[CC program name 1]
[CC program name 2]
[CC program name 3]
[CC program name 4]
Eastern Michigan University
College of Business
Bachelor of Business Administration
With an Approved Business Major
Month YYYY
[CC program name 1], [CC program name 2], [CC program name 3],
[CC program name 4]
Eastern Michigan University
BBA with an Approved Business Major
Article I
Agreement on Principle
Eastern Michigan University (EMU) and [CCname] (XXX) agree that students, who choose to begin
their studies at the community college and transfer to a university to earn a bachelor’s degree, should be
provided with a smooth curriculum transition that minimizes loss of credit and duplication of
coursework. Therefore, Eastern Michigan University and [CCname] agree to enter into this articulation
agreement for students who want to complete the [CC program name 1], [CC program name 2], [CC
program name 3], or [CC program name 4] at XXX and transfer to EMU to earn a Bachelor of Business
Administration. Both institutions enter into this agreement as cooperating, equal partners who shall
maintain the integrity of their separate programs.
Article II
Agreement on Program Specifics
Eastern Michigan University and [CCname] agree that any student who has satisfied the minimum
requirements outlined in the attached articulation guide may transfer the course credits indicated on the
guide toward a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree with any approved business major at
Eastern Michigan University. Under this agreement, EMU will waive the 60-hour rule and require that a
minimum of 42 credit hours must be completed at the four-year college level, of which 30 hours must be
in courses offered by EMU. MACRAO provisos may be completed at the most appropriate time for the
student whether before or after admission to EMU.
Students using this agreement must apply and be admitted to Eastern Michigan University. XXX
students will receive equal consideration with other students seeking admission and financial aid. The
bachelor’s degree graduation requirements for students who follow this articulated program agreement
are included on the attached articulation guide.
Article III
Agreement on Communication
[CCname] and Eastern Michigan University agree to cooperate in communicating with each other and
with their common and respective publics concerning the established relationship between the two
institutions. Communication may include the development of various kinds of publications to inform
those who might benefit personally or professionally from the opportunities provided by this agreement.
Faculty and staff at both institutions will share the information in this agreement with interested and
qualified students and both institutions will provide counseling and advising to students and prospective
students. EMU will provide transfer student performance data to XXX officials annually through the
Community College Transfer Student Report.
Community College Relations
April 9, 2013
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Article IV
Maintenance and Review Procedures
At least one administrative or faculty member from each institution will be appointed to act as agents for
the implementation of this agreement, to speak for the institutions and to communicate changes to
respective faculty members, advisors, counselors, and others to whom the information is pertinent.
Responsibility for oversight of this agreement rests with the [position] at [CCname] and the Dean of the
College of Business at Eastern Michigan University. Both parties agree to communicate annually any
changes in their respective programs that may affect this articulation agreement.
Effective Date: [Month Day, Year until Month Day, Year]
Students who began this program prior to the effective date may use this articulation agreement. If this
agreement is not renewed at the end of the effective period, students who already started the program
will be given an additional three years to be admitted to EMU under the terms of the agreement.
Community College Relations
April 9, 2013
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[CCname] and Eastern Michigan University
[CC program name 1], [CC program name 2], [CC program name 3],
[CC program name 4]
BBA with an Approved Business Major
[CCname] and Eastern Michigan University agree to the terms of this agreement which will be effective from to
[Month Day, Year until Month Day, Year].
Eastern Michigan University
Susan W. Martin, Ph.D.
Kim Schatzel, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice President
Michael Tidwell, Ph.D.
Dean of the College of Business
Zafar Khan, Ph.D., Interim Head
Accounting and Finance Department
Hung-Lian Tang, Ph.D., Interim Head
Computer Information Systems Dept
Fraya Wagner-Marsh, D.B.A.
Management Department Head
Anne Balazs, Ph.D.
Marketing Department Head
Abdullah Dewan, Ph.D., Interim
Economics Department Head
Vice President
Dean of Business
Chair of Business Department
Vice President of Student Services
Community College Relations
cc: Christina Shell, Registrar
Calvin McFarland, Director, Academic & Career Planning
Douglas Potter, Admissions Office
Charlotte Stigler, Admissions Office
Kathleen Graham, Extended Programs & Educational Outreach
April 9, 2013
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Month YYYY
[CCname] – [CC program name 1]
Eastern Michigan University – Bachelor of Business Administration (with any Business Major)
[CCname] Courses:
Transfer to Eastern Michigan University:
MACRAO Requirements
Total: 30 credits
1. English Writing Requirement (6 credits)
ENG ### English Composition I .........................................3
ENGL 120 English Composition I .........................................3
ENG ### English Composition II ........................................3
ENGL 121 English Composition II ........................................3
2. Math/Science Requirement (8 credits)
1 MATH ### Math Course........................................................ 4
MATH 110 Mathematical Reasoning (30 + 1 .......................4
Complete a four credit lab science course: ..............................4
One course ............................................................................4
Choose from courses approved by XXX to satisfy
may transfer as general transfer credit
the MACRAO lab science requirement.
3. Humanities Requirement (8 credits)
Complete a minimum of eight credits: See note below ..........8
Two or three courses .............................................................8
Choose from courses approved by XXX to satisfy
may transfer as general transfer credit
the MACRAO humanities requirement.
4. Social Science Requirement (8 credits)
* ECON ### Principles of Economics I ....................................4
ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) +1 ..................4
Complete four credits: See note below..................................4
One or two courses ................................................................4
Choose from a second discipline approved by XXX
may transfer as general transfer credit
to satisfy the MACRAO social science requirement.
2NOTE: In completing one MACRAO area above, choose one course from the following list to satisfy EMU’s Global
Awareness/US Diversity requirement: Humanities: ENG ###; HIST ###, ###; HUM ###;
Social Science: ANTH ###, ###, ###; GEOG ###; HIST ###, ###; PLS ###, ###; or SOC ###
The MACRAO transfer guide for XXX can be found at
XXX Program Requirements
Total: 42 credits
* ACCT ### Principles of Accounting I ......................................4
ACC 240 Principles of Financial Accounting (3) +1 ...........4
* ACCT ### Principles of Accounting II .....................................4
ACC 241 Principles of Managerial Accounting (3) +1 .......4
ACCT ### Intermediate Accounting .......................................4
University Elective..................................................................4
ACCT ### Accounting ............................................................4
University Elective..................................................................4
ACCT ### Accounting ............................................................4
University Elective..................................................................4
ACCT ### Accounting (or ACCT ### &###)...........................4
University Elective..................................................................4
ACCT ### or ACCT ### ..........................................................3
University Elective..................................................................3
* BUS ### Introduction to Business ........................................3
COB 200 Introduction to Business.....................................3
* BUS ### Business Law ........................................................3
LAW 293 Legal Environment of Business .........................3
* CIS ### Computer Information Systems.............................3
IS 215
End-User Computing .........................................3
* ENG ### Business Communication......................................3
MGMT 202 Business Communication ..................................3
Restricted Elective ...................................................................3
University Elective............................................................. ….3
EMU Requirements (may be completed at XXX or EMU)
Total: 4-10 credits
* ECON ### Principles of Economics II ...................................4
ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics (3) +1 ..................4
3 Open Electives (not to exceed 82 credits at XXX) .............. 0-6
University Electives ............................................................ 0-6
Credits at XXX: ............................................. 76-82
Credits that transfer to EMU .................. 76-82
* Required for EMU’s BBA degree program.
1 MATH ### satisfies EMU’s Quantitative Reasoning Requirement.
2 Satisfies EMU’s Perspectives on a Diverse World requirement.
3 Contact the EMU College of Business Advisor to choose a business major at EMU and determine if any electives are required.
NOTE: EMU will accept substitutions for courses that transfer as general transfer credit or university electives.
Sign up with us: If you let us know you are using this articulation agreement we can stay in touch with you and provide information
and advising to you while you are still at your community college. Sign up at:
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are available on-line at:
April 9, 2013
Page 1 of 6
Month YYYY
[CCname] [CC program name 2]
Eastern Michigan University – Bachelor of Business Administration (with any Business Major)
[CCname] Courses:
MACRAO Requirements
1. English Writing Requirement (6 credits)
ENG ### English Composition I .........................................3
ENG ### English Composition II ........................................3
2. Math/Science Requirement (8 credits)
1 MATH ### Math Course........................................................ 4
Complete a four credit lab science course: ..............................4
Choose from courses approved by XXX to satisfy
the MACRAO lab science requirement.
3. Humanities Requirement (8 credits)
Complete a minimum of eight credits: See note below ..........8
Choose from courses approved by XXX to satisfy
the MACRAO humanities requirement.
4. Social Science Requirement (8 credits)
* ECON ### Principles of Economics I ....................................4
Complete four credits: See note below..................................4
Choose from a second discipline approved by XXX
to satisfy the MACRAO social science requirement.
Transfer to Eastern Michigan University:
Total: 30 credits
ENGL 120 English Composition I (University Elective) .........3
ENGL 121 English Composition II ........................................3
MATH 110 Mathematical Reasoning (30 + 1 .......................4
One course ............................................................................4
may transfer as general transfer credit
Two or three courses .............................................................8
may transfer as general transfer credit
ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) +1 ..................4
One or two courses ................................................................4
may transfer as general transfer credit
Find MACRAO Transfer Guide for XXX at
XXX Program Requirements
Total: 41 credits
* ACCT ### Principles of Accounting ..................................4
ACC 240 Principles of Financial Accounting (3) +1 .......4
* BUS ### Introduction to Business ..................................3
COB 200 Introduction to Business .................................3
* BUS ### Business Law ..................................................3
LAW 293 Legal Environment of Business ......................3
BUS ### Strategic Selling...............................................3
MKTG 261 Contemp Selling (MKTG major or Univ Elec) .3
BUS ### Business ..........................................................3
University Elective .............................................................3
BUS ### Business ..........................................................3
University Elective .............................................................3
BUS ### Business ..........................................................3
University Elective .............................................................3
BUS ### Business ..........................................................3
University Elective .............................................................3
BUS ### Business ..........................................................3
University Elective .............................................................3
BUS ### Business ..........................................................3
University Elective .............................................................3
2 BUS ###
International Business .....................................3
IB 210 Fundamentals of Global Business.......................3
* ECON ### Principles of Economics II ...................................4
ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics (3) +1 ...................4
* ENG ### Business Communication ................................3
MGMT 202 Business Communication ...............................3
EMU Requirements (may be completed at XXX or EMU)
Total: 7-11 credits
* ACCT ### Principles of Accounting ..................................4
ACC 241 Principles of Managerial Accounting (3) +1 ....4
* CIS ### Intro to Computer Based Systems ...................3
IS 215
End-User Computing ......................................3
4 Open Electives (not to exceed 82 credits at XXX) .......... 0-4
University Electives ....................................................... 0-4
Credits at XXX: ............................................. 78-82
Credits that transfer to EMU .................. 78-82
* Required for EMU’s BBA degree program.
MATH ### satisfies EMU’s quantitative reasoning requirement.
2 Satisfies EMU’s Perspectives on a Diverse World requirement.
3 Satisfies a Business Elective for XXX’s Business program.
Contact the EMU College of Business Advisor to choose a business major at EMU and determine if any electives are required.
NOTE: EMU will accept substitutions for courses that transfer as general transfer credit or university electives.
Sign up with us: If you let us know you are using this articulation agreement we can stay in touch with you and provide information
and advising to you while you are still at your community college. Sign up at:
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are available on-line at:
April 9, 2013
Page 2 of 6
Month YYYY
[CCname] – [CC program name 3]
Eastern Michigan University – Bachelor of Business Administration (with an Approved Business Major)
[CCname] Courses:
Transfer to Eastern Michigan University:
MACRAO Requirements
Total: 33 credits
1. English Writing Requirement (6 credits)
ENGL 120 English Composition I (University Elective) .........3
ENG ### English Composition I .........................................3
ENG ### English Composition II ........................................3
ENGL 121 English Composition II ........................................3
2. Math/Science Requirement (8 credits)
1 MATH ### Math Course........................................................ 4
MATH 110 Mathematical Reasoning (30 + 1 .......................4
Complete a four credit lab science course: ..............................4
One course ............................................................................4
Choose from courses approved by XXX to satisfy
may transfer as general transfer credit
the MACRAO lab science requirement.
3. Humanities Requirement (8 credits)
Complete a minimum of eight credits: See note below ..........8
Two or three courses .............................................................8
Choose from courses approved by XXX to satisfy
may transfer as general transfer credit
the MACRAO humanities requirement.
4. Social Science Requirement (11 credits)
* ECON ### Principles of Economics I ....................................4
ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) +1 ..................4
* ECON ### Principles of Economics II ...............................4
ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics (3) +1...............4
PSY ### Human Relations .............................................3
PSY 000 General Transfer Credit ...................................3
2NOTE: In completing the MACRAO requirements above, choose one course from the following list to satisfy EMU’s Global
Awareness/US Diversity requirement: Humanities: ENG ###; HIST ###, ###; HUM ###;
Find MACRAO Transfer Guide for XXX at
XXX Program Requirements
Total: 36 credits
* ACCT ### Principles of Accounting ..................................4
ACC 240 Principles of Financial Accounting (3) +1 .......4
* BUS ### Introduction to Business ..................................3
COB 200 Introduction to Business .................................3
* BUS ### Business Law ..................................................3
LAW 293 Legal Environment of Business ......................3
BUS ### Strategic Selling...............................................3
MKTG 261 Contemp Selling (MKTG major or Univ Elec) .3
BUS ### Business ..........................................................3
University Elective .............................................................3
BUS ### Business ..........................................................3
University Elective .............................................................3
BUS ### Business ..........................................................3
University Elective .............................................................3
BUS ### Finance ............................................................3
University Elective .............................................................3
BUS ### Management....................................................3
University Elective .............................................................3
BUS ### Supervision ......................................................3
University Elective .............................................................3
BUS ### Marketing .........................................................3
University Elective .............................................................3
* ENG ### Business Communication ................................3
MGMT 202 Business Communication ...............................3
EMU Requirements (may be completed at XXX or EMU)
Total: 7-13 credits
* ACCT ### Principles of Accounting ..................................4
ACC 241 Principles of Managerial Accounting (3) +1 ....4
* CIS ### Intro to Computer Based Systems ...................3
IS 215
End-User Computing ......................................3
3 Open Electives (not to exceed 82 credits at XXX) .......... 0-6
University Electives ....................................................... 0-6
Credits at XXX: ............................................. 76-82
Credits that transfer to EMU .................. 76-82
* Required for EMU’s BBA degree program.
MATH ### satisfies EMU’s quantitative reasoning requirement.
2 Satisfies EMU’s Perspectives on a Diverse World requirement.
Contact the EMU College of Business Advisor to choose a business major at EMU and determine if any electives are required.
NOTE: EMU will accept substitutions for courses that transfer as general transfer credit or university electives.
Sign up with us: If you let us know you are using this articulation agreement we can stay in touch with you and provide information
and advising to you while you are still at your community college. Sign up at:
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are available on-line at:
April 9, 2013
Page 3 of 6
Month YYYY
[CCname] – [CC program name 4]
Eastern Michigan University – Bachelor of Business Administration (with any Business Major)
[CCname] Courses:
MACRAO Requirements
1. English Writing Requirement: (6 credits)
ENG ### English Composition I .........................................3
ENG ### English Composition II ........................................3
2. Math/Science Requirement (8 credits)
1Complete one course: (Must complete at XXX) ....................... 4
MATH ### Math Appllications (4)
MATH ### Statistics (4)
MATH ### Precalculus w/o Trig (4)
MATH ### Finite Math (4)
Complete a four credit lab science course: ..............................4
Choose from courses approved by XXX to satisfy
the MACRAO lab science requirement.
3. Humanities Requirement (8 credits)
Complete a minimum of eight credits:......................................8
Choose from courses approved by XXX to satisfy
the MACRAO humanities requirement.
4. Social Science Requirement (11 credits)
* ECON ### Principles of Economics I ....................................4
* ECON ### Principles of Economics II ...................................4
Complete one course: (PLS ### recommended)....................3
Choose from a second discipline approved by XXX
to satisfy the MACRAO social science requirement.
Transfer to Eastern Michigan University:
Total: 33 credits
ENGL 120 English Composition I .........................................3
ENGL 121 English Composition II ........................................3
One Course (Quantitative Reasoning Requirement) .............4
MATH 110 Mathematical Reasoning (3) +1
MATH 170 Elementary Statistics (3) +1
MATH 105 College Algebra (3) +1
MATH 118 Linear Models & Probability (3) +1
One course ............................................................................4
Courses may transfer as equivalent courses, General
Education transfer, or general transfer credit.
Two or three courses .............................................................8
may transfer as general transfer credit
ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) +1 ..................4
ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics (3) +1 ...................4
One or two courses ................................................................3
may transfer as general transfer credit
Find MACRAO Transfer Guide for XXX at
XXX Program Requirements
Total: 27 credits
* ACCT ### Principles of Accounting ......................................4
ACC 240 Principles of Financial Accounting (3) +1 ..............4
* ACCT ### Principles of Accounting ......................................4
ACC 241 Principles of Managerial Accounting (3) +1...........4
* BUS ### Introduction to Business ......................................3
COB 200 Introduction to Business ........................................3
General Electives ..................................................................16
University Electives ..............................................................16
EMU Requirements (may be completed at XXX or EMU)
Total: 16-22 credits
* BUS ### Business Law ......................................................3
LAW 293 Legal Environment of Business.............................3
* CIS ###
Intro to Computer Based Systems ......................3
IS 215 End-User Computing.............................................3
* ENG ### Business Communication....................................3
MGMT 202 Business Communication ..................................3
2 Complete one course from: ................................................. 3-4
Perspectives on a Diverse World Requirement ................. 3-4
ENG ###; HIST ###, ###; HUM ###; ANTH ###, ###, ###;
GEOG ###; HIST ###, ###; PLS ###, ###; or SOC ###
General Electives .......................................................... 3-10
University Electives ..................................................... 3-10
(Not to exceed 82 credits at XXX. Students should contact the EMU College of Business advisor to determine if any electives
are needed.)
Credits at XXX: ............................................. 76-82
Credits that transfer to EMU .................. 76-82
* Required for EMU’s BBA degree program.
1 MATH 111 satisfies EMU’s quantitative reasoning requirement.
2 Satisfies EMU’s Perspectives on a Diverse World requirement.
Sign up with us: If you let us know you are using this articulation agreement we can stay in touch with you and provide information
and advising to you while you are still at your community college. Sign up at:
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are available on-line at:
April 9, 2013
Page 4 of 6
Month YYYY
[CCname] – [CC program name 1], [CC program name 1], [CC program name 2] [CC program name 4]
Eastern Michigan University – Bachelor of Business Administration (with any Business Major)
Completion of the BBA Degree with an
approved major at EMU
Business Core
(18 credits)
DS 265
Business Statistics ............................................ 3
FIN 350
Principles of Finance ......................................... 3
MGMT 386 Organizational Behavior & Theory .................... 3
MGMT 490 Business Policy ................................................. 3
MKTG 360 Principles of Marketing ..................................... 3
OM 374
Intro to Production/Operations Mgmt ................ 3
Discipline Requirements
(24- 33 credits)
Students may complete a major in any of the following
areas: accounting (24), accounting information systems
(33), computer information systems (30), economics (24),
entrepreneurship (24), general business (24), marketing
(24), management (24), finance (24).and supply chain
management (27)
Additional Requirement
Students must complete one Learning Beyond the
Classroom experience or course offered by EMU. Consult
College of Business advisor for options.
Suggested Sequence for completing the program:
Math elective and IS 215 (CIS ### at XXX) must be
completed before taking DS 265.
Fall Semester
(15 Credits)
DS 265 Business Statistics I............................................ 3
FIN 350 Principles of Finance .......................................... 3
MKTG 360 Principles of Marketing ...................................... 3
Discipline Requirements ....................................................... 6
Winter Semester
(12-15 Credits)
MGMT 386 Organizational Behavior & Theory .................... 3
OM 374 Intro to Production/Operations Mgmt .................... 3
Discipline Requirements ....................................................... 9
Fall Semester
(12 Credits)
MGMT 490 Business Policy ................................................ 3
Discipline Requirements ....................................................... 9
Winter Semester
(0-11 Credits)
Credits at EMU: ........................................... 42-51
Discipline Requirements .................................................... 0-9
*Minimum Credits to Graduate:...................... 124
Note: Each business major includes a writing intensive course at
the 300 to 400 level which must be completed for graduation.
See College of Business Advisor to assure that requirement is
Note: Choosing electives wisely will increase your employment opportunities in a competitive job market. The
College of Business Advisor will assist you in choosing a minor, or selecting courses in an area such as: foreign
languages, manufacturing, apparel merchandising, health administration, hotel restaurant management, political
science/public administration, construction management, graphic design, global information systems, professional
writing, public relations, internships or cooperative education.
* The minimum credits required to graduate is 124 but the total will vary depending on the business discipline completed at EMU
and the program completed at WCC. If enough credits are not transferred from WCC, additional credits may need to be
completed at EMU to satisfy the minimum required for graduation.
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are available on-line at:
April 9, 2013
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Month YYYY
[CCname] – [CC program name 1], [CC program name 1], [CC program name 2] [CC program name 4]
Eastern Michigan University – Bachelor of Business Administration with Any Approved Business Major
Additional Information:
1. In completing the coordinated program of study for this articulation agreement, course substitutions should be
made with the guidance of the advisors at both institutions (indicated below) to assure that all requirements are
satisfied. Each institution will determine the satisfaction of their individual program and degree requirements.
XXX courses indicated with an * are required for EMU’s Bachelor of Business Administration degree.
2. Students whose transcripts are endorsed as “MACRAO Satisfied” will only be required to satisfy three of EMU’s
general education requirements, noted on the articulation guide and listed below. These may be completed, as
listed in this guide, at the most appropriate time for the student whether before or after admission to EMU.
a) An approved course in Quantitative Reasoning: [MATH ###, ###, ###, or ### at XXX]
b) an approved course in Global Awareness or US Diversity: Humanities: ENG ###, ###: HIST ###, ###;
HUM ###; Social Science: ANTH ###, ###, ###; GEOG ###; HIST ###, ###; POLS ###; or SOC ###
Business: BUS ### at XXX]
c) One “Learning beyond the Classroom” course or experience offered by EMU
To use MACRAO, students must request that an official community college transcript, with the “MACRAO
Satisfied” stamp, be sent to EMU’s Admissions Office. Students, who do not have “MACRAO Satisfied” on their
community college transcript, will be required to satisfy EMU’s general education requirements as listed in the
Undergraduate Catalog. The MACRAO stamp may be completed after admission to EMU, however, students
should inform advisors at EMU that they intend to complete MACRAO, or they may be advised to complete
additional courses for the general education program.
3. Only courses with a grade of “C” or better (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) will be accepted for transfer to EMU.
4. Under this agreement, EMU will waive the 60-hour rule and require that a minimum of 42 credit hours must be
completed at the four-year college level, of which 30 hours must be in courses offered by EMU, with 15 hours in
program requirements, at the 300-level or above. Of the last 30 hours completed before graduating, at least 10
hours must be in courses offered by EMU. A minimum of 124 credit hours, completed in-residence or accepted in
transfer, is required for graduation
5. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required for admission to EMU. Students with a community college GPA
of 3.0 or higher will receive priority admission to the College of Business. Students whose community college
GPA’s are less than 3.0 may apply and be conditionally admitted to the College of Business for the first semester at
EMU and will be regularly admitted after successful completion of at least 12 credits at EMU with a minimum
overall EMU (GPA) of 2.5.
6. Students are encouraged to contact the College of Business undergraduate advisor early, before completing an
admission application to EMU. To facilitate the evaluation of transcripts, students should indicate they are using
this articulation guide on their application to EMU and bring a copy to all advising sessions. Copies of this
agreement are available at
Effective Dates: [Month Day, Year until Month Day, Year]
Students who began this program prior to the effective date may use this articulation agreement. If this agreement is not
renewed at the end of the effective period, students who already started the program will be given three additional years
to be admitted to EMU under the terms of the agreement.
See the division counselor for advice
Eastern Michigan University
COB Undergraduate Advising Center
473 Owen Bldg, 734-487-2344
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are available on-line at:
April 9, 2013
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