Characteristics of a supersonic laminar boundary layer over a rough wall by Joseph Michael DSa A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Mechanical Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Joseph Michael DSa (1982) Abstract: The characteristics of a supersonic laminar boundary layer over a rough wall were investigated. The boundary layer was produced by, a slender body of revolution at Mach 3 and the roughness consisted of random distributed and two dimensional periodic overlays. Results reported here cover mean flow profiles needed to validate and characterize the flow and detect changes in the profile caused by roughness. The critical roughness needed to cause profile distortions is based on the Reynolds number defined by local properties rather than free stream properties. The height of the distributed roughness needed to cause profile distortions caused great difficulty in interpreting the profile data. The two dimensional periodic overlay with a roughness height greater than the critical roughness height caused an upstream movement of transition. The two dimensional overlay also caused an outward displacement of the boundary layer edge with a simultaneous decrease in the boundary layer thickness causing a distinct distortion of the boundary layer profile and an increase in the surface skin friction. STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO COPY In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for an advanced degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by my major professor, or, in his absence, by the Director of Libraries. It is understood that any copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. CHARACTERISTICS OF A SUPERSONIC LAMINAR BOUNDARY LAYER OVER A ROUGH WALL by JOSEPH MICHAEL D 1SA A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Mechanical Engineering Approved: Chairperson, Graduate Committee /9 - Head, Major Department — ___ Graduate Dean MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana July, 1982 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author offers his sincere appreciation to the following for their contribution to this investigation. His advisor, Anthony Demetriades, for his guidance and support throughout this investigation. Bill Martindale and Bob Warrington for serving as committee members and reviewing this thesis. Gordon Williamson for helpful assistance in constructing the models for the experiment. John Rompel for his expertise and assistance in putting together the electronic system for the experiment. Glenn McCullough and Mel Roush for their assistance during the course of the experiment. The Mechanical Engineering Department of Montana State University and Air Force Office of Scientific Research for financial assistance and funding for this investigation. Roberta Coppock for typing this thesis. And last but not the least, his wife, Ela, for her never-ending encouragement and understanding during this investigation. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter P&gfi. VITA . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.................. .. . .................ill LIST OF FIGURES. ....................................... vi NOMENCLATURE .............................. X ABSTRACT.............. ............ .................. xi I I. INTRODUCTION '............ ..................... I II. DESIGN OF THE EXPERIMENT........................ 4 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE MODEL AND WIND TUNNEL 6 IV. INSTRUMENTATION.......................... 12 V. DESCRIPTION OF MEASUREMENTS . . .............. . 15 Transition Measurement 15 .... .................... Test M a t r i x ................ Measurement of Surface Static Pressure 17 ........ 20 Reynolds Number Corrections to the Pitot Probe . . . . . . . . . . . .................... 22 Measurement of the Location of the Roughened Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Data Acquisition Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . 24 VI. SUMMARY ON THE RANDOM SURFACE ROUGHNESS MODEL . . 30 VII. COMPARISON OF SMOOTH AND SCREW MODEL. . . . . . . 32 VIII. CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................... 81 V Page APPENDICES ......................... .................. . 83 APPENDIX I .............. .. ............. 84 APPENDIX II. . ................................... 89 APPENDIX I I I ...................................... .. . 92 APPENDIX IV. . . . . . ......................... .103 Vl LIST OF FIGURES Fiqure I. Placement of the Model and Probe in the Test Section (to scale) ..................... 7 2. Tops Exploded View of Model and Roughness Afterbodies. Bottoms Wind-Tunnel Installation . 8 Views of the Model in the Tunnel. Note Microscope for Probe-Tip Observation ............ . . . . . 9 3. Details of Probe-Tip and Measuring Circuit. . . . . 13 5. Microphotographs of Roughness Profiles for ScrewType Model (top) and 60-Grit or k = 0.004" Model . (below) ...................... .. 19 6. Static Pressure and Mach Number (From Static and Pitot Pressure) Results for Smooth Model. . . . . «3CO 7. Static Pressure and Mach Number (From Static and Pitot Pressure) Results for Screw Model . . . . . . 35 8. Static Pressure Surveys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 9. Mach Number Results (From Static Pressure and Supply Pressure) ............................... . 37 10. Velocity Profile on Smooth Wall, x = 6", P0 = 600 milimeters Hg (Mercury). . . . . . . . . CO CO 11. Velocity Profile on Smooth Wall, x = 4", P0 = 400 mm. Hg ................................ . 39 Velocity Profile on Smooth Wall, x = 4, P0 = 500 mm. Hg ................................ . 40 Velocity Profile on Smooth Wall, x = 4™, Pq — 600 mm # Hy . . .41 M to 4. 13. Linearity of Velocity Variation Near Wall for Smooth Model, x = 6", Pq = 400 mm. Hg . . . . . . CM 14. vi i Figure Page 15. Linearity of Velocity Variation Near Wall for Smooth Model, x = 6", P0 = 500 mm. H g ............ 43 16. Velocity Profile on Screw Model, x = 5", P0 = 400 mm. Hg (Note Pitot Probe)................ 45 17. Velocity Profile on Screw Model, x =4", P0 = 400 mm. H g .................................. 46 Velocity Profile on Screw Model, x = 7", P0 = 500 mm. H g ............................ .. 47 Velocity Profile on Screw Model, x = 6", P0 = 500 mm. Hg .......... 48 Velocity Profile on Screw Model, x = 6", P0 = 400 mm. H g .............................. .. . 49 Pitot Pressure Profile on Screw Model, x = 4", P0 = 600 mm. H g ............................ .. 51 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Comparison Between Smooth and Screw Velocity Profiles, x = 6", P0 = 400 mm. Hg . . . . . . . . . 52 Comparison Between Smooth and Screw Velocity Profiles, x ~ 681, P0 = 500 mm. Hg . . . . . . . . . 53 Comparison Between Smooth and Screw Velocity Profiles, x = 6", P0 = 600 mm. H g ................ 54 Comparison Between Smooth and Screw Velocity Profiles, x = 7”, P0 = 600 mm. H g ........ .. 55 Comparison Between Smooth and Screw Velocity Profiles, x = 7", P0 = 400 mm. H g ........ .. 56 Temperature Profile on Smooth Model, x = 4", p = 500 mm. Hg. Note Surface Datum (Square on Axis)............................ ............. 57 Temperature Profile on Smooth Model for x = 4", P0 = 600 mm. Hg. Note Datum (Square on Axis) . . . 58 '/ viii Figure 29. a. b. 30. ( Page Determination of "Virtual Origin" for Smooth Model (62 vs. x)........ .. . . . . . . . . . Determination of "Virtual Origin” for Smooth Model vs. x) . . . . . 61 a. Determination of "Virtual Origin" for Screw Model (S1^ vs. x)................................. 62 b. Determination of "Virtual Origin" for Screw Model vs. x) . . . . . . ....................... 63 31. Form Factor for <Smooth and Screw Model............ 64 32. a. Momentum Thickness and Unit Reynolds Number Results for Smooth Model . . . . . .......... 65 Momentum Reynolds Number Results for Smooth Model ................................... 66 Boundary Layer Thickness Results for Smooth Model .......................... 67 Momentum Thickness and Unit Reynolds Number Results for Screw Model . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Momentum Reynolds Number Results for Screw Model . 69 . b. c. 33. 60 a. b. ................................. c. Boundary Layer Thickness Results for Screw Model e e e e e o e . e e e e e e e e e e e e e ® 70 Schlieren Photograph of Screw Model (P0 600 mm. Hg) Note Onset of Transition ............ 72 35. Skin Friction Results for Smooth Model 73 36. Third Degree Polynomial Fit of Velocity Variation Near Effective Screw Surface, x 4", P0 = 400 mm. Hg. ......... .. 75 Third Degree Polynomial Curve Fit of Velocity Variation Near Effective Screw Surface, x = 4 " Pq = 500 mm. Hg . . . . . . .......... .. 76 34. - . . . ........................... = . 37. . IX Figure Page 38. Third Degree Polynomial Curve Fit of Velocity Variation Near Effective Screw Surface, x = Sei Pq ” 600 mm . H g . . . . . 39. Skin Friction Results for Screw Model .............78 X NOMENCLATURE Symbol cfl : Friction coefficient (wall viscosity) cf2 ! Friction coefficient (stream viscosity) k : Roughness height kI : Critical height for destabilization/transition M : Mach number P Pressure Pt : Pitot pressure reading R : Gas constant Re' : Unit Reynolds number Re0 : Momentum Reynolds number Ree,Ts Critical Reynolds number for destabilization (based on roughness height and stream proper­ ties) Rek' : Critical Reynolds number for destabilization (based on roughness height and conditions at that height) T Temperature Local stagnation temperature at pitot tube Top u : : x : Axial Coordinate (measured from trailing edge forward) Y * Coordinate normal to the surface Velocity ■ y : Transformed coordinate normal to the surface ; Symbol Description Y Specific heat ratio 6 Boundary layer thickness 6* S Displacement thickness 0 Momentum thickness y Viscosity V Kinematic Viscosity p Density ( )O Stagnation (supply) conditions ( )e Boundary-Layer edge conditions ( >k Conditions at roughness height ( )w Conditions on wall surface xii ABSTRACT The characteristics of a supersonic laminar boundary layer over a rough wall were investigated. The boundary layer was,produced by, a slender body of revolution at Mach 3 and the roughness consisted of random distributed and two dimensional periodic overlays. Results reported here cover mean flow profiles needed to validate and characterize the flow and detect changes in the profile caused by roughness. The critical roughness needed to cause profile distortions is based on the Reynolds number defined by local properties rather than free stream properties. The height of the distributed roughness needed to cause profile distortions caused great difficulty in interpreting the profile data. The two dimensional, periodic overlay with a roughness height greater than the critical roughness height caused an upstream movement of transition. The two dimensional overlay also caused an outward displacement of the boundary layer edge with a simultaneous decrease in the boundary layer thickness causing a distinct distortion of the boundary layer profile and an increase in the surface skin friction. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The purpose determine of the present the characteristics investigation was to of a supersonic laminar boundary layer over a rough wall. There gradient, are a number of factors surface heat transfer, roughness that could affect laminar boundary layer. such as pressure bluntness, the curvature and characteristics of a The question of how roughness affects transition of a laminar boundary layer has been addressed by many researchers in the past. van Driest with McCauley For instance, (I) and later with Blumer (2) investigated the effects of three dimensional roughness on transition of supersonic laminar boundary layers, while Whitfield and Iannuzzi (3) investigated similar effects up to a Mach number of 12 to verify the hypersonic extensions of these effects proposed by Potter and Whitfield (4). Roughness, spheres for all the above researchers, glued to a smooth surface consisted of in an array. Only recently, Reshotko and Leventhal (5) and Kendall (6) worked with distributed random roughness disturbances (sandpaper) to study caused by roughness in laminar low speed boundary layers. The question of how random distributed or two dimensional periodic roughness affects characteristics 2 of a supersonic laminar boundary layer has been given little attention in the past. There were three questions which were of considerable importance to the present investigation. First of all, it was necessary to determine the critical size of roughness that would show profile distortions compared profiles of the smooth (no roughness) surface. to the Second, how does roughness (above the critical size) affect the point of transition? And third, why does surface skin friction have to be greater for a rough (roughness above critical value) surface compared to a smooth surface? The question concerning the critical size of roughness has been addressed in the past for low speed flows. According (7), to Fiendt the critical Reynolds number necessary to show profile distortions is defined by free stream properties, as On the other hand, Reshotko (5) and Kendall (6) motivated by Smith and Clutter (8) state that the critical Reynolds number is defined by local properties as Rek - -TT- = 100,. Thus it was Reynolds necessary numbers to determine is applicable which for laminar of the two supersonic 3 flows. The question of why skin friction increases for a rough (roughness greater than the critical value) surface compared to a smooth surface in a supersonic laminar boundary layer has been given little attention in the past. Although results bn how roughness affects the point of transition for three dimensional roughness in laminar supersonic boundary layers have been reported (I), have been reported for random distributed or none two dimensional periodic roughness for similar boundary layers. CHAPTER II DESIGN OF THE EXPERIMENT The criteria to be met in designing this experiment were as follows: a) The external condition had to be uniform and the ratio of the roughness height k to the boundary layer thick­ ness be constant (or nearly so) over the measured length of the model so that the profile distortion be constant, b) The range of the Reynolds number Re0 had to lie below the transition value (thought to be 400-800) and yet be high enough to detect profile distortions, c) The ratio of k/S had to be large enough to detect pro­ file distortions compared to the smooth wall case. The test model was a sharp nosed body of revolution. In this w a y y the cylindrical surface, surface, unlike a flat would be void of side wall interference. The sharp nose would suppress any bluntness phenomena (e.g. entropy gradients) and the small ogive angle would not allow a large pressure drop across the weak shock from the nose. Calculations show that a model like the one mentioned when placed in the test section of the wind tunnel would have a boundary layer thick enough to avoid resolution problems with miniaturized sensors and yet thin 5 enough to avoid phenomena peculiar to axisymmetric boundary layers (9). CHAPTER III DESCRIPTION OF MODEL AND WIND-TUNNEL The wind-tunnel and model are pictured on Figures I through 3. The MSU Supersonic Wind Tunnel (MSU/SWT) is configured to operate continuously with Mach 3.0 nozzle discharging into a 3.1" x 3.2" (7.87 cm. x 8.13 cm.) test section. The stream unit Reynolds number Re' range varies from about 20,000 to 60,000 per cm. The model consisted of a sharp ogive-cylinder combination with an overall length of 12.6" (32.0 cm). The ogive the tip formed a cone 5.2° in half angle, with purpose of avoiding significant shock waves reflecting on the model surface by sidewall reflection. The ogive was 4.6" (11.68 cm.) long and was detachable from the 8" (20.32 cm.) long cylindrical afterbody. Several afterbodies had been built, and the design allowed for rapid disassembly and reinstallation of the desired afterbody in the SWT without removing the entire model. The ogive-afterbody junction for choice. was designed to be flush each afterbody The entire model was suspended by two vertical actuator struts, while two additional struts supported the sensor probe in use. The model-probe arrangement could be moved vertically in unison (for example, when starting the tunnel, they were moved to the tunnel ceiling to prevent AFTERBODY OGIVE PROBE TRANSDUCE R HOUSING (INCH) Figure I Placement of the Model and Probe in the Test Section (to scale 8 Sr.VR 'enTrfic Figure 2 Top: Exploded View of Model and Roughness Afterbodies. Bottom: Wind-Tunnel Installation 9 Figure 3 Views of the Model in the Tunnel. Tip Observation Note Microscope for Probe 10 initial choking) or the model could remain fixed and the probe moved independently. Alignment of the model uniform is critical. In infinite, streams the zero-angle of attack alignment is sometimes done by pitching or yawing a model to symmetrize surface pressures measured at selected points on the model. The choice of equipping the present model with static pressure orifices was available, and in fact, the initial tests employed two surface pressure readings for that purpose. The results were useful, but it was also clear that slight pressure gradients would exist on the model surface due to its proximity to the sidewalls. After confirming that mechanically aligning the model along the precise tunnel axis was as accurate achieved with surface static tubes, as the alignment it was decided to discard the latter. The method of measuring the wall static pressure will be discussed later. Surface sandpaper roughness was generated by wrapping around the cylindrical afterbody. shop Several afterbodies, each clad with its own permanent roughness overlay were afterbody. kept on hand, including a smooth-wall Each overlay began at the upstream end of its afterbody; the diameter of the latter was machined so that 11 the surface of the overlay blended smoothly with the trailing edge of the ogive.nose-tip. Although a slight "step" existed for the larger roughnesses, it was not clear that this step changed the flow in any way, but for reasons mentioned later (Chapter VI), this problem was overlooked. In the low-speed experiments of (5, 6) the roughness height k of the sandpaper was taken to be equal to the particle size quoted by the sandpaper manufacturer. In the present experiment k was determined by measurement, using profilometer records obtained for each size roughness. This roughness height measurement was done for, and is reported in, (9). CHAPTER IV INSTRUMENTATION A brief description diagnostic tools used for will be given here of the mean flow measurements. The mean-flow instrumentation consisted mainly of the pitot tube, which is presented on Figure 4 in outline, together with its recording equipment. The tube itself consisted of a 0.006" (0.015 cm.) O.D. steel tube which was sharpened by etching diameter opening. to a 0.004" (0.01 cm.) frontal The tube was about 0,1" (0.25 cm.) long and was telescoped into progressively larger diameter tubing, which was in turn attached to a bullet shaped housing containing the pressure transducer. This encapsulated transducer (Kulite Semi-conductor Corp., Model VQH-250-10A), lay in the tunnel flow during the run. The bullet-shaped housing was held at the front of the probe strut and could be remotely actuated along and vertically to the model surface. Thus the probe tip could be moved to any desired position of measurement while the tunnel was running. The electrical leads of the transducer were channeled to the outside of the tunnel and were connected to the recording equipment shown, in block-diagram form, on Figure 4. The transducer output was energized by 15.0 volts d.c., 13 P R O B E .004 TIP .006 t /C A P S U L E TRANSDUCER r P O W E R & SUPPLY CONDITIONER AMPLIFIER D A M P E R A/D I •I CONVERTER DIGITAL Figure 4 STORAGE Details of Probe-Tip and Measuring Circuit 14 amplified and connected to a Spectral Dynamic Corp.. Model SD 133 8-channel A/D converter, from which it emerged in digital form for storage on cassette by means of a Texas Instruments ASR-700 computer terminal. Thus a mean-flow boundary layer survey consisted of traversing the probe in steps outwards from the model surface, wall. In the process, a trigger starting at the wheel geared to the vertical actuator produced electrical pulses spaced 0.001” (one mil) of probe travel apart. These pulses were sent to the A/D converter, signaling the latter to read and record the pitot probe output at each pulse only after the output had stabilized over a period of time. Thus a series of pitot pressures were recorded, spaced one mil apart, and stored in the ASR-700. The transducer was calibrated frequently before and after each series of measurements. then' least-squares The calibration was fitted by a computer program to a straight line: (mm Hg.) = Ax(counts) + B where A, B were constants, so that the stored digital reading (in counts) could be later converted to a pressure. The data-reduction computer program will be discussed later. CHAPTER V DESCRIPTION OF MEASUREMENTS . 1 Transition Measurement In order to find the roughness height for which transitional changes could be observed, initial transition measurements were done by Demetriades (10) with distributed roughness heights ranging from k = 0" t o k = 0.004". The range of stagnation pressure Pq was 400 - 600 mm. Hg (Re' = 45,000 to 67,000 per cm.) and the sensor covered positions on the model from x = I" (2.54 cm.) to 7" (17.5 cm.) where x was measured from the base of the model. It was found that for smaller roughnesses (k = 0 to 3.38 mils.) the fluctuation content (10) of the layer for each k and P q was identical, and for most of the model surface the layer was laminar with trends in transition onset towards the base of the model. According to Feindt (7) the minimum effective roughness height is based on stream conditions and has a value of about ue k Ree,T - I T = 120 For a laminar incompressible boundary layer with a linear velocity profile, a momentum Reynolds number of 500 and a thickness .6 of order 0.1" (conditions expected in the 16 present experiment) roughness height this critical Ree^T yields a critical of order n Re -ikI = 5 (6) Ri^ ^ 2 mils. On the motivated other by hand, Smith Reshotko (5) and Kendall arid Clutter (8) , indicate (6), that the critical Reynolds number is based on the flow speed at the roughness height, with an approximate value of UkK 100 from which the critical roughness in the present experiment would be as follows uK Rek = ue g- ue6 S ve .e tc 6 (Linear velocity profile) R=k ■ 46' > 2 (Ree> ''"0 l|> 0 (100 500 I )V2 15 o.l - 10 mils, However, this critical height would further increase in the present instance because of the variation of the kinematic viscosity across the layer. It was found that an effect of the roughness transition just began to appear for the 60-grit paper on for 17 which it was found that k = 0.004" Ree,T Rek (9) ~ 500 - 23 Comparing this result with Feindt's criterion made it clear that the latter's criterion had been considerably exceeded, and that the Reynolds number based on stream properties was not the appropriate one. Test Matrix During transition measurements done by and preliminary fluctuation Demetriades (10), it appeared that even for the highest P q attainable (600 mm. Hg), for a sufficiently large distance the flow on the. smooth surface was laminar and thus useful to this study. Also, although changes in the fluctuation data (10) could be seen only for the 60-grit model (k = 0.004"), yet these changes it was thought, were hot appreciable enough to show very distinct profile distortions. Hence, even roughnesses higher than k = 0.004" were necessary for investigation. For reasons having to do with the statistical determination of the surface (mentioned later), 60-grit was ruled out. use of sandpaper coarser than Instead, a periodic-roughness model, called the "screw" model, was built. This consisted 18 of the same general type of cylindrical afterbody used in the tests except that its surface, instead of being covered with sandpaper, was threaded like a screw. threads per unit length was high, The number of so that the surface appeared to the flow as having two-dimensional roughness. A cross-section of the surface appears on Figure 5, and was designed to provide the next big jump in k (in this case k = 0.014") beyond the 60-grit paper. In addition to answering questions posed earlier in the introduction, the mean-flow profile measurements serve three other functions: and, hopefully, "normal"? demonstrate that the boundary-layer is second, measurements first, they characterize the flow, they (along with the hot-film (10)) determine the turbulent vs. laminar conditions and thus the Pof k and x bounds within which laminar stability data would be taken? third, they provide the distorted velocity profiles so that instability can be theoretically predicted and compared measurements. with stability In view of the remarks of the. previous paragraphs, the conditions for the profile measurements were: - type of surface: smooth, 60-grit random, "screw". - stagnation pressure: 600, 500, 400 mm. Hg. 19 Figure 5 Microphoto graphs of Roughness Profiles for Screw-Type Model (top) and 60-Grit or k = 0.004" Model (below) 20 - profile positions; x = I, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6 and 7 inches from the trailing edge. Thus, 3 x 3 x 7 = 63 profiles were to be measured. Measurement of Surface Static Pressure Three issues regarding the profile measurements deserve brief discussion because of their importance in finding the flow properties solutions employed. and the novelty of their One of these was the measurement of surface pressure on the smooth model, which was used to determine the flow properties across the boundary layer. .In this experiment, this pressure was determined for each profile by extrapolating Specifically, the pitot probe data. it is safe to assume that very near the wall (say y/ 6 - 0.1) (a) the flow is subsonic and nearly incompressible and (b) the velocity variation is linear. Thus, Pt = Pw .+ 1/2 u2 u = Cy, C is constant Thus it follows that Pt = Pw '+ (1/2)C2y2 and therefore Pw was determined from the intercept of a plot of measured P t V s. y2. There were two main reasons for following this 21 procedure. First, slight Pw variations were expected from the fact that the model was rather bulky for the size of the test section, and the bow compression fan reflected on the sidewalls and back onto the model. One could drill and instrument a large series of static taps on the model surface, but this woiild'demand some raa priori™ knowledge of the spots where pressure gradients were significant. More importantly, however, this would greatly increase the cost and complexity of fabricating and installing the model and would also make the measurement very tedious. The second reason was even more forbidding: static pressures were measured separately sensor, then its accuracy had to be surface with happens in such cases that of the pitot by another "matched™ sensor. if the What is that when combined on the usually into the Rayleigh relation, these two different pressure systems give a finite, non-zero velocity on the wall. The key lies in the wide dynamic range needed for the pitot sensor in supersonic flows. For example, a non-zero surface velocity could be detected in the present experiment if the pitot system was off by 0.5 mm. Hg in accuracy within a required dynamic range of about 300 mm. Hg, even without considering the accuracy of the static-pressure system. 22 Reynolds Number Corrections to the Pitot Probe For the first two or three points measured nearest the wall, the Reynolds number (based on subsequently computed were of order 10-50= probe height) In such cases, the measurement is known to overestimate the actual pitot reading (11). numbers program. was Initially, a correction for low Reynolds therefore included in the This correction was iterative; data reduction The wall pressure (computed as just outlined) was first used to convert all data points to velocity, temperature, etc., and thus also probe Reynolds number. Using a “correction curve" such as given in (11), p. 117, the actual pitot pressure was then computed; the wall pressure was found anew and the process repeated. This procedure was found to be intractable. The correction decreased the pitot reading and therefore also the Reynolds number, with a very small decrease in the magnitude of the correction in the next loop. extremely This caused slow convergence of the iteration. A re­ examination of this scheme decreased confidence in the correction itself, experimental which originally was a curve-fit of points from various sources. Although a Reynolds number correction was apparently necessary, its 23 magnitude because and algebraic of scatter form in the are apparently experimental in doubt data. The correction was therefore removed from the data-reduction loop, resulting in probable errors in the first two or three points closest to the wall for each profile. As we shall see later, this problem was not prohibitive as the number of points needing correction was very small compared to the total number of points used to interpret the data. Measurement of the Location of the Roughened Surfaces As already mentioned, the apparent resistance of supersonic flows to destabilization by roughness, caused this investigation to resort to large roughness heights k (of order 5/7). The definition of the "surface", therefore, became an important question when k/5 was no longer much smaller than unity. the surface This is especially so when is randomly rough. Several alternative definitions were considered, including the one described by Leventhal (5) in which y = o corresponds to the peak of the largest roughness element near the point of measurement. This was not thought satisfactory since an extension of the definition of "near" to the upstream or downstream direction could uncover an even larger roughness particle. One can easily see that the bottom of the grit particles 24 (the valley floors) could not be used as the y = o surface. It is evident, in fact, that no completely defensible definition of the surface could be found which could remain the same from one "x" station to the next. The following scheme was finally adopted. A microscope was set up and focused on the rough surface of the m o d e l , centered at the point where the vertical trajectory of the probe-tip would intercept the surface. photograph of the surface was taken; A due to the model I surface curvature and the focusing properties of Ithe ' i ■ microscope, the particles on the surface lying directly in I the vertical plane of the probe-tip could be seen, as shown . I in Figure 5. The surface was defined as the mean of |the •' I curve formed by the particle outline. Thus, some particle peaks lay above the surface, while some valleys lay below it. This average line is called the “surface” or "wall": in I I the rough-body tests. I Data Acquisition procedures During the measurements the model was axially centered in the test section of the wind tunnel and the horizontal pitot tube support was parallel to the model. adjusted until it was axijally The pitot tube was then moved until I the tip of the tube was I" away from the trailing edge of •■ ■ '' I ■I 25 the model. The arrangement for recording the pressure (Pt) and the probe displacement (y) is shown in Figure 4. The output of the transducer (excitation voltage = 15 volts) was amplified (gain = 50) and sent to the analog to digital (A/D) converter (Spectra Dynamic Corp. Model SD133) from which the digital counts were recorded on cassettes via the ASR-700 terminal. The actuator operated a potentiometer, the output of which was amplified (gain = 50) and sent to the analog-todigital converter. digital counts. The latter output the corresponding In order that both Pt an^ Y be measured at the same time and at equally spaced intervals, the actuator operated thousandth a switch in the A/D converter once of an inch traversed by the actuator. every The profile surveys began by raising the pitot tube until it touched the "surface” of the model. ("Surface" here is the actual surface for the smooth model but is the surface of the "peak™ of the teeth for the screw model). To eliminate backlash in the actuator system, the readings were taken only after the probe had lifted from the surface. At every point, the reading was taken after allowing the pressure output to stabilize over a period of time. Away from the surface a constant pressure output indicated the boundary 26 layer edge. After taking about 20 readings in the free stream, the actuator was stopped and the pitot tube moved forward and raised to touch the surface 2" away from the trailing edge. The procedure was repeated for stations 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 inches from the trailing edge. The same was done for P0 = 500 mm. Hg and 400 mm. Hg. The data acquired was reduced using a computer program (Appendices I and II) as follows: a) The "pressure counts" and the "displacement counts" were converted to the corresponding physi­ cal pressure and displacement quantities using the respective calibration constants. b) The boundary layer thickness was determined by in­ spection of the plot of c) A linear curve fit of Pt Pt v s vs. y. . y2 gave the static pressure at y = 0 for the smooth model. Static pressure for the screw model was obtained from a static pressure survey of the screw model. d) The boundary layer thickness was determined at the point corresponding to 99.9%^of P^e 1 e) Assuming a recovery factor of 0.95 for the oe temperature and knowing the boundary layer thick­ { -J^) ness, the local stagnation temperature was calcu­ 27 lated as Tpp = Tq [0.05 (£) + 0.95] f) The Mach number and the stagnation temperature gave the static temperature from the isentropic relationship: T = Top £ I + g) The static (I^L)M2]"1 temperature and the Mach number gave the velocity at a point u = M(y RT)V 2 h) The static pressure and the static temperature gave the density i) The viscosity was calculated as a function of the static temperature. j) The viscosity, density, velocity and the probe diameter of the pitot tube gave the Reynolds num­ ber of the probe diameter k) The boundary layer thickness was calculated again I . by making it correspond to the point where the local velocity was 99% of the free stream velocity (the velocity calculated at 6 cm. from the sur­ 28 face). l) Once again Top, T, N r U, P , y, and Re^ were cal­ culated using the latest obtained boundary layer thickness. m) The ratio of the momentum thickness to the boun­ dary layer thickness was given as 0 6 n) 6 pu 37: e e -S-Jd <£) The ratio of the displacement thickness to the boundary layer thickness was given as F-S K-S^Jd 4 o) The skin friction coefficient from the wall vis­ cosity wag givep as PTv yW p W where (|y)w was the velocity gradient on the sur­ face of the model. A linear curve fit of U vs. y for the first 15 points from the surface gave for the smooth model. For the screw model, vSy'w the slope of a third degree polynomial curve fit for the first 30 points from the surface at the tooth tip gave (|y)w . 29 The skin friction coefficient based on the true stream viscosity was given as u (Ak) Cf2 = Reynolds number based on the momentum thickness was given as Re6 = (Ree)e Where Ree is the unit stream Reynolds number. r) The external Mach number was given as Meo s) The transformed coordinate y was given as A sample output of this program is given in Appen dices III and IV. CHAPTER VI SUMMARY OM THE RANDOM SURFACE ROUGHNESS MODEL Readings for the 60-grit model at a particular station on the model were taken starting from the level of the highest peak of. the roughness in view since it was not possible to reach the mean surface of the roughness. The results were as follows. a) The randomness of the surface roughness made it difficult to define an effective surface for the model. b) The uncertainty of an effective surface made it extremely difficult to calculate the momentum thickness. c) The profile of the pitot pressure (Pt) at any station showed variation in the free stream. This was suspected to be a consequence of shock waves originating from the peaks of the roughness. If this were true, then the flow could have a compo­ nent in the direction perpendicular to the model axis. This was a deviation from the design of.the experiment. These and several other problems made it extremely difficult to interpret the random surface roughness (60grit) model data. Therefore, it was decided to discontinue 31 further investigations on the 60-grit model and continue the reduction and interpretation periodic roughness (screw model). of data for the 2-D CHAPTER VII COMPARISON OF SMOOTH AND SCREW MODELS Results stated here consist of (a) transition measurements with the hot-film anemometer and (b) mean flow surveys. The. former has been briefly described in (10) and were aimed towards the stability objective as much as towards defining the transition onset. The main finding from these hot-film anemometer surveys was that, for a range of k up to about 4 mils. (0.01 cm.) the stabilitytransition picture is insensitive to k and consists of transition appearing only near the end of the model, i.e. x = I" and possibly also x = 2" for P0 = 6 00 mm. Hg. The aim of the mean flow surveys was to see if the flow is "normal", when k = 0 (smooth wall) and to assemble a coherent, quantitative picture of the profile distortion for those values of k for which transition acceleration is apparent. Results listed in Appendices exemplified by Figures 6 through 39. III and IV are Each profile is marked by a four-digit code (e.g. 1600)? the first digit refers to the x-position in inches from the trailing end of the model and the remaining three digits indicate P0 in mm. Hg. Noteworthy points from the mean flow results are: 33 a) The external Mach number Mg (from PTe and Pw) for the smooth model is depressed from 3 (nominal stream value without model) as shown in Figure 6„ This is due to pressure increases towards the trailing edge of the model as shown in Figure 6. This in turn is caused by the compression fan from the ogive reflecting onto the model surface after reflecting from the side walls. A similar behavior of the Mach number Mg from PTe and Pw) is seen for the screw model as shown in Figure 7. A plot of the static pressure (measured with a static probe) shown in Figure 8, qualitatively confirms the result mentioned above. b) The velocity variation near the wall of the smooth model is linear as shown on Figures 10 through 15 which plot the data in the physical coordinate y as well as the transformed coordinate y/6. Fig­ ures 14 and 15 include a straight line drawn through the points to illustrate the latter fin­ ding. The first two or three points near the wall show a deviation from the straight line; this is expected and is probably caused by the neglect of 34 \n SMOOTH Po =600 M M . HG. M M . HG. N O M I N A L S T R E A M = 400 00 4.00 X- (INCHES) SMOOTH = 400 N O M I N A L S T R E A M X- (INCHES) Figure 6 Static Pressure and Mach N umber (From Static and Pitot P r e s ­ sure) Results for Smooth Model 35 SCREW O --P0 =600 MM. HG. □ $ =500 MM.HG. = 400 MM.HG. in CU NOMINAL STREAM 00 4.00 X- (INCHES) SCREW 600 MM.HG. 400 MM.HG. N O M I N A L S T R E A M X- (INCHES) Figure 7 Static Pressure and Mach Number (From Static and Pitot Pres^ sure) Results for Screw Model Omm EMPTY 63mm.H{ O-GRIT SCREW 5 1Im m.Hg SMOOTH ANC Figure 8 Static Pressure Surveys 37 SCREW M M . HG. = 5 0 0 M M . HG. = 4 0 0 M M . HG. O X- (INCHES) io SMOOTH =<5 O = 6 0 0 M M . HG. M M . HG. M M . HG. O 2.00 Figure 9 X- (INCHES) Mach Number Results (From Static Pressure and Supply Pressure) 0.80 1.00 1.20 38 0.60 V + + + + + + + + 0.40 U/UE 4+ 6 6 0 0 - S M0 0 T H + + + + + .00 0-20 + Sd1-OO F i g u r e 10 o'.04 o'.08 o'. 1 2 . Y-CMS. O1.1 6 3.20 V e l o c i t y P r o f i l e on S m o o t h W al l , x = 6", P q = 6 0 0 mm. Hg 39 o 0.60 4 4 0 0 - S M0 0 T H o .00 0.20 0.40 U/UE 0.80 I . 00 OJ 93.00 F i g u r e 11 SrToo e'.oo oToo ■ Y C AR/THE IA TaToo Ts. oo V e l o c i t y P r o f i l e on S m o o t h Wall, x = 4", P 0 = 400 mm. Hg KOO I, - 20 40 0-60 0 □ □ 0 0.40 U/UE 0.80 inmjgnHEDD S 4 5 0 0 - SM0 0 TH O 0.20 0 0 O -s .00 § S d'.00 Figure 12 YToo YToo YToo TFToo Ts.oo YCAP/THET A V e l o c i t y P r o f i l e on S m o o t h Wal l, x = 4, P 0 = 500 mm. Hg 41 O OJ 4 6 0 0 - SM0 0 T H 12.00 YCAP/THET A F i g u r e 13 V e l o c i t y P r o f i l e on S m o o t h Wal l, x = 4", P0 = 600 mm. Hg 0.60 0.40 U/UE Oi-SO I 1-OO I • 20 42 .00 0.20 6 4 0 0 - S M0 0 T H 20 Figure 14 Linearity of Velocity Variation Near Wall for Smooth M o d e l , w — C 11 D = /IHA mm Mn 0.60 0.40 U/UE 0.80 I 1-OO 1,-20 43 .00 0.20 6 5 0 0 - SM0 0 T H 20 Y-CMS. Figure 15 Linearity of Velocity Variation Near Wall for Smooth M o d e l , x = 6", P 0 = 500 mm. Hg 44 Reynolds number effect (see Chapter V) and pos­ sible wall probe effects. (On occasion the line did not go through the origin and the origin was shifted to eliminate this offset. These shifts are listed in Appendix III and are seen to be neg­ ligible) . c) In the case of the screw model, the first reading was taken when the lower surface of the pitot tube was in line with the surface representing the top of the teeth (shown in Figure 16), irrespective of whether the tip of the pitot tube "valley" or the "peak" of a tooth. Figure 16, is an initial was above a Also shown in guess of the surface (dotted line through tooth), taken to be at the mean curve formed by the teeth outline. The mean velocity profiles are shown in Fig­ ures 16 through 20. Except for the first three or four points, the profiles indicate that the flow has zero velocity at the surface represented by the top of the teeth. This is in agreement with Charwat, Roos, Dewey and Hitz (12), who refer to the "cavity" between teeth (because of the length to height ratio of the latter) as being "open" 45 5400-SCREW tsE T o e ' 0.04 0708 0T T 2 Y-CMS. PITOT Figure 16 ETTe PROBE Velocity Profile on Screw Model, x = 5", P 0 = 400 mm. Hg (Note Pitot Probe) 0.60 U/UE 46 4400-SCREW 0.04 Figure 17 0712 Y-CMS. 0.16 0.20 V e l o c i t y P r o f i l e on S c r e w M o d e l , x = 4", P 0 = 400 mm. Hg 47 7500-SCREW 0.04 F i g u r e 18 0.08 0 . 12 0. 16 0.20 V e l o c i t y P r o f i l e on S c r e w M o d e l , x = 7", P 0 = 500 mm. Hg 48 6500-SCREW 0 . 12 Y-CMS. F i g u r e 19 V e l o c i t y P r o f i l e on S c r e w M o d e l , x = 6", P 0 = 500 mm. Hg 49 +H iin n m -•»•+» 6400-SCREW 0.08 Y-CMS. F i g u r e 20 0 . 16 0.20 V e l o c i t y P r o f i l e on S c r e w M o d e l , x = 6", P 0 = 4 00 mm. Hg 50 (i.e. the flow bridges the cavity). The identical nature of the pitot pressure plots as shown in Figure 21 at a station above a cavity and at a station above a tooth, further confirms that the cavity is "open”. \ d) Comparison of the mean velocity profiles (shown in Figures 22 through 26).for a particular supply pressure and station on the model shows a distinct change in the boundary layer profile indicating an increase in skin friction for the screw model. e) The temperature profiles for the smooth model look normal and approach the wall with zero slope, as is proper for the adiabatic model; see Figures 27 and 28 for examples. Note that the wall values are denoted by square points on the axis. These were computed for the assumed recovery factor of 0.95 by; Tw/T0 = 0.95 (I + 0.2 Me2) where Me is a measured property listed, on Appendix III. Thus, it is proper to say that Tw / t 0 is a measured property. f) At the forward end of the surveyed region, the boundary layer is considerably thicker than it P R E S S U R E - M M . HG 51 Fig ur e 21 P i t o t P r e s s u r e P r o f i l e on S c r e w Mod el , x = 4", P 0 = 600 mm. Hg . 52 o CXJ LU to 6400 □ = SMOOTH MODEL A : SCREW MODEL Y-CMS F i g u r e 22 C o m p a r i s o n B e t w e e n S m o o t h and S c r e w V e l o c i t y P ro fi l e s , x = 6", P 0 = 4 0 0 mm. Hg 0.60 0.40 U/UE 0.80 I . 00 1.20 53 6500 A Jr1 A □ □ -.SMOOTH M O D E L A SCREW MODEL □ □ .00 0-20 □ cUTbo F i g u r e 23 O'. 04 o'. 08 o'. 12 Y-CMS. o'. I 6 0.20 C o m p a r i s o n B e t w e e n S m o o t h and S c r e w V e l o c i t y P ro fi l e s , x = 6", P 0 = 500 mm. Hg 0.60 U/UE 0.80 I - 00 I - 20 54 □ □ □ □ □ 0.40 a 6600 □ Q □ □ O :S M O O T H M O D E L A -.SCREW M O D E L .00 0-20 A A cUToo F ig ur e 24 0.04 o'. 08 o'. 1 .2 Y-CMS. o'. I 6 3.20 C o m p a r i s o n B e t w e e n S mo ot h and S c r e w V e l o c i t y P ro fi l e s , x = 6", P 0 = 600 mm. Hg 0-20 0.40 U/UE 0.60 0- 80 I..00 1.-20 55 .00 □ •S M O O T H M O D E L A •S C R E W M O D E L cUToo F i g u r e 25 o'. 04 OrTos 0.12 Y-CMS. GTiTs G .20 C o m p a r i s o n B e t w e e n S m o o t h and Scr ew V e l o c i t y P ro files, x = 7", P q = 600 mm. Hg 0.60 0-40 0.20 7 40 0 □ -.SMOOTH M O D E L A -.SCREW M O D E L & .00 UZUE 0.80 I .00 I .20 56 0GToo F i g u r e 26 OrTol oToi OrTTTi Y-CMS. o'. 1 6 o'. 2 0 C o m p a r i s o n B et w e e n S m o o t h and S cr e w V e l o c i t y P ro files, x - 7", P 0 = 4 00 mm. Hg 57 o o U J OO 45 0 0 - SM 0 0 T H 0. I 2 Y-CMS. Figure 27 Temperatur e Profile on Smooth M o d e l , x = 4", P q = 500 mm. Hg. Note Surface Datum (Square on Axis) X. I • 80 A A A A A A A A A A A A 1.40 T/TE 2 . 20_ 2.60 3.00 58 .60 1.00 4 6 0 0- SM 0 0 T H S d1.oo Figure 28 o'. "04 OrTos 0TT2 Y-CMS. o'. 16 C?.20 T emperatur e Profile on Smooth Model for x = 4", P q = 600 mm. Hg. Note Datum (Square on Axis) 59 should, be* but thereafter it decreases in size and then begins growing again as the square root of x. This result is shown in Figures 29 and 30, This initial thickening is thought to be caused by an initial oyer-expansion of the flow near the model shoulder, plus a smaller effect of the axial model symmetry. On these Figures, straight lines have been drawn through the points and (x) to find the "virtual origin" of the flow? these lines were least-squares fitted and show that the vir­ tual origin lies near the apex of the body itself. Figure 31 shows the form factor from flat plate theory (13). 6/8 calculated For most of the . surveyed region, the theory and experiment are in good agreement. This is significant because it indicates that the computer program makes a cor­ rect determination of 6 and that the flow is "nor­ mal" in that respect. g) Three significant points emerge from the plots of Reg and Re' for the smooth and the screw model shown in Figures 32 and 33. (I) The changes in the unit Reynolds number Re caused by pressure changes do not seem i-' SMOOTH P0 = 6 0 0 M M - HG. 500 MM-HG400 MM-HG- OOo' VIRTUAL O R I G I N X- (INCHES) F i g u r e 29. a. 6-00 D e t e r m i n a t i o n of "Virtual O r i g i n " for S m o o t h Model («52 vs. x) 0.05 *n o"' . 0.04 0.02 0.03 O '-Po = 6 0 0 M M . HG. □ S = 5 0 0 M M . HG. A s. = 4 0 0 M M . HG- 0.01 0 (crn SMOOTH VIRTUAL .00 O R I G I N X- (INCHES) F i g u r e 29. b. 6.00 D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f "Virtual O r i g i n " for S m o o t h Model (02 vs. x) P0 = 6 0 0 M M . HG. M M . HG. = 400 0.03 CTt 0.02 rx> 0.01 VIRTUAL ORIGIN .00 S z (CM ) 0.04 0.05 SCREW 4.00 5.0 X- (INCHES) F ig ur e 30. a. D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f “Virtual O r i g i n ' for S c r e w Model (62 vs. x) O -P0 =600 MM. HG □ -• =500 MM. HG A = 400 MM.HG o VIRTUAL 0.02 0.03 0-04 0.05 SCREW .00 0.01 O R I G I N X- (INCHES) F i g u r e 30. b. D e t e r m i n a t i o n of "Virtual O r i g i n " for S c r e w Model (G 21 . 0 0 64 SCREW O O -R0 = 6 0 0 a *• = 5 0 0 O O A •- ) O > O CO A O O a a in_ M M . HG. MM. HG. = 4 0 0 M M . HG. a O A A $ 0 D O O : : /-CO MM. HG. M M . HG. M M . HG. ED N. O O CM Il CO 6'. 0 0 SMOOTH O :P0 = 6 0 0 THEORY □ =500 =400 / M=3 @▲ O /I » M O 9 A A O O r> O O N- CU O O O O 3.00 4'. 0 0 X- (INCHES) "I O O ro I C , A n .00 o 2'. 0 0 Figure 31 3.00 4'. 0 0 X- (INCHES) S1- O O 6‘. 0 0 Form Factor for Smooth and Screw Model A S /.00 65 in <v SMOOTH M M . HG. M M - HG. = 400 X- (INCHES) SMOOTH (D "•Pt NOMINAL S T R E A M 6.00 6 0 0 M M . HG. 5 0 0 M M - HG. 4 0 0 M M . HG. W J T O O O 400 LU X- (INCHES) F ig ur e 32 a. M o m e n t u m T h i c k n e s s and U n i t Rey no l ds N u m b e r Results for S m o o t h Model 66 SMOOTH o o Fig ur e 32. b. O Sp0 =600 M M . H G =500 M M . H G □ I A l =400 M M . H G M o m e n t u m R ey n o l d s N u m b e r Res ul t s f or S m o o t h Model SMOOTH Ol O 0.35 □ 0.25 0.20 S (CMS.) 0.30 A P0 = 6 0 0 M M . HG. = 5 0 0 M M . HG. = 4 0 0 M M . HG. .10 0.15 —0 0VToo Figure 21. O O 32. c. 3.00 4‘. 0 0 X- (INCHES) SrToo s'.oo T1- O O B o u n d a r y L a y e r T h i c k n e s s Res ul t s f o r S m o o t h Model 68 in CU SCREW M M . HG. =500 = 4 0 0 M M . HG. X- (INCHES) SCREW NOMINAL STREAM O Sp0 = 6 0 0 MM. HG. 5 0 0 M M . HG. 600 LU 400 3.00 4.00 X- (INCHES) F i g u r e 33. a. M o m e n t u m T h i c k n e s s and U n i t R ey no l ds N u m b e r Res ul t s for S c r e w Model 69 SCREW M M . HG. MM. H G MM. H G TRANSITIONAL O oo" X- (INCHES) F i g u r e 33. b. M o m e n t u m R ey n o l d s N u m b e r R esults for S c r e w Model 70 SCREW 6 (CMS 5 0 0 M M . HG. 4 0 0 M M . HG. 3.00 4'. 0 0 X- (INCHES) F ig u r e 33. c. 3.00 B o u n d a r y Lay er T h i c k n e s s R esults for S c r e w Model 71 significant enough to control Re0 . (2) The plot.of Reg for the smooth model clearly indicates that laminar boundary layers are attainable for Re0 beyond 700. (3) Downstream of the 3" station, the flow for the screw model at P0 = 600 mm. Hg is clearly transitional. This, is further confirmed by a Schlieren photograph of the flow on the model for Pq = 600 mm. Hg (Figure 34). h) The friction coefficient for the smooth model obtained using wall viscosity.and the measured velocity slope at the wall is plotted versus Re on Figure 35. The theoretical expectation (13) plotted on the same Figure lies within 20% - 50% of the plotted data. This disparity should pro­ bably be expected because the theory refers to flat plates whereas some curvature effects might be present in the experiment. For the screw model, in order to find the velocity slope at the wall, the first 30 points (except the first 4 points) were curve fitted using a least squares polynomial fit of degree 3. Also assurance of the fact that the cavity was ro Figure 34 Shlieren Photograph of Screw Model (P 600 mm. Hg). Note Onset of Transition 73 CM I O SMOOTH FLAT-PLATE T H E O R Y Figure 35 Skin Friction Results for Smooth Model 74. open was an instigation to force the curve through the effective origin (u/ue = 0 ? y = 0) at the surface of the top of the teeth, by adding about 35 points lying at the origin, to the data needed for the curve fit. Figures 36 through 38 show the best polynomial curve (degree 3) through the data points. The plot of the surface skin friction using wall viscosity and the measured velocity slope at the wall versus Re^ shown in Figure 39, indicates a definite increase in the friction coefficient for the screw model when compared to that of the smooth model shown in Figure 35. 4400-SCREW .00 0.20 0.40 U/UE 0.60 0-80 1.00 1.20 75 F i g u r e 36 T h i r d D e g r e e P ol yn o mi a l Fit o f V e l o c i t y V a r i a t i o n N ear E f f e c ­ t ive S c r e w S u r f a c e , x = 6", P 0 = 400 mm. hg 0.40 U/UE 0.60 0.80 1.-00 1.20 76 .00 0-20 4500-SCREW Y-CMS. F i g u r e 37 T h i r d D e g r e e P olynomial C u r v e Fit of V e l o c i t y V a r i a t i o n N e a r E f f e c t i v e S cr e w S u r f a c e , x = 4", P q = 5 00 mm. Hg o 0.40 U/UE 0.60 0.60 I .00 <\j .00 0-20 5600-SCREW cD -OO F ig ur e 38 o'.04 OrTos o'. I 2 Y-CMS. o'. 16 3.20 T h i r d D e g r e e Polyn o mi a l C u r v e Fit of V e l o c i t y V a r i a t i o n N ea r E f f e c t i v e S c r e w S ur f a c e , x = 5", P 0 = 600 mm. Hg 78 SCREW CM O O =P0 =600 MM. HG. □ « =500 MM.HG. A i =400 MM.HG. TRANSITIONAL o FLAT-PLATE T H E O R Y 4 I 0 Figure 39 Skin Friction Results for Screw Model CHAPTER VIII CONCLUSIONS . 1) There is no change in the transition picture for random u,k surface roughness where Rejc = Iess than 23 confirming the statements of Reshotko and Kendall rather than conclusions of Feindt. 2) The height of the random surface roughness needed to disturb the laminar supersonic boundary layer causes great difficulty in the interpretation of the profile data. 3) The use of a periodic 2-D roughness (screw) of Re^ = greater than the critical value uuk and of height to spacing ratio such that the cavity remains "open" pro­ duces an upstream movement of transition, compared to the smooth model. 4) The 2-D overlay causes an outward displacement of the boundary layer edge smaller than the rise of the effective layer. surface, resulting in a thinner boundary This decrease in the boundary layer thickness causes a distinct distortion in the boundary layer pro­ file and an increase in the surface skin friction. 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APPENDICES APPENDIX I DATA REDUCTION PROGRAM FOR SUMMARY OF PROFILES I O D E M . * » . » » . * D A T A R E D U C T I O N P R O G R A M F O R S M O O T H A N D S C R E W M O D E L P O D I M P M 300> , P < 300> , P * < 300) , Y ( J O O ) , M ( 300) , T E ( 303) , T M 300) , T ( 300) , T E ( S O D I M T l ( 300) , U E ( 300) , D ( S O O ) , R E ( S O O ) , U ( J O O ) '.0 D I M V S ( J O O ) , T N ( J O O ) , S ( S O O ) , Y C A P ( J O O ) , D E ( S O O ) 50 R E M * . * * * * R E A D D A T A F I L E 40 I N P U T F S 70 O P E N F J T O ! , I N P U T S O I N P U T * I , G , X , P 0, C , K K , 0M . T S , A 1, A Z , A J 90 I N P U T * 1, A C , E , N , P Z T O O A Z = O M Z Z I 10 F O R I = I T O N I ZO I N P U T * I , Y ( I ) , P A ( I ) I J U N E X T I H O C L O S E ( I ) I 50 R E M * . . . * . . . C O N V E R T D I S P L A C E M E N T ( Y ) A N D P R E S S U R E ( P A ) C O U N T S I 60 F O R 1*1 T O N I 70 Y l ( I ) * A 1• ( Y d ) - Y ( I ) ) * A Z I S O Y l ( E ) = A I » ( Y ( 1) - Y ( E ) ) * A Z ’90 Y Z ( I ) = ( Y K I ) Z Y l ( E ) ) Z C O P M I > * ( A 3* P A ( I ) ) A A A Z I O N E X T I Z Z O I F C >0 T H E N A S O Z J O R P M * . * * C A L C U L A T I O N O F S T A T I C P R E S S U R E ( P Z ) U S I N G Z A O R E M . * * « A L I N E A R E X T R A P O L A T I O N OF P I T O T P R E S S U R E ( P A ) Z S O R E M * . * . A N D S O U A T E O f T H E D I S T A N C E ( T l ) F R O M T H E S U R F A C E Z D O R E M . . . . ( O N L Y F O R S M O O T H M O D E L ) Z 70 C l = C Z = C S = C A = C S = C D = C Z S O F O R I = I T O 10 Z 90 C l = C I H S O O C Z = C Z A Y I ( I ) * * Z J I O C J = C Z J Z O C A = C A A Y I ( I > * *A J J O C S = C S A P J ( I ) J A O C 6= C 6* ( Y I ( I ) * * Z ) * P J ( I ) S S O N E X T I S D O P Z = ( ( C S * C A ) - ( C D * C S ) ) Z ( ( C 1* C A ) - < C Z ‘ C S ) ) 370 R E M * S E C O N D E V A L U A T I O N O f D E L T A ( T K E ) ) ( O N L T F O R S M O O T H M O D E L ) 580 P E A = O 390 F O R I = E T O N A O O P E A = P E A A P S ( I ) A l Q N E X T I A Z O P r = P E A Z ( N - E A l ) A s o F O R I = D O T O N A A O I F P S ( I ) S = . 999. P T A N D P 3( I X = I . O O I 1 P T G O T O A D O A S O N E X T I A D O E = I A 70 F = I A S O N C = O A 93 F O R I= I T O N 500 I F P J ( I ) Z P Z s = I T H C N S Z G S I O N C = N C A l S Z O N E X T I S SO SAO SSO S60 S 70 SSO 590 R E M * * * . . * C A L C U L A I ION OF M A C H NO. ( M ) , S T A G N A T I O N T E M P . ( T N ) H E M . .. .. . V E L O C I T Y ( U ) , D E N S I T Y ( 0 ) , V I S C O S I T Y ( V S ) , ........ * R E Y N O L D S NO. ( R Z ) U . R . T . P R O S E D I A M E T E R ( D M ) , R t M . . . . . . F R O M P J Z P Z A N D S U P P L Y T E M P . (TS) FS-O F O R I=I TO N P( I ) =P 3( I ) ZP Z D O O IF P d X I T H E N S Z O 300) 85 610 P<1X1.8929 THEN ?Z0 6Z0 H(I)»(.5*P<I))**(1/1.6) 630 S(I)«<<7.«<I>«.Z-1)/6)*(<7.Z«*1<I)**Z)/<?*M(I)**Z-1>)**3.S 6t0 *'(Pd)-S(I))/Pd) 650 If ABS(R)0.001 THEN 680 660 H(I)«M(l)>R 670 GOTO 630 680 If I>6 THEN 770 6 TN I« )T »T S«( 70 00 0T ((I) Nd >( /.(0 I5♦« .Y71*M((II) >ZoTiK)E))*.95) 710 GOTO 780 770 f1d>»S0R((Pd)«•(I/$.$>-1)•$) 730 If DE GOTO 770 7(0 TN(I)»TS«((.05*r1(I)/Yl(E)>*.95) 750 T(I)«TN(I)/(1».7'Md)*«7) 760 GOTO 780 773 T(I>»TS/(I♦.?•*(!>**7) 750 U(I)SN(I).(I.(SWIG-T(I))AA.S 790 0(I)sP7«7.77(Z(I716*T(I)> 800 VS(I)-((Z.?7A(T(I))AAl.5)/(T(I)t198.6))Al0AA(-8) 810 RE(I)s(0(I)AU(l>A(OM/30.(8>)/VS(l) 870 NEXT I 8( 30 0 RIEfM f3*IGO TO 910 8 THlRB EVALUATION Of BELTA (TKE)) 850 TOR l«1 TO N 860 If U(l)>*.99AU(E) A N B U(I><*1.01 U ( £ ) GO TO 880 870 NEXT I 880 EsI 890 f3*1 900 GO TO 580 97 10 0 If OO THE N II70C U R V E f I T O f V E L O C I T Y (U) VS. 9 L I N E A R 930 .... D I S P L A C E M E N T ( T l ) T O fI N O “ S H I f T " I N 9(0 R E " VELOCITY PROflLE OUE TO "PROBE EffECT1KONLT fOR SMOOTH MODEL) 950 CHsO 960 (71*0 970 C3l*0 980 C(l*0 990 C5l«0 1000 C6L»0 1010 fOR I»1 TO 15 1070 If PdXI THEN 1090 1030 C1L*C1L*1 10(3 C?L*C7LATI(I) 1050 C3l»C?L 1060 C(l*Cd«YI(I)•«7 1070 C5l*C5L*U(l> 1080 C6L*C6LAT1(I)au(I) 1090 NEXT I I130 ALs((C5LAC?L)-<C6L*ClL))/((C3L*C7L)“(C(L*ClL>) 1110 UL*((C5L'C(L)-(C6l«C3L))/((C1LAC(L)-(C7L«C3L)) 1173 TS*-(UL/AL) II30 fOR I-I TON I1(0 Tl(DsYld)-YS 1150 NEXT I I160 R E M . . . . . . SUBSCRIPT "E" CORRESPONDS TO fREE STREAM PROPERTIES 1170 fOR I«1 TON I180 If PdXI THEN I730 1190 UE(I)*U(I)ZU(E) I700 TE(I)*r(I)ZT(E) 1710 T7(I)*TI(I>/Tl(E) I770 BE(I)SB(I)ZO(E) If A . . . S A A A a REMAAAAA 86 IZSO NEXT I 1240 Ol-O 1250 02-0 1260 FOR I-XCO TO E 1270 IfPdXI THENI320 1280 Ifl»NC*1 THEND2-02MUE(I>/TEd )>*<1-UE<I>X(YZd)/?> I290 IfI>NC♦I THENOZ-DZdUE<I>/TE(I>Xd-UE( I>>•(Y2(IXYZd-I>> I500 IfI-NCd THENOI=DTdT-UE(D/TECI>X<YZ(I>/Z> I310 IfDNC-T THEN01*01dl-UE<I>/TE<I>)dYZ<I>-T2dd)> 1320 NEXT I I330 fOR I-I TO N I340 YCAP(I)-O I350 NEXT I 1360 fOR J-NC-I TO N I370 If P(JX) THEN 1430 1380 fOR I-NC-1 TO J I 30 90 If ZO I4 0I F PdXI I-NC-T T TH HE EN N1 Y4 CA P(J)=YCAP(J)-DE(I)-(YT(I)ZZ) 1410 If DNC-T THEN TCAP(J>»YCAP(J)-DE(I>-(Y1(1)-YT(I-D) 1420 NEXT I 1430 NEXT J 1440 REM-------- THETA IS THE MOMENTUM THICKNESS 1450 THETA=DZ-YT(E) 1460 MSP«SOR(((PO/PZ)--(1/3.5)-1)/.Z) 1470 ..... - TSUR IS THE SURfACE TEMPERATURE 1480 TSUR-.95-TS T490 REM - ----- VSU IS THE SURfACE VISCOSITY 1500 V S H - ((Z.Z7-(TSUR)--1.5)/(TSUR-T98.6))-10»‘(-8) I510 If OO THEN GOSUB 1850 1520 VELGRADIENT-Al-30.48 1 DP E)-( 15 53 40 0R EM. -S ..O -( •• CU A( LE C) ULAZ T) ION Of fRICTION COEfS. (CfT) AND (Cf2) 1550 CfT-(VSH-VELGRADIENT)ZOP I560 CFZ«(VS(E)-VELGRAOIENT)/OP 1570 If C-O THEN PRINT"----------* SMOOTH MODEL •»•«••« 15*0 If C-T THEN PRINT"••••••••••• 60 GRIT MODEL -----I590 If C-Z THEN PRINT"---.... - SCREW MODEL ... . I600 PRINT I610 print"group no.:“;g I620 PRINT"DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE Of MODEL (CM.):"/X 1630 PRINT"SURFACE ROUGHNESS COOE IC I640 PRINT*'SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.):",*KK 165: print**supply pressure-do* (mm.hg.abs>:”;po 1660 P RINT"SUPPLY TEMPERATURf-'T$' (OEG RANKINE)("/TS 1670 PRINfEDCE REYNOLDS NO. (CM-T)SmJRE(E)ZDM I680 PRiNfEXTERNAL MACH NO.SmJM(E) I690 PRINT"SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.A8S)S"JPZ 1700 PRINT"SXIN FRICTION COEf. fROM HALL VISCOSITY-'CfI'ShJCFT I710 PRINT-SXIN fRICTION COEf. FROM STREAM VISCOSITY-'CfZ's"JCf2 I7Z0 PRINT'"THETA'-(CM.):"JTHETA 1730 PRINT"SHIfT IN Y-AXIS DUE TO 'PROBE EFFECT' (CM.)s"JYS 1740 PRINfBOUNOARY LAYER THICXNESS-'OELTA' (CM.>S"JYI(E) I750 PRINT"'DELTA STAR' (CM.)s"JDl-Yl(E) I763 P R I N T "'DELTAZDELTA STAR'S"JT/OT 1770 PRiHT"'Oeltaztheta1SmJ1/02 I780 PRINT"'RETHETA's"J(RE(E)ZDM)-(DZ-YKE)) I790 PRINT"EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.SmJM(E) I800 PRINT-EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE PRES.SmJMSP 1810 GO TO 2930 TtZO REM......- SUBROUTINE TO fIND A POLYNOMIAL fIT 1830 REM------- Of the FIRST 30 PIS. FROM THE SURFACE TO I843 REM---.... COMPUTE fRICTION COEfS. FOR THE "SCREWm MODEL 87 1850 R E N POLEIT I860 M"60 1870 NO 1880 0IN *05),0(15),SS(IS),GG(IS),UU(15) I890 DIM 0(100),PP(100),X(100),TY(IOO),CC(IOO) 1900 LET 1*0 1910 LET 0*1 1920 LET K*12 1930 L E T N«N*1 1940 IE N> 12 THEN 2930 1950 IE M<N THEN 2930 1960 IF M>100 THEN 2930 1970 LET T7«Z 1980 LET T8*Z I990 LET U7*Z 2000 FOR 1*1 TO M 2010 X(I)-YI(NCM) 2020 YY(I)-U(NCM) 2030 If KS THEN X(t)»YY(I)»0 20*0 If I>30 THEN X(I)«YY(I>*0 2050 LET U7*U7*X(I) 2060 L ET T7*T7+YY(I) 2070 L E T T8«T8»YY(I)**2 2080 NEXT I 2090 CLOSE (I) 2100 L ET T9*(MM8-T7««2)/(M»»2-M) 2110 FOR 1*1 TO N 2120 LET PP(I) * I 2130 LET O(I) * O 21*0 NEXT I 2150 FOR I» I TO 11 2160 L ET A(I) « Z 2170 L E T 8(1) « Z 2180 LET SS(I) • 2190 NEXT I 2200 LET EI*Z 2210 LET E1*Z 2220 LET UI*M 2230 LET N*•K 22*0 LET 1*1 2250 LET XI»2 2260 IF N»0 THEN 2280 2270 LET X1»N* 2280 LET W»Z 2290 FOR L=I TO M 2300 LET W=JYYY(L)=O(L) 2310 NEXT L 2320 LET SS(I)=WZWl 2330 IF 1-N*>»0 THEN 2530 23*0 IF l-M>*0 THEN 2530 2350 LET EI=Z 2360 FOR L=I TO M 2370 LET EI=EI=X(L)=O(L)=O(L) 2380 NEXT L 2390 LET ET=EIZWI 2*00 LET A(I=I)=EI 2*10 LET W=Z 2*20 FOR L=I TO N 2430 LET VMX(L)-EI)=0(L)-FI=PP(L) 2 * * 0 L ET P P ( L ) * a ( L > 2*50 LET O(L)=V 2*60 LET W=W=V=V I 88 2473 NEXT L 2480 LET M» W/Wl 2490 LET aa*2)»M 2500 LET Ulsw 2510 LET IsI»1 2520 GOTO 2280 2550 FOR L • I TO 13 2540 LET GG(L)'2 2553 NEXT L 2560 LET GG(I)SQ 2570 FOR J*1 TO N 2580 LET SI »Z 2593 FOR L=I TO N 2600 IF L■I THEN 2630 2610 IF L-2»0 THEN GG(L>»GG(L)-A(L)SGG(L-I) 2620 IF l-2>0 THEN GG(L)=GG(L)-A(L)'GG(L-I)-8(L)*GG(L-Z) 2633 LET SI•SI♦SStL)•GG(L> 2640 NEXT L 2650 LET UU(J)=SI 2660 LET LSN 2670 FOR 12*2 TO N 2683 LET GG(L)=GG(L-I) 2690 LET L«1-1 2700 NEXT 12 2710 LET GG(T)=Z 2720 NEXT J 2750 AL=UU(Z) 2 740 PRINT 2750 LET T=Z 2760 FOR L=I TO N 2770 LET CC(L)=Z 2780 LET J=N 2790 FOR 12=1 TO N 2800 LET CC(L)=CC(L)'X(L)'UU(J) 2810 LET J=J-I 2820 NEXT 12 2830 LET T3=YV(L)-CC(L) 2840 LET T=T'T3"2 2850 NEXT L 2860 IF MON THEN 2890 2870 LET TS=O 2880 GOTO 2900 2893 LET TS=TZ(M-N) 2900 LET 07 = 1-TZ(T9'(M-1)> 2910 PRINT 2920 RETURN 2930 END APPENDIX II DATA REDUCTION PROGRAM TO BUILD DATAFILES FOR PLOT ROUTINES 10 REN OATA REDUCTION PROGRAM FOR PROFILES REM**** THE OUTPUT OF THIS PROGRAM IS CONVERTED TO A DATAFILE JO REM***** FOR THE PROGRAMS WHICH PLOT THE PROFILES 40 D I M P3<300),P<3OO),P4CJ00>.V(JOO),M(JOO),TE(300),VZ(300),T(300),TEC300) SO DIM VK300),UE(JOO),D(JOO),RE(JOO),U(JOO) 60 DIM VS(300), T N ( 300),S(JOO),YCAP(300),OE(JOO) 70 REM****** READ DATAFILE 80 INPUT FIS 90 OPEN FIS TO I,INPUT 100 INPUTR I, G,X,PO,C,K,DM,TS,A1,AZ,A3 110 INPUT# I,A4,E,N,PZ IZO AZ'OM/Z 130 FOR 1=1 TO N I40 INPUT* I,V(I),P4<I) ISO NEXT I I I6 70 0C RL EO MS *E *( *I *) ** CONVERT DISPLACEMENT (V) AND PRESSURE (P4> COUNTS 1 8 0 F O R 1 = 1 N >-Y(I))*AZ I90 YI<I)=AIT •O (Yd ZOC Tl(E)=AI*(V(1)-V(E))*AZ ZIO VZ(I)=(VKI)ZVl(E)) ZZO PJ(I)«(AJ*P4(I))*A4 Z30 NEXT I Z40 IF C>0 GO TO 490 ZSO R EM* SECOND EVALUATION OF DELTA (Vl(E)KONLV FOR SMOOTH MODEL) Z60 PEA=O Z70 FOR I=E TO N Z80 PEA=PEA*P3<I) Z90 NEXT I JOO PT=PEA/(N-E*1> 3 310ZOFOIRF1 P=J6(3I)T >O=.N999*PT AND P3(I)<»1.001*PT GO TO 340 330 NEXT I 3S 4O 0E J R= EI M****** CALCULATION OF STATIC PRESSURE (PZ) JSING 360 REM****** PARABOLIC EXTRAPOLATION OF THE PITOT PRESSURE (P3) J70 REM****** AND THE SOUARE OF THE DISTANCE (VT) FROM THE SURFACE 580 RE".. (ONLY FOR SMOOTH MODEL) 390 Cl=CZ*C3*C4»C5«C6«0 400 FOR 1*1 TO 10 410 CI=CKI 4Z0 CZ*CZ*V1(I)»*Z 430 CJ=CZ 440 C4*C4*Y1(I>*»4 4S0 CS=C5*PJ(!> 460 C6=C6*CY1(I)»*Z)*PJ(I) 48070PZ N= E( XT 4 (C5I*C4)-(C6«C3))/((C1*C4)-(CZ*C3>) 4 FJ 59 00 0R E=MO****** CALCULATION OF MACM NO.(M), STAGNATION TEMP (TN) S10 RE"*... VELOCITY (U). DENSITY (O), VISCOSITY (VS), SZO ..... REYNOLDS NO. W.R.T. PROBE DIAMETER (DM), FROM PJZPZ SJO RF ...*** AND SUPPLY TEMP. (TS) 540 FOR 1=1 TO N 550 P(I)=P3(I)ZPZ 560 IF PdXI THEN 780 570 IF P(I><1.89Z9 THEN 680 SRO M(I)=(.5*P(I))••(IZ1.6) 590 S(I)=((Z*M(I)**Z-1)Z6)*((7.Z*M(I)**Z)Z(7*M(I)**2-1))**3.5 600 R=(P(I)-S(I))ZP(I) 20 90 62 10 0M I< FIA <».001 THEN 6*0 6 )B .S N(dR) HR 630 GOTO 593 6*0 IF I>E THEN 730 66 50 0T TN I» >T »N T(S« (/ (( .105 E)>».95) 6 (( I) I) ♦« .r Zl-(Mld))/r•l •( Z) 670 GOTO 7*3 69 80 0N <I) 0R((P( 6 IF Is >S E GI O) T» O«(713/ 03.5)-1)»5) 700 TN(I)»TS*((.05*Y1<I)/T1(E>)*.95> 710 T(I)*TN(I)/(1».Z*N(I)«»Z) 7ZO GOTO 7*0 730 T(I)*TS/<I♦.Z»M(I).«Z) 7*3 U(I>*M(I).(1.*.1716«T(I))»».5 750 0(I)»PZ«Z.77*/(I716*T(I)) 7 6 0 V S < I ) » < ( Z . 2 7 » < T < I ) ) » » 1 . S > / < r < I )< *I 1) 98.6>>»10*»<-8> 7 7 0 R E ( I ) » ( 0 ( I ) « U < I ) « < 0 M / 3 O . * 8 ) ) / V S 7SO N E X T I 790 IF F3*1 GO TO 870 SOO REM««»* THIRD EVALUATION OF DELTA (TKE)) 810 FOR 1*1 TO N 8ZO IF U(I)>».99«U(£) AND U(I><*1.01*U(E> G3 TO 8*0 830 NEXT I 8*0 E*I 850 F3*I 860 GO TO 5*0 870 IF C>0 THEN IIZO 880 .... LINEAR CURVE FIT OF VELOCITY (U) VS. 890 REM....» DISPLACEMENT (Tl) TO FIND "SHIFThIN VELOCITY 903 R E M . . . . . PROFILE DUE TO "PROBE EFFECT"(ONLY FOR SMOOTH MODEL) 910 CIL*0 920 CZL-O 930 C3L*0 9*0 C*L»0 950 C5L*0 960 C6L*0 970 FOR 1*1 TO 15 980 IF P d X I T H E N 1050 990 C1L*C1L*1 1003 CZL«CZL»Y1(I) 1010 CSL-CZL ICZO C4L*C*L*Y1(I)*.Z ICJO C SL-CSL-U(I) 10*0 C6L-C6L-Yl(I)-U(I) 1050 NEXT I 1060 AL*((C5L*CZL>-(C6L-CU))/((CJL-CZD-(C*L.CID) 1 10 07 80 0U YL S» -( ((UCLSZLA.LC)*L)-(C6L.C3L))/C(C1L.C*L)-(CZL»CJL>) 1090 FOR 1*1 TO N IIOO YI(I)-YI(I)-YS 1110 NEXT I 1120 NC-O 1I30 FOR I*1 TO N II35 IF PdXI THEN NC*NC-1 11*3 IF U(I)XU(E) GO TO 1160 II50 NEXT I 1160 N-I-IO II70 NN-N-NC I180 PRINT NN I190 FOR 1*1 TO N IZOO IF Pd)<1 THEN IZZO IZiO PRINi yid ); " , " ; u ( i ) ; " , " ; o d > ; " , " ; v s ( i > ; " , " ; r (I) 91 1220 NEXT I I230 FOR 1*1 TO N 1240 If P(1X1 THEN 1260 1250 print »<i>;",";ii<i>;"*h;pa<i>;"*-;p3<i> 1260 NEXT I I270 REM"««* THE SUBCRIPT ”£“ CORRESPONDS TO FREc STREAM PROPERTIES 1280 FOR 1*1 TO N 1260 IF PdXI THEN IJSO IJOO UE(I)*U(I)ZU(E) IJIO TE(I)«T(I)ZT(E) IJ20 0E(IXO(I)ZO(E) IJJO T2(I)«YI(I)ZYI(E) iJ40 print Y2(i M(i TE(i o E(I) IJSO NEXT I IJ60 01*0 I370 02*0 I380 FOR I*NC♦I TO E ' I390 If P(I)<1 THEN 1*40 1*00 IF I*NC♦! THEN 02*02*(UE(I)/TE(I)>*<1-UE(I))*(Y2(1)Z2) 1*10 IF I>NC*1 THEN D2*02*(UE(I)ZTE(I))•(I-UE(I))•(Y2(I>-Y2(I-I)) 1*20 If I*NC♦I THEN 01*01♦(I-UE(I)ZTE(I>)•(Y2(I)/2) 1*30 If I>NC•I THEN 01*01*(1-UE(I)ZTE(I))•(Y2(I)-Y2(I-I)) 1**0 NEXT I 1ASO FOR 1*1 TO N 1*60 YCAP(I)-O 1*20 NEXT I 1*80 FOR XNCd TO N 1*90 If P(J)<1 THEN ISSO ISOO FOR 1*1 TO J IS10 IF PdXI THEN I5*0 1520 IF I*NC♦I THEN YCAP(J)*YCAP(J)*0£(I)•(Yl(I)/2) ISJO IF ISNC*I THEN YCAPd>*YCAr»U)*0E(l)*(Y1d)-YI(I-I)J 15*0 NEXT I ISSO NEXT J 1560 THETA*D2*Y1(E) I570 REM***** OUTPUT SUMMARY (SAME AS BEFORE) I580 FOR 1*1 TO N 1 50 90 0 pIrint F PdXI T/ HE N 1610 16 Yid) theTa;",";YCAPd);".~;ycap(i)/theta;",";uEd> 1 6 1 0 N E X T I 1 6 2 0 ;', * ; ; " , ,,; ; ,,. " ; ; “ » “ ; " , ~ ; ; ” * " ; ( ) / ; " , ~ ; < ) ; " . " ; 1 6 j o p r i n t p r i n t g y i h ( e ) x c k p o j t s r e e o m m e p o i * y i ( e > ; ” * ” ; i / o i ; “ . " ; i / 0 2 ; " , " ; ( r e ( e ) / o m > * ( d 2 * y i ( £ ) ) 16*0 MSP»SOR(((PO/P2)**(1/J.5)-1>/.2) 1650 PRINT M(E)J",";MSP I660 END 2 APPENDIX III TABULAR FORM OF RESULTS FOR SMOOTH MODEL *********** s M O O T H M O D E L *********** GROUP NO.: 1600 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 2.54 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - ' PO' (MM.H G .A B S ) : 600 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - ' TS' (DEG RANKING): 559.67 E D G E R E Y N O L D S N O . ( C M t I); 4 7 6 4 4 . 3 E X T E R N A L MACII N O . : 2 . 6 9 1 1 8 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 18.9084 SKIN FRICTION COEF. FROM WALL VISCOSITY-'CFI': 1.1 SKIN FRICTION COEF. FROM STREAM VISCOSITY-'CF2': 5 'THE TA'-(CM.): I. 34662E-2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S DUE TO ' P R O B E E F F E C T ” (C M . ) : - 7 . 3 2 4 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - ' D E L T A ' ( C M . ) : . 2 0 3 2 6 8 'DELTA STAR' (CM.): 6.69732E-2 'DELTA/DELTA S T A R ” : 3.03506 'DELTA/THETA': 15.0947 ' R E T H E T A ': 6 4 1 . 5 8 6 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE PRES.: *********** $ M O O T H M O D E L 9532E-3 . 7 6 0 1 9 E-4 4 0 E- 3 2.69118 2.90288 *********** GROUP N O . : 2600 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 5.08 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - 'PO! (MM.HG.ABS): 600 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 'T S ' (DEG RANKING): 559.67 EDGE REYNOLDS NO. ( C M - I ) : 51229.8 EXTERNAL MACH NO.: 2.76263 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 18.9147 SKIN FRICTION COEF. FROM WALL VISCOSITY-'CFl': 1.0 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . FR OM S T R E A M V I S C O S I T Y - ”C F 2': 4 ' T H E T A ' - ( C M . ): 1 . 5 2 0 4 3 E - 2 SH IF T IN Y- AX I S DUE TO 'PROBE E F FE C T ' (C M .):-5 . 3 2 0 B O U N D A R Y LAYER TH I C K N E S S - 'DELTA' (CM,): . 2 0 92 7 8 ■'DELTA STAR' (CM.): 8.28781 E-2 'DELTA/DELTA STAR': 2.52513 'DELTA/THETA': 13.7644 'R E T H E T A ' : 778.91 2 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT P R E S . I EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE PRES.: 1981E-3 .76746E-4 4 5 E - 3 2,76263 2.90266 93 *********** $ M O O T H M O D E L 1*****,****** GROUP N O . : 3600 DISTANCE FROM T R AI L I N G EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 7 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - * PO 8 (MM.HG.ABS): 600 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 8TS 8 (DEG RANKING) : 559.67 E D G E R E Y N O L D S N O . ( C M - I ): 51 5 8 8 . 6 EXTERNAL MACH N O . : 2.60415 SURFACE PRESSURE ( M M. H G . A B S ) : 22.3772 SKIN FRICTION C O E F . FROM WALL VISCOSITY-* C F V S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M VI S C O S I T Y - 8C F 8 T H E T A 8- ( C M 0 ): 1 . 4 0 3 1 I E - 2 S H IF T IN Y-AXIS DUE TO 8PROBE E F F E C T 8 (CM.): B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - 8D E L T A * ( C M . ) : .1 8 7 3 8DELTA S T A R 8 (CM.): 7.9741 0E-2 * DELTA/DELTA STAR 8 : 2.34947 6De l t a z t h e t a 8: 13.35 24 6 R E T H E T A 6 : 723.845 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PR EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE P *********** $ M O O T H M O D E L .62 ; 7.9481 4E-4 2 8 : 3.97390E-4 ' 7.71827E-4 49 ES.: 2.60415 RES.: 2.7921 *********** GROUP N O , : 4600 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 10.16 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - 6P O 8 (MM.HG.ABS): 600 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 8T S 8 (DEG RANKING): 559.67 EDGE R E Y N O L D S NO. ( C M - I ) : 5 4 8 2 6 . 8 EXTERNAL MACH N O . : 2.7284 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 20.9537 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F ROM W A L L V I SC OS I T Y - * C F I 8 : 9 . 5281 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I S C O S I T Y - 8C F 2 8 : 4 . 5 1 6 T H E T A ( C M . ); 1 . 0 6 7 4 1 E-2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S DUE TO 8P R O B E E F F E C T 8 (C M „ ) : - 1 . 584 7 0 E B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R T H I C K N E S S - ‘ D E L T A ' 8' ( C M . ) : . 1 5 6 6 9 6 6DELTA S T A R 8 (CM.) 6,278296-2 •DELTA/DELTA STAR 6 : 2.49584 6DELTA /THETA 8: 14.68 8RETHETA 8: 5 85.229 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: 2.7 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND S U RFACE P R E S . : 2. 3E-4 956E-4 - 3 284 83521 94 *********** S M O O T H M O D E L *********** GROUP M O . : 5600 DISTANCE FROM TRAI L I N G EDGE OF MODEL (CM.); 12.7 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.); O S U P P L Y P R E S S U R E - ieP O e ( M M . H G . A B S ) : 5 0 0 . . SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - " T S e (DEG RANKI NE): 559.67 EDGE R E YN O L D S NO. ( C M - I ) : 51649.2 EXTERNAL MACH NO.: 2.70771 SURFACE PRESSURE (M M . H G . A B S ) : 20.1569 SKIN FRICTION COEF. FROM WALL V I S C O S ITY-'CFI*: 1.081 SKIN F R I C T I O N COEF. FROM S T R E A M V I S COS I T Y C F 2': 5.1 1 T H E T A 1- ( C M e ): 9 . 8 8 6 4 7 E -3 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E TO " P R O B E E F F E C T " (C M . ) ; - 2 . 0 6 6 7 5 BOUNDARY LAYER T H I C K N E S S - eD E L T A 6 (CM.): .144013 "DELTA STAR' (CM.): 5.69036E-2 "DELTA/DELTA STAR": 2.53082 eDELTA/THETA 1: 14.5666 "RETHETA " : 510.629 E D G E M A C H NO". F R O M S U R F A C E P R E S . A N D P I T O T P R E S . : 2 . E D G E M A C H NO. F R O M S U P P L Y P R E S . AND. S U R F A C E P R E S . : 2 *********** s M O O T H M O D E L 43E-3 7492E-4 E -3 70771 .74125 *********** GROUP N O . : 6600 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 15.24 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - " P O " (MM.HG.ABS): 600 SUPPLY TEMP E R A TU R E - "T S ' (DEG RANKING): 559.67 E D G E R E Y N O L D S N O . ( C M - 1 ): 5 0 4 0 7 . 9 E X T E R N A L MACH NO.:. 2 . 77 1 5 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 18.4461 SKIN FRICTION COEF. FROM WALL V I S C O S I T Y - " C F I 6 : 1.1 SKIN FRICTION COEF. FROM STREAM VISCOSITY- "CF2 " : 5 6T H E T A " - (C M . ) : 1.04533E-2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E TO " P R O B E E F F E C T " (C M . > : - 5 . 6 8 1 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - " D E L T A " ( C M . ) : . 1 55451 "DELTA STAR" ( C M . ) : 5.82562E-2 * DELTA/DELTA STAR": 2.6684 "D E L T A / T H E T A ": 14.871 !RETHETA": 526.929 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE P R E S i AND PITOT P R E S 0 : EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE PRES.: 7062E-3 .451 87E-4 8 2 E - 3 2.7715 2.91924 95 *********** S M O O T H M O D E L *********** GROUP NO.: 7600 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 17.78 SURFACE ROUGHNESS C O D E : O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O S U P P L Y P R E S S U R E - 1lP O t ( M M . H G . A B S ) : 6 0 0 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - ' TS ' (DEG RANKING): 559.67 E D G E R E Y N O L D S N O . ( C M - I ) : 48585.8 EXTERNAL MACH N O . : 2.75718 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 18.0371 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M W A L L V ISC OS I T Y - 6 CF I 9 : 1 . 1 2 3 0 9 E SKIN FRICTION C O E F . FROM STREAM V ISCOS IT Y - ' C F 2 ': 5.2624 e T H E T A t - ( C M a ): 1 . 2 0 6 7 O E - 2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E TO 9P R O B E E F F E C T * ( C M . ) : - 4 . 8 3 4 9 2 E - 3 BOUNDARY LAYER T H I C K N E S S - eD E L T A t (CM.): .164144 eDELTA STAR' (CM.): 6.83064E-2 * D E L T A / D E L T A S T A R * : 2.40306 'DELTA/THETA': 13.6027 * R E T H E T A t : 586.287 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: 2.757 EDGE M A CH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND S U R F A C E PRES.: 2 . 9 3 *********** s M O O T H M O D E L -3 5E-4 18 409 *********** GROUP N O . : I 500 DISTANCE FROM TRAI L I N G EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 2.54 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE : O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - 6P O t (MM.HG.ABS): 500 SUPPLY TEMPE R A T U R E - 'T S 6 (DEG RANKING): 559.67 E D G E R E Y N O L D S N O . ( C M - 1 ): 39163.9 EXTERNAL MAC H NO.: 2.70385 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 15.3443 SKIN FRICTION C O E F . FROM WALL V l S C O S I T Y - eC F l e: 1 . 3 SKIN F R I C T I O N C O E F . FROM S T R E A M V I S C O S I T Y - eC F 2 e : 6 0 T H E T A t- ( C M a ): 1 . 2 1 0 8 6 E -2 S H I F T IN Y - AX I S DUE TO 'PROBE E F F E C T 6 (C M . ) : - 2 . 3 7 6 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - tD E L T A ' (CM.): . 1 8 2 2 9 3 0 D E L T A S T A R ' ( C M . ) : 6.53309E-2 'DELTA/DELTA STAR': 2.7903 ' D E L T A / T H E T A ': 1 5 . 0 5 4 8 0 R E T H E T A ' : 474.22 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE PRES.: 9 8 4 1 E - 3 .70274 E-4 9 5 E-3 2.70385 2.92043 96 *********** 5 M O O T H M O D E L *********** GROUP NO. : 2 500 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 5.08 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - * PO' ( M M . H G . A B S ) : 500 S U P P L Y T E M P E R A T U R E - 'TS ' (DEG RANKI NE ) : 5 5 9. 6 7 EDGE REYN O L D S NO. ( C M - I ) g 40619.5 EXTERNAL MACH N O . : 2.64988 SURFACE PRESSURE ( M M . H G . A B S ) : 16.813 SKIN FRICTION COEF . FROM WALL VISCOSITY-'CFI': I S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I S C O S I T Y - ' C F 2' : ' T H E T A '-(CM.): 1.45465E-2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E TO ‘P R O B E E F F E C T 8 (CM . ):- 2.1 BOUNDARY LAYER THICKNESS-'DELTA' (CM.): .200739 "DELTA STAR' (CM.): 7.85732E-2 "DELTA/DELTA STAR': 2.55481 'DELTA/THETA': 13.7999 " RETHETA': 590.87 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES. EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE P R E S *********** § M O O T H M O O E L .1 5 3 9 2 E - 3 5.65887E-4 2 4 60 E- 3 : 2.64988 . : 2.86009 *********** GROUP N O . : 3500 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 7.62 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - ' P O 8 (MM.HG.ABS): 500 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - ' T S ' (DEG RANKINE): 559.67 EDGE R E YN O L D S NO. ( C M - I ) : 41839.5 EXTE R N A L MAC H NO. : 2.57132 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 18.7724 SKIN FRICTION COEF. FROM WALL V I S C O S I T Y - 8CFI': 1. SKIN FRICTION COEF . FROM STREAM V ISCOSITY- 'CF2' : 8 T H E T A '-(CM.)" I . 3 6 0 4 1 E-2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S DU E TO 'P RO B E EFFECT.' (CM. ) :- 1 . 8 8 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - ' D E L T A 8 ( C M . ) : .1 8 7 3 3 6 'DELTA STAR' (CM.): 7.33038E-2 'DELTA/DELTA STAR 8 : 2.55562 8 D E L T A / T H E T A ': 1 3 . 7 7 0 5 'RETHETA': 569.19 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE P R E S . 03587E-3 5.251 40E-4 697E-3 2.57132 : 2.78774 97 *********** $ M O O T H M O D E L *********** GROUP N O . : 4500 DISTANCE FROM TRAI L I N G EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 10.16 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - ' PO* (MM.HG.A8S): 500 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - ' T S e (DEG RANKINE): 559.67 EDGE REYNOLDS NO. ( C M- I ) : 45389.8 EXTERNAL MACH N O , : 2.76607 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 16.7007 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R OM W A L L V I S C O S I T Y - ' CF I 8 ; I .0 8 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I S C O S I T Y - 8C F Z ' : 5 . ' T H E T A '-(CM.): 1.10245E-2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E TO ' P R O B E E F F E C T ' ( C M . ) ; - 1 . 4 7 5 8 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - ' D E L T A 8 ( C M . ) : „1 64 0 2 9 'DELTA S T A R 8 (CM.): 6 . 6 8 4 7 4 E - 2 'DELTA/DELTA S T A R 8 ; 2.45378 'DELTA/THETA': 14.8786 'RETHETA 8 : 500.4 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: 2 EDGE MACH N O . FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE P R E S . : *********** 5 M O O T H M O D E L 4 9 3 E - 3 06447E-4 8E-3 .76607 2.86451 *********** GROUP N O . : 5500 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL. (CM.): 12.7 . SURFACE ROUGHNESS C O D E : O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - ' PO 8 (MM.HG.ABS): 500 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 'TS ' (DEG R A N K I N E ) : 559,67 EDGE REYNOLDS NO. ( C M - I ) : 42298.1 EXTERNAL MACH NO.: 2.69731 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 16.6826 SKIN FRICTION COEF. FROM WALL V I S C O S ITY-"CFI 8: 1.225 1 2 E-3 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I S C OS IT Y - 8C F Z ' : 5 „ 8 8 8 4 6 E - 4 ' T H E T A ' - ( C M . ); 1 . 0 7 0 9 8 E - 2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E T O 8P R O B E E F F E C T ' ( C M „ ) : - 1 . 2 2 8 7 6 E - 3 BOUNDARY LAYER TH I C K N E S S - 'D E L T A 8 (CM.): . 1 5634 8DELTA S T A R 8 (CM.): 6 . 20356E-2 'DELTA/DELTA STAR 8 : 2.5201 7 'DELTA/THETA 8: 14 .5978 8RETHETA 8 : 4 53.005 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: 2.69731 E D G E M A C H N O . F R O M S U P P L Y P R E S . A N D S U R F A C E P R E S . : 2«, 8 6 5 2 2 ? 98 *********** $ M O O T H M O D E L *********** GROUP N O , : 6500 DISTANCE FROM TRAI L I N G EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 15.24 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O S U P P L Y P R E S S U R E - ePO 6 ( M M. H G . AB S ) : 500 S U P P L Y T E M P E R A T U R E - 'T S 0 (DEG RANKI NE) : 5 5 9. 6 7 EDGE REYNOLDS NO. ( C M - I ) : 42066.6 , EXTERNAL MACH NO.: 2.83831 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 14.3983 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M W A L L V I S C O S I T Y - 11 C F V : I . 4 SKIN F R ICTION COEF . FROM STREAM V IS C OS I T Y- C F 2 * : 6 * T H E T A e - ( C M . ).: 1 . 1 1 6 4 8 E - 2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E T O 4P R O B E E F F E C T " (CM. ) :-5. 2 5 2 BOUNDARY LAYER T H I C K N E S S - eD E L T A 6 (CM.): ,165325 “DELTA STAR" (CM.): 6.40789E-2 “DELTA/DELTA S T A R 6 : 2.58002 *D E L T A / T H E T A 6 : 14. 80 77 *R E T H E T A " : 469.666 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES. : EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE PRES.: *********** S M O O T H ‘ ■ M. O D E L 0249E-3 .34842E-4 57E-3 2. 8 3 8 3 1 2.96262 *********** G R O U P NO. : 7.500 D I S T A N C E F R OM T R A I L I N G EDGE OF M O D E L (CM..): 1 7 . 7 8 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - 4P O 6 (MM.HG.ABS): 500 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 6T S e (DEG RANKING): 559.67 EDGE REYNOLDS NO. ( C M - I ) : 41096.3 E X T E R N A L MACH NO.: 2.,86006 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS) : I3.7651 S K I N F R I C T I O N COE F . F R O M .WALL V I S C O S I T Y - 6 C F V : 1.271 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I S C O S I T Y ^ 6C F 2 “ : 5 . 7 4 T H E T A e- ( C M 0 ): 1 . 2 8 0 7 8 E - 2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E T O " P R O B E E F F E C T " - ( C M . ) : - 4 . 11 4 11 BOUNDARY LAYER T H I C K N E S S - " D E L T A 4 (CM.): .17678 "DELTA STAR" (CM.): 7.76389E-2 "DELTA/DELTA STAR": 2.27694 "DELTA/THETA": 13.8025 4 R E T H E T A e : 526.353 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: 2. EtiGE M A C H N O . F R O M S U P P L Y P R E S . A N D S U R F A C E P R E S . : 2 j j I 08E-3 0047E-4 E -3 86006 .99254 99 *********** S M O O T H M O D E L *********** GROUP NO. : 1400 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 2.5 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O S U P P L Y P R E S S U R E - e P O 11 ( M M . H G . A 8 S ) : 4 0 0 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - ' T S ' (DEG RANKING): 559.67 EDGE REYNOLDS N O . ( C M - I ) : 35244.4 EXTERNAL MACH NO.: 2.84832 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 11.9436 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M W A L L V I S C O S I TY-,'C Fl': S KIN F R I C T I O N COEF. FROM S T R E A M V I SC O S I T Y C F 2' ' T H E T A ' - ( C M . ) : 1 .2 31 5 8 E-2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E TO 8P R O B E E F F E C T ' (C M . ) ; - 3 . BOUNDARY LAYER T H I C K N E S S - 'DELTA* (CM.): „186674 9DELTA STAR' (CM.): 7.19306E-2 9DELTA/DELTA STAR?: 2.5951 9 'DELTA/THETA': 15.1572 0 R E T H E T A e : 434.064 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE PRE *********** S M O O T H M O D £ L 4 1 .565 96E-3 : 7.05816E-4 9 6 3 6 3 E -3 .: 2.84832 S.: 2.93858 *********** GROUP NO.: 2400 DISTANCE FROM T R AI L I N G EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 5.08 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - ' PO' (MM.HG.ABS): 400 SUPPLY TEMPER A T U R E - 'TS ' (DEG RANKING) : 559.67 EDGE REYNOLDS NO. (CM-1): 36980.2 E X T E R N A L M A C H N O . : 2.83836 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 12.6567 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M W A L L V I S C Q S I T Y - 6 CF I = ; 1 .2 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I SC OS I T Y - 6C F 2 ' : 5 ' T H E T A '-(CM.): I „ 4 4 9 4 4 E-2 S H IF T IN Y - AX I S DUE TO ' P ROBE E F F E C T ” (C M „ ) : - 2 . 5 4 8 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - ' DEL TA' ( C M. ) : . 2 0 8 0 8 8 'DELTA S T A R ” ( C M . ) : 8.85559E-2 'DELTA/DELTA S T A R ” : 2.34979 'D E L T A / T H E T A ': 14.3564 ' R E T H E T A 536.008 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT P R E S . : EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE PRES.: 3885E-3 .63 761 E-4 05 E-3 2.83836 2.9002 TOO *********** s M O O T H M O D E L *********** GROUP N O . : 3400 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 7.62 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - ePO 0 (MM.HG.ABS): 400 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 6T S g (DEG R A N K I N E ) : 559.67 EDGE REYNOLDS NO. ( C M - I ) : 3 7 49 8 . 9 EXTERNAL MAC H NO.: 2.76049 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): I 3.875 SKIN FRICTION COE F . FROM WALL VISCOSITY-'CFI': I„1 SKIN FRICTION C O E F . FROM STREAM V ISCOS IT Y C F 2 8 : 5 e THE TA'-(CM.): I .42639E-2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S DUE TO eP R O B E E F F E C T 8 (C M . ) : - 2 . 2 4 8 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R T H I C K N E S S - ' D E L T A 8 ( C M . ) : .1 9 4 8 2 8 8 DELTA S T A R 6 (CM.): 8.7251 6E-2 8 DELTA/DELTA STAR': 2.23295 / D E L T A / T H E T A ' : 13.6588 8 R E T H E T A ': 5 3 4 . 8 8 3 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES. : EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE P R E S . : *********** $ M O O T H M O D E L 4109E-3 . 33930E-4 11E - 3 2.76049 2.83965 *********** GROUP N O . : 4400 DISTANCE FROM TRAI L I N G EDGE OF MODEL ( C M . ) : 10.16 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - 8P O ' (MM.HG.ABS): 400 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 8 T S ' (DEG RANKINE): 559.67 E D G E R E Y N O L D S 'NO. ( C M - I ) : 3 8 0 3 4 . 3 EXTERNAL MACH N O . : 2.73384 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 14.4563 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M W A L L V I S C O S I T Y - ' CFI *: I .1 SKIN FRICTION COEF . FROM STREAM V ISCOS IT Y - ' C F 2 8 : 5 8 T H E T A '-(CM.): 1.30023E-2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E TO 8P R O B E E F F E C T ' ( C M . ) :-2. 785 BOUNDARY LAYER TH I C K N E S S - ' DELTA' (CM.): . 1 74277 8 DELTA STAR' (CM.): 8 .04869E-2 'DELTA/DELTA S T A R 8 : 2.16528 'DELTA/THETA': 13.4035 8R E T H E T A ': 494.534 EDGE M A CH NO. FROM S U R F A C E P R ES . AND P I T O T PRES..: EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE P R E S . : 14 5 9 E - 3 ' .274 72E-4 28E-3 2.73384 2.81271 101 *********** S M 0 O T H M O O E (_ * * * * * * * * * * * GROUP N O . : 5A OO DISTANCE FROM T R AI L I N G EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 12.7 SURFACE ROUGHNESS C O D E : O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O S U P P L Y P R E S S U R E - ' P O * ( M M . H G . A B S ): 4 0 0 SUPPLY TEMPER A T U R E - 6TS* (DEG RANKING): 559.67 EDGE REYNOLDS NO. ( C M - I ) ; 36457.3 EXTERNAL MACH NO. : 2.75501 S U R F A C E P R E S S U R E ( M M . H G . A B S ): 1 3 . 5 6 4 2 SKIN FRICTION C O E F . FROM WALL VISCOSITY-'CFl*: 1 SKIN FRICTION COEF . FROM STREAM V ISCOS ITY - ' C F 2': * THE T A '-( CM. ) : I . 2-36.39E - 2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E TO 8P R O B E E F F E C T 8 (C M . ) : - 1 . 6 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - 8 D E L T A ' ( C M . ) : .1 7 0 2 5 8 *DELTA S T A R 8 (CM.): 7 . 63896E-2 * D E L T A / D E L T A S T A R ' : 2.22881 . * D E L T A / T H E T A ' : 13.7706 e RETHETA': 450.754 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES. EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE P R E S *********** $ M O O T H M O-D E L .24724E-3 5.84962E-4 6 8 3 4 E-3 : j : 2. 7 5 5 0 1 . : 2.85455 *********** GROUP N O . : 6400 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 15.24 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O SUPPLY PRESS U R E - e PO 8 (MM.HG.A8S): 400 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 'T S ' (DEG RANKING): 559.67 EDGE R E Y N O L D S NO. ( C M - I ) : 3 5 39 7 . 2 EXTERNAL MACH NO.: 2.83384 S U R F A C E P R E S S U R E ( M M . HG.. ABS') : 1 2 . 1 6 9 6 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M W A L L V I S C O S I T Y - 8 CFl 8 : 1 .4 2 2 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I S C O S I T Y - 8C F 2 8 : 6 . 4 e T H E T A '-(CM.): 1 . 2 0 2 3 5 E-2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E TO 8P R O B E E F F E C T 6 ( C M . ) : - 2 . 3 8 1 0 1 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - 8D E L T A e ( C M . ) : .1 7 4 0 6 6 e DELTA S T A R 6 (CM.): 7.4801 3E-2 'DELTA/DELTA S T A R 8 : 2.32705 eDELTAZTHETA': 14.4771 e RETHETA': 425.599 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: 2. EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE P R E S . : 2 ' 96E-3 5 336E-4 E-3 83384 .92616 102 *********** S M O O T H M O D E L *********** GROUP MO. : 7400 D I S T A N C E F R OM T R A I L I N G EDGE OF M O D E L (CM..): 1 7 . 7 8 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: O SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): O S U P P L Y P R E S S U R E - ' P O ' ( M M . H G . A B S ): 4 0 0 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - ' T S ' (DEG RANKING): 559.67 EDGE REYNOLDS NO. (CM-1): 34801.2 EXTERNAL MAC H NO.I 2.84841 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 11.7923 SKIN FRICTION COEF . FROM WALL VISCOSITY-'CFl': 1.3461 8E-3 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I S C O S I T Y - ' C F 2' : 6 . 0 6 7 3 4 E - 4 3 T H E T A ' - ( C M . ): 1 . 2 5 4 7 7 E - 2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E TO ' P R O B E E F F E C T ' ( C M . ) : - 2 . 3 9 6 0 9 E -3 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I CK N E S S - 'D E L T A ' (CM.): . 1 7 6 4 0 3 * DELTA STAR' (CM.): 8.03459E-2 'DEL T A /DELTA STAR': 2.19554 0 DELTA/THETA «: 14.0585 ' RETHETA': 436.676 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: 2.84841 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE PRES.: 2.94703 A P P ENDIX IV TABULAR FORM OF RESULTS FOR SCREW MODEL *********** s c R E W M o D E ^ *********** GROUP NO.: I 600 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 2.54 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.); 3 . 55600F-2 SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - ' P O e ( M M. H G . AB S ) I 600 S U P P L Y T E M P E R A T U R E - e T S ' ( D E G R A N K I N E >: 5 5 9 . 6 7 EDGE R E Y N O L D S NO. ( C M - I ) : 5 6 89 1 . 3 EXTERNAL MACH N O . : 3.01113 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 16.424 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M W A L L V I S C O S I T Y - ' CFl ': 3 . S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I S C O S I T Y - eC F 2 1 : «THE T A ' - ( C M . ) : 2.041 28E-2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S DUE TO ' P R O B E E F F E C T ' ( C M . ) : - 2 . 3 9 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - ' D E L T A ' ( C M. ) : . 3 9 41 0 1 5 DELTA STAR' (CM.): 8.66365E-2 6 DELTA/DELTA STAR' : 4.5489 'DELTA/THETA': 19.3066 * R E T H E T A ' : 1161.31 E D G E . M A C H NO. FROM. S U R F A C E P R E S . A N D P I T O T P R E S . : EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND S U RF A C E P R E S . *********** $ C R E W M O D E'L 66908E-3 1.54259E-3 6 0 9 E- 3 : 3.01113 2.99635 *********** GROUP N O . : 2600 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 5.08 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 . SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.); 3 . 55600E-2 SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - 1 PO' ( M M. H G . AB S ) : 600 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 'T S ' (DEG RANKING) : 559.67 EDGE REYNOLDS NO. (CM-1): 59631.9 EXTERNAL MAC H NO.: 2.94562 ■SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 18.37 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M W A L L VI S C O S I T Y-8 C F I ': 3 . 5 5 0 2 0 E - 3 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I S C O S I T Y - ' C F 2' ; 1 . 5 3 5 0 3 E - 3 1 T H E T A '- ( CM. ) : I . 7 5 5 2 6 E - 2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E TO ' P R O B E E F F E C T ' ( C M . ) : - 2 . 3 9 6 0 9 E - 3 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - ' D E L T A ' ( C M . ) : „ 3672,85 ' 'DELTA STAR' (CM.): 7.05244E-2 'DELTA/DELTA STAR': 5.20792 1 DELTAXTHETA':; 20.9248. 'RETHETA': 1047.58 EDGE MACH NO, FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: 2.94562 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND S U RF A C E P R E S . : 2 . 92198 104 *********** 5 C R E W ■ M O D E L *********** GROUP NO,: 3600 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM,): 7,62 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM*): 3 , 55600E-2 SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - * PO* (MM,HG,ABS): 600 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 'TS ' (DEG RANKINE): 559.67 EDGE R E Y N O L D S NO. (CM-1): 5 8 34 2 . 3 EXTERNAL MACH NO.: 2.85142 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 19.71 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M W A L L V I S C O S I T Y - * C Fl * : 2 ^ . 9 6 9 81 E - 3 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F e F R O M S T R E A M V I S C O S I T Y - #C F 2 “ : 1 „ 3 3 6 8 0 E - 3 6 T H E T A t - ( C M e ): I . 1 7 6 4 0 E - 2 S H I F T IN Yr-AXIS DUE TO 'PROBE E F F E C T " (CM. ) :-2. 3 9 6 0 9 E - 3 B O U N D A R Y LA YE R TH I C K N E S S - 'DELTA* (CM.): . 1 8 1 8 2 7 * DELTA S T A R ’ (CM.): 5.47687E-2 * DELTA/DELTA S T A R 6 : 3.3199 6D E L T A Z T H E T A 6 : 15.4562 6RETHETA 6: 686.339 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: 2.85142 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE P R E S . : 2.87547 *********** S C R E W M O D E L *********** GROUP NO.: 4600 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 10.16 . SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): 3 . 55600E-2 S U P P L Y P R F S S U R E - 6P O 6 ( M M . H G . A B S ) : 6 0 0 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 6TS ' (DEG RANKING) : 559.67 EDGE REYNOLDS NO. (CM-1): 58196.1 EXTERNAL MACH N O . : 2.83123 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 20.06 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M W A L L V I SC OS I T Y - ' CF I *: 1 . 5 1 I S K I N F R I C T I O N C OEF . F R O M S T R E A M V I S C O S I TY - 0C F 2 6 : 6 . 8 0 T H E T A 6- ( C M e ): 9 . 4 5 9 2 3 E - 3 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E TO 6P R O B E E F F E C T 6 (C M . ) : - 2 . 3 9 6 0 9 B O U N D A R Y LA YE R TH I C K N E S S - 6D E L T A 6 (CM.); . 1 44 1 3 5 1 DELTA S T A R 6 (CM.): 5.49775E-2 * DELTA/DELTA S T A R 6 : 2.62171 6D E L T A Z T H E T A 6 : 15.2375 6RETHETA 6: 550.491 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES, : 2. EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE PRES.: 2 0 4 E - 3 . 6047E-4 E-3 8312 3 .86388 105 *********** $ Q p E W M 0 . D E L *********** GROUP N O . : 5600 D I S T A N C E F R O M T R A I L I N G E D G E O 1F M O D E L ( C M . ) : 1 2 . 7 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 SWRFAC E ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): 3 . 55600E-2 SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - * P O 0 ( M M . H G . A 8 S ) : 600 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 1TS 1 (DEG RANKING): 559.67 EDGE REYNOLDS NO. (CM-1): 56450 EXTERNAL MAC H NO, ; 2.90362 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM^HG.ABS): 18.02 SKIN FRICTION C O E F . FROM WALL V l S C O S I T Y - eC F l 9: 3.33468ES K I N F R I C T I O N COEF . F R OM S T R E A M V I S C O S I T Y - eCF 2 9 : 1 . 3 3 3 04 ' T H E T A '-(CM.); 7 . 32660E-3 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S DUE TO "P RO B E E F F E C T " (CM. > § - 2 . 39609E-3. BOUNDARY LAYER THICKNESS-"DELTA* (CM.): .12449 * DELTA STAR" (CM.): 3.73003E-2 8 DELTA/DELTA S T A R ' : 3.29336 *DEL T A/TH ETA 8: 1 6 . 9 9 1 5 * R E T H E T A ' : 4 13.587 . EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES. : 2.9086 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE PRES.: 2.934 *********** $ C R E W M O D E L 3 E-3 . 2 72 *********** GROUP N O . : 6600 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.); 15.24 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): 3 . 55600E-2 SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - 9PO" ( M M . H G . A B S ) I 600 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 9TS 9 (DEG RANKING): 559.67 EDGE R E Y N O L D S NO. ( C M - I ) : 5 4 7 7 1 . 6 EXTERNAL MAC H N O . : 2.93832 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 16.98 SKIN F R I C T I O N COEF. FROM WALL V I S C O S I T Y - 9 CFl 9 : 3 . 6 3 9 8 2 E - 3 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I S C O S I T Y - *CF 2 9 : 1 . 5 7 8 7 0 E - 3 * T H E T A ' - ( C M . ): 8. 1 8 3 9 4 E - 3 ■ S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E T O 9P R O B E E F F E C T 9 ( C M . ) ; - 2 . 3 9 6 0 9 E - 3 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - 9D EL T A 9 ( C M . ) : . 1 3745.5 * D E L T A S T AR * (CM.).: 4 . 0 1 6 4 5 E - 2 ' D E L T A / D E L T A S T A R " : 3.42229 * DEL T A / T H E TA V 16.795 7 8 RETHETA*: 448.248 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: 2.93832. EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE P R E S . : 2.974 18 106 *********** s C R E W M O D E L *********** GROUP N O - : 7600 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 17.78 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 S U R F A C E R O U G H N E S S .HE L G H T ( C M . ): 3. 5 5 6 0 0 E - 2 SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - * PO' (MM.H G . ASS): 600 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 8T S 1 (DEG RANKING) : 559.67 E D G E R E Y N O L D S N O . C C M - I ): 5 2 7 2 1 . 7 EXTERNAL MACH NO.: 2.9951 1 S U R F A C E P R E S S U R E (MM. HG.'ABS) : 1 5 .4 6 SKIN FRICTION C O E F . FROM WALL V I S C O S I T Y - ' CFI*: 3.1 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I SC OS I I Y - 'C F 2 8 : 1 " T H E T A 8 T-C C M . ) : 9 . 6 7 5 0 6 E - 3 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E TO 8P R O B E E F F E C T ' ( C M . ) : - 2 . 3 9 6 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - ' D E L T A 8 ( C M . ) : . 1 3 4 8 2 4 "DELTA STAR' (CM.): 5 .46118E-2 «DELTA/DELTA STAR 8 : 2.46878 * DELTA/THETA 8: 13.93 52 'RETHETA 6: 510.086 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES. : EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE PRES.: *********** s c R E W M O D E L 0 1 60E-3 .31 2 9 8E - 3 0 9 E - 3 2. 9 9 5 1 1 3.03674 *********** GROUP N O . : 1500 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 2.54 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): 3 . 55600E-2 SUPPLY PRESSURE - *P O ' . (MM.HG.ABS): 500 S UPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - ' TS 8 (DEG R A NKING): 559.67 E D G E R E Y N O L D S NO. ( CM - 1): 4 4 2 0 5 . 6 EXTERNAL MACH NO.: 2.93961 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 13.687 SKIN FRICTION COEF . FROM WALL VISCOS IT Y - 8C F V : 4.71 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I S C O S I T Y - 8C F 2 8 : 2 . 8 T H E T A 8- ( C M a ): I . 0 9 0 4 8 E - 2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E T O 8P R O B E E F F E C T ' ( C M . ) : - 2 . 3 9 6 0 BOUNDARY LAYER T H I C K N E S S - 8DELTA' (CM.): . 189362 'DEL TA S T A R 8 (CM.): 4 . 85398E-2 *DELTA/DELTA STAR': 3.90118 8DELTA/THETA 8 : 17.365 8RETHETA 8: 482.056 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: 2 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE PRES.: 360E-3 04330E-3 9E-3 .93961 2.99633 107 *********** $ C R E W M 0 ■D E L *.* * * * * * * * * * GROUP NO.: 2500 DISTANCE FROM T R AI L I N G EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 5.08 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE : 2 S U R F A C E R O U G H N E S S HF IGHT ( C M . ) : 3. 5 5 6 0 0 E - 2 SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - 'PO' ( M M. H G . AB S ) : 500 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 'TS " (DEG RANKING): 559.67 E D G E R E Y N O L D S N O . (C M - I >: 4 5 3 7 5 . 9 EXTERNAL MAC H NO.: 2.85284 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 15.308 SKIN FRICTION COEF. FROM WALL VISCOSITY-'CFl': 3.7 SKIN FRICTION C O E F . FROM STREAM V ISCOSITY- 'CF2' : 1 ' T H E T A '-(CM.): 1..19965E-2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S DUE TO 'PROBE E F F E C T ’ ( C M . ) ; - 2 . 3 9 6 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - ' D E L T A ? ( C M . ) : .1 8 8 4 1 7 'DELTA STAR' ( C M . ) : 5.64226E-2 , DELTA/DELTA STAR': 3.33939 ' D E L T A / T H E T A ' : 15.7059 «RETHETA ' : 544.354 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE PRES.: *********** s C R E W M O D E L 0085E-3 .66486E-3 09E-3 2.85284 2.92199 *********** GROUP N O . : 3500 # ^ D I S T A N C E F R O 1M T R A I L I N G E D G E O F M O D E L ( C M . ) : 7 . 6 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE : 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): 3.55600E-2 SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - ' PO* (MM.HG.ABS): 500 SUPPLY TEMPERATURE-.= TS ' (DEG RANKING): 559.67 E D G E R E Y N O L D S N O . ( C M - 1 ):. 4 6 9 2 0 . 4 EXTERNAL MAC H NO.: 2.81576 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 16.425 SKIN FRIC T I O N C O E F . FROM WALL V ISCOS IT Y - * CF I ’ : 2 1 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I S C OS I T Y - ' C F 2' : 9 ' T H E T A '-(CM.): I. I 3 9 I 8 E-2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S DUE TO 'PROBE E F F E C T * ( C M . ) : - 2 . 3 9 6 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - ' D E L T A * ( C M . ) : . 1 72 72 *DELTA STAR' (CM.): 6 . 22S70E-2 * DELTA/DELTA STAR': 2.77297 * DELTA/THETA': 15.1618 * R E T H E T A ': 5 3 4 . 5 0 8 A N D P I T O T P R E S . :■ EDGE MACH. NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE PRES.: 5205E-3 . 8 3 5 4 7 E-4 0 9 E 2. 8 1 5 7 6 2.87547 108 *********** S C R E W M O D E L *********** GROUP N O . : 4 500 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 10.16 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): 3 . 55600E-2 SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - ' PO* ( M M. H G . A B S ) : 500 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 1TS ' (DEG R A N K I N G ) : 559.67 EDGE R E YN O L D S NO. ( C M - I ) : 4 8 2 0 6 . 3 EXTE R N A L MAC H NO.: 2.8251 9 S U R F A C E P R E S S U R E (MM. HG. ABS) : 1 6 .7 1 7 SKIN FRICTION C O E F . FROM WALL VISCOSITY-* C F V : 1 .36563E-3 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I S C O S I T Y - 9C F 2 ' : 6 . 2 1 6 2 6 E - 4 * T H E T A '-(CM.): 9 . 92222E-3 S H I F T IN Y - AX I S DUE TO 9P R OB E E F F E C T 9 ( C M . ) : - 2 . 3 9 6 0 9 E-3 B O U N D A R Y L A YE R TH I C K N E S S - 9D E L T A 9 (CM.): . I 58 53 6 *DELTA S T A R 9 (CM.) : 5.78064E-2 * DELTA/DELTA S T A R 4 : 2.74253 1 D E L T A / T H E T A 9 : 15.9779 1 RETHETA 9: 478.31 4 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES. : 2.8251 9 E D G E M A C H N O . F R O M S U P P L Y P R E S . A N D S U R F A C E P R E S . : 2.86386 *********** s C R E W M O D E L *********** GROUP N O . : 5500 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 12.7 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): 3 . 55600E-2 SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - 9P O 9 (MM.H G . ABS): 500 S U P P L Y T E M P E R A T U R E - 9 T S 9 ( D E G R A N K I N E ): 5 5 9 . 6 7 E D G E R E Y N O L D S N O . ( C M - 1 ): 4 6 0 0 1 E X T E R N A L MAC H NO.: 2. 88597 SURFACE PRESSURE ( M M . HG.ABS): 15.017 SKIN F R I C T I O N COEF . FROM WALL V I S C O S I T Y - 9CFl 9 : 2 . SKIN F R I C T I O N COEF . FROM STREAM. V I S C O S I T Y - 9C F 2 9 : U H E T A 9- ( C M e ): 8 . 4 0 8 5 5 E - 3 SHIFT IN Y - AX I S DUE TO 9PR OB E E F F E C T 9 (C M . ) I- 2 . 3 9 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - 9D E L T A 9 ( C M . ) ; . 1 4 0 2 7 3 eDELTA S T A R 9 (CM.) : ,4. 72 1 4 4 E - 2 e DELTA/DELTA STAR 9 : 2.97098 9 D E L T A / T H E T A 9 : 16. 68 22 eRETHETA 9: 386.802 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE P R E S . 78320E-3 1..23446 E-3 6 0 9 E-3 ' 2.88597 : 2.9347 109 *********** $ C R E W M O D E L *********** GROUP N O . : 6500 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 15.24 SURFACE ROUGHNESS C O D E : 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): 3 . 55600E-2 SUPPLY PRESSURE-'PO' (MM.HG.ABS)i 500 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 'TS 1 (DEG RANKINE) : 559.67 EDGE R E Y N O L D S NO. ( C M - 1 ) : 4 4 1 6 8 . 8 EXTERNAL MACH N O . : 2.90501 SURFACE PRESSURE ( M M . HG.ABS): 14.15 SKIN FRICTION COEf. FROM WALL V I S C O S I T Y - 1C F 1^ ; 3.8 SKIN FRICTION COEF . FROM STREAM V ISCOS ITY- ' C F 2': 1 0 T H E T A 1- I C M . ): 9 . 3 0 8 5 6 E - 3 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S DUE TO 1P R OB E E F F E C T 1 ( C M . ) ; - 2 . 3 9 6 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - 1D E L T A 6 ( C M . ) ; . 1 36891 0 D E L T A S T A R 1 (CM,.): 4 . 7 9 6 6 3 E - 2 "DELTA/DELTA STAR 1 : 2.8539 0 DELTA/THETA 1 : 14 . 70 5 9 9RETHETA 1 : 411.148 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND S U RFACE PRES.: *********** 5 C R E W M O D E L 6399E-3 .69996E-3 09E-3 2.90501 2.97418 *********** GROUP N O , : 7500 DISTANCE FROM T R A I L I N G EDGE OF MODEL (CM,): 17.78 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): 3 . 55600E-2 SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - 0P O 1 (MM.H G . ABS): 500 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 1T S 1 (DEG RANKING): 559.67 EDGE R E YN O L D S NO. ( C M - I ) : 4 2 63 9 . 8 EXTERNAL MACH NO.: 2.96454 SURFACE PRESSURE ( M M . HG . ABS): 12.883 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M W A L L V l S C O S I T Y - 1C F I 0 : 2 . S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I S C O S I T Y - 1C F Z 1 : flT H E T A 0 - ( C M o ) : I . 0 6 4 4 9 E - 2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E TO 1P R O B E E F F E C T 0 ( C M . ) : - 2 . 3 9 B O U N D A R Y LA YE R TH I C K N E S S - 1DELTA.1 (CM.): . 1 47977 6DELTA S T A R 1 (CM.): 6.3721 IE-2 0DELTA/DELTA STAR 1 : 2.32226 0D E L T A Z T H E T A 1: 13.9012 0RETHETA 0 : 4 5 3.396 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES.: EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE P R E S . 9384 8E-3 I .26029E-3 609E-3 : 2.96454 3.03675 no *********** $ C R E W M O D E L *********** GROUP NO-: 1400 DISTANCE FROM TRAI L I N G EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 2.54 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): 3 . 55600E-2 S U P P L Y P R E S S U R E - * P O * ( M M . H G . A B S ): 4 0 0 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 1T S 6 (DEG RANKING): 559.67 E D G E R E Y N O L D S N O . (CM-I); 3 5 6 1 5 . 2 E X TE R N A L MAC H NO. : 2.94676 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): I 0.95 SKIN FRICTION COEF . FROM WALL V I S C O S I T Y - * CFl': 4.0841 9E-3 SKIN FRICTION C O E F . FROM STREAM V ISCOS IT Y -'C F 2 'I I „ 7 6 5 0 5 E - 3 ' T H E T A '-(CM.): 9 . 3 2 5 9 7 E-3 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S DUE TO 'PROBE E F FE C T ' (CM. ): - 2 . 3 9 6 0 9 E - 3 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - * DE L T A ' ( C M . ) : .1 6 3 8 6 6 'DELTA STAR' (CM.): 4.94534E-2 'DELTA/DELTA STAR': 3.31354 'DELTA/THETA': 17 .5 7 0 9 * RETHETA': 332.1 46 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES. : 2.94676 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE PRES.: 2.99631 *********** 5 C R E W M O D E L *********** GROUP N O . : 2400 DIST A N C E FROM T R A I L I N G EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 5.08 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): 3 . 55600E-2 SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - ' PO' (MM.HG.ABS): 400 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - 'T S 9 (DEG RANKING) : 559.67 EDGE R E YN O L D S NO. ( C M - I ) : 35 58 1 . 9 EXTERNAL MACH N O . ; 2.8327 SURFACE PRESSURE. (MM.HG.ABS): 12.247 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M W A L L V I S C O 1S I T Y - ' C F l ' : 2 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I SC O S I T Y - ' C F 2 *: ' T H E T A '-(CM.): I. 0 9 1 60E-2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E TO ' P R O B E E F F E C T ' (C M . ) : - 2 . 3 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - ' D E L T A ' ( C M . ) : . 1 7 7 1 3 6 'DELTA STAR' (CM.): 5.85970E-2 'DELTA/DELTA STAR': 3.02294 'DELTA/THETA': 16.2272 'RETHETA': 388.411 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT PRES. EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE P R E S .96788E-3 I .34664E-3 9 6 0 9 E - 3 : 2.8327 . : 2.92196 Ill *********** S C R E W M O D E L *********** GROUP NO.: 3400 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 7.62 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): 3 . 55600E-2 SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - " PO' (MM.HG.A8S): 400 S U P P L Y T E M P E R A T U R E - 8 TS " (DEG RANKI NE) : 5 5 9 . 6 7 E D G E R E Y N O L D S N O . ( C M - I ): 3 6 3 9 3 . 1 E X T E R N A L M A C H NO.: 2.73486 SURFACE PRESSURE ( M M . HG.A B S ) : 13.14 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M W A L L V I S C O S I TY-'" C F V : 2 . 0 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R OM S T R E A M V I S C OS I TY - 8CF 2 8 : 9 " T H E T A '-(CM.): 1 . 1 7921E-2 SHIFT IN Y - AX I S DUE TO "PROBE EFFECT" ( C M . ) : - 2 . 3 9 6 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - 8D E L T A ’ ( C M . ) : . 1 7 8 8 1 8 "DELTA S T A R 8 (CM.): 6.42486E-2 "DELTA/DELTA S T A R 8 : 2.73321 8D E L T A Z T H E T A 8 : 15.1642 8R E T H E T A 8: 429.151 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT P R E S . S EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE PRES.: *********** s c R E W M O D E L 4344E-3 .48598E-4 0 9 E - 3 2.78486 2.87547 *********** GROUP N O , : 4400 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 10.16 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): 3 . 55600E-2 SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - " P O 8 <MM.HG.ABS): 400 S U P P L Y T E M P E R A T U R E - 8 TS 8 (DEG RANKI NE) : 5 5 9. 6 7 E D G E R E Y N O L D S N O . ( C M - 1 ): 3 7 5 7 4 . 8 E X T E R N A L MAC H NO.: 2.79921 S U R F A C E P R E S S U R E C M M . H G . A B S ): 1 3 . 3 7 3 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . FROM WALL V I S C O S I T Y - 8 CFI 8 : 1.5 3 2 2 0 E - 3 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I SC OS I T Y - 8C F 2 8 : 7 . 0 5 21 5 E - 4 " T H E T A 8- ( C M . ) : 1 , 0 9 1 1 4 E - 2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E TO 8P R O B E E F F E C T 8 ( C M . ) : - 2 . 3 9 6 0 9 E - 3 BOUNDARY LAYER THICKNESS-"DELTA" (CM.): .164427 "DELTA S T A R 8 (CM.): 6.29104E-2 "DELTA/DELTA S T A R 8 : 2.61366 " D E L T A / T H E T A 8: 15.0693 8RETHETA 8 : 409.994 E D G E M A C H N O . F R O M S U R F A C E P R E S . A N D P I T O T P R E S . : 2. 7 9 9 2 1 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE P R E S . : 2.86389 112 *********** s C R E W M O D E L *********** GROUP NO.: 5400 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): 12.7 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): 3 . 55600E-2 SUPPLY P R E S S U R E - ' PO' (MM.HG.A8S): 400 S U PP L Y T E M P E R A T U R E - 6 TS 6 (DEG R A N K I N G ) : 5 5 9 . 6 7 EDGE REYNOLDS NO. ( C M - I ) : 3 6 948.5 EXTERNAL MACH N O . : 2.89006 S U R F A C E P R ES S U R E (M M . H G.AB S ) S 12.013 S K IN F R I C T I O N C O E F . FROM WALL V ISC OS I T Y - ' C F I ' : 2.805 2 5 E - 3 SKIN FRICTION C O E F . FROM STREAM V ISCOS ITY- *C F 2 ' : 1 . 2 4 2 0 7 E - 3 ' T H E T A * - ( C M . ): 9 . 7 2 1 8 5 E - 3 S H I F T I N Y - A X I S D U E T O ' P R O B E E F F E C T ® ( C M . ) : - 2 «, 3 9 6 0 9 E - 3 BOUNDARY LAYER TH IC K N E S S - ' DELTA* (CM.): . I 56443 * DELTA S T A R ’ (CM.): 5.39504E-2 *DELTA/DELTA STAR': 2.89975 'DELTA/THETA': 16.0919 * R E T H E T A ': 3 5 9 . 2 0 7 E D G E M A C H N O . F R O M S U R F A C E P R E S . A N D P I T O T P R E S . : 2.89006 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES. AND SURFACE P R E S . : 2,93474 *********** s C R E W M O D E L *********** GROUP N O . : 6400 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.): I 5.24 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.): 3 . 55600E-2 S U P P L Y P R E S S U R E - ' PO' ( M M . H G . A B S ): 4 0 0 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - ' T S ' (DEG RANKING): 559.67 E D G E R E Y N O L D S N O . ( C M - 1 ): 3 6 3 8 0 EXTERNAL MAC H N O . : 2.93457 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS): 11.32 SKIN F R I C T I O N COEF. FROM WALL V ISC OS I T Y - ® C F 1 9 : 3,9 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M S T R E A M V I S C O S I T Y - 'Cf 2' : I ' T H E T A '-(CM.): I. 0 1 059E-2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S DUE TO ' P R O B E E F F E C T * ( C M . ) : - 2 . 3 9 6 BOUNDARY LAYER THICKNESS-'DELTA' (CM.); . I 6238 ' DE LT A STAR' (CM.): '5.47521 E-2 'DELTA/DELTA S T A R ' ; 2.96574 'DELTA/THETA*: 16.0679 'RETHETA': 367.652 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES, AND PITOT PRES.: EDGE M A C H NO. FROM S U P P L Y PRES. AND S U R F A C E PRES..* 18 77E-3 .70241 E-3 0 9 E-3 2.93457 2.974 18 113 *********** S C R E W M O D E L *********** GROUP N O . : 7400 DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE OF MODEL (CM.); 17.78 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CODE: 2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM.); 3 . 55600E-2 SUPPLY PRESSURE-'* PO* (MM.HG.ABS): 400 SUPPLY T E M P E R A T U R E - #TS 1 (DEG RANKING): 559.67 EDGE R E YN O L D S NO. ( C M - I ) : 3 4 54 0 . 8 EXTERNAL MACH N O . ; 2.97725 SURFACE PRESSURE (MM.HG.ABS) : 10.307 S K I N F R I C T I O N C O E F . F R O M W A L L V I S C O S I T Y - " C F 1 *; 2 . 8 1 SKIN FRICTION COEF. FROM STREAM V I S C O S I T Y - * C F 2 < : I . * T H E T A " - ( C M . ): 1 .1 7 7 6 7 E - 2 S H I F T IN Y - A X I S D U E T O eP R O B E E F F E C T " ( C M . ) : - 2 . 3 9 6 0 B O U N D A R Y L A Y E R TH I C K N E S S - " D E L T A e ( C M . ) ; .1 7 0 2 3 3 * DELTA STAR* (CM.); 7.05763E-2 * DELTA/DELTA STAR": 2.41204 "DELTA/THETA"; 14.4551 " R E T H E T A ": 4 0 6 . 7 7 7 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SURFACE PRES. AND PITOT P R E S . J 2 EDGE MACH NO. FROM SUPPLY PRES, AND SURFACE P R E S . : 687E-3 2 0 1 59E-3 9 E-3 .97725 3.03671 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES stksN378.D848@Theses Characteristicsofa supersonic laminar 3 1762 00109137 8 N 378 D848 cop.2 D'sa, J. M. Characteristics of a supersonic laminar boundary layer over a rough wall