PROJECT RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Job No/Title: Manager Date Health and Safety Issues Yes No Action/Comments Does the client require a health and safety plan? List the health and safety risk types that apply (for typical risks see checklist over) Where possible the risk should be eliminated or reduced in the design. Approved: Risk Rating* L M Details/Action/Comments H Residual risk** (Y/N) Risk control issues to be considered on site (for typical issues see checklist over) Date: * For guidance on determination of Risk Rating (Health & Safety) see explanatory note included with checklist of health and safety risks. ** Method statement from contractors must include how any residual risks will be managed to ensure a safe system of work and/or environmental protection *** Control Period should be Investigation (I), Construction (C), Maintenance (M) and/or Demolition (D) ^ For guidance on determination of Risk Rating (Environmental) see explanatory note included with checklist of environmental risks. Control Period *** (I/C/M/D) PROJECT RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Job No/Title: Manager Date Checklist for potential health and safety risks Checklist for risk control measures Guidance on Determination of Risk Rating Work near: underground services drains overhead power lines overhead equipment/structures water Work in/on/at: confined spaces live highways/railways public areas height slopes/gradients/unstable ground Use of mobile plant /machinery/vehicles static plant/machinery portable work equipment hazardous materials Materials: Contaminated soil/materials Asbestos Work activities: Demolition Excavations Hot work Equipment maintenance Manual handling Work Environment: Dust/fume Noise/vibration Exposure to extremes of temperature/sun Radiological issues Fire protection Training/Instruction: Site inductions for contractors Site security Visitor management Controlled environment: PPE for staff and visitors Permit to Work system Emergency procedures First aid provision Welfare facilities Communications on site Accident/incident reporting and investigation Safety signage Fire protection Physical Measures: Lighting Fencing Barriers Recording likelihood When all factors have been considered and a decision made on the likelihood of the hazard actually causing harm, a number is entered in the Likelihood column on the Risk Assessment Form using the following scale: Recording Severity The judgement of the severity of the most probable consequences of the hazard is entered on the Risk Assessment Form in the Severity column as a number using the following scale: Certain or imminent Very likely Likely May happen Unlikely Very unlikely Multiple death Single death Major injury, disabling illness, major damage Lost time injury, illness, damage Minor injury, minor damage Delay Only 10 8 6 4 2 1 Severity Single Death Major Injury Lost time Injury Minor Injury Delay Multiple Death Certain 100 80 60 40 20 10 Very likely 80 64 48 32 16 8 Likely 60 48 36 24 12 6 May happen 40 32 24 16 8 4 Unlikely 20 16 12 8 4 2 Likelihood Very 10 8 6 4 2 1 unlikely For the purposes of evaluation, the matrix can be used to provide an initial breakdown of the hazards into categories, as follows. In general, the darker the shading the more likely it is that the decision will be that the risk is not adequately controlled, but the guidelines listed here should be followed: 10 8 6 4 2 1 Dark Shading – High Risk (H) Light Shading – Medium Risk (M) No Shading – Low Risk (L) i. ii. iii. iv. * For guidance on determination of Risk Rating (Health & Safety) see explanatory note included with checklist of health and safety risks. ** Method statement from contractors must include how any residual risks will be managed to ensure a safe system of work and/or environmental protection *** Control Period should be Investigation (I), Construction (C), Maintenance (M) and/or Demolition (D) ^ For guidance on determination of Risk Rating (Environmental) see explanatory note included with checklist of environmental risks. Those hazards with residual risk ratings that appear in the unshaded area can usually be considered as trivial risk. Hazards with risk ratings that appear in the shaded area below the lower double line can be considered as adequately controlled risk. Hazards with risk ratings above the upper double line must be considered as not adequately controlled. Further controls will be required. Hazards with risk ratings in the darker shaded areas will require consideration of whether to suspend or start the operation until controls are introduced. The control measures provided for hazards with risk ratings between the two double lines must be examined against current standards to arrive at a decision as to whether the hazard is adequately controlled or not adequately controlled. PROJECT RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Job No/Title: Manager Date Environmental Issues Environmental Impact Assessment Is an environmental method statement required by client? Is an EIA required for the project at some stage? Has an EIA already been carried out? Yes No Action/Comments List any requirements for consents or licences (for typical issues see checklist over) Where possible the requirement should be eliminated in the design. Details Action/Comments List any existing legal controls in place (for typical issues see checklist over) Details Action/Comments * For guidance on determination of Risk Rating (Health & Safety) see explanatory note included with checklist of health and safety risks. ** Method statement from contractors must include how any residual risks will be managed to ensure a safe system of work and/or environmental protection *** Control Period should be Investigation (I), Construction (C), Maintenance (M) and/or Demolition (D) ^ For guidance on determination of Risk Rating (Environmental) see explanatory note included with checklist of environmental risks. PROJECT RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Job No/Title: Manager Date Environmental Issues List any potential environmental impacts or opportunities (For typical impacts and opportunities see checklists over) Where possible the Impact should be eliminated or reduced in the design. Risk Rating ^ L M H Details/Action/Comments Residual risk*** Risk control issues to be considered on site (for typical issues see checklist over) * For guidance on determination of Risk Rating (Health & Safety) see explanatory note included with checklist of health and safety risks. ** Method statement from contractors must include how any residual risks will be managed to ensure a safe system of work and/or environmental protection *** Control Period should be Investigation (I), Construction (C), Maintenance (M) and/or Demolition (D) ^ For guidance on determination of Risk Rating (Environmental) see explanatory note included with checklist of environmental risks. Control Period *** (I/C/M/D) PROJECT RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Job No/Title: Manager Date (eg for on-site disposal, treatment or storage of waste) Surface water discharge consent (EA) (for discharges to rivers, lakes, streams, etc) Trade effluent discharge consent (Water co) (for discharges to sewer) Archaeological issues Recording Severity The judgement of the severity of the most probable environmental impact is entered on the Risk Assessment Form in the Severity column as a number using the following scale: Certain (daily or continuous) Very likely or frequent Likely Unlikely Very unlikely or never Major environmental impact or complaints certain or legal breach probable 5 Significant impact or high risk of complaints or legal breach likely 4 Local damage or some risk of complaints or legal breach possible 3 Limited impact only, no legal implications 2 No potential impact 1 For the purposes of evaluation, the matrix can be used to provide an initial breakdown of the hazards into categories, as follows. In general, the darker the shading the more likely it is that the decision will be that the risk is not adequately controlled, but the guidelines listed here should be followed: Noise & Vibration Tree protection order(s) Storage of fuel/oil/hazardous materials environmental Checklist for environmental opportunities: Likelihood Certain (daily continuous) or Very likely or frequent Use of: 5 4 3 2 1 Severity Air Quality (odours, air pollution, dust) Listed building(s) or structures Checklist for control measures: Recording likelihood When all factors have been considered and a decision made on the likelihood of an environmental impact, a number is entered in the likelihood column on the Risk Assessment Form using the following scale: substitute materials recycled materials Tank bunds/drip trays/designated storage areas Emergency procedures and equipment Control/prevention of: Pollution (eg spill kits) Water pollution Traffic Storage/Disposal Hazardous waste General waste including segregation Use of waste products (eg road planning, timber, industrial waste products) Likely Energy efficiency measures Unlikely Use of recycled materials (eg recycled demolition waste) Very unlikely or never No Potential Impact Local Authority planning conditions Guidance on Determination of Environmental Risk Limited Impact Use of: natural resources (incl energy) potentially hazardous materials Potential for off-site pollution conflict with the local community light pollution Generation of: inert/general wastes hazardous wastes liquid wastes traffic Impacts on: land use and/or buildings water courses/drainage human beings (off-site) landscape / views ecology / habitats transport & traffic Exemption from waste management licensing environmental Local Damage Waste management licence(s) eg for on-site disposal, treatment or storage of waste) for Significant Impact Checklist impacts: Major Impact Checklist for environmental legal issues: 25 20 15 10 5 20 16 12 8 4 15 12 9 6 3 10 8 6 4 2 5 4 3 2 1 Dark Shading – High Risk (H) Light Shading – Medium Risk (M) No Shading – Low Risk (L) i. ii. iii. iv. Soft Landscaping Improving ecology/habitats Bio-remediation * For guidance on determination of Risk Rating (Health & Safety) see explanatory note included with checklist of health and safety risks. ** Method statement from contractors must include how any residual risks will be managed to ensure a safe system of work and/or environmental protection *** Control Period should be Investigation (I), Construction (C), Maintenance (M) and/or Demolition (D) ^ For guidance on determination of Risk Rating (Environmental) see explanatory note included with checklist of environmental risks. Those hazards with residual risk ratings that appear in the unshaded area can usually be considered as trivial risk. Hazards with risk ratings that appear in the shaded area below the lower double line can be considered as adequately controlled risk. Hazards with risk ratings in the shaded area above the upper double line must be considered as not adequately controlled. Further controls will be required. Hazards with risk ratings in the darker shaded areas will require consideration of whether to suspend or start the operation until controls are introduced. The control measures provided for hazards with risk ratings between the two double lines must be examined against current standards to arrive at a decision as to whether the hazard is adequately controlled or not adequately controlled.