EXPLORING ALTERNATIVE MEASURES OF NET RENTS TO FARMLAND THROUGH THE ECONOMETRIC CAPITALIZATION FORMULA FOR FARMLAND PRICE by ZsiZsi Tiziana Rachman A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Applied Economics MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana March 1988 ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by ZsiZsi Tiziana Rachman This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. Date Co-chairperson, Graduate Committee Date co-chairperson, Graduate Committee Approved for the Major Department Date Head, Major Department Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master's University, that I agree degree the Library available to borrowers under rules of quotations from perrr:ission, this thesis provided that at Montana State shall make the Library. it Brief are allowable without special accurate· acknowledgement of source is made. Permission for extensive reproduction of this thesis professor when, in or, in his the opinion material is may absence, of either, quotation be granted from by or my major by the Dean of Libraries the proposed for scholarly purposes. use of the Any copying or use of the material in this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature Date iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like committee members, My thanks to express Dr. Bruce my appreciation Beattie and my Dr. John Marsh. to Dr. Myles Watts for his interest and guidance above and beyond the call of duty. and gratitude goes to Special acknowledgement my co-chairmen, Dr. Jeffrey LaFrance for their guidance for their to infinite patience Dr. Oscar Burt and and, most of all, throughout the course of this thesis. Thank you friends. Finally, my deepest love and gratitude Alhambra and Daria Rachman, along with sister Vivienne to my parents, for their monetary support, and brother for your unconditional love and support. Rendy. Thank you v TABLE OF CONTENTS APPROVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ P":<fe ................................... ll STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE ••••••••••••••••••••••••• i i i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•• i v TABLE OF CONTENTS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.••.•••••••. v LIST OF TABLES •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••.•••••• vi ABSTRACT ••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••..•••••••••••. v i i i CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Statement of the Problem •••••••••••••••••••• 2 Methode logy ••••••• ·• •••••••••••••••••••••••.• 3 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ••••••••••••••..•••••••••••.•. 6 3• MODEL DEVELOPMENT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 0 Distributed Lags ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 Farmland Price Model ••••••••••••••••••••••• 25 Data Compilation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 33 4. EMPIRICAL RESULTS ••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••• 3 6 USDA Accounting Data Measure •.••••••••.•••• 36 Cash Rent Measure ••••••••.•••.•••••.••..•.• 46 Gross Revenue Measure ••••••••••••••••••••.• 57 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS •••••••••••••••.••••.•• 8 5 REFERENCES CITED ••••••••••••••••••••••.•••.•••••••••.... 91 APPENDIX ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••.•••.••••••• 96 Original Data Set ••••••••••••••••.•••••••••.••.•.•• 97 vi LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Regression results for final U.S. land price model using USDA accounting data (sample period 1942-83) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2 Regression results for land prices regressed on cash rents for Illinois (sample period 1961-83) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3 Regression results for cash rents regressed on land prices for Illinois (sample period 1961-83) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 56 4 Initial regression results for Illinois land prices using gross revenue from corn and soybeans (sample period 1961-83) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 5 Regression results for final Illinois land price model using gross revenue from corn and soybeans (sample period 1960-83) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 6 Regression results for final land price model for Iowa, Indiana, and Ohio using gross revenue from corn and soybeans (sample period 1960-83) ..... 69 7 Distributed lag land price elasticities (Y(T)) ..... 73 8 Cumulative distributed lag land price elasticities (e(T)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 9 Post-sample forecasts of final estimated land price model (classic disturbance) for Illinois (Burt's land price data) .................. 76 10 ·Post-sample forecasts of final estimated land price model (classic disturbance) for Illinois (land price index data) ................... 77 11 Post-sample forecasts of final estimated land price model (classic disturbance) for I ow a • . . • . • • . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8 vii 12 Post-sample forecasts of final estimated land price model (classic disturbance) for Indiana . ........................ ·· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~19 13 Post-sample forecasts of final estimated land price model (AR(1) disturbance) for Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0 14 Post-sample forecasts of final estimated land price model (classic disturbance) for Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 15 Post-sample forecasts of final estimated land price model (AR(1) disturbance) for Ohio ...... 82 16 Sample data used for exploring USDA accounting data measure ..................... • ................. 9 7 17 Sample data for Illinois used for exploring cash rent and gross revenue measures ............... 99 18 Sample data for Iowa .............................. lOl 19 Sample da·ta for Indiana ........................... 102 20 Sample data for Ohio .............................. 103 viii ABSTRACT Farmland prices began to diverge from farm income trends during the mid-1950's. Traditional capitalization theory is the accepted mechanism with which to value farmland. The central idea to this theory is that land values must derive from net rents to land. The divergence between the time path of farm income and land prices has focused economists' attention on the validity of traditional capitalization theory in explaining farmland prices, and the appropriateness of net farm income as a measure of net returns imputed to farmland. This study explores three alternative measures of returns imputed to farmland. The measures are the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) accounting data, cash rents, and gross revenue from corn and soybeans production. Each of these measures is fitted to essentially a second order non-stochastic difference equation framework; an economic capitalization formula for farmland price that is developed in a different study and is tested empirically using Illinois crop-share rent data as the measure of net rents to farmland. Problems are encountered concerning two of the three measures explored; data problems for the USDA accounting data measure and a joint dependency problem with farmland prices for the cash rent measure. Encouraging results are encountered when gross revenue from corn and soybeans is explored. The regression results for this measure are similar to the results of the study that uses cropshare rents. An implicit capitalization rate cannot be computed from the estimated land price model~ But it appears that the estimated model can be used for conditionally forecasting short to intermediate time periods. Additional research on exploring other alternative measures or methods of imputing a net return to farmland is suggested, but the need for a good set of farm accounts data seems to be more pressing. 1 CHAPTER 1· INTRODUCTION In 1960, Scofield farmland prices were trends. (Doll, sharply et.al., diverging income, thus coining an the accompanying term Historically, farmland prices are farm income, thus farm income must Divergence between rise paradox." quite closely linked to .Ricardo's derive from classical net rent to income-price trends occurred in the mid-1950's, and has widened more after that. income has in farm "land-price supporting argument that land values land. from He concluded that it was paradoxical for farmland prices to increase without net 1983) noted that Real farm consistently declined since 1973, with farmland prices continuing to increase, then dropping slightly in 1981 and the subsequent two years. Rising farmland prices are elation; landowners have benefitted their wealth position from viewed from the rise. by the Some some with increase in view it with concern; those that borrow to buy land have to pay a larger downpayment, and service the decreasing funds from farm income. makes it rest of the This cash debt with flow problem difficult for new farmers to get started, for the tenant farmer to become an owner-operator, or for smaller 2 farms to finance additional land. discuss the cash flow prqblem temporal disassociation Robison and Blake (1980) which emanates from the of generated returns and the usual nominally amortized flat debt payment schedule. may be confused with Cash flow the returns resulting in a perceived discrepancy between returns and farmland prices. Many believe that land prices have reached unrealistic levels before are the drop overvalued conclusion is in in the early 1980's, and that they relation to reached through farm the use capitalization formula, and the use of earnings. This of the traditional farm income as a measure of returns to farmland. Statement of the Problem The "unrealistic" economists' attention capitalization This, in each on the theory farmland prices. farm income levels of as·a measure of to to a the levels of traditional imputing inappropriate returns to and used to explain appropriateness of net returns imputed to farmland. come new research studies, up with new approaches to land. Some hypothesize capitalization simplistic and have modified income mechanism host of have explain the high price that a applicability of traditional Some question the turn, leads purporting as land prices have focused it, have farmland, some formula consider suggested while is too net farm other ways for others offer new 3 imputing returns theories that farmland, to replace while traditional others offer new capitalization theory. Very few of these new models are tested empirically. The purpose that models of this the traditional behavior of capitalization is formulated by Burt using data annual results. study is to look at one approach theory correctly to will solely determine Burt's land within a This model is tested empirically for Illinois, and produces encouraging are imputed on the farmland study is price model. idea that farmland, then capitalization objective of this prices framework. (1986), then The model is based traditional farmland price net rent to land stated as Thus formula. to if returns further in the the main test empirically Since the measure of net rent to land used in Burt's study is available only an rent that may be derived from alternative measure of for Illinois, more commonly available data bases is needed. Methodology This study explores estimating net returns several to alternative farmland. farmland prices through use of the The measure of net returns to series published by Scott (1983) methods for Burt (1986) models capitalization formula. farmland that is used is a and is defined as "net returns in dollars to landowners on high quality crop-share grain farms in Illinois.'' This crop-share rent data 4 originates from farm accounting data associated with the farm records program at the University of Illinois, and the uniform application of accounting in collecting the data type of throughout in Burt's period is easily crop-share rent analysis, alternative measure of net that the makes this data unique to the state of Illinois (Burt, 1986). Due to the uniqueness of the used procedures that is used there is returns to collected in any data that is a need for an farmland using data state. It will give Burt's model greater plausibility if the results reached in the Illinois study can be reproduced with a measure of rents that uses a more common data base. Three alternative measures of net returns are explored in this study. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to impute a residual return First, to farmland United accounting data to farmland. States are used Second, cash rents are used as a proxy for net returns to farmland. The third alternative measure is gross revenue for the dominant cash crops for the state. These measures are then fitted to essentially the same dynamic regression The results model that is developed by Burt (1986). of. estimation are compared to regression results arrived at when crop-share rent data was used, thus using crop-share rent as is first the reference measure. Analysis done for Illinois, because of the opportunity for direct comparison. If encouraging results emanate from one 5 extended from Corn Belt Illinois to region and other neighboring states in the comparisons made. The estimated equations in this last part of the study are then tested by evaluating their predictive relative performance via prediction errors. Comparisons of using alternative estimation precise used. net results performance, and results rent are with statistical from the estimated equations measures made no with results when the generous aspirations as It is hoped that the same would prevail with .Burt's (1986) criteria of about getting as when crop-share data are general dynamic structure alternate measures of net returns are used, and that such a model would do reasonably well in ·conditionally forecasting within short t·o intermediate time periods. This thesis summarizes major is organized works agricultural land prices. price model section and data on theory plus some thoughts fulfillment of in Chapter 5. Chapter 2 follows. are releva'nt and pertain to that Chapter 3 describes the farmland of the compilation. empirical results. as estimation Chapter used plus a 4 delineates A summary of the findings of the study on their the objectives relevance towards the of this study are presented 6 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Fisher, in his Theory of Interest "the value value as that of any property, or a source expected of income income" (p. (1967), stated that rights to and is 12). wealth, is its found by discounting This is the basis for traditional capitalization theory. This approach roots in basic intertemporal choice analysis. starts out now as by assuming opposed future. So to later, people preference. that human say premium one time period into the basically have a positive that r, in reflects a period to the this case, is the extra worth into the future. denote the value of future, or "goods" The a special price; a of "goods" now its time value. Let Vo denote the value of "goods" now (time period V1 time This positive time preference translates into rate instead of The analysis nature prefers "goods" "goods" being worth more now relative interest has its 0) and one time period later. Then, v 0 (1+r) =v1 reflects this extra worth of Vo (2.1) over V1 which equals rv 0 • Another way to look at equation (2.1) is: vo = ( 2. 2) (1+r) 7 which transforms future into an immediately. the value equivalent of a dollar one per:j..od in the value for a dollar receiVed This is called discounting a future value to the present, or said another way, the present value of a future worth. According Fisher's to concept of value, the traditional capitalization formula is represented as 00 Po= I t=1 ( 2. 3 ) Rt/(1 + i 1 )(1 + i 2 ) ... (1 +it) where Po= price of farmland at time zero (current price); Rt = returns it occurring at the end of time period t; discount rate at time t. If returns and discount perpetuity, i.e., • • • I Rt = rates are Rand it= assumed i for constant into all t = 1, 2, oo, the equation reduces to 00 Po = I R/(1 + i)t ( 2. 4) t=1 with a closed form solution of Po = R ( 2. 5) i Equation is what land. (2.~) with current returns and discount rates is commonly Use of (2.3) used to evaluate the current value of requires earnings and discount rates. knowledge of all future 8 When diverge land in commonly price the used farm and evaluate time people concluded that relation to equation mid-1950's, to farm income. income farmland land was was value. being still During this overvalued in However, equation (2.5) assumption, the long-run equilibrium capitalization formula under restrictive assumptions. should (2. 5) began to When (2.5) was used, land prices were lower than the actual prices. is, by trends be used to farmland associated interest rates, estimate with and the Thus this equation equilibrium constant rents value and of constant not short-term farmland prices where economic variables are subject to.continuing perturbations. Research in the 1960's and the early 1970's focused on the apparent land price net farm income divergence. did not fully It was claimed that explain rising farmland prices, and researchers sought other variables Reynolds and Timmons were factors other than contributing to the that might. (1969) hypothesized that there net farm change in income, that could be farmland prices and thus causing the divergence between the time paths of income and prices. Net farm income, though, was still believed to be the major determinant of considered were advancements, pressure from land prices. government farm farm enlargement, increasing The other factors programs, technological transfers population, of farmland, and capital gains. These factors were modeled through a recursive cobweb model 9 (Ezekiel, 1938), was where ori determined ownership by the transferred exogenously in the income, government of return current plus quantity other market including stock and the current of variables determined net farm capital gains, rate farm enlargement. On the quantity of farmland transferred was a function of expected capital gains, ratio nonfarm earnings, farmland expected payments, expected on common supply side, the demand side, farmland price a measure of technology, of farm to ratio of farm mortgage debt to equity, and change in the number of farms. The model was estimated the years 1933-1965. included as an using two stage least squares for A cross-sectional alternative analysis was also approach to .time series analysis, although the authors acknowledged the coefficient estimates are not directly comparable. A similar land prices equation land in and by Klinefelter (1973), in which were Illinois model, prices Reynolds' study done factors involved that were Timmons' modeled very and expected equation was reduced only average farm size, number of voluntary and expected capital gains those used in expected net farm enlargements, capital gains). multicollinearity between variables in the final to (inflation, rents, government programs, technology, farmland transfers, a single hypothesized to affect similar study through Due to the proposed model, to include net rent, farmland transfers, as explanatory variables. Net 10 rent, in this study, was defined as the remaining amount of the landlord's share of (including inventory subtracted out gross farm change) (Reiss, landowners based after 1969). the earning a three-year moving all of his costs are It was potential of average of recent past trends. was income from production Thus the average assumed that farmland on an net rent variable of net rents for the previous three years. Pope et al, credibility of (1979) the above evaluated two models the in explaining recent data and tested their predictive ability, and Cochrane's (1966) simultaneous Tweeten and Martin's (1966) of the farmland equation When these estimated to include recent data, there reversals and lack of et al, 1979) had changes and statistical was chosen model and recursive model models were re- were numerous sign statistical significance of the re- estimated equation coefficients. model (Pope along with Herdt five equation market. structural The modified Klinefelter the least problem with sign insignificance, so this equation as the econometric model to be tested against a Box-Jenkins time series equation relative predictive performance. of land prices only for Results were that a time series model provided as good or better short run forecasts than Klinefelter's modified econometric model. Melichar (1979) provided price paradox phenomenon when some insight into the land he proposed that comparing 11 the USDA index of farm real estate value with operator net farm income, the common measures returns to land, was apples with oranges. of erroneous. land prices It was like and net com~aring· First, an aggregated return component is compared to the unit price of a single asset (land) with net farm income imputed to real the other estate alone productive assets. Second, operators' net farm income, as traditionally computed appropriate measure productive assets. of exclusive of by the return USDA, is not an to land, or of returns to To obtain a valid measure of returns to farm production assets, Melichar suggested that net rent to non-operator landlords and interest paid on farm debt be added to operators' net farm income. Also, the part of net income is imputed productive to farm only a return to management and farm dwellings productive assets, labor; to farm faster rate up Melichar but also a return to Melichar then compared the parallel a value. productive than relatively makes of path of this residual return to productive assets with the time path of its return part so these last two return components must be subtracted out. the time a This adjusted component is not assets. operator not major concluded value assets of that the the 1950's the had been growing at a these assets, but with And since farm real estate trends. portion Since of farm upward productive pressure assets, caused by 12 returns to productive assets on the value of these assets should also be felt by farm real estate values. In the second part parallel of relationships with the key (returns). his found assumption of paper, in Melichar examined the asset-pricing model constant growth in earnings Through this analysis, he showed that the total rate of return to productive assets is made up of of current return capital gains to on these steady-state rate rate. productive assets plus the rate of assets. of capital of current returns, assumed Melichar then for the past estate in to a constant geometric and twenty-five the growth years, rate of on the whole, Because of the dominant position of historical data of capital gains estate assets to growth rates of current returns to productive gains be the makeup of farm productive assets, Melichar also compared from real showed that the tested this last result empirically, supported this result. farm real He also gains equals the growth rate and concluded that capital gains returns the rate were, assets, and in a sense, found that fully real estate capital explained by the growth exhibited by current returns to productive assets. In summation, Melichar's analysis showed that as asset earnings are expected to grow, then these expected earnings will translate more into real capital gains rather current returns. He concluded that than to 13 according to asset-pricing theory, a far~ economy characterized by rapid growth in the real current return to assets will tend to experience large annual real capital gains and a low rate of current returns to assets--which corresponds to actual experience in most years since the mid 1950's. (p. 1085) Asset returns if properly explain asset values, at measured least would seem to fully within the framework in which Melichar chose to make his comparisons. But there Melichar's were those that were not fully convinced by explanation. between general "There price inflation land that deserves particular (1980). is a fundamental link and the relative price of attention," argued Feldstein He explained that the combination of inflation and the tax laws will raise the return to the price land, and eventually of land will have to adjust itself upward during inflationary times. Feldstein incorporated the land market ·into his model from a speculative viewpoint. derive price equations capital (business for Feldstein then results of the effects the price comparative and for reproducible capital) in an explicit portfolio-choice framework. and land He went on to of looked at of inflation reproducible on the price of land capital. analysis statics comparative statics pointed inappropriateness of assuming that the effect Results of to the of inflation on land prices is neutral (Feldstein, 1980). The study farmland market by from Castle an and Hoch (1982) discussed the investor's point of view. A 14 prospective investor starts about future land prices. current price then out by forming expectations If expected price exceeds actual he will want to buy, but if actual current price exceeds expected price then sell or at least be discouraged Hoch hypothesized that this two components. the earnings earnings value of is made into account the "pure" for assets measures the "all the forces which part of of infinite life. effect that cause real second component inflation on land prices. complicated description farm real estate inflation. is determined by measured to change A subsidiary the effect of Castle and Hoch offered a fairly of their prices capital gains This latter This include another estate prices expectations based capitalization formula; two components return were the effect of the general price level" (p. 8). the up of return obtained from concept was extended by Castle and Hoch to relative to Castle and This is the familiar capitalized value concept component that want to The first component in land price, labeled real estate assets. of from buying. expected price component, takes the capitalized he will on the model for traditional in addition to net and farm real estate debt under component emanates from the lag between interest rates and inflation rates so that existing long-term farm debt has value because to be of the less than market interest rates. three components were the loan rates tend Equations for each developed and tested 15 empirically. Predicted values for components were added up to produce land. each of the value a predicted value for Comparisons between actual and predicted land prices were made. Castle and Hoch the empirical concluded that testing show net return to real that the estate assets the results of capitalized value of used in farm production explains only about one half of real estate values. Shalit and Schmitz (1982) offered a "the other side of the coin" approach paper focused through to farmland production, speculative "motives" as did paper first derived an for these individual Their did than not consider Castle and Hoch (1982). land The derived demand through lifetime utility profit maximation. Then from derived demands, the authors developed an aggregate derived of and individual farmer's agricultural maximization rather authors note analysis. on the derived demand for farmland generated agricultural function market demand model for farmland, which the was just a more general and dynamic extension traditional capitalization theory. Lastly, aggregate model was empirically tested for the 1950-78 period. The net return used in u.s. the for the their model is a series compiled by Hottel and Evans (1979), which "consists of residual income deducting imputed dwellings from the to real returns estate to operator's equity labor, total (Shalit and Schmitz, 1982, p. 717). obtained by management, net farm and income" 16 The analysis resulted in Shalit.and Schmitz concluding that "the price of farmland is determined not only by the profit it generates (agricultural income and capital gains) but also by the debt it can carry" (p. 718), and also that, "the expansion and contraction of credit importantly affects the pace at which land prices increase or decrease" (p. 718). conventional Melichar's growth in land returns to prices land has solely a plausible I I 1986). Feldstein's papers a Alston mentioned that both tested with results However, rapid with rapid to model the effect of Alston (1986) combined the two generated into growth in Feldstein was able to formulate land prices. hypotheses explaining expected been associated theoretical mechanism inflation on competing from of been widely accepted. growth in land prices has also inflation (Alston, hypothesis simple from Melichar's model of land prices. hypotheses had that and been previously reject inflation as a cause of land price movements and favor Melichar's more conventional explanation. A price equation returns and rate of for land inflation was which incorporated net initially derived using the traditional capitalization approach. Then a regression equation that incorporated expected inflation as a separate independent variable was derived. eight midwestern states, and Analysis cash rent was done for data were used to 17 measure the regression net return equation variable. for the Estimation eight states of the gave a statistically significant negative net effect for inflation (contrary to Feldstein's hypothesis) on land prices, although empirically small. There seemed taken by researchers farmland major differences in the approach to be explaining in prices. addition In the recent trend of to this, there is yet no agreement on the exact definition of net returns imputed to farmland. Alston (1986) and Castle and Hoch (1982) used USDA accounting rent data (plus some adjustments) for the return variable in their respective models. time series plots of cash state) indicate that rents there seemed to lag land prices. in their adjustment process that needed to must account production costs. factor in All of this could years because experienced for changed prices (by when cash rents are somewhat sticky of the renegotiation whenever a commodity change is prices and Recently past land prices could become a determining amount, thus making were farmland Cash rents path be and Comparison of cash the new rent renegotiated a cash rent non-exogenous variable. add up to the possibility of cash rents being jointly determined with land prices; the exogenous variable(s) that effect land prices may also determine cash rents as well. 18 Some agreed that operator's net farm income is a valid starting point from which farmland (Melichar, to impute Phipps, Melichar's adjustments to a residual Shalit operator's net return to and Schmitz). farm income to produce a measure of return to total farm productive assets was fairly straightf9rward. part of But to impute a return to one total farm productive assets, namely farmland, can become much more difficult and much more arbitrary. For example, Phipps (1984) used a the one Melichar farmland. to developed estimate a net return to First, Phipps subtracted out "an implicit return non-land durable productive operator's net farm income. of to depreciation on assets" He used the non-land durable opportunity cost of investment as the to the non-land opportunity cost 85% of the subtracted dwelling similar approach to component. of a non-farm returns from imputed opera.tor' s 427) from USDA's definition assets measur~ plus the of the return He also subtracted out the farm operator's wage (p. rate. to net time, evaluated at Shalit and management, Schmitz labor, and farm income to arrive at a return to farm real estate (1982). Furthermore, capitalization recent theory as literature the springboard develop a more involved model for models usually involved component, making them traditional to launch and farmland prices. variables arduous used to These other that the return follow and comprehend 19 (Castle and Hoch, Shalit and Schmitz). There is a need for a much simpler model for farmland prices, because according to traditional capitalization theory, returns to an asset should fully justify its value. Burt (1986) modeled regression framework farmland that is prices tied back traditional capitalization formula. in a dynamic eventually to the The model was tested empirically using annual Illinois data, producing empirical results that devoted to were encouraging. a more The in-depth discussion following chapter is of Burt's farmland price model, as the model is central to this study. 20 CHAPTER 3 MODEL DEVELOPMENT This chapter distributed lag of the price presents a theory before econometric developed short Burt on summarizing the formulation capitalization by discussion formula (1986). for farmland Lastly, a section discussing sources of data compilation is included. Distributed Lags Oftentimes an economic phenomenon is best described by a dynamic another, system consisting where more than measure the full effect a comparison, a static this study, for one has consists one the that affect one period is needed to the effect(s} (during example, time variable system affect one another where contemporaneously of variables on another. of variables that are fully realized time period}. time In Relating to adjustment between a change in rents and its effect on land prices may not occur instantaneous~y market. because A dynamic lag structure. depending on of system is uncertainties the land modeled using a distributed This structure could be finite whether one in variable vlill or infinite have the "ripple" 21 effect on another variable over a finite or infinite length of time. A finite distributed lag model would have the form ~t Yt =a+ ooXt + o1 xt_ 1 + ... + okXt-k + where Xt is an lag effect exogenous variable on Yt ~t and that has (3.1) a distributed is an unobservable error term. Equation (3.1) indicates that the order of lag coefficients higher than ok are assumed independent variable X does to not be zero, so that the affect Y beyond k time periods. Examples of finite distributed arithmetic lag, inverted V-lag, A basic disadvantage to the distributed Since there is knowledge little of the structures are and Almon polynomial lag. using the finite lag structure is in deciding what lag k should be, thus when lag lag a priori specifying effect will be fully realized. theoretical industry basis and/or specific to identify the length of the distributed lag period, specifying k becomes further problem with the finite distributed due to the fact that economic time series to change. the lagged This arbitrary. A lag model is are usually slow often results in multicollinearity among independent problems (Theil, 1978). variables, .leading to estimation Precision in the estimation of the distributed lag coefficients is lost due to the increase in the standard errors of the coefficient estimates. problem that may arise is the loss of Another degrees of freedom 22 due to the number of parameters freedom equals total number of total number to be of parameters estimated (degrees of sample data points minus estimated including the intercept) . Assuming· necessarily an lag infinite alleviate having structure to include geometric the Jorgensen's (1966) rational lag. assumes a lag structure structure. not arbitrarily assign k in equation (3.1) as it arbitrarily sets k = +oo. structures will lag, A that takes Infinite lag Pascal, geometric and lag model on a geometric series This lag structure is specified as Yt =a+ ~Xt + ~AXt-1 + ~A 2 Xt-2 + ... + Pt (3.2) where o' s are assigned weights equal to oj=~>), j=O, .1 1 2 1 • • • I A lies in the interval of 0 < A < 1. and only three parameters (a, the infinite ~ 1 and A) lag structure. unestimable due to an are Notice that needed to describe The equation in this form is infinite series required on X. A Koyck transformation (Theil, 1978) on (3.2) will produce Yt = a(1-A) + which is ~Xt estimable because The difference equation path of adjustment of of the finite lag structure. parameter A determines the dependent change in the independent variable X. indicate a (3. 3) + AYt-1 + Pt - APt-1 slower time variable Y Higher the time due to a values of A rate towards the adjustment, while lower values of A indicate a faster time rate of adjustment in Y. Note also that due to Koyck's transformation, the 23 error term in (3.2) has an additional moving average error (MA) component in (3.3). A lag structure with geometrically declining weights may not be appropriate for describing the dynamics of land prices. The distributed as having a "peak" lag effect could be hypothesized (inverted V-lag structure) or several "peaks" at certain lag periods similar polynomial function type of would take. distributed lag Yt = W(L)Xt with the + path that a The general form of this structure developed by Jorgensen (1966). to the is the rational lag This model is specified as ~t (3.4) rational generating function W(L) defined as W(L) = B(L)/A(L), where Lis the lag operator such that Ljxt = Xt-j· Jorgensen defines B(L) and A(L) as B(L) A(L) where = ~0 + ~lL + ~2L2 + .• ; + ~mLm = 1 - AlL~ A2L2- ... - AnLn is usually normalized identification purposes. B(L) is lag on the independent an variable X, to mth equal one for order polynomial while A(L) is an nth order polynomial lag structure on the dependent variable Y. A(L) also determines the order of the difference equation and correlation structure of the error term. Multiplying equation (3.4) through by A(L) yields ( 3 • 5) 24 Equation (3.5) is an nth order difference equation with an nth order mov1ng average disturbance term if l-It is white noise. The roots of a difference equation determine the shape of the distributed lag pattern through time. lag allows for real and/or complex the polynomial A(L) is difference equation, at least for example, The rational roots if the order of 2. In a second-order real roots can imply a unimodal lag structure that dampens off after reaching the "peak" lag, for an oscillatory while complex roots allow pattern in the distributed lag structure. Jorgensen (1966) showed that can approximate any arbitrary the rational lag structure lag model which has an asymptote of zero. A Pascal distributed lag the rational lag in positive and equal. order zero that the With while A(L) the model is a special case of roots are constrained to be Pascal model, B(L) is of is of order r with equal roots such that the equation looks like (3. 6) The. geometric when r=l, lag model thus making the rational lag model. is a special case of the Pascal the geometric lag a special case of 25 Farmland Price Model (1986) Burt quantity of determines begins farmland price" by pointing out that "with fixed, the demand equation entirely (p. 11). With the assumptions of competition among buyers (potential and realized alike) and a world of certainty, use of the farmland price traditional is explained through capitalization formula. So the basic model for farmland prices would be 00 Po= I t=l Rt/[(1 + r 1 )(1 + r 2 ) ... (1 + rt)] (3 •7 ) where P0 =price of land in year 0; Rt = net returns to land in year t; rt = real discount rate in year t. Returns and prices are thought of of the year. as occurring at the end If discount rates are assumed constant, then (3.7) reduces to 00 Po = I Rt/(1 + r)t. ( 3-. 8) t=l Letting net constant into returns and the rate of capitalization be perpetuity produces the long run equilibrium ·land price equation ( 3 • 9) where 26 = equilibrium price of land; R* = equilibrium {fixed) annual net returns to land; a = 1/r = reciprocal of the real cap~talization rate. P* The dynamic regression equation for farmland developed is constrained to .have an price to be equilibrium structure of {3.9), with a an unknown parameter. The dynamic regression equation is specified with a multiplicative distributed lag on likely that land changes rather Random shocks it is more market participants consider percentage than absolute in the changes in this variable. economy emanating from discrepancies of the constant capitalization and measurement rents, since. rate implicit in the model errors on land prices would also impact in a proportional, rather than in an additive way. assumptions, the dynamic regression From these equation for farmland prices is specified as ( 3. 10) ... ) llt where llt is a random unknown parameters; geneous of degree one disturbance and (3.10) (~o + ~1 term; ~0, is considered + •.• = 1). ~1, ... are to be homo- Equation (3.10) after a natural logarithmic transformation becomes 00 log Pt where log = log a + .E ~jlog Rt-j + log llt {3.11) J=O llt is assumed to follow an autoregressive-moving average {ARMA) process of unknown order and E(log llt) = 0. 27 The form of equation (3.11) cannot be estimated when a finite data set is used because of its infinite lag structure (thus an infinite number of unknown parameters to be estimated), technique so an chosen approximation a is second-order approximation of the general lag in was proposed Burt by Jorgensen. a lag as " second order is parsimonious and specification needed. The rational lag equation (3.11) which describes this rational flexible form in which a is sufficiently flexible" (p. 13), which allows for relatively few unknown parameters to be estimated. The number of potentially estimable unknown parameters crucial is when· working with annual data. Therefore, (3.11) is approximated by log Pt where L = log is a a. + ho + YlL) log Rt ( 1 - AlL - A2L2) lag operator such + log J..lt that Multiplying both sides of ( 3.12) by ( 1 - AlL (1 - AlL ~ A2 L2)log Pt = LjXt - (3.12) = Xt-j· A2L2) yields (1 - .AlL - A2L2)log a. + Yolog Rt + Yllog Rt-1 + (1 - AlL - A2L2)log J..lt (3.13) or equivalently log Pt = (1 - Al - A2)log a. + Yolog Rt + Yllog Rt-1 + AllogPt-1 + A2log Pt-2 + log J..lt - A1log J..lt-1 A2log J..lt-2 Grouping terms produces (3.14) 28 = log Pt (1 - A1 - Ai)log a + YQlog Rt + y1log Al(log Pt-1 - log ~t-1> + log A2(log Pt-2 - log ~t Equation Rt~1 + ~t- 2 > + (3.15) (3.15) can be transformed into a second-order difference equation in expected values, log Pt = o + y0 log Rt + Y1log Rt-1 A2E(1og Pt_ 2 ) + log Pt-1) + ~t where E(log Pt-j> = - A2)log Equation a. + A1 E(log (3.16) log Pt-j - log ~t-j and is a (3.16) = o (1 - A1 second-order nonstochastic difference equation (Burt, 1980). If at land prices P*) = equilibrium, log will approach E(log Pt) = E(log Rt = log Rt-1 a steady-state Pt-1> = E(log = log R*, then such that E(log Pt-2>· Transposing the disturbance term in (3.16), we can write . E(log Pt) =o+ YQlog Rt + Y1log Rt-1 + A1 E(log Pt-1) (3.17) + A2 E(log Pt-2) For the equilibrium state, like terms can be grouped to get E(log P*) = log a+ (y 0 + y 1 )log R* ( 3. 18) (1 - A1 - A2) The homogeneity constraint, ~0 + ~1 + ... = 1, which was imposed initially can be combined with (3.18) to produce ( 3.19) Notice that if (3.19) is true, then (3.18) is the result of a natural logarithmic transformation of (3.9). noted that E(log P*) is interpreted as log P*. It was 29 The approach taken in model is specifying them out. These sources of into two components. (input price, affect expectations other and not try to separate dynamic behavior are grouped Sources that aff·ect net returns to commodity price, and technology) will affect expectations of The farmland price to assume that the sources of dynamic behavior in farmland prices are "confounded," land the net returns, of what component and land prices consists of will eventually are going to be. sources of dynamic adjustments in land price itself. An example Shalit-Schmitz of the model. uncertainty about latter When component there occurs in the is considerable future rents, lending institutions would practice capital rationing and "focus more on market value of collateral, rather than on prospective net rents" (Burt, 1986, p. 12), thus producing a cyclical adjustment path for farmland prices. Researchers frequently try to separate out these sources of formulate hypotheses specification of these adjustments" dynamic behavior on the "price components are usually using time series data. evaluate the estimation results forms in land that they take. expectations" then prices and tested The and "dynamic empirically, When the criterion used to are variable coefficients with significant t-ratios and the "right" sign, time series data usually would not contain enough information to reject 30 the ~ priori specified mechanisms in the price of farmland. Burt concludes that if statistical estimation of the general model yields precise estimates of unknown parameters, then an attempt can be made to justify one or more plausible structures for the formation of expectations about rents and capital gains. (p. 12) In specifying capitalization is the the model, assumed constant argue against this assumption implicit rate over time. on the point of One could that it is Tanzi (1980) believed that the real rate was unrealistic. associated with the position of the economy in the business cycle or that it depended on the inflation rate as hypothesized by Feldstein (1980). The classical theory of interest, originated by Fisher, came to the conclusion that the equilibrium constant over real time, rate of because interest in mainly depends on intertemporal with in changes produced results rate of The rational (1973) assumption of a constant support for to support productivity for short run participants are study (1984) an almost constant the past few decades. discussed by Sargent evidence that capitalization this assumption term investment long run this rate Darby's expectations hypothesis implies fairly consumer preferences along productivity. that seem change in the remains supports rate. the Intuitive would be that due to the long characteristics of the farmland market, more likely to use longer term real rates 31 of interest to capitalize farmland values. In summation, Burt states that the empirical question is whether farmland investors take- account of these year-to-year movements in their decisions or think of a longer run equilibrium. (pp. 12-13) The traditional capitalization approach model developed here does not explicitly the influence of tax rates explains that there are delaying payment " of capital and thus the take into account on farmland many devices prices. Burt available for gains taxes, even to the next generation ... " (p. 13) and that changes in tax rates, especially effective rates on farmers and owners of farmland, occur infrequently and in an evolutionary way as new loopholes are discovered and then lost with new I.R.S. rulings and legislation. (p. 13) Burt then points weakly · with out rents, that the because "would-be of taxes correlating independent variables associated with tax rates over time can be compounded into the disturbance term if the form of the regression equation is such that these variables enter in an additive way with the disturbance" (p.13). Net rent data used crop-share ~ent data constructed are to estimate data mentioned previously. from all agricultural land in this index the model is Scott's into a grainland in Illinois. the USDA land value index for Illinois. land The land price value Burt series Estimation of (1986) adjusts for high quality the model using the 32 Scott data not only resulted in statistically credible land price equations, constraint near 4%. but near also one and A study by an estimated homogeneity an implicit capitalization rate Watts and Johnson (1985) empirically estimated this rate at 4. 5.%. When inferior measures of net returns are used, one would expect estimation results not quite as encouraging as above. The land price reliable rent data may equations have some estimated from less statistical credibility, but it might be asking too much from the data to produce an estimated homogeneity constraint coefficient It would not be surprising if an "unrealistic" implicit capitalization rate is estimated using this One method equal to one. inferior data. to be explored in this study is a per acre gross return measure (price x yield) for the crops of the state. One dominant cash could posit that the "true" net rent measure is nearly proportional to the gross measure so that in separated constant the logge·d from model, the proportionality constant is the term of gross the constant term has this measure regression a in the Because the added (log of the this term cannot be interpreted as an implicit capitalization rate. in combined equation. extra component proportionality constant), reflected and potentially This phenomenon may be "unrealistic" capitalization rate resulting from estimation using an inferior measure of net rents to farmland. 33 Dynamic regression equations estimated using Townsend, and estimation . the program LaFrance of for DYNEREG (1986). distributed farmland lag price are developed by Burt, This program models is for and/or regression . models with time series error term. language, the computational squares, specifically Written in FORTRAN 77 algorithm is nonlinear least Marquardt's compromise (Draper and Smith, 1981). Data Compilation Almost all of the data compiled for this study are collected and published by the USDA. The components used to calculate Returns to Total Agricultural Asset, plus data for Total Agricultural Asset Value, Agricultural Real Estate are collected Value, and Land in Farms from Economic Indicators of the Farm Sector: National Financial Summary, 1984. Land Value index series for the U.S. are collected from various issues of Farm Real Estate Market Development: changed its Outlook name to Outlook and Situation (which Agricultural Land Values ·and Markets: in 1985). For deflating purposes, the Personal Consumption Expenditure Index (PCEI) is used; this index is supplied by Burt but can be found in The Economic Report of the yearly the President. above are for the years 1942-84, and are issues of All data collected used when (USDA) 34 accounting data is explored as an alternative measure of net rents to land. Data sources cited and/or gross used in revenues are this part plus unity, land the price are used when being explored. of the are supplied yearly issues of Illinois below study, PCEI by Burt cash rents The deflators and inflation rate but can be found in the Economic Report data supplied by Burt, as it is is of the President. constructed from Scott's (1983) data by Burt for use in his 1986 research paper. Cropshare rent data originate from Scott's 1983 paper, while cash rents are compiled by Alston for use in his doctorate dissertation originate from his PhD. values (Illinois, thesis. Iowa, research, and thus Statewide index Indiana, of land and Ohio) are compiled from various issues of Farm Real Estate Market Developments publications (cited in the previous paragraph). real estate tax are collected from various issues of Farm of prices paid by farmers (for production of all commodities) originate from Real Estate Taxes, while the index Per acre various issues of Agricultural Statistics. Direct government payments Indicators of the Farm Sheet Statistics, Sector: 1984. originate from Economic State Income and Balance Components used to compute Gross Income from Farming Expense are collected from Economic Indicators of the Farm Sector: State Income (excluding and Balance dwelling) and Production Sheet Statistics, 1984. 35 Finally, data grain) and for the value of production for corn (for for soybeans Field Crops originate from (discontinued in 1980 onward). various issues of 1979) and Crop Values (from Data for total acres harvested for corn (for grain) and for soybeans are compiled from various issues of Crop Production (Annual Summary). After data measures of are net rent compiled and to farmland the three alternative are computed, then each alternative net rent measure is explored by fitting them to a farmland price equation similar to the dynamic regression equation Estimation for land results price for developed the by alternative Burt measures explored are presented in the following chapter. (1986). being 36 CHAPTER 4 EMPIRICAL RESULTS This chapter presents and discusses empirical results for the three alternative measures of net rents to farmland being exploreQ in this divided into use of USDA farmland, study. three parts. accounting the impute section viable measure of net rents, devoted to exploring chapter is The first section explores the to second Therefore, the residual explores while gross a the revenues return to cash rents as a third section is also as a viable measure of net rents to farmland. USDA Accounting Data Measure This method uses returns to agricultural assets to indirectly model the behavior of farmland prices. to Assets Agricultural Production Expenses are from Excluding Dwelling (Watts and computed Gross by Income Johnson, 1985). Returns subtracting from Farming Production Expenses are defined as total production expense (excluding operator households) minus both net rent to all landlords and interest payments (both non-real estate and real estate excluding operator households), and with costs labor added. of operator Gross Income from Farming Excluding Dwelling is defined as gross income from farming minus gross rental 37 value of data dwellings (including operator households). are collected agricultural real total agricultural estate values, asset Other values,. land in farms, and index of land values. All value and return data land deflated are values) since only deflated by PCEI, The index the calendar year. current land the PCEI into constant 1982 by per acre it is data and are heavily per acre used inventory adjustments estimates of The rest to of the data weighted towards the This is partly due the harvest method a recent information that could very latter part of the year. accounting already Farmers should base their well go back into the previous year. collected after measure by the of land values are collected early in values on are accounting index of The index of land values series is farms series. measure. than into a dollars, then is deflated land in (other to data being and mainly due to the accrual collect the data makes its at the end of the year (Burt, 1986). The accounting data are adjusted by deflating them year's inflation to make them more for one commensurate with the land value index data by deflating them with the following year's PCEI measure. A direct measure of returns to farmland is unavailable with the accounting data. . and the Therefore, the land price model dynamic regression equation for farmland prices is modified to account for this. Let 38 A = total agricultural assets value 0 = agricultural non-real estate assets Value P = agricultural real estate value TR = return to total agricultural assets In equilibrium, the farmland price model is defined as 1 P = -(TR - rO) (4. 1 ) r where (TR - rO) equals the returns to real estate (farm- land) with the assumption that the real estate rate of return to non- assets is equal to that of real estate assets. Note that (4.1) can be rewritten with the term 0 on the right hand side, P + 1 = A = --r 0 indicating an TR (4•2) equilibrium capitalization equation for determining the value of total agricultural assets. Following a similar logical to arrive at equation progression as (3.19), the that used modified dynamic regression equation for farmland is represented as (4•3) with ~t are unknown that a. = as a multiplicative random disturbance; 1/r. parameters, Taking ~0 the + ~1 ~0 , ~1 , ... + ... = 1, and recall natural logarithm of (4.3) results in 00 log Pt =log a.+ .~ J=O ~jlog (TRt-j) +log ~t (4. 4) 39 Approximation of (4.4) by a second order rational log then produces o+ log Pt = YQlog (TRt - rOt) + y1 log (TRt_ 1 - r0t_ 1 ) + AlE(log Pt-1) + A2E(log Pt-2) + log ~t which is similar to (3.16), with = (1 -- A1- A2)log a and ~t· E(log Pt-j> =log Pt-j - log This model o (4.5) is explored by searching over a few values of r and getting a rough approximation to the least squares solution; i.e., an r that produces an estimated equation of (4.5) with the smailest residual sum of squares. specification of r results farmland as Rt-j = (TRt-j having a in computation of returns to rOt-j>, similar structure A priori j=1,2, ... as (3.16). and (4.5) But there is not a strong a priori .basis for imposing the constraint rate of return on that the real estate assets be equal to the rate of return on non-real estate assets. It is not return on clear that non-real estate assuming a constant assets is as easily justifiable as imposing this constraint on real estate assets. two classes of assets do not have much in common. (real estate) is (durable asset), aggregation of fixed in while very having a fairly lived. supply non-real heterogeneous livestock, inventories, elastic rate of and of estate These Farmland infinite life assets capital is an (machinery, financial assets, etc.) as well as supply function and are short- 40 Assuming an additive distributed lag structure on net returns (and error structure) enables r to be estimated as a the free parameter. An additive regression equation for farmland form price· of dynamic approximated by a second order rational lag is represented as Pt = a1(TR1 A2E(Pt-2) + with ~t - ~Ot) + a2(TRt-1 - ~Ot-1) + A1E(Pt-1) + ~t a white (4.6) noise error notation for the parameter r. assumption enables the Ot can TRt- 1 = a more consistent The additive distributed lag than in logged form) so that be separated out, thus estimating its coefficient as a free parameter. TRt = ~ dynamic regression equation to be specified in levels (rather the variable term and At the equilibrium state, TR*, Ot = Ot_ 1 = 0*, Pt = Pt- 1 = Pt- 2 = P*; so that (4.6) becomes E(P*) (1 - A1 A2) = a1(TR* - ~0*) + a2(TR* - ( a1 + a2) (4. 7) As shown, specifying the dynamic regression in levels and without constraint. ~0*) equation (4.6) an intercept forces the homogeneity Equation (4.7) interprets the reciprocal of the capitalization rate as ( a1 + a2) 1 ( 4. 8) = r (1 - A1 - A2) An easily estimated form of (4.6) is 41 Pt = a1TRt + a2TRt-1 + Y10t + Y20t_1 + A1E(Pt-1) + A2E(Pt-2) + ~t a1~ where Y1 = the implicit + a2) is (4.9) and Y2 = a2~· With the estimation of (4.9), rate r capitali~ation estimated, and = (1 the hypothesis that the rate of return to farmland is equal to the rate of return assets = (~ r) can be checked. of other In the event that the distributed lag structure on TRt-1 is negligible so that a 2 = Y2 = 0, equation (4.9)' reduces to (4.10) and the problem of estimating redundant parameters (a 2 and Y2) is eliminated so that the least squares estimate of r becomes ~ =y1/a1. Equation (U.S.) using (4.9) a is estimated sample period for of the United States 1942-1984, estimated equation turns out to be unstable. taken is to shorten the sample period to but the The next step 1951-1972 for the ' purpose of trying to locate a more "stable" period in which to re-estimate ( 4. 9); but it still estimated equation. The results in deflating method an un·stable used on the variables is redefined so as to possibly make the variables more commensurate in terms of time with respect to each other, but instability still persists. index place of the estimation of (4.9) produces an unstable is used encouraging note in is that When accounting land value measure, equation. One in all of the trial estimations, 42 the estimated coefficients for variable always has the opposite coefficients for qualitatively corroborating respect to the returns signs non..:real the on estate value sign of the estimated total to the assets thus structure of (4.6) (with non-real estate and return to assets variables). The poor results from estimating (4.9) with the underlying assumption of an additive distributed lag on net returns prompt a return to estimation of (4.6) based on a multiplicative distributed lag structure on net returns. Returning to the originally proposed model means that a way must be found to returns with structure (4.6) one ·variable so instead as of to reflect net two. A priori determining r (rate of return to non-real estate assets) as distinct from a = 1/r would be a way to fulfill this and alleviate the necessity to modify the DYNREG·program needed to estimate (4.6) in its original form. An r of 3.5% is looked at so that net returns could be calculated for each year, and can be estimated with 1950-52, 1974-75 are such that equation (4.6) the structure of (3.16). dummied out such that The years the year's effect of farm returns is excluded from the distributed lag structure and that realized. its effect contemporaneously. on land The prices years is fully 1950-52 are associated with the Korean War, while the years 1974-75 are associated with years following the quadrupling of crude 43 oil prices and Russia buying up the surplus stocks of grain in the U.S. During these extremely high, farm income. years, u.s. grain prices were thus feeding into extremely high levels of The extremely high levels of income are considered aberrations due to a one-time violent shock from outside the system. because at The sample period is cut off at 1983 the time the data was being collected, the 1984 levels were preliminary measures subject to revisions. comparison purposes, equations are For estimated using both the accounting and index data for the land price variable. Estimation of (4.6) produced first differenced measures, although The first model reproduced in models Table 1. series. An is suggest a accounting and index estimated with and constraint, with results 1 and land 2 are estimated price variable while and 4 are estimated using the land price index implicit estimated because model are Equations the that equations are unstable. the homogeneity using accounting data for equations 3 both both estimated differenced without imposing for results capitalization rate can not be the intercept is subtracted out when the differenced. A second order non-stochastic difference model (in first differences) with a second order lag on the rent variable is also estimated. But only the estimated coefficients from the first order lag on rent and land price are significant, thus only regression results from estimation of the first order model are presented. 44 Table 1: Regression results model using USDA period 1942-83)a for final u.s. land price accounting data (sample ----------------------------------------------------------2 Equation No. : 1 3 4 Rentt .0395 (.0163) .0425b .0485 ( .0329) .0915b E(Pt-1) .8801 (.2686) .9575 (.0157) .6138 (.3647) .. 9085 (.0279) AR(1) error Linear homogeneous .8189 (.0885) no .8487 (.1542) yes .1399 (.1528) no .2731 (.1543) yes Adj. R2 .4681 .4793 -.0472 -.0632 Std. Error est. .0321 .0318 .0608 .0639 Error Sum sq. .03498 .03540 .12561 .14294 Durbin Watson Degrees of Freedom 1. 78 1. 79 2.01 2.07 34 35 34 35 =========================================================== arn first differences and with the years 1950~51 and 197475 dummied out bstandard error not computed 45 One important observation from the results is that returns have no explanatory of land values are used (equations that the results from respect to a measure return to of the index of 4). This means land prices. It also demonstrates accounting data are not a of per acre land prices if we assume that land values correlation observed to the 3 and relationship between residual that land prices derived from the value when the index equations 1 and 2 are spurious with farmland and reliable measure in Table 1 is reliable. Some of the in equations 1 and 2 are probably due ineffective removal of "other assets" from the "total assets" measure by use of (TRt- rOt)· The next step is to disaggregate to the state level to see if the analysis encouraging results national level. level does level. would have similar, or compared to the results arrived at the But accounting data compiled for not guarantee a reproduction excluding dwelling can calculate production be found, expenses are included households households were needed). Net but rent from farming data only the U.S. for the state Data needed to calculate gross income measures that even more needed compiled to for (measures that excluded to all landlords and operator labor measures are not collected also. The "missing" question the not "missing" data at the state level can lead one to validity of at the the same national type of level. data that was Aside from that, 46 there are questions as used to collect the applied somewhat to the data, and uniformly Measurement of economic type of accounting methods also if these methods are across depreciation the for sample area. non-real estate assets is nearly impossible, causing the accounting data to be only a crude measure at probability aggregation and it is of relatively best. Add to these the high problems inherent in the data easy to see how poor estimation results could be produced. Cash Rent Measure The second alternative measure proxy for net returns to farmland. the amount of rent (paid uses cash A cash rent rents as a lease has to the landlord) specified as either a fixed amount per acre or a fixed lump sum. Under a cash lease,_ the landlord furnishes the land and buildings while the tenant receives all of the income typically pays insurance, and all major expenses repair except costs generated, and property to taxes, buildings and improvements (Kay, 1981). In comparison, landlord is produced with ( Kay , 19 81 ) . midwest and to a crop-share receive a lease specifies that the certain share of the crops the proceeds from the sale becoming the rent This type of other areas lease is where cash Many crop-share leases have more popular in the grain farms dominate. the landlord pay part of the 47 variable costs in the same proportion production to be re'cei ved (as rent) . measure is crop-share rent used Since in analysis begins by using Illinois data. leases are the reference Burt (1986), the Although cash rent few in number in Illinois, this will not affect its predictive ability closely of those if cash crop-share rent a measure of net adjustments follow rent and imputed returns to land in owner-operator situations. as good as the share of If rents to cash rents provide farmland as the crop- share rent data.in Burt (1986), this can be a start towards a more common (easily collectible) measure of net returns to farmland. Cash rents tend to be inflexible in their adjustments, and thus slow to change because landlord and tenant have to renegotiate the contract whenever reflect new economic conditions. takes time and effort parties so that leases are prices lease can is renegotiation a cost for both commodities, resource But by recent affect process; made to induce either (both) landlord renegotiated, possibly into of or (and) tenant to · renegotiate. rent is negotiated less frequently. prices technology will change The renegotiation process translating Pressure from changes in prices, and a the especially the time changes in farmland decisions on a cash the made part in· the of the landlord wanting a higher rent because land has become more "valuable." So there is a joint dependency between 48 farmland prices and cash rents in that changes in the level of one affect the level of the other and vice versa. Regressing coefficient land price estimates on on cash cash prices. the as a result of The method problem method of involves correlated with of are ·correlated with the its joint dependency with land instrumental biased will produce rents that are biased and inconsistent, because cash rents error term rents variables alleviates and inconsistent estimates. choosing a variable that is This highly the endogenous "independent" variable, and at the same time uncorrelated, in the limit, with the error term. For this analysis,a special instrumental variables squares regression. function of is used, case of the method of namely two stage least This method specifies cash rents as a the . exogenous variables in the system. Regressing cash rents· on these exogenous variables produces predicted values of cash the error term in rents that the land values are highly correlated cash rent, are uncorrelated with price equation. with the And these original values for thus fulfilling the two conditions specified by the method of instrumental variables. The suitable variable. first stage equation for Crop-share exogenous variable of the the rent with which is also a net rental payment analysis instrument is is producing a for the cash rent probably be the "best" to explain cash rents as it for the leasing of farmland. 49 These measures two although crop-share signals price. follow since it rent is similar is a more adjustment sensitive function rents adjustments, the ·this plus indicates that, former seem its strength market of commodity yield and Comparison of time series plots of crop-share to paths, to lag cash rents with with respect the latter. to All of in explaining land prices indicate crop-share rents to best explain cash rents. Regression of cash rents on crop-share second order rents within a non-stochastic difference equation similar to (3.16) results in crop-share rent variation The deflation process that is in cash rents. explaining used on the variables is similar to the with the cash rent from a survey by Burt, that asks farmers rents are in the surrounding area for that year. Since crop-share rents seem to explain variations one used of the data originating from Alston (1986). This data is collected what cash 96% in cash a major portion of rents, regressing crop-share rents on potential exogenous variables would be a logical first step in trying to locate exogenous variables that affect cash rents. Both crop-share rents and cash rents to the landlord by the tenant farmland, so the factors (which is rents. which affect production) would These factors for use are sums paid of the landlord's usage of this land affect determination of these are imputed through two components, 50 return and cost of production. The two rents are basically the net amount of returns minus the cost of production. Several proxies for the return and cost components are ekplored. and The proxies Soybeans dwelling) for or are either Gross Revenue from Corn expense from Recall that the measures are section. the dominant in Illinois measure of cash crops farmland going to accounting Corn and crop production expense not collected at the (excluding gross income and from explored in the previous Illinois Farming variable, and Production Expense the return for .the cost variable. production Income Gross data soybeans are with a· major part of production. Since a that excludes households is state level, a method that prorates the components of production expense (including households) with the ratio of each production expense component excluding households with the same component that includes households national (at components up the construct also constructed adding all the final Gross Farming from this measure. Ope.rator through a prorating method, and added on to produce Income and (except interest expense and net rent to all landlords) is used to labor is level) Production Expense measure. and Production Expense are deflated to a per acre measure by the land in farms measure described in the previous section. and soybeans is computed as a Gross revenue from corn weighted number of acres harvested for each. average of the 51 The equation regression for crop-share rent is formulated as SRt =n + ~GRt + oCt + (4.11) ~t with SR representing crop-share of the rent, GR two measures of gross Different combinations costs~ proxies, and also the soybean production than the other variation in returns, and C representing of return explain crop-share rent. representing one the cost and return proxies alone are used to Gross Revenues from corn and by itself performs statistically better combinations as crop-share rent, it explains 78% of the and has the lowest standard error of the estimate and sum of squared error. Cash rents are then return proxies. In level are an alternative the hope paths. proxies are explored explain cash in index and follow order to find a better than set variables in cash rent. First t-1 noise and error t-2 term) equations explored. that can the others and a~d the equation second order non-stochastic difference equations with lags of or the cost Combinations of cost and return rents relatively instrument for proxy for this national thus produce a set of exogenous of the cost and that production costs at the state proportional to similar adjustment the above addition, the index of prices paid by farmers is included as variable with regressed on t and t-1 on the explanatory variables (with white are the basic structures for the 52 Regression results because the are structures counterintuitive and varied and that are implausible on a not encouraging, estimated priori are grounds. Detailed results of these regression runs are not reported, but an attempt is made to summarize these results in a rather descriptive way. The proxies for cost of production do not do well as a group regardless of their combination with gross returns. Estimates of the coefficients for this variable either have the wrong sign (should be negative), or have the right sign and not be statistically significant. return variable perform only income from The proxies for the slightly better. When gross farming is used in conjunction with production expense, the estimated coefficients for the return variable are statistically significant. Also some equations estimated with this equation are unstable, which made these accounting measures somewhat suspect. Gross revenues from corn and soybeans production produces coefficient estimates with the right sign (positive), but which are not statistically significant. For further information concerning the appropriateness of cash rents as an alternative farmland prices are then rents. Cash rents are also see there if between the is regressed evidence two variables. measure of net .rents, directly regressed on to support on to cash land prices to joint dependency lnitial regression results for 53 the two These models indicate equations homogeneity acre for are a need for differencing the data. reestimated constraint. high adjusted with without the Scott's (1983) "··· dollars per quality grainland in Illinois and the USDA land price index" (p. 797) that was reconstructed by Burt (1986) are used The cash imposing rent data as land value data. is from Alston's study (1986) found in the same publication as that of the land price index and is measured the same way (survey), therefore no adjustment (for inflation) is needed. Regression results from land prices regressed rents are presented in Table 2. for the difference parameters may indicate that lagged able to are relatively If cash rents are explain prices, then these lagged The estimated coefficients small. This values of cash rents do not have much explanatory capacity. variable on cash the values an exogenous dynamic behavior of land should have substantial explanatory capacity. Burt's rents produced estimated difference equation parameters that are far more significant results than the that lagged values of explaining land using rent 4 as prices the variable estimates indicating rent have equation 1 (or 2) as the equation crop-share than a more important role in current year rents. unrestricted (general) restricted model, the Taking model and F-statistic computed is not statistically significant at the 25% 54 Table 2: Regression Results for Land Prices Regressed on Cash Rents for Illinois (sample period 1961-83)a =========================================================== Equation No. : 1 2 3 4 .9243 (.2423) .9149 (.2325) .9210 (.2259) .9447 ·(.2302) Rentt_ 1 -.0597 (.7779) .0045 (.6244) .3178 (.2282) E(Price>t- 1 .40171 (.8108) .3023. (.5706) E(Price>t- 2 -.1076 (.2862) AR(1) error .4654 (.1846) .4547 ( .1857) .4480 ( .1864) .4632 ( .1848) .6855 (.1518) Adj. R2b .5507 .5824 .5959 .5816 .2242 St. error est. .0556 .0546 .0536 .0548 .0690 Error sum sq. .05558 .05661 .05750 .06307 .10009 Durbin Watson Degrees of freedom 5 .1792 (.2931) 2.06 2.07 2.04 2.14 2.10 18 19 20 21 21 ========================================================== arn first differences bExclusive of autoregressive (AR) disturbance 55 level. Looking estimated at equation coefficient for 3, the the rent t-ratio for variable lagged one period is not significant at conventional levels of 10%. Only contemporaneous significance with rents t-ratios that the show 5% and statistical are relatively consistent in all of the estimated equations (around 4.0). These results suggest that contemporaneous rents as the good or better job a static model with only explanatory variable of explaining the variations in land prices than when dynamics are incorporated. inclusion of a regression does does as distributed not lag affect the Also.note that structure into autoregressive the error remained fairly constant and statistically estimates which significant throughout. Regression results of cash rents prices are presented in Table 3. the regressed on land They are somewhat similar to the results from similar F-test is conducted between equations 1 (or 2) and 4, with the computed values of land F-statistics price explaining cash rents. 2 and from Table previous are regression indicating even less than land A that lagged significant in Comparison of equation 3 from Table 3 indicates that cash rents lagged qne period are relatively more significant (in prices) model. prices (in explaining explaining land cash Comparison of equation 5 for the two tables suggests rents). 56 Table 3: Regression Results for Cash Rents Regressed on Land Prices for Illinois (sample period 196183)a: ----------------------------------------------------------2 Equation No. : 3 1 .4723 ( .1250) 4 .4696 ( .1222) 5 .4752 .5011 ( .1191) ( .0975) Pricet_ 1 -.1334 ( .3844) -.1077 ( .3835) E(Rent>t-1 .3677 (. 7133) .3414 ( .6956) E(Rent>t-2 .0249 ( .2399) AR(1) error .2064 (.2040) .2060 (.2040) .1970 (.2044) .2082 (.2040) .1634 (.2057) Adj. R2b .4947 .5257 .5594 .5816 .2388 St. error est. .0400 .0390 .0383 .0375 .0501 Error sum sq. .028B5 .02886 .02935 .02959 .05268 Durbin Watson Degrees of freedom .0507 ( .1247) .3453 ( .1328) 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.03 2.04 18 19 20 21 21 ========================================================== arn first differences bExclusive of AR disturbance 57 otherwise. But the magnitude fairly trivial from a of these differences are statistical point of view, and are also of little practical importance. Regression results any dynamics rents from Tables involved and land in the prices are 2 and 3 indicate that relationship extremely between cash weak, and that basically only contemporaneous levels are needed to explain the variation indication of one of a variable by phenomenon spurious regression."· What exogenous variable (or set values of the other. kn.own as "third is happening of This is an variable is that a third variables), namely lagged crop-share rents, is (are) separately explaining both cash rents and farmland prices. mirage dependency effect variables of that determined by joint are, in the third This reality, between being variable. is not the two simultaneously These results lead to the conclusion that cash rent, as a measure to farmland, produces the of net returns useful in explaining the movements of farmland prices. Gross Revenue Measure The farmland third alternative explored in production of dominant rents proxies on the this study crops. different briefly measure mentioned of is net in and the to gross revenue from Regression cost returns return of crop-share to production preceding section 58 suggests use the of this that gross regressions are production (in measure. Results revenue from Illinois) does of the corn and soybean a relatively better job of explaining Illinois crop-share rents than when cost proxies are included, or when Dwelling (Watts, Gross Income from Farming Excluding Johnson, proxies are used. 1985) a likely rents. to So candidate as A major portion of crop production, and soybeans are dominant. reflect a major with the cost Crop-share rents explain farmland prices rather well (Burt, 1986). is together this gross an alternative to crop-share Illinois farmland among these Gross revenues portion revenue measure of the is delegated crops, corn from the return and two crops to farmland in Illinois, albeit a gross rather than a net measure. Gross revenue value from corn and soybean of production measure soybeans. This value of production the season average price for series 'is grain and of defined as crop's production estimates Each value of production estimate is deflated to a per acre measure by the crop. corn received by farmers for the crop ($/bu.) that is applied to the (bu.). of production is a Land value total data acreage harvested is a series constructed by Burt (1986) from Scott's "··· dollars per acre for grain land in Illinois p. 797). high quality for comparable and paired sales in 1961, 1967, and 1981 and adjusted with the index" (1983, for the USDA land price The land price index is published 59 as a series for March 1 before 1976, February 1 for 1976- 81, and April 1 for 1982 and onward. on surveys that ask The indices are based farmers to estimate the average value of farmland in the surrounding area. Land value indices are used comparison with dollar value these surveys occur early that farmers Gross revenue go is heavily the end of the year, As land in the value data for price levels. year, it corn and usual, back Since is conceivable into the previous year. weighted by revenues received at during harvest time. Thus gross soybeans should be deflated for one year's inflation to be data. land base their estimates of land prices on recent information that could revenue from as commensurate both land with the land value value and revenue data are deflated to a base year dollar measure (1982) by the PCEI. Initially, land prices are regressed on. gross revenue and a cost variable. A proxy for the cost variable is Production Expenses (Watts and the first is a section of cost imputed Johnson, this chapter. to all 1985) Although this measure agricultural imputed to farmland should follow a defined in assets, costs similar time path since farmland is a major component of total agricultural assets. But regression results suggest because the estimated coefficients reflect a that this for the is not so, cost variable total distributed lag effect on land prices that are positive when it theoretically should be negative. 60 These coefficients are also not statistical~y significant, so the cost variable is dropped from the model. Land prices alone, within are then a structure regressed estimated is lagged with at and constraint imposed. (3.8) t-1 except and without t-2. the that the rent The equations are long-run homogeneity regression results are presented The One notices in equations 1-4, Table 4. on coefficients estimated gross revenues equivalent to (3.16) and also a structure that is similar to variable on instantly that the difference the equation parameters (A1, A2) of equations 1 and 2 are very Burt's estimated one of coefficients (equation 1, Table 5). Burt's estimated comparison purposes his estimated equations the equations as all of the is reproduced regression results for estimated with the homogeneity constraint, estimated difference An F similar. equation When parameters the null (h=1) constraint. model. two become The hypothesis, Computed hypothesis of restricting the model (h=1) are 68.47 and 37.75 both with 1 and null the test is conducted to test .the statistical F-statistics under freedom. for are importance of the homogeneity of Only equations are unstable. close to 19 degrees F-statistics indicate rejection of the thus favoring non-restriction of the 61 Table 4: Initial Regression Results for Prices Using by Gross Revenue Soybeans (Sample Period 1960-83) Illinois Land from Corn and =========================================================== Equation No. : Intercept 1 2 3 4 -.0831 (.0392) -.5473 (.0410) .2068 (.0193) .0512 (.0292) .2137 (.0304) .1426 (.0519) -.0175 (.0263) Rentt-1 .2130 ( .0359) -.0418 ( .0475) Rentt_ 2 -.4329 (.0628) E(Price)t_ 1 1. 6214 ( .0440) 1. 6808 ( .0502) 1. 8149 (.0326) 1.9430 (.0203) E(Price)t_ 2 -.7638 (.0405) -.8090 ( .0421) -.9628 (.0262) -.9872 (.0172) no no yes yes Linear homogeneous .9908 .9910 .9637 .9752 St. error est. .0339 .0338 .0708 .0569 Error sum sq. .02179 .02167 .10032 .06473 Durbin Watson Degrees of freedom 1. 41 1. 31 .43 .70 19 19 20 20 ========================================================== astandard error not computed 62 Table 4: Continued =========================================================== Equation No. : Intercept 5 6 7 8 -.6371 (.0507) -.5411 ( .0720) -.0785 (.0381) -.6260 ( .0416) .2367 ( .0307) .1895 (.0089) .2037 {.0091) -.0097 ( .0269) Rentt_ 1 .2169 (.0369) -.0575 ( .0482) Rentt-2 E(Price)t-l 1.6266 (.0431) 1. 6900 (.0475) 1. 6400 (.0345) 1.6367 (.0338) E(Price)t_ 2 -.7629 (.0398) -.8114 (.0402) -.7786 (.0342) -.7710 (.0335) no no no no Linear homogeneous .9920 .9925 .9912 .9924 St. error est. .0345 .0337 .0333 .0337 Error sum sq. ~02260 .02160 .02227 .02274 Durbin Watson Degrees of freedom 1. 45 1. 40 1. 34 1.42 19 19 20 20 ========================================================== 63 The indices models two are results with then estimated using land value presented in equations 5 and 6. Overall, the regression results are not much different from the results of equations 1 and 2. land price estimated 1.37, 1.34, 1.52, that forcing from and the equations 1.48, homogeneity in the corn and do a soybeans may two of model. imposes an Gross revenue from longer term. The long-term the true values of land price for that Consistency in kinds constraint This suggests better job of forecasting for the short-term than for the period. 1, 2, 5, and 6 ate respectively. implausible.constraint forecasts overshoot Long-run elasticities of land the regression results using the value data indicate the usefulness of gross revenue in explaining high quality grain land as well as other farmland. Attempts to fine tune the land price model results in a model similar to (3.16) but at lag t-1. variables at The lag t with only estimated and lag one rent variable coefficients t-2 are for the rent not statistically significant at conventional levels of significance, so both variables are dropped from the final model. Results for this now model are presented in equations 7 and 8, Table 4, with equation 8 using Long-run elasticity and 8 are 1.38 the statewide land value index. coefficients estimated for equations 7 and 1.52 respectively, further indicating 64 that the data suggest using a model without the homogeneity constraint. Equations 1-8 are also estimated with inflation adjustment on but regression results only presented in with the table 4. adjustment estimate than the rent data discussed earlier, with to land the adjustment are This is because equations estimated have lower standard equations estimated Since the inflation adjustment fit and without the prices, errors of the without the adjustment. on rents produces a better this adjustment is incorporated and assumed from here onward.' There is a problem with using the gross revenue measure because it is a return to the factors of production with farmland being only one component of it. Therefore, gross revenue is adjusted in this study to re'flect a return to farmland alone. Most landlord crop-share receiving translate to The rent leases 50% one-half of data is then of in the Illinois crops produqed, revenue received adjusted original revenue estimates. Real provide the which for the crops. to include only 50% of estate tax is a cost borne by the landlord, and is subtracted out. What is left is a more precise estimate of returns imputed to land, but is still a landlord are gross measure left out since other costs paid by the (primarily the fertilizer and chemicals). landlord's share of 65 The adjusted rent estimation process to data that is run through described a similar previously. This results in a model with only one rent variable at lag t-1. Regression results presented in using land Table 5, the little, but the 7 and estimated model are and 3, with equation 3 Comparing these two equations 8 (Table 4) indicate that almost all intercept) that the revenues are used. final equations 2 value indices. with equations (except for estimated fit is coefficients changed improved when adjusted gross This is shown by the reduction in the standard errors of the point estimates. An implicit capitalization from the final farmland rate cannot be computed price equations estimated in this study, as is done in Burt's (1986) study. Costs imputed to farmland and proportional to gross revenue the rent confounded variable; into the transformation is estimated intercept are imbedded in this proportional cost amount becomes intercept term when the logarithm done on the land price equation. coefficient does not have So the the same meaning for the land price model estimated in this study as that estimated in Burt's study. The study here digresses a little in order the potential to explore for direct government payments to strengthen the explanatory value of final estimated land price models. Direct government payments are deflated to a per-acre 66 Table 5.: Regression Results for Final Illinois Land Price Model Using Gross Revenue from Corn and Soybeans (Sample Period 1960-83) ----------------------------------------------------------1 2 Equation No. : 3 Intercept .4091 (.0268) .0780 (.0318) -.4688 (.0335) Rentt. .0708 (.0164) Rentt_ 1 .0563 (.0238) .1905 (.0086) .2050 (.0089) E(Price>t-1 1. 6317 (.0325) 1.6105 (.0329) 1.6062 (.0322) E(Price)t_ 2 -.7588 (.0255) -.7515 ( .0324) -.7431 (.0317) yes no no Linear homogeneous Adj. R2 .9952 .9917 .9929 St. error est. .0241 .0321 .0325 Error sum sq. .01049 .02064 .02108 Durbin Watson Degrees of freedom 2.59 1. 45 1. 54 18 20 20 ---------------------------------------------------------- 67 measure by the total number of acres harvested for both corn (for grain) and soybeans. Equations framework are similar estimated to (3.16) Government price data. within a distributed lag using the two types of land payments treated as a similar exogenous variable produces a smaller standard error of the estimate for its estimated land price equations compared to when these estimated payments are summed up with gross revenue. coefficients relatively low for government t-ratios and are significant at conventional levels 10%). payments not The have statistically of significance (5% or This result is caused by the fact that data used for government payments sector, but also dairy sectors. variable is contribute are not include It also a gross much in only for the crop production payments for the livestock and indicates that since the rent measure, government payments do not the way of explaining land price movements as it is such a small part of gross returns. Given the encouraging results in using gross revenues from corn and soybean prices, the production to analysis is then explain Illinois land broadened to include the surrounding states in the corn belt region, namely Indiana, Iowa, and Ohio. It is thought that these states have similar farmland characteristics (a major portion used for crop production, and a large portion leased with crop-share leases dominating) as in Illinois. Only the adjusted 68 statewide index the of land analysis as constructed only values are the dollar no results the between analysis for fashion as value for Illinois. that there is basically using these was done used in this stage of land prices Previous results indicate difference in the regression two land value measures. three are states progresses for Illinois. The in similar Final model regression results for the three states are presented in Table 6. Analysis with Iowa, Indiana, the same data, estimated namely a equation second and Ohio structure order data result in as with Illinois non-stochastic difference equation with one rent variable at lag t-1. Comparisons adjusted and revenue the (corn equations, between other and estimated one with with unadjusted gross soybeans production), indicate similar regression results for all three states. using adjusted estimated Only the results revenue data (50% of gross revenue and real estate taxes deducted) are presented. The low Durbin-Watson statistic from final equation estimates for Indiana and Ohio (equations 2 and 4) indicate the presence of positively equation was reestimated for error structure with the and 5 in autocorrelated errors. Table 6. the two states with an AR(l) results presented The So the t-ratios for in equations 3 the estimated coefficients of the AR(l) error term for the two states are 69 Table 6: Regression Results for Final Land Price Model for Iowa, Indiana, and Ohio, using Gross Revenue from Corn and Soybeans (Sample Period 1960-83) ----------------------------------------------------------Indiana Iowa State: Equation No. : Ohio 1 2 3 4 5 Intercept -.2866 (.0336) -.2113 (.0387) -.1796 (.0592) -.2079 (.0652) -.1054 (.1015) Rentt-1 .1802 (.0084) .1832 (.0099) .1788 (.0147) .2163 (.0206) .1869 (.0261) E(Price)t-1 1.7380 (.0348) 1.6468 (.0381) 1.6819 (.0497) 1.5557 (.0702) 1.6655 (.0769) E(Price>t-2 -.8514 (.0355) -.7788 (.0384) -.8167 (.0493) -.7161 (.0666) -.8203 (.0733) no no no no no Linear homogeneous .587 (.1689) AR error .748 (.1385) .9924 .9863 .9836a .9755 .9679a St. error est. .0383 .0437 .0390 .0560 .0443 Srror sum sq. .02928 .03826 .02737 .06276 .03537 Durbin Watson Degrees of freedom 1.55 .93 1.57 .72 1.71 20 20 18 20 18 ---------------------------------------------------------aExclusive of AR disturbance 70 3.48 and 5.4, indicating that they are statistically significant at conventional levels of significance. Comparison between regression results for these three states with that of Illinois (equation 3, Table 4) produces some results. interesting the difference coefficients for similar, but Not that of the equation parameters quite rent constant throughout the analysis The estimated only · are the estimated variable remains fairly within the four states. coefficients for the intercept have the same negative sign, and are fairly close. long-run for elasticities coefficients between 1.20 the and Computation three 1.60, states of the results in indicating that the homogeneity constraint assumption is violated. Gross revenue from production of principal. crops is explored as an alternative to revenue from corn and soybean production in the analysis for Ohio. It is thought that corn and soybeans are not as dominant in the other three states. better when revenues from But corn and this state as in the fit is statistically soybean production are used. Additional analysis is also done on two plains states: Kansas and these two production. crops is North Dakota. Wheat is the dominant crop in states, so gross revenue is estimated from wheat Gross also revenue explored from for production comparison of principal purposes. The 71 regression results for the two states are not encouraging and thus not presented. The practice of summer fallowing is important in Kansas and North Dakota, so that summer fallow acres should have been included deflating gross does not acres. with the harvested acreage revenue to a per acre basis. publish an annual se.ries for before But the USDA summer fallowed Exclusion of the summer fallow acreage distorts the per acre amount regression of results returns for to Kansas farmland such that the and North Dakota are much different from the results for the cornbelt states. Distributed lag land price respect to gross returns response elasticities with are then computed estimated models for Illinois (equation 2, Indiana (equation and for These for the Table 5), Iowa, 3, Table 6), Ohio (equation 5, Table 6), Burt's estimated elasticities a.re equation (equation partial derivatives 1, Table 5). defined in natural logarithms as Y(T) = aYt-T/BXt = BYt/BXt-T where X and Y are logarithms prices, respectively. land prices similarly from a the period(s) into response defined as of (4.12) gross returns and land Y(T) measures the effect on current change in effect of the future. elasticities are rents T current period(s) back, or rents on land price T Cumulative (intermediate-run) also computed, and these are 72 T e(T) Y(j) l: ( 4. 13) j=O where e(T) is the - total cumulative effect on current land price from a change in rents T periods back. The computed elasticities are reproduced in Tables 7 and 8 only for T=O, 1, 2, . . . . , 20, with T=20 reflecting the long-run (or equilibrium) response. The computed elasticities in Table 7 indicate that the distributed lag response of estimated Burt's land prices models using gross estimated model using distributed lag response (using to rents revenues are cropshare for the similar rents. to The gross revenues) follows a similar dampened cyclical path indicative of a second order difference equation estimated model. with complex roots as Turning points in the time that of Burt's paths of Y(T) occur at similat lag periods, except for Iowa, which is one period off. One elasticities for difference This is that the computed estimated models using gross revenues are relatively larger than the used. is ones when cropshare rents were reflected in the intermediate and long-run cumulative elasticities e(T). The estimated relationship between gross revenue is further Final estimated regression tested equations farmland price and via prediction errors. for Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, and Ohio (equations 2 and 3, Table 5, and all 73 Table 7: Distributed lag land price elasticities (Y(T)) ----------------------------------------------------------Gross Revenue (Corn and Soybeans) Crop-share T Rent Illinois Illinois Iowa Indiana Ohio 0 .0708 .0000 .0000 :oooo .0000 1 .1718 .1905 .1802 .1788 .1869 2 .2266 .3068 .3132 .3007 .3113 3 .2394 .3509 .3909 .3598 .3651 4 .2187 .3346 .4127 .3595 .3528 5 .1752 .2752 .3845 .3108 .2880 6 .1199 .1917 .3169 .2291 .1903 7 .0627 .1020 .2234 .1316 .0807 8 .0113 .0201 .1184 .0341 -.0217 9 -.0291 -.0442 .0157 -.0500 -.1023 10 -.0561 -.0863 -.0736 -.1120 -.1526 11 -.0694 -.1058 -.1413 -.1476 -.1703 12 -.0707 -.1055 -.1827 -.1567 -.1584 13 -.0627 -.0904 -.1976 -.1430 -.1241 14 -.0487 -.0663 -.1876 -.1126 -.0768 15 -.0318 -.0389 -.1589 -.0725 -.0261 16 -.0150 -.0128 -.1147 -.0301 .1955 17 -.0003 .0087 -.0649 .0087 . 0540 18 .0108 .0235 -.0152 .0392 .0738 19 .0179 .0314 .0289 .0588 .0787 20 .0211 .0329 .0632 .0669 .0705 200 .174E-12 .107E-12 -.307E-7 -.355E-9 -.991E-9 =========================================================== 74 Table 8: Cumulative distributed elasticities (e(T)) lag land price ----------------------------------------------------------Gross Revenue (Corn and Soybeans) Crop-share T 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Rent Illinois Illinois .0708 .2426 .4693 .7087 .9274 1.1026 1.2225 1. 2852 .0000 .1905 .4973 .8482 1.1183 1. 4581 1. 6498 1. 7517 1. 2965 1.2672 1.2113 1.1419 1.0712 1.0085 .9599 .9281 .9130 .9127 .9236 .9415 1.0000 1. 7719 1.7277 1. 6413 1.5355 1. 4300 1. 3396 1.2732 1.2344 1.2216 1. 2303 1.2538 1. 2852 1.3511 Iowa .0000 .1802 .4934 .8843 .1297 1.1682 1.9984 2.2218 2.3402 2.3539 2.2823 2.1410 1.9581 1.7605 1.5729 1. 4150 1. 3002 1. 2353 1. 2202 1. 2491 1. 5891 Indiana .0000 .1788 .4795 .8393 1.1988 1.5096 1.7387 1.8703 1. 9044 1. 8544 1. 7423 1. 5948 1.4381 1.2951 1.1825 1.1099 1. 0799 1.0886 1.1277 1.1865 1.3264 Ohio .0000 .1869 .4982 .8633 1.2161 1. 5041 1.6944 1.7752 1. 7535 . 1. 6512 1. 4985 1.3283 1.1699 1. 0457 .9689 .9428 .9624 1. 0163 1. 0902 1. H?89 1.2074 =========================================================== 75 equations in post-sample Table 6) are forecasting re-estimated in a sequential format (see Burt, Townsend and LaFrance, 1986). For each year at a equation, the time, then forecasts computed the sample period equation re-estimated and up until the end of the original sample period (in this case it is 1983). reduction of is is reduced one The step-by-step yearly the sample period is done for up to 13 years, thus back until 1970, as is also done in Burt's (1986} study. These post-sample forecasts are presented in Tables 915. Although sample period reductions 13 years, only post-sample ahead are presented prediction errors value of the in the for up to forecasts for up to five years tables. Asterisks indicate that are greater than twice the absolute standard approximate 95% are done error, thus lying confidence interval. that these "predictions are not ex outside an Burt (1986) mentions ante in a realistic sense because known rents are used, but the primary purpose is to detect specification error" (p. 16). Glancing at estimated similarity land the price arises. post-sample equations, This point forecasts for one major is that the six point of asterisked prediction errors follow two main diagonal paths, one for the year 1975 and the for other the year indicates that 1975 and 1976 are outlier years. 1976. As This 76 Table 9: Post sample forecasts of final estimated land price model equations (classic disturbance) for Illinois (Burt's land price data) =========================================================== Number of Years Beyond the Sample Sample Period 2 1 3 4 5 ----------------------------~------------------------------ 1960-82 -.052 (.047) 1960-81 -.048 (.049) -.090 ( .061) 1960-80 .025 (.050) -.028 ( .065) -.064 ( .080) 1960-79 .001 (.052) .026 (.067) -.027 ( .085) -.063 (.102) 1960-78 .029 (.055) .024 ( .070) .052 ( .087) .001 (.103) -.036 (.116) 1960-77 .007 ( .060) .035 (.079) .031 (.095) .059 (.110) .007 (.122) 1960-76 .148* (.048) .145* (.062) .190* (.074) .179* (.082) .186* (.088) 1960-75 -.016 ( .053) .131 (.074) .126 (.093) .171 (.104) .162 (.106) 1960-74 -.115* (.035) -.135* (.049) -.021 ( .065) -.037 ( . 077) .021 ( .083) 1960-73 -.071* (.033) -.165* (.039) -.183* (.048) -.059 ( .058) -.061 (.065) 1960-72 -.050 (.029) -.113* (.039) -.196* (.041) -.198* (.048) -.060 (.055) 1960-71 .055* ( .023) -.006* (.030) -.091* (.036) -.179* (.033) -.205* ( .035) 1960-70 .001 (.027) .054 (.035) -.007 (.043) -.072 (.045) -.180* (.036) RMSE Mean .064 -.007 .096 -.010 .112 -.015 .122 -.020 .127 -.018 =========================================================== 77 Table·10: Post sample forecasts of final estimated land price model (classic disturbance) for Illinois (land price index data) =========================================================== Number of Years Beyond the Sample Sample Period 1 2 3 4 5 1960-82 -.055 (.048) 1960-81 -.052 ( .049) -.096 (.061) 1960-80 .025 ( .051) -.031 (.065) -.070 (.081) 1960-79 .001 ( .052) .026 (.068) -.031 (.086) -.069 (.103) 1960-78 .031 (.055) .025 (.070) .054 (.087) -.001 (.103) -.040 (.117) 1960-77 .008 ( .060) .038 ( .078) .033 (.095) .062 (.109) 1960-76 .156* ( . 046) .153* (.059) .202* (.071) .191* ( . 07 8) .007 (.122) .199* (.084) 1960-75 -.011 ( .051) .144* ( .070) .140 (.088) .188 (.098) .179 (.100) 1960-74 -.108* (.035) -.065 ( .034) -.122* ( .050) .003 (.065) -.012 (.077) .047 (.082) -.155* ( .040) -.169* (.050) -.035 ( .060) -.038 (.067) 1960-72 -.048 ( .030) -.106* ( .041) -.184* (.043) -.183* ( .050) -.037 (.058) 1960-71 .058* (.024) .000 (.031) -.061 (.037) -.166* ( .034) -.189* (.037) 1960-70 .001 ( .028) .059 ( .036) .001 (.045) -.060 ( .047) -.165* ( .038) RMSE Mean .064 -.005 .096 -.005 .111 -.007 .121 -.009 .125 -.004 1960-73 =========================================================== 78 Table 11: Post sample forecasts of final estimated land price model (classic disturbance) for Iowa ----------------------------------------------------------Number of Years Beyond the Sample Sample Period 1 2 3 4 5 1960-82 -.097 (.058) 1960-81 -.082 ( .059) -.175* (.098) 1960-80 .021 (.063) -.061 (.087) -.146 (.116) 1960-79 .078 ( .060) .099 (.083) .046 (.112) -.011 (.143) 1960-78 .022 (.060) .096 (.081) .122 (.107) .073 ( .136) .017 (.164) 1960-77 -.045 (.066) -.015 (.088) .056 (.112) .084 (.136) .042 (.162) 1960-76 .141* (.058) .086 ( .078) .122 (.094) .135 ( .109) .164 (.121) 1960-75 -.036 (.063) .036 (.120) . 076· (.132) .141 (.135) 1960-74 -.136* (.033) .098 (.093) ..;..168* (.041) -.066 (.053) -.130* (.063) -.066 (.068) 1960-73 -.056 (.034) -.175* (.039) -.200* (.045) -.085 (.052) -.136* (.060) 1960-72 -.004 (.038) -.060 (.050) -.178* (.052) -.202* (.051) -.086 (.056) 1960-71 .080* (.033) .081 (.048) .034 (.058) -.103 '(.053) -.157* (.040) 1960-70 -.006 ( .041) .072 (.064) .069 (.087) .022 (.097) -.113 (.083) RMSE Mean .076 -.009 .110 -.010 .113 -.010 .112 -.010 .114 -.022 =========================================================== 79 Table 12: Post sample forecasts of final estimated land price model (classic disturbance) for Indiana ====================~====================================== Number of Years Beyond the Sample Sample Period 1 2 1960-82 -.130* (.057) 1960-81 -.141* (.049) -.228* (.061) 1960-80 -.014 (.050) -.151* (.062) 1960-79 .008 (.053) 1960-78 3 4 5 -.009 (.064) -.240* (.078) -.145 (.079) -.233* ( .095) -.042 (.057) -.024 ( .072) -.045 ( . 086) -.184 (.103) -.271 ( .117) 1960-77 -.077 (.061) -.113 (.083) -.110 ( .105) -.137 (.122) -.275 (.137) 1960-76 .016 (.064) -.061 (.092) -.092 (.121) -.086 (.145) -.113 (.161) 1960-75 -.096 (.058) -.086 (.084) -.192 (.113) -.244 ( .141) -.243 (.160) 1960-74 -.128* ( .049) -.218* (.066) 1960-73 -.140* (.038) -.273* (.051) -.234* (. 086) -.380* (.062) -.391* (.119) -.493* (.081) 1960-72 .028 (.035) -.238* (.069) 1960-71 .053 (.033) -.109* (.056) .084 (.050) -.348* (.105) -.399* (.073) -.348* ( .076) -.036 (.072) -.167 (.082) -.292* (.080) 1960-70 -.085* (.032) .170* (.055) .249* (.082) .162 (.104) (.104) .088 -.024 .150 -.085 .204 -.133 .251 -.198 .306 -.270 RMSE Mean -.371* (.082) .016 =========================================================== 80 Table 13: Post sample forecasts of final estimated land price model (AR(1) disturbance) for Indiana =========================================================== Number of Years Beyond the Sample Sample Period 1 2 3 4 5 1960-82 -.070 ( .055) 1960-81 -.135* (.046) -.161* (.062) 1960-80 -.016 ( .047) -.146* ( .058) -.174* ( .078) 1960-79 .024 (.049) -.001 (.058) -.127 ( .071) -.150 ( .088) 1960-78 -.017 (.053) .012 ( ~063) -.014 ( . 07 4) -.141 ( .089) -.167 (.106) 1960-77 -.084 ( .055) -.082 (.073) -.062 (.090) -.091 (.101) -.215 (.115) 1960-76 .064 ( .053) -.030 ( .070) -.010 (.083) .016 (.093) -.017 (.098) 1960-75 -.030 (.059) .030 ( .082) -.068 (.107) -.056 (.127) -.031 (.139) 1960-74 -.150* ( .055) -.259* ( .082) -.293* (.113) -.410* (.133) -.467* (.162) 1960-73 -.149* (.039)- -.278* ( .066) -.380* (.102) -.394* (.133) -.485* ( .142) 1960-72 .025 (.037) -.118 (.060) -.259* (.082) -.378* (.109) -.408* (.136) 1960~71 .091* ( .034) .160* (.056) .073 (.081) -.129* (.092) -.346* ( .095) 1960-70 -.081* (.031) .206* (.059) .324* (.094) .273* (.125) .080 (.120) RMSE Mean .086 -.028 .153 -.056 .205 -.090 .247 -.146 .302 -.228 =========================================================== 81 Table 14: Post sample forecasts of final estimated land price model (classic disturbance) for Ohio =========================================================== Number of Years Beyond the Sample Sample Period 1 2 3 4 5 1960-82 -.150 (.076) 1960-81 -.236* (.058) -.327* ( . 07 4) 1960-80 -.162 (.044) -.365* (.060) -.503* (.081) 1960-79 -.049 (.046) -.200* ( .058) -.419* (.083) -.573* ( .112) 1960-78 -.010 (.050) .057 ( .065) -.209* (.082) -.432* (.115) -.588* (.148) 1960-77 -.044 (.058) -.055 ( . 083) -.113 (.110) -.272* ( .134) -.506* (.174) 1960-76 .108* (.044) .075 ( .059) .095 (.073) .057 (.087) -.093 ( .100) 1960-75 .009 (.054) .118* (.091) .088 (.095) .110 (.113) .073 (.128) 1960-74 -.176* (.031) -.239* (.049) -.231* (.072) -.338* ( .093) -.356* (.108) 1960-73 -.073* (.024) -.261* (.035) -.342* (.048) -.344* (.061) -.444* (.071) 1960-72 .007 (.022) -.066 (.036) -.253* (.047) -.334* ( .055) -.337* (.066) 1960-71 .022 (.022) .028 (.033) -.042 (.047) -.234* ( .053) -.325* (.056) 1960-70 .009 (.029) .033 (.044) .042 (.064) -.026 ( . 07 8) -.222* ( . 07 6) RMSE Mean .110 -.057 .191 -.110 .260 -.172 .317 -.170 .366 -.311 =========================================================== 82 Table 15: Post sample forecasts of final estimated land price model (AR(l) disturbance) for Ohio ----------------------------------------------------------Number of Years Beyond the Sample Sample Period 1 2 3 4 5 1960-82 .014 (.064) 1960-81 -.178* (.058) -.191* (.081) 1960-80 -.153* (.045) -.324* ( .070) -.417* ( .113) 1960-79 -.047 (.047) -.189* ( .061) -.378* (.096) -.488* (.148) 1960-78 -.003 (.051) -.049 ( .066) -.192* (.083) -:-.383* (.126) -.495* (.178) 1960-77 -.083 (.059) -.080 (.088) -.145 ( .118) -.291 (.149) -.479* 1960-76 .105* (.039) .025 (.055) .059 (.062) .011 ( . 07 5) -.123 ( .085) 1960-75 .054 ( .037) .140* (.042) .054 (.062) .094 ( . 066) .047 ( . 07 9) 1960-74 -.149* (.034) -.156* ( . 068) -.120 (.095) -.226 -.214 (.138) -.082* ( . 026) -.301* ( .044) -.447* (.088) -.476* (.113) -.574* .006 (.025) -.075 ( .041) -.293* (.058) -.441* ( .096) -.472* 1960-71 .021 (.025) .028 (.039) -.048 (.057) -.265* ( .068) -.413* (.098) 1960-70 .015 (.035) .041 (.057) .056 (.084) -.017 (.107) -.243* (.106) RMSE Mean .091 -.037 .166 -.094 .250 -.170 .320 -.248 .383 -.330 1960-73 1960-72 ( .113) ( • 206) (.120) (.119) =========================================================== 83 previously mentioned, this is due to a combination increases in oil prices and Russia stocks, creating an aberration form of extremely high u.s. in grain buying out prices of high u.s. grain agriculture in the translating into extremely high farm income for several years after 1974. These two outlier years, period, throw off if forecasts shown especially in the included in the sample for later periods. two sets This is of post-sample forecasts for Ohio, where there is a group of prediction errors lying outside the approximate years beyond 1975 95% and confidence 1976. interval for the Burt's (1986) post-sample fo·recasts also produce the 1975-76 outliers. Another point to be noted sample forecasts increases as the is that number sample increases. these sets of post- root mean squared error (RMSE) of This from years forecasted beyond the indicates that the estimated land price equations do better with short term rather than long term forecasting as was hypothesized earlier in the chapter of this study. arrived at long-run greater This is also consistent with the conclusion previously in elasticities than one, this section. of these these Because computed estimated equations will equations are not do well forecasting for the long run. This concludes the presentation and discussion empirical results for this study. A summary of the of the 84 empirical results along with conclusions and suggestions for further study are presented in the following chapter. 85 CHAPTER 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Three alternative measures of net returns imputed to farmland were explored in this study. The three measures were returns estimated from aggregate accounting data, cash rents, and gross revenue from production (in this case, corn measure was framework model. for grain estimated within similar that to farml~nd prices measure with (Burt, which and soybeans). a second of the 1986) Burt's was (1986) land price rents in explaining used performance Each rent order rational lag of crop-share The performance of dominant. crops as of a reference each alternative returns measure was compared against. Returns did not to· farmland do very Regression results computed from USDA accounting data well in explaining suggested that returns and land prices were of farmland prices. any correlation between a spurious nature. Since net returns imputed to farmland were computed indirectly by removal of returns to to total assets, it non-real estate assets from returns was thought that this procedure was ineffective in computing the true measure of net rent to u.s. data and land. Analysis was initially done for aggregate was to proceed down to individual state data. If 86 analysis at the state level (initial point being Illinois) produced similar level, one regression could conclude results that the computing net rent to land was the data that was as needed at indirect procedure of not useful. for the national the Unfortunately state level was not published. Cash rents were the rents explored. jointly second It dependent was with procedure was done framework, specifically alternative thought land that prices, within an two stage measure cash so of net rents are the estimation instrumental least variable squares. But regression results using this approach were implausible. Intuitively, cash rents would variable for farmland prices by the renegotiation through whenever conditions) usually contracts are up to for due to process change needed, is for a not be a good explanatory three that (in and their rigidity caused both parties must go response to new market that cash rent contracts are years while year-to-year. crop-share rent Farmland prices would respond to new economic conditions a lot faster than cash rents. Cash land rents prices, current and were and lagged then also cash both models suggested that to a "third" variable regressed land on current and lagged prices rents. were regressed on Regression results from both variables were responding (or set of variables), namely the 87 lagged that values the of crop-share correlations prices are rents. between So it was concluded cash rents and farmland spurious, and that each are ultimately respond- ing to changes in this "third" variable mentioned above. The last alternative measure from production. (so that explored was gross revenue Since analysis was initiated in Illinois direct comparison could be made with crop-share rents), the per acre value of production (yield x price) of corn for grain and returns to soybeans were farmland. A used major as a part measure of of Illinois agricultural land is used for crop production with corn and soybeans being its dominant crops. The regression results measure of net rent. difference indicated some promise for this The equation estimated coefficients parameters estimated using crop-share rents coefficients for the those in Burt's study. from corn and rent This would mean soybean rents, but very close to those (Burt, 1986). variable Estimated were different from that gross revenue production gave a distributed lag land price response pattern very share were for the general close conclusions to that about of croppredictive performance could not be made. The estimated intercept could not be used to estim~ted capitalization rate variable used a gross rather than returns to farmland. compute the of farmland, as the return a net Landlord costs return measure of imputed to farmland 88 that are proportional to gross returns were confounded with the intercept term, and thus prevented the computation of an implicit capitalization rate. Analysis was then broadened to include other surrounding cornbelt states of Ohio, Iowa, and Indiana. results also states. Estimated coefficients for the difference equation parameters proved for the to be three encouraging The regression states for these three .were very close to the Illinois analysis (using either gross revenue or crop-share rents). The only difference structure on the estimated was that equations for an AR(l) error both Indiana and Ohio came out statistically significant. Regression results for the four states proved to be consistent, with estimated coefficients for varying much across the indicated that the computed each variable (including intercept) not states. the homogeneity long-run Regression results also constraint was violated as elasticities were considerably greater than one. Distributed lag response paths between Burt's estimated model final estimated compared. The distributed lag run models were all gross for lag greater than somewhat rents and were then similar Computed cumulative long- response models revenues indicated response paths. distributed elasticities) using crop-share using comparison of land price to rents estimated one, suggesting (long-run response using gross revenues that the estimated 89 equations for farmland measure would only be price useful using for the gross revenue conditional short-term forecasting of land prices. Finally, a set of post-sample forecasts were done for these final estimated farmland basically indicated that price the forecast farmland prices better equations. Results estimated equations would within short-term time a framework as was alluded to in the previous paragraph. The results agricultural properly areas, came returns measure study indicate gross computed) measure of revenue of this to revenues close to land. seemed to that in homogeneous from production (if approximating Analysis have order difference equation (with with verified a good the gross Burt's second complex roots) land price model. If a gross measure of revenue produced near similar regression results as when crop-share rents (a net measure) were used, it would not be unrealistic to expect that a net measure of revenues imputed to farmland will improve the fit produced by use of the gross measure. Further encompass research finding farmland from a on farmland way to prices subtract would costs either imputed to gross revenues or to explore new alternative measures of returns to farmland that is a net measure. 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Staff Paper 85-6, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, 1985. 96 APPENDIX Original Data Set · 97 Table 16: Sample data used for exploring USDA accounting data measure =========================================================== Year Deflator (PCEI) Deflator (PCEI) Ret. to Tot. Agr. Assets (million$) Agr. Asset Value (million$) ---------------------------------------~------------------ 1940 1941 1942 1943 1.944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 ··1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 .141 .152 .168 .184 .194 .202 .220 .243 .257 .256 .262 .278 .284 .290 .291 .295 .301 .310 .316 .323 .329 .333 .339 .344 .350 .356 .367 .376 .393 .410 .429 .449 .467 .496 .548 .592 .626 .667 .716 .782 .866 .946 1. 000 1. 039 .152 .168 .184 .194 .202 .220 .243 .257 .256 .262 .278 .284 .290 .291 .295 .301 .310 .316 .323 .329 .333 .339 .344 .350 .356 .367 .376 .393 .410 .429 .449 .467 .496 .548 .592 .626 .667 .716 .782 .866 .946 1. 000 1. 039 1. 082 1733 3262 5428 5701 3989 4248 6831 7450 9493 5494 7133 8423 7378 5380 5325 4519 4763 5273 7625 5114 6249 7577 8210 8307 7504 10922 12291 10320 10443 12472 12834 13315 19136 36259 28631 27511 22472 22401 31834 38733 28979 39869 37352 27576 42900 49600 59100 67800 74900 81800 91700 100800 106400 105800 122400 136000 133800 130400 134100 137800 146300 154400 170200 172900 174700 182600 190300 197900 205500 221400 234100 246100 259300 270500 280200 303100 341400 418900 442300 510100 590400 656700 783700 918100 1003200 1005200 977800 956500 98 Table 16: Continued =========================================================== Year Agr. Real Estate Value (million$) Land in Farms (million ac. ) 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 31700 35200 41000 45900 52100 58400 62600 65100 65500 75900 83600 85100 84100 87500 92400 99900 105600 114200 120100 121800 127500 133000 140900 149300 160000 169100 179000 187900 194200 201300 216400 241800 297100 327000 381100 453500 507700 600700 704200 779200 780200 745600 736100 1093 1109 1125 1142 1145 1148 1152 1155 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1201 1197 1191 1184 1181 1174 1166 1157 1149 1144 1137 1130 1121 1113 1106 1102 1096 1092 1087 1084 1059 1054 1047 1044 1042 1038 1034 1027 1024 1019 Index of Land Values ----------------------------------------------------------28900 1077 .0750 .0750 .0821 .0893 .1000 .1107 .1250 .1392 .1535 .1571 .1535 .1749 .1964 .1964 .1892 .2035 .2035 .2178 .2321 .2535 .2428 .2642 .27~5 .2749 .2927 .3070 .3356 .3570 .3820 .4034 .4200 .4300 .5355 .5300 .6600 .7500 .8600 ] . 0000 1. 0900 1.2500 1.4500 1.5800 1.5700 1.4600 99 Table 17: Sample data for Illinois used for exploring cash rent and gross revenue measures =========================================================== Year 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Land Price (Burt's) ($/acre) 511 551 551 535 534 580 607 646 726 767 797 833 823 825 882 981 1296 1548 1906 2555 2807 3162 3411 3605 3303 2966 Statewide Index of Land Val. ($/acre) 18.6 20.1 20.1 19.5 20.2 21.2 22 .·2 23.7 26.7 28.3 29.4 30.8 30.4 30.5 32.7 36.6 49.0 59.1 73.5 100.0 110.4 125.1 135.5 143.6 131.0 117.0 Real Estate Tax ($/acre) 3.79 3.91 4.03 4.16 4.30 4.44 4.69 4.83 5.29 5.69 6.60 7.03 7.07 7.83 8.30 8.82 9.10 9.34 10.15 10.96 11.75 12.61 13.02 14.08 13.73 13.55 Gross Rev. from corn & Soybeans ($/acre) Direct Gov't Payments ($/acre) 135.05 123.28 125.30 149.57 159.13 167.84 156.95 186.63 175.33 180.43 176.02 195.37 191. 28 217.51 329.12 455.88 406.42 480.92 461.63 447.83 470.14 580.90 564.85 557.55 575.35 491.77 3.11 1. 31 1. 20 7.74 7.89 7.23 8.78 8.85 7.43 5.81 9.61 11.89 9.95 10.27 14.56 7.48 .53 2.04 .51 1. 61 5.04 1. 60 1.73 2.39 5.72 33.06 =========================================================== 100 Table 17: Continued =========================================================== Year Cropshare rent ($/acre) Cash rent ($/acre) Product ion expense ($/acre) Gross Inc. from farm ex. dwell. ($/acre) Index of pr pd by farmers ($/acre) 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 17 17 21 23 26 29 27 30 33 29 34 30 33 34 48 85 107 80 103 89 95 110 108 93 90 102 20.04 19.44 20.53 20.75 20.64 22.16 22.87 24.33 27.79 29.69 33.44 34.47 35.56 36.71 36.57 39.38 48.72 56.47 68.04 81.00 85.00 92.00 99.00 105.80 112.80 111.40 122.90 117.15 107.58 114.75 121.27 116.10 111.73 103.19 114.28 114.51 120.04 125.52 126.11 123.08 118.96 115.34 155.65 163.81 188.64 200.96 196.75 206.66 234.26 248.61 242.30 236.15 165.53 139.42 138.02 161.21 171.50 167.62 162.02 159.49 184.61 163.43 171.85 184.16 180.91 172.23 216.13 275.45 316.89 278.86 327.83 291.76 330.56 341.22 389.84 374.06 372.56 371.07 .8700 .9300 .9200 .9300 .9400 .9500 .9400 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1. 0400 1.0800 1.1300 1. 2100 1. 4600 1. 6600 1. 8200 1.9352 1.9950 2.1546 2.4938 2.7531 2.9526 2.9925 3.0524 ----------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================== 101 Table 18: Sample data for Iowa =========================================================== Year Deflator Inflation Rate Plus Unity Gross Revenue ($/acre) Statewide Real Index of Estate J. . and Price Tax ($/acre) ($/acre) ----------------------------------------------------------1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 .692 '. 706 .719 .726 .737 .748 .759 .772 .794 .814 .846 .884 .925 .965 1.000 1. 057 1.164 1. 253 1. 317 1.393 1.491 1.625 1.790 1.945 2.060 2.136 1. 0206 1.0202 1. 0184 1.0097 1.0152 1. 0149 1. 0147 1. 0171 1.0285 1. 0252 1.0393 1.0449 1.0464 1. 0432 1.0363 1. 0570 1.1012 1.0765 1.0511 1. 0577 1.0704 1.0899 1.1015 1. 0866 1. 0591 1.0369 124.85 117.12 115.91 146.52 147.24 159.18 160.14 160.52 183.49 158.13 177.59 186.66 199.15 205.86 362.04 468.16 415.68 398.06 405.10 381.30 502.28 538.72 637.05 541. 77 545.34 541.82 66 71 73 69 72 73 76 79 89 100 105 111 114 114 122 141 189 234 294 397 413 475 553 597 553 481 2.65 2.86 3.06 3.23 3.37 3.54 3.71 3.80 4.24 4.17 4.63 5.53 5.87 5.89 5.61 5.55 5.67 6.40 7.57 8.02 8.39 8.96 9.85 10.32 8.63 8.84 =========================================================== 102 Table 19: Sample data for Indiana =========================================================== Year Deflator Inflation Rate Plus Unity Gross Revenue ($/acre) Statewide Real Index of Estate Land Price Tax ($/acre) ($/acre) ----------------------------------------------------------- 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 .692 .706 .719 .726 .737 .748 .759 .772 .794 .814 .846 .884 .925 .965 1.000 1.057 1.164 1. 253 1.317 1. 393 1.491 1.625 1.790 1.945 2.060 2.136 1.0206 1. 0202 1. 0184 1.0097 1.0152 1. 0149 1. 0147 1. 0171 1.0285 1.0252 1.0393 1.0449 1.0464 1.0432 1. 0363 1.0570 1.1012 1.0765 1. 0511 1. 0577 1. 0704 1. 0899 1.1015 1.0866 1.0591 1. 0369 126.73 117.25 124.28 138.48 151.34 162.11 142.68 174.72 167.96 141.94 166.05 184.83 191.71 200.02 287.61 436.20 391.38 409.87 458.80 407.77 459.65 513.12 594.00 469.87 538.82 487.66 64 67 69 66 68 71 76 80 92 100 106 106 104 109 113 131 161 200 244 321 361 415 481 517 449 391 2.09 2.33 2.42 2.48 3.01 3.06 3.20 3.41 3.75 4.17 4.51 4.97 5.43 5. 93. 5.90 6.06 5.01 5.03 5.09 .5 .17 5.34 6.66 7.43 7.80 8.05 8.53 =========================================================== 103 Table 20: Sample data for Ohio ·=========================================================== Year Deflator Inflation Rate Plus Unity Gross Revenue ($/acre) Statewide Real Index of Estate Land Price Tax ($/acre) ($/acre) ----------------------------------------------------------- 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 .692 .706 .719 .726 .737 .748 .759 .772 .794 .814 .846 .884 .925 .965 1.000 1.057 1.164 1.253 1.317 1. 393 1. 491 1.625 1.790 1. 945 2.060 2.136 1.0206 1.0202 1. 0184 1.0097 1. 0152 1.0149 1.0147 1. 0171 1. 0285 1.0252 1.0393 1. 0449 1. 0464 1. 0432 1.0363 1.0570 1.1012 1.0765 1.0511 1.0577 1.0704 1.0899 1.1015 1. 0866 1. 0591 1. 0369 127.96 117.85 119.37 139.22 138.05 143.93 132.65 150.03 184.50 134.47 163.08 168.74 188.38 190.40 258.92 348.94 388.71 397.50 446.97 417.66 459.81 524.87 648.30 414.21 514.17 515.52 69 72 73 72 75 77 83 86 93 100 106 110 115 120 127 147 184 208 252 331 373 448 513 526 450 398 1.92 2.05 2.21 2.32 2.44 2.58 2.75 2.91 2.98 3.08 3.32 3.68 4.31 4.10 4.68 4.96 5.42 5.79 6.49 7.31 7.78 8.27 8.35 8.33 8.35 8.51 ===========================================================