Document 13472146

Document Number: WSIS+10/4/104
Submission by: United States, Government
Please note that this is a submission for the Fourth Physical meeting of the WSIS +10 MPP to
be held on 14-17 April 2014.
United States contribution to the forth physical meeting of the WSIS+ 10
open consultation process.
The United States congratulates the Chair and the Vice Chair for following an open and
inclusive preparatory process and leading productive meetings. . We thank the Vice Chair for
the draft proposal on chapters A,B, and C of the WSIS+10 Statement document. We believe the
proposed draft is a step in the right direction that will help guide the future discussions leading
to an amicable conclusion.
We believe our task at the fourth physical meeting is to continue to make progress on the
drafts of WSIS+10 Statement and Vision for WSIS beyond 2015. This could be accomplished by
drafting documents that reflect the sense of the High-Level Event. The United States believes
two elements are critical to achieve success:
1. The documents should be as complete, self-contained, succinct suitable for adoption at the
High-Level Event;The documents should represent as strong a consensus as possible.
The United States believes that the drafts of Chapters A, B, D, and E of the Vision document
would benefit from consolidation similar to WSIS+10 Statement document. In Annex 1 the
United States provides revisions to the Vice Chair's draft proposal for WSIS+10 Statement.
Our comments on the Chapter B of the Vision document are provided in Annex 2 to our