ESTATES & FACILITIES SAFETY INSPECTION BUILDING AND WORKSHOP AREAS Person Undertaking Inspection Date Building or Work Area under inspection SAFETY STANDARD High A Adequate Low BUILDINGS - GENERAL 1 entrance and exits 2 staircases (e.g. handrails fitted, no frayed carpets) 3 steps (in good condition etc.) 4 passages and walkways (free of obstructions) 5 safety glass fitted (where normal glazing would constitute a hazard) 6 lighting on entrances, exits and stairs 7 procedure for rectifying defects satisfactory and understood by staff B WORK AREAS 1 floors free of oil, grease and fluids 2 non-slip floors (is non-slip polish used) 3 working areas level and free from obstructions 4 protection for floor openings 5 areas kept tidy and uncluttered 6 Satisfactory protection from the elements 7 hygiene standards 8 washing facilities 9 toilet facilities 10 cleaning of wash and toilet areas (regularly cleaned and disinfected) 11 waste disposal systems in wash and toilet areas 12 Availability of soaps, clean towels and barrier creams 13 changing facilities (where necessary) 14 safety and hygiene posters displayed (where appropriate) 15 cleaning of work areas, corridors, stairs and building surrounds 16 specialist cleaning processes in force (where appropriate) 17 adequate number of waste bins 18 correctly labelled bins for the correct type of waste 19 regular and correct disposal of waste 20 designated waste collection points i) Ventilation 21 ventilation arrangements throughout workshop 22 special ventilation systems (to extract fumes/gases/dust where necessary) 23 monitoring of ventilation systems 24 monitoring of areas likely to give rise to pollution e.g. incinerators, boiler uptake, engine exhausts. S/Construction safety & Fire/Construction/Peter/Audits/Workshops SAFETY STANDARD High Adequate Low ii) Temperature 25 heating systems suitable for the needs of the building 26 guards fitted to heating appliances/heating systems 27 protective clothing for areas of extreme of temperature iii) Lighting 28 adequate lighting for the work carried out 29 illumination for rotating machinery (split phase lighting is not safe as the machine can appear stationary at certain speeds) 30 positioning of light fittings 31 arrangements for repair of faulty lighting 32 the procedure for reporting of defects (is it understood by staff) 33 emergency lighting where necessary iv) Furnishings 34 condition of furniture provided 35 suitability of furniture for personnel using it C GENERAL SAFETY ARRANGEMENTS Machine Tools 1 guarding of all moving parts 2 adjustment of guards 3 Correct location of emergency stops 4 Clear area's around machines 5 suitable protective equipment stored close to the machines. 6 Competence and training of operators 7 equipment regularly maintained 8 all electric hand tools 110V or battery Fire 9 10 fire exits and escape routes clearly marked Display of 'action in event of fire' posters 11 fire exits regularly checked 12 appropriate fire fighting equipment readily available 13 fire fighting equipment regularly checked 15 fire brigade access routes to the area kept clear 16 enforcement of no smoking 17 fire alarms regularly tested 18 first aid boxes available and convenient First Aid 19 first aid box contents appropriate to the work activity 20 nominated first aid trained person and contact point clearly displayed 21 procedures to cater for accident/injury both during and outside working hours S/Construction safety & Fire/Construction/Peter/Audits/Workshops SAFETY STANDARD High Adequate Low Communications 22 emergency arrangements in place 23 safety posters displayed (list safety posters displayed in section8 over page) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 24 appropriate protective clothes / overalls / lab coats 25 appropriate ear defenders where 26 D appropriate goggles/safety glasses HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND STORES 1 COSHH risk assessments & controls available and adhered to 2 suitable containment 3 controls in place for fire hazard 4 clear marking and warning signs 5 appropriate storage areas for hazardous substances 6 secured hazardous substance storage areas 7 Inspection of secured hazardous substance storage 8 segregated storage of hazardous substances (some substances dangerous when mixed) 9 segregated storage of inflammable substances 10 training of personnel handling hazardous substances 11 protective equipment for personnel handling hazardous substances (gloves eye glasses etc.) 12 inspection of all stores/work areas for hazardous substances (glues/acids etc.) 13 supervision of use of hazardous materials 14 disposal of hazardous waste 15 Availability of COSHH assessments 16 staff understanding of risk assessments and safety control measures GENERAL QUESTION GUIDE YES 1 Are personnel briefed on health and safety aspects on first joining a particular work area? 2 Are personnel informed of the risks and the precautions applicable to the equipment they are working with? 3 Are there arrangements to inform personnel of the results of any relevant monitoring carried out? 4 Are the procedures known whereby personnel can inform line management of risks to health and safety? 5 Are explicit instruction given where processes have particular hazards? 6 Is there sufficient emphasis given to safety and safe working methods in lectures and training in general? 7 Are operating instructions clear, unambiguous, and pertinent to all equipment/machinery/plant held? NO S/Construction safety & Fire/Construction/Peter/Audits/Workshops 8 Use the space below to note any concerns not identified above or comment on any organisation or administrative problems not generated by the above questions? S/Construction safety & Fire/Construction/Peter/Audits/Workshops