been made over the last 70 years. of fluid caused by temperature gradients in the A considerable number studies of natural that the The most throughly studied case is natural medium have convection [2-8].' been So m e focused on from of a body the more natural to an recent convection within simple rectangular vertical enclosures or rectangular enclosures inclined from the vertical. Cylindrical have also been and spherical enclosure geometries investigated [21-23]. The study of natural convection heat transfer from several different geometric bodies such as spheres, I and cylinders to both cubical also been presented cubes, ■ [24]. and spherical enclosures has Moreover,. several recent studies of natural c onvection with i n rectangular enclosures have investigated passive solar heating geometries The toward focus of publ i s h e d the follo w i n g articles on discussion natural is directed convection. discussion is organized into two sections: plates and rectangular enclosures. [19-20,24-32]. The vertical, flat In addition, studies in 6 pas s i v e solar heating wit h a Trombe wall geometry are presented. VERTICAL FLAT PLATES Numerous early works dealt with natural convection heat transfer from vertical flat plates [2-8]. Researchers have developed theoretical solutions to heat transfer problems by simplifying the governing equations, idealizing the boundary conditions, and applying the boundary layer assumption. These solutions were in a good agreement with experimental results. Eckert and Jackson convection, on an momentum integral [4] analyzed turbulent i s othermal vertical plate by natural applying equations to boundary layer theory. A heat transfer equation was derived, Nu = 0.0246(Gr)2/5(pr)7/15[1+o.494(pr)2/3]-2/5 for Grashof numbers greater than 10*0. Nu, (2-i) Gr,. and Ra without a subscript are based on the height of the. vertical flat plate. A comparision with the experimental heat transfer results of Jakob [2] and M c A d a m s [3] sho w e d good agreement. They also pointed out that the transition region was between Rayleigh numbers of IO8 to l0*° with air as the working fluid. Five years after Eckert and. Jackson's work, Bayley [5] 7 proposed a theoretical analysis of turbulent natural convection from an isothermal vertical pla t e . . Two equations were presented Nux = 0.10(Grx Pr)0 •3 3 7 for 2xl09 < (GrxPr) < IO12 (2-2) and Nux = 0.183 (GrxPir)0 *3 1 , for IO12 < (GrxPr) In additionz an a p p r o x i m a t i o n of < IO15 . (2-3) the heat transfer for mercury (Pr = 0.01) was Nux = 0.06(Grx )0l23z for 1010 < Grx < IO15 . (2-4) With the same geometry, Warner and Arpaci [6] performed an experimental investigation of turbulent natural c onvection along a vertical i s othermal heated flat plate with air as the test medium. profile data near Several plots of temperature the hot wall w e r e obtained. The heat transfer results of their study have shown good agreement with the analytical correlation of Bayley numbers up to 1012„ The one third power of this correlation showed, that when turbulent free convection [5] for Rayleigh is encountered, the.local heat transfer coefficient is essentially constant wit h X. Vli e t and Liu [7] experimentally studied turbulent natural convection boundary layers for a constant heat flux surface condition using water as the w o r k i n g fluid. The 8 isothermal surface condition data of Eckert and Jackson [4] and Bayley [5] have revealed quite good agreement with their heat transfer data, but exhibited a much earlier transition point due to the different heating modes. A general c o rrelation of laminar and turbulent free natural convection from an isothermal vertical developed by Churchill and Chu [8], surface was This correlation is Nul/2 = 0.825+0.387Ral/6/[l+(0.437/Pr)9/16]8/27 (2-5) which may numbers. be applied Although to the entire t h i s .equation is range oyf suitable Rayleigh for most e n gineering calculations, slightly better accuracy can be obtained for laminar flow by using Nu = 0.68+0.67Ral/4/[i+(0.492/Pr)9/16]4/9 for Ra < 109. (2-6) The tw o resulting equations m a y be applied for constant heat flux conditions as well as for constant surface temperature conditions. RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURES , Natural convection within investigated analytically from However, the interactions enclosures the middle of has this been century. of the boundary layers of the enclosure with its core region cause complex flow patterns making analytical Theoretically, solutions difficult to obtain. at large Rayleigh numbers the heat transfer 9 across each of the turbulent boundary layers might approach the heat medium; transfer from a vertical plate in an infinite this was not found experimentally. analytical solutions for natural rectangular enclosures dealt only The existing convection with the within steady two- dimensional case. Such solutions have compared poorly with the e x p e r i m e n t a l results for high Rayleigh numb e r s with aspect ratios less than one because three-dimensional effects are important. The aspect ratio is defined as the ratio of the enclosure height to length nor m a l to the hot wall. In general, vertical walls horizontal rectangular enclosures with two opposite at different temperatures and insulated surfaces have been extensively examined. depth (the distance b e t w e e n the remai n i n g walls) The of this rectangular enclosure was made sufficiently large to assure two-dimensional flow in the central region of the cavity. Natural adiabatic convection t op an d in bottom a rectangular surfaces and cavity two with opposing i s o t h e r m a l vertical wal l s at different tempe r a t u r e s was first invest i g a t e d analyt i c a l l y by Batchelor [9]. He expanded temperature and stream functions in power series of the Rayleigh number and defined various flow resulting equation was regimes. The 10 N u l = 0.48 RaL1/4(A)3/4 for (RaL/500) > A. (2-7) Eckert and Carlson [9] made an experi m e n t a l study of natural c onvection in a rectangular enclosure with three different aspect ratios (2.5, 10, and 20) using water as the working fluid. Temperature distributions wit h i n the enclosed space w e r e obtained using an i n t erferometer describe conduction, transition, and boundary to regimes. Grashof n u m b e r s based on the enclosure height were on the order of 10® in this investigation. Flow fluctuation and wave motions were observed in some cases. Elder [11-12] performed an extensive experimental investi g a t i o n in a rectangular cavity with aspect ratios ranging from I to 60 for laminar and turbulent flow regimes. Medicinal paraffine, silicone oil utilized as test fluids. (Pr~1000) and water were The flow was made visible by using a l u m i n u m pow d e r suspended in the fluid. The e x p e r i m e n t s were conducted especially insight into the fluid flow behavior. the hot observed wall of for 8xl08(Prl/2/A3). the to gain further Travelling wavelike motions growing up slot Rayleigh and dow n numbers the above cold wall were approximately These waves developed most readily midway b e t w e e n the t w o endwalls. Near Ra = l O ^ O / A 3 an intense entrainment and mixing process between the region near the 11. wall and the interior was initiated. increased, As the Rayleigh number the turbulent middle portion of the flow extended further toward the endwalls. Numerical an d experimental studies of natural convection b e t w e e n vertical planes with m o d e r a t e and high Prandtl number Emery [13], s u bstituted fluids were carried out by MacGregor The into vorticity and the governing stream function and were equation and a numerical solution was obtained by using a finite difference technique for isothermal They concluded and constant that the heat net flux boundary conditions. heat transfer wa s a strong function of the aspect ratio when correlated with Ra^. The correlations for both the isothermal and constant heat flux conditions obtained from the experiments were: N u l = 0.42 (A)-0 •30Pr0 •012Rall9 •25 for 104<RaL <107 with aspect ratios from I to 40. However, (2-8). the following one parameter correlation could be used: N ul = 0.046 Rall1^ 3 for RaL > IO6 Ostrach and Raghaven study which [14] (2-9) conducted an e x p e r i m e n t a l described the effect of stabilizing thermal gradients on natural rectangular enclosures with aspect ratios of s t r e a m l i n e s and m e a s u r e I and 3. In order to track the the a p p r o x i m a t e velocity of the 12 fluid, oils Pliolite plastic particles were mixed into silicone with centistokes kinematic at 25 viscosities C. Thermal established by heating, cooling, of 10,000 boundary an d conditions 2,000 were or insulating on opposite walls of the enclosure so that simulataneous horizontal and vertical, heat flows w e r e achieved. Different strea m l i n e patterns wer e observed by varying the ratio of vertical to h orizontal Grashof numbers and the aspect ratio. The results s h o w e d that a stabilizing effect on the flow was establ i s h e d by heating the upper surface and cooling the lower surface. An a p p r o x i m a t e analysis of natural convection with i n the rectangular enclosures wa s proposed by Raithby et al. [15]. The resulting, solutions were Nu l = 0.7SC ^(RallZA)1/4 (2-10) and for the laminar regime N ul = 0 .29Ct (Ralj)1Z 3 (2-11) for the turbulent regime where C %= 0.50/(l+(0.49/Pr) 9/16) 4/9 and Ct = 0.14Pr0'084, Good agreement was found in comparing these equations . to the data available up to 1975. There is a lack of data at high Rayleigh numb e r s (Ra > 10l0) an<3 low aspect ratios (A < 5). The validation of predictions covering this range of p a r a m e t e r s has to rely on further 13 experiments. Berkovsky solution for and Polevikov natural vertical slots. [16] developed a numerical convection heat transfer within The heat transfer solution was N u l = 0.22(A)“ 0 '2 5 (RaL Pr/(0.2+Pr))0 ’28 (2-12) for 2 < A < I O 7 Pr < I O 5 and R a L < IO 1 0 . Cattonf Ayyaswamyf and Clever in a rectangular cavity at [17] various studied convection angles of tilt. Of interest in this analytical investigation was the comparison of their results for horizontal surfaces. adiabatic and perfectly conducting The results for a vertical slot showed that the overall heat transfer across the gap is lower for perfectly conducting horizontal surfaces than for adiabatic horizontal surfaces. Examination of the local heat transfer indicates that at high aspect ratios, there is very little difference except significant ratios very difference (A = I an d pronounced thermal near can the be A = 0.2). surface. seen at the low e r This is due interaction at to the perfectly aspect the more conducting With and Holland [18] obtained an empirical correlation for a surfaces: air slot with geometry, A boundaries. vertical a similar horizontal perfectly Elsherbiny, Raithby, conducting horizontal 14 Nu1 = 0.0605 Rali1/ 3 . (2-13) N u 2 = [l+{0.104RaL 0 *293/(l+(6310/Ra))1 *3 6 }3 ]1/ 3 (2-14) Nu3 = 0.242(RaL/ A ) ° “272 (2-15) and the m a x i m u m of Nu^, N u 2 r and Nug w a s r e c o m m e n d e d for 5 < A < HO and I O 2 < R a L < 2 x l 0 7 . More recently the works of B a u m a n et al. [19] and Nansteel et al. [20] w e r e m o t i v a t e d by studies of natural c o nvection heat transfer w i t h i n buildings. B a u m a n et al. [19] c onducted an e x p e r i m e n t a l and n umerical study of the natural convection heat transfer in a rectangular enclosure w h i c h s i m u l a t e d a full scale room with an aspect ratio of 0.5. The enclosure consisted of two vertical copper endwalls at different temperatures and adiabatic plexiglas horizontal surfaces. The Rayleigh numbers achieved, on the enclosure length, working fluid. were about l O ^ based using water as the The experimental heat transfer result in the enclosure appeared somewhat higher than the approximation of Raithby et al. [15]. This ma y have occured, vertical boundary conditions were because the not perfectly isothermal and the horizontal surfaces were not well insulated. With a similar g e o m e t r y and the same w o r k i n g fluid, Nansteel and Greif [20] focused on an experimental study of natural conve c t i o n in undivided and p artially divided rectangular 15 enclosures. in the Rayleigh numbers based on the enclosure length range seemed of 2.3x10^0 to l.lxlQ-^ were obtained. It that no fully developed turbulent flow was observed w i t h i n the enclosure, even for R a L as high as IO^1 . The recommended heat transfer correlations were N u l = 0.748 Ap 0 -256 RaL ° *226 . (2-16) for a conducting partition and N u l = 0.726 Ap 0 *473 RaL 0 -226 for an adiabatic partition, central opening to the (2-17) w h e r e A p is the ratio of the height of the enclosure, and is called the aperture ratio. From this review of the existing work on heat transfer by natural convection w i t h i n a rectangular enclosure, the important dimensionless parameters a r e . Nu g = hs/k (Nusselt Number), Grs = (g3 p2s3 AT)/^2 Pr - (UCp)/k and A = H/L (Grashof Number), (Prandtl Number), (Aspect Ratio) , where s is some c h a r acteristic length. grouping The dimens i o n l e s s (Grs Pr) is wid e l y used as the Rayleigh number, which is Ras = Gr s Pr =' (Cpg 3p2 s3AT)/yk . In general, the heat transfer by natural convection can be 16 determined in functional form as Nu s = f (A, Ras , Pr) „ Since 1967, whe n the prototype T r o m b e wall house was built and monitored in Odeillo, and experimental France, investigations several have been analytical presented pertinent to this geometry in passive solar heating, B a l c o m b et al, [27-29] condu c t e d several full scale e x p e r i m e n t a l studies in passive solar heating with either unvented or vented T r o m b e - type thermal storage walls. Temperature variations of the building walls and the ambient room temperature on a daily or monthly basis were obtained. The effect of storage capacity on annual energy delivery for a Trombe-type passive system was also examined. However, no convective heat transfer data were obtained, nor could it be calcu l a t e d from their e x perimental data. It is probably difficult to reach the steady state condition for the full scale building, because the solar irradiation changes too rapidly and the Trombe wall is rather thick providing a long c onductive time constant (10 to 15 hours) to transfer heat from one side to another. Free convective laminar flow within the Tro m b e wall space was assumed similar to the flow between two parallel, infinitely wi d e vertical plates with an adiabatic bottom 17 surface by Akbari and Borgers [30].. By this assumption, they solved nondimensional boundary layer equations by using a forward-marching, technique. line by line implicit finite difference Several velocity and temperature profiles were obtained for different wall temperatures. An experimental i n v estigation of the Trombe wal l passive solar energy system was carried out by Casperson and Hocevar [31]. The wood-frame test room was constructed with outside d i m e n s i o n s of 3.66 m x 4.27 m x 3.05 m (12 ft x 14 ft x 10 ft). The T r o m b e wall consisted of a 30.48 cm (12 in.) thick solid concrete block wall with a movable doubleglazed Kalwall cover unit, which allowed the wall gap (Trombe wall space) to be varied from approximately 2.54 cm (I in.) profiles to 25.4 cm obtained (10 in in.). the Velocity Trombe wall and temperature space with room t e m p e r a t u r e at 1 4 . 8 0C (55 °F) and 15.6°C (60 0F) indicated that the flow is likely to be turbulent. No heat transfer data were obtained in this study. Stotts, Warrington, to and simu l a t e Mussulman mod e l isolated gain, systems. The T r o m b e wall model p e r f o r m a n c e was verified Trombe wall gain, developed a computer and direct [25] passive indirect solar gain, heating using data from passive test cells at NCAT (National Center 18 for Appropriate Technology) [32]?. located in Butte? Montana. Radiative interactions between room's interior surfaces were considered. C onvection from the wal l s to the air was also considered. The s i m u l a t e d globe t e mperature showed good agreement with the measured values. The study of natural convection within enclosures has increased rapidly in the last decade. Results describing the heat enclosures transfer w i t h i n a pplicable for the rectangular full-scale building heating due to aspect ratio mismatches. studies have been ma d e pertinent to heating with a Trombe wall geometry, are not in passive solar Alth o u g h several the passive solar no natural convection heat transfer data have been published to date. There is. a definite need to study convection the phenomena of natural in passive solar heating w i t h a Trombe wall g e o m e t r y with either scaled mod e l s or full-scale structures. These studies w ill help the d e v e l o p m e n t of computer simulations and the design of Tro m b e wall systems. The intent of this investigation was to develop a scale model for convective heat transfer w h i c h s i m u l a t e d a full-scale structure wit h Trombe wall geometries. CHAPTER III EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS AND PROCEDURE EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS A l/18th scale p a r a m e t r i c study of passive solar heating with a Trombe wall geometry was carried out as part of the present experimental investigation. e x p e r i m e n t wa s to simu l a t e a two room wi t h length, The present story high rectangular inside dimen s i o n s of 5.5 m in height, and dimensionless 5.5 m in depth. parameters Typical characterizing 8.2 m in values the of the convection process for this room, filled w i t h air at 21 °C, and with a maximum of 9 0C temperature difference [26] between a Trombetype thermal storage wall and the inside building are: A = H / L = 0.67, Pr = 0.71, and R a H = G r 11 Pr < 1.4X101 1 . The range of Ray, based on the height of room, suggests that natural convective flow within this building can be either laminar or turbulent, governed by the specific temperature distributions on the boundary surfaces and the configuration of the enclosure. c o nvection In order to characterize buoyancy-driven in this two story room, the design of a heat transfer apparatus has to meet the above requirements. experiment covered the following range of parameters !• . The 20 A= 0.67 124.7 < Pr < 276.9 6.2xl08 < RaH < I.BxlO10 using 20 cs fluid as a working fluid was appropriate because it permitted typical Rag to be approached in a 1/18th scale apparatus;. natural Raithby convection et al. processes [15] are have pointed insensitive out that to Pr > 5» Although the range of present Prandtl numbers is higher than the Prandtl number of air, the Nusselt numbers attained in this experiment, the general flow pattern, and heat transfer can be expected to be similar to the full-scale building. A heat transfer apparatus was then designed to provide the capability to study the heat transfer from an isothermal heated T r o m b e wall Moreover, the c onvective flow investigated. geometry temperature around this to a rectangular profiles Trombe an d wall the the heated wall, experimental test a enclosure, wat e r system, a water cooling A schematic consisting jacket, system, controlling and monitoring instruments, 3.2. were A photograph of the assembled apparatus and entire rectangular natural geometry peripheral c o m p o n e n t s is sho w n in Figure 3.1. of enclosure. and of a a vertical temperature is shown in Figure These will be described in detail below. 21 Figure 3.1 Heat Transfer Apparatus 22 -JI Cooling Water Storage Tank Cooling Water In Trcxnbe Wall Thermocouple Leads and (^J --- Mtph , 3 LflJl Figure 3.2 Filter Chiller w Cooling Water Out Pump Schematic of the Heat Transfer Apparatus <) 23 The of rectangular 30.48 cm (12 test enclosure with in.) in height, 45.52 inside dimensions cm (17.92 in.) in length, and 30.48 cm (12 in.) in depth, was fabrica ted from 1.27 cm (0.50 in.) thick clear sheet plexiglas. However, to provide a higher heat transfer between the Trombe wall space and the outside constructed aluminum. from of the 1.27 enclosure, cm (0.50 one endwall in.) , ty p e 6066 was sheet This wa s done to s i mul at e a double glazing on south facing wall. The water jacket enclosure, with inside d i m e n s i o n s 41.40 cm x 41.91 cm x 57.15 cm, sur rounding the rectangular test enclosure was also made of plexiglas. This • ! water jacket consisted of a separate 3.81 cm wide rectangular channel for each face of the rectangular test ‘ ' enclosure except the bottom face which was insulated by R-Il ■ • fiberglas. i j . I The two enclosures were fastened together with machine screws and sealed with silicone sealant. ' 1 j i Access to • the test chamber was gained by removing a rectangular lid on I the I top wat er jacket and an inner lid w h i c h form ed the ceiling of the test space. A groove, 1.27 cm wi d e and 0.64 . ' cm deep on the inside surface of each lid, wa s m i l l e d to fit a 0.24 cm (0.094 in.) thick rubber gasket. i ' • ' The top was then ' secured in place wi t h wing nuts and mac hi ne screws. ' j .i | arrangement facilitated access to the test space. ■ This ' j j 'II I 24 A vertical electrically heated wall with the same duct gap size at the top as the bottom, wa s emp l o y e d inside the rectangular test enclosure as an inner test body to simulate the Trom be wall. Three different duct gap sizes, 2.54 cm , 0.635 c m , and zero cm (no duct, gap) , were studied in this inves tigat ion by stopping down the 2.54 cm gap to the desired size w i t h a l u m i n u m blocks. A front v i e w and an end view of the inner body are pre sen ted in Figure 3.2. The inner body was fabric ate d from two 0.47 cm thick and 30.23 cm square type 6061 aluminum sheets. Aluminum was selected for the inner body to minimize any temperature gradients on the inner body surface. and bott om the top edges of each a l u m i n u m sheet we r e mill ed out pro vid in g two notches, length. To construct the duct gaps, A 0.7 9 cm 2.54 cm in height and 25.4 cm. (0.31 in.) thick aluminum spacer in was tightly adhered around the m a r g i n s of the inner surface of each aluminum sheet using a high temperature silicone rubber sealant. This a l u m i n u m spacer wa s 2.54 cm wi d e along the sides and 1.27 cm wide along the top and bottom of the wall margin. together The spacers with and a l u m i n u m mac hi ne scre ws sealant to form the inner body. wall, B: and sheets the were high a s sem bl ed temperature The, edges of the assembled which contacted the water jacket, were covered with a 25 0.038 cm (0.015 in.) thick rubber gasket to m i n i m i z e heat losses and to eliminate fluid flow. Electrical resistance heat tape supplied the heating for the inner body. The heat tape, 0.064 cm thick and 0.32 ' cm wide, consisted of an electrical resistance wire sandwiched between an adhesive backed fabric and a metallic ihsulative foil. The electrical resistance wire was rated at 28.87 o h m s / m (8.8 ohms/ft) and a m a x i m u m power of 75.46 Watts/m (78.53 Btu/hr/ft). Five sets of these heater tapes were attached to each inner surface of test body. Each set cons is te d of 10 rows of heater tapes, conn ected in series. High temperature silicone cement was spread over after insta llation to insure adhesion to the tapes the surface. Figure 3.3 shows the heater tape arrangement, thermocouple * " location, and the interior of the test body. The inside of the test body was filled with a styrofoam s h eet an d fiberglas insulation to m i n i m i z e internal heat transfer. Input power to the tapes wa s ind ividually controlled by means of Ohmite Variable Power resistors (0-35 ohms or 0-50 ohms, 150 watts, 2.07 ampere s or 1.68 amperes maximum) connected in series with each set of the heater, tapes. This c o m b i n a t i o n a l l o w e d the two sides of the test body to be maintained at essentially equal a nd constant 26 Figure 3.3 Interior of the Inner Body 27 temperatures. The ■ cooling system con sisti ng of . _ a c h i l l e r , pump, filter, and i nsu lat ed storage tank pro vid ed wat er to cool the test enclosure. The cooling water was collected from the water jacket through a drain manifold system and pumped through the chiller, into the storage tank, through the filter and a supply manifold system^ and back into the water jacket. A uni fo rm flow rate through each channel of the w a te r jacket w a s a c c o m p l i s h e d by valves w h i c h fed several inlet ports for each channel. This arrangement allowed the te mp er atu re of the b o tt om face of the test c h amb er to vary while providing a uniform temperature on the remaining faces of the test space. cooling wate r Since the apparatus cannot w i t h s t a n d pre ssure above 41 KPa (6 psi), a regulator valve and a 122 cm tall stand pipe we re plac ed in the mai n outlet from the around 13.8 KPa emergency water jackets (2.0 psi) to mai nt ai n under shutdown conditions. normal the pressure operation and Three aircocks were placed on the wat er jacket lid to release air bubbles from the jackets. The inside surface temperature of the rectangular test, space enclosure was monitored by using 27 copper-constantan thermocouples epoxied 0.08 cm from the inner surface. There 28 we re five t h e r mo cou pl es per face of the except the bottom face which had only two. leads exited through holes jackets. test enclosure All thermocouple drilled in the cooling water The holes were sealed tightly with epoxy. The t e m p e ra tur e of the heated vertical test wall was monitored using 10 copper-constantan thermocouples placed in each face of the heated wall. The the rm oco up le leads and heat tape leads pass ed through holes in the sides of the spacers, one lead per hole, and were brought downward inside slots in the sides of the vertical heated wall. The holes and the slots were sealed with silicone rubber caulk. The leads were directed toward the plexiglas endwall where they exited through t w o 1.9 cm inside diameter, 10.2 cm long stainless steel tubes, whi ch passed through a hole in the bottom of the apparatus and then threaded into the test cha mbe r at the corners of ple xi glas endwall. of the tubes, the leads were sealed off At both ends from the test enclosure with silicone rubber sealant. Local fluid temperatures in the tes t s p ace were measured using seven thermocouple probes to traverse a plane in the mid dl e inner body. of the enclosure and per pen dicular to the These probes consisted of a copper-constantan t h e r m o c o u p l e coated with m a g n e s i u m oxide insulation and 29 sheathed wi th a 0.32,cm. diameter, type 304 stainless steel tube. The region between each thermocouple bead and tubing end wa s s t r e a m l i n e d wit h an epoxy cone. This arr angem ent was intended to limit heat conduction along the probe shaft from the measuring point. Three 0.38 cm diameter holes were drilled in the plexiglas endwall and four holes were drilled in the a l u m i n u m endwall along the vertical center. These holes w e r e co un te r-b or ed to a dia me te r of 0.51 cm to a depth of one half the wall thickness to allow placement of O-rings and a l u m i n u m or plexigl as tubes in the holes. a l l o w e d the probes the test aluminum be passed through the tubes and into space w i t h o u t cooling water. This design seepage of the w o r k i n g fluid or Four of the probes were posi tione d in=the endwall of the enclosure 20.32 cm and 30.30 cm from at 0.18 cm, the enclosure top. 10.16 cm, The other probes were positioned in the plexiglas endwall at 2.54 cm, 10.16 cm, and 22.86 cm from the enclosure top. The rectangular test space enclosure and the inner body we re painted flat black except for a light source slit the length of the ch a m b e r located in the center of the ceiling and one clear side face pho togr ap hs to be taken. tw o 650 Watt, high allowing flow observations and A lighting system equipped w it h intensity, tungsten halogen lamps 30 provided a thin collimated beam of light necessary for flow visualization. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The inner body was placed perpendicular to the floor at 2.54 cm (1.0 in.) from rectangular test space. the aluminum endwall in the Hence, the rectangular test space w a s separat ed into two parts by the inner body as shown in Figure 3.2. One was the left hand side Trombe wall space) with aspect ratio 12. right hand side test ratio 0.75. floor wer e space test space (or The other was the (or living space) wi th aspect The lead w ir e s from the inner body along the sealed off from the test space w i t h silicone rubber caulk and.connected as sho wn in Figure 3.2. Final assembly involved securing the inner lid and the rectangular lid on the top wat er jacket and connecting the p l umb in g associated with the chilling system. Di sti lle d wa t e r wa s added to the system through the stand pipe until all of the air was forced out of the water jacket. The cooling system was activated. The test fluid, 20 cs silicone oil, was then introduced into the rectangular test space by grav ity feed. The gravity fed fluid flow ed through a filler stem located on the bottom of the apparatus and exited out of a 0.79 cm i.d. stainless tube whi c h 31 threaded into the.ceiling of the test chamber. The tube was flush with the insi de surface of the ceiling. Power wa s app lied to the heater tapes and adjuste d until the desired isothermal temperature condition was achieved on the surface of the inner body. At this condition, no conduction could occur b e t w e e n these faces. flow Sim ultaneously, cooling water rates were adjusted to attain an isothermal condition on all faces but the bottom face of the test enclosure. establishment equilibrium of the within importance. Once isother mal the tes t thermal (approximately six hours) for each run: (I) conditions chamber and thermal of primary was reached were equilibrium the following data were The inn e r thermocouples millivolt readings, body The an d recorded out e r bo d y (2) The input amperage to each of the inner body heater tapes, (3) The input voltage to each of the inner body heater tapes. The program used to reduce the data is presented in Appendix I. A minimum of 12 heat transfer data points were obtained wit h each duct gap arrangement. reduced data is pro vid ed in App endix . twelve temperature conjunction with II. . selected In addition, .. profile thermocouple probes was A list of the partially sets data were runs. < collected Each of in seven inserted into the test space until -( 32 it contacted the inner body. It was then withdrawn in small increments until the probe tip was flush with the endwall of the test along space,. the withdrawal. .Th$ th e r m o c o u p l e traverse were recorded readings and position at e a c h step of the Positions were measured within 0.05 cm. * In order to m i n i m i z e e r r o r s in the data, all / instruments were calibrated before the test. Comparison of some of the th erm o c o u p l e s w i t h an O M E G A type 2809 Digital T h e r m o c o u p l e meter revealed that the standard calibration w a s accurate, wit h a m a x i m u m error of about plus 1.6°C (2.8 0F). M e a s u r e m e n t s of power input at the inner body were accurate to within plus or minus one percent. All the data were collected at the condition of room temperature in the range of 21.1 0C (70 °F) to 26.7 0C (80°F) and pr essure around one atmosphere. The percent temperature variation for either the inner body or the outer body was defined as Temperature Variation % = ^P^alfmax----local,min x ^QQ ?h - Tc (3-1) where Tlocalfinax (minimum) inner (Tlocalfinin) r e p r e s e n t s or outer body temperature* the maximum The average te mp er a t u r e va ri ati on for the left face of the inner, body 33 was 9.6%, face of with a maximum variation of 15.9%. the inner body, 18.5%, respectively, and 24.37%, The these quan titie s For the right were 11.4% and For the outer body, they w ere 13;65% respectively. heat transferred by natural convection was calculated by ^conv = Qtot “ Qcond “ Qrad (3-2) Since the 20 cs fluid was opaque to radiation only the heat loss due to conduction had to be determined. To det e r m i n e the co nduct ion heat loss, the inner body was m o v e d to the central pos ition of the test space. The test space and the two end wat er jackets we r e then filled with st yro foa m permitted neither sheets and fib e r glas. convection nor This arr an geme nt radiation to occur within the test space and l i m i t e d condu ction in the space. the co m p l e t e syst em a s s e m b l e d as described, With the cooling flo ws to the end water jackets wer e cut off and a m i n i m u m of six heat transfer data points w e r e taken over the range of temperature difference for the zero cm gap (no duct gap) and 2.54 cm duct gap arrangements. The temperature difference was ca lcula ted as the average tem pe ratu re on each face of the inner body minus the average temperature of the top and sides of the outer body. The data are shown in Figure 3.4. n- 2.54 cm (I in.) gap O' ZeroSaP Solid symbols - left face Open symbols - right face Figure 3.4 Heat Loss by Edge Conduction 35 These data we re a least squares curve fit to develop an equation for each face of the zero gap and 2.54 cm gap. For the inner body, with zero gap, the resulting equation for the left face was (QCond in watts and AT in degrees Kelvin) Qcond = .2574 (AT)1 *0495 with an average percent (3-3) dev iat ion of 5.39 and maximum percent deviation of 13.42, and for the right face Qcond = -2483 (AT)1 -0115 (3-4) with a 5.82% average deviation and 15.17% maximum deviation. For the in n e r body with a 2.54 cm gap, the resulting equation for the left face was 0Cond = -188 (AT)1 "0709 (3-5) with a 6.13% average deviation and 10.32% maximum deviation, and for the.right face °cond = -1825 (AT)I"0304 (3-6) with a 7.1% average deviation and 14.43% maximum deviation. No heat conduction heat loss data were taken for the inner, body w i t h 0.635 cm gap, the heat conduction losses we r e ca lc u l a t e d from the resulting equations of the case of the 2.54 cm (I in.) gap because the same edge area contacted the test enclosure. These equations were used to correct the heat transfer data in subsequent measurement. p e r c e n t a g e .of heat lo ss by conduction The average to the heat 36 tr ans ferre d by con ve ct io n was 7.99 for the no gap, 6.1 for the 0.635 cm gap, and 5.8 for the 2.54 cm gap. Once the heat tra nsferred by natural convection was known, the average heat transfer coefficient wa s obtained from h = Oconv / IA i (Th - T c )] wh e r e Ajy (3-7) 9 2 9 c m 2 (1.0 ft 2 ), is the surface heat area of the inner body with zero gap. transfer This area is the same as the surface area on the south facing aluminum wall. the ease of the eng ineering calculations, For this area was chosen for all the inner body gap arrangements. The fluid properties were evaluated by ah existing function subroutine [23] based on the fluid film temperature which is defined by Tf = (Th + Tc ) / 2. (3-8) To observe the flow p h e n o m e n a w i thi n the test space, tracer particles fluorescent paint were made particles by into spraying the 20 cs an d test mixing fluid. These paint particles were visible when the mid pla ne was i l l u m in ated by high intensity lights. condition, At the steady state the flow pattern was photographed with a Calumet 4x5 profess ion al c a me ra using Polaroid, type 52 positive film. i CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION OF RESULTS The heat transfer data dimensionless parameters nondimensional form momentum, and are which energy. The the ge om e t r i c aspect ratio. the are in derived terms from of the of the governi ng equations of m a s s , independent parameters are the Rayleigh number, parameter, correla ted Nuss elt d i m e n sio nl ess the Prandtl number, and The dependent dim en s i o n l e s s number, was calc ulate d in the following functional forms to fit the heat transfer data by using a least squares method of curve fitting: Nu g = Ci RasC2 (4.1) Nus = C1 RasC2 Prc3 (4.2) N u s = C1 RasC2 AC3 (4.3) Nus = C1 Ras^2 Prc3 Ac4 (4.4) or L 2 )an^ A is where s is some cha rac ter is ti c length (H, an aspect ratio (H/L). For all the data combined, the aspect ratio A wa s replaced by the height ratio Hj/H whi ch is defined as the ratio of height of the inner body to the outer body. All the notations of the inner and outer bod ies . are given in to Figure 1.1. Three cha ra cte risti c lengths, the height H, Trombe wall space length Lyt and living space length Lg of the rectangular enclosure we re adopted to calculate the Rayleigh and Nusselt numbers. The range of the 38 correlating parameters is provided in Table 4.1. The ge o m e t r y following on heat visualizations, sections will transfer. discuss Te m p e r a t u r e the effect profiles, of flow and co m p a r i s o n s will be included in each section as they are applicable. GEOMETRIC EFFECTS W h e n the gap of the inner body was dec reased from the 2.54 cm (I in.) gap to the 0.635 cm (0.25 in.) gap or the zero cm gap, there wa s a decrease in the heat transferred. This decrease was exhibited for both the Trombe wall space and the living space. This decrease is most pronounced in the low Ray lei gh num be r range and bec ome s less in the high Rayleigh number range sho wn 0.635 cm 4.1. an the Nussel t numb er 4il4% less than the 2.54 cm gap's average Nusselt num be r and the zero gap has For heat 3.88% less the in Figure overall number transfer, as gap has an average average Nusselt than the 2.54 cm gap's average Nusselt number. Since each face of the inner body was separately heated to m a i n t a i n iso th er ma l conditions, a similar analysis was possibl e for the left hand test space (Trombe wall space) and right hand test space (living space) as shown in Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3. These two separate test spaces are 39 TABLE 4.1 RANGE OF DIMENSIONLESS PARAMETERS DIMENSIONLESS PARAMETER nuH m L2 n u L1 GrH Gr T . MINIMUM MAXIMUM 55 109 . 73 130 5.0 9.3 2.ZxlO6 I.ZxlO8 5.SxlO6 2.SxlO8 1.3xl03 6.SxlO4 6.ZxlO8 I.4x1O10 . I.SxlO9 3.4xl010 2 Gr. 1 r3H teL2 Ra7 L1 Pr 3.7x1O5 125 8.ZxlO6 200.0 OVERALL HEAT TRANSFER □ - 2.54 cm (I in.) gap A - 0.655 cm (0.25 in.) gap O ~ Zero gap nuH 100.0 0.1823 Illll % Figure 4.1 Geometric Effect for All Gaps and A Heat Transfer Correlation with All Data Combined HEAT TRANSFER TO LEFT HAND SIDE SPACE 200.0 D A O nuH I - 2.54 cm (I in.) gap - 0.635 cm (0.25 in.) gap - Zero gap Li I ltoH Figure 4.2 Geometric Effect for All Gaps and A Heat Transfer Correlation with All Data Combined I 200.0 HEAT TRANSFER TO RIGHT HAND SIDE SPACE □ - 2.54 cm (I in.) gap A - 0.635 cm (0.25 in.) gap O - Zero gap % 100.0 Nu^ = 1.5734 R bh 0.1778 50.0 Illll I I I 10 9 10 10 % Figure 4.3 Geometric Effect for All Gaps and A Heat Transfer Correlation with All Data Ccsnbined 43 denoted LHS an d R H S , respectively, in the following I discussions. For the heat transfer in LHS, and gap have the zero the 0.635 cm gap average Nuss elt n u mbe rs 3.84% and 4.26% less than the 2.54 cm gap's average Nus se lt number. For the heat transfer in RHS, For the 2.54 cm gap the values are 5.57% and 4.3%. geometry the warmer fluid rose from the left face of the inner body and pass ed through the upper gap into the RHS test space causing an exchange of mass between these two spaces. Flow visualization data also support this fact as seen in the flow patterns of Figure 4.4 an d Figure respectively. 4.5 for the ze r o ga p an d the 2.54 cm gap, Photographs of the flow patterns at the upper portion of the living space are shown in Figures 4.6 and 4.7. This exchange of mass may have resulted in the higher heat transfer for lower Rayleigh numbers for the 2.54 cm vented inner body than for the unvented inner body within the test space since no exchange of mass could happen for the unvented inner body. small, Since the 0.635 cm gap is rather it only shows a slight difference (below 1%) in heat transfer coefficients compared to the zero gap. Figure 4.4, which shows the flow pattern in the living space for the inner body wi th no gap, is des cri bed by the following; Figure 4.4 A Sketch of Flow Pattern for the Inner Body with Zero Gap AT = SO6SO0K (55.44°R), Rafi = 4.79xl09 Weak Motion Figure 4.5 A Sketch of Flow Pattern for the Inner Body with 2.54 an Gap AT = 31e33°K (56.39°R), Ra^ = 4.89xl09 46 Figure 4.6 (a) A Photograph of Flow Pattern in the Living Space for Zero Gap (Upper Left) 47 Figure 4.6 (b) A Photograph of Flow Pattern in the Living Space for Zero Gap (Upper Right) 48 Figure 4.7 (a) A Photograph of Flow Pattern in the Living Space for 2.54 cm Gap (Upper Left) 49 Figure 4.7 (b) A Photograph of Flow Pattern in the Living Space for 2.54 cm Gap (Upper Right) 50 1) The boundary vel ocity regions cl oc k w i s e comprise circu latio n a relatively high ceil A in which the st re aml in es closely f oll ow ed the shape of the living space. 2) A clockwise circulation cell B at the upper portion of the living space resulted from the lower density fluid rising from the hot wall and interacting with the conducting cold ceiling. 3) A. st rea mli ne C was observed below s tr ea mli ne C started near the cell B. The the cold vertical boundary and ended near the hot wall. 4) W e a k m o t i o n w a s not det ected in the core region until the shutter speed of the cam era was reduced t o . 24 seconds, and outside this region near the wall s again is a horizontal entrainment flow. 5) A c l o c k w i s e eddy D wa s observed in the upper corner adjacent to the heated wall. The flow pattern in the living space for the inner body with a 2.54 cm gap is different from the inner body with no gap as show n in Figures 4.4 and 4.5. difference was observed inside the The dis tinguishing gap region. The clockwise circulation of cell A was deformed and interacted with the counter-clockwise circulation of main cell in the 51 Trombe wall space streamline into the due which living to the passed space was existence through separated cl oc k w i s e cir cu la ti on of the m a i n cell. (perhaps mo re than one) was observed region. For the flow pattern wit h of the from the gap. upper the A gap cou nt er ­ A c loc kw ise eddy at the upper gap the 0.635 cm gap, no distinguishing difference was observed in comparison to the i no gap except in the gap regions whe r e there wa s an exchange of mass. A c o m p a r i s o n of tem perat ur e profile data with all of the inner body gaps at a p p r o x i m a t e l y the same tem perat ure difference is shown in Figure 4.8. The plot uses a dimensionless temperature and dimensionless length which are defined as whe re T is the local temperature, mea s u r e d at any vertical position, Y* = y/H, along midplane within the test space and X* = x / Lj, whe re x is the local distance from the a l u m i n u m endwall to the test point in the test space and is. the distance b e t w e e n the inner body and the a l u m i n u m endwall. The temperature profile was plotted in two different scales. For X* from 2.5 to 17 the smaller scale plot is inset in the Open Symbols - AT - 30.9eK (SS-SeR), Ra^ - 4.4xl09, 2.54 cm gap Solid Lines - AT - 30.S8K (55.411), Ra^ - 4.SxlO9, 0.635 cm gap Solid Symbols - AT - 30.3°K (54.6°R), Ra^ - 4.4xl09, no gap A-Y ■ 0.01 O - Y* - 0.33 ■0 ■O * V - Y - 0.67 * D - Y v O - Y - 0.08 O ’ Y* - 0.33 O - Y* - 0.75 0.99 -Q r i I 1.0 r 0.8 Q A < ______ 0.6 A on to fry I jjz r Ir Al 0.2 ----- BO- QEftin a— 0 0.2 0.4 Figure 4.8 0.6 0.8 1.0 2.5 17 Comparison of Temperature Profiles for All Inner Body Gaps 17.6 17.9 53 right upper portion of the figure. In order to display the t e m p e ra tu re di str ibu tio n adj acent to the walls, a larger scale plot is p res en te d in the mai n portion of the figure. When the gap size thermal of the inner stratification body within inc reased as shown in Figure 4.8. vented inn er body t e nd s to the was increased, living space the als o This suggests that the provide a larger thermal str atif ic at io n than the unvented inner body in the living space due to the exchanges of mass, mom en tum, and energy between the Trombe wall space and the living space. The tem pe ra tu re profile along Y* = 0.08 and Y* = 0.33 w i t h i n the living space is increas ed wit h increasing gap sizes. This implies that the larger gap size tends to increase convect ive heat transfer to the upper portion of the living space. Along Y* = 0.75, the 0.635 c m gap has a higher temperature profile in the RHS than the 2.54 cm gap. Throughout the LHS space, the no gap inner body gives the highest temperature profiles. no lower This is not surprising, since temperature mass could pass through the lower gap from the RHS space. Figures 4.9 through 4.11 present the dim ens io nl ess temperature profile plots at different AT for all inner body gaps. The magnitude of mid-range dimensionless temperature Open Symbols - AT - 57.I K (102.8 R), Pr - 136.2 Solid Symbols - AT - 34.7 K (62.4 R), Pr - 179.1 O1.0 A-Y 0 O ? 0-01 O - Y * - 0.33 V - Y* - 0.67 V- r I O- D - Y* * 0.99 i i r 0 -Y 0.08 2:=: 0.33 0.6 ,.,jw&& 0.75 OO Q Q Q O OQ^ r I I I r I I 0.2 in i 4 0.6 Al 0 00 0.2 vvV $ s m O O 0 Trombe Wall pT I 0o n rfll 0.2 0.4 Figure 4.9 0.6 0.8 1.0 & 2.0 4 2.5 17.0 0 O O oO a J 0.4 -P* 2.5 17.6 Variation of Temperature Profile with AT, Inner Body with Zero Gap 17.9 Open Symbols - AT = 59.0°K (106.I0R), Pr - 133.8 Solid Symbols - AT - 33.8°K (60.8°R), Pr ■= 181.9 A-Y •0 1.0 V- r I O 0.6 O - Y* = 0.33 -O O- » 0.01 # 66# iuofiaBfiaae^ '►?»»» V - Y* - 0.67 D - Y* = 0.99 0.4 O-2CgjSHfflB 0.8 & 866 0.6 A A ^ 6 A ▲ M $22 A 0 0.2 0.4 Figure 4.10 0.6 0.8 1.0 6 a °0 a PfflfiQ B C g & .n::, » •□ □<m n -Q . ..non, Ln A « Trombe Wall 0.2 Ln 2.5 n n Y 2.0 2.5 I 17 17.6 Variation of Temperature Profile with AT, Inner Body with 0.635 on 17.9 Gap Figure 4.11 Variation of Temperature Profile with AT, Inner Body with 2.54 cm Gap 57 profiles general ly increased with increasing AT. Several features c o m m o n to each of the tem pe ratu re pro files we r e observed. These are (I) the temperature profiles are almost a n t i s y m m e t r i c about the center line either of the Trom be wall space or of the living space. The majo r deviations from a n t i s y m m e t r y are near the hot and cold w a lls where fluid viscosities temperature. can significantly (2) The appearance of observed (3) parts. con si de re d relative throughout as one In the a wall (4) Near Y * .= o and Tro mbe sense in w h ich to the T r om be interact. surfaces the the layers horizontal in the central region in the living space. horizontal the boundary by are profiles near thermal affected profiles The be were wall thi s situation boundaries space space and, are have no can be not therefore, thin they the tem perat ure distribution is d o m i n a t e d by the heat lost through the cold ceiling, nearly linear profiles were space. and observed in the Tro mb e wall Near Y* = I bel ow the b o tto m vent in and the botto m por tion of the living space, the tem perat ure distribution was nearly insulated. Warrington's inner constant because Si mi l a r i t i e s of the bottom surface the tem perat ure profiles was to [23] we r e a steep drop at the inner body, an transition region, a level zone, an outer 58 transition endwall. zone, and a fairly steep dr o p at the c o l d The five zones are convi ncing ly obs erved only in the RHS test space. In the profiles for the LHS test space, no level zone wa s obs erv ed due to the narrow space b e twe en the hot and cold w a l l s (i.e., high aspect ratio 12). HEAT TRANSFER RESULTS FOR EACH INNER BODY GAP The data obt ained from the inner body with each gap size we r e co rre lat ed separately for both the left face and right face of the inner body. This is also referred to the Trombe wall space and the living space. Moreover, a separate correlation for the overall heat transfer (the sum of data heat transfer presented. for the left and right faces) is The notation throughout the remainder of this discussion will consist of presenting a two-part designation in w h i c h the gap size will be given first, f o llo we d by the inner body's face (i.e., zero-left, zero-right). When combined data are presented the last term will be all. The present experiments respectively. data from are plotted the zero-left in Figures and zero-right 4.2 and 4.3, The recommended equation which correlates the heat transfer with a single parameter for zero-left data was N u h = 0.904 Ran0,208 with an average percent deviation (4.5) of 1.09 and maximum I 59 percent deviation of 3.28. The percent deviation at a point is defined as the absolute difference between the data value and the average equation percent deviati ons value divi de d by dev iation divided by is the the the sum number of data of value. the data The individual points.. The r e c o m m e n d e d best correl ati on for the zero-r igh t data with one parameter was N u h = 0.862 RaH0e205 (4.6) ‘ s with 1.38% average deviation and 5.54% maximum deviation. The best equation using a single correlation parameter for all the zero gap data was N uh = 0.887 Ralj0 '206 (4.7) with 5.27% average deviation and 8.27% maximum deviation. A correl ati on including aspect ratio resulted in an average deviation of 1.22% with a maximum deviation of 5.49%. correlation was Nu h = This . 0.847 Ra110l206A0 *038 (4.8) The Prandtl number of the 20 cs fluid varied fr om 124.7 to 276.9 in this investigation. The best correlation including ' the Prandtl number effect was ■' ' Nu h = • ' 0.1184 RaH0 *252Pr0ll9:L I i ' I (4.9) w i t h 5.25% average dev iat ion and 8.01% m a x i m u m deviation. The effective heat transfer area was used to calculate | J I ; 60 the heat transfer data for the zero gap only when mak ing a *i . c o m p a r i s o n w i t h R a i thby's predication. The met ho d for defining this Appe nd ix III. effective heat transfer is described in C o m p a r i s o n to the results of. Raithby et al. [15] was ma de with a plot of Nu versus Ra based.on enclosure length, Ljf for the zero-le ft data as shown in Figure 4.12. It appears Raithby's especially to give higher analytical in the average approach lower Nusselt in the num be rs than laminar regime, range. This is Rayleig h number because the heat transfer in the lower Rayleigh number range was significantly conducting boundary. the affected by bound aries in the higher entrainment Rayleigh number increased, wall to cold the upp e r horizontal The flow in the Trombe wall space was dominated hot by wall flow Ray lei gh between number range. vertical As the the direct flow from the vertical pro bably was increased thereby lessening the role played by the upper horizontal surface in the heat transfer. Figure 4.13 shows that wh e n Rayleigh number increases, the flow pattern is modified. Probably the direct flow from the hot wa ll to the cold wall yie lde d higher velocities at high Rayleigh numbers than the flow at lower Rayleigh numbers. Hence, for the higher aspect ratios and higher Rayleigh numbers, the heat transfer in the cavity Zero-Left (A = 12) O Lines - Present Data - Raithby et al. Turbulent Regime Laminar Regime Figure 4.12 Comparison of Present Data with Raithby et al. 62 C ^ "r-S Z-^ (a) Z ,Zn / (b) ■0 ../ZL. H _ 3 I " H 2 2 Figure 4„13 \ Za.. Flow Patterns for Zero-Left (a) Rs h = 4.SxlO9 (b) Ra^ = 9.OxlO9 63 with the conducting upper horizontal surface and insulated lower horizontal surface tends to be similar to the case of the adiabatic horizontal surfaces. For the zero-right/ a comparison with Raithby’s general a p p r o x i m a t i o n was also ma de as sho wn in Figure 4.14. The present heat transfer data give slightly lower results with Raithby's analytical prediction. This is not surprising, since Raithby's correlation is not claimed to be valid for A < 5. Figure 4.15 sh o w s that the heat transfer in the LHS test space is higher than the heat transfer in the RHS test space. The average Nusselt numb er of the LHS 9.84% greater than the average Nuss elt number space. space was of the RHS This is due to the different flow patterns in the spaces as mentioned previously. Table constants, 4.2 an d Table 4.3 present the calculated average devition, and maximum deviation for the co rr elati ons for each inner body gap size in the LHS test space and RHS test space, respectively. The equation using a single correlation parameter for all three inner body gap sizes in the LHS test space is N uh = 1.3657 Ra110 "1894 (4.10). with 2.37% average deviation and a 8.26% .maximum deviation. 200.0 Zero-Right (A O Line - Present Data - Raithby et al. 100.0 Laminar Regime Figure 4.14 Comparison of Present Data with Raithby et al. 200.0 Solid Symbols : LHS Open Symbols : RHS nuH 100.0 - .8? 8" ° 8 60.0 I l l l l I l l l l r3H Figure 4.15 Comparison of Heat Transfer Results between LHS and RHS for Zero Gap TABLE 4.2 CORRELATIONS FOR LHS TEST SPACE EMPIRICAL CONSTANTS EQUATION FORM ci C2 AVERAGE % DEVIATION MAXIMUM % DEVIATION 1.09 .92 3.28 3.05 1.91 1.72 3.52 2.93 1.64 1.42 4.91 4.04 C4 =3 Zero an gap 4.1 4.2 .9043 .1518 .2075 ' .2483 . .1689 0.635 an (0.25 in.) gap Ov 4.1 4.2 1.2538 .0528 .1928 .2686 .2848 ON 2.54 an (I in.) gap 4.1 4.2 2.4135 0.0330 .1647 .2354 .2542 I • All 4.1 . 4.2 4.3 4.4 1.3657 .0232 1.395 .0419 . .1894 . .2859 .1877 ' .2709 .3704 -.2078 .3183 . -,1720 2.37 1.89 2.11 • 1.77 8.26 6.29 6.18 4.82 ■ TABLE 4.3 CORRELATIONS FOR RHS TEST SPACE EMPIRICAL CONSTANTS EQUATION FORM AVERAGE % DEVIATION MAXIMUM % DEVIATION Zero cm gap .1088 .2522 1.37 0.635 cm (0.25 in.) gap 4.1 . 1.2560 .0265 .1871 1.61 2.54 cm (I in.) gap 3.6106 1.5734 .00793 1.6107 .01340 .2481 .3832 .1778 .3032 .1760 -.2159 6.67 . -.1726 68 The correlation which provides the best fit of all combined data is N u h = 0.0419 RaH °-270 9(Pr)0 ^3183(HiZ H ) e172 with an average percent deviation percent deviation of 4.82. of 1.77 and (4.11) maximum The equation with one parameter using all of the data c o m b i n e d in. the RHS test space is N u h = 1.5734 Ray0 -1778 (4.12) with a 3.09% average deviation and 8.65% maximum deviation. The best co rre lat ion for the RHS test space of all three inner body gap sizes combined is N u h = 0 . 0 1 3 4 RaH0 '2897(Pr)0 *4 3 5 (Hi/H)“0 *1726 (4.13) with 2.37% average deviation and 6,45 % maximum deviation. Co rr ela tio ns for all three inner body gaps only dealt wi t h the overall heat transfer data, 4.1), from the inner body presented in Table 4.4. to the (as shown in Figure outer body. These are The correlation which provides the bdst fit of all combined data with three parameters is N u h = 0 . 0 3 2 9 RaH0 -2719(Pr)0 ^3496(HiZH)-0 -1543 (4.14) with a 1.98% average deviation and 5.07% maximum deviation. Table 4.4 also presents the cal cu late d constants for the data of all gap sizes using one parameter. N u h = 1.5079 Rail0 *1823 The equation is (4.15) with 2.65% average deviation and 8.11% m a x i m u m deviation. TABLE 4.4 OVERALL HEAT TRANSFER CORRELATIONS EMPIRICAL CONSTANTS EQUATION FORM 4.1 4.2 ci C2 .9131 .1616 .2047 .2442 . ____ Zero cm gap AVERAGE % DEVIATION MAXIMUM % DEVIATION C4 1.16 1.13 .1641 4.54 4.31 0.635 cm (0.25 in.) gap o\ to 2.54 cm (I in.) gap 4.1 4.2 3.0013 .1132 .1522 .2321 .2878 1.66 1.23. 4.55 3.49 2.60 1.98 2.45 1.98 8.11 5.07 . 6.17 5.07 . All 4.1 4.2 .4.3 I ^ 1.5079 .01949 1.5395 .0329 .1823 .2853 .1807 .2719. .3958 -.1940 .3496 -.1543 70 The best correlation for overall heat transfer data combined including geometric effects is N u h = 1.5395 RaH 0 *1807(HiZH)"0 '194 with an average percent deviati on of (4.16) 2.45 and maximum percent deviation of 6.17. All of the above correlating parameters are only based on the height of the enclosure, H. In order to obtain the empirical equation based on the length of the enclosure, a transformation was derived for the living space Nu = C1 (Ra L2 )c2 (H/Lo)3c 2“1 Prc3 Ac4 , l2 (4.17) and for the Trombe wall space Nu = C1 (Ra lI )c2 (HZL1 )3 c 2-1 Prc3 Ac4 lI where HZL1 = 12 and HZL 2 = 0.75. not change the average and (4.18) These transformations will maximum deviations of the correlations. The flow regime in. the living space may be similar to a vertical plate in the infinite medium since the aspect ratio of 0.75 could be consid ere d small. found the transition (to Eckert and Jackson [4] turbulent) regime was in the between 1 08 to I O 10 for the ir i so th er ma l vertical plate study. This may imply that the Rayleigh number range flow in the living space seen in the present study is in the 71 transition regime, since Rafi is in that range. The flow in the Trombe wall space may be expected to resemble flow in a rectangular enclosure with adiabat ic horizontal.surfaces. As Elder [12] mentioned, for RalllA3Z P r V S greater than IO9 a turbulent behavior may appear. A 3) / P f V 2 ig in the range of In the present S t u d y X R a lll 4.IxlO^ to 9.8xl03. This suggests that the flow in the Tro m b e wall space is also in the transition regime. CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This inv est igation has present ed a study of natural convection heat transfer from an isothermal vertical heated wall with the same size gap at the top and the bottom to a rectangular enclosure. gap, Three different gap sizes, 2.54 cm 0.635 cm gap, and zero gap, were investigated. Several conclusions can be drawn: 1) The 2.54 cm vented inner body, shows a higher heat transfer behavior than the 0.635 cm vented and unvented i n ner body especially 2) within in the the rectangular lower Rayleigh space, number ranges. As the gap size of the inner body increased, thermal stratification within the living 3) test The d i m e ns ion le ss space also increased. tempe ra tu re profile increased with increasing vertical distance from the enclosure bottom. An exception occurs very near the top where the dimensionless temperature approaches zero. 4) The tem pe ra tu re profile is nearly linear near the top of the T r om be wall space. T e m p e rat ur e constant in the bottom of the test space. is nearly Similarities of the temperature profiles to Warrington's are a steep drop at the inner body, an inner transition region, a nearly constant t em perat ur e zone (not in Trom be wall 73 s p a c e ) , an outer transition zone, and a fairly steep drop at the cold wall. 5) The flow pattern at the upper portion of the living space for all clockwise of the inner circulation body cel l ci rcu lat ion cell enclosing gap instead sizes of shows a a single the entire region of the living space as seen in other studies. This is due to a n .asymmetry of horizontal surface boundary conditions. 6) For the numbers, higher aspect ratios and higher Rayleigh heat transfer in the cavity is independent of the horizontal boundary conditions. Since the results of this inve stiga tion are the first reported concerning the natural convection heat transfer from a vertical heat ed wa ll wi th various vent sizes to a rectangular enclosure, no direct com pa r i s o n with previous results can be made. The present exp er i m e n t is a 1 / 1 8 th scale model study of the natural convection process in a two story high room in passive solar heating with a Trombe wall geometry. However, steady convection heat transfer data for the full-scale structure has not been published to date, nor co u l d it be ca lcu lat ed from the past investigations of similar Trombe wall houses. Direct comparison of the present results with full-scale structures is truly difficult at the 74 present time. This study, however, has provided not only a method to tackle the problem of natural convection within a rectangular enclosure relevant passive to but solar also a met h o d hea tin g wit h to a obtain Tro mbe data wall geometry. The present t em per at ur e profile results show a large thermal st rati fic ati on in the living space because of the existence of a circulation cell at the upper portion of the living space. This stratification could possibly be reduced by two methods. could be m o v e d posi ti on One m e t h o d is the top gap of the inner body downward of the inner to s o m e w h e r e body. above the central The other is that the upper horizontal surface could be insulated as well as the bottom surface to create a single circul ati on cell enclosing the entire region of the living space according to the previous rectangular enclosure studies with adiabatic horizontal surface boundary conditions. Several correlations, in terms of one, two, or three correlating parameters, transfer were developed to predict in the living space. the heat The r e c o m m e n d e d empirical equations are N u h = 1.5734 Rali0 *1778 (5.1) N u h = 1.6107 RaH0 *1760 (Hj/H)™ ° •2159 (5.2) 75 and N u h = 0.0134 Rali0e2897Pr0e423l5 (HiZH) “ °*1726 (5.3) for 6 .2 x 108 < R a 0 < I.Sx l O 1 0 ? 124.7 < Pr < 276.9; 0.833 < (HiZH) < 1 . 0 which have average percent deviation of 3.50f 3.01 and 2.37, respectively. This study could be extended to determine the extent of the th re e- d i m e n s i o n a l effects by mak ing add ition planar obse rvati ons and flow velocit y measurements. from the tracer particles that Reflections have settled onto the upper vent surface of the inner body and the bot tom face of the 4. ' outer body caused visual and photographic problems that need to be eliminated. Future work with the apparatus is planned. Other test fluids are to be used to extend the Prandtl and Rayleigh number ranges to,detect the transition from laminar to turbulent flow. APPENDICES APPENDIX I H E A T T RA N S F E R D A T A R E D U C T I O N PR O G R AM The computes All of following and the is correlates variables, a data all of reduction the s ub r ou ti ne s are de fi ne d w i t h i n the program. program dimensionless and fu nction which gr o u p s. su b pr o g r am s 78 C**** HEAT TRANSFER DATA REDUCTION AND CORRELATION PROGRAM C DIMENSION T<B >» DTK(3)»TEMP(300)> HLOSS(3)»TK(10>> TM(10) DIMENSION TH<3>,TC(O) DIMENSION ORD(B), P R O ) ,GR(O),RA(O),ZZNUS(O),OTOTAL(O),A(B) DIMENSION AL(Z),BL(O),OCONV(O),TAVOI(O),TAVOO(O),OHM(IO),TB(B) C***« ENCLOSURE LENGTH GL=IB.O 102 FORMAT(1X,F4.2> 66 FORMAT(' TROMBE WALL POSITION AT ',FO.I, ' IN') READ(IO S ,SB > AL(I) OUTPUT ' ' READ(103,102) DG 88 F0RMAT(25X,F3.I ) C AL(I): TROMBE WALL SPACE WRITE(108,66) AL(I) WRITE(108.100) DG 103 FORMAT( ' ** TROMBE WALL DUCT GAP EQUALS ',1X.F4.2,' IN') AL(Z)=GL-ALU >»2.0 CALL TAV(TEMP,TB,TM> TM(S)=O.O; TM(IO)=O.O GTOT=O.O C CALCULATE HEAT FLUX OUTPUT ' HEAT TAPE VOLTAGE CURRENT(A) TEMP(F) TEMP(K) ' DO 43 NI=I,10 TK(NI) = (TM(NI>+459.63)/I.B TK(S)=O.O: TK(IO)=O.O READ(105,333)EMF,VOL 333 FORMAT(IX,F5.I,1X,F6.4> O H M (N I )=I.O CURNT =VOL/OHM(NI) 111 F0RMAT(7X,I2,7X,F5.I,4X,FB.4,4X,'* ',F7.3.F9.0) POWER=EMF*CURNT WRITE!108,111) NI.EMF.CURNT,TM(NI),TK(NI) GTOT=QTOT+POWER IF(N I .E G .5) THEN C#***#LHS: LEFT HAND SIDE HEAT FLUX INPUT GTOTAL(I)»GT0T*3.413 GTOT=O.O ELSE END IF 43 CONTINUE C*****RHS: RIGHT HAND SIDE HEAT FLUX INPUT GTOTAL(2)=QT0T*3.413 79 QT0TAL(3>"QT0TAL(1)+0T0TAL(2) QCONV( D - Q T O T A L d ) iQCONV (2 )-QTOTAL (2) ! QCONV (3) -QTOTAL (3) OUTPUT ' ' OUTPUT ' ** AVERAGE TROMBE WALL TEMPERATURE (R) **' OUTPUT ' LEFT-HAND SIDE RIGHT-HAND SIDE OVERALL' TAVGI <D -TB (I );TAVGO( D-TB(S) TAVGI(2)-TB(Z):TAVGO(Z)-(TB(3)+TB(4)+TB(6)+TB(7))/4.0 TAVGI(3)-(TAVGI(I )+TAVGI(Z))/2.0 TAVGO(3)-(TAVGO(I)+4.0*TAVGO(2> >/5.0 DO 888 MM-I,3 TH(MM)-TAVGI(MM)/I.8 TC(MM)-TAVGO(MM)/I.8 888 CONTINUE WRITE*108,222) <T H (I ),I-1 ,3) OUTPUT ' ** ITS AVERGE SURROUNDING COOLED WALL TEMPERATURE (K) **' WRITE*108,222) (T C (I >,I■ I ,3) OUTPUT ' ' 222 F0RMAT(5X,3(F7.3,11X)) BL(I)»12.0 J J-2 OUTPUT 'I BL DT (K) NUSSULT NO. PRANDTL NO. GROSHOF NO. * RALEIGH NO. ' DO 7 M-I ,2 IF(M .E Q .2) THEN OUTPUT ' LHS CAVITY TEMP BASED ON AVERGING COLD WALLS TEMP' TAVGO(I)-(TB(3)+TB(4)+TB(5)+TB(7)>/4.0 ELSE END IF DO 5 J-I,2 C HAI HEAT TRANSFER SURFACE AREA HA-1.0 DO 6 1-1,3 DT=TAVGI<I )-TAVGO(I> DO 38 11=1,3 DTT-TAVGI(II)-TAVGO(ID DTKtII>=DTT/1.B 38 CONTINUE IF(D G .E Q .0.00) THEN HLOSS(I)-(EXP(ALOG(.257443)+1.048533*LOG(DTK(I))))*3.413 HLOSS(Z)-(EXP*ALOG(.248315) + !.Ol 1473*L0G(DTK(2>)> >«3.413 ELSE HLOSS(I)=.1B7955*(DTK(1)**1.070327)*3.413 HLOSS(2)-.182527*(DTK(2)**1.030395>*3.413 END IF HLOSS(3)-HLOSS(I)+HLOSS(2> C 80 233 6 3 7 939 o no 8 232 HLOSS <3 >"HLOSS <I >+ML0SS<2> OCONVt I )-0T0TAL(I >-HLOSS(I ) IFt I .EG.I ) BL(Z)=AL(I) IF(I .E G .2) BL(Z)=AL(Z) IFd.EQ.3) BL(Z)=ALt I ) ;HA»2.0*HA H=GCONV(I)/(DT*HA) TAVG= (TAVGI (D T T A V G O d ))/Z.O VIS=U(TAVG,JJ) SH=CP(TAVGrJJ) COND=CON(TAVGeJJ) DEN=RHO(TAVGrJJ) BET=BETA(TAVGrJJ) PR(I)=VIS*SH/COND G R (I)=32.174*B.ET#DT*((B L (J )/IZ .O )* * 3 )*DEN*DEN*3G00*3B00/(VIS*VIS) Z Z N U S d )=H#BL( J )/<COND* 12.0) R A (I)=GR(I >*PR(I> U R ITE(108 r233) I,BL(J),DTK(I),ZZNUS(I),P R (I),G R (I),RA(I) F O R M A T d X , I l .2X.F4.1,2XrF7.3,2X,F10.3,3X,F10.3,4Xr2(E10.3r4X)> CONTINUE CONTINUE CONTINUE TC(I)=TAVGO(I)/!.8 URITEt108,833) TC(I) FORMATdX, '**LHS AVERGING COLD WALLS TEMP: ',F7.3. 'K ') OUTPUT ' I QTOTAL QCONV HLOSS (WATT)* PER CENT LOSS ' DO 8 1=1,3 Q T O T A L d )=QTOTALd )/3.413: QCONVt I)=GCONVt I >/3.413 HLOSS(I)=HLOSS(I)/3.413 HPC =H L O S S d )/ Q T OTALd )*100 URITEt 108,232) D Q T O T A L d ) ,QCONVt I ) ,HLOSSd ) ,HPC CONTINUE FORMATtZX,Il,3<2X,F8.3),10X.F3.2) END C***» TEMP(R) IS A TEMPERATURE(R ) CONVERTED FROM VOLTAGE READINQ(MV) C*»** TB IS AVERAGE TEMPERATURE C***« IL-IW-H IS NUMBER OF DATA POINTS OF THE TEST FLUID SUBROUTINE TAV(TEMP,T B ,T M ) DIMENSION TEMP(300),TB(B),T M (8),T T (300) 81 88 100 99 17 11 101 1 2 3 4 5 B 7 8 15 12 13 READ(105.88) LW FORMAT(IX »13) WRITEdOB.lOO) F0RMAT(28X, 'DATA POINT',' READING(MV)',' TEMP(R) NC =O FORMAT!IX,F5.3) READ(105,99) VOLT NC=NC+! IF(N C .E Q .I) OUTPUT ' LEFT HAND SIDE TROMBE WALL ' IF(NC.EQ.11)0UTPUT ' RIGHT HAND SIDE TROMBE WALL' IF(NC.EQ.21) THEN OUTPUT ' ** ENCLOSURE SURFACE **' OUTPUT ' FRONT' ELSE END IF IF(N C .E Q .2 B ) OUTPUT REAR' IF (N C .E Q .31) OUTPUT • LEFT' IF(NC.EQ.3 B ) OUTPUT • RIGHT' IF(N C .E Q .41) OUTPUT • TOP' IF(N C .E Q .4 G ) OUTPUT • BOTTOM TEM=T(VOLT) TEMP(NC)=TEM TT(NC)=TEMP(NC)-459. 69 W R IT E (108,101) NC,VOLT,TEMP(NC),TT(NC) F0RMATO2X, I3,7X,F6.3,6X,F8.2,3X,F6.2) DO 13 N = I ,8 GO TO 11,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) N I-DL=IO GO TO 15 I=Il?L=20 GO TO 15 1*21iL=25 GO TO 15 I=26;L=30 GO TO 15 1=31:L=35 GO TO 15 I=3B;L=40 GO TO 15 1=41;l =45 GO TO 15 I=46:L=47 TA=O.O DO 12 J=I,L TA=TA+TEMP(J) TB(N)=TA/(L-I+l) TM(N)=TB(N)-459.B9 CONTINUE IF(N C .N E .L W ) GO TO 17 RETURN ' TEMP(F)') 82 END FUNCTION T(E) DIMENSION C O ) C d >-491.96562 C(2>«46.381884 C(3)=-l.3918864 C<4)«.15260798 C(5)--.020201612 C O ) - . 0016456956 C (7)--6.6287090/(10.**5) C O ) - I .0241343/(10.**6) T0T-0. DO 10 1=1,8 10 T0T=T0T+C(I)*(£**(I-I)) T-TOT RETURN 60 END C#*** CORRELATE THE D IMENSIONLES5 RESULTS DIMENSION X O , 400) , C O ) ,8(10,10) ,ANP(IO) ,RNRL(400> ,RNRLS(400> DIMENSION R A (100),SH(IOO).XNU(IOO),PR(IOO) READ(105,102) DG 102 FORMAT(IX,F4.2) H= 12.0 WRITE!108,103) DG 103 FORMAT(' ** TROMBE WALL DUCT GAP EQUALS ,1X,F4.2,' IN') C*#*# DETERMINE THE CONSTANTS USING THE LEAST SQUARE AND C##** ERROR CURVEFITTING SUBROUTINES READ!105,100) NV.NOB 100 FORMAT(IX,II,IX,12) DO 10 N - I ,NOB READ!105,99) RA(N),XNU(N),PR(N),SH(N) 99 FORMAT!1X,E10.5,2(1X.F7.3),1X,F4.I) 10 CONTINUE DO 3 1-1,3 DO I NV-2.4 DO 11 N - I,NOB X ( I ,N )» I .O IF (N V .E Q .2) GO TO 55 IF(N V .E Q .3) GO TO 66 IF(N V .E Q .4) GO TO 77 55 X(2,N)=L0G(RA(N)) IF(I.E Q .2> X(2,N)»L0G(PR(N)/(.2+P R (N))*RA(N )) IF(I.E Q .3) X(2,N)-LOG(RA(N)/(HZSH(N))) GO TO 2 66 X (2,N )=LOGtRA(N) ) X(3,N)=L0G(PR(N)> IF(I.E G .2) X (2,N )-LOG(SH(N)ZH) I X (3,N )-LOG(PR<N )/(.2+PR(N > >#RA(N>) IF (I.E Q .3) X (2,N )-LOG (RA(N))J X (3,N )-LOG(H/SH(N I> GO TO 2 77 X(2,N >=LOG(RA(N)> X(3,N)=L0G(SH(N)ZH) 83 2 11 105 5 I 3 X(4,N )=LOGtPR(N)> IF(I.GT.l) GO TO 3 M=NV+I X(MfN)=LOG(XNU(N)> CONTINUE CALL CURFT(NV,N08,X,C) CALL ERROR(N V ,N O B ,X ,C ,S S O ) C(I)=EXP(Cd)) DO 5 J=1,NV WRITE(10B,105) J,C(J> FORMATdX, 'C ', 11 , '= ',F 9 .6> CONTINUE CONTINUE CONTINUE END U U UUU SUBROUTINE CURFT(NV,N O B ,X ,C ) DIMENSION X(6.400) fC(B) r S d O f 10) DOUBLE PRECISION S.D LEAST SQUARES - NV INDEPENDENT VARIABLES Y = X (NV+1,I ) - NOB- NO. OF OBSERVATIONS C(I)=COEFFICIENT OF X(I) M=NV+I MP=M+I DO I I=1,M DO I J=1,MP 1 S(IfJ)=O.DO DO 2 I=1,N0B DO 2 J = I fM DO 2 K=1,M 2 S(J,K)=S(J,K)+ X (J,I)«X(K.I) S(1,MP)=1.DO IF (NV-I) 397,997,998 997 S(1,1)=S(1,2)/S(1,1) GO TO 999 998 DO IS LK=1,NV 11 IF ( S d f D ) 13,12, 13 12 WRITE (108,20) 20 FORMAT (' EQUATIONS IN SUBROUTINE CURFT ARE DEPENDENT - IGNORE FOL !LOWING ERROR ANALYSIS') DO 30 III=IfNV 30 C(III)=O. GO TO 31 13 DO 14 J=1,M 14 S(M,J)=S(1,J+1)/S(1,1> DO 15 1=2,NV D =St I,I) DO 15 J=1,M 15 S d - l , J )=S (I,J+1)-D*S (M,J) DO 16 J=1,M 84 UUU 999 DO 3 1=1,NV C(I)=Sd,!) 3 WRITE (108,4) I,C d ) 4 FORMAT ( ' ',!OX, 'COEFFICIENT OF X' ,12, '= ',E13.9) 31 RETURN END SUBROUTINE ERROR(N V ,N O B ,X ,C ,SSO) DIMENSION X (6,400),C(6),5(10,10),ANP(10),RNRL(400),RNRLS(400) DOUBLE PRECISION YC,TS,TE ERROR ANALYSIS - NOB OBSERVATIONS Y=X(NV+1,I ) - SSQ=STANDARD DEVIATION C d ) - CONSTANTS M=NV+I I TS=O.DO TE=O.DO EMX=O. DO 5 1=1,5 5 ANP(I)=O. WRITE (108,1) 1 FORMAT ( 'O',2 X , 'Y EXPERIMENTAL',4 X , ' Y CALCULATED',2X, I 'NUMERICAL ERROR',3X,'PER CENT ERROR') DO 2 I=I,NOB YE=X(M,I) C ADD EQUATION FOR YC AT THIS POINT YC=O-DO DO 20 IJ=I,NV 20 Y C - Y C + C d J)»X(I J, I > C YC =C d )*<X<NV, I ) )**C(2) YC=EXP(YC) YE=EXP(YE) E=YC-YE EP=IOO.*E/YE EPA=ABS(EP) IF (ERA-EMX) 6.6,7 7 EMX=EPA 6 DO 8 J=I,5 ACD = J*5 IF (EPA-ACD) 9,9,8 9 ANP(J)=ANP(J)+!. 8 CONTINUE TS= TS +E+E TE=TE+ABS(E P ) 2 WRITE (108,3) YE,YC,E,EP,I 3 FORMAT (4E17.8,15) A =NOB SSQ=(TSZA)**.5 TE=TEZA WRITE (108,4) S S Q ,TE 4 FORMAT ('O',IX,'STANDARD DEVIATION-',E15.8,3X,'AVERAGE PER CENT D 85 IEVI AXIOM*',E13.8) WRITE (108,10) EMX 10 FORMAT ('0',20X, 'MAXIMUM PER CENT DEVIATION-',E15.8) DO 11 1-1,3 XNF-ANRf I ) XNP=IOO.*XNP/A ACD= I»5 WRITE (108,12) X N P ,ACD 11 CONTINUE 12 FORMAT (1X,E1S.8,2X,'PER CENT OF DATA WITHIN',2 X ,E 1 3 .8,2 X , I 'PER CENT OF EQUATION') RETURN END FUNCTION U (T ,IDF) CO TO (1,2) IDF C**** ABSOLUTE VISCOSITY OF AIR 1 CO-134.375 Cl-6.0133834 C2-1.8432299 C3-1.3347050 U»T**C2/(EXP(C1)*(T+C0)**C3) GO TO 10 C**** ABSOLUTE VISCOSITY OF 20CS DOW 200 SILICONE 2 V = .03875*(4.G*10**5)/(T-359.89)**1.912 Cl=52.754884 C2=.045437533 C3-5.1832336/<10.**5) RHO=Cl+(C2-C3*T)*T U=RHO*.943*V 10 RETURN END FUNCTION CP(T,IDF) GO TO (1,2) IDF C»*«* SPECIFIC HEAT OF AIR 1 C0=2.236775/(10.**5) C l = .22797749 CP=Cl+CO*T GO TO 10 C**** SPECIFIC HEAT OF 20CS DOW 200 SILICONE 2 TP=5.*(T-491.69)/9. Cl=.3448334 C2=7.7499/(10.**5) C3=4.167/(10.**8) CP=Cl+(C2+C3»TP)*TP 10 RETURN END FUNCTION CON(T.IDF) GO TO (1,2) IDF 86 C**** THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF AIR 1 XP=.I CO=-B.59G49G5 Cl=34490.89 C2=8G8.23837 C3=B056583.8 7 X =XP F=C0+C1*X+C2*X*X+C3*X*X*X-T FP=Cl+2.*C2*X+3.*X*X#C3 XP=X-FZFP IF (ABS((XP-X)ZX)-.0001) 6,6,7 8 CON=XP GO TO 10 C**** THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF 20CS DOW 200 SILICONE 2 CON=.00034Z0.004134 10 RETURN END FUNCTION RHO(T ,IDF) GO TO (1,2) IDF C**** DENSITY OF AIR AT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE <LBMZFT*#3>' 1 A= 12.5 RH0=A*144.Z<33.36*T) GO TO 10 C**** DENSITY OF 20CS DOW 200 SILICONE 2 01=52.754884 C2=.045437533 C3=5.I832336Z<10.**5> RHO=.949*(C1+(C2-C3*T)#T) 10 RETURN END FUNCTION BETA(T ,IDF) GO TO (1,2) IDF C***« THERMAL EXPANSION COEFFICIENT OF AIR 1 BETA=I.ZT GO TO 10 C**** THERMAL EXPANSION COEFFICIENT OF 20CS DOW 200 SILICONE 2 BETA=.00107Z1.8 10 RETURN END APPENDIX II PARTIALLY REDUCED DATA GAP(cm) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 . FACE Th (0K) Tc (0K) LHS 355.150 LHS 3.22104 LHS 309.861 LHS 297.537 LHS 327.492 LHS 315.115 LHS 338.784 LHS 304.145 LHS 345.507 LHS 291.968 LHS 291.093 LHS . 325.508 LHS . 345.939 RHS 355.755 RHS 322.172 RHS 310.038 RHS 297.681 RHS 327.467 RHS 315.221 RHS 339.101 RHS 304.391 RHS 346.146 RHS 292.074 RHS 291.138 RHS 325.162 RHS 346.540 LHS 291.113 LHS 320.432 LHS 356.951 LHS 309.759 LHS 325.946 LHS 297.742 LHS 335.191 LHS 315.569 LHS 346.538 LHS 306.291 LHS 323.216 LHS 356.268 RHS 291.130 RHS 320.841 RHS 358.209 297.941 291.529 289.001 286.420 . 292.603 289.178 295.077 287.979 295.224 285.433 284.283 293.793 297.232 298.472 291.904 289.204 286.572 292.835 290.113 295.415 288.275 295.472 285.576 284.376 293.467 297.417 284.765 291.236 299.576 289.076 292.494 285.769 294.837 289.678 298.030 289.126 293.269 302.538 284.335 290.739 298.371 Qconv W 268.850 119.283 73.825 33.295 143.873 93.520 190.323 52.345 225.737 17.252 . 17.749 132.556 217.239 242.598 107.201 66.323 30.007 130.118 84;639 173.759 ' 47.607 205.656 15.608 16.131 120.909 196.888 18.226 119.202 269.688 76.474 137.393 38.897 174.546 96.900 221.630 56.106 122.016 255.117 16.511 108.495 245.018 QcondW 17.818 9.218 6.199 3.197 10.632 . 7.480 13.459 4.717 15.632 1.830 1.923 9.760 15.137 14.900 6.800 5.357 2.836 8.957 6.464 11.328 4.132 13.163 1.649 1.716 8.189 . 12.755 1.438 7.408 14.567 4.858 8.073 2.674 9.809 6.100 11.968 3.887 7.355 13.948 1.315 6.093 12.368 88 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 RHS RHS RHS RHS RHS RHS RHS RHS RHS LHS LHS LHS LHS LHS LHS LHS LHS LHS LHS LHS LHS LHS LHS RHS RHS RHS RHS RHS RHS RHS RHS RHS RHS RHS RHS RHS RHS 309.854 326.369 297.821 335.601 315.645 347.113 306.335 323.646 357.475 303.857 314.548 326.726 296.375 306.967 338.505 353.007 361.467 321.237 289.768 364.610 308.082 354.623 319.072 304.166 315.181 327.730 288.818 292.329 285.831 294.961 289.799 298.087 289.448 292.197 299.491 286.375 287.511 289.726 284.544 286.755 291.865 295.696 297.662 290.036 283.236 298.694 287.935 297.712 289.623 287.006 287.511 296.532 289.726 284.896 307.200 339.326 354.547 363.030 321.724 289.703 . 365.816 308.329 355.712 319.455 287.388 293.000 296.982 299.090 290.784 283.290 299.818 288.514 298.960 290.375 68.463 122.733 32.220 155.602 86.391 197.200 49.903 111.857 234.431 . 61.023 105.971 156.401 37.122 75.865 201.110 262.701 301.894 123.208 18.513 315.441 74.951 259.877 116,902 57.842 100.604 148.246 35.421 69.002 181.305 235.031 269.875 110.314 16.614 282.484 66.620 229.195 103.141 4.212 6.916 2.360 8.302 5.208 10.072 3.359 6.375 11.974 3.896 6.449 9.022 2.583 4.570 11.251 14.049 15.761 7.324 1.403 16.390 4.565 13.937 6.868 3.415 5.587 7.748 2.289 3.960 9.501 11.885 13.243 6.268 1.239 13.682 3.960 11.718 5.880 i APPENDIX III EFFECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER AREA The inner body was not perfectly present experiments because the entire inner surface. the heater Thus, isothermal in the tapes did not cover the effective heat transfer area on each face of the inner body had to be obtained to calculate the heat transfer coefficient. HNVENTED INNER BODY The following steady-state heat conduction problem was solved for the unvented inner body (refer to Figure A3.I). The problem was initially set forth in cartesian coordinates as 32T 3 X2 3 2T I 3 Y2 3 2T 2 3Z^ - n U (A3.I) with boundary conditions 3T (L ,Y ,Z) 3T(0,Y,Z) 0, '9 3X 3X3T(X,0,Z) n ^? 3Y 3 T (X,Y,0) 3Z and - q ”/ k 0 3T (X, L, Z) ■=' o, 3Y for b < X < otherwise 9T(X,Y,&) (h/k) ^ T o - T ( X , Y , m By applying the method of separation of variables, a Fourier 90 Y Figure A3.I Unvented Inner Body 91 series solution was obtained: T(X,Y,Z) - 2 lI“ Z cnincos (XnX) cos (UmY) {sinh [(Xn2+um2)1/ 2 Z] n ym=0 (n+m40) " Dnmcosh I ( 1/2zl I V+ + q"(L-2a)(L-2b) [ 1 + h / k U where — n^/L (n — Oy Iy Z)]/(kL2 ) miT /L 2 y «,»,o»»««<,y) and (m = Oy Iy 2y ..........y) are eigenvalueSy and (Xn2+ Um2)lZ2 + (h/k) tanh[(Xn2+ Um2JVZi] ■’nm (Xn2+ ym 2)V 2 tanh[ (xn2+Ul[2) 1/2& ]+ (h/k) The Fourier series constants w e r e obtained by orthogonality “2.q" (L-2b) {sin[um (L-a)] - sin(vm a ) } ^Om k Kl2 TT2L 2 for n = 0 and Ki = I,f 2 JU p -2qn .(L-2a) ' p e e e e e e f {sin[xn (L-b)] - sin(Xnb)} k n2,2L2 for n = I, 2, .......y and m = Oy -4q" {sin[xn (L-b)I-Sin(X^b)H sin Eym (L-S)]-sin(ym a)} ^nm k nm(n2+m2 )V 2 K^ZL for n = ly2y ....... y and m = Iy 2y ..... 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