THE EFFECTS OF U.S. DAIRY REGULATIONS ON HERD IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITIES by Jeffrey Carl Olson A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Applied Economics MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana October 1987 APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Jeffrey Carl Olson This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. Date Chairperson, Graduate Committee Approved for the Major Department Date Head, Major Department Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean i ii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for a master's degree at Montana State University, the I agree that Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules Library. Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable of the without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission for extensive quotation from or reproduction of thesis may be granted by my major advisor, Dean of Libraries when, the material or. in his absence, by the in the opinion of either, the proposed use of is for scholarly purposes. Any copying or use of material in this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed out my written permission. Signature ________________________________ Date this ------------------------------------- the with- iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS would like to express my appreciation to my committee members, Dr. Bruce Beattie, and Dr. Michael Frank for their support during the course of this thesis. Special acknowledgment goes to my committee chairman, Dr. Jeffrey T. LaFrance, without whose patience and guidance this project would not have been accomplished. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page APPROVAL . I • I •• I ••••• I ••••• I • I ' •• I • I • I I I •••• I I I • I • I •••• I ••• I i i STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE ............................ . i i i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................... . iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................... . v LISTOFTABLES............................................. vii LIST OF FIGURES ....................................... ,..... viii ABSTRACT. I I I ... I • I • I I I • I • I • I I • I • I I •• I •• I •••• I •••• I I I ••• I •• I I ix CHAPTER INTRODUCTION ................................... , . 2 Introduction ................................. . Statement of the Problem ... ;,, ............... . Outline of Thesis ............................ . 2 5 REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ........................ . 7 Studies of Technological Adoption ............ . Studies of the U.S. Dairy Regulations ........ . Basis for the U.S. Dairy Regulations ...... . ·Econometric Models of the Dairy Industry .. . Investigation of Capitalization of Dairy Program Rents ....................... . Suggested Forms of the Milk Production Function ....................... . Questions of Interest Arising in the Literature ......................... . 3 8 12 13 15 20 21 21 THE CONCEPTUAL MODEL AND DATA SOURCES ........... . 25 Dynamic Model of the U.S. Dairy Industry ..... . 25 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS-Continued Page Theoretical Discussion of the Adoption of DHIA Testing ..................... , ......... . 36 Hypothesized Relationship Between Profit 4 and Milk Cow Prices .......................... . Data Sources . ...................... , ......... . 38 41 EMPIRICAL RESULTS ............................... . 43 Instrumental Variable Construction ........... . Adoption of DHJA Testing ..................... . Relationship between Profitability 43 63 and Milk Cow Prices ........................... . 72 CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS .................... . 5 REFERENCES .. ' APPEND I X I •••• I. I •• I It. I I I • • I •• I I • I I. I I I I. I • I I ••• I. I I. I. I • I I I I I I I • I I • •• I I I I I I I 79 •• I I I I. I I ••• I I 83 I I I ••• I I ••• I • 88 I Original Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 vii liST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Comparison of Class I and Class II Demand Restrictions ..................•........ , .. ,. z. Estimated Instrument Equations for the Dynamic Dairy Model .........•..................... 3. 4. 49 59 Marginal Effects of Profit and Time in the Adoption of DHIA .......... , ...................... . 68 Original Data ..................................... . 89 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Classified Pricing Mechanism for Milk ..........•. 14 2. Fixed Proportion Relationship of Milk Production Inputs .................•.............. 27 3. Price Effects of an Increased Supply of Milk ..... 39 4. Observed Adoption of DHIA Testing ............... . 70 5. Observed Return over Feed Cost .................. . 71 ix ABSTRACT In order to assure an adequate supply of milk and increase dairy producers' incomes, the U.S. Government, through the Federal dairy regulations, has increased the price of milk received by farmers above that which would prevail under a competitive pricing system. In response to the higher price of milk, dairy producers have increased the total amount of milk they supply. Investigation of these responses and the factors causing them provides information about the impacts and effectiveness of the U.S. dairy regulations. This study examines two aspects of dairy p~oducers' responses to the dairy regulations. These are: (1) What is the relationship between profit incentives created by the dairy program and farmers' decisions to improve the productivity of dairy herds through herd quality testing activities? and (2) Have the short run profits created by the dairy regulations been capitalized into the market prices of replacement dairy cattle? The results of the investigation suggest that there is no significant relationship between dairy profitability, as defined in the research, and the level of participation in Dairy Herd Improvement Association t~sting of dairy cattle. Further, the profitability created by the dairy program appears to be completely capitalized into the prices of dairy cattle implying that, in the long run, ·economic profits to dairy producers are zero. Consequently, the dairy regulations appear to have little impact on the adoption of herd improvement activities. However, the U.S. Government efforts to achieve the goals of the regulations are largely frustrated by the competitive nature of the production sector in the U.S. dairy industry. 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Introduction This study is an analysis of responses of the U.S. dairy industry to Federal regulation of the dairy market. Specifically, the study will address the nature of the rate of adoption of dairy herd improvement the testing, and the impacts of the regulations on fluctuations market pricing of dairy cattle. estimate Previous work has attempted in to dynamic supply and demand response relationships in the milk markets and the various costs and benefits from the Federal dairy regulations. This approach has developed from the pioneering work of Gaumnitz and Reed which formed the basis for the structure of the milk regulatiori, de to the more recent, Gorter. Gorter to simulation framework of LaFrance and This study will further the research of LaFrance and investigate questions which have received attention in the previous literature. foundation of LaFrance and de Gorter, little or de no While employing the econometric this project will extend the research to empirically investigate dairy farmers' responses to incentives created by Federal regulation of the dairy markets by improving the quality of their herds and bidding.up the market price of replacement ~airy cattle. 2 Statement of the Problem Federal regulation of the Grade A production sector of the dairy industry has existed since the Great Depression. regulations were instituted to: U.S. Originally the 1) provide for "orderly marketing'' of 2) assure an adequate supply of milk throughout the year; milk; 3) raise dairy farmers' incomes. regulatory A further criterion and stated that any decisions must be in the public interest [American Agri- cultural Economics Association Task Force]. In attempting to fulfill these goals, tions, fied in the form of federal and state marketing orders and classi- pricing schemes, farmers the dairy industry regula- have increased the price of milk above that which would prevail in a competitive received by marketplace. Farmers have responded to this higher price with increased milk output from larger dairy herds, duction efficiency. high and improved pro- Consumers have also responded to the artificially prices for fluid milk products through decreased consumption these products. vergence to buy. of more intensive input use, surpluses have resulted from this di- between what dairy producers supply and what consumers want The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) of the U.S. Department Agricultur~ prices Consequently, of (USDA) purchases surplus milk products at announced and indirectly supports the prices of raw Grade B and surplus Grade A milk. The sulting economic costs of the dairy industry regulations and the resurplus of dairy commodities are substantial. These costs, 3 including direct government expenses as well as lost economic pluses caused by higher consumer prices and lower consumer have purchases, been estimated to be between $430 and $590 million per year 1980 dollars) costs is, [LaFrance and de GorterJ. to a great extent, dependent on the level of milk supplied In order fully understand the costs and economic impacts of the U.S. support programs, (in The level of these economic by farmers and the resulting commodity surpluses generated. to sur- one must investigate the supply response of dairy dairy farmers to the production incentives created by the regulatory programs. The be productive capacity increased placing can by culling low producing animals from the herd and re- animal's milk characteristics can be obtained through dairy testing pro- them with better cows. producing grams of milk production in a given herd Information about an such as those offered by the Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA). By participating in such a testing program, a farmer learns which animals are genetically poorer and should be culled. are then replaced with more productive animals genetically superior offspring. of the herd will be increased. ting program might which In this way, the total These cows should have productivity A farmer not participating in a not gain this additional information tes- about his A farmer's decision to participate in DHIA testing and herd im- herd. provement is similar to a decision to adopt a technological ment to a production process. improve- Dairy farmers were expected to respond 4 to the higher, nology of supported milk prices by adopting the available tech- herd improvement activities. dreases the ducts. An This response further in- milk pro- supply of milk and the consequent surplus of analysis of how and why farmers adopt improvemerit of the DHIA testing should provide insight technological into production incentives created by the dairy program regulations. Finally, long run in a competitive industry, economic theory asserts that profits equal zero. This occurs because firms can freely enter or exit the industry in response to short run profits or losses. When short run profits are available, industry short new firms attempt to enter the and existing firms attempt to expand to reap a share of the run excess revenue. When this occurs in an industry with a relatively fixed stock of production assets, such as dairy cattle, the firms bid with each other for the additional assets they desire. This bidding drives up the market prices and values of dairy cattle, capi- talizing the additional profits. In entry the production sector of the dairy industry, exist and the U.S. available expected rents few barriers to dairy regulations have appeared with the supported milk prices. to bid for available, share of the available profits. to create Thus farmers were replacement dairy cattle to gather a An investigation of the relationship between the level of profitability in the dairy industry and fluctua- tions in the market prices of replacement dairy cattle was expected to confirm this assertion and provide additional evidence of the competitive nature of dairy regulations. dairy production and the effectiveness of th~ U.S. 5 This paper will investigate responses to the dairy programs. are: (1) created What the relationship between the profit incentives improve the of dairy herds through participation in herd improvement testing activities? dissipated production The questions of particular interest by the dairy programs and farmers' decisions to productivity and is two aspects of farmers' and (2) Have those increased revenues been into the market prices of replacement dairy cattle due to the competitive nature of the dairy industry? Outline of the Thesis The ture next chapter of this thesis presents a review of the litera- concerning the nature of technological adoption and and various aspects of the U.S. The third chapter contains the theoretical development of the dynamic supply lines and dairy industry and its innovation, and demand models employed in this research project the investigations of the rate of adoption of DHIA fluctuation of the market prices of dairy cattle. regulation. and out- activities The fourth chapter discusses and summarizes the empirical results derived in the research. summarizes the estimated instruments used in the final portions of the research. The The first section of the fourth chapter second section discusses the findings of the investigation of participation in the Dairy Herd Improvement Association. The third section presents the results concerning the relationship between profitability and the prices of replacement dairy cattle in the long run. The final 6 chapter summarizes the main results and conclusions of the study discusses possible implications for further research. and 7 CHAPTER 2 ' REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE This chapter surveys previous research relating to the of technological improvements in an industry, of the dairy industry and regulatory programs. cited in this review is not complete. works adoption and to various aspects The list of references However, it does contain those considered by the author to be important to the development and motivation of this project. The literature review is divided into four sections. section presents arguments concerning the adoption of The first technological improvements or innovations to production processes and the incentives which motivate these adoptions. tain Further, functional forms appropriate for the modelling of logical adoption. sing various research second on such questions of interest emanating from the regulation whose findings the dairy of this section reviews early legislations are based. The portion of this section addresses studies which suggest possi- econometric models of the supply and demand sectors of dairy techno- The second section summarizes several works addres- the U.S. dairy industry. The first part of ble this section suggests cer- industry tions. the U.S. regula- The last portion of this. section reviews research of the capi- talization possible used to research questions arising from the of dairy program rents. The third section functional forms for milk production functions. discusses The final 8 section relates possible questions of interest not investigated in the prior literature. Studies of Technological Adoption Griliches investigated the adoption of hybrid corn over open- pollinated varieties by farmers. The research determined that the rate of adoption of hybrid corn followed an S-shaped curve. slow was in the very early years with only a few innovative farmers using the technology. Over time, many other producers observed the benefits of planting hybrids rather than the older varieties, adoption increased significantly. approached new Adoption Griliches fitted slowed of Finally, as the planting of hybrids an equilibrium level of use, technology and the rate once again. the rate of adoption of To approximate a transformation of the logistic data. The logistic function is specified (1) P=k/[1+e-(a+bt)J, this function the S-shape, to the where P ig the percentage of corn acres planted with hybrid varieties, k is a ceiling value, t is time, and a and bare parameters. The research found that the earliest origins, quickest acceptance rates, and highest ceilings occurred where the adopting the technology was the greatest. bility with variables. profitability Griliches measured profita- pre-hybrid yield per acre and average acres per farm Specifically, from as the use of hybrid corn started in Iowa and 9 Illinois and over time, spread to the entirety of the corn growing a 1980 follow-up to Griliches' 1957 article, reesti- region of the United States. Dixon, in mated the Griliches model with the additional data available and takes issue with some of the original findings. ling values were than 1.0, Dixon all priori and were, years between the two studies, replaced revised the the 9pen-pollinated seeds. ceiling values set at 1.0. In the hybrid varieties had comTo account for updated the parameter estimates using the same model of cei- in many instances, less where the ceiling is equal to the total population. intervening pletely specified~ In the original work this, but The great majority with of estimates of the slope or rate of acceptance parameters the were less than Griliches' original figures due to the higher ceiling values and the long tails exhibited by such diffusion curves. Dixon also found that a significant number of states exhibited rather than a symmetric growth curve. skewed used by ceiling Griliches value. function for The logistic is forced to be symmetric about one half To allow for asymmetry, the model estimation. Dixon specified a The Gompertz function is a function of the Gompertz speci- fied (2) t P=k(aP ), where P is the percentage of acres planted with hybrid varieties, k is the ceiling value, differential and t is again time, ~ate and a and p are parameters. of growth equations for the Gompertz are The 10 (3) dP/dt=Pln(~)(ln(P/k)), (4) dP/dta(l/P)=ln(~)[ln(P) where the logarithm of the exponentiated parameter - ln(k)J, ~ performs a simi- lar role to the b coefficient in Griliches' logistic specification that it determines the rate at which P approaches the ceiling Dixon found performed of the only four of 31 states for which the better than the Gompertz. Gompertz function logistic in value. function Given the additional flexibility function it may well be better than the logistic for the types of technological adoption and diffusion ques- tions of interest here. Dixon further investigated Griliches' claim that a large of the variability in the rate of acceptance across states plained by the profitability measures,· average acres per farm. portion is ex- pre-hybrid yield per acre, and Using his parameter estimates in a regression of acceptance rates on the profitability variables, Dixon was unable to refute Griliches' original findings. A third discussion undertaken by Mansfield. factors determining was In his paper Mansfield investigated certain how rapidly the use of a new from one firm to another. ing of technological adoption and diffusion technique spreads Specifically, he presented a model explain- differences in the rate of imitation among innovations and firms. He estimated the model with data on three innovations in each of different industries, railroads. bituminous coal, iron and steel, four brewing, and 11 Mansfield's hypothesis asserted that the proportion of firms adopting an innovation in a given period of time is a function of: 1) the by proportion of firms which had already adopted the that period; the 2) the prof~tability innovation 3) the size of of the innovation; investment necessary to implement the improvement; unspecified keenly variables competitive industry, such markets, as risk aversion in an financial health and other industry, more stability and industry attitudes toward innovation. Griliches, and 4) of an Mans fie 1d , 1 i ke used a logistic function to estimate the parameters of the 5-shaped adoption path. Mansfield tance further hypothesized that the slope or rate of accep~ parameter is linearly related to the profitability of the inno- vation and tested, the size of the investment required to adopt it. both the profitability and investment parameters were of When the appropriate sign and significantly different from zero. Another appropriate functional specification, though not directly fitted to Taylor. tion a question of technological Taylor adoption, is presented by used a transformation of the hyperbolic tangent func- to approximate any 5-shaped curve. The hyperbolic tangent is specified where formed -oo<x<oo and the function has range (-1.0, the function +1 .0). such that it was bounded by retained the 5-shaped characteristic. 0.0 Taylor transand His transformation is 1.0 but 12 (6) = .5 F(x) + .5[(ex- e-x)/(ex +e-x)], Given this specification, the hyperbolic tangent reduces to the logistic function, particularly This research project employed the logistic specification for the estimation of the DHIA adoption path. The specified model was where the polynomial P(x) is free to achieve the best fit to the data. It was expected a priori that the polynomial would include terms with even powers. This allowed the estimated curve to exhibit some asymme- try. Studies of the U.S. Dairy Regulations Numerous studies have been done on the various aspects dairy industry and its regulatory program. works in or ~lternative altering the current regulatory structure. World War II research are nonpolicy studies, estimating In this placed on policy decisions The rest of the post- primarily concerned with supply and demand response relationships [Dahlgran study, the Approximately half of the the literature are policy studies with emphasis examining the effects on dairy markets of of 1981]. those works which derived econometric models of the U.S. dairy industry and investigate aspects of the questions of interest here are emphasized. 13 Basis for the U.S. Dairy The study which formed the basis for the original dairy legislation search the and Regul~tions in 1937 was conducted by Gaumnitz and Reed. autho~s support In the analyzed milk cooperative market power before re1937 developed a model to show how a monopolistic price discrimination system such as the consequent classified pricing of milk could lize and enhance producer incomes given a fixed level of stabi- the farm supply of milk. The demand for milk basically has two forms, for fresh fluid milk products, and or far manufactured milk products such as nonfat dry milk. costly to transport. Fluid milk butter, is highly perishable, cheese, bulky, Consequently the demand for milk used in and fresh products is considerably less elastic than that far manufactured dairy products which are easier to stare and less costly to basic transport. The element in Gaumnitz and Reed's model is that the price could be raised for fluid uses of milk where the marginal revenue is relatively low and demand is relatively inelastic. The remainder of the milk supplied is diverted into manufacturing uses where marginal revenue ishigher. This principle underlies the milk marketing orders as legis- lated in the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1937. The current classi- fied pricing mechanism is presented in Figure 1. In price the PI and PII are the observed Class I and the announced Class II support intersection private illustration, price, respectively. of the Class I and Class II prices with demand schedules imply a 1 and a 11 , the milk The respective the quantities of Class I and Class II milk consumed by the private sector. The average revenue 14 Figure 1. Classified Pricing Mechanism for Milk p AR ~I G a D1 =private demand for Class I milk D1 + DII = horizontal summation of Class I and Class II milk demands a 1 + DII =quantity of Class I milk consumed + Class II demand a 11 =quantity of Class II milk consumed as =quantity of milk supplied G = fluid milk equivalent of government purchases of surplus milk products S =total supply of milk PI =Class I milk price PII =announced support price for Class II milk Pm =average price received by farmers for all milk AR = average farm revenue 15 curve (AR) consists of the set of averages of the Class I and Class II milk prices, consumption. average weighted The revenue by the amount of milk used in each class intersection of the total milk supply (S) and schedule determines the average price received of the by farmers for all milk (Pm) and the total amount of milk delivered (Qs). Government purchases (G) is the difference between the total delivery of milk and total private consumption ca 1 + a 11 >. Econometric Models of the Dairy Industry LaFrance and de Gorter provide an example of using a simulation approach. policy research The dairy industry model derived in this study forms the foundations for the research i~ this thesis and there- fore will be reviewed in detail. The supply authors econometrically derive a model involving and demand sides of the U.S. .' both the dairy industry and estimate the annual costs of the dairy program regulations. The specified model was a recursive system of equations with elements for Class I (fluid consumption) and Class II (manufacturing consumption) milk prices private demands; net commercial removals of milk and dairy products; the average price received by farmers for all milk of milk per cow; and the aggregate U.S. delivered; output dairy herd; and the total supply of milk. Prices and quantities for the Class I and Class II milk were simulated under unregulated, 1980. The authors markets competitive conditions from 1965 to then compared the simulation results with the his- torical price and quantity data. Using this comparison, the authors 16 calculated the costs of the program in terms of higher milk prices paid by consumers and lost economic surplus due to reduced consumption of milk in response to the artificially high costs of lated net prices. Annual the dairy program were determined as the sum of the calcu- economic government These losses and the actual net necessary outlays fluid expenditures to administer and operate include the expenditures by the CCC to dairy of the program. purchase surplus dairy products, less the value of domestic CCC donations, plus storage and administration costs. LaFrance and de Gorter estimated total costs of the U.S. dairy regulations to be between $430 and $590 million per year from 1965 to 1980 to (in varying lower 1980 dollars). choices in the estimate measur~ments of the surplus results from an ex ante measurement of producer surplus, operating The range in the cost estimates is due that is, figures. consumer assuming that the dairy program had The and been and had already affected the supply and demand schedules in previous years. The higher calculation results from an ex post meas- urement which assumes that competition had prevailed in the years. The program of authors preceding also calculated a long run cost figure for $560 million. They determined this to be a the reasonable middle ground between the other two estimates. The model used by LaFrance and de Gorter, sults, dairy appear to be fairly robust for several reasons. First, program cost estimates calculated by the authors compare favorably 1980, and its consequent re- with other studies [Buxton, Buxton and Hammond, the quite Dahlgran Heien, and Ippolito and Masson]. Further, the simulation of the 17 competitive equilibrium situation appeared to result in a stable under The authors tested this by simulating the model equilibrium. the assumption that the dairy program had been terminated Each of these simulations resulted in year from 1953 to 1965. or dynamically each equal very nearly equal competitive price and quantity figures for year from 1965 to 1980, each revealing the long-run stability of the U.S. dairy market. Hein specified and estimated an econometric model of the U.S. dairY industry to measure the effects of the Federal dairy support and classified pricing regulations on consumer prices of dairy over the period 1949-1974. cost He used the resulting price products chang~s as a of living index to estimate the social costs and 6onsumer losses Hein's model of the dairy industry is divided due to these programs. into three main sectors. The where fed, first sector is a farm level supply dairy herd inventory figures, and time, sured and to account for gradual is a dynamic system where changes in the dairy herd figures opportunity by the market price of slaughter not, however, long term profitability are past inventory figures, and cost of keeping dairy animals in production as does hay The dairy herd response relation- influenced by the price of milk received, the relationship total milk supplied ·is a function of the inputs grain technical change and improvements. ship response animals. This relationship explicitly account for the present value of streams such as future milk income derived from the offspring of an animal. mea- production any or 18 The second sector of the model is composed of retail demand tions for the six major dairy frozen dairy products, mi 1k. fluid milk, product~: nonfat dry milk, butter, equa~ cheese, and evaporated and condensed In the model, the quantity demanded of each product is a func- tion of its own price, prices of substitutes, the overall price level, ' and lagged dependent variables to account for persistence effects such as habit formation. Last, the retail prices of these six products are specified functions of the price paid for milk, sing and distribution activities. the model dairy and the wage rates for proces- The supply and demand sectors are linked by the identity where the quantity of milk products supplied must equal private consumption as of and plus U.S. government and military purchases, changes in private stocks held, and net exports. Hein calculated the total social cost of the dairy support regu- lations over the period 1949-1974 to be $15.011 billion, or an average of $577.0 million per year. three components. expenditures such The first is $7.048 billion in direct losses due ducts. marketing The second element of the social cost orders, and cost determined by the model to be the consumer welfare to elevated prices and reduced consumption of dairy The of government as CCC purchases of surplus dairy commodities program administration costs. is $3.405 billionJ This total cost estimate is made up of the classified pricing system and the last component of the total social calculated to be an additional $4.558 billion. the pro- Federal cost, was 19 Salathe, Price, and Gadson present the structure, parameter estimates, and validation staiistics for the dairy sector submodel tained in the USDA Food and Agricultural Policy Simulator. con- The model the authors developed was used to examine and simulate the adjustments in the supply and demand schedules of the U.S. ting from dairy industry resul- a reduction of the dairy support level from 75X to 65X of parity in 1981. The to dairy sector submodel is a simultaneous system of endogeneously estimate dairy herd inventory production; supply, farm level milk prices; price, figures; equations total fluid milk consumption; and consumptfon of butter, cheese, milk and the nonfat dry milk, evaporated and condensed milk, and frozen dairy products. The authors estimated the levels of government purchases of surplus dairy products necessary to support milk prices at their predetermined levels. the parameter estimates generated by the model Salathe, Using Price, and Gadson predict the impacts of reducing the dairy support level. The simulated resulted in reduction in the price supports to 65X of predicted decreases in the farm level price of $.11/cwt in 1981, $.83/cwt in 1982, $1.26/cwt in 1983. parity milk By 1985, the aggregate dairy herd was expected to decrease by .22 million head the total necessary mill ion 1983. output of milk to fall by 3.0 USDA and billion pounds. and Finally, purchases of surplus commodities would fall farmer cash receipts would decrease by $1.8 of by $820 billion· in 20 Investigation of Capitalization of Dairy Program Rents Masson lations and Eisenstat investigated the effects of the dairy regu- in terms of the three goals for which the classified system was enacted. mers' incomes; Again, pricing these goals are: 1) to raise dairy far- 2) to assure an adequate supply of milk throughout the year; and 3) to provide for an orderly market. The authors used the Gaumnitz and Reed model of price discrimination to investigate how well the regulations have achieved the enunciated in the initial legislation. goals Further, the authors assumed a static equilibrium in the total dairy market and explore the questions of interest under two supply scenerios, a perfectly inelastic supply schedule and a positively sloped supply curve. The that the necessary results of the research, under either scenerio, dairy regulations set farm level prices to meet the first two goals. higher suggested than Masson and Eisenstat that found that a substantial amount of the increased producer incomes are dissipated through land markets into higher landowner determined rents. They also that the support programs are set up so larger farmers and landowners receive a greater benefit than smaller producers. the authors cite large surpluses of manufactu~ed Further, dairy products as an indication that farm level prices of milk are higher than necessary to achieve the adequate supply stipulation. Finally, disorderly marketing in the 1930's meant lockouts, dis- ruptive violence, and milk withholding actions. of today this goal is somewhat obsolete, For the dairy markets Therefore, the authors 21 concluded that the classified pricing system eliminated without violating the go~ls could be completely of the dairy program. Suggested Forms of the Milk Production Function Numerous researchers . have . investigated the production for milk to estimate a supply response. employed linear a of the studies quadratic specification of the production and reviewed function quadratic terms in the inputs grain and hay plus other factors. with various The general· specification used is Y is the output of milk, wh~re Al~ function g is the input grain fed, h is the input hay fed, and · · · are the other factors varying among researchers [see, e.g. Jacobson, Paris, Heady, Jacobson, and Freeman; Schnittker, and Bloom; Hoover, Heady, Madden, Kelly, Ward, Feyerman, and Chaddha; Malossni, Pilla, and Romita; and LaFrance and de Gorter]. research here, The follows the pertinent literature and employs a quadra- tic form of the production function to model the output of milk. Questions of Interest Arising in the Literature Several on the points of interest were evident in the prior technological adoption and innovation and the various dairy program to motivate this research the adoption of a technological improvement, testing, should follow some 5-shaped path. tion of project. literature aspects of Particularly, such as herd improvement Further, the rate of adop- a new technology was expected to depend on several factors 22 such as expected profitability from the improvement, investment required to install it, the size of the the number of firms already using the innovation, and various, other unspecified factors. The literature concerning the effects of the dairy support regu- lations and the classified pricing system analyzes an extensive of questions, of the dairy supply and demand and deriving estimates of the though primarily addressing the response relationships iocial costs and benefits incurred due to the legislation. however, tigated range various There are other questions of particular interest which were not invesor were explored only briefly in the course of, or as an extension of the primary research. The first of these questions involves determining the factors influencing the rate of adoption of a technological improvement in the U.S. dairy industry. herd quality testing. played In this case, the technological improvement was Both Hein and Salathe, Price, and Gadson em- a time trend as an explanatory variable to account for quality animals and improved management practices. tempted to explain a portion of the variations in the level output due to technological improvements. higher This merely of atmilk No literature reviewed ex- plicitly researched the factors affecting farmers decisions to .improve the productive capacity of their herds. Such an investigation necessary to determine the rates of adoption of such improvements to is and better understand the forces and incentives inducing dairy farmers to undertake such investments. 23 Another question determining the which has yet to be fully forms of dissipation of the short run created by the Federal dairy regulations. eluded that in~olves analyzed profitability Masson and Eisenstat attempts to achieve the goal of raising dairy con- farmers' incomes increased the price of land used in dairy production. In other words, the rents from the dairy regulation were capitalized into land values. Thus landowners, not necessarily dairy farmers themselves, were the final recipients of the benefits of the dairy program. the research failed to refute this claim, specialized itself. assets Land in the production of milk, that of even more namely the dairy always has a number of good alternative uses tilling for crop production, dairy cow, there are other, however, While such cow as or pasturing other types of livestock. A has few good alternative uses. Thus one expects any short run rents or profits to be capitalized into the prices replacement Investigation dairy cows even more quickly than into of a relationship between program land created values. rents and fluctuations in replacement cow prices is absent from the literature. This dairy research project builds an econometric model of industry following LaFrance and de Gorter and investigates incentives created by the Federal milk marketing orders. dairy price support program U.S. the and The research will address and empirically test two basic questions of interest. respond the These are: (1) How do dairy farmers to incentives created by the dairy support program by attemp- ting to improve their herds with quality testing? and (2) How does the dairy program impact the driving forces behind fluctuations price of a specialized asset, in this case, a dairy cow? in The the next 24 chapter employed outlines the theoretical development of the empirical in this research and describes the nature and of the data used to estimate the economic relationships. models construction 25 CHAPTER 3 THE CONCEPTUAL MODEL AND DATA SOURCES Dynamic Model of the U.S. Dairy Industry The model that is employed in this research project has a recur- sive structure. production The foundation for the model is a milk output per cow function. This yield per cow equation is specified as a quadratic function where milk output is determined by the inputs grain and concentrated feed per cow (g), and participation measured three reflect by in herd improvement activities the proportion of total cows on years previously. the hay and roughage fed per cow Yt period for a tested animal to produce a = a0 + (DHIA). DHIA is testing programs The DHIA regressor is lagged three years to heifer maturing into milk production. C10) DHIA (h), calf and that Specifically the equation is ~ 1 DHIAt_ 3 + ~ 2 gt + p3 ht + 1/2cr 1 DHIAt_ 32 + 2r 2 DHIAt_ 3egt + 2t 3DHIAt_ 3oht + t 4gt + 2t 5 gt•ht + r 6 ht), and r 1 are parameters. This specification results in where the a 1 , ~i• closed expressions form for the factor demand functions research suggests that it tends to fit the data well. to be strictly concave in g and h, and prior It was assumed having the desirable properties of 26 a well-behaved production function ductivities of the inputs, such as diminishing marginal pro- which results in finite solutions for the choice variables. However, monitored since the amount of hay and roughage fed per cow is not in usual dairy feeding practices and is not a directly servable variable, derive well one must use this quadratic production function to a reduced form supply equation where output is a input prices rather than input levels. as labor function, search sumed ob- function of The inputs grain and hay, as which does not explicitly appear in the are employed in some complementary fashion. production In prior re- complete nonsubstitutability between all three inputs was as- [LaFrance and de Gorter]. relaxed In this study, that constraint was so that the nonsubstitutability between grain and hay was not initially imposed. However, with grain and hay, as well as the fourth factor, DHIA participation, in fixed proportions labor will still be assumed to from a translated origin. The combine relationship between labor and the other factors is specified as where all of the inputs are measured in units per cow. This relation- ship is illustrated in Figure 2 where labor and a bundle of the inputs grain, hay, and DHIA participation are necessarily combined in fixed proportions along the production function for milk. This that for each level of the inputs grain, some fixed, other states hay, and DHIA, there will be positive level of labor necessary to be combined with the other inputs for the production of milk. 27 Figure 2. Fixed Proportion Relationship between Milk Production Inputs A f(g,h,DHIA) ~ = labor per cow f(g, h, DHIA) = assumed bundle of other milk production factors A = set of least cost labor/other factor combinations 28 An individual dairy farmer is assumed to maximize profits. ·Par- ticularly, the farmer maximizes the objective function subject to the constraints imposed by the production function (10) and the complementarity of the inputs (11). of milk, feed, Pm is the average farm price Pg is the price per hundredweight of grain and concentrated Ph is the price per ton of hay and roughage, and P£ is the average farm wage. Maximization minimization between the profit per cow of cost and factor usage. labor anq the other Substituting bine of inp~ts in the complementary equation implies (12), a This forces the relationship (11) to assume a strict a~ounts of l~bor equality. necessary to with each of the other factors in the profit function com- (12) im- p 1 i es (13) rrt = Pm•Yt- (Pg + a 1 ,£P£)gt- (Ph+ a 2 ,£P£)ht- (ao,£ + a 3 ,£DHIAt_ 3 )P£. Maximization conditions of (13) and simultaneously solving the first for the inputs grain and hay results in the factor equations for those inputs (14) g* = e1[((Pg + a 2 ,£P£)/Pm) (15) = + ~3 a 1 ,£P£)/Pm) - ~2 - r 2DHIAt_ 3 J - r 3DHIAt_ 3 J, - ~2 + order demand 29 where = r 6 t<r 4 r 6 - r 25 ), 2 e2 = -r5t<o4r6- r5), 2 e3 = o4t<r4o6- r5), e1 and the optimal level of use for each factor is a of the inputs and the level of function DHIA of the deflated prices participation. Assuming that these equations have been derived from the profit maxi- mization hypothesis qnd that the structural production function, f(gt, ht, = bHIAt_ 3 ) is strictly concave, certain properties of factor demand equations are implied. are y homogeneous These are: (1) equations (14) and (15) of degree zero in prices; (2) they are negatively sloped, that is, the first derivative of each demand equation with respect to own price is less than zero. less than zero and the o4 o6 - og This occurs if o4 and r 6 > 0; and (3) cross price symmetry exists, partial derivative of a given factor demand equation with respect to the price of the other factor equals the partial derivative of other are the factor demand equations with respect to the given factor price, particularly, ag*taPh Substitution = ah*taPg = e2 = -r 5 tcr 4 r 6 - o~). of the optimal input levels (14) and (15) into the initial production function (10) results in a reduced form output per cow equation, which is a product supply function in classical economic production theory, output price, where milk produced per cow is a function of the factor prices, tion is specified and DHIA participation. the This func- 30 ( 16) Yi = ¢o 2 + .PtDHIAt-3 + ¢ 2 DHIAt_ 3 + e1 E(Pg + a 1 ,£P£)/PmJ 2 + e2 a 1 ,£P£)/PmJE(Ph + a 2 ,fPQ)/PmJ + e 3 E(Ph + a 2 ,£P£)/PmJ 2 , [ ( pg + .Po = ao - ¢1 = {31 ¢2 - where ( {3~ a- 6 2 2 - o5)J, - 2 f32f33r5 + f33o4)1E2(o416 2 - Ef32 12r6 - ({32°3 + f33 1 2l 1 5 + f33r3o4J/Cr4r6 - 05), 2 2 - a-5)]. a-1 - ( 0~06 - 2r 2 r 3r 5 + 1314)/[2(1416 From (11), the relationship between the inputs, a 1 ,R and a 2 ,R are constrained to be non-negative. The assumption of the strict concavity of the production function (10) imposes constraints on el, e2, and e3. Specifically, e 1 < 0, e3 < O, and e1 e3 > e~. The parameters for the flnal reduced form yield equation are redefined to assure satisfaction of a weak inequality form of these restrictions. The coefficients are redefined as (17a) e1 -- - rp2 1 ,y ' ( 1 7b) 282 = rp2 'y' ( 1 7c) e3 = -(rp22,y + rp 3,yl 1 ~ l,y• (17d) 2 al,£ = rp 4,y' (17e) 2 a2,£ = rp 5,y· 2 Substitution of 2 these new coefficients into the reduced form yield per cow equation (16) results in the final estimable form of the yield equation. This reduced form yield equation, which is nonlinear in the parameters, is 31 ( 18) In this specification, optimal output of milk per cow is a function of an intercept, a linear and quadratic term in the DHIA participation variable, and quadratic terms in the real input price variables. The real input price variables reflect the perfect ity between labor and the linear function of grain, participation. For example, complementarhay, and DHIA the input price for grain includes the price per unit of grain and concentrated feed used plus the wage times a factor for the amount of labor necessary to feed the grain. The input price for hay and roughage is defined in a similar manner. Again, assuming the through profit maximization, plied. The function upward sloping, supply per cow function has been derived the usual, desirable properties were im- is homogeneous of degree zero in prices, that is the first derivative of the supply and function with respect to product price is greater than zero. The yield per cow equation was used in the determination profitability measure, defined as returns over variable cost. of a This measure is (19) where profit, the optimal n* ' in this case, is determined by the interaction of levels of the output milk and the various inputs. 32 The avergae price where of all milk is defined by Pm is the average price per farmers; PI hundredwei~ht of milk milk, by and P 11 are the average farm prices per hundredweight of (fluid consumption) and Class II (manufacturing Class received respectively; o1 and o11 consumption) are the private consumption levels for Class l-and Class II milk, defined as the total U.S. population multiplied by the per capita demands for Class I and Class II milk, q 1 I; qi and NCR is net commercial removals; and NGR is the fluid milk equiv- alent of net government purchases of manufactured milk products. However supply of calculation (20), (QI the average price received for all milk and milk are determined jointly due to of the price of milk. + the Specifically, the weighted total average the denominator of a 11 *NCR+ NGR) equals the total quantity of milk sup- plied and (Orr+ NCR+ NGR) equals the total supply of milk less Class I private consumption. Consequently, endogeneous variables on the right hand sides of the equations are correlated with the error terms. To break this simultaniety and derive consistent parameter the model estimates, equations were estimated with instrumental variables in a two stage least squares procedure. In the endogeneous are two stage procedure, the various components entering the equations of the recursive estimated and calculated as functions of exogeneous or mined variables. on predicted values for model predeter- Observed values of these elements are then regressed their predicted counterparts. Predicted values of the variables 33 from this second estimation then form the two stage squares These instruments are then used as predetermined varia- instruments. bles in subsequent recursive equations. the least endogeneous This technique corrects right hand side variables, resulting in for consistent parameter estimates. The actual lated to the prices of Class I and Class II milk are closely ~upport price exogeneously determined in the milk re- marke- t1ng orders due to the purchase, storage, and disposition of manufac- tured milk products by the CCC. P 11 , the Class II price is defined as the Class II support price plus some random variation, where Psup is the Class II support price as announced in the milk marketing orders and Ell is unobservable error. expects a 0 , 11 to equal zero and ~l,II support price, market conditions, Psup' A priori, one to equal unity. The actual price received by farmers for manufacturing grade milk, the Federal P 11 , need not equal in every period and in fact has not due to measurement errors in reporting the actual price received, and aggregation, etc. The Class I price of milk is defined as the Class II support price plus a differential and an error term Here, one specified expects in a 0 , 1 to equal the average the milk marketing orders and Class ~l,I differential should equal unity. 34 The Class Federal I differential is a markup above the Class II price Milk processing plant [USDA,AMSJ. served Marketing and Order depending on the location its distance to a In the estimation of (22), major of in a consuming milk center P 1 was constructed from variables because it is not reported by the USDA. a ob- By solving (20} for the Class I price, one determines where the Class I price is a functt·on of variables with available data. The per capita demand equations for Class I and Class II consump- tion are <24 ) = qi ~o,I + ~t,r<Pr 1 Pnt> + ~2,r<Prr 1 Pnf) + ~3,r<Pb 1 Pnt> + r4,r(AGE) + rs,I(TJ + r6,I(INC/Pnf) + ~7,I(qr,t-l> + E24' (25) q1I = rO,II + ~2,I(PI/Pnf) + ~2,II(PII/Pnfl + ~3,Il(Pfo/Pnf) + ~4,II(AGE) + ~5,II(T) + r6,II(INC/Pnf) + r7,II(qii,t-1) + E251 where P 1 /Pnf' flated by PI 1/Pnf are the Class I and Class II milk prices de- the Consumer Price Index for nonfood items to reflect own and cross price effects in the demands; Consumer and Pb/Pnf• Price Indices of other beverage prices, oils excluding butter, respe~tively, and Pf 0 /Pnf are the and prices of fats again deflated by the non- food price index to reflect substitution effects; AGE is the average age of the U.S. population to reflect changes in preferences as people age; ql,t-l and qii,t-l are lagged dependent variables to account for 35 persistence effects such as habits; and T is a time trend to reflect the over time growth in the consumption of dairy products. The var- ious prices in the demands for milk are deflated by the non-food price index so the deflator is not affected by the price net commercial removals in (20), variable being deflated; NCR, commercial the inventories and net commercial exports, Government purchases, ports. price government represents increases stocks, exports less im- NGR is the control instrument by which of Class II milk is supported and owned in represents foreign and domestic changes donations, in and net government export sales. Commercial removals were specified = (26) where NGRt, government purchases, accounts for the replacement of private inventories with government stocks and NCRt-l is a lagged depen- dent variable to account for the effects of last current period's decisions. of year's stocks on Equation (26) was specified without price milk regressors because the price effects on net commercial remo- vals have been shown to be nonsignificant due to the effects of import and export restrictions on dairy products [LaFrance and de Gorter]. NGR, Class been ducts the net government purchases, are the residual amount after I and Class II consumption, and net commercial deducted from the total milk supplied. removals have The amount of dairy pro- purchased by the government each year is jointly determined the interaction of supply and demand forces within the dairy by industry 36 and a predicted instrument for it must be constructed. Net government removals were specified = (27) where + Psup is the Class II support price; + Pfo is the Consumer Price Index for fats and oils excluding butter to reflect the costs of close substitutes for manufactured milk products; disposable milk income to reflect any income effects in the and milk products; items; INC is average per capita demands Pnf is the Consumer Price Index for for nonfood Tis a linear trend; and NGRt-l is the level of net government removals in the previous period. When (21)-(27) had been estimated, mates w~re the resulting parameter esti- used to derive predicted values for P 1 , and NCR. was constructed P11 , a 1 , a 11 , A predicted instrument for the average farm price of as a form of (20) using the predicted values. NGR, milk This instrument is (28) ~m = [p 1a1 - - - + P 11 <a 11 +NCR+ NGR)J/(QI + -a11 - - +NCR+ NGR). Theoretical Discussion of the Adoption of DHIA TestinQ Prior literature suggests that the rate of adoption of some technological improvement, such as herd improvement testing activities will be dependent on expected profitability from the improvement, size of the required investment, In the dairy industry, and past levels of use of the innovation. expected profitability is largely dependent on 37 the supported prices for milk and the input expenses, the profitability measure (19). in as evident in Since the investment to participate DHIA testing is basically a nominal fee per cow, inflation is nearly constant, which when counted for the hypothesis portion of the research is that the rate of adoption of DHIA for disthis testing is directly related to the level of profitability created by the dairy support program. This hypothesis was investigated by estimating a rate of adoption function for DHIA participation. The rate of adoption was initially specified (29) where DHIA~ = ko[exp(a e~p(a + the dependent level of + *2 ~2nt ~articipation estimation as a linear trend; study, equilibrium (29) and and k, activities time, is measure entering an interaction term between return which is the ceiling value. the ceiling was defined to be 1.0, level of use equals the available where For the· long-run population, Equation particularly the estimated coefficients on the return variable cost regressors, were the in herd improvement linear and quadratic terms in T, over variable CQst and time; this * + ~3T + ~4T2 + ~5ntoT)J, on linear and quadratic terms in the profitability calculated in (19); the * ~lnt + ~ 1 n~ + ~ 2 n~ 2 + ~ 3 T + ~ 4 T 2 + ~ 5 n~eT)J/[1 + over used to test the hypothesis concerning relationship between the rate of DHIA adoption and expected pro- fitability in the dairy industry. Specifically, the null hypothesis is that profitability in the dai~y industry has no effect on the rate of 38 adoption of DHIA testing, w~ile the alternative hypothesis asserts that the level of expected profits do affect the adoption of herd provement testing. im- This hypothesis was tested by regressing the par- ticipation in DHIA as a function of profits. Hypothesized Relationship Between Profit and Milk Cow Prices The final thrust of this project was to investigate the impact of the u.s. program the U.S. dairy regulations on the value of a dairy cow. dairy The appears to enhance production incentives and profitability in dairy industry in the short run. However over time, due to the competitive nature of the production sector in the industry, cer- tain term forces in the market will tend to dissipate these rents and in the long run, economic profits will be zero. ly, there are the milk two forces at work here. supply curve from short Particular- First, a rightward shift in s 0 to s 1 will reduce the blend milk received by farmers from Pm,O to Pm,l' price as seen in Figure 3. of The reduction in output price will reduce somewhat the short term profits. However, this alone will not drive economic profits to zero. The second force tending to dissipate profits is the tion capitaliza- of those profits into the market price of a dairy cow. As new firms strive to enter the dairy industry, or as existing firms attempt to expand their operations, inventory increase the market prices of the relatively fixed of producing dairy cattle will be bid up. in The consequent prices of replacement animals will tend to increase average total cost of producing milk. For long run profits to the equal zero, the competitive equilibrium condition where the marginal cost of 39 Figure 3. Price Effects of an Increased Supply of Milk Os,o s0 = initial supply of milk s 1 = increased supply of milk Os,1 Pm,O =initial average price for all milk delivered Pm,l = average price for milk after supply increase G0 = initial fluid milk equivalent government purchases of surplus mi 1k products G1 = government purchases after supply increase as,O = initial quantity of milk supplied 0 5 , 1 = increased quantity of milk supplied 40 milk production .~verage equals the minimum average total cost equals the price received from producing milk must exist. In this study, long run total profit is specified (30) TI = n*ec* + P~ull COW?eCS- P~ceCP- c(C*), where TI is long-run total profit; over n*ec* is long-run, per cow, return variable cost multiplied by the long-run inventory of producing cows; Pcull * cows•CS is the long-run price of utility cull cows multi- plied by the number of culls sold to reflect the salvage cattle at the end of their productive life; market price of pruchased; animals in a producing herd. inventory P~c•CP is the . long milk cows multiplied by the number animals value of and c(C*) is the opportunity cost of of run replacement keeping c* Differentiating (30) with the long run of producing cows and setting equal to zero determines the long-run competitive equilibrium condition n* + P~ull cows= P~c + c'(C*). ( 3 l) Empirically, the opportunity cost in (31), and was eliminated·from the equation. equilfbrium as condition, c'(C*), was unobservable Consequently, in the long-run the long-run price of milk cows was specified a function of the return over variable cost and the price of cull cows (32) where COWS' a*, ~*, and r* are long run parameters. For the long run 41 equilibrium to hold the price of milk cows must be a linearly homogeneous function of the return over variable cost and price The long run intercept a* regressors. cant of cull cows was expected to be nonsignifi- in a statistical test of the relationship in (32). run If the constant term was significant the competitive equilibrium tion would not exist and long run profitability would not long condi- be dissi- the years pated away. Data Sources The period 1950-1985 gathered of data observation for this project is inclusive. The data to be used in the estimation has from a number of sources. trated feed per cow, The amount of grain and the number of cows on DHIA test, of Class I and Class II milk consumption, the amount the been concen- quantitie~ the average farm wage, of labor used for dairy operations are found in the and USDA publication Agricultural Statistics. Data for the total milk produc- tion, milk per cow, average farm for all milk, average price for grain and feed concentrates, p~ice and replacement cow prices are found in Agricultural Statistics, and the Economic Research Service/USDA publication Dairy Situation and Outlook. on farms in Statistics, January and annual average are the Dairy Situation and Outlook, bulletins 'Dairy Statistics 1949-1960, The average Agricultural ASCS' The number of producing milk cows support in Agricultural and the ERS statistical and Dairy Statistics 1960-1967. and farm price for Class II milk are Statistics, Commodity found tMe Dairy Situation and Fact Sheet: Dairy Program, Outlook, found and while the Class I in the farm 42 level price is a constructed data series as previously mentioned. average price per ton of hay and roughage; The the price per bushel of #2 yellow corn at Omaha, Nebraska; the price per short ton of 44% protein soybean meal at Decatur, price of utility tural Prices, Illinois; and the ASCS' Feed Situation and Outlook. Economic The consumer non-food items, non-alcoholic beverages, fats and oils appear in Food Consumption, tures, hundredweight cull cows are found in the USDA publication Agricul- price indices for all items, and and the Omaha per Prices, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics' CPI Detailed Report, Report of the President. Finally, and The index of all prices paid farmers is found in Ag,ricultural Statistics, of the President. Expendi- data on the 1,.1.5. the by and the Economic .ReRort population, incomes appear in the Economic Report of the President. age, and 43 CHAPTER 4 EMPIRICAL RESULTS The previous chapter developed the theoretical basis for this study. This chapter summarizes the empirical results. The estimation of model is completed using the statistical the packages analysis Dynreg EBurt, Townsend, and LaFrance], and Shazam [WhiteJ. This chapter is divided into three sections. The first section and constructing discusses summarizes the results derived in various two-stage least squares instruments used in the tigations of the study. the final inves- The second section contains the results from investigation of the hypothesis concerning the adoption of Herd Improvement final Association quality testing of dairy section summarizes the investigation of the bility in the Dairy cattle. long-run the dairy industry and its impact on the market The profitaprice of dairy cattle. Instrumental Variable Construction As stated in the previous chapter, many of the prices and quantity This figures results within the U.S. dairy industry are of constructed jointly. in correlation between the dependent variables and error terms of the estimated equations. taniety determined the variables, the In order to break the simul- predicted values of these as instruments for a two-stage least variables squares are estimation 44 This section reviews and discusses each estimated instru- technique. ment, its relationship to the theoretical counterpart specified in Chapter 3, the alterations of the theoretical specifications that were mage during the estimation, and reasons why such changes were made. Class I and Class II milk price equations estimated to The con- struct predicted instruments are = (33) + Et,33 1 P11 =all+ Pt,II 0 73 + ~2,11°74 +~3,11°75 + ~4,11°76 + (34) ~5,11 Psup + Et,34• where P1 and P 11 ~re and Class II milk, the average prices per hundredweight of Class respectively; Psup is the Class II support price, as announced in the Federal milk marketing orders; and o76 , sample. strijcture and o73 , o74 , o75 , are binary indicator variables equal to one in each of respective years 1973, These of 1974~ the 1975, and 1976, and zero elsewhere in the indicator variables reflect possible changes th~ I in the dairy industry in these years due to factors such as the Nixon Administration wage and price freeze, the OPEC oil embargo, and the concurrent and subsequent economic disarray. Net specified governm~nt in removals in the current y•ar are the theoretical model. hypothesized to be Net government estimated as removals are 45 (35) = aNGR NGRt (INC/Pnfl + ~1,NGR(Psup 1 Pnf) + ~2;NGR(Pfo 1 Pnfl + ~3,NGR + P4,NGRT + P5,NGRNGRt-1 + Et,35' where Psup is the Class II support price of milk; Pfo is the Consumer Price INC is the per Index for fats and oils excluding butter; capita disposable income nonfood items; average Pnf is the Consumer Price Index T is a linear trend; and for NGRt-l is the level of net government removals in the previous period. Net net commercial removals, comme~cial except that played as exports, the increases in commercial stocks and are estimated as specified in Chapter the predicted net government removals instrument is a regressor, rather than its observed counterpart. 3, emThe estimable form of this equation is = (36) where and o66 _85 + + is a binary variable equal to one in the years zero in the earlier years of the sample; variable equal to one during the years 1973, elsewhere in the sample; o73 _ 75 is an 1966-1985 indicator 1974, and 1975, and zero NGRt is the predicted level of current net government purchases as derived in (35); and NCRt-l is a lagged dependent variable. The binary variables in (36) reflect possible structural in the dairy market. exports in changes The first accounts for changes in storage the later years of the sample period. The second and again represents possible changes in market structure caused by the wage and 46 price freeze of the Nixon Administration, the OPEC oil embargo, and consequent economic disarray. The Class instruments for the per capita consumption of Class II milk are estimated as a joint system of equations. pothesized milk in the previous chapter, an index index of ~f prices equation, of fats and oils excluding butter in the the average age of the U.S. per capita disposable income. income be estimation, Class I the equation statistically II II Class II population to and average The demand equations are further speci- homogeneous of degree zero by deflating regressors hy- other beverage prices in the Class I equation, the a linear trend, to As the Class reflect changes in consumption preferences as people age, fied and per capita Class I and Class demands are functions of the Class I milk price, price, I by the index of non-food prices. all In price the initial estimated coefficients for the age variable and the trend in the Class II equation and in the were not different from zero and were omitted from those respec- tive equations. The system of demand equations was estimated in four fashions to test the significance of two restrictions required to satisfy a set of sufficient one linear effects in conditions for the integrability of a system of more demand function. These conditions are (1) the demand functions; and (2) symmetry effects across the equations [LaFrance]. of than zero income cross price 47 The four versions of the demand system specified are: (1) non-zero income effects and unrestricted ~ (37a) ql,t = ai + cross price effects; ~ ~l,I(PI/Pnf) + ~2,I(PII 1 Pnf) + ~3,l(Pbev 1 Pnf) + P4,1T + P5,1<INC/Pnf) + Alql,t-1 + Et,37a' ~ (37b) qll,t =all+ Pt,II(PI/Pnf> + P2,11(PII 1Pnf> + P3,11 (Pfo 1Pnf) + ~4,IIAGE + P5,11(INC/Pnf> + AJiqii,t-1 + Et,37b 1 (2) zero income effects and unrestricted cross ~ price effects; ~ ~l,I(PI/Pnf> + P2,r<Px1 1Pnf> + ~3,I(Pbav1Pnf> + (3aar ql,t = al + (38b) qll,t =ali+ Pt,II(PI/Pnf) + P2,II(P11/Pnf) + P3,11 (Pfo 1Pnf) ~ ~ + ~4,IIAGE + Allqll,t-1 + Et,38b 1 (3) zero income effects and cross price effects restricted to be equal in the short run; ~ (39a) ql,t = al + ~1,1(P1/Pnf) + P2,I(P11 1Pnf> + ~3,I(Pbev 1 Pnf) + P4,1T + Alql,t-1 + Et,39a' ~ (39b) qll,t ~ =all + P2,1(P1/Pnf> + P2,11(PII/Pnf) + P3,II(Pfo/Pnf> (4) zero income effects and cross price effects restricted to be equal in the long run; 48 (40a) q1,t = ai ~ ~ + P1,1<Pr 1Pnfl + ( 1 · 0 -~rl~2,I(Pir 1 Pnf> + ~3,1 (Pbev/Pnf> + ~4,IT + ~Iql,t-1 + Et,40a' = (40b) The + various restrictions were tested using the estimated results of the four models with a likelihood-ratio test. for each The null hypothesis test is that the restricted model performs as well unrestricted specification. as the The formal statistical hypothesis is Ho: Rrestricted = Runrestricted Ha: Rrestricted < Runrestricted R is the value of the respective models' likelihood where functions. The tests and comparisons are summarized in Table 1. Neither the zero income effects and long run symmetry cross price effects restrictions significantly affect the of the system of milk demand equ~tions at the 1 percent of the performance level. The predicted values from the fourth model are used as the instruments for the per capita Class I and Class II milk demands in the rest of the study. A nominal predicted blend price received by farmers for all is ·calculated as specified in (28), Clas~ using the predicted values of the I and Class II prices and demands, net commercial removals milk net government removals, and Tabie 1. Comparison of Class I and Class II Demand Restrictions Calculated X2 Test Statistic Conclusion a = .01 Model Log-Likelihood 1. Unrestricted -186.62 2. Zero Income Effects ~5,1 = ~5,II = 0 · 0 -189.96 6.68 fail to reject 3. Zero Income effects ~5,1 = ~5,II = 0 · 0 -191.33 9.42 fail to reject A \0 Short Run Cross Price Symmetry 1 = ~l,II (short run) ~2 , 4. Zero Income Effects ~5,1 = ~5,II = 0 · 0 Long Run Cross Price Symmetry 1 = ~l,II (long Run) ~2 , -192.2393 11.24 fail to reject 50 (41) Pm = (P 1a 1 where a1 and a 11 - - - - - - are the per capita Class I and Class II milk multiplied by the U.S. population. The observed milk demands average price for all is then estimated as a function of this calculated prediction to derive a two-stage least squares milk - + P 11 <a 11 + NCR+ NGR))/(a 1 + a 11 + NCR+ NGR), received by farmers. instrument for the average price of The estimable form of the average price of milk is The predicted instrument for the by farmers for all milk in the remainder of the re- the estimable reduced form of the output per cow equation specified milk per cow as a function of quadratic prices for price received values from (42) are used as the search. In Chapter 3, grain and concentrated feeds, hay and roughage, and labor. The tunc- tion also specified linear and quadratic terms reflecting the level of Dairy Herd Improvement Association testing three years past. On dairy dairy farms, the most common feeding practice for cows is to monitor and control the animal's intake of grain and concentrated feed and then allow the cow to eat hay or other until producing it is full. roughage Therefore the amount of hay and roughage consumed is some complementary function of the amount of grain and concentrated feed per cow. The intake capacity of a dairy cow is assumed to be function of the levels of DHIA testing three years ago. grain hage The amount' of and concentrated feed per cow plus the amount of hay and fed will then equal the intake capacity, assuming a the rougfeeding 51 practices above are implemented. Specifically this relationship is assumed to be After subtracting the amount of grain fed from both sides of (43), hay and roughage is shown to be a function of the amount of grain fed and the past level of DHIA testing This, along with the assumed complementarity of labor with the inputs in (11), feed suggests that the reduced form output of milk per cow should be driven by the levels of DHIA testing three years ago and the price per hundredweight of grain and concentrated feed, deflated by the average blend price of milk. The estimation of the reduced form supply equation assertion and found it to be valid. tested A complete output per.cow equa- tion was estimated with linear and quadratic terms in DHIA tion three labor and complete model various years past, along with quadratic prices of their cross products as regressors. model cross omitting the prices of hay and product interaction terms. complete model, (18) is participagrain, The results were then compared with the estimates specification this of labor, a of hay, the smaller and the The estimated form of the 52 (45) = Yt 4.5294 + 2.2468P~- .32658PgePh- 12.665PgePR + (16.333) (3.2392) (.73481) (1.5296) .39445e10- 10 P~ + .86786PhoPR- 1.5984P~ + 41.366DHIAt_ 3 (.2215e10- 9 ) (.69793) (.63704) (17.965) 2 43.920(DHIAt_ 3 (6.52'11) log-likelihood= 23.344479, where the numbers in parentheses are asymptotic t-ratios. The effect of restricting the coefficients of the squared prices of hay and labor and the grain-hay, grain-labor, and hay-labor inter- action terms to zero in the smaller equation reduced the value of log-likelihood of the equation from 23.344479 ~o 19.70005. the Performing a likelihood ratio test on these values results in a test statistic of The 7.287958. esis that the restricted model performs as well as model the conclusion is that at the 1 percent level the cannot be rejected. interaction the hypoth~ unrestricted Inclusion of the hay and labor prices and terms does not significantly contribute to the ex- planatory power of the model. Economic theory and the profit maximization hypothesis dictate that input demand and reduced form output supply functions be derived from a input production function and imposes certain demand and supply.equations. constraints As discussed in the on the previous chapter, the estimable forms of the input demand for grain and concantrated feed, and the supply of milk in this study are derived from quadratic milk production function. must In the estimation, both equations be functions of the same explanatory degree zero in all prices, a variables, homogeneous of and negatively sloped with respect to the 53 real input, ficient grain and concentrated feed, on the stricted grain price variable in Also, prices. ~he Specifically, the coef~ grain input demand is re- to be twice the corresponding parameter in the equation. the milk supply reduced form equations that were esti- mated are (46) (47) gt ~ = ~g + ~t,y<Pg/Pm) + ~ 2 ,gDHIAt-J + Et, 47 . After estimating this system, significantly sign, different examination statistic although the coefficients were all from zero and of the theoretically of the calculated residuals and the correct Durbin-W~tson suggested the existence of serial c9rrelation. The auto- regressive errors were particularly evident in the grain input demand. The Durbin-Watson statistics for the supply of milk and grain equations are 1.5591 and .3603, related errors can respectively. be corrected by specifying equation with an autoregressive error process. In many and ~ases demand autocor- estimating· the However, serial cor- relation as severe as that in the grain per cow equation is suggestive of misspecification of the model and further investigation of the appropriateness of the explanatory variables is necessary. Further estimation of the milk and grain per cow system of equa- tions employs the price per bushel of #2 yellow corn at Omaha, Nebraska and the price per short ton of 44/. protein soybean meal at Decatur, Illinois as proxy variables for the price of grain and concentrated 54 The feecjs. ·meal to soybean are the primary components of the concentrated feed rations fed The price of corn is specified as a reg- producing dairy cattle. ressor soy rationale for these choices being that corn and throughout the sample period and both the price of meal are included as indicator variables equal to the corn and respective prices for the years 1979-1985 and zero elsewhere in the sample. are They specified in the system to reflect changes in the nature of dairy farmers' responses to price changes during the late .1970's and early 1980's when price movements of agricultural commodities were extremely wide and volatile, after remaining relatively stable during the liar years of the sample period. (48) (49) This system is specified as = Yt + = gt ear- + + ... P2,g((Psm 0 79-85)/Pm) ... + ~3,g<<PcornD79-85)/Pm) + P4,gDHIAt-3 + Et,49' The system using these price variables and the lagged values· of DHIA testing is estimated in two forms. system The The first is an unrestricted with no constraints being imposed on the parameter second variables model restricts the coefficients of the estimates. various in the grain demand equation to be twice those on the price cor- responding variables in the milk per cow equation. The significance of these values restrictions is then examined in a likelihood ratio test. of the log-likelihood function for the restricted tricted systems are 28.011 and 57.080, ratio test respectively. statistic is calculated to be 58.138 and and The unres- The 1 ikel ihood the hypothesis 55 that is the restricted model performs as well as the unrestricted rejected by the data at the 1 percent level. model Therefore the unre- stricted system is used in the remainder of the study. Some serial correlation still existed in the system prices of corn and soybean meal. grain demand equation, To 1.3171. using the Again, this is more prevalent in the as evidenced by a Durbin-Watson statistic achieve efficient estimates of the system of coefficients, this serial correlation must be accounted for in the estimation of the grain equation. To account for the serially correlated errors, transformed by a consistent estimate of the relation coefficient, mated p is .48290. then transformed p, the data must be first order autocor- from the estimated grain demand. The esti- The data observations for the years 1955-1985 are with the serial correlation coefficient by sub- tracting from each observation, the previous observation multiplied by 0.48290. The (.48290) 2 ) first observation, for its transformation. 1954, was multiplied by J<1.0 Applying the usual least squares techniques to the data transformed in this manner produces generalized least squares estimates of the coefficients which are best linear un- biased [Judge, Hill, Griffiths, Lutkepohl, and Lee, p.440-41J. Reestimation transformed appears data of the milk and grain per cow system using the revealed that accounting for the serial correlation to be sufficient. The new Durbin-Watson statistics for the transformed milk and grain equations are 1.8802 and 2.091, respectively. 56 As stated previously, economic theory dictates that the marginal effect of an input price be negative in output supply and input demand functions. tions were the signs of the coefficients on the price of expected However, bles In the reestimation of the milk and grain system of aqua- to be negative and consistent with corn variables economic the estimated parameters on the price of soybean meal varia- were expected to be positive in (48) and (49) This is because meal. theory. the variable measures the price of high (44%) explained· protein soy As the price of soybean meal increases, farmers must substitute other, less nutritious grains and feeds for the relatively more expensive high protein meal. rations, the a meal, increase. To maintain the same nutrient value of the greater amount of the other feed must be substituted for causing the quantity, or weight, of the feed ration to This will lead to a positive sign on the soybean meal coef- ficients. Predicted values to be used as a two-stage least squares instru- ment for the price per hundredweight are determined of grain and concentrated feeds by regressing the observed grain and feed price as a function of the feed ration components specified in the milk and grain system. The estimable form ~ (50) of this equation is ~ Pg/Pm = apg ~ + ~l,Pg<Psm/Pm) + ~2,Pg<Pcorn 1 Pm) + €t,50' where Pg is the observed price per hundredweight of grain and trated feeds, Pcorn is concen- Psm is the price per short ton of 44% soybean meal, and the price per bushel of #2 yellow corn. All three of the 57 price variables are deflated by the predicted instrument for the average price of milk received by farmers. After the predicted price par hundredweight of grain and trated feeds was determined, a predicted nominal profit defined as returns over'faed cost, par cow, was calculated using the construe- ted instruments for the average blend price of milk, grain concan- and concentrated feed per cow, output per cow, and the price of the grain and feed rations. Predicted nominal profit per cow is specified as ~t (51) The -Pg•9t· - = -Pm•Yt- calculation of nominal profit per cow is a condensed form of (28) as specified in Chapter 3. The hay and labor components of (28) are eliminated due to the exclusion of the hay and labor prices in the estimation of the output per cow and milk concentrated equation (45). The price of feeds is the primary factor driving the grain output of is thus a reasonable proxy for feed costs in the calculation of nominal profit per cow in (51). To construct a two-stage least squares instrument for profits as defined in (51), the observed returns over feed cost are regressed as a function of the calculated prediction. Specifically, the relation- ship is estimated as where ~t is defined as (PmYt- Pggt) in observed units and ~t is the 58 predicted counterpart from (51). ification the The predicted values from this ~pac­ of nominal profit per cow is used in the investigations adoption of DHIA quality testing and in profitability the relationship of between the dairy industry and fluctuations in the market price of dairy cattle. A summary of the constructed instruments is listed in The estimation equations procedure for the Class I and Class was ordinary least squares. the Class I per capita consumption, centrated teeds, squares. The milk 2. price The procedure for the net gov- ernment removals is nonlinear least squares. for II Table The estimation procedure the price of grain and con- and nominal profit per cow is linear two-stage least remainder of the equations were estimated using non- linear two-stage least squares. In the table, the numbers in parentheses are the respective coefficients' asymptotic t-ratio statistics in absolute value; R2 is the coefficient of multiple determination; ~ 2 is the coefficient of multiple determination adjusted for the degrees of freedom; Durbin-Watson D.W. statistic for first order serial correlation; the number of degrees of freedom; is d.f. the is and s.e.e. is the standard error of the estimate. Serial correlation among the residuals appeared to be present many of the estimated equations. corrected, sistent, If the autoregressive errors are not the estimated coefficients, are in while being unbiased and con- neither efficient nor asymptotically efficient [Kmenta, 59 Table 2. Estimated Instrument Equations for the Dynamic Dairy Model Class I Milk Price = 1.8328 (14.321) + .64215073 ( 4.1246) .771970 76 + 1.0410Psup (4.9557) (56.958) + 1.2469074 (6.8320) + • 52015075 (2.8463) + €t = .65976€t-1 + Ut (5.2677) R2=.99861, ~2=.99822, D.W.=1.690, d.f.=29, s.e.e.=.156264 Class II Milk Price P 11 = .21018 + .826220 73 + ,795810 74 + 1.30100 75 + .573900 76 (2.5336) (4.6664) (4.2417) (6.9187) (3.2320) .96576Psl,lp (81.806) + Et = .32864€t-1 + Ut (2.0878) R2=.99798, ~ 2 =.99757, D.W.=1.765, d.f.=29, s.e.e.=.174567 Net Government Removals = 25.385 + 3.2082(Psup/Pnt>- 9.9519(Pf 0 /Pnf) + .71863T (4.7194)(6.2101) (3.1404) (4.6027) + .015358(INC/Pnt> + .60904E(NGRt-t> (5.3739) (2.0878) R2 =.81040, ~ 2 =.77771, D.W.=2.595, d.f.=29, s.e.e.=1.88695 Net Commercial Removals = ~ 5.0468 - 3.3249066-85 (6.3785) (5.3501) - 1. 8242073-75 (2.6434) - . 16208NGRt (2.0536) - .42445ECNCRt_ 1 ) (2.5331) R 2 ~.74090, ~ 2 =.69622, D.W.=1.992, d.f.=29, s.e.e.=.855049 .60 Table 2 (continued) Class I Per Capita Consumption = - 153.81 - 13.335(P 1 /Pnf) + 33.264(1.0-.70264)(PII/Pnf) (3.7873)(4.9212) (1.6472) + 2.2188(Pbev1Pnt>- 1.9861T + .70264qi t-l (.99477) (4.3310) (6.4216) ' R2=.996969, D.W.=1.903248, d.f.=28 Class II Per Capita Consumption qii,t = -316.38 + 33.264(1.0-.80828)(PI/Pnf)- 18.599(PII/Pnf) (3.8333)(1.6472) (3.1271) 57.639(Pf 0 /Pnf) + 10.963AGE + .80828E(qii t- 1 > (4.6467) (4.1828) (14.639) J R2=.938462, D.W.=2.503937, d.f.=28 Average Farm Price for All Milk Pm = -.017516 + .99391Pm ( .2562)(115.94) R2=.99755, ~2=.99748, D.W.=1.737, d.f.=33, s.e.e.=.179711 Output of Milk per Cow Yt = 4.4634 (31.729) + + 42.672DHIAt_ 3 - 44.221(DHIAt_ 3 ) 2 (25.700) (7.5863) R2 =.9982, ~ 2 =.9979, D.W.=1.8802, d.f.=27, s.e.e.=.093524 + 61 Table 2 (continued) Grain and Concentrated Feeds per Cow 9t - = 1.3627- - 1.3680(Pcorn/Pm) + .15622((P 5 mo 79 _85 )/Pm) (5.5403) (2.0544) (5.9461) - 12.437((Pcorno 79 _ 85 )/Pm) + 17.782DHIAt_ 3 (6.1897) (22.209) R2 =.9665, R2 =.9623, D.W.=2.091, d.f.=28 s.e.e.=.11490 Price of Grain and Concentrated Feeds - P 9 /Pm - = .35115 + .97915(Pcorn/Pm) + .0047675(Psm/Pm) (9.0580)(10.036) (5.5667) Et = .51658£t-1 + .38411£t-2 + Ut (3.1650) (2.3534) R2 =.92696, R2:.91610, D.W.=1.834, d.f.=27, s.e.e.=.020331 Nominal Profit per Cow - n = -.17258 + .87847n (.1431)(57.737) Et = .45720et_ 1 + ut (2.9081) R2 =.99706, ~2=.99686, D.W.=1.963, d.f.=29, s.e.e.=2.23553 62 This invalidates any hypothesis tests performed with parame- p. 278]. ter coefficients derived from ordinary least squares techniques when autoregressive disturbances are present. To correct serially correlated errors, milk price equations, the Class I and Class II and the nominal profit per cow estimation The price specified with a first order autoregressive error process. per were hundredweight of grain and concentrated feeds required the speci- fication of a second order autoregressive error process to remedy the autocorrelated disturbances. When serially correlated errors appear to exist in the data employed to estimate a difference equation with ordinary least squares techniques, observed values of the dependent variable entered on the right side of the equation result in inconsistent estimates of the. hand equation parameters. lagged This is due to the correlation between dependent variable and the error term. nonstochastic difference equation, of the Using correct this, a with the unconditional expectation lagged dependent variable specified as a played. pends To the regressor, . is the expectation of the dependent variable, only on the systematic portion of the regression, em- which de- rather than the observed values, eliminates the correlation with the error process providing consistent parameter estimates [Burt, 1980]. The net government removals, net commercial removals, and the per capita Class correlation difference II of consumption equations appeared the 'disturbances and are estimated equations using nonlinear least squares to exhibit as serial nonstochastic techniques. The 63 Class I per capita consumption regression appeared to exhibit cal "white specified classi- rioise" residuals and a stochastic difference equation with observed values of the lagged dependent variable is en- tered as a regressor on the right hand side. Adoption of DHIA Testing The theoretical model for this research asserted that the of Dairy Herd Improvement Association of dairy testing to improve the herds is a function of the expected level of level quality profitability within the dairy industry and time. To investigate this assertion, the current levels of DHIA testing are estimated as a function of those factors. The DHIA adoption equation is estimated as a transformation the logistic function, ·as specified in Chapter 3. of The original logis- tic function for the adoption of DHIA testing is (53) ~ DHIAt = Eexp(a + ~l,DHIA(nt/PPft) P3,DHIAT + P4,DHIAT 2 ~ + P2 ,DHIA(nt/PPFt) 2 + ~ + P5,DHIA<nt/PPFt)•T + Et,53)] I E1.0+ The estimable form of the DHIA equation is ~ (54) lnEDHIAt/(1.0- DHIAt)l =a+ Pt,DHIA(nt/PPFt) + ~ P2,DHIA(nt/PPFt) 2 + P3,DHIAT + P4,DHIAT 2 + ~5,DHIA(nt/PPFt)•T where lnEDHIAt/(1.0- DHIAt)] is the natural (base e) logarithm of the 64 ratio of the proportion of dairy cattle on DHIA test to the proportion of animals not on test; - (nt/PPFt) is the predicted instrument for profit per cow constructed in (52), defined as returns over feed cost, and deflated by the index of all prices paid by farmers; and Tis a linear trend. The ceiling or equilibrium level of use is specified to be error terms in (53) are assumed to be additive 1.0. The in the exponential to allow the linear transformation. This transformation, while linearizing the response does not exhibit a constant variance of the error terms, a heteroskedastic model [Dixon]. function, resulting in Under heteroskedasticity, the least squares assumption of constant variance of the error terms is violated and the parameter estimates derived from ordinary least squares not efficient and not best linear unbiased estimates. dastic errors, test like serially correlated errors, are With heteroske- hypothesis tests and statistics are biased and correction of the error term~ is · re- qui red. To correct variance, each the heteroskedastic errors and derive a constant Weighting a weighted least squares procedure is required. observation of the dependent and the independent variables, including the constant term, by the square root of the variance of the dependent variable results in best linear unbiased estimates of the parameters. For DHIAt > 0.0, the approximate variance of the logarithm df the ratio of proportions in the logistic transformation has shown to be (55) been 65 with the appropriate weights specified as (56) where nt is the total inventory of producing cows on farms in time and t. ' DHIAt is the proportion of all producing cows on DHIA test in the current period [Neter, Wasserman, and Kutner, pp.362-63; Berkson]. The weighted least squares adoption path exhibited serially related errors when estimated with a "white noise" error Reestimation of (54) with a second order autoregressive error appeared to correct the correlated disturbances. cor- process. process The results of this estimation are (57) - DHIA.t) J = -2.4268 ( 7 . 188 5) .10090(TTt/PPFt) (1 • 0012) + .005393CitiPPFt) 2 + .1061T - .0008959T 2 ~ (4.6962) (2.3989) (.71787) - .0010633(TTt/PPFt>•T (.32221) €t = 1.3207et-l(11.313) .75093et_ 2 + ut (6.4324) R2 =.99761, R2=.99691, D.W.=2.156, d.f.=24, s.e.e.=.0342861. The search is hypothesis of interest for this portion of the re- 66 null The hypothesis asserts that the estimated coefficients real profit per cow regressors are not significantly zero and expected different profits have no impact on farmers' begin to test the quality of their dairy herds ~sing on. the from decisions DHIA to procedures. The alternative hypothesis states that the parameters are statistically significant and DHIA participation is affected by the level of expected profitability within the U.S. dairy industry. Equation (57) was reestimated with the coefficients of the return over feed cost variables restricted to equal zero in order to calcu- late an F-statistic based on the difference between the error sum of squares without the profitability regressors and that with return over feed cost variables included. This difference is divided by the number of restrictions to calculate a mean square error for the restrictions. This is then divided by the mean square error for the complete specification including the profitability variable to form the F-statistic. The calculated test statistic is then compared with the table value of the F-distribution at the appropriate level of cance and degrees of freedom. statistical signifi- The results from the reestimation of (57) are ln[DHIAt/(1.0- DHIAt)J = -2.8208 + .089706T- .00082173T2 (103.65) (21.453) (6.3242) (58) Et = 1.3128et-l - .68696et_ 2 + ut (10.219) (5.3475) R2 =.99741, ~ 2 =.99703, D.W.=2.2221, d.f.=27, s.e.e.=.03373481. The null hypothesis that the reduced specification with the coefficient of the return over feed cost regressor restricted to equal 67 zero is identical to the complete model is tested at the level of confidence. cance of 5 percent The calculated F-statistic to test the signifi- the estimated parameter of the predicted profitability re- gressor is F(3,24) and = .71288 at the 5 percent level the null hypothesis that the variable cannot return over cost coefficients are not significantly different from zero be rejected. variable cost are, the sample, the Although the marginal effects of over as expected, positive for the last twenty years of the nonsignificance of the profit coefficients contradict assertion from the theoretical model that the rate of adoption of DHIA testing activities is directly related to the level of bility available in the U.S. (58) return with dairy industry. profita- The marginal effects of respect to the profit variable and time are presented in Table 3. The results here suggest that the level of participation in Dairy herd time, independent mers receive improve Improvement Association is determined exogeneously the over of the dairy program and the supported prices far- for milk. Dairy producers appear to be attempting the productive capacity of their herds without regard to available level of profitability as defined here. In this case, primary factor affecting the rate of adoption of DHIA testing to the the activi- ties is time, reflecting the period for a farmer to gather and analyze 68 Table 3. Marginal effects of Profit and Time iri the Adoption of DHIA Year 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 a[ln(DHIAt/1.0 - DHIAtJ_l a ( nt > -.03143 -.02421 -.01854 -.01525 -.01661 -.01487 -.00726 .00394 -.00669 -.00654 -.00321 -.00199 .01043 .02001 .02866 .02503 .03560 .03688 .03062 .03377 .03137 .03379 .03481 .04302 .04180 .04573 .06065 .04834 .04992 .03789 .02901 .02549 aEln(DHIAt/1.0 - DHIAtll a(T) . 10510 .1 0409 .10301 .1 0189 . 10073 .09957 .09820 .09681 .09544 .09415 .09298 .09160 .09056 .08931 .08807 .08693 .08587 .08434 .08306 .08143 .08006 .07878 .07757 .07576 .07403 . 07245 .07050 .06828 .06618 .06459 .06310 .06266 69 information about the DHIA testing procedures and to begin to participate in the programs. cost omitted Estimation of (58), with return over variable still explains 99.5% of the variation in the dependent This situation would result in a monotonically variable. adoption path in the early stages of development, increasing as over time, more producers become familiar with and adopt DHIA testing techniques. As evident in Figure 4, cattle on period until 1982 when the structural effects of the Federal ment DHIA the observed proportion of total test has increased steadily throughout the sample govern- dairy herd buyout begin to impact the dairy industry. years dairy Over the of the sample the level of DHIA participation increased five-fold. cost, In contrast, as seen in Figure 5, nearly the increase in the real return over feed has been much smaller and subject to much greater fluctuation throughout the sample period. However, making decisions such as whether to begin to test and improve the quality of a dairy herd without regard to available reve- nue profits or profit appears to be inconsistent with maximization factors may responding the assumption made in the theoretical model and a number of of account for the unexpected result. Dairy producers may be to a level of profitability, ·but not that as defined and calculated here. The were constructed instruments and the final DHIA adoption equation estimated quantities. using aggregated data for the respective Consequently, return over variable cost measure profitability employed figure. rate of adoption of DHIA testing is however, The in the prices the investigation is also an and of aggregate based on Figure 4. Observed DHIA Participation 0. 320001 o. 300021 0. 280041 o. 260051 I <( 0. 240071 0. 22009 -l ~ I 0.20011 z 0 - o. 10:: 0 n. 0 ~ n. 18012 -.1 0 0. 16014 o. 140161 o. 12018l I 0. 10019 ~ I o. 08021 -1 0. 06023 ~-r- 1950 r , , , , , 0 0 I 1960 , , , -, 1 , ---r--r--o1 1970 YEAR I I 1-r-r--r--,--y- 1 l .--,---,-·.,---r-r 1980 71 0 m m .-t f ~I Ii\ ~ I ~ I r I r- 0 £"... m .-t I t r I t +> lfJ ~ 0 u (J} .0 ld (... I ld rl > ~ (... (J} ~r > 0 r:: (... :;s +> (J} "0 (J} L (J} r i lfJ t .0 0 ~ ll'l (J} (... . u.. .-t I > (... Ol m r 0:: :;s 0 (0 ............-- -r (f) .-t N .... .... ...... .LSOO 0 ...... 0 lO ,---·-··,----·-.,-·--r-·-T·---·-·-.1- m m 318'v'l~'v'A m ~3AO £"... (0 N~n.L3~ lO .-t 0:: < UJ >- 72 individual dairy producer deci~ions. This inconsistency may, to an extent, explain the insignificant relationship. Further, adoption the research completed here assumed the rate of DHIA to be a function of a general level of profitability for all producers of dairy products. Mansfield showed that.the rate of adop- tion.of a technological improvement is impacted by the expected itability from the adoption of the improvement [Mansfield]. profitability particularly profIf the figures were gathered from individual dairy operations, from those operations already using the DHIA testing procedures, a significant, direct relationship may arise. Finally, profitability defined as return over feed cost may simply not be the appropriate revenue measure to which dairy producers respond in deciding to test and improve the qual.ity of Factors other than feed costs such as fixed costs or costs of capital may enter the decision making process. sponding only received by farmers for all milk may be the research results derived the average appropriate of this question is necessary to in herds. Possibly farmers may be to the level of gross revenue and Further their reprice regressor. substantiate this study or determine the correct the measure of profitability to which dairy producers respond. Relationship between Profitability and Milk Cow Prices The final thrust of this thesis investigates the relationship between profitability and fluctuations in the market prices of cattle. As discussed in the theoretical chapter, as the level of pro- fitability increases, the market prices of replacement milk cows dairy are 73 expected try to be bid up by farmers attempting to enter the dairy or to expand existing herds. The bidding up of the indus~ cost of replacement cattle shifts up the average total cost schedules of dairy production, dissipating the additional returns. Economic theory dictates that firms in a competitive industry must earn zero economic profits in the long run. This follows from the existence of a long run equilibrium condition where marginal cost equals minimum average total cost equals price. The dairy industry, though regulated and supported by the Federal government cause mandates, can be examined in a competitive framework a basically homogeneous product is supplied and there barriers condition where linearly run to exist, investigate this assertion, a long run price of to cost zero. milk cows The long run equation follows that specified by Burt for the capitalization of rents into long run land prices (59) a implying economic profits are dissipated and driven equation is derived. 1984]. of the long-run price of replacement dairy cattle is homogeneous function of the long-run return over fixed long To few Therefore a long-run competitive equilibrium the price of utility cull cows was expected that are to entry other than the relatively fixed short run stock producing dairy cattle. and be- [Burt, The estimable form of the long run price of cows equation is Pmc,t =a +~tnt+ P2nt-1 + rlpcull cows,t + AlPmc,t-1 + A2Pmc,t-2 + Et,59• where Pmc,t' Pmc,t-l' and Pmc,t- 2 , are current and lagged nominal 74 prices of milk cows; nt, and nt_ 1 are the current and lagged levels of predicted per cow return over feed profitability proxy; ~ost constructed in as a and Pcull cows is the current, nominal price per hundredweight of utility cull cows at Omaha. is (52) The price for cull cows specified in (59) as a salvage value for culled heifers and older cattle to reflect the impact on milk cow prices of fluctuations in the beef market. In the long run, bles across time there is assumed to be no change in the periods and equilibrium values Pcull cows' can be defined. =n ~* ting , the Specifically, Pmc,t and Pcull cows,t = Pcull cows,t-1 of Pmc, varian, * = Pmc,t- 1 = Pmc' = P~ull equilibrium values into (59) and rewriting and ~ nt = Substitu- cows· determines the long run price of milk cows equation where (60a) a* = C£1 (1 •0 - (60b) ~* = (/31 + /32)/(l.O- ).1 - ).2), (60c) r* = a"/(1.0->..1 For italized ).1 - - >..2)' ).2). the assertion that profits from the dairy industry are into the prices of replacement dairy cattle and the long run price of milk cows equation (60) cap- dissipated, must be homogeneous of degree one in~* and P~ull cows· In this case, from the properties of linearly homogeneous functions, increasing the level of profitability and the price of cull cows by the same positive factor will increase 75 the market price of milk cows by that same factor and the competitive equilibrium condition will continue to hold [Chiang, p.410-14]. The hypothesis tested here is H0 : a* =o Ha: a* t 0. The null hypothesis states that the estimated intercept in the long run price of milk cows equation are not significantly different from zero. The alternate hypothesis asserts that the constant term is statistically significant. The estimated form of (59) is (61) Pmc t ' = -45.483- 57.4610 81 _85 - 38.1600 73 + 250.660 79 (1.4953) .(1.4532) (.72552) (3.8689) 1.9954nt (.80954) - + 3.2333nt-l + 5.9233Pcull cows+ 1.0838E(Pmc t- 1 ) (.93549) (2.1034) (8.6606) ' - .41007E(Pmc t- 2 ) (2.0494) ' R2=.99526, ~ 2 =.99345, O.W.=1.805, d.f.=21, s.e.e.=27.6138, where o81 _85 , o73 , structural and changes o79 , are binary indicator variables to reflect in the dairy industry due to the effects Federal government dairy herd buyout in 1981-1985, unexpected 1979, movements respectively; of of the and the sharp and agricultural commodity prices in 1973 and and E<Pmc,t- 1 ), and E<Pmc,t- 2 ) are unconditional 76 expectations of the first and second order lag on the ble, respectively. ified dep~ndent varia- Again a nonstochastic difference equation is spec- because (61) appeared to exhibit serial correlation among the disturbances when observed values for Pmc,t-l and Pmc,t- 2 were used. To test the significance df the long run reestimated with the intercept omitted. intercept, Further, (61) was the 1981-1985, and 1973 indicator variables and the current return over variable cost did not appear consequently cept, to be statistically different from zero in (61) omitted from the reestimations. two binary variables, and are Omission of the inter- and current profitability coefficients resulted in = 312.120 79 (62) (11.139) + 1.9481nt-l + 2.2085Pcull cows+ 1.2216 (5.9125) (6.9749) (30.789) E<Pmc t- 1 )- .57678E(Pmc t- 2 ) ' (11.694) ' R2 =.99402, R2 =.99306, D.W.=1.812, d.f.=25, s.e.e.=28.48618. The hypothesis that the specification with the four restricted tested coefficients to equal zero performs as well as the full model (60) at the 5 percent level of significance. The calculated was test statistic here is F(4,21) The conclusion = 1.401301. is that the null hypothesis is not rejected at the percent level of significance. The calculated long run price of milk cows equation is, 5 77 Pmc * = 5.5129t * + .47830Pcull * cows (63) Elasticityn = .6298a where ElasticitYpc~ll cows= .3198, the coefficient on the price of cull cows is divided by 13.0 to transform the consistent per hundredweight cull cows price into per with the other variables in the equation. The cow U.S. units De- partment of Agriculture assumes that the live weight of culled utility dairy cows is 1300 lbs. each [USDA, NEWSJ. The market tion in the long run, the price or value of dairy cattle is a linearly homogeneous funcof the return over variable cost and the price of cows. nal empirical results here suggest that, utility cull Consequently, the long run competitive equilibrium where margicost equals marginal revenue appears to exist and long run econo- mic profits are driven to zero. These conclusions hold rather important implications the effectiveness of the U.S. program and supporting dairy support program. the mandates of the Federal Milk the concarni~g While the dairy Mar~eting prices of milk received by farmers above Orders that are which would exist under a competitive framework, the results of this portion of the research suggest that the increased returns farmers receive are capitalized into the market price of replacement dairy cattle. the long run, economic profits to the dairy industry, milk price supports provided by the government, virtue of the competitive natura a Elasticities are of the the are driven to zero by the industry. calculated at even with Over In effect, the sample means. 78 support efforts of the U.S. government, incurred from the dairy programs, and net worth and the associated costs appear to be supporting the incomes of those producers who raise and market replacement dairy cattle. The final chapter of this thesis summarizes the main results tained during the course of this research. discussing sults. ob- The thesis is completed by possible implications and extensions of these research re- 79 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS In this·study an attempt was made to estimate a dynamic model of the U.S. dairy industry and use those empirical results to investigate the factors impacting the adoption of Dairy Herd Improvement Associa- tion quality testing of dairy cattle. examine The model was also employed to the relationship between the level of profitability and the market price of milk cows. The as empirical research recursively constructed predicted instruments for various price and quantity figures of the and demand sectors of the U.S. trumental procedure. supply The constructed ins- variables attempted to break the simultaneity various. price ted dairy industry. values and quantity components in a two-stage between least the squares The constructed instruments were used to derive a predic- profit per cow, defined as return over feed cost, to be used in the investigations concerning the rate of adoption of DHIA testing and the market prices of dairy cattle. In the theoretical model, the rate of adoption of DHIA activities was hypothesized to be directly related to the level of available creased, in an the dairy industry. As the return over feed cost increase in participation in the Dairy Herd Association was expected. profitability Improvement To investigate this assertion the level DHIA participation was estimated as a t~ansformed in- of logistic function of 80 return over variable cost and time, which entered as a linear trend. The these results of the empirical research appeared initial expectations. to The estimated parameter of contradict the return over feed cost regressor was not statistically different from zero and only the linear trend appeared to affect the level of participation in the Dairy Herd Improvement Association. The is results suggested that the rate of adoption of DHIA determined exogeneously, U.S. dairy program. testing unaffected by the support efforts of the However, making decisions concerning inputs to a production process without considering the expected level of profita- bility appears to be inconsistent with the optimization assumption profit maximization and a number of of factors such as aggregation bias and misspecification of the profitability measure may be contributing to its lack of effect on the participation in DHIA activities. The research here also investigated the relationship between nominal price of replacement dairy cattle and nominal profits, defined as predicted returns over feed cost. economic profits in the d~iry of industry ware hypothesized to be dairy production, producing replacement dairy cattle, milk, was expected to equal the marginal defined as the sum of per cow return mic profits are driven to zero. substantiate the capi- In the long run, defined to be marginal cost and the price of utility cull cows, again In the theoretical model talized into the market prices of dairy cattle. price the cost revenue over the of from variable implying the long run econo- The empirical results of the research hypothesized relationship. The long run price of 81 milk cows equation was estimated, as expected, to be a linearly homo- geneous function utility cull cows and the equilibrium condition appears to hold. The results implications programs. of nominal return over feed cost and the of this portion of the research concerning the effectiveness of the U.S. One price significant support of the underlying goals of the Federal dairy regula- To achieve this goal the farmers receive for all milk is supported which would exist in a competitive environment. sults obtained here, The suggest that the increased above empirical revenue Rather, the profits dairy production are capitalized into market prices the government Thus, to support prgducers incomes are., renot raise producers incomes in the long replacement dairy cattle and dissipated away. run. that does significantly from of dairy tions is to increase dairy farmers' incomes. average hold price the efforts in the long of of run, frustrated by the competitive nature of the U.S. dairy industry. A number of implications for further research have arisen in the investigations adoption accomplished here. Further analysis of the rate of of Dairy Herd Improvement Association testing activities is required to either substantiate the unexpected results derived in this thesis, or to determine the appropriate measure of profitability to which dairy producers ultimately respond in adopting DHIA procedures. Viewed process, for more as a technological improvement to a DHIA production testing may hold potential long run economic benefits consumers due to the increased supply of milk resulting from productive dairy herds. 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Milk cl . 1 Price .Price 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 195.8 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 3.89 4.58 4.85 4.32 3.97 4.00 4. 14 4.21 4 ..13 4.16 4.21 4.22 4.09 4.10 4. 15 4.23 4.78 5.02 5.24 5.49 5.11 5.87 6.07 7.14 8.33 8.75 9.66 9. 72 10.60 12.00 13.05 13.76 13.59 13.58 13.46 12.75 3.07 3.47 3.79 3. 77 3.30 3.15 3.23 3.25 3. 11 3.06 3.11 3.37 3.18 3.13 3.15 3.22 3.69 4.00 4.21 4.28 4.57 4.86 4.93 5.31 6.33 7.36 8.06 8.82 9.42 10.70 12.33 13.12 13.10 13 .. 06 12.60 11.98 3.16 3.85 4.06 3.48 3.14 3.15 3.25 3.27 3.15 3.17 3.25 3.36 3.20 3.21 3.26 3.34 3.94 4.06 4.22 4.45 4.70 4.86 5.08 6.20 7.13 8.62 8.56 8.70 9.65 11 . 10 12.05 12.73 12.66 12.61 12.49 11.72 Sup. 4. 77 5.40 5. 71 5.31 4.94 4.97 5. 15 5.26 5.21 5.25 5.28 5.24 5.14 5. 12 5 .18 5.22 5.66 6.07 6.34 6.63 6.88 7.08 7.23 8.18 9.79 10.10 11.06 11 . 07 11.85 13.22 14.55 15.41 15.17 15.23 15.00 14.50 Avg. Grain Price #2 Corn Price 3.08 3.52 3.75 3.43 3.30 3.10 3.00 3.00 2.89 2.89 2.90 2.91 2.93 3.03 3.02 3.03 3.15 3. 23 3.10 3.15 3.28 3.44 3.52 4.88 6.23 6.25 6.30 6.20 6.08 6.68 7.42 8.02 7.45 7.88 8.16 7.35 1. 21 1. 59 1. 77 1. 53 1.46 1.46 1. 38 1. 30 1.12 1.09 1.07 1. 01 1.03 1.13 1.17 1.26 1.29 1. 30 1.14 1.20 L28 1. 44 1.23 1.80 2.79 3.05 2.66 2 .15 2.09 2.28 2.49 3.13 2.46 2.82 3.20 2.60 Uti 1. Cows Price NonFood CPI 19.50 0.711 24.03 0.757 18.54 0.775 12.04 o. 790 11. 11 0. 795 10.99 0.797 10.91 0.811 13.40 0.838 17.87· 0.857 17.47 0.873 15.31 0.888 15.65 0.897 15.3'7 0.908 14. 7,3 0.920 13.24 0.932 14.44 0.945 17.83 0.967 17.22 1 .000 17.94 1.044 20.29 1. 101 21.32 1. 167 21.62 1 . 221 25.21 1.258 32.82 1.307 25.56 1.437 21.09 1 . 5 71 25.31 1. 675 25.32 1.784 36.78 1. 912 50.10 2.130 45.72 2.440 41.93 2.706 39.96 2.884 39.35 . 2.983 39.81 3 .113 38.31 3.233 Beverage CPI 0.867 0.955 0.961 0.988 1 . 173 1. 051 1.099 1. 091 1. 014 0.921 0.915 0.915 0.901 0.912 1. 023 1. 015 1 .009 1. 000 1. 019 1.046 1. 174 1. 216 1. 213 1. 302 1. 556 1.790 2. 1.40 3.224 3.398 3.561 3.958 4.126 4·.242 4.322 4.430 4.532 90 Table 4. (continued) Fats & Oils CPI Milk Cows Price Per Cap. Disp. Income 0.885 1. 035 0.878 0.882 0.929 0.901 0.920 0.961 0.950 0.906 0.865 0.926 0.925 0.899 0.896 0.961 0.998 1 .000 0.978 0.979 1.053 1 . 152 1 .166 1.290 1.794 1 .986 1.737 1. 914 2.100 2.266 2.412 2.671 2.596 2.631 2.875 2.939 198. 247. 243. 177. 149. 146. 153. 166. 210. 233. 223. 224. 221. 215. 209. 212. 246. 260. 274. 300. 332. 358. 393. 496. 500. 412. 478. 504. 675. 1040. 1190. 1200. 1110. 1030. 895. 860. 1267. 1349. 1396. 1458. 1477. 1560. 1608. ·1666. 1692. 1786. 1829. 1857. 1940. 2017. 2133. 2268. 2428. 2534. 2752. 2949. 3121. 3330. 3609. 3950. 4285. 4689. 5178. 5707. 6304. 6960. 7608. 8324. 8825. 9503. 10235. 10810. Total u. 5. Pop. Average 152.271 154.878 157.553 160.184 163.026 165.931 168.903 171.984 174.882 177.830 180.671 183.691 186.538 189.242 191.889 194.303 196.560 198.712 200.706 202.677 205.052 207.661 209.896 211.909 213.854 215.973 218.035 220.239 222.585 225.055 227.738 230.043 232.345 234.538 236.681 238.816 Age Yield per Cow Grain per Cow 32.06660 32.01794 31.99775 31.95212 31.90199 31.84348 31.76767 31.68051 31.59908 31.54801 31.50865 31.44578 31.40061 31.40973 31.42435 31.46332 31.53852 31.67012 31.82273 31.95431 32.07092 32.15747 32.34636 32.54675 32.75930 32.97404 33.19138 33.38777 33.56360 33.72565 33.85603 33.98249 34. 11340 34.24668 34.37798 34.50845 5.314 5.333 5.374 5.542 5.657 5.842 6.090 6.303 6.585 6.815 7.029 7.290 7.496 7.700 8.099 8.304 8.507 8.797 8.992 9.434 9.751 10.015 10.259 10.119 10.293 10.360 10.894 11 . 206 11.243 11.488 11.889 12.177 12.306 12.585 12.506 13.031 1.629 1. 605 1.628 . 1.670 1 .659 1.758 1. 825 1.945 2.003 2.050 2.259 2.404 2. 723 2.646 3.040 2.953 . 3.200 3.374 3.519 3. 726 3.979 4.070 4.298 4. 389 4.384 4.357 4.545 4.709 4.803 5.070 5.260 5.300 5.380 5.438 5.253 5.430 u.s. 91 Table 4. (continued) Producing Milk Cows on Farms 21.944 21 • 505 21. 338 21 . 691 21 . 581 21.044 20.501 19.774 18.711 17.901 17.515 17.243 16.842 16.260. 15.677 14.954 14.093 13.501 13.038 12.307 12.000 11.839 11 . 700 11.413 11.230 11 . 139 11 . 032 10.945 10.803 10. 743 10.810 10.923 11.033 11.098 10.833 11.025 Per Cap. Class I Demand Per Cap. Class I I Demand 347.40918 349.32523 348.46079 343.98801 344.74295 345.32632 345.76672 341.90021 334.51508 327.27884 322.68774 312.48297 309.33362 308.60281 305.39920 302.62479 297.61902 286. 14563 280.66763 273.20273 264.86221 259.55887 262.80432 258.23499 243.81575 243.59865 242.62716 239.29528 235.28619 232.97045 227.68191 223.87411 216.06267 215.32427 211.67822 212.72141 385.50601 365.68735 349.31131 336.82105 339.65768 342. 14426 337.71463 331.14316 322.84421 323.15131 324.40915 320.73056 302.64835 302.33035 307.54114 294.61142 313.21732 272.18054 277.08020 273.25699 275.52304 274.89645 276.66873 276.18216 287.63150 285.22479 294.84473 288.25.317 298.98013 305.03442 301.20755 293.03598 302.72443 307.87106 324.20990 335.92813 Net Com. Rem. Net Govt. Rem. 3.999 3.821 2.036 1.793 4. 544 3.993 4.320 2.495 3.936 2.889 3.074 1.363 1.349 1. 815 1.672 2.462 -.821 .388 .140 .870 .420 .297 1.445 .062 .584 -.856 1. 759 .388 -.200 .213 -.844 .999 .683 . 151 -.029 -. 537 1 .000 .125 2.700 9.375 5.975 4.875 5.100 6.375 4.325 3.425 3.115 8.022 10.748 7. 772 7.677 5.665 .645 7.427 5.150 4.479 5. 774 7.268 5.345 2 .185 1.346 2.036 1.236 6.080 2.743 2. 119 8.800 12.861 14.282 16.814 8.645 13.174