Y 1998 - JUNE 1999

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The College of Forest Resources is a strong and vibrant community, in part because of the support it
receives from its friends and alumni. We acknowledge gratefully all donors from July 1998 through
June 1999 in the following list. Every one of these gifts helped make the successes reported in these
pages possible. Several gifts that greatly enhanced our ability to meet new challenges and support
bright and energetic students are also highlighted.
Jim Ridgeway (’38)
A 1938 College of Forest Resources graduate, Jim Ridgeway cruised timber, served as a
Forest Service lookout, drove a Seattle Transit bus, and was a B-24 navigator in the China,
Burma, India theatre before spending 32-plus years with the State of Washington Division
of Forestry and the Department of Natural Resources. Sixty years after his graduation
from the UW, Ridgeway still remembers how tough it was for him to find the funds to pay
for his education. "With tuition these days, it has to be even more difficult for students," he
said, which is why in 1998 he contributed over $220,000 to establish an endowed scholar-
ship fund benefiting both undergraduate and graduate CFR students. In addition to the
scholarship, Ridgeway has named the College of Forest Resources in his will. This second
gift will create an endowed discretionary fund for the College. Ridgeway noted that having
discretionary funds available helps the College when important but unexpected or
emergency expenses come up. This, he said, gives the Dean and the College flexibility to
continue doing "the great job they are doing.”
Generous Supporters July 1, 1998 – June 30, 1999
Individual Donors
$1,000 and over
Mr. and Mrs. Lucius A.D. Andrew III
Mr. Donald A. Andrews
Mr. Richard L. Atkins
Mr. Phillip Quin Bird
Prof. Susan M. Bolton
Mr. Kirk R. Cooper
Donald Irvin Dickmann, Ph.D.
Mr. Karl Ellerbeck
Ms. Ruth Sheldon Ellerbeck
Ms. Vera Frazier
Dr. Margaret A. and Prof. Benjamin Hall
Prof. William H. Hatheway
Mr. Daniel J. Hinkley
Mr. Peter S. Hockaday
Mr. Thomas J. Hoesly
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Hopkins
Mrs. Jocelyn C. Horder
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Hotes
Mr. J. H. Hudson and Ms. C. E. Hillenbrand
Mr. and Mrs. Arild J. Krystad
Mr. David D. Leland
Mr. Marshall Marley
Ms. Margaret A. Pearson
Mr. Paul E. Rosenfeld
Prof. David P. Thomas
David B. Thorud, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Witter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Adkins
Mr. and Mrs. Erik T. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Anderson
Mr. William L. Anderson
Ms. Lili Hamlet Angel
Ms. Laura L. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Baird
Mr. Thomas F. Baumgartner
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Beil
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Beireis
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Belknap
Mr. Arthur N. Benefiel
Mr. John Berg
Mr. Morris H. Bergman
Mr. and Mrs. Elroy W. Bohlin
Mr. Paul A. Bourgault
Prof. Gordon A. Bradley
Mr. James Richard Brain
Mr. Peter G. Brebbia
David George Briggs, Ph.D.
Mrs. Frank Brockman
Mr. Todd Raymond Brooks
Mr. Mason G. Browne
Mr. W. C. Carlson and Dr. C. A. Harrington
Mrs. Barbara Carman
Mr. Virgil R. Carrell
Mr. Paul E. Chantiny
Mr. Douglas E. Chatfield
Mr. Kenneth R. Chisholm
Mr. Kuang-Lu Chu
Ms. Margaret A. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Clay
Mr. William J. Code
Mr. Harold H. Coleman
Dr. Loveday Conquest and Mr. Fred von
James A. Cooper, Ph.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Ellsworth C. Alvord
Mr. Hou-Min Chang
Mr. William R. Corbin
Mr. Robert A. Denman
W. Richard and Mary Ellen Denman
Ms. Dolores S. Dyson
Mr. Donald Dyson
Estate of Theodosia Eggert
Mr. Albert G. Foster
Thomas Swen Friberg, Ph.D.
Cynthia Gilbert, Ph.D.
Ms. Donna Gillespie
Mr. Frank Grunow, Jr.
Mr. Wayne J. Gullstad
David M. Hanson, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Humann
Estate of Edith Spencer Lange
Mr. Morten J. Lauridsen, Jr.
Mr. Michael P. Lazara
Mrs. Kathleen M. McGrath
Mr. Richard E. McGrath
Prof. William T. McKean
Ms. Betty J. Millan
Mr. Carey K. Miller
Midori Murai
Mr. William G. Murdock
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Nelson
Dr. Ruth P. Phillips
Ms. Jane Meagher Puccinelli
Sarah Elizabeth Reichard, Ph.D.
Mr. James W. Ridgeway
Mr. Orin H. Soest
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby T. Takatsuka
Mr. John Geoffrey Corso
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Cummins
Mr. Leo P. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Curtis
Mr. Gordon K. Davis
Mr. John M. Davis
Mr. Alfred J. Deichsel
Mr. Thomas Charles Devey
Mr. Robert H. Donnelly
Mr. Donald H. Dowling, Jr.
Mr. Donald H. Dowling, Sr.
Mrs.Victoria M. Dowling
Mr. Michael Dryfoos and Ms. Ilga Jansons
Mr. and Mrs. Phil A. Duryee
Mr. James S. Eastman
Prof. and Mrs. Robert L. Edmonds
Mr. Donald F. Erikson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Ferris
Ms. Janice R. Fong
Mr. William Ralph Francis
Prof. and Mrs. Jerry Franklin
Mr. Don L. Fraser
Mr. James S. Gragg
Mr. and Mrs. Philo Gregg, Jr.
Mr. Randall J. Greggs
Mr. J. Richard Grodt
Raymond Paul Guries, Ph.D.
Dr. R. R. Gustafson and Ms. L. S. O’Hara
Mr. William David Hagenstein
Clement Wilson Hamilton, Ph.D.
Ms. Christine A. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Harrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Harrison
Mr. Hank Heinrich
Mr. John C. Helm
Mr. John P. Hendrickson
Prof. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hinckley
Morten Lauridsen, Jr. (’39)
It took Mort Lauridsen 11 years to earn his undergraduate degree in Forest Management
during the Depression Era. Following a graduate degree at Yale, he resumed employment
with the Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station and later transferred to the IRS as a
Valuation Engineer, retiring in 1975. Now, he wants to help others obtain a forestry
education. With appreciated stock, Lauridsen has contributed some $300,000 to a UW
charitable remainder unitrust that gives him a lifetime income. Ultimately, the unitrust will
Ms. Sandra L. Hines
Mr. Michael G. Hobbs
Peter S. Homann, Ph.D.
Judith E. Hooper, Ph.D.
Mr. Stephen M. Hopley
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Hughson
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman W. Hull
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hushagen
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Hutchinson
Mr. William James
Dale William Johnson, Ph.D.
Mr. Clyde R. Kalahan
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Koenig
Mr. Dan P. Kousbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. Krystad
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. J. Lambert
James P. Lassoie, Ph.D.
John Huei Lee, Ph.D.
Wen-Kai Lee, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Leir
Ms. Barbara N. Lindberg
Mr. George V. Lonngren
Dr. Hannu Pertti Makkonen
Ms. Stephanie W. Martin
Walburga S. Martin
Mr. James Lawrence Mathre
Mr. Douglas Charles McClelland
Mr. William P. McJohn
Mr. Edward C. McKnight
Mr. Douglas T. McVey
Dr. Martin M. Meyer, Jr.
Ruth A. Mikels, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Miller
Drs. Kenton R. and Susan H. Miller
Mr. Alexander J. Mistal
Mr. William M. Mohundro
Mr. Donald L. Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Mosman
Mr. Harold P. Mottet
Mr. Richard J. Nelson
Mr. David C. Oakley
Ms. Patricia H. O’Brien
John Raymond Olson, Ph.D.
Mr. Donald W. Olsson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Packard
Mr. Richard D. Pardo
Mr. Darrell E. Pierson
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Powers Jr.
Mr. Alan Carter Randall
Mr. Timothy J. Raschko
Mrs. E. B. Renegar
Donald Lynn Reukema, Ph.D.
Mr. Robert E. Ridgeway
Dr. and Mrs. Gary A. Ritchie
Mr. Frederick W. Rix, Jr.
Mr. Donald A. Roos
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Ross
Mr. John W. Runkel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Ryon
Mr. A. Kenneth Schlichte
Mr. Philip G. Schnell
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Schuh
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Shirley
Mr. Paul E. Shook
Ms. Betty Soreng
Betty Soreng Living Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Spangler
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Spoonemore
Helen B. St. John, M.D.
Mr. Harold K. Steen
Mr. Robert Lee Stevenson
Mr. Richard L. Stuhr
Mr. and Mrs. Dan S. Swett
Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Symington
Mr. Rush Taggart III
Mr. Roland D. Takami
Mr. Peter Thorn and Ms. Rose Marie Bailey
Mr. Howard P. Thronson
Mr. David A. Trzil
Mr. Lewis B. Ulrey
Ms. Katherine S.Van Pelt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Vuori
fund an endowment that, at the Dean's discretion, will aid forest management students
and programs. In addition, he has made provisions for a testamentary UW Forestry
scholarship trust. Lauridsen says, "This is a way of thanking the school for the education
that I received."
Prof. and Mrs. Thomas R. Waggener
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Wagner
Richard B. Walker, Ph.D.
Scott Alan Wallick, Ph.D.
Ms. Michelle R. Walsh
Mr. Douglas E. Walwyn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Welling
Mr. Greg A. Wendt
Ms. Susan M. Wheatley
Mr. and Mrs. Chester W. Whitman
Mr. Pat N. Wick
Mr. Mark E. Wilbert
Ms. Judith Yeomans Williams
Mr. Edward M. Williston
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wing
Mr. Paul M. Woodard
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin C. Wright
Ms. Jennifer K. Zaccardo
Up to $99
Ms. Barbara Alberts
Ms. Gemma D. Alexander
Ms. Brooke Alford
Mr. Patrick J. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Tom M. Anderson, Jr.
Mr. Rudolph A. Andrews, III
Mr. Michael G. Aries
LTC. Jeffrey S. Arndt
Ms. Pachia L. Arway
Mr. John P. Bajus
Mr. Glenn E. Baker
Ms. Linda B. Baker
Mr. Robert L. Baldwin
Paul C. Banko, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Randy R. Bartelt
Mr. Douglas Bayley
Mr. Philip C. Beguhl
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Belcher
Mr. Robert H. Bell
Mr. Ross E. Bell
Mr. Mark R. Benner
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hugo Berg
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bergvall
Mr. Ralph A. Beswick
Mr. Thomas R. Bird
Ms. Michael L. Blalock
Mr. Jack D. Blanchard
Ms. Nancy G. Blase
Mr. Danforth G. Bodien
Ms. Janet A. Boettcher
Ms. Lynn A. Boswell
Lois Bourgeis
Mr. William E. Bouton
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Brewster
Prof. Linda B. Brubaker
Ms. Anna M. Bruce
Mr. Dan R. Bruner
Paul E. Bruns, Ph.D.
Ms. Elizabeth J. Bryer
Mr. Gary S. Buechner
Mr. Robert C. Buhl
Mr. Robert Bulchis
Ms. Catherine A. Burke
Mr. Stephen E. Butterworth
Ms. Kristin M. Calderon
Mr. C. Duncan Campbell
Ms. Leona B. Campbell
Mr. Robert Campbell
Mr. Thomas G. Cannell
Ms. Patricia L. Carey
Mr. N. Eric Carlsen
Ms. Sherrill Carlson
Ms. Barbara J. Carr
Ms. Katharine J. Carr
Ms. Kathy M. Carr
Ms. Lisa Kristine Cartwright
Mr. Benjamin C. Casad
Mr. Stephen B. Cass, Jr.
Ms. Laurie Elise Chambers
Mr. Steven J. Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Chapman
Mr. Harold C. Chriswell
Mr. Michael R. Claflin
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cockburn
Mr. Brian and Dr. Janice Coles
Jana E. Compton, Ph.D.
Ms. Kathleen C. Conley
Ms. Christiana Connors
Mr. Lewis D. Consiglieri
Mr. Harold E. Cook
Mr. Philip H. Cook
Ms. Kaleen Cottingham
Ms. Wendy Lee Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Culbertson
Mr. Patrick William Curry
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Dabbs
Mr. Mathew D. Dahl
Ms. Amy L. D’Andrea
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Danielson
Mr. William H. Daudistel
Mr. Jerome G. Davies
Mr. Amantino R. DeFreitas
Mrs. Valerie D. Deleo
Mr. Felix C. Demello
Mr. Raymond M. Descamp, Sr.
Ms. Mary Jo Deuel
Mr. John Robert Devey
Mr. Gregory W. Diamond
Mr. Malcolm R. Dick, Jr.
Mr. David MacLean Dolling
Max Larry Doolittle, Ph.D.
Mr. Ralph E. Duddles
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg S. Dunphy
Ms. Jane Eagle
Mr. Ward R. Eason
Dr. Ivan Eastin and Ms. Kelli Trosvig
Ms. Marilyn Edlund
Ms. Rae M. Edwards
Ms. Karen R. Egtvedt
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Eiford
Ms. Nancy C. Eiselt and Mr. Daniel Billey
Mrs. Nancy L. Eliason
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Elliott
Everett Lincoln Ellis, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Farley
Margaret N. Farquhar, M.D.
Ms. Patricia Anne Ferrell
Ruth A. Ferris
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Fielding
Mr. Joseph P. Fine
Ms. Elizabeth L. Fitzgerald
Mr. Thomas A. Flemer
Mr. Thomas J. Fleming
Mr. Spencer W. Floyd
Drs. Tommy Fong and Vivian M. Bennett
Ms. Susan Jean Frankel
Mr. Douglas H. Fricke
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Friis
Mr. Bruce A. Garner
Mr. Robert Leo Geimer
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Giske
Ms. Heidemarie R. Glasser
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Glaubert
Mr. Charles R. Goebel
Ms. Peggy L. Golberg
Ms. Sharon Kettells and Mr. Gary Goodall
Mr. George S. Goodwin
Ms. Deborah A. Gordon
Mr. Terence E. Gray
Ms. Susan K. Gregory
Mr. George Hall Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. J. Steven Griswold
Ms. Eileen G. Groby
Mr. Monte J. Grove
Ms. Teresita B. Guerrero
Mr. James M. Gullickson
Mr. Steven R. Gustafson
Mr. Robin E. Haaland
Mr. James A. Haberberger
Mr. Bernard N. Hagan
Mr. Robert S. Haner
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur N. Hansen
Mr. David J. Hartmann
Dr. Gary S. Hartshorn
Mr. Robert Y. Hashizume
Ms. Amy Karel Haynes
Rev. Richard Hayward
Mr. Albert T. Hedin
Mr. Charles L. Heimbigner
Mr. Joseph C. Heller
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Heneghan
Mr. Daniel A. Herring
Mr. Ross C. Hesseltine
Ms. Marsha J. Hicks
Mr. John A. Hill
Mr. Roger G. Hillstrom
Mr. Dave L. Hipp
Mr. R. C. Hitchin and Ms. L. E. Kann
Mrs. Roland F. Hoar
Mr. Clayton J. Hobart
Mr. Michael C. Hobbs
Prof. and Mrs. Eric P. Hoberg
Mr. Roger Keith Hoesterey
Charles N. Hoffeditz, Ph.D.
Mr. Erick Hoffman
Mr. Don Hollingsworth
Mr. Joel D. Holtrop
Mr. Frederick J. Hopkins
Mr. Richard A. Hopkins
Mr. William H. Hoskins
Ms. Catherine A. Houck
Ms. Carol Beckert Hudson
Mr. Carl B. Hupman
Ms. Martha Lynn Hurd
Mrs. Wm. B. Hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hutton
Mr. David E. Isaacson
Mr. John C. Ison
Mr. Morton Safford James
Mr. Peter K. Jameson
Mr. David M. Jay
Mr. C. Allan Jeffrey
Mr. Ray E. Johnson
Ms. Jana Marie Johnston
Mr. Jeffrey R. Jones
Mr. Nicholas Jon Jones
Mr. Donald H. Jordan
Mr. Gary Brock Josephson
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kachlein III
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Kalapaca
Mr. Vaclav P. Kalas
Mr. Wesley N. Kellie
James E. King, Ph.D.
Dr. Karl H. Klopfenstein
Mrs. Omah A. Klopfenstein
Mr. Lloyd J. Knutson
Mr. Gregory Wayne Konkel
John Kotar, Ph.D.
Ms. Mary Krawczak
Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Laakso
Mr. William C. Lacy
Mr. Charles E. LaMay
Mr. Donald E. Landon
Ms. Linda A. Landon
Ms. Ann M. Lantz
Mr. Jack C. LaRue
Mr. Paul E. Lauch
Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Laughlin
Mr. Alfred C. Lauritsen
Mr. Russell T. Lautzenhiser
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lea
Mr. William J. Lecture
Mr. Donald W. Lee
Ms. Erin E. Lee
Ms. Mary Kate Lehman
Mr. and Mrs. Al Leiser
Mrs. Dorothy G. Lewis
Mr. Frank E. Lewis
Ms. Ann Louise Lezberg
Dr. and Mrs. Soung-Nan Liu
Mr. E. B. Longmire, Jr.
Mr. Justin E. Longmoor
Albert and Penelope Foster
Albert and Penelope Foster purchased a 652 hectare tract of tropical rainforest land on the
Osa Peninsula in southwest Costa Rica in 1992. Since that time they have developed Cerro
Osa Station on the property as a privately-owned biological field station dedicated to
tropical rainforest conservation and management. The Fosters say, "Our primary work is
tropical forest ecosystem research and the application of research to the restoration and
maintenance of tropical rainforests. Our principle goal is to achieve a balance between
reasonable human economic activity and the fundamental priority of maximizing forest
biodiversity." In 1998, the Fosters established the "Costa Rica Internship Fund," with the
first of a planned succession of gifts to support graduate student research internships in
tropical silviculture, as directed by Dr. Robert Gara of the College of Forest Resources.
Sean Healey, Ph.D. student in Silviculture and Forest Protection, was the first to benefit from
this fund, spending five months at the Cerro Osa Station researching forest regeneration
and silvicultural methods of accelerating reforestation. Sean writes, "My experience on the
Foster's property has been an absolutely integral part of my education at the University of
Washington. I feel fortunate to have been given the opportunity to work and learn there."
Mr. Ben Lonn
Mr. Kurt J. Looser
Mr. Rodney L. Loveless
Mr. David M. Lowry
Mr. Richard C. Lund
Ms. Margaret Lundquist
Ms. Anne L. MacArthur
Mr. and Mrs. William C. MacDonald
Mr. Paul Anthony Machtolf
Mr. Paul D. Mackie, III
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Maechler
Mr. Arthur R. Mahlum
Mr. Robert W. Martin
Ms. Julianne J. Martinson
Mr. Arthur L. Mason
Mr. Jeffrey D. May
Mr. Richard L. McAninch
Mr. Patrick James McCrary
Mrs. Beale McCulloch
Mr. Tom O. McCullough
Ms. Wendelyn T. McDaniel
Ms. Constance L. McDermott
Mr. John P. McDonnell
Mr. and Ms. John K. McKay
Mr. Steven J. McKay
Mr. Mike McMasters
Mr. Conn E. McQuinn
Mr. Hobart Eugene Means
Ms. Jennifer Nicole Means
Mr. Somers G. Merryman
Ms. Ruth E. Miller
Ms. Charlot Kae Mills
Mr. Ralph H. Minnich
Mr. Don T. Mohlman
Ms. Leslie E. R. Montgomery
Ms. Jessica A. Moore
Mr. Terry Lee Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Morgan
Mr. John Evans Morgan
Mr. Ciscoe Morris
Ms. Ellen M. Morrison
Mr. Ronald P. Morton
Mr. Lynn Willoughby Moser
Mr. Hobart I. Moses, Jr.
Ms. Megan M. Moynihan
Mr. David Alden Munger
Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Murray
Mr. Arno Olavi Mustonen
Ms. Jane B. Nelson
Ms. Deborah Elaine Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Max Nicolai
Mr. Robert J. Nixon
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Northey
Ms. Pamela Kingsbury and Mr. Robert Ohrn
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Oldroyd
Mr. Lloyd W. Olson
Patricia Lee Olson, Ph.D.
Mr. Richard D. Olson
Mr. Jory S. Oppenheimer
Mr. Douglas K. Owens-Pike
Mr. Sanderson Page
Ms. Ann Painter
Mr. Robert L. Palmer
Mr. Duane W. Partee
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Perrigo, Jr.
Mr. Richard J. Peters
Mr. Thomas E. Peters
Carolyn F. Phelps, Ph.D.
Mr. Leonard E. Pickens
Ms. Victoria M. Pickens
H. Irving Pierce, M.D.
Mr. Richard F. Piesch
Mr. Charles C. Pike
Mr. Michael Lawrence Pitts
Mr. Donald W. Pless
Ms. Sharon Polster-Eastep
Mr. Donald V. Portschy
Mr. David Potter and Ms. Lisa Isaksen
Mr. Albert W. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Prestrud
Ms. Anne W. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Princehouse
Gary D. Pyfer, D.D.S.
Ms. Laura Lynn Ramon
Ms. Jorji Marie Raskob
Ms. Katherine W. Read
Mr. Henry Albert Reasoner
William M. Reif, Ph.D.
Mr. Paul Reister
Ms. Nancy R. Richard
Klaus O. Richter, Ph.D.
Ms. Kathleen Ridgeway-Roberts
Mr. Philip H. Rigdon
Mr. Walter C. Ring
Ms. Ann M. Risvold
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Roan
Ms. Nancy L. Robertson
Angela C. Robinson
Ms. Elizabeth A. Rodrick
Mr. Clark Thomas Rogerson
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Rolph
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel O. Ronholt
Mr. Gordon L. Roome
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Rosmond
Mr. Daniel Edward Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Rotter
Mr. Gregory A. Ruether
Mr. Richard B. Runkel
Mr. William Richard Rust
Mr. Adam B. Rynd
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Sampson
Mr. Dennis Alan Sanford
Edwin M. Santee Trust
Mr. William A. Sawhill
Giuseppe Scarascia-Mugnozza, Ph.D.
Mr. Gerald D. Schaefer
Mr. Joseph Lee Scherschligt
Mr. Michael Ludwig Schmidt
Mr. R. Gordon Schmidt
Mrs. Donna Schubert
Mr. James E. Schubert
Mr. William R. Schuette
Mr. Donald D. Schuh
Mr. Gary W. Schuyten
Mr. N. Roger Scott
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Sebring
Mr. Arnold N. Seigo
Mr. V. Scott Senter
Mr. George H. Serfess
Mr. Richard G. Shaffer
Mr. James Bentley Shank
Mr. Thomas G. Shay
Ms. Eva-Maria Sher
Mr. Donald A. Sherman
Mr. Raymond E. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Masayuki Shimada
Mr. Eric Oscar Shofner
Mr. Keith Errol Sipher
Ms. Kathleen A. Skeels
Mr. and Mrs. Tod H. Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Smith
Mr. Lindley Howard Smith
Ms. Mary Lou Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ron D. Smith
Mr. Theodore George Smith
Mr. William E. P. Smith
Mr. Thomas F Spaulding
Mr. Galen Stark and Ms. Lynn Arthur
Mr. Alan Dale Steinkirchner
Mr. Alan M. Stiehler
Ms. Elizabeth M. Strauss
Arasakesari Subramaniam Ph.D.
Wayne T. Swank, Ph.D.
Mr. James P. Swift
Mr. Timothy Hugh Switzer
Ms. Elaine Talbot
Mr. William Tashima
Mr. Donald R. Theoe
Capt. and Mrs. David L. Thomas
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Thomas
Mr. Robert W. Thomas
The Northwest Horticulture Society
The Northwest Horticulture Society (NHS) is a non-profit organization of volunteers
whose mission is to enhance horticulture in the Northwest through education and a broad
range of programs. Founded in 1966 to support the establishment of the College of Forest
Resources' Center for Urban Horticulture (CUH), the society now has over 900 members.
CUH provides a unique opportunity for students and researchers to focus on using plants
to maintain and enhance the urban environment. Each year, the NHS generously supports
the Elisabeth C. Miller Horticulture Library at CUH through a variety of fundraising efforts,
including a fall plant sale, membership dues, symposiums and lectures, tours, patron solicitations, and their highly-anticipated "Ultimate Garden Auction." Their 1999 gifts to the Miller
Library totaled $15,400. In addition, NHS also added $20,000 to the endowment fund they
established in 1996 with The Seattle Foundation to benefit the Miller Library. NHS also
maintains an Educational Fund to be used to provide $2,500 project scholarships to UW
students studying in the area of urban horticulture; in academic year 1999 NHS awarded
$7,500 in scholarships.
Ms. Sherry L. Thomson
Mr. Tim E. Thorne
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Thurston
Ms. Jane Tobin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Torheim
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Trowbridge
Mr. Michael R. Truax
Ms. Jeanne-Marie Tulley
Mr. Steven R. Tveit
Ms. Dolores A. Urbick
Mr. James L. Valentine
Ms. Theresa J. Valentine
Mr. and Mrs. Jan W. Van Roessel
Mr. Larry G. Vickerman
Col. A. B.Victor, USAF (Ret)
Ms. Karen C. Voelkl
Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Wadsworth
Dr. and Mrs. J. Alan Wagar
Ms. Betty L. Wagner
Ms. Leslie K. Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Walters
Mr. William Wanless
Mr. and Mrs. Georgr F. Warren, Jr.
Aiko Watson
Mr. Kenneth Scott Watson
Mr. Van O. Webb
Mr. Ronald H. Welsh
Mrs. Nanine E. Welty
Mr. Roy Allan West
Mr. and Mrs. Duane D. Weston
Mr. Nicholas C. Wheeler
Ms. Lyn Ball White
Mr. Mark Whitmore and Dr. Marianne Krasny
Mr. Ronald A. Whyte
Ms. Ayn Balfour Whytemare
Mr. Richard T. Wick
Mr. and Mrs. Benton G. Williams
Jeremy S. Wilson, Ph.D.
Mr. Bill K. Winchell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Wing
Mr. and Mrs. F. Leighton Wingate
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley S. Wirth
Prof. Robert C. Wissmar
Ms. Ruth Margaret Wooding-Raymer
Ms. Anne D. Woolf
Mr. Jay P. Worth
Mr. Frank W. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Wright
Mr. Clarence M. Yarnell
Ms. Elvira Young
Helmut M. Zahn, Ph.D.
Ms. Kathryn D. Zorn
Corporate and Foundation Donors
A. H. Lundberg Associates, Inc.
Acrowood Corporation
Agrevo USA Company
Akzo Nobel
Albany International Corporation
Alex-Alt Biomass, Inc.
Allstate Foundation
Arbor Fund (for Bloedel Reserve)
Arboretum Foundation
Arborvillage Farm Nursery
ABB, Inc.
Associated Forestry Consultants
Asten, Inc.
Bank America Foundation
BE&K, Inc.
Beloit Corporation
Boat Seafood
Boise Cascade Corporation
Bremerton Garden Club
Brown and Root U.S.A., Inc.
Buckman Laboratories, Inc.
Byron W. and Alice L. Lockwood Foundation
Champion International Corporation
Chip Kennaugh Company
CIBA Specialty Chemicals
Clariant Corporation
Crissey Flowers and Gifts
Cutler-Hammer, Inc.
Cytec Industries, Inc.
Daishowa America Company, Ltd.
Dan Kousbaugh Surveying, Inc.
Deltic Timber Corporation
D’Light Design (LLC)
Dow Chemical Canada, Inc.
E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company
ECC International
Ekono, Inc.
Electrical Construction Company
ELF Atochem North America, Inc.
Engelhard Corporation
F. R. McAbee, Inc.
Familian Northwest, Inc.
FMC Corporation
Fort James Foundation
FreeLantz Design
G. R. International, Inc.
General Chemical Corporation
General Mills Foundation
Goodall Productions
Goulds Pumps, Inc.
Great Western Chemical Company
Green Crow
GTE Foundation
Harris Group, Inc.
Heartland Fibers, LLC
Heronswood Nursery, Ltd.
Hollingsworth Nursey
Honeywell Measurex
Horizon House Residents Council
Hugh and Jane Ferguson Foundation
ILWU Local 24
Industra, Inc.
Innovations in Travel, Inc.
Integrated Paper Services, Inc.
International Forestry Consultants, Inc.
International Paper Company
Interstate Professional Application Association
J. H. Kelly, LLC
James Hardie Building Products
James River Corporation Foundation
Jay Gruenfeld Associates, Inc.
Kendall Valley Farm
Key Knife, Inc.
King County Iris Society
Knudsen Trust
Longview Fibre Company
Master Gardener Foundation of King County
Menasha Corporation
Menasha Corporation Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
Minerals Technologies, Inc.
Molbak’s, Inc.
Monsanto Company
Montgomery, Purdue, Blankinship and Austin
Murray Pacific Corporation
Nalco Chemical Company
North Coast Industrial, Inc.
Northwest Horticultural Society
Northwest Perennial Alliance
Occidental Chemical Corporation
Oregon Logging Conference
Pendleton and Elisabeth Carey Miller Charitable
Peninsula Fuchsia Society
Pima Research Company
Plum Creek Foundation
Ponderay Newsprint Company
Port Blakely Tree Farms, L.P.
Potlatch Corporation
Potlatch Foundation II
PPG Industries, Inc.
Puget Sound Energy
Rayonier, Inc.
RBW Associates
Research International
Richard Hestekind and Associates
Sandy Point Owners Association
Scapa Group, Inc.
Seattle Garden Club
Seattle Tree Preservation, Inc.
Shanxiang (Seattle), Inc.
Simpson Common Paymaster Company
Simpson Fund
Simpson Timber Company
Smurfit Newsprint Corporation
Society of American Foresters
Solvay Management Services, Inc.
Starflower Foundation
Stax Research, Inc.
Sterling Pulp Chemicals, Ltd.
Sylvan Knoll, Inc.
T. R. Welch and Associates, Inc.
TAPPI - Pacific Section
The Boeing Company
The Fort James Foundation
The Newark Group
The Wollenberg Foundation
Thermo Black Clawson, Inc.
Union Camp Corporation
Universal Pulping, Inc.
Valmet, Inc.
Van Bloem Gardens
Vinings Industries, Inc.
Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs
Washington Forest Protection Association
Washington Women’s Foundation
Wedgwood Garden Club
Western Polymer Corporation
Weyerhaeuser Company
Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation
Willamette Industries, Inc.
Will-Pemco, Inc.
Charles Lathrop Pack Prize
Simpson Centennial Endowed Scholarship in Forest Products Business
Tacoma Lumbermen’s Club Paul H. Johns, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship
James D. Roberts Forest Resources Endowment
J.H. Bloedel Endowed Forestry Scholarship and Fellowship
David R. M. Scott Endowed Scholarship
R.D. Merrill Forestry Research and Scholarship Endowment
Denman Endowment for Student Excellence in Forest Resources
Hugo Winkenwerder Memorial Graduate Fellowship and Undergraduate
Scholarship Endowment
Howard W. Millan Endowed Scholarship
George H. Wilson Endowed Scholarship Fund
Goodfellow-McVay Endowment
Denman Professorship in Pulp and Paper Science
Riffe Family Endowed Fellowship
Stanley P. Gessel Endowed Research and Scholarship Fund
George and Marge Stenzel Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship
MCMC Resources Endowed Professorship in Forest Engineering
Frances Rush Bradley Endowed Fund
James and Flora Woods Scholarship Fund
Rachel Woods Professorship in Reforestation
Woods Graduate Program of the College of Forest Resources
Bethel Memorial Endowment
Francis Rush Bradley Endowment Fund in Forestry
Lawrence Ottinger Forest Products Endowed Fellowship
University of Washington Foresters Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship
and Research Fund
Walter Nettleton Scholarship Endowment
Clayton Dale Carlisle Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Mackie Memorial Endowed Scholarship
George S. Long Fund
Clarence and Marion Larsen Endowment
Donald E. Dyson Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Lloyd Anderson REI Scholarship Endowment
William R. Hervey Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Orlo W. and Mildred M. Krauter Endowed Scholarship
William E. Sankela Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Robert D. Peterson Memorial Endowed Scholarship
C. Frank Brockman Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Marvin Klemme Endowed Scholarship and Research Fellowship Funds
Richard S. Elliott Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Elisabeth Carey Miller Horticultural Library Endowment
J. Kenneth Pearce Endowed Forest Engineering Scholarship Fund
Edna Faller Nord Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Pulp and Paper Equipment Endowment Fund
Byron and Alice Lockwood Endowed Fellowship
Corkery Family Endowed Chair in Forest Resources
ABB Endowed Scholarship in Pulp and Paper
Measurex Pulp and Paper Endowed Scholarship
Marion M. and Gordon A. Nelson Endowment in Forest Resources
Theodosia Eggert Arboretum Fund
Ridgeway Endowed Scholarship
Edith Spencer Lange Arboretum Endowment
Lockwood Endowment for Program Enhancement