Recruitment/Membership Intake

Recruitment/Membership Intake
Place an “X” on the line next to each criteria statement if it is something that the chapter does
to promote excellence in this program category. In addition, provide supporting documentation
for each statement in the appropriate section of the Documentation Notebook and clearly
reference its exact location on the “DOCUMENTATION” line(s). Some statements require very
specific types of documentation as noted. If this specific documentation is not provided, the
applicant will not receive credit for the response.
If the chapter does not program in an area listed below because the item does not apply to the
chapter, and there is a sound rationale for this situation, enter “N/A” on the line next to the
statement. Provide a clear, concise description of the rationale on a separate page and place it
in the appropriate location in the Documentation Notebook, with its exact location clearly
referenced on the “DOCUMENTATION” line(s). Points may be awarded for providing a sound
rationale and supporting documentation.
Criteria Statements:
1.___________Please submit the following documents: (1) recruitment plan or intake
timeline, (2) a recruitment/intake budget, (3) evidence of year-round recruitment or PR
activities calendar.
(1) _________________________________________________
(2) _________________________________________________
(3) _________________________________________________________________
2._________ Chapter incorporates values into recruitment/intake activities.
Documentation must include (1) evidence of discussion around the link between values
and recruitment/intake and (2) evidence of implementation of values during
recruitment/intake activities.
(1) _________________________________________________
(2) _________________________________________________
3.__________Chapter practices alcohol-free recruitment/intake activities.
Documentation must include (1) a copy of the relevant policy, and (2) evidence that
this has been shared with potential new members.
(1) _________________________________________________
(2) _________________________________________________
4.___________Chapter involves their alumni/graduate and faculty/staff advisor in
planning or implementation of recruitment activities. Documentation must
include (1) evidence of planning or discussion with chapter alumni advisor and (2)
faculty/staff advisor.
(1) _________________________________________________
(2) _________________________________________________
5.____________ Chapter has an Executive Board member or chairperson whose
job it is to direct all recruitment /intake planning and activities.
Documentation must include (1) a job description and (2) evidence of officer goals.
(1) _________________________________________________
(2) _________________________________________________
6.___________ Chapter holds a workshop or retreat or meeting for general
chapter members to discuss recruitment/intake standards, practices and
schedules. Documentation must include (1) an agenda and (2) evidence of
attendance by chapter members.
(1) _________________________________________________
(2) _________________________________________________
7._________ Describe one effort the chapter has made to improve
recruitment/intake practices this year.
(1) _________________________________________________
8._________ Please attach a thoughtful reflection identifying both the strengths
and areas of growth related to the chapter’s recruitment/intake activities.
(1) _________________________________________________
9.___________Chapter sets a recruitment/intake goal as a chapter each semester.
Documentation must include (1) evidence of discussion of these goals and (2) a copy of
each semester’s recruitment/intake goals.
(1) _________________________________________________
(2) _________________________________________________
For Office Use Only:
_____Has the chapter been found in violation of FIPG or NPC/NIC/NPHC
National recruitment guidelines in the past year? If so, what were those
_____Has the chapter had any absences at council recruitment chair meetings?
_____For CPC chapters only, has the chapter sent representatives to be Gamma
Rho Chis in the past year?